HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-04-06, Page 3If you are suffering from impure blood thin blood de- bility, .nervousness, exhaus- tion, you should begin at once with Ayer's Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have 'known all your life. Your doctor knows it, too. Ask hirnibout it. maim there h di4ny action of the bowels, palomino product's are absorbed, causing head- ;1441=tu tVsfit=tadfg=g.6$irttst -13% work: Ayer's ram aro liver Ole. Aar, putty, an vegetable. Nada Iv Z. C. Aitrroo..mowan,20114 Also manunCletareri of HAIR MGR. tiers41(,,iuricvpuRa,...,. We bivo no seorsts I W. 1111b21ch the formulas of all our naedleiritie. ED flour. _ he an achinery elf , ro- x�iient you cannot pro - ht wholesome ss the flour you ind that permits its e milling; =chin - cannot produce I DOLLAR MAKINC The at of saving money is making money. To dad saving • nioney require: a depoSit ot$1.00 `only in the . • Sovereign Bank of Canada* more than you or pastry out of 1 lour is made from rich in nutriment '- c,.s bread and ..'ng as well as _ = to be good in. ocer prerers:to rOalivie's Rawl -Flour because t 7 - r the value or a istomer. ow Rills N ovireal. Bok foe a C-ook," eons excellent nc4:003, ... had betore. Your 'tz how to fre el.00 und upwrda fe‘ T PAID 4 TIMES A YEAR. Put your money in *a. safe place where you can get it when you want it . . , 11ENSALTAVIA.;'`Iffi"- -. flZBPRIC litIATTEBS. plat led this. Tnor judge fheld iIsa1 of (proving that it wa 1 iftev.tea ans defendant, 'and _that he failed to do anent -Was Igerarited plaintiff for $1,- 036.67. Proceedings stayed 'thirty -4 suir-erest imItation of the well man that THERS EEL ROLLER a Drums and Stream Iliad )Eile impzovements are: Igeavy Trwlelc Neavy Steel Plata retedttu to stand any etre rings. Muni, like a bird. FuJi !res by mail, or ask your dealer.. In without' the name "B -r° 01: cut twit; Address isseLL, ELORA, ONT. 'rite for Booklet ".E.' YARDS AND ROW CROPS topst the machine at 12 Ib.. pressure starting again at 100lbs. pressure. Automatic Nrizzle Adjustor. insuring :correct direction a s;raY. Automatic Nozzle Protec tor. cuaran- Aeeing nozzles against clogging. Ei.erything ursctor control ol driver wit.out toping. la used and recommencle4 by the Dopertment of Agricultural. r. Send for BG it benhlet O. Agents. wanted. SPRAMOTOR CO., Y. 1..,ONDOf4.e 0,44* EAPEST he extra strength and superior. ip, PAGE FENCES are di; 1-.- Trecialwhitepaint,which 011, ..!,st ofgalvanizing, will lengthen vire for years. And, also, thie, white coating makes wire - much more sightly. Owing to the great strength and elasticity of PAGE fencing, one- third less posts are re- quired, thus reducing the. co‘it of the fencing. As you get in PAGE' FENCES One- half' snore fence strength*. greater protection against rust, better workmanship,. better appearance, use- less posts, can you afford fences, even though you could or one-half the price of the at, really ours cost you, y rnre. 408 'Gates or Lawn Fence.. i. Mitchell. • Clinton. Tr:a, Bay -field. See Bornholm. papitrieS & Sun, Wtton !. Dublin. : 11 attractive pieces or f, and a Couch and a- ▪ -ery one may have suels re. You will be able to, tou. -:eHase day. 3 zdabiished 1879. I Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Crip, Asthma, Diphtheria .1 Crosolanc Ls a boon to Asthmatics MFAOLI:N1110 a long estabilebed and iitandord reined radio &caw indicated. It cures because the air ren awl strongly antlsoptic is carried tbe illnetted sur- fAwo$ of tbo broach:al Wiles with every breath, giving prelouged and constant treatment. Those of a consump- tive timileney, or sulTerers from chronic brow:hitt', find Innuediato relief from coughs or Inflamed condition" tbstlireat. Varatemleno is sold by aloggists or sent pro. rmtpt, of price. • vspot.recoicee cu 6t inoioang a bottle of Citsokne $1.60. Bond for foie Militated booklet. .'0.3fnats Co.. Ltd., (teea,2ta S. JAZtlea et., entrftl; Canada. 