The Huron Expositor, 1906-03-16, Page 84z { r 0) ALL{3PUKPOSE FENCE. All No. 0 hal atrpl wires. Nothing eon pat it out of ape, or go through it, wider or over it.l Stayed and locked to. avoid all alippiur . Heavily iaivauized to prevent rusk NOthing better inacie. We wantt every fence,builder to see it. Just let us .know and We will show you. 'Hardwareur Gies pp you intend taking with you. It will be to. your interest to do so. We have in stock a-1supply of the B T ANTHRACITE COAL . Leave Your Orders With Us 3ur.prices are low and good of the beat. ousaNzy & SMILEY, SEAPORT/1,, SOLE - AGENTS, Hard$rare, Stogy and Coal. DOMINION. RANK HEAD OFFICE, FORCNd.'O. Capital, Fully Paid Up--$8,000,oaaoo Reserve Fund and un. divided Profits $ 3.749,000 Deposits by Public 1634,100,00o Thi Assets . S 44,400,000 'SEAFORTH RRANOH,, Skew, feeility for the transacting of a neneratieneking business. ' Ootleotions made on all volute iia :,Canada sad abroad. Advances made to Fazmer!. Special at- ention paid tothe collection of Sale Notes. A SAVINGS BANK. Deposits of $1.00 aid opwarde received. and Interest; paid or added dune 30th and December 31st. •Wstbdrawaia may, be 'lade at any time, R.. S. NAYS, solicitor. A. E. dIhSON, .Manager. A. Piano Very Cheap We have a slightly used. piano, upright, 71 octave, wai,aut case, in good con- • dition, for sale very cheap, also one Sell _ Organ, six- octave, infine shape and some Eve.oaata` e dans, iris music, the eases are + [d style, in good,repair. ire also carry New Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and all Musical Sundries Needles and Oil. I . Baldwin & Co., SEAFORTH ;James Watson, Successor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. Ial Fire, Life and Aooidenb Inenr *nee agent, Real Estate and Moan Agent. Dealer " in first-class family and f anufao- -tering Sewing Machines and Cream Separators, viz : - New Raymond and White Sewing Machine', and National and Uneeda Cream Separators. Abe sewing maohine needles, oil, attach - manta, repairs, and sundries for all kinds of sewing „machines. With ever 25 years experience in the above business you can rest seemed of 'prides right? square dealing .and satsefaotion guaranteed. JAMES. WATSON,. awaracce agent, and dealer in Sewing Machine and Bicycles. North Blain street, Seaforth. STRATFORD, ONTARIO. This school has become the- leading Commercial sobool in the West. No sim- ii`ier institntionia doing more to.equip young people for responsible positions. Our courses are thorough and practical while the teaching is done by experin- red instructors. All graduates gee good positions. Yon may enter at any time. Write f ,catalogue. �tiLi its M oLACHLAN, Principals There is a Reason Why our watches give such good eatfefaotion. Of courts,; we try tomake sure that they- are of the right make before we bap them ; but ohat'sn not all. Two watches that look alike- may run altogether different), Watobes are usually delivered to the retail jewellers by travelling salesmen, from their trunks, which often get - rough usage on the railroads: We have ours made and named for ma specially at the factory and in this way We aresure they are no old stook and have had no careless handling. Our men's watch at $7 we will guar- antee a reliable time piece. doh n: Bulger, Jeweller, - - - Seaforth Marriage Licenses issued. STAPLES BROS. BARBERS and TOBACCONISTS —We carry a Choice Line of- CIGARS TOBACCOS PIPES — von DISTRICT MATTERS. 1 Collegiate Institete.—The list of Form I, pupils of the Collegiate Institate, given in last week's ° is- sue, °Obtained the names of those who passed With honors, being the January exaneloa,ti ns. The follow- ci ing is a list lin o der of merit of those *he obtaine honors in Febru- D. Thomplean, R. McKenzie, R.Birks, I. McMillan. i Another New Comer.