HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-16, Page 5ic A -A Veld0m 90e wit -It vret fee, leak, it will 'PAY VOU to th a new pai- ratiter Babbers, this store i �Ia best wea Mot reli lubben Own market. Ait nYges are repres ted in On __ ;vhieh we might mention, hants" and d 'IT a Candian 11 I 11141 , be fitte-d, from the
in raeWs, ana, one P ,
r1cea are
itildrm, now ia stock. "lot
Shoes, for mep. k" Shoo for WGmev. anY pmblie the. limits of any manuf'actuxed af he, December, 19W- _..tess the sa constraetto the dist- the outf at the botto- is Iz,.)t jes!s, �violatian af tl-�,- act Lo be no
On $5 nar ui�.Are t' lau sio. it IV 7 -
ell for man U-.'. totiXre-rg auft
�'ra to guard tLerasL_Ives for made lit in Aineriem than Wrothy IXx IV. it. NVil!!-;! s6le agent,lqea- C)ontbaued from page �the Westt.-!-The xnany frienda bert H. Brow. sx-ou to�t Mr� Brown, Who has been b4omij�, �!,(! "west f,�r a faw weeko4 Wd ood-bye t(> hira, and Im ine back to his half laeoti U Owe hope lie will make his, for_ :Wle think it ia a great ,Thame, 4oh promising young men ai to -go, it.othe Westf 101VII-91141 Of MOK1110P Cnl� from f�otuntrioa to earry on the hitt Atill, we all Fr. Brown ntuc;h 11ap
and at his new li,A�zuf4 as follow, nxt- in the pat 11 wasterd —aa to ptircfr�.sp from & Ms,;ey 117'ank, Seaforth. The 'Oan� abut- ,ft�r bridgres wa.i let to -Wagle �y for $3.70 per gbio. yard --cavatina for 30 per re-aswrer, were ozl^cepted. The. Of Robert Adams for $60 Itor Wr and repluiqg t1 super- ne- of the, three bridgres ft .rorf 41rin was aceepted. Tb J. NlcQuaid and R.S. Mays, committee to agr" -t-'%p -with P. -ft
,ntis of st " . ment
on thil Canad Company A
d-ofiuld Ur.' offer a -A
Ory Ttflemenf. Conlie.it ad- to fwt at tile Commieroial ion Arwil lt, 19w,
Welock p. M.—M. Nfnrdie
?.erF:j!jjj% tilt- rat- Pa vvt�haio-_i --amples ptww for has return- two weekW visit with :111d reTtive�4 in Exeter.— (if this village, 4n, ith her brother, Mr. John -of Zurieh, were in ri.qitin- their Mrs. !, ^f NTVq;z- jerlrlif� , Chesney. of om returned h 't' visit ith friends hianes road. -Mr. and M :rs. bav(t returned from their �ttrip are roceivin_- Can- from t�eir naxneroug t— SOT110 t. iryie. lias been t the, (in Tttesday for the west fther, Mr, Ifenry Ste -w'- in farinin- in that reale .niTt,g eou_ntry;-,Mr. Hugh, gh ,r ho lways -hA %om t hinj e t 1,o horse lie raw,ed sa ri^ rood ma re a few days * very t offer wa ampting book his hea&'. L4J X 9
__Ihe best is the
any feeder bay 8 lbe, of our
lba. of his own woQ, nd he
�Tn%40, and at leas than half the whowold yly rneaus ;-a per (loss for a !a the vcat pooket, while Is market, It is so quiok it if It 06A $6 �ted that a hmall bottl makes ff you have, not tried It, you
Tr� ISodom t010 AALiV OF Ind iflftcy,. 161WE -W-. Sb caly - -.1, AN ,%en ilter slatev, 119 W:04-7510 U5 I A
K M W;U. h 4TTLE 4
eel -ictlG T 4 4- 90 ZS- AND TL H
*0,25 t ti 10i A 0i r a.60 to -,h TOOK YARDS, 8h&V0PvTH turned ome 11-0, -to % -. , SU -44 stanlo-koi wethra-, $0, -wea . ao.;, D
Is to 40jr, $6,7,6 ; - I h C in Brassls &; sd� ft "A r.. la �vlsitin" Mixed, 76 : I - Pl*ok a'r s- -i -Western Iambs, "Va to $7.10, --bx— 0.ry Ple. XON -Art, Mar. 1&��Voble advioen�fidm s that eddihg balls will rtuh,g. U*U vim MY and Loudo?,- ola:�Cariadlou cattle were at at, SAI tlxo near autf..Xrii. A. lof to 110. At thts i'URDAY$ MARCH 1761*206 ogices thippers%aglo Paid -UP capftal- 01 AT WXig O'CLoor, Ford intend leaving for the X- head. here is pr, e :orth� * to %.2 per lot! _V m 0,000,000. Roserve FUNZ, S nand 'ju ,vest shortly.-�-gisr, � Taney 'Smitb for ocean- - fraight, space ; the -beat bid, Obtainable draugbt fillies and goldhigg from a to 6 -yeayq old, foltfils weeleaghip n Wag 12two veal, Old steers COWS MUPP0.10 beld a succe-as%A oafpet rag bee, at . 20s far Liverpool S to be in calf, HEAD OFFICE, TOIRONTO -pace NVlth 25s asked.. tfie, 0 ITOrts 50`�VeVW6 sto�ero 11W heifers, Imst,week were, B. E. WALKER, Gene hor hqme an Thursday ast4: T. he OV- from -Portland fMd St. ohn, I 9
en! t in games an4 dmic-, 1,711 cattle, mid 1,207 alleep. TEPOL98111011tfis'ciediVon approved. note ral klanager ALE
ng twa spen � . it out, strong, and there , The-.1nitehers �wers g. 4 LAIRD� Asst� Genl Manager ft ing.-Ulss Jessie Green was was a P004 dewiand for the e0ts on the dollarlf for ca%jj. I be4t cattle� and prices remained unchanged, prime Thog.,Brown, Allot, GE, prop I b. prett OFIOUT INr