806 rand Trunk Railway System. Ritliway TiMe TblO fralas leave &Morn as follows : leo a. at. For Clinton, Gederieh `gingham en Aineardine. 11.41-p. m. For Clinton and OtAerleh -115 p. Tn. For Olhaton, Winghars bnd Einew dine. 10.88 p. tn. For Clinton and Gederieh. 7.68 a. na For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, OMB North Bay and points weat ; Belleville and Peterhoro and points east. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon. real and paints east. For Stratford, Guelph and'Torento. London, Huron. and Brace. aws Nom- Passenger. lakdon, depart e 8.15 6.60' r 14 Centralia-- - -...• 9.18 5.43 9.80 6.64 _ 9.46 6.06 9.60 0.11 9.68 6,19 10.16 6.86 10,80 6.52 10.88 7.00 10.60 7.18 11.00 7.25 8.71 Pi ra. 143 P. m. ratite-raa.400 a* OW goo dm Eengig hes IS Pr ate Ririe?) e't ...We ewe * • 6 ei • Ire Clinton-. - eee •• ea.. • Londestoto - Myth- ave ma•• 40a 400'4.44 at• eke • • Rely-aye- VVingham . • Sorts- Wingham; depart.- .• Belgrave a.* ..e wes ea. ee ea* Blyth- • • • • nderalX4010 4440 aa ••• ••• _ ma war or *a • er vow Zraesflold.• or oof 44004 • Oa a4.0Pe'n0400 **** 6 616 616 6. Unto' wet Ceatralia. • ef *melee Be aee 8.45 6.16 L.112,10n, 01.1;1711,43).........,.., 9.45*. M. 6.10. Passenger. 6.4046K, 8.80 r, 6.62 8.44 7.66 B.E6 7.14 4.04 7.47 4.28 8.05 '• 8.19 8.15 4.47 8.22 4.62 8,86 5.05 Palmerston and Kin'cardine. r Mil Nowa ease. Pass. Mixed “ 7.56 p.m. 12.4., pan 6.80 aan Flthel... .. .. ..-.. 8,41 1.7 7.40 8.51 . 1.88 8.40 trifrovele............ 9.08 1.60 9.00 *Ingham.. .• .• .• 9.03 1.60 9.10 101149 SOUTH. PAM, Mixed. P480, Pringham.. .. .. .. 0.48 am 10.a40.m. 2.40 p.m Sinevale.. -.. - .. 0.62 10 66 2,49 tremolo... • ..• • . 7.05 11.26 8,02 Cthel-r.."••••••• 7.26 12.60 8.18 Talmerston...-.... 8.10 8.00 4.10 The Celebrated n 'fish Cocoa. . Ps, An admirable food, with, all its natural qualities intact. Thi c 'excellent Coca main- tains the system m robust &ea-1th, and enables it to resist winter's extreme cold. The Most Nutritious and Economical. MoKiliop Directory for 1906 zoHN M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. X. ROWLAND, Councillor, Walton , P. es MoQITAID, Oounoillor, St. Colura- ' ban, P. 0.• ROHN MoDOWELTS Councillor, Sea - forth P. O. • BYERMAN, Councillor, Brodiaag- 1 en P. O. 111.10HAE1_, MURDIE, Clerk, Winth- rop P. O. DAVID M. R.OSS, Treasurer, Winth- TC10 P. O.- OVOMON S. SHANNON, J. P., San- ! itare Inspector, Winthrop P. O. Wingham Business College Le a high grade Commercial School Three Courses : Commereial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin - 1.00: ROUND TRIP GODERICH TO ETROIT TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RETURNING JUNE 21 St'r GREYHOUND (Pronounced Si -keen), 2 Days In Detroit' 50c. Per Bottle LUMBER LATH SHINGLES Planing Mill and Lumber Yard 6.01.11 Y.% N14 CLUfF & SONS SEAFORTH Sore Throat and Coughs sienpie, effective nn safe remedy for ail throa irritations is found in Cresolene Antiseptic Tekblets They combine the germicidal value of Cresoltne witt "io ebothing properties of slippery elm and licorice. 