The Huron Expositor, 1906-04-20, Page 29 nd an nor Cepon tea alone produces the Red Rose Jailor 7"1. 0 produce a tea with the 'rich fruity flavor" of Red Rose Tea from either Ceylon or Indian alone is hnpossible. Neither Indian nor Ceylon in itself possesses the Red Rose flavor, but combined in proper proportions they produce the "rich fruity flavor that has made Red,Rose Tea famous—that makes Red Rose Tea the only tea used in any home where it is once tried. ren ispooltor FRIDAY, iihpril 20, 1906. -1?he.,t of the Future'? We are living in a fast age and it might be 'well to pause Dar a mom- ent and ask oarselves: What ;of the tfuture Whither are 'twe drifting-? If some (enterprising people in this (country 'have their way, the 'Gov- ernments of the oduntry will soon own and control everything in sight and the people nothing. . If the Dominion Govermrient is to own and operate all the trunk dines of railway, the telegraph and 'tele- •alhone and the iexpress systems and the Provincial 'Government own and operate all the (feeder iries of steam =and electric 'railways; develop, trans- mit and distribute the electrical 'en- ergy to klrive all the machinery of the country, trine the railways and warm. the buildings and even Gook the victuals of the (people, and in • addition mine and snamrfa.ctuire, all the minerals, !what is there left for • private enterprise and -private cap- • ital. This is the goal aimed at by many a'gitators in this oountry. Under such a system the people, who Should be masters, would be- come the 'servants and serfs of the gov-erning bodies ta.s rn Rusdia and these governing bodiei avauld soon beeome as deapotio, asooxrtipt and as extravagant as the rulers of the most corrupt and despotic :European countries. Once the 'people get fair- ly enmeshed in the tolls they would be helpless to Tree themselves. .As in Russia even (revolution woad(' toot free them; It is !possible the people of, en- lightened -Canada (would not permit themselves to be 'brought to (such •depths, lout the tendency is in that (direction and there is even now danger ofthe tpresent clamor for State ownerahip !of all public (util- ities, forcing 'G,overiaraents to assume works •and reaponsibilities for whichthey were never designed under our System and tor which they are by aio means well qualified. !Under this clamor our Governments may oe Toned into -enterprises from which they will not be able to 're- cede withiout a great deal of dif- ficulty and at ruinous oost to thai people. There is not raunh danger of the Dominion Government 'ander the present pradeat and coolshea.do_ ed leaderehip. but it does seem as if our !Ontario Government are in danger of being stampeded by these blatant agitators. It is ;quite true that in the past, oar Governments, both =Dominion and Provincial, have given to corpora- tious rights and powers which sthey should not have had and these, in some instanies, have= been •abused and the !corporations '.\\t'\hus tailored .havc Shown a disposition to impose - upon the publio. But a section of our people now seem inclined to go as far in the opposite direction. They want (all powers and 'privileges withdrawn from the 'corporations and centred in the Governraents. • They say itlb.e !corporations are iatak- ing profits that should go . to the people and they are endeavoring to wrest from the people rights and privileges will cih the people should not part twith. Renee they say the Government must assume all the franchises, run all the enterprises and thus Gomm the people all the profits which 'now go to the corporations. This all sounds ;very plausible when 'Only one =side of the question is considered. But in order to get juatice from ithe cor- porations it is not necessary to wipe them out 'entirely and or the Gov- ernment to assume the functions s which they now perform, There is p .