HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-05-18, Page 3IMIN
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�*_ very be-st or' flour, b. __� I,-
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f the very best. ba,er" �
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ia- A biscult superior . .,. I
ther you have ever ta- -,
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1. f`Mooney�sp` to your 0^ --- 1.
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. ,!", Mail
3MIN r -MI, Mr. SAIX.-For mk a -
4 Morthorn Pull, red in color W. IS:
L Apply on 1,oct,24, 1,6ndou ltoaflf T -
i addrm-% Rmeefield P. O., w. i;L sM _ _0*
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,ORN 1',X'T#L M MPI—Por a%* &
Ored Shorthom -Bull, 17 months old, pft
� Httlt� white. Price right- Apply art X . a, -
iion4, TueUeismith or adaress r4MO.t
� 'ki. C Tocilz
,w -Z%RN. -"N. : Im.t_ �__
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; I
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rEn .41imp A -m> 814ORTHORN.- CAT" �
I11 loed b" for S46 ftv�
,KAT -17- -The unde m,
aed L-eit", ter Sheep and Durham Q%j*_
(EQ. AddrMagwonavillev. o_ or - .
'H.Ptmd, Tuckesmith. RODEF.i MR
� -
. 194,2-tt
4 I -
It 8,-%M-Forsale, a good mare. covea,
.y arld sittzle harneR4. The mare is souk
iable dri�er or worker and suitable W
,�%Q-ral us.e. Appky to
. "
: MRS. A. YOUNG-, Se4fforM ;
XW SNLK-For sale, a thorobred Sho#. __
- "
7 bub, with re,;cistered pedigrm�, 23Z monvi , -
A i- Moil. fie was bred front Vice CU� -. -
inly on I.ondon. r(ad, Tackersmith,% mA*, -
� h, 9.
� , ,% =*
Mteefleld. JAMES PATEPWON, Rrwe,-
. �
- 200a* - I
w -
. -_
L' .-".-:� Young Shorthorn Bulls, &ISO Kft __
it,-Ilers, elwiee anim0sand of A I breedh& -
� I
pneral purpose and I agricultural hpr,o_,-
� _
�Yeanq old, �,oxiad and ood workers. Priw
;.,td un -w-, to' suit. Also Wth C turr
. 1%
arian va-0, elean, for t.eed. K - -
ClILtril, tint. . 1 19991U
� -..._ L I - __ .
P4R)*-. CATME --Seven flrsj�-elass,
!:. from hapitrtttl eows, for We at, =-- L
gooil YoUn4
'I, , eoWS 044
�4..d on ea!%y to.,rults ; _. - _ , _
� iont sale. AH interested are 6ordiaHy I& ,
14'et-, thc herd. Farnt at"joins town, low
��f.phitne to laxia. Write for catgonavi-
., L%ettm I . F%a L
11 I
NUI.H. D. STOCK FOR SALUW.-The undo- -
zfl ol.Tem forsale on 1,ot 127, 0onfCewa4;4dLr=-,ATk,4- .1.
� aw you . -_ -
,xn4i44 a number of heifers d __q I
A, rArk2id:i_
I alves at foot. I- yearling� bull, I
* a rightgoott a4imal. The am ...
it"s 11111'a ri�� in the N-ationa-1 Stock Ph- - L.'
__1 .
ces mrzenr_lte,terms easy, Vj,,1t4or,% W&M& �
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1A." Staft P. 0. 19*v '!
I -
. .1
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�cM.N.g.-Owic-e bred bulls _,ndfema1W9 I- I:
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.nt a, -de, about two dozen to ki"_-- ��:
. ,4es f;)r �
L-e�& rew-cinable. Herd u(,w headed br". -
- - - r
�tanu-t" (.-!"410(1). lie i'�k got by the 10WV:
I ft .
I impurted,,atrwk ou both -sld��3, glossy&* - __
" Wnd well wt- on -,�hort legs, Ter M_1� _. �
. - ape L
Liws ,,.,.-1 imured ,, others on - ,__ I-
-eleonle. Joux EI'DER, Iterwail Z 0-._ .-
r 10"�", __ �� . �
�_ - 11 - L
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-Y& SALE OR TO 112XT. . . - _.
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*r. -..k lar -
z . ge lot, sultable for a, gpadft-, �
-lv(ki.iforta�tilt�st-al;',(',iriStaturth. For--tt, -
- ky at Tn PW -
� ,% F-mismon OFFicu, Seafortk _-
; 2WJ�a L __�
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% .
— — �
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�AIDI TO RMN-T.-To rent, Lot. 17 Oft -
'it 4, McKillop. 1W aere,4 in gras& iyg*
� -
t term of years. Appl�v to . I
RROW UROS�� Seatorth. 1060
� . . - -4
�'APOI- TO R&XT.-F.ast bat
. , a or TA t:
. 0 M 1j, I goo(l po, �� L
PS1011 a, C I lop, 14tur& 1&*
�edforatennofyear,s. ApplyonLdW -
�, Xclifilop. F. J. Me(JUAMP St, OX
r� L 1 15�� - -1
7 -
. -_ .
I Th i
I -it a L
. e underi. med will rent his fam I
te r3r . -
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,ke ,;hore to! good tenant for a - ",
. e farm consists of 210 acres of
;all under cultivation and in
,i f till term,% and patticulars aple,v.s I
Z ITH, St. Joseph P. 0. IM4 1� 1
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: "D 1,17. M
,AN �NIRE v FOR SALD.-Forsok,*�
2� am timber, tiquare and in len -
y of to, "
t t b; to 60 feet, alw a quantity of raL
- x g. Fartiett b
- s, - Rod.
the comun _=X)n will .
vantage to call and $See it cft lot W
I 1986-0
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�.,-Ik - 01IRTY FOR SALs.-Forai%-
,_� i . � -
_n,l, ipe
. . , .joining Seaforth, a comf&$- -'L
. iuse eonwining three bed rooms, sittiM.-
�4, rw,ni, large kitchen and w6od2heEk -
"tie foundation under the whole houfti
ment eistern in the cellar and soft Tv%tW 1�
.kito-lwa. There are three lots planta
I - 4 the- best fruit. '1hcrei_saL;o&1MV-
- Prol,ert * y N in firsr-class repair in OYW,'
,i, a� I.Wp,t de.;imble place. posswim- -
At w%,L time and term,; will be inade - -
'L#,tLrti,-u6r4 appl�y on the premises orlwil., I
, I
'Lil -NODLE ,, SF-aforth. 2OM4 , z 4
. 4
1. — - ___�_ . �
L i
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1 . . 9
— I � -
I ' ' . . _�' �
I iE.11-VfCE%---Mr. F. O'Brien Will W i
. i
- Millreivenwrit ofstock. on JAt 27* COut - .
'ae we , I
& . 11 bred ball, " Uvrd Dun(16
Lj,:"1l j_j f.irf.d I,-- I (VIZPN� j
. I . - Trumpeter' _ - . I 1
� -
' .
-nui;;bt vrosmes ot imported blood Oft W' ;
_. I
. I �
n Lord bundonald is of red color and Ot ,
L ' t ' �
I - ` '
, Ternis -k1 forgrade eow4 and 10 fO'
. ^ �-%t, ir*� i
_Oi, pzk%ahle Devember I.-st, ne L - - I
w �00�'4$tf L - J�
; I
I I L __ ------I-__------ f Z
:::� .
