HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-05-18, Page 4I -7 4 .4 'ON P081 ever, ttioiw4rd MAY 84 AV 190g $11UP11WAV ftuit. cheap., Inlentfs, Ala d in ow that tile 906. the Aidministraflon D',' has Switzerland f 1"Ejea, 4iad w6" do:1 eat the treaidae of H 0E STO been, opene d- it will. ocit. land, in, Ue Voar 18141 'hudijuist, td!W_ a VOtat JWhire t1her b lousy ko that "y" ISEAFORT "S LEADING The ­:days fm, railway sub�-­ ate - offlotair 161'ro t hT W T F This Sesalna� �idlzlngi are I erniftted id-mund Xa a Soo -5tih oola- -we ifear, ft over aifid th. jjek MUch im ore iinbvm4loo Th briot" ci,,eskon, ot bhe _17 re-asing ITIbbert. ffot-h U f0i. Mr, N do e and tniot &r diminishing tih, wil poung rgouid land isron servcles-tw re #held at t1hp, i5amo lhoa now - ris againat, th obso' a2 A - of 7,he _!PeoplO. "If iaareasod Pr Oat 'care Voi 11V er the preSejIte Shoes ifor, Iricto nay. 7 8 9 10: 11 12 cy hredson biotter he 1w1J;I pie a h, bduln- of a- large a actioe GOV"Gralln1olit 0f IDW,4er of �,t bo tom tis. nplain, ibig is own f rieInds -ongrregatiap . of devout 14 15 16. 0 ilit iwajs tilye first dioablo reasonable gree of fine I I ot -he day of adit if he Iwer , tio lu. b, - 17 18 .191 re.okianing � he peiople of tke Pro 1froe Nytorab fr4nied any' weather, Victoria D latt (will assifredly come, dOln lof lexpre4sion concern!' g lbhem f uneral AY III 20 '21 22 23 "M4 .25 26 ferg-111Y. Tere have bwn siome tihat 111te Isiom ';vltnassed ere flor many celebrated largiely outf doors, Wh6t Otimes 4100's to her _at lo' ;Vlowrful i1niflence lbeWad tiho tihro)ao Canadian 10ov, ary the yearo.—Rev.glosepIrt akert, 0. P., 15f ppear a YOtir b6st) and it 27 28 29 �Q 31 The omin iniment the ',hOtle Or- aW4Y on a iloins 'or I' YOU Will nAturally Want to a t WH4 therato o. & ver UPt tio find ibimself - Mary -to see that your footwear m arliaraent, 'Whi0h florcied These subn,t "I'd b AI!JqueaP DES, Ximnlisbita, preathed JW1 1> Th"Ove 118 A0011JU9, now or.-novels� What lwas t i here dgst Stvnd _y maraing. ilia fath- Is in good wadition.. ii; ita d u�l be nece N.RW we haya �noro cri, 4eko,rt, is Tapidly rea;ger- are thlinking of a now pair, 70 '4 ADV ote &rora Ottawa this week-. Things Information fa d We want to eWPb4sNeL the fact that are goi Pablb hl; recezit indisip"iflon. tock of Fine Shoei as ne Ing aliong in about thia tusuim 0WAetship Aaain.' very -ea""wra`9iR1g- Tillie 14positor Ilia h4d a- nrrow . can ver in better condition to fill all -guire batween the P11youtheses attor emob Wderic Si 'bad We ape from deaft., nients. Bought from -the leading Ameripa. OAUadiaa ucton- n au4 6 papoll all wbloh the ago of (ooiva s, a , rtry 411d, New Alr1ho 0 If The NiOrth' AtI04tio Tradinig I 0aft'imore �he gol re. VlyorfuialltY a few kon-ths —Last onday it -he -Loiado, Toronto and* bought'right, we are confident ur 4fues, Actiolee the dlii4riil OW J �r4 verts tti5 Ult question r in Of th A an und 0 p Scandal havWg 0 7fork papers published ex- Will ppeal to yoll am bi etered ." r-sh1P of lie of puklio Wa- I tolligent land Well informed f4T1UQT tonded trepo our prices"PleaSe you, no matter what price yo FAM'Vepts --- Graig 01atultig for (the Ities. 'of the "Prophet and U resedt, the ppplosltl :,v pub �wtjl rts 'wish to Pa, Ulk to y its b The I wiho, thud beent a. resident of that Second Advent 6chnferences 11 now be- following lines ate especially adapled f -or h Ii Dvry per -0 11;�ohil A w0earthed 'anothier -and ba-v.e bp r q 1" ., - swe. ein 4018s; mat 1 Poll, Y' I , over 35 years and !Ube ing hold jin Old Liondon. This - que*8- handsom AMarance, perfect fitting -rar, b aluefth* 0 XV0X&Wm1—E:,i1LfaFaul wallobiag t4o 11 yet Isuit it. a draw voveranimt Mho Signal has I 'of - Goir es and �fthS vlue "tab SDWeth1n9'f0r:kou­PcppIestone & Q=llaer-5 on every eworked amc;Dt _00-Avill-be digoassed in all its -lawnlersihip and loperation Of 'ail*ays boari4gg ion Asoesx-Oln Thursday, Stick to the avalliiblei 000aSion, dut!Ag -the. past Otate Umbid lthvt t1here Was Intot sixeli, as 6o, MVew Shoe*_R. winis son—, For Ladiet" Wear. For mevis 3roxillop Trmu Iv.8ak, This -time there It but 6hai and k3on. Whe SYSteni bere.4 ht ol- vather XGKe( t o bt pef 6M MOT8 cause 'for oomplaja,t MY 48 IStraIggling Viodier a Notice T on thas consented toee- Mrtga&_ Ralt—H J 1) Oooke­r, a ilift'le, f ul"Oft 10% )the On ide, and The f4mous Q(teen 4uslity Shoe, made The Wslk-Over Shoo, the swell eroll-6 J)ubllo, t ua,e ion The Aie and Poll of /,Ut- In Boiibon, Ma' debt- Which Woul a lelity and priosperity c)n t d aNve the !p, of $3,00; Bootgo CPU sho ­$4,$0and $5.00 a PS C e oi Ch Ex-oursin rates from a'l] $4.50. The celsbakie than 'there 'wa 011 116 furmer occasii. 