HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-30, Page 5_
WTI pie
r Spring Business. The ne
afaeturers are on our shelv
;Ter are variea enough, we f,
to select from our stook, t
:a pay.
:eve we have anticipated -
tyle—Oorafort—Durability a.
ration with the result that
to make it.
es we want yam to look ove
'ng and we are _willing to teek*
r you have seen our goods.
L e dor
lk-Over Shoea for men,
Shoe% for Women.
'• every saccess in It
ss as he has certainly cire.Ret
lot of meney among the farn
of this vicinity.
51. -Miss Minnie Doan has re -
from Minneapolis, after *
here of some monthn.--..0
ntry establishments are get -
to shape for the spring Milne
Miss Bennett, of Myth. -
chart of Mr, D. S. Faast'it-
hraea ; Miss Gibson, et'
avill preside at Mrs. J. Prete
Miss McDougall, of Fixate; e:
ave charge of Mr, J. J. Merrn
The ladies of Zurich anti
y evil/ thus be able to gen
gear at home as nice and as e
as it can be furnished fro
atside establishments. -
y Nicholson, ,of the Bronson
picked oat of hie turnip p*k,=
her day a turnip *Meth Meas. -
29 1-2 inches in Circumference
sweighed 12 pounds. -Mr.
kisch is here from Detroit
ig his parents and othen
s.-.1.01rs. C. Weber has gone
toswell, Michigan, to see he* -
Mr. Laidlaw. Who is Me
Henry Albrecht, who had been
ag friends in this vicinity, has
ned to his home in Langdon,
Dakota.. -Mr, Henry Lebenu,
ef our prospereue farmers 'An-.
ki -eleven pigs in Hensell t
day for which he recei
Pork and bacon are ail rig
The Hay Branch Agricultztraln
:y have already commenced to
arrangements for the fat}
They have 'determined to
the prize list for the ladiee_e
tumid thoroughly revised and
up to date and have intrusted
-ork to Mrs. W. Fritz and M
aker, two ladies fully corn
Bay -field.
TfAllt.-NOAA is the time to get your Spring
tnne before you get butsy with house eleata '
o,ardening. Our new white goode, prints.
is and area.. goods ttre here, and are as goo&
t, we have ever had. See ours before yen
. A. Edwards Sayeted. loam
:szes.-Itev. Mr. Brown preach-,
the Bayfield circuit last Sune
His discourse here in the eve
, on missions, vras excellent,
Vas -highly appreciated by theft
congregation present.- Thin'
[(lists of this place have at last
d to erect a new castarch. It
!or a long time, 'been. midi;
1, the present one heine.- far-.
and also badly outleo'Af wen_
and it was thought better to
than put more expense on t
gt ruct-ure.- Mies Chesney
-ng* a couple of weeks wit
s ea Seaforth.-The show Cde
ed by the Goderich Minstrelne -
-iday, was withdrawn, owing -t*-
veable weather. A later slate 7
arranged. -D -r. Smith and If
ler were at Landon last we
Falconer kft Tuesday raV?
Fr the Wt. -Wm. McLeod,
,was in town on Taesdalen
Steadman is conducting
ne*rvices at .Cole's choral,
h. township.
44;01.11Iian Of nee; for ladies -the Mas Can -
neat ..lote aa a. moderate priee. &mil*
... ...dee. W. If. Willie, Role agent -OF AO
aad Dorothy Dodd shoes for radio:mid
slater shoes for men, Seaford!. 10084
Side Notes. -Miss An
n In who has been convalesci
'_.venhurst, Orttario, for soMij
rnst, has returned home, and 13
improved in Itealth.-Mien
Lane. of Bruzefield. visited
J. Roche during the week4-
fr.nd Horse Sold. --Mr. John,
-py, of the 4th oonoe-ssion, Elba
a fine six-year-old hors.%
e John Shea for the hand5dm5
$4275. Tide horse •weighn
c'einds. Mr. Donnelly keens
e; -wet the hest in the horea
Pa.t Q,901P
meessai kYresrmes,s.
rell up.
; :ditional charge
Henr date, saving
for going
lel& re taRae(11
- 111;1:ARM,
A Good Time. -Rev. Dr. Medd, .of
'Homan, will preatth educational ser-
mons in the Walton oircait on Sun-
klay, Aprzi lstTOinttne felliowing
Monday evening he will deliver, in
the Walton Methodint church, Ills
very popular lecture. .on "Love,
,I0ourtship and Marriage, or :1,Vo6ing
and Wed -ding in 100 minattee," The
Sarnia Fast says of this leotaire:
Y' The best we ever heard," and The
Expositor says ft is: " Very pleas-
antly interspersed with wit, hu -
error and pathos." The Ladies' Aid
nVill Serve a hot New England din-
ner in their tamedl first class style
in the chareh basement at 6 p. tm.
Inntriumental music, and seleetions
by the Walton Male Quartette win
be featares of the programme. -All
are welcome.
St Colunanan.
INTEREiT will be added on March Illst to all un-
settled accoonts of 1905 at the St. Columban store.
_ By settling before that date a•ou will save the Interest
ea three months. S. J. Holland, St. Columban.
1O9' -ft
Votes. -The fallowing are a few
icsf the prominent people that. have
visited St. Columbanrecently': Mrs.
