HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-30, Page 8-
Mt No. 9 hard steel wires. 'Nothing
can put it out of shape, or go through it,
under or over it. Stayed caul locked to
avoid all elipping.. Heavily galvanized to
preveet rust. Nothing- better made. We
want every fence builder to see it. Just;
let usirnow and, we will show you.
t 1
As Spring opens up, our store will
be complete in all its departro.ents.
(live us a call for hardware, of all
kinds, You will find our prices very
low. 0
Estimatea cheerfully furnished on
furnace heating, roofing tinsmith and
vanized. hon work all kinds.
We have in stock a full supply of
he best anthracite and soft coal.
•Leave your orders with 119)
Hardware, Stoves and Coal.
- '
Capital. Fully Paid Up -438,000,000.0o
Reserve Fund and un.
divided Profits 3,749,000
Deposits by Public $34,100,000
Total Aasets 443400,000
Every fatality for the transacting of a
rennet banking business.
tolleetions inade on al) points in Canada
end abroad.
Advances made to Fainters. Special st-
ention peid to the collection of•Sale Notes.
Deposits of $1.00 and upwards received.
sea interest, paid oredded dune 30th and
December 3eitt, Withdrawals may be
made at any time.
R. S. HAYS, Mottos
James Watson,
Successor to W. N. Watson
General* Fire, Life and Accident Insur-
ance agent, Real Eitate and Loan
Dealer in first olase family and islanuface
miring Sewing Machines and Cream
Sepsratora, viz. : •
New Raymond and White Sewing
Machine*, and -National and
Uneeda Cream SePiratore.
Also sewing machine needles, oil, &Una].
.meute, repairs and sundries for all
kinds of *awing machines. .
With over 25 years experience n tbe above
businent you can rest asnued of prices
right, square dtalieg and eatasfaction
guarantee& '
TatiVIVOQO Agent, and dealer In Sewing Maohine
and Sloyeles. North main street, &Worth.
There is a Reason
Why our wEitchea give euth gond
aatisisetion. Itn course, we try to make
sure that they are of the right make
before we bap them, but that's not
all. Two wetobes- that look alike may
run altogether dIfferenb.
Watches are usually delivered to the
retail iewellees by travelling sidemen,
from their trunks, which •often get
rough usage On the railroads.
We have mire made and named for
us specially at the factory and in this
way we are lure they are no old stook
and have had no careless handling.
Our men's watch at $7 we will guar-
antee a reliable time piece.
John Bulger,
Jeweller, e - - -r Seaforth
Marriage Licenses issued.
• Pianos Organs and Sewing
We are reducing our stook in then lines
before selling. Mb our Seaforth business.
Any one who ts in need of anything in our
line, eau save some money, as stook 11111.0
be reduced by May 1st.
Ail accounts owirg must he paid before
that date, as after May lat Mr. John
'Beattie will have accounts for collection.
G. M. Baldwin & eon
Spring term °pent on April 2ncl.
Why should you content youraelf in
the ordinary walks of life when you can,
better your condition by taking a eourie
in this sohool We give, a 0/trough
• practical edueetion and again enr grad-
uates to pen positione. (limmence
your course now. Write for partiou.
—We carry a Choice Line of—
Try U3 for an EASY SHAVE and
Opposite the •Commercial Hotel
Trayellers.- The following ,' were
ticketed out this Week by Stewart
Brothers, C. I'. Ra agents, Seaforth:
W. J. Shannon. Leadbary, to Lau-
der, Manitoba ; Alex. W. Smith, Sea-
fortn, to Saskatooni Saskatehewan;
Thomas Broderick, Settfortfa, ., to
Souris.., Manitoba; A. j. Ilelbein, of
Seatarth, to Saakateon, Saskatchee
-Tbe 1foI1oWthg were ticketed to
distant't,otnts• this week by W.Som-
erville, . T. R. agent for the town:
Wm. McMichael and Rebertt Coats,
Seaforth, tot- Blackfoot, Idaho; Mrs.'.
George li'Viltse, Seafortli, to Mame
Jew; Mark ' Patterson,. to Larder,:
,Idichigan ; Mayor Willis, to Mon-
treal; Durtea.n MOCallum, to De-
troit ; -Miss Lillian* Bristow, 'Ege
niandville, to Lima, Ohio.
• ,..
