HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-05-04, Page 8a POnt Season I le at hand. Oerstore i headquar. 1 ter e fcr good paint for all purposee, both inside and outside use. VVe are Agents for Sherwin Williams 1 Paint the line that hae the largest sale be - ammo it is the beet. There is true ECONOMY and lasting SATISFAC- TION in ueing S. W. P. Call for color, cards and talk with ue about paint. General Hardware Wire Nails, Buildivg Paper, Ready. Roofing, Poultry Netting andeCleve- land Hard Coiled Wire. Oar prices are right. Give as a call. OILICSITEY & SMILEY SEAFORTH, Hardware Stoves and Coal. .DOMINION BANK ' READ OFFICE, TORONWO. Capital, Fully Paid Up--$3,000,o0o.00 fieserve Fund arid un. efivided Profits $ 8,749,000 Deposits by Public $34,100,000 Total Assets $ 44,400moo SEAFORTH. BRANCH, Every facility for the transaoting of a 'emend banking businees. z Collections made on al/ points in Canada and abroad. Advances made to Farmers. Special at - elution paid to the colleotion of Sale Notes. IMINAMMEMOMMO SAVINGS BANK. Depcnlita of $1.00 and upwarde received, and interest paid or added June 30th and December 31st. Wethdrawale may be made at any time. , A. B. GIBSON, Manager. . R. S. HAYS. Solicitor JamesWatson, soccesaor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire, Life and Accident Iiaeur- erne agent, Real Estate and Loan Agent. Dealer in firet-otaerkmily and Manlike° W - ring Sewing la chines and Cream Separators, viz. t New Raymond and White Sewing Machino, and National • and Ilneedia Cream Separators. Aleo sewing machine needles oil, attaeh- _ manta, repairs and sundries for all _ kinds of sewing =whines. With over 25 years experience in the above business you can rest annexed of prices • right, square &Mill and eateefaction guaranteed. JAMES WATSON, nanrance Agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine and Bicycles. North AlsIn street, Seaforth. Men's Watches Are Needed at This Time of Year We have Watches at $1, $1.50, $2.50, $3 00, cheap hub • good time keepers. ; - For $5 we sell a good strong serviceable watch, ,whieh will stand years of service. For $2 extra . we have the old reliable Elaine Waltham and Regina watches. • For the man who wants some- thing better still -we have the 17 Jewell at $10, and the higher , grades up to $35. Theee are all •in nickel eased watethee. We'll have something to say later about gold filled watches. John Bulger, Jeweller, - - Seaforth Marriage Licensee issued. STAPLES BROS. B A Fi BERS and TOBACCONISTS --We carry a Choice Line of— CIGARS -- TOBACCOS PIPES — Try us for an EASY SHAVE and NIFTY HAIR OUT, Opposite - the Commercial Hon ONT STRATFORD, ONTARIO. Our °lames are muoh larger thee they were a year aie. The public have learned thet this IS the beeb place in the Province to obtain a CommerciallEdnoation or Short- hand Trainiug. Sbudenta are entering eaoh week. All graduates get good posi- tions. Write now for catalogue. ELLIOTT & MoLAOHLAN, Priv of pale. GET YOUR Buggy Paintod Having leased the paint ahop -of W. 3. Miller, in Hensel], and having had a fine experience in carriage painting- and trim- ming, I am prepared to do the finest and heat e work at reasonable prices. 65.tiefaction guaranteed. Give me a trial. . C S HUDSON Hensall. • 200.3x4 Dissolution of Partnership. pubs. is hereby given that the partnerthip 'heretofore subsistiflg. between us, the undersigned, as Horse Dealers, has this day been dissolved by Itiutual consent. JOHNMANN • JOIINJ itMAX :Witness. R. 8. HAYS. nrted at Sedorth, thk 24th day of April, leao. .2(.10e.',-; • THE HURON EX 0 ITOR• B MAYt 4, von vont DISTRICT MATTERS. f. For Horse Routes, see Page 5 and 6. ili Travellers.--eRhe following w re ticketed this weeie by W. Somervil e, Grand Trusak Railway town age James ilYfcBride, Seatiorth, to Ri he ford, /Vermont, nnd return • Was Rabb, (eldest !daughter of Mi.. I,To n Robb, Seaferitle, to NidrthamPten, in Massachusetts, where she intends te study fat a professional IOW e, Mr. Robert (Beattie and family, f r- merly of /13eattie Crepe -to Calga y. It is Mr. Seattie's intention to go into business in the west. • New iBooks. ---The -faIlciwing brooks have been' added( to the foetal public) (library e 'Brace Hall, 'Irving; Sketch Book, Ir Cliolieter 'and (Hearth, Reade ; et tsi Poems, Cohorts; Tang ales, Hawthlorne ; Tress of t Ubervilles, Ha.rdy ; ,Giant Pi stance, Oxene,ham; Lady Balti Wister, ; My Swtard item Lafa Recrarbertion; iOn the Field la steaskiewioz; Far Corbin the Ma ing (Crowd, Hardy, ; li, advar. L crantz; Conqueet o Canaan, Gardens In 1;v, bride vin • R eb- 1 we = d he it re me; yet GI dd ilz T. hire. Ting -Van; long Arm. I 0, y, r- rootball.