HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-05-11, Page 4W_
MAY 11
HU 0 EX 4 . ............ ........... M AT S tit all &Et icibim ii ndl: i�6p Ive '10i the Ir ding,* and up Ito Ole &ad bag one of Ith-pe nuest -S �E- FO 14 LEADING SHOiE STOREIV This is afbo hor Itthqu Ito appoar lbefore boar1tily wegretAhat hN alth bas *dtaviraftp fan baker shtops In he MAY, 1906 I;V� diftrenft IL110-rO is--b0tNV4An 1th4t PrOPeT otouln-ty of OMPOII.—Xr� J. the 7jmoiu,vts -'e h -e been-Ipairea-V verybod twill* we . . . . . . Ilaw land be r6posed (new xzepit ka, i3lases 1W ex b St TOS011to 'of imbar4fleld, ;visUed Mr.' si Sh6e for .40 amoli ablic - bmiginess roqixros� ��bbem 11:10 -are-Isluxe, 1wF The Glas c t ,Wf We lKivia T t 03aints of f rlolm, Ifib,4 ,Parl6bad ait To and a ar; griday of 4aqt week. T ea61100 -the -act jas mo. , �O 'Mr, Vkt drick, tthb� W. T t 60, Viiiisitice, aidioved -s va peedy ireogoiration, 6o, du*s old time vigio, ." 'mr, a e Ooderich. ffloult matter'to get a good wearing as wed U w1pectedt 61�alt 1111nendmonit Itlo, iMr. LenoWo motio.- bYall% rVA Pavento who find it 6 di 2 blus week, 93 lit 11 Thwalt in,'Ith opha.kon #'df Ithe duse 'pdclts Rb(cyalt lbfi-OA19 ind,will, -looking shoo for their children, will I votald Jt1ak;'j)lEtc6 problal,71y, be absedt fOu for EV -0 Death -of Anidther Pilaeer.—The a perfect, fitting ja,act stylish have 6 7 9 10 tbi-q- vismexroely prdbablo-'as Otere is bhe, Vublic (bulsinfBas Ishould dleath of %r. Walter iek n Saibur- 15 16 17. 18 10 still )a �jglolod idetl of '11YUlsiness tKY be flrdt� lola1m; &O lbhe itimle wnAl atten. moln0s. H.c. Iwill-the Ucc. paxiled by dy ilast rat 'his boo -on the, ffa-ron no tru-ble- if they buy the 0149sl Shoe. This shoe, which is made itt Is ely to ehildren!s hig grade footwear, has _�dt &o1ne. Next tweek bioever, 101OW4 thoin, lof 1.1&ach. a!nd javerty tmemer IA. h.ts-/mrife' ad woln and. xy by: ibid to th�-_ n1unn- 00 9. rvaA -adds istill xjvo,fber a factory devotedxclusiv 2 23 24" 25 20 onit, -parmaent yaloian, Or'. XoArThur, Ot tawa. w1hick ,have pa- mp A t f 8 30 3 - add 01 lend' of lt�e Ise$ On. t&c.'Golvrnm -ond tthlaf pb ber od .resideati' with the additional and very i 0 an 29 -jals of fte lGovernmen't these essential qualities, 2 aould- ftw
affiG1 I sed y dfairig lure of being reasonable in prite- We hav& recently pamed into tock 00*1
'Perharm-aVIce of 'Ithe iBrussels. flick was tiorsi in The Dominon Parliament, give Mof the Olassic Shoeip comprising the season 0 riew- Itheir respective of ficeO�' 81 years ag.o, layge ooneiFnment dluities 'of a,1141. IffrS. Cawford Ournw, F ouninjan' lavV waa-kers have tbeir wj�oij` time &jTd'at(,ent' Chocolflate and Pawnt L�athers. Farmu XXW 'ADVZRT18M*NTFJ here ion- viit-to abA tor Itwia Y-aaTs tamig1ft odbool on' et stylesin Dongols Kidt of iWinipO16-1 la:r 0, he ,padt week. A �This amenklmenit mas icarrid, on. he the bormerl-s Oareots, 'Mr, OrawAord tbe, 1sland of JerseY. -He -came ItIO who are particular abolt their thildren�s footwear, should make it Mr 1%0 figav botw6en the PsTeEftsm show 040b VS41al. pailty Idivisilolo. *s empljoyed! ia�s grain insped-or -in bbe Oanada whon. (a yumg ma d set- �o whiab as golod adtij of Jbil4imss 114a een. Wit ii, 4n poi4 to see these goods, especially the fOl Ming' lines ago at tho papti a . V -, ere he w -tho V Z -Mr. qlalding '11i' a!nioimneed, est.—W, IE. Ounoxn 1bas A tnloved tled jin Kingsitian, wb os mar tihnaut9b iw1tV.1%4ieh dues aqt Ishaw t Ispe . 66h NOR ba 41&iver- w 'Batten Boots sizes 2 to 5, for 85a a pair. treig Clothing Co --A bbe lbo ibis Inew id6op in the Lodkie (block r1e& laUo4bt - 55 years ago to Miss OhilarsWg Dougols Kid x9mart Top r—C.. d- wililch, is! laut of ond the iPrepier -has es From ff.-Cingstan Mr. Children's izes 2 to 5, for 85.6 a pair. It if; & L%iffieurt Naltivul co—g* on ItIbe ivaIrface am 6d li�hi.s Iw"k 8=0 - ChooblMe 1�utton Rota, a Thin and iw.Vbh I& 'nev icase, 111WIVU111, ID Arevoua,Tudge? Ilawture Ito call floruh; any, _initiyr�alteld itat �after Ws �week iGov- ,has Ia vorY nicB parlo.—Aev. -Air. n blaok or ch000late,.sizes 2 to 5, f�r 85a a Rick iremo-ved itiq Branitford, _,%Y-bere Children's Laced Boat#,, on Tien, somethfog newo sizes 6 to 11. for V. 10, 8 to I -R, NVIIH�t & Son�4 wMoKay, luf Ohilayoll7s Thoen �)Lorlonk), wo lie iresied two 1years, cloming Ith4U' Juslu Arrived-Popplestonek Gaidiner-5 display of Tans is C=. ermn iprea. bed t Ohildron�a Chocolate Gib$ Oh T,hisprosages Itho or �$1.25 ; 1,1 to 2. tor $1 50. (day. aerman's in Mel_�il a obareli to Qodarjh, which fhas een bis Prosperity -A. miftee work !1rad lbhe advancement Mr. Robinson, hpm�, [over !lYalf a OeMtury. Decemed beinning iof tihe ondt bf tbeLsOsian. - lespim, 5 to A, for $1.25 8 -to 191 for$1.11550-
Yar�isforSal(-,A. it. WAR last Sabbath. Rev. Oblldren�a Patebt Kid Gibson 'T . I 00 Vanted-Urs. G. E- of 1privlafbe, (bills of variaw kinds ot Oe as 2, for $I.7S a pair. of iblie Isam pity, will be in tobarge oa:Tricid ion Iflor iwvny year. b seeds--Beattle Bros. -S -ad d Boots in Dongala. Kid, sizes 8 to 10j, for $1.25 a par, imene inaber No Oo&1 -8trike. ext Omnday-�-*t ltdie t- ines Df ambiteat and. builder, a ChildrW Bubtone Orseed CA, Ives -Ifugh Richmond --a %,,bich iffivri are win (ICIN oil inee superintendd he O _h
