HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-09, Page 511
MATteliI 1906
.. ..
s $ Wiii.
• 91 • 0
• • ..0*
stir Tb • figurebetween
basses/tow the
adversteemant win
The WatersliedL-Greigetrothine,e0-1
New Spring Goods
Natty Goods-PopIestone
Ordered Work -R.
Hair Goods: -Prof.
Farm for Sale
For Sak-II. Little
TO Rent-Jolut
House for Sale-Earoarron
Vann to Rent -j.
Ffinn for Sale -George
Auction Sale -Alex.
For Sale -.T. H.
&gar -A. Young
Ceder Poata-A.
Fresh Fish -Kennedy
Incubators -J.
roe Saka-A. A.
Sugar -Canino
Feed -D. tirquhart--4
Auction ,Sate -S.
To Contractora-John
Moyhne . Tea -R
Dorothy Dodd Shoes—W.
Range for Sale -Mrs.
Rapes On which the
Gardiner -5
Son -4
page of fihe
ha teens
-E. Moretti
Willie and
Bros. -3
S. Plunitree-5
1,-. Killoran -5
Souter -5
Reid -5
W. Jervis -8
Eros .-8
1?. Daiy-8
Watt -5
It J. Marshall
Bros -8
E. flarnweII-5
A, Edwards -8
IT. Willis
Wm. Mutdie-4
nit urn expoitor .
: 4
SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, Mar. 9; 1906..
The Ortario Liegislature•
The Qatari° -Legislators bave not
yet got settled dawn to haziness
and ten minute sessions are still the
cirde. The public accounts for the
Das e year Jiave een 4roaglij dcn.n
and the estimates of expenditure for
the current year have been submit-
ted and notice has been given if
several public and private bills. The
budget speech has not yet been de-
livered nor have any of the timeert-
ant Goverement measures been sub-
raitted. Indeed the Government
'seem to have been in a state of ve.ry
great lunreadiness whert the session
opened and hence the delay. It
looks as if the rush at theend of the
session, against whicheeire Whitney
used to justly inveigh when he was
Ln .opposition, (will be as great as
unbar the old regime, if not mere'
so. The (Government (have appoint-
ed eer. erellmueh, K C., of London,
and Alderman (Geary, of Toranto, to
look after the :interests of Ontario
galley .helders before the ensterance
Carnmission appointea by the Do-
minion Government. This is right.
Mr. •elelhente is (tee et the ablest
lawyers in .the Province; eer. Geary
has :yet to win his spurs in his -pro-
fession, .although he has achieved
considerable tprominence in (political
circles fin Toroeto. -He is the young
4 man who stood first for thetPonser-
votive !nomination in North Teron-
ta (recently' and who Wowed binaseIf
to be slaughtered ill the .Convention
'at the instance of the party- leaders
ta 'permit Mr. W, K. MoNa.eget to
come in. 'He is now receiving the
first tinetalment of his reward for
that ect of self abnegation.,
Horse Raciill at the Fall 'Paine -
What is 'drown as the Ontario
Associaticoleof Fairs and Rxhibitions
is, composed of representatives train
The various .,kgrioultural societies
of the Province. 'Ibis Association
holds a meeting every year fer the
aiSensaien et sUbjects tretteting to
Agricultaral Societies and its ob-
feet is the improverctent of the meth--
eds of the societies and also the im-
provemtnte of the ehows held. under
the auspices of ehe soeieties. At the
last meetieg of this Association, held
a couple of "weeks ago in Torontp,
there was a lively diseussion of the
advisabilit y of pert/tatting horse
xaeing at fall shows. Ncisy t 4e.
statutes forbid. horse racing; lo• thier
s •
than trials of epeed, at fail shows
and there is a heavy penalty previd-.
..1_ fer all infrectiens of the- la.w
in this respect. As e result of :the.
diSeussion at this meeting a reSo-
letien AV(iS INIi4Sed to the. effect ilhat
as there is a general desire ori he
part of the pub] i c to have horse ISac-
ing, and as t be law pechibiting ho se
eeentry fairs iprecti al-
ly a dead issue, the Legislat re
1`..iinir at s
should be asked to repeal tho lew
and leave the. question of racing,to
be divided by each society for itself.
We do not think that thie resolu-
-"sal was Wttri 4}CIV1:ied ane We ; NO
enovinc-Pd that the Legielatare iwili
make a mietake if they repeal! the
nertion of the law referred ins The
Repesitro has no objectiens to horse
rscing. We believe it to be an in-
ieresiinst and benefieial sport. There
le no more - harm in horse racing
fisin in Coot 'raoing . or any kher
sport, 'It is the usual accoMpani-
n le ni e or horse racing which, are.
harmful. The pool fielling, betting
and general blac.kguardiarn which so:
frequently aecornpanies the popular
harse recce are abjectionable and in-
ittrionse If horse racing eon's' be
carried. on without these objections
'this" features it would not be. injur-
ious in ney sense. 'The thing is to
have horse racing ceinducted SO as to
be free from these objectionable ac-
cessories. If the law eeferred to
should be repealed there is very
great 'danger that the fall ehows
would in many tams bee.eme simp-
ly a carnival Ruch as too -frequent-
ly exists on the regular eaeetrack.