--The (first game in. It e aeries (for Mho Staples _trophy played on. ffneeday evening last, tweeze the East and South Wa d teams. The resat was a b g sutrprish. The East (Warders we e looked hepon, an the penant Winne 0, and even they 'themselves had a feel- ing that Ithe thing Was 'alma y (*inched. But the &With Wade s didn't say ia.nything. Tlaey duet pia - ed (ball, and thee "reault was a win Thr them by one goal to" none. (The newt (game nvill the played ehis Or - day /evening, between Egneandville and the Korth Ward. • Sea,forth. Artists Abtoad.-The [Mit- chell Recorder bf la.s't week makes 'th'fallowing 'reference 'to some of o Seaforth artists, who took jarjt in a concert in Mitchell ireoent- ly : Mr. and (3/Irs. W. Pickard, of Sea erth, thave been, heard here be - for , and on this occasion they have full ineadatained their termer high standing las %vocalists. Mr, aiX,r. No- Lea4 48 alawys a favoriteae a.tioanic and. shows (himself 'ready to assist the (committee lin every way. ,'The dancing by the Misses Dodds and Sproat was very good." • The the last 'meeting of the Skating and Curling Rink As - s.oeia'tiam the ifollawing .officers were elected: President, R. S. Hays ; vice-president, Nta. (Pickard risq.cre- tory-treasurer, W. J. OYLotfatt ; di- rectors, Oohs (Beattie, ,Wm. .Araent, Alex. elbbie, (W. D. Bright. It twos -- decided Ito paint ithe entire buiilding, and place leave troughing • on tile rioof, and also to- enlarge the water supply !system, the 'coming stammer, so that when. the season opeas 'next winter !everything twill tie in xeady- ness forlea.rly- start. St.Thornas' Ciruireh.-Rev. M. IA., reetker of St. Johes church, Hill, erector .of St. John's claureh, London, ,will occupy (the pulpit of St. (Thomas' ich)ureh, next Sunday, both Morning • and evening. -The Young- fPe-ople's Society gave a every su:ccessf til eoncert in the school room, 'last Friday evening. The prick - gramme Iconaisted.of an insitrtimental aolo by Miss Helen, Wilson olo, by Me. Rey (Willis; ;recitations, by Miss A. 'Beattie ;fvioiin solos, by Miss E: Pickard, saes, by Miss Grace Mc - Fad ; (solos Pay Mr. 3VIcBride. lets, Miss fRathwell and Mr. ill. Liv- ens. The sautnebers were all so en- thusiastidally encored that Some of the performers were called beck three times before the andienee /could be (satisfied. The !chair was ocau:pied by 'the rector, Rev. Mr. Berry, and the proceeds amounted to ($24. • stilhe (New brgan.-The rmagnificant new pipe organ, which has been in- stalled tin the Presbyterian church, (ii to. re: ell, by t he mac u Ella avers, Messree (Bricke s & Mathes, ee Tor - .onto, Will be ,forrnally opened on Wednesday evening (next, by a grand organ 1 iby- , y MT . A. S. Vogt; 4 . oondnetor of the fambus Mendel- resolen . choir, if '''Teronto, . assisted. I by. IMF i -r. 'Frank enarose, Toronto's. leading tenor, a d Iteh.e chlurch ohoir. The 'organ OEs onel.of kale 'largest, Most handsome and (moat peweifael in this part of the teountry. Mr. Viogt has 4 world-wide. reputation as an organ- ist, while Mr, Berneose has -won. fame as ,nit 'tenor ;singer. We may, there- fore, (fairly promise a musical treat On tneirt Wednesday evening, gulch as is .1ra-rely furnished outside :of the large cities. The (ladies of the con- gregation, 'who 'leave procured the organ, and limbo are responsible for this tentertainment, are Ito .be con- graltulated on Italie ',happy and suc- cessful icuamination ef their. labors, and Vetere dine that their enterprise Will lbe belly lapprecialed by t'he p Oa- lic, and that the excellence of the promised entertainment will , at- tract an audience which will be 'lim- ited only .by the capacity tof the buildi.ng. . The Late (David Rms.