-atot a corporation or oompany that n is now serving the coantry that is , not npw or can not be placed under u direct Government control. Hence c if they are not performing the sera vices for which they are (designed to the satisfaction and advantage of the people, it is the fault of the peo- ple themselves as represented by °, their representatives in Parliginent. Mr any (corporation .which Jereroys a De • public franchise as ;reaping an ID"- u *We profit from that franchise or :111 is not giving the very best service ; possible, the 'Government have full ; power u.nder the laws of 'the land to I make such corporation or company la /disgorge its (profits and walk (up to ',a the mark • in point of !service. To J ° have this alone it is aaat at all airc.;. essary, as is now being agitated, •„n for the Government to take over that particular !industry and run it itself. For example, as if!the mat- ter of the developnaenti,i distribtu- lion and sale of electrical 'power from Niagara Falls, it is not neces- P ...Fury for • the 'Government to take a ;charge of that st apciaduseits work b in order that juatice may be dealt P' out to the !people. Private enter- R prise can do it far better and linore ;cheaply. The Government now thane fr full control. All they require •to 8 do is to 'stipulate the 'price at whieh a • the tervice "Should be furnished,the co stature of !the service be be rendered, St is good Tea T. 11. EiStalbr001I8 St. John, N.B., Torontore Winnipeg and privafte ;enterprise do 'the rest. If these tatipulatione are net enforced that as the fatult of the o mentory greem 'among intern 'for many a (year. The hbarge has ;sometimes O4 been field ;against mem.bers 'of the tIess, ithau Trona,. 032,580,000 ix 3 , 0,063, ',while the deficit csernot oes thetn 020,000,603, and May go over430,000,000. The report orys,1 th*t ouch a service were epitab- lathed fin Canada the annual deficit wild amount Ire millions of dollars, 'the !greater portion Of the burden failing upon ithe ' agricultural popu- lation. The !report !closes with the !statement that. in the opinion of t the wo officials the time has not arrived tfor the Canadian postoffice department Ito enter upon a rural free delivery etirviee. teetee....._erem • About Prince Arthur - AND HIS ATTENDANTS. 41.*•••..... The following about Prince Ar- thur, 'King Edward's 'faval orite eph- eer, who is at present (tearing thirou.gla Canada, will ioe tof (interest to our readers. The Pr nce arriv- ed tat ,Vancouver a oceapl of weeks )I ago, from (japan. He visi ed eeveral of the leading centres In ,ritish Col- umbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and (Manitoba, land ,is avow in Ontario and will be entertained in the lead- ing 'settles of this .Provinee and in •the sister Province of Quebec 'before fr his `Ideparture 'om this 'country, The Prince as returning' from his visit to :japan, 'whither he was sent by 4King Eaward to invest the Mik- ado with the Order of ithe .Garter. Such 'missions are ;not ;always easy to perform sueeesafully tint Prince Arthur rwas 'quite equal to 'the task, and ;when be left the Japanese shoees be bad Made a place Mor"him- aelf tin "the 'hearts of that ;wonderful no-tin 'th.at evill serve ' o keep ,h is Government, and not the weakne of the 'system. W1hy then 'assume:a the risks and mespongbilities • Of Id inq the twork themselves. The on object we can see tor doing so elS to grasp additional power and pm montage. The Canadian Tacific Railway an the political patronage "it afforde !kept Sir John'Oilacdionald in 'power !until his Ideath, and it would have kept him lin Power until the pres- lent day, lad the lived. The Iconatnao- ,- tion of It -he Eastern section. of the Grand Trunk ;Pacific 'Railway will . keep Sir Wilfrid !Laurier in power ; (until t -he twork is eompleted. If 'Mr. Whitney and his Government are permitted to undertake &he mining and ntanufactwring of the mineral reaources of lthe province ; the de- velopment, transmission =and sale or the electrical intergy -of 'I -Niagara Falls, and the 'running Of electrical railways, he