A Fur Challenget-As there has
been r.onsiderable difference of ope
inion about the melte of the pro.
geny off the, dr:eaglet horse Sines in
this seetiert, for the benefit of the'
breeders I will put :up $10 with' the
treasurer Of the Huron county Sale
and Stock ;Exhibition to be held at
Clintee - on April 5th. Let any ef
the 'Other etallien owners do the.
same." Winner to take elle This
offer is for family t_of five colts cif
1905, strictly the progeny of the
one namod sire. Name of breeder
and owner of each colt to accompany
entry an all canes, Any one making
false statements to be deprived of
their iaward. As Mr. Beath is tudge
we lean! expect amprejudiced deals -
lone. Coropetitien to take place at
Clinton on April 5th. NICOLAS
A Sad Death, -Word was received
here on 'Friday last of the death:
at Milestone, Manitoba, of Tteema.s
MeThlteld, son •of Mrs. D. McDon-
ald, of the 3rd coneession of Mc-
Killop. Mr. McDonald: had: only
left heee a couple ef weeks 'previous
for Milestone where he Intended
engaging in the blacksmithing. bus-
iness. When the left here he was
'apparently in the best Of health and
the-enews Of his sadden death. was ‘9.,
great she,* to his friends. At the
time o -f wittieg we have learned no
'particulars of the tuelaneleily Affair.
The -sincerest sympathy of ,all will
extended to his mother and ,titti
other members of the family: -
-Since the above was written, we
rearn that MT. MCD4011Pad, wha was
Staying with • hie brother-in-law, Mr.
'Joseph C. Morrison, at , Mileetone,
was taken with pneumonia. en March
17th, and died tne following Friday,
Ile had only. reached Milegbone a
.couple of days before he was taken
int and had written to his brother,
saying he was well, • and intended'
starting 'work the next day Deceas-
ed.was 41 yeart of age.
Council Meeting. -A special meet-
ing Of the council was held. on
Thursday evening 1A last week. The
property: committee were inetrueted
te have the cells in the town half
properly arranged and repaired as
soon as possible. A by-law. etuthor-
izing the mayor and. treasurer to
initest $2,500 . of the sinking fund
in'local im.ptavement debentures and
$4,500 in first mortgages on farm
property pa.ssea. tAperiAl committee
appeinted to arrange cota the Elec-
tric Light Company for -the renew -
yel on the franehi for the lighting
of the town repo ed that the com-
pany and theedoni ittee had mutu-
ally agreed on the following terms:
1. -Franchise for five years- from*.
March •1st, 1906; 2. -'-Company to
furnish seventeen are lights for
streets of at least 2,000 candle pow-
er; 3,e -Lamps to be lighted at dusk
and until 12 o'clock midnight; 4 --
Street lamp?, to be ram for 300
nignts in each year, and to be kept
in good 'order and rum to the satis-
faction of the town (tone:toil; 5. -Ten
lamps to be replaced by new eines
within One year; 6. -Light for town
hall to be charged at ardioary rate
charged for .etteres ; 7, -The town to
pay $66 per lamp per year for street
laps fro March' /1st, 1906; fl. -A
fixed assessment of $4,000 per year;
9. -Town to, tarnish. water to com-
pany when attailable at 3 cents per
1,000 gallons; 10. -Tax and water
rate for 1905 t. be same as fixed on
in this agreement. This report was
'e.pproved cif by the 'council and, the.
town -solicitor was Instructed to
have an a,greenaent based thereon
The Paving ofMain Street. -The
by-law passed by the town council
a, short time ago previding for the
paving of Main street frent &ode -
rich street to the tailwey station
is now invalid. In order to inval-
idate the by-law it was necessary
that fifty , per' • Cent, of the pro-
perty owners immediately affected
and representing at least fifty per
. cent. of the assessed value of the
property, sh,auld ,petition against it.
The time for petitioning expired on
Friday and the requisite pdtition
was lodgedwith the clerk cet that
day. There are 51 property own-
ers in the district and of these 35
signed the. prohibitory petition. The
assessed value of the property is
n1152,860. This inetudes the whole of
the property of the Grand Trunk
Railway Oompa.ny, whieh is assessed
in one block, whereas only a portion
-of it would be gubject to the provist
ions af the by-law. The property
•represented on the petition' am.aint-
ed tt $$5,800, or $9,370 more than"
was requited. . -
-Since „the atove was in type' and
after the petition was lodged with
thle !clerk a meeting of the eouncil
was Meld en Tuesday evening_ When
the Molletving resolution was pass-
ed: '' alif t titre ceuncil authorize
the memo, al of the following names
from the petition presented against
the paving of Main street,: Sella.