-Oar eiti- zees ;have again been startled and saddened by e.olother very unex- pected and sudden death and another well _known and aLsefut citizen . ha been !removed (fnoin due midst. Mr, David "IM. Riess; of McKillop, died at the fresidence of his brother-in- law, Dr. R. R. Roes, in Seaterth on Saturday. The particelars iin eon- neetion (with Mr. illioss' death are especially (sad. He had not been enjoying (leis fu.stral good health for a few (weeks but thought this indis- position was due only Ito a cold and nolitinued art tending .to •his duties as els teal. On, Wednesday -the was in his field Olowing Iblult on .Wednesday night the ifelt ;considerably worse a red ton alleu.rsday he was persuaded to come to thown*and 'go:emit a doctor, On the !road aut the grew !consider= ably worse. When .,at Grieve bridge the (felt as if something- lh:a.d- given (way inside, a severe; hemorrh- age 'set in and he saffored (most in- tensely. By the ftirae axe got to the doctor's office tin *Seaforth he was almost prostrated by ;weakness and su.ffering. He was taken to =the rese iderece of his brether-in-law and Mrs. Ross twas selleAer. From that time, &spite Lh')e floare and medical, attentiorr he (never 'rallied butt gradually Sank (until about moon on Saturday (when the paised peace- fully a.way. XT. Boss was a. man in the ;very prime of life being in his 47th year, He 'was the 'third eon' of , ithe !tate iFindlay Ross. He leaves a Iwidlow and family of six yritillg hib dren it(0 mourn the lees tot an'aevelr tender and thoughtful 1Iuishall11 and kind 'father. He is teurvivOd 'by three brothers and one easter. The deceased was, a quiet, funassiltoling ram; (beet (was respected and trusted by all (who knew him' as the (water the very afoul it honer and ,uprigheriess. He Mas treasurer cif the township of MaKillop, a position °ihe tad held for u treat many _years. He was a Presbyterian' in religion and a Liberal in polities. The funeral, 'wthich Wats Ictoradhreted tby this pastor, Rev. (Mr. Carswell, assisted (by Bev, Mr. Larkin, took (place from the 'residence 'of (Dr. Ross in Seafortie on Monday afternoon and Was ,very largely attended. Int erment was made in the Afaitiandbank cemetery, Mittel'. and (sincere (sympathy is felt for the (bereaved family and friends and especially for the widow and her ytaung family (who twill feel the loaa most (keenly. The Members' of the Seafiorth and (Constance Lodges of the Canadian (Order of 'Floreeters ate tended the, funeral in a 'body. _......e......... First Again. -Mr. Miebeel Flan- nery, .of the Huron Read East, near, Seatorth, finished Seeding iopera- ations on (the 25t1i of April, and ,is, consequently, the first in this Sec - 'Hien. Mr. Flannery 'has 250 acres, so it twill be seen there was some work done, Ih'utt he knows how tot -svork, and is, aniereover, a very capable manager. at twin be some years, boys, lbetdre [you; ,can beat the old man yet. ......______I, - ORGAN 'RECIT kli he reoital - in connection with the installation of t e new organ in the First Presbyterian ehurch, Seaforth, will be held on Wed- nesday, May 9th. Mr. A. 8.1Vocrr, organist of Jarvis street Baptist, church, Toronto, and' conductor of the famous Mendelssohn choir, will open the organ. He will be assisted by Mr. Prank Boners% Toronto' leading tenor, and the church choir. Tickets, 26o. 2002-1 • BOY WANTED. — Wanted at once, a good boy to make himself useful. Good wages and steady work. Apply at tbe Exrasrron Chisics, Seaforth. 2003-1 * Our satin finished glassware is going fast. The speralefoeritshlvhat's making it goat Aherhart's drug store, .. , . . i KRUSE BROS. pay the highest price for produee. - .200W-2 GIRL WANTED at once for general housework. ginall family. Apply -to Mrs. Harry Stewart, Sea. forth. . • ' 2003x1 1900 LAN MOWERS. --Stook well assorted in aii grades. Prides away down. Reid & 'Wilson, Sea - froth. KRUSE TIROS, pay cash for hides and tallow. ,812 Mrs. Lynch wishes to dispose of some dining, bed- . . room and Idtehen furniture, stoves, lawn mower, re- frigerator, etc. by private sale. :::an be seen at the residence, William street, east, Seaforth. 20031 Jars' price. G. E. King,NWinghtun. WANTED—Eggs, 14e cash, afic trade. F2u00118.pterd.. They are coming on May 14th ! The ladles with the longest and most beautiful hair in the world. in the window at Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth. 2003-1 - For those long, busy, toilsome days of houseclean Mg, try a well brewed cup of our 428c tea. Beattie Bros., Seaforth. VOLUNTEERS go to camp at London on .11.7-ine35th, room for a few good men in the Seaforth Company - good pay, Food. training, good regiment,a Take trip with i The Hurons," get your name on the list .before May 20ttli. Apply to Alex. Wilson, Major. 2003-1 Baby Carriages, hairimoeks, express wa" (met, tennis, lacrosse and football sundries at Alex. °1.