Thomas and Miss Margaret Me-
e:beat& Miss Margaret Daly, Miss
Pearl 'Andersen, Miss Ryan, Wal-
ton.; Rev. P. Corcoran, Seaforth;
Bele JO'llal Ronan, Mitchell; Rev._
'Thames Noonan, DublinRev. Jas.
Hunlon, Clinton; Rev. M. O'Neill,'
rotherell; Francis' Seaforth.-
The special service heldhere on St.
Patrick's Day was largely attended.
The, music .under the direction of
Conductor Flannigan was truly de-
.votimeal and well rendered. Solos -
were taken by Mrs. J. MoGrath: the
Misses Ryan, Stella. Parcell, Lizzie
Flannigan and the Messrs. Klein
sa Flannigan. The sernaoe by
Father O'Neill was iestructive and!
zeppropriate.-Mr. ansepb. Nigh, sr.,
is still under the .doctor's care. -
Mast Monday some of the goad peo-
fiifing on the 7th coneession er
!Ebbed presented "King Billy,"
Miter McKeon's White horse, with
a big load of oats. Now the King
'will carry his head higilaer then
ever. -The 'pastele of St. Column in
Oreached to an Overflowing eon-
gregation in Stratford a week, ago
last Sunday. Ile requested the
local papers to say nothing in praise
of his s,ermon but tre Herald disre-.
garded his warning and nroclal:ned
bine eloquent.
Hon. John Dryden's Duties.
' ROIL 3rohn Dryden, who has been
painted a member of the Com-
traittee of Inquiry on the Depart-
neent Of Agriculture and Teohnical
Ineitructian fOr Irelands, has atu,st
been dfficially notified by Hon.
cfames Bryce, Secretary for Ireland;
in the Britidh Governmen,t, regard-
ing the terms sr reference a the
nommittee. They 'ale, as follows,
)acoirding to the communication: -
'To enquire and report whether
the pieevisione of the act of 1899,
lecinsti tuting the Department of Ag-
Irteulture and Technical Instruc-
tiOne and the methods which the
(department has followed in eatyy-
ing out those provisions, have been.
etheiwn by experience to be well suit -
ea to' the condition of Ireland;
Whether any, and, if aa, whlat
eleengesneare desirable in these Pro-
visions rssa methods; and to report
e.lsa u.pon the relations of the De-
part3nent to the Council of Agrioul-
tam, „to the Board of Agriculture,
to'. the Board on Technical In-
eltruction ; upon its,' i.selations tto
10'00 statutory bodies; upon the
f!truelie at its dsiposal and th,e modes
of employing then, and mpon its
niosition in regard to other depart-
ments, especially these, charged with
educational functions."
-Mr. Francis Boyd, Logan claims
the honor of being the -oldest mem-
ber of the Orange Order in the noun -
of Perth. 'He ;joined 50 years ago
and has listened to many a fife and
dram. •
-In the presence .of a large nom -
Ibex of priests from surrounding par-
ishes, and a large concourse of wor-
shippers, Bisihop McEvay-, of Lon -
on Sfanday, 'blessed the Churc1i.
la the Irantaclulate Concption, the
new Roman Catholic ()hurrah, in
Stratford, corape_enced ten months
ago and Sust cbeapleted, the ser-
vices being very imereesive. Very
!Rev, X. R. Teefy, of Tortortto, con -
deleted the services bath morni.ng
and evening. The buildings is •of
eed pressed brick, 114 by 53 feet, ion
a stone foundation. The interior i
tarnished in ashand the seating ca-
pacity is 700, including the, gallery-.
Most of the fixtu.res, were presented
by various torganizations of 'the
thierch and :by 'individuals. ' The
'church cost in the neighborhocid of
$20,000, arid is one of the 'handsomest
!buildings of the kind in Western On-
On Monday, April 2nd, at one o'clock p. ni. on Lot
15, Concession 8, 31eKillop, Farm Stock and Implem-
ents. Hugh 31eIntosh, proprietor ; Thomaa Brown,
auctioneer. 1907-2
. On Wednesday, April 4th, at one o'cIoek p. m., on
Lot 27, Concession 13, 14 miles north of Londesboro,
Extension sale of Fann Steek. Harry. Craig, prop-
rietor ; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. 1997-2
- On Wednesday, April Ilth, at one o'clock p. m., on
Lot 24, Ceneession 2, Stanley, Farm Stock, Iruplem-
- • ents and Household Furniture. A. Nott, proprietor;
Thomas Brown, atiotioneer. ' 1997-3
On Tuesday, April 3rd, at one o'clock p. ni., on Lot
9, Concession 5, H. R. 8., Tuckersmith, Farm Stook
and Implements. Thos. M. Grieve, proprietor; Thos.
Brown, auctioneer.
On Friday, Mareh 30th. at, 130 o'clock p. Th, 011
Lot 23, Concession 1, Goderich township, Pure Bred
Regietered Shorthorn and Grade Cattle. Joseph
'Caldwell, proprietor ; Thos. Gundry, auctioneer.