; I �
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I D11194 - I
- on Root Comp 'I 1
- The great Uterine Topic, as& - - L 11
(0) safe effectual Iffoutw �
. ator on which womOuv"O - 1
- i
depend. ,%ld in three d Q�, I
- of strength -No. 1, *1 ; 00� T �
- I 101 degrees stronger .IF, t1a. &- I I
. I
� for bpecial cases, 411 per bo
� 261(t -by all drugps 'a; 102 iill'i�VL_ .
; Prepaid on recelp ,
. V 6f .PrfoQ6 L
. Prea pamphlet. Address, -- 10 -' -
xcojeizowa,011T. (r0rW.4r1y'Wi1",07_--
I .# - - I
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14r�', I'31'tieg- tc) lqafl at 10WORt M08 __.. I- 11
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J- I- MLT.WtAN, Rarrif4ttr, etC-9; - �
I I 8vatorth, Ont=io* ;;
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- � � 31A -Y - 1 -'sk I. 0 'I 9 o f; � � _ I - I �_ . . . D - R '19
- . . L I ___ I - THE ON EX NSITO I 9 il I
� - � ,-- . j. . ,;,w . - I I I - I ,
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- _ LL �- --O@r I - -&K=_ L . 01
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, - � I eallimi - ed aome, amproyea in health, af ter MaXillap, JMr. RVbart tGovenlock his - I -Z ;1 I
- - V. law 4�A
It S I I . , .
11- ^ SOV01,0110 � SpLe= lat week iwitth his �Kctn Robt * been elected itto fill 11he vacancy. I .��
- I ".-tial4lu; � . I . " L - j -1
* _ff . L -ex4twon V4)X_r_"stt0r in - I -
I I I - I I to.-Tba Xisses Lizz e and; The Exposit*rooffloeha4 a narrow,* - . I I T J
H . __=1 'Smods for Security . T "I -1
1211_.� 1 , T-ena Passwore spent Sulada.3 with esoap'e lifrom destruction by fire t4he , � I ; � I
L I �11
- = mas"a-� - and Stability. — You .1 - . L ______ . friends in Chiselhaxst.-The be ring other bight. The [Ciro ,started in a �� - � - i ., � . � I
are sure of B 0 T 11 '. LL ; _Z
of tthi's tpl"e commenced operations box of ipaper. but was extingaisheat I I I I 11 7� ,
I . i �
Savi n g s., I and milah U OP. E I 'DYSPEPSIA D18TRICT MATTBRS. twe ek. . . . betore it th-ad made an'y headway. - . L I =
. I �
. . I I _ . .i
. :___ �
I ___ " I L �
I L�
� .l in . i. . * . . 9 /1, . . %he i24th 1w`aSL ,loyally -celebrated in �
L I DYSIDePsdas lndig'mdon, Belching of The Ati-elph and Giddeileb Railway. 11 Stomach Troubles. - Seaflort-b. The proceedings com- � I low L a I . -11
Li 9" &fter Cadug, uxan weakness. -On Vednesday ,of last Week, t1he : ildrs. Sue Martin, an 'old and Ngh- � mented wit-h'ut calithu,mplon proces- If:, �'
It or . .
Sovarelbn Gank * 1 33-7 Me8fts of its muscles, the stomach Guelph onA Gioderi& Railway trook ly Irespeeted treside.ut of V, sonla, slion, land in it,he 'afteritooii horse -
. L . I L31
should churn, the food -changing solids laying Iga:ng weacdwd Olmiras akd A. Miss., iwas sick nvith: .stomach tzo,m- races and tobber sports were held 90 �fi 1N I a n a ,a is, ;I
I - . - :
into few Oaolph.friends of Divisional :9,11' ble. for hoore xhlian. - latisiaction or v ur Money- Ba-c-I.k. I A
liqt4ds-mixing in the gastric juice , ' - six mon-ths. Chain- tbe driving !park. The arow,d nwam- -b 0 %W .
to allat'digestion. .g?neer Macklin thad thlB privileg,e Of birlain's Stomach land Uver Tablets bered oome it,ho"ands, land exoelle�nt - Cf J 1.
Of . �iA
. 1. Canaft, - , acciompamVing flum 010 th18 _f irst trip ou-r6d �Ler. $-he eay 1, I ,cau uow mui3io iwas,turnished by ,tbe Zgmondr I
I If the stomach is weak -then f' I "Wi a:
ood is , I ' 1".
L .
I ed with over Ithe troad from Guelph to El- e.a�t lanything at, an-& am 'the ville lband. �',
not roperly ch an a n-2 I - I � _;1
� I ' i3: dted the I[Dad will deAt W. fhlitdhell, of London, having - - -;:-j
net T =,1ra. It is expe ppoit - qvioman. 'in thhe worold to �_
I L I - .
A ,deposib of $1.00 opens A 8,iv- h .n ou �i i
I �ice have 1,6-oomplete warkinig V,,)r dhallenged rally Other eabLnet -maker I .
et �h . 'a
u c
i -"UVA . a - be ballasted twud find ouch )a voiod medicine." _�A
; .
i eston 12(i L Y, i -
s1w , � -
. . en 4 �ps I , , �
. iNaa Amoust upon w'hiolt interest , . � torder ias (far as Elmira, fox. Ithe lreuz- sdIe by jall dringgi,4t in it,he world, for �$1,000, for two
. I , S. - -- A
I � . I . , -
t I is paid four thues a year. 47 . ining (of ipassc,,ager irains in time � . * i I montha' ,work, twe ,are authorlzdd by I -
. .
ftor the Waroatlo Exhibition. I -
. Thos. !BLell, of this village, to Isay --L I
- I
L ,m I
�Pv r . Subtool. Report. -The f,olflow ng is bbat df tMr. Mitchell -will xeduce the -,
, ". T)o T -r. -,-.-n IT(D-W I L t i&t rv-" a ig �:.
, . Hay. I A'" " ht T"' al k
New Rooks. -The folloWinig beW the IrOp[Drt oX the pwplIS of �schrool amount to ($500, he will accept the � - *1
- . -
,-, -
I � I C. _*Z_,!" k books (have [been Teaaivad. at ith1e, dhalltenge. I �L
I . i dvar)o, �_ � ;Z101 &I, aea- s-eof ton iNtio. 110, Hay, .for April. 1, TAh. 1
I � I j -,
L I Put your 111oney In a place where you 11 borth 1public, (library: Crimson Bli,u�, ' 0 ,
.TS " Clas -
2 on " FRuIT LiveR TABU as Mr. Calliday, drayman., - ,bas had I _�
L Yaames are dn torder nf merit: .-,.
- . . I I I I White; Prince- lof � Lovers, Xag,aay ,,, eretted u splendid watering eart, � - A
can ,get it whon Toll N,Mnt it I st-engthen the r.tomach-just as J J . V -Doswell Daugall, Ari3har Cole- , - � ,-I
1 -
. 1�1� ,,
-11 - -
beef and e- s and mil strengthen the Strange Partners, IWInt16; Head pf man. Sr. ilVXannie Jack. on, Mary for bhe Purpose of .sprinkling tlie, . om ma 10 . i , _'
or .0 NUMMM , A
Olt I __'�A
I I he village. An, - ---Aw- Z,
I .. ,.vasted Qold, �&sthton.; F,oar in 'Car�p, dBar- Coleman, Alpine -MaeEwen, - H rman Principal streets of t ]
I A fratme of a patient getting over h t - -
I #� V
I 'or -
I I . -1 our the Mikado� Mu,nroe; Todd, 8ennie (E oria Row- ar ran gement� ffias 1been entexed into R 1. .