an ;retain power for the rest (of this life. But, if this were the !worst of it, twe migtht snot complain. The proilrice. will plunged into tin immense debt land loss, and klemsoralization twill ensue. PThe present as a critical moment. The people Isihould. !tread •carefualy, and not allow themselves to be atana- pelted by the (agitators. .There is alo necessity P,Or it. If the Govern - meets cannot 'control the oorpota,a time they will not be able to (con- trol the enterprises ;which the :cor- porations now, (control. What the people shpauld insist upon is Priv- ate Enterprise' and efficient Gov - eminent control. • The iGovernment ,might as well einelertale to term all the public binds las to do the training and electrical ideveloping. The re- sult would lbe the same in the end. Whateiaer benefits (were going.wotild go to the (grafters, the poll c healers, and the large centres of trade, and the temerion (people in the rural districts weald have to pay the pipers while the ether fellows .darrced. asenanneeeseemee Not ,liCioking Hard. Referring to the Hotel -keepers' deputation, =which waited on the Do- minion ,Government some days ago, to !protest against • certain clauses lY rbyai tamily-th.at rthey are by X110 means coraely raoe. Prinoe Ar- thur:, illawefer, as quite good (look - is tall and well anado, 'and ;has t- (1 fair hair a.nd blne eyes that have d been' lassomated 'from 'tune immem- orial with the Anglo-Saxon.• . In His 24th Year. Prince Arthur Frederick Albert Patealck was born January 13, .1883, • and is the *only eon of Prince 'Ar- thur and Princes Louts, Duke and Duchess tof Oonnau.ght, &tighter of Prin e Frederick Charles of Prus- sia. 0 39 a grandson cif the late prinee consort. sHe is the only son di, ,of the Duke of Co naught, wto is certeiely 'one 'of t e moat popular members of the r .,yal family. His sisters 'are ;the Pnincess Gustav of Sweden, tvvto was -married only a- bouta year ago, and Princess Pat- ricia; or "Patsy,".. as those who kncet ther best are permitted to call 'nen alley 'have =always been a mast tenderly rattaehed grou.p, with that love 1 of "the simple life" which en many (members of the royal family :possess. Prince Artlitir is the favorite neph- ew of the Xing, whomhe represent- ed tat the ;marriage of the Crown Prince of 'Germany. Everyone knows • how 'gallantly he 4andwetred the call for men that Tang out when the South African mar began, and how he was attacked swith dysentery and invalided home. ;Many, stoo,'-will re- member ithat at the 'time of the death sof ;the late Dake of Saxe -Co- burg and 'Gotha, sor the Duke of Edinbugh, as the 'wee known in the British Isles, the duchy was offnr- ed .to ,Prince Arthur. Despite his Teutonic blood, 'however, the young airince (did not care at all tor the idea ,of occupying a German throne, so the ;crown passed to the, next in ,claim, the 'young Duke of Albany. An Amusing Incident. An amusing 'story is ;fold of the ;prince's experiences when the, went over ite ;the duchy. He is an enthus- iastic tennis ;player, and during his visit. he ;indulged several times lin this (spoil.. When be reached (home a- gain the 'remarked ;to a friend with some disgust : ” I couldn't go there, you. know, When Iplayed tennis they had guard's *stationed ail around the court to pick nip the balls," There is no doubt that at present, and es- fpecially since King Alfons() 'has of- fered this 'hand 'and heart to Prin- ces ,Ena of •Battenberg, he en.loys the (distinctton of being the (most eligible ibachelor in 'Europe. He is an accomplished athlete ovitli a preference ,fior polo and tennis. He (can ,ride his horse terms country with any man, and is, indeednjust a simple, (unaffected young English- man, with ;the 'Englishman's hanker- ing 'after the open air life _ a love of (clean ,sport and of tfair play, one whom this ,cou,ntry, remembering the evil (courses 'of the days of this grace- less ancestor, George ay., "the first gentleman sin Europe," may