every tsessioin Wnd.ibbe Aornialities in Altolugh ltiblrext e ag aa.-YI: IMAX14ay might it wras� decid- ened- joaal etik 4 hiliness ibitooks, Pedk&Co--8- figlits 'placed maoy of lVhe chief 1 Auction Sale -John Dann -6- ponnedthan wtih which cons ad Ito have ltlwlo mlor And - 'For iftl&-joser 14
Trouffishing-Nft. Somerville -6 -fait of (time. Tho,event of the -week Xpar IthaIt it Uve dO 0 be- by Ithe first I of Begbomber 'next.- years ago Ito )the gresenit farm on 4
wedding (im Cho appear�tntce' of Hion. .XT. h xon rivd, ThTe, late- Mr. �h Noble -5 "Ime 'a Ihav:, InIalt the Urriors )this time _Mf oh dux is1treets, ittD be weady Pair se of Ooderieb, Iremp-Ving ;R�One thirty -John Bak IwJiia ;has een N a f r sgivnigg of,,win`te;r,-(yiet eve *Vdw a Harry Fifun :0 'Ate ,� W44ed-jobt, komego-8 fralt Dog ithe Interior, f,ce I 1 her6 as lbake� bar te rpadt dooniti or Itick was a Siftota, lex-Minigtor of ill e fel't' by lbbe An:g of/frellof W Slater" ana 11 Walk -Over Shoes for mtn, Dr.' oi�nss io Itbe ffoia&d. Mr. iftlan bas een public (y1j Rea?nijig tbalt Itblet threa- 80 Moved Ibis. family j2jere triom To- grow-ew, rand Ia mrrespondnt of ithe Sole Agents tvr -,.e so" Shoee-fo Women, ial
Seed Corn -W. E, Her. no.Mio ion jXcipday of bU3. week' and Domin�on Experimpant-al Farm at and 90 Queen QuAlit.V and Empre ItXcomp � a he90ouirnlog dn Ibhe iwUicih 1has een o L k Ortdeoeasea Linolaulas-1-1; A. d3abamas for the md 8V -e.nfefilt,lof (his lwaltb and- bad nat , 'k tiog bIwAyand by iyear. b �pfo kof !reoontl. ihn, 'been avert- iNtreet, iwast.-i-A messirge repor e in Itihe' 111oluise be,- Ithe xle#h of; Mr. en;T3 Xaoney, -Exeter, eagaged as a moulder. -Mr. -been lin JhLs Iplac ThO Witesft lews friom aIntba- -The POP42U00 'Of allow. um He 411ad 'bee of iWeybuirn,11N. W, T.0 arif ovate sLecarding Ito Ithe assesoplent moll, ri s' Blaltobtard-. and iniece, ihave foire Wks sess' tu df4fridts in 'Sor er iwell knov�n and highly ipateemed segamnt is irubo, ]his Idwelling a ths twest i,578, la quainted -with the uhargos eing Njolte-s.-Mrs., Twbella !McLean, TCl- od Ibbe itlatal as lig t1ol offe fine of 'Allorris, IDAY, ATaY '11f 1906. et that residefit jaf Itihe 6th OVhn 131-orney, ak TYs- f Ithe vfllage.-Mr, W- m. Rmba made made. a large delivery of OUTOOry &RAV- ORTH, UR iand insioutaited agaik 'h 1��' there Iwill lbe Idoi,strike of* iwh- arrivqd 1here faaFriday f alet week, tot of jtlb-e� il,ate 1koaald, a-cLea, of $552,246. -Mr. _Mft, Wa-vyajos, di -ed on Wednesday VorAp s Iv - fr hat efy fiiek, om Mr diievl§skyn of Mr. lCitoistors dcah aeomrr.nig )that log'. Mr. raee onimpers. Tbitlt- is naw a'settled, t -Noeek after everal sup&std lbo The -UwA pois,001119. M, stock Jag-LAWeek.-The isa-crameiij f de'as Mooney land 7amily twill acoord-ed moruijag lof UA� alorse take th Vord's Asguipper will be ob rveiX Extiravagant I wanit of .1c(onfid-eace matioin, Aar '.&uch Is Itibe davice weeks? 111ii,ess. Since lotamilag frium. Horney lVad Ia valuable se 14 fte, tnew a!ad inv, Ibhe 0overnment -for their,/deal- ao-m- 'the isyx-Apalthy of flnanjy rionds in .6oenlUy, idying dt week* nd Carmel 15MIX43h. jan 'Salbb&b, alt U11i KI 91.4,1419hS9 P. I �of Presidedt'Oolm- a�nd a- Ibhis * lacality.-L-Tbe fivot - 'gairne -of Urn:
Bejgj�ave 11affit ifall the hd made ter si ck jr
n �arla &Y t& "imal, 4s, mv- monih:g servize ,* 4peparabory eer- wuViolpal 00immissilon Xi7t7tiot ings iwith Ito, North Atlantli Trad- I It-lional mso-.n . as played hom fait IMr. joba,. Ganott'$- She Jie, I i io Govern- Seereftary-Treawrer W11810n boicltball eU800 and, posed Wo 1hav qonitraoted is 411- vice on 16he ff �ri'ay preceding wt leaders, 40o on On jvj 'tjoria,Park 4here, on i rid'ay last siater of Ibb lalte MOO= okie, ng Cp tthe.vaure /6f ;wlueh -and lokher.-T faf Oe taloitable tbarij rais- cpadwted by lRev. 01r. Le ted -by Itibe. -00ta�r mpa - e X*ig, -Mrs. iMeLenn ivas near- nss.-A -at 1901ne, V& xhin t mention beitweent lWingam. and , ng tido)r q went .-and for tihe form,retio O we wxplalaea daelt week. Mr. Siftlan Saftrday addrossea ite von rmsgels n ( . ly leighty eiars of age. The Imneral I _jlace Ia few days Qw, A LondoVbomo.- GeoTge Ilimd ew jark itio 'of Oe iminers lbehore Ittbe lrePort,of the ffnitermediate iserips f the. W. IV, hias lbean passed this butiried hoime�tfriam -NI o 81me- the fam of Mt. Thlam" CAset 'Lon- bas me -red 116tio tlye 41-welli -Vlhich Ia 'bill ; . te Beale. 10oncamitt6e was published. -ri as, ion iThimrsday fterocion meett bts tradiacers/ 'He ivad prea- [A. The irosuillt -was a ictoxy iAor. v. W. j. West, 4ion Ocrkd, WjOjUh. The ld 11yarn eejXtl_v purobased fr4ow mr. ff"sillyn [of fte Uglsle&VI76, thO, -T1O Zbeir adres�e's fully 11orecasted the 13rmsseig VDal& to Wne,,_ rale, joemotery, Re vLously- Itelegraoodo the Premier ea o. ha ,a4mfto New& lbakes leicap-tion to the rep", t twheh (thle, lelmtmittee wduld This Iweek �,Jfjetcher aw, lof ihown, 0,00dh&t.4 Ibbe Umeral 2ervice. The NAieh Was Put P fifty ly rs C. y.-Mr� I.Tabn Merry,' amd Mr. to defor Itihe divisidn an tMi. Fositer's mo&e. The ftspensi were tftree nie tbeing lenlarged and imp-Ayvea jand Reichert have leaoh recenitly one- salaries ItIo goo paid tio, ,the mdtkon Ontil d clouild reaebt the on order [Will '1340 moved lNo it' 1�e -Rdggard p -opertp. -in. pl-I bearers heays, feuttvre i. ohnoed lats soulth 4of beir dVd__ wad Iblie miners W111 19-bi ack Grmham;4�. oo!