That is to •be guarded against at all
haezards. But if horse races or
trials of eneed as they are designat-
ed, could be carried on as they a re.
110W in connection with many socies
• ties we are of the opinion they are
beneficial rather- than Injarions.
They suPPIY the demand in the ha-
lms/ mind for each sports and thy
enable those who have a liking in
this direetion to gratify this liking
in its most. innocent form arid with -
oat being nontaminated .or offended
by eny of the mare gross evils of the
eace track. The great thing is to
lm•ep from these races the element of
professienalient. That is being done
row to a gresit exlent. The . prizes
offered are not /ergo enough to in- ,
Iluee professional patronage while
ihe absenee of pooreelling and net-
ting render them too tame for the
p*fessional. borber race, man. But
while this .is !the ease in this airec-
tien, they mouton ne: much interest
to the local 'onlooker and are atit
great an attraetion in the show as 7
if /the faittest horses in the tandtry`
were eorapeting. A four Minute
race if closely- contested is equally
as interesting as a t.op race that is
not as closely contested,
be advisable to thriew th s
While, therefore, it 4 doorwide would not
open by repealing the prohibitory
seetion, as is proposed by the mo-
tion carried by 'the Association re-
ferred to, we ithink it might be !am-
ended with advantage. The differ-
enee between la horse Tate and a.
test of speed might be mare 'minute-
ly defined; pool selling and betting
in connection with: these -trials of
speed should be made peeniehable of-
fences ;•horses tender a certain Mark
or horses that had won money on a
professional race -track ,shoteld be
ineligible and it -might also be made
a rule •that axone of the fiends of ea-
cieties 'drawing Government (money
should be devoted for smell purposes,
If rates are desired by the societies
let them raise (the money by private
subseription for thet purpose. With
these changes and (restrictions there
would Ape be any danger of the
show races corrupting the morals
or working injuay to any person, .nor
would they be (likely to interfere
'frith the efficiency of the show in
other directions. On the contrary,
they would, be altogether beneficial
as they -would afford to the shows
the litttle bit of spice which seems
to be so anu.ch craved by the binnlan
faMily . and would furnish this in an
unobjectionable form and in tbis
way add to the attractiveness of the
sbow and help to increase the gale
receipts, .which is a, most important
consideration. Lee fhe races be 00n-
irmed where they art considee:ed de -
treble, but let them be continued
'.nder jueicious restrictions.
The Finances ofOntario
It will be seen by the following
which we take from the Mail and
Ernpire that the- ^new. GoVeenment
of Ontario'. are, diepensing the Maui
cas of the Provinde with ne niggard-
ly hand. The Mail says:.
The Provincial estimates foe the,
eurrent year provide for an expen-
diture vaster than has been," but,
the estimated expenditure is still
well within the revenues for last
year. Tlie increases are amply jus4
tified by the expanding needs of la"
growing province and are based o
sound business (principles of wise ex
penditure for adequate. returns. Th
total, %amount asked for is $5,625,543,
as'eompared with an expenditure
lase year of $5,396,016. Tbe supple-
mentary estimates will further in-
crease by a substantial sum the a-
mount tasked for in the main eatira-
ates. The -Government contemplates
a large addition to the vote for ede
ucation, espeeially in regard to the
public schools. Froth the estimates.
submitted yesterday must be sub-
tracted however, et least $209,000,
whiehwill be paid back to the pro-
vince ;in reeelpts from the Ontario
Agricultural College,the Central,.
Prison industries, and. the sale of
timber on lands adjacent to the
Terniskaming and Northern Railway
to be cleared during the. year. Col.
?,,fatleissen 'has given the _gross and
not the net expenditures in miler
to 'arrive at a correct estimate of.
Ontario's 'receipts and expeedituies..
Liberal increases - have been given
to •nearly all the civil Service 'em-
ployees bolding important and re-
eponsible pOSitione. No Deputy Min-
ister is (now toreceiv& less than
$3,000 per year. First and second
elass clerks, secretaries in depart-,
ments, etc., have nearlyeell receiv-
ed increases ranging krone. $50 to
$506. In the Department of Educa-
tion an increase of $101,517 is melted
for, with a further large sum to
be added when the Educational Act
is brought down. The School of
Practical,: 'Science is genetously
treated. The educational work of
the department of Agriculture is to
be further extended by an increased
grant of $40,872. Thr estireate.s for
pit -bee bleedings provide for an in-;
crease of $177,418 in the expenditure.
Among the Individual salary in-
creas'es may be. mentioned eeee0 for
the Speaker, $500 for the Provincial.
