The Huron Expositor, 1906-03-09, Page 11a The Chatham Incubator and Brooder has created a New Era in Poultry Raising, The setting Hen as a Hatcher has been proven a Commercial Failure. THE SETTING HEN -Her failures have discouraged many a poultry raiser. The Chatham Incubator and You can make money raisin -4 chicks in the right Money way-1ots of At. No one doubts- that there is Motteritt raising A LigM, Pleasant and Profit. chickens with a, good Incubator and Brooder. _ Business for Woxnen Brooder kias always proved a. teems of the Chatham Incubator and Brooder have all mule money. If you still cling to the old idea thet you can sueeessfulle run a poultry Imeinese usingthe hen as a hatcher, we 'would Like to reaeon wall you. In the first, place, we can prove You that your actual cash loss in eggs, whit) the 20 hens eliottld lay during the time youl keep .them hatehing and broodiug, will be cu,euglt to pay for re Uhathana Incubator and Br oder in flee •or eix hetehes to say nothing ve tever of the laeger andbetter results attune by the uee - of the Methane Incubator audit °oder. If you allow a hen to set, you lose at least eight weeks of laying (three weeks hatching • mat five weektaking care of the clelekeesi, say in the eight weeks she would lay at least 1 d • ert e e Let the Chatham Incubator able Many womeit Ivo to-d.ay making an inde- pendent living and putting- by money cetery month raising poultry with % Chatham Inoue bator. Any wpm= with a little leisure tinie at her dispeeal cam 'without any previous experience or without a cent of cash, beginethe poultry hasinees and. make money right from the start. Perhaps you have a. friend who is doing so. If not. we can give you the namereof many who darted with much mlegiving °lily to be sur- prised by the ease and rapidity' with which. the profits cable to them. . Of1 Course,_ 131leeeSS depends on getting a right start. You must begin right.- it can 0. never make any er as a, eggs . 16.34-n poultry raiser with Ilene a.s Whetters. You must haves good. Inenbator and Brooder, but on the hatching, while the hen goes on Our No. 3 Ian' ubator will botch as many eggs this means in the ordinary Wary iavestment wi twenty setting hens. and do it better. Now, which, perhaps you are not prepared to make here le a. co -teatime in arithmetic :- just now, and his is just where our special If yon keep 20 hens -from laying offer comes in. for 8 weeks, how much cash do , If You are in earliest, we will set you up in yfP1 bese if each heu would have the poultry business without a cent of eash laid 3 do2;en eggs. and eggs are • a down. If we were not pure that the Chatham orth 15 cents per dozen e Ans.-$9.00. Incubator and .Brooder Is the best and thet Therefore, when the Chathatn Incubator is with it and a reasonable amount of effort on hatching the /amber of eggs that twenty hone your part you are sure to melte anoney, we oottia hateh, it is really earning th eagle for you would not make the special offer below. hesides producing for your profit chicks by the veholesale, and being ready to do the Saine thiug over Again tlie moment each hatch Dont you think, therefore, that it pay e .to keep the hens laying and let the Chethare. Inetibetor do the hatching? Thero are many other rAnsons Why' the Chatham Incubator and. Brooder outelaeses the eetttrig hen. The hen sets when she Is ready. The Chat- ham lumina -cm 1 alwaye rend(.By planning to takeoff a hatch at the right ime, you may have plenty of broilers to sell when breliers are srarce and prices -at the top notch. If you depend on the hen, your chicks will grow to broilers just when every other hen's cheeks are beher marketed, and when the price is not eo stifeee The Two la a earelosa mother, often leading her -nidelen annenget wet grass, bushes, and Ln. place Where rate- can confiscate. her young. The Chatham Breeder behavesitself,. le perfect mother attelevery rarely loom a elne and ie not infested. With -lief", Altogether. there is abtellutely net reasonabIe rarean for coati:clang the uric of aeten a heteber and every reagent Whir yea should lor,ve a Chatham Inettbator and Brooder. , Wo ere making a very elected offer, which it will pay yen to investigate— ' Sella Premises Sufficient For Poultry Raising. - Of eoursele If you have lent of room, ea enuith the better,. but many a Man and woman aro careering ort 11. sueneasfd and proiltable.