HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-30, Page 111 011 23 1906 '00 041141 a -an array e that it of •every t Exhibit we's of th sq many mane York e, Spring. e speciah the bun - me to .ftemgm.mmtw4 Wool Far TO BE HAD HERE 3rty iustances, there is decid- o pay thaa any person- ak, quality considered. Mohair, Staple Cashmeres?, :lord de -Soles, Dignified Tat d Crepilles, Crispines, ete.e desirable style missing. :EN'S GREY IS EX- IONALLY STRONG SPR.IN� :rtent of "GREYS" at, 75 rid 90o a Yard t$ the weather is cald ark& in the lap of winter, do - the buying of Spring and. Xraietes Early buying WAISTS, (41 sizes) j $1.50 to $2 5 NISTS, (all sizes) $2.00 to $5.00A, AISTS, (all sizes) 500 to $3. VAISTS, (all sizes) $1.50 to 03.5 -E SILKS sa unobtrusive cbeeks 500' oidered Caahmere eeeenis Grey & Neck 75ce eileck Mohairs (-• effezent qualities 35e, 50e TEIRTEIG WROLIt NUMBER, Leg& Tsflorieng i The GREI and "a4Yrnade CLOTHING outhinft - FURS AND FURNISH DIGS c SQ-0"..A.3RM " BTOEM. '412.811=1"61.ffle!..Ssameelse. WHEN A MA I EAVES OFF HIS OVERCOAT He feels the need of a new sack suit. There are many little points of difference that distinguish this year's style from the one in vogue last year. It is by comparing the 20th CENTURY BRAND of men's fine tailored garments with the ordinary kind of ready-to-wear clothing, that you see just how iriach these " 4)oints of difference " mean. If you aim to be well dressed, they mean much to you. If you realize their importance, you will be quick to appreciate the new single breasted suit we are offering at $10.001 $12DO and $15.00 mme amieregirisumemsmoot not miss seeing these BOYS' SUITS. If you appreciate the saving of a dollar or two, this' is your chance. BOYS', SUITS— Three piece, for ages 10 to 14 years, and the best make in the Canadian market to -day, sold regularly at $5 to $7 BOYS' SUITS Pick one as, $3 75 • Two piece, with or without pleats or belts, for ages 4 years to 12 years, strong suits and stylishly made $2.00 to $2.50 The above suits we bought at a little Over half regular prices, and our aim is to give our custoinere the benefit of the snaps. Will you help yourself '? *31.111m.s..111. 41111.1ftpuoimeimPeaszes ',AktOD 91 ON Spring Shirts, Fiats and Ties. ire serry to, hese Mr. an e az our neigliborhood het- veil not ta,ke the: onr, but will decide to 1.o - there not too ifar away.- 'p•eat Ir S returned home- id:np. a few weeks !with i:nd lie Tibiai,--Misa ,..ferriedned a few Of tries lavt. Tuesday ev- all report thaving speut. it tithe. Bornholm. r. Ad Far- Schneider spent, kr the perental roof. - laced r visiting witit Toronto.- Mrs. Robert f Stratford. L.; (led Mr. D. iibr frem this vicin- 01(11 efoxiday to neie bletei ughlin.-Atrrs. zere of McKillop, is vise other Mr. John Dotter -- Jackson visited in this( undey. All brand new, and bought from the very best makers in the world. We Isueer how and vrhere to find the good things, and we go after them. You Zake no chances when yim select a Hat, or Shirt, or Tie frcm our new stock. The sooner you get in the larger your assortment to choose from. We will appreciate a Visit from you—to buy or not to buy. enfieemintenewniereponoweneweWel Altogether the be, steck Seaforth to, choose from, because everything is absolutely new and fresh, and bought at `low prices, and belling at low prices. Jaw -Highest price for Butter and Eggs. e GREIG CLOTHING 00.9 East Side Main Street, one door South of the Dominion Bank, SE.A.POIR,T1=1.. SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, IVIA.RcH 30, 1906. $1 et Year in ileirPence; The New Agricultural Act. slimed that in entering the stall to Hon. Nelson, Monteith, Minister nf tie th animal. the 'unfortunate man --ARTISTIC - the lencoinstruotioe end amendment of the A.grieultural and Arts Act, Legisaaterre on Tuesday, his bill for the Grand Triunk ovalting-room, at death. - -While waiting for a train in , aitiil i-iaper friends. She leaves' to mourn her shot Eve for John