HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-30, Page 4r .
7--ff �4 A mr SEAFORTH t 01 ef 'Mr. an
mitting the ode -,af �14 U This 48 ,held-" at 0uffa L.�dr t�o� io� to Ordw6tinii 40 'n of I#d w aR C ax&in d-hulng. spaniel do d by, Mr. Doug-"- Obl tog � left tot t1t imt �on- Mrou- MA t-1 if, mia during lo i sh'aa , vtarabaivp . ramt be g; n 13 W DonaXd- of Us; a fX0112 Xf., W. W- -d �Mr. and X r s. R- Dff Is- hibited llaars', *dImi at d wdul�f I ordd. I Ufa of this town,. was the win- -Ited, at X r.* Androw Gemmills; in bu t in 1ho same. Oif� is after the W T F. Week.—Miss Mud, LT -US WO aro ift the -preaent t e and :'bilists a gin Last 'jel4slb)a li.� a iter o - severa, rIzes,—A young BOA TamberO tts 1- -- — . - I - '-utv --,-vd in Unrolligfi' -the �f Mr, Doug -All, of tl�.o D OT WroxeteT Spent a few der the present act, I - 11enr PA40D !he fac -4 tis ',%ve6k siting at her lioA ust NVIhat 1 c License 11, um 'a, i1posin) was. kicked. in t! e ways v! le; 111,91h - I " " - *ffle -t IW� d 'Nora
2 elm g cre-&tain.z re- 4a these, 'horse terr I N4'11 ba-ve, time dionf"will PI(ove. The tilletions" , ors, 'a ew days ago 'by a orva--Th6 rtw In Blitievale. 4 6 6 7 8 fear Is 10- fhe,, ))as iritr6 0 -ga ar me 6 expreased that Nvihike It w—ul M& ;soss' n I etihg f the Exeter Board' 3 14 15 16 .'Vhe chief -of Trade will'be held in -the town 12 � 1 17-- n6t, to any: extent effe�t, U� nam- rulorlo draotle, vioasure. 20 '21 22 23 24 1 I I 1%. on the I ast FrIday of eaeN -18 10'' - grarited it win Make clause in this -bill' ia one whic:au- Dr. Ovens, ee And ear surgeon, will IJO 46 the itke More 'anxious.. to thorizes anty couriells to r' riqt � MID11th.--4he Advo4gtte of last week Queen's hotel, Hens4il,-on PiidaN, April Oth, Hurs flftn'We 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 tU money 6at of the ftagh-4 8 a. ill. -to 2 p. in. (4)aae$ ppoj�erl litted. INI-tf bar. where- br even probibit, t =110 ax XL -11"YS: " MISS Nag& It t'O J Iter of Mr, Frd Laxtan, 'of. Eden
-Is## "be to minim- ca"st M certain hways. SPDD YOU SALE, �1 havo a, 14411MY 101 .1 R in- a orrespond- Under clause, 'If 'dtd, the ltaS teoelv-ed t1he sad fiatelligence. of of UZI red clover seed for sale. Dr, e,1611eo- ""o this desire, an X, Stock. Co p. ete M ADVE1018BUMB u0t increase the ra -inir� of atlolg The to .'the adden death, from neumoftij! NF in Ing rutio decrease pr 9 ..... wblo�ily of M: rank Greoubank, of . oos;: . J, utherland bag had placed in his fiallas-at a, �evila of the traffic. � Haiweverpl If the oe-tain.- hours oUthe. day, or t b On, two One Wick dwellings with it num. AW The Igumbatween ibit OU011W004 shill -01118h in, gask. Mh6h sympathy i* to whiab Ike p6nalty -clauses get forth.in the bill pr ibibited. for of o attache A goM chance lor a 02% afflultse the page of the P%P81 an 4 to each. adYeAkmentwillbe t0*04 are strictly eVfoced they -should Lother, ImIkortant private bill is pressed ibr Miss Luxbon -in r sad retired farmor or.anyone wantink ilr"- ass dw-ell- Tirt -NEW SPRING STOCK OF is now . inp at a, bargain., Also cheaper properties for sate. --Ric rdson & A(oTnms--6 have, a - ten&mey td lessen - te in- tIr t I aced 'by Mr. Ludas, of bereavement, as they 'an 'to Our 9 Anir Shoos -hp. Aoplyat once attbepo4t office, Ronsall. 197r) -t- co&plete -we are ready 1br,S.p#ug Business. The m0SV For ftsile—R. a. fraetioiia of the law, while he high -1 Ra5t Grey, in. reerence 'to'leaa have been Married." Auction Sale -John Ohamllvra-ri or rates will tndency to. no ". These notes wich are so. J, 0. Sutherland, convoyancer oflice at the posb` 0 zof ther beat mauufaeturers arA on, our sheiveg:.. Salj-41IUgh office, has had placed In.his han4s for sale two line popular lin6a
caft- of te bulainess such mi,ch 49e4 by. manufactfixers, asu-1 100 acre farms and one. 150 will be which we offer are d enough� W feet Xopolul CO. Drysdale vane
Sp Attractiveness -R., the vaTieties and prices �ess Goods-wm, Ptakar & Son -5 a 16111y only drinking a t )in a 1provitsion that wthere' sold at vary reAsonable prices and o easyterms, all he! olacles as a�r wt,,,; a �Ufldlns d il vto select from our stock,L & Soji--41 _" isidencei, ithis-2 pring Di n:UMLbvr of oUr fisher- having good all e n certain) to make it eABY for _Y.Qne k% to enforce the payment Ifilillnery Display -Pi lestotie 4nd Gakiliner-5 men recntly set 9. number Of their Milli nery 'openings on Friday and at the he wishes to pay. .P ea ofla tile ca,96 Must bd trb�d 4n n shoes he wants 10,000 Rolls-Af�x. Wi W -4 th co= : nets on. the Lake, 'hat, Owing to 010 Satarday, -April 6 a d 7 and foll v- 'w7boll a Man -Greig Clothing The Dominloxi Parliament. rivarest to& Itilie la�ce where strong eosteTly winds., whloh have ing days, to which you. are coirdially 'In sOecting �our new sttek,- we believe we have an.ticiptited the to. -N. Clun And Sona -5 ber, P the article was 9lipplied fklom, t.bus for Th�re Was (at been wa!�Ji.dione in prevailea cuotintiously for L the past invited. TJ-n&r the able mar[Age., o lfort--Durability