- poultry biteineee ina, small city fp tOWIII0t. Anyone fair sized stable or shed and a small yard can ranee poultry profitably, Bat. _to Mahe metier quickly, .you must got away from the old idea of tryingito bustnese with setting hone aft 11140.1101%. Olt must gee a ettathrunItieubator eoul Broods". To enable everybody to get a fair stert Iri the right way irt the voatory buisillOA WO melte a. very' nprmial offer whieh it er .werth. your while to: investigate. WE WILL SHIP NOW TO, YOUR STATION ' FREIGHT PREPAID A CHATHAM INCUBATOR aid BROODER You Pay us no Cash Till After 1996 Harvest No. 1- 60 Eggs No. 2-1/0 Eggs No. 3-240 Eggs THE CHATHAM INCUBATOR -Bs success has encouraged marky to make more money than they evert/sought epssible esti of chicks. Every Farmer Should Raise Poultry 1the IAA, *alma 1 siust allow that it soinetim.es mins In Ireland, but Welt rain le not quite like Othets rain. It is, as a rule, softer than tain elsewhere, and if the truth Must be told I like rain so long as one has net to say, "For the rain it rained' every day," Irish weather is not so mach capricious Ile coquettish, It likes tolplague you, if but to prepare you to . entity the more its sunny, melting mood. Itiveill weep and wail all night, and, lo, the next morning Ireland is one sweet smile and seems to say; "Is it raining I was yesterday? Ah, tben, I'll rain no more," And the runnels leap and laugh, and the pastures and very stone yealls glisten; the larks carol on their celes- tial j01.11,11ey; there is a pungent, Inanity smell of drying peat; the Mountains are all dimpled with the joy of life and sunshine; the lake lies perfectly etilli content to reflect the overhanging face of heaven, and just won't your honor buy the stoutest pair of homemade hose from a barefooted, bareheaded daughter of dethroned :kings with eyes like dewdrops and. invoice that would charm the coin out of the most churl- Ish purse? If on such mornings as these you do not loot) your heart to Ire- land it must be made of stern, unim- pressionable stuff indeed. Almost every termer "leeepe bens,' tiet,vrhile he knows that there 18 0. certain amount of profit In the business, even when letting it take, care of itself, few farmers are aware of how Muth they are losing every year by not getting into the 'poultry business in snob a way as to make real money out of it. • The setting hen as a hatoher will nester be a commercial OneeeSS. Her business to lay eggs and she should be kept al) It. Tho only way to raise Woks for profit is to begin right, by installing a Chatham Incubator and Brooder. With each a machine you can begin hatching ' orl a large soale at any time. You can only get bne crop off your fields in a year, but with fi, ChathaM Ineubator and Brooder and ordinaryeattention, you can raise chickens from early eftpilug until 'Winter and have a cropeevery moth. Think of it Quite a few farmers have discovered that there IS money in the poultry business and have foubd this branch of farming so profitable that they have installed several Chatham Incuba- tors and13rOoders after trying the first. Perhaps you think Mat it requires a groat deal of time or a great deal of technical know- ledge to raise chtekens with a, Chatham 'nett- bator and Brooder. If so, you are greatly mis- taken. Your. wife or daughter can etteed to the metalline and leek after the chickens with- out interfering with, their regular household, e The neerket is always good a,nd prices are never low. The demand. is always in exceed of the supply and at °erten), times of the year you can practically get any *lett you nate to asktor good broilers. With a Chatham Itieubator and Brooder you eon start hatehing at the eight time to being the &Lamle to. marketable broilers when the supply very low and. the ,prices tteeordingly high. This you could never . do with hens as nett:here. We know that there is money in the poultry business for every farmer Who will go about it 'right. All you breve to do is get u, Chatham. incubator and Brooder and stare it. But per. bees You are not prepared just now to spend the money. This is