HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-05-04, Page 4r
V 4.! 1906
16my wu-odd be lot 60� alfprs i Ito Ibe jeleoted y the -varias berio lof Iblils ona*jaajo
UL-Avais Wcai&his h 'nd
'AY 19-06.
Private trioe ut 4 ime T10 -re arolal-do, lbo� e isevapf. anember sm-LEADING SHOE STOR
pio�rd Ions )that Mo diajuz eheson� f ith4a Cq-
e will 46 and -ii by, lo6A iballdt,, lbhuo*- Oeukiag. of fta'Advivor Ao'ard Itl JW appoint. tral, for -which ji-a recelved.the tin T W T ofter 14o itho q6ple 'or Ito th e
L dil 1 116, p ed tot _e
W1464ty trepreselftat rom.
ljl'ge lak floor -6 of $1200.
bre $4 ipe day, pnvae IdurporaUtilons. , More itb -an 'bef
a6d expenses.
this Itho t -ho - VV Over, Sh
The 'M
b -be eoterence, of Provinei�l Fre- Vlase Ithere -are advisory: ib rdstand 0011
a PjjP
Ad, videj! jt almost
9 10 de01
1 2 3 4 :5 power _ito Issautrc it, , -the eople rl" miers-
11 12 loperotion, lall he beR6# A $0 be 414a Ia Iola tli -clommissitos Rhe e the introduction
6 7 8 strength of tbis promise lhe- !asked wiftihoili(t lffluunj),er..; Nofth 8,dt NcIlteq.—NTAny peraaknA Vast f' w years has witnessed
the member . fox Said-li Pertb to 'had fwni his ku by
fits 04, tadvalatagea, ithat c' d� o
13 14� 15, 16 17 18 19 1 in VAs lsectin, 4 ly o anoee own as the specialty Jl sh,)% that
I ig, one
08=-- witibdraw hi The MaTatbon tl�na. in &an irtrancisco
;ht=rod under tGOv6r=- MaVt1daw when It'he upon which the maker puts his wn or so
20 21�1 22 23 26 ace, M :greab me - otber
v. Why . th�an, fln 4- Selsmil 1shock aa�- Cbe� cant Iaxaition.
�he naime of Mr, 'Rorden,'It(hotleader of Ithe iOp,
27 28 29 .-30 81 e, allilmad. 't iof Itthe Olympian tgam a &it Ath" characteristic name'as a guarantee that he stakes his . I vex-,
ODInMOn oen lt-bO' CeOvern- position, t*1 tted the kLiberals with tha% lbollowed wisited that city a VII.
=en lassitme lall lthe riski "A, tr, busiteis reputation upon the excellence of the
06=0, 0' Oid 4nsinoerlty eGs, 011 Imay lati, was -,Mo by Wim, few tweeks ta�p, lbt as.,f 0 'as tuan e shoe. in _0z
failing Itlot lave�A:ainake Wn "laftempt Sliorriod, of Sti -Patricil 'Athletl'o leatned all Pseaped Injary, alhoigh 17 8en thWao all the beat shoes are
sponsibilitie� by ri- in,elr The result has b W
vate ealterpriseo When ItIliey can se- to, lredee.m lbbeir'lpromises as lbo, Ben- mani of iblism kutfere'd considerable bought by laamet the pu
,NEW ADV9RT=XZNW8 g Upon e,
i oposi- 010b, Of gami,AoA, Tihe;.Iraee wa rehaser insiatin .9. ttiorg ouxe for lbho ipubl c every advantage ate Reform, ImOe �Nvhen, in - toss (of prioperty.—Mtrily enthtsiastic the articular trade marked Shoe which app
*Xtnesstd by 0,0 0 pe, ople. mm &tjeg,,,6&dk under pr vzvt,- amana!gemeVt fthitt they. tion, b t f I d to Ja any devdtes� of lbbe isca-hory 'astime,
Aer The Webetween the P14repthl 1he ale y idlown some 16 p eals to him
denoto Ph* tv of *be papell on *blab the can lsecre jimder iQovernmejalt anan-7 hetwere 148 �cioall p either from experience, the -recommendation of 9 A it'lle. sub- telbantf who re- some aired in i6he ongler'n some
dvorlhoment wl follult poicy for W own, party a I . agement �f his is isovadhing we, ject. 41ti4ging 1-rom - Mr. 13orden's presened all InaltionaUtie;. . Sher. unif9rm. and dbbers iaquipped (only Wearer, or the loreselitation of its 1neritg by.advertising
milliftery-E *Faul 00-4
Nvuld lllbe� jbo� (see fully �Pxplained. s-ee6h.1the -Conservative iparty are-, ring iwas jbiaji in Hamll�cn in 1878 with' the ineoessaxy draplements for Among tiade marked oboes, none' e P
Pointit-WinPicard &.9on-5 AjOy a more
4 lWaYnnis-5 Th -e 181goal wrther On n Ith larti- satisfied with Ith4i Sente as t tpre- and fs ono' of a. ouliaer tot 0-o 4dis- this fascinating sport, andi all libeyal endorsement than)the
a New Stote-Kruge Bros- 6
d, ftualy lexph�inii blow -the poople. seot .01onaltituted, lbeidg coot6nt tance 1rutaners 1whose' trise is Klue Itlo caaght with - the, anigling � nicnia,
Wanted-�Rxpakitootftce 8
can' isecure f *011 valim hor all It1heir with Ithe dlfope It -h -at NOII,6n, they come the. rload races - promfdt d bj sallied forth on Sunday last and
produce-Xeuo Ilros 0b,
Vurnituro fo� sale -Um Lynch 8 - pu�blic aftilitie f without assuming iditlo, 1power (Pyto�vidende will continue 96miftarL Eexald and w, . ich -have invaded lbbe 1pisewborial thaulifts alloag _W;.A_1jM_0 V_
wanted -GD, King 8 y Y.f 10he 'Tis;ks and eslansibilities His, Weaires jo Reiofrm Ajnd xectoo- cr6atea' a grevlt intere dn the 1 -the fflayfielcl triver land neighboriag
0 Sharpened -E Sparling 8
at lGovornment'toperallou. Speaking shrudtion -as He ihas done for the ispioftiig y-Aarld. Mr. ighe ning tleft stroms. 'The weather was mo t made in the world!s greatest fine shoe plant at ]Brockton, M,% th Gre by
Seed Potato& -A Scruton .5
power 'it saa:, " Per- Liberals. The
Faft 6r S%lb--Georg 410 5 of Ithe Viwgara Hamilton l"t 'February, had no aspiciotis iblic, Iday-ibeii:g uild �wjad
E. Keith Company. The, reason is evident. Ever $4 4t)
Eiall for SaleT-james fttterson. 5 baps it'll (beat (Plan- N"oolcll be Iffi-e i Mr. IMcIjAyre, iin acdordazee with trainer'ior assdtant and very ttle sonibiny,., and everything iconspired y walk -over
Girl NVantedk-Arrs TRichard6on 8 being a eorre�t combination of' trustworthy leath�r,
dii§trib;ution! ';of lblie �pa_wer tu the freqN*t lo Ithe - Premier 1wit,.' mio-ney,' ibutt The was dotexmii�ed to to Enduce lblie ailnwary finhy jarehins ski Iled wm-knianship
0ourt of ROMon-A G Smillie 8 Byp
latest siyle, efift 4' to the wearer perfect comfort alld satisfaction at an a
For Svle--R Mcks 8 Places 1withixi ',r6asonable 'dialtance drew It as q*te ei- win land �he did, 'He wais the aw-all- to flirt livitth ithe, vermiouar decoy. ring
t t
3(are for Said -P M Chesney, 8 -gara Wi alls at a ralto that ithe w
of den -t ifrom lblie'l(lisciussion 1) mnfiaers being only five Patience, adroitness and �alertness ae coo 5 oiA, and! 1re. q of 'Senate Reform oinly fed
Dj$$olution 4f Partnershipf-J 51o, islotewthatt, above a nestion ei Isevfn noh6s, and weigh -i admirably ioxercied by these - The I
Fum for Stile -M. Willlaniw-r ng a- were 906 styles of this famous hob
ofits- in - causes Ia very languid in'terp-A in Walt j1201 Millars., -hey were for men may. now, be seen at our
placing jol lbb� sm-T-plue 'pr disciples iof Riscabor, and -t
C nge; of)ftsiness--VV� R. Smith storef To see'Walk�Over styles,
YOU must see the shoes themselves. seeds -W. It. Smith the P�avinclal IT.reagur, 'to eM- the Oommons land ltat any. isprione amply [repaid by a " fina zatch und in 40
Tenders ftnted-A, G. Smillleng all leathers—patent colt, vici kid, vici ealf and tan Russ--
ployd for blie ibeiriefif of the whole- ethanges ineed'(n.olt Thej looked foir in a 1subsequent seasonabl -,reliast.
