HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-23, Page 6frT 0 EARC1 on • ...Ow •••en anon. buy 145 aerea ii Stniiy town Mitti thbet bargain offer" ,fann Route in Huron come .Ap- HAYS, Seaforth. 19964 Vex sale, West half of Lot 4, eslon ullett, eontelning 74 aeres, fl ever fatling spring ereeke good rn awl shed. Unlit aold, will be rented Apply to JANE ROBLSON, Seaforth . 0, 1 -tf • FO o cheap, the • LUd eoniiflndi0i%S brick residence on \'ictor� $iure, Stiifort1i, at present moulded by • s It has every inodern coovenienc,e, b e and a niee garden. If not sold by 25th 111 be rented. A good weed 000lt stove and houseliehl Articles ARTIIUR FORBES, oth. itoc-t). ABLE INVESTMENTS.—I oan eni ey oa Improved el:tater catalpa; of 160 eh at trim 8 ti 10 For Pent. par annum. rat raortga4a5 taken. Ample edeurIty elven s Titlee itystem 15 parfect, Freda 1400 uo can he tent on tar es worth: from, al,Deetilat,014). For turther pertieulent wriee to m h J. A. J ON, Barrhiler, etc.. Potioke, Alberte. 1950-tf WOR SALE, a comfortable frante house in Egmood- ,Re vlllu, with three metes of land, cellar and also stable. The house contains 1 bed room, parlor, din- ing room and kitehen down stairs omit two bed roo, me end rt la.rge hall up,stairs. There is plenty of herd and soft water. Theepropertyjecleee to both church and sehoel. Will he sold cheap. .Apply to JAMES S. BROWN, or Box 357, Seatoreh P. 0 1996.4 It SALE 011EAP.—In Harputhey,..f comfort- able Brick Cothege, with five rooms and ball, kitchen and wood shed attached, hard and ter. Stabling for three head of cattle or 'tortes with hen house and pig pen. Also goorl well and Dump in stable, 3 acres of land, on which are the choleesteveriettes of all kinde of fruit. This is a most desirable property for any one wanting a comfortable - home. Apply on the pemisea, or address JOIlle Mc- • DONOUGH; Seolorth P. O. - 19924f. Q.M.Eirne FARM FOR SALE. --For sale, the East i. half ot Lot 3 and Lot 4, on the 13th Coneesion of Hullett, containing 225 aores, all eteared except 15 acres of good hardwood bush. It is well fenced and tile drained. There is a frp,me house and • two good ' bank barns, with stone gelding under both, and other outbuildings .A spring creek rens across the farm. It is well adapted either for grata or grase. It is within 7 mileeof 'Myth, and three-quarters of a mile from Harloolt, where there is a store, black - !with shop, post .ottlee and solieol. Will be sold. on ease, terms as the proprietor wants to retire. Apply on the prernise.s or address, Ilarlook le 0., S. rum" - TREE. • 19O5 -Lt ARM FOR SAM—For sale, Lot 24. Concession 2, ktattley, containing 100 acres Ninety acres are cleared end in a good state of cultivation ; there are 10 acres of good hardwood hush. The farm is all well underined and well eenced. There is a two- storey brick house With slate roof, a first-class farm house. ee3ank barn, 401t, x 801t., Cement 8110, Pig Pent drivingtouse; There are two never failing wells, and 8J1 acre of orohard and sinall fruit. This excellent larm is three miles from Brueefleld and flee miles from Clinton, with good gravel roads. For 'further narticulors apply on the premises or address ALBERT We're Clinton P. 0. • 194841 .4•••••Ii•••••••.•*,.. Clothes washed by Sunlight Soap are cleaner and whiter than if washed b any other way. Chemicals in soap may remove the dirt but always injure the fabric., Sunlight Soap will not injure the most dainty lace or the hands that use .it, because it is absolutely pure and contains no injurious chetniUs. •Sunlight Soap should always be used as directed. No boiling or hard rubbing is necessary. Sunlight Soap is better than other soap, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy it and follow .eto`ee* 'directions. veitet AND HMI Pa0Pee,TY Poe seLe.