On Satin -day, Mardi 31, at one o'elock p. m., on
lot 9, Town line, Hay and 8tatiley, two miles West
of Kippen, Horses, Tliorobred Shorthorns and other
Cattle. Johe Chambers, proprietor ; Thos. Gundry,
auctioneer. 1098-1
- On Tuesday, April Bah, at one 'Welnek p. in, on
Lot 25, coneeasion 2. I,. R. 8., Tueliersinith. Farm
Steele and Implements. sinion McKenzie, propriet-
; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. 1098-2
RAD-- At Sauble line, Stanley, on Maret llth, to
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ran, a daughter.
GELINAS --At the sante.. 1in, Stanley, on March
14th, to Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Gelinas, a son.
Hensall, on Man t ilth, to Mr, and
Mrs. E. Ronnie, 0 eon.
GRAM-. In Hay, on Mareh lath, to Mr. and Mrs.
Alex. Ingram, a daughter.
OLPIER-In Stephen, on Marek ilth, to Mr. and
Mrs. ataeph Oliver, a daughter. , •
BATRAM -In St rpheu, on March 14th, to Mr; -and
Mrs, Henry Hamm, a. eon.
CANN-- In Cr4o1City, Manitoba, on March 7th,
to Mr. and MN. H. Cann, formerly of Exeter,
a- Hen.
TAYLOR. arn Kirkton, en March 19th, to 311'. and
Mrit Fred Taylor, a smi.
CAMPBELLIn Wing -barn. on March 18th, to Mr.
and Mrs. John Campbell, a daughter. •
GARDNER- In 41,41Ifif`lfl, Man -h 13th, to siMr. and
Mrs. wm, R. thulium% a son.
Goderieb, on Mandl 17th, to Mr, and
MN. Maleolm McKay, Albert, street, a, son.
ROBB-In Clifford, on Mareh 15th. to Mi., and Mrs.
George Robb, a Ain,
- BEST -In Brussels, on MarCh 22rid, to Mr. and Mrs.
George Best, a sem.
CALLAN -In Brussels, on Mareh 20th„ to Mr. and
Mrs. L. Callan, a son, (still born).
MCELROY- In BI,Ath, on Mareh 22nd, the wife of
Mr, T. O. MeEiroy, of a daughter.
LOWERTs-NESBITT-At the residen00 of the
bride's brother, W. J. Netibitt,,by Rev, F.SWitufa
Mr. Christopher S. Lowery, to Miss OliA40, G.
11/2.Ieshita, Mond dan/IlltaT of the illto 0. 1182 -
hitt, all of GotierleheOwnshin
171'3Jitiarci°1° 21st, a‘7.14,71N...?Tomitang,01)
gultillgton, to Mr. james Southcombek et
WARRAER-DKEW-In Goderich; on March 22nd-
. by Rev. W. B. Graham, Mr. Nathan %moor,
to Miss Laura Drew, of,Goderioli.
BARRIE-DAyinsoN--In Blenheim township* Ox-
ford county, en March lsth, by the Iteva Mr.
• ThoMpson, of Ayr, Mr. Welter Barrie, tien of ehe
late Win. Barrie, of Morrie, to alias Neste Dav-
idson, sieter of Mr. Richard Davidson,: lecturer
in Presbyterian College, Montreal..
FIAW0PNmatt 2A104,Ff7y-Rrnev-11.13T1.88eW.I8C1 aotse(n‘ eT,ar
itintrIAyrkjgei to asir.:11.2 Btiligitgeof Bouruestti.vh
13th, by Rev. la Perrin, Mrs. Seaitt, youngest
daughter of Thomas and MM. Smith, to Mr.John
, 0 CAM
LOGAN-MILLS-At the residence of the bride'e
mother, on March alst, by Rev. 3. C. Reid, Mr.
John agan, of Blyth, to Ada, youngest daugh-
ter of Mrs. -John Mills, of West Walvalosh.
ROBERTS-In Seaforth, on March 26th, Capt. S.
Roberts, aged 69 years, 3 months mid 3 daye.
311.1NROE-I11 Clinton, on . Maroh 25th, Joamia
'Munroe, of Tuckersmith, aged 46 years.
JOHNSTON-In Ashfield, on March 191h, John
Milton Johnston, infant son of George and Isa.
bella Johnston, aged 1 year and 8 monthe.
KIIIKPATRDOK-In Colborne, on March 20bh, Alex.
Kirkpatrick, aged 78 years.
FRITZLEY-In Colborne, on March 201h, *Barbara
Wells, widow of the late Joseph Pritzley, aged
89 years and Ilmontha
McALPINE-arn Hepworth, on. 31aroli 13th, James
lileAipine, formerly of Brussels, in his 67th year
SMALE-Jn Wroxeter, on -.March 26th, Dr. S. 13.
Snide, in his 69 year.
-MacKAY-Tia Goderich, on March 13rd, the 'infant
son of Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm, MacKay. Albert
_ street, aged six days.
BLACK -In East Wawanosh, on March 27th, Mrs.
- Thompson Black, aged 60 years, 8 months and
27 days.
IIUGHES-In Blyth, on March 26th, Mrs. Robert
Hughes, aged 67 yea,ret, 4 months and 20 day.