Su!Lg�Greig Clothing Co. -I laticalf. Crap
RTlovince.11 Y�s, 00t lis 6uA what the mear fwtuxe. 'Even Commoners Inq Xeter
Ity - tAmArt Bros 3 PRICES—K 60
and 15.00 a pair., -h Positiou--C. Aberhart-9 slitould The Iftne, inlat ohly ith Nlir seem IVIO dike Ite Prospect -of Ia soft Oa C)annin Factory. -A
big vwsh 131v.th.
eers--4. "V118011 --s -her place. Itio- trecline fln at �tbe pplbilic ex--
agara, pa-wer, lbult, with ev6ry �ot
is beirig hilad Ito aeoue it. canning "tt, too;
Shod�ljVV-lllis and Son 4
er. -A �o[nit- istok.
rian-eburch 9, plilo-nes, a7ndl laven ItImber a6d mineratl tive ilegislatios !ceases Ieitb6r kt Ithe loll ibeld tan au-ction sale qf dtolok
Famy China -0 Aberharb 8 puiblic 166fiity, isuelh -as tele- pense rmben ILhelr,-usefalness as tac- factor So x8t Marshall, of Inger-
compan S lb, ing, formed, and'it ie W "BA, VCarflagee-A. Vilson-S and(s, land 10his y it *h j1d Will lot lbbe q) ople or 'from inatutral
. v I is -the wd' 0�1 eald, tiboo, Jbeze kst lWednesday, Mr. F. Scott, n
Seed-Beat4i Bros. --a ulat of abo at
k lbq ithe amlo
b, 'done, aa.,explaln6d by 6he Signa:, infirmities. f 0 m_ssels, being lbbe awd-tioneer, Sole
.0 for men,
Your Hair l. -V. Fear -8 $10,000 thas tailrea* lbeen promised. Wal-Ovtr" Sh e
Yarmers Attention These IsMxplua 1prtits, ociald be 0011 -
if he the, -John UaWal)-5 latock (uxed Vrt je nva,,nolt a !Wood' suiecesis. Tibeft and 61 Queen QuilitY -and 4' Empress 11 Shoes -for Women.
Of vas for Sale -H. Utchmond�s lecled either lin, ithe. shape IDI ftva- An Absurd huin 11, rrhamsday I -Messrs. Maisball, and 4f
White H. Will," Or. factory twiT11 e, ia, certainty, A gen- '0
ahie ffees ReviO' upidn"Itihe powor
Eggs for'Sile-'Mrs- A. Calder�8 So�mk,, �pemsldn [has, evidently, tbecn tlemea, lwho 6 an, expext !a -tlhb blusj�_ 1.Ketruick. bold fthwee, var lms 'of
Horse Rontes-a abmpaziles. for, lif fterer is Itto, 'be Youtffg twestern te-attle 4by auiption, Ur. Clinton, and
Pai S. Hudson -8 pveneut ownership, by idivert- hoaxing it -be imdato, Skar. �n its ness.. met.iwit �the oar& f Tra&, (of TV- Ing Vriedts ffiav-e been inviteA*-
nted - umAry, f Godericili, ieipg the Or, IT. JXcRae, evda. some levening� 6glo, a A, Ve MUCU Onto, twere called, here last -week p. 0=00rin O:nd C,,,..
llulfteyr Baok-F.cGlonnell -6 "Ing Ia peTeen'titge ldf Itthe r cel0ts 8 day Iaditho;n, Under a large dis- we auctWifeM Mr. E. Wai6n, our re ts6rlous illness of their tion Iiinig a�n -T� Qonan*
from JUh Power W ltbe Iftsef aj 01 "' 0 awing- lbo lbb
-e isale of th -a-ye t -,he of Sider, IV
calffle U. r, 66ugh t - most
play heading, it had the following: enterpris 01 Itus kinil I - Out $6,_ 'Mrs. Jon, ffoarguoon, who, Vb
ud riewinial Itreasury.11 But, if the igh figiuPre lot $23.65
000 twort )f (ma;ehinery vpuld be 7 Chief Jutice' Sir Willbam alph t (the Nuonan, Oulblin; Ia. 3. MGee
vve, tare 1pleased 11o, 41at, is 111W oial
Campan, OtTatfioTd ; ID. 9* Downey,
.0 them )a! th
aurplas (prorits ;can- be, volleefted! per fhead-. !A 'Of thcm twe" y0ung. of lftnger.-Rev. IM
M6rcd-Itlh bia-s. handed in, his r�sigjia_ ncess,.Wry Ifor �she. ioanning f peas, r. 3fartin, tof Can- wind00jr, und james tH
in '-the. lalave of f randhse fees lev corn# lVege, A lnjumTbet jo Che icitizens met t ning' om, ftvas fte Ivreacber lo Mel— t1an tion., und ris out tor be appointed tab es'and frult 1 $4,000
4 ju unt 18he cionipwales, and in Me Oymmoreial Jh*eL Friday night
SEAFORPH, FRIDAY, Way. 4, 1906. chair 1 lot the -new - Railway ow- 'would pult I suitable bulding "70 Ville P-huwch 11aA Suaid`4y and Rev.
thi iway can* be divrted in'tto, !the me"
-iselected. by. the, On- by 140, 't a idtorehlouse 10 by, 50, organiza! I(OX1 at ball Mr. McKay, of Tiorontbi i -will be in itfo (be wX fl�r Itille i ti Ivi
pblie ltre-"uiry, las they certdinly Leadburv.
