HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-04-20, Page 6e— see v."'#all'a*ifemffmtwa.**mialkhassy ARAL WI F •For sale, Went bait of Lot 4, eentaining 76 mires, all r failing spring creek, good If not sold, will be tented pply tu JU1 ROBISONaSeatorth P. O. 1,906-tf AGE FOR 8 LE -A *tory and a half brick tageIn Harpt hev. The house is heated with 44 HU PO 0 , ee- FORGETTING SPIRITUAL THINGS' ARE SPIRITUALLY DISCERNED. - and lies a frame Idtelien end woodshed at. ' toelod. There ht &good wen, 800a-' Atehle end hell FOR DOUBTINO THOMASES home on the property. There are 14 acres of land. Apply on thepremboa FRANCIS FOWLER. T INVESTMENTS. - I can lend k Amplification of Our Conoeptione of 200(etf oney on improved emitter seetiens leo God Wilil Lead Us! Away From Hu - front SX. tolOet Pee admire. Onlat first . Ample secnrity giver). Terms man Error and Misconceptions of the riefeb. From t400 up Can be lent owl .4„st %too°JtoAJACKSO For furthAlmighty este eete'sreeeple Faith i to me, . . N, %trite er A ` beta. 1959.tf. Obedietioe Wherein Ara Found Peace stent is G1 I8th WO SALE, aeomfortabie frame house in ondt with three eons of lend, cellar -en also a stable. The hoecenteine 3. bed mono. parlor, din- ing room_ and kitehentiowe etoins floater° bed rooms and fe large hall upstairs. There is plenty of hard arid Oft water. The property is elose to both church and schota ` Will be sold cheap. Apply - to JAMES #1. BROWN, er Box 857; Seafortie P. O. 1900-9 SQPLENDIO FARM FOR„SALE.-For Sale, the FAst half of Lot a and lot a on the lath Concesion of Mullett, oontaining 225 awes, alt oleared exeept 15 ilexes of good hardwood bush. It is well fenced and tile drained. There le a frame house and .two good book barna with stone sta,blinge under both, and other outbuildings. A spring creek runs acioeti the hum. Itis well adapted either for grain or. grass. It la withtfi 7 Miles of Blyth, and three-quartere of a mite from Harlockwhere there is a store, black- muith shore post office and sohooL Will be sold on onsy terms as the proprietor want., to retire. Apply on the premises or ad -dress, Harlock P. 0., S. PLUM - TREE. 1995-tf 1LIAltil FOR SALE.-Forleale, Lot en. Coneeesion X Stanley; containing 100 acres. Ninety acres are clearedend in a good elate of cultivation ; there are 10 ie of good hardwood Moth. The farm is all Well underdrained and well fenced. There is a two- storey brick house with state roof, a first-class farn2 house. Bank barn, 401t, x 801t., cement Silo, pig pen, driving house; There are two never -failing wells, andan acro of orchard and small fruit. This excellent farm is three miles froin Ifrueefleld and ,five ,trilles froM Clinton, with good gravel roads. For further particulars apply on the premises or addrese ALBERT MAT, Clinton P. O. sesSet "WARM ANIY MILL PROPERTY FORSALE.-Por • eate the old Bell -Farm and Mill Property, on the London road, Tuckersmith, recently ocouoied by the lateJohn =Sevin. There are 100 acres all clear- ed but about 4 acres. Good buildings and the farm well underdmined anden a high state of cultivation, all seeded to grass except about 30 acres. Also the 'tit mill and saw min property on the farm. A is 'within mile of Kipper'. and 2 miles from Hensel!, and a good business has always been done at the milk The term and mill property will be sold to • or separately to suit purchaser. Terms easy. pply to DAVID -C. MoLEAN, Rippen. ARMS FOR SALE -100 acres, Lot S, Concessioti 6, 11. R. 8., Tuokersmith, Huron County, all seeded to grass, except 16 acres of bush. Frame house„ orchard, 2 good wane, land and bush the best. Also West half of Lot 5, Concession 4, Tuokersrnith, 50- scree, , school on corner, Bayfield river crossing it. On thin place there is a bank barn, briok house, work -shop, driving house, pig and hen house, young bearing orchard with handsome shade trees, 2 wells, eater first olasa. The buildings are new and up-to- date and the land in the beet conpition. A good to - cation, a miles from Seaforth on a good road. These farms are offered for sale together or separately. If not sold soon may be offered for tent. A. fly to JOHN SPItOAT, Eginonciville P. O., Ont. tf fet_001) FARM FOR SALE. -For sale cheap and on Nell- easy terms, Lot 25, Concession 4, MoKillop. This farra contains On ecres, all cleared and in fine condition. Fifty nem are seeded to grass, six or leaven in fall wheat and the rest all ploughed and readyfor spring crop. There is a fine spring for _ watering the stock close to the buildings, a good brick house, two large barns, one with good streiline underneath, also horse stable and implement house and &large orchard. It is within it mile and a half of the lawn of Seaforth. If not sold, will be leased for a term of years. Apply to the nndersigned, box 192, Settforth P. O., ROBERT GO VENLOCK. 