-rvey, hvhjoh he receat- W. land 04ter King, of Bluevale, rebuilt. An interedUng -Tt 'thinks )they tire 100(t Capital, -but Ite iltelegrfum, did �n,oit ,of Wingham; her. oonneIotVa Iwith Itbie waising was the Vings from Mr. Wra. UQ[r. the. t1o, work upon 4J?e -ternis of the award ly V.1br 64c.4, 'payia-gir It lie , rea& ithe 'Premier in itime I= oh RUM _Oif and 0. IE. Wt says oan-, Mr. MoLmn, pf 13-elgravet pre90-ftce kYf Itivio �old-time residents. large OnlduVh- 0-,f Itib Aoth-raoite Strkke Comimis- $1,60o for 11it,j -Mr. Rjoe' dis med :of ibis s1teP tl rat -raising. Wroxeter. divislont ItIoicoli 1place, ibefoT buand, whio bad- uU, sistod at M Ifi -Six t.jhfou,_and dollars wi41 bf,6 the ton's jar�rira_l,-ireguilting in ithe Motion '811011 of 003, NiViob ae, 10Per9&of5 howset land Ilidt Itto Rcjbt. rivuell !or an :tyIo inaphews f ihier of Tboy 1were far. Getorge Hawkinis, sr.p of inued, a d been div- Messrs. jWm. -i:Lnd Jjojhn Geddes, miaxizatum iga.lary tof the -ohairmarb lot illing ItV thave, .00fti 11 $900,19r. Mlptiell, wbip ba hn jjoittiv.-3fr. iP, -Sinibb being me;9atived almodt on a straight were Iw I ight glwnt, -bas Aflarris.-We iregrdt itta thear of 'the wad MT. Chris. Za-aretf.-Mro. ts Pr1mvincial lllail�,ay and Munic' will Ilafterr.,iseeic Itio, obtain thrlo(Ugh ind, iat it,he �1, tri th Varity -*dte y ' tho, Qovernme't's noltk, bf [Exeter, received- the Isad spe�ndinv a two we he Vther th looricilition board or by arbitra- moved lbo 11�8 ne ge Darter, at Oluishing, Jar pal Board and far e�Loh at t wly aeg mired prio- dealbh o Goor iday 40 his niaher, Mrs. O� wifal" awrge brilajoxi-ty. The onfe- e:k- n,6ws ladt tweek fxlolm ,,her ftfughter, r. Rom-rassa, itbe fierY tMh,-* Ite Ibetterig of ICI 10118, pGrty. tw& =tmbers tLhe aIM10it vill. -be cepttoo was IM Micihigan. - Mr. 1porber 1ormerly kept office, abore�, dD MTS, WLcUard 13, Jones, lok Seattle, -Att a n1Mt1DV PC 'bhe dirledttviat ay V*i_� Vo4j;r tboaanid.. StLrely. tba Isums fft,encbO&nadiwn wlto is Wtriv- hich- It'hey Idaimplain, fare Working vost, ath of the ,cal Compxn7, held- Frid 4 rat
QVA,4teTly mcle,ting services were W"hington, )of tbe wasiden de e Ulamed jare InIdt vulfiCient 'bO tempt Ur hardslAs on It1hom, (tolmu me Blvthi dblaimb, ion ter CKn1Y IdlaUghter, Odua May, laint eAing, �,a Aividend fot ellgft per I. ads A
4 Wtbm tept-f . . I 103,on oif bhe iproper t�ajibre to accept.-� '119 jwg a held 6n, it list i wa�s` declared. Via -A-nnual Meotin -141 - 10, hi=,elf . by' ioccas,46nilly vidti Dealtib,_Tb� sad ng, MT. 6 w
Q! in'tell �Vjj pugh years laid, iwMo died friom tapoiplexy- ,this import at eapa;city S L; of Me isbare-holders held j�j Offt in gaindt Ithe lGvernmnt - alt will be board are, - 03- rk/claived ilierb da.slt ,week of ithe �djcalth as Telted 1his- farm an t1e second, -L-Mr-s. JE-dwin Jones, and Mrs. is, nomii ame.n1l; _ffulp- 9 e Ve4opl waWt tbe world, atiad of I= old 1 lyIbh h6y in tha i It Ibave m6buirned from, LOU&00,7 Mr,; 0ob-in 10coxglaiO O_ttoro at The r# -6 -%vers Oft -be new nally, a Gorar opm ersolo 'bo, Mr. Isaac JeWitt. Brad eof Ithat be ardiotary party. of- line. o 04orriss, id fe t -h IXTs. solclook, Wriday, tMay 18th.-Rov, gr d ainst lbh� Gov- they get -d )played, Boldt- w dgLys'wi m1d be Ab . NVIM The jecintent ,ulaiiI 4,Mr,,Gelor e P(hillips, wil 10 Was, -well pri after igpend g Ia fice fteker 01 siolutOlY in- Ae) pral ' Aikeohea Vr ernmenit land iwitili. Ithe Opposition an tund jfaova ly known jh,ere, ,havin ball Iwi-bli. Ithe Winigham eam -at George Levy and dther Mends. H. OAvraxott Preavj" a vau _W I 9 Oddli Mr. eifbbn, there, R. Some of lour anembers %of Varlia- on hows IMP this ocoasiloji. -bftn o Ia 16 ber of ffears in It,he B red PuVh fho t5e I, russels lgt Friday. -F - The Kews -is ,recklessly extrva-. for Itto ibe of Un's class, They in ibbe iOtbodist blargra Sunfty e, ffilad. itlo tmke his ispeeeb ta§ im mont iseem paft_ffiee. i Tbe past Ifew jears -be. wenit lbo Palmerston. -on 'A%ndaY, Hensan. o'all in s, ItbM mater W (priville aind has--lbeing nWv- havvi a coolUnUous free. terrimm. A tau-mbr-of du1tsido1o&;,;_, ilts ideas of Mho salarle, has Ilield, ;responsible itAositthon iosithori..-Mr. !dnd iga:nt n ii where 1he mas a Dr. Ovens, eyo and m surgeoll. Uill 1)8 at the d. -D. 9, ft*UJL: 0 - considerably . ibandicapped by 'the bave wacks of Mrs. .4011, Queen's hotel, were rapres6nte sVokild be Vaid to tpubli - -10ffioi pass tio Itravel an, -all the trailways fint-, on �, -,of it -je Flega -8 IfLogerc lof Belfiadt, Ashfi,14, ifenuall, on Frifty. �jay 4th. Ifours rules f lbbe Bouse *hich orbid it. Vis �=ny fiieds ere very oX Tomalto, 411&s looaltod he_�re ano' TrIdeed it 'is alm:odt Vrloilig�adte. It Canadaj and, tin addiltil'on Itlo, U1is, "re- t r10 havoe' lbj�ghlt Mrs fferguaoun?s house 8 a. in. to 2 p. m. Glasses properly0fted IM-tf m-eimber".s lalluding, Ito ainytf4ing said so,rr I y Wo fh�ar of -his the 'tb, -,vVich his offi-ce, 11; I ttbe Tesidnbe df and jhave ;oame Ito ilive fin Blmeva,le. G. �T. Sutherland bao had placed in bis hands at a even 'thinks 'olar. anembers of Far- ioluts AiAate wioh