°' Wilson's, Seaforth. - - n2g00'3-1 i We will open our ice cream parlors on Saturday if the best ice cream in town. the weather is favorable. Come to Aberlia2roto's3lor , •' Is your hair getting thin ? Let the Seven Saber- - land Sisters examine your head and tell you how to make the hair grow thick. They will be at Fear's Drug Store, Seaforth, for a week, May 14th t2o1349th. 00 : LAWN MOWERS SHARPED.-If ever your lawn -mo.wer needs sharpening, bring it to me ancl have it done right. I have just put in a machine made spec - folly for this work ; it does perfect work. Try it. E. Spading, blacksmith, 'opposite Dick's hotel, Sea - forte. 3x WASHING MACHINES AND WRINGERS2.00-12Ve can fit you with these better than ever before. Reid &, Wilson, Scalpel'. . 2002-2 seees.-eust received it supply of the famous Duthie; Turnip Seed direct from Scotland, also other geed Svede Turnip Seed.. W. IL Smith, Seaforth • 'Call in and see the fancy teapots just received at Aberliart's Drug Store, Seaforth. 2003-1 The memory of satisfaction in past years brings onstoiners back for our "selected seeds," . Beattie Bros., Seaforth. 2003-1 IRE, WANTED.—linmediately, for general house - w rk. , The highest wages for a competent person. Apply at Richardson & McInnis' shoes store, Sea - forth. 2003-tf POR SALE, in Egmondville, a* comfortable frame residence. For particulars apply to Mrs. Thomas Soper, or R. }Belts, Egniondville. - ,. 2003-2 IL%y driving num, just the thing for a fanner.' A god family driver and a good worker. Apply to P. M.10heiney, Tuckersmith. • 2003-3 Rheumatism or navel ill in young colts can be pre- vented. Try at Aberhart's, the dniggist, for the remedy. Used by loading -horsemen. 2003-1 Drop in and examine our mangold seed. We have taken special care this year to secure the bestonthe market. Beattie Bros:, Seaforth. 2octs.i • /iGTICE.-For sale, some fine two•year-old cattle. Apply on Lot 29, Joncession 12, AfoKillop, or address Win. Seott, Leadbury I'. O. 2 I bet; to announce to the MIMI° that I 'hav7xlpur- ehasgd the grocery and crockery business of the late Mr. Andrew Young. A part of your patronage ivill be greatly appr elated. Phone 12 W. It Seaforth. 403:1h, SEEDS.—A Iarge stock of choice mangold seeds, also garden se s of all kinds. W. R. Smith; Sea - bit,. 2003-2 All white carivai slippers for iadiesigirls and child- ren --beautiful suinmer goods and very reasonable in price• -samples in north window. , %'l', 1? 'Willis, solo agent for Dorothy Dodd ;dwell for ladies and George A. Slater shoeefor men, Seaforth. 2003-1 EGGS .14.)11 SALE.-Whice Leghorn eggs for hatch. ing, 81 per 16 eggs. Mrs. A. Calder, near public school, Seaforth. , .2003x2 CA.LVES FOR SALE -Twill be at the Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, on Tuesday, May 8th, at 11 o'cloCk a, in.. with a load of calve Hugh Richmond A , tsvond. 8' 0 , 2003-1 WHEELBARROWS. -Garden and stable barrows. Special. Reid & Wilson, Seaforth. 2002-2 WE WILL PAY- the highest market price for but- ter, eggs, lard, tallow pork, Dutch Setts and Potato onions or an,v kind of niarketable produce. • J. J. Holland, St. Colutulfan, 1097-tf • :1 Try Charlie Hiniis' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice ork. Always gives satisfaution. Clothes called for and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two f(olirehl, south_of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea- 1983.tf REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Eyes 4es3ed free by It. Ale/Caught, Jostler, Seaforth. ics7-tf . Dr, Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Com- inereial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday, May 2;1(1, Hours 1 to 8 p. in. Cataract, squint,. failing eye- sight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated andiAliazes properly fitted. HOG TROUGIIS:-Galvanized steel hog troughs, 45 cents per foot.. Reid & Wilson, Seaforth. , 2002.2 .-......._. The 'Late IMr. Herliert.