why we make the special offer. : IS THIS FAIR?' s' We know there Is money in raising chickens. leee know the Chatham Incubator and Brooder hes no equal. d We know that with. any reasonable effort on your part, you cannot but make money out of the Chatham Incubator and Brooder. We know that we made a similar offer last year and that in every ease the payments were met cheerfully and promptly, and that in many cases money was accompanied by letters ex. preesing satisfaction. Therefore, we have no hesitation in making • -"Gentlemen,-Your No, 1 Incubator Le an this proposition to every honest, earnest man rights, I am perfectly satisfied with ite. got a larger ono from you next year. a M. profits with 11.01%11 expenditure of thee and la) otewoore Lindsay, Olt,' Will mothrownooym.ann who may wish to ant d to their yeeekle "Cientlemen,-I think both. Innuhator awl Thiel really means that we will ad you up hi Brooder is all right I got 76 jaor (rent, out of e pou Ty burdness oo ha you oan ma 0 throe -hatches, le.S.FLEMING,Platteleille, Outer; amrnegYleviegehnetffirTilm terbeee°11:14lerthwediteeigt119061144hkainrgy.°fAr• Gentlemen, -I had. never seen art iricubator If wo knew of it fairer offer, we would make it, nntil ',received yours.' I Waif Pleafted and ewe Write US a post card wieh yout? name awl prleed to get over 80 per eont and the ohiekene - addreste ana we will Howl you full partiettlarfl,a11 ore all carom anti healthy. A. erhild Mild' well afl OW! bOalltifitily Illitstratod book, 44 Plow operate mep,phine eueeeterfully, .7 A8. DAT, Itatio to make 'stoney out of eitlekee' Write teedel well, , to Chatham. 1.4.4 We ean aupply you quiokly from our distributing waut rohoot at Calgary, itro,ndoe, Regina, Winnipeg, New Weetralturtor, 1.3.Cs, Montrone, Ilalifax, Chatham, Jr arsenide at CliaTIIAM, ONT„ and. DiehnOte, MOM Ole The 1V1ANSON CAMPBELL CO., Linitted4 Dept. No.100 CHATHAM, CANADA Let us quote you prices on a good Fanning Mill or good Farm Scale. If Tr 1 wands elelfoolike you ay bream(' of /mom Mitny doctored long, ty wero tlineoureeed bereave other Amide lied foiled, Ilul, they were sting germ &ewe with remedies h do not kill germ% e offered to buy them a bottle or ozone-- I Elf;te ti WC offer n) 11. 'They 'th it what other remedfee felled to ace plieh. Arid thoge courdieee owed one --- OCIttlered everywhere - are TIOW tAing others what 1,i'quosone has done. Falls Disease Germs. Contact with Liquozono kille any form of diseone germ, because prose are of vegetable origin. , Yet to the body Liquozone ia not only harmiees, but help- ful in the extreme. That ie ite dtainction. Common germicides "fe poieonn when taken internally. Thateis why medicine has been so helpless iii 'a, germ disease. Liquozone is exitilarating, vitalizing, purifying; yet no disease germ can exist in The virtues of Liquozone are derived solely from gases. They are generated frorn the best producers of oxygen, sul- phur dioxide and other germicidal gases. The process of making requires large apparatus, and from 8 to 14 days' time. The objeet is to so fee the gases, and to combine thorn, as to carry into the sys- tern powerful tonic -germicide. . We purchased the American rights to Liquozouf, after thousands of tests ha.d OU rn Wh, /eonint, Tteipower bad bett pre/Veld r1 111 1ii,J again/ the meet sag, hen we offered to nupply f,hf,e //0410 free Ili every disease(' that required it, And over ono ,nlILiontiollars 'Men beert spent to an- noitnen and (tall thii offer. The result is that 11000,000 bottles have been used, mostly in the past two years. 'Igo -day there aro COUritleree mired MINS, tic -attired everywhere, to tell what Idquoreme hue done, But No many ethers need it that title offer is published still, In the last few years science 110.8 traced scores of die- eitHes'ie to germ attatrks. Old remedies do not apply to them. We wish to show those sick ones -at our cost --what Liquozone can do. Where It Applies. These are the diseases in which Liquo- ZOTIO has been most employed. In these it has earned its widest reputation. In all of these troubles we supply the first bottle f rob. And in matter bow dif- ficult -we offer each user a two months' further test -without the risk of a penny. Asthma. Goltre--Gout