HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-30, Page 30 ars PObITO r• ee-essesees etfatION SAL. ONLE of Farm Stook and Implement . Nett Ims instructed Mr. Thom_ auetion on Lot 24. Omen. on Wetinesdaa, April Into at i.o'cloe oning paoperta :a -Hones -1 epan • t old ; I span of rnares ti and 0 yea. t foal. 0 years old 3 draught 5o1 ; 1draught stallion risino- 8 yearo la steers from 1,000 to 1,200rlho. ; 11 ,eozoa. '- 9 3 carting nteers and heifers. - fl g-ood eonditioti and Win - roprietor is ofrii in: up the aunt he plemeots -1 buggy nearly new, 1 saleboarti„ I extensatni table, 1 eouch, 1 bed,- 5 kitchen chairs, 1 itoyat ing st Inc -land, other things to numer. n. There will also be eold„ at the- , dace, the Ifoushold Furniture and rj IAA. Terms -AR sums of SIO that amotint. aronthie credit will rnishing approved joint notes, A dia. n. (-vat per annum %Ali be allowed for t amounta. ALBERT 14101T, Prop, "As BRoWN, Auctiooeer. 1907-3 of Farm titoek and implementa, a Brown his been inatructed eve to sell by public auction on 5, IL R. S.. 'Ttlekersmith, on Two- delock tn., the following, ral purpose horse rising 5 yro, - Prpi mare rising 5 years oot. 7Iy e 'ows, 1 eow due to calve, die oApril, "2 cows supposed to calve. Imrow ow, 1oow: calved the end et - it steer rising 3 yean old, 4 ateers aava, January. 1 steer rising; 2 years old, ',year:461d, 4 yearlinam, 1 steer, 3 h4- reo, 2 1..teera, 1 heifer, 1 calf 5 weeks - h litter at foot 7 weeks old, 1 sow xvith vpmcs old, oar) young hens, 1 Minorta. fr ducks and (hake. Implements. -or loader new, 1 McCormack mower 5 -ft.. combinwl, 1 Sharp hay rake, 1 single p, 1 spring tooth Cultivator, 1 Fleury know gang plow, 1 saunter. 1 Fleury ['feed boxea, 2 (lona grain bags, 1 long rr 2 pair whiffietrees, 80 round (*der of) inch wood, 1 Chatham tannin', mill ttaehment, 1 set weigh sealea (2,01101W), - platform, 1 set diamond harrows, 1 deighs, 1"O wagon nearly new, 1 gravel - rolughs and 2 round water troughe„ 1- vagOn raek and stock rack, good, 1 g roess, 1 work benelo 1 grindstone. Ocoee, :spades, ditching spade. neckyoke, - rat se.ythes, 1 spring seat, 2 cross cut _ ' stretcher, a quantity of good tint- . Everything- will be sok/ with - the proprietor has saki h,fartn. anis of Viand under, mix ; over tbn iths* credit will be given on appros 31 cent% on the dollar off for ca.shO Tn &and hay cash. THOS. M. GRI rms. BROWN, Auctioneer. 1097-2 FOR SALE. tN YOU'LL FOR SALE, -For bale I Shorthorn Bull, red in color and IS - Apply on Lot 24, London Road. Tuet: !dress Brneefield T. O., W. R. SMILLIE. 1993 tf • BrIL FOR SALE. -For sate al Shorthorn Bull, 17 months old, col tie white. Prim right. Apply on Lot 4, Tnekereinith or addreso Egmo 5/. CARNOCHAN. 1981-t t SHEEP AND SHORTHORN OAT.= LE. -Tho undersigned has for mite ear. abred Le/castor Sheep aod Durb.an. ream. Addreasrginondville P. 0. o -I Mill Road, Tuck...onto ROBSPoo SONS, 1372-,1 Young horrt Bulls, also cows crs, ch(neQ anim1s and Of A. 1 breeding. -al purpose and 1 agricultural horse ; o old, sound and good workers. Prtee erms to suit. Also 20th Centu - an oat, clean, for seed. DAVI 1. t. 199311 HATCHING.-1A-hite Plymouth Rook strain, eggs r.:41. per 13 ; White Wy- hn S. Martin, Port Offer, strain, $4 %too :seven Barred Roak emkeral and_ a for sale, .1. K. Millard strain, Dundae„ ' JOHN H. COOPER, Searoatho'- 1990x4 RN CA • Set en first-class Young From itiworted cows, for sale at moder- I on eaay torma : good young cows and n. sale. All interested•are cordially in- _ ot the herd. Farm adjoins town, long. ..'hone to farm. Write for catalogue. :toter. 1993.tf r,ED STOCK FOR SALE. -The under., aften for;soode on Lot 27, Concession ohip. a number of heifers and young yea at foot, 1 3 earling bull, 1 Berkshire LI old, a right good anunaL The above registered in the National Stock Re.. , nuaterate.terms cozy, visitors welcome. Staffa P. Ai. 1900 -ti .-Chou e bred bulls and females ages for sale, about two dozen to seep s reasonable. Herd now headed nus" geom. He is got by the b nported stock on both sides, gloasy da ind well set on short legs. Terns • zr. insured ; others on application !owe. Agfa; RODER, Heusall P. O. 1986-tf h- • • SMJ}OR TO)RENT4 ROI TO RENT. -To rent, Lot 17, MeKillop, 100 aeres in grass.. Will be an-nt of years. .Apply to IOW BROS., Seaforth. 