HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-05-11, Page 1- THIETY-BIGETH YEAR, • WHOLE NUMBER, 2,00-1. SEAFORTH, FRIDA.Y, MAY 1191906. si a Year in AdVance; Fine 1 Tailoring I and Taa,dynaade Clothing I he GREIG OTIHNG FURS AND FURNISH ii4Gs Mal 13,M.A.T-3 " STOMM:). lig but, likewise,- tai very kind tells better pp8r think of what conies wide range of new and 4eanieites, not only distine- of individual taste. We cs de could anticipate their Ly as n the present, and yet ore active things than s patty because we know- .° your appreciation of our , latest—the auccess of the if anyone underatan the Hi:wry, we do. RETTY AISTS 500 00 .50 .00 MUS m3R 750 1.25 1.7 225 mi COAT LEADER Is Priced SKI 7. SPECIAL is Priced onn,.......1.0001P1•1111MMISE434119.11...f Curtain we set at * Exceptional Value Carpets New Rugs inciiums New Mattin Draperies is beautiful laces and eMbroide ammer use have excellent slier - pre. The pencil halts at descri One may say of them enthe Ily "fresh" charming," "9* rthtfaI, yet fail to picture the iie retye no price step missing I ifress -Goods med. 40c -450 550 600 60c 750 55c 850 75c 550 750 7 0,1ty lest eTtiesday evening it • in celebrate the first. Fe.re.-Mrs. R. M. Calder,: 'ore a former tresiclent of epere two days here IA Doherty. ,oif ij preach. lin the tEeigo ,urd y ut ernocn iteeri ts ependiag a few kl ;reit te-Mre. Mr. S. etreeKer Jeering from a recent illn Londesboro. ..e. le-Sleranient twill lbe tadra107- !.:1 n it e Ll; I eed st c bier Ti.s L.Whitley iet fift(n.t, he' trip to IDfce-0'. .-.Mr. Wm. ailey 'the eppearance of hie. s rection of a new fence.' -• edy, oar ineNv butter f,erts 'have tb.e .svaoaris !next week. A Smart To e Ilere is a style of top coat every man should have, so many months of i the year one cannot go, out comfort- ably Without an overcoat. After die- I carding the winter weight, this is the ceat-a smart Btyle for the walk or the drive. Its most pleasing feature is notItoo much coat. 1 We have these in an assortment of colors, and at different pri2es, excep- tionally good fitters. The design and general expression of the 20th Century Brand Coats is superior to any ready-to-wear gar- ments on the market te-day, and, at] a matter of fact, they tab pieferred to the best: made -to -measure work of the times. Have YOU looked at these gatments 7 We want you to. rices $10, 12, 815. -0)3S• MEN'S SUITS. Thousands of men at this partieWar season of the year' are looking r a new stlit---some for a fine suit enf better class, some for a knockabout suit, and, just possibly, s ome for the most important suit of a lifetime, A WEDDING SUIT. In all these diTierent specials, we show a magnificent rangs in ready-to-wear or macle-to-your-measureain fabrics of fancy plaids, neat stripes, blue, grey or fine blacks. ( P I Ready-to-wear I $ 7.50• I $10.00 $12.00 Made to Measure. $15.00 $18.00 $20.00 Fit: Finish and .Fabric fully guarantee& "gamma Boys' Knickers. 1)o you ever stop to think of the great number of knickers a lively boy will go through in a year? To the mother, it seems that she is continually laying, and at the same time complaining about the poor wear they usually give. If you have not tried the Lion Brand make of Knickers do, so at once. They are made from all wool cloths, with double seats, double knees, double sewn seams, and are the best goods ever offered. LIONBRAND higherlihen haagna nw'htaht e yp• orui cep aiys ;30.(; ordinary goods. It is worth while your insisting on having the Lion Brand. We are the people who sell them. WAAMANYNONAAA010.VVW.10Wil Altogether the best stock IS Seaforth to choose from, because everything is absolutely new and fresh, and bought at low prices, and selling at low prices. _ . xr*Highest price for Butter and Eggs. The GREIG East Side Main Street, one door South of the Dominion tank, SU.A.PORTI-1. The Power Question. •••••... STILL ANOTHER COMMISSION, 'The, electric power bill was ine troduteed th. the Legislat are on MiensclaY IbY 'Hon. !Mara Beek. It ap- points- ;a OOMMissiorl 1W) Supply pow- er Ito the Municipalities bat only feoon Niagara. Ibult ifrom any or all eauirces of power 'all over the Pro- • viTtlehee. iffrst Ifsoiutr ;clauses deal with the icreation of this Oommiseion, which shall .he 'appointed by the Lieutenant iGovernor in Council, and which is It furnisb! plans and repetai- ficatiorrs tor the transmission of el... entric power ont the .applioat ion tof •the 'Municipalities. 