The Huron Expositor, 1906-05-11, Page 7sieseareseees7easeel.t.
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sudden illneew
Aisle remedy ier
queneee can be
emergencies pitro
have on bane
erae lir. Shoeve
eh .1 op's Crone
e-orm Cure and
CL Children%
otniit ness above
athing hersh or
rixt in ony of
5.1rkut Druz-
riVitt4 'tlsz
r on horses -a
apything eLte
for ;Mak-
7lovted Land.
.abblei Fields
Trio, name« BIS-
[••• ithOut it. For
ORA, oriT.
...tse,le, half a mile
•-•onth to Kippen and
- wary of E'roluarty and
liont.e. for night.
. for k!:, -.n then north
for zt. Ve1•10-
. D•=ion Hotel, for
Hotel,. for
la4-ori House, for t.ight.
:the Temperan u, House
Iforo, for
-own 4.tab1e, NAherehe
IIonday morning.
s„ Prop.
an stable. Lor. :4, Con.
a,nd :smith tot•leorge
then :7.4..mtli to t'harle
iaffes. '2.nd ('oneession,
th t9 James IL Rns for
prod by way of
r non: then North to
TifURsDAY-Will pro-
l•oro, to James Seiner -
and North. to Ids own
proceed at
: then South 11. miles,
4e for night. s'ATITR.
war.3,- of Town Line, to
imzes, for noon ; then
.!,•e he will remain until
20r2x4 .
re Stallion,
)O. 1.995G
. )let'ONNELI,, .Man,
own stable, Brueefield,
Coneession, Stanley,
tote!. Varna., for night.
[tathivell's, Illyfield Line,
; theme, by way of
flOtrf, CEnton, for
'way of the Huron Road,
; then tO Dick's Hotel,
ll.•41AY-To Robert Mc -
for noon ; then
t. retraining until Friday
go by iva.v of the Lon-
': End, for night. SAT-
. thy 2nil Coneession, for
'until the following Mon -
2,492 -3
eiN411 stable, Lot 10, Con.
rth I mile. thtgi west to
hilt west and south to
'TUESDAY -Will proeeed •
then south to Gra-
night. WEDNESDAY -
Huron Road two mites
taneis Kettle's for neo0 •
Roxboro for the night.
Iz05s for noon: then
.table for night, where he
,win:stow-lay morning.
zman. on Saturday -
o Vol. 22.
••: own -7_ahle, Lor,7r, (on.
'to It. liolfit's,1,1,t 2'2, Coo.
Diek's Hotel, &.a -
JAY -Dy way of the 2nd-
: to Thos. Coleman's, for
I re way of .%Ima,
,,-•,Nortii to Henry Taylor's,
••r noon : then to his own
go east to a
for noon ; then _
loth Concession, Grey,
then !with to 1Y-. Shine's
:the fl 'ii. Ltrus-
AY—South to Jatne4
Bol -
f. 07 w•o_a : then to his
it, he 1,vtil remain until the
(9577), Vol- 15
fRTON, Prop.%
•oan !-tahle, Staffa, and
Corn.iyv'4, fur noon ;
Huron for night.
Wying:4 Hotel, for
tor night, rfnnanting
ti -t ti Uanaphell DOrM-,
ror ; then by
Hotel, Kirkton,
--•• J.,ha
• c• -•!---t Rol,ert
.at Jaraes Rattan -
of the Centre road
e .11 remain until th.
LI t-av h own stable, a.
.aNd 1'ro-ei...4.1 to arna, for
•ar Li','. to Ralph Stephen- -
Rp Parr Line, to Jas.
bon ; tin tre by Kipper', to
l• IA --At hbi-own stable.
t on.,to Melittosh's,M111
st•af, n•th, at the Diek
by she lluron Road, to
; 1,y tie, 'Ind Con.
re•:Lain mit:I the
ir!o. PM'', Vol.
!or noGis ; then to his
'E:-D.A,Y- To John 31nr-
t•rieve-s, for night-
.% • comee-sion sf, for •
-,Ta'•',” for the night-
nion Hof el, Dublin, for
tor tile night.