ing at her hDme the 1jast Wftk.-1V1r.- beeves sold at 41ato q1c per t dd BRATWEES THMOU he tt�acy ig on the - sic ajo� T , K tm� to 44--, -, conurion, 21c to re Were AO large -IffastieT Horace :Pfaff, who -has, been buW8 Owthe market f rill TRIE U1111TED STATtES AITZI 4, A'GI&7 1,�00 to W ,VD 2,300 Ilia., and at a4a.to �4J6. There work a number sufering from an attaek t)f rb�,_a- of gjD erior nuloh Hiouse 1-vo COWS - Old at "O t4- $0 CaChi U A GENEIZAL BAN =atic fever, is slowly improving,_- the otbxis at $9-5 to $50 wb. aKING BUSWESS TRANSACTED $2.26 to STRMT, SEAFOItTH 'The men, are taking advantae of $10- each, Oi�,330 to 56ter lb ; sheep sold at 4jo, and )avn,bsd06CPerlb, T ere Wasofirmerundertane e: 'AT the late fall of .sno by thauling r EANI XG the niarket for hogs on -account of small plies their wood out of -the bush._Mr�-O. and cooler weather, but p ow no A larg- rices sh Wile, frame kitchen) good dl, facilitY &ffOlVded Farmers their banldn— De xitends leaving. for the west OMPArec With those Of& week ago, owing Viflg shed. aTOteS CaShed or taken fact thA competition between papkers for rglin for quia�t sale, lax, I , T)d dri business. U VV iti n to the aure in the lot Ba Sa
SUPPIles Was not keen, as advices frow'Earopean W aaae Sources on CaDadlan bacon still continue to be dis- for collection. Mum If �'Ou want to sell your farm 6r town prop- Rens,%11- . ging. One,or two small lots of choice selected BANKINIG BY MAIL.—Deposits may be rhade or withdrawn by Stock sold at. but the bulk orty in a, short time, at a satisfactor price, of the trading was Mv Volt SALE. -I have a quantity don0b $7.50, and lower grades s wrlrt� me giving full particulu, il. Out-Of-tOWn acCounts reCeiVe eVery attention Old at r, .80 to $7.40 rt pd I Will ma V first-class re clover seeil for sale. Dr. Rell, en-. per OWL$ weihed of carv. tell 3fou, N4at piosl)ect I hxVo of tinfling cash TOPA,6 jr.NoTiox-Tini bilyer fo0you, U on Stock Yards, _8211, - . - - . I S 18 -The quality Qf fat� cattle was good. -, trade Was EAFORTH BRANCH. FEEM-150tons otfeedor ban'd,'Offfifterentkinds.' brisk. Rpoi� prices rahge�i from $4 SHOW $5.2 F. HOLIAEST.Ei D, 80H.-Itor priaegironilo3per ton, upwurfl& I ant seilhi� a, feed -.75 to I V V L bulk ap4linty at %.t)o to e5 ; ftport, bjUs so 5, the A. A, WATT, Real E-�W-i Ageint G. 'E. PARKES, Xanager. at % ton worth �20. D. Urquhart, ensAll Oat- Id atr $&15 to 84-14 ; Tutchers! prices for 'Picked lots choice rang. Wn. 1905-2 iltUCEFIBLD, ONTARI(). ad frovA O�L 6o to R4,so ; c. ,Ood from '84.40, to $4.6U_ G.J.Sutherlandhaih4d lac inlils bonds at a niedhim, 4 to %.215 ; common, $3.00 to_ 1000-tf 80, d"V Ath a nurn. butcher cow, ss.25 to $8.70 ; canners, -V, to $y5Q* -gTeat bargain, two finia- llings IV ber of do lots attached to eacb. A good ebance for a veld oalv"sol , t 63 to a7 per.ioo lbs, nii.lk 0 A 9 IF 01 T the Post Offlee,.Hens4lj. 1975-t yearlinglambs $46 to-r7por100lbs. Hogs -Set E Eg 'JOWOn, L Angoad,.red &S '6 50 ..POW -eats, RNI TO. REXT,-To rent, LoV 17 Can- dags cession 4, 31CH11101), 1W acres in *ill be WdatLa.75 ; h 8 I ings -at a barg-da. Also Cheaper properties for sale. port owesfrom$4.50 to_,,45,.25,- bucks, $4 to a.50. Apply at once at T# _N, retired farmet or anyone vy�anbing first-(,Ja�s dwell and springers at sas to $55. Sheep and Labg_CE,*� IMPORTANT NOTI YOP
9, % to $45 JBS8(`n TO MESSRS. MoKIZi -,T & JF aw (SUCC -ed- Alen's Ruitsq at prices that are selling them, vexY d and -,vatered, - Of 1ears. Apply to fat. Unheard of TOROTO, March 14.- STOCK TAKING ale _, I IN01
$2-50 to $3,60 P6.106 poli�d, fe te4 for P. term price,q in Ladlee Coat. NVm. -Export Cttle-The demand t o OW ]BROS., Sefoth. ftwden and Sons, Helisall. for Cattle is actiye, especially for choicer lots. The ONTAMO 1900-tt number offering to -day was small, and few of thein (Cojiti"ed frolft i#age 3.) Were of choice quality4 For these latter trade was ladies to do plain and light s4NNiag at 9;4