Fall Wheat ..•
Oats per bushel $0 77 to $0 77
0 . 38 to ,0 33
Peas per bushel '0 70 to 0 70
Barlo-1 per bushel. , . 0 42 to 0 42
Butter, No. 1, loose 0 17 to 0 18
Butter, tub- ...... . ........ 0 12 to 0 34
Eggs aver dozen. .. .. ........ 0 12 to 0 18
Motu, per 100 lbs........ .. .. . . , A . 2 00 to 2 75
aray per ton . . 6 50 to 7 00
Hides per 100 lbe. . L.. ' 5 00 to 6 86
"beep Ski-
ns. - -.! .. .. ...... ... .. . 0 30 to 0 86
Potatoes per bushel .... 0 40. to 0 50
Salt (retail) per barrel 1 00 to I 25
mood per cord (long). 5 00 to f) 20
Vood per cord (short) . .; 2 re to 8 00
..pples per bag a...., 0 50 to 1(31)
alover Seed
Timothy Seed .. . . . 7 00 to 8 00
I 25 to 2 00
Tallow per lb.... ..... ..... , . . . . . .... 0 04 to 0 05
Pork, per 100 lbs • ' 7 tio to 8 20
Wool (washed), 0 25 to 0 27
Wool (unweshed) ..... , .... .,.. 0 15 to 0 16
enarimen March 20t1i 1906.
Dairy Markets, .
TORO:Mt March 27 -Butter -The market has a
firm tone and the demand is active for choice grades: -
Quotations{ are unchanged. Creamery, 26o to 26c;
solids, 28c to 24e ; -dairy, pound rolls, good to
choice, 180 to 19o; large rolls, 17 to 180 ; meda
hun, dairy, 16 to 17e. Oheese-The market has a
firm tone, and is quoted unchanged at 140 per lb. for r
large, and 144c for twins. Eggs -The present weath-
e a er 0013 wave to heavier recipts of new laid
here, and receipts at the country points are under-
stood to have been heavy on Saturday. The market
is quoted with an easier tone at 16o to iebe for Row
Jaid, arid 180 for storage.
Manama, March 27-Oheeee-No ohange, local
holders quoting.at 18c to 181c. Butter --Steady for
°home grades ; inclined to be wear for second ual-
ity: Choice creamery quoted at 22e to 224e. Sales j
the.olant knoWn as babe," 'Were offered-
inarket. PrieCe 'foe hobs were easier, but -
eemew ritilir -ed mat; Are akingh as ever. nrines
nged tram $8.50 to 87.25 spar Mat. , Sheep. and
mite-Sneeelpte we&lighe wed: prices Were -firm,
P lees, ranged from es to ae.fiefor report ewes, neee
84.75 per met. for buOUS, Choice yearlinik-Itairba'
Id all the wasetrom One to nese, hut the latter
loo woe for sernething-pihne ; connum Mixed lots
yearlings sold et en to $0.1le, and dull Bele. Spring
Mho sold all the way from $5 to 138.50 cub. Hoge
The run at the market Was not heavily, Rise Mut
Pricee firmer at 87 per cwt. for selects, atal
.15 for lighte and &tsa. sows, sat to $ti per owt ;
?gel, W.50 to $3,50 per owt.
HORTHORN BOLL Ftela SALE -For sale, a
J. Shorthorn Bull, 3,9 months old ,• a good annual.
Apply on Lot 24, Coecession 7, 'AreKillop, oe address
M. 'MURDIE, Winthrop P. O., Ont. 1998x4
ifiAEM FOR SALE. -On Lot 1, Concession 5, ft.
It. S. Tuckersinith, eontaming 100 acres ; 90
res clear'ed and in a good state of eultivation.
T ere are 10 acres of good ho.rdwooti hush. The !man
s rich and clean,. awl well fenced arid well under -
d paned. Pere is a geed chvelling house, good bank -
and atitbnildings. It is all tteeded to grass, ex -
e t 10 acres, 8 never failing wells, one being a drill -
e well near the barn, and 1 acre of orchard. This
is 0, 'eboiee farm with good. gravel road leading to
in.u'ket. 'Will be sold on easy terms the proprie-
tor wishes to rethe. Apply op the premises or ad-
dress Seaforth P. 3HOHAEL 'WILLIAMS.
} on Lot la, Conceasion 8,, McKillop,
3,.1.-.........-1 luiecThaasumcilntilion .
SALE of Cattle. -Mr. Hugh MeIntosh
etructed Mr. Thomas Brown to. sell by
fel °wipe 'property, viz, : orses-1. driving filly,
on Monde' , Apill 2nd, 1900,0 I o'clook p. m„ the
tie tits a aired by costumer. 'Cattle. --1 newly calved
co ; t) cows calved from 1 o 2 months and a half ;
I a, 7 heifers rising 1 •, 10 young ealves • I thorobred
3 steers risifig. 2 ; 3 heifers rising 2 ; 6 steers rising
Fa rhara bull, rising 3, registered. The stock is all
f sr cash. HUGH MoINTOSH, Proprietor ; THOMAS
in good condition, and must be *old, as the prop-
ri tor has no pasture. Terms -9 months' credit will
b given ont furnishing approved joint miter. A
d omit of 4 per cent. per annum will be allowed
: r OWN, Auotioneer. 1908.1
31r. Thoniaii Guidry has been insrtueted by lir.
