The Huron Expositor, 1906-04-27, Page 5LT -Ake -ea
at- It
51-10E STORE -
1 a mre Comptete assortme
n we arehwmg thie Spes
and shapes are well rep
every lady who appreciate*
.in making; her seleetion from
aeration, our plaices will be
the speciais
des, kid tip ize a to 7, tor
yl exten ion soles,
or xtension eolei, petent ti
r extension. eoles, new Bluobee
- Empress make," very fine and.
" Shoes for me;
for Women.
:ears an (up to the time tof
In- took a great interest in
la and was ka great help to
in who is su.perintendent
bath schiool aft present.
celgaehoun, collector of
for Waterloo and Berlin,
: Friday, aged 66 years. He
hinted ni 1897 and Previoue
tte -practised law in Berlin.
J. A. Nelle, for many years
of the We:stern Fair- board,
sned the position. It is lie -
that his successor will be,
I at -once and Will be A.
Lctioneer. Frictiisn with'
is "gives as the cause tof
he assizes in London lasf.
the tease of Porater vs. Hoek
n* $2,000 damages, the jury
aintiff a verdict for $200,
rster, a Toronto traveller,
aest at the Tecumeela House
cust, and while he was in
-trel room a piece ar plaster
king him and Injuring hs
ged with the theft of $3,890
kvare and Worley in Chicopee
Sraber, Robt. L Walker, of
, was arrested at St. Jac -obs,
ounIty, by Detective Hub-
erlin. Walker hacl just re -
from, a fishing', trip. The
pelice had traced Walker to
L. Toronto, and to Si..Taeobs,
arrived the other day to
iatives. It is -diffie-ult to
r from these detectives.
Marricipa I Bills Committee,
egistature, settled the clues-
tAte width between sleigh
as ;provided by Mr. Tucker's
a compromise. The manu-
wished for a narrower
d the farmers were in lava.
hing wider, but the eotainit-
ed meson 3 feet, 8 inches.
mutated tired hereafter must
is width, and all sleighs
l'orra to the regulation af--
nber 1, 1907. The bi/1 wlI
sa the Legislature in this
▪ NeNon, the seventeen year
elso in Pictort a short time
re ra tely aimed a hot at a
which an aged lady, Mrs.
-n, was riding with her
bali striking the old lady,
-u,ch injuries that she died
rs afterwdrds, has been Bens-
) four years in Kingeton
Lry. Tile punishment is a
, although the offence was
d rnlofe a spirit of reek -
do than with the intention
ins; injury upon any per -
Jenkins. a conductor, em -
the Galt, Preston and Hes-
t railway-, met with a
e-perience last Friday night
effects ef which he 'has
id. Jenkins had jadt fin-
lAst run for the night, and
Lis ear into the barns he
ff at the barn enterance ,
alight between the open
7 and tlie car and rolled
pace of about seven
is face and throat were
hest cut and hips injured.
was the squeeze, that
istax v,hich he had in Ms
.ited a hole in the side of
hile his clothing- seratche'd
-off the car's side.
s • Seafurth, on April e5th, Joseph
1n4 ti!kii ,ear.
wris. ‘,11 April Vith, Vin Oeddes,
as, and 7 month,.
lielsasive, on April 14th, William
Siva, son of Mr. Charles McCrea, aged
months. and e das
ileaeales on April Ifitie Marie, relict,
ie Jewitt, aged 85 ye. rs.
oderieh township, en April Ifith,
i'et- (if Jr son setle Susannah Warner,
[S'alentine Father, aged 75 ycarr, 1
!'28 des e.
In Wineharn, on April lath, Duncem
ed 5tiyear4. and f days.
isr hoe •ni April tale Ann Reid,
ate W. 8impsun, aged lid yeare an4
ris, tm April tette Ales,.
>r else. end Mrs. Forrest, aged .3
mole ha
[in Goderiele on April 14th, janet Mc -
e Mr. Jainee Iniehantrie er., aged 67
Otip= aird ?A days.
.-ranti fiend, on April Ilth, Mrs, FAI,
;41, ad 19 t eats+
S Canton, on April 13th, Elizabeth
,it of the late Isaac Waldron.
e Delittli, Minn., on April 2'
5 Liveie
Se Mr. George Monahan. Fitueral'
frnin St. James' Church, l.iV-
; ear's choice Ameri-
i of rooras, and fix
— 0 TARTO.
Goderiele 0 Aipll 14th, at the residence
e.lfr Thomas (1et1hU1 to M. and 14.r8.'0.8wald
, .
, of Goderich ip&lighter
$10ATFiles-In Usbonee, on April nth, and
31.3%. Wm. Coates gen.
to Mr. and
In Wingham, on April
V. loghs, a daughter.
At the manse, Bluevale, on April 'Veil, to
Rev. W; X and Mrs. West, a datighter.
eesseyn---es Wingham, on April loth, to Mr. and,
• Mrs. A. E. Lloyd, a daughter.