-We men- tioned !briefly, ;last week the edeath of. Iblir. !Joseph Heihert„ an old' and highly respected resident of Sea - forth which took 'place son. Wednesa day. tIVIr. Illerbert was a native of England, had 'reached the unasual age of (89 yth ears and had e distinct- ion of (having 'been born on Me same day me the late Queen Victoria. at aa early age ,he enlisted in the .13rit- Jell army in which he eerved for 25 years,attaixeing Ito; !the 'rank of Ser- geant He Nam, anneal. active !service and had Several medals for faithful service and brave conduct These lie /valued every highly and prized miwoh. He (finally received an hares thimble discharge being allowed to retain this military rank. *Since com- ing to Seetorth he followed thte oc- cupation (of lholuse painter an °- co/rotor and 'was an 'ex -pert at t 'business. Of late years, lam's-ever, owing 'bo- infirnaitie8 of (age, be has not been able to do Match, biat he was always cheerful and (teething pleased (him More than to irelate lop, (ha 'the thrilling experiences of his mil- ,in lined leery (life. He twee a most entertain- stty, IL i . ng 'companion end in 'every (respect honors I a tg,00d and iwiorthy citizen, tEle is class lb survived (by (a widow. and family, of eangrat Mangold • vm.•••••••••im.. eed. Giant, Yellow Interm diate, Prize Mammbth Long Re an db the Gian Sugar Mangold These are all selected see a, and wi I produce match superior roots t an the com- mon varieties. W. E. IFEers1 key SEAFORTH. two sons and tour daughters, as fellows; Charles, of Po t Huron; Richard, of Seafoeth; Mrs R. Scott, of London; Mfrs. /Total Wegt, Rapid CRItivnerlMl tioin (acelgallin; irl a,WraWiital 'p; Witt,Wt erel, Seaforth. Mrs. West was here and attended Ion (her father tering this lest allness. The (family 'desire us to express for them theh sincere thanks tfa the (neighbors and friends for 'their ,very great kindn BS during Herbert's illness. Bootball.- et. following echedule has been arranged for 'tthe Inter- mediate fodtball (tempi:0 hip in Buxton district : 1/fay 4- ingthatn LBriussels. ! !May 111: ---Ba field at Winglike= May 18 -Brussel field, May 28 -Brussels ham. June ae-Bayfield tat June r5-Wingliane. Bayf WOrnenes Medings.-As announced (W( en's ans'titti, inn Loge twill the old inethis district as follows: Stef a, toWn hal I, Anne 19; Exeter, t Iowa hail, rune 20; Bayfield, Wow hall, ,,Intne 1; !Cline Von, oducacil • chamber. J ine 22; Boarnesville, (Willson's hall, 'uine 23; in the 'evening ; (Ethel, to n hall, june. 27; (Garcrie, town hall, utne 28 ; Vordivicba; Foresters' 'ball, lune 29. The speakers supplied by t ic Gov-.exnment forr these imeetings re Miss Agnes Smith, (Hamilton, and Mrs. U. W. Watts, Clinton: Mrs Gelid .0arapbell, of IGocleriele is on of the speakers selected toes (Divis on. No. 2, ,erabriacing 'pie eounties f Lin - con, Welland, Monk and Went- wowth. Her Subjects tare: "The kitchen • garden; does it_ ply ? " "The Illouisekeeper and Iher mport- arece tot the state." -"P actical aciuse'keeping," i " Fact& Value " de- monstra'tions 'if ;(desired. u oultry liaising." "Canning /fruits .an veg- • etables." _. of Rev. E. 0, Sewers, of Bx.iroefiekl., passed citis peeond tyear examination at the Same instibut ion. -The it- helI Advocate of 'get week .isays: Seffferth, picked up isorae good en- " Ma. David Donovan, (horse buyer, "male in this neighborhoad' laet week. A four year (old, weighing nearly 4,800 pound's, was purchased from 011r.,11Arm. Lawrence for $275. Mr. V. A. Campbell also seed this Standard bred kiriver to the !same buyer, the (price being in the neighs berhood lot $300.7-1r. Jacob Israel, -who hes been, 'envie:Ted in the fur- niture factory there ,for a number of years, has gone to Listowel to work. His? family will treenail', here for (the present. -Mr. alas. Hays, of Barrie, iwas n tlown this week. -Mr. Robert Garrow is going to Bell on his farm, near Harporheye a bet of very thole° Stook steers, on ;Wed- nesday inext, by auction. 'Mir. Gar - now is a good buyer , and a geed feeder. -Already five horses are here from outside places, getting in shape toir Itbe races. -The Seaforth wOollen. mills Ire:maned =operations this week, iunder ithe new manage- nat,..fit, and will be ran at fun force for (the fulturee-eMr. joseph, O'Sul- Wean, the leldedt on of MT. 'Peter 'O'Sullivan', Huron leoad, diedadn(Detnoiton Mondday last, leh remains (were fbrouglat home, and in. lEttiy• terred in St. Onlumban cemetery on winig_ Thursday. Mr. O'Sullivan was 42 Brussels, Years tot age, unnearried,'and (had eldbeen in Detroit =about three years, officially e traeet- lafoln Shine, former- ly of Seeforth, who has been (very Tseriously ill for the past few days, is improving, °although not Yet 'ant of danger. -Miss Lucy Lockevoed, of ,Clinten, visited her teousin, Miss Leila Hammett, layer Sunday. - Messrs. (McEwen Geiger, la the Seatoirth flax imill are busy atowing flax. They axe- "putting in a ranch large,r area this year than last. - The any friends aaf Mr. Andrew Calder will !regret kb learn that the itsinexitstillieolvibeeryd isililn.ceHjela:nhtiaastrylt:ee:tiiticownee; lec=pe the fine weather will thelp Ito bring !him. taround.