++ +++, very brisk; and aWere firm, The other home, Whole or spare thne, good pay, work Pie y <Us TjuxKs,-3rr. and AUs. Thos. Peart to thank .]� grades sent ar, ce charges paid. Send Stomp for full th L of cattle were ed up early, wad at firin I elr friends wid neighbors for tfFefr' kindapss and Prices. Cholpe ore quoted at %.6o to go : partie lars. National 114nuht0turin Go,,,151ontreal at 0, to;:,g�60,others at $3,75 to $4, bulls at Never ive we been in better shape to Meet *japdby in U& hour of sore bereave Od to Quebe Dress Goods and Lace Curtain Opeing, jr.a es, to ex n her thaziks to the ' 13.60 to .U. nd aQws at 1,-2.7ii to 0, 59., Bu lade 11 Order of Fo era for their min- Cattle-Uwas more particularly a butcher cattle, XFOR HATORTR for uth Rock, demands of our trade than this seasqg. , Milte Plynio & Dill strain,,eg $1
istenes in cobneadOn with the demise and EG VTz I Of that the effect of a short run ana VInbrisk demaw ' per:13 * White lyy�, 0+ lier husband the late The& E. Peart. .; I 'a, n S. port Dov;r, strain, _,32 - 0,111 Of' , James Steii-art Was in Goderich this We was felt, The quality of the run was goner. Joh weekaVending the funeral of a F ed_��_ ty Of nlediun, to fair grade, With tin occasfoijol Also.seven Barred Rook cockeral and Monday and Tuesday, MarCh 19th and 20th. small lot,of choice stock, The demand in all grades, pu)t1ebl#eederq for a J. K. blillard strain, Dundas, jr1ekDater% recentl), havin-g px=hAsed Mr.- ohn wag so, tiv, on a Spring �Suits aud Coats of very righb style, ac tilatalmost everything was bou lit 0- APP1Y to JOXX H. ;POOPER, Seafort,h during the past week, sold big p To the Ladies of Blyth and IsUrrounding Community johnstoifs foria, bvk Ontario' We take this op- very early in the day. Fol- all lines of cattle gpri mu r 190W3 ' back 5o acres to big neighbor, Ux. Walter - ee, who averaged 100 to Uo per owt. higher than last, Week, PfftunitV of inviting you to oar dress goods and lace e' Mon eVOry V.*ght material' fabrics that would on in Dectruber of this y 'S DR Uttain Opening on recelvesfuIl, possem ear. -8 SAL .-The under. s been changing b even greater than these. Butyery few extra quality !9 dd offers for sale on Lot 27, Concesion 8, Considerable property ha muds and in the case of really choice stock advances were REQ, day and Tuesday afternoons, March I 9th and 20th. VV� (reir to jiltrodue J�Tf ED 8 OCR FOR
ew this goetieu of Ha tov"ship during the past f Hibberti township a, )ju scare ly 1pXpect to see in readly-to-wears. We in cattle Were on the market, 4pd they are not quot. mber of heifers and young to Y,3u the celebrated Khamuta Dress Fabrics of Bradford' 4gland; weeks e funeral services of the late All'& Wylie able as 19riterion of actual market condition,, cows calves at foot, I Yearling bull, I Berkshire -xotlier of Afm Joseph Hudson, -of this Village, Wz The general run of Cattle are quoted as follows : boar 9 r4ontbs old, a Airbt 6od anini & Deleclus dress gpods of Roubaix� France; J- E. Coklk'A'Xottingh4m lace 1jeld in Came] Presbterian- church 'on 4orid"'y Picked lots, to, "85 - - good stock all regisherea 0 the- The above . I .% - - _L i� to choice, onal Stook "Re, offer you thig seagon the best ftUng, Dest Afternoon lafft, .00adla( i by the Pastor, Rev. Mr-_ -curtains. deceased, S4-25 to UW; fair to g�(A, $3.60 to $4()O. cords.417N,ces moderate,terms easy, Visitors welconle. ffinith, and w" largely attended. The who Common* $450 to $300. t-' DAVID W attained thegood old age of over SS'years, xvag COWS, V-75 O -ILL, Staffo, P. 0. 1996-tf We will be plea8ed �o have you i made 0 9"r visit us on the above 4ates, 411d. Welcom e
bulls, 8:3.00 to 4.00,' c�nners, $1.50 to 1 1 - read,y-to-w goods mone� cA buy. well kii6wn as one of the ploneier residents and VMS 4.00 j I . - you I . It Stockers and Feeders -Trade for these cattle Was to our opeamo, highly respected for her Many excellent qalities. 4b brisk, as in other lines and pr eek; were firm in FOR SALB t9nc, I 9� bad been living, here fOr iome time With her There is a fairly good aemand Iflor both lines of "Mt. you to see the -make and finish the aughter. Mrs. Joseph Hud -0n. The rernains were tle. Shart-keiep feeders are quoted at $4 t WV11 Pay or interred in the fomi4 plot 'in Bafield cernetery.- he%vyfeederaat$3.s5 to $4.15 a 4-50, $251, 00 will 145 acres in Stanley town. �joplestone Gardiner, Blyth ; medium, $2,60 to V , ship. This is the beat borgoin offer- Two rinkii of.our curlers recently visited -Southainp. $3.50 ; bulli, 62 to;$2.75 -a, $3 to ed in gra;zing and farin lands in Huroa coully. following specials ton W play ith- the champions there but did not good stookei Ap- light at $2.76 to 3 rour to Common at $2, to M-75 bave the good suadess that marked their playing In. Ply at, once to R. S. HAYS, Seaforth, N. B. WO must SpOlOgize ba our kiumer'o and bulls at 9.50, 3111ch Cows- no friends outside the town & our Yaob r the bonspeff some weeks, ao in St. Thoniag,-Air, $1,76" to being able to aecure enough invitation Qarde, bab the p xrpose of having thile. openjag steady* with a good demaind for the right sotb� The ARUI Folt S AIX.