10c. All Druggists Mite Tea Hygienic Packages Urs of Grand -Mogul Tea pronounce- it the beverage of good health. Grown on the sun -kissed mountains of Ceylon, it has the delicious and mellow flavor of purity. Prepared by machinery from plantation to cup. The packages, lined with air- tight paper, protedt it from store dust trid microbes. Never sold in bulk nor in poisonous lead. The effort to substitute some other tea to be "just as good" is the desire of Some dealers for an excessive profit on an . inferior article. Grand Mogul Tea ((Sold at 25c, 30c, 40, and 50e per pound. Look for the premium cou- pon and list of premiums in oach package. - Family Groups and Children's Photos Are a. Specialty with us. We do tlit kind of work you will be pleaeed with. We have exceptional facilities for mak- ing family groups and children's phatoF. Come in and see us. Picture Framing and Moulding. aa• 440440•44661 VACKSON BROS, Seaforth. HIS WIFE'S LUN BOTH AFFECTED But the Great Consumptive Preven. tative brought Health and liappi. ness to his tiome 44......44044••••004aam BOrielaOlre. (Too gate for last week.) Netese-Uiss Ida Parish spent a few days lest week the guest of her rimed, miss Rhoda lifunkint-L-Mr. I: ' eorge Ooppin IS convalesceaft atter 'rig on the sick, list for a oemple f weeks, -M -r. W. Hick, sr., has Leposed of his handsome driver, for hich be received the snug SW11. of 25. -Mr. R. Gunamow and W. vriek, jr.., have eaeh purchased band - me driving horsess-Mr. William. hompson, of Elms, spent ifiu.nday ith his cousin, Mr. Rerbe,rt Thomp- son. -Mr. and Mrs. R. Mowbray wells the 'guests of Mr,. and Mrs. 1561,. Hunkin, of "Maple Grove," on Sunday. ... it i To Cure a Cold in One Day , Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets/ Druggist:3 refund money if it fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25e. he In TOlden Days, 4 • Interesting sketohes op the early days ef Seaforth and vicinity, taken from the_files of The Ex- positor. , Zurich. , Notee.--There is not much. maple !sugar made in tilde district but eev- "eral have tapped their trees and are !getting a fair run of sap with whieb, Ito make syrup. -Mr. Fred. Hees, Eire - !celebrated .his 60th birthday on the 128th alt., by entertaining a number of his friend e at an oyster supper. Mr. -HMS looks as if he might !be good for 20 'years 'yet, That his shodew may never grow less is the wish of ,,his itia.ny friends. He is one of ottr oldest, best, most useful end most higitly respeeted ,:citizens. -Mr. joint Preeter and family had a very ; unpleasant experience the Sabbath before last. They were driving near Dag:heeled and when passing another rig they ventured too near the edge/ of the road bid the horse, marriage and passengers all went topsy bur- vey into the ditch svgaich is eraite deep at that point. Fortunately none a them were hurt and tao ser- ious iniu,ry Was done to the horse or carriage. -Mr. John Galster has a nine months cad • red cap pullet *Moat has a habit of laying eggs which measure seven an.d a half inches' the one way and over six inehes the other limy. These are the kind. of eggs wthioh. should be eold by weight. -The Herald of ladt week says: Mr. Segrais, 'Who -opened 'up a 'grocery' store in St: Josep.h ti few weeks ago, has disposed of his kook to i&;.T. J. Merner, of ells village, and has left for the wept. He had intended to leave See ihe west from Montreal, but Me. -'. itin induced bine to tonna to St, Joseple; He lis, no doubt, a 'poorer and a wiser Men through this experience. * • . T.3sborne. Death of Another Pioneer.