HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-05-11, Page 8tI7\ MAY I , 906 Hu T" RON FIXX_ NAME, 109 a evere wlojuod, hda ifl,tif f Ult we lis 110 heed Con b t an fb4relf dAd il e4t 1bd We 601i ilk ltiofwn iffat day haing hando Pa* t 8 iuo 4ower ond eason as release �WID Of �e to(ondt,rutod qojad iadt �tb TLhirsIc and Wohn Betchkerr hand. �Oar store is headquitir- *e 'dirooted Is at itof 11kei 0awer. The fluid rAAj,,)7 BA1110Y, TAINIX4, Bla;k4es well known, and respedtied DISTRICT, 'hie or- ters for good paint for all purpoe MATTNRS, ithdt Ithte Plakiftiff be [paid V coMPTOYS.MULY� buisiness imen twere: in tIoWn 00- goift- both indde and. 4�u egg and "I taide uae. ower if 16he: idcfeojida.900t� TJTLj,,1jt DENT, LONOVELLOW, day on (bosin ?leasure ,the %wgre B e- The following were a b c-ep; LL e d' Ith:1 (terms of -Mr, a_-9ms jUitisbell, olf 'the %Gode- r quy kind of a Store that depends -on transient or colme and evr) onirnunw vitolAY10 and Fo We are Agt nt' for mont - -made be;twe6a 00 plaintiff DAKOTA rich 9 D it own oil ticketed, Ithis we-* by W.'somerville, SALZEWS V01011 1was i � Moin-day. tiade, tob make much of I a success, This kind of trade is all & I (and, lhr js(pA hen ithe idefondadt -is )ly idtarested in. Grand, Truink Rall'%VaY town age d1irinig ater -and Mr. 1�tvtcell 64 ideel -age is the foundation of a s- h- Wfiliams 01 ad -family, of 1�a 1pay (her $75 -a. year jo�e Children's ikid,Assoiallon and- right. We watt it, but steady pafron These'are all leafing sllo oorns, -.-erwin, i -!her 10fird, 'of child teolama! (lea ifek, OTWIse of oxcellant qualkY, titan and olid business. It is the year-yoaud trade that we have P 11, ftio New btkeard, 'New oj�- I* Its Ito be 'Net he iwark of a , e fr =1 1, -joif land low 10f. Iteo TOdt' as (h -pe trying o, arr ng work' have. igra. aorace , Cor h, ing fr and X1 p9cint astmater off tbor ther. efendan't Itio, pay 10le Za!tjon. Of ta loical brnch Chigelyaraft, ll;19 Reglift W. E. *030`8121,11i the ioirgarki the largest "Is be - I nd!Wrs. Icamipbe-11, af -Braindion, obo CIOL4ts of italo aotholl. 'Air. -Alollmegtied in us Winiter, 0oa. the line that bas 1�tif f and Mr. There i t whou; Mr. Oarry A. BrIgLit; Ire- a6e4i- tar Itbe Pla SEAVPRTH. of Mr, Rolbzit Winitr :has gone to is - rue 143ra ifvr 1the idfenda!vt. 43 a Ito winnipe, 'Xioudhoidt 'Saskaftobew asting SATISFAC- I ceatly tof tlUoindionv tho (Pr(L),vince lot Fin ithe mar uvar�ag Fco,qqmy end i. jig Xd Ue 1preseat 'has (1,oloa$0-d ch the 'In Fav 101ok after 11 f t74'01du ,deal O;t daw is Inividiveid. in Uke III 91.is see W P ti TION Ing ca;ge Aefendmk Imay a9peal f robn Itille 11 , Regina and or of our Mille tj�,or, cards and talk with us 7T&O efek,:In 49mondvill.-A great 1,Wdgmn!k. dtan:di ICIOID111 h at that Ithe tae�bessarY Settlement duties Strong Points miany iot Ithe golod pikoole of mond- c_hjWk0h VWag 184ijitiafadtory.; (Ed Awl the tbJ6, 1pleseVt 1 Itime Ito waTratn In, in- ax.e lbeinig 00" wondville land For every difference in featuTe tht distinguisbea no Seafbith ville, thave. (been, suffering from. ail- t 9 -I&f - Warit" kinds laitely )19,yed off ory ordalse. Xr. 0enderoon dias kee wl- imer - is lacin1g la large hw f1braace 'Mrs. Norlth Ward )teamp I . Sta Was in, Sit. ITho(mas r woman from another, we have or can prcduce a correspond-inglyt men s RitIng ilia this Oaties Alum hu.roh. 3910herto the �titje land Mrs. Thos. Gem- Friday atight 11asit, in I ated with 1twa, different design for the hat she shouid wear. We have- erideav- (General Hardware up fox t" -weeks kited pasbor, ihavinig wowkei On -cltiuroh Uas (been )hO mill (wore gaid, BrjoitheTal Itmophy series, -K1gMapd-- appVir tjj�e pa 1thee years furnaces bitit -hereafter ' 'it if' in- ored to have oar bats represent in.,evdry detait-the very Iftower Rsad� with' nou-monia; ia Marijais, ille ,winning 1by It1hree gloial Itb clue.' masi"gly tar Wire Naihw, Buildirk Paper, teams ithbut 0avillig la, sirkgle� Suindw, r -off - %ended It.h-at tome darge one lvall dto tion, at prices- that harmon- and moltuor of lmrE aw, has Tbe w j �d -N and perfection of milliniry construe Cleve- i. ((Rev.) Sh asit ka %&rth Ward- w I w v lticeatble ftalfiuire lof the fto urch. thre warminJgv­7:Yr- , Th-tos. been 'a se ere - mAf eror f row a bad Tviesdaty Vili ize with the exactions of mode,A purees. Rehult is a constant entr MIY ' bY who jhas lbeeo -a -resi sciatica ad were Ito (hav played jAufavtorable. is itlialt It is dent' -.of Seafiartb -att k -Mr�- E. biult Ibbo jW, removed this week flow of business almost greater t1an we can handliD. And -this a'd AN ihas,jaldor been aoinfirked Ito - elalther iwas Dntrihikitlions, inio, xevenue. for several years, Our prioes are right. Give U0.8 Call- midt isehdluded 10ame, is - this, f riomi thpa pews it iallo with'ihs, amily Vo, POterb10rD.