'anadla,, t -rit. Snv—w A M118 irailwa.,yalire Oft near- Stations. raasengers coming Wp on P,�X, I lsays.' "The Expositor V KXduPla f years agto ateam TrAID0 Stolen—'Noble iloiland�a ipmjmit the 6.30 Itrain may retnra to Sea- The Empress Shoe, the leading Cana ad in, eqwl OM Ver X_Ptioe—D T.Vinkne-_8 Sh'iP Inamledhe Artie was fiftiod'iout vOOat'es Pubho iciantrol foif rail-] or Iserviee s The Waukerz Am -a. expedition to the Hqdgdns ds t(hiat flbiw (Gov. and Che ItTrilt d -Statles, 'while ooly Admisakoa 1free la:nd free esats will The Fanitlesv;Shoe_�I.75, $2,()0, $2.�5 Uwnmowers, 140—Cheaney & Smiley—s for -they' are in icaala-,, tort.h, iant; Itlie lectuire at &10 0.mr, Ahoff- $2.60 to $3.-50 pair. erican 8'li Manitoba Fioura-Cardno D.ros--.8, e.a Ir .1 �nd Ideicnan 0 P11 -Wt Fish --A G ul" 13OC-Y iqAd ,oihr wa T Top RDu#a ste_4sj;o Whall WB that the [railway thlOge hv'hD have 'PlOV1ty -of money be Oritivided Ifor the. first' 64, d $2.50's, polir. nd per I aiiii _t0 Panies ehar& only certainpaites, r politicul pull'st r- pair. Idol 3Rdn0—JohbAeIatosh_8 its us Placed iuder the 0harge 'of joup are considered rivals., M -he fatihiors may ilia' Shorthorn 13ult ve to. —J G Grei%,e-5 tain W)bY does not aM 'for Ibbe favors 'granited itlese Ithe stand. A ZaweteiY Auction 1.-Ale_R.,NrcNT%Ught�5 ]Rerniier, tle 6biedt being tic, laista, The Expbsitor demand iE1ha:t -t Bpecial . &Uisio is -being *Pre- supeb line of Iffolida Pbotwear fi chudre ­rpatenb leathro SlIngle Vaye—mrm Somerville—fi lish %)arm Gve he great '�uaiss of people 'have ko bleied, paried, The aj.� New Footwear—Riabardson. innew-5 anent stat! r'a`JnMt' 1teVul'atiB of In 4fifort, the di ' Mr. 4 pam.o- has been k' a and white cainvas, at prilees very-reasoua-bJ6. 500411taln't of Itile pea- sloated 15o fa-$' Myt to 000flict twith lyns at.d4ferent 1tiead or i6f boloits, Or ot Inalls ple ci,pting is Here -i 8 Robertt—,5 or tht enforceme�nt of Cana ten:flmes 1grie Ir Itn the 0-vening iserviecis held I planes t The .,%�,Qal wiftswers this its Ated—Senforth Woollea Xills.-S dia aaw elf when i f thas 'ever been blerat U;nd IN lay the most effective iOf Public' -oi*aer4hjp: sW1 rway. h1ready laufferinig fr Om. A*& of- Qe al simply Che The 'ddvisability of the eXpedition, npVlioatboni Ot logio euidb as Mh -11txiYasitor Ilia -s Oih1ted nw was foioaoarri�d in at that -time fby IcionxUa" kwwe to the -DrDiblem out (we fare likelly oppositioz Owhat the zow e lu-ndar a r Nolfe.—The uciti-on sale, i�,Jd "t�� ' -dealing (witih those grioat utili- with iher I i In, lae� LIS 8 raising a racket Y are 8 about. 4 - the ex_ oq',htls 1"n"WN011 t1hiO Pebple as wbloje uesday ilast, at Mr. Xohni benion, av a _Vital As 11:10 It1he Temiskam! J9018 Agents ,.a It Slater 411i Walk -0 )VOnceft, - aldd Which Which Is (bpInIg donstr-Ire c tieded. Golod prices Ver Sgo�oed At 14 OEAVORTH, FRMAY, Way 18't 1909. Pen4e 'Of -the expedition a, 'JI"Y' Was argel � hr, men, U U nd JN op. Wake r and Queen Quality 11 -and 'I Emp)ress Oted travag",t allabiner in I Ileft to the x loitation erated y alized Shoet, for e ond - whieh, ttbe ves- womem Private ealgtal wit P t1he Ontarilo Cover mcint, or evxyt-blin!g, P e was rovisioned. They 9 pecialfly dive Tho Or, tha -tih . advantages which t1h ople -present 0onfi-ned to hgislaturev dangekous and injuiri. troap -if a Ile PO at a pr The igociond is kawing ',that gross tili&f I SO tare "Cou's IMboPolies.11 and in f0be iopeinig up o but Webope she maysiobillibermna cause, and Mrs, Pedler another raot- salvin of the Ouutai,6 0 ; 1447, "t-tijing ejv'- -and 11113ef ill Worker, Ud boom Vre� , SaaTbbro ow =9aac`6-1if WOE worse, bad beOn 71he baker v a d, Tiegislature 1u:nder Ube Whlltn�_ tiho-dhloe maker and the 10ail maker iteirritiory.. Tbese trich again.—Mr. iRenry Steckle, ,y ft� d ill do-dneetion w' , the Oan lba_16ft t1of t Uley w1001 have, been q4ftepin W�bo has gffnted ith a life :metabeUbip by. lat -&ad bout -Zeoi -en, satu 113r 3WOVIng to a fa �j fthe� A 'Monday r t1he t -an, ext t 1139d ta g ir-cmi a severle at- her ftusbad ton, Chat tweAtyTr1fbh u-n- 191me was ifomally closed oil purabaimg of the supplies f ihe le-Tplaitation, o attainted itlo.as grea! by, the tus Private 'capital without t%,,e creation the bons1truiction (of ok 4of inflamma:tio* rheumatism, is -Wa& a�g i wal earemionies, This busi. vesSel- ISir Wilfrid Laia-rier finally of id pa-pified ith opposition - the rou bee ary iof'ttheir wedding day.— tri'Dus -and thrifty man- ge Mug land lniarfoUS M'oono- U41dertaken by (a p)rivate amv 610wy but teadily Teeoverin. The Rev. lMr. Andrews, of Centralia, ness _10f the session, hiowver ut thif if anyhing � wrong W A alli these t1heire As tv 10hic operation !of tli.is T DnaPM!ay' —MOSVS. 1E. 8sler and G. A. habits was &Intin 10 or't'os 9 1". beause i 00 and pie - At M atnd had lbeen, d"one 0im ifor faie do i t Actually )closed vii ILIS is 0D ree -man- greacilied in ithe James Strek.A Mvthc)- the prpviia by the offi 40TI delivered iciattile to Hansall an wb.0 ja charge o1als In c, is Itruse ltlh4t fli'" far 4hri� at Omptition'. and ifree competition Small sa-rPlals (of receilytis over. factital, iTburaday The wind -up 'came c;f The w.oi-k, it was fib Itthe an. Monay last. ila,* SabbaM. f(), thic �Gove most 0, 'ram Proke.cts itibe ublic from imposition. Nvorking a, whighly "d Kpenseg. fbjs, 00 far hiost a laoderiehe &22- m ORE be fr 311aeln :A Sad Affair.