Little, three for early death, her husband, two sons, Rbbt. Fieher, and oCoul- ne for Wea. In higb, esteem by a large circle ot az for John Gaynor, Thlar,edey they Church of England, and was held vicipity. On. Wednesday they shot Agriouleuee, introduced into the was knocked. down and- trampled bo e let* wo havo noir %Ant we consider the one brother: her aged mother, three sisters and ter. They have several stables guar- , under which. the Agricultural $o- London, on Saburday night lest, a — cieties are regalated. The following woman was attacked by. a rat, The antined. The disease seems- to have are the main changee made: . 'rodent / spreng on her lap, and when Papers ever shown in Beatorth. ---,One day recently, a young man, originated from a ear load of bran - mon beautiful line ot New Wan Heretofdre. agricultural • societies she attempted to knock it off the named 'Wilson, Nodding near Pros- hoes that John Little brought from. ir you want your wall paper at the t price and our work done neat- verity, haft:Nest Wawanoeh, cora- Vagary. were, organized acoording to die- linimal '1'4 her by the lower Hp' Jy righand promptly, buy trout mitted suicide while laboring Un- -The fa.mily of Mr, Niceolas Ham- tricts and townships. Thisi system and could not apparently free itself. Act, whieh makes no distinction a- bo'som of 'the wioman's dress to ALEX, WINTER,- der mental aberration. He is said ; mer, of Listowel, were nearly suf- to have .gone to the barn, presume- faceted evith gas from a coal is done away with by bhe present In its struggles. the rodent- teen the , mong societies. Each aociety will be ehrede. A bystander seized the ably to eo the chores, and not ire- stove one day last week. Mr. Ham - known acooeding to the place which. rat, choking Weal! it let go. The . eennen—,SEAFORT terning, the fami/y went to look mer became aroused in time to• S8;70 is fee headquarters and at- which it wieman's lip was badly loin,. Picture framing 4 Speoisity. stated that Ills body w.ould be found iitossii: where they washed the sheep. ' They r him, diseovering a note, which their lives. Ile bad stren eriough ofothethe- beide its annual exhibition. - The. . -Mr. and 'Mrs. Warren. Fournier, nindediiheealoapiedninaread to organize a new society within 20 at once meet to the river, bat got doors of the bonze to, allow freett tumannklIce,lie. present Act will xnak-e it impossible of Gananagere, both of oehlem are - over ninety years a age, have emit with h,is wire and family, accompany- no trace of him. Next day tee bed/ air into the rooms, which probably. old society, except upcfn special rep - Miles of the headquaiters ef an celebrated their sixty-eighth wed- ing his brother-in-teve, H. Tews- ding day. They were married by ley, who is returning to Yorkton, was *tend, having floated some dis- ITev:Vetedde:t twee° from the spot, Where he was ' ' '1: Ifiaitlen.pdlang. at Atwood tresentations to the Znister, and un- the late • Rev, Henry Gordon, in Sask. . . on its being established that it will Pittsburg T,ownship. Not 'one of -Mr. James McAlpine, of Rep- supposed to bave been 0rowned, in 011tgetnedaY March 17th of John he lob particuleplace the water Cransbatt at the oeanarkable age of not interfere with the old society. those who; attended the ceremony worth, a former resident of Wing- was soalialloiv that he Muet have r 91 years. Kr. Cranston had not The objects ef agricultural soul- are living, and lifr. Robert Leakey, ham, died on March 13th. Deceased lain dewn on his face. He bore an been ill for any iength of time eties remain as before, with the a&- aged ninety-three years, alone re- had spent most of his life in Boron excellent reputation, and the friends though his might and hearipg had dition that they are perraittedtat' respected. He , in their. sad bereavetnent. been ,failing .him for years. He was mains as one of the residents of the and Bruce cordinties, and Was well have the sympa.thy or tho community use their funds for