'The anuericipalities !shall Ipase by- laws authorizing the making of 4 eten,traet, and after approval .by the Lieutenant Governor in Council, the Oommismion shall proceed to purchase 'and transmit power, or develop and Transmit power,' and enter'linto !contracts with the =nal- elpalities to Supply at a prick tor distribution at tile varieties muni- cipalfties. Tb.e price 10/k 'this power shall be- come la dfrecit (liability ea the muni-, cipality. - The Oconianission, another clause says, shall supply power 'to elec- tric !railways Wong the. - transtais- sion aine Of the municipalities, bust any profit of ithe sale to the ^trail - ways shall egoto the municipalit- ies." rclause provides that it will 'net be necessary (foe arautnieipalities Lf0 buy out existing aeompanies under The Conmee 'Act 'unless so ordered by ?the Ceramission, and then at a Vrice te he fixed by, the 'amaze's- -sem. The !cost of the wor,k fer trans- mission -or of the Idevelopment plant if ;such la plant be necessary -shall be payable to the Commission, :by the munieipalities, and. beesom:es a, di - Jed (charge ton. lthem. They Isbell pay 4 per tent. on the, • cost, anid ia sinking fund to wipe out the la.motent in -30 years. Mr. Beck (figured That !this would cost 041.78 per $1.00 annually. The price (of tpo-wer Shall be the same to tall rouniei pall t les at It he point of proallaretion, rbstat will neces- sarily differ according to distande of Itransmiesitene The Commission shall sift as a court 'of (regulation, to enquir-e in- to !complaints of municipalities that existing 'companies are ieherging ex- cessive 61i ate -s. Government debentures will !be issued Ike raise !the money or the works. N The !intention (of the bin is- not that the. 'Government &amid develop power at ithe Valls, :hut that it s-houild -make a bargain with The de- velopment clOmpanies • .to sell The power oft (cost, giving thtem a fair rate 'of ti.nterest tor the investment, and 'making provision for depreeia- tioin Ti;e, Oommission mould then hand over 'the power to tire tainnicipalit- les tat that price. Thies =the Gov- ernment mould (have !practically to oapi;tal invested, and yet the tmlaini- cipalities wosald get the power as cheaply las lif the Government had. capital in the ischeree. 'Mr. IBeck Stated that he was siire DrITOIlit0 (would be table to get power at the price 'given in the 'report of •t'he iCourinissioners, $15 per thousan.d: horse power. Ibecatuse he knew elev.!. eral capitalists W;b0 Would gladly supply the . plant and trausanissien %lines lin order ho tget the Toronto bluisiness. The Senate Should Be Re- Construntedi. Dear Expositor, -Mr. G. ;H. Mc- Intyre, (our (Worthy Liberal (repre- sentative tin the Federal IHIoluise, from this (riding, seems to 'have caught the true tspirit of liberalism, 'judg- ing fraorn the 'manner in, •which, it p.sserted tself t'owards the pnoposed Senate tr.-coostritiotion. Ile seems tie have !arrayed 'before himself the loftiest principles end best .tradit- bons of /the. Liberal party, arid unlike many Other • prominent Liberals he has allot 'lost !sight of what was pro, pounaed hy itaret party as •a 'vital issue during the (campaign that (led Ito the ,Liberal ascent to power. The resolution recently ° inteoduced into the Dominion Parliament by Mr.. McIntyre, land. twhich he- later with- drew in defernce to the evishee a the Premier. While !being an import-. ant istep in the direction :of the Senate. 