190644 -House, Stable and Two Lots on West street. The house is frame with s tied cellars, hard and soft water in kiP lint-clasa repair. Apply on the prem 'Elio box 116, Seaforth. 100541 NTED FOR PASTCRE.-Lot 20, Cort2, Hay, adjoining the village of Hansa, _ aliout 100 aeree, all eeeded down te. rr'eaatol for pasture. There is to never ,ereek to euppiv water. Terms easy..o IN MoEWMN, liernolt - 1095x4 , = :tthe undentiooted will rent his farra b Shore to a good tenant for a termif consista of 210 acres of goat. under cultivation and in good eon. 1 terms and particulars apply at onm -Ttl, St. Joaeph 1'. 0. 1,98144 .O1 TO RENT. -The farm of 140 Ong Lot 27, Coneession 2, Stanley, • for a. term of yeara. GO(.4 110133gr If•nt) of water, hearing orehard, cd 4. .4,r4. aeres under eulthation ; drat-, resent entirely under grass. Appito (01 premises or Clinton fo, or 100344 RENT. -.-To rent, north half of Lot 29 ion 3, Hibbert, containing 50 acres. It 1 except Karen aeres of good bugto te place, a frame barn, 49 x 50, wolul. atio and a. good frame house, The. -- derl to graso It is two and a belt - blin P. 0. For particulars applY tae AN, liarrister, Seaforth. 1905x4 SALE. - For sale, Lot 1: conession 14,. •ontaining 120 aeres. 1:he farm is niK - a high state of cultivation. It is well ,ell fen -ed. There is a large two -401;0' _ all wood shed and kitchen, There 154. and two smaller barns and drivb11$ orehards. There are t wo never _ the WWI which make it an excelio iter .t(4'k or eroppiag. Therp its altiott- - lam Altai iv indutill. This excellent, from Harlock P. tr., four miles from • 1n• fo,Ifi on emy terms a-. the propriet7 lea%e the farm. This the farm or 1.1111... For further part ietilurs appIy 00 .r felAr 1 htri,Jek p. 44„, M1tL JOR,04. 199%4_ '1' teee ANT NOTICES. 1:1) v plain faitt light sewing frri:e or syare time, good pay, work i', eharges paid. Send stamp for folio 'tonal Mantimeturitto Co., Montrea 1096a.4 _ rc 1 Intl.., (ni CifficeSSIOn 21. ‘1.% liarni,r•Inrri barley and the ( The,) are supposed to be- ' 'IN and lia% 31% in me the beat Of va.t3 , tea welt ft. Flsett-here ; trY .14 .1n! .liensall 0- 191)3-tf er mese: isle s‘ese- For 2ale; . 11 1anhf•r, squarr and in lelgitit- ? r'4, ai-rt a quantity of rough, :vs at I g. Parties m: e tato tho valuing atosnri will ffneF' .„,a• to toll aod see it on Lot 21'. i000p. 192644 It el.s sone:eon }1aving. Roltert Miller, of Stota° .tot coital...tool. Shorthorn " Lect. • kiliker,, Aberdeeto if- 1011 lo• Lept for service - ;on Terrno.- , ...; tot at Vit.". p. 1;. . 1:T NoirlUs. 1094-6 at.,:oi It F. The turtr•tr,Agned Will ._ • • .71 i.- (1, Ttlek; Lout 14111 " L0YWt'Y . T..rms.-- 7_4: for thorobredg 10- 1n9pirtt,1 Shorthorn Bull, " Re 41 ho hept during April and 31aY 4 11:q. two miles ivett- t1ionnuchbre.44 will be ac - el awe or the aeasait he will heft° - Tuekersmit I t. Terms. -S6 to in - Lulls fit for service for 1, Tualootattitli. 19974 yottrmoneyIn he SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA Never itops worlting day or night -and no money comes more easily than interest money. You can start an account here with only one dollar. nteres.t Paid 4 Times a Year Whether you look after it br not. HENSALL. Estab7i3lied 1879. Whoopitig Cough, Croup, Bronchitis ough, Grip, Asthma, Diphtheria Crecolone to r.: boon to Aothrnatles I . (=or= ise. long established and'standard remedy Ifothediscases indli.nted. It cores be.Cause the sir Ten. Idared atningy antiseptic %carried over the diseased sur- faces of the bre:at:dui tubou 'with every breath, giving prelengednnticonstant treat -mut. Those ore consump_ vie tendeeey, er surTerers from chronic broilehltis, dud immediate relief from coughs or inflamed conditions of the throat. Vovseresolono b. seld by druggists or int pro. paid on reosipt• of price. A Vairo.Creseleno out- fit- Wilding 0- We* a Cresoloo 11.50. Send fc r fres illustrated booklet LEatiN02111a.3 CO.. Ltd., Agent% 2t5 St. James f...q... mitres], Cuuada. 306 ,Arand Trunk Raiiway System. Railway Time Tablo Trains leave Sesforth tie follows : O,M a.m. For Clinton, Goderloh 12logham sn Kinoardino. 41 p. M.'