The Huron Expositor, 1906-04-27, Page 4'a for em au r, wieftle Me actf,�n� -SICAFOFOrff� LtA 4441 SHOE -STORIL
which Wos - WRndtil by," a Tiry Ur e ra .1906- �and,- tbata*t-#1de ai'& la� be �6f frlend,o AMIL, VW pla wag glvu� t#am. t. council ,be acce 't,.- Tho'bride w4s mo4t boaomingly at r. tan4l fia 'the not required.tand'will-not T be;. aft i irati o, tall pretRij�v. Mr. ed. od dip, dikd mairi6d a oad 8 X T W AT :Y 8 pairi blosqqwet of wilAte cAftations, �'HpV ges di 13 ric wa, Marna, condlacted the. se- A Siaberb Showlpg of LAdies rm Shoe�, ai�ma are prisento The Xemborot ootith Fertb iedifig-away -gown wa's of b5wn 8drely '-*hen they )fave -en, it o vie a ini 0 Methodist rwroh bore 1 3 �,A: 6 �6 7- W U Imt, to match. aase�j t�hte -ands -In thi qp ltaA and preached a Votod It would be a diffloult matter indepA to find a more complete as ion th Indemint on, abbat
a InUr at aortmed
ly; ser .-Our villagd imerebalits, are or a better variety of Ladie'Aue Shoes then we are showi g re,. a w US -Farliamexit, Me other. day, 0steem id Wieb, t1he bride is with hen shapeg are well 10 11 1.2. -.11 14, fiaii o - i - the Ob e hesitate to this 8 9 -During a 1)rief iseussi'00 ia the Tore we . asents of a band mu 0. h h' r. rate than fomor
15 16 18 19 20 Rome and aseftd The ssasom�s,jmewest ani most popular styles sind 02 '24 held as a share -of the f and$ ieb are fu',, affilowing that,-tey -are 1oing: 23 25 26 27 28, n a bill int��tuq*d by the Minister by her n1uniii1rams, I groam's set- apart for bbe improvial; an& re- a, &(od ItTad& and !)iat tho hes in sented in our stock, and are condent. very lady who app 29- X 0 0 $#&.at so. &a sen't o. bhe ftower'.girl as a paring of tb,e Ring's Irloway. of Justice, pm4di t6at the in- pre I natty fokwear will ha*e little or no trouble in making her 99 thii viciAlty are glood' workers.- n,, Toft
000* . ...... of ttht. ruby TiAg. dem he paidi to member M& iy of dur aged! people wa have our malqylines. an 11'0ft1'e KYf -.bee mforn, or less eaged up for the
COMMIJaS dtt'r- wToxeter As to p " e P, taki g -quality and style win U.14 Brussels. " - A ric into consideration, our prices NEW ADVEM- SEMENTS I . --. ''. - . -a -ur will intow be ablp U6 set a- I . . � -1
inj*fte, Mr�.. Soh H rflby has r wl o le surprise. For proof, come and see these specials A quantity of good cedar posts fot salo-, also 4�1111%.V- e- vo,u an Yoy 11fAi ot'of dw-ra,. greeab orlho tgurorbetw"tt tbaparenthobee Mot soak ae:vvertake tthom alf te a iiLl. at' of. anebor poat-R. Pricei on applicatiom Phillip vurvea w Myth aft�r a pen ding inig tjieil r Tr r. Alhoub Dclwvels� -week wi'bliber pairenIts' Xnad X aL%dles' Genuine oot -of the paper oR wh1oh tb Donizols, Kid Law B e, ex6ension aoles, kid -tips, sizes a to 7, Ur ow,. denoUs fto age Several f We Weir, f Howick r. Alex, per pair $1. 50. Ottawa - �r Nva� OnSbayin 110rUmmealwillbe found wr tan Session. i arecperating and( 9 %hi who'' looks into the 4i X-0 IQ Iras be+ attending 0, AbothefShipitilent--Stawart Bros# --3 Ladies' Genuine 1)6gola KiA LsoeB-oobo, new BlVher sityem, mexd"I ig in: Seaforth'at Robertw Dru Casemb,ie, Quality TWIR-Greig Citing on'ti)io Indemity -and Pension IU busintess,, college in Win#iiam is tips, for per pair S L 75. & _-bills, Sbort-See, large advertisemeat 09 pase last session'. Mr� G. 11. Mc- page 5. gain, empllbyeil' in M. IV. Rut1her- Ladiet' Genuine Dotiols, Kid Lsoe Boats, la4ledles orextensio'401ey, patent Recleaning Tfine.-!Ve are ready to SUPPIV now- Blui3her iftl6s, for per Pair $2.00. Gaaolini6 Stove". A. Sills-�-5 faird's ihardware attore.4-1 fiss Mary Inty Notes. -Win. MA'ejainan. tof Lon- mthyour! ieeds in Iwo curtains frointzlie 9, pair up, 44 Horse Routes--rit :rd ft South- Vartb, Niras oe Of isses jifsil to, draperle% eretonnes, Ulylo covers, table at pesenk very il.-M, Ladlek Very Fitt* Dongole, Kid Uee Boot% mingle r extentlou soles, -now Blubhft� doiaw was a visitk>r with 0.4 friends Agnes and Wellic styleri in sit to.po, for per pair $2.25 anti $2.69. t Spring Tonic --J. R. Roborts-5 L e, N%-Iiltc bed quilts -see u le of - duys last ecial a�%. Come and see what we have, F.' La nise," ver -flat 4, thMe W11D Epjyo. Hio,. #aid: in VoWd bar a co, c all elfts, Hoot, oil, linaleum
our -01tr
�on-4 11 VoLat year's biereas ba 00 Boots, W411 Nporw-Ale. WM days �,of la9t week in B dlee Dongol* Kid and Potent Kid La
-sl n we:ek.�A- - E. Mellish, of -the --Xetro- . rds V 'Held, .4(l MIU011 orRicipkd. His own expori- ploliban Adair, of Stratford, Pp mt a few easy fitting, latest styles, for per pair $2.00 to $3.50. ecutoes lee --Annie Yom enee liad bteui lthdt,; -even with S2.- Bank is I JI Torian'to 1bli " 8 w 6ek` 4-08, in, Np:, recenitl Fretty Mredding,-�-T& bome of ,on. business and' Mr� MA �v; g, lKiss To-na - TO Contractors -N. Broderick, 5 4 1pive, of Rae v�entl A M �, -B&ward Elliott, "The, Atblon Calves -George Chaprnaii-4 ivAltmufty, - fte found - himself thialt city 1 D To;xn 0 �; Thwhday Wa incharge 3�pre.; Mrs, the i0cene of a quiet Uut- e Sewing Ohm-Ul&g Leitoh�4L to spend a few da�ys.z�ZO We Ame- Wa I e orSile-G.J. $utherland--4. ir ely pt-etty. event at even oA-: ener6a -1�41tlaal life. t- was We4aeqd 18, on, was in: Bpas� A. Sil 1tansford, of L�n4 80 N than, Me would- have beeii bad McAlpine is alsto- in tk>wn, --T0*'1i Lenn-wo., �of Llim&on, is tke Igmedt of R. 131�ck.- r. Win RV WILLIS. f *oL+mlea Lost-ExpoRitor 6flice.-s ,vot tasl�y-,06.,sa-y exactly *w b: sels od- busive-as laOt -Sattirdlay.- y 8 I , coa I n bei Mines, lo llux sermus Y g'tbie- marriage f r ftan Recit-al-PresbytMan Ohurch�s should - be paid. If aast, yeav's bill "Slai Ana Walk�;Over Shoes templorary fooitbridge has -beep put erl daughtex, Lillian Dovine, to Sole Agents to: or men, rAWR Rowers, & Nvuwu--8 4mal -received the %aiddUchn' Pdolbart Gibso left on ata. fo if, Kok & co. ---s Of -up alk bbp flat mille-J. �H. avd, 'Mrs. Friday ffno� i It. �TeXay, of 8 iorth, wbo -ess Show for Women.