'reform ;is scarcely radical en-. ough Ito Inewre. the placing of ,this branch of Our (Federal Government on the thesis of a (useful and. repre- sentative pane body. Many con- tend that the Senate sheuld be ab - (dished. iCertainly at Should, if it LS it§ remain in its present state - of lassitude. Others, principally prom- inent Cansereative deadprs, are sat- isfied with (the present ''nert galaxy. Bulti the Senate, pro,perl constituted as I a representative a4id responsi- •ble body, is en indispe sible branch of 'government Ito c untry , like outs, that is (rapidly Obtaining 4 plaee of National .prominence. ift eenetitiu:tes a 1008t isabstantial form of government, and adds greatly to t.hp prestige as well ,as (tio the notion - sl aspecttolf a country. Srf-IWilfrid ,Laurier, in • dealing with the tissue, by camparirug the Vanadian (with lthe United. States Senate, !rather (hinted at ,having the members elected by the Provineial LegislatUres, each province, large tor !smell, sending !three • members. Belt telven if this systeni were adopt- ed, the Senate would mot- be direct- ly 'responsible to the 'people. The 'experience of !the American 'people has (been that no- 'matter what eqnity they ireceived lin Congress they were still et the !mercy Of an independent !Senate, sulbject Ito the influences of corporate interests, nehich could 'a- oLoirimING c1011 • Ipm:susdcd,o,jrn,,,,roettcaI lhands'(1gslaant diet ni . 9 public expressed' dissatisfaction wibb. the (conduct of 'that hody, they 'were melt twith the =reply that the Senate represented the (various States, and not itbe people. Public 'sentiment in that oountry during the past (few years "has become 111D averse Ito the appointment of Senators by the State Legthlatiutres Ithat already some of MoLEAN BROS. e Publishens the States (have !provided for the election of Senators lby direct Tote of the people. Therefore, ill we are to model our Senate after 'the TJnited State's Senate, act sUIS profit lby the experience =of the (Americans, and make that body thionolughly xlepresen- tetive tenured directly ,resportsible to t‘he people iby placing the caedidates' names ion ithe eleetbon (ballot.; En. (addition to this !measure (of ee- form, the (utility of the 86111403 would be (vastly increased by enlarging its duties iso las tgo more !nearly conform to the tArcierican systera. Yours truly, NORTH SIDE,- IIIBBERT. Our immigrants. • • Spea.king a the immigrants lthttt ;have larrjered in Toronto this year an officer tor (the Ontario Immigra- tion•department (says : "Out of nearly 14,000 immigrants who have !come under lour attention since (the ifirdt 'of this year, =net tte.n per pent. tot them have been ;women and gIrls. E think I would be ear° 'in (saying lthat they did ott setenber more 'than might per cent. and near- ly ell la (the 'gentler tsex were mar- ried wionien a that. This is one of 'the facts whieh an Vow WI the busy 'immigration office at the tine on. Station reveals. Itgr.oes tv show however, ti that there s good greittad or 'the statements from the (wag that ()nen there ar ennoble to find wives. Granting the Vila:tater of women land girls who have crate in 'ware ten per :cent. of the Octal arrivals, that eviould mean only 11400 an army of 14,000 (men, .or qneWo-, mall far (every' 10 men. This 'seems rather an sereasing Isita.ati'en, but it Is 'none the less true." • Speaking of 'al 'nationality of the newcomers, he csemarked that nearly all Who !had come 'to Toronto and were sent out 'through weste n- tario were %from the British, ales. A ilargeenumber Were from the north ofiTreiand,Mewl from Sootland, and meet from the more .crowded eentree of England. •Most s: or the 'women arid" girls were from laceden land have (come out .with their husbands and fathers. Quite a- 'Chanter .3f the Scotchmen were 'married men, but they, with few exceptions, aeft their 'wives and datechters home, promising to Ibring ttla, out ia.ter. As la class tof peiapie this year's 'arrivals are said to be a sturdy hot of men, 'few of (whom are past ri5 years, and the enoelt of them are be- tween, 20 and, 135 years lot age, end they are 'fairly well tiet dia. • Some, it was learned, had considerable money. liuront, Notes. --Wingdrara's total assessment thia year is $68.8,080, with a pepulatien of 2,207. -The 'fetal aSsessment of Brussels this vier fret $375,825, andthe total ptopulaition tis i 1,075. -The Sterlang liana is 'opening a branch it Varna with 'Mr. (It. E. Manning, of 'Clinton, as agent. *- -The hotel keepers of Goderich have 'raised the sates of 'liquid re, freshments as Well as the trates for st ab 1 ing Ihioirses. --Miss !Louisa White, of Clinton, passeid 'away en Saturday, April 08th after a long illness. DrOpSY Was the cause of ideatfa. .