team for Ce ieomiVg segon and' it _WlVa J,
tario. Government. Wm. rawlfoot, two or 16hree Istiories'lin eEch; $1�- charge' next .9abba1b.-Alf Baeker
be 'g4i n- be ft L 13uc-
urn, wb&t` advan1tages are tio u9bry Of Noole S. -Mx. A. :9&cXa�y-
as)n is any a pu!'rehased' Alhe MeCrae fxrm, left WA
ed. f C., ldf ftt6 flg�l hirm of raud- 000�wauld L'sededols woriking -ca has Dy GoVe en't ji Go-v*rnment Ownrhip. a' 'P, or p- cess twe o t to aTe,a wiviiing foot, Duocri. lGran t arud 61ceana, 19 ial, The ifarmer Iwauld- Teoive for, 0 a -or", vrawmuffier Affiis 1week. Be dultends ie-
-bait �so' er, Governent operation I— Abol-It 0 Ia kon fo rom, team in It -own this oax. f7he wiel Illas (been leased foT UL nulm- ?cUrAing fin tibe 'darge 3,9ZA-9
viro laro lsuTpriseil t s��ible slabdd bo, isulaceed him on the -Den'ch.". PGas we tahans iaTe. at Work n. the MeW
Ia Joy I
and ll�vcl lheaded a Jouxnal -as -.the The Vnly' tpossible. tadvalialtirges . k* to Mg officers were jelected: lloxi. ber f Dears 1padt by 'Gerorge abb. 14d leonee
an, looltifeelve lof are'ithe% additional romidr WIMPney '�bas -very em- $1
c. L President, gmes (HeMuTowe, pres- T&e Tilway WD ftia worth of
Qade�rlv,h Signal ' IQ - acre, with it 8 Ont; for beias friow (price �paid mt-a-a 3,500.-Vre�r John tHura, inear ,jouid Wlow 'its- a4van-tage tw,hich twill aoa Me Itia the pilioltically [diepied ithe first part of. $50 %G -1$75 iaonit, ames alLamilto.,xi; -mice presi- un -acre; Por tion aNes 25 Hayer-oft arrived illoome ifrom San,
self Co, ibeaDme smitten, by ztbe� Vov- grea aTany of vultures and blood;- t1h, -bov - deat, IS. ff. Gidley; a tho 60 lacre farnx of mr,
ceIibs, Ia bush , hn cre growing a- e -a -, -T- 33- Franialsov last 184-tuTday taight. HP, e statemeot and he Jast
McArter; manager, tP. 0. Lung;, IbA )all Alls lb.e4
;Wckers of lhfith L and ' low degree, Hikuall,- lbbe. 4yloe
eTnment -jOwnerahip, feraze. Referring part, s Itiolo absipird for consideration. bamtl'250 hu" is. Th odgings as a rest#7
e ral -,out-
.,w1i& hvilllbe. aftracted to.the GoTern- captain, E. HeMill-WA; -ma:n Ing 62000, The, (land go igood ibuttbt
Eq look lbor the cannisn i 1 try is o Itihe earthquake, f,
lro he ire -marks, of The E4 xpiDei tor EL b3zats lby'Weaso of heir largely in-" It -fis Ia inipUty komig call from 9 xc-91ifig the blu Ittle vajue.
Sir ref �y
gotod-tibe mat rial lbe'ir4g Ati' limited, com"'Mittee, f.AassTs- R McMill-a suft 'of leldtes fte woire.-Tie Ifirst
'McKay er loftple, of, areeks dgoi s Ito 'the dwn- dreased 1patranage, and ii1too W -biose William Meredith Ito Yr. William th Wnlark�t re and i n. ! t. eArf game, of ifooftall int t.he Int a 1A UX West in
cap clous maws -e " R , plut
wers ca tille people of this prdvaleat, Pro- Prodfloolti - K.. C.. tand no, Govern- Very flargle6i, a the field -7i Aor--s, Mr. iLojaig sa'nd, a). aomers- 'Tlt is series -of ltbe W. F. A. twill lbe p1 Mr. Saninal 18caxletit iha been
-bei ng ay-
wo insitead: sof into te menit Woud lhardly -dare attempt to. filled; )�ii�re milire ab 8 ac ories. med
faA )tahie Signal isays The cmpart- fits 11 fwill, Do the lintention ft try -a!nd' 110rin! 'a 1heT ing lazomd with -a spraindd a4me_
publio ltreilsUry.
biridge isuch. Ia chasm. Some of the in a convbijae, *nd' Iten- iout ide, alli week ItIdt.,ween BTlISSIS UAL I's but haviagafteadedadazeing OaTty�� 'kb Ing-
iseems )La e a little fardrtwn
Ing land fep pult )up a cup t)6 Ve, accident lbook plate# 1 recent ntments Itio lbbe Sutper- floifirlshing, Jai�,d many o a 'beo ham. -On, Wedoesda iot week
coneidl6ring lGhat 4in Ithis country appo Ing �lay (foi.-Xr. B. XcArter lbas tn, W. 1;ea!bherale, 6,.f IaV
The Dominon" Parlistaent.-L iOT. 10ouTt ffl4P;j9ch (have ndt �beefi ifo etablislld-;� The cousum ion of f n,\ %vs
ngo7ernlng Wdies are� elected credit -able to ithe !Government and cannd 19ciods '1�s tertainly a 't -he goged to �play fooeball with- the Miss e:jta
-Wgudt Rjok-
A lq�dod deal Of be Itinxe n gagested iappoinitment would Win& Ste r1dot- aeies of dand I riom Wr. -A
he Oaqple w1hil' -in. �Russia Nv increase, and i1a (properly am Iteam. 6n the, We ra 13unis'ea, lat (blie, f he ar- t. th
e mol rliamen 4uipped Ithis t&
ld-11rinIg lbhe 'Past �not fralse Ithe standard. 13,all'Assomati'on season and It Is 1paTt of hot 12, ln$an tPa
4haud �Mt the rulers rule and vell jma d factory sbiould ents fin BTawtfoTd.
4conoess�o.-A week lhae lbeen.1take-a lu-p with a some- pay lfrom Jth:'jtarf. ivill fplwfws first tobi on Friday
The i hdiud ry
per -sons ifrfoii laround ihere -ailton
hing. of 10,f it .1s,oweek in Bri4asels.-Mr. E V*.ea
whWt laorimoniidis discatmitan on a The Ontario beglelaturd, Tor In3en, wx)�- Walton.
ew m1ac1hr
L wanit lot taofidenqe imidtioldi n -Joe, 4
men P '�LMen Vivingiftoe� Lis adding the funeral of the ilate, Davidt
Mhe Ovbari-o, algisl4llors -are tlie, a
"Ithiit oirt.11 ' That ks quite -true. uibmfit- Ia' lahild If All wbite e=vas slippers for ladies, girls and hild. O�n fKandzy fadt. TU ideat'll.1,of 06%,
-Bllut, lif Itthle� fgoiverftlng *bGdi6s igr(uh- prxse jnia.1teri4 inery Ito, this maw will, ian*dl we- ftxnder�
CIG11- Ii4s Ithe -1town will ren -beautiful summer gooft and ver
an _y reasonable In
-This, Tao- bing -,laway.twilh it -ha b(ope of lgetting asked it prioe--Sahiples fit north W. H. lirillis, Bore
lit ule
1tTol and!,operate all the`railwa�ys, the td by Bork. 'Mr. Mo9ter. -0 191ve 6lie 1coMpanly a 'Aoan stand ' lis his Co add fis immh' jregrvtted, herny
titon iwas ione, censilring,* td3e *ddi'dio Wo 1his Imill if ihe cajol. get agent for Dorothy Dodd soeg for ladies and George AO.PulfaT with tNe people 'of It
GQv- -bboagh lbo tprorogii1ion In -ext week�' 101f, (Plid6ably, $15,000, -free' ftm. in-
ztelegrapth� -1kelephona and express tho lbo-u-n ito -exempt hbn ifrom. jt-a�X_ A. Nater Shoes for men, Seaforth. -bownehip.-M. Nijaltop, -of ;Grey, terest nd-hrepayable in ins�talnfents.