r SW ple of the tvoudtry� it .wo;uld thave Spat for Faawegan, Yask itchewan, 1af and Queen Quaklity and 9"Empy Horse for Sle�Ohesne & ligt, and - dhildren, of White- where she will. Spend tifie isla Dor oo time been, managir oi b6en well )M&n-y * anember's bad cUurofi, 'WAre ViSit(Ori iA Jown,ifoir InmeT ith 11 k1bion, Only the &MIlies JAwn Nowats, Etu.-Ohea and a learmd from, 41heir f�ongtitrueots L R."Wendt ig d R. J. few In-Um4te fiiends the r a few days this weuk. G 6 'Dot- Rann have bad. up to, "fe awnings pru�ple and vicinity 1weTe xhibited �here, of y4INa rs anA 4ap bo, the time bf t4ere- Wag 0o [criticism f thi ill. v U ikn& Peter MeQuarrie left here Wk a great int A
t1t i -rid a erdst
wer, presiept, Tibe b wa iunat- G, , l9abherland as gedt fdjr r.. ftr eath I tind' it atilitrwise," said Mr. c -r -ihis week ifr Xan� ten Aid axid looed ming iii 6, ollin Kemp, 'hs gold his fine, lwel- Ule Thux-ah and was a g e
placed In 'friont f tiheir foes. -A volt (hplooW on' Mueady of I I r wooll - r -at -help weetinIg will be t e Idfjrc, frankly. VO -verjr great prin- itoba,vwihere, they purpose� spendi W 4� dhial k VNi T11' of credin silk ollene -linig on (11 -street to 'Mr. 1). ber 1�u-ghand, "W -ho, is superiptendica-, ciple wat linviolved, - be. ad;16d, bor the t,he Mrs. Scott, -en mill Maosday evdM1YV to , ake ar- and, J carriod glwwer b1ouqqet of G"glc,- d Sta-nli' , bo -%vili Itake V- the Sabbath sebmi ot pr"evt SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, April 27, 1906. princibl,; of pay�*dt vas a ran1gements for celebratin Damin- * ;-
already -of Itiamiliflon, wero Viisiting.friends carnitions.' The oert�WDGY Wa3 per- 06!8sess-17611, of lit i ftihe, aomqse tat -ia 'Ho -had found bho feel- !an I)ay here. -Mr. Henry 8 er�on log in 11 in bow, for a few_ days cluriag the spent a -few day in Woiodlb ge Xe- floru.led ,tthe parbor by Rev� 'John few Wanibbis oretirin�g from �,bis Varm, a ridipg very advtrae 'to the past- week. 'On, Wednesday -of ti . his Th 0 rtfkvio, Legislature. Mr , 'fll, I witli his sister, e j 1 Of St. Andrews church, and QOMWg )hD H-6nSdIL-W. JOhn -Mr. . Golgal '71he d Mrsi, Beft Gerry left Stew fte n tibe c�.reralo4y and .1follin'Von, -of the township Hay Otario legisltdiou of st alesslg, and, ffor week -Mr. an art), �Y&o, has boeni 'a. get- 04t ieason he 1glad chstioxas fo Waterloo and, of
.if t&e GOV6rnWewould' be very for Tort, William,' w1hore Mr. Gerry, id !�arboiok jof a da'nty wed- b � alsd It-hils wedirr burdbas Mr. T. tine along -well with, bosiness. Ah- nit MO *
adald see its Iway lding� dinn r' I d pre
together with, blis Vilother, Ira, par -4 o . T%h e la r er Welsb!s 'fine- new brick dwelling at died -onf Friday, aged. -66 YMrs.