. For Clinton and Goderleh 15 p. m. ForSlintoo, Whighanr and Khmer „dine m. For Clinton and Goderloh. in For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Orillia, North Bay and palatal went Belleville and Teterboro and points fume. Por Stratford, Guelph, Torooto, Mon- treal and points east. • For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. London, aterOrt and Bruce. I.87 Pi m• 0.33 P. m. NOorgoo aseareate.........••-•-•••••• kignesta sok 6 • mos ass Clinton- - • • •Ar Londesboro Myth- - *ow ear 4.-4.3•••S s•S• lielgrave_.- *Ingham 0 SOUTH - (+gingham, depart.. - fa •*..••••• Blyth_ -am • •• trondeScoree IS* S • IS SO sitS • • • Pmenger. 8.15 A.m, 1.60 P 1,4 9.18 6.43 9.80 5,64 9.44 9.50 , 9.58 10.15 10.80 10,88 10.60 11.00 6.06 0.11 0.19 0.25 0.52 7.00 7.18 7,26 Passenger, 6.41 A.m. 3.30 r. m 6.52 8.44 7.06 B.t 6 7.14 4.04 Olinton- - 7.47 4.28 8.05 8.49 8.15 4.47 8.22 4.52 8,35 5.05 8.46 5.16 9.45 A. Lt. 5,10 Ortioenekla• • . •• ;ripen- amosse••••••• Masan •• Zxober. sts ma .0. • • •••‘ 130,2tradit• •• ••••• 1•• as* •m• London, farrive)- Palmerston and Kincardine. itt10 NORTH. Pase. Pass. aalmerston.... .... 7.65 p.m. 12.4J p.m 8.41 1.7 8.51. 1.88 9.03 1.50 W4r4kharn... 9.03 1.56 gOiltn 8on/4 Patrit. Mixed, .. 6.43 a.m 10.a40.ini •-• 6.62 10.65 - 7.05 11.25 7.26 12.50 Ptimeretort 8.10 8.00 14- r EtEt Self )••• larnseetti *is •••• tiherto • • .. . • . • • • • • Mixed 5.30 a.ro 7.40 8,40 9.00 9.10 Pass. 2.40 p.m 2.49 8.02 8-.18 4.10 The Celebrated English Cocoa. achnirable food, with all its natural qualities intact. This excellent Cocoa main- tains the system in robust lealth, and enables it to resist wi3ater's extreme cold. - OCO The Most NutritioUe and Economical. To. Manitoba Alberta.. and Saskatchewan •- SPECIAL TRAINS FOR SETTLERS Withlive stock and effects, from Toronto ai IC* p.m. EVERY TU ES DAY DURING k MARCH AND APRIL tri COLONIST CARS ATTACHED NO EXTRA CHARGE I Settlers travelling without Jive stOck should 20 1.45 p.m. train from Toronto daily. • TOURIST CARS rt. jaosdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sat, 70. Qost of Sleeping berths as follows: - 1 Winnipeg - $4.00 Regina - 'ft 2100seolaw - 6.00 Calgary - 8.00 "Settlers' Guide" and "Western, Canada " 0kj�te of practical use and interest to set - 613, With rates and, full tinforoaation, free n application to nearest Canadian Pacific' llto or write to C. B. Foster, D. P. A.. Fo• Toronto. $1.00 ROUND TRIP GODERICH TO TUESDAY, JUNE 19 RE,TIORNING JUNE. 21 Ser GREYHOUND 2 Days In Detrol rite E. H. Ayer, Agent, Detroit fox pude-Wars. The old cold goes; a new -one quickly comes. Ws the story of a weak throat, weak lungs, a tendency to consumption. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral breaks up the taking -cold habit. le strengthens, soothes, heals. Ask your doctor About it. The best kind of a testimonial- " Sold for over sixty- years." Made by. X. O. Ayer no., Lowe% Nam Also nasnufkottisers of 311 SARSAPARILLA. yersPILLS. HAIR 'VISOR. i We have no aserats 1 We publish, the formulae of all our medians& Keero the bowels regular with Aver's Pills, just one Oil each night. 1$ I 0 0 Per Month 14 Young men who less than a year ago were students in our school are now earning $100.00 per month. On graduation they went direct to a position and have , advanced steadily. You can do equally wefi. Our handsomely illustrated new telegraph, book tells how. We mail it free. B. W. SOMERS, Principal Dominion School of TelegraPhy and Raiiroadiug ' 9 ADELAIDE STREET EAST: TORONTO. _ 1 4 Highland Teo Is Pure Tea Grand Mogul teas are the products of the high- lands in Ceylon.' They are the real mountain dew of the Orietit. q /iga.ture put into these Highland teas a high per, centage of theine (flavor- ing)- and a low percentage of tannin (bitters), q Grand -Mogul teas are a nerve tonic, a pure food and an aid to life. Nervous people prefer them to medicine, q Healthy people 'regard them as the beverage of good health. .Prepared by machinery from plantation to teapot. Grand MOM! Tea te Sold only in packages at 25e, 30c, 40c and 50c per -pound in black, gween or, mixed. Look for the premium coupon and premium list in each package. The cost of these coupons isnot taken out of the tea but is simply a part of the -adver- tising appropriation. Family Groups and Children's Photos Aree, Speoialty with us. We do the kind of work you will be pleased with. We have exceptional faeilities for mak- ing family groups and children's photos. Come in and see as. Picture Framing and Moulding. JACKSON BROS, Seaforth. CAUGHT COLD . ON THE- CPS. A. E Mumford tells how Psythine cured him after the Doctors gave him up DISTRICT MATTERS. Winnipeg,. -Our old friend' end fellew townsmae, Mr. E. ,111 liten, writing len= Winnipeg, on March 4.7t1he says: "We are all 're 1 and ie baving y veee, tie sunshine all the (time, hue Gem ia: The last tvvo weeks have been y cold, Vanning from zero to 20 be w. We had e mild spell be.