ohn Chambers to sell by public auction on Lot 6,
own Line Hay and Stanley, 2 miles west of Kippen,
a Saturday, Slarch 31, 1000, at 1 o'clook p. m., the
f llowing property, viz. : Horses -1 heavy draught
elding rising 13, black -in color, with white points ;
pair matched agrieulturaI geldings, rising Si with
.hite-points ; I agricultural chestnut gelding, rising
3 with white points ; 1 roadster filly, rising 4, sired
y Texas Jack. Her dam was a thorobred running
are (Thanksgiaing), quiet and a good driver.
a ttle-2 thorobred Shorthorn ems rising 5 ; 1 ther-
e) , red Shorthorn cow rising 8, all 3 in calf to A. G.
illieVehow bull ; 1 thorobred Shorthorn heifer 2,
; 1
is old ; 1 thorobred Shorthorn bull 2 years old ;
thorabred Shorthorn bull .1. year old ; 8 dock
ers titling 2.. Pedigrees of Shorthorns will be
p oduced OR day of on . Tertne-8 months' credit
P prietor ; THOS, GIINDRY,Ateationeer. 1908-1
will be given on ' earn shing approved joint notes.
disci -AVM ot 5. per c nt. per annum will he allow -
('6 for cat& on credit a omits. JOHN OHAM13ERS,
UCT1ON SALE of Farm Stook and Implemenha
1 --Mr. Thomas- Brown has been instructed by
M . Simon McKenzie to sell by public auction on Lot
2;, eon. 2,L. It. 13.,Titekersmith,on Tuesday, April 10,
a 1 o'clock p. m., the following property, in
; Her-
: ,i3--1 agrieultural mare 11 years old, in fold to
P 'hoe of Ilurlford ; 1 agricultural colt *lege years
ol ; 1 heavy draft colt rising two years old ; 1 heavy
d It c.olt riling 1 year old ; 1 driving ° mare 12 years
ol ; 1 driving mare 6 years old, sired by Slander ; lj
titer rising 4 years old, sired by Road Master ; 1
r • ster stallion rising 2 years old, sired by Tarente
u ; 1 earritige stallion rising 4. Breeding. of star-.
li ns will begwen on day sale. The horses, if not
to nd as represented on day of sale can be returned.
ttle---6 cows in calf ; 2 1-yeareld heifers ,• I calf :
2 rood sows ; 10 pigs 4 months old, 1 thotobred
i rhea) bull, 22 months old, color,red. Implements
-7 Mai3sey-H,arris binder with, trucks and sheaf car-
r nearly new, 1 mower, 1 horse -rake, 1 seed drill,
ani roller, 1 set harrows, 1 Cookehutt double rid -
n t plow used 1 year, 2 walking. plows, 1 cultivator,
patio harrow, 1 wagon, I cutter, 1 pair bobsleighs,
got pulper, 1 hay and stock rack complete, 1 set
sli gs arid about 160 feet of rope, 1 London fence
ni hine, about 30 lba. of twine, CliltEdge, pure man -
ill , 1 set double heavy harness, 2 sets plow harnees.
1 et double driving harness, 2 sets single harness,
1 et pacing hopples, forks, chains, etc. Everything
0 II be sold as the propricton has rented the farm.
T rtne of Sale. -All sums of $5'and under, cash ' over
t at amount, 1:), months' credit will be given on ap-
p oved joint:notes.A discount Of 4 per cent. for cash.
S MON 31cIiENZIE,. Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN,
A ctioneer. 1998-2
r grades were made as low as ieie. It
lookas though holders were anxious to °tear out
their stock. Several creameries in the Eastern towrs-
ships have commenced making butter, and new atm*
is expected on the market this week. Eggs -Easier
tone is reported in the egg market. Prices are un-
changed at 164e to 17c for fresh receipts. Dealers
gay that lower prices are .expected before the end of
the week.
• Poultry.
Tottoaro, Mar. 27. -The demand is guider. Prices
are quotecl steady. Prices for choice try-pluohed
are :-Turkeys, 15 to 160; fat (thickens, 11 to 12c,
thin, 7 to Se; fat hens 8 to 9c, thin, 6 to 7c ;
ducks 12 to 13e, thin 6 to 7c ; geese, 10 to 110;
for choice small lots.
:Toncerro, March 27-LUnchanged.
660 to 75e per bag on track here,
of store; eastern, 70e to 80c on
to 960 aut of store.
Ontario etdek,
718 to 850 out
traok, and 80a
Baled Hay,, Etc.
TORONTO, 3lareh 27 -Baled Hay -Although receipt;
of loose have been less heavy, the demand for bared
is still quiet, Quotations are unchanged at $8 per
ton for No. I timothy, and 85.50 40 130 for No. 2, car
lots on track here, Baled Straw -Quiet and un -
(+hanged at 85.50 to 86 per ton for car lots on track
' Horse Market,
TORONTO, t\ larch 28 -The following- is Messrs.
Burns & Shenpard's weekly report of prevailingprices
-Single roadsters, 15 to 16 hands, 8125 to $175
single cobs and carriage horses, 15 to 16.1 hands,
8125 to $180 matched pairs and carriage horses;
15 40 16.1 hands, 5300 to 13500; delivery bores, -1,100
to 1,200 pounds, $150 to 13175; general purpose end
exprese horses, 1,200 to 1,850 pounds, $160 to 13190;
draught horses, 1,850 to 1750 pounds 5175 to 13225;
serviceable second-hand workers, $80 to $80
serviceable second-hand drivers, $65 to M.