1991-tf feesOOD FARM FOR SALE OR RENT. -This farm kit is conveniently situated in the village of Chisel - 'burst, being: Lot 1, on the 12th Concession of Tucker - smith, and is known fee the "Davey Farm." The farm contains 00 floret, 85 acres cleared end in fine .condition 77 acres being seeded to grummet 7 acres ploughed: There are 14 acres of good bush and there Vials° a small spring creek on the farm. There is a good frame home, also two frame bares, one having good stabling underneath, also an implement shed. Fosseselon given March 1st. This farm will be either sold or rented on ewer terms. For further particulars apply teJAMES TAYLOR, Reiman P.O., or to WM. DAVEY, the Proprietor, Gilroy P. O., California, U. S. 1090-tf FARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lot 8, Concession 3, L. R. S.,,Tuckersmith, containing 100 ares, of which 9 acres is good hardwood bush. The balance is well fenced, tiledmined and in first-class coriditiou. There are two (coed barns, one a bankleen 36 x 78 ft. with stone stabling underneath and the other 56 x ItOft., and a comfortable frame house, three good voile and a never failing spring at the rear of the lot, and a good bearing orchard. The ploughing is all done and 14 acres of fall wheat. It is within two miles of the flourishing- village of Hensall and within half a mile of eschool house. Apply on the premises Or kr& CALDWELL, Hensel' P. 0. 10874f fel OOD FARM le01t- &OLE -Farm for sale, Lot 26, Nol- on the 3rd Concession of Tuckersmith, eon - Mining 100 acres, being all fieeded end pastured. There are on the premises two good barns, one 40 x 60 with stone stabling underneath and ceinent beers, the other barn 80 x 34, with drive shed, stone tabling for pigs and hens, and a comfortable fmme _ house with stone cellar and cetnent floor. A never failing spring at, the barn and good well at the house. There are about seven acres of bush, the rest is in a good state of cultivation, well underdrain- ed with tile, and well fenced, good orchard. Itie situated within tWO and a hall miles from erneeffeel, and six and a half mires from Seaforth, and the same from HensalL This from will be sold on reasonable terms, as the proprietor is going West. For further articulare apply to E J CALDWELL, Box 83, OlnicefleId P. 0., Ontario. ' J.970 -t! FARK FOR SALE. -For sale Lot 20, on the Oth FOR of Ribbed, containing 100 acres, all in a good state of cultivation. There is on the prem- ises a brick house with brick kitchen and a g&xl eel - Jar. There is also a large bank barn, 60 x 40, and a lean to of 12 feet, with stone stabling underneath. Also a shed, 80 x 30, and a driving- house with every- thing, complete. There are three never -failing wells on the premise, there is also a large orchard and good garden, There Etre 3:0 acres of fall wheat sown and there ere 40 acres seeded down. Either suitable for hay or pasture. All the fall ploughing is done. The farm of well unciedrained with tile and well fenced with wire fences. It is in a good locality, be. log situated two -and -a -half miles from Chiselhurst, where there is a post oflice and two churches, Meth- odist and Presbyterian, 8 miles frem Seaforth and there is a good enevei road running past the farm. It is in good condition and will be sold on reasonable terms as the proprietor wishes to retire. For further particulate apply on the prettifies or to CHARLES ABERHART, Staffa P. 0., Ontario. 1089-tf Property for Sale • If you want to buy a farm or town property, you will do well by selecting from my Mt, which con- tains a number of farms in Tuckerstuith, from 50 to 100 acres. All have peel buildings and are in a first- class state of cultivation. Will be sold cheap and on easy terms. A130 several good houses in town, ranging in pries from $700 to $2,500. Each one a bargain.. Selected Saskatchewan Land For Sale. -In the centre of the heed wheat district, good shipping facilitiem, Low prices and easy terms. For further particulars as to any of the above properties call or write to • A. A. WATT, Real Estate Agent; BRIT6EFIELD, ONTAI40. 1990-tf Established 1879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria crasolono is a boon to Asthmatics - rtssOf-r.::r ia a, long established and standard remedy fel- dm diseases indicated. It cures because the air ref). tiered strongly ant,sontic is carried over thadleased stir - 6 faces of the bro ;al tubes with every brealia, giving prolonged anti e stunt treatment. These of a COMMIT - five tendency, or sufferers from chronic bronchitis, And Inunedlato relief from coughs or inflamed condltiotiff 0 the throat. CD , VaPo.Cresolono is sold by druggists or sent pre- paid on receipt of price. A Vapo.Cresolene out- fit including a bottle of Oresoleno al..50. Send fax - fres illustrated booklet. Llmstixo 3111.sa CO., Ltd., Agents, 288 St. Janes13t., Montreal, Canada. /106 - cl ef 100-'- ile and, Joy. Entered according to Act of Pediment of Can- ada, in tee yealelO00, 3.yFrederiek Diver, To - Mato, at tile Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. Los Angeles, Cal., April 15. -In thie semen the preaeher shows how our human misconceptions of God and his promises lead us. into error and that the remedy is simple faith and obedi- ence. Tho text is John iv,- 48, "Excel) ye see signs and wonders, ye Wilt no believe." ' - - We are always demanding gosPe proof, Like Gideon of old, we want ou faith bolstered up by the wet fieeee Like doubting Thomas, We want to see Christ in the flesh and to thrust on fingers into the tom palm of the hand and -into the wounded side before w will believe that he is -riseri froin th dead. When any.fact about Gocl or th {prophecies of the Bible is told es W j at once say, "Give us the evidence or* will net believe." Now, I want to shOW you not only that "faith is the sub stance of things hoped for, the evidene of things not seen," but that we shoul believe and trust God and accept Id words and promises, even when ther are no .signs and wonders vis!ble t confirm out faith. Signe And wonders theological hay Grim to us. God and his attributes ass all the realms of human explana.- tim. The etory is told that one day Michael Angelo entered the studio , o Raphael. You know that the Floren- tine maeter was nearly a decade older than the painter of the Sistine Madon- na. - As an artist who had won his . spurs, he had a, right to give advice no the younger man. Michael Angelo stood for•eome time before one of Raphael's ehsels. The young ma.n at this time was absent from hie studio. Angelo lifted a pencil and drew the curves of ti ie figure upon thetcanvas alqng broad- er lines, Then under the picture he wrote this one word three birnes: "Am- plify! Amplify! Amplify!" You, who have stood before the wonderful crea- tions of the architect of St. Peter's of Rome know what he meant by that n-ord. He meant "Increase the concep- tion of yoar subJeets." Olt, Raphael, knot the muscles . of your model's arms and Make_ swarthier necks and broader shoulders and more leonine eountenances. The taunting Philistine Is not aadware but •a giant. The ma.s- ter builders of history are not pygmies, but Titans. Neptune's trident does not rule a mill pond, but has for its realm the mighty deep. Amplify! Amplify! Amplify! Good_ advice that for Ra- phael, in an artistic sense. Good 'advice for us in a theological sense. We have ,recelved certain revolationS given In reference to God's personality, 'but we must not stop with these revelations. We must be cont-ually enlarging our ideas of God. We must try to gain a conception of him greater than our eyes can see and greater than OW hu- man intellects can explain. We must amplify our belief of God's personality 4n reference to his eternal existence. The first verse of the .fIrst chapter of ,Genesis says, 'tin the begin- ning God created the heaven and the earth." But that "beginning"' simply alludes to the creation ca the world and the planetary system. Friend, did not God- exist -before whet? "Oh, yes" you anewer; "Qod has always existed." But what do You mean by "always?" I follow Hugh Miller, the Scottish geo- logist, in his "Testimony of the Roeks"-and in •hls "Footprints of the Creator,'" and he tells me that the six days of creation were not .six days of twenty-four "hours each, but that each day represented ages upon ages of time. This -6i:inception of . the time of the creation was well expressed by the Psalmist when he said, "A thousand years in thy' sight are but as yesterday when it is past, and as a watch in the nignst." In the creation of the world the seconds of time are centuries, and the minutes are millenniunis, the hours are eras, and the -days are ages -ypon ages. If you go and eta,nd by the falls of .Niagara, the scientists will tel you w that the falling . waters 'ear away about six feet of rock every ear. -Then they :will take you for miles down the repids, toward Lake Ontarioaand show you where those rocks have gradually been worn away by the failing waters of thousands of yeare. Next these geo- logists will open the leaves of the rocks. and. tell you that those rocks which have beer worn away took ages upon ages to form. Then, after we go back thousands upon thousands of years to the creation of the world, you are not- yet at the beginning of God's eternal existence, for God existed be- fore the world was. Backward to the birth cradle of this world youemuat go; backward, still backward and back- ward, until time. loses itself you must go, and there you will still find God's eternal existence. Am I not right in, saying that the eternal life ;of God passes all human conception and expla- nation? _ What the eternal existence of God means cannot be better illustrated than by the following words of M. Camille Flammarion, the celebrated astrono- mer. 