has, ceive 42,500 fkYT iless than,six mnths, bofok rplace ita,!A Wdnesday evening, . -ettt bargain, two fine brick dwellingaith 0, num- lbffiller,� Mr. ips-aph Wade, 4- _11. . tn a prev -Mr, dohn lGaffneItt rpuIt �try a iece r I id, bmn iclsed. -flowever the wade good C of lots attacbed 0 each. A gd*t ance, for R Fjoirdwich, paid the vill-aje a buO_ 1i.aaiiedt wrie Iriolt kCID bi cremun. work, and atill ithey, are inidt h1apy. , afte -onily q few day-$' illness from o nealt Ifince at his Iresidence Ithis 9 B Ips retired farnier or anvotte Anting first-olass i MsIt me, (ot IM& Itime rand, al Ith y week. -Arbor Day hvas observ-ed at ings at a barg4in, kiso cheaper properties for Sal erIated at $2,500 1per tdssi7an. I OPP'drtL11n1t'c8 They Inaw loomlain tk t e are padumonia. i Geiarge irodie Philli e. ness 4eall Mynday�_ and -in Ibbe, iplaiedt a:nd mosit V.osit- d1mly 17tai, 107, 'at St. idle Apply at once nb the post office, Irenftil. 197U TJD.rd, 10f OJOW10k, iSpOnt Sams, tibUxt the . galaiies fixed. Adt lgiven It,he ichloicest ki%cafs (in ithe was lbprn _ Is -
ivez liugmage and in badest .cUucyl by ilyiAting 'u(p Victu-'res Mi. and Xro. Aabin edg* Jr,olos, N,ow 1010undiand, where his -M,r. avid Er- iXemP was 11 with 'Goiv- cars, land Ithe iduffest beds . Ur the faltiber was i4i member of Liar fMajes7 rinigibo, 'of Owngtannoin-, oirmoly of 011ubm ths week vene-svi g ac- R ve tHaTrils T6111ned fi. e, �ther ithe kuys
for 'Ube Railway Com-mia4ioners are. senst,_ odeni d Udt P t and Taking 'the jard. ee Aft I
erntme:nft'. Ihimself, ths,delyartment. or sleepers." T next Whing (we kniow- ty's Ord lre'glmeot. Aftet Iba Xath- to wil lam, astt -,Srpr, wNeTe be Temiuberalive Iand if Va Morris, ivisited in, ibbe villj?4c, Ildst juair�tamees4-Rev- Mr. ffiek f U j �LnT persokos jadtijng n ittheir --'behalf' -Is iYonorable discharge, ithey mQv-' -wit.11 been- bo 1,some Itim -Mrs, R. i Lfr I lye week. Mr. Erriodbon' is jtuA re- .Umngamnoln, ex�unged dutles erriar 1hs fbe anade it, fts n -fixir there' will (be olit privalte cars ej -.0 ed lea Bee iville Aor a f ittort time, is Iserijolusly 'rill at, � Vome, Of h Ond tput too Ilow h1d lever bad'an improper, oovering ifrom Ibbe 'effects 'Oi all. j. Dobeifty on, Sabbath lat, bem jalt lVoo, ig then imdvad 11here. in 1874, here It(hey Mr. and, Mrs. And -so `tL e ar - dialgartiorable relaitiops or prioided obor Ithe (free use of 0 tack Ifivm. ta viciams COW. preaOhidg' missionary fsermlms.-Mr. Pttrentt% i A, A man.- Six �jhlousxnd, didtlars. a -Yeai, dealing iwitih lbbe saiA ioompxoy and, logislalburs, jall I'M be paid, 11or b y resided . itiotli a889 -wihen he nYoqed othn,.Niclyollo deft, thei-e dwrif;,g. the Gorrie.-T&e familiar JSee Of (Too LUC, for last weelt.) �.Usbo
he to Ija.n4au, t4taying ithere, a few (years Im the price, orT an 6blario orne &Mdred bh!&t 'if Ithere were any dioulb't "n 'thP- the ioian;Lry, -of oamrse. 8nne of it pa -sot Nveek Itto ivisit rel4tives: in, itbe ahni )Chittiek, who AOT inds of any in h�e_ maittr �ialf they lhe was in. variolms 'cities Njoits.-W-aler Burgess Aleft b4is has ldriven It' jq 'acre farm overy (year, ,Woruld be slaf- m0n-1w,)rs take Itheir rprosent' deprivw 'after 1whichi H. IE. Bililugs ver� pleas- year's .had Ito (d *hie to vs ihodewvda'e,6, atioxis two jivirreh. Ito lbeert that they of lb-hre tJa�o, finally sett -ling (in week IDOT M09&01nin, r- 'be w ariltly eti�rtained a umber o f his 43elmare tbo Wmoxiater, ill' be ficimalt to satisfy ihe ambition of sion, lot ji. tigltion and the Lipledg-.. w(in- enigae iin basiness.-Mrs. W. J� sed Ion mx i9treels. lie bav mae Ithern ta special &uibject foT dis- I)etriolt, twN--re this tremal young ifriuds ion 'Noinday evening B
3e el=
Bien. TEree-bouteths a. -1te ed lbimself -Ito, igive ll Ith assistal" oussion, An Che Hicoulge a few'days, a!go. terred qii. IF j- i day of J�at i ree. -Those othtan lturned I fled 1&way at his Nome, pm r St' josePll's lats1t .in,,No6or of, Xr. -B. 'Afbis,OY, who d
and,,apeoly, n- One anomiber trelafted %diat be ha aid le& . 11:0 noildwr-n- ,him ase IAr.s. H, a -has een )in th8 - Atol sons ank dmr, 134t ffriday fafternoon ftr a pejaple wm2d be pleasedAf bhey in 1his power Ito futlly hospitial, bonAon. on S t.ujrday.- 'I
-1doW, d - make What anuah ja Ia ife vatigate' Me l-whiole,ippoceedings. Of -dow& Ihi8 $2, and rw4s aumt o, ire- Leea, asifiter lin IDetnoft, and twio Day id Patton, 1i r., s irgain down wi th ing Ibbe 1past itwj& -years -and, twb1a has iffiltess Of @11euOuDnia. -Decea:sed'_* cOuTse. InIo Member has Tdt-�demanded ceiv-e lbhe corveted pasteboard that brjoitbors, -yv-m.. tof Gh,,eago, and appenAlcitis.-:-The cream wagons beeh llyromidted ItoAhe Toxont ag- in ihs 71b1t 7ea:r and leaves a time la:nd w1drk ;m.fghlty 1hard i0or t an Iinreitigaltbun aind ftilio. another jaiave- jrAommenteed It -heir ommmer do 7 . . stuoZI ,bar " lower iberlt in Ithe_mi& Jamas, 6-f fr4,;ew eney, and 'eniters'impoln his Oies. ber *f m Obban lWo; a very great _4eal aiarder than, Icalled Iscaiddl inks, fporn blic hvb10 shave rtounds.-Miss Alice, Pul is trectover- dle of tlbe Icar?, when the agent Briefs. -The OddA-ejlows� Wis tweek. The lbest %vishes otf this mouriq ibis Ideath. The faneral -too here go -w�tb him.-Quir Sunay afterowk view for 16h ipregent. ippe. la-ce (11Y.Melmore the (Railway OcianmLssiloiners. We 410 L spled ih 11trans tation. 11 Yaw -have org d - lodgel in Ibb-13 village,' in frion Ia badattack 'of 4a gri friends 0