well feel proud ;to ;claim as their own. in 'Ulf: new liquor bill, the Toronto Star Gallery. Meek sizes up the sit- uation as follows: "The liquor men's deputation,one thousand (strong, • is still a lively topic. One of 'the most striking things about at was its cigars. Every fifth ,man was (pulling away at a weed as they came up the broad Walk to the Parliament buildings. - When they got to the foot of the kerand otair- case they all shed their smokes. .A,f-;, ter they shad gone the little nage boys picked gip two hundred and sixty ebuttst ranging in choiceness from diolapalooza Maduros 'to Zorra Laddies, 'with oork insoles and Span- ish Onions made of Essex (county to- bacoo and Tewkesbury 1111118tard. The reckless way in which theserig rs i. weft least asides a sure Nign he trade is not swffering. As a mat- er of fact the 'hotelmen are not kicking very (hard. They ifteurish on a sha- man weakness, and -they know they have gat to be good. If tbey %hadn't interviewed the Government the Do- minion Alliance would have said they .were only two well pleased with the bilhand might even have charged that :the 'Government was in the li- quor !interest. It was' good poli- tics all Tonna to, make a murmur. It gave Hanna a chance to tell them that what the said he. Stuck to-hthat he was, in ;short, no Harinanias." The Clock generally strikes the right (hour sat tbe right time,. The Toronto /3tar says: "It is said hat R. R. Gainey will be ,a, member of the nommiseion which it is under- thod that the Governmenteis toaAn- dint to ;conduct the mining bitssi- OSS lin the .Gilliesiiinit. He May e the ;chairman." f Heaven help the ommission land the mining busi- ness, land 'the .Gillies limit will need help even snore. At .th.e present rate f -going, ,the Province will Soon be ntirely Irma by commissions, and here will be ;nothing left for the eople's (representatives to do bat raw !their salaries. There is the ining toaaraission, the Temisoaming ailway commission, the - Niagara ower 'commission, the electric rail - ay tommiesion, the education com- ission, the ;university commission, nd svo do not knew bow many thers. When all those eommis- ions iget going wdrat a grand car- ival (the ;Tory heelers and grabbers, oth (high and JIOW, Will have. The =omissions will get the cream,and he people ;the ovhey. ..........._ -aT.he Postmaster General recently resented to the 'Howse of Commons report Of the investigation made y Mr. Wm. Smith, secretary lof the ostoffice department, and -Mr. Geo. oas, thief postoffice ' superintend- nt, into the workings of the rural 'ee 'delivery service in the ,United. bates. According to present plans, nd at the ;present rate of pay, the st ,of the serviee to the dfnitett des (this (year will Certainly be • Mr. Pope. • Mr. (Pope, who repreeents the(Do- n on govern the royal miion matent party, is 'the Chesterfield la the civil service. He 48 a Prince Edward ds - lander, and Ter many years filled the position of private secretary to Sir 'John A. Macdonald. His literary attainments tare considerable. Mr. Pope has written a number of inter- estieg historical articles which have been printed by the Royal So- eiety of Canada. His wife is a daugh- ter of Chief ;Justice Taschereau'of the (suers/ale Ociart of 'Canada. M. Pope's biograpby of. Sir John A. Macdonald is a well knOwn work. •,Lord 'RedesdOe. In attendance coo PAIince Arthur is Lord ,Redesdale: =He is a Baron and possesses the' same dual fanirry naines as the Earl of Redesdale whom d knew well by paine and re- pute ebetween ;forty anjl fifty years ago. Mlle twq (names Jare (Freeman ,Mitford. Our norning eisitor has in addition the Chtistian!l prefaces of Algetiatin'iiertram." So isaid one who lived in .Glouces- tershire, 'well nigh half a century since He had heard mach of the then Lord Redesdale, who 'vas a man much beloved but eccentric in some ways. Anecdotes were rife arou,nd Chipping :Norton, .Burtonoon-the- water, and at all meeting's of 'the