=.t Huron Road, for
for the
;t• oc%n alai. for noon,
• ruornin•,.
. -2.110.2-4
F-: pitmE (10:321}
s!,,,h1,.. Lot 8,
Win. Mor-
• : then to J.
t. ••i.„i•:. TES -L--
:.;' • z, 110,,n ; then to
r : then to J. IlicT
; R.
r.`4 ; t h 11 toW,
To Win. Sholdiee'R,
lic.:t.•on'H, tor night.
f • ••••,••• -.table, where he
7 7 inornint4.
!EL No 11,822.
: and promed
If :or noon ; then
.• e„ sq.z• II • Wren't*
•' r- r-rner, south
•,.• -sborne, for
• ' Vag tO
!. Vti.D\
•• •on csf Halbert.
: ..„-E to Cront-
: • t for the night.
M 31.iNn Its 9, you -
t0 London
• f'.r night. Fltl-
- 7. Gs ell, to John
-1, t‘, roast, and
' f 1:k 310ndaY
-•af:d own 8table
?nor, irex, bat Colonel
: iri Firda. SAT-
ltorlg-r North -
t'' London Road, • and
r„igi! 8aturd1Y.
- Honor graduates a Ontario Vete
*riflery ekdlege. All diseases of
pornestio Animals treated. Calls
promptly attended to and charges
moderate. Veterinary Dentistry •
specialty. Office .end residence
Groderich street, one aoor ea.!
Dr. Scott's office, Seafoleth.
Honorary graduate of the 'Ontario
Vete rina ear. College, an Honorary
member of the Medical Association
ea the Ontario Veterinary -College.
ets -diseases of all Domestic
'Animals by the most modern princi-
ples. Dentistry aed Milk Fever a ,
_ specialty. Office epposite Diek's
Hetet., Main Street, Seaforth. 'All
orders left ,.at the hotel will treteive
iirompt attention. Night calla re-
ceived at the office. 1871-52
BariSter, Solicitor, Notary Pub -1
Io. etc. Moneyeto loan. -In Seaforth
Ildondayh, Fridays and Saturdays. Of-.
Lee open every week " day. Over
Stickard's store, Main street, ,Sea-
,Zerth. 1904'
Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer
arled Notary Public. Solicitor f ot
the Donffnion Bank. Office—In rear
a the Dominion Bank, Seaforth.
Money to loan.
3. M. BEST.
Barrister, S.olieitor, Conveyancer
Ind Notary Public. Office up -stairs
• over Fear's drug store, Main street,
Seaforth. 1327
. Barrister, Solicitor, . Convey -
sneer, Notary Putlic. Solicitor for
the Canadian Bank of Commerce.
•?limey ,to loan. Farms for sale. Of -
flee in Scott's Block, Main street,
feaaftirtli. ; ;
• Barristers.Solicitors, etc., Gocle-
rich, Ontario.' E. L. Dickeneon, Ohas.
• Garraw, L. Ls. B. 1833-tf
Gradeette of Royal College of Den-
, tal Surgeons of Ontario. Suecesaor
to Dr. Twaddle. Oftioe—Over A.
Young's grocery store, Main street,
*afert h. 1975
Office and residence Victoria St.,
Seaforth. Phone 73.
Graduate of University of Toronto
Finally of Medicine, member ot Clo-
lege of Physioians and elargeons -of
Ontario; pass graduate courses in
Chicago Clinical School, of Chioago ;
Royal Oplithalralie Hoepital, London,
England; University College Hos-
pital, London!, England. Office—
Over Stewart Bros.' store, Main St.,
Seaforth. Phone No. 5. Night calls
answered from residenoe, Victoria
Street, Seafortiff.
• 1890
t DR. F. 3. BURROWS. .!,
Office and Residence—Goderich
, street, eastof the Methodist chureh,
Sear° r t h, Phone Iiii. 46. Coroner
for the cetinty of Huron. 1386
Goderich street, opposite Metho-
r list church, Seaforth.