Abscess -Anemia Gonorrhea-Oleet Bronchitis Ray FeVer-Influenza Blood PoLsort La Grip Ith Bowel Trouble* Cosighs -Colds Consumption Contagious Diseases Cancer -Catarrh Dysentery -Diarrhea wspeptlia-Dandrun Eczema -Erysipelas Favers-Gall Stones Leueorr ea Malarle,-Neuralgto Piles -Qui !my Itheumatism Scrofula -Sy phills Skin Diseases Tuberculosis Tumors-Uleers Throat, Troubles Lictilozons Can Do Chnrles Lomb and Tobacco.. Charles Lamb; according' to .his own confession. was "a tierce smoker of to bacco." ' One day Nit hen puffing vigor - Dusty the coars'est weed from a long clay pipe in company with Dr. rarr the latter asked him how be mana.ged to acquire • this "prodigious power." "By toiling after it, as some men toil, after virtue," was • the prompt reply. Ae be advanced in years, boweven "Elia" was obliged- to relax his inthrta- cy with the weed, softhat, to use his own worns, he was "like a burnt out volcano emitting now and then only a casual putt." Eventeally he took his foment lefty() in a "Farewell Ode to To- bacco," and in forwarding a Copy of the poem- to Wordsevorth he writes, "1 nave had it in my bead to do it these two years, but tobacco stood in RS oWfi light when it gave in e headaehes tuft prevented me singing its praises." Alto most form" of the followinas yuoim Xmas, 7euoiss fitittif 'V fotiNfis efIlinaSh W011iafeff Direeseete Averilisrmost,loti eauterfeelMeilire P:4, sumo! M, 000d Aiseeily iodinate if WWII tititifik, • In noryous debit! ty :14NUOV,0110 IWO kg Stetkilnphittlitig toutsrinees iVt4tilt41, 50e. Bottle Free. If you need Lig uozone, and 1 eve never tried it, kdease send WS this coupon. We will theri.nutil you an order on a local druggist for a fuil-fliZe bottle, old will pay the 'druggist ourselves for it, This Is our free gift, made to convince you; to let the product itself show you what it can do. In justice to yourself, please accept it today, for it places you under no obligations whatever. Liquozone conte 50c. and $1, CUT OUT THIS COUPON FIll It out and mall It to The Liquozone Com- pany, 4511,13i Wabash Ave.? Chicago. My disease T have never tried Liquoznne, but if you Will supply me u600 bottle tree 1 will take it, .41,, • * • Rsta- blished 1-879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Cough, Crip, Asthma, Diphtheria Cresolerie in a boon to Asthmatics rftrvor.rlit Is a long established, and standard remedy fin thediscays, Indicated. It cnres because the air run. &roil strongly antiseptic is carried over tho diseased stn. - faces of tho broitehlal Wire with every breath, giving prolonge.1 and constant treatment. Those of a eonsump. Sim, tendency, or sufferers from chronic bronchitis,' lind founcdinto fr0111 coughs or Inflamed conditions of tho throat. Vapo.Crosolono ht sold by' druggists or sent pre. I, paid on reprint of pries, A Vspo•Cresoletio out. ilt including n, bottle of Cresolenu case Send for fres illustrated booklet, LantWo Mii.r.s Cu., Ltd., Agents, liai St. James 131., Montreal, Canada. 300 A Capita of Nirtiad, The origin of the phrase, "A capful of wind," can be traced to 'a Norse king, Eric VI„ who died in 967 A. D. Ile Was credited with the useful power of directing the whet to blow where he whaled by no simple method of turn - leg his cap to tthat point of the com- pass, powers were much tippreci- atee and trusted ana resulted in his being known as "windy cap," There is no evidence as to whether he could reg - Wet° the 'force of the wind as well as the direction, Presumably -he couldt or his faithful believers would not have been so many, A. ,"bagful of wind" ie another common expression and indi- eate3 something hike a gale. This has been traced downto the claseical leg- end of Aeolus and his captive winds eonfined in bap, A C 2 3 ; Give full address -write plainly. Note tii‘at this offer applies to new Users only. Any phYFIlelan or hospital not yet using Liquozone will be gladly supplied for a test. z •seael o ' the Or ter. gattone, probed)) Malty, bar - reit; of water are drawn through the gills of each oyster each dfiy," writes a university -profeeson 11, the micro- scopic beings that it ay hold are strained out and pushed long into the oyster's mouth, Each sieroSCOPiO or- ganism is it long tine0 itt. raveling