Iletbrup ' :(so promitinced) bounds by the (cover side, of the ',last good thing; said :Or done by the Earl. For although la baron created in 1802 yet in 1877 he was an earl. This title became 'extinct in 1886. The Ear). had some 'great influence with. the man- agement of the greythorpe fox hounds, and ei the!provided the mounts tfor, huntsman and whipa, or aided iMr. Hull, ;M.P., the brewer, of Oxfotd, and niaater of the pack, in (providing the hoands themselves. Now rfoi 'one of the. (covert side tales told tby the Earl of Redesdale. It was oommon report that, except when swearing 'the handsome green uniLorm •of the Heythrope club or at Ionic great function w,hiela called for other scostume than those in or- dinary use, ;he dressed in London ike butl�r ancL in the leo try Inter a 'gamekeeper. Lord Ilyb on, the author Of 'The Laett- of the ; re one.' and many Other great works of .fictinte ,was in 'the great city. II.rd Redead'ale ;went tto tall upon blm on dome (political business shortly be- fore noon. Lytton s servants were on board twaiges. ICniowl,ng that the great author kept his Teed very late, the thairma.n of the committee of the House sof ;Lords (for each *as Redesdale) thud written a note t'c be. 'sent rap ibo th.e lted1100yn, if the oc pant thereof liad- 'not left it 1A. ring at the bell outside broagh a un'an in 'livery be 'the labor. "Is L Lytton in "Yes, Wan the re ly, but he is 'in bed." With this he extol:Ikea the mailer's dress, and o- ticed !that this attire was not t which indicated high rank. The is- itor (politely asked that the letter be taken nip to Lord !Lytton. "WdJL look aierii. pny anaxa" said the elle in ivery,, we are on board wages, lut if iyou Will take this jug and atm v.- - ter to that pub.' opposite, and 4et this (filled 'with beer, and here i abiglinig "for tit, il will take air; t1he note." Cheerfully )(lid Redesdale talke • the (jug and ;crossed the street to _the tpublic house. In the meantiMe the iservant went up to Lyttion'a room and ldelivered the note to the truant Whereof, who was dreisitig. The le'tter 'simply asked the greal author itio see his friend Redesdale.' "Show Dord tRedesdale -up at one." -shivering ,with alarm and fear the wretohed Iflunkey went down and 'met :Lord Redesdale with the dug full of filoazaing ale at the door. iHe blurted oust apology Ober apology, but was (met witi the daufghing reply "That is all ei It„ it is a poor in n that 'won't bell) another, so jUbt give me a glass of that ale before a go sup to ;your na'a(Ster, and here is a ' bob 'Dor arm to get it 'refill di presently." 'The present lortl,Reae dale was created in 1902 a baron, af- ter la, most distinguish.ed. literary and diplomatic eareer. Manitoba and Northwest Not s -A Icontract twas let fon an iV 800 ischool at Manton, Alta. -The !municipal Jtelephone serva in Hartney as naw in fUlf3:84 -The !curtain (Der the stage 11 Dauphin's new town hall will co t A350. -Hartney trate-'payers voted on 06,000 by-l-aw to +complete their $1 000 'town * '-Robert ilCinnan, Of Cottonwoo Sask., has ;sold ;halt qf his 080 at e farm for 01125,000. -Large, twell •broken 'oxen e n now be bought in North Battlefo di for from, 6150 to 4200 per ,yerke. --Oats &or feed are now 40 cen per bushel in Battleflord and tea o can 'not be engaged for less a n - M.0 !per kla.y. -Mr. ifrank IStaffin before lea ing (Elgin.. Manitoba, for Strassbur Saskatchewan, was igivvn a go d • Masonic ring. -Messrs. F. P. N-ewtoh and A. Armitage lhav=e (purchased the Jac son Weatherstone terra, ;consfating .f 480 acres, near Winnipeg, tor All, - 500. „ -The ifarmere who left Carmen district, Manitoba, last week re- quired 15 scars Ito carry their ef- fects to their new homes in Sas- katchewan. -On leaving iVirden for Peach - land, (British Columbia, Mr. Frank Wilaox, of IVird=en, was presented y the' tiVfethodist (church with a bea Ufa]. !solid gold 'chain and dock t. He was 'choir leader. —Many- of "the elder eettlers Southern 'Manitoba are selling Ott and goilig Ofurther west Ito tg-et more land. Five (families 'deft Pilot Mound in one day last week. -Four trains, carrying over taro thhutaand settlers arrived in ' C41 - glary one day labt week. They garlic from the 'western States and tOin- tart°. -John and Robert Pollack, of Elm Creek, (and formerly 'of Mord n, 'be6ore !leaving dor the old eount y vere leach presented swith a iit ase. --On 'leaving Maiden to enter to 11 a the Winnipeg general ;hospital train (Dor a nurse, ;Miss M. 