'n' G. Aff, lUldwin. and Co. -g he requiring -the, put�&aser.`On ocoas", few days, they were C'Umpe ent,of Miss-Haris, we are ShONV_ needs of ev(!TY Possible, oustomer. Style -0 m, and the- Mbmin'ion Parliament 4uring t . . lied- to -long, di tances bo attend :; for o-Mlobael williams-6 i6t a to go s withdraw them. RepqTts circ�alat- th Picea have all been, tsken into consideratin -with -the rsd1t that IGIM Colled ring Wire-QeorgeA.- Sill" past �wee)k. If 'there is Much, busi- ing -,vtest aiOL most qp-to-,. cotaft . and so eAtailinfe on the maker ing on a line between 'ColIngwood, "'a Auotioo 10�-Slmon MICenzie-5 rless, (&one the Etq 6a will not be os pf, the note kre4t expense. M r. date ever ghown in Hen- stock is as near erfeet as it is Possible to make it -asi n ftwIng T-ime--1. A. Edwards--$ on the, north and Sarnia on thel Ot forgdt the date, April Hou , for Sale --Thoma% iliclCle-_8 Lai as proposes to anierld this so as sall, we ant Y.,JU ee, obort iaa wfas at one. timw eTPeeta-� ,o sorath, indicate that scarcely any- - t- Before buying� your new spring. shoes look ov4�r Timothy Seed -James MeGinills-8 have -0he ease tried in the poart and lir,, ��NVEISMILLER, Ifensall. willingto
Wood forle�-Ohesne.y and Smilev-S Lnitimatesl are eing graA4aallk ia nothing X *e af, 4
The p to the time of writing lblarel Ferrgason,'who, our assortment. L, It Will cost you
New Canadian W1114 -s' ke�gb to the maker O`f tfit Date 'it been "caught along this line. -Mr. House for Stdo-Affiss Allan�-S assk-,& land a�ro beng. got, , he So domands. I I . rewnl d of his practice, hancers 012L YoUr COMMg back ajain, after you have seen our goods. Edward Blake RVrner recently par- y dispose ap;arty in: the vil-- From Ocowi to Oee -8 Thom'. Ila no *ofd yet as to r. Downey f Welingtop, hag L chased a fiti dlog f6m Xr, Sootob- gnd will and pro fleed (iats--Andrew Ruebanan--s speech wit I I be de- . also a bill' 'permitting the exemp- lage to Dr. McYaddtn, late of To- whan ItIbe bufte�t mere, of the Bronson line, Stanley. Seed Grain -W. E KersTake t to n. fr*m taxation. -of farmers' wood. nuto, has decided to' bocatq, in Ue.red and the Finance Minisitex, Blake knWs a goo& diog wheli hei a , ,ots. This bill aititharizes munci- 1has beem confined- to We reoi- sees it. -Mr. T. 41inston, Ji., do- Georgtown, where there- is an ex- thl -pa.' concils on a two-thirds vt,. livered' a fine 4oAd of hogs in Hen- clleutt peming with a large field Re WLLI SON ,
a. es, inel G.,L for practice and speedal advantagea 0 Walk-Ovei 11 Shoes for men, 6ance 'for several weeks by a fgprain-. to exempt krom fill ra ding -(sall on MOnd(ay last. -Mr. Sole Agents Im pue Shtter lanle, has not yet been able to tiding. edwatinal �66xation lots to the lick hias secured the services of M in mdny ways incl st n. -is family. While Y !r and Empress $hoes for Women C and Queen Q. WAMRTR, FRIDAY, Mar.. 30, 1906f. , t onles, for h taVe Via place in khe House, butt #Ao( holdingaL of on'. Individual, George Denamy,,jr.,--forte slummer. tr ankli Mrs. 'Ferguson f -alt mu;ch -PjDo- -Mr. Stantilas Brisson.,has icoqptied! I -a silig favorably afid it is. ed tat not 'more't-hart 25 acres regret in leaving their very. Mr. - Itarvey rv-ery ttetess in. US e bte-w Lictuor License A ot. !pxogros a poSition with- the Messre. Ti* and Troyer has accepted a sivatin far, eete4 fheL Will 4(>O.0 lbe able' to at- 141 14 be exemptunderoeowimr4hp.- AWeatlake��-One of our young mien fortable horav hero and their many business as- be has certainly cIrft.4 mdaced eXP - - the present' in SedfbTth -Messr8-
The new license law int 11,p� to wafm &rsonal frierift in the -village Uawdjn & 90inip a ftnA Ito his duties: U.; is shid.that at hd ie MIdf6rt!u _lose his rub- they I felt arifi6e sale, the, lated a -1o,6 *f mtmey anxong the far -.;,J