ernment Itor (a contract made wi measures
T -h ati,on—Mr. tMo. Watson, wtho -is Local Itemu.-Quarterly servicts 'has iff
th Most of Ith.e Government - lie tooUt'ract of zaaking a largw
lines, it Oxey mine, . and maifutfadbure Itown Imould soarmly- onake. a bet- -0eb- A
ixdwn in, _.MaKillop, has, a inerals and develop, frns ter linve4tinent.; "Wallto Mebho- drain, in
I.I. Ithe m wilvat is knlown as Ithe 111tortt, Atlantic are 'now on ithe carpeft, wid, while well land avorably 1- this wilt -Jibe observed in
Trading Company. This is an organi� some lhave b6en. finally passed! and plaoe -was ilited (in .1nurriage to, onj did ChIlTch on Sabbath nxt.-Seed- the I m6T)c -,on ithe farm -of MY. P -at. small fa)�
h *Y�na�ge L A
mit, klistribut I , ad t§ell -a-11 _�he ol- Brifs.-A ife fdlays ago, out fit- of Mukjfow's ?popular iyotrug' ladies ing operiitionj� bav*,�been complet--: Tic k 1McL4tmgh1i% tand Mr. Adhin Xur_
Zat'on which bn=ghl immigraifth o are 0ow law dOhers are Well on it -o' tee
ectrica oner land iso, lonj they will n teet a re of' -the Daft in in he oetrvion of Miss Margaret ed' MY 'Mbe- Jarain, ge pormg lba W
gy lin this vicialty,itle former ipart be a
tibe ftminison lO 1;� basis of so thA 1palnt.' Among (the floirm-er is TPbl & Rake, Is liVery dtalylejell. Camlybell, last Wdnesday. His Of ft -is �-pleascd Ito, 9;6�t Jhelp Ito. a nlum1ber �of -Do
�and praetically cpn; rcol. a ednesday
E neit lFlyzi, jkvho was n I be 10ft ris Son, WJ
mneth .head. Thle fact hit the the aiqpoi- license bill has large -friends &ere Join ia et lour igenhal -veterinary, Xr.T.0,
large inlumiber, lif mot a majority of.
patiting ido,wn 14 fell
membsr,,jh'-p,of lehe -ctompwnty was kept been. 'finally disposed of uhd itbo_ step b teo,far TeaDvered from -his
traw at h kgra-ftiating him -on Wagho-r�,
with the if loior,! ji 114
secret twas a groun ifor suspicion in'to, toperatitan Ion Itihe firsi of IMay. Was in okersmith.
prongs of ja fio,�k istuok n arm, To.ronio lia,,Rt tweek attending Itio uts- drive 'arond. And we rincerelyhope, All *h1te tanvas slippors for ladjesgirlRand people land IthlDso Pet0ple depend- a . qn. fall' 9 'te has ltaken.-Editsor Bradwin receift Isevere- rillness as Vo, be table Ito TU
governing b6dies for Milaut 8� ec
and Icititied-sm, ohloiIigh t was jex- The only WWterial ;eba:nge from its inflicting a PAjAf.UjL wou U 'he ve - reasonable in ld,4i4, 1bre4 r1n -beaut fuilumm swhxt will' their in� iness in 1cqOlection wit.h the (press ergoodgad
bier esinnorthwindow,
Obber 1114111rY lbo ihim or dt -ge Association.-I'Ar. Chas. Hamilon is. I :Pla' nied It -that Ithip, aecrey was made' irdt lin�truclurtbon (w4s lt4ilat xtend- ma 'a Oe 0f our al and wespedtied clependenole as �i volters �zfamiaujn t to I
t agent I '"e
was )done ,Th a pliospe Ior r adlea -and 0
er �Orottbnr Dodd -shoes for a
oeS 2Zr
ary 'theL eftizensi ,who jean ill-- be epared to A. sia,
naces- fact Aat operations l* Ithe flme flor a local option. by- in, fLodon Itihis week ton rx business
men, Seatoith, Wbat 1wiomid lour lboased self :g�v- new i;aiYwnP_aV 'atatiou, which, J� c
IthY4 &um!m(r_ w rip. -Mr. Jibn tBell left an Manday laid aside fxom! active daties.-Mr. Vega on'd minder Such 6on- H.',MeLa:ugblin s making 1peLpar West Xnd 0olte.-Seedin
law iafter (it 6a passed land before.it to.ke
ly fi
Tht fwatheT ft. bw
ere varried Pin tin European aou lbuil't Xg !o(ftr
ernmen t 1061gary, iwaiere she intend's to ly 0 n
-fries Iftom im�migratban, was' can, be irepealed', from it vqo mlote� conv6xliei. to timie.
Itio Ithree. be Pocated
idomal ta'w mu, ter O)f f will spend iat'lloast of,mianths, Alan$ lbor bho erection f darge favO.Tajl le,
we lbe;Iblian lthe serfs vo Russia f e a'ad Lh4e
of ' 'the town and Ithe, ispring '�3raiu haa
farbidd". land 10ht if he nan f yearj�, 'In like imanner after lbhe ire
and f be likes be 6ouuty 6,6 swill
shlolw tand 'StOte x00m, -1v'hich, �*Jll �be b �tdn 4-0 Igo -0
185tumn i
atT'alig Pressure! (is lbeing brodght to
lbis tuotutre home tlere.-Mr. built -lot of th
those )clamposing- Ithe ooiIaTpany were pel,lo-f Ia by-law-- it can; 06t be a- SY Inet lqua,rterly iervices twil-I 4)a-�
leave PA iexPerien-ce and abserva- bear on- 1t;he cidnipany itio, h.
'for three years. ff n' new building 1-��'ecbad ut 11he f(Hot of' inj ion
made Wkablic ltl4e w1ork' would gain lauibmited �v lt`118 J Carer ti teial. is on. die' groj�ndjg' jQr Ithe
Uom, Ito iinswew. of -a- plant far the manu, held in, lftbaTt
w1bb ItIle 'Bell 'Engine -0o., of Sea- h twill (be no, aafie S-er
Btopped.rrhe iooAra I' and he f cials, cl: wa -wade un- this connection (we miay state kat Sanders 'Otreef fbr't'b, ftr t�he ipuirebla.,se tof has i0a:n_ factu±e of -cement bri
0 ck, 1"t east of in Murn
The Signal (-also IthiRks 'the OntaA len pul I xPagenient ccharah, but th Z
Data per busll
der the date Mitister tot the ln�eior, the -aruno;i�acemeitt has lbbon made give lsome the adian nf the Carter ly.ollar. or * illage, which is biing ut- in ,vart�h Itelaglije jwjlILth2eet AdD Smidwy rtan, per bumjv
Goiviernwezrt are doing la, merit-Dri- IV
belief Ithet tthe Nvishes �of the pe
olus Ithing! fin Veciding-to mine nd ff-lion, l9r. Siftlon, and te hmadev tdiat Ithe, (Ghove-rn�a6nt- are,-looAsider- claler, fr fwhich they are at pr by a .9wifleman ro, per busl
in Xonkton* and -anufaet qTe #bhe rminerals of this of jtlie will be met iwws [respect. t would plit ltesilng.-.r., iand Mrs. Thomas Ilitm, every success ij, day ischool (-will ibe opened
in position Nva somewhj� ing Ithea f licensing pay Ith-e jcompan�r as -well as vant- at M w -
OP ughter, d rtaking, and nv�olnd�r twho %vill
ones, ;4,,and 4rand id un -e IDa.viniee.' Perhaps ithey tire, bult if ltend nees lahurah Ion the seclond istzv d-ulled by lt,hie aninouleemenIt iof ithe horhom IthA bavei 6o ilmrs. ge )6he Itown, lbd make fh ch rge.- it iis legitimate and proper for them tiaking f rip ttlo- tbe, old. ouinitry this be the next -lucky man toi.boom 60me a Way lat te usual hlonz
Ur ton...