Strong, Stephen Lamb, M. L,yrich,
Jas." ;Gillespie, J. -S. Roberts, Sc.ott
Brothers, IF. Holmested, Xas. Weir,
MTS. W. Cooper, in pursuance Of re-
quest of said parties." A by-law
was then passed, of Which the fol-
lowing is the substance: "'That M.
Broderick, George Mairdie and W.
E. IIIinchley, in coittunction with
Wm. iBallantynte ann, the solicitor,
be tappointed a committee to ascer-
tain land finally determine the -num-
ber lot'. petitioners upon the petition,
(that is the petition againet going
on twith, the proposed improvement),
and the value of the real property(
Which said 'petitioners trepreserit,
giving (to said committee full pow-
er and authority to deal with the
matters to it referred as provided
by the Statute tn •aiu.eh easen- made
and provided, said eomnaittee to re,
port to this council whether a stet-
ficiently 'signed petition has been
filed against said proposed work o
improveintnet." 'r
Cantata -The Cantata entitled
"'Ye are the 'debt of the World."
which was ( given by the Minlili.011
17ands of the First Presbyterian'
eleareh, in the -soluiel room last Fri-
day evening was very maph enjoyed.
by %hate present. The choruses
were pretty and well rendered 'while
those taking the different parts did.
so admirably. They spoke distinet-
ly and with lexpression %and gave
every evidence of a. cannel train
ing. Rev. F. W. Larkin ocoapled
the (their and the entertalament be-
gan with a piano duet by Misseit
Wilson, and Dodds. The easrtata will
be repeated 10n. Friday. evening,
April Oth.
The New Peet Office. --In the Dom-
nion Parliam.ent on Monday, Mr. B.
B. Gunn, M. P., • Smith Huron.
ariked; "W -hat elusion has the
governmentarrived at with respect
to the erection of a public building
for a peat once and other purposes
in the town of. Setiforthd4 To thin
Hon a Chas. S. Hyman, Minister of
Public Works " No con-
clusion has been arftved at in re-
spect to the erection - of a &blip,
building in the town of Seaforth.
Cengideration will be given to it
when' the further sueirdementary es-
timates are. 'under consideration:"
In reference to the Hayfield hare
bor, Mr. Giunn enquired., the a-
mount event on it up to 1896, to-
gether with the amoinitt since then.
It is as follows: lttp to 1896,
68,218.90; shine 1$96, $11,036.56. In
reply to eim'airies made lby Mr.
Gunn in reference to the St. Sosepb,
harbour, Ate .Minister said that the
=aunt of money noted that bar -
boor was $15,800, that $14;901,34 had
'leen. expended, and that no further
expenditures were considered nec-
essary at the present time.
COILED SPRING WIRE, -A carload of galvaniz-
ed coiled spring wire jnit arrived from Cleveland.
Moo soft weaving wire. Get your supply while the
price is lay. Geo. A. Sills, Hardware, eta., Seaforth.
FOR SALE. -A comfortable dwelling house in
• first-elasaloeation in Seaforth. Good etaltle on prem-
ises, Apply to R. S. Hays, Seaforth. 19984
WALLPAPER 8 cents per roll and upwards. Try
our paints and varnishes, made especially for floors
and linoleum. Auto GraVes and Seaforth.
• 1007-1
SPRING HOUSECLEANING, washing and drying
-lee° curtains. We have the finest mutant streteher
on the market. Reid &Alison, hardware reerenants,
Seaforth. 1997-2
CLOTHES WRINGERS and washing machines.
We ean delight you with quality luid value in these
goods. Iteal & Seafortli. • 1007-2
WHEELBARROWS. -A special value line just in
Come and examine. Iteid & 'Wilson, Seaforth.
WE WILL PAY the highest market price for 'but-
ter., eggs, lard, billow pork, Dutch Setts and Potato
•ontens or any kind- of marketdble produce. 1, .1.