—Ani 10ouny i0onstable Offtnds.—_& de aequainta aces. an Irdgulate even these. bred ibbat Where has already belen uhutsuallY aad ecw—,d -tor"'t-h6 last the present Minister of Marine all. If ithe-operation of V0 -tecited, bwt Ibmsiness - that ritain Satisfactory, ibiA ilt EX - eX- that iwxyong brought to light, E Of '- fib lGoveraraiciat, wader, cc more iqttickl -than modt people en't to have AUX 'spatch from -.0bat%um,,, brother, few idays s. mude bo hi der mlic, ' -Incurred la debt -of. nine million o, affair .0coorred there o Monday 11"t. Utled. Moy 115 five son& AnA am cud ias- se ture, bad taken place I -one 0.150 to, ion W sfifled In any of -Ellgra the ftPlosie, a4 (UnUsUallY d Aad only men t thietGovern, lar fti th Yeoterday chief Of Police -The- a*mains Invere U 0- congtruction nof sThOS. (W-elsh, a well tot 4do land Gunry, of t10 st. co steps lin and Provides -for fibe respectable working mata. -of t -bis Goderloh, and a oompan. lumban: eburoji at he som"i bile, Uera� was tle disefts "Oed 'INS PfPS1 ince la. L road land Whiat every cent tof i nd trauch, star f6 rade- through hiour as 1wem those of Mrs lots On traek icarolWgs of the road, lbwt -tvt of Wkmself ltu' #110 celar of this iih.oase m in an, auto bea ing n raA4-c E! and the plumbers klTow this Ji clenibe ad that, the Mini Probeotio. of Me -pulblic. The, paper terest - lis fbeiltg Provided, not trom town, 1010mmitted )sWoide by hazging enzmte, )VtO-rk- ia disouissim clyargie 'of the' department at Me 0 ltidgetw in tb�6 that creta�dff progress. Wer6 it nqt time idompained of i ' LIO Chair toot. 11 - now deeased The, fact that 'Gov.- the 'Public, treasawy. ariiae t b ing the TaT116 for disOussiOn Xhd form aA lin�,Orlder ba gart ernmet iyontrol lis n Beide this, n6treet'. TiJ body -Complaivt was j"de. to e, at ithe (rooft 6f -effective. khan t 40t even mofie� cromplaints iare iallreii' f aad [at 'noon I py ins tvvia jittl WU phoned ""Oil Of -a 111DUbIt f1wiaral, zod dy ni�ime Us of '0 Bilamilleim. policelf real :,b usiess, IS aut )of the daivgMeri. Ri, It jela, laid- bo, xestt 1_,n: 6t 1U1n-j.ba-,R Zx, 10f, a gas d the ima-tter he wohld in due -vourso bli People jo Itihe f lexIiiorbitant � freight raft s Wnd His knees wora almost v "Where, t -he auto was 1 , aPpointed Cos from B1a.hfeim,W&en have a - coramis r their repr ery, easily,.b' got thmugh. ssi aseatatives tibere tOuA R9 Itille, (Wor NVhen foluind, 41'a e. to t. clamor Aor a red U00. wit, In. itwo- thomgibly irestiga t-0 and 100it.bf fibe system. Besides this, And iso 0oon as Mat oeotkcin, had ibeen, orrying of late � ve the iiden�t ty of the offenders or Ithree tweeks- 13Wk in a defiber- -affair, :Whw)le bbe 'Government the 0 was money matters.,ane, learned, Trial as agddcted ovei ive, body triol, kwe a spodial co,,q- country boo -orae satticlaltly fronig, qy�hioh ils adip- . LeadburV,, 1reasohable diso slan. is Thekew is 'like'lY fo be lively r railways a:nd ot1her Isue)h political, 04 VIM lEimes clorpDration I t Ithey 11aVc Iyd.t vle Y, to [have an: influ, ce bn posed )tOk 'b'o a loss 'Of '$300* %&aimed thio -9bo' batw n- t ' tOvIrAs 1000, t 60 befoe, ithe Agri�� bha tibe Go to 11 mve I an, Ttles allowed tv gor at Vevio&UrY (and witho%t it M, vernent, thdse &M been. take frqm,tha. hogse. d the a. comes ',ut 1weekI 40 go of ItUra'I Commit -tee quired lover isuidh enIteirprfses as are be Ibeeded 1by t S Will He leaves (a family of six paying jeosts. ith his VC9 -Mouild be made an(d Mwh membered hese days It WIN (be Ire. inistanced he powleirs Ugat be rialui—Godeichl, -is a. Or'1411 adgialationi iwo w -ore this Pvonx-bitiers Must freceive p 'Leadbury� V-e4,6tat 4M 't -bat. it -as bef a re tc)b: lo and Itwo isons. udd find i way' cio�a t � Railway and It Irequire -no 'great a Centana' mittee that 'the, affairs ol E,,he OVIaNsion imaginatio it,o Isee tlhp:t the axp Golden lWedding.—A ive, Oblieving )a TePutatio Ifor the I Vim tl(y thO &M-buiter books The eessi,6 fr'On, Parliament befoe or- inig y interest- I Ong- was iv6rY -badkward- Ixas 'a Nohtlantic. Trading Mmpan w they dare iences of'It4 I.n,. and somewhat niusual of Its residenta, ojas t urn a. bovel if U4 teroolon and oil e -d- rapidly iall NVill be oeauk- evlty wa d. niesday was Icalebrlated f Taill a 4tre!alullaue toine. many being invokfigated, Tbis is thecom. I of earth for he! r repeate renoe Was zielebrated il Twosday, laiit.—Ws 4hear ithat aame pe n1v n4w w'Ork," -No 18aah (Permission, as this 48 , Avortunatiel tfo-r Ibl May Sth, at the 111DWO of 4i of the birth -of woothier wbs _0� MMY )aid 101nds a Y 'the and have seeni- ]a 9-btost alaws Avere passd and d 0, contract wit1h the requred' fior Private enterprises. 