-Mr. Alex, Card - no, of Darlingford, ' Manftota, and Me. (Fred Ca,rdnee, of Winnipeg, were called Iher le this ;week to tea their mother, Mrs. IA. (Oardiee, sr., who, 'Wet (regret to learn, is dangerously 111 -r Fred Broadfoot, 'who has been attending the School of Prac- tieal Science, Toronto, came home Wednesday evening. Fred 13Xpeets to go to Mexico 'shortly dm his .pro- fessiontal icapticity las an engineer,_. Mr. Sara (Bennett, of Wingham, and former (well known business 'man here, rwas in town ,011 (Thursday.- Local Briefsee:Mrs. D. MO regor and Mies McGregor, who ape t the winter with friends in -Xi higan, have ireturned home.. We are pleas- ed Ito /learn. that .Mree MeG egor's =health is much impro.ve'd.-W dlc in 'llonantaa last ;week fMiei Geol.!, e M. Chesney porchaCed a - !very . retty pair of driving ponies, and sold them to Mr. Colin Kennedy, itaf bit Pal- ace Meet Market, before ;he took them (from the par in Which they came (from (Toronto.-tfr. Ale ander Godkin, ieson rof Mr. Stephen . elkin, of McKillop, near' Winthrop, who has been in North Dakota for some time has igain. a o.cblure'd and the capacious +f'olds Of the: Union Jack and 'Me lloca'ted !near -.Gleih;ei , all- berta-We cm.entioned eorne tie e ago that fMr. John iMcGavin, (of' Lead - bury, IMcKillop, bad pure I . -ed a very 'fine young [(stallion felon efr. Thos. 'Berry,.toil IHeneell. His name is ."Crolirn Gold." Mr. Mc avin weighed him last Week a Id he briought &own the Ecales at 1,177 ponds end the ic not yet` a year old. If (he keep re on *, at this irate what (will the be at three year told? -'Mr, 'Sohn Beinirie, jr., of TI 'akar- smith, near Eginondville, iwjj. has t been a setvere 404iffere for veral weeks from a t elan p tone •f 'hie fingers is iflt0W eseeoveeng and it its 'hoped (the worst! is la er.-In exca- vating for .the sewer ion til' east side of naain ;street, the workmen 'unearthed 'some (of the old gi ts of the forest las 'well as mime Irel es of the pioneer days 1 of Seaforth. trom Victoria. ?street Ito John stree finds of this In'aitiue were most num- erous. Trees that' had 'lain there for a century land'iliad been a vered up fin building (the street an told Log 1crfos8ings and board plat .orres were king out. The evicted is 3 ill in a tstate of. good Ipreaervation. Mrs, C. 11. Somerville ; 13 pe'nt Sund y in town fsvith leer ,fa ther, Mr. . . D. Wilson and aothe•r friends. -Mr and .lafr8. la. Scott, ..4 Brussels, spent SUnd'ay with tIVIrs. ecott's ral ther, Mrs, 13". 11'. Ilrine.-Messrs. - W Mara Snaithers 'and Pa (L. Kyle, -two rad-, elates of the Bell 'Engine , 'arks left on iTnesday f or Orillia, N here they 'have ' "secured 'situations in a similar establishment. They are both ateedy, (reliable noung me and firfit class workmen who will give a good account of themselves w ere- evet they go and ido credit to ; heir early training.---Myor Willie has had 'correspeavelence (with the f ieni- titre company which has led to the hope that (the new buildings .avi 1 she proceeded with this Rummer. ow - ever we 'will belieVe it when w= stele the men tat iverk. "Hope deferred enaketh the hearte;ck," and lope 'has been deferred in this he tter more than, once. If khe 'building are n:ot puoceedcd with at ' once the cone -soil .ehould minced the by law granting lt•he fa e Wry aid. -Miss M. Grieve returned to Coderich on lekonday after (spending a few w eks at her /home in bown.-Nliss Ilie Fieher, 'daughter of 'Mr. Fisher, of the 'loth foanfoession of Tu 1 . th, and (niece of Mr. A. W. etakie A ttO was SO till in Winnipeg, is eimnew, at inipeoved. She has ;undergone an 'operation 'for !title remeval of a tun or from the lead and good !hopes re now 'entertained for (her reeove y. Her Mother is with her. -Mr. H. la Pernichard lhas (disposed of over it et - hundred of (his patent wi nd Vir Cleaners in Itoefn, 'thus showing th t Mr, Buntabar&ffe a very skilful sales- man or that his article Is one . f very ;great melt. Penhaps bath. In (this year Ino holidays POC:11T • n Sunday. except (Dominion Deer. Vi toria IDay will be or; a T.hursda Labor ;Day on a .Monday, Hallow e'e a on Wednesday, Thanksgiving o3 Thursday, tand !Christmas and Nei years on tiruesday.