'Patio was (presented with a purse ay filled 'with gold =mins, -The recent strike of •tne etr et ear employees ;of Winnipeg, which lasted about (ten days is %estimated • to shove cost #70,000 over $40,000 of which (falls on the Company. -Miss (Ethel a Colling, ;of Ripley, Ontario. (was' !married at the home iof 'Mr. and Mrs. 3. Lee in Virden, on the nOth alt., to Mr. IE. A. Mitchell' of Winnipeg, a leading druggist of that laity. -Rev. IA. Hood, pastor of Clegg Presbyterian chur oh in Southern Manitoba, on aeaving (for La Rix- iere, was given a gold docket sand chain tby 'members of the 'oongrega- don. -Tho Central 'hotel 1 Eaterhazey, ' Saskatchewan, (has been sold to , A. Shields ,for $16,000. This is t e third time this hotel has thong a hands twithin a year and each time at Ian advanced •prim. -Mr.. C. IF. Rumsey and Miss Mae Thompson, both of Meaford, On- tario, (were (married in Wi#nifieg Th'ursd'ay of dast week. They le the !city immediately tor their new home tin Carman, Manitoba. -Before (leaving thor 'British 0 J- umble Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dale, f Portage 'Plains, were presented wi .handsome (oak 'cabinet of ehased silverrand George 'and Ruth iDa e a ,watch, and ;bracelet respeetively., -A 'local option by-law was rat d on in the town of Carman last twee 1 and evas defeated. It requires two- thirds of the 'votes in favor Of the by -taw to earry it. Of , these 169 wort givei an -favor of the by-tas and 142 against it. -.I. W. Daly, a farmer sin Math "dropped dead ion the street in 'Mole • den, la /few days ago, He had dinn r at la 'hotel And was on this way to luw office Iwhen the fell (senseless o the aide (weak. Deceased !was fifty (years of .age. and 'came Co den on the morning train, in 'to neetion swith school 'ratters 1fo Mather. 0 I I IN 44 I • I N In Ni Mir I II I 11 I • 0 Start for a Good Salary By taking oneef our home study courses. To cons but a trifle, and only retiaires your spare time. Write to -day for partieu- Correspondence Department c. 8. COLLEGE, TORONTO W. H. SHAW, hincipal. , 1967-26 Get in line omakenzone A whole army of boys are makinguigall the money they want 8 THE_ IS_ ATURDAY EVENING Pan* a few hours a week after school. • n't luck; it isn't that they are a brighter than you; it int' that they have any better chances than you. They just took hold of the work heartily, and found that making money came lots easier than they expected. 'Most every- body who sees THE POST wants it. And what we want you. to do is to show THE POST to the people in your town, to get thetxt to let you deliver, it eVery week. In a few weeks you'll have a regular list of cus- tomers and be making money steadily. You don't need a, cent to start in. We send ten copies of THE POST free. Sell these at 5c. the copy and that furnishes all the money you need to boy further supplies. • Sit down. now and write us a letter that you want to get line tie make money and we'll send you everything you need to start. An education at any business college in the country free to boys who sell a certain number of copies, $250 in Extra Cash Prizes Each Month to Boys Who Do Good Work THE CURTIS PUBLISHING. COMPANY 1728 Arch St.. Philadelphia .w. 0 0 0 0 • COW 0411 Good • Looks • “PROGRESS BRAND" Clo hing not only lAhs good. It makes \men, 0 • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 0 is who wear it, look good. • • t This label is a.-- vbucheri for • • • (s. - , faultless quality. 