—The Luck- e -how Sentinel, of ' last week, says: " Mr., W, J. Allin left thiaeweek for Seaforth, where be betimes gen.eral agent for the Froet aG Wood Ageoul- tarad Implement ;Company, in thitt town. The people of Seaforth• will and his, long-experienoe with his fa- ther in the ledplement - business in Lucknove has given *him a thorough. practical knowledge of the whole bU.SinfiSS, and his many frierids here will be pleased 1 to hear Of , his Erdarging.—The St. Thomas Tinies of a few:day& ago says: "lasers. Baldwin and Robinson, who 'recently bought. out J. 0. Hawkins' music store, have so 'developed their bus- iness that they require larger quar- ters, and With commendable enter- prise have pu.rohased the J. 13. Hilt bliack and will remove their stock into it in a few days, and cipen 10110 of the largest music stores in westeme Ontario." Mr. Baldwin, al- though making his headquarters in Seaforth, has been oonnected with the St. Thomas bU,Sillef38 NI' some . time. While we are pleased to see that Mr. Baldwin is enlarging and branehing out, evve regret to learn that it will mean ihis removal from, Seafarth to St. Thorens, where he expects to go in abeitit six weeks. He -will, however, continue his busi- ness in Sieaforth. . A Veteran Postmaster.—The Brus- sels -Post, of lest week, in extending congratulations to Mr. Thoxnas-Iar- row, the worthy, postmasitex of that town, on the anniversary of his severity -first birthday, sans: " He is as lively as the proverbial kittee yet, and bustled: about frene early morning to late at night. We have little doubt bet this activity is to him the elixir of life. Many people 'droop and die because they don't keep pace with the ect%vities of this fast travelling age. Me. Farrow does:" Mr. Farrow represented Nerth and East Huron in the Domin- ion Parliament, fram 1872 to 1887. Mr. Farrow paSsed through five general elections, being victorious in four,and meeting defeat in the ,fifth. It may- be mentioned, as a- stradage coincidence, that Dr. McDoneldnieho defeated him, ran precisely the same number of elections, ,sharing the same fate, winning four and being defeated in the- fifth. We nioubt roueb. if the present representative will have a similar experience. He will' likely be defeated in the. Ise°- ond round. hockey team are champions of the Mercantile Leagge and consequent- ly winners of the handsome trophy donated Mr oompetition among the - town teams. by- Mr. J. F. (Daly, jew- eler. They sprung a surprise on Thursday might last wyen they de- feated the Hardwares in the decid- ing game by three 'goals to alone. Those who are suPposed to know looked' for a bidt game but °duetted 'on the tHardwa.res winning out. The game . was a hot ann. all ,right, Abut the. A. 0. V. looked:rafter the win- ning part. From„ the start to close checking 'prevented any cembina- tion and few individual lustue-s. It -was just a case cif plug away ail the time. In the first half the A. 0. V. naradn the only scare, bat in the sedan& half, for a period, they got the Hardwares going and pat in two more, while the Ha:rdwares were unable to .notch up any. It was a -ckse and well fought game throuigh- a little too good. —There were two ireterestingg games among (the, juniors on Satur- day. At the Palace' rink, theeBea t - ties and the Water Works had a •go in which the Beatties won out 127 - two goals to one. Over on Beettie s field the Rov.ers and. the Iroquois had: another game, end this time (the Indians got the Rovers on the go, winning by 14 goals" to 4. South Huron Agnicultuiral Society. —At a meeting of , the cifficera and directors of the South ::Hiteron. Ag- ricultural Society helil at Hensel]. on Satarday, it was decided to thold the annu.al shove for entire stock at Brticefield on Trutesday, April 24th. This is somewhat later thought the latezd date would be more favorable to horsemen and would. be likely to bring out ta larg- er stow of horses las they will be commeneing the season very soon after that and the same fitting will do for tile show andl the 'road. It Was far as horses/ are Poncerned on the same items as the paet two years,that