by the Witney Government is can- and surromding country, a 16auoqs of b6th, Miniklertal and Op- The Lord's Dar Bill. li Mors f! -this irkinity. bers in bhe maid, up north last Sun- end A jaSt we�k. bosore disposing i. th'ey oT�-- making the chanjp in spiaLlaus for its entire lack Of con- pooltion tmornbetrs recently held the, h�ee Minister of ustice has intro- day eve-ning, but succeeded - in find- of their business to Xe"r.. Wilson. thloir % Wt intiired-ts.- Rixt .1 -heir tiesgiong 1o. the cause of temper- tandI.Posion ills: of last n;ent y no was vory dd d Into the Dominion Parliai tgn them euri, -xt mdrning,-Mr. e, # , friends felt thiat they c&ald ndt al- and Bdylel 'of Ex ter s, in some repeots.- &�gslon Were- whsidered -and it was fured a fine ra- largely jttonded---*ith a large, ',wtle� .. A;' ill far the etter praervation -Of tWra to leave witbotit conIvy- innie Urao bas xrt- lance4 In aelf 'it i view1v 'ht the in- coon Ono morning last week. The low df goodg.-Our., am tors expoft Wom tmpe-rancie pioint of by both, bodies t Ing wItU them oome tangibie evi- t.rac dmdty k,ihall rtmvain ds at. present a8&Uring Of' animal hddr.an up a free near the dlentes of L tlf'e high steem. in w1ilb. td have 4 Vex V busy seaso. US flurnea from Xinneft)olis, , aftr a I It gats -. n and to (but ithat We pen�alOn shall be at" cast one dy in seven for trest Lirge bifidge' On Mr. s6h Ra ummer,-Xr.- ames Ooxw(ort-h and. !retrogressive, w u 8 visit tbby wow held and appreciation fbr nToVing into oar VI1 millinery est-a-bUsUments-L -are !pzohibitory legislation. for time &fied flha"- -ri and' -aAdiabulfbed religious worihip cred, and LO# LS U a t'hat penSil hs to red ull sicceeded in bring- tho M0 r- ing it d1o"wn with his rifbs7, 'ir gnraa ts hosiAtality and Many family initend Gejo�rge vraler, of ting . Into, shve for -the -spring cam� kit. least, and strengt g Ministers will Only be flor ail *dyo desire t(or ng -'age, in excellent %allities .'as citizens. Xdt, !tons the li-.- I some time to granted tDJ2\tbe applicatip'n of the in- i pxbvides in 'the., -only bias the doeboT� roved 'himself. jaccompanigod. by her little raisn,. Miss Benuett "using for it I Guelph,
IV ( aa laud the declaration that he LLonell. This bill p child, was he�re la#t week visifing takes chUge Of 'Xr,,. 1). S. F=Efftlo clraumstanc�-,s it ir J . or 'ciau, Uat ffime oeally Wroxet nt P icome. Crider such an xeello bysi he alwa abls at; Miss Gibson* 0 ys need-fal and he requires the m1dip, -that n10 buiiness. can be car-,* her m1.Vt%6T_, -MrS. Sniallacombe.-, et
r We atb� IS jxatarally nMvrably - recomed pension Itor his maintenance, If d Xlstbsi-The Village_ L of Wroxt-or to4ok q, livo interest in the welfare pleased, tuisee XTS. T100masal Blyt`b, ivill pxeside at Xr� J. Pret- � -ripd on. an. . no and, . advancement o the vitlag6, F, �&f lby the temperance people. Rat they- - this froport is ctirreet, this -is liketf to- labor on Suri4uy exeept in -works and surrounding -eoiuutry' swffeed a serving as a councillor ali Camaiwo, who was-;0red'olitl " -very ers -arili, Misil hat Ob final asult will be, %iere -loss by , the death of Dr. A giving ,,torq -charge. iof Mr). J. J. Mern- 'to.wly ill, ahle to, go apottrid a will have liarply of- his timt and, !wbility to !could expect little else. The Whit- w I Smale, -sr gain.�Mr, Gedrse. Moir, of Traversi r ss! of; 'or who passed away at 'his �� The laieo . of Zarith aua thougl f C eart persiarts In i of Mercy or n,ece ty. Xx) gm chureb andt E�Lbbath school iqrk. ,W,ey- Government pledged themselves vi ifility will 4ble, � to " forcing I bill to a division 6n... �rtpdnments shall take placeo.N resid4nee 'Monday morning after 0. ohlgan. eldost son ,of th Ic. , 94b
ito the licensing system alid'-were 'MeMbet% JWill hes(I getr at hiomo-- as niee ad Ve, tio L go on record week's Allness of pleura pricumWjiia, He wag'alad a1edd-ing it in the � ,
City, , Mi thaiw or place,of resort to �which u 'Ple late JamOg Moir, anA who 'has been over those whp.h4d, par in big sixty n int -h year. The ddetr Young -OPlea` Watual 1mVTlOj,8- her 1placetd in qm6itio, An interest- f4,t some time gince his faltf�j stylish a it can, be taTnishe& ft -bis plower I.fte. is�-charged'for -admission EkhAII nw)lat Sb�city of which he was pre, ing- -ldiseission- -+!ook- place on t1w Iras, 6eQn in active practise here for 4 6 Xr# er�s death, reWroed. 'h#me this Week.� `aX1Y -O�ItWld� 1promiaed a meagure df prohibition, e n. - There s:611 he' 'no Sunday. about forty.years, and was.very slao- &nt. - On Txe�day evening last, vater tpower Of til; country and the of Seaborth. has tmen, GF0d-Tr-eY'Xie`J1019On# 0f the Baninsolt '816�tTjca Millor!s hall, .'Nv-as te scene of it 14t least, a:nd by, the votba.. of a graA� production 'L.Of energi exe rsions. Th*ere ghiall be no burit. cessfal with his patients. In private W., B, line, 'picked ovt of his ft=ip PRO- tbe OL * Jn US, Is- rmp e "�kn:� temperance people. -Rutwhile It,.'wap universally ad- ing lay. life he was of rith-er a retiring di "ry large, ana, representa:tive gath- 6rcliauts are making fine, dig -9thor, dla7 digaat' IS:. .9bootIng or fishing on Sun( aring, b0th -from the village and pla - InCanAa, as thel beot position., In religion he -wfas a striong ur*a apring go aig temperance peiyplq dio -h bf the EL leopal In, thef way & Oda. 1POrWns violating the A L ral districts, Nv.hd had assembled Ifm Manitoba, WaS. et Pliall. be tu 12, p6an &�Xr. A,. -A