- -Dr. IW. IT. Ifolloway, who (foe the past tem rears has been; engaged en the practice tot :dentistry in (Wing - ham, {has disposed of his practice to Dr. W. kT. Price, •ef Orangeville. --Mrs. tr. VT, Watts, rof Ciliation, has been (a.,ppointed on the Staff of perm:anent leeterers in ooltenecki an with the (Wrormen's Instibultes by the Ontario Goverament. -The asome of Robert Reid; ef Crewe, was Ideatroyed by fine ire- eently. 'Most or the 'ffurrnit u e was gotten tout. 'There ,lives a srnaI1 in- saraxice on !the '(building. , -Mrs. (A. McKenzie,,olf iclinton, died on Thursday, 126h (tilts aged 62 tee'ars. Her illness ;was a- tong and painful ones She is au.rv ved by . ber hisitslyaniti, sone ism an1 two d'augfhters. -Mr. T. W. -Warne% 'w;o has been organist and ethoir de der k34E Months, has ireeigned that osition Know church, Goderiele fp some MI ai. and accepted h similar one in St. Patil's (Episcopal ;church, D Twine. -R. N. INIerritt. B. .A., matt mat - Leal im.aster in Gloclerictla Col egiate Institut-e, has gone to Pet rhore, where he fleas accepted a $sitinn. Before (leaving .Goderich the 'Vi S pre- sented. (with a -clack by the pupils. -James iDickslon, son of the tate Archibald Dickson, who hes been a clerk in the regiatri office fat Gode- licit, for a nember of years, has been lapprol.nted idepulty regietrar as snecesstor Ito )Mr.'. J- a O'Clearnell- -Blyt,h 11.1odge, No. 1366, Independ- ent Order Of FOresters, was installed at iBlyth, (last Thursday evening, by E. R. 1131ewett4 of Listowel, rand Master of Ontario. The degree teame of 'Brussels _land Exeter iexem. lified the work assisted by Brother feom Winghara, °Mitten end iGtoderi h. A - 'about 1120 were p•resent. --.Toihn Acheson, tone of 'bbs 'old blusiness men of 'Gtoderioh, Id ed on Monday iof Oast week. The eceas- ed bad been ill 'Isince New Years. „After looming Ito (this ecitentry from Ireland itthe (deceased settled f.rst in Goderich township, Iatterwaras go- ing TO IGioderical (haven, where he was engaged in business for ninnyYears. He leaves besides his wid(ow oire soh and six (daughters. -The Herman lObserver I says: " There is Some ;talk cif a syndicate plureha.sing The ' Commereial ' hotel property, and (moving the present ,; 1 htualditug, land erecting a fi e 'ap- t:a-date (hotel mon the site. P ramps the -big Iletuildiggalt Stjesepcould be purebeeed cheap anion& to arse the (material lof Which iE (is oonstruiet- eds, RenSall needs -a good up-to- date hotel an the Worst evay. -The theme 'a 'Thanes Sims, of the 3rd iconeesscon ief Stephen, ^aught fire bone kley ;last week, the cause being,. Ian rovenheated 'chiraney. The fire eves tfirSt notticed by a young lady "mho dives' a short aster:ace stealth of Exeter.. This moung lady was out driving ;and seeing tih blaze • tified itthe neighbors of the, fi ,e, and i drove from (house to house nd no - bad tit holt (been for (her ability' as a aeinswomtan to 'driving the! &rase _2 - —ARTISTIC aper We have now what we consider the most beautiful line of New Wall Papers ever shown in Seaforth. If you want your wall paper at the right price mid your work done neat- ly and promptly, buy from AlEX. WIFTER, FORTH. Picture framing a Specialty. at h fit/if:Ms pace for assistance, the fire might have been more ser- ious. As it lw'as only a few elan - glee twere burned, -Miss A. C. ,Na.cdanald, 13. A., National Secretary of the Young Women's; =Christian Associat ion in japan, is (visiting for a few days witb, her (parents, Dr. and Mrs. P. Macdonald, in iWinghean. Mies Mac- donald is plow on her !way to Paris, France, Ito attend the 1Wiorld's CPO-- Vetal1011 lof the Young .Wornen's Ohri,stian.A.sSeiciation. ' -J. B. Hawkins has disposed