combatting in- tpwn'ship when the copule were known and highly - cif tvery active disposition and was sects and weeds, shomed such be- matried. well infoemed, being a great read - leaves a widow- and family of three 1 -A very enjoyable social fuhotion come a pest in the section tor -Mr,. R. R. Gamey, M. P. P., left sons and two daughters, er before his * et began to fail I was held at the Oddfellows' hall in -Mr. Clark clerk Of Mo i him. -One afternoon not hong ago, Miss Matilda Cireenney of Listowel went was a member of the Belgrave inspecting the horses in Atwood and which a society is oitganized. Toronto on Friday or Gore Bay to ; 'Grant Divided Pro Rata. participate in the celebration of the golden wedding of his father The methad ,of dividing the grant and mother on Saturday, Mr. and hi entirely changed. Hitherto dis- Mrs. Gamey, sr., are in 'exeellent trict societies have &ram' a .grent health, • though advanced in years. of $380 each, .ediaile the town/nee) so- The faraily coesists of four sons and citaitas in each district have divided four d'au.ghtera. Three sons and among themselves the gum of $420 three daughters will take part in in: propertion bo the number of paid- the celebration,. One son, Who membees. Hereafter the entire lives in British Columbia, and a grant of•$70,000. will be divided pro, married d'anghter, who is; in zeta among all the agriculbural so- igen, will net be able to attend. cieties at the province in proportion -The village of Martintown, in to the. amount of money expended in the county of Glengarry, was visited the previous year for agricultural by the fire fiend on Taiesday, and purposes. This ie specified in the St. Andrew's Presbyterian &arch, Act as being for the bodding of one of thet oldest as well as one foe ispring stallion Mows, prizes foe the finest natal churohes in the agricultural products, moner spent Province, was it °tally destroyed. for agrucultural and horticultural , The fire was flint discovered eiesabag periodicals, far the 1mportation . of from the vestry, and spread se .rap - pure bred stock, for Ploughing raat- idly that the body of the _attach cline for seed fairs, ((rep compete. could not be entered by the people tians and good farms competitions, who gatlhered and tried to fight) /for the destruction of noxions Weeds the flamles with water bucleets. On - and pernicious. insects. It will not ly the wails are left standhag. The include the running expenses: of the cburch was built in 1835-36. society, afficers' salaries, or any -That misfortunes seldom come funds used in paying for special at- singly was aptly ileustrated in the tractio.ns. No society is to receive case of the Grand Trunk Railway more than $600, except in New On- lad week. On Tiftersday a pitch in tario, where grants shall be on the between. a passenger told a double basis Of double those of the organ- header freight train took place ized co unt ies. . neer Sarnia. An engineer and a firetnan were killed, two passengers slightly injured and three engines and several cars smaghed to pieces. On Friday a -similar accident took place near Hamilton resulting in serious inhere, to tw,o of the train tends, t•he smashing of two engines and several cars but no passengers were injured. Both 'accidents re- sulted from swithclaes being care- lessly lett open. Horse Racing at Pairs. In regard to horse racing, the pro- visions of the Act remain as at (pres- ent, with tthe addition of a elau.se which provid'es that in case there is any conviction. under the section, a /society proven to have permitted horse racing Shall be debarred from receiving a grant in the following year. The significance of this clause is that trials of Speed, under the re- gulation of the officers of the society, are permittede but horse racing is peohibited, aml any person guilty of a violation of l the law is liable to a heavy fine. Thus officerepermitting horse racing, end persona. participat- ing in horse racing, may be fined es before, hut, - in