)P�weT any eo-niftry 'in'the T an& __ Weig
the, act has placed tia liquor wlwte of p NeGrollov 3clatifteim . a in w i liatle to a fine �pf not. less than and in 1yolities, a Conservative. 'He o- db hontor to Doctor and- Mrs. ftr� L t In h -is 1her ftam Detrelt- "rld land tbht these, ater powers here a widl g is ni-obhe $1. or mpav 'than * $40. An employer A to . -Sukherland! sinterest in tan antagonistic spirit. am 'capable: of dovaloping- el.�otrical, leiv4�s h widow, -one son, Dr. W'.SX. gusun- f r G. ,visiting his - pate and' of
_her 01 last wek ariA only 4eft the sod( 10-f _w,bkt directs ail person to break Smale, f W%oxeter, and one daugb- 1)'Ostmatler, ias requeited, to act Tl�ay consider the very large in- eriorgy hvhic'h is likely'.bD 'be�of im- �this .-Mrs. � AAex.t hsafte, tho law dhall j�e ar a as 6hairmun .11by t, eidting and- we%k ivr his bome 4
icLi*ase in theL lieftse fees a decided Menge, tmlae tio the eountry. With bject to fine ter, Mrs. 0,1VIeLelan, pf Birmingb Tknldorl� ftt',teladod the 11tiehiglan, to eft'. hat, 1
froW 20 to $100. A wxporition bad r*ferred to the occasion thab MOE-'Yen' off respedt ,to thia power at Niagara Albitma, we is at present. visiting fune-ral of he'r Siste, Me late Mrsf daughter, Xrfi- tilidlaw.. who is im lilikLyfthip, and the pen, clatis relalls a4d, th-Q qupstiou'as to wheltborl whrieb is Oilty of a- similar,offelnc,ft 'at her home.. Rev. T. R. ftrr will- 1had brought ,them together and eGregor, The funeral aer- -Mr- Henry Albrecht, w1v a carried c#t I ral service . . ".viefting� friends 1w this vlainft. has iattached, if odrisoientior sfy sball'be liabre- to a enalty offrom, hay.0 the sentiMt-niq
of tle Meet— John M 4):11-t fasten' the, toils about hem SiD the lbon'tTIO1 thSTe r g with,the Do- $50 to, 250 for the firt offence, on Thursiday afternion.Xr. and Ing asl NO thd general high. esteem vice which was conducted by her, returned re in, laagaon,
ird-on -or the Province received "an pastor, Rely. Mr. Smith, in Carmel f,ightly- they 'harftly know whiph zi�d for duibsequftt Ofene". felt and regiet fK)T the se-paraion _airing. It Wag ma!de, qits clear that In Mrs. -B. Ringler,, of Tdrn!berry, left bAvrch, on Twaday -of last week, 11en.-4 Lot
wa�y to $10 to' $!,500. Th6 Wrks of m6rov B C M 0 that wag to take place tihis -week, ble, lion tOne no . w feafare of "the bill is the levying of an export duty on ial,�. O necessity described in the bill last "'week for We',st ranL h, Ihi� called apon Dr, and 94r-.,. Ferguison was very-� large&y. attended - d the one ofour prosp&l*vs ftriners i -energy. exported from thlig L i gan, 1wheLre Mr. Wringler has rent- -pagtvr U a �hlgh tribkwt1' to tlie� livered eleven pj�s i Ren -gall ti tompelling all bartenders to take at% those luibally carried on, such ed a farm to - take 813dts' apo - the platform, pi eloLuntry !bo the Unitd, States rests as he' sale 0 . f dtings, the op6iatlon .-Mrs. T. G. HemilyhIll when Mr. 'I). Urquhart rea& the 11% Of Ow deceiaed for 1er sweet other ifty -for V&Jeh %e'L receiv�ecu
cat -a license. Just WhIat effect spent-stwo da a ofiast week in 4Tees- *IW,. Park aud Nown are all right,
this -will -have it is diffict -with lthe'Dbminion bat*terle seems, of elegra0s and * feldplbves, y fol1owig addrss:. To Doctor atid 7td, -amiabl.. disposition aiid many I -It to -say- ttD'-b6 '-some, divrsit of -.opiniim as the water. -Mr. B, H. "Carri 'in the ab- excellencies, Krf eharacter,-Xr- aAA yet. -T, e U=adh 4grlou ur, The advdcateo �af the inn*vAt! conVeyanc or mails, 'aagtrigers and Mrs. Forg,ugun,-It is ivit dAe� re- on to Whother 1Ub;B'reg-n1atIPn,df the- p e-ne oT *the: Rev, J. H., OdtoTihoomk, P� Mrs� Rierberit, Wightman are, gped- Society have already- tomm-enrAd to �Aaim that it will have- the tendency .-pergshable . freig, andL -the mtLin- had i mt t1lat we,, the eitizens� of Hian- distribution of ene:rgy. in,Car)ada and , dharge of thg,-`�funvral -of the 9 i ing a couple, of wedks With Mrs, make qrrangemwits tbe� 0:11 of ralging the mor4 standard of ten-ance of 'fires in marilf turi sail al.0 aiirrominding thb, Idisposl of tht. francse's at 40 tJftg late Mi�s. Miller fommerly of Wing- Wightman's faincle, and amut, Mr. ShONN�- -They Uvei ine tbm seeking positions i6f this tbb tlails co -under Dominion wor ham Which'tOX piece on'Sunday at- view ;yloim e-parbure from our liftri, 'previo - ulg tv of the-oO' We � 6 midat,' Durin iidenco- It- and Mrs. P. B. Me have the prize list f -Gr the ladlee - In" 'Provincial Juri6dictiou, Rixt it wag., T4e ill is a suiSe", d reasonable tern�00, tio the Wnox ter cemetery, tW!r 11 thoroagiftly revise -d 'anI.