-- r Far sale the old Bell Farm end Mill Property', on tbe tendon read, Tuokeremith, reooatly omit - pied by the late John efeNevin. There are 100 tor" all clewed but abut torts aorta. Good buildinee and the farm well tunderdrained and in a high st te of etiltivetion, all seeded to greet except ginni , acres: Alm the grlat and saw mill ritopre city o the farm. It le within half a mile of Elepen station and 2 miles from Hensell axle a good bust. nen hes always been done oa the Millie The fame and mill property will be enld together et i operate.. ly to eult purchamer. Terms easy. Apply to DAVID C. afeLEAN, Rippe% 106841 f.. • .4* ARMS FOR SALE -100 acres, Lot , Concession 5, H. It S., Tuckersmith, Bnroi County, all etied to grass, except la acres of btush. Frame house, orchard, t good wells, land and ush the best. Also 'West halt of Lot 5, Concession 4„. Tuckersinith, 50 acres, , school on corner'Bayfield river crossing it. On thisplace there is a bank barn, brick house, work -shop, drivinghouse, pig and hen house, young bearing orchard with handsome shade trees, 2 wells, water first chess,. The buildings aro new and up-to- date and the land in the best conpition. A good lo- cation, 8 miles from Seaforth on.a good road. These farms are offered for sate -together or separately. If not sold soon may be offered for rent. Apply to JOHN SPROAT, Egmondville P. 0., Ont. 1996-tf fat_OOD FARM FOR SALE. --For sale cheap and on IleT easy terms, Lot 25, Concession 4, MoKillop. This farm contains 07e, acres, all cleared and \ in fine condition. Fifty acres are seeded to grass, six or seven in fan wheat and the rest all ploughed and ready for spring orop. There, is a fine spring for watenngthe stook obese to the buildings, a good brick house, two large barns, one with good atablino underneath, also horse stable' and implement house .and a large orchard. It is within a mile and a half ofthe own of aeaforth. If not sold, will be leased for a. term of years. Apply to the undersigned, box 192, Seaton': P. O., ROBERT GOVENLOCE. 1991-tf ('1 00I FARM FOR SALE 011, RENT,—Thi e farm 'OX is conveniently situated en the village of Chisel - horst, being Lot 1, on the 12th Concession of Tooker - smith, and is Immix as the "Davey Frame" The farm contains te: acres, 8-5 acres" cleared- and in fine condition, 77 acres being seeded to grass and 7 acres ploughed. There are 14 acres of good bush and there is also a small spring creek on the farm. 'There is a good frame house, olso two fraineebarns one having - good stabling underrieath, also an. implement shed. Possession giveo Marchlitt. This /erne will be either sold or rented cie easy terms. For further parameters apply to JAMES TAYLOR, Ifeesall P. O., or to WM. RAVEN', the Proprietor, Giltoy P. 0., California, IL S. 1 19904f MUM FOR SALE.—For Hale, Lot 8, Concession 3, L. R. S., Tuekersmith, containing 100 acres, of which 9 acres is good hardwood bush. The balance is well fenced, tile drained and infirst-class condition. There are two good barns, one a bank harn 30 x 78 fa with stone stabling uuderneath and the ether 56 x 36 ft., and a comfortable frame house, three geed welts and a never -failing spring at the rear of the lot, and a good hearing orchard. The ploughing is all done and 14 acres of fall. wheat. It is within two miles of the flourishing village of Bowel and within half a mile of a school house. Apply on the premises or to .1. CALDWELL, Hells/al P. 0. 1987 -ti OOD FARM Foil SALE—Farm for sae, Lot 25, on the 3rd Cmoosaion of -Tuelteriauth, con- taining 1C0 acres, being all seeded and pestered. There are, on the premises, two good barns, one 40 x60, with atone stealing underneath end cement flonre. the ether barn 80 x 84. with drive shed, stone tabling far pigs and heel aed a coin fere thle kerne house witb stone colter and clement fl,'r. h. never failing spring near the barn and treed well at the beim. There are a,blut, pevee name of blot, the • reat in a goal state ef aultivetan, well underdrain. ed with tile and well termed, good orehari. It is &timed within too end a half intlee Brueefield and six itad a half miles from eeefotth and the same from Hemel. Tete term will b; solio reesoneble tonna, as the proprietor is ecang We a For (tinter nertieutare apply to E. J. COLD WELL, Bex 83, Betteefield P. O., Ontario. 1979-tf ••••••••••• • • -.E10R SALE, an Excellent Building Lot, containing A' three-quarters of an sere of land, part of the Mealonn property, Egmondvilleopposite the retiree - tion grounds, alt ready for . . There is a god fence all round the land, a good hard water well, the railer is dug oet and a drain all round it, also a draM from it. There are about seventeen thousand of kiln run brick. The bride can be bought, separate- • ly if desinde There are oleo a number of Made of sand and gravel and enough stone to build a founda tion fer a large house. gbis property will be sold cheap, as Mr. Little cannel drive the Bayfield and Seaforth stage and live in Egrnondville and would .. like to clispose of his property there. Any person de- airino tobuy this property may learn all liertieulare from IL 8. ltA VS, Seaforth, or to II. LITTLE. lety- field. 