Holland, St. Columban. 19974f
• Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Com-
mereial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday, April 4th
Hours 1, to 8 p. ni. Cataract, squint, failing eye-
sight, deafnese, nasal catarrh treated and g,lasses
properly fitted. 1983-tf
Try Charlie Hinas' band laundry, Seatorthl for Moo
work. Always gives satisfaction. • Clothes called for
and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two
doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea -
forth. 1983-tf
Peed for Sala -Oatmeal mill feed for sale at the
Seaforth Oatmeal Mills. Walter Thomson & Son,
Limited. 1982-tf
by R. MeNaught, Jeweler, Sep,
• Eyes tested free
rth. 1087-tf
SEE THE LATEST New Yo k novelties in wall
paper at James Glmves & Co., S forth. 1997-1
We have the lowest prices on sap pails, spites and
sap pans. Chesney & Smiley, Seaforth. 1998-1
• HIGH TAXES. -A property on Main Street, rent
of which amounts to from 10 to 15 per cent. on the
investment, offered for sale at less than the net taxes
it now pays with the proposed tax for paving stregt
for 20 years. Purchaser gets all the benefit of paved
street. Apply to J. M. Best _or James Beattie, See -
forth. , 1998x1
, i
HOUSE inlEgmontiville for sale or to retit. Apply
to Miss Christina Allan, Egmondville. 1998-1
The new Canadian shoe for ladies, the Mise Can-
ada,• i a. nice neat shoe ata Modem e pride. _ Samples
in north window. W. H. Willis, °le agent for Mille
Canada shoe, and Dorothy Dodd s oee for ladies and
George A. Slater shoes for men, Seafotth. 1998-1
House on corner of John and Louisa streets to
rent. Apply at Tun L'VPOSITOR Office, or to Thomas
• •
Biolde, Seaforth. •1998x2
• Timothy, clover, alaike and field seeds of ifirst-
class quality and at lowest prices, at AloGinnist gro-
eery, Seaforth. 19984
We are headquarters for anything in the paiuting
line, Do not forget that Sherwin-Williams paint has
the largest sale, and gives the best satisfaction of all
paints. We can supply you with the right, paint for
any purpose. Call and get color eards from us.
Chesney & Smiley, Seaforth. 1998-1
Musk Rat Skins. -Wanted, 1,000 musk rat skins
before the 26th opAprii. Skins must he well stretch-
ed and flesh eides out. Highest price in cash d
livered at 4. W. Stobie's egg emporium, Seaforth.
Wm. MeDoebAtali. ' ! 1998x2
FROM OMAN TO OOKAN.-The lecture, " From
Ocean to Ocean," illustrated by Stereoptican Views,
mill be delivered in the basement of the Presbyterian
ehurch, by Rev. T. D. McCulloch, Ph, B., on Friday
Evening, March lift,. The eves of the audience • will
be delighted by Canada on Canvas. Silver Collection,
We have a few cords of good short hardwood for
sale. Chesney & Smiley, Seaforth, • 1998-1
Deatla Of Captain Reberts.-After
an illness extending over seyeral
mouths,the last few weeks of whice
he was confined to „his bed, Capt.
J. S. Roberts passed over to the
silent majority on Monday morning
last. Ms long illness and the na-
ture of the disease was. each that
• the end had. been expected for some
time, but when it name it was twee-
drtheless a shock to the people .of
Seaforth and many friend's in neigh-
boring towns. John Sidney Rob-
erts was 'born in Rawdney, in the
°Aunty of. Hastings, on Decembef 23,
• 1846. He was educated in tie school
there, and at the age of 17 he en-
listed ine the New York cavalry and.
served in the American WaT until
its C1.0Se. On returning to Canada
he joined the Hamburg volunteer,
cempany for the suppression of the
Fenian raid. After combig to Sea-,
forth he joined the Seaforth com-
pany of volunteers aid rose to tho
rank ef Captain, resigning his
commie:3ton " a few years ago. He
always took a deep interest in mil-
itary affairs. Mr. Roberts Era
commeneed the drug- business in
• Mitchell, Where he was apprenticed,
under Mr. J. W. Gun. In 1873 be
removed to Seaforth, paralysing the
-business • of Mr. 3. &tatter, which.
he actively. conducted until his last
illness. He was an antive politician
being a strong.. Conservative, and
in , religion was a member of the
cnurch of England'. He took an ac-
tive interest in the sports of the
town, being a keen curler and bowl-
er, and: ,always ready to give his
support to the various clubs in
the town.- During his long resi-
dence in Seaforth, he had. ocoapied
numeroos impoetant positions, at.
the council board and the Collegiate,
Institute board, ana always, ;took an
active interest in anything tbat be
considered wee for the benefit and
advancement of the toinn. He had
many warm friends. Althaugh
quick and impulsive, he had a big
heart and no one Nebo knew him
ailed to like and admire him. He
eaves td mourn the loss of a lov-
ing husband and father, a widow, g
daughter of the late 3. S. Itorter,
three sons and three daughters.