Auditor, James 'Clancy. ex -M. P., and
$400 for the, Sergeant -a t -Arms.
Editorial Notes and Comments
The Peterboro Examiner claims to
sPoak with. authdrity in saying that
Mr. Boss will remain as leader of
the Opposition . at Toronto, prefer-
ring the activities of the position -
to a seat. in- the Senate. It ie un-
dersteod the new senator will be
Mr. Robert Jaffray, of Toronto. Mr,
Jaffray is better material for the
Senate than Mr. Ross.
'0 • it •
The Canadian Presbyterian very
truthfully, says: To thousa nas of
people throughout Ontarico the day
of the loeal agricaltairal fair is thc
choiee holiday of the whole year.
Wha GO 11 be more delight -fel than a
fine day in the Cknadian autumn,
when fr lends and siceighbors Co.rne to-
gether from all. the countryside amid
tokensef abundance and good. cheer
and in an atmosphere of friendly
Comp -et it ion and harmless fan?
Long live the country fair 1"
• •. • • "
It is hinted that a bill will he in -
'traduced into the Legislature this
year by the Minister of Agricul-
ture, providing .for Government in-
spection. ,of -creamefies, cheese :fact-
ories and dairies. There ,are about
1,100 cheese factories and ereameries
in the province, and the services of
at least two inspeetors would be re-
quired. It is now the duty of the
local boards ;of health- to see that
they are kept In a sanitary condi-
eion, but it is argued that this tduty
is sadly neglected, and hence the ne-
cessity for inspection by an bade -
dependent authority.„ It would be
well to include slaughter -houses and
batoirs with cheese factories and
• • • • •
It is a great thing for the Prov-
ence of Ontario, and indeed for e the
whole of Va.nada, that the experi-
ments being carried on at Sault Ste.
Marie, ender the direetion of the
Dominion Departmentof the Inter-
ior for electrical smelting, have
proved suecesseue. This announce-
ment was officially made last Week.
It ha -s been proved cenamereialle pos-
sible to produee pig iron, steet and
nickel *pig by the .eleetric process.
There are vast edeposits of iron
are in Ontario and Quebec, and at
Sunbury there is the greatest nickel
xteto in the world. There are no
boa' deposits convenient of access,
but . abundant water power for the
produetion of electricity. And now
it is found that pig iron oau Pe• pro-
duced from Canadian magnetite ore
and nickel pig from nickeliferous
pyrrhotite as satisfactorily by the
electric process astbylothe familiar
blast - furnace. This simply means
that Canada :will shortly take a
place as one of the greatest iron,
steel and nickel producing countrisos
in the world.
• • • •
We are glad to welcome so power-
fuT an agent as the Toronto Globe
to the ranks of those who adtocate
the reconstruction or ,abolition of
the Dominion Senate at -Ottawa. The
Globe says: In. the machinery of
legislation and adrainistrtion a. Sen-
ate is as useful as a third wheel
a cart or a fifth leg on a dog. Per-
haps a is even more useful than
'sixth appendages, tut its greater
uselluaness is not pparent. It is
the obsolete implement of a gevern-
ing class and it appears and reap-
pears as a res alt of man's faculty
of, imitation.
• • • •
Hon. Wm. Templeman, the Minis-
ter of Inlane Revenue, in the Domin-
ion Government, .has been eyeeted
in "Victoeia„ British Columbia, by a
majority of over 700. The new
Minister is 61 years of age. Ile eves
born in Packenham, Ont., learned
the printing business and established
the Almont Gazette. In 1$84 he
went ,to the Pacific coast and be-
came connected with the Victoria
Times of which he is now the princi-
pal proprietor. Before being ap-
pointed t� the Senate in 189,7 he wane
three times for his present constit-
uency and was defeated every time.
He resigned his seat in the Senate
on being appointed to the Cabinet
mid again sought election in the eity
in, which he thrice suffered defeat
and with the prestige of h. Cabinet
Minister he was this time saceess-'
ful, •
Big bargain in imps' shons-Friday and Saturday
only -regular price 1.25 to $1.60 for 77c per pair -.4
south window, W. H. Willis, Seaforth. 18054
Good nulls; --Mr. Peter McKay, of
the 6th oancession Tuckersmith,
recently aled a very nice eleven
months old S,1311 to Mr. George Peart
of Hibbert. This animal was sired
by Mr. McKay's well known stock‘
"Loyalty"ond,..11r. Peart has
made no mistake In purohasing,him
as he is a good One.. Mr. MoXey has
also purchased from Kr. Peart his
wen- known imported stook .
"Red Prince." He is seven years
old, and was imported by bifr.Thornas
Russell, of Exeter, in 1900. Ile was
bred in Aberdeenshire; Scotland, and
is an 'exceptionally fine animal. Mr.