1995x4 FARM Ft ai, SALE . .---For side Lot 29,on the Oth 4:Concession of Halbert. containing 100 acmes, all in i good .tate Or cultivation. There is on the prem- ises a brick house with brick kitchen and a gotta cel- lar; There Le mem a large bank barn, 60 x 40, and a lean-to of 12 feet, with stone stabling underneath. Also a shed, 80 x 30. and a driving bootie with every- thing complete. There an, three never-feiling wells - on the preini.q..s, there - is also 11. large orchard and good garden.. There are 10 aereer of fall wheat sown arid there are 40 acres Faceted down. Either suitable for bay or pasture. All the fall ploughing is done. The /gm -Is well underdrained with tile tuul well fenced with wire fames. It is in a good locality, be- ing situated two -and -a -halt miles from Chiselhurst, partlettlare apply on the remises or to CILA8R9.ItrrES i.t where.there is a post offloe tut two churches, Meth - enlist and Presbyterian, 8 dice from Seaforth and there is a good erovel road running past the been. ft .is in good condition and tell he sold on reasonable „terms as the proprietor we hoe to retire. For further ABERIIART, Staffa 1'. 0.10ntario. I village of Kippen at G. T. IL Station, )The foam eon - WARM FOR SALE.-4o1'rcsale, a choiee farm in •.Re Stanley township, uron county,' adjoining the >, • • tains 146 acres more or leee. All in grafts °malt bwo acres It is in a high state of cultivation as nearly tell of it has been menured on the grass. Fences and drains are good. There is a never failinee spring creek and a good spring well at the barn. Thera are. two good barns 56 x 36 with stone stabling under - one, with cattle steels WI tie over 50 head. Good horse stable and drivihte shed, 40 x 36, also pig pen and boiling house. There is a good hardwood bush and about 2 acres of °rentard of the choicest shipping apples and several kinds of small fruit. The house is a cennfortable frame one containing eight rooms; • there is a stone cellar with brick floor, also woodshed - 18 x 28, and summer kitchen and a good spring well at the house. This eeeellenteann:in situated on €k the London road, 21 mile front Beset', 8 from Sea - forth, 9 from Exetei and -0 from feint* all goad grain markets, and good gravel roads in ail diree- tons. Will be sold cheap and on eaey terms. Apply on the premises or addreete Kippen P. 0., 03E90051VE TAYLOR. A Balser's Triumph The Mooney Baker canriot prodime _ anything better than Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas The very best of flour, buttir and cream -- the most modern plant, the very best baker i& Canada. A biscuit superior to any other you have ever tasted. Say "Mooney's" to your grocer. reek, ( c. LEWARf wpollrlsohne pwero proves the t Sunlight Sonp centreline any injurious ohemicals or any torm of adulteration. x6e Lever Brothers Lindted, Toronto McKillop Directory for 1906 JOHN - M. GOVENLOCK, Reeve, Winthrop, P. o. 11.1tOWLAND, Councillor, Walton' P. F. MeQUAID, Councillor, St. Opium - ban, P, O.; JOHN McDOWELL; Committer, Sea - forth P. 0. El. BYERMAN, Councillor, Brodhag- en P. O. EacH.A.EL MURDIE, Clerk, Winth- rop P. 0. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Wintb.- rop P. O. SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. P., 8au- itary inspector, Winthrop P. 0. Black, Tan and Whit* Shining your own shoes with 2 in 1 is both a luxury% anti an economy. 2 in Black Polish is known as ealack Light. nine." Your shoes are given the riche est. glossiest black shine with only an instant's rub. Don't take substitutes or imitations. Black and Tan irt 10e. and 25e. tins White in 15c. Glass I SYNOPSIS OF CANADhIN NORTHWEST.. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. ANY wen numberediteobion Of Domine 'on Lands in !demobs, or the North-west erovinoeu, excepting 8 and 26, not rosary. sel, may be homesteaded by any person who is she sole head of a family, or any male over 18 years of age. Ito the extent of este quarter section of 160 acres, tenon or ,088. • Entry may be made personally' at the moat iand office for the diorite) in which rhe land is etuatodi, or if the homesteader clesiree, he may, on application to the Min- ister of the Ulterior, Ottawa, the Cotnrnie- eioner of Immigmtion. Winnipeg, or the local agent reoeive authority for aome one to make eniry for him., Pee homesteader is mitered to perform she oonditions connected therewith under ono of tf e following plans : (I) At least six months residencerUpon and ouhintion of the land in each ,year for' three years, (2) If the father (r r mother, if the father is cleeeaetd) of the homeeteader resides up- on a farm in the vioittiby of she land 'enter- ed for the requirements as to reaidence may be satisfied by such person residlog .with thafather or mother. (3) If the settler hee bis permanent real. denceetpon farming land owned by him in the vioinity of his homestead, the require- ments as to residence may be satibfied by residence upon the said land. Six months notice in writin shohld be given to tha Commissioner of Dominion Lauda at Ostawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, • Deputy of theiMinister of Interior, N1 B. — Uteentakized pnbliction • cf shis adyertieement:will not be paid for. 1977 26 DYSPEPSIA AND STOMACH DISORDERS . MAY BE. QUICKLY AND PERMANENTLY CURED BY BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS. Mn '. A.. Lobelia Idaniwaki, Que., writes no as follows: I desire to thank you for your won- derful cure, Burdock Blood Bitters. Three years ago I had a very severe attack of Dyspepsia. k- tried five of the best doctors1 I could find but they could do me no good. was advised by a friend to try Burdock Blood Bitters and to my great surprise, after taking two bottles, 1 was so perfectly cured that have not had a sign of Dyspepsia since. 1.eannot priie? it too highly to all Sufferers. In my experience itis the best I ever used. Noth- ing for rile like B.B.B. •- Don't:accept-a substitute for Burdock Blood Bitters There is nothing '! just as good." 7 • ••••sid•I••••••••••••*••• , Perth Items,. —Albert' Vipond's sale in Hibbert, last week, netted about $1,700.. totariproceeds of the sale .of James Beattyi a 1Cirkton, las+ week, were $0,900. —The Mitchell 1 awn bowlers have organized fee the coming season. T. S. Mord is the president and S. A. Hodge the secretary. —Mr. Baker, •who has recently been working with Mr'. Merles Beekney, of the Thames road, fell from a horse and broke his leg. Rev. F. E. Malott has accepted st, call to become pastor of. Mitch- ell Methodist chards,' Mr. Malott is at present stationed at Chathare. —The Borate Shoe Quarry Co., of Mary, has closed a °entreat with the city of Port Huron, Mich- igan, to delivee them' 900 car :loads or crushed stone. —Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Gilpin left •St. Marys last week for the west, where Mr. Gilpin will engage in the :hardware business. Mr. Gil- pin is one of St. Marys _oldest 'busi- ness men. —Mr. Wm. Dow, df the llth Joon- eessien of Hibbert, was the purchas- er' of Mr. ,A.clant MeMurray's farm, concessioic 8, Hibbert. • The farm consiges of 75 acres and the tpeice paid was $3,800. • —A pulley in Carter's mill, St. Marys, burst on Thursday after- noon, a. portion tote it striking Mr, Oliver Steyenson, the head miller, below the" knee and inflicting a severe gash. —Ont of the most proraineilt resi- dents of eloreh Frasthope departed this life on Thursday, Meech 8th, in the person of the late Duncan ROW - art, who died en the farm. on w-hich he Wiae3 born neatly 62 years lam when the locality was almoet an un- broken forest. —Two of Logan's respected resi- dents died on Friday, 9th inst., in the pers.= of Mr. Francis Dittmer and Mrs. Daniel Scherbarth. Both were under 60 year- of age. The two funerals took place on Monde.y ; the remains of Mr. Dittmer being bur- ied in the forenoon and Mrs. Sober - berth in the afternoon, in the; Lu- theran temetere en the 8th con- ,- cession. • • -Mr. Joshua Vivian passed away at his home one mile and a quarter west of Mitchell, on the Baron 'road, on Wednesday °fleet week. Deceas- ed was operated on last week fr an .acete attaok of appendicitis. The operation proved saceesafal, but ow- ing te a complication loft other dis- eases he slid not • stem -to ,gain strength. Mr. Vivian leaves a wife and several smell children to mourn his lass. —Three •South Peith men have within theepast few months been el- ected to honorable positions in the "business and social life of the 'pro- vince, says- the