from the point where it first t uehee the gill to the oyster's stomach; 11 this while it is alive and capable of becoining the parent of new generat ons ,when re- moved from the gill an placed under suitable conditions. Mo t of these or- ganisms are wholesome o man, and all that enter the oyster' stomach are quickly killed and eon erted into ite palatable and nutrition substarice, but so long as they, are tra eling along the gills all are alive and 4301110 are ex- tremely dangerous to n. The oyster exercises choice in the selection .of its food, rejecting some of the inIcroscopie organisms and swell° ing others, but those that are dischai ed into the yea - ter with the sewage if cities are not unfortunately among e ones that are rejected, and before thJese have entered the oyster's sternach tiey are most fa- vorably placed for gamning entrance into human stomachs and multiplying there." *11 the' iroirrie Ia4,0120 'Wert, where are but six Words ID. the Eng- lish language which contain all the vowels in regular order -viz, abstemi- ous arsenious, I andnious facetious mat terious and tragedious. There is but one word which contains -them in regu- lar reverse order, and that 'word is dup. literal. Besides the above there are 149 English words vtleich contain ail the' -vowels in irregular order. Twelve of these begin with the letter a, seven with b, twenty-three with c, stxteen with d, fourteen vritb e, four with f, even vrith g, one wfth b; six withi, two with j, two with, m, two with n. two with/ ol thirteen With p, one with q, tive with r, nine' with s, two with t, fifteen with u and six 'vrith Collecting a BM, A elahn Waft once placed lathe betide of ;fudge Peters of Bangor, Me„ tor collection. A. &tie° wee sent to the (Wider, Who called end promised to pay the following fatturday. Tito Judge said: "Now, don't say you - will pay urday night unless' you mean tee Suet trike a OW room days end be sure, Say .you will pay next Wednesday," "Ail right," said the man; "If 1 live un. til next Wednesday 1 will pay that bill," Wednesday mune, but no man eppeaved to settle the bill, Whereepert the judge wrote out a motto of the (Wilt of fliff Man.end put it lathe dai. ly paper, De nest day the bill Was Net UM, To Cure a Cold in One Day irr:::Pays: Take ative Bromo Quinine Tablets. t7hd4 evil"' swat Milken boxes sold 'in post 12 months. This signature, Wig* 25c* ,„4-4114, Is wlutt rless far the best value, being heavily qlvanized with a spring in every foot aohttptin itSaf to the greatest extremes of mnow. A glance will tell you that it is ate right kind. Note the look, ete„ ete. It will pay you to study the molter over thOroughly before. buying eue - other lend, as experience hes been oer teaeher in fencing; therefore writearne at onee'eend get the lowest prices fee ereetAngete. Primo gtartlateed Os Yoll will see 11 you ask now. 1091,4seow &TAMES COMBS telhaellituste Golf Maniac$. have in my time lived on intimate tOrMs with the offieers of most nations ID Europe. My experience of, British -officers (among whom I now have the honer to count many friends) is that they are second to none in intellect and instruction, but this, Wen entendu, only until golf links and a golf ball become viitible. Then they are inanities. I try _ to talk to them of scenery, literature, art, politics, etc. -they are polite, of course, the English always are -but L can see instinctively that there is only one subject to interest them, le saere white ,Foreign Visitor in Civil and Military Gazette, Lahore. Poilstnes, In filo collection of perfunieiitwtt processes are employed, fn one, tho grease procosio, hoxoti with giago bo tom aro prepared, tit@ bottom being (severed with pure grease or suet, and the dovvers, gathered fresh every day during the season, are laid on trays in the box, the grease being left to ttb. 1300 the fragritilee, in the ell process the place of grease is taken by cotton batting Saturated with oil, the process being substantially the same. In both eases the vehicle becomes impregnated with the OeSeiltial oil and odor of dow- ers. When No110. Iron Menlo, Experiments show that if a bail of Had iron is lowered into a mese of llqnld Iron by means of a metal fork the ball at first sinks to the bottom