-' fe that and a little 00101Wser of rain th ough the night, esult that eas been kith only train we have had since egae, 25t of east October. There has not been much snow, aboult rigour !OX five Inc es 'and 'lovely sleighing all win- ter Building has been going on ver briskly all winter. , I am em - pia d with the Winnipeg Paint and Gla Co. They_ deel -in material for tall kinds sotf Iteuee tbnilding, from e and sand to leMber, nails, pal t, etc." Mr. lton has ma y friends .9.133e, aders W 1 will be 'pleased ia. from hi . for the _Seaforth trace meet on Jane e 0.--.... 'T e Seaforth* Race.-Tbe ;program 20 nel. 21 has been arranged. In ad- eliti al to two stake races -2.50 pace and 2..40 trot -or which the entry list is exceptionally large, there axe elee a 2.10 pace, a 2.15 pace, 2.23 pace an g.io pa. The. purses a - mot t • ba $2,400. The following are the ntries or the stake races: 2,50; Re. -H. 'Jewels, 'Hamilton; IN'. Mee Leo., London; W. Cedralere, Sea - fort ; Webber - Bessey, :Hamilton ; Th ag Fit.zgerald., Teronbo; G-. Goodale, Hamilton, T. *. McLach- lan, hatham ; Dr. Karn, Berlin; B. Stew rt, Ginelph; Beattie Bres., 03arr e ; Welby Almas, Brantferd ; A., 3). u eBride, Ottawa; M. Connors, Pete bore.; "Wr B. Kitchen, .Tilsors- leurrg; James Irvine, iDeendas ; Mr. Ren ie, London ; W. Bodeen, Mon- treal ; W. Kidd, Listowel; Mr. Lewi Armada, „ Michigan. 2;40 Trat Thos._ Pinkney, -Seaforth; 'Wm,' C:ud ore, seeeforth; Chas. Broad - foot, Brassels . J. jackson, St. Cath- erine ; R. Kettle, Wyoming, H. Celli fa, Itrantford ; R. C. Stinson, Bran ford, tees. D. Soutar, Chat- ham W. J. iGilks, Barrie; J. J. Burns, Toroarto; Dr. Groves, Roch- ester N. Y.; H. James'Hamilton; ' W. essey, elan:lifter" ; T. 13.Fed- mem s, Blenheim; 'McLaren Stook Bu,ckinglAm. . Par e It ss twelve years since Psychineeurecl me of galloping consumption." The Speaker was Mr. A. E. Mumford, six feet tall, and looking just what he is a. husky healthy farmer. He works his own farm near Magnetawan, Ont. I caught nay cold working as a fireman on the C.P.R. he continued. "I had night sweats, chills and fever and frequent- ly coughed up pieces of my lungs. I was sinking fast and the doctors' seid there was no hope for me. Two months treat- ment of Psychine put me right On my feet and I have had no returna'of lung trouble If Mr. Mumford had started to take, Psychine when he first caught cold he would have saved himself a lot of anxiety and suffering. Psychine cures all Jung • troubles by killing the germs -the roOts of the disease. ‘‘. PSYCH! (Pronounc.ed Si -keen) 50c. Per Bottle Larger sixes $2 and $2 -all druggists. DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limit/ad, Toronto. Staffa. N Sas- Barbour was visit ng relativeg at Seaford' last week. -Miss Agnes MeDeugall has retu ned hoane from London. -Mrs. Hug Norris was atteeding 'her sis- ter's wedding, atCarlingford.-Mr. Cha . see is , very ill, but all ape far his speedy recovery. - Mr. James Hamilton was visiting frie ds at et. Marys last week. - eters Templeman, entertained her frie ids to a rag be last week. - Mr. Joseph. Worden i was at 'harass tar a few ot his friends Thursday ev- ening. -Miss Jessie Allen gave a 5 o'cl cle tea. on Monday evening last to the dress makers of the village. The e little social functions to whi h Miss Allen treats her friends are always enjoyed. . N tes. -Mr. Peter Baird, -who spe t the winter with • friends here, has returned to his home in Pas- qua . Saskatcheevan.-MP. Melvin Lie d, isrboh:as been two years with Mr. Albert Nott, left this week for Sas atchewan.. He is going to Bat- tlef rd. -Hugh Gilm,oesc, who has bee at the home a his mother 'or the winter mantes, has returned to. his home in Moose Jaw district.