-Mr. partly because every hat in the workroom is constructed to give tjj jbeinig , iderivied trsidence. We are pleased IV Frida. IdipUtj lbet-,yeen he 4991 Ig e n4pedtior -Mo i . jbvery-lRittinjg*; in itlie lohluiro-h is Ble, 0(f Exet r, am i iain, 'hktimveyery ithak all tar ithese are as perfect atief action to the wearer. 0azany sx=yi WtarA an& Mg-jUandville. d Althoogh'ispecial this xUaltrict, ivas� 40 t'owa ithis week. eeoavering, Wad it is hoped Itht they mpings vli�' pbswu -ttely if ree, ab as, Wh _4The iMlo,winig 0 - fatmilies 4ad It ,seems that siome India RTH will� faj-1,11ye, loanvaleacent in 4 short ged 4a (tb-p ditrict. COT Jare ed, t will I SEAM been tarx, e have "a camp in ithe t1onshi of Ilay, tim�., Mr. jTlvojma� (Ward is still t1hD �,njtermediate and jwn!ko,T-' series thVY a:nd, sell- Hardwa. Sto-re x - sorry -',to 10f ibhe P. -L. A.,: Tatermdiae iseries 0'8re 6b1ar]9e 101adO." have, lbeeir foapt'Wbxg dt ter re, Tery s and Coal pawly, and we arer h law ridtle It'ha lhis- ciandftlork -is 00(t Im- Loadoin, shtam- ing Ithidri pellts, bintrary to t e -and proided :Wash hAlf mad Dainty- Stuifs New Prints. priaving, jais 1rapidly as his friends, .3nooks �f Bradtfiordo" Beavers of ISea- PbAtuary.-We re j*9jn, joalled e in 1thit (Oe Ian a and Mr. lffieX is taki mieaOutres tof .'DOM1 N BANK- Aorti, IMichellf fW00d6t00k, 0='Onll ti -o ireoord lt�he _40aise (Of lant N10 -hMe aw in, it -his -respect olbserv- -0 of,(Goiteriah. 0oinive(ner-H- IM. Jack-; ol rL in havle Mair, alio, ALLURING FABRIOS New Gi 04�� MS ed in. futare.-Mr. J91M OFFIGH,. TORGNTO: t meeting the HEAD Town avattistics.-Fro thet as Id Seafiorl0h. Disitric of M�rs.,.Ge(orige 8 IlerY, 0(f mit- dast., New Lawnsi iled by Asses- o:t St. Marys. Jiwnlor Beries- ay 'ALLURING PRICES asmedt mall, ias"aamp Nyhich Valok olu�e' 014 3Wad visitinig ifriends.-The 'fall 'Wheat in ithe :Odl- H of St. Mvarm Reav- Capitat, FuttyPdtd Up $3.000,000-00 se toiiid this rvicilkity is Diat laaking- tnesarl* Or) sor DaIlWtyn, iwe lgathter Mrs. ISillery 1had, -Teichecl 'tTh'B fteserve Fund and un. jolwink figiuxe,s: Adtwal tvalue of eal L 19a. coiu-� aVe, jo,f IneaTly S2 years. She had- ra al jo,f Setatoritih, Clidt !a�jj it was I& -13�0n[th ItAp pretty materials that are abreast withl New Delaia: 'a' tes etc. divided Profits 'S %T49,000 'pjjqp0ty, exciasive of' buldiftigs. (W. u. biompon,j "n ill abioiu% Itwo weeks 1witih, Y M-, it ba4k. eir cold, (bleak 1winds Uvinli� islat nature in presenting 'tb �prin.g jagg; $636.- Meet at iMitolfell. MMIa. Her itiobainti pre-dedeased Depo by Public S,34,100,0,00 J $99,910; lval'M 10'f It is taid l-sli lt4;wt a-Vokod, eal ,of shades and the prices, as low as they $its able teat -The Mmyonitio Glabeof WednesdaY Great variety ehown at this 525 Noltial a awat o itax her in 1883, Thie 4.e�eated was a 'jaa- jobokver has. been --heaed.-Y-Ti. S 44,400,000 ToW Assits pwopay, 0581,775-, libualness� tassess- �says: Mhe Isedior 0� L. A. em'mi't' tiVe ,0if Armaki4b, Ireland. 'Her, popular prices Goa. 19. Che,86ey bag leased the old are,-bave not limited the st le effects micinit, k$14,720; itiaxable. inciame, $21.,- �ee of ima,-a lY dc imlLiden paime-twas Rlizqubeth Dynes. agricultural �;ro(un-110 10ir 'tile; season —all kinds, linens, lawns,' organdiee, 670 $671,253. he ot 1(1h 00itInItrY hni,quite 70, 10o, 123'Fe, .150, 1-80) 200, SEAFORTH BRANC)HP wbal assessm-enj, oided dt Itthe imeetinIg held in 'Hamil- , f, !retire for tria-sturel-The sewer on the eaat muslins, etc., in white -and colors. - 3g of P6 drn heltween Itihe f9e -boin, on Monday niglft. -to .d. is 4ttled -for the trawacti, s,;cff 5 oddi 21, .0):g a �xn Every, fadlity, ai otf Main istret has been d' i F3, tiiom yusiness. Aa Xatermediate ser- Xhe deceaised twas T 558; Wtween Itihe vges of 5 aija n orjon oiod jdb has been. ()o1jeations made on al) Points in Canida' 351; Itiolbal !piqpulathourY, 2,206; -births, lea aormprised of iod Itilitere 04d. i9olm, &,Ptervards plieted iand a 9 renersil bankin:g buslus -,will be lgabrnktted marr miare flooded cellars 5. 'The 1Wwn chip I tfrd, St. Cartar- o Plibbert, Surely RW 36 Idetabihs, 16;,cloigs, 12 pews, Bra;nl me i0ot ithe tjoivivhip i and a,broad. tain Istreet.-Wissho0aY iserm a ines, iff Man, Toriciato Jaince 02 d bo reside] tuntil on Advisnow made to Faviners. Speolal at- Pr am wlere tw-he loadtinime ched, in St. Thfornas jehurah were iprea Notes. Tova lbuilding, weigili scales iand and r_iiffier I.Dondas br. Seaftorth. 