St. Marys Argus. Mr. S. A. Hodge, Mitchell, is 'pres- ident of the Bowling Association; Mr. T. 0. Robinson, St. Marys, is president !of the Curlers' Associa- tion, and the other day Mr. ie. S. Armstrong, of St. Marys, was elect- ed president ef the Mutual Fire Un- derwriters. —The death 'occurred on Frid !afternoon, March 9th, of Mrs. James Carpenter, of Dublin, at -the resi- dence of her son-in-law, Mr. Peter Writt, • Stratford. She had been visiting there 'about five months, and had been ailing west of ehe time. eftceased was born in the oolinty ofeArraa.eh, Ireland, seventy years ago, and. came to this 'country when a young girl with her father wed mother-, Mr. mid Mrs. Patrick Lennon.The family settled- in El- lice where sle resided up to tie time of her taareia.ge to Me. James Car- penter, a shoemaker of Dublin. She has resided in Dublin ever abace !her mafriage, with the exteption of the • .0 3 Cents a Day Wi1i Cure YOUP Kidneys ee a day for a specialist—that will cure you of 'every trace of Kid tley Trouble. That's all it costs—se a day—to take THE GENTLE KIDNEY PILL • And -" Bu-ju " curese-remember •'that. Not metely eases the pain and teakes you feel better—but heals and strengthens the Ki.. • rieys and completely cures. 'Take " Du -jet " on our guarantee thet they cure or money refunded At druetzlees or sent prepaid on receipt of pike, 150c. CLAFLIN CHEMICAL co. Losteee itNNOSON. ONT. _ last few moitths, spent in Stratford. - Mrs. Carpenter is survived by four sons and two :daughters. —As Mr. Fred Sawyer, of Mitchell: who trecently 'became insane, was wandering About the street, his sis- ter tfolIceved him, trying to get him home. On .arriving at the bridge, west of the electric light station', t he suddenly aeized Iter and threw 'her over the railing into' the elver, about '18 feet below. She was res- cued by Messrs. W. Bo Reynolds and Fred Dutton, who happened to be near et ,the time, and he was eputick- ly driven to the honie of her father, where it was round that she Wag not seriously tinjazred. —For some menthe a daughter of Mr. Wm. Rieman, of Mitchell, has not been in good health and era- agined there was aemething alive in her • stomach. At . times she could feel it *crawling up her throat and would have to take food 'to eetfd it back. The sensation was anything but pleasant, but relief came one day last week when the young lady was • visiting in the country and, drinking a. glass of cream which aid not agree with her, took a fit of toughing and up came a milk snake measuring 14 inches in lengthand still alivejudging from the size or the reptile it matte have been in the • victim's stomach about two years, and no doubt was swallowed while drinking from a pool of wat- er. —Fire broke out at about tone loe clock Friday morning in the 'upper storey of the Beattie orage betid- ing, St. Marys, and did considerable demage. Mrs. Beattiet loses several thousand dollars on the building whicli is an'derstood is covered by insurance in the Perth' Mutual, Harrison and Lamond, furniture dealers, are heavy losers, insared in the Ottawa Fire Insturartee Company. Mrs. Agnes Gilliee loses one thous- and dollars on her eurnibutre, tem- porarily stored, insured in the San Insurance Office for .$750. A. E. Teskey loses one thousand dollars on his st,ored furniture, which is insured in the *Royal for $300. C. Richardson & Co. lose about _$500 in manufactured dairy supply goods seared in the building, sv-hich is mov- ered in the Independent Cash Mut- • eat The cause of the fire is 'un- known. • For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought, Bears the Signatlire o The Coming Grand Trunk Pacific Locomotive. (Written for The Expositor.) leed'are Beware 1 for 1 come in my might, With a scream aml a howl of scone With a speed like the mountain eagle's flight, As he rides the breeze of morn. AVannt I Avaunt ; for I heed you not, Norpause for the cry of pain, I rejoiee o'er the slaughter my wheels have wrought And 1 heal not the mangled. Away 1 Away 1 o'er valley and plain, I weep with a voice of wrath, In a fleecy Mond 1 wrap my train, As I tread my iron path. My bowels are fire and my arm is steel, My breath is a rolling cloud, My voice peals out as I onward wheel, Like the thunder rolling cloud. All day, all day, do my sinews play, When the suns bright rays are east, At the midnight hour I fly