is not to Nave. theen judged for prizes but simply to give' the owners otiporbunity to exhibit them to the breedens'present and by way of en- couragement to pay the owners a fee to cOler expenees.. This fee has beer. increased fronie three dollars to fo-ter dollars for each horse exhib- ited. The restriction. that" horses exhibited must travel within the bounds of the eoeiety hes also been rescinded so that elai show this year will be open to all horses that are in other respects eligible. These in- dueements, together,' with the aetive demand for herses, 4gibouler bring out a very large number of horses at the show this year. The 'umbel Lib- eral premiums are I continued for bulls. A, _deputation from the Clin- ton Sale and Stoek Show 'were pre- sent and asked the Vo-operatione of the South Huron Seciay in esteb- foil owing resolut ion was pasdell " That having heard the -prop si- tion of the delegates from Clin on, this Board cannot meet 'with -their proposal this year as it has al- ready been resolved by the society hodd our regular .show ffireee- erate with them in other ways and • recommend that the que,stime of am - Try UR for an EASY SHAVE and g NIFTY HAIR OUT. a Opposite the Commercial Hotel t itted for considerat n at the next nnual meeting of this society." The usual errangemoxits were made with he Stephen and Usborne 1 Soeiety for the holding of union • fall show with tho.t, SoeidtY on their grounds eat Exetee, the show to be held en the‘first, Monday .andr Tuesday after -the Western Pair at London. eesponee to an appeal from the 'Ideokeretaith .Branch Agri- culture -I Society it was resolve& to "'muke a grant to that society' of in &flaying the expenses of im- proving their show buildings, the aaid grant to be paid after the hold- ing of their next fall show. The next meeting' of the bourd will be held- at Hensall in J'iane tranke ar- rangements for the fall show. case Was tried at Goderich thi,S week jury. ' The gaigi continued tor Tues- day and Wednedday and many wit- riesses' were heard. At the •coneltia- ion Of the evidence, Which was istime- stemming up decided in favor of G the township on the legal points, bat as there was ao mewl ;difference in the expert ievidence he reserved his verdict 'until he dete.rmines whether he will require the work in dispute to be examined by tan ;in- dependent engineer before he gives final judgment. • Goad Horses.—Mr. John Chesney, of Hullett, recently aeurcleased from ehorsernan, Of Hensel', a fine draught 'mare, five years old, for paid the bandnoine giln1 of $240. This roare is. in foal ta prier'e !Hero, and is' eligible •for registration. Mr, Berry -a very fine year old Clydes- ported by Mr. illerry lasti fall, land was sired in 'the old ,country Gartney Gold.. The price paid was • Four cans corn for 26e at-Cardno Seaforth. 1095-2 • Try our rolled -oats. We have the best at 8 lbs. for 25e. Cardno Brds, Seaforth. 1995-2 Two oars Redpath Sugar in 100 lb. sacks to hand, Call and get prices befot.e purchasing elsewhere. A. G. Ault, Seaforth. 19D0-1 HAVING PURCHASED the general repair bind. ness, formerly Carried on by J. C. Thornton, I am now in a position to do all kinds of repairing. A full line of bicycles and sundries always in stook. Elecerical wiring and fittings. Roy Scott, Thornton's old stand, Seaforth. 1092-tf WANTED, -50 case of Eggs and a ton of Butter weekly, also Raw Furs and 10,000 Rat Skins. G, ,E. King, Wingham. 1992.tf CASH for first-class hatter and fresh eggs. A. G. Ault, Seaforth. 1998-2 Some very fine Marmalade Oranges and Bitter Oranges, just arrived at A.G. Ault's Seaforth. 1990-2 Farmers do not place your orders for fencing:till you get our prices. fencing', all NO. 0 hard steel Wire, is the best made and we can save you money if you buy from us. Chesney- and Smiley,Sea- tbrth. 1996-1 Try Charlie Hines' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice work. Always gives satisfaction. Clothes called for and delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware store, Sea - forth. 