land; whi. Others ae n rani '10% 'that it will act as a shield -fur, one,' economically %dqnd and decid-. murigat us ' by yolu.i faithfulness, paAaTe 4 don,
Fro ever bUS* t very definitely -stated that wher.. ra the r eneb'of her on -in-law, Mr. Wigbtmau - is going made-up to date aud h-av-e in
)the licenseeA the matter Of infrac- the ton-trol reats,. the -Government. lY 11n, the interests of. t1he wiotkiAg Mr. Jbseph.1YxYdeJrkmqood, lot IEOWiCk. tot daty and deelp intefg��t in itlt n"s having solid his former Uusl e work toil Kral W., nitz' 2�hal mrlii tions.of th-JaV, and p*vUea�lciop -, p6sslassiAg Ixower sloald have merl� who, form so large a rdpor-. -Mr.�p. B. Wallaceo af TTontio, is public matters, you he. greatly Baker, two. laities ftlly. ness iningbam. he way evade tble T of Elie prices flo fion of the popAlation. Tht fact- the giaest of Dr. Brawn.-1)hoMam- eVdared yourelve's to us and ren- tent.. 'ion. bonvict, -%VUi0V LBIrOtTiCal energy is swpplied� that it roe-ets M wihes.1 rof the dered ty - invaluble MEET" #Onk lodge will give an, at -,home- in O"Lr cO11111"U"' Vite'license fees have be �1 limen, boh Cathalle,'and PTO� �e, and' 6itir loss. we feel very en largely, W that A; traers may be able*ltio iget ob 1 -heir lodge'r,60m, -on Tesda even- servic Tuckersl[1104- increased, a sYno-Ps's olf which we it lat tbb 4est possible prices and, teAt adds' to 'its value, 'for, heonly. * Your' hospita-lity, whicb. Bavffeld. ing.-It has been learned- with, Much) SEED OATS. -Seed Oats tor Sale on Lot 1, Con- 1publishemd last -webk. ould 4 r le, what religion prescribes al-wa"' so, fr4e: and generolls, cession 3, Tuckermith. Andrew Buclianan. 'Und'o' the thtat iall franoUses granted sh regret by miany'that Mr. Todi G&- wls Smixu Tamn-Now is the, time to get Sprfiw-
farmer aet the municipal councils the ndividual is an a:dmirable thing mn has en:ftred 4ia i and ytir :social ualities, Whioll sewing donebefore you g use 103, - bb IteT:min,acli'le at the descretton of esignittion as in et'btw -,r with he I Thad t4he power to incre�ase this fee', for �he ntLon.. It r�hqald be maile chso'r of such b, -bigh. order, ave ail (0ontinued Irom page 3.) _gundgazdening. Oxii new whito foods, V
hanii andft-qs goo 'te -
the Government. Sir Wilfrid Lafir- 1 leader in the Presbyterian were o6j hereon Ott' us -aw, There is bowe,ver, ds
ftder� the . provisions of 11he new ik�r In 'defining the. poLkei � Of th,6 I cOns'der- -church. Mr. 'Gibson has been n, a mddt be-nelficial influence .--on the lVarm, , PlUrchlase&.-Mr. Fetr Me- ieialda nive havi -ever bP4. See'ir)urs befort you-,
. )act the fee can only W increased by, abl opposition ho --it. This 6ppost- , - manity. Yo -U -r most untiring, ef- Govf�rnMexift-, * -on this, questiln saia active and faitbf al, Worker, and &9 cum lay as !arch!dse& te farLp on 1he bm,- %IAOd !a voite of tb3,, eect�rs. that IthVre were witstanding many ..tion corues!mainly from t aly filled the. poglition w1hieh fdrts on ji%half of religion andvry Ith concesstion 4f Tckersmi-t, R. can In the disposition of the license leases Ifor w4ter.p,ower; undersome Seve rl corporations objeTto SttGo'aX0t1se-- has hold for a number of' years.; m that ma:de- for the welfare of 1R. S.P ft!om. the estate -of the Xate ed., o]T the 1yayrLe1&;-&TZWt IwA su-n
bill )m - the commrdial the place- litave been 'appreciat&d by Michael O'Keefe. The farm d discourakll!� ber-16 in 00 Tiond, the municipalities are not as powe)r 11-u-naer" ..groiand, as TbJe -.�bavhelors of the village have --on- 41)aLy. ey-
-as-' wo'uld at Ot they fear it will injure trade. 1. As -a slig"Ilt hia-rk ryf the high' -liberally dealt -with hk�rs The - matUair wai" n-,Qw `�Ohe- invitations o-ut, for an assembly to tain 1-00i acres and- was arehased iening, on M1gs1Dn$'
W effento - first appear, a6d as some, 4tyf -the Jews an:,& the Seventh Day Adven ttem. in which-weholiryou, a as PIXZ tandbr investigation, ..and t& - Gov be hold' in the new town -hall ;pn afor �$3,1000. There -are -about 6.0, and w�aa highly Government papers w6uld wish -to ernmeft 4�iodtdl'lay all "ssfl6le in- f,istsl fear an invasion of their re- FrLdy evening.-7dr. and Mrs. Sohn, an expresson of oaT. gotod wishes acres cleared, and )�,O buildings. make 'It. Un4ex'th-e present aetthe ligloys rights. --Tie former , sholaild far yam in yolux fut ougregation. relset, Tbs.-,-
flormation Vefore the Bouse" He Rvbertson and' Miss essie, le:ft for Ir" hl'-' p191 MeXa bias p,hrebased this place for Ageth-adists Of tfils place. bav-04t lalb Ahatever, bethalf psture in order to. have me r.00in dieciAbd bv. ct a !new OhUTIOL it-
muniGtValities, received, -all- owns could hbtl go as far as some in' th re Lve no congideratLon Boissevalri, Manittoba, laof Friday.- acclbdt. this gifC. - Signed - o?n y license fees'in excess and -in so, fa,r as the wn- Mj� Win. Do.a ilf latter are Of tble committee, J,&hln Millr, Louis for hs st has, flo-v a long ti&e, 1beft: ,e@tion -of piublic -owriership glass, of Tu%rnberry,eia It is mirably- a- of the amount provided for in Me corned,, if. any co6oessions can be, v Walpar and Rdberrt MeLare'.' 'At da te -#u:rp<we, ani -- a otilitkes, but be 'agreed th-at wA(V-s p f 6r tb a I � is "rY neede&, the. 1p Y-esent -no being' statute: Tho -y also received their made int* their favor, -wiffiouf im- thie cl-(Yseo of readin- tis -address, convenient lifing on tile opvoiit�7 too small; nA I -# nt sUare evr policy may be adopted, this; also: b4cRy 0 -
of all fines and penalties dnd fanffim�enitai fr6ite must be obseTved, pairil�g the - generl .. fusefulness of Mr. Walp%r and Mr.r'X�Laren made . aide oil the, , ad and cornering his Brussels. ttle sums received for transfer fees. nanYel,, that Ova Govrnment shll, the. easure, nfo reasHinable 'person Bri�efs.-W. E. and Mrs. Darrican. thf.a. preeentation. which as in the esent 'farm, pair, a -A& it wws thougbt bdtter tb` ect pr Vaild, than PUt 1110*.- expese� -on A0 �Unde-t the po6osed iaot,the m Linlei- - WOU14 obj There will' also -be form of a'llda:atiAul and cogtly '811- Teg.ula:tt-'4'nW dteriftine the price VISI l and Z,ur- v -r cabini. Dr. Ferpusun, while palitles , receive onlyAheir pr,1P1- be bherg-ed t1he corlotime.r. Every, cons! erable 0pposition 110 it in wie�
Pit, Olt (for a oouple of dy§ dring th spending 'a coal Itiola, On'& half, Of - the license fbes, leaft. -4-hould! contain 'a stioulatign Pa4ilament. Bat this' can &e very vercome by ffie pre- X10pen. me MaLter bo, what aMa jla-rgely overcome IN. Barrett, of Wing- friends in Sea kirtC-Te 00 tt)A&��
a -nit '�'he Y, Vermitting fth g9veriiment -to con-, . f the ;people are ham, r1ras a visiilor in tjo 0an-tatim and' kindly addre�ss, re- 'Millinery openi4gs on -Friday, a -ad vortiseti by thi Cxoerih MJnvA"1*;:
.sufficiently in- eat' wn 011 PlPed on behialf-of Mrs. Forgi -:may be ln�reased y the in�unicl, tol.!tbe price of power,. rnest and instruct day of this week. -W. H. Mau-ndfars. and h 1119091 -isaturafay, April Cand 7, and, thllw foir Friday, was �wlfhdra0w* dwipg to 1pality wl * their represeiita:tives accordingly. d,�Presslng their deep.