Live Stock Markets.
•.r.,ONDON, England, Mar. 27. -cattle are quoted ab
lle to 124c per lb.; refrigerator beef; 84c per lb.;
sheep, dressed, 14c to 144.e per lb.; lambs, 150
to 1540, dressed weight.
LittRPOOL, Mar. 27. -Canadians, '54d to 5a.d.
bIonstems Mar. 27. -Cable advices on Canadian
cattle were firm. Sales in Liverpool were made at
11c to 11.10 ; in London at 11e, and in Glasgow,at 3.11e
te llic ; and choice steers at 12e. Expori.s ,froni
Portland and St. John, N. B. were 1,562 cattle.; The
.tone of the market for cattle was strong:, and Prices
show an advance of ic to ic per lb. Owingto small-
er supplies, and a good demand, Was of choice beeves
were made at Oic to 62c ; good at 4ac to 5c.; fair at
40 to 41c; comMon at 34c to 3c; inferior at 24c to
go per lb. Receipts of hogs were small, there being
only 600 heed on the market, but in addition to this
number there were received at the latter end of last
week 1,000 for one packing concern and 500 for an-
other, which had been contracted for in the west.
This increased 'buying in the west has, no doubt,
been due to the more encouraging advices received
from European sources oii Canadian bacon last week,
as our own private cables on Saturday noted an ad-
vance to 4s, There was no actual change et the
condition of the market.for hogs, but the feeling was
firm under a good demand ; sales of selected lots
were made at 87.50, and lower grades at $7.30 to
87.40 per eat., weighed off cars. Milch cows sold at •
525 to $60 each. The ctilvee sold at 81.60 to $6 each.
Sheep sold at 86 each, arid spring lambs at 53 to .86
each. •
BCRFAL0,.. N. Y., March 27. -Cattle -Steady to 100
lower I prune steers, 56.35 to 56 ; shipping, $4.75 1
to 85.40; butchers, $4.50 to 55.25 ; heifers, $3,50 to ,
85.10 ,• cows, $8 to 84.75 ; bulls, 82.75 to $4.65 3 stock-
ers and feeders, 138.50 to 84.50; 333.1k heifers, $2.75 to i
$3.25 *• fresh cows- and springers, dull, 82 lower, ;
816 to$50. Veals-Active and lower; 55 to $8.25'; a
few, $8.60. Hogs -Fairly active ; 10c to 20e lower;
heavy and mixed, 86.70 • beep and light lambs, york rs, 86.6540 $6.70 ;pigs, ,
54.50. Sheep and Lambs --
86.65 to 50.75 ; roughs, ;35.90 o soae ; stags, .54 to •
active ; heavy, slow; lambs, $6.25 40 87.10; year-
lings, 56 to $6.50 ; wethers, 85.50 to $5.75 ; ewes,
55.50 to 56.75 •, sheep, mixed, 83 to 135.75; western
lambs, 8740 47.10-
Tonom Jexcriox-Union - faktic Yards, March
27 -The 4rua1ity of fat, cattle was fair ; trade was
good. Export prices ranged fi•om $4.75 to 56.16, the
bulk selling at 85 ; export bolls sold at $3.50
to $4.26 ; butchers' prices for picked iota choice fang-
ed from -84.76 to $5 ; goad from 54.50 to $4.75 ;
medium, 84 to $4.50 ; common, 53.50 to 138.75 ;
butcher cows, 133 to $4; canners, 82.25 to 82.75 ;
Tal calves sold -at 86 to $7 per 100 Bac • milk cows
and springers a41336 to $50. Sheep and Lambs -Ex-
port ewes from $4.75 to $5.25 ; bucks, 84 to 134.50;
•earling lambs, 86.50 to 87.25 ; spring lambs, $7 to
$0 per 100 lbs. Hogs -Selects, sold at $7 ; lights,
ag0.75 ; sows, 54 to 85 ; stags, 52.50 to $3.50 per
00 pounds, fed and watered.
ToRONTO, March 28. -Export Cattle -Outside of
hose exporters bought for butchers' purposes there
you'd not be more than -a couple of loads whieli sold
t 84.85 to $5 per cwt. Export bulls sold from 88.50
0134.25, end one extra quality at 85.80 .per cwt.
Titters' -Choice picked lots of butchers' cattle. tin-
ier 1,20011)5. in weight, sold at $4.75 to e5.10 per
'wt; loads of good at 84.50 to $4.70 per cwt ; med-
uni at 54 to $4.40; common at $3.50 to $4 ; cows at
83.25 to 84.10 per-ewt, Feeders and Stockers -Trade
n feeders wits limited rAnd inclined to be slow, as
here were few of the right kind offering. It was re-
nrted that some of the Western Ontario farmers
vere enntemplating going to the Northwest to get
heir suppliee for this season. Quotations are as fol -
owe: Best short -keeps, 1,120 to 1,260 pounds, at
84.50 to $4.75 . medinni short -keeps, 1,150. to 1,250
bs., at 54.40- to 84.60 :-best feeders, 950 to 1,100 lbs.,
4134 to e4.40; medium feeders, 950 to 1,100 lbs., at
'3.85 40 134.25 ; best feeders, 800 to 960 lbs., '83.00 to
84 ; medium feeders, 850 to 900 11),. at $3,35 to Vita;
est stockers, 500 to 750 lbs., at $3.30 to 58.50; best
took heifers, 500 to 750 lbs., 53.10 to ts,85 ; com-
ion stockers, 82.75 to 53, Mitch- Cows -About a
men lath (lows and springers, generally *of 00111
ton to medium quality, sold at $30 40545 each. Veal
calves -About 400 calves, nine -tenths of which 'be-
to Billingi Montana ; Denver, Colorriclo
Springs, SI Lake On -y, Nelson, Roseland,
Vancouver, Portland, Oregon aud San
Francisco. Tiekete on sale day.
iTo the Northwest, every Tuesday during
IMareh and April. Speoial train with col -
mkt *deeper yell! leave Tpronto 9 p. m.