Peart used (him ,at the bead of !his
herd for five years. He weights 2s-
200 lbs.) Mr. McKay will still. keep
his old. !favorite, "'Loyalty." 'He is
in fine trim, and now weighs 2,100
lbs. He will have a fine team Which
should ',Wave a very !beneficial' im-
pression 'on the ef'ocit of the town-
ship. •
Notes. -John •Donaldson and wife
bid good-bye. to -their mapy friends
in town on Saturday of last week,
when, they lift -for Geiderichs where
they will miner), for a short time
before going to Montana. Mr. Don-
aldsone contemplates going into sheep
ranching and we wish hen success
whereverhe may locate. -There is
some talk of another furniture and
nuidertakingbusiness being opened
up in town. -On Wednesday of last
week Miss Maggie McDoulgall, of
Sault Ste. Marie, and a former well
known Brasselsite, was onited in
marriage to a gentleman of that
town. Miss McDougall's many
friends here join in wishing- her and
her lausband many years of happiness
and prosperity. -Rev. Jecnee Living-
stone, of London, preached Epworth
League anniversary sermons in the
Methodist church here lait 4abbatb
and gave "a lecture on ,Monday ev-
ening. The reyerend gerklem.an is
always sere of a fuel house' here. -
Robert Williamson and Wm. Den -
bow, togetherwith their fernilies,
leave on Tuesday; of next week tor
the west. They are taking with
them a ear *of settlers' effects. -
John Beattie arid D. ..1*, McLa.achlin,
of Chesley, spent Sunday in town. --
This week Downing Bros., shoe.
dealers,moved into the stand recently
vacated by D. C. Ross. -Their in-
ereasing business necessitates a
laxger store. -Henry Mooney in-
tends leaving next week for the
west in the hope of naaking his for-
tune; He will hold- an auction sale
of his household effects on Saturday
of this week. -Rev. McDeegall,
of Brockville, ode -plied the pulpit in
Melville oliurcli last Sunday. 'Rev.
Mr. Stewart will take charfse next
Notes..Mrs: David Patton's broth-
er, Mr. Hugh McDougall, was.one of
the two men drowned while Working
t a d.qIn in London, last weelc.-Mrs.
McAllister, mother of Mrs. Jas. Mes-
ser and Mrs. Wm. Messer, is poorly.
-There was excellent skating on the
pond Tuesday of last week. -A *large
number of friends from Wingharn,
Wroxeter and. Bluevale, together
with nearer neighbors, swooped
down upon Mr. Douglass Fraser and
family, at 'their home in Ternberry,
on, Taesd'ay evening, and presented
them wit) a purse Of money. The
company brought baskets and at
lunch time proved themselves a less
formidable 'surprise thaa they af
first appeared, The Fraser family
leave shortly for their new home
at Pilot Mound, Manitoba. They are
well and favorably known here. Mr.
Preset', besides farming, tau.ght for
years in two Sections of Turnberry.
The enest wishes of a very large
number will follow them to the
west. -Mr. Thos. Colts is in poor
health. -The baby daughter of Mc.
David Irwin, of Morris,' while play-
ing at the well, fell into it when
her weight broke a decayed plank.
Very strangely indeed she elid not
part' -with the plank, but was
found' by her rescuers sitting upon
the 'floating fragreent.and hegging
the log of -the pump for gear life.
There were several feet of water in
the well and it seems nothing short
of miraeulous that she was not
drowned. -Mr. and Mrs. 'Chas. Coul-
tes intend going to Edmonton this
.spring. -The annual exodus to the
West is again almost commenced. In
consequence of this steady drainage.
from Ontario, many of our towns
and villages eech year grow a little* Ls
fewer in population, a little poor- ft
et, a little slower, and less publie eao
spirited. While admiring these pen- pa
ple's ambition and coUrage, we of- eu
ten feel the tiniest bit of dealousy
when' they COMO back well dressed,
well supplied with quickly ',earned
money and fun of enthusiasm about
the, great thing; they and others do
,in the west,while we May not ibe able
to pc:int out a single improvement.
Ow only consolation if in the 'mean
hope. that their. wonderful ,west will
be slow fjpe., '
Driefs -r W. J. Heamat is now/
Captain. of No. 6 company, 33rd Tee-
n:ient, having been promoted 'frOm
the rank of Lieutenant. -Mr. Thos.
Fitton is still strffering fronr /guar
health, but his many friends hepe he
will be arosend'again soon.-wgr.Sohn
*Tortes, of Elextvtile, has p rehased
the Sensual Horn (terra, in Eiborne,
for $5,770. It is good val at that
neoney.-The many friend of Dr. D.
D. Anderson will ategret/to learn of
his &termination to teave,t Exeter,
Praying disposed of hie dental prac-
tice and.residence.-Mr. 'George *E.