6 Ispradg lie 0o, Itake tan upgr," ,be said, andi iin- helra: ciounoil te, Icaditle& to mue-h ioredit iservice, lbeing jalandodted iby Rev. AndbVer breez UIP '7a ver gacceasful in-Ltiatiory rs. Mil`156n. Waksori,_and nhilren p *jb-.iT
�14!oift know, Wt wei'venta-re tUbe tiate- Hafmse- on, lMonda3r. Tihis was 6n a qpejA Xconday t Air. Tbbs. Stew- g1tead lof igettinAi bower six," -he meeinig in llindluivtry ihall last .,Wed- bo#- Itbe lexcellens ma:;wfier in which Wa6hit Itihat Itht 4martaging editfurs IA judtjon of Mr. 1,61nox, of Sdu&bL- -whicli. t1he tGrand �arit's.-, Mr. i and tMrs. Jo;hn Peitchvof ated Ito tup-per twenty-two vad nesday Inigibit at aey lha-ve -had it'he ttreets of Ithe the 'Glcibe far(' lNews Au not treceive Simcne, and (was as J]Dllows: " Th, I gmqiter iandi (assistant iGr nd Secre- Lidtlo*,el. iperyt S,undlay at Mr. R.N. one member 11after taot.her nose rin village, graded Idlaxing 1he tp&st 'wee Varna. mutc1h, aib6ral balaries. - A muo-h hig-di" ot ,this 115'dluse 'it i his place tand igave Wimilai L-xperi� tary land lorlanizer, IMr. W. Neilson, l9cLeva, kwiblo- made her T 00. With Ia good suipply of pro- All irbibee er type ot mixti is crequkred flor fte, ember- #af rte "one Ad !Mr. Jjoh, Gaoettt's, and mns slippers for JaMes, girls, andeldlai inex.pedienit Wat xji� )m eAnC68. of th.e. (Grad' Dodge, were in iatteud- per lgravl added we will thave zoadi -beautiful sunmer oo4 and very reasonqVe* .141ter Oan for (thle fifirmer 1posititun, Go.vernmefit or deoulty head of - a oring bo (bad levn ill for many - ee;ks,
r. Clemens ffesvt Kent), carried a,hice.-Membors of lbhe tiell;bb 6toona Itio Aone. Mr. Thomas welsh prim sainplesinnort-h-window. NN. 11
1 s,. Olidtlan, . agent -V -%ytbile It'he *Wties nd resp UAsi bili ties deparltmedt stbidald iact or -appear as died an, - Wednqsday mornin.-Mr L� or Doroty Dodd hoes for ladles and VXeO tbe matter, Vo Ithe G. , R. eadquar- Lodges, of lEkOltr, Brusse has prehased. thke little frame dlvel-� ro mile
lare, imueb mQre exacting exarper- b idter, molmnsel. or ad"ealto in an ters ait Noictreal, and, ws It -old Itht Goderlc 1=4 (Wingha-m Itl the Inan- ItIofberit M.esnr a*st a 9Md 'Uorse lj_ft,_ -A- Slater sljoes f4r men, Seafortb .1 la I ek. It -he , lowned Iby Mr. �. G. Gj�Wham,, wad ;
isuit (or prceeding, except Ing 4 ays son imined N1dt`e6._T&e Ming tand (Nirearing. aow the larder irelegating statesmen Itio, ber )of labdoIC 100 assisted 1paitt fell side-Nv - of W. 001wars
We 'believe ' io, . yulbliG jserv�a!ntsl w1ere Ith Criow, the tapper Itier came 1from. 63o -less A through ithelwark of 1he inw .1tod, sharp jenA of a tvoard, which- 6Ajar- ialtely e"t 0111%
Udhh of 'high 'nW il,ow d4fee,-being are linValved, tin any cidu0t: tpresid6d or gel ed �t i-niter"lly. boaring ffitowe and intends moving waking. I' prepa:rAtio= to open RV Ildry
person ,than C. &I. Ha!ys. wich Ntarl:6 ((Yff wit-h'a inemb ship it dnd erefing dorther fin dwel- genry-fi)n Vvriaa, It -wil be liberally jrem�imeiwted-, but Iffisre is, aver Iby 1judges or -a juIdgt appoinit- ri.-o't, (Eadt-,-T,ronbo) otdfer- of J23, which;: %vill e wapidly .1nereas- lin in zito ,place. Mr. 'W- el& as -a. �6d in Mr. building nv&idU W- Iwo ve n1ta of Canada."' -Tea-gan Mull tbings, 'they &hduld d jby (the Go, r ent ed, as alreiady there' are a great reouItabon of building tomses that now Amboult its irece-ption.,., ed Ilos- from Ithe indignity hat a coom Exeter =Tlly WO ntdlt be set fun a pddestal a�ave Severlal Imemers ftbe Oppo;sition pnlied 1his jceritificaj�te Ithat be favor- many applirnitS XOT Imp-lirfberahip.- wtolaild id -o lo-reau ibo an lbown or ioit, -Xiss Xnau Oalrymple, OT ft. 91, Ito E
their ma-4ters. The; buirden, in lbhe jiave been, lafter Ithe iscalp of 111jon. e t*as held in i1ii4fastry hall ' Local 03riefs.-Mr. Anilrew GlbvoA, Y, _.d wepealing Itthe istalbute thalt Igave A maelting Mr,,5. Uujiea:u XeEwm was Teceatly vir0fed )at the 11,04ae Of WIT. lang tmn (ha a1w ays Ito - bet bora by Mr. lAyl-6.9moilit1b, Posmaster Gner- of It -he (Thames Road, Usborne, 'has Members Ifree Itransplartation. has'l; Tharsd4y levening Ao- lthe,par- visiting a-elatives and friens in 9-e9vulgCon�, Bayfiela Tioa, UA�' Yt-Irn
the !magses, fte farmeri a:nd Itbiu art- all .,ever isin-ce this appoilytme purciased ithe ir ideiroe - 91f Dr. R01- n't -t'O Mr. d3rader, (Duji,das), added his piase i0f lorganizing a lawn bowling Zujrich aitid vicinity.-- Our sports- week.-T&e Messrs. &nrs%.n, izaanq, hA wdiom 'evea the viiogt t�he, Gavrnimet and Ahis .imlothoin. t tin lius, an lbbis town, for $1,200. It is, a .4