-Vor sale, Wt-st ball of Lot 4, ra -and Mrs. D. D. laylor, of theParr line. Hay, a week of prices offering is unebang was not Pro editated, a d w4 aoul ob pror3urs the &I ortwaag -y ained _ed at .930 to OT)CCUSIOU I I Ott, cont; I I Eli, "M , pleagantly enter large num. r"R9.6 CAIV08-The domand is fairly actlye, and - linft, 75 acres, all over ego F 61 ddreaffes or suffioleut bards -to bar of friends 4nd all had & most enjoyable thil seeded to grass. tnail. Hoping you will pardon ue and %cc8pb OUr invitatior. through these Goi, - A r6yor failing fqvin Creek, good zrices hold stea% d ite 'a fairly heavy run, 31M. Swan, Of *is village, accompanied by her orchartl,,,bam mod shed.. If not sold w It be rented uotations are line -ahg7aab 8 Yourti ifulY, POMIOSTONzFa & GAT=xEn. daughter, Nvero in Exeter recently attondin a to 040 per pound. for gritesi Apply to JANE R0131.46R, 80aforth V, 0. the. Sheep and Lambs -The inarket holds oteady, with a umniageof her son olm, wbolson thez9onle f1mi tone for sheep. Export otead farm, to fas lagrglo� eldest datightor of Alr. owes are quotd at John I UOWd At $0,T) RUSIDENCID FOR SATA.-For Aide clical), t tuir, of Xxeter,--Tho Ralvation Arin,,,or oljn� 84.75 to #5,25, gn(l buoks at $1 tc.&J,60. Laylibs ftto- I 'O to $7.10 por for he th ton, held a, meetinK 11 W90190 Aild orminiodiouH b0ok rebiclel)ce oil ft amilng lamt whl(4i wx4 jhjjjV well 18 V16torl (juare, SvArol-th, at Promojw000uj�lcd h.V - - - In the 3joth(xiist church TIles. quoted un.obange(l at A.0,8r) por (jVj TO HOROE OWNERS I --%rin 't" f6r 8C)aott4 o"d S4 items 31f. 4114 AlrO, R01fibUd 000k, of rlin, wore In Wic I orbea. -It bae every inodoni W,00 for light -q and fatth fed an(l w4ured. villa brother, Ali-, Henry I to notffy blfj frietida and it Ilion g4l,don, If flot fjold b,V tbo publia goijor owri stook btal. lot COo , who we r6grat to _&wil 1# obill confiric!d t,6 hf4 40y tlip0 the woll kn Ight d011Vr Tweed Suit& four- pattema. overrehecks 9 004 nook stove glut f.0 thig week 01(thig Jill Via widonigped- doNfroji roard thrQUK11 X[Whell, of Ga "o, Miry Marketa, )101180hOld Art PION, ARVIIJ3 IfoltiliP How Aboub F 0110in I if YOU In vtolt1m, bar x1ster lro. Win, %V, J, I)RIN(x OF wounXITAX, to 3 -U13t01'--Thd lllark4 1101do Pv UP 09,76'&W, silk and worsted mixtures, nothing battert $12 LinnojEld and rg. hakor w0ra In Orlllla thbi woi� Toftf)VVY, 13 /have not ti yo i; f0l'1101-111 Owned by r. , Lel))er, of Hollett, w1j) me ur own, th it 9004 (10111and for all (ilixiloo AttendhlK tha funeral of tho lato 61 i1ijo so4w)) 'ill blip (joullby of I to ooe our. Pealleas (1401, 41w) ottended the turlaV4 11110s, 411(1 hard anoligb HALE, it (iollifor�ft)))a frittile h0jjq(j 11) nmid. MW 1111,011) wiffli jklif I (it hipt Who to hon I'00011AN of InfeNor good# are ht�y. Uroaniep.�,, h-11 with three aartol of lati(j, (jollar a1w) rL 008b of where ho fornjar)y $11-40 Stfltl-��thfs I the bet, ready-to-wear mait wo have 'ver hnudlwl fortiterly reolth and wiw 0oll AMA, Tho hopme awiftlriw I lied raoin, WOMVence before purchasing, -A very HOUR 204 'to 24a *, ditir), ond known, tO W. A, U01481 Pro-prietor, a jaige range Of patterns in woj*t to oholee, 180 to 100; Jorge ro III 17 to 160, incelf oil down flialpf fuld tw ed and Winds. Poom suld kicah 0 (t I Ifit thtf.NWW44 rltui�b im Njort(la t)vc4 Win, dalry, 1(i to Ila, (1hu(I)w grill Ab tho 1U, of 11ard 0 11�11X imt ut). 411f , larKO 11411 Up ataft,H, There lit p1m PY-011-ting by the mistakes of der the atislilum of tht, 1,eoguts, le programnia 1111d Raft wator. , lie 13yoplill-by J11 OthOrmfthf f n0011104 been made $10,60 DISOIX WoraW is It t1ranty two ounce 401id worted % N e H 1),j ro 411dre MUH 111d Will In Hunfin I)OP 11), for 141ge, au(1146a for ow1j)at R09gs-To-ijay'll I the strongoalm, and Most durablo of W11). Ittif"o 5 toUt- tit tho Mflhodlgt, c-hoir I N WOM I)Qb NO hOMT, arld tbo iontUt, 1wr a- WOWN, 01, [lox So, otart4p alut jfolo� by r, P10, of 144)'KO 1tj'rjVj%jfi Ift to# wove)l AMON 413d toot%. len FOR $ALF, -7(X1 Lot, 11, (4 1)(iom"Joll Wers exy Wo prom Patti favor ca"[Pr money, lanied by Nfol )JI,owil, (�f Vx Witter moxviae