on my way, Like a deathfiend howlingpast. I bear the wealth of a thousand climes, The pearls of the briny sea, The produce of lands where the church bell chimes. And the gold of the dark eaffree, roar on the beach of the mating deep When the see shells touch Dv wheels, Through the desert land. with a howl I sweep, 'And the yellow harvest fields. I traverae the regions of temperate tient, • Both metals hear me' semen; And I breethe the silence of wieter's retreat, Where bhe glittering snowilelde gleam. The wild beasts fly when My voice they hear Through the sounding forests eine .And the sons of men stand mute with fear, Of earth I ara the Ring. WM. B. MeLEAN. Hensall, Ontario. Manitoba and Northwest Notes —The Winnipeg Horse Shaw will be held from May 23rd to 85th. " —A section of land near Lake Francis was sold 1 ast week for ,$10,- 000. —Joseph Howsekd farm at Petrel, iJohn Fitz •ramons for $18,- Man., has been. pu• ichased by Will - am and 000. —The Lorne :House at Altamont, ownedf by Joseph Tremblay,was sold. to Joseph Cassel., of St. leculface, for the sum of $8,000. • A. Decosse sold his section of land, two Miles from Anemone to Aellam Rutherford, of Holland. The purehase price was $12,000. —The first session of hhe Albers t'a, Provineial Legislature twas opened in the skating rink at Edmonton, last week. The skating rink being the largest building in the embrio , �a$tai, wasd for the ope uznot1ors, After the opening the •legisiatorsto'o'k up their ters in the Mackay seheol hell ii, g Where the bnefeillee3S of the sessien will be transacted. . —A Settler on William Creek, one rale from McLeod, Alberta, seeded 16 ittos of wheat on March 9. 4:10, Archie Gralutta has sold Ithe farm in the Dry laver district, Manitoba, to the Messrs. Young, of Montneal, for ,$20 per acre. - —Miss Sarah Knowles, of Piloii 1 Mound, Men., was married to Ffr. I Zeb, Gerneau'of Yellow Grass, Basle, th on the 15inst. They will im.ake their *home in Yellow Grass. ' *—A fire which ' started in Morri ores general store, in Wolseley,Sask destroyed that building, the Win sor hotel and other property to the value of $40,000 on Monday morning. —The Elm Creek Mail says: Rop. R.' P. Roblin, Premier of ManIL toba, has promised a private gift $2,000 to the new municipality G-Deee—$5O0 for each ward—to be else pended' on roads and bridges.' 1 —The skating and totaling rink at Dominion City was' totally destroy- ed by fire one night I asf we k. There e-itere 24 p airs of/ ourli g stones in the rink, wbich were t t- elly spoiled by the fire. There Was no °hence to save anything. —Thos. Dale, of Portage Plat s has gold his farm of three tquar er veotions, 480 aeres, to Andrew M g- gy, of that district, for $13,000. A r. Ielee will remove to. Sarnmerland,_ B. '0„, to reside, and will go Into ifreit farming. - I —A valuable pacing mate, belong- ing to liertry Baird, 'proprietor itof the Seyraour betel, Winnipeg, drlsp- ped dead in the shafts while the Ow- rinr was driving along the Ayer road west of Fort Rouge. The mere was worth. 1$800 and had recently 'been owned tin Kincardine, Onte —Mr. R. B. Wilson, an old timer of MacLeod, Alberta, had his ri ht band badly -shattered in a trinS Sr he was operating, being eleteght the rapidly revolving knivesIhe index finger was crushed, neceSsi- tating amputatione . The tendons' of the arra were afterwards found in the machine. —Chas. Thompson, a oitizen I of Ninga, Manitota, was found fieizen to death about two miles south of the town. He drove a. Mr. Hugh Mil- ler home the previous evening and on his return /roust have lost this way and apparently fell out When the hones stopped at a hay stack, as he was found just in front of ,Itis sleigh, where the horses remaieed all night. Mr. Thompson WAS a Mar - 'seed men and leaves a wife ad 3 small ohildren to mourn his loss. —A seriou.s fire took place lel 'the house of Mr. Waller Ohernels, South ot Saskatoon, Sas, on Saturda af- ternoon. It is supposed the fir iginated from 4 defedive pipe. The flam-es spread so q that les wife and two thildre difficulty in making their e Tit or - terve •iekly had ape. Mr. Chernels and this family had just got outside when 'the roof lapsed, and be consequently lost eV- arything. A gold watch, worth $250 and some jewelry and valuable pap- ers were cosiisimed. There was no in- su-rartoe, 1 —A young man named. joen It. Wootlsworth