c 1, gf, numb immenise a:mwaxyt.of .�ork bas tbcA�amevd the, act, or 'recon-. pose ( ware Hibbert. 'was appGiplted jn� 1897 an s, er �pet'Ag 'Oh - a nnyE hard beatutif 61, presents received sibiowed bh6 wesit tid df'our vWaige and will aone tims session �and it maw l6oks *d and miodify ibh-e indeminity. ato iblat be-practisea law in. BerruL store.' wM, thein ry EVU0068s." te 'mun' who " lo3ks ifto the -the 'I oigh esteem in wbich)t1he voruple ri�aive itinb
D IV someAlme nett I-OnL may- take lace -Mr. J. A. -Nelles, for anty f promgat' "Alex. Stewart recelved�a -telegram eye, lain Seaforth at Roberl a- Drug are 1 Wd. I We Vre ipleased t1d learn of good tit- Noin.'his son� Duncan, ol San Fran- isecretry orf the We9tern, Fair boat
ear.,y in,'May, Xa�f import- GTe-See laffge a0ertilsemeot o4 rt Biley ileft P9 lzenmi Uke Mr. Gmssick ancl Mr. of the bas resigea- this IYAoslti6i, It Is U4. orris cisop, onA Wednesday evening L Of aast page 5, no y far� Owen Sdand to Igo on J0604on -"Ming to Henealt to n- ant ."Governmerat mea0ures, gave al- - Mat - rig , ood bliat hs auccessibir. will week. dtfatinid he w4s all rhit j6y ja well tarn d r6#t from a6five farniingL lt of a P�oveer.-Williat�x, Gdd- Vebh boa the Government survey boa De04 I Side, Notes. -Tho, L belated bloa The fragment of wiater, Whie mily arei ih Tea4y r�&I*ved their final readis. a er the recent edrth4aakC app be A,. 19. t1he earliest and in�oot �oioted aft *ace a:a(l -he tside. walb lot Mhom�sion,'s cold Mb atituck Mr i. D I Woiod avd. fa #ax its. -Rev. tUr. lat, auctioneer. Frlti�au W, AY. highly respected, .1 bult
,Wbile 'others weil on Itbie oneei sk of ' Ithe ou tthis sectio ion� Sundtay L last, imped- 'Visit lig at burham.-G. England, of: Of Carmel iAarch and R6v. Mr. Ur- H pi stbrage are being plastered and� direetfors is am,d, wll, :-be linally a4upted by 'the, tiowkship of X d tio 0owe 'eiteat t1he at. ItlariAes, owjYer of the'Rivei qubort, lof lKippen, exchanged pul-
orris, died on iApril I various blocked- off 'tibia week, W�Ildh mkes, -last W. the resigmti�jm�
Legislature tAls Vl'eek. The 12th. .Deceased had bee& failing in brane,he of field' husbandry, w-hich HouP, - was� Nere ibbis week. -It. p its on ftbbath mrarning healfth for -some -time. Two earg a vast Imprbvemealt. * The . new barn %were 'progres `trg apidly sincti the Gid jr zplenit %,odyt at Exgtei.- are iplIpased. ito, learn bbat Mr. U. - -At tihe faspizes in UOon. he became'blind, and* *biia is- a di�.g be's 41so Sp F Wickwire, of Meeter, and Rev.' Cudin(dre and Mr. Tilibmas Wlsh, w ixjO J -the
-1mp&Vtajvt of -these- latter art the t the realof thie buil eekin , T�>rdlr Vs - Do*
been, - comm,enced.-Rev. Oraw; opening 'Of i�g--In, resp)nse -ho a Aiii.. for $2,000- damag,as, bhe !airy,
WdUca-tional bills, the bills relat- bbough!t t1o, hav witU iteir acoutonfed �onterprise,
whastened thele-nd, as. of St. Cdtla!rines, 'ociqapie�j tbe pu17 tibe venal k,,a 1, vegitation it; grad- Dr. � Wedd, fof , Rots -all, were, 'there r,' gave plaihitiff a verdict for $200:�
'9411y I awakeninir from itis I inig -v� a'griclultuxal � 06cieties hod h d not be- this j� week. -Mr, and Mr -orge teth ithink loif ierecting 'fine 'new Mr. Dor#,er,. a. Toronto travejuler" pit int Melv'kll-e c�ourch,Aalt Sabbath. ik��e, -of Berlin, w1blo -weres =Giarried, brIck Awellm
It. fg
he liur licej�se bill. There have ing Erble, tio iead, -was a, greak -hard- 1 inixtbr, di4playing its rgeoms 11% asi- a gue#t at the Tect�raeh House
Rev. Mx. Martin;!of ; Cannington, will therl0i Wednesday of lasIt . w ek, were MI mp Nv
sihp Vo'him. M' -Geddes iwas ltbe. verd!ant hues. Wd mother e r t h, is r. lo, 1got out material w Uat beep &ny matprial changes imade be in cha'' t' ' SnoAy, At a the nists of Mrs. Pinkie's , arents, or le ,of -one inext season Ja9t Ainguist. Xnd wMle h as 'retion z4ldest of a family of - fourlteen, and resplefident jn, her garb of green, the billiarAl ro6nT a iece. of plat 90attapd,-.1n.- on a .T. lGeal-g loyfft, who is never any of tih-em since- their first in- w meetipig /of ale congrpgatl M -, Ln4 Mrs. D�ai Me)Yonal - a few a-" all 4nabum nhu.rsday afternoon it- - was , ilecided n yields to -1 spir- fell, sit'rikinig binr and injuring Itrodhetion.. The.liqutox .-license bill 1821, and migralted tb Canada it it of the timq,-The a last week. T� A. Stjnisqon� 4s beVind in lthte wxy 'of enterprise, in- by. a viate toof 66' to. 25r filiat they were ontracti firm has- beem ameni tend -his paTents. in the spring of .1827, of Niagle t Gree' eke- t4nida building a good dwqlling 't f $31800 an& Looby, located there, way tvhig we a
le& o ad to ex n1ol x6ady 'U� make' -a call aret.-J Mrs. 19al iummeT. Thus iti 1will ble seen, 't t with, -the theft -0 set;ltlidg. in Unak cbAuln1ty,,, *vAhere tie bla dammeliced toperations 1pr the 110mg1j, of Seato�rtb, is via- ha.
the period 11ar the -life of k'local - Qober�io Guelph,. an in silverware and! Woney in -,Chicago Nioman. Odbe-r iting',lier moOrei, Mrs. Wya, Tjohn- tiho,pVosects . -for the grbwth�l aa last December,' 110obt. J. WalkeT, was Inakried tio Miss Mary XeLean., season. 'These progressiv6, enter- -ova a siatb,ar � of t be �te stan.' Mr. llullotiglh -recenitly mbive.d. imPilavelneAt of our villapA6 are
piltban. by -'law -dbea car'ned: fr 1 Donald �IcLea:n. of -MOoirefiel-d. --were'Ini fw. fai a prisinig men Mr. T108 I - few' days 11his- weelxc.-Ir buginess, eph Nagle and fLrloin�� Saria to Seafo)r6h.-TlYe Meth- 'ever S. T. Hop- tba teity, was arrested at St. � laobi� t1hwee years and a clause has M luduls, two , tio, of"Blgave,. arid, whio, dorvives him. r Llooby. iave been enga Waterloo county.- by Dtective Hub-' ptices'An. ilown will close lat six,W- dlistfebarch has b on, b' 'd.