'What this Freech writer says about the heavens we can easily apply to the duration of tiine: "Let us imag- ine that we sail a Million years with the velocity of light, 1841,000 miles' a second, Are. we -at the confines ofth visible. uniyerse? See the black im- mensities 'we must cross! But yonder new stars are lit up in the depth of the beavees. We push on toward them; we reach them -again a million years, new revela,tions, new starry splendors, new systems, new worlds, new earths, What, riever an end? ' We are at the vestibule of the infinite. We have ad- vanced but a single step. We are al- ways at the same point -the centre ev- erywhere, the circumference nowhere we see before us the infinita of which , the study is not yet begun__ We have seen nothing. We recoil In teener. We might fall in a Straight line during a whole eternity, nor ever reach the ban tom. It Is Intl:lite In all directions." So wherever we a.,, into the past let weal:rase; tetee re ,-= -, s ..,- o ...se. t Sow is better than othersoaps, but est when used in the Sunlight way. To ppreciate the simplicity and ease of washi g with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way you should follow directions. Aft r rubbing on the soap, roll up each piece, mmerse in the water, and go away. unli will do its work in Your clothes will b iti-the old-fashioned Buy k and follow Mega directions, AO gaits ht Soap hirty to sixty minutes. cleaner and whiter than if washed ay with boiler and hard rubbing. (LONOOs) India. Pule Ale Preiudiced unscruotdous vendoril nuty suggest others. but coin it any way you wIll-purit , freedom from. acidity. palatablettesse-Labalt's Ale le it urpasre ed by none, equalte by few -at about hail the price Of best Imported brands, er e tion 111 ailorm Lev" Brothers Limited, Toronto . ja1.1 t • t ba4k. Barsky/lard we can go ages upon , ages, trillions and quadrillions of years, 1 ana there we still find God's eternal ✓ existence, - Am I wrong in saying am- . Islifr? Am/MY! AnePlifY Your con- ceptions of the life of God In the past r %end arnplify- your conceptions of the s 114 on God In the future.. ' e Not only must we amplify our ideas e in (reference to God's 'eternal existence, e . but we mizst also amplify them he rar- e manic to God's personal presence.- The e • Bible tells us that we are made atter Gad's. image. "So God created man in - hie own image, in the image of God e created he him, male and female emelt- d ed he them." Does this imply that God g Is like unto us phyelottlly-a-that he has e . two -eyes, two hands, two feet and a o beating heart? just as X find . queen 1 Vi torials face stamped upon the Paige e lis shilling, se some people think God's fa e, in a physical sense, is stamped Urion us But is this true? Nay. Am- plify! Amplify your Idea of God's Per - f sohality. In the One - thindred and Tbirty-ninth Psalm I read theee Words: "Whither shall X go. from thy spirit on whither shall I flee ' frOm thy pres- ence? If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there; if I make my , bed In hell, behold, thou art there; if I take the wings of the Morning and dwell In the uttermost parts of the sea, even there thy right hand shall hold me,' Yea, the darkness hideth not from thee, but the , slight shineth as the day. The darkness and the light are both- alike to thee." 1 1 In other words, • God IS here, God is i there, God is everywhere at once. How. f ean all this- be and yet God be like ourselves in a, physical sense? Men in- capable of conceiving pure spirit have I supposed that God has a human form, : as did the ancient; Emthropornorphitess or, an animal form, as did the ancient .- idolaters, but the Bible doctrine as ex- pounded by Jesus is, God is a spirit, and they that warship bim must wor- ship him in spirit. Not only does the ornnipresenete of GO pass all human conception and explanation, but his personality, -Called the Trinity, also passes human . ex.. planatithe Here- we have ad the Fa- ther, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. How can you interpret it? A dear friend of mine told me how an old Spanish arUst °sloe tried to explain It, A.bove 'one of the altars of -a iVIexi- 'can cathedral was a picture amid clouds. Out of these clouds appeared the faces of three men. These three faces were all the same. Under the pictiere, in Latin, were the words, "The . Father, the Son apd. the Holy Ghost," These three faces were all alike; they , were like three photographs tof one face taken from the same negative. :But had that artist caught a true con- { Option of the Trinity? No. He no retire pictured the true G-oa than did { the artist who tried to picture the face of the Trinity as that of one man. The full conception of Gocre eternal exist- ence and of God's