the event •of. a fine being imposed, the society will here - 'after be made to stiffer by a tem- porery withdrawal a its grant. The new law does not *come into force until the lat of Febnuaty, 1907, 00 that the secretes will have time to trim their sails to suit the giew order. For this year things will re- main as they are now. -After receiving. visits from hun- dreds and many relatives from. ten o'clock Friday morning until nine o'clock at night, on the 'occa.sion of her hundredth birthday, Mrs. Jas. Heitman' retired to rest ret the Aged Women's .Home, Torionte, apparent- ly unfatigneelt The ladies of the board gave a tea in her honor, and the inmates of the benne were par- ticipants the oelebratiore Souv- enirs were presented tie guests, and the ladles presented tthe aged women with a clueter of beautiful roses. Flowers from many of her friends and relatives arrived in quantities. She has very few grey hairs, and has a complexion like a girl of sixteen. She takes a daily walk in the cor- Canada. riders; and this, with her amiabil- -Torrey and Alexander w111 begin ity, is given by her friends as the revival meetings.in Ottawa in June. reason for her health and vigor. Her It is expected Parliament will pro- memory is very clear. Sire prefers rogue at the end of May. •otherwise the old versions of the Psalms to two great moral ageneies may come the new, and when any portion of into conflict. the latter is' presented -to her, she -Hen.. John Dryden, late Minis- can give the correct diversion of ter or Agrtoultorer for Onteeio, hag the old Psalms. She was barn in been appointed on a commlstion by . Kent, England, and went to Pitts - the British Governnaent enquire burg, Perm in 1844. She moved to into the agric,ultaral condition of St. Catharines in 1853, and came to Ireland. - Tioranbo in 1856. -A few days a.ge, while a fire Was raging in the city of Ottawa, His Huron Notes. teoelleney, the Governor-General .of -Mr. John Bell and his family, Canada, was passing the scene at the time,.on his why to Rideau Hale -and Of Clinton, intenas meting to Lloyds- minster, Sask., where MreeBell's son while watching the prove* of the has located, fire -fighting, got on a line of a I -The Doherty Organ Company, of stream, and was drenched from head , Clinton, recently received a large to foot with- pare cold water. order for their organs from *Buenos -Walter Mitchell's planing ,mill Ayres, Smith America. it Port Stanley, vials destroyed early I -Word west received, recently, by Tuesday merning- by fire, which Mr. John Duecen, sr. of Farteulhar, started in the savings in the boil- Sesborne township, elf the death ,of er room. On account of the scarcity his brother, David Duncan, in Clare - of water and fire fighting epparat- mont, Minn. Deceased met death by ns the building soon burned down his team of horses running away. the tater loss being $4,000 with 110 •-eMessrs. George and J. Taylor, insui-ance. Of Clinton, who are exteneively en- -Mr. Edwin. SC. George -Banwell, gaged in the chicken b,u.sineis have the defaulting teller of the Crosfr 150 fine. pullets ot the barred rock Bank, Toni:mete 'pleaded guilty to variety. From itheSe &hey have been stealing $40,350 of the bank's funds, , getting an average of over 50 eggs and eras on Saturday sentenced to a day. four 'ears in Kingston Penitenti- alfdl Mrs. Robert Leach and tary. Mrs. Banwell, the young wife children, of Auburn, have none to of the prisoner, oonfessed to re- Melton, Sask. kr. Leach lived • in calving money, knowing it to have the neighborhood of Auburn all his been stolen, and was premitted life, and proved himself a good go oin suspended sentence. oitizen. =Mr, Archie MeCollman was driv- - -Mr. 