Crowley has disposed of his residence
to a Mr. Lintott, of Sparta, for $1,-
300. -Miss Edna ltIcCali Inn, steno-
grapher at the Sovereign, Rank, has.
resigned her position, atid intends
going to Toronto, where she has se-
vered a similar' position in the ee-
feblishment of Gordon, McKay &
Op. -George Resnick, brother of
.1)aniel Remick ad Mrs. Jas. Tom,
�f this idied very suddenly at
his residenee in (Oakland, California.
of heart disease. lee was 65 years "3f.
age; die was visiting (friends here a -
bone a year ago. -Mr. J. P. Ross,
formerly of the !North End, but now
of .Toronte. end who has been engage
ed in the life insurance business for
many years, bas ibeen appointed men-
aicer for tbe provSnee of Alberta, of
the Confederation Life Insurance
Company. with beadquarte'rs at Cal-
gary, teed he intends removing with
his family toiehat pretty and 'buse-
ling young eity in a few weeks.
That ptesperit,v many continue to
attend him` will be the Wish of hiA
treaty friends here.- The Stephen
and riSborne Akriculturral Society are
talking _about holding a 'grand
celebration in Exeter on -Victoria
Day. This is eomewhat out of the
usual range Agricultural So-
cieties, but if Stephen and le -shortie
go into it ,the y will make a suecess
of the telebration.-Mr. McTag-
gart, who ;has been engaged in the
mercantile business in the North
Find, has decidedee retire. -Mr. Wm.
Taylor and family left on Friday
for the Northwest.-fr. (Wm. ,New -
combo is going to Edmonton, where
he has seeured a good position. -Mr.
N. Dyer Burden, (manager of the
Molsone Hank, who is an enthusias-
tic sportsmen, went fishing on the
last Saturdey in Febnuary and. cap-
tured a fine string of fish. That
beats Alex. Dyer all liollow.-Mr.
A. McDonald is having the material
laid down for his TIP.'W residence
which he intends erecting on Main
street this spring. -Our. sieter toe,n
of Crediton is negotiating for the
lighting of 'their streets, business
places- _ and residences by e system
of aoetylene -
Briefs. -The Youtg Peosiles So -
of Christian Endeavor of the
Presbyterian church, held a, very
sttecessful entertainment in the
basement of the church last. Friday*
evening. The. *basement was filled
and all an ifisjeyable time
Sloan eritertained a number
of hie friends last Wednesday even-
ing at his beautiful_ residence, -A
'number from there drove ovr to
Goderieh Tuesday eve to see the
hockey meta betwee Peterboro
and .Goderiele-Contractor igott has
at last got his carpenters to work
to 'build the bridge between ./euburn
and 'Myth. 11 his .leas now been open
for le year and certainly did the
besiness 'of this town a great deal
-or harro.-Mr. (A., B. McDonald, of
Brussel, spent a short time with
,friends in town Monday of this
Week. -Mrs. Jas. Sims entertained
a; number of her lady friends to- an
afternoon tea Tuesday of this week,
-+Mr. P. H. Douglass left on Mon-
dia.y for a business trip to Hamilton
and' Toronto. -Messrs. W. eohnston,
R. Brown, and T. Coulter left (last
‘yeek with some 'tine heavy horses
fpr Regina. -Mr. W. Bell aleo left.
et elle sa.me time but Only -got as far
as Stratford ,ween,. he sold his inter-
ests and 'returlied'horee—Teesclay of
ads week was the monthly fair and
als sesutal there was a large crowd
41 town ;and a nusnber of horses
exchanged' hands. -A number from
here drove out to the, dance at Au-
burn (Friday evening and had a wild
and lively times -Mr. and Mrs. N. el,
Gerry end family are at present vis-
. iting• friends Brussels and ,vicin-
ity. -Mr. Whiteman, of East Wn.f.
wanosh, who bought the farm 'of
Mr. cr. ASIlbury, which is partly
in the village, moved into it last
-Mi'. and Mrs. W. 'Walker, of •
Wingham, .ereent e few days of the
imst week with relatives in town. -
Miss Thompson, of 'Clinton, is at
nresent ssisiting, her sister, Mrs. A.
ti4e rnay,-Mr. Nyles Morgan, of
riettSsels, was :visiting old friends on
Zuesday of this week. -Mr. Elam
Livingstbne anqde a large shipment
'SC hay fork parleys to e London
firm this weele-eWedding bells -were
ranging., at the residence of Mrs.
Shortreed et 5 p, ne, Wednesday of
teis week, When hfl.r adopted da
7Vriss Lizzie. 'Richardson was
nited in marriage to Mr. John
lemm i si a prosperous eroung far -
leer of Morris; by Rev. Dr. MeLeore
The' bride wore a dress of cream
grenadiene. The !house was beauti-
fully klecorated with flowers. After
partaking of supper The guests en-
joyed:. themselves by Iplaying games
after ,which the happy couple drove
to their home in Morris with the
best wishes of their' large circle of
I • ,'"'
Local Items, -Mr. George Candler
ead an•auction sale of heusehold fur;
;lettere on Monday of this -week, Inrior
to his removal to Stratheona, W,
T. He Will also be accompanied lay
ing preparations for ereeting a large
show r „Which will be built 'with
eeniei• „Mr. T. G. Vaghorre, V. S.,
is also preparing to build a cement
veneered' dwelling house. Mr. W. N.