estimlany, as idid (Dr. -Reid, �Grea- club The mk�etjmr was very men fhave, 'd1wxjg ttl�6- 1pa;A week, 8tW-9,_,y lhave. of thrifty d1D but ireceive mh TeWar'US was faimed tcaain*Jy ak him. -It seems ville), land idters. well attende'd"laxid %Vhe Onliawing f- 'Very i6beap tpioperty, land Mr. Gib- been, LAM lfutftlher impnoving lour bute- !telam of brmvn mares to-, tlo-r It(heir labor�, It 'is-. tvak ithat thla!t iMrw Aylesworth (had -a 11e. araing san, Iwill- )Yav a nice and, ioomborf - in 0-mme, Even the p'ortly Minister -of Riiil- jw,e.re ;Weeted 6o race w4olmrse land ,hiave ift ow almost Xessrs. Archibald land Cnidmoret, sibas and in �vme of k)endi (before B able 'home 10 �retire to- 'wb,en ibe dc- tale Od1krts ways end Vanals, dmitted ta 'on 'year., 'Presiden't, Mr. Oi-� up Ito. perfectilon ista�odard.-Mrs. -Seafdribb.' for exlpxe- manufac,ftring' and O�mmeroial in-- ait lbboe, (Limc idenjt, I)r. Milne, ,s To gj e 4nore votive 'dat- of his fappointmle"t't�O his dadt It'rip ?Tom Tor'otcy.�Jliej had, MeXionon; pre. , : cide ive Imp t, CoDper, tofiMtomitral, Is at It-hemanse thw ffaTna twill Im4e, tele-pbone ioon01 ay,
klak,gtries it -he (rewards are event Inq1tych tj3e r,-,Ibinet I,and ,he 'has on "several been ialom 6.ascend the laddar. vioo rcside�it, (14i. .A.i W. Shdan ; 's, c_ ies OfAerm Jife.�Previluas 'tio lleav- elled ti e visiting 1her brother, Rev. Mr. neetf twitil ltbe� ouitsiAp. world in, larger. RiA ii4tare. tbis Iis Ithe Icase acoaios appeared before ltthej'adg- tT�e& i lbieTe, Dr D. -A. Anderson, wV,' Dr. Sproule, K&utAh Ir-rey), made a rdary, I& sluirer, in19 0 Sm'etb.-The friends of Mrs. .Smi- shoWt t1line las arra emients are 'a bas lbeen and luiaofml ugge9ti-oln e thlought that -up- Mr. Jamo.9 1 MoMmrehio; aammittit-ce, lie iwill lbe pleased Itio, learn Uhat she compleked flor the the
s 4 ruile 'hhe responsibilities are e�s lal.nd largyVed Ithese ;eases. The,,Op.:. a respedted and tbe mental �Lnd pol.qiltioin ihold fht it is improper per iberfhs' lshloliga cost less itban bi istill.improveing.-Mrs. Miller, from tbe -1wires It -a It'his phiee.-QVIte U MX,o:re (honiewas 4 Dr. Lvg, dr. Milne and Mr. ajoa;a; reident -of iExeter -or imany 1years,
pb:ksioal twear iarfd 'tear very waluich fior (a. Mir�ptter of ibbe crown Itol radn_ Acrip-tion oommittee, I was presented, an-ibslTalf -of )the Trus- lo -es.. Tihis would -divert &,lie de- sVb ssrs. Me- MiabigtLn,,_.wUo was hee �spoakllg' . feNv Wre Igettiog irea#3� to, Taiae e-1 greater, while Ae as,nraaces Par d -met la ease lbefore, 'ib�e bf mnd and idifdribute -the Kinrhun and Long. It 64, t'lite litan- bee Ruz,rd-and.eboir ol James street feAN, weeks with. '-her Bister, W be' passengers. rs. Yarne, umong ltiben�mber b 'the 'fulttfre�fare not mearly oo �rvo_ the toolurt.g.who -are .appainited'by' the Siometbing ill -b,rve ibo tion, Itto ftry and iget griounds "dded Methodist w-rch' (witai, tan addrdss, jo%n., Sodtt, retU.,rne home ffenry nAlDn, Ur. be dilne to the J'Yq Of cloluse 1tijiPare. are ex-' i hie'l om-panied -by Ia bewWtiful hymn first iot (bho week. -Mr. Albert JW, Erraft and Ift� ArthVIr Stepbon.l., r, Gcwernmervt of wafle-1 a fa m e Tn - relieve !Iblie It will never alt iunice, (So It'hey ,Oan 1plaY Ithliff year. lam v7ept�pns I'Llo ,this ,mle wher� her. This lis )ill rigblt s a geneal lo for lour itmitNmen -W e treated -Tliere I Tiown Volok, fin jappreelati-on of er- W,b*tO.qjdes jdL� Nmas�. (an, tassault lease tin 11 Ornd irecently friom svn._V,jr. jAndrew JR-Oid khs 001A U It'ries, anterprises or rt6ft�ssions re rdle, bat IMr. kyleswiortii's qYositiio-h thu� gnminiously by a Pullma lat 1week. Twio Imen iby te name viceR ias Ia member of tib jooir, and Keewatin, 1whrd be was suimmomed! valm-ble Iteam ojf',bIqo4 21mare's udOuly nd (mprfotperly faviDred b is Ich-arly Rult it tRave oar T-Oartcr. The -bef. is n -one to of IMD88 IfTI�w Gddericb, who ihave obher lelvu;roh hrork. Dr. AnAerson owing io .1 Che critical illness and Mr- fRalpla $te7pbensan JOGr a sition -a:n opooirtfulnitj o goj6d for Ibbem, es ieially, Nybe di is bezn. lcookinIg 11or Mr. F19VU, lhad sulbsequent _dc&Lb. tof 11116 bother, figuxe, 'Air. Steheimo;n �Mr, law land tin Ithis wy are eti"(1--bled Itb 1.b 10p pag pe bA,ends gaing ItIo 'the Xorthwegt. Ao plaoe. Ito praoti,se. )his pro- ,ge�keely land jegall qiDb thepvqp1,,,, tr-y- a�nd irnalco capital. -Mr. kyles- given at Ithke. expense ,of the c'juantry. soe Itnduibia iNvibb. tthie Bum ian, sgjDt roak Idul d William. The Idceased fivas a j5troag -a Aldt of ibom. es rhice lagt
But t L,4h(ocuJd be. the aim of every %mrth expla, inted. Ibis (plosition fuilly, tbcr disolu'xge. When.. r1he came fessron of denti.q-try.-Mi. T. B.Hland- pen ]v W 1A. iMillper a:gd Mrs I er e 4 and 4cti -, ma!n and had filled quod, t- Vqrad iciti7an to frw do-uad ie�k- -vbowing UY-af. lhe�'haff out in,ainy way i1bo. Itha Mee ion Fri6ay Itol WO, ford iw-as tin, Cieago -last nvwk, a . positian-13 and ta-a
o -se ehis tiort of "thinix. All the swgar fteglect-od 11 -be Oulties of Zhis offico: Uditorial Notes and Commen t was for some. itimo few Oays Ratt wek at Ithi Nome tjld,Lr m1o'ney. i'-h.e book keeper u.ld temdIng il[the igreat I-rarse, Show there. , I - 16he police tbe AlatfeT`s jmrients, 3ft a6t, vely - engaged aa and OV41
for few iand,sm.vdiat tor. 'many while laitte ding Ita his private p - Speaking 'before 'Llhe North To- UjOIL Igiv lit Ifjo I-
