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The Huron Expositor, 1906-03-09, Page 12
om. - -.- - _- Wet Mu Supp4.-.:2 © i his* ; t`{im ou, d Ii $L�i Liilai' asAn. g r n n t eg <'._. Whh1 New }ee r t' fislifia�x , Chattta�. yo -Factories at Com. , t3w-r., and loop, loa=n, The1 5� 1 i B CO„ Limited, Dept. No.i 00, CHATHAM HtitiM, CANADA u. a on rices on a good FanninMill or good Farm Scale�.e� o� q of y � _ � g 4 t• Tro II a 8 . ffit tiladen; n et no d s £, _a ate uo1 Lienozone .fsltThey are g from the best dueers of oxygen, sul- p}nir dioxide d other geemicidal gases. The process a making requires large :apparatus, and from. 8 to 14 days' time. The obaeet is to ea fix the gases, and to combine • them, as to carry into the sys- tem a powerful tonic -germicide. . We purebased the American rights to I4quozoue after thousands of tests had Plow** Suffer *hr! ILPLI : l West etannatten, Leh F 4 wig ply the first And in to matter how did er each user a t men:he without the Tia of a petty. aolar-Oeui; *feet _r Bas-Qieft nay Fever—Influenza La Grippe ZLucorrhes Malaria—Neuralgia Piles—Qui nay Bhenmatism Scrofula—By-philie Skin Dlaeases Tubereuicels Tumors—Ulcers Tiros% Troubles n Asthma Aire—Anent: Bronchitis Blood Poison Bowel Troubie3 Conghs--eolc'r3 Consumption Contascivus Diseases Cancer: Catarrh Dysentery—Diarrhea 1'ys pepsl a—Dane raft 1:ty-ema—Erysipelas Foyers—Gall Stones teal CUT OUT THIS e. ern eaten ei tie at.* 1 teeneee 7 hawt tel er trt>-4 I.tgvtrrf s..s. b.., If you Will upply' nta duo la•,.attle■free 1 will tale„ IA CU........... ........................... 2 3 Give full address—write plainly. Mote thiat this oiler applies to new users only. . Any physician or hospital not yet using Liquaa4n3 will be gladly supplied fora test. To Cure a Cold in One Day Take dative Fronde Quinine Tabion ev y Seven Mien es d in 12 mons. t ,_on" 2� best value, being heavily galvanized with a spring in every foot adaptin itself to the greatest extremes of snow. A gJanoe will tell you that it is' the right kind. Note the look, etc., eto. At will'pay you to study the matter over thoroughly before buying any other kind, as experienoe has boon our • teacher in fencing ; therefore wriettnie et once and get the Iowest prices for erecting eta, Prices guarantee ati yots will see if you ask now. 1891.4-eow JAMES COUOB, Ohlsetilurete Collecting se .Bill. A claim was once placed in the hands of Judge Peters of Bangor, Me., for collection., A -notice was, sent to. the debtor, tivlio Balled end promised to pay the following Saturday. The judge said: "New, don't say you . will pay Saturday night unless you mean to. Just take a few more days and be sure. Say- :•you Will pay next Wednesday." "All right," said the man; "if I live un- til next Wednesday I will pay that bill." Wednesday came, but no man appeared to settle the bill, whereupon the p&p wrote cut a notice of the teas= �,. �I,; au thP Alat, 6. Pet asa few prn and rim to it continues to of wee tin it el e rising is expanse by the ball, due to tie tt ybereby it becomes, bulk for bulk, less dense than the molten metal, " The Lavt and tbo Sword. In all governments there must of ne- cessity be both the law and the sword. Laws without arms would give us not liberty, but licentiousness, and arms without laws would produce not sub- jection,• but slavery.—Dolton. The',hays of Meas. Few doctors are willing to take their own medicine. When a lawyer gets in- to trouble be hastens to hire an attor- ney, and it is hard for people to admire an artist who paints lis own portrait. memo, ammamement, die Misndon. Skrawler—I've seen Snippem, the tai-' nor, going up to your studio every day for a week. Is he sitting for you? Dauber—No. He's laying for me.