••••• r•••m••
3. G. Scott, graduate of Victoria
and Ann Arbor, and member of the
Ontario College of Physicians and
Surgeons. Coroner tor the county
C. Mackay, honor gra:dilate of
•frinity University, gold. medalist of
Trinity 'Medical Oollege. Member of
the College cif Physicians and Sur-
geons, Ontario. 1483
' Licensed -auctioneer for the coun-
ties of Iturcoa and Perth. Orders
%eft at A. M. Campbell's implement
e'are-rooms, Seaforth, or at the
Expositor Office, will receive prompt
attention. Satisfaction guaranteed or
zo °barge. 1708-tf
Licensed auctioneer for the min -
LT of Reran. Sales attended to in
eny part of the county at moderate
tates and satisfaction guaranteed.
eirders left at the Seaforth past
office, ar on Lot 2, Oenoessioto t,
Hullett, will receive prompt at-
tention. , . 1832-tf
.censed auctioneer foe, the Wen-
, .
ties of Huron and Perth. Being a
practical farmer and thoroughly
understanding the valtu.e of farm
stock and implements, places rae in
httu positicrn to realize good,
prices. C1arge4 moderate. Satis-
factien guaranteed or no pay. All
orders le -,ft at Hensall post °Mee
or at Lot 23, Concession 2, Say,
be promptly attended to. 1709: -
Opoyright, INS, by Harper & 13rothers
rW'f14 not long before tee !were
'frisked fey Wm first getributtiont Tor
whet might he a.coeuetted a crime,
'met tielrett eves at least ,provtaked
by our own 'illegal -acts. Mime tne
surprise fell sooner than I had; antici-
pated, although it happened 'by the
means I• had always considered probae
ble. That Williams, garrulous end'
sharp eyed Welshman- as he was, cOtild
be secured in silence was well nigh im-
possible, for even if concealment had
been for bis personal -benefit be would
atill have plied his tongue, and, though
he were sworn to secrecy, the private
transactions of this shigular feud
would have slowly -dribbled through
hip cominunications and become cur-
rent in the gossip of the country. This
knowledge was mainly instrumental-'
in deterring us from confiding in him.
Burglars were the bugaboo we lied
brandished before him,-aucl burglary,
sure enough, Was the word that ran
over the district The news came to us
late that morning. As I gathered, Wil-
dems, who was keeping company with
seme girl of Llanellan, woke early
from his belated sleep anderan down
to the village, full of the -battle. His
own appearance in it, as I afterward
discovered, had been gorgeously con-
ceived•and magniloquently rendered.
• believe, according to his version, it
was he, and he alone, who gave the sig-
nal for the final rout, andfcertainly he
was the author of that fall from the
battlements. But this was just as well,
for the man knew nothing of its fatal
issue, and poor Sheppard did not
grudge him the credit.
But I am trespassing upon my narra-
tive too rashly. Williams returned ?at-
er in. the morning and, apparently to
celebrate his own cleverness, made his
communications to me. He had given
warning to the schoolmaster at Llan -
ellen, who had offered to hand on the
notice to the authorities at Raymond.
I could have cursed the inan for his
folly and his babbling tongue, but I
was just enough to recall that his con-
duct was merely natural. In truth, if
he thought at all, he must have consid-
ered us a pack of egregious asses for
not taking better precautions and ac-
quiring the aid of the Raymond police.
I could do nothing, therefore, but ac-
quiesce, with as good a grace aS I
might and wish heartily that we had
left him sleeping as soundly as Mrs.
Main and the maid, who, it appeared,
had never opened -an eye throughout
the -night, although the former asserted
that she had dreamed "there was a
thunderstorm -like," adding the enclitic
familiar to her conversation.
But the situation remained to be
faced, and I guessed that owe should
be confrouted with' it very shortly.
Consequently we must compose a plan
of action., and, whatever We agreed
upon, must run no risk of denial at
other hands. Li this connection It
seemed that I must pay a necessary
visit to Sercombe, a task which for
some, reason was not to my taste.
Sheppard, s who had quite recovered
himself and had not yet referred in
any way to the event of the early
morning, cordially approved my sug-
ger tion.