'Donald 'Mayor, of Goderich, ing from Wetaskiwen, Saskatchewan was married on Monday, Mareh 12th to Ladtuc during the recent cold to Clara Hall, daughter of Mre-T, spell when he had both feet so had- , of that town. he cePeroony ly frozen that amputation may be . was performed in St. George's necessary to save his life. It was chiienh, by the rector, Rev. Mrt bitterly cold. seed ,the herses wand- T,urnbull. ere'd about the prairie all night. Mr. I -The Wingharn 'hockey clab have McCallinan fell off in his sleep. He again wtop (the trepthy of the North - wait found in the morning by some ern leaugue. The final game was pedestrian traversing the Millet played in Wingham, between the trail, and was at ,onc.e taken into team of that town and Harriston. Leduc. t. j The latter wak accompanied by a- -Alexander FicCay,of West Zorrai, bout 200 nuipporters. A most ex - Oxford county, aged 57 yeas, was citing game Was played', but the vis - killed in the stable on his farm east_ itors bad to take defeat'. Saturday night; Jrust how he meb ; -1Y1r.s. `3". Peck, Hayfield, left a death will never be lenewn, but the Chart tine age in oampaiay with her supposition is that he was knocked, son, W. J. Peck, of Glenboro, North 'down by one of the horses, and while, Dakota, to 'visit her sons, Henry at helpless on 'tile floor his (life was Gardner and 'George, station agent trampled out. His breast bone was at Clyde, bath of North Dakota. reushed in and his face and body Mrs. Peck, will be absent antil next terribly bedised. The deceased had fall. been in Ingersoll during) the after- -Mrs. Tewsley,, of the Eth eon - noon, end( returned home about 6 cession of Colborne, hos sold her o'claok at night. His sister 'ha,nded farm of fifty acres, to deo.ncillor hira a lighted lantern, and . S0211,e Thomas Robertson. Mr. Robertsan, time Rater, When She entered the a few years ago, nuichasedethe Oth- Stable, she found his dead body in, er fifty acres, and now has a splen. - a stall under one of the tiorsee. did farm of 200 acres. Hugh Rose, The horse he had driven was 'unbar- Who had Mrs. Tewslerds place rent -0 flossed but not tied, and it is pre- • ed, will leave shortly for the West • ch on Taesday- evening, Merck township, has aced his 100 Acre 20th. Tbe affair ,was limited to farm to. Mr. Robert Newcombe,for- members cif the order and ladies and rnerly treasurer, for the sum ef $5,- about 1.25 (persons were present. Tbe down Ictsller to leek after the fur. 300 Mr. Newcombe 'has been living Arse pare eye eirs evening was spent nace, and 'finding it low, resorted In the Eastern States, but he pre- in indulging in crokinok, cards, to the toel oil caz. When the oil fi3rs Ontario. Mr. Clark- will pro- bably more into Helgrave, and live retired, retaining the clerkship. -Miss Nelly Kelly, batik keeper for the Xackson Maniefontthring Co., checkers 'and a numoer of other earne in 'contact with the hot coals games in elle lodge room upstairs, the fire gushed out into her face, after which a good supperwasserv- catching the sleeve of her waist and ed in titt room beeese. while tee burning .b.er arm very severely. She Clinton, was recently presented by topaiablpesanwyerea jbloalueirgnscdleuparesdtaairosvayagtabine was ttlee badly face. i burned aronnd the the firm: and her fellow employees -Mr, !Henry S.. Yeo, died on T,aese with r a cabinet of silver. Miss brought thein back and old time but the (strains of the fiddlers soon day, March aoth, at his home near Kelly is giving up he position and dencing held away till the early Staffa. He thad been in poor health. is to be married shortly to M . J. Phanebers, of -Winnipeg. formerly of hours of the morn.. A. couple ,of se- for some tame and last summer took leetrons on the bagpipes given by a trip tor the coast, hoping that &be Cl" te . -rAt the Nicholson sale of Short- 1Ri_edberertm-uCep rhaigkaiep-reideciratdn luring the evening 'traitp ilerveithaldibee 66pleeinredefieelafifsecbti..itBaaiditdeida ben cattle; on 'Blurs:lay last, near ' his (wife (he leaves three grown up Parkhill, Mr. James Snell! of Olin - Perth 1tenos. sons and one daughter. One 90/1 ill ton, bought a fine „facer year old • living in (Manitoba,: the others are cow, -which has a sucking calf ' at -The Canadian Flee Oordage Co. at home. her side, sthe has bad a calf every has announced their intentien of --A quiet tand pretty wedding took. year since she was two.years old, so locating in Bt. Marys, place at Ithe residenos of Mrs. G. that She has been a- good invest- -Mr. Sti. Willard, of St- Marys, 'W. Pottle, Stratferd, en Wednesday, ementhas secured a good position as March 21se,,when her daughter, Miss -Miss Margaret Washington, of choir toaster and soloist ..de Knox Ellen ddine.rva, rwas united -in mar - Clinton, and Mr. R James Smith church, Owen Seined, - ,' nage to Mr. H. M. Butler, of &rel.