1088-tf Feed for Sale.—Oatmeal mill feed for sale at the Seaforth OatMeal Mills. Walter Thomson & Son Limited. 1982-tf REPAIRING. NEATLY DONE. Eyes tested free by R. McNaughb, Jeweler, Seaforth. 108741 Having purOhased the grocery store, of G. Emery, south of the railway track, I want sill kinds of pro- duce, butter, eggs, etc., for which the highest cash IFice will be paid. A. F. Hallett, Seaforth. Wall Paper Bargains—Until further notice, we will sell at close prices for cash, and hang y free of charge. All work done over carpets without injury to them. Remembert we drive to your door; saving you the price of a livery. J. Graves and Co., Seaforth. UAIBRELLAS.—A number of umbrellas, repaired andsready for use, If not claimed at once, will be' sold. Roy Scott, Thornton's old stand, Seaforth. 1980-1 CANTATA—A cantata, entitled " Ye ,Are The Light of The World," is to be given by th& Mission Bands of the First Preshyteriau Ohurch this Friday evening., March 10th, in the school room of the church. The entertainment commences at eight o'clock. Silver collection. 1ssoa Our car of bfanitoba flour has arrived direct from Kewatin, Try the lilve Rosea brand for family use the best flour :made in Canada.. 25, 50 and 100 lb. sacks. Cardno Bros., Seaforth. 1906-1 Sherwin-Williams paint has by far the largest sale and is by far the best made. Call and get color cards from us. Chesney & Setiforth. 1936-1 The diuncil.—The regular *month - meeting of the town council was held on Monday evening. The clerk was instzucted to purchase an index to the coneolidated Municipal Act and amendments. A by-law, author- izing the borrowing of -money to meet current expenses, was passed. The town constable was instructed to prosecute any person or persons who trifle or interfiere with the fire alatm ar town bell any way. The time for the payment of taxes was extended until next meeting of council. A communication was re- ceived from Mr., Brydon, of Clinton, in reference to the elaim of Mrs, Jenkins for damages far injuries re- • ceived by falling on the side -walk, and was referred te the solicitor. The clerk was instructed to write the Lieutenant Governor in Council for permission for _the corporation to purchase their own local improve- ment debentures to the amount of $2,50d. A motion was passed as fol - 'owe: " That the intention of the council was and shall be, in the event work is proceded with, that the property owner's pay 60 per cent. oft- the cost of oonstruction ef !pave- ment only, payable in twenty equal annual instalments, and that 'the town assume the bala,nce, 40 • per cent., and the whole cost of inter- est.* Accounts to the anadunt $400,39 were passed, and the council adjourned to meet at the call of the mayor. • Death of a, Former Huranite.—The following, which we take from. the Carberry, Manitoba, Newse of March 2. -will be read with melanholy in- terest by theniany old friends of the deceased in the Southern part of the county, where he was .so well and! fa-. vornbly known. Two years ago Mr.. Humeston spent several months vis- iting friends in and around Hensall, Kippen and Chiselharst. The News Brookdale, on Wednesday, enenveyed the startling announcement of the death .of John Hemeston, one of the best known . and higly esteemed residents. of Brockdale. The de -1, teased was in Broceledele on Monday, and on Tuesday was around attend -e ing to the ehores as 'usual, retiring ot night feeling perfeetly well. In the morning he eomplairied of a vio- lent pain in his Istomach, and ;while, Mrs. Humeston was preparing a mustard plaster he suddenly expired. Mr. Henneeton was among the pion- eer settlers of the Big Plain, Swell known and highly esteemed.. Those who knew him best respeeted him mint. His sudden deniise has oast a gloom over the whole coramunity. Some years ago he retired. from the farm - and removed to Onterie, to spend the re,mainder Of his nears eese. Like many others, he soon beeame discontented, and two years ege retained, and has -giwe resided on his farm adjoining Brookdale. 