-Miech surprise and deep and siocere regret was felt When it beeame known that Mr. Alexander Duncan had pas- sed !away very sudderily on the morning of Wednesday of last week, March 28. He was 77 yeare of eq. Since the death ef this wife some six years ago Mr. Duncan had made his home with his son, David, on the 12th concession. On the morning named he arose as usual and ih.ad jast finished his morning wash, Niii1011 he was stricken with heart failure and died a few minutes af- terwards. His heart had been afs feeted for aboet a year, 'bot th re ii le was no reason to suppose his takir off would, come at this time. r. Duncan came to Canada from Sete - land when 22 years of age, arid lived . for three, years at Pickering pre - Violas to moving tio Usborrie, . Where . he cleaved a farm" and had resided. - ever since. He was one of the eturdy pioneers who did well his- ehare to leave his adopted country-. better than he found it. .He was 0.: man of much more than ordinary ability and intelligence. Be Was a. fluent speaker and a ready writer and greatly enjoyed a controversy and was usually able to hold this own e:ither with voice or pee, 'while he was a' man of very independent mind who thought 'for bimgelf and acted accordingly, He 'took -a. deep and active interest in public affairs Ord held mane positions of trust in this municipality where he had. lived SO long.- He was, ..lso, ,C016 of the founders of the Alsberne and I:Tib- bs-et Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and was closely connehted with It for many years. In sort, he, was a ihost fueeful man in the eommunity. In „ polities the was a staunch Liberal and before the infirraities of age overtook him there were few politi- cal conventions or other gatherings . at Which be was not an active and leading figure. The decay of sueh a man is a public loss. The deceased is euevived by three sons and four dafiegihters. They are Mrs. Robb, of Stratford; Mrs. McKenzie, of Bort Arthur • jobat on the homestead; Mrs. Vim. Monteith; Thames load; David, willi whom deceased resided; Themes of Winnipeg, and Mrs. A. Mueser, of 13tratford. The funeral took place on Friday and the. Ire - mains were, interred in Roy's ceme- tery, near Farqdhar, --ea. A Guaranteed Oure for Piles. Itehing, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6. to 14 days. 500. 0 Deferred Cases. The 'followingoases were heard: at the 'recent assize comet at 01°de- -rich 'but !were not then finally dis- posed of : . Sbargeoa vs. 1 Port Ritawell (Fish Cornpany.-This is the case *briought by Mr, e Sbargeon.-of 4ayfields tor, damages for the, slefo-voising of his SOD while in the -employ of the de- fendant company. - The case was heard at :Goderich and it will be re- membered that certain' guestions were answered by the jury. These 1140st-ions and answers were con- sidered by (Judge Magee. at lasgecide hall fon Saturday, the 24th inst., when, after !hearing ,argument 'by the .sarne icounliel svilao were engaged, on -the trial, he held !that the an- swers given by the jtery were nob suifficient to entitle the plaintiff to a judgement, attd the therefore dis- missed the (action with costs. Oro- ceedings stayed thirty days. We are iieforraed that the, plaintiff intends 'forthwith to appeal to a divisional couat. 3Yfareson vs. 'Landsboreugh.-This was one of the oases left lover fnora th'e °Gederich assizes and was tried before ledge Magee at Osg-oode Hall, on Satorday, lela.rch 24th. The action area brought by the plaintiff, a widow, tresiding in the township of Tuckersimith, to recover the alum of $1,000 for mon'ey lent, ap she al- leged, to the defendant. The de- fetelent did Opt deny th`a,t he got' the money, het the claimed' that it I was a gift from'the plaintiff to her I klpughter, the klefondant's :wife. The "Our doctor said there was no cure for my wife as both her lungs were affected," says Mr. L. FL Walter, of Pearl Street, Frackville, Ont. "It was a sad disap- pointment to us both, just starting out in life, only married a short time. But before she had finished the first bottle of Psychine the pain in her lungs quickly went away, and after taking six bottles Mrs. Walter was a new creature and perfectly well again." That is just one of the may families into which Psychine has brought hope, , health and happiness. It is a living proot that Psychipe cures Consumption. But don't wait for Consumption. Cure your LaGrippe, your Cough, your Bronchitis, your Catarrh, or your Pneumonia with the remedy that never fails - 3Z63:=3333333;323331133. PSYCHIN Write E. H. Ayer, Agent, Detroit' fox particulars. 