The funeral took place on Wednes-
day. The service was held in St.
Thomas' church and the remains
were laid to rest in the MItland-
Seed Grain
W. E. Kerslake,
Summer to Hamilton & Kerslake, tC4th
bank cemetery. Ta the bereaved
ones will be extended the sincerest
sympathy of a very ltfrge -number of .
,friends. The funeral services were
condented by the reinter, Rev. Mr,
Beery, Who delivered /a most excel-
lent and appropriate address. The
clenrch was more than filled, ana tite
funeral was very largely , attended,
tims iestifying to the esteem in
which the deceased was held, and
the sympatthy felt for the bereaved
family. The "pall -bearers were:.
Ittfiraested, W. 0. Reid, Alex -Wilson.
T, F. Coleman, Sus, floott, G. E.
searke's. The Huron regiment was
represented by the following offi-
cers.in uniform : Major Young, Ool-_
borne; Mr. McTaggart anti Dr.Shaw,
Clinton, and Messrs. R, S. Hays and
Walter Pickard, Seaforth. Among
those from outside points we noticed
ithe following: H. Either, M. P. Itt,
Crediton; D. A,Itoeenter, James
(Fair, W. R. Counter, and W. Jack-
son, Clinton; Geo. MeErVen, 3. A.
IttcTaggart and: Jahn, Mcdonnell,
Hensel).- John Williams, Zuricb ;
Mayor ifir. R. pavis, Walter Thom-
ism, 3. W. Cull, threes Dougherty,
E. A. DunbaretT. E. Colgethisan, W.
B. Barley, 3. L. Downey, Capt. W.
3. Thompson and EL A. Hodge Mit-
chell; Fred Davis, Goderich ,•
'Sproat, Beigrave; Duncan Stewart,
Local Briefs. -The Itueknote Sen-
tinel of last week says: Mrs. Me -
Nay, of Egmondvine, returned home
this week after an extended visit to
friends in liu.cknow and vicinity."
-Mr; Duncan McCowan, of Stanley.,
who purchased, the Soott farm in
McKillop, has now got sonifiortablyi
located in his new homee, Mr. Mo -
Cowan is a good farmer and an ex-
cellent citizen and the good peo-
ple of Roxboro will give bira, a
cordial weloome.-The Constance cor-
reapond,ent df the Clinton New Era
sa.ys: " Jemes '8,11ther3and add Jahn
Button have engaged for the
mer with Mr: Sohn Archibald, -of
Seaforth. Mr. Archibald is lucky
in severing these young men, "as
they are quid -t, industrious and re-
liable." -Mr. BlythStephenson had
his knee badly sprained while play-
ing hockey on Thar-fel:ay evening of
last week and has since been laid
*off work,. -Mr. George Kale went
to Ntagara Falls this week to take
a situation in . a jewelry, store there
did Mr. Percy Town went to Inger-
soll where he has secured a good
position in a tailoring establish-
ment there. They are both steady,
well doing young men who will, we
are sure, 'clo themselves and thetr
native town credit wherever they
may be. -Mr. E. T. L'owery, who hag
been ledger keeper in the Hank of
Commerce here for ,sorae time has
been prom.oted to the head office in
-Toronto.-Miss Lillie Roberts, dough -
ter af Mrs. R. S. Roberts, has ',gone
to Milverton to take charge of a
millinery establishment there. Miss.
Itoberte- is a gractaate of the E.
McEaul establishment there which
Is as good • a reoommendation as
-she could have. -Mrs. C. 33ethane
has 1143w got comfortably located,
in her new residence On Sperling
street end. Mr. John Robb has re-
moved, from his farm in Tucker -
smith to the residence vacated by
Mrs. • Bethune. -Mr. Inentieth Mc-
Leod, of Toronto, was' in town this
week calling on old friends. -Mr.
and Mlle. C. H. Broadface and little
daughter, of +Brussels, visited in
town the, first of the week. -At the
Palace rink on Saturday- morning
the Waterworks defeated- the Beat -
ties in a hockey game by one goal
to none. -Mr. F. H. Stokes, who has
been leader of the Seaforth band for
Itiev.menths, has accepted a nieTe
responsible end lucrative position
as leader of theband and orchestra
at Penetteng. •Mr i Stokes is recent-
ly out from the old country arid thxs
place he will be heed to fill. -The.