1900, 1w,hen Wbe lo�kane %D Ili Se Of Sale I" ,entlon paid to the collridtiOn, o, Ruin4ay last, by Rev. (W- T, maltr orks, *13,- in grio, $15,,000 sj�e was .,akini Val :0- Dre88 06 wmils ieoTU. pecial nes $2,300 iw a MqM a d d -e- A,, Of L)Djidpoi. spoke; in th, fbag nd 7hose reels, OOQ 0ALVES voit sATr,_--(1corqe Chapman, Ativood, ',g�oiora hiirjoimaja laod: a _rks and mloraing oija 'Canadian AVINGS ANK lovel r ip seatorth, on Saturdan Mav y eal �Vnblo hoork iand Q�ddle will be at Diuk's Hotel, servedly The d' (b, n!g olm foreign anissiOns. d upwaros rdoeived. in, the oventit a xeter;_ at the er and- Wspecial IbY tbe mbers Deposits of $1.00 a fait Ike' gta-titdn� $200 12th, at 11 o'clock and at t i; ftl �vioice ad a I Iffill has it pbr addeti June 31th -and 01, 1$9,600,'; 0611eigiatte In- hotel, on Tuesdv*', M N 15th at 12 o'clock,. Air lbad Wereet paid or b pulblic, Ischol ', at eacb place her if amily tio - whp)u ked his ibearers It'o, e load of go(KI, well bred. calves earneitly reque and Silkso Dewmber sift. - Withdrawals- may ibriary, 4,2,- 2004X1 wsoial (foux dtitwte, $12,000; tpu�lie .1 greatly pendearera Wnd of reipVrkd1fiberAl1Y (DOT Owt 'cawe 'on made at arty time. 500; lt(dtial, $51,500., �Td�ere is iain, in- A Wow Williams Se�ving,laohinefor 8028M, cash 4 atill a,mrvjve. 1: Thtse- 4re 'Mrs. R. ffunay in�ext. Rev. (Mr. J3erry preieh- b, 8, E. GIBSON, inent ithis year it. I. Peck & Oo.'s music store, Seaforth. 12004-,2 W e(b -, Jim. W. Morrison, dmC crease in JUhe m e with Miss Sutherland ed., on. ithe is 00jeat in Bayfield tions. aa!t of 1905 all $10,9 7 ; abdi a ad ffilk Embroidered' Sprig A few Bilk Attrae olvier 11h Over ioo appointments Ribbeit; Mr. �W- j. aillery, o f Rib- ndiay.--m-Mr. Lao lHurley, Nvbo 8. HAYS, Solloltol opluilattiOn. for week atFeaes DrQr Store. Comewiththe last Ow -ecrejase lof if ive tin, ;bhe berlt, a d tic' 2004.1 n IKV. T. G. ISillery R m (bhe ivery tboty for Dbe W R. crowd. d. remin's iw� re has IbmA lile C.m. jifameistea Tho ]ijonis L for sulne Wool - Taffiets. Black peau de, soie, xtra special 71 W Dr.. Ovens, ear sdr�eon ivill be, at the Smith grolce'rY Pat M ye an.1 and .a Ion -On Friday evVrkb*, inercial hotel, Senforth, on WednesdaY, May SO. terred in, itdie 13taffa oemet(ry. oi time, aeft am Monday fjori Brantford, Ja es A ffYay ;Laitei Hours I to a p. n). Catiarabt * squint, failing eye- Tmesday. A very handsome semi -ah t Immediate P st . aster Dr. asacepi�d,a goiod. posi etr qual- Stripe Tamalines, tty shadq, 506 la!g -deafness, rh'breated and glassea iyhee, ihe Ilk pre sigbtj nasal catar tDon.-Mr.- Thios. Stielyh1arks, sr. and sliccessor to W. N. Watson C�d aiAii..,Disltrict Pepiiu(ty properl, fitted. -juron.-This Pri ity, drapes softl and elegantly, made Check Tamalines, forhirt waist nd M ,aisite.r MRTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. Gra OdId aeld, meberB n6meber the ton cent edition of sheet P�esbytery of 11 Principal Roerao -of tile 0611e�late, suits of 93ritannia (Dodge and two, kA 'Ouir music at n. H. peck & co.,s music store. 2004-2 byit�ry imet in Clintioin on tilife 8t%, of Creek on from p�kre silk and wool yarns. book a strioll IV Sik"r and Accident Ineur- ished, twnd e'thUSiLaStic ThesevenSutherlaud Sisters havi3"the best hair May. Mr. Flelteber iwlas a 0-Inited 75c; Black and white efrZats for Shirt General Fire'L Life m0dt laccooml?l Sallu,rday jafterniolon. last and retur- value in black agent, R ail Estate and Loan a, Seafortb. ho i I I once e memabers on�ic oraft, went- tonio on eartuh. At Year's drug stor %od. r he i6ns�u, 9 s1X 'td iwith a -jaumer lolf Tin, broolk waist uits 2004-1 Itev. 4obert kLaird, K Agent. Vatret De- wr�d moinitibis. slome, 'af which ine-as While earth remaineth seed time is promised whe va�qdiowment so me of Dealer in first-olase faMLi'ly &Mtj M&nUf&C PWty jGraAd Wastr, w6a, was sup- Chat iseason is now wibh us, our supl)ly d agent loo tvoel-Oe -iniches 11J009 They W6iC -beau- turing Sewing Waabines bud creaca lbo (be"bxaking hs...,official -visit s the kind we'ie not afraid to 'recom' Qaeen's univ6rakty, 1was pie rit and, ties. -The � family -of the late Mrs. : I P00SFA I seeds i -, Seaforth. 2004-2 i ding Separators, viz. ho t tro-,' inend. Beattie Bros in-vited io sit' as a ciorres on Sillery -desire itio, exteild bo he to,'Caein�rall tLodge. DWt, dn ng - On ba'Ing !oalled itrp n Mr. New U%yiinoud and White Sewi UE AN WANTED. -Wanted by the McKil- inember. heir -heart U -The ran e here exabrace all the -,.row- ate,ly for Ithe 'Seatorth visitiors they eigaibpTs and friends 9 and� "'A esber C tA,o men, Mathire-t, IN t Until bad imistAe 'miscalculated topand Tuck,orsinith Thr 3h "' Laird �addressed bhe Presby oryil o felt Itihaaks Xml the many kiAdne,sses "andsome tifecs in cdlorings.,% suitable fVr ail Hum' - Uneeds Creavn Separators. line, the other for I n � I 'o`mf_ one for tne en� Ap- e, isnow t -he dalt;kwd were ju9t, lolne-1 odaY. The aturesaid sebern eir wolther diuir" 9 *Ii,tir T plileations'stabing, salary, etc., vIll e received .)the the §]�uwn ith In uses to which ribbons are put, -ithohin needles, ik bind, It -ha fair. The vigit of I 114dersigned up to Mai, 20th. John Roache, Secret- grM(t jwoTk lbh�t Queees diDing. 