of his hardware business, in (Goderich, to B. !Paulin, of Daeilleviceid, who as tether& 'June 1st. air. Paulin k is thbe'cneghly experienced .inhe hardware line, land was formerly an business an IWingarana, tbat !latterly in Dashevood. The trernoyal of Mr. and 'Mts. Paulin. fr'ren Dashrweee4 twill , be a 'distinct floss to that village i and ,viriniiy, s o as - Wood twill Ilse the gain Of tGoderich. -Mr. A.rtirux Baker and Mies Alice Pearl, tseeond (daughter tof Mr. and I Mrs.. Ploseph. (Gill, of 'Grand Bend„I were anarried ton 'Wednesday of last l week. by Rev. Mr. Carriere, at the home of the doride. Atter the tere- =Oily and fraarriago :supper, the ev- ening twae %very pleaeantly spent in eocial (chat and harmless amueement. Guests (were /present from Usborne, Exeter, Ansa Craig, Stratterd, and elsewhere. -Rev. G. (D. Damen, late pagior of the !Evangelical .ehutrede Crediton, preached (farewell sermon* in That church ion Sunday morning and ev- ening, tie (Large won,gregations. Rev. and Mrs. Dan= moved to their (new home, in Berlin, last ' week. 1R6V. Mr. Daxran'e parting words were deeply 'felt, land his departure from Crediren :will to felt (I3y the lpeo gatian, but also ihe as met and years !pastorate t ethane be keenly le "of his "(emigre - y the many friends ade during his five here. - -Mr. Wm. fWlhite, nt Redgerville, met with la painful and unfortunate accident Ian ilifonday Olt last week. He twee (about earshitch the team from! the 'roller, the hind part .Of which was (heavily loaded, and as the dearses stepped (forward and the ton- gue aeft theteneckyloke, it flew back with terribi(force, striking Mr. White ion Ithe forehead, inflicting a large ecalp wound, and rendered him unconscieus 'tor game time. He is new nearly 'recovered. -The fallowing 'statistics are tak- en from (the assessment roll of the 'township of 'Hay ear this ear:y Number 'on moll, 994; acres in town- ship, 52,490; land cleared, 41,768 notes; Woodland, 4,000 aerea; swamp, 6,722 acres; (value of land, $1,534,71.0 ;. value of (buildings, $722,2651 busi- melts tax, $25,825 ; lneome tax, $12- 338; 'total assessment, $2,245,235; children aged five Ito 01, .1,036; gged 5 Ito 16, 907; tIc•tal population, 3,443; emenber tot 'male persons aged 21 te 60, 680. . Canada -St. (Andrew's church, Guelph, will teVtendl taiunnualmeels hl to Rev. W G. Wilson, ,of Smith's Fans, he become pastor in succeseien te! Rev. Dr. T.hemas Eakin.. . -And'rew Carnegie's latest gifts 'tin Canada are 402,000 tor a public library at Oabewa, Ontarile, and $50,- 000 ,Vietioria University making artfogetiber ;nearly $1,000,000 the has given in &nations to Canadian towns land icitiee. =Mrs.: Christian Stave, of Win- napeg, iwbu1e splaying), with ber baby xeeeived ta scratch on her band from a pin, tin! the 'child's nrathing. She rthieseght notlaing it for eante days until 'blood poieolning ett Ue and she died a few days dater. , -William Sullivan, of tbe lientruon hotel, St. Catba'rines, Ontario, and known Is "the ideal hotelkeeper," is dead. He 'refused leo sell to loaf- ers "even if they had money, or tio those 'the worse or Hoppe, end closed !Ws (bail et 10 p. ae. iprempt- ly, -Frank Lattineore, town cons - 'stable , nt Danville, was attacked by heart disease, „ while 'arresting a drunken man, land died immediately. Detceased wee 60 years old, and a Fenian Raid iveteran. Be is sur- vived iby wiaolw and floor daugh- ters. • -The sessional indemnity for the Saskirtchewan 'Legislature bas been fixed tat *1,000 by the icastingi ;vote of bhgrielrairman. of the nommittee of the -whole. Mre Haulta,in moved leo have it out ilto 4$700, anid was sup- ported by two Ministers- ind -une either X.4iberal. -Mary Bath, maid tat the Imper- ial- Hotel, (Galt, fell 'backwards fif- 'teen feet, from the second story sill, 'while cleaning the Windrow. the (other afternoon, land duistained very severe injuales. Besides a Waken leg, she was injured internally, and it (cannot be said svehother she twill ireeover. -Rev. Mr. Oland, editor af the Christian, (Guardian, the 'organ of he Methodist ehurch, has' decided to tender ibis iresignatilon, as his health' does indt Iperanit him to otentinue in office. or some time past alis ant- tiehave been discharged by the Rev. !Wm. D. Creightion, aaistanb 4d -tear, twain is dikely t,o be reppeinted Mr- eaters successor. -Hen. 