- Ke e. gIe Needed the Money. r. "But is an operation absolutely nec. emery, doctor?" "Certainly! I've got to huge a vacs- tkna next month. Smart Set, CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The KIM You Have Always Bought Bears the alignaturo of Ikea Seepouts. Mrs. Jyines I had unexpected good luck yesterday in looking for a fiat I found an apartment house where the rooms are elegant, the rent reasonable and the agent doesn't - ottject.. to ehil- dren. Mrs. BIyirely — Mercyl I hope you didn't agree to take it. There must be something wrong ,with the neighbor- hood, A (Meer Bird. Natural history always interests chil- dren, who usually recall explanations of the phenomena in their o. way. An *mount of the habi=ts of the euekock wa.) e gtlttlire mile, holds; alio' ur to the same, drawn up n rray, 208,000_ Ia its narrowest U. not eomprising the porticoes of the Pi- azzzlRusticuccl, 474,000 crowded and 158,000 in lnllitaU army. Dickens; Gay Clothes. We were walking down Wellington street, Strand., and just passing the of- fice of Household Words, when a han- som cab stopped, and out stepped a gayly dressed gentleman. His bright green eiaisteo*t vivid met tie and - pale laver " WA have been c- _ tattplAinle rate .� add import Vii; aeu,se of, baw- 1,' ug is the result of i�e mend ph, sl vigor. - Mrs. D. a Donoghue. Oxiflio, Ont., " For over is Year 1 was troubled livii# #yes nese and heart trouble. I decided t¢ adv burins heart and Nerve Pills a 1,s and aft using five boxes I found I'rat .00u +pietely CU 1 always recommend thelia tax my rii nds." Prioe 50 cents per box or three hews for *1 alt dealecs or The T. Milburn 'to.r Limittd Toronls. Ont. QUM Creek ea thin 7 UnekS 13 *40 s PC' laekiug iuiI. need a tonie,but and fat is the. element la k n your system. so easily digested and assimi lated as Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil It will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it. Scott's Emulsion is always the same; alwajs palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any cause, either in children or adults Wo will sofa you 4 sample free. Be sure that this pie. ture in the form of ek label is on, thei wrapper of every bott14 of Emul- sion you buy.' SOOTT & BOWIE CHEMISTS Ail Rag:gists. 'king ins 444,1g - To behold is not necessarily to obe Serve, and the power of comparing and combining Is only to be obtained- by education. It Is much to be regretted that .habits of exact observaUon are I not cultivated in our schools, To this deficiency may be treed! much of the fallacious reasoning and the false phi- losophy which prevall.-a,W. Ilumlooldt, "Ilave you fastened the indows, dear?" she naked as they were about to retire for the night, "No. What's the Ilse? I gave you the last dollar I bad to buy that hat, and weenced not fear burglare." "But: they might sit down on my hat, you know." eat It is a wise)man evlio knows his ow business, and it Is a wiser one who thoroughly attends to 4t.—Waylund. Re Knew. "You are sure that man cheated?" "Yes, sir," answered Three Finger 'Tut that is net conelusive evidence." "It was in this case. knew where e regular aces was myself." liour a. Acton:tr. ANGEBOth You have often heard people sa . would road different if, on the first cough, it bid been remedied with D. WOOD'S 11 is a pleasant, tile and effect that may be confidently relied upon as- h for Coughs and Colds of ail kinds, Hos Bore Throat, Pah/6 in Chest, Asthma, B Croup, Whoopirtg Cough, Quinsy. and ions of the Throat end Lungs. Mrs Stephen E, Strong, Berwick, s I have used Dr. Wood's NorwaY yrup for Asthma, and have found it grand medicine, always giving quick relief, would not be without a bottle of it Dr. Woods Norway Pine SYrup le Put I yoliow wrapper. Three Pine Trees is - mark end the price cents et a "ohm substitutes. Demand Dr. cat n31 orinfr, Iambs nt, in -ehoice iota, *were firrri to have Mt exporte horn amoral rivhCd 100 port, bulls Choice pi 03,41.3 OI g ewt.; ran ltgrAfkrs at Sla to -it Montrva on the I Veal eahvg the way rei theekt and 35.2:1 per fOr