1 : STEWART BROTIIRS 1:53=01=11112*XagEk3000EXtl=i' 1 The children #annot possibly have good health 1 kale 1 unless the bowels are in proper c ndition. A e sluggish liver gives a coated tongue, bad breath, constipated bowels. Correct all these by giving small doses of Ayer's Mils. Genuine liver pills, n gently laxative, all ve etable, sugar4 ated. ig wo lure me sweat We Ike fonaidas ei ad our 1,1. o. ere tim Chil re BISSELL 3 DRUM STEEL OLLER Has Draught Bracket giving low flOwe- hitell and removing ail nook weight Solid Pressed Steel Heeds of a special shape in all the Drums. Pine Large Aztt-Frialoo Boilers used in Boaringe. No centre bearing to out, squeal or grid. • None genuine without the name "BISSELL." 1- -Inquire of your Agenkor addresa T. E. BISSELL; ELOA, OT. Write for Booklet "M". (34.) He Looks Into The EYE! Dr. Montgomery The .Expert Shadow Test Specialibto will resume his 09uri3e �f Lectures -a THE ROBERTS DRUG STORE ON • •Wednesday, iApril 18th Pe has been engaged to teach his systetn of eigit testing to our Mr, Jack Roberts, who will, in the futtire have eharga of our optical department. While Dr, Montgomery is with us his service 3 will be ••Fires to The Public. His skill is wonderful, He looks into the eye and measures the defeet be it great or small. This engagement begins on Wednesday, April 18th and continues two weeks only. Every day fram 9 a. m. to 9 p. rn., iree examin- ations of the (334.8 will be conducted in our New Optical Room by Dr, Mont- gomery personally, who is Canada's most gifted specialist in eye sight testing and spectacle fitting. This is a grand opportunity and we fully believe that the public will appreciate our efforts -and come in large numbers and make this an !occasion long to be remembered by those who suffer from defective eight. Those who require glasses pay for matb/ial only. If you are not inter- ested, please show this to some one who may need help for the eyes. Dr. Montgomery straightens cross eyes with glasses. We are now booking ap- pointments. THE J S. ROBERTS DRUG • STORE SEA FORTH. YR TT - 20 AUCTION SALP.S. TGAGE sax of Farm Lan& in lay ehip.-Under and by virtue 41 the powe in a vertain mortgage, whieh has been and will be produced -at the time of fade offered for sale by public atietior on Tu h day of April, 1003, at one o'cloek moon, at Robert Johnston'e hotel, in the Zurich,by E. Bossenberry, Esquire, atee the following, property, namely :--the North Lot No. Five (5), m the Lake Road West von of the Townehip of flay, in the County of The property eonoiets of 527, acres of fit ,t -c -wowed faain lande, and is all tieared and d The premises aro built upon, are close to post schoolm, eliurehes and markets and often A o portunity to anyone looking for a desimbl 20 per cent, of the purchase money paid down ,it the time of sale and the balanc paid within; twenty days thereafter. If eati arrangements are come to, immediate pos,ess be given and part of the purchase nioney (tin on mortgage. Further particulars and eaudi sale will he made known on the day of sale an be procured in the meantime from the mule Dated at Seatorth this 411 day of April, 1900.! BAYS, Vendor's Solieitor ; E. BOSSENT Auctioneer. 1 • SALE, QHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE. --For Thorbred Shorthorn Bull, red in eolor months old. Apply on Lot 24, London Road, eremitli, or address Brucelield P. 0.3 W. R. BM • SHORTHORN nux.r. FOR SALE --For Shorthorn Bull, 19 mordhs old; a good a Apply on Lot 24, Concession 7, MeKillop, or MCRDIE, Winthrop P. 0., One, S HORTHORN BULL FOR SALE. -For Thorobred Shorthorn Bali, s 17 month oid red, w'th a little white. Prieeright. Apply 13 Ocelicesolon st, Tuckersmith or address 5 le P. 0.,Wal. OARNOCIIAN. ' 19814 T _MOBSTER SHEEP AND SHORTHORN 0 _Li FOR SALM-The undersigned has for sa eral Thoiobred Leicester Sheep and Durban] of both eexee. Address Egmondville P. ta„ or at faun, MW Road, Tuckesmith. ROBERT TERS & SONS. • i10B sitee,-5 Young Shorthorn Bulls, nt and heifers, choice anitaals,and of A 1 also one general purpose and 1 agricultural they are 5 years old, sound and good workers. the lowest and terms to side. Also 20th and Black Tartarian oats, clean, for seed. 311LNE, Ethel, Ont. - 1 QHORTHORN CATTLE -Seven firsteclass bulls, 2 from Imported cows, for sale at ate prices and on easy terms.; good young co heifers lass for gale. An interested are eordia vited to inspect the herd. Fano adjoins too distance telephone to farm. Vilite 1 r cote H. SMITH, Exeter. 