ENSALLL. a Typlibid. . . Travelling Thirds, Athe,4bon; The - 4 Ider, Viet between, ithe business mon and Mr. I 0 MN �
I- .. cliffe, Jr. I*V-DobbleiJackaon Nei- .
______ . FP,,U1T-A-TI'VES confain-the element's ,Debtor, UreVman; CBaby LBAllett, Os- If I .A
I � L I I . � 'JaL . * 0 Roweliffe, Archie Rowoliffe. Sr. Calliday, Itio &-eep itthe streeit f ree I . � - �
. I
I t' t , give new -vigor new energy -l- bourne; Mhe GiaRts, Olaeri Tilloind t during 10he summer for . ; I 1
� � � t tt . U 111 -Gracie Elder, Agnes Walper,Ro from d u,s . . _
. - -
0 li P_ .I- $12 a week. I Z
. - Adventures,.ffe-�rlitt; ,Art.-MbiDu 'the Todd, Alex. (Ho ulsso. Jr. III-Ena . . . z
. - - � lus"Cles lining �he stOtnacl - y . .�
ive glands and Man, fflartloa- (Rebece 'a MAry. iDto - I .
141% ' Trunk Railway ' * . 'n- Jackson, Gevxge ,Jackson, Rex Dick, . '?
'Ira n'd P1.19*a7e ,a' ' owof gastric,jaice ,nell ; .The I'Del'al;e, Phillios ; The At- - Seaftorbh, Xane 17, 1870, ANW&I � �
col)io L . I Arthur Dick, .Almona MacHwen. Jr. I '�
; for Cach meal. I i .1
I SMs-tem. . c1cimplioe, Hill; Pa.ana, Waller; Sil" Mossra. Brtoadf-oob and Gray, of un the Clothing thenff Wear. -
. . � Wy -
I . I . 11 -James Xunn, 0harlie Davlsg�,g- I �
i - ver jPin, Barrett; 9he Reelportiog, I � �
� i 1,11ore than th. I � Munn, -Sr. 111-Roas, Lyuib,n this village, fare ,,making ,trp a Ivrze .
� Railway Time Tabib � L . . It, FRUIT-A-TIVES gie Dick, . - , I - �
� . leave ,9eckfortb as follows : . correct the Constipation whichusually Chambers, . . . Lq%i.agL Johii tElder, Earl MacEwen quantity of isash, 'which llivs been ,or- . � ]
MOO � . 0 , 11 I- 4'.
.. � .
. I I
attends stomach trouble -and I;y acting _: dered ifmr fte Red River MAtlemlent. . , -::. . 1,
� -
LS& & in, Var olintoo, Qodeel' emen. t in . I—.
ch Wingham an _ Mbe Olive'r Doweliffe. Jr. I -Alva . .. I I
- . Out ilt K)at Gentl . � _ - I H
. 44 �__ f
. K)noavdiuo, . directly oif-kidneys and liver 'put the Brussels ,Bost -says, and we a- gram, -Beginners -Elgin Row,,liffe, One day /last week ,Tijhn 'Latimer � I .1 . 11 �, .
' , I
F --r 011140-4 An't GOdOViCh l' whole system in healthy condition. Alice Dick, iltay Davis. -J, 1. MUR- was driving down street wben� his 4 I
Wp!.=�" per olluton, Wlugham K]3d 9 coar � L gree rwitdi It, tlhwt. an- lixalovation. of . I horse wan away, thTwvvijig him. Gut: % . . il
. diatt., , FIRWIT, -A-TIVES are a peculiar co, RAY, Teacher. . �
It. . - Ft,r blintory aud Goderich. l bination of f - . in- re6ent ff'ears On ,,god'alty council mat- , , . and breaking ,his 4e ;-- 1
-4 p, w. L ruit 'u1ces and tonics that 1. I l, .9. ... � , . I =1
. I 1j3 &, in For Stratford, Guelph, . Toronto, 3 tois sj�oald (be -c,ljt out and ithe ismyn- � Mr. Urank Scott, L . -.* �, i I r,-.-.-.
I . Irillis, North Bay and points i " I - . _ h� - i; I
. , b. are known all over Canada for. their er rbbe better. We ,refior Iflo -the istaffa. - _13; ..". ..... �,---.Iw-�-, . , �7�
. -�,� .
C Seaforth, has irented. the blacksmith � 711 I �
� . ,,C,� � I
Bg1leville and'Petorb,vro orand pointi wonderful cures in all stomach, liver Warden, Clerk la:nd 0hairman'lof the. st week.: mt� , ,f�t � .1 I Y,
, . - I .1 . shlop lot Thos. Redmond, ,of- 33lue-vale. �'_V_ . - - .. _; e. 1. -13
etel., r)rd Guelph, Toronto. Men- I and, kidney troubles. � RiDadand (Bridge 'Oommittee going t10 - Nidtes.-Mr. .F. 0, ill 4dhissa. I and I— . � I '!�,-, "' 'i , - I'll . I __ I .
gv-.. ,.*f .-��-4!9.2 M '. i
� ror Stratf, - --,r " � 1� �, 1, � - il
- . - I �11� 0;.�Z ,. i
Is P. U, . . .5oc. ,a box or 6 boxes 'for $2.,r,O. points Wbere, Wintraets are -to be le* Mr. Clarence lRobins attende I the ,Seafbrtb, kbrne 9,4, 1870. 1�11. - - �
-4 � .,. -
L troal and poltits egAt- - �� 'X'-,.4 �
= P. M. For stmttord, GialklPh and Toroute. - =,i.,.. i''t , 11 �
. - Sent on receipt of p7ice by ithe bounty commissioner. 1a tfoir fwa-eral iof fteir todutsin one d4 -last About ten b'olook a. Tn.' on We& vv-�- .
. __00, _i, t �
I LWt_ 1 4 - d
_01�_ . MW*6jr druggist does not mer years )the latter geatlema;n week at tListiowel.-Mrs. ,kerdtieir, of nesday last (our village tweut into i - I - 4&�li..j;, Nr; -N X"; - - ail
';,5�. _4 ;iq. i ;,t
. , , ,,, , 4
L wincue thern. tended itio this .wowk wnd, --av thtt Tavialbook, was Itibe delegate for the !�,I,..i�4 - __.; 1�"-F. 11
�Ondon, Ruron and Bruce. 4L cestacies by Me trepiort, "Salt struck ' 't."'W'i':�" '44 11
. - I I __�,_- N, 1 li
- � I 11�,.� . . I i
., I
- � .-
whole, .1gave 'hpiod satisfaottoln, pos- Women's ffasCltute bf itibe village ito - ,1�1. . ,,,q W 11 - 1. - -'..,; I 11
0. il�&M,ongelr. I FRUIT-A-TIVI�S . in the Seafiorffi twell." 'Hundreds ,,, 1*. ,,;,
'Via FW2,121- :� _ . I "�� ., �
. better fta ' racts en- the idistriot 'meeting i,n the ttown L "; .�';! �;� I
.- yA.doa aepart - __ __ 8.15 A.M. C50 11 14 . , a 001ne,00nt - hu,rried to ithe iderrick, only to be ,4. . ,4
. **..� 7.18 5.43 . ll, - 1,1MITEM, "Ibly FVJ . ,* 1, ... - �� - I
,� a he is ,e I - I 11 I
C,A,aU*U;A_.___-* tered ander Ibbe lnew. ,Drdor. If hie h 11, Staffa, ,on .Saturday last.- reassaxed -of lfjhe Itrulth of I . tat - ;�.14;11k?,�,14 11
, *
- ;r"-.1 -We � . . I ,
� 9%oJeT___..-_ - g.80 5,64 . 6. OTTANVA. ,pan inot com,petently (do' Me .Vork T1 r e 00)) ering " .�,. 1.0 I �
.!,�.,� tul .