'A widow, five sons and four daughters iarvive him. Of the sons, 3. C. Ire - 'sides at Wellwood ; William Albert, n Baled Hay Parties shipping fforses and Stook requiring Baled Hay can secure the same from, Successor to Hamilton & Kerslake, C4th Aissimillimommemit at Pleianns; Mrs. H. Olass, at Car- berry ; Mrs. Perseus, Kipipen, Ont.; Mime Etbel, iirookdale. Two bei ars, Albert" of Wellwood, and Is c, with the bereaved family, mourn, his death." Travellers.— The following were ticketed to- distant parts hy Stew- art Bros., C. P. R. agents,'Seaforth J. W. Mowleray, of Walton, to Pem- broke, Ont. ; John Ohapneatt and. wife and, daughter, of Theueefield,' to Brueefield, Beresford, Manitoba ; Frank Habkirk, of Seaforth, to Cal- gary, Alberta ; Manson Taylor, of Walton, to Oamrose, Alberta ; Thos. Hill, of -Seaforth, to Regina, Aosini- -The following travellers were ticketed: to the Welk and other points this week by W. Somerville, railway and steamship agent: Sam. Laidlaw- and John Hudson, Tucker - smith, to Port ; Daniel Hughes, T. J. Ryan, and Frank Ryan to Bagkatoon, Sask. james R. Scott, Roxboro, to il'olesley, Sask.; George Howes, to Fillen.ore, Sask.; Walter Grimoldby, to Strath - °Donn; Miss Jane Edgar, Seaforth, to Killarney, Manitoba; 'Thos. Love, MoKillop, to Saskatoon, Sask.; Thos. Carter, Tuokersmith, to &mid City, Manitoba; Joeeph Rands and fame Hy, Hallett, to Sintaluta, Sask.; Don- ald O. CaraPbell and son, of Eginond- ville, to Motlache Seek. ; Mr. and Mrs. George Sneak, Ohiselleurst, to Halbrite, Sask. Also the - following had their tickets validated, retuen- ing to fire Wept, who had spent the vvinter with friends in this locality: Daniel MoDonald, to Milestone ; Wm. and Jessie Carter, to Rapid City; Robert Rennie, to Roulea,u ; D. T. AdoCool, to Brandon ; Mrs. Robert Grieve and daughter, to Lander. Other travellers by W. Somerville were : Mrs. D. Newkirk, to Bay City ; Heratie Townsend and family, of Tuokersniith, and Donald Fergu- son, to Pank River, North,- Dakote; Win. Wyatt and family; of Hallett, to Nevir Liskeard, New Ontario ; Wm. O'Rourke, Jr., Beechwood, to Local Beiefs.—We mentioned last week that Mr., John McMillan had disposed of his farm at Roxboxie for $7,000, the price is $7,300. Mr. Ferbes, the purchaser takes posses - ion on. the first of April.—Mr. and Mrs. Matthews,. of MeGregor, Man- itoba, wbe have been visiting friends iii Ontario since Christmas, left for their home on Thursday. Mrs. Mat- thews is a daughter of Mr. George Habkirk, of MoKillop, (north of Sea- forth.—Mr. James Forbes, of De- troit, spent Sunday here with his Parents, Mr. and (Mrs. A. Forbes.— We notice that nur old friend, Mr. W. G. Duff, an old time 'resident of Seaforth, bat now of Crystal City. Manitoba, is a popular' auctioneer in that district and his popularity and efficimacy is evidenced by the large number of farm stook sales he conducts eeery season. The auction - coring business seems to be as good in that country as it is here.—Mr. Hugh Weld!), of Hamilton, spent Sunday with 'his (parents, Mr. end Mrs. 3. S. sWeish.—Mr. John Dodds and Major Anderson were out on a hunting expedition on Monday and succeeded in bagginIg third fine foxes. —Mt. A. F. Hallett, wife and. two daughters, of Louisville, Kentucky, came here last week on a visit to his mother and .brather. Since GUM - ink to town Mr. Hallett has pur- chased the grocery business of G-. Emery, (south of the :railway track, and will conduct it filmself.—The Catholic Order of Foresters held their meeting on February 26thavhen one (candidate was initiated and two applications foe merabership (were received. The order is 'arranging for a big demonstration on May 24th.—In 'tare estimates submitted ta the iDominion Parliament this week $10,000 cis given tor Winghaca pub- lic (building ; $800 for repairs to north pier and ;dredging A Hay- field land $50,000 tor improvements to iGotterich harbor.