- ,Mis. R. Amos, who has been visiting at he. borne' of A. Dunkin, has g0 - tar ed to, her home in McGillivray. - Mr. and Mr. R. Turner, of Yale, Mic1tIgan, svho visited miatives and frie ds in thie vicinity, returned to theit homelast week. -Miss Emily Clarke, of the Babylon line, went to '1 Springs last _week, to visit her sister, Mrs. (Rev.) R. A. Miller. • Usborne. Thames Road lieotes.-Mrs, „Ts Col- lingWood, of Brantford, is at pre- sent visiting her brother, Mr. W. ey.-Mr. S. se. Cann left Tues- day, morning toe the West. -Master Orvil Cann and - his sister, Miss Ver 'a epent Sabbath ea Stratford. - Mr. Cann who hes been lender the duet, sr's care is improving. -Word has been received from Mr. Will Alli' on telling cif his safe arrival in t,e. far West and of the severity of he weather. -Mrs. John , Mor- gan aceoanpanied by Master -Archie end Miss Myra[ spent last week visi in,g her -sister, Mrs. S. pop/es 13t0 , le Blyth. Mrs. Morgeres ma y friends. 'are ranch pleased. to hem that she is -able to. be, lout a - gale after her recent illness. -The cot age. grayer faeetings amid in t1I-i4 neighborhood- have been well att rided lately. -Miss Stella Pass - mo. is in Stratford visiting her bra her, Mr. Joihn Passmore, at pre ent.-Mr. ,john Morgan has pu chased an" i Empire Cream sep- arator from, Mr. John Duncan. sr. - nu-mber from this vicinity -til- t() ded the live stock sale of Mr. jo1 n Roweliffe, on TueSday of- last week. -Mr. George G-illis left for M nitoba. on Tueeday of last week. He will be much miss -&d: in this ne ghboehoed. His friends wish him a, rosperous life in the great Nest. Stanley. HOT Morris. he Muncie -AV- the- last meeting a the council pathmesters were ap- O inted as follows: North 131oun- A: Ty, W.' Henderson, W. 3. Render -- n, P. kowler, John Moleracken, G. eDanald, W. Robertson, N. Thorn- t''J. Messer, P, Moffatt. let Line 3):. Campbell, A. barripbell, John 8 ence, A. lecEwen, R. G. Mathees, .G Johnston, R. Miller. 2nd Lint- '. Findleter, 3, Casemore, 3. Pr- -, L. Jewitt, J. Sellers, D. Agar, E Pease, W. Forrest, C. Forrest, L. E kneer. 3rd Line -A. Brydges, G. H lane, C. Garnise, W. IL Knox, J. T yne, W. Bench, W. Patron, R. M tehell. 4th Line -R. Anderson, . Proctor, R. Proctor, J. Nicol - so -1, C. Wheeler, J. B. Kearney,..T. S urrie,' james Shurrie, A. Crooks. 5t Line -G. Procter, A. Cloakey, S. J rdin, 3. N. Martin, 3. eicArter, E Nichol., D. Somerville, j. Davis, D1 Jorden, 3. Grainger. •6th Line - E4 Ward„ J. Kelly, J. Agen, WM.. Michie, P. MoNeb, 3. T. Kelly, R. Smith, 'J. Denglas, -W. Thmell. 7th. I ne.-R. Vint, 3, Phelan, j. eraig, . Ounaningh,arci, W. Kelly, A. Howe 1 t, P. McCall, D. M. MeDonald, F.t $xaith. 8th Line -H. Fear, 3. Bleb. -- 5311. ai'd, •A. iLai a.w; J. lefeCall, T. ll Bielby, j. MeC eighey, W. •Skelton,, • I MeCallietn, H. ;redeem, Go elleCalle Ardell, Dtb, Line -W., Logen, Rs Ricbmond, C. Taylor, T. Collator,J. Shortreed, D. Laidlaw, A, ehoidices 'J. khortreed, J. Larab. Sonith boane daree-G. Grigg, West13oundary-J., Golfe, T. 'Procter, -T. Gasman, J4 Curtaining. Belgrave W. Wray( Erst d y A. ryans, A. Mc. Laughlin, J.' SPeir, 3. Ballgel. Wal- ton -T, Wagliorn. It was reaolved, I to pay R. Venstone Morris' share, I of appeal wets re Farrend drainage ; suit, $297.80. James Case/nem fil- ling en west beandary, $10; Knox I& Garniss, repairing and filling pier, $8; Evans .drawing and ;putting in tile, $4.50. By-laws• Nes 2 and Nee 3 were dully read and pass I sod; The eouncil then a-dials/mod to meet again on the 28th day oe May; for court of revision and otherbus- iness. Sunlight Soap is better thaneother soaps, bet is best When used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and' follow directions. , - • Tuekersmith. Examination and Entertainment_Friday, the 16th of March, was a day looked forward to with great in- terest by the pupils of School Sec- tion No. ‘2, Tuckersmith, the camee of the excitement being the fact, that their energetic and painstak- ing teeeher, efre T. N. Forsyth, had deeided to have their beau.tifal new school formally opened on •that oc- casion by holding a public examea- 1 ation followed by an entertainmeat ' in the evening: The weather in the morning as all that °Quid be de- sired, and altheiagla it berried out rather storray about noon- it did not prievent a geed representation of the ratepayers and teeir