n rac tdim, Iwo 'My otarted -Mr. tGeorge, U. J31:94c!tt, w1h a left 0j.0 ho�rce-. 'Re 'Was only ill a 9blarittime ClArk of Ule 33a�yl fa *n1dt a bealthi Aate of affai,rs in Use land lelainied 6b.vt lbe of -act of tit totdbo Oonserviative Associaltion a eft Jbim, -brjjjjsj him somowhat. here ia few hveeks '19% is now in 019 and leaves a wife and youlng famijy I%T-Vtb!odi.gt Sbbatli sohopl on, :-its alty telftn'try. In 10anada %and n Om- menTbe:r 'of Itibe GIovernmet eig a few hoick k-coper and time Noliden, Xanrtoba,wth�are the has the Uri -D we are drifti'xvg idto thi way lawyer ,-ih'dwld -nidt Preclude him ,nigbits ago, Mr. Wm. Laidlaw,K. to im aux n this loss. Mach sympwthy Gvahien line Nas been. � opei "eh; ff-546arr r, keeper. -djart.ed Ito iget �h,ivarranft 2or mania-g-emelft ofia thrdware;store bor .1.9 felt thor tibe bereaved, father, W. the wammer twitli Mr. Tjilamias aolw tof 11ifattoo rapi'dly. The Itirle, nblvufld Ofocilring ive kyf tat 8! t after 'hi -private Ibmsi- -,a p ominein't CQanservat , I - - , tarted after them end a Wininipeg firm. -All arrangemenks an M Is W&UPAsids, of Itbis vfl1a!gi, and he Wdoin �aa sup�rinits�j1dent d i tileon, Ithey 'cc emm6d nd influerillial incytrac-. pijc,fes,_ oity, idlenoluinced Itthe Whtney Gkov- noss nvhen rinemers o 4ffier I gave kiihom loolmle (joatore, utnishment,, 1or Ithe. Quieens fflifthay cele -bra-_ Vors Iof Che, people, like Oe News sionis 1were llliawed Ito dV Iso lw'i6hault' ernmenit's [treatment joif ithe Gillies Ileft in Exetr, tare now me;mbers iol his fan�ily.-Mr. James Keyes U Bible elgiss, teac,her.-YIT. ter jw1bich (they to"%V11. Oil Sat- a�huwt 0oxivorlUb, wbo, has always al -own a. H-arriso, )of Sdom, conAidered SWUM aid lin `t'he,go(od work insftead abjectbos being raised. 'Re said.: timber limit. He is,aid C -ib invest- u.rday nolualty bonstabLes Somrs and coMPIdtfd, Ian7d ial!). �rfoads will lead %bo. go(od Ideal of enterprise, is Inak* did a very jgood day"s, w4ark Vjma Of tryin It(o *.4pread tilie evil. The. " Since 11 itio(ok iobv*ge olo -the PoIstof- madt of 1pulblic Talonvy in mines r e was Wetlake dt,.rmck oT oderiallwhre Ex-6ter on Ithe 24th. The p cc ed-- grealt fewer Roickfellers and Crnegies and fjee jdcp,,,ftm.enIt-(r bave, -given tile n1o(thing Iless thfan rublic gambli, a li disced mven'la-eres. "Over itwice i7ripDoiveraffiat in bi ivery bey arrested on tot them, the ixv.gs.Gf lbbe ay will The japertd by ;a property, locc-upied (by, Mr. Rid beft one ifty, Aft Mr. H, Saider, Adiseed It jother regalized Irobbers, twe ihh�ve in fuillesIt Imerasure' of Itime itthat any What ithro (Goivernmown't Isboruild h, ve oter arroit1t. Besides adding fflo the con- zres rd Tin, tix bwal Ift . djave, fbB wa.�, (ho- ' -a Iglting away. �Iry, 5ndulght gr1axYd rparade, lhaded by The -Marsh" , Aor 19r. C. - Wa ;h1s
Uii.s eotunl�ry -the better. Juistice man is ta"We to -igriv IhD -a wiorkinr de- map III* )tb�e him back Ifio, Blyth X 'he. wa s als, Xessrs. Jaes'Balla4tyjne, Jioibn venence .[of -bbe prose -at premises, with a team bf Itwo. 3 and 4 all P64 a avicim -�aims b pital- Wn his Delbrldge,� -ad Squire Leabhurne t1a sped, .l. f, , to indne, pailtmoryt during Ith -cing lXDurs diArict, iBelll 16he al o a: look -ed lulp (till In hon drajy�jg, be is thaving-a 'brick addiitLpe zpuft lbo dQ can. it t. -of tnt ists, andf 1pult Itibo miolney in he (tre - e ' i old, Bat It -hat it V1 91(oluM lbo the Ipdal lmed Then a I maulteA on -,vliite herses ;TW y day. I (blavo been triam. the as case icame Imp �ax U was.ad- a ud t101 be it -Mr. QoIbil nueba,nan, -op__ Guelph, want 5riour )hdggies and we7twould fb'ave eqLgLlity, r6guilated time 11 Itook lohlarge of itbat depart- iiry. Mr. Daidlaw Es igUt. ffe q�aigblt journd itio lGioderieth Ito tak place folllow,ml by lbbe anembers lof the bas [been ,visilting*his, paren!ts dwring lijohm CNA lonly lby merl't abililty. rnfMt kgaged fin Itare affairs of., ith, t alsix (have added Ithe implostion, of a before 06unit Crown RU rney Sea- eown Iclunnoil Un -a- tiblody in 6he. ea papered, M-11 im -9 d the past fanorallty on. IdlYe, du(t pult oif lea h mine. d, deparItmenil: ba�tard 'bar, is a hlusticr. -Xiss �qix Idays a neek 'writil. g6r- EdUPT Bradwin lbs Lwcured a reeVe's ial&eomobile, an� bfien the renktd IMr. .Jjd)hn ffinl is vi The O-taio begislat-urA after midniphit, igivig Ito, it it,hr, ,)t- In, 111his Nvay,khe, ?ople Avouild lgeA go, sr Ing od Ipjaittin, (on Salturda iphit i n H&dol ichildren of Rxeler !and -quw ling, in -ear Itlie'Amwdry, W&C e the is Ithp r te.nition iwbieli in '29 O -r ,tbo ejr Ifister, IMM a* a� Ward, ithis N-11 fvalae ,property u:nd Tolrionitio, Ibut ias tycit (he Ceeps 1pois- r1oun-ding isedti,ons oad the varim The reat Orptarbo, 01 Idail tpliaetise ,T wouild tinear In(one of Iblve triks sad streln(m usnes inf sessvo f Ithe 8ta'nda-77d -hich is 'trades tand Iprafessions will arso 6e Legisl.Lkare. during PaRt week nvr loalled lu(poln .1tio, jeq ufal. T, respoltils ibil i ties . tof qulah tprclrit(xus beinig inva by �Mr. iH. fl, inwi, wihio in, 11in, After (tbe Ofacesskon, there- 'thalatrodluethon. of,,the'(G�otvern- lboild ff rn. ion,ly. giving lit jth(j eiaterprises. 'GOverments Iwere"IeVer has been ,ouc f Ithe s aff for a will he ta plendidpi'agramme of a:'.lh- Meni7 mat of Imy Itimi, I have -only injtftded fr I!Vulah miork. If trbey ;at mimbo,r o years. Mr. radwin is Idtic Isporks lin, ithe Agricut arod fpark. 'bill Par ibhe. reoullation nd TOM --ay Itio tmytradfutcer itbal Ill tslj� nd 6o Ibbeir Idgitinviate qftiss vnd tio, be, toongrettulated ion -� aving se- -Dr. Rollis, twhio -leaving Ex!ter IsTMs hion- of L%aTneibhiig t6f which ?he kivaw, perfotrra them (faithuilly and , cured suoh � a pood pos tio.