0overnineat, 'Mrs. obarles K& diot its icitizens, Mrs. DePaktrOent Of the Interitor 1�0 furn- Odneectafently da It1he on the 16L Ihave Iola,ly %:nde�"Llein and rspedt ght, wbr -Edward Robaw lates walk east ..,of Le. -y Vhlataged aiid anxe044& It,is iglood adb.uX MMY years slift,66 ish immigrants. from several Burv- tain 1ciand e- zas6 icer- onistructj�ola of th easter i3ec- This rwas ed iresidents of this -town, rtsbn, who claims Che county of . appar BID mixoh legislativo iban count t&e ability 'to TOW fare required, Wh,ile ti'M lot ItIfie Graad Traink V lordo Ireland, s her bittIPUane. fireS lalxd burn buildings,. it he Aybole ite PramiO held his -own t o ibe .1�ep-t S ret a hompanY had ddaditions, Afl t1bat iis, -necessary, sense, Iftiet aniolersary of thO - mar- She, is $still 10, t1e, patiseaskoin df_.bzQ6t JY foa",otbe an OT -di ob ries nd that bhe names in 6he tot'her paige there qre ino Isacb Sir. Wilfrid Laurier th-ad -the Wai d 'th VDIde weddig., or tihp,' Wexf uthrogm-h ba a sessian and ion of ithosscompo(sia,g t1 admirably, e is able �,Ei, (30 111yot itio' undertake its oper riage of Mr. and Mrs, Xinigt. T of 1her fiaoultief; and as the, ivouinitries, tibereftore, iror Itlya ion., he On the .1vaus- But, then again. tbis is n jjagt firm grasp i6a the business of ithe gra- pablic plef d the Od- in Wilt- vanre)nen._Aft% keep 4 in -wh.1cQ:it worked fbrbid emdr PrOteOt?dn lot lithe So f9ooitas tihe 'work is com W701111Y lo0aple,-were mairri ual 3;nniversary .Teeaivad thm, diont ad J1erbert J. B41 tion tfrom kbir shores. The ciomit, 18 (t1O see t1hat th`Bse lo dit- �Dad will lbe, hande shire, lEnglnd. grIltlatliOn 'Of la, lar a nual-ber House land .hds uta itimate know- bee ordered othat Messrs. ivas' are (fillfille.d. 'It t1hey are fu -l_ private io6mp io-ver it the znarria h1OrtlY rafter their frieds. - :8 9 Of and his good -wife rejolm ledge of evo�ry W. T n"Y Iflor ge they to land thad her lotux�,, tken detall* I operfitiloin "'jid alne 60 Gain1waa their advant of a baby bo (Pa, f irst �sboppjn iHi�, U. fill -ed 'fibs Public receive all thie, ad- the 10DInpa place be' 9 Loladoh- as a mometio of te unique 1400as- Riablbmn to na6i oCommissioner idf E migra- va-,nitages 11Y V 8 Ja 'rental eq, moved he barA wbrrh ot -only with -tha� tion - tW T G under PrivWte. enterprise lnt. Vo ifilic- cio:s�t. of T-bere Mr. Knight secur ion. Mrs. h4shRess -tof thia ad a ptisitlan s Hobe�rbgdn oame to this purchased ifrom Mr. is. 9 mvn depaTtmwt but The 0ount -thfeY Woluld seclure virrider flaub- ciountry twill fihus with Ithe Greit Western Rail ry leas riffin, secretary w the, that with- ithat of eacih of 1his .00, r in Londoin, and lie lownersip., Pulblic obtaba all the oad, k% yO U1119 girl of a- the, latter pa:et of- t *eek 449lues. Alfred i1ary, e.mi he grati,on, to-wnership is� belmfits and �tadvotqjge 1Of n1ow a part of the Grand Truink biout 15, Imad 11I&E zinoe twice 'paid a, ably iassv(sted hy his Poor - agent for tbus (Dendered lufffneo pri systE� T' it -ItIo the tum, it is quite oleo even Caada (Wt Liverpaol � essary. wnership Wind "ciape the rLsk' va"Ee W. land was assigiaeU f� 'duty I's I S" be'Suinmoned But itthe. Old land, DOing thie, being frioln, 1ENV-enty to AT 01nd "CasRal observ�r hat. U) give Signal Pictures in very rsplonisibilitieg. Ths i is, wherebesides beings Part lof her xesidenw. These, g'an at Part greater -Ott es are (now -in his 4SChe master inid which guld tleme '910011nY tetras k1h 8 lhat 1 t hs 3 n ea-0114dayo, land ble fe 11YOWer of 'doin,g ov ma711 The iwas pathie Canada 'She Ibas lived in 4�o ISh1P (of State. He has ri awa W-aitiaig exuiltia- exist iuinder 1private aunt or all 1pi fblic r. They remain. deridli. t"O' ltle,= Afbr tteir *be 00 se -al. -be tion iby lfhe committee. T erprige and, Otilities, and Then ed, fi; 'Paris three years, W�hecv Wt., Her biusban& died some 15 years ago. 1�11-ey;the we a tal iasio(ni -and has develo'�ed in- Mr. Prest'a ble name of public regulati,on, While there js ino, (n.lq5 real I�eader ain ots on the Ovpoatioln with it -iglows cfessiti for Ptibb ce Her survh�ing nhil tern 'frara-P and m P".. w d op7 9; keen load es- something ike othe metap ueiam )over te celestial wmahip K019bt- waa !pnomoted to the pasi_ diren are Geoge, -of ibuildings iwai oVeraftrier, tuibe 1politialan. re I'ag ito, a bull, they -wnrship, it be igain tio After ve horloal red clanditiong of, 1palic o 00n Of Station -master t Lhaon. �Oa oration, 1whd:absv1tttcJ of tobi o; Cp:,Pt. Edward, of - S1jr- `Wolt�—Ifloom' uds are plent have him -ISO. aysu ad by 'it flor iserving ,be, cionTpa:ay Aia; CaPL 1W11 The 1egislatuxe was Corre,, Private iolva y f1h public, faithf al a liard# (of :Part, FA.gin , the appl trees, whiebw Morliem, iend e. pub- I tDor twel SaIll icl, (of tLufekno In, .5OSS190111 �pondence, (also, hi p add ve years at