Many friends of Mr, George W.
Sperling will regret to learn that
he is serionsty ill. -The little sleigh-
ing we liad is all gong- and people
maY now stow tbeir eaters and
sietge away -for this seasan.-Our
ixiaders* who are interested should
bear in mind ,the stock show tan(
sale in Clinton on Thursday of next
Week. Our Clinton neighbors are
deserving of support ill this matter
‘and we hope their enterprise will
prove successful -beyond their most
saeguine expectationa.-Mrs. D. Mc-
Intyre, whose illness we tuentianed
last week is holding her own if mot
rapidly improving. We hope to ace
her around again soon as bright ,as
usual. -Mr. John Crosby and Mr.
A. Calder, who have been ill for
several weeks are not, we regret to
learn, making progress hearthward
as rapidly as their matiy friends de-
sire. -Mr. Elford, of Holinesville, is
here visiting Ibis' daughter, Mrs.
(Rev.) Birks.-The many friends of
j, Y. Smiley, lithe underwent
an operation for appendicitis a few
weeks ago, will be pleased to learn
that lee getting along nicely and
w hope soon to see him attending
t is business as usual. -Mr. Thole
Simpson, jr, of McKillop, has pur-
chased the 'livery stock and busi-
noes • of Mr. Stephen Lamb.. Mr.
Simpson will also have the mail car -
trying corttract.-Mr. Donald McIn-
nis, of Exeter, spent a couple of
days in town this week. MretIVIcIn-
nin intends returning to the North-
west, in a few weeks, where be has
large landed ' intereSts.-Miss Nellie
McDougall, of Egmentiville, was "sio
Ann Arbor, Michigan, last week, at-
tending the funeral of her uncle.-
All who wish to spend a pleasant
and profitable evening should at-
tend the "From Ocean to Ocean "
lecture in the Presbyterian ohluroh
this ev.ening.--: The hockey match
on Wednesday evening between the
,Seaforth Used to Be's and the Eg-
Monelville Has-:Beens, resulted in a
tie, each team sooting two goals. -
Miss Pauline Shaw, oE Penobsgtuis,
N. 13., and Miss Mae Caed, of Wick-
low, students at, Macdonald 'testi-
tut% Guelph, are • visiting at the
home of Mr. James Beattiee-Miss
Victoria Stewart, of Egmondville,
entertaine,d a number of tfriends on
Tuesday evening last in honor of
Miss Jennie Moneath, Who has been
visiting friends in town. -Mr. Wm.
tnrchibaln, of Egmondeille, has pur-
chased the pretty residence of Mr.
H. P. Kennedy, in 2gro.oxislville. Mr.,
XertiveilV witt go to reside with his
dainghter, *Mrs. Clerk, in Toronto.
-Mr. aChn Belt and family, of blew
/Orleans, have come to reside in.
town. Mr. Belt is a forrner resident
of Seefortb, and is a brother of
Mrs. H. Edge.-MrilAtex. thatith,car-
penter, has gone to' Saskatoon on a
prospecting tour.seMrs. Isaac% Lang-
etroth is in Sarnia visiting her
daughter, Mrs. Wally.
Londesboro. -
Notes.- he Canadian Order of
Iteresters isited the Myth kedge
bit TtleStta evening, and. spent, an
enjoyable evening. -The Sons of- Eng-
land were entertained at the borne
of Mr. George Snell. ton 'Thursday
evening.- he Temperance lodge was
quite disa pointad on Monday ev-
ening, on account of the wet weath-
er, as the .tiburn lodge were unable
to accept 1heinviattonexteflded by
this. lodge. Miss Jackson was 'the
guest of Miss V. Hiles this week.
• • 2
f ' Ohlaf31hUrat. • . -
Millinery openings on Friday and
Saturday, April 6 and 7, and fallow-
ing,days, to which you are ee;rdially
invited. Under the able menage -
Ment of Miss Harris, we are show-
ing the smartest and most .0 -to -
date millinery ever shown in Herta
Fall. Don't forget the date, April
0 and 7. J. WEISMI1,LER, Henson.