"It will be a wise course," he de-
clared., "And, besides, I am anxious to
inspect these foreigners nearer,"
Where the Greeks were lodged, we
knew not, but it was evidently not at
the Woodman, for on our arrival there
the place was deserted except by the
woman who had charge Of Hood's
kitchen. She could give usP little in-
formation. She had not seei her mas-
ter since she went te bed on. the pre-
vious evening.- But Captain Sercombe
had been called at 9 o'clock and had
gone out after eating a hasty break-
fast. There was no one elsd staying
in the house. Such was the informa-
tion she imparted to us, influenced 'to
her frankness, I had no deuht, by my
position as the big landed proprietor of
the plaoe. Which way had Captain
Sercombe gone? Re had gone down
the roadway in the' direction of Ray -
With this we had to content our-
selves; but, determined at all hazards
to catch Sercombe, Sheppard and I
took the narrow lane that led down the
valley in the hope of hitting upon him.
At the bottom of the valley the stream
;pekes tea open. pool of some cousidera
Kra. Pinichanes Advice Saves Many
From this Sad and Costly Expe-
rience. ,
The McKinop Mutual Fire
insurance Company.
1 ORS.
McLean, president, KiPPen Fraser, vice-presi-
dent; Brucefield P. 0.; Thomas E.
Rays, seeretary-treasurer, Sealorth
'Chesney, Seaforth; John
G-rieve, Wintheop ; George bale,
Seaforth; John Benneweis, Dublin:
aames Evans, Beechwood; eplan
Watt, Haxlock ; Tilos. Fraser, Bruce-
; John B. MeLeau, Kippen ; as.
9-Q411011Y, Clinton.
Robt. Smith, Harlock ; much-
. Seaforth ; Jaines Cumming, Eg-
taoreiville ; 3. W. Yeo, HoImesvilIe
P. 0.; -Geo. Murdie and Geo. Steph-
tesoa, auditors.
Pupil of Mr. A. S. Vogt.
Piano, organ trul theory. Pupils prepared for. eon-
mrratory examinations. For terms and other infor-
A.ntion apply at D. D. Wilson and Co's office or at 3.
Wilson's residence, Ann et Soaforth 902-tf'
One disease of thinness in
children is scrofula; in adults,
consumption. Both have poor
blood; both need more fat.
These diseases thrive on lean-
ness. Fat is the best means of
overcoming them; cad liver oil
makes the best and healthiest
fat and
It is a sad but
true fact that
every year brings
an increase in the
number of opera-
tions performed
upon Women in ,
our h o's pital sthem upward of twenty .years, mid
More than three- never knew one that was fit fee: ally
fourths of the
'TNO doubt," said Sheppard, "but
your plans must have been. laid a long
tinie.e" captai
Thn east a curious glanceat
"Well, you seem to know," he
said slowly. "But I tell you franki
that greed can carry too far and Oa
a jaw too widely open will sometime;
lose a bite; it takes too long to shut i
If 1 had managed this business"— Bu
here, , apparently reecillecting iiinosel ,
he broke ea and turned away with
little frown. But presently he resum-
ed, wearing his accustomed good hu-
mored expression. "There was neve •
any good came of a Greek. I've know]
patients lying on
those snow-white
beds are women
and girls ewho are awaiting or recovering
from operations made necessary by
Every. one of these patients had plenty
of warnnag in that bearing down feeling,
pain et the left or right of the abdomen,
nervous exhaustion, pain in the small of
the back, pelvic catarrh, dizziness, flatu-
lency, displacements or irregularities
All of these symptoms are indications of
an unhealthy condition of the female.
organs, and if not heeded the treuble may
make headway until the penalty has
to be paid bya dabgerous operation, and
a lifetime of impaired usefulness at best,
while in many cases the results are fatal.