personality passes all human. grasp. ' ;But, though I have dwelt long upon y first point, I believe It is the least portant of any I shall present, for it 1 Is almost an impossibility for any one (4 us to get away from our belief in an overruling' God who was the creater of' the universe 'after we haoie studied the - wonderful harmonies of the natural 'World. We are like the lEtudertt of skep- ; tical tendencies who was seated at the feet of that master of anatomy, Dr. Marshall. The great professor was ex- plaining to his class the marvels of the - pints of the knee or of the hand. Af- ter he had finished his talk this student exclaimed, "A man must be a fool in- : deed who, after duly studying his own I, body, oa,n remain an atheist?' So .we says "A men must be e, fool who can - ,stndy the harmonies of nature and not 'believe that a master Mind, called the Creator and the Ruler, is molding and influericing a I." But, after we have i studied the 4tgns and the wanders of ' the heaven 'a, earth and have an- . cepted a 'belief in a God, the next ques- tion which naturally confronts us is this: "How do we know that this God t4e _creator is the God who Is the anthor of the book we call the 331ble, in which the 'coming of Christ is fore- told' and. the promises of forgiveness of ' sin in Christ's blood are made to a d.y- ; frig human race?" How do we know that God is the author of this Bible? Why, by the testimony of the Bible Its self. The internal evidences of a menu- seript carry their own proof of gene uineness. For centuries upon centuries the Aible nes had the test of internal A Friend told. Me About THE GENTLE KIDNEY CURE Hundreds of people, who have been cured of Kidney Trouble by 13u -fu, were first induced to try this wonderful remedy. by friends who had, them- selves been cared. The sales of Bu -Ju are daily increasing, because everyone who takes theta is benefitted -and these in turn, tell others. So the good news i3 spread. Here is what a Pieta n man says about Bu -Ju "I have used Btfeju with great benefit lo myself, and cheerfully recommend to all who, 1 think, are suffering front Kidney %roubles and Rheumatism. "T think Du-Ju'the best remedy made," A;0911gr A Nit.X Ai.. Yours sincerely, Beers* p - The Kind You HMI Ahvat tiought JAMES eireas. Signature of THE CLAFLIN CHEMICAL CO., LIMITED, WINOSOR; Oet NgW YORK criticism applied' to It. . Let the first chapter of Genesis otrie forth and speak That is to me o e of the most -wonderful of all paleag s of the Bible* Rave you ever ear fully , studied it? Supposelithat•LUther Bur bank, California's wizard of is were0 and fruits, should, bring to us a new I kind Of fruit.' This fruit may b dif- ferent from any Otber fruit ever own• • Then suppose he told us how h got I that trifle Perhaps it was (Thee oped .by .grafting an Italian grape 'up n a certain kind of American grapey! , heetold us all thie, and we knew that no other such grape had ever been grown, we Would believe that. h had developed that grape, Well, -1 the same way thousands of years ag God told _Moses how he had create the - -world. First came the water, the the land, then the gress, then the. Wing creatures In the water, then th rnels, then man. "Oh," you gay', "that Is a simple story." Yea it is so simple that for thousands of years the Scien- tists were trying to discover -the !order of creation, and now, much to 'their surprise, the biologists have found out that the orderas written by Moses thousands of years ago is the scientific- ally accepted order of creation of to- day. Does not the first book of the Bi- ble bear upon It the stamp of latod'e authorship? Was not its story of crea- tion told before science was born? Then the miracles of jesns and the recorded biographies of Christ, { How are you going to get around them? Are you going to regard Chriet, as a -fraud and. an imposter and yet cal him the best of men, as nearly all infidels and agnostics do? I can understand how Voltaire could despise and {blas- pheme Chrest, but I do not understand how Rousseau and Jean Paul R chter could be. so illogical as to rep esent Christeat the same time as s. ma el for humanity and yet as a self -de eived fanatic. Are you going to take the ridi ulous ditor and illogical stand which a noted of a city newspaper did wheu he kvrote to a lawyer friend of mine a letter that went thus: "A man who drinke' can preach a better temperance iectut than all the fanatics On earth. But yo can- not make men good. by law. 1-anot a believer in religion, so called, but I was convinced long ago that th ulti- mate redemption of the children cf men must come through the inculcation in .their hearts of the religion of Jesus Christ. If men make Christ the node3, even though It be a superstition as I believe, virtue will dominate the woeld of vice and sih will be minimized. But It must