�le the Prvfvince xeceives Tbe Tirs1t11:dlvisi!on of the session left �4)n Vres4ay oft thi's week ftorr lug days, -to which. yota. are cordially di�axlee,jble weAh�r. A I'ater dato
all the,, firips, -p onalties and-- transfer appreclati,6n fOrl, the beautibal and nvite
' ' d. 'Mider he able manage- way, be Arra�uggid. tlook [place a few das ago. 'TM Op- Nahlo, where he par&se8 going intio costly gi i -41)r. Smtli and X fees in addition to its prop'ortio,ii, Exeter ft -and"Infisaring his'frknas. positi-on put- np a reoluUar favar- ible Wheep ran�hing birsiness. ifierit Of Miss Harris. we are Show- ralnor Werp at T -last week.�. -
Uf the amount paid in license fees. Mrs. that thteir kindhemq not only th ,oridson n M0,
is taken in the ing �-,.xlanits ,of p,!rblic lan& n - William Pareons, Matin(ters' tan& dajujghter will remal oprbsent 011 ' 'a li'� the smartest an:d' most lup-+O- -Chas. FMconer ldft Tmgsfty A. a�kWard st" vocasiton blt thrwg]96�t date millinery ever Shown In Hen- ing f or the WeA..w2ftv WIM04, Of i6n ir-aid vl�ferans. , This - was resist- Wm.1 Yagdr and Wm, Nieweom!b have in 'Brus'els'in the rarean time'. -Mrs, thleir whole rn�gid�nce h�re watild ,act, where it permits -.the sale of t,,d by the Government and n -a di- goriv.� tio, North Daluota, the I ine 0. McKinnon 'and daughter, and sall. Don't forget the date, April Beaforth, was in. to7� 'oil. T,1*8&y.,. daring prohibited t -or rame. : ored and liquor to lodgers vxston the. miotion -of th-d i Opp�oisitiorf tic) 1�angdon and the ble ev, Mb eberisiVed 'haurs, and in the mak' Dthier aiffd thV. alth,�u 6 and 7. J. WElSMILLMR, Hensall. Riev. T. Steadman" ing legal the o, to Mrs. James Oliver returne(t to Wi is' �Onduptlng Tre. gh eparated from was Wofeat-ed by a -majority of 50. Will0w.CltY.-The annual ent6rtain, nipeg,'the fomer's home, t �serring of liqur in. the dining his week- thlam b tho miles that Votes. -Mr. John Chamers,, of vival Services at �Colloa- euqrw. 10, aday, -n men of the Pre-sbyierian Sabbdth TlYey -left Bru'ssels on Tue o the tom, - ine weAt of here is T010M4 of hotels daring -certain holurs thleir homeo et tbe pliasant scenes e g Pho ida ni�31 MeNaughton; one of uir , 4" nd rdeMOT!es, iof thc� past -%(xald The Ortario Legislature. *as belA on Fri evenin Da Ing aU muction sale, of i;�ses and on Sundays. O'l l4st'. A good musical artd Ifte-rary 'residents, intends to remio thoron,ghred Short1horn cattle to- 'A good feature is that Ndh The members of ft, Legislature do tv'vr claster in their minds and prog amme was-givn bo, a d6liglit- Moosle q,aw, Ntofrtbwet Terribory, in Hibb
bind thtem tv. their many friesils in Mr. Clianihers makes it Gompalsory for the lie-61Be qn-ot seem to have taken the Pre` ha nnunced R4,-nsall and 'vicinity. At the blose.