'Peter !White. M. P., 'of Pembroke, !died at. Clifton Springs, N. fY., cm Friday. Mr. White was of Sciettisla descent (being the wan of White,.- who founded the town of Pembroke in 1832. Mr. 'Mete ;was lbor.n at Pembroke on August 130, 1838, and received his ed - ucatran tin (that town. He .entered odist church in Iowa. He was 88 the lumbering business ad -was one years of age. -John and Miss Lillie of the gamest operators in the Ot- McGowan attended She funeral tor Miss Margaret Sullivan, of Toronto. aeraains were taken to London for burial ion Monday. -Mrs. Corey, of tHanna, Dakota, is visiting (hen sister, Mrs. centers. Her husband Dr. Carey, is taking a post gradu- ate Inouirse tin Ohicago.-Albert Kt- tawa !valley. He had represented North Renfrew in the Darainias Par- liament • almost continuously fee ewer 130 years, and wasSpeaker of the Commons !for (me terra. -A Ivery heavy froat visited Com- ber, (Essex ;county, ontilunday night and ice Permed to considerable thick- Queen, cif Moroni* University, WM leave sneetly 'for Mansville, Alber- ta, where he will have a mission station. Bar the summer months. - 'Charles Sewers and Albert Aik-ene head, of London Medical College, passed their exe.rainations witb honors. nese. It ifs ,feared that the fruit trees have ;suffered, (many of the e,arlier 'varieties being Out in full blasSom prior tor Sunday night. The trees and bushes gave every indica- tion, (of an abundant yield. -The Jabs Wm, Jr. Harris, Dr flarn- iltfon, left an estate probated at $125,000. The deceased ems !unmar- ried, and did not make hie will till a few (liones before he died, till the physician igave op all hope of 'his recovery. He left a goodly teem to the Damian Catholie antral and charitable sozieties (connected :with that tchuirch. The Ontario, treasury will also get quite a lump int sue- ression Oat les. -Last Friday bight, sleartly be- GOod Offorses.-Mr. iTeihn Nash, of the Grd concession, hes rettitned from ia trip to Seotland, and is Siest 'now sable Ito get ;around: again, 'having eprained ihis ankle severely while getting off the boat et Mont- real. ar. Wash enjoyed his trip .very, =mob. 'He tbrou,glet back with thim to fine Clydesdale stallions, Muir - fere asix o'clock, 'while assisting see park 13,41, and Scaland Prince 13,- a barn !raising on 'the .farna of Frank 118. These (animals are coming two Snelgreve, s igtb. ooncessinn of AfaIa- years ield land are particularly 'fine hide, Elgin 'away, awe miles ifrom lts They are extra large for their Aylmer, three men, Peter Dean, ages and when fully developed Glover Somers land 'George Roberts, wftlig over a 'bon eaeh They are were eerionsly hurt by the falling from the best of the Clydesdale of a beet caused by 'the breaking strain in Scotland. We trust that Mr. NaSh. 'will have good duck With of la chain.' Of the three, pnohably the an.ost seriously (injured is Mr. them - Settlers, who had his back injured. -The death of Mabel Phillips, eec- e.n;d 'daughter of Joseph Phill pa the 'defunct York Loan.Compy, an, Deaths. -It was la sledek and' sur- prise itio iumr ,citizens to aearn the oecuirred Satu.rday morning, at the sudden death et My. G. Blair, Which Wright avenue stesidence. She was occurred ton Sunday atterneein last. 23 years of iage, and or nearly four Mr. "Mail had been suffering tnom years had. been a victim of bon- an affection of the heart for mime SurroPtiore .Slee was a pretty girl, time, land a while ago he leaees of exceptional 'intelligence end Ihsed ,home an the village and went to irece.rvedit:h' her dolle.ge education ill A. stay with dais eister, Mrs. Andrew eiaves ree (Sisters ngle-miBesides her parents she Bell, sr., that he might have the better care. (During the week- pre- -A kiable treteived ani Toronf» onStiriMibo ihis death he Was in the vils . Monday lost, "announced