the Ilev. Dr. of yKatfoh, wo rijadar, in I . - a -Inco ow"pisix f1w nbalp. Ttj!,, reng 1111011401 04o tor nom, 11 4 U atsm mt ell oj�gpjwy, ON4141, -buidio your 0, W -3 at, 1.) ti, .4 )JOIJ 4hp) W "�V' halt' -T-hojasm tit tjjL4 viep. yjx-,c1V;4 4 _4W1 11)) nod wv%q, J410 AM 111101) 1:1)a §4 V -0 -hof 0004 001A ea -9 r.- Ar WAY jo *13 9PAIR-g And 9 PW 11011Y403, &Z oft w4-ying, I 4 )NIP Ityped, -0 4, 31 ri. M AIRT good 11at ity i.4 ith, 109rfd, vy, 911V la kl&q (it pot-miye IN ITOA WOW A WAKE LIAW14
Men* odd Pants -nd Ve*ts
01 f i 17 101M fit, V jot fiti 'All dt 76 d6d§ meh, lif-6,M6161,4sitif I tit sidl-i"t tifiv Do, I Urugs .11 I fit, flt fid 64 U] -71 f6 �kptf 't. (Iftotol at got o'are -kL - I.. . 1. avert t aid ity lie tlie Ingt 'tj LONI(ju h th AVC11 1014 9ALV941 ofthe laft0ri 11, ffig" #f1q, of hm who w(w x rol. �Iujd ptt6o Nuwj� 140 t qttalify jilwap bit bjjtLd. nArMorrall, -ITION 8ALP, of Par,,, Atoctk- an(I lutpleynantq, Pdaso ate Vaty r I ticbed b y A few nt cd to Vall4lev. Rev, Air Cleaver, of the haff beef) 1114 Itig t ., here spenditig otc. See Our N 6 % Vn,� of Btd
relative.4and friands, fis return. TO)ION-Wi3farch M -Wheat -_Fall, 7a to 16C 4- go -4ir"rhornas trown ild,
�iaionto, delip�� Metropolitan M ; prin , 0 -le, 31M. LUMBROss to sell by public atiction On Lot 18,i pitpor. Have just Aecured the Boys', CIO hw chureh, ted a Jarge atidience in Car. s750 ; oats,88i to Mike , barley, 2c; peas# Coneewdon V, 00010P, Oil Tuewh,iy, March spoefials off imle thim on '11tur, 20thi at May evening of 4 11A,V-Offer1n(,9 Ofloose continu V rY one 6'clockip. m,, the following properby , arses -,j week. niel (�bur( st Week with 800- :TJle( 9 Newest tnd Beat Ready Roofing— I
ril 'rw Val, Jean -The entertain- heavv here. and 1hemarkeEfor baled Js dull.. P I N pw, boys who we them,_.raothers who care f*rtheM;audfAthe,wWhV his th r story 11ces Inare 6 yevalff Old, I mare a ars old, V Parold—nee"da no ar "lent, ,9i al ye Ctoklale bDarcla )er anil -bonla, held under the au.T., lee..4 re quoted unchanged at 08 per tou for No, 1 pfich;
.at , , ., steer r1sing 3, 3 stecro rising 2, 1 one-year.old Wer" pay ror M, we want timothy on tracl, the' i io say to you that -our new 8 r of Fore4ters in their lodge, - here, and e,5.ro to 0 2� S1,25� to olear �`r juot laT ii bya TO( at tile I ependerit. 01751C for/!Nf hain bull, by Hot Scotch, -1 one -year-old hello 0. a r calf, ff, requir rooni h Baled titraw-UnchaDged. at$5.50 tO $6 per , f * 019theo ahowers every ement, They'll stan I 4he weai� the-- * On Friday evening of lowt week was larply ton or I COW due to calve the middle of 14rch, at $L. a "Idw an h enjoyed by the brethren anil c Iniplem- laPS) chMnest and most durable, Attt or lots on trauk here. ents-1 diso harrow, I cultivator, I Faijoy obina at big made and extremely low in pr1cp
their fri n(lzf. bob.qlei�110 0,11DOst ;et whilifetrees new, 1 reductions, gUdxfti6�d !or five years. L A neckyoke new, I set double harness now and other RALE Potatoes. articles, Tering.-Seven months, C.;,edit Or, Never Fail," corn �Special attention gi' approved , f ven Corru. TORONTO, March 13--Themarketis joint notes A discolint of 6 per Unt. Per annum, ourf%, 10) a box. Ay -.. ro n On Thursday, at One o'clock 1). on nOrInal demand. Ontario, 05G, to 75c per *bg on will )-)a for Cash. ROSS, prop. Rated I Roofing, Lot 30, Concession 7. Hallett, Farin Stock and lin- Elaolish M0 t
track bore, 715a to 85c out of store; eastern,.,700 rietress;. T110TAS BROWN, Auctiloncer. Soap, 2 lbs, Shingles and, Siding, Ask fo plements. llenry proprietor; Thos -Brown, 'to 80o on brack, and goo to Doc. aut of store, 1 or 25a sljone Root, for 1 ;.4 We are never behind with the hat styles, You will flud a he. hdre to On Fridayj arch 23rd, at one o'clock 1). m,, in the LEARINa SALE 011forges, C�ttla And Ifogs.- prices, C sore aohina, b I I - tee a deja& on S hot. of flenvall. DrayalAn's 011tot.. Wagotim, James J011cs has VOCOMI 1 11striletioro; from r. Aoki 500, n't your foce,as well as your head, 39any a man wu sleigh-;, Harness, and other articles. David- Nichol, Poultry. MWAI'd Roach to sell b pktblio atiction on Lot 20, a batUe. See our hat9 at $1.50 siad $1 Concemion 4,111bbert, on Monday, laroli 20th, art I Vtt WAUt thi, liei