46, Larger sizes Si and 82-aii druggists. WI. T. 14, SLOCUM0 Limitede Toronto. Seaforth, Jane 18, 1869. Nr. George McPhillips, P. L. S., Z. E., of this village, has been ap- pointed eueveyor ,on a section of the Toronto and Nipissing railway, between Stauffyille and Uxbridge. Cline Bros„ have, purchased the banknueit stock of James Elliott. The Tuckersmith A.grieuftural So- ciety have let the contract for Me agrieultural hall to Mr. T. Downey. The building will be about the same -description as the Seaferth market house and will c,ost about $1,000. Yesterday afternoon the drain which is being made on Main; street .1 caved in on two' Workmen,. W711. 1 Moore was not serkolusly- hurt but I Owen Monahan, who was in astoep- ing 'position when the cave in 'fee- ,euered was completely buried, end before be, could be 'gottee out life was extinct4 aumlay night some elersan left, a male infant, about 'a moatb, old, !on the front doorstep 'at the home et Robert Armstrong, When found in the morning the 'child was nearly - famished with the -cold and damp. The village council offer a hand- some reward for the discovery of the person Wboodeserted tlfie child. • Seaforth, Mune 25, 4869. On !Saturday a son of Mr. Car- - miehael was driving two little- girls do ughters of Mr. Veal, in a`bagge, when a lumber ;wagon ran into it, throwing the little girls out and in- jarieg them. A son of Duncan McDonald, of Mc - fell of 'a log the other day, !breaking his arra. One evening last week a coramerL cial traveller fell into one of those many man 'traps, -that tte Seatorth sidewalks present. His leg end face were coneiderably eat and' bruised, and hie clothes badly damaged.- -- al Seaforth, Arlo/ 2, 1869. " Jeremiah Seattera died at the res- idence of his brother on Monday of laet week. Hefert disease ' and gen- era drepsy was the .catuse, of death. He was 31 years of age. A gaane of 'baseball was played .here yeeterday between. Airdeyville and Seafferth ; •seers, Seaforth, 57, Ainleyville, 31. We terve aeample of wheat grown on the farm of David Dorrance, lot coneession, MeKil1ap, which. meas- ures 4 feet. 11 indica long. About two weeks ago the wife 'a Nathaniel Middleraiss, of McKillop, died, of an attaek of dysentery,- with- in a week ef that time the only child died, and on Monday last Mr. Middlemiss +himself went ;bhp way of the other members of the fam- ily. On Saturday, Sunday and Monday this pert of the country was visited by very heavy 'rains, causing 8410h floods as have been anparalled for years. Bridges have been Swept a- , way and damaged in many ways. The ,one over the gaititand, between the ,3rd and 4th concessions, Hallett, -was cleaned off entirely, sebile those . at Roxboro and the bownline, Hal- ; lett and McKillop, barely escaped serious !damages. , Seaforth, -Glule 9, 1869. Mr.. Joseph; Briine, Harparhey, recently set a then on 12 duck eggs, from whipla thirteen duoks were hat- ched. The friends of Dz. Campbfr11, af Peborne, will dioubtless be pleased tO hear that he is about beginning practice in Seeforth. The Irishtown ieraeteri 'was eon- eocrated. on Sunday,. Those taking peat in the ecevices were Right Rev. Dr. Welsh, Bishop •of Sandwich; Rey. Fetters Eagan,- Oulett, and ; 1‘-r-- . Seaortia, jelly 16, 1869, Walter McMillen, of lYfeKillop, ' one of the pioneers