'New ffibbons- Also sawing n 0 41 attach b1he idence in Seaboalth and partizuJar- nes for all P, Dublin. 200-4-2 a o&y a few stuidents L9 -wsn6s, repairs apd sund Grand LXatex (aft Oejaaall th-ld itaken ary-Tremure A fe-w Vears ag l during 1her lat illness. -Mr. J. to Mrs Craity, twest o;f kinds of a6w.ing tfisohinsio AXTED-A'girl for hous 9tteu,ded ihat Univ M�cNmamara is ispe-nding m, eouOle i6f Yon will always find that t�o 14t* experience in the ibove -Placo t"B 4?rev'cYtVs levenn;g' now- G, E, Parkes, Canadian Bank of Commerce � H0118W Kinggtiuni, �bdt last V b ea.L to ver 200 With over Z years eeks in HamlilitiM, t1he FaBst conceptions-' in Ladits' Neeldwaar U ever, ltbe Renvall brethren ,appre- * Of U Victoria Street, Seaforth. 2004-2 1 W Dainty Nepkiwear. � g his isoa-irk-la business you can reeb assuied of prices .Ciated Che Isiblat'10a and did itlieir The inemory of satisfaaVion brings oustomers baok altitended. -phe floollowing and daimgbter, Mr. hown here -first. t A profusion 4 -tight, square dcalizig and gatsafaction best Ito wa�ke 1the �visit of 101a gilea- for our celebrated 28o'tea. Beattie Bros., Seaforth tbdn was 'adOted respe ti Ur. _ia.nd JMrs. 1,1dhn Me1anes.-Mr. ames guaranteed. Oreations new-thngs is now on sale. fafth , Orlofitable -fA0, fthedn- 1004-2 Liira,s address The Pr bytery McNamara spent IMoinday id Tor,00- ibrethe 'Itih faddres rAow in baVing heard Q, 58 oif 9X. JAM.ES'WATSONY neles 011d'Ipleatisah't Itio'itheir (guests SEED- CORN -All the brands of qualit, to. -Mr. Harry fBright, of the, Diom- a.ffd it lis ineedlss Irv, i3a 4bley stock at Beattie Bros., SeaforLh. 2W4-2 Laird expresi I/Itheir salti faction tth Ibis ...... njaranw Aireat, and dettler In sewing gachlue y tat est and most lRank, ispent Suday z wi Come and see the lady vitb the lotjF veryt onteresting i ad' in A. tif. andBloycles. North M&W111tr8st, SgAfOrllh- �suoceeded admirably. go Vlkalt al- beautiful bair in we �rorld. �p Fears Dru� Store, wft (tife parents, JXr. land Mrs. laddrss - which ihe ; ias, though Dr. (7aope)r, and ',Kx. � Reid t , ek. 004-1 kl e e hras ton his Nvay bo wirillip6g, We'retaidt 1privilegedb Itio (takia 1part "R'eni'ember bhe UeKinly 10 oent edition of sheet livered nd mutiuld aomme d !the ftaing fbeen. tranferrtid io, hat 0 I mnsir. at, 1j., if. Peck & co.,s biusiq, Store, Seafortho adviocaites t Ithe join the. man icelebratii0n,. Itheir trip on � scheme Which 'he i nk.-Dr., or m1natig. yurs Had Semi A W, edding Gift - 2004-2 1 -Dr. branch of 'the ba rid'�y triaigh -waks n4t in vain,aff ftheY' llb5rialky 101f i,dli -people. tteaed ibbe funeral iof a:n imnle, �at. CALVES ---Hugh Richmond, of Ndwry, will be In al er lbo 4 6ujoye Graham's hotel, on Tuesday, May 15th, moiwixt /Vormt on Wdneisd,y.-Mr. THAT WILL. 01VE YEARS AND YEAW- d itheir Wisit very W0h Wad Clinton, at Stewart lresigne4 as 'etiomisst Satisfalot-1101'n. IS THE IDEAL O.NLE. feel Ivery % fluil it'o, the ACUSaill -at Ill) -o'clock und iLt Brucefteld on the following Sat- the lassembly and Dr. XcLe, tivas A. L& jV1010t, wbb opened iffie ,new ioti� The ext A in ihis�place. A 00 mittee V brethren. or Id�dness zbid idon- 'ur(jay, with a lead of good calves for sale ab each -�ppojat-c place, 2004.1 an In the- Pre,5byt rian chrurch, lre, 'in making gelictions from our bupeb diiplay of depeu oiccas- cloln'sisiting lof Mjissrs. Small, xxd-er- one by dressy Jn4. A cold meat fork or a set ralilon, iagN.133�1ietTilTeY hope, Ite opivne at I.wqt tWednesday leYening, was at of knives �Idl A sna) in it Dominion Piano, one graph IPP(Ol ed ito Furnishings. The different sections of this depaTtment roin. was inWtually priofitable, and'. iori to Oyu and, t0i-e iclef k was a sident of Seaflorbh, )being Home . . . . . . at t A music store, aupces. 3�mfrtttbU Cost H. Pee timbe a re Wow it ult or !poons will delight the hearb of 2004-2 reviso Itihe 41tanAnig orders. O.M.Bald I &,C!o.,Seaforbh. in lbhe 1emPkoT qf tbezate David- W. are brim fullof -desirable new things, The IL -t includes win k- -11 the h6usewif a. RRUSE BROS. pky cash for hides and tallow. Richad,so, W. A., an bionor gradui- Jjoihngoin.