. 6.06 . arry Templeman is ment by (finding itbat -the bools were ;', .'- *_ ".�_.Ilj4n�'OW I I I __.
-,. -i,. 11, l ,
- Arl-1- -XV4;1 .,�61, - -11
- gijii I . i &N _ Z
11=3111- .. -.. - - 4. 1, 9. ko 1. Ll . I _. 1, .. somebody ielse elinuad, -and -let him. .1 .,,��12 l U, .. ,�:.._,-Z��_;1�1�41,!07�
— I from a severe attack of to ilitis- then viorking in-oolid salt :X-ock to, , 1.11;� _7 -
1! 11 . I �
JZ�Y`.69 '.., . , -:f `
I I I . 1. � -
. I F iii .'-ZP",�'e" - ��.:.2*10w�',�.�,,� -.'!, �,... . .
-Kippon- -VL- - *..* R -*1 11 � I ,�T��_�;`tl
� _� .ti�"',, , R,,�-�,'%N;7�
- .�, .- I , -
..... 9-68 5.19 V_j � stV at Awme. It Imean.q $3 A daY Miss Jennie ispent Suanday .wl (her a depthiof iten feet. The #4berpris- .4 �. ", � I . ,
'. IN163�3f,rtif`.:�'. ���
f4, 'V��V.tolt,;-`-., A
DK14ftA01C1- W...- - 6.bb - ?11 N:!" &1�t.-", ,� `�!� .7s
al- - '. , '. Y
C111111011- - - - .. - - - 'Miss iOliver.-Mr, LR b, D , " M�,.l,.- � ,,�� I .�
,.-.. 10.16. � and mileage jeadh itime the qwartettO aunt, ob, ing propriebors, Drs. Coleman a -0d �, - Nt�,;_,.:�
;1'---'_... _ -
10,80 - 6.62 - tion ibas (been paijAing hi14 1W 6 "ad Goo n1ock, were coogratuilated 0.0 . ,--�- I .��;,�;N I -
Londeabolo,_ __ - takes a !aunt for $9 a dwy and �mile i .� ,.-grz-,�,- . .-Y F,
I 10.88, me : . `_ .-Tv`- -, - -, -A '. -,:.-. -,
Blyth, - - - 1. - . ,_ ed witih 'putting a new fence anotm bhe ev* . (hand ,on itheirliwadsome, re..- __5,;;�J&, . �,,. I
`- ago additiional as oompar -.",-;-1---.,
. �.� imuj , 7.10 ery f 1,5,� - _r I
8WgVNVo__.. - 0 i -.- i...--,-i-"-..,.!4'�.,�i-�.."-,�.--.%i7�- ,�;�,.
- . Mae 7.26 flormer ,times, Mr, Ainsley Is paid front part of dt,-Mrs. John Sadler )w I , - ,. ,_-� 1 - i - � t
VILghaw arrive....- w I � I I . ward, tand lghDwing % , spe,As. The ,4 .
. a -7 =_ . Pmsenscal. by A,he ' ar If oomebody will .!take is ivery 611, She is u1nder 400- -�r,6pri,#ors oantemplate -erectingsalt, i , . 1, ;
Zo :Mi 41n, ti , , I �i
6 41 A.M. 3150 F. '�e bor's zare. W c 13'-P- bbooks-41mineaiateiy (and if ,all goes
ifingham, dapan_ - 0, - bbe, trouble ft,o provmTe the aniount e Wpe 000 � I ;
- I 6 52 0.44 i , dod. aast 1�ear in tdas, direc0o,n her ariouind again. -Miss Le: , Nor- works will be in, I f - I i
gnVe.... .� ..-- I i i "11, Seaforth Isaft � . �
ly -----4 L0 Olt a - 4 MIS Rtlt- full blast lby,(Septemlber lat. I V
Lwdeeboro ...... r.- --- .7,14 A.,04 � . � - I ,-yve iventure It(o affirm, tibe allm, Will ris tPresented 1her iniece, . �
0,"Utou_ - - .f'- - 7.47 - 1.2a surpriso, even imenibers of the eou-n- son, twitth an orgxn.-Mr. Wm; kBiekle - - - 'L 1870 1 . . . I . i I I ;1
j3rriodiold.... _. 4 - - f ... 9.05 8X9 - &, , fy oonneil. We do bot believe in 19undayed at Hite home of his anat, .
KIUPM- O.".... _ __ - .. S.Ifi 4:.4-7 1 'Seaftortth, 1-Ady ... �, I a , � I
cheese �,�
HGWAR___.__ ...�. 841.1 4.62 S- hoe 39F I o I I*'S h .paring lbtilt at tTie, samQ Itime Mrs, Robert Sadlerr---�Mrs. HapriR T,be isalt .struck ,dn �the 'Se�afjorth ,� I
. 11
-� a" there -is ;g.reat need -of a:n i�_conomloal has gone to. her h,ome, in. St. Marys wtll ds lunp-arallelled oft t&e, North . I'll ,_f
ZX14Wf___ll"__ V� __ ao 5,aii � Black-, Tan and WhAte mahag ent i6f loolulnity en "ti, . - - .14,
C.-atrallit .... .. _... - 8.46 - 5.16 em affairs when after visiting iher sister, Mrs- American contin t At t1he , me � ��11 11 f.
I I I .� I I (1111j. k I � � t
t London, (itrilve) . ...... - 0A5 A. 14. 11,10 A - Her1lon. , .. . � .
I , " 2 in I" to 0. secret sclonfl- the xate fis modntidg wp every year . I oof 1going to press," ffhe toolti ,are .. ,
- ,
- I � ' . . 4* - � I
— , fie maparr-410" for leather only. ,go ithat tit is, becoming quite a bur- . �. a working in isolid. sa,lt 'to a depth 'of . � I , !_ .*.-- . .
. I
, -
-, Gn a I � ", . 1,
Fallner in � " . ii, I
at nd Kmeeardi e. It I..) tho res'u-It of over fifty d,�n ibo�,buubioipalities. Grev. 100 feet a,nd ogo -signs of 'being nearly. 1'. *.,�V
, ye*ra of 6=vorienco in shoo I I � I
W . . 11. � - ,
. :4 "
paw. Mixed i � L � *_ I I . I . .
PtNO WORM Pass. S vorlisheei. The Council. -At Ithe last eting blix,ough the strataw*a. We tundex- . ..
. , . �_l - .
, admeysion - ........ US p.m. 12.4i p,m 6.80 a -m An aiunct� goes furthor them Hotel Keepers ffleware�-Thle- Mit- of the Orey opuncil 'the !Silvef, Car- stand Ithat it is the intention Of . . I I
tthel_ .. .. __ 831 2, J.'7 7 40 1 . M.-Dound of Ordinary V"tei, Iva � . . � .
- 9 41 t lmlta�tloa evon he.1f a, -q good. dhell Adviocate 1draws ,the -attention ners drain 4Mprovement 5by-law was thepro�riethrs (to idrill through -it, %, � V �� .11
10=0019.- -..-. 8.6t 1.138 i . It -hat ! fh4 5 rel (can. Ao -so. withoult Ilettidg, ,till
ltlevG!e .......... 90� 1.60 ploo -1 1 . . � of thptel keepers [to thl�,. fact finally passed aubhorizin;k ove if Itihey .ri-ch-quick concerns, many clot -hi -ng =nU- I
I . I Like Ithe get Z)l - .