Proprietor; Thos. auctioneer. Tonowo There if? little coining forwar(I cotne 100 Central Rardware D value and WSA at one Mar. I you wil store O'clock 1), n).,.tbe fo1l0Wh1X draft geldings at NVIII. add trwle-ja quict. uotatiobs unchanged. Ohoice rising 4 years old! � b -draftfillies rising 3 ear styles to be ound. 01 a o Ings old, I heavy in Olinton, lare Dwelling r quoted. �,��Fat eavy a receive courteous Win. Robb, pro- uAlokans, 10 to 12c, old, 2 beavy drall geldi thin, .7 to �o ; W hens a to go, thin, 6 to *70 draft fill �feji)g HIS, prietor Thos. Brown, aim-tioneer. (1, I heavy draft bome r1sink breotmeub, whether you buy or not. ducks -12 to luc, thin - (i to 70 ; ease, 7 dbrooa In to 110, are rising 7 �ears old in f#, I 111,y in turkeys, 14 to 16e for aboice sniall Ots. standard bred horsp rising5 yearsold a good driver 11 Ontark) Divk's8t(wkYards. Senforth, Home and Cattle. eaforth George proprietor ; Thou, Bra Nn, auction. and Verfeathrellable, U) DeWIV ('41VU1 Volt's and springers, .17) SWers Asing 3 Old, 10 steers rising cer. 1996-1. Seeds. 011 20tb, at one o'clool, p, m',, on T(WONTO, March 14 -The do' s0. ABERHART Ke r V s FlArnish"inera alers' season is 1 year old, 0 bj.a0(l s 30 bogs about 4 monthr in 1W 7- VW a Lot -At, jourm.Stot.k anrl juiplera. Over, btTt some report add small lotj3 1:;�ing received Sok, Mal Tenns.-10 niorithW are it on furrijohing approved DRUGGIST, 011t% 11rM. i, proprietor -,, 13, . plijilips for lillijObf red clover, V to �P.75 is being paid: tloa Joint note, , 4Y. off for Cash. No reserve 49 the prop- auctioneet, 1005,2 ' of the movement, however' is the 6ther way, out Of IWRU84E Rj%V I �jetor as gtoen u one of the forms lie7 had rej= Agent for the leading makeg of Trusses, Variety of patterns lCount in Shirts, fil. and value also. We In -a -re 411 store, for seeding purposes. quotation$ are un- and is over, ckeT The stock if; all in good condl-, -Fountain 8�r as and Hot Wat coijibined. sion 4, Umbarne, the Whole of tile e ri to on Let chnor d, Prices asked by local dealers per ],()o lb9. tion, EDWRD ROA(jH prop e r J.AAlES er Vim, are Red Clover-pancy hlr).-56 No. 4,_ 15. Al. Stovk and other Chattels belonXing to the U. btate Of JONES, Auotioneer for Vertl�'-afid Huron. i996__? THE NE_"T'ST0*jL%,j_V_j ike-Extra fancy, No. 1, %r `SWwart and J-T Alfalf"ood. demand, th(� latf� J. D, aid OARDNO'S BLOOK See our special values at 65c, 75o aue. $1.00. 1W. 5-3 A UCTION ALE of Farm Stock and Implenients. XX -J. G. Af0lichael has been inotructec by jolin 10th, at I OVOCk 1). m., on Lot (I.N, parin 8 XmUillan to sell by public auction on 14b 31, Conces- 00k and 11uplements. Horse Market. 8, 100lop, near Roxboro, on Javue'; 1,onthron, priiprietor; Thoinaq 'Brown, alict- SiOn � Try the Now BUTCHER 'TOAONTO, March 14-Ue following is 3lesurs, 28bb, at one O*clock p. ni., the following Burns kk Shoppard's weekly r�port of prevailin-priCes general ptirpose inare, I general pu aDd PROVISION STORE 11)ose horse, at one o'clo(-k P, on Single roadsters, i to 1:6 hands, $126 t Cattle,-$ hewli, calved cows, I to calve May where they keep in stoek men, s Workin Shirt :Flbt I:', I-ein Stank I W $176 � cow due Lr Tni- single cob;,; and carriage horims, 16 to 10.1 hands, 4pb, I beifer rl;lng 2, 3 heifers rising 1, 7 stecrii rising proprietreds; Timmas $150 to *250 ; matched pairs and carriage horses; 3 6 ateers rWng one 4 spring calves, .1 so%k, to lit _Ulrowrl, ter SPECIA-L ONE -WA E Verything YouEat. Ever ody claims to Nave the 'beat 5 15 to 16.1 hands, &300 to j_k45Q delivery horses, 1,100 Zout thno of sale 3 pig& dj me y; 00 working Shirt in 'the trade On Tuv�ifi�v nths old, 2 dozon -new at I.- tol,200pounds,,140 tol 30 1). In., oil Lot. 1(,, F5 general purpose and hens. ey- arris binder, nearly to Billingi, Montanw; Denver, Colorado EM-ebt of stajjle�, flj(� kjollsf.hol't express 1101-scs, 1,200 to 1,360 potinds, $140 to $190; n issey-Harrisnio ell, ootcut; I he, a; the dmught hoses, 1,8510 to 1,750 pounds, s.160 to �2i5 - I roller 6 rly now . Is y rak Spriags, 8slt Lake Oityq Nelflon, ktoordand. , Ia�vnidl 311 ea ri Fresh & Cured Meats g thoth cultivator - Sevej4y cent Shirt, do,%ble back and froni* wear and Vimoouvtr, Portland. Oregon, aud 8ein V serviceable second-hand workers, $00 to t0o I seed drill ! I single 'Color guaranwed.