exnamtitted suicide on Tuesday, at Crandall, Manito a, by shooting himself theough the tem- ple. Woodsworth came to Ma itoba eighteen months ago from ' uelph, where his father resides, an. had been doing odd laboring bs in Crandall and the neighbo hood. Lately he manifested signs f de- spondency, and to this is attribut- ed his act of self destrueti 4 a . He shot himself in a livery stable when none of the stable hands wer ores- ent, and when he was found life was extinct. Wooidsworte was 22 years tof age. , —A few nights ago unknow n per- sons visited the stables of harks Rasmussen, adjoining the vi) age ef Geodlande near Deloraine, M nitoba, and stole for horses, the est .of his horses, along with all bus eat - tit, bogs and fowl, being smothered. It appears that after removing four ef the best horses from the istable, the diabolical thieves gathered hay together in several places around the stable and set fire to the eeveral piles, these smouldering firesi creat- ing sufficient smoke to smoteer all the ertimals that were in the eatable, seven horses, sixteen cattle, , seven i3 hogs and all the fowl. Thes were all found dead in the mornin when Mr. Rasmussen entered his s able. • t —Lillian Towns, the 3-year-o1d daughter of I.). G. Town, Of Deno, near Peterboro, tripped, and up- setting a mail of baling hot water, was AO severely scalded that she died the next evening. •••-•••-•••••••-•-,-0,00.0.- Dear Mother Your little ones are a constant care in C Fall and Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Luna Tonic, and -what it has done for so many? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the air passages in el-tilt:ken. it is absolutely harmless and pleasant to take. his guaranteed to cure or yoor money is returned. The price is 25c. per bottle, and all dealiers in medicine sell • 4T4 SHILO This remedy should be in every he ors Conquered Without Operation . :Jeri t • — Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pinkham Vegetab Compound in Cases of 1117. Fox and Miss Adam n•••••••=•••1•1221•nan. el 11) wader non Veten mem oe th Tree' Anim pies: emeeial dere vet -4 ---e One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E. Pinkhanes :Vegetable Uornponml i$ the callipering of woman's dread enemy, Tumor. So-called wandering pains" 3nay come from its early stages, or the presence of 'danger may be made manifest by ex- cessive monthly Periods accompanied. by unusual pain extending from the abdomen through the groin And thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if there are indications of inflammation, ulceration or displacement, don't wait for time to confirm, your fears and go through the horrors of a hospital operation; secure Lydia E. l'inkhara's Vegetable Com- pound at once and begin its use and write Mrs. Pinkham of Lynn, Meese for advice. Read these strong letters from grateful women who have been cured: Dear Mrs. Pinkharn :— (First Letter.) "In looking over your book I see that your medicine cures Tumors. 1 have been to a doctor and he tells me I have 0, tumor. I will be more than grateful if you een help me, as do so dread an operation." — Fannie D. Fox, Bradford, Pa. Dear Mrs. Pinkhain (Second Letter.) take the liberty to congratulate you on the success I have had with your wonderful medicine. "Eighteen months ago lily periods stopped. Shortly after I felt so badly I sub- mitted tO a thorough examination by a phy- sician, and was told that I had a tumor and would have to undergo an operation. "1 soon after read one of erol# advertise- ments and deeided to give Lydia E. Pink - ham's Vegetable Compound a trial. After taking five bottles AS directed, the tumor is entirely gone. 1 have again been examined Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound , by The pliyiriun nncl be oays I have signs of a tumor now. it hue also breetc„- my periods around finer; more; and - entirely well. I shall never be without bottle of Lydia Pinkhant's Vegetable compound in the house.'