BOLLOCE --In Stephen, on April 9th, to Mr. and
Airs. $ol. Pollock, a on.
otaaRK-In Morris, on April 14th, to Mr. and Mrs.
janies Clark, a daughter.
prenen-BAlerLIFF--At St. Peel's chtiech. Olin
ton, on April 17th, by Rev. Q. R. Gentle, Mr.
G. Wilson Pinner, to Miss Lyle Bartliffgeldest
daughter of Mr. 0..11. Barblift, of ()Anton, and
formerly ot.Seatorth,
AOKSON-ARTHUR-At the residence of the
bride, mother. Auburn, on April llth, -by Rev.
J. le Small'Mr.1Vin. Jackson, to Miss Elizabeth
Arthur. all of Auburn.
FLINTOFF - In Clinton, on April 18th,
'""" by Rev, Mr, Manning. Mr. John Snell, of Exeter,
to Miss Annie Flintoff, of Clinton.
gAREISON-CHURCHILL-At the residence of the
bride's father, en April 18th, by Rev. C. R.
eseane, M. A., rector of St. Paul's church, Mies
mary Jane (Jennie) Churchill, of the township of
Mullett, to 31 r. George Harrison; of Clinton.
OPEDDING-31eKENZIE-At the residence of the
bride's parents, on April 18th, liy.Rev. D. Perrie,
Mr. W. J. Spedding, of Toronto, to Miss Sarah
E. meKenzie, daughter of Gowen McKenzie,
Dsq., )Vingham.
SHAFOUTit April 26th 1900.
Wheat...s . ........ .. i.....80 77 to $0 77
- cress per bushel. . . . s...- 0 33 to 0 88
rata per bushel...." .................... 0 70 to 0 '70
Baxley per bushel."... - .. . . 0 42 to 0 42
Reater, No. 1, loose 0 17 to 0 18
letter, tub •0 12 to 0 14
Eege Per &teen .•. 0 12 to 0 13
Moue, per 100 lbs. .. 2 00 to 2 76
Va,y per . . . (J 50 to 700
Bides pe 00 The . 500 ter 535
0 80 to 0 86
otatoe8per bushel .. 0 40 to 0 50
setae) per barrel. 1 00 to 1 25
Wad per cord (long)" „ ss e 00 to 6 20
Weed per wird (ehort)... - 2 FO to 300
p1esperbag. .. . 0 50 to 100
, . 7 00 to 800
iotJiy Seed.- . ... ... 1 25 to 2 00
per lb 0,4 to 0.05
r 100 lbg 7150 to 820
unwashed), „..
0 15 to 0 16
0 26 to 027
Dairy Markets.
T011ogre, April 24 -Butter -Continues to conic
-forward. Prides are quoted unchanged, hut.there
e tone of general eaeiness throughout. Creansery,
23 to 240; solids, 220 to 28o ; dairy, pound rolls,good
- to deice, ISo to 100; large rolls, 17 to 18o ; med-
iae, dairy, 16 to 17c. Cheeee-Old holds firm in
teme„ at 14e per'lla for Targe, and 1,44e for twins.
New is now offering at 13e. Fate --Are fairly
steedyat 15 to irge for new -laid, and 13e storage.
The demand for the latter is quiet.
Merfam, April 24-Egge-New-laid, 15 to latie
per dozen. Butter -Choicest creamery, 204e to 21e ,
taidergrades, ; dairy, Ifier to 18e. Obee8e-Col-
ored,121c ; white, 121e-
Tegeerci, April 24. -Receipts are very light, and
trade k quiet, Quotations are unchanged. Choice
dry plucked turkeys, 16e to 18e ; fat chickens 12 to
13e, thin le to 8c ,• fat. hens, Seto 0e, thin ite to
; ducks 12e to 13e. "
t Totten°, April 24 -Steady. Ontario, 65e to 75e
per bag out of store ; enamel, 10es to 800 on
track, and, 10c more aut of store. .
Baled Ile.v
Tore, April 24 -Baled Iray-The market holds
firm on a good demand teamed by light receipts of
loose, and littic relief is eocpected to the situation
-until after seeding. No. 1 timothy is in good de-
mand at 6950 to $10 per ton for ear lots on traok
here, No. 2 is quieter -at 37 to 87.50 -per ton. Wed
Straw-Unehanged at 85.50 to $0 per ton for car lets
en track here.