friends frorn assembling. A thorough exam- ination of the pupils was begun shortly after ten o'clock by the visiting teacleers, Misses Aitcheson, Murray, and McGregor and Messrs. Scott, Jiiernston, Horten, Shilling - law, Beit,tty anti Alexander and the ready answers end neat and aceer- ate work showed not ,only brilliancy of intellect but • carebal,:end tho- ugh :training in the many diffetente branches of the work. A pleasing feature of the exanainatiou. woes ,the exhibition of •writing and map - drawing, the former being 'careful- ly greded in each ekes by loom- mittees of teachers, and a glance a- • mind the room was sufficient to enable even the neost casual observ- er te point oat .the happy ireeipients of the first grade. Aboset three o'- clock Mr. R. B. McLean was icalled to the chaireand a lengthy and var- ied programme was carried oat. The chorsuses, recitations, dialogues, etc. by the ehildren were exeeptionally well rendered, while Miss Belle Chesney and the Messrs. Horton, Beattie and Dayraan with Mrs, J. McLean and Miss Dayman as accom- panists delighted the audience with 1111.131.e. Miss 3. McLean also Tender- ed a solo which was well geeeived. Instzuctive and edifying addresses were delivered by Rey. Mr. Ur- quhart, Mr. A. emillie and by taeh of the male teachers present all testifying to the excellence oif the work being done by Mr. Borsyth and congratulatory on the beentiful new edifice erected for- him to date or in. The trustees and several of the ratepayers were called open for expressions of their opinion, but these were conselcuotes by their brevity. But tee good ladiesersf the section would not permit the *gibers to receive an intellectual fast alone and therefore provided bountienely- for the inner man at noon sencl again in the evening. Tee day's proeeed- ing,s '-were 'brought to a close by singing the National Anthem, and all dispersed, feeling' that if the entertainment of the day was any criterion of what was ,to Pollees in the evening they 'would not fail to appear again. -.The weather in the evening was most favorable and by eight o'clock the room was crowded by a merry and exryeetant audience, temporary seats being placed in every vail- able space. The chair, was tak n by that far-famed veteran of the. hair, Mr. Harry Horton, who added) o.ch to the pleasure of the evenink, ,by his almost tutpaealled humor. Agaia an excellent programme was cp.'rried out, the only interruption being the loud applause of an appreciative .and orderly audience. Besides the var- ious ' numbers given by the ;pupils, we might specialize among the out- side talent, solos by Miss Martin, Ee- eter, aecompanied by Miss -Dow, by which she fully retained the leigh appreciation which she holds ;with a Kippen au:dienee; dietetic readings by Miss *Thomson, of Bennet; an excellent . temp-erance reading by Miss Grant, of Kipper", athil a enunar- (sus reading by Mr.: C. Alexand-er, each' oe which were neey entertain- ing. Mr, H. Fersyth 'dad Mr. it. Daymari furnished excellent mueic on the violin and the mouth organ and the Jtunior Hensall Quartette, Who are rapidly gaining a rep,u.tat- ion for themselves, Tendered two selections and a Kippen Quartette made their first appearance, which we trust was wily a hint of What we shell hear from them in the future. The National Anthem .again °lased a very interesting programme. and all retired. to their homes, feeling that the day had -not only been a pleasant but a profitable one. Mr. Fersyth is to behighly congratul- atedon the su.ecess ot his dertak- trig, and we trust as in the ',years gone by this will be en ual treat. A Guaranteed Oure tcr Piles. Itching, Blind, Bleed i n g, Prot ru din g Piles. Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure in 6 to 14 'days, 59c. • The Workmen. At the recent meeting of the Grand Lodge, Ancient Order of Un- ited Workmen held in Toronto last week C. E. Caineron, roayor of Ir- oquois, was elected Grand Master, and B. H. M-ories ot Rodney, grand foreraan„ For the twenty-eighth year M. D. Carder was electee grand, reeprder. Craig, M. L. was elected grand overseer Harry Harris, grand guide; A. G. F. Law- rence grand solicitor; W. W. Bur- gess of Miraico. grand inside watch- man •, .George jackapn,Torionto, grand oast& watchman, ahd G. F. Inwood, grand treasu.rer. The grand trustees are. J. Lockie Wilson, Al- exaedria; - James eteEwin.g, Dray- ton; T,homas Riley, Toronto. The auditors are George Clay and 0. G. Nett. eThe following were elected to the executive committee: J. Ti Alien, Mustn't Foxiest ; Robert In- gram, Ottasea; T. A. Rastings, To- ronto; J. E. Dobie, Walkerville. Mr.