Ld4don,-,hi� -red, -3 usly, with the exception Of liaid tb�f o which has been ", lie &eguil W; Alt -of Du- goesk is a -aign htc ive tud was transferrdd itic, St, Thomgq, laill; lohn,and Mr& Wylie,,Of Vdde W A - U id has (been published, ED Ir, ff or ja Oomments. I a�,crop q apples this year. 4 at 'Rasbe re arliameat and' whiall aal lianfoling Ibetween, 11he -torial'N, otes and the remained ficir ame treara rich, jand Mrs. Wiillsjo�f Xuiaftoba. low three da ut"on' fin-eans & VOntin- Eldi f days iless--thain three mionths I -add zest to "'tOwners land t1he public as tol I The ionta-rio Govorn-ravat have, ar- behore being k9ent to 10 wad tile t1l'is lea"'ry' "Thre is ndt Me har,7 "! tBTMS williaJ the isin -1878 za�olnY and d be impwe ranged foran excltl�Sioa of the U,,eM- .60. '111otbying be;rs of the Legila!t,ure Here be sremaincd in chargk� dontin- 31 ibbert. -good feeling existing a- by lbbe Ilaitter; it means d bo assume iobarge Of t1ris tation. -bills oveir Alliss Allin MnItouintied $lol003 hese )officials, nat shouild ex_, "fand bribery, fAarte the Pree -ad fifty all and effectiv: ually ILIP 140 1900, wen he riesigned jiTh to ist for speaceful r - .,m On'&Ti ng Teikaming, land Nort North Side Notes b hern: Ontario -Of the Belwol. here at pres6ift- on hope Mat be- pradti 8 edtm i Thomas 0'- sabstitue, for PrtEty J9O`0`d record andf repre- tween them 00- 'of 'a' t1he- Oitlier larEA . ;bhy Railway "a 'Cobailt a!nd other lilavt- being apploiht d jbi, Connor, whiah to sk Mae, 4t; anipa,latioin. and ti hiorap, iot Mr. and vere passed d uxwg the sess,joa. Th.is work 'I and. �Btlock Im, and ith-c oppositi, hs Oon, J.obu J., the preseAt agent, IV' 11bay - come Mader el mlioit )Vel - the (dorphrati.n PDints. e successor. They cialafe Mad a Teeswater. Tile atter a OOd deal of ard the -fire, of th 's seek, ge pilace 'a rk on mtttee-'s' lawyers, 40 crall The examrioijists - will bad ja family of hit, six 'of on, Toronto w1hom vegso)d There, disclosar.g twill b mde vihdch, *jI P O are llivi6g nd all lof 'Of this eighborhood aboat a att, 1part Of somebody was, Nvith Isixecessi tio kee, ahea:d leave 'the -Uni-on Statf longst the doi*estjo is' some -time and an able 6 Pvobably, ia 'large, by special I r ",of t1h 1pulblic. Wlth pub! tb'e l0venin'g,of May 2 whams IV -ere ad -ito her r n b not ibe creditable 'Own train, nd for bay in tbis, *1 Gov- privileged Itin d,&in in tibc Yea �ago, -and which blas ice been a demand P—W to Masa.res it Xpect bo arrive oml., a- an Ithis occasio, Vogether lernment ;h es- to Ellie do(purt- 'elvb'p thP (Pa' le as a, whlile�watvld gaia - on th IV Or it'o hmevHOWPWItr 1 th we provide ial it P the "etre Pf suiusihine and happi-, The her k -it lis ildren. ve)�t- 8�-011 ifor several Years N '*Vill kow better how 'he OaPitic1l, majorj ty 10 e W"'alng Of June 184 -'A eral b-Ontined- cold W,6at SW Ow f 'the members have isI ,aid the wid -all It may b 'r Jats$, Ii$ OW' bil"hedlia sadnes-s and the toattip- in gpod ep, iea. o!r0O`m8' blows lbb reqPonsibilitie, at id It the ing jatention of gon tni- mark.e(I as a ejoinc, giatc, bljj, freigft mew twhen, i inestigation takes service tbo t1beir liking, nid -ProVincial Fsta:tes1noa; f" x e fied the imRlailr�uin'g thP, loas of the and as a, dollequeAce t1fe �iay 640 tsaw, or, t Ught Placfe- ft,'Wauld se itak 9 lol the parents Uding !Spirit lof its pea�ceul X -V and e trip, 'fwhi:- h hould prov 10f 1MM Knig&t celebrated wast that has be Mrs, "1000innar briile b -on Pay stra-c Maid iweddin a few years thOY 'saw, many things to. a form resporadenm em f1i0m the tor- "'all the-profits—or, Perhaps - , both in. their diar publidh� "all itibe Oosse for five and i6aterta' - c ey tried tio- 4 refform ii ed ithat ' fhey tit a year 'some Of these agerits ishould. is - her -but a NVeek' died at On eael, W coord- Mivsv ibe agio. aed -a imajoi haulers are all ioilt "Vice On, p7V-plir the WNale, very =ft1h be [removed- ftpm hir d for ffU fall aLn;sequl0ncf_s 13riefli.—Tibe Wu 1119 earlk homr on "rilious, if a Lilt exa, -nat be- fou, .5vit PositioLas and top 'fibeir Undertaking.9v The Toron�o Tit toT the re unday last, her present appearances Distiat Mail says: If We bon, lo�t 11bbe a Vs- infant 113!0n,�'living but' ai;day. am -T ssessment roll -will ,be realn. 1X I I W on, the legis�l 6jnit VeTy fields llways took h. bei 49 In L-0 atioa., in om ce's, I d 611 hohday is the ip ng ithe i"se- a -M161atll J10 -00p, th Y n thie, direction of Mr e6a, Therearie, could iget, iriA �f the graf Ung LAW ler May - 28.— athetie the 401 Me that fta,!E� '00- teY %Vill be astled ba take lt vf� haflao Al- "o 8 on boltih. Isides. "Goverme oa�llon# if. Between go _n bo-. ey have oary. backwards land ve bee nt, iwith� its deals aind im- Mr. U- Par -910,1215 has been givenl ?the 'Imp 'regret amloDig a wide The 1b adgpt _35 miles a triff sonfred ii idiffic,ult would hia If 'under private er&ip +be Gov- Dle 'If relatives aind frleds.w speech gr iag at d r Jhands 00, in the case 6`,r ithe but ift is the better bad they stayed tih�i Minister ibas ia,dt yet of t'he Pinance. ern"n"t mi " ation, iscandals, and e hose is"the average distane arO 06E sfrong enoix-gill iL haV n $10.51D �er Iweek warm i4nd for instan -been delivered Wifibstaind lt;hia b4adi iplace a live -and honest Co- .