The following letter should bring hope
to suffering women. Mrs. Robert eallenn,
01 434 Mane Se, Ottawa, Ont.; writes: '
Dear Mrs Pinkham:
'Lydia E. Pinkliam' s Vegetable Compoune
is so well and widely known that it does not
need my recommendation, but I am pleased
to add it to the many whichyou have in its
favor. I suffered untold agonies from serious
female troubles for nearly three years, and
the doctors told me that I must undergo an
operation, but as I was unwilling to do this,
I trieol your Vegetable Compound and I. am
only too pleased that I did so, for it restor
me to perfect health, saving me the pain �f
an operation and the immense bills attendhig
the. same. Pray accept my hearty thank-;
and best wishes." -
Just as surely as Mrs. Glenn was cured
of the troubles einumerated in her letter,
just so aurely will Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound cure other women
who stiffer from female troubles, inflam-
mation, kidney troubles, nervous excita-
bility and nervous prostration.
Mrs. Pinkham invites all women who
are ill to write her for free advice.
She i a- daughter-in-law of Lydia E.
Pinkham and for twenty-five years has
been advising sick „women free of charge.
Address, Lynn, Maes.
able size upon a piece of fiat land.
Here It receives -a few exiguous
breeches •from the lower hills and
roots, ea it were, iu those spreading
shallow§ ere it narrows and spins for
tile nay, The wood was sparse about
the pool, but it was very private and
retired 'from the roads, and it was
quite by accident that we penetrated
the woocle so far. But here we per-
ceived through the leafage the smoke
of tires and heard tho noises of hunutn
creaturea, an uncommon feature in the
silent GW011t. Pushing throughi 'the
brushwood, we came next upon a ver-
itable encampment in that friendly
thing save to jab you in the back whe
you were not looking."
"I should say," remarked Sheppat
mildly, "that you had a very suitahl
gang for your pprpose."
Sercornbe laughed. "Oh, I don't fa
cy the knife rciyself, though some pe
ple do."
Sheppard :turned deathly pale, but h
smiled politely and answered, "Thera
' is no knowing what sctuples a ma
will develop."
This turn of the cOrersation au
denly woke me to a setere of my erten
and I quickly communt&tted my nee s
to Sercombe.
"I- thought we should come to this,"
he said cheerfully, "and I would hat e
laid odds I should have had you her
on this omission. 1 knew you wou
drop that mealy mouthed righteou
ness of yours. What I disliked in To
Mr. Greatorex, from the outset, if
may say so without offense, w
'your blamed British pharlsaism. Y
couldn't look at aijob squarely. It
not your fault, but that of your traii
ing. I had the seine defect once in
self, but a campaign In the Ionian isi
knockal the pretenses out of in
That's how I cattle to know the..
scoundrels so well, Well, I'm glad
meet evenly at last. You can see fir
yourself there's not a pemeorth
choose between us, save that you's e
had first blood," and with that he 100,
ed at Sheppard.
This time Sheppard held les col
under control, but he looked away, a
e perceived, in spite of his severe r
straint, a twitching of the nostrils,
"Come, come," said 1, "we must ta
what steps we may in self defen,
against cutthroats, captain."
"I'm with you there," said Sercom
cheerily, Pan& the steps I usually ta
cons* of a barker. I shoot out of e
coat tells as often as not. My plan
to fireewhen I see a squint."
"I fear you rebuke me," I replie
with a bow, "but 1 swear that I won
have fired if it had been any oth
place but London. I am so well knon
Sercombe burst out laughihg.
once thought," he said, "that Mr. She
pard was more my sort, but now
believe 1 pin my note on you!"
"You honor me," I returned, "b
come to business,"
The captain plucked his long r
mustache nieditatii;ely. "Pm sorry
can't diScuss this with you now, go
tlemen," -he said. "After all; it's yo
spot, And now we solved the riddle, affair, though I admit I have a certa
which had perplexed us earlier in the interest in it, but if I may come up a
morning, for the first man my eyes fell seeyou about 3 o'clock we can go in
upon was my old acquaintance of the details. I fancy -it's a concerted pi
squint. Here was not a camp of gyp-
sies, but of cutthroat Greeks!
The discovery was no sooner made
than it was confirmed by a voice
sounding from my right and calling
my name in familiar tones.
"Ap,• how d'ye do, Mr. Greatorex?
'Glad to see you. What pleasant chance
has brought you into our little village"
The man atood before me as debonair
we want."