with the fork. BUt in a few seconds it leaves the pronge and rises to the surface, wbere it continues to float un- til it melts. The rising is explained by the expansion of the ball, due to heat- . ing, Whereby it becomes, bulk for bulk, less dense than the molten metal. Peppermint. The preparation of peppermint is es- pecially an Amerlean industry. The peppermint is cut when 132 b1001U, like hay, dried, placed in close wooden vats and steamed. The oil cells burst and the oil passes upward witb tate steam, which is condensed and conducted into a receiver, where the oil rises and Is piped , offit takes about MO pound of dry peppermint to produce one pouud of oil, An acre of land. yields from six to ten pounds of oil, often more, even as high as fifty pounda, • (eloper 'Belicht Alt ut the Fern. The fern was supposed to seed only on St john's night a • d thus to possess those singular prope ties for which it had become almost s cred., The gath- ering of the seed was believed to be at- tended with Consider ble danger. P0 - vet in his 'Tandem alum)", published in 1684, says: "Muh discourse bath been about gatheri g of fern seed (which is looked upon as a magical herb) on the night of midsummer's eve, and I remember I was. told of one who went to gather it, anti the spirits whisk- ed by his ears like Ibullets and some- times struck Ids hat!and other parts of his body. In fine, ; though he appre- hended be had got a quantity of it and secured t itt papers and box •be -- side, when he wft nome he fauna all empty. But most prObable this appoint- ing of time and hotirs is of the devil's own institutlon, as: well at the fact that, having !once ensnared people to an obedieneesto his rtiles, be may with more facility oblige them to stricter vassalage." • ) The Lave and the aevord. In all governments there must of ne- cessity be both the law and the sword. Laws without arms would give us not liberty, but licentiousnees, and arms without laws would produce not sub- jection, but slavery. -Colton. LOOked Airs. ;Tymee-I luta ,unexpected good luck yeeterday in looking Or a flat, 1 found an apartment house where the rooms are elegant, the rent reaeonable and the agent doesn't oltleet to chil- dren, Mrs, Blykely--Mercyl I pope you ditin't agree tO talo it, There must be something wrong with the neighbor- hood, The Wayes of Men. Few doctors are willing to take their own medicine. When a lawyer gets in- to trouble be hastens to hire an attor- ney, and it Is hard for people to admire an artist who 'taints his own portrait. itamerwrierl.*. Ms Mission. Skrawler-I've seen SnIppem, the tai- lor, going up to your studio every day for a week. Is he sitting for you? Dauber -No. He's laying for me. Re Needed the Money. "But is an operation absolutely nee, eenary, doctor?" "Certainly,. I've got to Nye a vaca- tion next monet."-Smart Set. A Queer Bird, Natu al history Always interes &en, who usually ;Teen e of the phenomena in their own An aeeount 4! the Was of the for instance, was apparently al at the time, but was reproduced L�s a few days Inter; "rho cuckoo? 011, that's ilio bird that down MI RN own ewe WAnagRg. CASTOR I For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the "gnatnriof Impoverished o�ii eriehed ihod, Ile fertilizer, A elietni ng the fertilizer to use for different products. If your blood is impoverished your doctor will tell you what yop, need to fertilize it and give it the rich, red corpuscles that are lacking in ie. It may be you need a tonic, but more likely you need a concentrated fat food, and fat is the, element lacking in your system. There is no fat food that is so easily digested and assimi- lated as Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver 011 It will nourish and strengthen the body when milk and cream fail to do it. Scott's Emulsion is always the same; always palatable and always beneficial where the body is wasting from any cause, either in children or adults. We will send you a sample free. Be sure that this pic- ture in the form of a label is on the wrapper of every bottle of Emul- eion you buy. SCOTT & BON CHEMISTS e At 50e. and $1.09. AU Druggists, s a t by oil can tell you LIMN S Liatinglari ER PILLS are mild, sure and safe, and are* perxool regulator of the system. They gently unlock the secretions, clear away all effete and waste matter from the system, and give tone and. Vitality to the whole intestinal tract, _curing Constipa- tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyspep- sia, Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, Jana. dies, Heartburn, and Water Brasli. Mrs. R. S. Ogden, Woodetoek„ N.B.