—Mr., Gemoge, Shaba; Sin. i"D Wo. A team that y 1�41' as cerely extea oan keep t110t br*hd the. E3r- a Inatilve a. TTSbone, and - a one ttime ded t10 tbo strick- 'up 'all sumaer a niad 1010U.nity evoinci daily ex9ected, private loorg"ation Pmdalts 'of Eie vative i&dministration, such as that reriderit of itihfs ro terainly and in otlier§, There 'is a probability I's it reaKofna:61.- Mr. Whitn,ey s On Y'Ouaf.' husband. thitt the L40 N �g town, died in -Win- Obab Y, ithey illa - WP#Qse (they will be ny I - OVO.nnr f ing their bay Ann -d Wtehem `6 'Mne- too' far as principle lof Rtrong- iving, a1�11pag )last re �he cases of the 00mlyallsory vot- Or iti-ade He -was 55 years jf'Orlilerly Miss Marga t A few very �c iversity ot ntnd a Vopular McIntosh u ofse,13eeking favors and iadvi Oo 11tY. What lan old y "ady who SPiOnt the the a3th vac X- ISO, ofe (at p*011s, wi U, be'. 9 d1opted lby tgelci (at( itih oos, �O - six . ays tot _du0ati,oJ,,,iaI �,and, ing, or t least r Oomi:iulsory attend-. 'off itth. r [pulic DIvner.4ip to, excellent Ithing lit woul,'d be for' -1he K)f IW9P land leaves gron, ij fam Pocrite: tho' ily. bad been a resident �of the her kilirlhcif6a days id 11811med 'very 1gravo addRii(yoal bwr- Prliamen it is eth� week ala ear. madtr pen(wity iiiqui11 10(yod isciry. - t Of '011P Ouhilir, Tho Mail 't 'knows 'right welf tan with, We W;wgVXj atid hapea t se of Abld at, fto d iMablin gind vicinity, but esided d alole k0ow lbeftr t -h -at the; d West for ja -good manT Years�"-Mri and is d, Olng a Vo business.—V& h. The At tleast the Ir011 f nd,als', it ta;S t;4Tee weeks::- Y so a�%nd Ive- about tare tmtodtly alt Ayffilal has Tesided in Wi- io ae Comm`c( 01- 11aT-e'a very ritrikin(g ey ' lh've "Irif 'have oerfai nly, Pave& U 'f ormer resident of her imarriake o Mr. Vooj6:ji -�� (of Ahe fina 1116, ib�uoyc of bei'agdisfriano'hised for isix years. ams-wer It'his iqw6stifon the ill and 11namigration sea Enlos Uudmo i�Or a �sh-Ort timae,pior t. noes Will jatify., bQr i f , x-eter, 1b re. a e t WY for eotfon Uommitte -allaple I of its-Pwil making n ford buyers 7.25 e have rexiorbed in Me (TrAercio I a anA that , 4Peg thDr glaod inainy yebLr,,;, ba PAU' $ luo IRailwy raind if in proportion. to, th1l 1. - r sides bier 'husbu-nd, de0ea-gea is OWE., ttor. JW -95 whle hlf i1he -time ineY wit -hi a favor 'of -such a law. The same fcom- Sources ' a- removed Ibo, E;askatooia )1ere he bus vived tly X!ou-r brotOrS, Wm., Tim-' th lavishncss which is 118 111(0t, enfoiU19h to v(y*1noe it t,oa� a.t 10availablii the admini - lothy, tPhoma at d 00vel rll't7t" (Noouarnenddil that t - start + ttawa a:n7 he per- let dt frefer t10 the dobatets in, 1p ad hy Cho. g Y aad bibl. The fun- 71,5--Aditln _'Reidt Jr., and Hog)*� 0=1104dw of this ex in order ito --son (Owning 'team and hiring it Ito d ar- est as tat -'- t 18 'every whit as bi, n- Mr, IDavid - Mack. arging- and k place aa Tuesday Voi St. pendit tire t py CDJIVey -@Iedtor Wring It1e j)ast a Tomato. improvinig Ibis iresidence. Whe a 11., Ool umban - follarob - ,%vihare aril�r rs ta -out a to th4 to the lyc"113 SU411 The Tb Signal Ifears that twde-r gets thrioulgh wire fences. Taey lowaersihip a, 'have a' ery liatillor McKeon, cement blio-eks at" re 'heavy -penalty well ate be Will e an b4ring it, -rep and th t fx)r uso jit gold U. Ind Pewh�ote ad for in fli,o IrUuoatironal biill,is Iha respzed his farmer po- divinity- s_tu,tnt 6 (of (tibe advantaiges stiloni as sw'vAdrdi of the Mansion, fin the JGDiadoA, IS at pqrs" Of Mr. Mldh- I home t present b1mt ii -tht take- pl-aoe eratiton 16f Ube '. td t A40W - . em W� and Proper Tir.00edure in aft tbie.lglit- wicili 500 a -year. The Stratford -HerEld a - ed may Ve fairly said Se4ate tare groa.'t Stickle$ for dignity a s ttr qf education, as prov, d, -the voteran , IIo t)le block bein adies of. T) bile to Ao- erintendent try tioUintzme4t.—Xlyont the last d The old , tion lit tNNnO1Wd be d pulbl" ar If ixed for the new a - Wmmdfows tand comb rtable ist,- Clolumbau ceme- building, 'Were 'ft OPPlositiTOM, they nrofetyd ­ im ossile 'root aXat"Eyn' Of W1110h,, when -is ithe. an th'ay [have 10orne, perila-usly nokr di- a bM subilact 'to -a V Tho ts I 06nducted by -RO Ivas pre '�` r ced the Dominioin "curd 'bor tibe immie ffar ete in Cliffqrd�—,Tameis IT imithii. - pedL or q r" it 61ostler of the "oneer 'of 0 Irgh ald part- to 'Preach rvety thleY have passed the 'border nid bering liomaliti-e 911ould loo -me (to f-hcm from 0110 "p- -tilinks.,this,is not nearly an Housiii istables,-;-Previvus to Ibis de- rry, passed' he reWaira, of I cto :upon the boad road,. bho wOst the buesin-eg the 1bl spent uaday.