Inearrect.-The following has been
he Tined to ;ttit for .publication
" There is a reptirt circulated that
E have gold that 1. had purchased
three colts, and that I did not pee
Amy more than k100 for any of them.
This is a false statement. T never
said anything' qf the, kind. I have
only pu.rehesed two colts this .year,
ane from Mr. T. Consitt at $100
and one from Mr, W. Slavin at $120.
I purchased two gentle colts and ,paid
.Amos for the. Amos Deope,
13UTTER.-Wanted, choice roll butter, for which
19 cents will be paid. R. CLARK, Constance, 1903-1
'Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Cole,
of Ethel, were the guests of Mr.
Thomas Ballard: 1 aSt week. -Mr. T.
Adams has iengaged Mr. Peron'
Glazier for the summer to work on
farm. -A couple of weeks ago ast
Mr. Thomas Adams was returning
from the w.oacts to his home- he was
fiercely attacked on the read by a
couple of strange hounds and it was
• with difficulty that he succeeded in
driving them off. Had the, brutes
got at him it might have resulted'
seriously for him. As it was he
only receives:1 a slight scratch on
the hand. -Mr. Wm. leech, of Olats-
elhurst, a former resident of Coe-
stanca, called on a few friends in
• this vicinity, last Friday and Satur-
day, -
• Leadburv.
The new Canadian shoe for ladies, the Aliss Can-
ada, a nice neat shoe at a moderate price. Samples
In north window. W. H. Willis, sole agent for Mies
Canada shoe, and DcrothyDodd shoes for ladies and
George A. Slater shoes for men, Seaforth. 1908-1
Notes. -Mrs. McEwen has got in
a nice lot of goods for the spring
trade -John Dennison intends again
eng,aging in farming on the 04,
homestead. -Your correspondent a-
long with many others, was t3ained
to- 'hear of the death •of Andrew)
Young, of Seatorth. In his deatl, a
genial friend, a good man of bus-
iness and a gentleman of a great
deal mere than ordinary Intelligence.
has been rdneoved.-Elder Greg -or?,
of St. Marys, has been holding
meetings in this section during the
past week,. --7A number of rigs con-
taining persons returning froxn a
dancing _party were seen between
Live and six o'clock one morning
recently. It seems a shame for the
male p'ortton to keep sweet young
things out of their beds until suck
an unseemly haue.-The Expositor
is right. If the salary grab and ex -
Ministers' pension fraud are killed,
in Panliament why not out -off the
increase to judges. It Will never
do- to let et few faeored ones have
all the good things.
Millinery openings on 'Friday and
Saturday, ,April 6 and 7, and follow-
ing days, to which you are ooxiklially
invited. :Under the able manage-
ment of Miss Harris, we are show-
ing the smartest an most gptto-
date millinery ever shown in Hen -
salt. Don't forget the date April
6 and 7, S. WEISMILLER,
Farm Rented. -Mr. Simon McKen-
zie has rented, his farm on the and
concession, L. R. 8,, Tuekersmith,
to his neighbor, Mr. James 'Dallas.
MoKt3rizie has not ..yet decided
whet he will de. He intends hold-
ing an auction sale of his effects on
April 10th.
- Death of Miss Munroe.-Mueh and
deep regret was felt in this neigh-
borh000d, When people learned of
the death of Miss Joanna Munroe,
daugbiter of the late John Munroe,
and sister of Mr. John -Munroe,
Mill Road, where the deceased made
her home. The sad event eeeUrred
at the Clinton hospital on Sunday.
Few people ha4 known of her illness
tintil she went to the hospital a
week ante and on Wednesday of last
week underwent an operation for 0.
tumor. The operation ties success-
fully perfareted blit her system
seemed aniable to withstand the
shock. The deceased was *46 years
of age'. The deepest syrapathy will
.be extended to the bereaved friends.
The remains were interred in Baird's
•ceratetery on Wednesday.
Briefs. -Mr. E.17Jtohln;etori, .of Clin-.
ton, has purchased the harness mak-
ing branch of Mr. 3. T. Carter's {
business. -The last horse and 'cattle
fair of the seasOn twill be held tere
next Taeidate-k valuable Col
dog owned by Mr. Edward Watson,
the well known cattle stealer was
poisoned this week. -The millinery
openings in the Myth establishments
take place to -day and to-ro,orrow,
Friday and Saturday. The ladies
will turrr out en mese and feast
their eyes and. empty their pockets.