- tHe lalsio'opend t�he, 'new or - Come and look at fight tow. -.q atte, ot Ule University of T)rk)nto, our display of 1847) Rogers sna 'Waylar Villis flkesignsi'-A, a 0011n- gan iin Ithe MAblodist -ebturch after -OURTAINS ,.mep-t ing 16D be -held ThuTsday jAghit WANTED-Eggra, 14o cash, 10c trade. Full Pod- was, ardered IUD be teeified �ho lbbe its iinstallatiOW: rMs was ihis first OAR -PETS stfirling silver able necessaries.. cil Willis', whiol (has lbeen, lara'pri-ces. G. E. King, 2003-tf ;flQ!me ission () nomit- a CARPET SQUARES DRAPERIES Mr. 1W,.. JR. Assembly's p3poifessionial eraga-gemenit. -lie lia y of the famous teo Mr. R etbard- pur unissiton wtork. climbed'Itio, Itilke, ver� Oro- RUGS We think we: ha�e v lety enough M a740 r ,since :the fNe4v SEEDS. ­Just received a auppl. F lbop IDf 1h ART MUSLINS, a - Y-er iof Seatofth Duthie Turnip Seed direct from Scotland, also other 61011n. grd:utaited lAriom Ule University hen. 'M' M. Knech- IIATTINGS . I to suit almost any reasonable b y Ar, placod 1hs 'Iresign-aitbon. in the .1 1'.11- f6sshDrk thbis It ART UEPPS Lrood Swede Turnip Seed. W. R. Smith, Seaforbh.Ths ciohr-rse er, and We 1106VO Often been told hands tof itthe iacluncil 2003-2 -of Morpato, some, seven or e is f 't6l ileft It,his week -tiar MaDse Jaw, LINOLEUMS ART DEN I AIS Was ineieessittalted by, it,he fact 611at "GIRL W�,NTED.-Imtiie(liatelY,fOrgenei-aI house- years a00'. An adjouitined meelting to .6ask., iw1here she 90'es ItIO Ovisit ler our prices re very reasona.ble. Mr. (Willis lhas a Ufae'tLixing. prY- wdrk. The highest wages for a competent person. the, Presbytery I is ol be hold in. acm, Mr. X. Kne6btl. She -Wag ac- FLOOR OILS TABLE 00VER.8) -at RichardsoYf & McInnis' show store, Sed- tio, blace refore the ir Ap�13 a va the: 0h. i§t., W; 10 30 comparkied -by er daght-er, Mrs. STAIR OILS BED 8PREADS Ap forth. 2003-bt Ch'nto yers jrn4 lip -asking &�tain iaoin- fratne a. Ina. (Rev.) Perry, of Wingbam, and (they pa FOR SALE, in E,-mondville, a comfortable 0— cassboina in oonnedt4i!ork Ibberewith, ' * 1 la;ttenU rbhe imeeting tolf the NVio- aresidence. For parbicuiRm ap IN, to- Mrs. Thomas wil Joh n. Bulger, lof twbich tv" gave a couple Souter, or It. Hioks, Egmondvilr 2 Society— at oidtline Q03-2 -toical lWm. Gi Jesple, men's Uvreign Missilork-ar PA tmer. A on lUheir .—Mr. George weeks ta-go. 11mring lbills service las, Bay driving mare; just the thing for a ft of or. JoNa Gillpspie, xf . 113 way f 4�JjTingL "the [y to P. SOL Winnipeg fler, Selaforth o' short good fainfly driver and a good worker. App m- - - friends Jew d n,, (pass -ed 1hio first year's ewa a lootmoillor wn �M3-8 boiw -Boyd, of Strathord, visited At, Chesne.�, Tuckersmith. Itime, dn, which 1he 1�a oled.111pied Ithe at lth.e. Western. Medic" Ll Col- Marriage Licenses issued. . I . I beg to annouooe to the public ihat I' have pur- in-all-ork in ItiDwn Itihis week. Trouse, Mayjdr�s tobair (he Ivas lved him- eroceri,atidorooke.rybtisiriegiiof the late lege, 'London, Itaking *Onidkia in every a priogre I asive and eniter- ehased the A of your r6liage will is ka hlih�y ioreittable iself Ito (be Mr. Andrew Youttig. It 8 subjee't. Tbia More thau prising I ar, �)VILI mith, a e.rg,n ante be great]y appreciated. 11-1hofte 12'. rgoo-rd land twe hope tour yo�ung organ Recital. -The lotrga'n, hi ghe i it -he ihown, . 2003-2 V. installed '.in First NOW ispa:red I r r Seaforth. hvill loontinufe his �filliaat has iecently been time, energy 00 friend SEEDS. -A large stock of choice mangold seeds, Rresbyterlian: church by it -be firm trains dn Ithe toomill ot eof th.tti,6w,.n's ra:reer lag the 11aia begizil. ssra- also garden seeds of all kinds. W. R. Smith, Sea- )Breckels & Miaittthews, iDf Tioruja- affairs. In Ithis to aGity the Will 'be forth. 2003-2, Crich lBridthes have 1putrobased Ithe Was formally opened by Mr. -A. STRATFORD. ONTARIO. mizaeld, b0t fit s p,leaing itiol.dearn All white canvas slippers for ladies, girls an'd child- layg dtable ioif� Mr. V. Knechtel, in Oar aliases are mi lis, sole S. lNiogt, leadeir of the Meadelssohn. haie won f ich larger t4au they the� twill istill be, tin. ScaEoirth tamil- 'rew-beautiful summer goods and very reasonable 'BarItpa's r-esidence, Ith, nlear Mr. IS. were a year ago. The public hav1a learned ill deviolte. his enfire - energy. ItID-_, Price. -samples in north window. W. 11. Wil C jh,&A lit xemjoved Ito the Rot v-rk Coir, friorioato, ea Wednesday even- bay. Jet] d (CiDn(turiting a ent for Doroth Dodd shoes for ladies and George ing. The kavent which thas been &a- We pede ovince wards de�velopiag ta north that this i3 the beab Place 'in -the �f 2004-1 t.he past Lgide, tolfi 'Main street,j I Wtion, Slater shoes for men, Seaforth. paid iticipated ifor 1s,come ime -was one at or Short- m EGGS FOR SALE. -White Leghorn eggs for hutch- o (M to obtain aommercialifEducaVom an�kifactttring IbLisibess tbbat twill be r. jw�a!tsouls' office. The itthe large tamill- r Public IL hand Traininir. Students are eint iDg f hni�terial odva9fag, (in Itbic Vrlo- 'ing-,81per 16 eggs. Mrs. A. Calder, ne gg ia's it 6 qod,- greot 1aanjoyment to er 2003_x2 $180 for It -he buildir h ece which was represeata-tive of All gcoidna-tes get,'g�od poe!;- grms .