- cambe, of the 0th, conoession of Hal- -Mr. iWm. (Rifler, , of Listoweehavl ford. The nuptial knotwee tied; let, were' Married at the Methodist the misfortune Ito have three of his in the presence of the relatives of parsonage, Clinton, on Wednesday, fingers 031 his right band batlly cat the bride, and, groom, by Rev. Dr. March 21st. Rev. Mr. Manning per- in the piano fact-ory, on an over -bot A.etleahoitnigstfordni;ttirpoah.etor of the Central m formed' the ceremony he the pre- saw, the ether evening. sence of a few of the relatives and -Miss Mina Lynn, of Mitchell, -Mr. R. R. Hay, of lesterwel, -ship- . s. . vrho lhas (been visiting her nude, ped from Stratford, the ether week, -The residence of Mr. W. Nes- Mr. G. •Mortson, Hertford, Conn., to 'Mr. George Mimic, of Montreal, batt, Goderich tawnShip, was the - has returned thome and has resumed a number of fine harises, There ding, one day last week, when his Ford ee /Cots store,' scene. «arteuiet but pretty wed- laer duties as milliner in the T. S: hewearevysnidnr:tualeehnt ti.nelalu,mabenr, vir4efigititnhi; sister, Miss Olivia G. second dau- -Mee. Robert leutherford died at between ,800 land 1,800 peueds. The ghter of siihe late C. ti1 . Nesbitt, iwas her lhome tin Elniee-on March 15thhorses were of an exceptionally fine , tieited in marriage to, Mr. Christa- Deceased was .orte of the oldtpinneer elass and -were equal, if nat per- pher 13, Lowery, .of the same town- residents being 75 years Of age. She lore to ra.nything• in tele line ever ship, by t;he Rev. F. Swann, of Hol- leaves a husband and six children.- shipped trona Stratford. me'sville. -Miss Anna (Grant of St MATE Walter Baxter, son of M' -r John -W. IT. Thompson, .of Strathcona, daughter tof (Rev. A. Grant, Wiho bas Baxter, a much reepeoted farmer or - Alberta, formerly fa member of the been elvingoin California during 'the Downie township, took his life ion Go'derioh Collegiate ,Ipstitute staff, past year, has gone to Mexico where Sunday, by ebanging himself in the and latterly principakof the Stratb- tshe will tcontinue te folltow her pro- batirtn.of The tyeoeunns,ganmdanit wisashfrairellyt cone, public )9ohool, was recently of- fession 'as fa trained nurseso , fered his iehoice Of three school in- -Mr. Thoznae Lemon, a 'former to account for the rash, mot. Thet spectoretes in the Province of Al- 'resident of- 3/Eitel:mil died reoently at only reason that can be given is bet•ta and at the solicitation of the Fort (William after a short Illnessohersbutly; Mr. Baxter having been Minister of eEducation has taken from typhoid fever. The remains a student at one of the local ethic- tbe Edmonton /district insyectorate, were driterred lin Mitchell ovhere the tienal institutions, and was very in- . -At the recent austien sale of deceased was (well known end highly dlustrious. Mr. John Duncan, sr., of Usborne, respected'. -One morning (recently Mr. Jos. vitae. Farquhar, recently held, a -A 'five lyear old on .of Mr. ivir. Webb, of (Hibbert, met With a bad r largo crowd was In attendance and Mossip, ke the Stli line Blanshard, eunaway, while going into Mitch - nearly everything brought a. good was kicked on the head by a /terse ell with a load of -logs. In going price. One span of mares brought the other evening while playing in over the overhead bridge tbe eorses fe689; a eolt, rising two years old, the barn trard. The boy austained tbehecaismae of- fritthet;cniaedd., nunthde-ni,i6elnreewdbotioe '160 ' load was turned over in a deep, -ditch; Luckily Mr. Webb was not hurt any =ore than a few scratches 'hut- the team . got away with, the wagen and Iran gefite d distance be - ten they were stopped. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Whaling and. roug re heifer $104, a ecnnpo.und (fracture of the skull while the other stock and exticles and is in a dangerous eondition. brought coraparatively goad prices. -On the occasion of his departure -Mr. J. G. Robertson, 'of Wing- for Regina, the employees4 of the ham, hags gone to Weston, as in- pent and vest departraent Of the spector of stoves for the Moffatt Stratford Clothing Company, pre - Stove Company. As an evidence of sented their foreman, Mr. H. E. -the esteem in which the is held lby Coldham, with a suit case. „ Mr. his Dello* employees of the West- Coldham is °peeling a retail cloth- grendeon, of Ellicewere the recipi- ern Foundry Qorapany. - Mr. Bob- Ing store in Reginaen s of three handsome chairs and eirtson was presented by them' with -Rev. rather McKeon, of St. .address tby-some or their friends, handsorme Morris chair, together ;uraban -antral], lectured in -St. the other evening, prior to their with a complimentary address, Joseph's dhurch, Stratford, on the reinoval to Stratford. The address, -The G,celenich Signal of east week evening of Si. Patrick's Day. The. was eignest by Messrs. George Cal - - says: A ceincidence teat has been reverend gentleman's lecture; on Ilion, (Wzia. Patterson, Geerge El - brought bo aux attention is that , at the Patton Saint; was inefoh en- gear, Michael Matinee.. After the Draytora, North Dakota, where a joyed and a:ppreeiated .by the large presentation the ,eompany, number number. or -former Goderieh people audience presenting about eighty, sat down to an. and -forraer members of North street -Mrs. James Sanders,- of Atwood, oystere'apper, !previa:bed by the host.. Methodist chureh are living, the was (recently presented by the ladles after which the e'vening was spent Methodist eongregation • .opened a elf the :Baptist chareh of thett plane in social intereourae and songs. - new eburch on Sundae- last, the with a handeame 'oak chafe. For e -The fifth aranivee,mry of their sameday as the opening of the new many years Mrs. Sanders has been marriage was celebrated on Tiles - church herean active worker ip 4he cleurola and day night, March 20th, by Ur. and -There was a. large attendance has given 'her home for the Lallie,s' MTS. F. Wiltse, of Stratford. atthethe eenniversary services held (zn numbering ablut fifty gathered at - their borne" and enjoyed a pleasant evening. A earge number (3-t pres- ents were received in ooneraemorae tion of the day. „Lunch was served,. after which games were indulged in, for a few hours. The happy party left for their respective .b4mes...ini the wee sum' hour, atter a most anden:aM br sive. eWreyvi Ietaspie: ega8(t' many annt4h tt:pvip3.eyhnitren gt tn. aMr nrki; of the day. placct ion Friday evening, rtrareh atth, when slefr. end Mrs. 3. D. Merryfield -celebrated the eotra anniversary of their 'wedding lat their home. "Pair - view.", -10th macession .of About eixty invited guest s were 'pres- ent, ta number of whon were nres- ent at elaeir first wedding. An ela- borate (wedding feast was given, af- ter Whieli the gvening was enjoyably spent in /Music, games ad converse, - tion a neimber of short speeches be- ing else given by the gentlemen, in which hearty nongratniations were- exteuded to Mr. and Mrs. Merry - field. The esteem' in which the host and. heeetess are held was evinced by the (excellent., display of silverwar.e- received es presents. -Mr, David .Serinigeour, o Strat- ford, died at his home there on Vfedne4day, March 21st: Deceased, was 82- years oe age and bad been . tax (collector or the -city sirioe 1896. Mr. Scrimgeour ;was well known thetoughaut the eounty, and held pesitims of deputy -reeve and maker for the ;city, and in 1892 was the Conservative candidate for the Rouse e)f Commons, Mit wee beaten by Mr. James Grieve. Mr. Scrinegeour was born en Perthabire, Scotland, and! 