the death, lage talking with. his old friends and in, !Edinburgn, of Mrs. Brown, widow few then thought that the tall was of the date Hon. George Brown. Mrs. OD ISEV311 /b01 tome. On Sunday :morn - Brown eves the eldest daughter 4a ing lMr Blair went out to !the barn 411'd while there was taken with a fainting 'spell ifnom .enhich he never rallied, passing away about the {mid- dle ef the afternoon. Deceased lrvas 65 eare (Of age and had aived in this vicinity the greater eart of his -life. Few men 'were better , known or more highly esteemed than he and his 'death is deeply regretted by a very 'large circle of friends. He was never i married but is survived by a bnother land 'three {sisters. Mae fun- eral serviee was held in, it. Andrew's_ Church, of ;which ideceaeed was Iona" a faithful and: corteistent member, on Tuesday afternoon and was Ilrge- ly !attended. The service was ton - ducted iby the f,pusboir, Rev, f.D. Ur- quhart and the. remains were in- terred in (Bruicefield cemetery. -Last week twe made =retention Of the serious 'illness .of Mrs. John Strang. 'This tweak we are tailed 'Up- on to "record her death, the sead ev- ent taking place at her Name Turekensmiele on Inursday lost. Mei. Strong's illness ;was of e'hort dur- ation and her death as exceedingly sad, as besides Aar husband she leaves At family cy,f seven sro.all 'child- ren, the youingeat a few days told. To the therea.ved husband and moth- eriess little ones will 'be extended the heartfelt sympathy of the en- tire community. -The*grim eeeaper has indeed been busy as We have Still another death bo ireeord, that .of Mr. John of Toronto, adopted 8011 40f Mr, 'and -Mrs. Thos. McKay. of Stan- ley, which occurred , Suddenly the. pasts Yeek. A further reference to this sad event will be foundin an- other icollieun. A Pretty May Wedding.-Thelicane of 'Mr, laud Mrs. sGeorge Thomson, of the 12nd concession of Hay, was the scene et u pretty event on iMay 2nd, the Occasion being the ettarriage lot their third daughter. Miss nab, Ito Mr. David Workman, a ip2Ites- "'Sums young farmer, of Tucker - smith. The 'iceremony Was perform- ed on the Uwe, the young nnople standing under a beautiful, e,reh of ever -greens, While the Mime .wae also prettily decorated tor the =0.00aSion. Rev.ID.. Ueirelhart was the' off ating "clergyman, and the ceremony w.as performed • in the presence of about fifty guests. Tthe bride, who was thandtoanely 'gowned in -crepe de eltene, was given away by ther • brother, avhile little Hapeala Fleck- er, *niece of the bride, made a pretty flower girl and ring bearer. The wedding ;march 'was played by Miss - Alice Taylor. After the -ceremony the guests repaired to the dining room, witere ia most sumptuous wed- ding diener 'was serv-ed. The re- irane.iiandes5p6r otif iwitath;, aevnedniaintgawkasteetucipeill the guests departed to their ftionles,, falter (Last Friday lifesare. ocening non'Janes913anxd- pvlaellsialignt iMarLdia'n:robisrp:*net"ktisomtaarnneya- 2 Alfred (Walters were thrown lout of dawn streaart. was Presents re - 5 carriage. itthe horse e beanie ceived thy Mlle ibride were both!' num- frightened tat 1Mr. Culdmores eagineenons and "costly .showing the es - Both anen 'were injured. Mr. Pat- tent in (Which she 18 th,ekt in the erson, inear whose place the. accident conamoitun.-iwtilsr.ilThGerirazin, tbe'Iptagt happened, (hoick them to Brucefield week jaitibendiog meetiii3 .yr.a. to Dr. Rogers. The horses were village, weahurtaeVellip:niveidliagteieneT,hewirerew,iinvoet -Mrs. Thos. McKay was in. Tomato injured. Between engines land auto- this (week, being called there ow - mobiles people twuli ADM be afraid ing to the serious illness and sub - to drive on othr roads. -Dr. Rogers sequent idea% (of Mr. ,siantn B. me. • wears a broad Emile a wee doct{er Key. -Mr. and Mrs. {Plucker, of Ate, airived at dais horae last week -Mr burn, were (here teat week :attend- Tthomras Malloy as very how, small tag 1tJh aneariage of Mrs. Chack-er's hopes are 'entertained tor this recov- eSister, Miss (Hannah Thomson. -Mrs. ery.