"That's so," I returned, feeling t
ribly mean and small to be conspiri
so against the laws of my country w
an admitted scouudrel.
"Very well; let us say 3," said he
captain and stuck out his haud as
though to dismiss us.
ee For myself, being in the frame`ifp
mind I have described, I contrived eo
and well groomed as ever, his puffy overlook his arm, but Sheppard, all
• red face smiling cheerfully into mine smiles, sprang forward ane shook him
and his bloodshot eyes twinkling with heartily. "By the way," he said bright-
ly, "and where is my friend Hood?"
"Hood!" echoed Sercombe and looked
at us queerly. "Oh, Mr. Hood Is In -
gayety. It seemed almostenconceivable
that this fellow was but a few hours
• earlier upon the footing of a deadly
foe and earnest to rob us even.of our venting a new maneuver. He Is a bet -
lives. And yet I confess that even at ter soldier than I am, is Mr. Hood, tat -
this jimetdre and after the grave urally." I suppose he saw that we ex -
events of the siege I experienced for changed glances. "My dear sire"; he
him what always underlay my super- said, "I only tell' you what you might
tidal feelings, a genuine liking. The suppose for yourselves. Mr, 1100(4.
impudence of the adventurer, his very trying his hand at generalship, but I
gayety, the assumption ete wore that don't reveal his plan of campaign.
whatever he did and llowevee ruthless- haps you guess it." And he burst
ey he pursued us he was still a wel- laughing rather unpleasa
come acquaintance— all these facts
gave a charm to his person. His be-
nignity was superb; it was that of an
is the easiest and most effective
form of cod liver oil. Bere's a
natural order of things that
shows why Scott's Emulsion is
of so, much value in all cases of
scrofula, and consumption. More
fat, more weight, more nourish-
ment, that's why.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Cbenras'
Toronto, Ont..
60c. an4$.00 ts tt u AIIdsuUi,d4
It was obvious to botb of us
there was a bitterness le sercom
words. Fallen though he was fro
urbane Philanthropist. He was ready respectable estate and sunk as he had
to crack a joke with you, to recount his become in a career of dissipation and
entertaining adventures in your ears unscrupulous adventure, he still re -
or to offer you his choicest cigar. He tained a certain feeling ()fees own dig
was a Man pre-eminently cast for . so- nity. How far, the difference between
Hood and himself had gone 1 eould
not know, but if it went much further
It 'Seemed as though we might take
some advantage out of it. But of the
two it was Hood—Hood, with his lean
black face—that I feared.
Sercombe kept his appointment with
commendable punctuality, entering our
council chamber, if I may so describe
the smaller Of the halls in which *e
usually sat, with the jauntiness a his
morning's encounter. Lunch was but
newly 'over, and I felt myself dericend
in Montgomery's eyes when 1 offered
((�'i a1,
Ittir o pot;
Et was he, and he alone, who game the
cial popularity, and circumstances or
his own wickedness had made him a
scoundrel, and a - very bad scoundrel
at that
And so it was that I responded quite
affably to his greeting, oblivious of the
past and almost forgetting the future
Ile stood by me, surveykk the encamp.
went, his bulky form overtopping mint
by three inches at the least.
"It's a pity, Mr. Greatorex;" sayi
he, reflecting, "that these animals have
no spunk. Spunk goes a long way witt
me, I will admit, and that warms ma
heart to you. I doff my hat to Mr
Sheppard and, by the way, to m5
youug friend Montgomery also."
"IsOisat you lack in quality, I suppose
you calculate to make up in quantity,''
I said grimly.
"Precisely, Mr. Greatorex. You've hit
It. That's the rub. If I bad threeeoi
nay mongrel Indians here I'd reckon te
finish the job in a couple of days, but
ane has to use the materiel at hand.”.
Bears thet,
6111 X aele
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Mr. P. A. Labelle Maniwald, Que., writes us
as follows: "I desire to thank you for your won-
derful cure, Burdock Blood Bitters.
Three years aito 1 had it very severe attack of
Dyspepsia. I tried five of the best dooyn's I
could find but they could do me no 'good.