to iInine land PresenIt Minister that tjli� c)ojn_ The Pno-Vin(cial "Vreasurer ths in- The Imembers of lExeter Odd Wlows mlattli, �.Nfr. J,one�s twas over last new and hriving in n r
likes it ASo..
in � � M as, "i 3M X
j that Midst. -Mr. Georg Xe7Kim has been the 1hall, S;af' orth, an Satum- manakfactuire the miner te Ja m6t
lodge Imt1tended, Thle, Coirncil.-Tbe oounoil
als uld to. develap and trasmit A -he tract ihad be -en, mes street land ]be. t Xetodigt chlarch in boly ton
ca&,elled becamise trlo<l,,Q,ced -,a�.lbilll aujilitoilzing
electrical energy jo Ithe Province, lie ris igo-ing lback tgainc.."Mr. Robt. having lVeXY 00for of late, iblult day, April The iTlonie rain
bhe ompqn -had failed to fujlk-icar_ Glovernmen't tio 'iraise jlnobh�r $3,- Sunday anornin Rast Ttre was a McKay ay Wo 1trust ft&at P bu.
iba lagin iengaged to jil �Ivlth' On oomiair IG h 1,
w, is Jbhe line to be drawn? .2 f ft% rew") pf
y our, jErneir agreement Nrith )the uuu,uvu bor Itinte Temiskaming Rail- 9010 lVarn out, And they list(ned to lae 1-1-MMI-n9v
Wood per cort
Why injolt tcuit a:nd manalfactuoe the rovsc with (the ISeaRorth l3eave-rs balmy lsoring Avea%&T 4ihe will islyan and priovvislonally adq&pd e-�L�
il:te, "Vayi This Itimelt1he 11vaja is Ito 'be antexcell6at and appropriate sermlon ibhis An agm VoA p.er cord
tinT,bh,%r an )the V�,.ablic lands and'-whyL Government. Duxin.g tillis deb _jq -,,p 'j
eaaon._-Njr. igDtt had it gang reeDuft.—Antoither. "atipggent tn�f It'al- j�
Ween lwlt�� Ned.
a Canadian lorne d bloped the byfiev. [Mr. Going.__Thelate t'llomas jo,f big Inlon. 18111ove ian labo meAt boti NIM, Neidtham,
is 11ing ana. pxoving rers 'has arrived'. to, txvork -on of jj�Ortj1.1half of 1,0t 10, Icour
Ran IlL
a Permed'by ISLome a week at ithe age 1 -of 89 -y Ia. track lall flast i-Runday, -which. Nviork the loonfltruction gangtof the 0�.�V Per 1b.'L
nut icultivate )tdie puplid lands and Mn B. D. Gunniof -,Soath ' tan. 0' �hlan tbose Powell, ftbio klied jin, I sion
91710-W, manittfacture and sell Itthe made wili L, was it bton;4s iwill Irioelize Ibdtter Tur ber: it QUelPh- L. R. IS., -an jthe 1mrPoration, Tall
which were Irecently 'disposed tot in `�'116 for oeems har.Aly nece.99ary- omsiderinjz GOIIIeTiCh Tailway.—MrB.-fA. R. SnIall the
grain, 1prodlaced Jby ithese lands? 'The �hting
_1g speech,,, i which he tbe iold iciountry which ionly netted miany "ars a rbsident JaLcrualed otone. fr4o
Qn ler I(*
onle jis da.A as 'reason vfTult�llfbso vil- Itibe ifine, lweaflier ithat. 'he laid aed: isoa, Rat, ihave r6turned Ito Qode- his !pit, Iwas "ached, and fte'
able and feas- 96 icents o*,n the idjollar. The Univer- 11age -befoTe llocating
We Jae effia aither wiVht this k1liffer- OtI191191Y condiewned ithe Goivern _rrY, wooirk at* tall.—Mr. laacs Brimvii. is at rich latter (a Pleasant visit with 'her �Unwa&o
the 'or
si�ty hill fthichi 167 NIAO'Tkin(g Its tway being fin Xhe. e�npllo� cil 'lexper"ted 1b04 Operate.
late- present lb-ingy makinj� teement blocks par-edts' Mr. Wn:d Mrs. Rae, there.
ence, l4hat the working tot the itim- ni-edt for Abeir action and thighly few weeks, 'Wh
tho lHensall Woiiad
much, safor eufo'gized aon.'. MMr. �Roslter flor his makes very liberal ri irion, ftor btered by toalaii-y 4 faie �o d -resi enits. fro4 ijohn Me-
ber lano Itthe -land is very J -awes ,Pickard Ir I Vit w
tha, -Illaunc,' -aaa whicii. menl- fox Mr. 0abit 'Emigh's new lildel
in Ibbis ithin a
S, qi.�O�ng o
ip ovi b build' 'as- aoon X1
(XuX bh1a:t inLitit.Uti.an
and less lhazardjo;us ithan tbh Other ability, iLtegrity, etc. owill be sed S -t, ColuMbein..