come through moral s asion t and not through force and cm opu sion." Now, my friend, is. that your Ill gicae stand? Are you prepared to assert with your one breath that Jesus Ch ist is the best of all human being's an4 then to assert with your next breatll that Christ is a deceiver. Nay, nay, nee that. As kin intelligent man you should ibe ready to say here and now: "No man could have uttered such words as did Jesus Christ unless he was true. And therefore, if Christ is true, Christ is the Son of God." By the law, of.logic and common sense Wo can- not get away from this conclusion. The Bible biographies of Chri t, by their internal evidence, prove that Christ's life was divine, , Now, having seen'enough of th signs and wonders of the Bible to provte that It is of divine authorship,. I am ready to make a confession. I em re dy- to confess that this holy book is filled with mysteries. Like a blind an, I hump up against them eyery here. But because I cannot understan why God should so love the world t at he gaire his only begotten Son that ovho- eoever belleveth on.him should. no per- ' ish, but have everlasting life, i that any reason why I should rejec that divine offer of pardon and eternal life? "Nay, nay," again I say. 'Why all the promises of God are given to us I can- not conceive. But those promises are there. And because they are there I wi I accept them and live by thern and leav the explanations for eterni y. I haye hail given to me enough pr of to know that the Bible is true. Thetrefore I Shall accept upon the faith o1!J those prOrnises the things I cannot nder- stand. But now, believing that God is lov- ing Father and that the Bible Is give to us by divine inspiration, the next difficult question which confronts us is this: "W.hy does a loving Father who Is preparing such felicity fou s (in the other side of the grave, aI1/3-w so Much misery and suffering and Injustice to his dear ones on this side I of the grave?" for we all can say w1tl the Psahnist, "I have seen the wick d in great pow_er and Spreading lams° f like a green bay tree." Yes, we have seen wicked Dives in a palace and good Lazarus as a beggar dying Meth gut- ter. But that is net the universa rule. Religion has in it the Proml.4e cf Oa life that now is. A proof of the fact we may see around 'US in prosperous, hap- py men, who are leading good liris- tian lives. Let me prove this statement b tho testimony of one of the greate t of English statesmen of the past ce tury. Hon. William E. Gladstone, who once said: "Chriayhnity is the religi n in the commarail of whese profess( rs is lodged a prcIpertion of power fa ex- ceeding its superiority of numberf, , ana this power is both moral and ma erial. CASTOR 1 For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bo4ht, Bears the isignatura of In the realm of colitrOVerey It can hardly be said to have a. serious antes mist. Force, secular or physical, is accumulated In the hands of Chrlistians In {a proportion abso1utely overwhelm- ing, and the ace illation of influence 18 not less remarkable than that of force. "This Is not surprising, for all the elements of influence lave their home within the ' Christian precinct. The art, the literature, the systematiz- ed Industry, invention and eonomerce- in one word, the power of the world - are almost wholly Christian, Tile na- tions of Christendom are everywhere arbiters of the fate of non-Christian nations." Wben people a.s a nation luxe honored God; there God has always honored and 'blessed those people The signs of these blessings everywhere prove that God is looking after and caring for hie own. Now, having seen how God blesses hie own in great num- bers, I am ready to believe that he is 13w1 he ys s hgo uhilas n:weevencew,hept hae bPieTs by not as this trouble cornea but I am 'ready tt faith to accept it as a blessing. And the heavy hand of trquble to fall upon them, I cannot understand alwaya why ng the troubles which come to God's dear ones, although we cannot underetan4 why these troubles come? Do we le as parents, often have to do that wig may seem cruel or hard to bur 0141- dren, and yet we thus aifilet for site children's good? In closing I would bid you set rm. gaspel compass. I want you to be l the traveler going througlr the weattra country guided y the beacon light of the rising and setting sun, I want you to be like a voyager setting Ban across the Atlantic, He does not go in a, ilap- hazard way to a fisherman of Nan- tucket and say, "Will you with your sailboat take me to Europe?" But he goes down to the office of a great trans- atlantic line There he selects his steamer. He knows that this steamer Is managed by a competent crew and commanded by an able captain. When the storms edme and the -winds blow and the billows heave, he does not rush upon the deck and say, "Let me take that wheel." Nay. He