-16. It. N. Hay , whet hvin (Mrs. Rays, is la t 'present here on a visit with friends, i leaseing Chicago after a residenc . there lot 'Abut (fourteen years, an I will igio Ito India'napolis, where b has been Appointed ;manager of on of the ;largest publishing amuses i the States. Mr. Haya is a wide n wake, bustling 'young business ane a'nd 'is !rapidly 'corning 'to the tront We Icongratulaite him on his nutoess (Mamas McQuade, of MolCil s (gassed his final exa.minatie icine fat 'bile Western Ifni ovex ndon. no ,book first cies tin !four raulbjects and iSeeon ionors 1111 three others. (We ulate Dr, (McQuade. A* eou • Town Council. -,A special. (meeting of {the tbown 'council was held on Friday evening (last. The (clerk was authorized Ito iadvertise fior tenders for 'Street watering, the said tenders ito ibe opened by- the tire end water ctiornartittee and the tcontraet to be awarded by the said committee. The 'bowling green and. curling COM-- panies (were given permission.. tie tap the water anains as applied or by them. Certain amendments were made in Itihe eontract with the Elec- tric 'light (Gempanty so as to make the !agreement toomply with the mu- nicipal law. -The following resolu- tieri nvas -passed: That the Mayer and Councillor al J. McCallum, he .appointed a committee to draft a letter to be forwarded to Mr. (Eilbeaa M. P, P, for South Huron, ealling attention to tale cheap power hill about be (come before the Legisla- ture and (requesting Mr. Eilber to look (after Ithe interests of Seaforth, said letter Ito (be subxnitted to the emenseil for 'approval.- An account of F. Girtteridge arnonniting to $380 for halanete, of side walk•work for 11905 was ordered to be said. Mr. Rolbert Govenlock eves appainted in- spector of (fruit trees, etc., for 11906 111 laccordanoe (with a request from the lhorticultunal society land that the tinspectioln. =toe done ;Mader the supervision and direction. of it e said society. Acc!muits to the ereeunt of en35 passed.a d oaulecil adjourned to meet at the call. Of the Mayor. Death of Mr. Holmese-The folio ing ktespatch. tfroim. et. Catherittes a peaked the •Glo;be of Monday las "Edwin Holmes, (who, barring S 'Mackenzie (Rowell, perhaps/ was It oldest printer fin Carrada, died at ih home on ISlat`thrday afternoon,eaged Years. Mr. dielmes was one of ft fire% Itype-setters on the Toron Glebe. Robert Holmese ex -M. .P., -West illkarble, is a sea. The eleceas was Ib'orn, en England, qie tertgag . in the printine trade in St. Cane 'hies for many years, 'and was know as a man .NifihrD had set .type for eix years.," Mr. Holmes was the Mend otethe elintfon New Era, and tor se eral years (was its editor and pn prietor. He twas (also tor many yea a (leading (Citizen o,f Clinton, and eva well and favorably known to man in this 'county. He was a well rea ma.n,andprided himself On. his enceer 'ate -kniewIedge of Ole intricacies o political eoonomy. wars arden Free Trader, and a staunch ,Libera of the old school. Be bas passed a way tan lot years, and did. good ser vice to 11141 ;country in his time. __The 'Toronto Mews, the editor s!) which is an. old Huron boy, make the following kindly and teuthfle *reference leo, the deeeaped: Mr. Ed ward. 1Ffolmee, (whose 'death is due replarted, was .one of the pionee Journalists of (Western Ontario. :Fe many years he conducted The Clin ton (New Era, and that journal with the fauxon Expositor, ranked arnangst the (beat weeklies that have ever been. -published in the old Huron tract. For teoane ;years he was IlisSiFftatit (librarian tat the Leg- islature, and (his =long, spare =figure was well known about the Parlia- ment th,uildings. He was a man of exceptional !vigor of mind and inde- pend-ence of telueradter, and while he (acted 'generally with. t he Liberal party, file -often gave frank and fear- less expression to his own opinions. Hs attood (far a. type of ;Liberalism which has tseemed 'be the (dying out in Ontario, but twhieh. is 'certain to re- vive ivohen. the party is again disem- harassed by leffice and free to town its feartvicUona land declare its prin- ciples. ava P - 't ir he ie ,83 the to of eel ed r- ty er o- rs il 1 8 1 Notes.- 1,01:ehisTeelg,huutareert. iy quirterJy meeting for Kippen Methodiat tire cult itvill (be held in the tabuiroh there Sunday morning next at 1.0.30. --Kr. T. tBrin!tnejl, Who (ricently purchas- ed ta Chatham (incubator, leas !brick- , en the freeard by hatching 90 ohicks with ta 100 ne-g (machine. Who an beet that ?