•very Tureday during March and April for
anitoba and the Northwert. Passengers
ravelling without iive stook 'should take
xPrese leavfng Toronto 1.45 p. Ir.
1 For tickets and fall information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent,
A. F. PHILLIPS, Depot Ticket Agent,
0 -UR S110E8 are always distinctive
but never freakish. The current etyles are
I oarried out with refinement and careful
! detail,
Our shoes wear -well and keep on look-
ing well as long as they WA. We hold to
the ekillful shoemakers and we exact of
We sell shoes of such high character, thet
we stand behind finery pair of them with
our guarantee.
' We've everything in Footwear for
everybody and we ask that you will kindly
consider the proposition of 'making thie
store yOur afore.
We have the largeetud cheapest' as-
sortment of Trunks and Valites in town.
Richardson & 11111111s
Sole Agents for Sovereign, Hagar, and
Just Wright Shoes.
Planing Mill
and Lumber Yard
Property for Sale
If you want to -buy a farm or town property, you
will, do Well by selecting. from my list, which con-
tains a number of farms in Tuckersinith, from 50 to
100 acres. All have pood buildings and are in ft first-
class state of cultivation. Will be sold cheap and on
easy terns.
Also sevdral good houses- in town, ranging iti
price froin $700 tb $2,500. Each one a bargain._
Selected Saskatchewan Land For Sale. -In the
centre of the hard wheat district, ood shipping
facilitiea Low prices and easy tering. For further
particulars as to any of the above properties call or
write to
A, A.- WATT, Real Estate Agent,
Paid-up Capital, $10,000,000. Reserve Fund, $4,500,000
B. E;WALKER General Manager ALEX, LAIRD, Asst. Genii Manager
$$ end under.. 3 cents
.,, Over $5 and not exceeding $10 .. 6 cents
It $10 it 4/ ' $30.. 10 cents
i " $30 " a $5015 cents
These Orders are Payable at Par at any office in Canada of a Chartered Bank
(Yukon excepted), and at the principal banking points in the, United States.
They form an eXcellent method of remitting small sums of money with safety
; ! I and at small cost.
Solicitor G. E. PARKES, Manager.
A Spring Exhibition of our Miilinery
On Friday and Saturday, March 30 and 31,
IOur classical miginery from London, Paris and New York, is famous
throughout this vicinity. Our popular priced millinery is even more so.
On Friday and Saturday we will hold an exhibition of our famous bead- I
gear, of which we make a special study We refer you to the past record of
our millinery department, which for value of materials used, originality of
design, deftness of construction, and general good taste and style,.cannot be 1
equalled outside of this house.
Miss E: Hood, formerly with Messrs, McKinnon & Co, has full rharge
of this department, and specially invites you to visit the rooms and eee the
mammoth display ef millinery creations- for Spring. Your well disposed,
NOTTe—Ask us to show you the celebrated. Kharanta Dress Fabrics and
Mate and Delescluse Dress Goods. It will be a pleasure to let you see
these excellent goods. None better, none so low. • ,
Poplestone & Gardiner, Blyth.
To Contractors!
Sealed Tenders will be received on behalf of the
Council of the Township of Stanley, addressed to the
undersigned, up to Moanav, Amp and, 1906, for the
building of concrete abutments for two bridges, one
on the 2n4 concession and one on the 5th concession
of Stanley, Tenders 40 40 by the cubic yard. Sped
fit:Mims can be seen at the clerk's office, Varna.
Notice to Creditors.
In the matter of the estate of Mrs. Catharine Baird,
late of the Township, of Stanley, widow, deceased.
•Notice is hereby give pursuant to R. S. O., 1807,
chapter 129, that all creditors and others having
claims ageinst the estate•of the said Catharine Baird,
ot'ho died on or aboutthe and day of March, 1006, are
required on oe before the 16blid.sy of .April, 1006, to
send by post prepaid or deliver to 11, It. Higgins,
Bruceffela or Peter H. McKenzie, M. P., Lucknow,
the executors of the said decertsedt their christian
and surnames, addresses and descriptions, the full
particulars of their eltrims, the statement of their
accounts and the nature of the securities, if any,
held by them. And further take notice that after
such lad mentioned date the said executors; will pro-
ceed to diebribube the assets of the deceased among
the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to
the claime of which they shall then have notice, and
that the said executors will not be liable for the said
assets or anypart thereof to any person or persons
of whose claims notice shall not have been received
by them at the time °teach distribution.
13, R. 11IC4GINS and 1.
PETER H. 31o1iENZIE: p.jsExecutors.