lo 4 1 double furrow Bologna, Saus'age, all kinds On Wednesday, t!-ith, at 01fe O'L.io(-k 1). tierviceable second-hand drivers, $oo to $85. Plo", ; I set diamond harrows ; I iron axle Wagon Francisco. Tick0s on sale dafll�, on Lot 31, Con'cesijor, :1, 31cl(iji0j), 11,fty to\ f Potted Meats, Fi8b, Veg- Oe d�lliu buys a track wagon ; I pair boboleiIhs ; I cutting box; i SPECIAL SETTLERS' TRAIS 0 pure linen 'Working 'shirt. Farm Stook and IniplenjelitI4, John grain grinder; 1 fan ning mil I root pulper ; 24 feet etables, Fruits, Grocelies, rietor; Thot4 Brown, auctioneer. nibber betting ; I water trough -, I Spray niotor ; I Tothe Northwest every Tuesdmy durin Oil Friday, arch 30th, fit 1:,130 o1c Set double harnes ; I bay 9 gravel 'box - I March and Apri). Speoial train with col- AlUTCH-InWroxeter',on arch otl), to and tone boat -, ado7enandahalfgrainsacks; 1>1 Patt Of YOUr Patronage '(9ferich towliship, If �;. R. J. utch, a son. ogging i3i I bnlsb deeper will leave Toronto 9 Goderjoh, onNfardi 20nd, to Mr. and rs. serve as j;h 6h(�rth(rn ft"(1 ("Irade, CattILL otieph YU Chains. Thewhole s0ll poaltively be sold withoutre- W Thot. Gundr, auctioneer, Arthtir 0. Ytile e proprietor has sold his farm. Terms of every Tumday during March and April for to , ould be much appreciated, a son- I 3 -101INSTON-]n Clinton, ISalle.-All sums of, $5 and under cash * over that Marlitoba, and the Northwest. Passengers Alta. JohnJohn oil arch Ub, to and miount8 months' credib will be given on' furniehing-- -iravelling withoura live stock should tak e Goods Delivered Promptly. Oil Thurs;t�tmv, 22nd, at I. -JO p. m., on Lot 20, ston., o, daughter. approved joint notes, AdjacounbAthe mtcofb per A and one-quarter annuin Will be allowed for cash on credit eXpieso leav;ng Toionto 1.45 p. nf, 111ile Eamt-of Varna, y'arn, Stock. G . son, 'P, fleld Roiuf, North Concession, LYOX-Iri Ifullett, 611 March �rd, to 'Mr. and, Mrs. cent per 0-u Tafluring 'Departm,--n ribson, LOGAN-In 31orri�, amount.q. Phone 96 proprietor , & 9. hipauctioneer, on March JOHN proprietor 0. 6th, to Air. and AIrs. Auctioneer, .1 THR SHORT LINE O CUBA. Win, Logan, 0, daughter, 1900-9 Bank of Commerce Block Ott We(] �nesft.N*Ifaroh ahst, at one o'clock 111.1 FIELD -In Whigham, oil fth, to 11r. and Leave home Thure n U)t 1, Town *Lino� Tuckerinnith, north of &sel, 1%. 11eld dson. day p. w., arriving in opposite Post Office Men 4round town are saying Spl.en-did things- about our oupto6ju Havang, Cuba, early Monday morning. M40 -A . .