e arn awn Pre
been., added proi4in ftr In, the vprivg of 1854,, Mr. cement. raotip. Y buoi- g tAmt btrea ajodeMrs. i ed in. -t1he Jullinifft ,t vry �pleiatsantly eTtiftained, a t ntartu-nates who have been placed Geddes came tio Morris, an clook indtead �Jaf sevin tihia Isuminer, aud! JUervide, 1 inflYiT �d �Yloukyg f rliands er., -of BerYin. Walker .ba& Jus re 11 4 ,set tied ness for the past few! years, tnd- by .13 beiag -held in the On on, -Wrlilay t-tirntd. from a fihing trip� on witth the ' exce,Vtifon: of dnesd bow& blal levening la W.m. Gram 1=s the "-Indian are subject. On loits 7 �n7d S.. on the 4th-!aonces- We vy. bhe atkilfial an& satisUctioT Thb
Walker to a!nd Saturday eenings. the early y I xecut- rattirved from a week's visit bo, Chicago police had traced p a -ere k on lefd: with -a endty if"Lotand frequentig sion an4l ciontinged o Triialide bh ron of thir Wor elbsing cioinuiences oln� May Ut. I p Hamiltion, Toronbo, and; to liotlq -or Vther places Wheire liquor VP to tthe time *f -his death. 5)e- Ar a friends in Usl%Dra.- ighitforward -asia B as . in WWods take. where be arrived the other a. q6td !pal. 'ceased- could tell many an latereating built up a ma s These -are the prine 11" a JTO� NO I's -armers are -1susily clm- 'visit -Tlat]Mes. 1t is Aiff%mlt ,-F obanges in he bill. The -Go'vernintent , -Aiory of -the early ,piamee Jife. in. DrYsda,lA merely 116cal tiD in its toperatiags, but gaged. -svith' their aec7ding.� ,Miss -get -away from these. detectives. Dublin. are VGW wreatli'n,g. with th Niagara this'-sGtioll Of the oiumty, as'When Fadtibiall. The Bisley fo4ball team extending almlost wblally over weet- Lalur S'vvayzd, V1190 spent Municipal BRU Committee,
I t --�-Tht Flower quehtioni and bhe -taxatiQn. of- flie caie her6 t1&r1e was alo 'sianh of Drysdj�le played bhir firt gaino '-rh: Ovt.,ar?o. hey make a special- wki, visiting tunder the pare7otal Our Ns,%v Bonk. The Western of Me Legislature, settled the que)16�--
ty of I �raii n th" subjects Wing` -ha or tBelgrave.. By iiiig biAg abwtmen:s,a:.reb. ram,:�return.ed-. It -a her p�ace of em- Bank -qf Ownada have topened out tion of the wifthi between f . the, seasont oin the tfakf grouinds an
are prmised before The close of bard, wb-rkhel cleared: his 200 ackes 0 th f the village- last, Satturday brid nor ges and'euncrete �clulvert3. and ployMan6l in 'Lanloin�-liss L agency at Dubln, an& will in., runluers as)?Vovidd by Xr- .)Me'session. 'The Snpplemcnta-ry. es- of fibe land" out of te bus. He hs-, engage' ly ' in sellig mmet, All, the 'fa- vening. The team is strongl rei- an� left on Wednesday tjoi De!tr4At, tre. proide Uw public' of DtEbln billi, by a compromise. TU mauu-
-for a bmates are -�alsb in - tAhe dis- lsted in the buildifig of �bie first forced t4bis season as a buildiifg . cement, wlls, rriakiAg cern- werO 1he -parpoges takinV a cOuse and- viciiiit withans -celled bankinj � x faethrers wished,
tance. Among 6be- bills (of Dtivate frame barn in his Aiattriet, and was expert players have entlitt�d in the In't sewer lYipes, ##ijstels, dkxcr -and i a tibo Ghtildren'.,% 1116 pital.-Mr. John facilities. . The Canadian Zornal of- gplu a g e Me farmers were n fawe e considered the be�d ma;n with wn axe Vviliftiv. sills, -and laving aement Dumi' a meers, N-obialiv-bave received their ranks, - libius makijxg it ng and -the�'foRowing is
PVOSPertulls 4Y0111D!g farmer, Oommerce codtaind of siotmeWng wider, but the eotamit- nig -'He was a4ife� etfectivoc im very wa �vhile the ey- two � fles tin(Grth west.� tee ageecl lapton 3 fee:t, � in t%ird reding, and now only await ilot tibie ; e -hboYhooid. fllcvGrs hT ce'flars and �tables. Tib of our iburg, has itsl lasl igaa!g: !Dhat he mhe&-'--
the assent otr the LieuteAaaii.t-Qovr- long mtmlberr of , the Presbyterian have already c1posed cion'tradt f or
football knowl"edge'w1hich thty have dispbs id -df ibis f in e 150 a-e,re farm tO ern Bank 'of --CAnadi 01Dminands a Sleigbi manufactared hereafter t. Uor , bee s fte bill imlat- church, and in politios'was a Aairrich mile
C In ever -al ]bridge abw-tmenits, -e measure '!Of public confide alrea5ry a q ired, o, Ibi d wTth arcih Mr. ''Uniry fflallYot fGr Abbe kpmm of larg _n, be of this wid1b, anA a -it I 1. gla 'be coch- $7.00(, Mr. Tlbot Vas, lander- is sHoWni "by its hviimg depo, its to must, oonf=m, V& fthe reguil4tion af-
ing Vo 0ounty Bo,*es - of ,"Refuge, by , Li&rale. Mr. Geddes had qiA f late previus experienice, enables +,b e bridges ad culverts 0 Mr. Eilber, of EAO�tfh Hrian. Thi yeafs been able,tio be abo'Irt MQQX to play a rapid- oombinztion game. stold bis farm )n the lake the eVient &f -�$4.164,370, and that the ter December 1, 1-907. 'The. �bill will-
stilucted daring the coming su
mmer, standi
sAssion ill be -cons ut in his '-earlier life took an. ue-. N16'tes.-Mr..H, We Talbio,4 has pur- and till -e have- also soared a Alarge siblo tio, this bother, IEU,.vard.-Miss busines, -- vo ty uippoet likely : pass- -the Legislabure ii:r -tig picuons for rZ this
vomparativel lking and a ttve hi-terest - in- public affairs, and hiumber of liaeal aodtraots. Aor ioem- MargOrgt Sparks, f Uwomj�o, !has institution is bown by the baniles y -littie ta e1rased 'the .. Tfopidrtly f r. wall$, fJ gwd" deal of hard mflar-Tr. The Min— be will be minch aiis�ed in the fam-. John Dunn, tof t nit 00Y he Brofh n L 8, etd-., " wihio' ids zeturi, ed tio tbipr ltom�t Ixlipro- VThe in -
so line p-11ofits laA 'year- havig beeo. -Erranik Nelsion, thw seventeen year.-
-Lands. and Mines -made it,be, ily crold. C4A "of a family of ,thir-
is fair for f1urthr expansion, -o f thi tends t10 remain fb-r siome time.- 575, Mhieli Was ea;Tned o a Paid-i-iip * Id lad, *b1o, in. Pict.on a. swt ister of Staniley tiowntahip. This is
o0 iinpbrtaot -announcement ia t&e. feen children, seven are otill A rab.idly gr;)wixVg indingtry1 tudenits fram. thle n6ighboring capital of $55o000
vXng- the laesit farms in the tiownsbip and Miss B. The K
0 the pereentage 4)f ago delibera-tely ai-meil 4-- abot at a,