—Mr. James MO - Ewing, of Drayton, Wellington county, Was in thiti vicinity this week 'visiting the „friends and scenes of his early days. Mr. Mawing is 'one of Wellington's best and ableet men (and ranks high among his :fel- lows tin that county. llis many old friends there were epleased to meet him (and see that he stends Ithe battle so Well.—Miss Edythe Bright has reterned home from a Iwo months' visit in Toronto.—J. 13. Duffey, of Toronto, has taken a po- dition es coat maker with Stewart of Lonclon„ a very abk and inter- esting opereker, will giviio. addresses on Imissioolary themes at bpth ser- vices Inext' Sunday in the Methodist church. In the evening the male quartette (wilt render a selection.— for iCalga y. He is a -clever, well sion bande of the Presbyterian doing emu g man and will. make church attend giving their cantata room of the charch.—A hand -bag was found by Mr. Dale on the iroad between Alma and Constance. The owner 'can have the same by (calling at this office.—The annual sessions of the Provincial Grand Black Chan- teroand the Provincial Grand Orange Lodge of Ontario west, are* being held this week at Goderich. Mr. J. Soarlett, of Leadbury, McKillop, is the tretiring Grand Master.—Mr. F. gBrien, formerly of Tackersmith, hut mow of tHibbert, near Chisel: burst, twas in town on Wednesday. Mr. CrBrien's many /friends will re- gret to learn that he has not been enjoying this neuel good health re- cently but ell will hope that he will mean be his 'usual self again. —We Inotice by a recent issue of the Regina Leader that Mr. Wm. own, took a prcaninent Part in the asilioned Tea Meeting," given by he ladies ° of the •Preebyterian hunch in that city on the etcasion f the opening of o their boautiful old in tewn on :Wednesday bat ' Murdie rem.oved his family from art of living with people " will die the subject of Rev. F. H. [Larkin'e sermon in the Presbyterian churele next Sabbath evening.—The fancy dress carnival at the Palace rink on Wednesday- was not so largely at- tended, as the /former ones' but the, lee was good and those present seemed to enjoy rthemselv,,es.—Mr. J. Leatherland is confined to' his res- idence by illness. --Mr. John Lands- bor.ough, of Winnipeg, was herethis meek culling on old friends.—Word was received Itere this week of !the der, ManitebEt, and a brother ,of the Messrs. Joseph and Thomas Fowler, of the Huron road, litickeremith.— Miss Rita Young, left on Thaersday for a visit with 'friends in Toronto, —"The River Rats," of Egmondville, challenge the best tem Seaforth can praline to a hockey match on the Palace rinNe—Mr. J. 0. Rose, of Guelph, spent Sunday town.—Mr. and Mrs. Harry Parichard, Who had been spending some time here with Bunoliard, left this week for Chie Walton. 1Valker Whitman patent colt and patent kid shoes for tnen are certainly the swellest patents amide— new styles and new shapes lust arrived—wimples in south window. W. Willis, the leading plaee for fine shoes, Seaforth. 19964 ,,Ulor the West.—Mr. Mali:teen Tay- lor, eldest son Of , Mr. 'Wan. Tesler, of Morris, inear here, left Seaforth on Tuesday last for the Went. He intends 'taking .up iland and locati,ng in the Ceamrose district, near Ed- monton. He hes a sister living near WroelesleY, end. intends remabaing off !there for a few drays. He is a Steady, Wide-awake young man, and is tlie night kind of stiiff to do well in Netes,—A.bout 30 of otter young people drove4o Blyth Tuesday ev- ening and were entertained by the Epworth League. All report Irav- ing spent an enjoyable evening.— Mr. Jehn Cole left for Manitoba on Tuesday last.—Quite a number are teaming logs to the saw mill this week.—Miss Jamee, after visiting frienids hene, left for ;her home in Detroit on Saturilay.—Mr. Edwin Adams, 'of 'Clinton, spent Sunday at his home.