Horse Market
Toeortro, April 25. -The following is Burns &
Sheppard's weekly report of prevailing. „prices :-
Single roadsters, 15 to 16 hands, $125 to 8100;
single cobs and carriage horses, 10 to 16.1 hands,
8135 to 8170; matched pairs and carriage horses;
15 to 16.1 bands, 8350 to 8850; delivery horses,2,100
to 1,200 pounds, $140 to 8175 ; general purpose and
express horses, 1,200 to 1,850 pounds, $150 to 8190;
draught horses, 1,3501.0 1,750 pounds, 9160 to .8-210 ;
serviceable second-hand workers, $75 to 380;
serviceable second-hand drivers, $60 to $80.
Live Stook Markets-
LON1DON, Aprit ZS-Americancattle, 60.
laveirroot, April 28. -Canadians, eel, Trade firm.
Mossireats April 24 -Cables mare strong- from
Liverpool and London on Canadian catble, and pries
advaueed le per pound to 12e, and one cable from
Liverpool quoted at 121e. The leaket for hogs svas
stronger, and prices advanced 10e per 100 pounds.
The demand wag good, and sales of select lots were
made at $7.25 to 67,85 per mete weighed off cars.
The trade in cattlewee active ana prices were steady
tinder a,ercxxl demand. Extra, choice beeves sold at
.57.- to 540; choiee at 41 to 5e • good, 4.1 to 4ec ;
fiir. 31, to 4e : common, 3 to 8e ; inferior. at 24
. to 3o. per lb. Milch eows were slew of sale, at from
` $26 to $55 each. Conunon calves mold at $2 to $3
eaeh, and good at '5 .to $6 each. The sheep were
nearly all shorn, and sold at to Oa per pound.
Good spring lambs o11 at $4 to $5 eaoh, but some of
the smaller ones at 83 each.
BUFFALO, N. Y., April 24.-0attle-1rairly active
and 10e lower ; prime steers, $5.26 to $5.65; ship -
P41144,84,65 to 85.15 ; butchers, 8L25 to 85 • heifers,
$3.75 10 35 ; cows-, 83 to 81.50 ' • Wire 425 to $4,85;
stockers and feeders, $8.50 to84.50 : esask heifers,
82.75 to $3.00 ; fresh cows and springers, etrong
ton per head higher, 820 to ,855. Veale --Active
and steady at $4.50 to 85.50. Hoge -Active and
steady ; heavy and mixed, 86.00 ; Yorkers, $0.80 to
86,00 ; plea 3075; roughs, $6 to 86.20 ; stags, $4.25
to $00. Sheep arid Lambe -Active ; sheep steady,
Jambe, 6e higher ; lambs, 3t1.25 to 87.85 ; yearlings,
86.25 to 86.50 ; wethers, 06 to 88.25 ; ewes; $5.50 to
$5.75 • sheep, mixed, /el to $5.75 ; <dipped lambs,
$.1 1085,80,
TORONTO j-UNOTTON-Union Stock Yards, April
21 Tho quality of fat cattle was fair ; trade was
fair. Export prieee ranged from 84.60 to $5.10, the
bulk selling' at $4.80 to 85 ; export bulls at $3.75
to 84 ; butchers' prices for picked hate ohoice rang-
ed from 81.75 to $6 ; good from $4,50 to $4.70 ;
medium, 84,25 to $4.40 ; common, $8,75 to e4 ;
butcher onse, $3125 to $4. Veal calves sold at
84 to 86.00 per 100 lbs. Ilogs-Selecte Hold at $7.15;
lights, 86,90 ; BOWS. $4 to $5 ; stags, $2.50 to 83.50
per 1.00 pounds, fed and watered.
TORONTO, April 25th:-- Exportem -There was a
fairly steady tone to trade. The demand for cattle
was modemtely active, and the light run offering
Wag picked up at generally steady prices. A few
really choice cattle %vete on the market, and they
sold at about tee quotations, Prieee all round are
-unchanged. Choice ere quot,ed at $4.00 to $5,26,
medium to good at $4.50 to $4.70, °there et $4 to
$4.25; bulls at $3.50 to 84, and Cow8 at $2,75 to $i
- per 100 pounds. lititeherri. Cattle - There was
° quite a brisk deinand for ehoiee cattle, and any of
this variety offering were Hold early ' in the day at
prices well up to previous quotations. The ren
hctweverovalt largely emeposed of medium and in
leder grade stook, and for these trading \wilt not so
brisk although prices in all tines were well maintain-
ed, Quotations are unchanged rut foUalsee :-Picked
later $4,75 to $5 : good tb choice, 81.411 to $4.65 ; fair
to good, 88.75 to 81 ; eommon, 82.50 to $e -, cows,
82.75 10 81.25 ; bulls, $3 to 84 ; canners, $1.50 to $2,
Stockers and Feeders- The demand for these cattle
has not yet set in with any briskness. The fanners
are too busy on the land to do much buying, but hi
a week or so it ie expected there will be greater ea-
tivity all along the hne. There is even now it good
demand for cholee feeding steers. Quotations all
round are uneliangell. Short -keep feeders are quot-
ep at 84 to $4,50, [heavy feeders $3.85 to $4.1k.