I I - ,
P1 ..- -1 - ___ _�_
11 I 11
It Stewart Bros
1,1 lIl
It 1
I ?�11
i I M
Ili I
Iflagham.. .. .. .. 9.03 1.66 - 91.10 1 ( . Black and � they iwill tOo well Ito pay atten:t1'4DJR I and itreasor-er Itio horrow $2,50 from tibe ff ndian i0cean. At each rift (Of �
il ,
I � - ---. . I Tan in to t1he bew license act. The� ,b?jjaa:l- the Standard tBank hor oun I - a. bushel of bean- faeturers these days are seu,db�g otLt allurilig pletuxes 01 " I
I D,,t ex tibe isand pump ,over
FRM " - - 10c, and I r,
p soum. �Fasa. Mixed, PROS. I I 1�_ - - I- �
fVlaq _ .. _ 6 411 rs,m JOMO.m. 2.40 p.m ' � I . . ties are ffieavy, -and If Idatelrapan penses. The ree", imra� da- zied tif al, pure and ,dlear crystal� lot :
ghqtn.. 25c Ins fine looking, broad shouldered, man' men, dressed UP as
I . I _7__ - I- .t ly , .
. 1. I I " , 1: I - . . I
- .- __
A . _. A.52 7066 2,.ig 1 I 4� - muleted -in to (consult 1wibh ithe t4wasii p 001ill rook salt its ibrouvht -WP
aevalb-.... I ". �7 W1140 violate i6he flaw and are I The ma-
08MIS ... .... .. 7,05 il - 3-02 - -r , 11q. I they will have 't'h%em- 'l ali I of 4he ,t %p(on the ground Beau .Brnramels, w, ith the insinuation you will look as Aus * - I
. ii. C, . 5 3.19 I �g _. 0 -_"-�. - . gulss _. I I 11 .
I I Dbael ............... 7.25 0 1.1 large � fines cibor ,mgarding it,be e6ali terial Is (being ;pif
. I
. I M, I I I . .
....4 , IrIt ' ou wear ;
't " §,!,-" I I IsdIves ko Iblame, For 10he first of- m
lfilffler$ton..... - FAA, 1.00 4.10 1 � 4 J�N I � I unicipality. lot lGrey ,At�.aahjng the hor t(be 'boiling blocks, and we. aft yourself if y Biomhard's clothes. :
! 5 � �-,p -e - It J - , -
. ,, .It I " W. fence, ta fine ..of- inot less 'than 450 dDrporate seal Ito debe�ntnres, which looking iforward to ifthe f ime' when �
;� K� �
. �11 � "Is .1k
;, , .. , � t- - 8
. -w5t( r� ;%?,
)A . __ I I 1, and oot anore Chan $100 ; g9rmerly a tnumber of -Ohe ratcp-�yers in the Seatorth Nvill be the -great alt, �._ -
W;; ,'4 ��,. ,- -
I T i . g I .
I . I _bz,yj .
.. . JXv tffe�jminimurn (fine -was $20. Sectond village tof (Walton are desi.*ous of oentre of IV,he lvtorld. 7
�. - M- , W /-kl Other 6oncerns press out their clothes with hDIV irous I
I . . -1k. Ill
� . �4,'A �j, g . .. offe,noo, 4$100 .flne and mot more Map issuing, (hor thhe ipurp,ose of luilding A ififteen !year old son of Mr. Car- - � I
� Y� , , ,�� qg I . $200; itthird ioffence, $200 and niot cement sidewalks jin blie" sai(I village rie, of LHarpu;trihey, had: -his leg 1brok- n ely t ledr 1.
ki _! I I crease them beautifally, hsn�r them immaenlat " iu th
.. �.., 11 -1 - \ , -;
. , .. . 0 this Andrew ,tL;hd fallin;g ioX a ' 1.
� - NO T) i more rbban �$400. In addition t of 'Walton. XvInnes was en lbhe other day by , vindows, and passers-by say I I Aren't they -great 2 - -
9. -1 -Mal' - . . I
11;�, I I �, _.. . I I !I are isdbjedt ito [heavy apVoInted -inspector (of 1bhe N�:ork on bank tw1hile toading gravel Ut the . . . - - , ,:
.- I I Ill Pon-
im�o. . .1 -, I
I t1i - . - ' _.� . -.-;
K � I __ - I., alties if bbey ltrDsee&e a eecoad the. iBrenaer izmd ,Dehviorth bridge a- pit. k vur I �
I I I Every one in busine�ss nd ally shows off thEir weam �, 11
� offence -for la first or a itthir,d for -a butm-ents at ($1.75 ,per day. David on Wednesday ibitornivg dast, Mr. i " . - � -.,.,.
� ____ . to the beSt L advantage, a -ad -there is nothing w10119 in .80 �_ ..
� Mu"und jajfd iso. on. Attention is cal- Milne nvas iappointed an inspector to %hiomas Stephens', igrain iNvareboase . .. -11 �
l �, 7
. ' . ,
I led ft 10be using of fa-1se .1ab-als on see ithat iall i3toxious weeds growing was destroyed by f ire. A la-rge doiug—IF TKE GOODS ARE RELIABLEZ.� - . .. ;-
wingham liquior bottles. Bottles [in wmse '91dods on (private 1properties are destroyed. quantity of 1grain ltx,a� in tih,� 1build- . LIVIW ._..`�
� .
. . ; - -1
r M 11`8 'ILI i0ot The Tef illied and. the inspeo- . One ibalf of ithe inspeotior'* fees Ito ing. Mr.* Stephens estimates his . - 11 I I .. .� _�. - I
i . III U S Iness - bor ds ierapowered (to te�t all liquors. be ipaid 1by tibe infiormer and Ithe loss, -at $3,500. Mhat the fire was it -be L
I . . L ;. But clothing thm has noth-ing to recondmeud it except '_ ,]
- . I I Vkolationiof Itihis tolaas�e ,of the act iotiber JT,alf by the persdn oillowing result tof ancendiarism. admits )Of no - . . . . -
RV w I�L - L. I
- �
I . I ,� I r a smiling face, is sorry clotbing indeed to buy and live in, � � L i
I . L %4*0118gO renders ibbe'iguilty person (liable to t -be ntoxime..tweeds jt6 geow iyji his questhon. , j
a fine. to 4100. Wt,ere property. Messrs. John tGr I it and A vigorous effort is being 'put 4 1 � I A
is a, high grade Commercial Sohool '� . . -
� . . 1. tihe bo,tel tkep,per`js notified 'not to and 0. 0ahnstoln were appZ "ed to hortih ,by ia number of ou�T leading � . -
Three Courseg : . - ) ]
- � give liquior 'to 'a certain 'person, examine bbe tfences 6'n side.1road 02, citizens tio procure a fire engine Mnch of the blothing sold to -day is like a rottenapple, ' .A
Cr,mtnercial - Stenography - Telegr4PhY under jbhe %acit, and disregards the between ibli-e %14th wnd 15'6h,l conoes- .hDr lilllig IVIlYage- _'. I li -weak, unsound, MCI— aut=ment - I A
I I . – / beautiful to look at, bu' y - -1
Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin notice, ibe -renders bimsclf (liablea ,bo sforts Ito isee it an amicabl 'agree- I A
. ��. — a line of $50 and the 1peison, Igiving ment ioan The arrautged bet ,dm W. Seaflofth, July 8, ,1870. to go to pieces inside. It is machinery clothing put through I
___ . - � . - 4 such inotice Imay ,r Colalaugh and (041've.r Turn ull re- 'Drillilng a,t 1t[h__ ea -It well has been ' . I
ils � al -wriong lifft less ,bhan $20 nor 4marle garding isaid ifences. Af ter pa.1sing sbopped. Tibe purbb and . itabifig is tile mill at lop 1peed, and then pressedL in�o Zfts'�a to (iov'e-L I
I . � I poor wo � I I I J
Hers's Just the . miht I tibian $500. Hereafter hotel bar,3 several accrounts 'fjh,e 'council ad- daily -expected iand 1upon its arrivia rkmansl 1p. 4� �i
__ ,% _� -
�` a6me ,_ � � - 3
) must -be foleaned betweein &evien- and itourned lutntil (Molhday, May 28, then will immediately be put. up., I I _.