Sneohtel and Mr. Arohy McCallum
have/moat of the material on Ithe
PI* for the erection of handeleme
!brie residences; easeh of whip)/ will
be'built with red bricks -Mr. Ws H.
Humphries has disposed of his
islaeksmith shop and utensils to
Mr. Neil McNeil, who has removed
the shop to a lot recently pierchatted.
-Mr. Jeraes McDonald, who resides
do the gravel rood, north of thes
place, intends going to Saskatoon
this spring, to settle his sons on
farms there. He will be gene until
Death of ./Z Good Man. -Another of
the old landmarks of tbis plate,Mr.
James Park, sr., passed away on
Thursday morning. of last week, at'
the age of 70 years and 10 months,
after ta. lingering and very severe
illness of :ten ‘veeks. Deceased ia-as
a (robust, (healthy man, all his fife.
until Christmas day, when he was
etrioken down and , despite all ,that
carefel nursing and doctor's skill
could do, his disease seemed to have
,been too deeply. rooted be be icured
arid mulimated as stated above. De-
ceased eves born in the county of
Lanark and came west to .this vart
56 year ago, and endured with the
rest of the early settlers all the
hardships tor pioneer Iife. He was
possessed of many fine qualities,
particularly his large heartedness
and kindly disposRion, which were
often manifested through his life in
his- eaerifice of time, and money
to aid has neighbors and relatives
in .tirnstioa trouble. His long illness
was borne with Christtian patience
and enduranee and he died, trusting
.in his Saviour. He was a 'Presby-
terian in religion and. a life long
Liberal in politics. He leaves be-
hind to mourn his loss a widow,
and five SOUS and four daughters.
She sons are Alexander, Of Tucker -
smith; Donald, James, Nerrnan and
Neil, all of Ilibbert. The daughters
are Mrs. J. Weitzman, of Niagara,
Falls, N. fr.; 'Mrs. T. HaMiItora
of &atilt; Miss Agnes, of Detroit.;
and Miss Lily at home.
Notes. -Miss Agnes McDougall ha
gone to spend a few weeks visiting
friends in Londono -Miss Doheity
/Hutchinson is visiting her.grandpar-
ehts, Mr. and Mrs. Babb, ,ef &itch -
i311, -Miss Lucy Jeffery of 'Buffalo,
who has been visiting her mother
and brother, has returned to But-
falo.-Miss May B-utscei, who has
been visiting her brother, Mr. Geo.
Batson, has retsarned to London.
Mr. Robert Barbour entertained.
the young people at a dancing party
last Friday e.vening. All present en-
joyed themselves and speak highly
of the kindly hospitality of Mr. and
Mrs. Barbour. -Mr. Hugh Norris we
at home to a number -of his friends
last Wednesday evening. -Mrs, Jas.
Berry is very ill at present, Ibut (her
numerous' friends hope soon to her
or her recovery.
Address and Presentation. - On
,Alopeay night the membersen ad-
herents of Staffa Methodiet church.
to the number of about eighty, took -
arossession of tthp, parsonage, Rev.
E. L. Wilson 'and Wife were asked to
come forward when Mr. F. D. Hut-
chison, in his 'unique manner, read
the following address:-" To Rev.
R. L. 'Wilson and Mrs. Wilson, -Pear
Friends, -Among the members and
adherents er your congregation, at
Staffa., there his been some dissatis-
factien with eheir beloved pastor and
his amiable, wife, and, as it was
thought by one and all, Sir, that in-
stead of talking behind youe backs
it would be better to eetne before
Yon and say nihat they had rto your
face. It was thought that 'the min-
ister's wife works too hard and rests
too little. They, therefore, selected
her. as a fit and proper person to
occupy the chair, fondly believing
her capable of holding it down. As
to the paetor himselfe the congrega-
tion would like' him to -have some
style about thine and, instead of •
wearing a good fur coat, Wear a bet-
tereone. They therefore ask him to
accept this.coon skin coat and call it
Jus own, in the hope that it may tit
'him, If, however, should be too
large, eve' shall be pleased to feed
him up to fill.lt ; if lee.too small,
we 'shall be pleased to train fhim
down to fit it; if it le3 too (long,
we shall be pleased to shorten it; if
it is too short, it will be long enough
before he gets aeother. Signed. on
behalf of. the congregation, -T. G-.
Selery, W. Sadler, Fell,.H. :Ken-
nedy, T. Morrison, W. Butler, P. L.
elatchison, and R. I. Dalton." The
ehair was presented, to Mrs. Wilson
'by iStiss Jennie T3utler, Cromarty,
and the coat to Mr; Wilson by Mr.