13 -tedium $2.50 to$3.10, bulk at $2 ' to 32.75, good
run a $3 t $3.65, light at $2.76 1o38, rough
common. at $2 to $2.75, end bull- at $1.75 to $2.50.
Milch Cow -.Are quoted unchanged at 830 to $60
etch. Calves-- Receipts very heavy and quoted
slightly lower at 30 to 54es per lb: Sheep and Larabs
--On elieht run the market. showed rather a better
tone. Export ,theep about 26e per cwt firmer at
84.7.0 to $5.25 for ewes, And $3.50 to $4 for bucks-.
°minded Ionffis are lad Cr at 36 to 36.50, and spring
lambs steady st $3 tri $(1. . Ifogs-Market steady a
87..I5 for select, and e0.00 per (Wt. for Iight8. and
fats, fed and waterect.
Iicytice-t-o- Creditors
In the rnatter of }terry StTare and William Page,
et the Town of See.forth, m the County of Huron,
tarrying on businerts under the name, style and firm
of /spear° and Page, Merchant Talon; and Clothiers.
Notes is hereby given that the above named Harry
• Speare and William Page have made an assignment
tome under the provisions of Chapter 147, R. S. -0.,
1807, and amending .sets of all the estate and effects
in trust, for the benefit of their creditors. A Meet-
illg of the ereditors la the mid estate is .hereby eon-
vened and 1011 be beld at the law office of JettL Best,
Setiforth, Ontario, on Wednesday, the 18th day of
April, tetra 0"4'100c in the- afternoon, for the
purpose of appointing inepeetors and the giving of
directions with referent* to the disposal of the peaid
estate. All ereditore of the sad debtors are hereby
required, file their Maims with my solicitor, J. M.
Bea, with partieulars and vouchers verified by ail!-
. &tit as directed by said statute, -on or before the
date of said meetings .
W31. PICKARD, Merchant.
Seaforth, Ontario
Assignee. . M. BEST, Seafortle Ontario
t'Abi =Solicitor for Assignee.
Dated at Seaforth, this
Uth day of April, A. D., 1006. 2002-1
JAR,XFC)1 SI D. Po e, Lot .t, .nesaion
, Ilulle cootaliskine 1e5 aeree The farm ia
all cleared and in a hiels state of cultivation. it is
well drained and well fenced. Therein a, large two-
storey brick house with woodshed and kitchen.
There is a large hank horn and two smaller hams and
driving shed. Two good orchares. There are two
never inning optima on the farm: which mice jt ,an
also a pump et the barn with windmill This
excellent one for either stook or croppinN
g. Thet
lea tam is two miles from Mario& 11..0., four miles
from Blyth. it will be sold on easy terms as the
proprietress wishes toileaye the farm. This is the
fano of the late John Mills. For further particulars
apply on the premises, or address Harlock P. O.,
MRS. JOHN- MITT.. 2002x8
••••• •••••.;
You Should Take One'
Peruvian Tonic
Is tho one that puts good pure blood
and life into you.
BIG BOTTLE, $1.00.
11.1. (ea .99
Also afresh stock of Herbs, Barks
• and Berries for hem° receipts.
Ohemist & Druggist
ilk.M.McKAY, Manager.
How about Fencing? If you
have not time to build your own,
don't fail to see our Peezless
Woven Fence before purchasing.
Profiting by the miatakes of
others, this fence hes been', made
the strongest and most durable of
woven /fences and costs ° less
Are you building your own, ?
Let us supply you with the best
Olevelend High Carbon. Coil
Spring and Dead Soft Weaving,
prices equal to the lowest.
Iroa Gates at Rock Bottom
Hardware .rof every description
and best quality always on hand.
See our, New Line of Building
Paper. Have just secured the
Newest and Best Ready Roofing--
Paroid—needs no tar or pitch,
just lay it on roof and cement
laps, cleanest and most durable,'
guarenteed for five years.
Special attention given Corru.
,.gated Iron Roofing, Metal
- Shingles and 'Siding. Ask for
Cren,tral hardware Store
George A. Sills,
3e afo rt h - Ontario
SHOES to Fit
All Feet.
. We've so many dfferent styles in shoes
that we find it -difficult to tell you all
about them. Early buyers of spring
footwear will find usin readiness to meet
all demaeds.
Our LinOs •
embrace all the best models of high and r
low out shoes from the Country's Lead-
ing Shoe Designers. -
Men, -Women, Boys, (this, Misses,
Children and Infants can be correctly fit-
ted with Footwear -here.
Hieir Shoes, Low Shoes Ties an'd Slip-
- tiers in every desirable style and a eke
and width for every foot.
We might say e2 or $4 for shoes, but
the price means nothing unless You see
the shoes to match the price.,
We're at your service any
Richardson& WInnis
Sole Agents for Sovereign, Just Wright,
Hagar, and Derby Shoes.