of Huron 'dis- trict, died on Tuesday last, aged ' 74 years. " i Haying has commenced in this ' eeetion. The crap is eery heavy, in - alrapst :every case giving 3 tens' to ` the acre. 1 On Monds.y, a young man -named , . Anderson was winking in the Mar - .Inert House, w -hen :he fell and was ,oarught on a meat shook, belowthe lower lip. The Mechanics' Institute will be opened •on Tharsday next. It con- tains 'about $400 worth of harem - Seaforth, July 23, 1869. David D•orranee is e:gain to the fnont with tall wheat, this time it ineeeares 6 feet, 3 latches. The 'return baseball game with Ainleyville was played in that place on Saturday last, which resulted in a vietory for Seaforth by .20 runs, During the Storm on Tuesday last the house of Mr. J. McDowell, Me- Kiliop, was struck by lightning. Some damage was done, bat no per - eon was injured. .. 0 Perth Items. -DT. Aemstrong, of Mitchell,. has Veen ,eppointtd associate corenereflor Perth. e -The Mitchell Methodiet ohureh has decided to ereet a new pa.rsdis: age on the lot west of the &torch, -Knox °bomb, oSt. Marys, hes been fortunate enough to receive a handsome dionetion of $1,500 2rIC931 an out of town friend. -Mr. A. M. Campbell has resigned as manager of the Merehants' Bank, Stratford, to enter temirtess in Mon- treal. -Mrs. Thomas Leggett, of TIogan, has, daring the year, had air ankle sprained, a leg broken, and now an !arna has been broken. -Mr. Abe Davidson, of the Hicks House, Mitchell, has purchased the 100 ace farm of the late Dominick Waters, Logan, The price was in the neighborhood pf $5,200. -Mr. George H. Douglas, who for a number ef years has been one of Stretford's most eireeessful business men, was recently tendered a ban - (met 'by tale II3ca‘rd -of Trade of that eity. On account of not being able to seetzre the help necessary to carry on their clothing business in Strat- fiord the 'company of which Mr. Douglae ie. head has -ilwided tPilkora 1 to id 111 ^St the at' -eipal, will be MUM -Mr. J. T.I. Stratford, bee ,, his 25th 'jotereey aer.oes the Atlentei. Be spetnt eom time in hie old home iixilatigrla. anaeaShire and visited the :pottery -Mr. L. R Beidgmern, who has io labored so f Ithfully in con.nection with the wor at training the .2".'M. O. A. Male e has, Stratford, was Made the isec ent of a cheque and. an address t e other evening. -Mrs. Lydia Shillinglaw, of Mit- chell, who has juast .passed an exam- ination in the nursing icospital, 'To- rbnto, with honorin every sufb-jeet, has aceepted a situation in Auburn, .Y. -Mr. and Mrs, Themem Annis, of the Huron ree.d, -near Mitchell, re- cently celebreted their silver wed- ding. „About ' 70 guests we're pre- sent, Mr. •Aenis presented his wife with a gold watch and chain and a ring. 1 ' -Mr. Wm. 'Gibson, of Los Angeles, California, who, was born and lived in Stratford ! 'until some six years ago, was matried a ,short tirne. ago to Miss Clare Reid, of Los Angeles. Mr. Gibson Wes for may years one of Stratford'S best lacrosse, players. -Miss Mabel Hawkins was mar- ried on Maroh 28th at the, home of Mr. and Mule George Bradley, near St. Marys to Mr. Robert Cooper, whose, farm ii3 On the scestfic bee/Wary of BlanelharcL Rev. H. A: Graham performed the ceremony. . -The Methedist eleureb, Mitchell, has bought the ravine from the *Id Awty eetate , and addedit to their cemetery. Tbe price paid for the ad- dition was ebneething over $300, and The susn wae paid over by Mr. H. Catn.pbell eat a the Anthony Bowe bequest. -Fire broke oat in en ei la the ward seatoole,' Stratford, )ast 'Saber- Cliay. The etrrestaker was in the building at the time and ,save the elerm. The ! fire occurred from a °defective ch*mney connected with a tore in