-of Itii. IbDwn. Who Mr. �Willis' school, Seatorth. d6pted a d ieart each week, Clinlon ilia% a r rd WE, AVII,L PAY the. highest market price for but- I 1wnt - 4n�t denominaltins in %tibe bown. nd tions. Write now for catalogu?. sticobssor (will The ,we have'tacit the, I t 1by-law, 1whiol �orce all id Potato c 'O -9 vicinity. -Mr. Vx>gt, w�hlo planned ter, lard, tallow ork, Dutch Setts a' althouth there iare' �-u­mtor t(> Vhe rth should I�FLIOTT McLAC,HL effc ltbat Mr. M. J. J. an Ithe Ut of May. SeafP Brioderick, the onionsorankkind of marketable produce7. 1997-tf dio, fthe ame.-M J oUn - aren, -the oTg&n ewcpressed. th-Imself as tn- uo"and, st.'Columban. r. jS t. er-al -an�d 4n, the d4y:,s j9T Pri cipals. tirely satisfied with - it -in every Constance. ienAE�rgeltic irtod ictommissioner is be- Tr Charlie Hinas' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice FL form-er Huxonte, wr f Clothes called for ing,juirged (by ris friends ita istep 'up. work. P, nr 101 '28th t. The indience ffelt itbat in Nels-oA.-, Manitoba, ion. -Mr. Wm Mclbosih has anddelivereJ. chargres reasonable. Laundry two his pinolgramme Mr. Vogt had tested land ldigtributed iciolosiderable. 'this lqmm�y Pie xv& an stive mb# says We iae having s lendid received doors south of neld & Wilson1ii hardware store, Sea wb,oult Alhe largan a%s only iihe jo"ald and ixia-raery dback ilia-rinz ltbta, past two 111fluomtital vat "a ms witwnw features STAPLESBROS 1083-tt weather. All Itbe grain is Isi'ttinig iat ithe ffigb forth. lamOil9 wiliat 1was; kolown as -'t1W be inning showed Itio.1them its every joapabil- weeks. lHe s -alge4t fiar Qhase ABMS.1, i -of pattern, itrial AEPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Eyes tested free sloWn, ktnd Ithe fields are I ity. Of Mr. lViotgt, as -an atist, -it Calloorne.. - Mr. Jae. Prioaor' has Wallace Lambs,"! wittih any b it. b6xaught, Jeweler, Seaforth. 1087-tf t ilctok green."_T ny Irl Ads of. utisfactory" -; BA RBERS apid ttiKyn,3 hv-jbjxoWt jUTY 'theld W-bom 01 bad, Ibmeblesif dealing -4 V"_ man I eark o, is nott necessar fiv - y the higbest,price for produce. e 'Or ms 60 "Peak, the icoufract Ifor Tep,, iring thtei lba),se­ -Gailerical ion, Ithe 7th fo-f MIPLY. -Mr. KRUSE BROS, pa. 14r. ljicxhn 10rogbyPwC Za I .1 pvverbbal. In tweligkca -le was P1. TOBAOCON181 8 12003-21 . tuly fill ifor iseveral weekswere joinly lbo k�ay Ibbat h fgave *jo Itibe '-peo- menit fliolor in 'the cl�lwch- TILMe kli- and Rele -ugtim Vote Vresided. Anvol-nig 'the serilo -a treat -they seldom acttive, lknember lotfi 6he Presbyerlm -oult dri. iriag a ple o jSelloirtblx iterested may depend Upion a igictod the1 cases (tried twas Dru,nean vs. Genitles pleased Itio, t%ee im an ,appoortionity of wi cAvireh. ae Pi9ted well his Vaxt *W- Choice Lirkelof— Au K)ld Priend Heard Ynoirn,-Thg 'hogrh have Rylnlr job lbeing dorke,Arbor day. was feel- Ws, Spring'$ dthurk -of thocal interest few jdays iaVa. Mr. Crodby, al- This was an, -a Daily News of Westminster, Brit- We 1mignht tmention 0at at the ibe- brated 1here llav Wriday a life - and gear* still � ka. sover Isutfferer, is i� npr."- fternoon, 1-09 IR. 10091afn1t by praiatiff- 1widlo(w -of the, late tWm. -tai f F _ 'ginning of we `W tos sh Golmobi-a, of April 28, icon ihi$ onmisioal career Mr. when mtmaide-rable JoleaninJg ,and re- behind him a nawe -ad a lvwr4l- from. CIGARS TOBAPO Grieve, (bo ' reclover dower -orWt iof ing.-Mr. Zohn Iffarmer, one ch will ii4tig 11 M-oKilko(p. Mr. en, pexcellent pioture ot St. Andrew's -ter's teapitalists iwas in, bown on VjoV.t iplayed Kibe organ. at fthe -open- pairlirg waq y1one byatiost of will- wihi� , *ABA as tL tstim--, Lot 28, lcia=46ssitoin 11, h, and- decribed fng of Qie Methodis . t chirish ere ing thands. The trwtees ought 60 to, lhis -jusefolness, ala sincerity �u : P IPES. 1t� his eblaroh iin Ithat aity, WRIL tWO 7 Gri6ve drected lby his will it s ithle firdt Pre8�byteriani thikkirch. Ion Sa'hirday. Mr. Farmet, ame 129 tyers ago. Mr. Bemrose , be la:b&Wt 03 thankful fjor Ithe io algeA wi4ow anA a falaK tvidimlv' 4houdd rac,b.ive Ithe rent of other lExeter �;entlemerk,.Yave a large Tfy us for an EASY SHAVE -and sthe aninilwnd of British -­,Oolitiuia�bia. tract ioif farming land :near Ga�;ka- of _,Tiarogto, iadded ;muc,b. to pairing Idtoe 00 the fence akOe. "Y of glzawn, his farm Iditzrinig