3", G. Sillery, of Staffa. After the
preeentotion the. amiable and jovial
steward, Mr.,Wm. White; was called.
to the ehair, and a good programme
st-as rendered; consisting of ad-
dresses and mumic. The., following
took part: W. White, A. Jackson,
S. Peek, .A. Bartrara, Mrs, Jeffrey,
Mrs. Malley, H. Kennedy, W. W.
Sadler, G. Sillery, W. Butler, W.
Aforrison, A. (Drake, A. Norris, F.
D. Ilutchinsone J. Butler,' S.Speare,
C. Robins, P. Tuff's', E. :Wilson, and
ehe choir. After the program.me,
the evening was spent in conversa-
tion and games. „Refreshments were
served by the ladies. About twelve
o'clock,/ Visa A. Nerris leading- on
the piano the company ° joinea
singing "'God be with you till we
meet again," and all said good-
Presentation. -The friends and
,neigbbors Ifullett and McKillop
of Mr. and l‘trs, john•Weratt, to the
nuraber of about 100; assembled at
the residence of Mr, Wyatt, near
here ort Mon'day evening last to
spend a social' evening with their
old friends before they. take their
departure for their new home in
New Ontario, and to give them` a
ngible expression of their love
others of our citizens, who will go ta
to push their fertemes in that tgreat
end growing West. -Mr. Bet Col-
elough left on. Tuesd.ay of this 'Weeir
or Melita, Mairiteba.. We'll miee
rt. -Thee Walton saw mill was
.tearted on'Saturday last week, for
he season's ent, which, on accaunt
f a, scarcity of snotw, the stock ef
logs is .not so large as on previous
*winters, although . a quantity of
heading is yet being delivered, -Mr.
EanieI McCallum, who pueehased the
farm of Mr, Albert Hislop, on the(
nth edneession of Grey, has again
posed of it to Mr, Solip Clark, iaf
e Melrilrop beand'ary. We have
t beard yet what Mr. McCallum
rpose McLaughlin
r enterprisin k •
s ma
and esteem for them. During the
evening a complimentary address
was presented to Mr. Wyatt, ex-
pressing the regret of his friends
I' his contemplated removal from
bpi r midst where. he had so long
resale(' and was so 'highly respet3ted
and to wish himself and Mrs. Wyatt
arid their family health and prosper-
ity in their new home.-. The address
was accompanied by .a handsome
gold wateh and chain to Mr. Wyatt
and a set of silver spoons to Mrs.
Wyatt. The aildress was signed on
behalf of the donors by Thowas
Archibard and William Staples, It
was read by .Inl3n M. Govenlock, the
reeve of Meneillop, and. the presente-
n to Mr. Wyatt was laut'de by Mr.
Ordered Work a Speoialty.
In addition to the best of everything in fact* made shoes, we are,
manufacturers of high grade FarM. &mew' with a record of many yeas
standing of doing things right. The shoes we make are made au
honor, and guaranteed to wear well and give good satisfaction. The
stook and materials used are the beat obtainable, the workmanship ea_
surpassed, nothing being left undone to make these shoes as perfect
as is possible to make them. 1
Ityou ao hard to St and want the most satisfactory working hoes
leave us your order—we guarantee a good fit
For thoge who are not particularly hard to fit, we have Made up and caray
stock all sizes of these hand -made shoes in Oanadian kip and Fre
kip. Our prices are : Fdr Canadian kip, $3.-50 a pair; French. la
$3.75 a pair.
Br g us your Repairing
We do all kinds of repairing neatly and promptly, and at/reaso.
prices. Give our repair department a trial,
flrown has ,
II by publl
3th, at one 11
Sharp 2 ;wale
road ; agr,
years 01d, .1..)3
successful e
buU 4 yei
Sole Agents ror e,ae "Slater" and 41 Walk-Ov r Shoes for men,
and " Queen Quality" and ft Empress" Iioes for Women.
Robert Smith, sr., and to Mrs.
Wyatt by Mrs .Thomas Archibald.
Mr. jelin lliftGregor occupied the
chair. Mr. Wyatt made a feeling
and suitable reply in behalf of him-
self and, Mrs. Wyatt. These inter-
esting and,more formal proceedings
being over' the company sat own
to a daintily prepared oyst Sup-
per a:nd, the remainder of the eVen-
ing was most enjoyable spent' in
=Isle and social intercourse. At an
early hour in the morning thepleas-
ant company broke up by all join-
ing hands and singing, led by Mrs.
R. Anderson and Mrs. J. M. _Genet -
lock, " Auld' Lang Syne," Mr.
Wyatt wasa resident of McKillop
for a great/many years before own-
ing to Hu lett and that himself and
his weeeely wife hold A. strong plaee
in th affectioes of their neighbors
Es ,Thilly manifested by this spontan-
cot& demonstration. Ile leaves tor
is new, (home in New Ontario net
Tuesday and it is needle*? to *say
hat the gocid wishes of all his old
eighboes and friends go with him
and they will always be delighted to
bear of his welfare and prosperity
FEE11--150 tons of feed on hand, of different kinds.