__�Tl ere I# lWI Ite lan army - of Goldbeigl� flor 6he freaqde, fffirat as Lquoi lais Ithe at deast as liberal ais 'shoald be Men Jand ifriens tot Dr. Rollins in fe- n SU41ay last -at. qi (the ir idha In f aet some ise Public says Ith13 remuneration a qv�el this Cla 1 -ars in this vicinit' session is FrOVect. A (fev days -ago It � Edmund _v lentAonable [feature, of the t Ila! of ia b - 'Oa 'olf 'his . da,(Aghter, Mrs. 0ded-fof fJhO privalts iuct Minister, iviz,, $4, t town pr`cs6a�tOd ihim with a hand- Matthews, Nvhere at proeiixt. U g e ra's 0 'Pie'rhaPs 'the Orat atnd moist ob- of them -are rq�11Y old naigaish n services 'dama was dornoration L41rofuld 'reach a poiait the 000 a Year.As F�Om been Tegaiding. per the had bpear ffie )has te a',. waiglons on; ith UtteriW s IV001 'as (w -(o a I d Y i dl d o'n't y ta. o im d I I arge, Injambex itof addiftioindl ecessay(to ihve ome bil'is passed superlrdendnt As eigeotsed to j fire lb lWatob and chain an few thave, fine ;strong Most- o arhiah hare.to rigade of I%qhich, he was -an th 11 Y18ars, Mr. 'Barry -had almiost!reaoh_ and 'good .9 ifts that have be,- by 1_1�Arliamfjit assented to by the Mon margi-n cif iirof it bm- Pretty Much T'hie-work Mat shuld Q ni created vnd e t1jiled GOV�';�ior General. private bap- be,don iby the Miister- of orary me d ft'he Cent That f Motionary ital twouilld The witlhdra dacat! an mber gave, jbim a epary Mile 'Voat Ve life, in `bY 111"gh Pri0ed'tofficials and when was 1�ot evailable wn' f r6m S'wa`h- how ould t d Pretty �glold lbeded �Gaale. Very being lonlY iveith-in a few years of it Ust be In'OneY in ras, rabbero; "W twessold - at we add and Mr. justice u'laertakinIgs o to divide itbie ls,,I- wJ11 44.40 - �s land lbbe p6oplewoold ary Exeter. I -old iftll,—M, James Oom- -of t hie 0r. Rollinis and 1was ealthy, uw- was me Cam-rit, P-itiber ihavei tio assame tihem or igi 0 ­qdvisoiry oards between them' .—The alniver- ive ti Wn 16th ?Onoession' he Sapre nd* wti ver and stieh 4ilieputed s his �depajty for )t t1b.0 Vic Justice -would tbem be done to kwl HarY services f the Epwrtb anusual c ah advimeed iat =Kea !h ;Or AD usit recovered Z&ta a j, 'that aave been pri he Orivale clorpotration, a, 1greater and thse Main street Xetho- a�Oe. He Old -out for ovided for #the Part`04b, Thl; -formulti, we ijaay say, measure (of Treedoim.ls public olild. n ot be -ma 10 di k11DW i has. lb 'traditi' t1O "' ffer,for Lhe ine iNvere twaducted lwsit Sab. PlIght -ndislyc'sitiOu fb `a'rraYJ,9 raPlll ng and leads, faine *Jaw or Now, w kv his reoo Utander ihoNv awe do (n.oit Pbiomid tthis Idaniger exiNE Under it.he, iness of ffloiency or la ay 11�0 service in at 'all lWader 'ness 'was "DoUOoted -";hiph to be ca'rried otiE in I X nister. 7- bath Iby Rev, Mr. Lucke, of -Kincar- evilous deatill-nad rose ,oin Sabbath lotv the iold aind qiWre obam"ber. n tbe 'Onia isys"Een' rn'Olre, f)ha:n tWder tho dialep la hormer ipa Sunday, oni I'm to 4-aar day a Sit VOMiOal f eoo te f allowing 'dtfher, ff f (We G stur, and ware v-,ry Orning in his usual pheer bein held at OU is irresistably, U119 of the Sente 'operated Itib 'Dvcr`n'MVnt owbiad and The Isp largely attend.—Mr. good healt. but ho. had .not X , Jormer disouissin:g of Mfii:E4 Vi It led 't�'O:ffi cicyndlutla that in if in Was oo n - eoial Parl Wra. Baw. pr, 44, d oficiala ral 'A .. m-ust er, ri W.-F.Rainy" Deputy daugh X Governor 'tte% 'at 0ftawa, wh"011 bias been gene'1081tY, fts aftered to grant- t,o 111Y caime Thursaay.�_ Would frequilre Inlojey the sarae 'a' '_ameatiar ston, sumed pubUtilities, a- t1voceeded Ifar in the 0 ra. Zahn t hie subjects: y 601 d, (Wit ihis usual eerprise, nd _0�u,"a Should a Of the their desperatp_,ly foyetr worked tb�a Throne sor 'sit rDhat money 0onsIdering measures tor El W3114 Mr. -Bar�y, - mr, James Dorton J"33 4 iOr Ith-e- preeat regi., 00ouPy te SpeaketrIs would )have lto opme le h a- tibiB -ftivn 'the strip Of land -tyl 'Wa a native of his am, peer nig the idDlInty q)f 'ge. have traded h6usm Vom, 1privte rinoeraen iof our Parliamentar (I- between Wain 4trect and Limerick, Im-land,amd had Iblave been =aving if BAD jjo chir 'When f as. ints tP the bills, OaPi alists la'nd I[n. (order io, lirocii,re action laws, have ado�ted -a provis. ng and -is, a i ad. -Ce, entitled to the prc�- ,t r thc emigrate f mak'ag h se '0, oT thom it h n y reclie on. selves fix OY -Would Nav Hawksbaw iflirm, dAiaoana& a6ut the year POCSt lweek. 