—Fannic D. Po BraAffri:tbrd'ela r)C' ase of Tumor Cured • Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetalge pound. Dear Mrs. Pink -ham: • "About three oven ago I land inte pain in my stomach Ivith erampe n. raging headaches. The doctor. prcribe for me, but ending that I eel not get ee7- etter he examined me and, to my eurpri (lc(Jan'(l I had a tumor. "I felt were that it meant my d warrant, and was very trishearteeed. spent hundred of dollars in doelterang b e tumor kept growing, MI the doctor at nothing but an operation would SON aunt in ptie rltuNeN natse,111,::nancis lgicorrestrte,boa nsul‘e,,!lviaethvLecA to try Lydia B. Pinkhanfs Vegetable onnpound before Submitting to an e tion, and I at once etarted taking reatment, finding to my great relic ay general health began to improve, after three months I notieed that the turr d reduced in size. I kept on tokirig mpound, and in ten months it euti ly disappeared without an operation, a using no inedieine but Lydia E. rinkilow, Vegetable Compound, and words foil express how grateful I am for the good has done me." --Miss LueIIa Adams, Co nade Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Such unqueetional)le testimony prove the value of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegi table Compound, and should give co dence and hope to every sick woman. Mee Pinkham invites all ailing wom to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for Adel ; a Woman's Remedy for Woman's I 111 rt Barri rich. 0 Garrey ISN'T it worth something to know that Barns. Chicken Houses, Tool Sheds, etc., have ra culty - ge of Ontario ; Chicago . Royal 0 England pital, •Over Sti Seaforth o.uswerec Street, is absplutely fireproof and waterproof—and practicallii' wearproof. it is cheaper than shingles and lasts a lifetime. We will send you a free -sample. Test it yourself. We will also mail a copy , of our illustrated booklet. Hardware stores everywhere handle Paterson's Wire Edge; or can get it f/er you. Insist on having it. PATERSON NIFII. CO. 1. tenni) PAONTREAL arm TORONTO eeteeetee trr ers ealeelLeielet eree' Goderi dist obu j. and Aloe ()uteri° Surgeon of Rum • C. Ma Trinity ; Trinity ". the Coll goons, esr 0811 stele - „ • .11 you wear Merchants Rubber products yciu can depend on having the best made, in appearance, ittylo, fit, and 'wearing quality. Made on inew-fashenned rod popular lasts only, tbey are excellent fitters; wet strengthened and re.inforeed at ever?' point of extrastrain or wear; and have a natty appeeranee that is exclusively their own. The Merchanto Rubber Co., Limited, have gone to enormous exponze to five an article a little better tban vsu have* been 4ett1nd, without adding to the •xellinee price. . " If your Shoeman ioetn't tell Merchants Rubiers lot us know. WEAK- 'row many 1ff' °men p there are that get. no re - TIREDfreshment from sleep. They wake in thei morn - WOMENwhen they went o bed. ing and feel -tired r than They have a dizzy sensation in th head, the heart palpitates; they are hiritabis and nervous, weak and worn oujt, and the lightest household duties duri g the day seem to be a drag and a herd n. MILBURFS HEART AND litlIVE PI LS are the very. remedy that weak, nervous, tired out, sickly women need to lestore them the blessings of good health. • They give sound, restful sleep, tone up the nerves strengthen. the heart, and make rich blood. Mrs. C. McDonald, Portage la Prairie, Mane writes: "1 was troubled with shortness of breeth, Palpi- tation of the heart and weak spells. I got four boxes of gilburnss Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking them I was completely cured. Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $1.25, all dealers or the The 'IL Mil- burn Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Branches at WINNIPEG. LONDON, TORONTO, , ONTREAL. • 706 tent Mi. License ties of 3. practical endersto atoekan a better - Prices. faction 43rdert 1 or at Lo. be prom] e ficmenhvAel tee te Fir r GEORGE E. BOULTER • CHARLES A. DAV Northern and Central Ontario Agents, Prompt attention given to Telegraph, Telephone and Mail Orders. • BOULTER, DAVIES & COMPANY, Specialty Jobbers in all elasses of tigh Grade Boots and Shoes. Telepbones—litain 5708—Main 117 24 Front st, W., Toron ••••••••••,••••••*•••••••*•., 1 MONEY TO !JAL TO HORSE OWNERS s Pds onof private parties to loan at lowest rate of interest. Apply to ICUALORAIN, Barrister, etc., Seeforth, Ontario. 1993-10 Tee :olderaigneddeaires to notify his frit the ri»lihe generally that the well known etoe lona PeleNCE OF MIDLOTHIAN, foriiierit. ;Aimed by Mr. J. Leiper, of Ifullett, travel this he:Leon in the County of Huron, south east of tehere he formerly travelled. 'tithe 2 W. A. ROSS, Prepr rtobf. ley* Seafo deille