- W. H. Kerr, of Brussels, was re-el- ected District DeptetY1 Grand ter for for Huron' district. A proposi- tion to hold the meetings. biennially vas defeated. It was neeed that the gabordipate lodges gained enthusi- the annual Oonveni ckoflt wdl again be the next pIaCO of meeting, In The Olden Days Interesting sketches of the- early 4ays Seaforth and vicinity, taken from the files of The Ex- positor. Seaforth, April 9 -1869. ion account 4siP the illnessof one df The Exiaositor staff no paper was iseued. Meleillop on lerisley morning a, Miss McIntosh dropped dead while sitting at the breakfast table. • The Tuekeremith council grant -ed $50 towards the erection of an ag- rieulturai hall in Seafertli. Seaforth, April 30, 1869 The baseball efab has organized, with the following officers: Presi- dent, james Elliott; vLce,, J. D. -Sins; ca-ptain, H. Cameren eepree tery, James Cline; treasurer, Thos. Bell. 1 On Sunday last, while .Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Stephenwere driving in a buggy along the Bur On road, the horse took fright, at a velocie petit, throwing both to the kround. Mrs. Stephens suffered very serious injuries getting both her thigleana • wrist broken, 'The cricket dub was oeganized, with the fallowing officers: ifresi- 'dent, 7. H. Benson; vice, A. Frga.- son; secretary and treasurer, . P. Bell; 'committee, Messrs,. Hunter, Ferguson, Mc'Doulgall, Blaiedale, Holmested and Benson. --- Sea-forth, May. 1869. Rev. F. Williamson, pastor of the. M. E. cliereiga, who, las been trans- ferred to Londion was preeented with an address an\cl a bible by the Good Templers. Prof. Bailey and troupe are 'giv- ing exhibitions of velocipede riding Mr. Geerge 'Cline's juvenile con- cert Was a decided sue:mess. 'Among those taking part were bbe little iMieses Downey, Beater, Sprague, Campbell, Wisher, ebbneon, Robert- son and! Seat, Seaferth, May 14, 1869. Kinleurn celebrates the .Queen's birthday. Last Monday velocipede rece came off at Clinton, between -one of Prof. Bellefe- troop and Mr. Hs Cameron,- ot 'Seaforth, resulting in favor of the last named. John Fowler, whose horse was killed by being struck by a train, wee awarded $333 by tlae court at Welkerbon assizes. • On Monday, May 24th, the Grand Trunk svill nun an excureion fr•oni 'Brantford alacl intermediate points to Goderich. Excursionists will have ample time to, visitthe Gode- 'rich salt works, and- eau i.vail them- selves of. a pleasure trip on the lake. t- - Seaforth, May 21, 1869. Mr. Grassie has his shoes re- built oil thesite of the late fire. Th'Seaferelx several excellent buildings ere in mouse of erection, areong whicb are the Roman Cath- olic °literati, .0armiebeePs hotel, the stem ef Killoran & Ryan' and the new pest office. eeeaforth, May 28, 1869. • On Saturday last the RoyalCan- edian Bank suspended payramit. The fiftieth anniversary of Her Majesty was eelebrated in a 'hearty manner by the _people a Seaford), ahd surrounding eountry. There was a good erases]: in town. Tee programme consisted of calithurap, ian procession, velocipede raees, jumping, foot races, etc. Some of the prize winners were: ..T. Lamb, Geo. Cline, 'C. Cline, j. Ramsay, Jas. j. D. Sills; H. Cameron, and A. Govenlock. The fallowing Militia appointments -have been made; No. 3 company, (township of Tuckersmitb) - Capt. George Sproat ; lieatenatit, Hugh Chesney; ensign, Robt. No. 4 ,corapany (village of Seafortb) -Capt. G. E. Jacksen; Iientene.ne, It. Be -neon; eneign, R. N. Brett. Seaforth, joine 4, 1869. On Monday, 31st ult., deputa- tion of the First United Preebytere ian. cliarch, McKillop, waited on their p'astar, Rev. Matthew Barre and presented him with an -elegant buggy, ecoomeanied by an address. The address was Signed on behalf of the young people of the cengre-- gation, by Robeet B. Scott, Wm. Grieve, joseph.S. Grieve, jas.Grieve, John Garraw, Robt. Srien, Isabella Scott, Betsy Somerville, Raohel Srien and Katy Srien. . - H. W. McCann, formerly