I was advised by a friend to try Burdock
Blood Bitters and -to my great surprise, after
taking two bottles, I was so Perfectly cured
that I have not had a sign. of Dyspepsia since.
I cannot praise it too highly to all suffe 'era. In
ing for me like B.B.Bt
ray exPerlence it is the best I ever sNoth-
Dontraccepfa substitui for Burd'k Blood
Bitters. There is nothing; ; ust as g
Witchcraft kt 'Brooms
According to Mother Goose and
all the Fairy books, Brooms have
'always been associated with
witchcraft'. The explanation of
it is found in
for they Aileen like magic, and
until they ere entirely worn out,
like the proverbial new broom,
failed Factories
the captain a glass of wine. He took
it airily, even with., a kind Of rude
grace, which soinetimes characterized
him, and nodded us a good health,
plunging at once into the matter of his
"You will excuse me, gentlemen. I
can spare little time today. You will
understand that I am very busy," this
with a twinkling eye. , "But we musi
needs oblige a friend, and I am here
over a dusty road to meet you."
'We are gravely indebted to you,'
said 1 ceremoniously. "But I must
point out that this point touchea yot
as much as, If not more than, It affect
"We have shed no blood," said the
captain 'emphatically, settling back, fof
"'Tis not your fault, then," I retort
ed, "and, in any case, what blood was
shed was spilled in self defense in re
peeing an iyegal assault upou our per-
sona and der property."
"You would find it difficult to prove
that in a court of law," says he, cast-
ing his eye at me.
"1 thought we were agreed to leave
the law alone," said 1.
"unhappily," observed Sercombe,
with a laugh, "the law won't leave ,us
"Oh, come," said I impatiently, "we
are confined to this, Captain Sercornbe.
Are you prepdhed to help us? You
yourself say time presses. If not, it
may well be that we shall throw the
onus upon the proper offenders and
leave you to shift ,for yourselves."
"And. what about the treasure, my
friend?" asked the captain, with an
ogle. -
"I know nothing of any treasure," I
remarked calmly, "nor does either of
rely friends here. Presumably an at-
tack was made upon the castle for the
purpose of burglary, and I can eon-
celee that my silver only -Was aimed at.
I think that will suffice to explain the
cowardly attack of some ruffianle for-
eigners, 1 think the Rayne*
will easy underetand
(To be oontiniiel),
Baby's °win Tablets is • the Iv'. ery
best (medicine aa the world for curing
the inor ailments of -'babies tandi
yoinaug 013.11d:ran. fit is the best be-
cause 1t 611 !absolutely heretic -es. ill
is the (beet !because it never fails to
effect a !owe. 1A few daises 'relieves
and cures !constipation, indiereetiAte
colic, !diarrhoea, an,d simple fevers.
It ibreaksonp molds—thus preventing
oup—expels worms and 'brings
teebhing iwitheut tears. Not sone
particle tof opiate or poisonous sooth-
ing etuff s ie this medicine. Mrs.
Hugh B. !Dent on, Scotchbown,
says : "1 have !wed Baby's Own
Tablets, iana shave lalways found them
a. satisfactory enedieine." Yon loam
get the (Tablets froan any 'medicine
dealer, tor by *mail at e5 cents a box
from The !Dr. Williams' Medicine Co.,
olekville, Ont.
Oan be lesrned in from five to seven
months, wheu a position paying
from $45 to 060 will be ready for
you, with splendid .prospects for
This is a young man's opportun.
ity. Let us mail you free our
handeomely illusted book giving
full particulars
B. W. Somers, Principal
Dominion $chool of Teleg-
raphy it Railroading
Seed Peas
little risk now—
good profit—
Been reading about peas in Guelph
College Bulletin and Provincial
Crop Records? They say the
pea -weevil is gone for seven years.
Queer thing about pea -weevil
he comes for seven years and van-
• ishes for seven. This is his first
• year for vanishing. Safe now to
grow seed peas.
Report of Department of Agricul-
ture shows average crop is twenty
bushels of seed peas to the acre.