-The farmers are all done (seeding and are ,biusy preparing &he -Igrfolund ifor moorts,-Iroosse elm Ing us the Order of the (flay with the ladies and, by' the way, if 'there is anything tin the heruse that mon !might happen Itb need this oultamer Yine ;had better (look sit alif) tat -once- •••• Headquai t Millinerv. rs for HE fact that we have not °ply a big but, likewise, sa growing business in Millinery of every kind tells better _ than anything else what shcppers think of what tomes, to this department, We now exhibit a wide range of new and handsome stylein Hats and Hat Itequisites, not only distine- tive, but which represent the finest of individual taste. We cannot remember a season when ladies could anticipate their millinery requirements so reasonably as in the present, and yet be in the height of fashion. • Never before have we had more attractive things than are in our present display—and this paltty because we know ° the business better and partly due to your appreciation of our effortse We insist On having the very latest—the success of the department hinges on this—and if anyone understands the whole art and possibilities of fine Millinery, Faultless Waists A. glance at our assortment of elaiitty shirt -waists will convinee any W011litil that we were not nap- ping by any 'Means vhen tbe good things for spring and sum- - mer were passed around. The new styles are as fascinating as any person is likely to wish. PRET •,Y- S WAI STS - - • 50o $1.00 • VIZ() *200 750 1.25 225 EACH Skirts and Raincoats We have some exceptional offers in Skirts and Rain&)ats, most correct, tasteful and jaunty s4les, fashioned by the best makers; madeof the new- est, most exclusive clotlo, at prices that are unquestionably kw for the quality they represent. A RAINCOAT LEADER Is Priced A SKIRT VENAL t is Priced -dn'stitta s Lace Curtains Our stock in these would do credit to a city 'gore, but we believe that our prices are less than the city stores obtain. ,Welsmemz1/01111.11111111.111 AIMMINE~0111MOMMIIIanimmim The Curtain we sell at $1, - Is Exceptional Yalue .New House Furnishings A variety ibetter, than ever, and that is staying much. ••••••••....lubdod Laces and Bulboid; New Carpets New Rugs Netu Linolituns New Mat& New Draperies The beautiful laces and embroider* for summer use have excellent show- ing hem The pencil halts at demi tion. One may say of limn maim- astitally " freeh " °hermit; " inal," "dainty," and the adjectives are all truthful, yet fail to picture the ne things in their sheer loveliness. A. great variety, no price step missing! Unusual Opportunities in Dress Goods for tfte Econoinically Specials ,- Black 31dollairs - 400 450 55o 80o 7 Black Wool Taffeta 60o 75c Black Cord ce Sole 55c 650 750 Black °repines and 550 tSU Bolines in wool and _ 750 $1 silk and wool effects e. btu *. '-steRvesieenesememe lung accident hap- pened, (Won't two miles east of there en fltieursde.y afteenocue of ea.st (week when the only dbild, a two year sold MORI of Mr. (Edward Allen Wandered tla the (Bauble (river, only a few rode from 'the house and fell in and ;was drowned. The little fellow was only a few minutes out of his mother's !notice when he was missed. The (sympathy of 'the whole esemmun- ity lis extended itio Mr. and Mrs. Allem-Messrs. Leach and hal made a flying trip tfoItulllett on TulesdeY dast. T.hey were in. the town of lOondtence while AWAY: I Wroxeter. Notes. -r, and Mrs. Robert Black' 1 and Miss Agnes Black, 'X' t U:rned : 1aom 1Londion ion Monday, where they ' . d been Otto -Air* the funeral of ,. e gate igr. 0,�. ; McLennan...21a a meeting iheld 4. Abe :wiefolle.ri mail' DRY'ij[!fl SEAFORTIL ONT. -••••••••*.....n.••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••,••••••,,,.....,.....,... office last (Tuesday evening it decided to celebrate the first, July here.-3Yf1-s. R. at, Calder, Hamilton, a former ireeident of the village, (spent two days here dace week. -Rev. (W. 13.. Doherty, of Hes-- sail, iwill preach An, the Spiseopai eherreh Sunday afternoon. -Mrs, V. IDickso.re is (spending ft few days', in trorrento.-/vIrs. /W. S. McEercher. is (recovering ;from a recent illness.- Londesboro. Neetesee-Saerament will the eadmin- iniatered an the Methodist church on Sunday next -M158 L. ;Whitley left Dor a three 1mion1thj'(trip to Dakota MOnday Nirm. Riley IMO improved tile =appearance of his lot by the (erection of a new fenee. Mr. (Kennedy, Our new 'butter mak- er, expects to lave the .wavons tom the goad next week. - Lr the bsolutf