lit'Nt, VarinStock,kImpleinents. RobertBravener, PEPPER --In On March 7th, to Mr. and clothes Athi$ sea -son. There is a reason Why, We are turning oUt
proprietor ; Thotnim Bipwn, auctioneer, 1995-21 Direet connection,. tourist raves in effeet. out John B. Pei)per, V. Son. MONEY TO LOANX ments with the determined purpose of getting the On Thtirsday, 20th, at one o -(,jock 11'. I),,,- 0&� For tiakets And full information call o'n same man b4ok naim we
3, Hutlett, U Thorobred and M4,�rh TA)t 11), Vowq, alse) one Thorobred Durhain Btill. Mind of private parties to loan at lowest rate of W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agen KRUSE BROS* have speired no pains - Mi Securing interest. Apply to I trlmmmlp r If ProPrieter; Thomas Brown, the most expert cutter and tailors, alto- BROWN-SCHOCH-At Pigeon, on Feb- J.* L. KILLORAN, Barri,,iter, ow.., A. F. - PRILLIPS, Depot Tioket Agent. tioncer. - - ruapr 18th,Xr. John 111-OW11, of 13iKeoll, to &fj$8 11Wx2 SEA'_F0 u6 for your Spring suit, It WJ I'll hav tL'r Of r. Cbriatian imi Try StYle u0t found elsewhere. Schoch; of I -fay, .......... ------ . .... . Tho se MARKETS. nse �of 'Going well dressed v I1 00me with a glaus in the W n, on- MU"Or han, ent we have made for you, March lot, by Rev, P. Rapp, yoix put on a garm SNAFORT111 T.' )th, 100(5. er, to Mr. orrisamacher, both torillerl of ALWAYS IN STOCK 4 Hai, township. ...... 71 to 0 77 7 1"n Fall Wheat ...... Soverei-gyn for"Iffine Oats per 1111�jjpj. Usborne, at the hoine o - ----------- :!-- Our �aits at $16,00, SM00 and $20.00 not e VaIU0 Slay- ... I .......... I ..... 0 I t O 0.1,1.3 1 - - mmnmwnx� qualted ............... f�.. 0 -O to 0 �O the-brid'sarwits, on Alarch ith, by Rev, A. If. The FolloWin--i Well KnoVyft 07 thS : Going, of here. .U% r I (-.A Xxoter,,31r. Am �er buqhel.. P-9. 0. to .111188. X-1/ U0 Bt .... ............ 0 42 -to 042 Ethel daughter of Mr. Philip ,%jadget of 0. 16 to 0 17 Usborne, Butter, ttib 12 to 0 T4 Our 8NVAN-A1U13R--Ab the home of the bride's father. WbA do yowexpeebin the shoes ........ I II to 0 1,3 yod 'Motir, lit 'xeter,'onAl%rab 7th, by Rev. W. if. buy.9. 101) BELWAfR D Blue ari,d Blaok Serge Suitings, r0twOr' 8t $3,5C, $5-00 &ui $7-00, it will pay you to sea
2 00 to %Y lj(,r tot Job Vne, to Nis$ Nlulgarot datigh. and Worsbed Trouserings 1 .......... .. ............ 6 ;'10 to 700 n Swat', Of UgbL ter ofXr. John Nuir. Good C Oheep Skin SUALE I -13OA-At the home of the bridelm parelitg, ivality in the LeathFr -lei io 'o ?)D arob 7th, b,)- Rev, wyn. I)I&I-tin Comfoit In the Shape Serge Suitings in all t* ......... 0 40, to 0 Exeter ,P A C I I C SAIt (1,4 -til) 1wr barrel .............. I to Mr, Isniale, of 31anitoba,to lilkis Afal areto Cotreatnees in 0he atyle ................ 5 0 left I 25 daughter of r. Paul 13oa, of 110'Ir Mel! The best tnctney's Worth Shades and Textures IVO()([ pf�-r 2 F0 o ha" -ices aii ior
1). ;so t f) I You Are guaranteed this bombinatiou VICKERMANS 9' Serges, Cheviots Highest Pr" p 'd Butter zggs, ...... .. 1. 7 P0 to' .� oo De athm. r 004 to o o i-, 1 '2 5 to 2 00 '51cM in fibe Bove eign Shogs, They look aij4_ Vicunas T1113%v per 11 ....... Seaforth, on areb 7th, Janet (;al' well ; wear Well ; fib well and keep livr 10i) [I's .............. 7 50 to 8 va braitb, reflut of �)je 111W Matthew McDarmid, and Also a Complete Range of Imported and Domestic ............. and wool,
..... 0 25 to 01-)7 n)()tlif!r ofAfix, Welsh aged 77 years. 0eir shape until you are done with L.CARTN�,Y ... jr them, Tweed Snidutys and Trou"serings. Oiir Black Me-Iton and 0 15 to ()"le, I 6h Ia 11 2nd, lllizm Qhr!Htie. rellet at the Into George J)(,, Cat atred 94 years, Sovereign Sboas are popular priced Fancy Cheviot Overcoatingj3 appear to be leaders judging Dried ApplesNanted at 6c a 1b. LiVe Stock kark oil Alfirch 2nd, E,ndly. 31&rja, $3,00 $3 50 and % 00 ets. wife of Ali-, It. illalln. leattle, ed ; Fcr Men and Women. by the, orders we are seuarinp� for them. 00(l(Tich on 3rar0i 4th, f r. A. Hill -tit,[, t of 11910 lat" nWe will be pleased to show you any of the above lines and can arantee t 2nd, T11011)(w (4. he entire lot, to, *1.,45 shipping Lowe, h9ed 4.-�, i earp. Hichardson & Winn's 9 to Itil , I I t0le"s, k-4,40 to ;. tel on Afftnih ot),, to 'ja ('01V4, ,�14 to btillif, Inall, W1 . fe Of th" late Peter Lealie, at, eare Me�chant T ailors. �O 64-60 4ot!kers an( years TH) . . ....... ........ . ....... ------ ......... 'ders, to $4,50; IVULEY-�-At Hensall,on led 72 , SEAF01 and Pagee '1;4(1; fr(Ph COws and refiet otthe late Hugh -n eign, Hagsr, and to ZS 9th, Agilefi ,Vile Sp S 0 NT
1�6'e Agents fQr So I XICKA fol le OAT 140k� on !yly of Stan. COMMOD, $19 W ley,agedseyea 4nd4moiitjjk Under the Town Clook Just Wrig ht Sboes. OP a Town Btffldingt 0-omer -Valn 8 -ad Market Street_% &-aforIA-