i —:Mr. JR -113. Pick4rd has reetur d -to I Fatlane?s loorner *o .the Village'
enterprises named. If we- begin mlem- pas ii�q the lblarks arre ready,—Failling is lreelyr,'and the
the NoTthwest for rthle er to
wiblyont mach febixage.. on of i ta Pch'raltion. livill be �91v6n a libartl
-the her's maident is�peeoh 18,11MM Notes.—Mis Delaney, Weiinchanged.:
where are ve Itio, draw -line ? -Can in ltlhe I'lljouse t1he, order (of itbe day lat- present. MCK11- dressing -of lcrush�ad isVane. which lt`�_ Me; ftlry -i
provisiom is ll�hat the instj k after lhis tirminIg 101te.refts in Bv6ry gay Itfliere aire arties lall a- olnedlithe Uriuline order
aptdken of iby lblie tre�orters 1P Yo
the (Goverxiing'bodies of t lie u)h1try was, well itiation 100 rop, Illas (y
CIDI ,,brall that ico,uAtry.—X-,r. N. v needs Ivery badly. The clerk Wa-13 in -
be lintrii-oted twith hereaf ter be kn6own -as Ithe 4.. Gn,4ory, lang itthe river f ishing.—Mr bf ISN'ters'aft t0li-atham.—The �-�dv ut 10
a jaders
t1le co;ad-mat af of 10he (Coniservalive 'papers. and sad news strumted to- Task for te
Tintiversity lo -f lOntar.io, tas who har, been in Rl' rit"flOrl' ftOr Mrs, 0. Gerry, of 13rjl-msels, �yjsjted olf 1tthe tdtmlse of 16seplif 0"SuIriva i Itto
the ic-atire. lbusiness of 'the ciouintry, I - �M_ ow. 1he 1
'There- iwas alsio a leootb�y -dis n, eldven dobs dT Igriavellba t"
ous- DOW, 11110110intio University. The ediu- 'SOM'e Itinke li-11ten4.8 140ing .�D Nlolrbl� their -is"on tin ittow sba �,f Pe!tcr 018,u�jjilvan, Ia this t
_g, teoders, A3* In good do
6bbatituting ipLtblic contnol and pub- n this week. — The fjo ibe opened wt next gne6jing. Tbo.--
hid. and 12 to)
Lop on Se�nate trecons.tra tion. Tihis eatlqnal hills wre lalsfo �nearingtd3sir Rattleford, -Sagkatebe en- MeWodi.,zts �are 'hioldixi'g a oonrert ion reeve wal instructed to T
wan, fic place, lreaab6d' here late -o
lie icapital1oirkrivalte enit�rprise and wa 1 8 b-noulgibit son by -a rasolulti-61n by finalotage$ tand ivill be passed with- gage in lbhe relal estate. blu �iness 6a jnfght. take rro_-:, Jdantl:r-- =d puy
private rapitA11 -ey Friday iavening iOf i[�jh!js week* He Idied in flis ceedings under the c -hes a:na i&�iti ii to nie,
101 Mr. lbleDittyne, of.goilifth Perth,-%v1ioii o -n -t. Mxalt-crial labaniges. Tho G.overn- *ith his lbnythisr,j Jlolfn A. Grc giory, judging 1by Ithe 10alenti they have 6e- b r1oughit tile casket Wattro6axr-ses Art, to
If th �an! 4 taid %ther, 'Jam -es, b Dit
tben lwe ihad better nat begin -red ibbat the -conistituitilon of n1en't have 1two 'bills before -the 'Wha has lbeen. th,6re Dor some ye . ars. oured twe fhave ino d6uibV (it St, 001win'ban; on, Wed **dw here no,
deela to
The Signal fuirther says, 11 Ii will taii lse�Ae lFbiould The br(ou!Kh(t into The il,'d.g 4uildi qvill be ne'sdaY drainatpe of tAhe sidezoad betwken,
a Onle rioviding for:,bhe l;ip n on tht far idf OLnnouince delay. -A0bjjntr)
"ot do Ito allow a fe- cured. Anikomigst It -hose Cakhig part &0triling. The ifuneral ds
w men to ;get Jas. Walker, orbui�t itwo miles lolte 6,and .6, oonoessiva 11, -'H
41 X11 gtea(ter' -japoord with, Ithe -,spirit of POInItmeolt lot Ihv(6 6reamery and Omth are IMr, III, C. EmPth, N-,-hoi aot 'ijane foT IThuTsday unlorning an further Alt.ho
thold of- Ithe lraif ays, tof the so Itbat. the zullvert' at tuat t, pobt A lower
011111- - I d
repre-sellit-altive land Popalar govern2 -e4eese factoxy 'inspeot-ors -and the at lExeter, iand at one time kaown time INvas fin the jewelry business paiticulixs lwill (b6 giveil i n &ffother
44 'eral aands,, -of ithe wxter noNvers. m,".nit IWA(l lt[he, Igenj may be permu7nently joo Vort4ft, Butte,
il other providing' for the appointing tis " Joe Quirk's 1 tiotel is shortly hexe.—Dr. J. 1C. L�adsay, ivho. issixe.—Mr. Jodbn. AE cker't, ar., is ruf_ astrunted ill
1& -Ts its jprfop'er 1poaftjon.4 re-evt 'ebanp this To
allaw ltdie�se! tmen� It* conduot them - tu.,t w lor Ito be Itorn down �Lo make ro�otjr been practising there box thia- 1past of, an-: wad, -erftinM were I
ence w treasuxer wete aUttharlz�d
judge. abandsome Inew by by -
.r great 'utilitied, and people, by amendments xvillich in ot tan laddftional drainagie. referee f fering ifiam Ian acu`be attack
-and jo-f 4b� ils :of (the�Caaadia
re Nvill allolisth 'the ilife iten- �Oft . bas .1hithe#o dione the hild g)na fpedeo(ris, &nd. bile family
j--ulsit far Ithe Iresid
ir own. benefit and' at r three tyears lbas. k9old foixt alis 1prac- law- Itto lborrqw from MY. Thodeft
their omrn Pleas.uTe." e, lot office 'by -aenators; (2y limit wrok land qiko, fm(cdt i6fflblre� athe�r Walker in`.emffi� 1.1bulilding. i - sician, is fin bi-daily a1tendano(j�_.T. the J3&nk lot, -Able —
supp Is is Itiss, Ito (Dr. J. 0, 0harlesiviorth. -of ComMerL - ft -arm but
t 'a the Iterfluxe flor one a:ppGijfttmen't to 311L en truo down M�a . ce, -pricei
j�ij dges ilie, has inot 1�e ossed 1�,o The ltbe cades�t bui dink f3eaf orth, tsu ficient foods
quito true and Ithis objection. is w. jpetb, an told, iciallege class mate, A. Cr'oltty, of nothw.ell, who, [has be
en to �nwjd fih,6 - -c�urrent expendituxe. U"ere as the
P, by iover andnital exertilon in t6he dig- and iGiodericli. and who Ihvw5,1Mra Used fin t1p, latter vil- Me. Us until ithe Itaxes are -.0
lbbiD Ithe PeCral Ite ar- bet vree nii Landion lit
fully aaswered (by Itthe Zi&nal when xln. of ft " a lViSVt`OT (he -re for Some Iti %Qow ihe Zan
�j, i gi liamen(ti; (3) Imovide �a f ix d ;ii chargo arth-isd.Aies, tn ;early )times,L the dhYs Of the flectedi. T
e _Te, . I 1�uit Ithe-lGlovern- 0 Joined lthe Oominjon do -11,
of jtj)Ie n6t lexceeding eignbty, for clOmp,11.1- me the a,13 a oouTt or ire- %L
it (1WlYs: "It is :nlo woro. st la:ge. Ifor ltlhe liaot isix years. Dr. Ba
viola ffyk -staff in Wlxncil will �meet
-e sment 111011 on -May
principle 14 �p�lvateen- a -ajrjzed� vind vniodt popu_ I Tl e Zaes
n1t lbave decided Ithat an iddition- Erte�pe looki O'll, 1%vas one -of Sedfoirtib. He -%V&S
�qoxy IraLiTernenit. Mr. McIntyre 5QP 61 official of 'this character fis ne*ed- lar'g ly 1ptr at Lindsay wisbiea lit' atadersbolod., 'by. 0 d a p.osi- vision
o'clock and, for Veneral
terprisr. 1or'Itibe pejopJ,� a. a wbole 'Iway tand an,6ither 1 -mora- business,
his finally frien'&q hiere tbait lhis prac- Ias acoouu�
lar lhotdtlerys (on 6h; r4ondvii oad. ti.%e there ibe ca�ryie&,na by 'him -
7: a ta:nt on tille, V-ermvnt 2rytfb, jait 10
t, ported -his resiolu,titon, Iby *a good ed and ibe will be appointed -ace-Drd- e Central Ral
ass. =. e to sbeech. ingly. The atter IblIe -ase
.A 4 to 4 the own rshfp and * ftv
: :�,f a -Ile 'quidted (fr'Dm the nitte —Miss � Mita JGer'6rude Clark, only fg tive Iyasition
..Y�Iei c4onA'wet he toperatt init-roducititon ot th, Iduri � , el of ftw
I ng Iblic uno-nz LIS stetagrap.ber ion
t 1 -on, I of these ese.
flees Jof OLVOM "W th of may, to OfauMt.—A. IG. i8millie, Clerk.