her life, roT G86110'.ng fe ichuirdh iof twhicth %RCv- -to on, -we- 'the enilOYPent of iithe. evening. Thei pf Winnipeg, _are .here aa 9. visit Z-0 Allm. TbA futlberal to -k plae on AV*4+_. This is 1tb 18a.9k., �ar wich hey n0re, NIFTY HAIR CUT. s ho rkemained this wi:lt,*V. 0n..,her audience lWere delighted with bi aI nkaday aftgk000n-. J� S. (ffsjadersioja� forerly of Hen- cently - offered ' several th usaads ting lin, maws of Onions, �-,arrot -arrying aain, 1Vhe prioerty- was 0-g 7t((Xo mumer- sall, bs (Pastior. Thle paper aso Ictork- �,f Aoll,,trs more for it Itilijan) tb Y 4104 *lections m1hich islior%�,ed thim bo, e tuce- jand joither Ithi a ing. - )Df high order. -Re. has a dus stjo inieution.-Kin-barWa familiar Opposite the Oomt­aereial bo, go Itio, bler vm� tan4 1praotically.1n 1Ei0t6l tains an gnter"ting hist(ory -of the (an artist Bayfleld., paid,-Irb immman livith the bDtel- tihat lerrt i9e was bo get oloth &organizatiiork and priogness Of it -he 'the fj,%yeet sympa.,bhtic JM*01ce, while his Before You bul', see k� A. FAvrards! LiTiolevoK. r. (Grieve died -he �eft two keepers jof 3noit dtber plac a, egg Imerahadu is 01n. his Imsual ajounds alijej T nd V w1hen IM mngregalthan which iwa tiorganized i aroitel-keepers of Beitforth ha. e e- ennci,,vtloln Jis perfect Ian& we are Mr. Uol ais, an; exerienced' hand Floor OilEt, 14eeCurt, Able Covers a 85 -iamd 15 -years lolf agle, __.�The trUSt, -the Quilts. Speeialeldarj)3j;prjt1_190n Carpe f F, -A- -ou" ahildren, 'ten by Rv. -1862. 1 cided ito fraise. Ithir 'Vrices for liqiLid - 1411,1'e jbhe peaple of Seaforth twill give with e gs of Xdwards, Rayfield. Robert Jmiesani in wpthooWt ime(anj other itban bb Ire 021, e he, Zmme Of WA t the aoo)mmo- him ia cioidial reception should -he al otf Ibbe farm -to support them. Ukf- Ok ithe presenit Newa refroshmenits and�ist"le 'again iclome Ito itibe ow -n. The tobinTolk ohuteh ivKgtd Itto tha b1burn. Br,CCZCS.�-H, INV. jEr-ivin peat IT :� the iielftroV lWadged fMim X 01 gays: dalisopi, Ithe thigher prices being kle- I day ait Kincardtnt.­ Mr. Trout Fishing te Mr. (Grieve's d6aftth the execuiboirs �ber, i1903, lRev. 9. S. ReDderstoin, was 0 fflc�ouirkt of Cbe increased ohnir windor Ithe 4eadershil) of iss Ito 10.onat'�JiCC, tDA a001011110t of con- icirt of the farm itto cessary j6 Eiagle,swn and 4dauUter- of 3 �iece paid oi�,,er Itibe alled from Iffemall, Ontarbo, tio 'as- licen�e ifee. McFaul, gave 1two, numbers and f her- c _Mr. Climpbell, Vo traas 'fQSbDn 10ft �Farislg frOm the stw-0 are fte Mrs. 'Gri-evefio iblke lubp1ott, plimeryted them VelativeB The seaon for brook trout i,.; open. A!- (charge folf -the chvrob. 'Things Mr. nam JAImes *tWMA has . gone, to 0wo ,,)nquin Park is the flulterman's am. tinuied tej laf jBrado, was here ithis eek Vogt om Pil Nge.1f iand 1her family, and ood again. were then lin .,a undiltion. Mrs, -Campbell bad, been he e fo I -an 16heir trendering of these and �cion- very bad ibo idio Lso until ph-ei un�rried Ltion. on ws 0o, arganizatitan- what- ttks, ivisitinig tber sister, ' gra-alated the Wngreg-,, 010n ,&;ere 0he ham secured alu DiLricn, ithe playrnr&.-John 1)avidsort und W* There -saveral t Stratford. On �her-tma rialge,bo Mr. k it he Tourist Tickets over and at irequired an lan(urnXotas Mts. 1W. (D. Bright and' Ith b-oith � their 1having isuch a ehoir, exec'uttiors ?Vaid ther one-third of !the n, Uie pride It%ee Death of lMr. Kyle.-ve of thP! Sanderw31 '1ave gpne r Wm..,, tar felt -�wstlfied i to G Teside. pi" To all principl tourist resorttF, on ,mle rent. In (Mare, )1902, ofter er soin amlotwilt of ibgd%vtork a;nd 'an illimit- J.eft foir ome on,Tusi1ay.-M I ys hAd tcxr their c1bloir., early ts wnd eer business twork on. tihe elevtor.-D. z ell It tresi- I have a w daily. Tourist season is ea 7 bad tc(ome"into it -he possessidn of.ithe, zible, hind IDf paitience C6 wttempt o Archibald (hia disposed of hi lof Strattiord. was callect fr)Dm son land J.' Bw-,bajaan, tof Code bouccssfully pope (with ithe sitution dence in Fgmfottidville to X - o� The ld,aet given y Miss 'XcF`a.u1 tand men dia ing last, were ihere. Swdy. The 8tarlain"s To 00bailt farm, wn. wgreem,enk wa eniered in. btwt Mr. lReMrsion qvssessed both garth foa! $300 �nd is now.. ioir- Mr. 'Be3 - ;tLb is We ion NOA Y' m0r - anase was gopd and twell re k twill en jGor bum-MON! lbo (between ililm rad his Mather Aor'- AtriVixtes land he set. bot Work tably isettled in, [the pretty O=e celved iby lbh-- xudieace. - The !pnD- in the persiou of Mr. f-Tra-mes KYle- Ba. lop Thr6ugh pullman sleeper, he paymentt', �Lto- hter -of $75 e year. itor Mr, Kyle bad ireaelyed the !great !age in J rrippat'is premises._Vfuat No Wtermintwtioln luot Ito be d7is- on Main Vtr6et, --hich he puir hased I ceeds Of lbbLe [evening - arolounted to - I except Saturday, runninig, thr4u-,eh r. Subsequetly b with ia. _d a k- itmgether. t d (%balt and._Nk:�_w Liskeard. ber Ao.we anay!6d !by afiy lobstacle, qwever Zor- fro Mr. Wm. 