inspector to prosecute for a seciond ed a.ddience. 'ileeV6 'P(obier expects thb near tutuwe, afi s; a )Iqs, pood, stock aild tihis sale will Tbit','Pw Canadian sboeiforluffiestbe mler's adgionitions: ve:ry :se'rioasly to .hiave Ibis autpmobile here be- an iaotYction ,'ialre Of his haiuseb(old ef- affod ur farmers a §aod.,,qppor-� ada-,aniec-tmtAoetLbailmodemWMee. or -subsequent offence acoordirXg to of thle dtoct-or's rely' and, afew. in north willdow. W. M vulls solevenb ff
-.the fact and a -heavy penalty is pro- to heart. fto be -on hand punctually fore the 20h of My. It will carry fedt-13. His thre. sons are � already .short, Idnity of semwin g* Mo roxnarks. from friends Pre- serviceable ani� Cwtokla iihoe, and.DoroTiij D0 Alhoes -for lailseg:mol
froml 26 Va 30 petsons and h� in- located lther�. and are doing well.- sent and, -a solo by Mr. �Alex. Tay- mals. , and- Mon- i men, Sadortil. IM -1 v'Ided if be -fails to do so. T)�a in- for business �otu Fridays tewl,4 to 'use' it in the conveying Lawrence 'Addy, of Stratford, is a, lor, acoompanifed by Miss Aggie Are Good; ROT4Ste.-Mr. We (Cleorge A. Slater shoes Iq 11ey 11a.rve-Y, North ISide Vites,)Wiss Aa*6 ,it also� U`.Qtify the Ace, as the sessions -on laffE Fri- )of bpectur ma nse ff-ays p�ussongers 'to Grand Benid as visitor 'in town, with his causn. Mr, Cloy, on thiq piajio, and the sini -who has been baying and:gbi�
board of all oonviqtiloris, ncl 'atter inZ pping Brennan., who bas been wrivlescideUrree convictions '- within three day ad Monday we -re verf tinl- well as Tor gabepg, cream for hie Jmes allantyne.-Mr. J. D. War-� or Aud Lang Syne 11 by tbe a . udi- hrses in 1his vicinity all. winfer, at Graverlb;Ut,; Ojitario, for .60 years Ue lirense boaid, -de- attended- and. thtere wa's little blial- -factcry. Qur. reeve is a Nutler.- w1Ck Ireburne'd10 Montana on -Tues-, vence in ftitie hearty style, led by Mr. shipmeVE, friqm this atatiion tim!6 past, has returnd bmue, and in 4clare the liee;rtse bancelled,- failing nss done. ,D)uring this week the after spendix R. Me'Lamn, and coampanied by Xess rg. Thomas 13ole and W -m. Wil- dy of this wt�k,,' ig"the last we6k, tp a Man In Regina. Goo4 much improvef. in Jiealtx-91": to do sa after being notified to tthat son, :)f this town hve ar'cbase-411-tbe win!ter here with his wife an,7[ fam- Miss Addi;e Deell, �he. first paet of hr�sen'On say trheY Nv-e�re as Ane a lot Lacy Vane, vf--Br1Lcefie;1dj vigitof effee as ever left -this a Legi,51abure has been in .0he throes sbor� business . -of'Messrs.f tBmwd�p ily. Na ,was acebmpanidd by Robbie thb me,�ting was btomght to a. close. J. J. Ro 0 d, the, 'week. f t by the Minister or any muni- tation. AMIOng Mrs.
of the Dadget debate INtit, it will, & go'na. at Hensall and havei already McKenzie, wh will also, seek hia of A Good '61pal telector, the menl'�Ders o "the #ftler tis all wer thhe nlunibe�r wag a ver fine r e aff &rded an. op d,
Poirtlumity of -spending a fres social rivers , com ,board are sev-eral�y: - �Iiable -,+0 a pfobably, have cloised ere-tihs meets. t,7ke ossessipm Vhile sorry to f0rt,,un�e in the same locality.- ing three years 641id. a Donnelly, of the, 4t -h conoession, fine o f $106. the ey(� of bhe reader, A4qoug the loe.these iqung gentlemen -from Dr, 'Ross, of Toroutio, will officiat, eveving toether, -it is need- black wid' a, chesuat. One was bred1l bet, sol.d a fine six-year�iold borea oar OWA we. -can teartily recom- in Melville ebrch, next, le cl 0 U1111 by Mr. �&hn Local option receives a sat back'. Sabbath., I s, t; 1 sa. wa e. igy-ed to the f -MeNi6vin and the other, to Mr. ohn for ike 11
anembe:rs who to(ok part in the de- men tbiem! toi atir neighbors v hto Rev. 'Mr. Daley, fmni near 'Broek- eve tio, the. wee -offat,t, of the Lo-a-
(Alth,ou:gh -the act makes it conrpuil- 151 alm of V275� This 1horre we�914 ya . na hoa�rs Of tb:. by M`i. 1 -T*hn' x
Wry toT ta municipal counon tfo� 'bato was Mt. Hislop, of East Ha!r- will �ixrd thm reliwble, vill, ,peached two good I i don roa&. Mr. H:arvey got the v.
actlive� b'as- wmvons roorrn, ng. tm: 1,150 pounds, Mr. Donnelly keeps a lGeal option by-law, on a on. iness�. men aJY4 *k0oh, citizens' Mr, tast Sanday.-Mr. B. Gerry, of town, of $3090 for the pair. They c Isubmit Notes. -In the 'return !hockey - . .-Werci n4-bing 11at tho beeit ba the bor*a nd, Mrs.'W". Raghtofi . and. fam- was Ithle purchaser of the Hart JOG match p - t1he bi' both sired, by Electrio, B petition of at lea9t twoxtp-fiva per The saveral Government mea -i ires layed between Goderic] We. wiph line so 0 ily have removed to --Rugby,, North �,aGrl- 'farm, wielh was offered, for axfd- home girls, the Hensall girls cent of 1he electors in a muniol- that h1ave -far been intr, aead here Mr�. lf4ughiston in- sato 'here last Saturday. T ' prop- woin, the 3 Vality, 'it - ,requires a two-thirds have not - yet passed the preliminary Dakota, w he, core stanAip(g. 7 to O. -Mr. tends 'going into husineRs. previduls, erty.lis located in the �oil dis�trit 4n
D. Cantelon has ga,rchased a driver
-vote to, carry 'the by-law.' . It also at-,tge and there- arc 'stiil several 'to leaving here the tratees oT Elm t-ownship, and the price paid Mr. Wv.11in ton Fe -e,
by-law cannot be submitted to the light of day' Among this ninber i -h a, coTplimentary -i . -b S I 9 sented thenX Wit being 'got in readiness to commeh from A_ �of the -0 ROLLr
provides that, if defeated, a -similar very important mecasures to see th Main 9treet X6thDdist c4areh pre- w1a,9 �$2,300.-Brds'els salt works are Cfolsben line. Xr- j. C p-