says, "The cap- tain knows- best, arid he will see us through" So may It be with us In life's voyage, May we step into the gospel ship and say to Jesus: "Master, Commander, wherever thou takest me I know it Is best' for me to go. Tell me what to do, and 3. will do it! But thou, 0 Divine Captain, stand upon the quarter deck and command, and all will be well." Some time ago a little girl was out driving with her father. Suddenly the horse ,shied, and in great "fright the daughter grabbed the reins from her. father's hand, and the lea.ping horse nearly caused an accident. With that the father said: "Daughter, never do that again. You should learn to trust' me, 3. svill not let any harm come to you when I have lield of the linee." We must walk by faith and not bY sight. We must let our God take us where he wilt Friend, child, are you ready to let God drive? Knowing that he loves us, will you (rust him even when you cannot always understand him? Drive on, thou King of kings, drive on! ' $100 Reward, $1%. The readers ef this paper will be pleased to learn that there Ts_ at least one dreaded disease that science' lees been able to oure in all 1 Ls stages, and 'that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure -is the only positive tune now known to the medical feeternity. Catarrh, being a constitutional dis- ease, requires a coustitp.tirmul treat- ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the. blood and mucous surfaces of the system, (thereby destroying the foun- dation of the disease, and giving the patient strength by building up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its woek. The proprietors have so tnuch faith in its euzative powers that they offersOne Hundred Dollars tor any ease that it fails to cure. Send for a list of testimon- ials!. Address F. J. CHENEY & CM, To- ledo, Ohio. • Sold by all druggists, 750. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. • Manitoba and Northwest Notes -The town semis:mil of Morris has offered three prizes, 48, 1$.5, and 02, tor Ithe Ithree beat ,eompositions of not Wore 'than 1,000 words -or less than 4300 isbowtng tee advantages of the town trout a. commercial and in- dustrial Standpoint -The !town ot Medicine Hat wants a ibiseuit !factory, a foundry, a itan- nery, 'knitting mills and other in- dustries. It is alaimed the cheapest power !and !fuel . Arnerica i f ar- nished (by .the natural gas at Medi- cine eat, which is to be 'had thi aburn.- datum. -As ethe tresult of a infeeting ac- entiantk which occurred in !the Stan- ley house,, Winkler, Manitoba, a young Than named Ste,ele, crupl.oyed by the (Northern Elevator Co., was shot through the palm of theright hand, !the bullet carrying away a piece of nue af the bones. -The inew howls ,erf Eaterhazey, filaSkatchewan, is going ahead. Be- sides a new mifl, bank and furnitare store going tap, there are !going to be (several private houses, and /near- ly !every ithLY there is talk of 'game of 'the business men enfazging their places ton tac$evint of increased trade. ' -The!balai*es-zof the Cirnand estate lying between Portage Avenue and the IA:ssinibeine elver, in Winnipeg, and ladinining the Tight of way of fhe 0, nT. Be Gretna branch, ou the east side, !was sold on Saturday for 030,00o tash. The iparca soeraprises between ten and eleven acres. Every self.res eeting man likes to appear well, and, -as his clothes long way towa as attaining that object, he must have his clothes , in the latest le and by the best tailors. ft our aim. to tn. clothes that fil these very iequirements. Our long experience iz business has enabled US to reach that perfection which only perience can g ie. Added to this, our staff of work people is the SAIL work is pe smelly inspected before it leaves the shop, and if right we make it right. you wish to be ell dressed, you must have clothes made by ub. with your nex order, and we will convince you of the genuinen our argument. IGH T BRO IS BEE'S, SLY:FORTH IA/13H OUR OWNER WOULD USE PATERSONS WIRE EDGE ROOFING AND KEEP .1,15 DRY: If you don't want siol poultry, keep tliem under Paterson's " e Ready Roofing Leaks and damptiese are bound to creep in if you roof the buildings wiUi shingles or tin. PATERSON'S "WIRE 3".1O:t4 " MAW roofs air -tight, water -proof and fire -proof - and lasts a lifetime. It keeps barns, chicken houses and tool sheds always dry. Cheaper than shingles. Yon can de the roofing yourself. Our booklet tells how. Write for it and a fiee sample of the best reoang made. Rai -aware dealers everywhere have it or will get it for you. PATERSON MFG. CO. Limited, Toronto and MenUesi a is WEAK TIRED WOMEN How many women there aee that get no re- freshreent from sleep. They wake in the morn- ing and feel tireder than when -they went to bed. They have a dizzy se the heazt palpitates; t and nervous, weak an the