Mnse, the (6ther duy, tliat anthra- 'He is alga stir*ived by -his widow and we &iii9ratulatd Mr. Talbot an his 0`0 19INGTOP who spent thel I foliday Ooli iattes,wbo the Easter va- profits heinig -1614 per cent. To �carr!Age in wl nch a:.n aged; lady, eg
cite-voal had beca, -disaaeredbeyod t,%Vb broters, Mr. David -Geddes, of parc.base. We have not yet learned geaimn,.wjtjh her parents, evurned catiloj witih their parents, Wave Te- qchieve ths tb; maniagemet was Sarah Bzawn, was ridjog with her of wjXat M�. Darilti, to iLGn&on on. Man bbe heikbit o land in New Ontariia, Belgrav6,'rhid, Mir. ohn Geddeq a intentisons.'are.- laa where turned. to bb studies-- belped by %Xving a goto Asupply of' son, tle-ball altriking the .61(l
but S tio-tbe pata-re-and exact bi Elluevalle. Mr. -Tiolin John,st-oin left an Wed- 14hel is takinlg a course of jiqorm�i Arr. #j ob-V1 q1oh,j14 ni, -a wll iand. ta- dFRosits, but Ibbe main� ;to
'cation o the .discover ined training, ly kno-n -7. poin't -was j n- eausig.such injaeles that OM 'a'
he deoli We dierous managemnt V;hiG-h kdpt the a few days aftewdrds. ha. 'boon elb�'O'
isday 'last for' Now Lis-keard, w i v3orlab olug =xn* bf to speak unifil fulrbber infarmatio Lakelet Ontario, wbere'he InItend,s, Ideating. TirigUloorhodd left �oin Wedesday I !areceived. It ill be r cossics f riora aduly waifing the earn- tenced tio -four years t
IV a' g eat bhiig -Mr. - Gilbert Dick, drover of Kip;- Coostance. to vi�it INte Noites.-It people in� tUs vicinity Nit rio wiliere he in- inig's. The- Teserve fund is $30OA00, pen#entlay. The panishinont ig 4 -
for Ontarito if coal of a 1pockl cipality &a pen,; was ini itthe vill�ge d0dring the -NDtes, Miss tends'fflo take up land ipilDviding the, whi"oh is 'equal to 54 1-2 per ceut, you -
-and in 1�ainfg quantities, e-kists not sell tiheir crea-m: this summer - es )Elsie --and lEry nitly . bf light one, alf gfx the off-mce Nm�
past w'ek in siDarah of ca:ttle. M suits )114 e r. (70 within its blorders. It * Qwould help it will be bheir fault an(I not that Fatter, of BlYth, spent fJite i ",aster m- We- wish, Um the paid-,ap capital. and th immedi- eonainitted moff-L 41n, a ispirit ',of Ruce6A .-A h)MUY i90,1erinig was tely available assets Dick is, an! up to date stiock dealer week wilblr their cousin, Miss' Elsie 'are' $2,277,- less bavadb tihan, wjt�b,- the intention tra F161ve tJYP- pio-wer and heating and" of tibe factory managers. Miles, and always' lyuys tibe best. 'Seeding Bqitt,n.-M held 9-ne �avening Faft week at the. 989. This Istuin is e arciiind here - (there *ill-, be -tUree is ini f ess-ts. Jaiaa�es S&hrlarid q4al f-10- 55 per lot inflicting injury upan-, an wi,niing pxfoWerns -mare (rickly than ull.swing (in tihis vicin-fty tand) and , b11oia%e,$of Mr. �Robert -All-an, sr., in cent. 4of it anyhing else. crern wdgans drawing,,fiot blixee'dif- Tohn Biatioxr spent Smndaj with he -Aepfoits,' while gaod. son. 10A
of I
i6h 01 t
Iva he, 0
nd id
le Yf
manAy 'of fbbfe 'farmers blave ia large' th.eir bon�r,!-,df ilylit 8061 -l)iAhd-ay. authorities ferent factries. 'Hence readers. will �ren(ts.-Mr-, elorge Spring- conisiaer that', 30- per -Ben; Jenkins, -U cID)iduethrt Iniumbr of iacres, n(ler uliva titan.. po d Alltan�j 11clok ihale and Abearty cenf. i.5 �enio.ugh far pradtically siN- pl;0yed on, t& G -aft see wffiot foompolitlion,'we ar of spent Saridy The Dominion -Tbe Messrs. J.- Seeiva and R. t the spite of thia ripe toldt age and %ve guar,Ai e p_res-tan and ing - Alafeldt, Newaltead and Spring, om Jbihir Rutttoja.- -miss big the 'deP(Osibor," Mr-ftank peler street railwa,y, met With Tarner left.' lbbis -wevl� Ifor Oven Nellie gt,lye�riand, bus rdtarned bo' 111OP4 1 e- lWa J i ve tt�o, e ma D -Y - More McConnell, widely known- bank are We -mimpetitors in-ithi me VAwlagh terrible x This ssida saf the Dodninj.on Par. perienire last Frid wit& Swill t dWtrielt -,vih-i eeswater Stotund, . iblfire lbhey will j1pin ltb, after 4peading a few' days 1ye
11ament is- kill.. ncdoire 1notable f le atit. west T this didtTict Tor his- husiness'abiP, rome cis Of erew -of 10be Governini-6rit ourveyboat f fe whith he good judgent4, �an'd Blinevale will ohime in -and take friendis u -&r Sarnia.. ; ity, lentergy ana
falk Uhav',far real iwork. Th'e Op- w-bicb. isi drydockied if,ff-hat IE(aw-n,- Jnks -ba-a Jusit 1 ma:nager tof thelDiub-- � ir share.-Sibould ',that part of T1btltin9sT._,he' spring cyclon has been, appbinite
Aensiall 8 laA Tin fiar thelih agency. The bank have par�chaa- -itakink
VV are. jumve . aggressive )cnis t0le Educratron , bill, SUIUCK -atIr 'Waiet Villa7ge 'aw. Itifie. D -eye ifud ear an eon, will he at The Jbis ear ixtbo args minimium. ..salary lteach6r's Peak, have Ite."be eaten queen1w iotei, heory, on, Fri ikv. May 4th. Hours Jimped off a�t the barn, tilt-eiaice-
be the varilous farm- mea1g, s,O to a ed' the *illimlsl bock 'and, icpedt -$"" "" beent installcd with . the b unil, are Uin ever bet ers int lbhs and chickens oU the ena, eyery- 8 a. in. Jim 2 p. ni. t10 ble,,s et tkd,. in, tei
evome, law' lit ,ill make some of f a barrel, .,as Glaqqes properly 401 1) .1abaring zeabausly lbol fitt 11 I 83-tt
ulneailtih! oo- ar, r "ew Premises, aiiil` was' caJagUt betWeeo. the Wen - h being thatclifed -6n',a large isale. the tarmerg wlio,own twia -and thr bhintg is not �ust where' it wa 3 e- aby th ,15tv,of May. 0, J. Putberland has ha(I placed in I-ris hand
nid the car and ro"I
Tjhd"oky eatisfactio1q.the Man srrftl bj*,pin, Wo fine brick dwellings ivithl 4 nurn- Als n the Part Of hundred acres off la ee' barn diaor andr
called ---:Mr. B,. Talblot, in' fh Vurelfased, Pore. nd squirm. Whe�
a fine driving Imare fr'Um. Mr..Fred herof.1 sattached,t4D each. A ,00d ubanbe for a t roingh a,space: of ajbout'sevlett are now regarde(Y a feelln�s I the retij rtner or 4n.rone ivanthur�s d8vell-, be
't,be Gto�erxymevt with.the view of taxes HaNriek gets is t10 venft*hi into s. His face and thr.oat jnakingl� lection Todder an*d itth-e �Gov_ as Xaltifleisch for 1whic1b, he aid a �carpet, and patiently wait foi it -be ings aV' ba,Mraln. AlFo eheaPerpropertiesifor We. Chyelhurst.