elee,tors for two years, but if it the man and littlp,girl, of Loudon, wets 10-00 Educational bill, the bill regu� addres; and a rdit case kn commem- opera1ions once more. A SMIDke bere awing blie, past -Nveek visiting' ewcarries it can 'be repealed in two lating the taxation of railways; the� aratian of their. faith�ul services in -i stark �arrived- last week. -Jas. Rum- Mr., Chapman'.5 relatives4XX3. JX, or IGH101COE �rears on a t-wo-thirds vote.. bill respecting Niagara electrical comner, Jon with church work, -Mr. ter, Who blas been an employee of T � Another clause gives the Govepa- piver, and. dthrs, o, that the rdYer Vent the paAt week in Sea- re Alx. Paw,-Lwho wag in the Nort.h the lBrusae'ls Marble w-urks for the foirth with hier da-mgg ment power to grant licenses to ill be veiry little disaussion on -vvesf - ters.-Miss 'F.� :�Ith, harses has'ret-arnea home past 'conple, of years, has puxchaseA Cowarth, of Lonftnr I)As been vis-'
steam boats nd to railway coiapan- anY of these and the 'usual big and bpotaght witl, him,a 'car load BTY9011 CdchTane's interest in tibe iting her parents' -:114r. Roland.Cud ies, in re.,?pefe-t -of dining and buffet mAh at, bb close, -ar'the Legisla- df stee'rs -��hich he gr"s an Uais business �and the firm will now be, More Iras been awarded the con- WA PAP R lcaxs operated by them. Suclistrong tors will bo boarders at Tor;nbo farm re* --Mr. bsep;h Yellow has known Wilsion & Hunter. We tract fbir liailding a. large ti" 5o hawever, that the Gov- 'teith intrfo&uced his bill. f, r Le e ojau 8 this clau, fa: a -contivaed suc- briek dwelling far Mr. B. opposition ba been expres�ed to 1uhtil the first -of une-.' Mr. Mon leased the rm of Mr. Tho-mas p. 8- wish t1he new. firm o, Th a- 11 n the s th - id of Clie TQatame COSS. this summer, at the, west end of our iornment haive announced thoir i- iiaendmmt of the agriesultural. and: ��" To be, sold'at a -Greitl :road, 9burne, for a term of years. village. -Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Divacau, Itention at eliminaing it. A:nbther rts� a-ct on Tuesday. A syiiopsis of Mr. 11mv has 9-ut ;I gotoa farm Blnevale, provides for' the granting of the main feiabares of this bill will nd of Brassels,,1were here, (Ittring the dLAL r. Russell. a good tenant.- 1-�,at"--Grippe, is all the go. -Mr. past week visitinp� their relatives, hib license.q. be founa in ancitbor column. Mr. 31obda has 'parbba-sed the T.ohu Rdbartson spent a few days Mr. an4 Mrs. 'Janre TaylUT.—Miss These are the. e Of tj 7 Beautiful new designs selling from Se Per Toll Up.. , tckands, importance . betoire the Legislatlare brick Coftag D - L t, and will Mrs. Itoert Bla k, b6foTe he lef t from Hamiltn,! mhte she, ha d b e,,,,4n e. No additional oarge for �of the. bill as it at pileseaft prinoipal feit tires Amvng the private bills of niost :�OOMIDU ble and nicely -aittiated of last wek visiting 'his doup'lite-r, Eva Warring returned�last week Contraetp taken for han&g, sal -4
'but the �,ds.qibllitles axe there will is that of Mr. Horyle for tibe, be-Eter u L c g t# rbe co pYlt arter th Ist of �--ane.-Xr. for- 'his ew hme in Dois.5evain, sprnding a week or so with friends". the country. a nurriber of changes befre it Iretpulation , f joi.nt stook aDmPaan- �A. Bagshaw has gone t -o thl,- Nor;tib-' Manit-oba.-Mr. and Mrs. James -Mr. and Mr.4. D. Flannry have. room then tome and fix your date., saving any disap- becomes lw. The Governmentmust ls. Wben this bill waiap Measure your 9$ for dis- Nvest, wbare - he *ill remain for the Robertson reiturned t Manitioba, m"d to St. Colamban,-Miss Alice pointment About the paper hangmg. hmvev,eT, feel fairly seeare in be -oh9sion the. Opposition maAe. a gcko gummer, and if li� gets a suitable last week. -It is reported thalt Mr. 'Caldirell ret*rried bme last Satar- 'position they havp. tken in the mat- fight to seoure the insertion of location there w1ill reAbove his family olhg Walmsloy, oT BaVf1eldp form- day from 7or-ontin, wheic, t, bad ter or they Wo'dld nof have bpouWht -Oxase for the protection of legit- in the fall. -'Mr. Joseph a'y', of the, erly - of Blaevale, is in ve�y poor bee om a visit for sevexal weeks, measur which 'ig not re- imato sh-arelhlders against wTterdd London Road, Sautb, was "c6nsider- 'heltli.-Mr. Blair, of St. Catharines, adcoluWanied by and Uavvn eople or the liquor u to pr . oniine;nt men ftr T the temperance p a re(Ridtio 'e-cived in a kindly- way by eithtr ,stoA and stocks given gratis or O'Lt` �bly in ltire4 a few days ago, by be- was, i -o ths villalge, on business one Mrs. Warrener, -or Clinton,4have. W1 ing kiellmd by a cow, which he was day lavt week. -Miss Eva Paterson, moved into ou. vUlage nd are oc� ALEX, cl. N1 As a purely h6ansing the -use of bbeir niames in praMotiax -milking Mr. Rierbard D,�vis has 'of Wingham, visited over Sanday cupying the brick block Mr. War- law, it lia, 'a nuinber ff go,od companies, but the G 'IS FIPLST DOOR -NORTH OF PICKAWS8 cIverAlnent . purclra.�rd tq1te brick '@oLbage a't-pres, with Blaova4e friends. -Mr. Alex, renex purchase.,ii wonth or o aX0 !paints. and were the defect% such ,Is trenuously apposed 'this and Nvlheth- ent ocalipied by- Mr. S. M. Sanders, Bryans aind datighter, Ina, f ameq- fildm Mr. amx,s liewerly for his SEAR.-ORTHI the- relaxing of the regulations per- ot or not they will give in remaing paying for it $1,150. -At the recent town, visited, in 331tievale on Thurs- bakexy ana dwelling. -Mr. l*ies E.
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