6 t-0 Jpay lit's ra.0 n to di qalify for terra of of Honorable nemember 1 Nwhatie Is __Si, Atblaihing bo rthe bequest are -that MMY hainge in tha I, ver that lmi'A,t be. If invest- YeArs ny Mtor 'who jaeglects to lu u!n, wll defending few tre. es on Deputy Goveritor ed lby private c(ompaiaqeg la bhese Yis ifranc,hise, als-cl rnot the 0 iher provil. nts of the 'ht him Ontitled t 6.redit fifor sam'O' fenterprises iit would till in' ron designed absolutely t sentable j�,ape.. Mikke diligeUt fshide th a r- p Pro,-- O"K Pr-opart ,Ind maintain �irinoial Ntatutesas avig 1come. in Piro- sova'as '-�& Plioniptly, and pizp- arn It poe,.s ,hey 0 forbid Me wi are erly Its value, Lqo t1at t 100Atumed on, two T116 a9lioultural na�ia e fina:l fresult 8MPI'OyJnefft of rigs in ele0tios. The Sayinfg lbha� 101is kind offer will be Ing and bO111-s' Tic. Iviould e Itt ti(re- 'We may sa Ap" committee 'is .,On the 'If raVed it Y the DePtA Was rar- and It1h fdxn-�er of ight 'track ard � - Onllc-,Mr. N. D. Hardan, miateria11Y 8,1WO it iaithnr lon apoopted 'Ltilonal 11 A Powdered wig 'bad old Ivithidraial fhhani,g,od; 'the edac Wolu th the /ropular rMaw ge, so In- lave, on his coat, tlhc b -MA 10aft, than 00 -that relati Rd - air 'reo`omm`cnd&tiOn should be in- it,' r of t ag to the' Pro, knee vinial'iUniversity, ave 'bbe i n Wher. It will tihivs be jsf,,(�n- this `olectilm) law N ontributing w t.u&ned hoes, 8"Si'On- LR W'04ild form one Nvatoh with godd venir charms, Which he dias "'Ps'de Ktawn,, ith�B liquior buckles. Solhe. r p riters say. that Itihe Slg6aps fears are entirelly Me Most -imp and May lb� e 10 ortant P170ourd ftorn nalglaiiid, It imiaginary. benef ioid lh�jdh 'he Pi6vi'si'Ons [of Ole law. Tbe one inte n -ds aIiiftrding itio, iihe twe Ud AUZZOU ipr Ie b�, eaaneil d a aw eedintructed jj1e ght ts u b j Wts of disc Position is -a -has lb('ffD fre-Modeled, and the ciO[Mz1ty T�o worthy of remark ti),j t the Abandaain;g 16heoy theiftnal pollary gof the, othe., drilled land equipped saboo-1 children n were pe it"o, jact Un . ap (all trailwayf; ha t ls6ttl -al. .1 practi ed �At that itting. This i's cc with.10, been dubled * . Kupnr I: OMPulsory attendance at t�' One isqaud apperin in tle, the isort of th,ing G lawn Iflar ffielr regiflatiVe ha tfh of lits In t1IT Poll's ttbere two),ld be in oei on SELIN AT-— ve field lit been over half at costs Canada is� inot la:ay On Che 24tb. The saavonir land 'been pxsqp And" i lw iat8 _d dollars hia�rd bbe 6ther. bliiiii -in for tt-he 11rigg of teams. are 0old plated and cio;.atia-;a, f14 fmin, reg-alation, or the develop- cash ;every orear. lisas - f Awg1rali ;aturi� �Lnd tra,nsmiss n f electrical can, troan,.1g, its bh-e lte SDE01AL PRIOES w4t it 41, a ,q ii g Ge.rznan.v t, 001uMban- OtlOrla nd the members Of d ow hIDw rel ad witzerbrnd - and i31(;,9NAP fol-gir" he 113doyal fairnily.—T.4e ljoense "M. PUY -that Mr. W -hit. obher Is and chilcii-ell-49 1)4 t, Taally Othtra, The mu�,ainipal law neY ishuld h iF, mop e an loonintrieq, Mfi do* slIPP , atrei't rnissiioael ers op sate 1,jqdm1, anil ve marred a faiirly fili isine, hr" We to ae.kn(awto Spturtiar. if-o-ir 'South HUroin bOld ,dL - oAb Meeting in the on Thursday of lbas inlat"been maoth meddled with und good %ession 76c for 48c 114 ))all ellt NV-_ ha been leit ft recloird ' by rughiug are ofoi, Dorothy D 'Vahlc of- Imlies wid George A. Slat -Or shoes, &r but the ;lit-qhe 9 go? The Optario G -Over- OtIr saffiPles colit d d o' `hQQ8 (RodlicivinIg ave 6 ain M _s an Let�islahrro the last 11 enfortil. electd officers of fh,& Womvnis my of Ithis year!s johoice clay -of -the TOOM81 4_nd of cash root Voll Wilde ltro it by -tlle NOrt'hern' On-tarin, oind 018 Dornin- Margaret rKelly,,of f0000no ne� Society f or tle OUT � e sizes of '0 kile.f. '1XI's hyad' wn, sa�sion a eotipl a into " Briefs,—Mrs, Thos i.Plls. Call apd ion Government MOX141oip, d T" Bissett, president ppoinitmen railway. b0n0es amcy-111fiting to $340, Ve L Cobblefflok alid affieeir for 000. One of -these is ft�r' a 11,11stery poej?oin of he 3rd iconcessibin. of a 8('0011(1.,treferep is to d a M. date for Pa.-,Oer hallger, *Woh It'here iis as much need a't1here raiLlway On 4,ft _rnilw-a, U10 Me1w Hibbe-rit, lat,,14 late ih,oar last Mrs, Going, �nd' vioe-pres-ideint� is tOrl, third judge- in nit'aillin T�Rland, In -did In ,t - t utr- t'lle WaInty f givin Cana -da day 8 nk- freasurer; Mrs. Utir,-yn. AT, 9 fliese, stibRidies nt'knanape i big 'ehuro% bal talle� Snel, t'. -Tafek-orig ibil;l , ftlialing Pey d 8 .9 01, Mr ter it ts raiiwys twnybot_ her 'age t 7.3 Ireearding so-crej was raing t1O 'the, widh 'h"11 ff%-b pouintrios"ibere, inited AVoot -Ian 1hvu Nalltle., clorrespondiag secretary. -of 119 c1obtrary f 0 Ix 0 on, Sudy * nw ary X -r& Urawa. X10thing .1las!be "While -in oppogtiva is 04,,re IwOuild Inbt be- bviijohi 1profit, I out T later. the lbell ran, a:nd, T&R. ma e4tihe ulaziber log -2.1sv AL-", IS 0 On done how., believe, looEra. - Ot to 9 -011-ticin'PhOm land Mrs, i3issett �g `Eih`O dlf"VnVe- We d 0 n iprpsen,,f,0f1 rY bis own udc- kirf 2.1" Mloh,� NL -1 Milth abioWit Germa:ny icl Bar With lifie) memb�er- FIRST DOOR NORTH OF P1 born. dn ItIxe aguoty, of Li er'wlhO was re and 'Ire i qdxn SEAFOR ri f hoir ef fie, -,cat "0' of servi om to 3OCk _�Sr