-Williarn Fraser shipped fare G. Grant, of Manitoba, who has been to Toronto Oast week. He sold $.21 here tar Seine months atteding tja worth lot' skins :during the= winterbusiness matters, returned this week They were mink, coon, skunk landto the westdaer daughter, Miss Sea - muskrat, Trapping is opt yet a trice, remains (here and will he em - lost art among nts, but few isoys ployed in. (Balfour sle Caldwell's store, make it a Sillete#315. It speaks well -Mr. land Mrs, Alex. McKensiz, of EDT the Industry of !oar young friend Lindsay, 'have become "residents of to spend this leisure time in this taus tvillage, having enoveil into the way. -Neil IG1lmmuT, ffndian agent 'of home- of iMr. H. Ricker. Mr. McKee - Manitoba, is {visiting this aunt, Mrs, zie 'intends engaging in the Car - John 'Gilmour. It is some years riage painting land trimming busi- since he 'visited his native ilace ness.-Mr. land Mrs. R. P. Bell and He twas tar a number of years a Mr. and Mrs. Reid, of Seafiortlin and missionary among the Northwest Mr. land .MTS. A. M-cGregor, or Teeade Indians. -Mrs. Sewers returned last bury, 'were (here attending 'the *wed... week from attending the funeral of ding Of Miss Hannah 'Thomsen.-Mrse her 'father, Rev. Mr. Hamilton, of John Cochrane end Mrs. Jas. Blair, Mount Vernon, Iowa, Wise, was -of Centralia, were here this week buried a week ago. He was tor attending the ,funeral of Mr. 'George many years la 'minister of the Meth- Blair, Thomas Nelson, tpulblieher, of Edin- burgh, ISoollanal, end her san,George Brown, tis now the tm,anager of ths publishing house, and member -of: the British tHoluse (of Commons. f).{.1 No- vember 127, (1862, she was married tta Hon. George 'Brown, founder of the Terionto .Gldbe. She was 80 years of age. Hon, George (Brown waS slick in ass% by a main 'named Sennet,who expiated his crime on the gallows. -.Dr. Rutherford, the Dominion Veterinary says that the 'n'umber -ef borees killed for glareders from November lat, 11905, to Mere& 13184 1906, an the Dominion, eva.s 13,476, wild tube ambits& nt cinvernoticsa paid. iby WW1 Detnini'on wars $253,900, The (Government pay twb-thirds iof the price lor horses. 'There were him, horses killed an the Maritime Pro- vinces. In ilaietiou there - were 94 cattle killed land $31,390 oompensa- tion paid. =It 'was eound that the cattle 'were !affected Nom eatintg rag NVIOrt and that the disease !was (not contagious, se that they stopped Wheat. • .t2 -MISS ljean-fV. Sinclare, heittre, Central 'India, 'has 'res'igne=d sitiren as imissitonary luinder t eign Missitori Comanfttee of 'Eh baeterian teleurch an order to narry the Rev. 3. A, Mackay, another= meMber 'of the Canadian 'Mission staff irk Central India. Miss Sin- berongs to Maxim, Ontario, bald !has been in anissibn (Work tin India since 1889. She hes 'heir' borne several times on tairlicelgh end had the Idistinetfan 'of being the first woman in Canada to delive'r, au ad- dress tie the Presbyterian General A-ssembly. The Rev. (3. A. Macka.y he,longs ltoOxfOrd arid is a gradu- ate Of Manitoba iOollege. He was appointed bo the Centr-alIndia mis- sion staff in 1904. --Death Under Idistressing eircum- tftueee levertetok Bogineer J. J. Woolsey of Moe (Canadian Northtern at (Edmonton Saturday inaoreing, he - Pere ithe ayes of his wife. :who was his ibride 'only a few Menthe talSce He was (taking his engine out of the roundtixowse land his wife bad linger- edlo say geedbys. &lest as he was opening the 'throttle the injecter but, fiflthig the -cab with (steam. He dumped to save (himself from be- ing Scalded, 'but as be did got be Ibu.rned tilts thmottle and the big ha - emulative bounded lforvea.rd, throw- ing ?hum seeder the wheels and sever- ed head from 'hie tiody at the feet of (his wife. Woolsey was on old land lexperiented railroader and forenerly !resided alt Winnipeg. Brucelield. All white GMTIVII8 slippers for ladies, girls and child. ren—beautiful slimmer pods and very reasonable ie ptice-reanapies in north window. W. 11, Willis, sop agent for Dorothy Dodd shoo for ladieS and George A. Slater shoes for men, &earth. 20044 ler po- mere Pres-