Some Canadians raise three crops
a year1 Price ranges from 75c,
to 85c. a bushel.
Easy crop to grow ... market never
glutted profit sure. Why don't
you go into seed peas this Spring?
The ide
palatable, full of
the virtues of malt
and hops, and in
sparkling condi-
tion, is the ideal
Now when chemists announce its purity, and
judges it merit, one need look no further.
ISN'T it -worth something to know that Barns,
Chicken Houses, :Tool Sheds, eto., have
fireproof roofs?
Paterson'S "Wire edge"
Ready Roofing
is absolutely fireproof and waterproof—and, practically
wearproof. It is oheaper_thau shingles and lasts a lifetime.
We will send you afree sample. Test it yourself.
We will also mail a copy of our illustrated booklet.
Hardware stores everywhere handle Paterson's " Wire Pedge”
or can get it for you. Insist on having it.
Get your tires set the new way with me new melte our .a ietir.
charred rims, no boring ix holes, no overdiened wheels, and, best of AP
waiting. Give me a trial and be convinced
La vn Mowers sharpened and repaired, and all kinds ol grinding done.
Charges moderate, and. satisfaction guaranteed.
Blacksmith, Goderich Street West, Opposite Royal Stable, SEAFORTH
Perfection tin Tailoring
Every self.respecting man liketo appear well, and, as his clothes go
long way towards attaining that object, hemusk have kis clothes made
in the latest style and by the best tailors, ft is our aim to turn on; ,
clothes that All these very requirements. Our long experience in the
business has enabled us to reach that perfection which only ex-
perience can. give. Addict to this, our staff of work people is the best.
All work is personally inspected before it leaves the shop, and i not
right we make it right.
if you wish to be well dressed, you must have clothes made by Wu Try ue
with your next order, and we will convince yr.i of the genuineness 1f
our argument. -
WEAK'Ow many wnmen
there are that get no re -
TIREDfreshment from sleep.
They wake in the mon:-
hen they went to bed.w
ing and feel tireder than
They have a dizzy sensation in the head,
the heart palpitates; they are' irritable
and nervous weak andi worn out, and
the 1igiites iouseho1d .duties during the
day seem to be a drag sand a burden.,
are the very. remedy that weak, nervous,
tired out, sickly women need to restore ,
them the blessings of good health.
They give sound, restful sleep, tone up
the nerves, strengthen the heart. and
make rich blood. Mis. C. ,McDOnald,
Portage la Prairie, Man., Writes: 1 was
trouble4 with shortness of breath, palpi-
tation of the heart and weak spells. 1
got four boxes of Milburn's Heart and
erve Pills, and after taking them 1 was
completely cured.
Price 50 cents per box or three boxes
for $1.25, all dealers or the The T. Mil-
burn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont.
Family Gr ovps and
Children's Photos
Are a Specialty with us. We do the I
kind of work you will be pleased with. I
We have exceptional facilitiesfor mak- 1
Spring Items
How about Fencing1 if yeti
haVe not fime to build your own,
don't fail to Fee our Peeiless
Woven Fence before purchasing,
Profiting by the mistakes of
°there, this fence hes been made
the strongest and moat dere ie
woven fencers and costs less
eyou Lading your own
, Let us supply you with the best
Clevelend High Carbon Coil
Spring and Dead Soft Weaviegt
prices equal to the lowest.
'ma Gates at 'Rock Bottom
-- Builders'
Hardwareofof every description
and beet Quality always on hand.
See our New Line of 13ttilding
Paper. Have just eeeured the
Waviest and Best Ready Roofing--
Paroid—neede no tar or pitch,
just lay it on roof and cement
laps, cleanest and most durable,
guarenteed for five years.
Special attention given Corm
gated . LOU Roofing, Metl
• Sbinglea and Siding. Ask for
Central _Hardware Store
ing family groupe and children's photos. George A.
Come in and. see me
Picture Framing and Moulding.. Seaforth Ontario
To Cure a Cold in One Da
Take Laxative Bromo Quinhte TaNets.
Seven Naos bone sal In pest 13 months. This' signatures v.,.