Read the letter of Maser& Parke Davis &
0o., the leading manufacturing chemists of
America, in reference to the quality of our
Formaldehyde, and then decide if you are
not losing money by paying 30 per cent.
more for Formaldehyde labelled under re-
gistered brands, -
WALKERVILLE, April 5th, 1906.
Deas Sir: In reply to your favor of
April 2od, with reference to Formaldehyde
eolutien, we are glad to be in a position to
address you in detail as to what we hive°
svpplied you.
We guarantee our 'formeldehyde soletion
to contain 40% formaldehyde gae, thfii be-
ivg the higheet percentage that will remain
stable in &queens solution. We unhesie
tatiogly state noletter formaldehyde eola-
tion is obtsinable. Before being placed on
the market, eaoh lot of our formaldehyde
solution is tested. accurately and thorough-
ly in or analytioal and biological depart --
rapt% That found deficient in anyway is
rejected, and not, of course, sent out.
I.Whe formaldehyde. which we supply is
superior to that generally offered on the
market, it being made from best rectified
methyl alcohol, not from crude methyl
alcohol, which gives the finished product a
vary disaereeable odor, besides other tut -
desirable features.
In handling and giving to our tirade
formaldehy de bearing the label of Parke
Davis & Oo, youfurnish thern. all that is
possible in a produot of this nature.
Thanking you for the opportunity of
writing you, we remain
Very truly yoars,
pular Stallions
Paid-up Capital', $10,000,000. Reserve Riad, $4,500,909
13 E. WALKER, General Manager ALEX. LAIRD, Asst. Gen'l Managier
$S and under. , . . — ..... 3 cents
Over $5 and not exceeding $10 6 cents
" $10' " 44 $30 10 cents
“ sao ii $50 15 cents
These Order e are Payable at Pair at any office in*Canada of a Chattered Ban
(Yukon 'excepted), and at the principal banking pointe intim ITnited State's.
nnaoriAmis AT A FIXED RATE AT :, .,
They form an excellent method of remitting small sums of money with
• and at small
F. HOLMESTED Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager.
LYTIly 1.1 Milt • ONTARIO,
Buy " Kharanta," the best Englieh Dress Goods. They defy compete
tion or comparieon with others.
One lot of low shoes, high Shoes and button shoes for ladies and ail
dren, to clear at 50c.
One lot of men's shoes to clear at 75o end el—a few pairs left.
In Wall Papers, we have 127 patterns to Baled from, and prices rang
from 30 to 20c a single roll. Selection the best, prices the best, quality th
best. These,wall papers were bought from the best manufacturers—Coll
McArthur & Co, Montreal; M enzie, Toronto; International Wall Paper co ;
Canada Wall Paper Co.; Philadelphia Wall Paper Co. We trim your paper
on one -side or the two sides, and no extra charge. Try us for select wan
Lace Curtains can be purchased to advantage from tie, We bought
direct from the naanufactureis, and give you the advantage of 10 to 15 Kr
cent. Prices of Lace; Curtains from 19c to $6 a pair.
Popiestone & Gardin'er, Blyth.
Dr. Montgomery
The Toronto Eye Sight Specialist. IS NOW at our store, delivering a cours9 of lecture
to our Mr. J. A, Roberts. He is also conductitt FREE EXAMINATIONS in on
new optical room each day and evening, and persons froni ALL PARTS of the countr
are coming in to take advantage of this GROAT OPPORTUNITY.
Is Ca,n4ds.'s mess gifted SHADOW TEST " specialist, andleorreets all errors of eight,
STRAIGHTENS CROSS EYES,, and relieves every form f nervous EYE STRAIN
Dr. Montgomery remains with no BY CONTRACT until' May 5tb. Each day, fro
9 a. m. to 9 p. ne, he will conduct FRAE examinations, and our levitation is broad
Come every eye Fight snffarer'oome every headache nefferer, ,coree ,every 'person whose
eyes neod help, YOU WILL be cordially received and WELL REPAID.
Get your tires set the new Way with the new House oold tire setter. No
charred rims, no borl(ng new holes, no overdiehed wheels, and, best of all, no
waiting. Give me a tial and be convinced,
Lawn Mowers sharpened and repaired, and all kinds of grinding done,
Charges moderate -and satisfaction guaranteed.
Blacksmith, Goderieh Street West, Opposite Royal Hotel Stable SEAFORTH
Try the New BUTCHER
when they keep in rstock
Everything irpu 'Eat.
Fresh & Cured Meats
-Bologna. Sausage,iall kinds
of Potted Meats, Fish, Veg-
etables, Fruits, Groceries.
Part of yotr . Patronage
would be muCh appriciated.
Goods Delivered Promptly.