1 Ti EGISTERED STOOK FOR SALE. -The Lb aigned offers for sale on Lot 27, Cone Plibbert townehip, a number of heifers and cows with calves nt foot, lryearling bull, 1 Ber bear 9 months old, a right good Knimal. The stock are MI registered in the National Stock cords.- Prices moderate,terms easy, visitors wel DAVID HILL, Staffa P. 0, 1 SHORTHORNS, -Choice bred bulls and fen different nes for sale, about two down to from. Primo reasonable, Hod now head " Countsylvanue" (56900). He is got by the scoteh bred imported stock on both sides,stoosy red in color, and well set on short kgs. TermS:-- re,listed cows $5 insured; others on appli Visitors vreleome. JOHN ELDER, liensall and Station. eis on oPvs- les TOR SALE OR TO RENT. CIRASS FARM TO RENT. -To rent, Lot 17, cession 4, lieliillop, 100 acres in grass. IV rented for a term of years. Apply to MORROW BROS., Seaforth. . Pasruss FARM To RENT. -East half o 17, Ooneesaion 8, McKillop, to rent for Good grass farni. Apply at Tilt ExPOStr011, 0 Seaforth. 1 GRASS FARM TO REM -East half of • Conceseion 3, alcKillop, good pastain Will be rented for a term of years. Apply on Concession 3, MeKillop. F. J. fileQU,AID, St. umbel.' P. 0. TO LET -The undersigned will rent his la the Luke Shore to a good tenant for a te- five }Tare. The farm consists of 210 seres of land,, nearly all under cultivation and in good dition. For full terms and, particulars apply at DANIEL SMITH, St. Joseph P. O. 1981. Deputy *raise( nd Thin ewe • For; For For Orli esat. • • Vor area roe d.OXIS asaa Nom- asedoa, d • I - netarans.-- arimeteidan ollustwan - .14ndesitarro FOOL_ Beigreve- • Mfingtom 150012-- ifin,Am, rrIMBER AND LUMBER FOR SALE. -For i. quantity of barn timber, square and in len tif from about 8 to 50 feet, also a quantity of hemlock lumber, plank and scantlitg. Parti tending to build during the coming eeason will it to their advantage to roll and see it on Lot Concession 5, IffeKillop. JAMES LOCILHART.. 1930 aeleaee IMPORTANT NOTICES. "DULL FOR SERVICE, -The undersigned b .1..) his farm, 2nd Coneeseion ot McKillop, Roxboro, that well known Aberdeen Polled A Dull. He is too well and favorably known to re comment. Terms, $1, payable .I.M111207 1st, R. G. MURDIE. 1999 ne The Celebrated English Cocoa. Ps - An admirable food, with its natural qualities intac hic excellent Cocoa main- tains the system in robust.:-- Y...ealth, and enables it to resiet •wiuter's extreme cold. The Most Nutrl and Economical. LUMBER LATH SMELES Planing Min and Lumber Yard- • N,'CLUFF at SONS • SEAFORtR , Money to Lon! Private and Company funds to lo‘ on Real security at lowest ell trent rates of interest. A, A, WATT, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Brucelleld, Ontario 959-tf NOTICE TO CREDITORS, AB pere6ne haying any claim apinst Ibe late Jo S. Roberts are requested, on or before the 4th day May, 11)99, to send full particulars of theinsaid ehs to • MRS. J. ROBERTS, Seaforth. NOTICE TO DEBTORS. All persons indebted to the estate of t John S. Roberts are requested to eall at the st Seaforth, on or before the above mentioned dat settle their accounts. 11108-4 MRS. 3, H. ROBERTS, Seaforth. 01 Cook's Cotton Root Com. I The great Uterine Tonle, 4.1 only safe effeetuat 7 -Son Regulator on which wasen depend. Solilin three derc of strength -No. 1, 1- 10 degrees stronger 3i for Rectal cases, Sold D.,v rat gal prepaid en £003,Pt Priee Free Painnblet. 0 K E .,TOKOKTQAMT. 4formerl