-Mr. nd jgyalngiw�Wt wifihtht itrowd, wa bill Ixv4as oagerly �;aoked �or. Those walisfied, c-4- xr.oitibig whatevr. -I en_, e6tlY Ithe Vufbli w- I and Mrs. I.Tollm Hnd o have entertined fby Jbis friends at, a ban- Vec�ally %ht Iprtiian, I of the -yubli* Who were. letan-Auriag far Gavernmedt tered impiuh Itzhe ad -ministration -of been Ivisi-ting in Wrlax.17ret 'IV 'flor 1the q"t )on-Wednesduy hevenin.g. -Mr. '(1evelopemenif, itransmissiton'tarLd dis- dapartmnt 'nearly - "peven WNy 'are, Ina 16041irg ifer Vii1blic, (loot past. ieiotu�pl.e faf qnon,[68 Tblyat urnd rto obn Prmt, sr., of UsbTn, Inear ,ill be ImIrAnIbbs npo with the -intentidii lot'- a&(Mired by tpoli-tical pkyltl." tomrn Satluirdy.-Dr lesworth, Elimville, -delivered Ia pair Of 'two I disppoint- tribation t toost giving Itiol it, (tiho- vcry 'LlItTrAost ot whio bdifghtt Dr. LindcZy's practise, year oldqteers he d, while itbuse who thinik it )wnnafe pn.E,,,rgy land Itimie emssaTy for it The Exp`olsitbor deeply Iregrelts * qgme lb.0 ftwn it -hs weei a d jA Vet- ed 0,030 ipoimnds. are "t -kind SELING AT a.ke m ney ult of.- ion ing acuainted Iwibh -the public.-- of icAtIO Ito :M, 10 bor go ltj�is fir.. will be 'pleased nd &dti .9. 1,1 -.n -d khad P.very expe-etati, learn -o iffie 'impaired -health of -Mr. r
r If "or
Cbinkful. that the 't -Gavernm(,nt have blilat Ithe. .-w-turk iof 10ye, depar morillf Mr. Jothn'Obewart, of A�hode ich bdwri- lytors of 141,e fstores in Ito�wn, hve, a- Aioluild fully occupy !rn 'time, vad A. F. )MoLdr-ein,, itbe popular m.. -F sihip, ivis�td frii�vds n lbo n Satur- &oVtod llht�, early closing system. no' been atm SPEOIAL PRI IOES piado by �ioisy -clam- 'iritn'tion of 4yuftin-g n Ayr Norith Perth nd 1; iheartily en d'ay 6t ita-sli; weeek.-Aism 0*111.4, tvho They Ido6e, ev6ry evelving, exosp't *Or itvto undertaking- .qcy unwise �and Teekless isobeme.' , Whle ;the. Gov! pr:lehoelin I- had been hanygg- qtraltbord R clon: We, are 1 30 Per Riall end firtally and frever 'ho Ihhe dfo�rae Tc oll;(�wing frcm- 'the is Or. Carderl.�, sinng a Wednesday at Saaday, at ra-SO.- quo boa!ultiftil Lgoo in he Engllih*church Omr Dormer ;9 !(-I iciizen, 1kir. ernment une:ivre teems t igive a ml fio r 12.9 6 -h U (or 30 rf I av,o tb-a:t (tho Liberals iolf Worth T A 8 ndi, y "ning.-Doln't P)rp:et �tihe J. Srfackman, of Toran'to, Was in .7 ++++++++++++++ +++++++ ,+4�+ very I-rext ideal, it makeg very little' c,h-inige in ty trespecit Iffife inten- will in heailtily with their Orvn- oead- I .1-ItIll wv' - C, 1hol hn "Id in 16 town Rnst tweeir m'hn1rinrr 3,Ln& I`hadvance. son mv,hat -%ye ;ntoiv have. Un- tiob IT tihe-n Ihqd Tm 'here Atndin-g serValtive in expxes- Friday ievening-)al! ftis There is 'old friends. — Messrs. 03a*de Our samples contain many of this year's choke mer! der ithe ald law tot %1903 Vhe. In-Yuaici- upoir ,my -th,;it espact libo sing deep (olver it -he illnesrs is into ld!(Yurdt bult, t-blat lit il' begood. & IXD�onell disposed of _twb� More- of and fio voirap-ala IMr. A. U. MoLaten, Oulelplillaiad Gioric.l Railway tboir tiimpoTted *�tallions daet week, I)alitic-s iwere [given ifyotvver, Itio-apixoint dio. vrich I h'ave ftnta can desigris. Can and see, bring sizes of roo o. too-mmissiton tad lbhe, Government r4oinitinlae. Ito (flia ft "m itong ,is 'It (10 ']? 50, eelk renewal 16f ilacal-th at Olarnp,&ny jbae iclome Ito n agree- one going Ito uttan and Che other, date for paper hanger. _M. I ixeltainvd lbo fitelf ithe, powek to wn- n(ait [neglect Qbie lffairs jof that de- Carlsbad,- G-ar-imamy, Vnd twill -bidpo' menit 'with Giinton Bros., b which to Mhios. 'Elston an trol JTndcr Ithe inew Act the Tya*me�nit oT' (of tihis Parliamadt.11 Uyat Ibis abad e =ay ot e iDf ffnieh Ibhey Ia thera . iggins were married in llow $30Q A itakinig. Al r s. IA Goernment Itake !Power lbo-- dev4lop Thn gemer-,Al orpiniIon expressed,.in lempth as ItIo Inecesitate lhis rretire- tihei r London -a s veek, and are naw oom- water i! privilege ahy frooll i qnd ,expropriWite tand Itio appoint Che f,he dvb,ne lby IthaRe on ithe Govern- mervt ltriom' Parliament. While Lib- %bblvm.—Mr. 'Jj�seph Stlathers bas in- for`ta�bly Ilocated ,in libeir 19me Ion 1co-mmissioners. Tey aspiactic- Moot Isi& Ibillat dthe legal erals iminitUL be expected -to,endors' AL X., WILSOA a 4balled a ga'p4oline engine in his Main jit Mr. *Wm. Ray blas !Ptar- 7 qlly ILh6 0 'act, 1plaoin.- members of Itbe 1134over-nmenit migh IwIfolf, (of Xr. XcLaren-'s 1politica.1 ivop Oor It?helipurpos of Derating eXased a initeregt in 'Mr. T. it 4n. ithe iawr of Ithe'mor4amisgion very rprperly, (in th, FIRST -DOOR NORTH OF PICKARDS, air -sryare wom- caie,ar, ilJi-ey )have, (we lbelieva, taftfl !his �Iejeottic Alght and' 1bur-ning --his Brry's orted atlUon, " X-laster- the harse that won the to 1.irrhge )between 1private iorwners en.1s, &evot' ,their attenflion -to appr-eciattiloin: of ilus iperso�aal qualit- ice for -jam. fre zer, 'Mr. %ki,hers al- SE&FORMS ONTARM. and. 61ther ylawt,s and looking tafter ftibeir private Vusiness ies Iwdiieh- lbave mde im 'a populac ways believe kn having e verytbing sweepfftakes I )rize at 33mcefield