�ing mit to sight, and this $500 figlarle., Mr. W. (81. ek �has c a out, his ch4t ent, and Wpis iniaTed..
bustaess wil fomplet- sitlorm, centre �o moe Apply a, once -ab the post offlem, llensajl� eroment; are 1�wd as 17,ealratis in thel 1 miake mi-atters worse. on, -Tl( ta, 11975-t Local Mriefs, Ut in So -terrible ws th-e Eqjaeze, t r -Buiness 1 III
ed his letonitra.pit of 1sawing luna�b J urchoe nie� 1101v (hVelling, i1vo lots, the village owinig bot the farratra be- ;the fare lyox Whidla -Mr. James Wrighit, of the 17th, �is mercibloilt made his sem-anutua 81.1001 will p
eff orts 'to `Jprevenit t1homw d&ng, Mo. go�fng tD and has relfos,ed his fin -ill bar *,h en ani stablp, he had in his,
e sea- ustiomers - in Kinbuirn, who good iV9 wbusy seeding balt week, will a0d pian bie
lbaiul creani for, Spring- 00 his 0 and a yen r's supply of mod -
All this linduces a ko..t 'gummer. He'aild -of F�oa--Auring an liniterview wiltl $75NO , PiMbascafflee eottage, - c d a h6le in the side of -,pleadid fratbr-
of talk on bank next 4 have been enable& bo strike (rare abibat, windo, it ap.-Messrs. Fitz and the - car-, while -his ollothtftr scrtelicd.
chard nd piden. Tbeqe are bargains,
ung 1g,'entleman a few -days 11127D bargai IbInll 3no APOY time. he makers -were mit- lad -t Week and Vath. sides a�A congumes' the ti ware line.�Fisb- quickly -noall, .2002-2 ;13r -.qprartsinen, lot -this vil- fibe-paint off the caes,si&.. G? J. Sutherlind, lic the writer 1was in(fl6rraed; that great ing is Vow the torder of 4, the TCV0it pYlospects for a big the day, "d lage, 'went �on a. fishiag severl bills of mo opposition -.exists 'bet tre or w ween aaryouing� Degft ;of Mrs. sharp are brigbit. So= (of the far-' 'e, sliall p9tkoni hear of big caicbes. OD lft�aXoseph ana da less, impb�rtance 'bave been cionqUe-r- nittkiii at,ipregeot, and- Ait is of gret ilus week to biave-tio' ehxpniele Deaths. y last eek anil
i4y at a -M&A7cr !'George, Clarke,ha5' mhrl�. mu one that -came (bam
Lot P�ols,e every e a 19doAl sapply � f 11HUBEAT-In Seaforth, on April -756, Jed- and -are an crit,16al perilod like IM is thaf e eath'df Mrs. 'David Ffallick, d' 64-e Way, the sesshon, oalls-Some 100 invite gtaeK.ts w1jt- recovered t1he use of his eye wh4,ch '10us fraft.-Mr.. S. )Spencer 1-14rbert, in his:89th y4mr. far, has been. one largely f, the marriage of Miss Mabel, a. red bot
stratagiam. and. iskiltul ,tactics -are occiurrea in VuT village on tbe Was injure& by r
displayed i6 a masterly and orse SatluvlaY- z-veni4ig llwst. -Mrs. lk�,_ add isister, of at. Jioseph, spe:n1t Sun- GEDDES --- �rn 3rorris, on A-pril 13th, Wnl. Geddeff, mly d1au@hter of Mr, James Wrigbit el'O- sibloe.-Mr. and Mrs. Adam wickle- i, day with th�jr sisteT, Mrs. P�e hgo 84 years and 7 months.
)uarking timie, wit -h, wl-iich 0ore. it Ayle. Long way it (cont ad Jb' n. in failin:g licalM. for -Mr. )3olgrit-ve, on pri MUM k
s -of the. Hose seem to and Mr. Uloiha Lang, iaf Jlarri�tan, inine an,� ,of Cli I lo, b ve p, r base , Uxe to be k4o, f,(Yr (opposition is tb sia-mettime land t her death- came 'He Tassn�o;re, of Henry Wcorea, ton of mr. obaries age be quite -.-tatisfied. It is no,*- a1V Ithe hoe tof the blid on.,Wed- eV aife,- lilause anfl adibining propei y e Thunis Rjoad, spont gujiday with 33 11 months. itiad 2 days. t a �f a,s a!� wreat- k9bock tia h,er'fainily as Itffiat o new measures of it iti, alnuos of trade, and bias made, iour our ve-1 eran itiheir 4on,4n-law, Fybras.-M
nesday, Pofnr Vclo6k. Rv.' Mr. "Uhg� Mr. ames JEWITT-In Bluevale. on April loth. War,
sbe -vyas lgdlng lyout a4 iLdd, of Hi4rrisition, of ficiatd mn layal to tbeir flag and their -asual on Itht tbelatete cinlg impl&-ttano-e will. hrid theit -this uker. They will move in country. day ther de. bias beva� very P184M ith, but -suddenly pass� _ R -in Goderldh toivnisbip, on April plaoe ant he &tatute W6k 'tIds sea- togek1her a v�ary enlipyable time was week.-Sedinig -operations ar,6 A#* aiek Ithe ed a -0 -ay lbdfoire it was even kGwn pasft week, iwe are glad fba, The residence of her son Seth, Susannah vinig - Mrs. W. simlons, 'wife of W. Valenthie, fther, aW -7z
spent.---�Renrk Hath' ies ran. a- in fall swing a -n the farmer is Atak- iorn. Nothing &finite has yetbeen say is im X40 YORM 1. ago, ipas- Walton ing'advanst %nwth -and 28 �day. jod, a tl" tio, U*oe, of the blame, f tiom. a hem- of 'the leth concession, thad an at- way fr-o Cliff w wift)v he Jndpnq�nity id'd Pen- tib e e 11 It d- sed Vli(,ro(u'gh tUe btrig here inig wea-tiber.-Mr. drrbOkv -Of Athe brain. -Mrs, Follick N10pRMOP-111 Winghani, on A 0cpa SiGni bills -passed last session, al- Gelorl V41 UtIA Da ind,--yere -.Th-e man- who "books intoo the is tack tof ple,'urisy.-Mrs. 'Goo. jityre McGregor, aged U years and 6 fays, and- as Mar- -b' laid up with.a csold.qmr. Win. ug- S An
cauglO- at, L. Viney's, west :of 1(he was In. (her 67th year