the- besement. The less will be about $ 0 and the school has been closed for repairs. -The th e year old son d Mr. Wm. MoKe zie, a Logan, met with a bad accident last week. The little fellow fell thr.ouigh a trap door on the mai barn floor to the ce- ment floor in the basement. On examination it was found that the little boy's less was broken in two places betw n the knee an!d thagh. i -Mr. at Mrs. J. C. Fuller, of i Mitehell, c lebrated their leolden wedding on Monday, March 26th. The family _ of sir Children and twenty-eigh grand-ehildren were present, en many costly presents were receiv d. A very compliment- ary address was presented the aged Coapie by tli e Home Department •of the Method st churoh. -Last we k Martha Jane, daugh- tee of Mr W. S. Smith, Whirl Creek farm Logan, Teased away after a lin ing illness at the age of 30 year Deceased had been in poor healt • for !about twO years, and althou ill everything -was done that mine l skill and Mother and sister could do, all was of no avail. Shietoshvoiafta m Taber of Trinity church, x -Me. W . Seaten, of St. Marys, had a team of horses valued at $300 killed at t e railway crossing one morning las week. A freight train passeda and affr. Beaten proceeded 'to cross when the re'gtalar passenger train came along. The horses be- ageable and get in the train. Both wer-e killed aing, of Mitchell, after over seven years,"'pas- Tuesday morning at tbe ars. Reecame to Mitch - 1 .L6 week and by the: citizens. . China an, retuened •-froni came alma way of -the outright. an illness o sed away on age of 86 y ell about 46 years ago, and has been a resident Of the town ever since, with the exception, of Some fear years, when be lived near Basseldale. He leaves fiear sons,' five daughters an4 a, large 'estate. - -An intfireoting elopement was nipped in the bud be the police in Stratford one evening' not long ago. The young couple came f110333. Mil- verton, thej lady being a daughter of a -well knorcrn business man there and tlre mati one of his employees. As his &Righter is only fifteen the father objected to the marriage. The young Seruple decided to drive to Stratford and be married but their absenefr wee discovered and a telephone message to the. Stratford police gave the latter power to pre- vent the marriage. The father took the daughter home but declined to prosecute the man. -The Mitchell Advocate of last week seys: A telephone message brought the, expected news to town on :Sunday that Albert I. Babb had passed aw'ay at 8 as rn., at the West- ern HosPital, Toronto. For a few days he had lingered between life 'and -death and the doctors held oat no hope for his recovery. He and Mrs. Babb let. their home at Mil- bank about three weeks ago' to. make their spring purchases in Toronto, While ixi the city he consulted: a specialist in regard to his' healt}b, which had not been good of late. The day after bis arrival his remoVal to the hospital was found necessary, but although everything possible was done mor him he continued 'bo grow Worm, until death took place. De- ceased was born and raised in Mit- chell, bat about ten years ago mov- ed to Millbank, where he has ever since conducted a general store. He was amive.rsally respected, and his st rai glatfo rward business dealings commended him to all with whom he came in oonlace. Besides his wife, • daughter and foux sons eurvive .e HEALTH IN TE HOME aa.0. Baby's Own Tablets axe equally good for little iciabiee .or big chile dren. If. a child is suffering from any of the minor ille of ehildhOod few doses of the Tableta will care it, And an occasional dose to the swell preventesickness, Mrs. A. M• ereier, Riviere Ouelle, S'aYs " My baby was cress, irritable, aid