__ �
, - i
. Bowel Laxati Ve ' nine o'clock ion 18aturday nigbts, and tio meet las a oaart of wevi��on, und 20 imen are busy g#tting tbe ma:tse,rial ! - - i
� ! not fon Sundays. Some IhOtellnen Por ,oth-er ibasiness. r-eady iflor (the - boiling blocks. Machine work lai good l its plue) but so 'far it is - not . 1
� I �% i
I . ! . ;
- etenae, iof -cleaning *—: I
I . I �. -1 Mve iused [the 1pr � . . . On a%ursday kaveninig, June, 30th good enough to take the plue of hand work in puttm a . I
w f5he ;bar lbor violations �of the act, MCK1110P. Dmiors Coleman land GoniiOock ana 0 . -1
I � -
I I - I
SeaforLh, salt f3Uit Of olothjgj�to shape so that it will hold that shape. - _
Gentle, Sure—Pleasant to Take—A' bht now Ibley aTe witboixt'tm ex- bhe nontractor of Itbe � . ,
I I . I' ouse of beinIg in tze bar at Lall on . Barns 03urned.—On Subday .even- well, air. ,Peter 1A,cEwen,. were en- . . I .
Tried and Tme,,, Genuines , . Sunday, - and rtmst leave tthe- bar Ing, -May ftb,� f ire was discovered 'in tertained at (a supper bo, -oeleb mtv I I
' , .
. , �.. I I
windiows, wibhkit iscreen or oover- om of ithe barns an the farm lof Mr. t,be ifinding ,of zalt. The ,entertain- Howeyer, whatever other clothing .1-8 -or may be,w () ar-3 - . .
, 4% � ' Nature'3Remedi. � Alfred Hewitt, inear Leadbury, and - .
, A I Ing of any sort. I I it made isaruh :rad as that ment t(ook iplace at Sha'kp's botel, cerbain of � . -
. I —0 � p �g�.'e' and [was (highly creditable t(o, mine -1 -
I . . . I I beflore dts devastatirfig wark was do,ne hiost, Mr. Thomas Rnox. Aboat fifty
f you e re . I e and Talented Mmsi�ians.—Ttbe aec*mp- two lbarns,"40 by 60 feet, [,were id -e- § - ' '
ovpments -of the b6w,els You lac the Pr lished Iladies freferred guests, ciomposed of the leading '' -Z
firsi essenti of good health. - here's more - .stroyed. Three w,ows tand, t4ree ye r-
- lowing paragraph, twhicb, we take lin'61 - 1111 i P- s nvere b L:I,rne�d _e men of Seaforth and vicinity, were -
, ,,,.o ;a 'Qol
harm done than mere uncomfortableness, slug ef r iv present. Lielvt. - 1M. P- Hays,
gislIdess and bilious ness�-retentionof,food from ,aast tweek's Mitchell Rec-o rder, tax ,of hay. One 6 rils ',had .1 i lhff YI-11-1- T_ P R 0 G R E 1 S'S ][16 R A N D - �
. -
. IL . was diairman lan X. 6� I
_ . ____ __�_, ___ _. I - wasfes in the bowels pollutes, ITMAWS Mutl ,.tr,e idaughters kof Mr. Walter Tliom- 'been 1p urcibased, lb 'win. H 1i and be vice chairman. Among tthe' tspeak- . -
, poisons. You =ke the circulatory sYs- � y 0
AcKillop Diredory for 1906 tem-bbe blood -a � scavenger instead I son, of Mitchell, a!nd are -11111 k.now�a intended -inioving it tio! i 4 f arm. . . .: . -
of a fountain of purest life and ull- tio ma:ny -of our t,ownspelople: " It Tbere was an, inswrano.,c i $500 i ers (of- ithe evening were Messrg. 1e__11e -
- The ills 3t con- has t x1n William Malcio,lm, Tilomas Kidd, . I
� tainted vitality. . ,not been the privilege6f -the Re- each bara, narrIed by t , Howick
. WORN M. GOVENLOCK, . Reeve, stipation a r e .... t triflinz but e Wm. Ca bell land Peter Aamaxy.. .
neit,fly al,ways r e -_ Hewitt ih d $200 son M9 .
- fraught c6rder dn its well-aipJi thirty years. ,Mu,ttIal, an:d Xr' U .
Winthrop P. 0. .. 4 - � �
4 significance. ,of experience ita report So delight-. X . I I
, X. ROWLAND. Councillor, Walton a I relief in I Cal- t -be oontents. A ihay pres. was go t . SeaAorth, July 15, 1870. I - - I I . -
Seek your_ Accept the f ud 1a: ctombinatidn of gift and out (before bhe fire, reache it. The ,our salt Id-eposits are not 'to re- - - -
. P. 0. � N a ture i , aid of Lsx-ets i t Lire, ias lw�ai enjioyeo at t,he �re:oftl in . de of b olute 11 -wool fabri th
um- gentle.natura cause, (of tbhe burn-avt is mysteri. that it is,carefully ma s s a es, or. �
R. XoQTTAID, Councillor, St. Col I $ I ' main long iandeveloped. In addi- � .7 . - -
be sur6 not to .. f or c e 9. n d Xnox iahurcb, win Thursday ev i I
ban, P. 0. � � crowd the d6li� of e�niag The -fire istarted in the, at ble ,from, V1 s by hand, -nd that �
� e a t e oTgaUS Uon it'd ithe -well of Drs. Coleman tand oughly shrank, tailored in the ital part a
4 of ,last iweek. Mjie Misses- Mabal and ,.v,hic,h ,lVir. Hewitt had tak n, a hx)rse Gou
ROHN X-ol)OWELI7, 0ouncillors Sea- the s o o .1 void all the dan- Violette T&o,mson, with, -their rare uinl,wk, ta rmmpany ,has been
, . . ger f o rf 1 a -ad un,known med- . to ,drivie bo: church a short 'time 1pre- when pleased with the appoiraxl0e, you are sure, that it will - -
. forth P. 0. . flormed in �bhe village under the - - -
R. BYERMAN, Gouncillor. Broill�a ',Icipes 0 r safet 4 your health are gift of -voice, and equally rare'degree vilausly. As be 'd*es not ,m- ret e aud gi e the liriait of satisfaction. _�
- 1. .9- arways se re . take lgm-ets. The ot ivacal culture, ihave not before 'not 111�0'1�e t L'e title of Itibe Merchants' Salt OL ain that appearane IV .
! en I 1 - spark ittlioory idioes not h1ol4 good. It . -
. V. 0. - formula I e er ox -show it to Your f9,m pany, iclomprising some, of oar 'best .
MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Wint - ilyphisidian. Lax-ets-are PU t up in a flat metal appeared lbogeabher itio, delight a Mib- will be iquite a I �ldijoig ma- business men. . -
. rm-one tablet talten be� - a par with "' ' b � - .-
I _t � andy tablet fo terial tand Ilabor Zr�e % ijigh. Fresl_
I rop P. 0. .. -,case In h ettring always brings relief. ahelf taudience. . Quite ion The ScaADrtb and Ainleyville base- � -In
flore meals or -on r them twas Xr. Albert De Jardine, . I
WiUt - 'pleasing to take -,the most Potent Yet gentle of de:nct Miller and Vim Pre deat� Bry- I 9%IM =� 10
(DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, ball teams (had a match ot Maley- i
11 01D
I Top P. 0. I all remedies -a ,genuine help of Nature's -B, I with Ibis -mionderfua-'gift -of muislo, ans Nvere iout tibe following Tuesday, ville on Friday last ,which resalted Lead i n,g Pri S $L50,1 $1 y $12.
IRDLOMON S.'; SHANNON J. P., San- bowel lixI,tfve which cures cousUPStiolL Be0- and ihis no less wobderf ml mastery making tbbe oustomary en lairy, ad - - . viobory Ifor tihe Seaforth-, boys, ' I
- � I commended and for sale by I I in iexeouti;on upioln bhe piano. What a in a I
� itar Inspe4or, Winthrop P. 0. . they will (revoh at the ,Aext mee't- .I � � 1� -11. 1, N -
1z - -of nattir b 44 (runs fA0 33. 1 ,�M I . �
�___ .... . .. . ...... . ............ . ..... . .. . ......... i ;
y . CHAS. ABERHART. ng oombination al ing , of itihe 0DInpany on May 126th, y . - I -
--- — mbe a2th, .of 4uly ,was celebrated '-------- I
I . __ gift a:nd artistic finish amild One Idell ' I -
. when ithe tolaims will ac doubt be -n Seaflortih. Some ithirteen ,lodges . I
I . 1. �
t- bissolution of Partnership. sire itthan it'his? Certainly vorle such id. .
. ! r'. "I. — � -TO ipal . . were -frepresented -and I ally a tib4ous- I. _- .. 1� F" - �__
I . was ;ever en�oyed in Mitahell. . 0 1�,4?� - 1=__
! .. .A-
. ayS and ipoople Igathered in two. k11`1> I I
. ! �=_ , .4
, - " � , �: :Z .
Public Notice Wher eby given that the partnership enter into detail, we will -.001C. 'It is (,�%�`i I
. * � ; 1 . 1
$1.00 heretofore subsisting, between Ila, the undersigned qttite possible ko. appreciate and len- In The 01den D . _4F_ . A .1 . ;�, �__ i 1i :S, J_,
.. I
ROU14D TRIP asilorse Dcalers, has this day been dissolved by I - - - � . 11 , I -
� �oy iwitiboalt itech-hical tvioderstanding. � I I
mutual consent.. 1: r . I
-,, .
� I JOHN �Nle',Nf.&WIN Interesting sketches of the early Not in the Same Classe 11--a ;1-71 . 11 I - '
GODERICH T � I JOHN F.1101ANN We admire 6he stxn as'the 'perfection days of Seaforth a id vicinity, . - ,�,l,_ / I 1.�, � 'Irm !a -
- - I.- l
I - are manifest. --- , I k 1. I I ,.- I
I . his beat is lif e, and ,his didhtl is, ;a . ; 7,.-.!s - W % I �_
'bhis . ARNING TO LADIES WHO ' 1-l" " -1
. ,r,.
! low - IZJ
' - - ' ' - of Inat We livo-w bhat positor. - * , , - .1 _ I .
' Witness R. S. ,11 AYS. taken from the files of The R x -
I Nted at,qeaforth, , I W ' v v H'A,
. I 24th day of April, - 2003-3 1 jioy itto ius, ydt' we ut,nderstand hdt Us . USE PAOIKAGE DYES . I ;� . �
- - affinities. We lbehold tbe - . - ,- " r-, , i - - ) - '
. t �el"tric -1h, iMay 13, 1810. * - - , � .�:.,
,DETROI - -seaftott ., ". (r--;,� Z -
. I 0 � .I- glare dn 6he are light -, wea.ppreciate V ., , N 71. _; - I - I I � -
i - , I � .
' - - Mr, Mhos. Donovan, orking in The WELLS & �RICUATWSO_N- CO,, .""'....�:>"'I I -1 - M` A N
TUESDAY, JUNE 19 1 its beatity and deligiht in. its ,per- Zapfe ,,& Carter's floubdr , oame Pear 1,1xiTm), of Xontr%al, manufacturers * ' 1".. I
I I fec,thon, Vet Rve vndersta;nd-laot its
. StIr (IREYHOUND - MAX � I Fjource, -or rbbe details of Us appear-: I thaving4his ihead blown io f last week, of the world-fanied DIAMOND ! A
.�� . . by tbhd L -explosion -of m Iten metal, would specially warn All users of I . . 1
2 Days In Petrali TXA,og t4ARK AF-als-rZAC0. 11herefiore, lett' as jaxpress ouir OND DYE$ as well as ret,%U h& Jh I � - �
. and , Jing. while being 'pou;red i to a- damp DIAM , , F, i I . 11flis I
_ p" . � :
I I tiniX, X-1 fl�_ ,Mk _V Mo .
pm quicki cures hd* PAts, Eczema, . appreciation witdUdt -, attemV . I at they have not the ., '11, 1A f!" � I
I � , ftent ly . mould. He was dmjar6d about tdie merchants, th .., ".... ..V �t . � IITL I
I ohnical 1display.. There is nlott-hing ,_ I ING$ &1"Wk
� I
, _. - . -iNviorldton ,gotod ar ,too bperfeot . . � I . , �� � , N
othet skin troubla. te ( URNISH
ton, , face, ione eye, partioulAely, being I slightest connection with any firin Or , .., I
n Ave., N. Hantil , . WAX X"
Uo Coffien, 475 F r9uso in Ithe . . . -nation of people who are now �. . . :T1,V .
- a I iseri,ou-sly burned. combi . - � . �
- Agent had i6eisi since Chil&00d- He COnsUltcd f -Or Im tv enj9y,l_ The very 'best 'was . - ; � 4.
- . - I
Write E. 11. Ayer, I Detroit) George Smith, V MoK caught putti,n g il p wef0c and adulterated paek �, . ;
. I tended Wor jon'r greatest ,happiaess. 'o I . - . - . .
fol -1ay'w"ks and weeks in ho�;Pitalb- in * I tra age dyes for home use. Yurnisb* . -
T articulare. - . - Gpecialifts .r getting better. . a large wild icat in it. . ip, a few in Spiing Gents',
. i a0d despitired of eve Mhat Kva.q tli,e na:t-aTe of o0or lwpprecla�- 'The mannfacturers of DIAMOXD mg, he is: sure to find here, I
,,r thw,-1g,11t jW-ra woteld be uke other *,emedl��' I tion oin fMCITS(lay evejain 11 days ago. It was wi-s I&T ,a mid- .
, Ile w,�,,es, -bul, to my mig-la, a Aw I g last, as We . dle isized %dog. . DYK.9i for their own interests, and There's *no'hft or miss abolft it. I We spread before aur -01- �
Farmers' Attention 1 had hia," . . Yfai,vvalmli,f. 11st'ened Itio Chat most . delightful t 0 . ___ . for the welfare and protection of tons . .