lightest household daySeene to be a drag. n in the head, are irritable ! worn out, and uties during the a burden..., MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS are the veryremedy tha, weak, nervous, tired out, sickly women need to restore them the blessings of goed health. They give sound, restfiil sleep, tone up the nerves, strengthen the heart, and Tnelre rich blood. Mrs McDonald, Portage la Prairie, Man4 writes: I was e troubled with shortness f breath, I palpi- tation of the heart and weak sp got four bone§ of lifilb rn's Elea and Nerve Fills, and after taking them I was completely cured. Price 50 cents per bog or three boaes for $1,25, all dealers or f,he The T. Mil- burn Co., Limited, Torono, Ont. Sore Throat ejn Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throe irritations in found in Cresolene Antieeppe Teeblets They combine the germicidal vaAte of Cresolenewitt 'oho soothing properties of slippei-yeelm and licorice, WO. MI Deueloote How Is Your cold, ; Everyplace you go you hear the same question asked. , Do you know that theta is nothing so dangerous as a neglected pold? Do.yois know that a nrIglected cold will tumult° Chronic Bronc ids, Pneumonia, disgusting Catarrh and the most deacay of all, the "White Plague,: Consumption. Many a life history weuld read different if, on the first appearaec,e of a cough, it hid been remedied with ! Dr. Wpod's Norway 1 - Pine 4yr u p This wonderful cough and oaki medicine contains all those very pine principles which make the pine woods so valuable ia the treatment of lung affections. Combined with this are Wild Cherry Bark and. the soothing, healing and ex- pectorant propertieS of other pectoral herbs and barks. , For Coughs, Colds; Bronchitis, Pain in the Cheat, Asthma, Croup, Whooping Cough, Hoarseness ow any affection of the Throat or Lungs. You will- find a sure cure in Dr. Weed's Norway Pine Syrup. Mrs. 0. N.. Loemer, Berwick, .5. mites: "1 have used Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup for coughs and colds, and have always found it toi give instant relief, / also recommended lit to one of my neigh- bors and she was More that pleased with the results." , Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup 9.5 et's. per betas at all dealers. Put up PM yellow wrapper, and three nine trees the -trade merit. Refuse bstiteites. There is only one Norway. Syrup and that one Is Dri Wood's, Notice t� Creditors. n the estate of Ellen Shea, late of the Towns Hilbert, in the County of Perth, Widow, ceased. , Notice is hereby given pursuant to R. S. 0., 129, Section 88, that all`pemons having claims the estate of the said E len Shea, who died 4th day of December, , are required on or the 1st day of May, 1900, to mid by peel: p deliver to a L. Kilior^ , Seaforth, Ontario, for Moine Shea, the administrator of the their names and addresses, full partionlare elaims, duly verified, and the nature of the if any, I :-.• by them. And notice is forth that after the said date the said administ proceed to distribute the asset', of the _ among, the persons entitled -thereto, having only to the claims ef which he shall then hav .T. L. KILLORAN, Seaforth, Ontario. Solicitor for the Admi Dated this 5th (tiro of .April, 1e06. DYSPEPSIA STOMACH 0130 a answer Goderseh rchr eaeka Trin the Del geons, MAY BE QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY CORED Or r.B.U.RDO:1( .noop BITTERS. Mr. P. A. Lebelle exasimakt, as follows; "I desire to thank you for your derful cure, Burdock Blood Bitters. Three years ago I had a very severe Dyspepsia. I tried five a the best dootc could find but they weld do me I was advised by a friend to try Blood Bitter e and to my great surp • teidng two bottles, I was so perfectly that I have not had a sign of Daspeesla 3. cannot probe it too highly to all rufferere.' my emoerience it is the best I ever'nscd. Notiee - ng for me like B.B.13. Don't accept a,stihstitute for Burdoc Bitters. There is notiaiog "just se 811 ea, a F SEEPS ok a a better Prices, tat' ion Represent the survival of the fittest. We have become the largestieed taeomin tee werld because our media arebeseer Vey" oMera. Do you wish to grow fee =et - beautiful Bowers and the Bneet vege, - fables? Plant the best seeds -For -41., 190e Seed Annual free to all applicants. Ds tn. irEltitY & CM, - Detroit, Mielse B, A SingleTI Harness Call and inspect our genuine trimmed harness at V0.00 ; value thau any $25.00 faetery We guarantee th-ern because we mak ourselves; material, style and q are the best. They are tbe best to be bad in single harness anti. will stake our reputation for good ness upon them, A complete stook of Bishop, way and Seskatehewan aU prices. as usual we have the very hue des in horse biankete. QuelitY bes5 and price* the lowest. M. BRODERICK, CADY BLOCK, SEAF0 E. pupil Oman eximin ty at '6' relict