of Sea - forth, has been appointed commis- sary and paymaster on the Inter-ool- onial Railway. Mr. .7. H. Dickson, of Leechville, was married to one of oar Seatorth tb,e accomplished Miss Trott. The raenabers of tee Presbyterian; church., Seaforth, gaave given a, hearty and *unanimous call to Rev, W. Inglis, of Torrents), at a salary of $1,000 without a manse; According to Sutherland's direct- ory, Egraendville is a pose village, in the township of Tuckersmith, sit- uated on the stage road leading from Seaforth to- Bayfield, at a distance af oxie mile from Seea.torth and eigbe teen from Beyfield. ,It has a popu-- lation of 250. A good brick school, attended by one hundred children: Two chulrehes, Canadian Bresklyter, ian and ' German Ieu.theran; twat hotels, a gist mill,. a saw mill, a ittaneery, a. pump factory, e plow factory, a milling store, a brewery, two stems and a post office. cm•••:••••••••• Seaforth, Jane 11, 1869. The Clinton New Era says: "Mr., Williamson came up from Seaforth on a velocipede, mounting all the hills except- that an this side oe the salt werks, in one hoar and a quarter, distance 8 3-4 miles. 'There are now two daily mails mad e ap on Toronto, instead of one, as formerly. The enatized assessment; as fi gxed by the county council, is as follows: Seaforth, $140,000; Tackerenaith, $799,516; Mcleillop, $834,120. Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat Ailments are quickly relieved. by Cresoleno iablets. ten cents per box. All druggists -The Broekville publie school board by a unanimous vote, has &acted upon introducing the teaching of elorstestic science ion the recypenink of Die sehools gfter tb.e next midsummer (holidays. • ut: CIS Aes Bearthe eta KM You flaw Always Bought s Signature of /1-4 " Satis a lamissfamapormwessamosreh your rtea.emeetswesepte.movae...."..., en' Back. meow .144444.w he Largrea See-tir4 .Ona ver issued Is the stamp of 'a reliable maker to hi8 wears. That is why you are secure in buying PROGRESS :BRANT? CLOTHING Every garment bears the Progress Brand label, ad every • suit bearing that label is guaranteed under the folio -wing security: 1 1 •••••••••••••••mans••••••• 111211•111111•101••••• GUARANTEE Every dealer in !' Progress Brand clothing is authorised to guarantee each garment bearing the "Progress". label to ba free from imperfections in marl terial and Workmanship, to be sewed *Mt pure dye silk, tailored by skilled workmen, and made of de- pendable cloth, thoroughly sponged and shrunk, Should any " Progress Brand garment prove unsatisfactory, and not as above represented, it may be returned, and money paid for same will be funded. re - liE /41 PA I lahI*II44 J' (13,Plii6,itietTs)1 The Man who knows style, materials, worknaanehip finish and fit, will choose a'Progress Brand snit every time label or no label, but the man who only partially knows, needs some guide. What better guide could you possibly get than the aboye guarantee of the largest clothing con- cern in Canada, together with our personal guarantee of satisfaction or your money back?" Why take chances -with inferior brands when you have 'absolute security in Progress clothing at a, price which we defy any one to beat, quality and workmanship considered. immissmetweermseesa., Leading Prices --75O.,810 $12 41 il$4311•11•01•0•11•111. SPRING - It stands -to reason that the best men's store, will sell the best men's hats. There is no moth for doubt of this fact, as the best hat manufacturers sell only .to the best stores. We are agents for the famous CHRISTY BRAND, OF LONDON, ENGLAND BORSALINO BRAND, ITALY TEWKESBURY BRAND, ENGLAND THE FAMOUS KING" BRAND, ENGLAND WOODROW & SONS, ENGLAND And all the leading Canadian and Amen° n manufacturers. The above fist of famous manufacturers shnui satsfy you that we have nothing ut the best stock and latest styieL Don't buy your Spring hat until you. have seen our then you. may look at others if yoT.L wish, but you will co back for our hats, ....smiminessrmorem*4 HO ! FOR THE WEST. Maps, pamphlets an all information via 0. P. R. to the Canadian Noft wset. To the e,oast for $43.05 • Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, etc, commencing February 15th, Ind April 7th, 1906. Apply to STEWART BROS. Agents for &RR. Telegraph and Tickets AND DOMINION EXPRESS 4 4. •