Bank of ,Conamerce 13Iock
Opposite PoSt Office
KRUSE. #11,0S.
Detrclt Vapor
Gasoline Stoves,
Burns more
than all others.
air and less
Applications for thelposition of Engineer for the
County of Huron will be received by the undersign A complete sock on hand. Cali
ed up to the 5th day of June next. Reftrences and
experience in bridge building are required with ap- find examine.
pitoation. Information regarding du1.ier3 and salar
Goderielf, April 23r6, 1006, 2002.2
W. LANE, Clerk. 1 C.A.SILLS Seaforth
may be had`by writing
'allowing well known horseswilI tra-
uring the season of1t100, as follows ;
MONDAY -Will leave his own /table, Lot 10, Con,
n, and praseed north 1 mile, then west to
Adam Elleat's, for n,pon ; then west and south to
Londesborti for the n ght. TUESDAY -Will pAaceed
south to Mr. Fear's foi- noon then south to Gra-
ham's hote , Clinton, for the night. WEDNESDAY -
Will proeerd east along the Iluron Road two miles
and a half thcn north to Francis &Wee for noon ;
then soutli then east to Roxboro for the night.
THURSDAY -North to Hugh ROM for noon •, then
wese and riorth to his own stable for night, where he
will remain until the following Monday morning,.
Will meet ilares by appointment on SatIMIW"
SIB RIAN No. 11033, Vol. 24
INNES, LIVMSTONE & nonTozi, Props.
MONDA-lb-Will leave his own stable,Lot 7,Conees-
glen 12, Tnekersmith, and nerth to Strong`e
tel, for noon ; then to Theles Hotel, Seaforth, for the
night„ TUESDAY -To Melvin Clark's, Huron Road,
Alma, for /Mon ; then to S. Glen, Concession 2,
Mullett, feel/light. WEDNESDAY --To the Ratten-
bury Hotel;,Olinton, for noon ; then to Alex. Inner?,
Concession 2. Stanley, for night. THURSDAY -
West to John G. Steep's, for noon ; then to Cook's
Hotel, Varier, for nights FRIDAY -Fast to Mason's
corner, Milt Road, Tnekeremith, then sotieh to W. 11;
Wilson, Concession 2, L. R. S., for noon e then soutli.
to his own etable for the night. SATURDAY -East
to James Hort-ones, for noon : then reture to his own
stable, where he wilt remain -until the fel) wing Mon-
day niornines 2002-3
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, half a mile
South of Brucelield, and go South to Kippen and
East to 'Wm. Workman% 101.h Coneession, Tucker -
:smith, forneon '• then East, by way of Cromarty and
TUESDAY- st to Russeldale, for noon; then north
South to Ferflaar, atTemperance House, for night.
to Mitchell, a the Hicks House .for night. WED-
NESDAY -To Dublin, at the Dominion Hotel, for
noon • then to Seaforth, at Dieles-Hotel, for night.
THURSDAY -To Walton, at Emigh's Hotel, for
noon ; then to Blyth, at the Mason House, for eight.
FRIDAY -To Londesboro, at the TeMperance House
for noon ; then to Clinton, at Graham's Hotel, /or
night. SATURDAY -To his own stable, where he
will remain antil the following Monday morning.
wNr. A. ROSS, Prop.
MONDAY -Will leave his own stelae, Lot 34, Con.
8, MoKillopand laroceed West and South, to George
Dale's, Constance, for noon ; then South to Charles
Latin's, Tuekersmith, for night. TUESDAY -Will
proceed West to James mangy's, 2nd Concession,
Stanley, for noon then South to James H. Ross' f or
night. • WEDNESDAY - Will proeeed by way of
Brueefield, to Ed. Pa,ple's, for noon ; then 'North to
James Martin's, for night. THURSDAY -Will pro-
ceed North, by way of .Roxboro, to James Somer.
vine's, for noon • then West and North. to his own
stable for- the niht. FRIDAY -Will proceed East
to J. 11. Caliph l's, for noon ; then South le mileg,
then West to hie own stable for night. SATUR-
DAY -Will proceed North, by way of Town Line, to
12th Coneeesion, to John Barron's, for noon •, then
South to his own stable, where lie will remain until
. the following Monday morning. 2002x4
The Imported Shire Stallion,
RED CLOUD No. 19980
T. J. BERRY, Prop. ; L. MeCX/NNELL, Man.
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Brucefield,
and go to Neil McGregor's, end Concession, Stanley,
for noon : Cook's Hotel, Varna,
for night.