„ weitest "My husband and myself have used Mil- s Lalrat-Liver Pills for a number Of ears. W. think we cannot do -v?ithout them. t hey s,re the only pills we ever take." Price 25 tents or five bottles for $1,130, at all dealers or direct on receipt of price. The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. BUILDERS Onr line of material for barn and housa. building is the largest and most complete in the county and we are in a position to furnish bills of any size. Lumber White Pine, Hemlock, aeorgis Pine Sprawl, Ceder, Oak, Maple end Black Asla*„ Shingles xx X and XIX X X Bed Cedar and XX White rine, Capaeitr of Great Churches. The Roman Advertiser gives the fol- lowing statistics of the capacity of the great churches of the world, allowing four persons to every square yard: * Persons. sq. yds. Milan cathedral 37,000 e,250 St. Paul's, Berne „.......... 32,0e0 8,000 St. Paul's, 25,600 6,400 St. Petrortices, Bologna. ..... 24,40 6,100 9F1orence eathedral . 24,300 6,076 Antwerp cathedral --ea . 24,000 coo St. Sophia's, Constantinople 22,000 6,750 f3t. John's Lateran 22,900 5,725 Notre Dame, Paris 21,000 0.250 Pisa, cathedral 13,000 2,250 St Stephen's, Vienn* ....... 12,400 3•1.00 01. Dominic's, Bologna 13,000 3,000 fit. Peter's, Bologna 11,400 2,850 Cathedral oeestona 11,000 2/160 St. Market Irenice 7,00 1,10 The plazein of St. reter'e in its widest limits, allowing twelve persons to the square mile, holds 624,000; allowing four to the same, drawn up in military array, 208,000, In its narrowest limits, not comprising tho porticoes of the Pl- aya' Rusticticci, 474,000 crowded. and 08,000 in railitary array, pov toper what Lath No. h. nd No, 2 W:hite Pine. Cedar Fence Posts Alee.every variety of dressed and mateheri lumberonouldings, sash end doors. Our mill is fisted to do all hinds of custom work. PRICES RIGHT -QUALITY THE BEST DIelteast Gay Clothes. We were valiting down Wellington street, Strand, and Just passing the of. lice of RouSehold Words, when A ban - NOM cab atoPPWp 411d out kttepPed, * gayly dressed gentleman. Els br4ht green lialstoat, vivid scarlet- tie ana polo lavender trouser* would have been notified by Any vet but Ote sise of ill. nosegay In his tuttonhols riveted ray gttontion, for It was a regular flower garden, MYfather stepped and istr, duced me, and Xf who bad only seen engravings iof the Midst* portrait and 41 iTry hanikowe heuditimy motbets piletegraph album, was astonished to myself shaking bands with the iat novelist Charles D1ekeng,--431rom Mios Frisweirs "Iteeelleetions," e.'4, • ... N C1109 &SOt180 WILBER YARD and PLANING 141111 SEAFORTEL SUFFERING WO: N who find life a burden. can have* health asere strength restored bithe use of The Mama ?fan, At tlio headwaters of the Orin Spanish traditions located the land of El Dorado,l "The Gilded Man," a pp. tentate whOse country litres sf rich Itt gold dust that be had his body aeseint- ed with oil Said sprinkled with gold ev. or morning go that he shone in the .5 sun as though gilded. It is a curious fact that the country in which 'tradi- tion located this marvelous being ham never been explored by a white man. MiIburWs .frleart and Nerve Pilis. Th� prennt generation of women and g4rt have more than their share of ranhery. some it is nor/owners and palpitation, -wit ,o there weak, Oissy and fainting spells, velaile with others there is a general collapse of the eysteM. Milburn's Heart and eihrve Pins tone up the nerves, etrengthen the heart and ineke it heat ;drone end regular, create new rod blood cor- puscles, and impart that RIO° of buoyanery to thespirits that is the result of renewed mental aed physieat vigor, Mrs. D. 0, Donoghue, QrflhIa, Ont.. writes: For over a year I yeas troubled with nervoia- ness and boort trouble. 