Dated at Brucetield the 21s6 day of March, 19063267.8
Spring Items
How about Fencing ? H you
have notlime to build your own,
dosi't fail to 'see our Peerless
Woven Fence before purchasing.
Profiting by the mistakes of
others, this fence his been made
the strongest and most durable of
woven fences and costs less
Are you building your own ?
Let us supply you with the best
Cleveland High Carbon Coil
Spring and Dead Soft Weaving,
prices equal to the lowest.
Iroa Gates at Rock Bottom.
— uilders'—
Hardware of every description
and best quality always en hand.
See our New Line of Building
Paper. Have just secured the
Newest and Best Ready Roofing--
Paroid—needs no tar or pitch,
just lay It on roof and cement
laps, cleanest and ,most durable,
guarenteed for five years.
Special attention given Corm.
gated Iron Roofing, Metal
Shingles and Siding. Ask for
Central hardware Store
George A. ,Sills,
Try the New BUTCHER •
where they keep in stock
Everything You Eat.
Fresh &Cured Meats
Bologna. Sausage, all kinds
of Potted Meats, Fish, Veg-
etables, Fruits, Groceries.
Part of your Patronage
would be much appreciated.
Goods Delivered Promptly.
Phone 96
Bank of Comnaerce Block Opposite Post Office
For better service
than we render, is it
waste of time. No
one could supply
your wants better
'than we. Tho one
commodity in whieh
good quality is
perative is_
Here you may get
them in their best
and purest state, and
our prices are very
reasonable. A few
specials ou sale this
week :
Crokinole boards
were $1,25, to clear
at $1.
Fancy china at big
"Never Fail" corn
cure 103 a hoz,
Soap, 2 lbs. for 25o,
Stone Root, for
sore aching back, 50o
a bottle.
Come in, you will
receive courteous
Market. Sreefs
Cunneen In
Four ennetlenS
The eyes of women are now centered on
Spring apparel. Our Dress Goods Depart.
ment is showing the very latest designs in do-
mestic and imported dress goods. Not a week
has passecnat our stook has been augmented
by the arrival of new novelties. We won't
attempt to describe all our specials, but con-
sider this our ge-neral invitation for you to
come in and view
Our New Spring Goods
You'll admire the display, the fabrics will
please you, and the prices will be found ex-
tremely interesting. Below we mention a
of our leaders :
Embroidered Crepe de Ohene
tso, inches wide, ia grey, brown. navy, green and black,
special at 57c.
S!lic Eolienne at 75c and $1.i0
in grey, green, blue, brown, cream and blaek
Satin Oloth
in alI colors, special at 6.4.c a yard.
Amazon Cloth
all shade; spedal at 530 a yard.
shades an all prices, from 53e to 750 a yard.,
pedal values in Crepolines, Silk Marlboro
and Noxanna cloth.
Hornespun Suitin
it is unquestionable now that homespuns are in grea1
. favor amon,,,,s. the nett fabrics for Spring. So it is with
special satisfaction that we find our stock the fineSt in the
county. Our patterns will be found nowhere else. Our
, showing will interest every woman who plans a new Spring
I suit -56 inches wide, two specials at 95c and $1.10 each.
Cravenette, 61 inclq3s wide, in fawn and grey, special
at $1.05,
treatment, whether you any or not.
Agent for the leading malZee of Trusses,
Fountain byrrogee and Hot Water
Seaforth - Ontario
The Following iWell Known, Clot/is:
BELWARP Blue and Black Serge Suitings,
and Worsted Trousernags
11) An! F I n Serge Saitings all
" Shades and Textures
VICKERMANS' Serges, Cheviots
and 'Vicunas
Also a Complete Range of Imported and Domestic
Tweed Suitings and Trouserings. Our Black Melton and
Fancy Cheviot Overcoatings appear to be leaders judging
by the orders we are securing for them.
We will be pleased to showityou any of the above lines and can
guarantee the entire lot.
Speare and Page, Merchant Tailors.
Under the Town Clock, - SEAFORTH
It's in the air—everybody wants it; dress makers are
besieged with it. When we learned that fashion was de.
manding, insisting and having fancy silks, we bought ac-
cordingly, just the kinds that are going to be worn this sea.
son—Messaline, Louisene, Chiffon Taffetas, bdiliant, Nattae
Pongees, Taffet Peon-de-soie and japan Taffeta ; al0 shots
and small checks in all colors.
Wash Goods
Colored Cotton Crepe de Cb.ene, two specials, at 2 ,
and 251
00red Cotton Fancy Voile, special at 15c. 1
Forty pieces Colored and White Muslin, 29 inches wide,
special at hie a yard. ,
See our stock of Linens, French Zephyrs aud Wool
Deiaines. ,
NI 14,w/1ery Defartmez
FRIDAY & S zirr IT It Dli
MARCH 30th and t alst.
You are cordially invited. Those who desire to make
selections during opening days, will bel afforded every op-
portunity, but whether you come to look or buy, you we
I equally welconae. Oar showing this season will establish
more firmly than ever our leadership in. millinery.
Highest PricesTaid for Butter, Eggs
and Wool.
Dried Apples Wanted at 6c a ib.
WltI.PICKitkRb & SON
Opposite Town Buiiding, corner Main and Market Streets, Sealerth.