not sleep at night, and did not eeem to .thrive„ but since, giving her Baby's Ovin Tablets all this is chaeged. She new eats well, sleeps well and ie 'growing fat, The Tab- lets have proved a blessing to both myself and the child." So say all m,others w.ho have used this .medi- cine. Baby's Own Tablets 'are sold by all dnaggists,or you can get them frera The Dr.Williams' Medicine Brockville, Ont„ at 25 cent e a box. -Mrs. MoLarty-, n. widow, 00 !veers qf age, Jiving in Yarmouth, while bopping with her daughter, Mrs. Penball, in St. Thomas, was taken eaddenly ill, and expired in a cab in hor daloghtees arms. 1I Satisfaction oryoux adalmaimeaas6606•466.4616606•4004.446664604646.46.64646460■66404/46.04 o ey Ba ONLY ONE 'It FILL EASTER Probably Easter ha crept upon you unawares. You may not have reaiiz ed its nearness,or pre- pared for its arrival. We, however, have been pre- paring for it for the last month. Case siter case of clothing, suitings, hats, shirts, ties, etc,, etc.,have been arriving almost daily, until our store is now bristling with Easter brightness in everything in men's wear that is stylish, new, neat and up-to-date. VROGRESS .BRAND CLOTHING . Hundreds °if men and the number is Inc asing-havt become converts to ProgreSs Brand Clothing, because the quality is there and stays there. The form is right, and stays right, the st3rlish cut is there, the workmanship ie there, and the difference between. oar prices and those -of other brands is'Sanded back to you in coin of the realm. AU the new things for Spring wear in stylish light overcoats and raincoats are now lined up for approval, and you are invited to call if only to see w what. Leading Prices- $7.50: $. 0* $12 MeaMitiEMOINNIONsmow.00ANNINIMPAVESIMWRIk - ' SPRI3STL.7.- 1-1AMS. o u r un usual coLection 'of Spring Hats, ipdicatirg the trend. of Fashion for the coming season. offers unlimited choice to every man and a becoming shape for ev- ery face. Hats of the most reliable char- acter, made by famous English., Italian, American and Canadian makers in latea styles,varied. widths of brims, and ht crowns in all the newest colors. PRIOES, Q esneeee. FarniSh:di Our display of new spring stvl n Men's Furnishings is an emphatic demonstration o leadership of this store in m apparel. SHIRTS IT 1.00- A special line of the famous W.' G. kT; Shirts, shirts of flue elegance that bespeak their worth at a glance. Solt front, pleated or laundered bosoms, splendid assortments of new stripes, figures and checks SPEOiAL PRICE, $1_00* We also have a particularly attractive nn.e, prettily s ed and figured, soft bosoms, carmbrics and fancy Araert cloths. Price 75, 85 and 90c. CTies....250 for new nec...kwear of ollars . that defy the Janar,- ., the choicest imprted 4 aply Itnen, ' doun, m , uy, silks, light, medium and darksr.ades: with reinforced edges . W . G. stitched, hail& worlied button. holes, four -in -bands graduating ends, strings hook -ens and bowsVrdues that can - or Austrian brands in all styles and . not readily be duplieated. heights. 2 for 25c and 3 for 500. A-.4--va 50C grand assortment of new imported four-' tiy that mean antis action --.A. in -hands exeeecihig in variety and ---- speciul line of men's fine value alt previous seasons. These ,re- 1 black cashmere, plain and ribtted versible silk ties, come in the latest worsted sox. Strongly built, spliced spring and summer shades, heel and. toe. Price 25e, HO FOR THE WEST. Maps, pamphlets and all information via 0. II, R. to the Oanadian wet. To the coast for $43.O5 ; Vietoria,.Vanoeuver, Seattle, Tacoma, e commencing February 15th, until April 7th, 1006. Apply to STEWART BROS. Agents for CsPzil. Telegraph and Tickets AND DOMINION BXPRE S