Blyth merchants always make nice
displays and. show the best and most
Stylish head gear to be fotind any-
where. -The annual meeting athe
Blyth Methodist -church Sunday
.school was held on Monday evening,
when the following officers vatie
electea for the ensuing year: Sup-
erintendent, Mr. N. B. Gerry; assist-
ant, Mr: E. Bender; secretary, Mr.
R. Slater; treasurer, Mr. C. Besse;
librarian, Mr, T. 3. Huckstep; pian -
it, Mies1 Carrie Slater, Assistant,
Miss Pearl Gidley.-Mrs. Robert
Hugbes, Who fell on tite icy sidewalk
and broke ller thigh and arm three
months ego, died suddenly about
six o'clack on Monday evening. She
f was recovering nioely from the ac-
cident and deatla Was caused by
heart failare.-Mr. John Logan was
married on 'Wednesday of last week
Every Departme
FOR YEARS PAST we have made our store especially attra
ive for the Spring Season, The business cif the store and the -
rife of the public have become so- singularly interwoven that,
. -
we are expected to add to the enthusiasxn of business withdisplays of new
goods that will interest and entertain our viaitors, both old and young. We
meet this expectation with a variety of bright things that will reward you lor-
an the time expeeed in a visit. ••
To -Day it To -Morrow
We Make a Special Exbibit of
.Yew Millinery New Dress Goods
• 'New Silks
New Trimmings
New Ready - to - Wear . Garjuents
Alt the new Styles and many pleasing novelties are shown • to ativanta
and everybody at all interested is heartily invited to eee the displays.
8•41.ish:,New 8111 and 'Wash .Wal
Silk Waists
2his Out
Linen Waist
awn Waists
Rea to
Serve You
With the newest and best of. the
season's productions in
the kind that have what every
smartly &eased woman covets,
perfect style and striking indiv-
iduality. Prices from
$5 to $15
Faultle 8 Fitting
Taitored Skirts
are eommanding mirch attentio
here. These are the kind w
sell and the kind that keeps busi-
ness &dive.
HAIR SKIRTS. Prices from
$2 to 10
Timely and Interesting Suggesti
4re aow Presenta
by Our Wash Goods S'ection,
Which is now brim, fat ofJew
Feast of Laces—yes, and of.Embroideries and 1tilnI21
in general, too. A literal feast from the point of beauty and variety, and thi
cost So small that you can:afford to buy for summer as well as for present use
Dress Goods
- They/get a most liberal showing
here—the blacks, always popular
always rich and dressy, they hold
first place in the affections of
many women. This eprinthr as-
sortment surpasses anything we
have gathered before.
Some New Specials
in Blacks
Nen& Wool Taffeta, he yard, 150o
Silk Spot Amigo, the yar4 ZOc
Silk Spot Mohair, the yard, Ule
Silk Embroidered Oashnieret
FrenehiSantoy, the yard, VAN?
T he Newest Sh,ade in, Dress Goods
is shown, in, all P
to Miss A.da, 3Yfills, youngest daugh-
ter of the late John Mills, of West
Waiv-antosh. The ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. J. C. Reid, of Nile,
at the residence of the bride's moth-'
er on the second concessiee%f West
Waavo.nosh. The happy couple will
shortly leave EOT Areola., Saskatch-
ewan, where they will reside.
Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ham-
ilton spent Sunday at Motherwell. -
Mr. Douglas, of Logan, was the
guest of Miss Ada Norris en Sun-
dlay.-Mr. John Campbell, of Elm
Creek, in visiting relativee bore. -
Miss Clintie, of Listowel, is viaiting
at the Borne of Mr. F,
son, -Mrs. Ifuteltinson -.has been at
way attending the funeral of her,
brother, Mr. Albert Babb, a min -
bank. -Mr. John Hartburn is visit-
ing his daughter, Mrs.. Cbappl.
Miss Agnes McDougall is book tG
Mr. F. D. Hutehinsan's store aft
a months' holidays.
Notes. -Mr. Nelson Stanlake,
spent the winter menthe at Collin
wood, Ontario, has returned
-*Mr. Wen. Carriek,, are has be
engaged- twith Mr. Charles Als
nor the summer. -Mr. James*S
left ion Monday evening for
Cree'k, Saskatchewan. -Mr.
_Sanders, of 'Exeter, very plea
entertained n namber of his frie
at the, home of Mr, 'Silas Stant
on Monday evening with his gr