TUESDAY -North to John Itathwell's, Bayfield Line,
Goderich township, for noon ; thence by way of
the Bayfield road. to Graham's Hotel, f Clinton, for
night. WEDNESDAY -By way of the Huron Road,
to John Jainieson'a for noon • then to Dick's Hotel,
Seafortle for night. THURSDAY -To Robert 3J:c-
lears, 401 Concession, Tuckeremith, for noon ; then
to his own stable for night, remaining until Friday
noon. FRIDAY NOON -Will go by way. of the Lon-
don road to Ed. Ball's, West End, for night. SAT-
URDAY -Home, by way of the 2nd Concession, for
noon, where he will remain until the following Mon-
day morning, 2002-3
BEST MAN No. 10695, Vol. 22
MONDAY --Will leave his own stables Beechwood,
and go to P. Wood's, Logan, for noon ; then to his
own stable for the rdgirt. TUESDAY -To John Mur -
ray's, for noon ; then to J. G. Grieve's,- for night,
WEDNESDAY -To John Little's, Concession 8„ for
noon ; then to his own stable for the night.
THURSDAY -To the Dominion Hotel, Dublin, for
noon ; then to P. O'Connor's,Ribbed, for the night.
FRIDAY --Te Martin Ourtinhe Huron Road, for
noon ; then to James Dorrance's, MoKillep, for the
night. SATMIDAY--To his -own stable for 110011,
reinaining until the following Monday morning.
mumniscarr & wESENBERO, Props.
MONDAY, April 301.11, will leeve his own stable,
Brodhagen, and proceed to Wm. Rose's, ConCessiOn
8, Logan, for noon ; thence to Gustave Eisler's, Con.
5, Logan, for the night. TUESDAY -To Fred Mille-
brechtle, Lot 24, Concession 6, Logan, for noon ; tben
to Vietoes Hotel, Bornholm, for night. WEDNES-
DAY -To Rudolph Jarmontlee, Concession 11, Log-
an, for noon ; then to Cenral Foluei ,ter Lot 6, Con-
ceesion 10, MeKillop, for night, THURSDAY -To
Alexander Ross, Lot 20, Concession 11, 3IeKillop, for
noon ; thence to George McKee', 'Winthrop, for the
night. FRIDAY -To George Sellheim's, Lot 10, Con-
cession 8, 31eKillop, for ripen ; thence' to his own
stable for the night, where he will remain until the
following Monday morning. Also teat'pepular stal-
lion, '4 GLENDRIE PRINCE," 8584, Vol. 13, will
etand at his own stitble, Brodhagen. 2002-12
BURSAR, Vol. 22.
310NDAY-Will leave his own stable, Lot 30, Con,
12 Meleillop, andiproceed to R. Dodd's, Lot 22, Con.
5, Mclffllop, .for npon ; then to Dick's Hotel, Sea -
forth, for night. TUESDAY -By way of the 2nd
Concession, Tuckersmith, to Thee. Colenueres, for
00011 ; then north to Thos. Dale's, by way of AIM.,
for night. WEDNESDAY' -North to Henry Taylor's,
Lot 6, Con. 11, Mullett, for noon then to his own
stable for bight. 'THURSDAY -Will go east to 8.
Forbore Concession 14, McKillop, for nOO(1 ; then
north to Oliver Turnbull's,. 10th Concession, Grey,
for night. FRIDAY-Werit, then north to D. Shines
for noon ; then north to the Amerieen Rotel, Brus-
sels, for night. SATURDAY -South to James )391 -
'seen, Concession 8, Morrie, for noon : then to his
men stable for night, where be will remain -until the
following Monday morning. 2002-3
LORD WOLSELEY, (9577), Vol. 15
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, letaffit, and
go west and north to Charles °milky's, for noon ;
then north to James Carlon's' Huron Rotel, for night.
TUESDAY -East to Dublin, at Weber's Hotel, for
noon esthen to hie own stable for night, remaining
there until Wednesdear noon. WEDNESDAY NOON
-South to Crornartys then east to Campbell Dows,
Fuilnaton Town Line, for night. THURSDAY -
East to Ruireeldale, at the Hotel, for noon ; then by
way of the Mitchell Road, to Taylor's Hotel, Kirkton,
for the night. FRIDAY --West to John Delbridge's,
Winchelsia, for noon • then west to Robert Sellery're
Concession 2,Lishornef0r night. SATURDAY -East
and north to the ?Jibbed boundary, at James Belem.
*nes jest for noon; then by way of the Centre road
to his own stable,. where he will remain until the
following_Monday morning. 2002-3
MONDAY, May 7th, Will leave his own stable a
mile (roan of Brueefield, and proceed to Varna:for
wrote. thence south, by Parr Line, to Ralph Stephen -
son's for night. TUESDAY -Bp -Parr Line, to Jas.
Lore's, Hills Green, for noon •,/ thence by Kippen, to
his own stable. WEDNESDAY --At his own stable.