lblilgugh 1we cruesfiton 'hnsl een e�ye " is in Seaforth 4 Roberts' ug ried is 'n(01t verrY welt fat prseat,-Xr. F. In Et A, on nAVAI iotli, n.AeltI, burg.-Mhe other night aboot elevep eral. imes. The Premier S re -See large adveftiseme on ill, our eniterprisin 1years algo, to Mr. David Ural- Vllrim,, jwbo has been �aEher in- Dot of the late skirted sev g carriage b. Rd- lick, wih he Sprin t3till -siarvives to m1ourn -P r, -4old . new bmgiKv to Dr, disp(aed. bor soine time, is at ank biAtr page 5. iblavvever,. has 3yroinised thato if the 0�813. tk, l4NS lof a kind, faikh4q1 and lov- pres- 0 clock as .0 e FOUR -Intforris on April 18th. Aley- gliew meh were un;bitchng their pdojes ot 8 ent clon.f 'h4o, have bills on eatartib. The- d-oVtor - k iows -ex. And Mm Vorregt, private members ivi bo, the AwUsEe. A ]Uocal Items. 'Seedi-pig apeTati -S0111101 - youngest son age 4 Ong lug fe. Bhe is to3ey bccAjme frigh(teied a�nd a6 olne wdYere' tch foir a glooa a to darvived by V, the subject -before the- Hoaw fail arr, prbgressig in' opened on 'Monday withMiss Govn- year* aud 7 inontho. of the bigs was intact, Ith-ey ism tails llocal,ly; al- 9 - daiu eT, Mrs, David De -%v, of lien- �q)EIANAN-Tu Gdericb, on April MIA, Janet tio, press them, the Government will ah�3d thboa9b Me sniow torm. and- eDld of Seafdrth-
as 4teacher.-Mr. Han -%vife of M Janies Buchanan, -sr., aged. 47 o te tidngu(� an,�-aivay- thiey went. The toall, iYd Mrs. Va i t t a engaked take rneasmres (tio, have, srli�p the st tof this week lKippen. a the iservices of' years, 8 months and 20 day.s. �he Whole fore par and ;Iwne- tion, Th deceased 11Z -
next intorning Ulern retwrned Wilfrid, I-Bold,6a AoT the iseeding.- WILSON -At GArand end, on e4kpril hCh, thoraulghly dif'soueed anill bia!v retarded fbe work oohisiderably. The ma n who looks' into the was �he necond da,ugher (of the late rrAund Wilson, a ged 19 years and the dtier wandered ba Mr. Ma- An 4faission was made in.last week's bbom-shed to-ut ' the eta -We are pleased to repiart a decid- eye" is in Seaforth at Roberts- Irug Hiral Siblaart, tand leaves twro: sis- so of
WkLDROX-ln 01inton, Dn April, !Sib 'tbe ession. The -memer for Soth -buDds, vv%ere it was gtabled.-Cynus ed impritovdmejA in b6afth of Mr. T. Store-' issui lin regard to t,he late Mrs. Winal6p, rolict of the late 1�a See large advertTsc6]ieat &rs, Ulurton and Joseph Bdbbard, crearn -on �8. Heywood, Flink, Waidr r
is 11,oxnj in lthe, side, G. Wgorrii, V. S., wb�o has suffered p a go 5e ybus... iWe should have isaid Mrs., XOXAHAN-�-Tn Dulntb,,),11ni,f,, -on A r1i UZZ16
haulers for, and iss Me Shuart, th-is T
Alsfeldt, made a trip village, Ybus 1was, a membe bf 0 r
Me was Ith, of both and whno is making on each xoiYte last severely fv m, an acmte attack of Niate-s.-We a*re qoirry to learn iliat atild "ve, br6t, Mrs. FIG I sat from a) week and 'gat U b1biDd-po.i9a I Ding. His practice, ho%v- 'clur ld friend, Mr. Gilbeft Me on- ne be plonver resideat.9 f Hen- othodist churoh- for )a hmm- iof Goffernment own- 8 ver -Y ver, ig beinig Make& after by Mr. ald, o Stanle:y, is �nldt 6niyin,g -cry -gall iwas ver' erAip of plublic wtilities a; fair am(aunt of -cream, fort
-bobby sel&o Ibb.e. factiaries tart befois' highly iespected and is -ridig it to (dieatib, has tiven t Kirkliy, who has recently good health, lbut it is the hop f for hia:nV ex elldnit q,ualities, 10
reso-liati-on in favior. he 19t of May. -We litar Chose who of ed his diplomia friam the TFonto his Many friends that as- the w rni She *ias 'a ineere, ChriAian lady and tapped tih-eir trees sa this was a Veterinary Golle7ge.-We are r4orry we-abber comes arloun and he is ble -a 1.0 in", fwife and nVoLher. The itunI. -assuming the own- ip n)& I gaod sap spring. 'We wooYld aut to litear th,e operation at the itele- le severe illnss -of to, get labio-ut be will improve.- r- 6ml iervice twas h,eld in- Jhe 96tho�, 1grapb, tlelepbimte -and express lines l4ave thou'giht Ego. J4,to'Jis Williamson, buit trust me:rs int fdhiis vicinity are'all usy dit mlipmh, ton, Tue-sday,�aft6rnoon, of the 'ea-urr-try. If MMcLean er- we will soon he able- 'Vo, 'report (her seedinigii, an'd Ifteir absence am and ivask 164�gei attendetI, and bbe�. U int Tocin,g his r.-esollifflan itto, a sborne. spAded recovery. - Mr. 16natlhan t(own, iA, icio,s,�qiiiince gives our u- were- entarrAqd. in th Fans. f vtote, we lilapi� it will be buried imn- Miotore has lelf f(or an �-,xtended visit ,aally b usy 9tTeetS a -deserted ap- Mbe ymp. thy Ver ,puth a large ma�y&rjfy that --Married in Clintio A- of a n. -A very pretty ire- with r-ela:fives and friends in Hal- pearance. But 16he slackness in h ado 'goesi -out-- Ito tilie, berevoa -Ahuisband edding topk place at -the lome. of urroc