'came •tirith /his family to Stratford' when four years of age. He spent' a few:years in Britisn Columbia and California inahii younger days, but Caere back to` Stratford and took up 1118 lhasiness las a builder and eon Aid meetings and socials. -A. parlor eocial under the Ieuspi- ces lef the Ladiee' Aid of Knox Willis ch,ureh, Clinton on Sunday, Merch 18bh, (espeolally in the ev- ening when, every ch,aroh. in town church, was held at the was well represented'. The choir ac- home off Mr.. W. Byers, Eallartirn. quitted itself as usual, eivell, while Abou.t seventy-five _ from the town theepasteee tsermosne were, as they went out, A goad prOgramme was always are, (models ‘, of eonciseness rendered and rrefreehments served. and earnestness. The soollections a- n:eosin a to $531.60 With more set to co e in This is a larger amount than was asked for. -W. L. Fergueon, of Colborne, has sons, et present assistant city 'en - sold his imported entire, shire stal- gineer et Toronto,. be .given the lion to Albert Mitchell, of Benmil- poteition a oity engineer of &rot - ler, -who is taking it West with a ford, =vacated' by Mr. Angus Smith. carload of horses. This sale mark e The (salary. (was placed at $1,500 Mr. Ferguson's retirement frank thel y•ear. The nroceeds amounted to $25. -The Stra.tfeed Board 61 Works, 'at their last regular meeting, re- commended that Mt. W. EW. Pare business in horses, which be hap I -Jessie Metrachlasii, the Scottish carried on for the past thirty years vocalist, took part an tbe' eoneert or &bee. Mr. Ferguson has been ' given in Stratford, on tbe, evening one of the most enterprising and of St. Patrick's Day. The concert successfua horsemen of the district, was ander tee auspices of the Old and has done a great deal tosvards Boys' Association, and was a most the improvenient of the stock in the saccessful one, 'Miss - McLachlan district. He will now oanfine his showing to lier audience that she attention ter his lerm. --Clinton hits been having a num- ber of real estate changes. Mrs. W. Smyth has disposed of her house neer the .tstation to Mr. Fred Cook for $800. Mr. Cook, a recent ar- xtval from South Devon, England, -a mere 'hamlet in the woods. Al - has bought ,from Mrs. John Little, though eighity-ftwo Teat* of age, be off Hallett, the house recently oc- is es straight as an arrow, and, ex- eupied by Mr. `Kearnes. Mr. Geo. cept (for te, Tittle deafness, is as Rogers eras sold his houses for "$700 teound physically and mentally as he -'to Mr. Philip Routley, of St. Thom_ ever eves. as, who hue 'Also bought three acres 1 -A well known and esteemia cmti- of land from Mr. W. Dunkin. On oen sif long standing in Listowel, the last warned .premises there are died at bio residence on Tuesday, strawberries and raspberries and 'March 120th, in the person of -Mr. Mr. Bentley intends engaging in Thos,e1Forbes. He ewes in the E-Oth the qultivation of small fruits. year or his age, and has been failing -After an Meese extending over much of late years. He settled and the past year, Emily Clark, wife of lived or e great many years on a Mr. James E. Stretton, died on Fri- farm On the southern side .of the, day, March /6th, at her home in Bel- corporation. grave, aged 37 years mild. 4 months. 3 -The Stratford Herald of last Deceased was born on lat 15, con- week says: "Ip regard to the epi- ceesion 0, Morrisah'er father, the late tiemie of gia•ndere among the borsee Thanes Clark, being one of -the at Atwood it is steted th COlild_rinng Sin Irish as well as a &etch song. t -Mr. Alex, Telfer has been a re.si- dent of Downie for fifty -to years. When (be first saw_ Stratford' it had only, one (brick house and one stor at o rrctar. He deaves widow Three it pioneers of the towndup. Deceased Government inspeetere have been sons ta TA two dieughters.