—The home of Mr. and Mrs. Scales wails the scene of ,a happy eVent on Wednesday when their sec- ond daqghter, became the wife of Mr. Amos 'Cartwright. We 'wish them tong life and happiness. Have you seen F. A. Edwards' new prints at 8e, 10c and Mc, new White mercerized waistings and ginghams. 'Tim% forget that we sell New Idea pat., terns. the bestmade and only 10c. F. A. Edwatds, Bayfield. • 1990-1 Breezea—D. T. Gardner. of Clin- ton, was the guest cyf john Falconer this week.—The regelar 'Meeting of the Ladies' Aid, of the Methodist churCh wag held at the home of Mrs. Parsoos on Tharsday, March 8th. Mrs, H. Little was appointed president.—Mr. Hort 033 of Huron College,- Louden, preached ha Trin- ity cherch on Sunday last.—Mr. and Mrs. 3. A. king, of Clinton, evert johnston and two children of Mile- stone, Assa., who have spent the winter here left tor their home last Monday.—The menil5ers and ad- herents (If the Methodist church at Bethel appointment, presented Rev. T. Steadman with aeventy bushels of oats last week. Mr. Steadman has bet recently closed a special evangelistic service' Of eight weeks there. r nicer shoes in, America. than Dorothy Dodd—samples in north window; W- 11. Willis, sole agent, Sea - Dorothy Dodd shoe for ladies, made in Dos:ow-n-1m cently sold a very fine draught filly tinning three to Mre Wm. Layton. et the West End., Tuckersmith, for Which he received the liaodeorn.e num f $200. This was a. particularly fine young 'animal, and was raised' by Mr. Rion himself. It was sired by Sunlight, end' Mr. Rino sold the mother of this (mit last epring for t$250. Mr. Rime always has the best in the horse and ,gets (the top brice every time. A New Horse.—Mr. John Wells, of the 13th concession, a short time ago, purchased from Kidd d3ros., of Listowel, the fine imparted Clyde stallion, St. Patrick, and will travel him in that neighborhood during the coming season. Bt. Patrick ,is a particularly fine animal and for size and quality is hard to beot. was imported by Graham Bros. the well known horsemen, who ;used' him in their own stable for four Tears. which is a guarantee of his quality ond breediog, as they keen nothing but the best. We trust that Mr. Wells will, have the <success he de -- Zurich. Briefs.—Mr. Morris Iremacher, an old Hay boy, was married last week to JYfiss Rachel Beehler, daughter of Mr. Joel Bechler, of Hay. The eere oniony took place at tha honle toff Mr. and Mr,s. Meno Wideman at Pigeon, Michigan. on the lst of March. The congrat tele tions of numercrus old friends hereabonts will be extend- ed; te the happy yoaag J. D. Mer.ner has le,ased a store and intends starting business in, Elmira, Waterloo county. The peoPle of business man and an enterprising citizen.—Mr. Ed. Appeil has disposa, ed of his -comfortable. eesidence to Mr. Jacob Ort, who redently sold this farm and is toming to town to re- side.—Mr. and, Mrs. C. !Hartleib were at Bobringville last week attending ther, Mr. 0. Schmidt, a'fine young mao of only 29 years of age. ill•e on Wednesday. He .had been Spokane, Washington, and °erne horae sick a few weeks ago. ---Reeve Lament has purchased the residence of Mr, Levi Stelok in Hills Green, but he does not intend taking (top 'his ,residence in that town, as he says Zurich. is good enough for him.— Mr. E. Bossenberry, the veteran and popular auctioneer is dOing a rush- ing businese in aeition sales this spring. He has three next week, 3. Gashes on the 10th concession of Hay oo March 15th T. Moore - house near Hayfield' 6n the 14th ; P.,Hartman's en the lith of Hay, on the- 13th, and Jacob Ort's, on the 12th of Hay, on the 20th.—There was only one death in the township of Hay during the menthe of January rand February.