1 detided to give 2411-, burn's Merl, and !terve Pills a trial, and alter trir,g five boxes 1 found 1 was completely cured, '1 'sheep: reeentunend them to My friends." Prieft 50 cents per hog or three bons for 11,25, WI dealers or Tho T Milburn Co., Limited Toren* Ont. reloneeeme Reuse. "ICatnala" is the veraaeular name of the red dye, produced.from the glands of the matnre fr.ult of a tree named inIallotus phillipinensis," which is also called the' "monkey face tree" because monkeys paint their faces red by rib- bing them -with the fruit. Here is a striking ;instance of the influence of heredity.' Observation. To behold Is not necessarily to ob- serve, and the power of comparing and combintug is only to be obtained by education. It is much to be regretted that .hs_bite of exact observation are not eultivated in our schools. To this deficiency may be traced much of the fallacious eeasoraing and the false phi- losophy which prevail. -W. Ilumboldt. The (ielebrxted, There Wars Cause. "Have you fastened the windows, dear?" she nsked as they were about to retire for the night. "No. What's the use? I gave you the last (Whir I had to buy that hat, and we need not fear burglars." "But they might sit down ou my hat, you know." It Is a -Wise man who knows his own business, and it Is a wiser one who thoroughly attends to it -Wayland. Re Knew. "You are sure that man cbeated?" "Yes, sr," answered Three Finger Sam. "Ile held four aces." , "But that Is not conclusive evidence, "It was in this case. I knew where the regular aces was myself," Peepreseett the inert havebecometeelaneeet weeld bi:Poltles our weds ere others. Do you *Jib to grow t e bestaitaa-tiowent sad the finest tiniest Plant-thebeet seeds-- etre s. leros Sead Avenel free to en appliftnta Dela, & 0001 Detroit( Math ...963.4m1.01111M•insitomade Ey Hour Delayed IN CURING A COLD IS DANGEROUS. You have often heard people say: its Daly, a cold, a trifling cough," but many a life heater, would read different if, on the first appearance of a correh, it laid been remedied with DR. WOOD'S Nori. WAY PINE SYRUP. It .5 a pleasant, safe and effeeteal remedy, that may he confidently relied upon es a epealeo for Coughs and Colds of all kinds, Theareeneee, Sore Throat, Pains in Chest, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, Whooping Cough, Quinsy, and all affee- tions of the Throat and Lunge. Mrs Stephen B. Strong, Berwick, N nes: "I have used Dr. Woodle Norway Pine Syrup for Asthma., and have found it to be a grand medicine, always giving quick relief. We would . not be without a bottle of it in the hottee." Dr. Wooda Norway Pine yruj is put up in 11:. yellow wrapper, Three 1no Trces is the tree° :mark and the price ete cents nt ali dealer& eV* enti 'Refuse eabetitutes. Demand Dr. - 1A11( AUC 0 ES ammo. A TURDA' ght fillies an o year old Ste! ng Speer$ ar -,‘Jiturre the della oss IlrOwn, Ami assamesPolmweaLvises SA] ci ioirearn. On vesdas,.. Lot 7, TONVII 3. urst, FLnII Roo, roprietOr ; Thorn 'In Thursday,. M t 15, Ceneesmon ements, Alex. F2 2(c)tniosnaetevirrd. :02 e Iinron lliilktt elt and imple, 110anF s.13:171awl;,' eClka7tvItill61.12asit)tnt7ehn4 sflrikilt::.. , :n Friday, Mare Voneessinn 3, I Bonthron, er. 1108atrottt, 61eci747 13t'rC., °Treersn6a.ir)eln) thieTurtyeosdat °and FIghSalie aGtt. rne. n Monarty, Mai Coneessiot k an Mellem mutt, eaten ei II Lot 34. I IIOrt ; Thom beet r hush ley per bushi ter, No. I, lose ter, tub.. ..„s, Ocr dozen, e -, per 100 ton.. a 100 II TORONTO, March aWniwitha be d dairy. creme • dein". polio arge rens, Ateese-43.1 nd 14e for twine e tees which hot bes past week erei able readrereuel t'xPeaf,ed reeed corresponeingl t 18 to 10e for MOM -REAL, Afard selling at 171.1 Dwinthipo *relied and at 20e, Che Prices facade tura reeult el iSIn the4enw.i jitiri as dealt% , rhea) ogee TintONTo, eefeet oted intebangtel here, eta ene en Wee: Too 11) Tin 4 .„ 14' VW,:IY • ts1 ate tg;: Matt e - Livie etgrif 10*0/ 5 . 'theft ohn OA 11 . , nftitton prie es sold 'at et $4.00 to 3,75, and int Ouflg,and $.so per in the e son as s 0 011,, , -.`f)rtheri----SilOrt•-• - :48 Of good at te irt hulls sold f ,'t.; cariner8 a -10 ; venation, ,oiCe picked lot eked Iots rang '.40; bestieede ; lwst feed hest stet, ows -Aho ...;) SiI5 car' ..-,intn,sJ Ist.ye. c marl -tot vere for t cc v• .."-.L ;I , m 0.I.75 t Hog?, and &Liiri 6-2'