:Qdr inen't Liberals to l5lin-w two ibills lea,'used (the lea der � of, Ithe da-uglitler of Mr. and Mrs. J. intpaducc, lthe mew idioctor Who, will fille'Sanita. Ue Railway lkut his friends Ivu
t1h ings Ithian, fit is to. I n- the 'prevailing *diss4tis-fictjon with oppositi6n, Ito mlake th.p, Ory Clark, iolf Winn-ip-eq, �ormerly of Ex- a preferred
y ClompLany, :Y. nd rriv�. next week. Dr. Lind'say's b1m. MXna-int in
ance, Itip la rail wa 'eo ihave BAled;
OIL the )Senate. - -this feeling was '%ulte the 'Legisla- e -ter, lwa Canada Aa:nd Itthus r ton for No.,
enclistfc Ireviark Ibliat iif a marrieq on, .1the'120i; tot mahy A 0ii
most trao vowr itr-aills in -friends twill be ".rry Ithat �-he (the enterprising Bayfleld.
.P 1 2 being
evidenif fin Ithe discussions 'thlrlouif�h- buxe Nblo:tild isit 11111111til JUJY managors lquiet and a7m
surth I' Kit the A r"I JFG JMr. Goorgo, Markle, a pi iom_- is leaving- sairr tmidstt. While ihe has 101f lthe'DOMinioA Bank have e meeting of itlie, WioA
ineht Young busino.ss. lman of N TI -n- 4"Var )Ots Ion
At# jj�
it way, land, T10411- MU�lt Chargc' 'OU ' Canada presen't triate 'of Lgoing theic uld sco(red tan'd6her Wint dn the. ',Taceof men?s anstitute iwill 4b th ��,qlloted
it denlouncing bhe salary been lbere Ilie ligg taken a -groat in -
only lRvc-h fralesas- we throutoll, our- Re oriti JeL nipe I
gn b. not The ony lab g. The iceremidily ftjok 1pllac( ItL -old as, me -4
cized Tibe Sonate as- bodied men jeft in progress lwilbh itincle Sam. tu
Govern terest din levery-0iing fox -t _The an" a
ment ni-ay eee he 1glood, al ITridel ual oin. Thursday afterw, on, Max,
co, I a P blie Conservative the belautifuji. hbWe of ;bhe bride's of lubta village,. - lit j.9 the Tdjoetai�s Um lKeown, or tilae porty
fit t" diG7 leiNhargic, iwith fo qsion I ftiarls at, party ;tjo.L"�Ppoin,t Iyu May
tat -e_'4 AV -his lis an -ad-misgion. that
tale (."I vexVtkn,. That b dy IM1, at 12 Velockp tat Ahe, Tesidenes
ovl�rnment, or the 'Pe'ople groa!tL loppor'bunjity had ]lost a t111 Office. Cert'ainly the legEsdatficon Raren`ts, on JYale avenue, Cresidt- inlenti-on ko kno to Alberta, nmdl lhe Irvara' D6.rdtl.on cMmmemorative o of Mrs. I
. f T. TonglL A f ull taktandanco-
in inat examining cf Itihis Isession.' imakes. fat ipriovisjoin waidd, land Ibbie ryouft euulple left �the will ilikely �sd�tle in Edmonton. '%lristls rest in Ithe sepulchre; be- t w2
td'hDo'tzgh ithle Onvern t mt, difave. these
me and Ire9training Itille tsalary gr for ia igolud onanly, is jreqiw;s`ted jai .6niptartan atters
-ab. ff t )&lay for �anl exten-ded hoikey- gins thert, gie3et Sunday L M tut �qj
and twill ton-, will he lbrough't up tia fcjon-nedtj=,, track, and 1,0e -
the iaxercise Of these was lFjorely tin, inle'ed of ian aijititoxin , The ipmdblem 1whiell. is
=1010111 Itfour Uirau'lgh ibble Aastern timm, MUM lWed'hesda The fellow -
T ON F; lin into invasioR on private, tn- 431mv ltrtoub- y
tberpri I I &r lbbe " aleeping isickness." Woe, Ii ' lbbe pablic'mind is: What iWill States.—M-iss ;Gertie Harvey is now wkth Ithe demiomtriation.
Lqe, lbecanse 1private ng Brussels.
majoir People 6vtaii-ld answer: They the lattita-de of ft1he Goverv=.ent be fibenlographer fin Itho. 19-overeign Bink Jottings.—A. Straeban 011ad a new
in Chose hnatters thas nfo rights . ex- ar.e 40,ing [no -h:ar in the Iplace of Miss McCall�m, �rho 1,;O,of q)lrt -TO, )iraj�
In, let [them 0eep ;11 towards Ithe (Niagara Bawer q,"s-tion. ton his Jvause, I a,,v t week. ToRw, -
c,ePt ksucb las It receiveR fr(orn 00 butt itbe rpeiakcr feared 'that fficre- Will Itthey Igo ;tjle w1biale �btog land went Co Morionto.—On Teno-ant nd t neellpts if
Government. clonsequently,in �grirnt_ atbor, iiviben Ithe 110 -18 also� having a large.hay Ivin-
Gonservatives got take 1power "Itfo, develtop, 6ranismit Fffaw b,,me returned froin: the dio�Av rp.lit 101, ,.1,
ing itibv�qe inglilts the, Giover_qment djo ij
e. north. iside.—Fred to ISO t - -
to Se, in il
iWwAice. (bo private ell n'tio 1power, Itibe Senat& might icteate and idistribule Niagara 1piour�r, or, goftbwest wMare tti.hey ttook a car aAd 'ATrF. tAdams, of Fordwioh, hvere .7
lolad of hon-,es.—The Main at eetvisi,�,grq
terpriae by a f9rcat dcal of tro'luble. ;Ae Liubmit- will Ithey Itake Ithe more ica
IMPOS1111T. 'on lit- niuch conditions as jxth&ug over awnday.—Dr.