'I, $1162 iand, knvdt ibe a fjoLurce of great of 86 1yeas. Ue had been -a rem- r need is ja bu!tolfer Who 1will 1106w-. A Mr. E. P. Kennedy.- itto the Ladies' Aid So- ably -healthy 1man, uOtil a, -few �,ears fen4ant, iohn (Geinees, of Kinewr re lag Ithe people here un& #0 w-t1jo,kit se.t_ midabe it (might appear. And his Smith lhas rehirnied fr= T ronto graitification For tiokets ind full information �all on .dine,. fadmqHt -(the. farm, I cle to bave ibeen insruimental iago .,,hen 1he had an aftab;k of iparal- noilmnding eoiuntry are very 001 A-- e haveheen jwti- ome ime Ity, Mib -- DWC As defen- ndiffe t1ing Itihe wid4ow's di T. pluck ian noturd, wher6 the Oas been, fr thkA, ichfre.b.' y8js land- siuee i0hich' 'time had aninoye w1f1h Ithe xi rent 410 tied, Ifor St. Andrew's chluirch igtands W. ROXERVILLK, Town Ag Ces Itto, (t1he uctfion, he -claimed, that and s. In-aw in he, tor6 here �vith . In ,placifig Ule owgan ated for. business and t.ibey hav beea tio,-dy� in, a bidt-ter fina' R. SiPraf. The Maies, lhoo, i1mwt feel twell ire- been ieapii't . Jooed afteT in A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Tjcke� Agent. be- (widiow �vas Vdt �o 1her ielectitOr n ial OOn- bis- ffffher, Mr. W. the was 1confined tb t1he lbpuse Most of wy of iraewt, supplles.-G T Sono* c r . e, a (floir )all their voork, hvhile, le ditilon Itwri lat ay tim Isin,le, it" in- Vodt iand Mr, Frank Dem of Vm had been u re- Cjs, -of To,x=jtiD, FresiZ�Ajt -of itther (ho itake what the will ;gave ion, Ito loogrejation is great- T,().,ronitka, gregiAL011 are innider a deep debt ahe ti)ue:- ON lbo iber or wh-a(t the aaw A�tofal 0:1- rere ;the (guests o r. con h a magnificent r- sid-ent of Strffrd for nebLrly !half St ling Bank tand Mr. Jeffrey COURT OF REV1311 and onany-new sloicieties ad, jor- and Mrs. Gelotge E, Henders ji iwt to itbein &Df 'sue toiNv (h�T , that ohe did elect fhD ta�ke or ry and 4oT many 1years was ,were &ere Emdy. g-aaizajtiXnw ihave (been formed. ercial while tthey e e in, gan. &14�,ssrs. Breckels, & Xatbhews a It he C/oark e)eterkslvily ierigiageA in *,,he milliag, pmoisitaa luinder ithe will . Iiaom is (grdtifying (to know Oat his ef- t.own,_Mr. George Steet wbio haa Instal lin owga�n in, bhe ethodist I - v g&4�n that the- fl'st st"'"K lthe. fact. (tha all of the- trenit of he lumberig iana priodiree business a;nd ot vie Court for the Revision of the As4estt nent Roll forte Uave fbewe,n appreciated 'by the een spending a couple of eks alksroho d3extin, i.6 a few weeks antl Winthrop. I tht: Tmvw4hip of piukerinith for the ear i frm. (was paid. Ito her ; rild Ithiat her 'the ave tvy. place one bag ia wide warkedUon. He Nva -s a 0 eld in the Town Hall, Seafortfi, �, , claim was nageraent, and Itey 1gave tangible witth (hift moither an other frie ds in lafteT bhs:t y th; good. business, men and an wntrprla- Chndireh Services.- Mahodit sarl will beh on �4aturdz lbarred alsio, by the ist-atoe ma wopal church, in, Edmian- 201; �A a recent imeeti d ion Bat rd tn lbbe, 16pif 11, at, io o,'(.,loQk a. m. All iattre jof,'djmft-,ftjian.q_-aind (that it'he, oagre-e- pmof (of � tws ng. tAhis wicinity,, freturne ILY tcitize:A ja�aA )AS high, we'r-se jot Te- vice, (will fbe hold niamt Sundy, d Xinrxtles ton -the iA9 wiff t,aLre notice.and. govern ihenwelves. whtau- Ithey offeTed Ito increase Ith dhigan.-Mrs. ames LA-lberts. 11f tthis fix= lgive' Priavidenee ppoLfitw0e- 0. 1mr, Jtfo, same sialtiSfa in cititmd. los lice beiw M00C jantered dntio,_(betw;w di�x iand f I etloin Itto itheir patrons C, iand IstraigObtforwaT biminess I'mrtles who have destroed their (to, se Win-Uhro, Waltion :tssetj,wd, njust have the entries removed at the ther m, was qirae'tically -a relew . of pastfar's ark(nuat i3a�lar� by '$15 Arebibald met twith ta verypa 11 U e done, w -a 3nWhods ftc=ed Vim the o'"I"ence 'rk c4urt, or the t�i , k will be collected. ender.poin bawever, declined their jac6iden't w�jiah- aaid ther r a these 1dees Ithey hav It from blar d1ower. The &4.,ge to Wm- ;of the V0blie fin; veirY W9111 Ide- 'bhe =`O�Tntug 't -be il a!n& -a a.Teavda ithatl eiij DIe iwill have odtinig A. held Itwt the qiuethark jof ieleetition ktxtd ioifferT, [giving �a oovole of iweks. i She stepip oil a, a the gree. tvms fan, e&Yu�iafkie Lib- KaY 20th twill be ia the aveula id Intto. plija olf. %ras lateve'r (bMuigt up wud as a =,xft-' Iva 'did laloit.1think ithat the finauoial !naij W1 j�4,e eze[frat tileep j 1W