—Mr. Wne, Kaercher, this vicinity has reterned to his who has been visiting friends in home in Cavalier, N'orth; Dakota, and the following yoang men ,,accompait- led him with the view of (pushing VERY 11,ADY is now jug " Wixt's Going Torn 1" W atch Store, -It answe question satisfactorily. it is than any fashion book, and we deavor to keep it s.h by going to nal measures to priroure the me We are now 4rowing the ties approved in Paris, London New York the styles that rak seen on the bouleiards and -axe where an older civilization direc fancy of 41:e world. To gee the new thing to convinced of thel,ir worth, therefor figuratively "speaking, eorae' and witlf the goods themselves. They elegant with the seine of their o not! Interest Centres In GoocIness, Exclusiveness Sparkle everywhere in our tloods Section; We noier Richness and Novelty leet a time when everyone seem so thoroughly please with s and values. The 'display this season is beyond all precedent 'and -we /MY had so large a collection before. Tbe fashion books are decidedly second in comparison with the interesting eleeeils of our new spring stuffs. The ter embody a story of newness and novelty hardly to be complehended leyesen written description. This is partly why we -are SO desirous to have you what we are showing, .and because we know that if you do -not erefi„ you missing what would interest you much. oilmommlimmommew 0 pening xhibit New Laces Hew Tram Are bett and expi et all o A beautiful and distinguished assemblage of novelties and the staple lin are being shown. "Exquisite," you'll say, when yon see them, and you'll right. Never, have needles done prettier work. There's a therm of so kind in every pattern, whicia you will find as you zontinue. the self-assi task of admiration. . A Great Stock of - Imported Linens NEWEST WEAVES The qualitiesIrthe designsand the prices have been most carefulty watched. We believe we have surpassed our best) previous ef- forts ; Wonder if you'll think so. Why not pass judgment on the gathering at once 1 chew Draw Linen *Yew 'Waist Linen w Tabling Tray Cloths 'New Doylies Oth pel If y 4sit to be shown, our „maw r New Snow White Table Linen Rith Napkins to The el bat m hat until y town in th places, and at aps their fortunee out West, S. Kraft ,Mr., and Mrs. Fred Ricklaell lett this week fore their new home in Irene North Dakota, where he intend/ en- gaging in the hardwire and imple- ment business. Mrs. Rickbiel was formerly Miss Hardy, of Exeter. ORY, 5EAFORTIVONL , ice from neat Zurich.—The sale bankrupt stock held, y Mer , troveds ,and created a gr at Iv Noths.--:some of liter 'young folks atteoded the box social in Varna en ,Mondav evening.—Miss Edith Sparks visited under, the parental reof on Sunclay.—Mr. J. E. Mom spent Friday morning inepecting genial merchant, has exehanged his field for one better suited to his sped 1 work.—Mr. A. T. Douglas dis- pose of his team at a' good price. —Mi s McArthur, of near Hensel', visit d at the home of Mrs. Maoson last week.—Now that spring is klaw ing upon us viith the necessary arao rit of implement repairing we wen,' be .pleased to see some enter- prisi g blacksmith take charge of our dle shop.—So many young men are striking west that to obtain help in this province is becoming a serio questiote Wages are -now so h h that after the farmer pays his h d help and weae and tear en the f rm has little left to him- self. Servant girls are also scarce °win to, the fatt that , those ;who hire re I lined to go to 'the w ere etter wages and better that village. Township Officers.—The followi are the pathmasters for this to thip for the °anent year: -A. johnston, R. Thonipsote reed A. Ingram, Wme Thompson, Henry iviS011, 'AidswOrtb, 3-* can, W. Armstreing, A. Munn, Cornelia, S. Troyer, E. Deters, Fr Deters, C. Bkekwell, Henry D Gram, 3, Forest, T. Fargahar, Per, II. Bauer, J. Becher, Traem ner, Joseph Ragier, 3. Koehler. Fisher, C, Baechler, 3. M. Oeseln Ge Oestrieher, G. Schroeder, Ort- wein, C. Oswald, C. Sienion, Kipfer Dawson, J., Pfaff, le loney, W. Jennison, John Taylor,. jr, Taylor, 3- Jr Taylor, Cochrane, C. Troyer, 3. Thompe Pfaff,e8. Brown, W. Snider, He Willert, 3. Willert, 0, Wolper, renee viewers are the same as year. boys 5 wears o MOT lieteelf tieW rite Alto he abs