Niethbdist church Sunday
Ud lthat ithe itime 'bad mome for the -Me'tthdd of rcg.uIcVtijvg 80 001 McNauwIrtion oof lion a
�wjll ffudly _Pridtect 'public i terests. LiVeral varlt� lbo icome ou,.t jwjtjh its and re held ltheir,�Innual apeeting last ri-
�strainiing existing qompanic �XIOTI, ispent
Ruit, Itthe Signial iseems tjo thlink Ith-at a it few Jday,9 tint bonvn Jjj)1s week.—We 3jW
dlay levening, land �eleeted tbeir o fi- ft
pledges land ireform tbe tienfvte. is oald-Itilie, 'Cabinet is divided ion, Ithe 'are pl-ensed -t;o see. V
in Lsocarring Itthe iptiblic, intclrefits in Alexander 00
F -Sing madt,,�
-ier lbeing,
Sir' -Wilfrid Luu,rier i -Raid fthere is quesititon, the fPrem favior- cers foTlthe viar.—Miss M. E. BrDVn Laupblin ahle 'bo. ibe ir again 004,
a ans rvativ6 c'o'!Lrse
talis IvvaY Ithere are in, anifeilt digad- irndnuibLedly, ra well Idefined 'feelifig ble Itio It1he DMIOre ('1 e foi-me-rly of (bhp nost affice, 111ld 4140 to
mang it -be cessfull (PasSed iher.1prIdbatii aRer lliis� Iskmnewhat ilen 14 to 10a
vantages, -fo-r lit conflnuem-J, if bhe a 'g t bly illness.
onary ex- d%
rates (fixed lare Cap 'high,.! lie VcO- rellarrh llpsQple in fiLviar. of Senate- While, IN.'; kmPetuloas and y Alex "I'd I'MIN. McLennan were at SELING AT�
'I M 1 rWt i'O'n (ff rpiar Hmpil.al, I)e- Landlon for
Tn Ontari o, ithe m�jiority W colleague, Xr. Meek, ds determined ' 9:t a t, ITirm.
ple are IdepTived of a cortainineag- the Vwplc 1problabl* trbi .--;..?YTr. Rich row days 114A lweek at- bors"
whiel ->f the fornler'a driueht ho;*Z
ure lof ll:lhe oben-efits sbould vlPtion., y favored its bhat the aovernanent ishall d lonce tird Delbriflize nnd tending ithe toileral PRI
-I' be Itheir. 'Pershanally, )the Premi6lr assul6e, '66 wh(ole ibasines family,.,of ThOycirwi near Willchel- I brobbe-r, Yu.'rille, 1wbich_,tttejok place,' ret
q; rif they are
bolo ilow, the thog s. The
tit 0 sea, ihave irernoved to bown and re ',on Sntux(fay afternaM. De -ceased
`ghlt th"It Vier so-cbnd ebainiCr ppdbability Ils ithe. tres S PCIAL
private. iviompan-ies are -wronged and ul t wi ft The a, UOW comf0ritably Kettled in
ivmi. lessential (in Canada. It -was aom-prionlise land tthat lth;6- Govern- Ile, was A, fo�rrn
1111a Iho -er (well known 13rassel-
.0,11' -c. rrowed (from the United men't iNvil-I fask bor and trecel NoMe which )-hey receittly Iyuranis
everitually tovraulld have ibo Mo, piut f
S.4t So lfbat ilidgically the v e jow- ite.—G.-
Sta'tes. T-bere, as lhere.' itbe papti, er Ito (deal with the, tuatter a-' a fie N. MeLa-mn Iran P*rchased 0 Per ulp.
"oorrect method of -dealing with, lar lhomser represented %t- gmay -in nr r e;, . ilp ithe lidtel I- ililn ibmwe land -1,ot nio'lv re-cupied by F-11,91
be 1people.; time lacem. Itlo Itibem mto L I,mnfts 'in 184xeter inext, year 'under t ir lie to
tbise 111-tilities lis vulblic ownership while Ithe A lia, t1he Pub- him frion, gj. X. Romg, tot Mifer!owel. Nrm- Sh
jj� . ec-P"
80nalc represented. thie lic linj nlew, 11'aw hVill ainfaunt"I[O !$W,eAcht. The 1priep is isaid (to, 1have been $1,200�. ,
P 'Ition�" Tht, 1pre�nises us' abites. Should itllcge ain, many of this year's'ehoice Am- COL'
a nd a (I r, -here vailo terefit, land (filitus avoid the Inec- 0 ur samples'
Sena- efisitY of limmediale : It -will itake, a 'gllood ninny nickles cont wt
laid djoNlrn are iquite oorreet bult Iblie tox.s lbe L rti� ctornini.ftal to. '_10 —Eli MIJ00re Spent a few daysAyl X.
-,elected by �bhp, llegislataxos, a li.Y� 1p a Oula'r-'1policy. make lthis hip. The (license fee .1 can designs. Call and see, brin 9 .1.
conslusi,on -is vatirely- errionemis. or 1by Che ipeople 'of I I AV town fhis jrrLviJ19 -returtned - fix
the -varloi;s pro., is $250.�Tlielmembdlrs of the' ".1 9 91760 Of rooms, and fir TingA."76 t* j&
T&Prp ii- Into treasan wh' The. isa,laries tot ithe members of fr'Om ?Cmb-1, hvill"Te. the 11-18 been, for date for paper haDger
y ithle trates vince.q? 'In 'Vitc 'Of (Libe Popiular pre- Ile. , njo
j judice lon t)laft jsu,,bjeej,, it MTu Railwa and Mumicipal Frtreet
vbjo-uld 1he fixed wither tiao bigh or s Wissixmary 0 A's,
w y of Janiag the, tpast woirp'le, of maly0m, He �May
9t lch,ufcqY l t
at be Blourd Ito ibe form -ed vind o*r Hon. 'Mr. We MI S. '00' ow0t.—A lemn'tinge-At of
foo, low. H'Ibbe Gove liment is ca- admitted Itliat the United. States Sen- tT)r,) And� good an
Blow ib
q to aito was a legjsja:tiv� Y bill, 'blave been W. G. l3is.w,,tit and"'
pable of Ifixing 41he xat�Ft so a, Hen-drie's Rjijw arkan al Cb� ckme of ,Nr d
.1 s� oaafeno.-m-, vjkjjtd It,he Blyth breth-, Wid Ze
body -Of 'dis- f ixed as Presented boer ren on lWednesoay iniglit.—A cement
i�o 8D
Uoin under ip,dblic (mnerghip -or 6nem-
�khield Ithe oui lie-, f follows: Mhe President, I au, 'full Vold itocket, as a, 'Aable f is bei;Ag
b .1jorm ljoss or ex- tinoulsbed- lability. WO -11101 lit 'not be $6,000 la yettr, iftor lbbe otb with Ia be P-rectqd ton t e
a0d lvdll for Ims to try American sys- di ALEXR, IF T TIS v 14
3nemedtk) tof It.heir 4.1ppreeilvtfion
groun St. 0ohn's le'llurch iftor A 41WIrles, si
-Vince, 4arge or I tary, $2,000 Ia year. ftese isalarie vices far Che�90;CiCty le The [rec-bn',r._Xoh-a 113patt
-titan I bers $4,000 inach and llor 16he �secre- bier Igor
jo'Perx and in addition seeuxe tem ? Let each pro I
mil small, ibave (the eame number ot Sen- rve loif 1her 'deparlturd, f ilom' 1%. of Ches PICKARDS,
hansart and fe-apirble ad-minialt ion, FIRST DO,OR NORTH OF
sdwuld ma.inItain fthe� fortunateme xeter. I-ey, visited old friends ip
m- Richard Yellow, of Exeter, It -own over SEAFORrill ONTARTO.
Eluvilfty.-�_Xrs. Gr-lorge 13allard, of