T1IUltSDAY---By the 2nd Con., to Alex. Sintlaieg,
for noon; thence, be 4th Con.,to Jas. 3oIntosh'8,31111
roads for night. FRIDAY -To Seaforth, at the Dick
House, for noon ; thence, by the 'Jurors Read, to
George Irvine's, Alma, for night, SATURDAY -To -
Appleton Moat's, for noon ; thence, hype 271(1 0011.
to his own stable, where he will rernrun until the
°towing Monday morning. 2002-3
;The Standard Bred Trotting Stallion,
MONDAY -Will leave his own stable, Lot 21, Con.
), Ribbed, and proceed to Weber's Hotel, Dublin,for
eon, ; then, by way of the Huron Road, to Dick's
otel, Seaforth, for night. TUESDAY --By way of
he Mill Road, to Wilson's Hotel, Brue,efield, for
oon • then to Varria, at Cook's Hotel, for the night.
DisIEf3DAY---BY way of the Coshen Line, to Robt.
Icelinchey's, for noon ; then to Zurich, at John -
ton's Hotel, for night. TJU1tSDAY-By the
ioshen Line, to Hill's Hotel, Orediton, for noon ;
hen to Centralia, at Moffat's Hotel, for night. FRI-
iAY-By way of the London Itee.d, to Ilawkshaw's
Iotel, Exeter, for noon ; then to Blaekall's Hotel,
Jensen, from 3 to 4 °Weak, then to Shaffer's Hotel,
ippen, for night. SATURDAY -To Strong's Hotel,
ekersmith, for noon ; then east to his own stable,
itlerrOinhgn. will remain until the following Monday
- 20024
' Tenders will be received up to ?day 8th, 1000, for
he grading, excavating and laying of an .4sphalt
lock Pavement, on Main Street, Seeforth. Plans
nd epeeilleations can be eeeri on and After April SO.
'0 tender necessarily accepted.
IL BRODERICK, Chairman,'
2002.2 Street Commit e -
parrter Ale\ I
Market Smelts
what you., see in e newapa
pers is only lia'f the aavertising.
The store supplies the other
by backing,up the statements with
the goods. Some stores stop half
way. -It is a deterntined and .fixed:
policy, of this store- to insure per
feet 'satisfactio-n. to every patron
Every. dollar you spend over our
counter is spent to our mutual ad-
vantage. A. modest profit is ours,
to you belongs the satisfaction that
you are buying the best merchan-
dise that price can produce.
Ladies! Rain Coats.
,Be prepared for April showers with one of our swell
Ram _oats. Fine stock, newest styles in three -quarte,
sern-eights and fall length—pleated and belted. Prices
from $5 to $15 each.
Ki reSs.
, Handsome Skirts, all the new effects m voiles, pano-
mas, broadcloths and novelty weaves, -in all colors to cl)oose
from. Nothing to corapare with them ever offered at the
price, ranging from $1,50 to *10 each.
See our black Skirts in tailor-made effects, trimmea
with side pleats, also taffea strapping and folds, selling at
$2, $3.25 and' $3.50 each,
Ladies' Spring Coats.
All the newest short fitted Eton and pony styi
lawn coverts and. black broad cloths, rangipg in price
$5 to t 13.50.
New Embroideries for ()ors t oovers in Swiss an
brio, special at 25c a yard.
New all-over Embroideries for st-s and the new
Bolero Jacket, at prices 55c, 80c, Vat) and $1.45 per yar&
Twenty pieces of Embroidery just to hand, to sell at 5o
and 12ic per yard.
Neckwear and Belts.
New designs in hand -made stooks and belts at 15o and
25c each.
White Lawn Waists. Ike;
Large variety, made of fine sheer lawn, lam or embroid.
ery, trimmed with, tucks, large or small, new sleeves, special
at $1 each.
A very nobby Waist, trimmdd with large he titched
tucks, three rows of embroidery insertion, special at $1.25
White India Linen Blouse, either with long sleeves or
elbow length, front made with wide embroidery, pleat and
large tucks, yoke of lace and embroidery insertion, special
at $1.60 and $L75 each.
White Persiart (Lawn Waist, aI1..ver embroidery front
special at $2,25.
White Linen, Blouse, hand ernbroidered front, special
at $2.85
The latest novelties in cream pailette and wash Japan-
ese silks, prices from 62.76 to $4.50 each
See onr catalogue of ladies' black roman satin, near
silk, naonette and taffeta 'Underskirts, containing all the
newest Spring styles
Ladies' cream and black elbow ieagth Silk Glove
s at
60e and 85c a pair
Ladies' plain black cotton hose, Hemsdorf dye, special
two pairs for 25c
Ladies' fine lisle thread, lace and rnerceried hose,
special at 25c,‘ 35c, 45c and 50c a pair
Heavy ribbed cotton hose for boys' wear -7." Black Doe
brand, wear like leather, prices 20c and 28c a pair.
Highest Prices paid for Butter, Eggs
and Wool.
Opposite Town Building, Corner Main and Market latreete,ISeaforth.