- iwurs dfeer Me fint a0licawn aoii�binativn 'of gift znd cultux46 at .1 atrons,a contfiluous stroam of feresh ideas that are �
It has worked WOneLersforme.11 ' Seahorth,- iMay 20i 1870. of thou§rtnds of Canadian women, find P "I . I
- � . . Don,t put it of -got a box of Ora Ointment the ireoital On. Knox ch,wroll." Rev. Mr. lGraffiam, 4hus rexwved to itnecessaxyto denounce the. reports . . . - .
I will pal- the higehest, mo.rket price for good fresh te refievttd- Ptice 50c.-6 for $2.50. 1 0 . -_1 .
� ens!otore, Senforth, (live I al once and to Hgnvondville. circulated by roanufacturers of certain '**I I
'099-9 dellvZ-red at Mr. My 3 --or from The Cllemiits' Co. of A Guarented Cure for PRes. Is carriag that their proftets aye put Right. in Style., - QU d P "
me a eall and oblige. Your patronage w1lelted. , A, d . I McInt,Dsh & 'Morii�ao e crtide dyes , anny, an rice-,
C rulgift . J i
ana Umited -Toronto. -t I
I 1-100&-bf, , JOTTN MuNA'S, Seaforth. da... , Hwaton . I Itething, fBlind, 93leeding, Pratruding SINDP ,had la narrow e,"ape f rom. de. u J aceording to ,he formulae of the .
. - . . I .1 Piles. Dipuggists are allibbariZed f o struntilon, by fire.. Tuiesday' nigbt.- DIAMOND DYES. 1. I I
. . - I refund toaio,.ney if PAZO OINTMENT 'Some 1passers-by btdticetl'a fire an- The adalterated dyes manufactured Our Shirts, Hats, Collars-. Cuffs, Ties, etc are -4 re
- . - iff - nt- �
GIEIT YOUR fails itb'lcure 6n ,6,tio 14 days.. 50o. der Ithe blaeksmithin ipait, which i bV Speculators (jealolis U the success " ,' ' . *J I e _� � "
I . -------------* . . k , Of DIAMOND byES), &re not in'the from others and diftront M' e., becaus , 'we never ask
� I . i I was extinguished behore any -damage same claqs with the populate � I pric _. . a I I _.
WWI '.111. Usborne. was (clone. \ I MOND DYES. � I DTA- fancy figures. I - . -...-
i--- . I I
Rup-A-7 Painted Thames Pioad Ndtes.-The Misses , On Tuesday ta,yioulng so;n of Mr. I . I -
n I .:e- r"r, -4",g->7:,p: - I I - . Dolton, 'McKillop, M*ile testing his To in'Sure complete succe.13s in home T, I - .
it, F�__ �. . . I Nellie and Xary �Ellcringbm, of Tro- ir - dyeilig work,buy only the DIAMOND �
I days at f abber's laxe, cat off t' e thl d fin - yords, DTA- I -Butber and Eggs taken as Ca "
Hkving litased I ho paint ahop of W. J. I unbo, are spending a few I ij)(Rg, and see that thet 0 . � S12.
Miller, in Haaaal), and hukviag had % fine V I . 6,0 thome, priox ito their leaving tor ger -of 6he right � ihan(ir"03f "his aitble, MOND PACKAGE DYES, appear o* - �11, I
� h I
I - experience in mrri%ae prdntitig &nd lurirn- jv� l. ILLON I .Winnipeg. -Mr. E. 8ttane, jr., wibp brob, or. . - i I - --every envelope. , I I A& 4�4� .
� I , .. �,,,4 - . T
I 0 Z_ - W�l M . I
'ming, I am preptred to dor - Cho fineab and , FENCIE, iha,q been on the sick list, is Te- 2 1 Is & Rich4rdson Co., urnited, �
l I N1 STAY cloveriDg.-Mr. and Mrs. J. Tremeer, i Seafjortih, �M4y 121, 1870. I I S T E VNAK �'ROS, �
best of work at reasortable prices, ,01,j,r4, - Th6 Dilldn HINGE -STAY Ygnea Is , I blontreaAl , F. Q, will send frw to. any I � . .
tne a bililt 611 010 c('a=('n'661136 Plan' RU12 No. 9 atmd I of Twokersmith, and Mr. T. Rybas, Last 'week f3amijol Zandsborowyoh�, ' . j
Satisfaction. gu%rantood. ' Give wiretasm0nillambron oftwentrthrmhundmd i t address their New Direetion BO614 .
undo 19130N, collwil vd.rc.- IOUs- I of -Manitoba,'twere tiie gmi6gts of their of fflookersm1bh, ouit &is �iibamb near� ,
: trial. -all 1UG11-0 I , Samples of Dyed Cloth, and Verse
WMb.AtAJQ.7U0 froo.-Ilro &out$ wmtad� - y loff whHe ,making 4 Nvedge. 61 I .
0. S. HUDSON Hensall. - -_ -"V M amb, -anole, tand b.niat; Mr. and Mrs. A I Story, entitled " The Longjoh-no'Trip SEA-LFORTH, � -
� I P wia& F pybus, -,tof Ws place, recent-ly.-Mr. I (owing ito thbe .,Tesig0atioin of Mr Mondr-ke.1) I
I . , 11 I . �-j . to the , � -
1 2003A 1-T,ibLQrq&�A F414pr APPDX-r"OVA .
.- - OA&P�, P -T-0 - AA LOAAAA-% 0-AP40i )UIIAAO� .
. I I �
I . � i � I - . . -1
I � I �
. I .. I - .
. -
I . - � - I I �
. .
. . -
- I .
. I -
. . I
I - . � - � I I � - . . I . I . I ..� - I - . � �
- __ 1� I � I I � .. . I . .. .- . . . - I . .-
. � .- I I - I .. � I � I � . I
I. - I � - - . . -
I I � � . . . I - I
I - � .
. . I __ . . -1 I . - I . . � - 11 I - .. I . �. � . � - - :
I . - � .. I . . I I % � I I . .� I . � . - �. .... I . � � .1 � � , - I I � , _- I - -_ - - __ - - -_ _. I I I - - �
I � . __ I I . I � I .. I .. �� - I ��. .,-. �., I � �. . I - . . �. I- - ... - . - � 11___�____1_ -_1_--1___-___- __ _ . � __ I I _. I— -1 __ - � __ �._ -_ �-, - - I -_ -_ ---------
I I I � . . - � I . � - I I I � ,--.-.- ___
; I I � � � I . I I � � -1 � . . � I . . , . - . . 1, I - I : � - .- - I . � I . � - � - � - - I � - : - -_ I - - - - � - - .
. - - . I- , . - _, - _11- - ___._ - �_ - I .1 - - I - � .
- � . I - . - - � ., - . � ., � I . � . - I I - � I - - - -- - - -- I ,------ -_ ;-,-. — - - -_ _ _ I --- �_____'_%���---- ------ . - . - ., i - . . - . I . .
_ I I __ - I 11 - � -1 I'll -1 . _11-111 __________ _ __ - I . � � . . V . . . � . . . � . . .
, - I - �
. �
I - � �
- I I .
I " . � . - - v � . .
. - . I I I
� � ___ - I - � . - I - -��,__.___,.----.-�-�---,--�-�-.�--.---�----
� - I - 11 - - . I . . -_ - � I - - �� - ... 11 - ,- .- 1- - I I - - � - '. . _ - -_ _ ___ Qf --------.--
- - ------ I . . - I - . - � I � - - . . I - - � I I I . - - -1 1 - - I . - I- 1. � I- .1 I - . 1_____1 - 1_. . ___1_1 _-11-1 - �_K I—- ___ _ - . �_ 1. __ � � . MQ&a,
. __ i4�� , _________ ___
* ,
� . a