ry Lion. will be "imlossible for w ton county, and also expects -Mrs. lilinoff, in Clinbo,n, on Wednes- tio gives 'our trade1people an, oppor- and b-om-e years flo came. day takle -a trip in. tdie ne r future to f)unl[tY tie up jad-s 1a,n, -0ddfellDAYs of Hen- of last week, hen �her eldest M d Brifs.-The 'Mr.i.Fielding, the Finne'e Minister nit)oba and thib, Tei ritlaii5s.-Mr. end's and. lin t1his way'�� T sall 1odge an daiwoh ;ready. or -SEIANCT AT. ter, Miss Annie, was visiting bretbxen �kaa again takca G, 'E. Malliory, w1blo has,ben beic for incre2ased husiness twilien it aoni6s.- int A lcelebnrting ' b�-eir anniver- his Place in the marriage to Mr. Johiii Snell, -a pros- fort time, engineer, nn he Weddi ' bdlls will Voliu-nd' in loa ay Jby latteffding divine ervice'cairi- c: rb
�.nvd the brudg t speech. will perous yuing farmer o o6he 2nd 09
e delivered nd fter eesi-Lon f Tlsborne� xnd acin of clon- Guelph and Goderich Railway, has naids!t diarinig bbe cbming we4k,- dluct4l 1by the ev. IV. . Dohtrty, Iedins will SPECIAL Ut- wi6ding op proce Mr. recoived *oid,pf his appointruen' Miss M.a:bvl Wjhitem PRICES. Ell Snell, of -Exeter. The cere aw has go-rie 6n a ot 1* Baral's vibuirch 'in. 'that chufroh Duy bOlVan enijine*r **n a brandh of tie visit tio-ibeir brother in Chicgo ilHer osr &bba h afternoon and! the sioaner the bet, was performed by the Rev., -H. ft next ut kb:ree M. Great Northern Railway. -A branch companions herd L-.- Fromm Go, Jbier R611 -Manning, in, -the presence. of only h9r . pie Isant We, are pleased Ito Tepiort UIPW of thle Sfo*treigli Bank - has been visit in, Iblie Wfi dy City and wi t1bat,pur-itcow.iweil hae closed a ve r y Suppilemen-fary e4timates tb the a- the near relaltivos of the contracting opened �up in four villa ge,Nvjbi ch *i'll plese'd t1o, twel n I The millioD &ol- parties. The bride was gV 6ame her back a rain. gotod Isale , of clur fGaudry to Mr. Ivn. way I bb a great' convenience to t , lyusi- -Mr. 'Samuel Huai U lars were 's -ibe Our saraples contain mmy of i,,this yeafs choke rubmittea tNs week. Oat by, her ince, Mr. �Xoseph S-%vann, ter, of dbf'rne, (Wanit, of Landton, tv,hio tame
the proposed expen,di ed men of tjb!4 vicin wds bbc- - of Mr. R. 13i )Me �ean here,, "Ty ihiehly recio-mmended �and nitss and infuni'
tof tures are fv anA, as'the bridal party rbcok their ity, andi tlbfose of -us who, aie iniot tibia week. Mr 0an designs. Call arta see, bring] slZes of roomls, IMPVOrementg on.-harboTs 'and �,-an� -places, trbewedding march was rplay- Hunter lieepalavarm. yv-blal'will info doubt, tarry an the favlor�ed Nvitb -a siurplus AuVong the items -we nidtice e � b - Mis s'U1PP1Y f, Plwce in Ibis affectians hi. w 11, date for papgr haner. a Laur King, hat a old a manner,tilml; i The brids- green backs will *only wish-Ithe mtore frlelodg -mhla Were good bo him he PrlovO rprofitable it,"o - himself $900 for Irepairs onpier at Bayfield. maid was Miss Mabel- Blintto,ff, the -a nd a that we werd. vant-q ejoitis d-tt The new safe was rin-\ he was 4 i6iden& Of this, vici ity. 10 ti, - village, r The ffo,ume vioted $100,000 for aid- groomsman being Mr. Arbhur Snell; talled last week by Mr. 1G. A. GiUs, -Tbe onlion. feer ha� of tibe Saa Franciscio aufferers, but while the dinity little f1mver girl -broken ,oat laill �Zto. ]a e* llnb:,� plumbers. be acceptea, as was mi Ru ni ce a nd V. badlv* be -re and many .0 our 0iti ens kn it is Wol, I ikely bo, Dolothy Barge. The eere- Tleddle, k) f supp es land bos already ta r0h, visited seem t(o, lbav been, smitten wit it fiessida of It1ben premises.-Qite t; I
Roosevelt lhs issued *a Wony tover and the --weaddi 11 heon with friend-, in this vicinity diui6ng and s la oo;nsgqfu large livu Xresiden W -)b i te e. bin ulft ALEX. WILSON
4,- statemen that It'he United States, is partaken of, Mr: a7h -Mrs. (Snell left f uffier (fr6m Hensall nd vi- ence man are em- and IvilliDT- tio cope with amid a mhoNNrer of riee, a , indiuOxy,- rs. cinlity uttend6d sprig Y3how at b`e P lYoth bte: ormer parVor this -%veek.-Tbe barking in itilli FIRST DOOR NORTRI OF PICKARDS
rancisa ,e�fft og 64la-village, have -been. in NOR &ftenlded and 'a a s. Bracefield. SEAF0 ONTAW0. - 0 problem, and to fuituire hom* ale on lues
thf-ir hills on the 1'7[h( aoxice�sian, just G 'nit's r e, where a recepU,on, d and a eve;�/.tliasgt �r'oi Ifino horAas from- Hensall �Vas,
t of Ven
Pwdft n.
VrA 4i le to:
Ut out id
Aim m a goad No. -2 js,�
,iontrackhere. Tomm, Apr,
to SIM ; -M
to 16.1 bands 1* ho I
'no to $A nun(,
'Liviffridol,, Apr-
Vver '1L and li,
Vverpool qu*W-
'The tft4e in catt
"M n d or -- &Y- 0011dam
r 31;4y4jo 14 1b. W
e arly WWM;
the =WJer onesi
la W'� Jer oto Vzo 1�
-Mir., b to *4 ed UL6 44 75 i
to U.25 bil
=Yon U.
week or $0 it
demand for roundara=n
t-o I
4rwht Tun t
4U- - - --- �J
r4im-fed 1,,u W
V-1.5 for d
In 'M the
at 2 "I
by Am X
-="r doze
r4ULtiW per 1.
Ali - - Per Cort
t of Ven
Pwdft n.
VrA 4i le to:
Ut out id
Aim m a goad No. -2 js,�
,iontrackhere. Tomm, Apr,
to SIM ; -M
to 16.1 bands 1* ho I
'no to $A nun(,
'Liviffridol,, Apr-
Vver '1L and li,
Vverpool qu*W-
'The tft4e in catt
"M n d or -- &Y- 0011dam
r 31;4y4jo 14 1b. W
e arly WWM;
the =WJer onesi
la W'� Jer oto Vzo 1�
-Mir., b to *4 ed UL6 44 75 i
to U.25 bil
=Yon U.
week or $0 it
demand for roundara=n
t-o I
4rwht Tun t
4U- - - --- �J
r4im-fed 1,,u W
V-1.5 for d
In 'M the
at 2 "I