Prices from tki per ton, %wandsf ani selling a feed
at fg18 per ton wprth WO. Urquhart, Hensall Oat.
meal Mills. 19954
'O. J. Sutherland hits had plated in his bends at a'
great bargain, two fine brick dwellings with a num-
ber of lots attached to each. A good chance for it
retired farmeraor anyone wanting first-class dwell-
ings at it bargain. Also cheaper properties for sale.
4144 at one at the post office, Heiman. 19754,
Dr. Ovens; eye and ear surgeon, will be at Tale
Queen's hotel, Hens:ill, on Friday, litareh fith. Mum?
8 it in. to 2 p in, Glasaes properly titled 18831
STOOK TARING.gale Now On. All goo& reduc-
ed. Men's Suits at prices that are selling them very
fast. Unheard of prices in Ladies' Goats. Wm.
Bowden and lions, iIen,altMatt
Notes. -Quite a number of those
interested in hooey went to ,
rich on Tuesday evening last to wit-
ness 'the final match between the
county town and' Peterboro.-.There
is quite. a -demand for houses in
our village and we are pleased to
learn that a numeber of well 'to do
farmers who are retiring fron the
active duties of life, intend Moving,
into our village. We have always
contended' that Hensall is favored
with a. good class of farmers, men
who either build eer purchase the
hest _ -class of dwellings and who
take a pride in their homes and oar
village -Mrs. Doherty and little
daughter, 'returned thie week from
Landon, where they bad been =spend-
fing a few weeks. -Miss Grant; of
Morden, Manitoba, who is at present
in leippen, spent „elf _day here re-
eently with frlends.-Mr. John john-
s -tea, ee the Blind line, tolvehiP nt
Hay, has sold his fine faxen to Mr.
Frederick Dataret who gets posses-
sion- the end of this year. Mr. Deters
has seemed a good property* being
convenient to his own farra. We ;are
pleased to learn that Mr. Johnston
and family intend moving into our
village -Mr. Fred Pyle is adding
to his mat property in the ;way of
purchasing additional lots at tee
rear of his property, from Mr. Jas.
Workman. -Mrs. Swan was in Exe-
ter this week. -Mr. R. Higgins, who
was carrying on the meat business
here rrecently, sold out to Mr, iiitigh
J. McDonald and Mr. Alex. Smith,
of this village, and is in Manitoba.
p,rospeeting.-Miss Smith is in To-
ronto attending the millinery open-
ings, and will also visit relatives in
Ilamilton.--Mr. Milton McTaggart,
of the • tpwnship .of Hay, Londen
read, has rented his farm to Mr.
Henry Dougall and Mr. George P.
Case.-,Mte Wm. Anderson hoe sold
his farm, on the 3rd concession of
Hay., to Mr. Edward paten of the
same township. We hope Mr. An-
derson will decide to become a res -
dent af our 'village. On ectoUnt of
oontinued HI health Mr. Anderson
has to give up farming. -Mr. Wm.
-eolwill, who has been spending the
winter months at his home here,
left on Tuesday evening for the
west, where he bad been last year.
He was aceompa'nied by his son, Les-
lie. We wish them all sueeess.-Mr. t
Percy Reynolds, who hos also been
speeding the winter months with
his parents, left here OD WtdrieSClaY
for hie home in the weet, 'where he
has taken up land. -Very now& sym-
pathy is felt .for Mr. and Mrs, Thos.
Peart, of this village, who last ,week
recei- ed the sad news et fl'-:
of)their .-son, Rawer& *ho 1
11,veng in Port William. r. 'Tesc
esid had.rbeen ill for some i
fever, but was thought 4 . .:. ret
ring nicely -and out e" .ienger,
that word' el his deaf - Jame
severe shook to his r eat's.
reanair's Were eXpee'sed . here
week4 (, ' ' • I , •
Business Booming, -Recent repor
whioh have bevel ifeceived from St
Joseph that famous town on ri
lake shore eolith of cow berg insite
cate that business is booming there
net that the town he..'s resumed
eively appearance. A merchant froni
Ottawa has opened up a large store
in, the' brick block, while telephonic
connections, whicb have recently
been secured, esSnueet the place wine_
the outside .world„ The ,promoter.
.Contin, is an enterprising gentlee
men, and by his energy and deter-
raination, has again started the
wheel turning. Prospects for t
ft- rtfoire are bright, and should s
cess and prosperity crown the
foTts wbieh have recently been p
forth, St. Joseph may yet rank -
one of this most noted towns en
Eastern shore of Lake Huron.
Notes. ---Mr. E. Talbot, 3r,P
purchased: the threshing outfit
Mr. Sherritt, of St. Joseph`, and h
had the same removed ,to his hosis
it; which place it will undergo.re
pars. -Mr. W. Turner left on Me
doer last for Owen Sound, where
will join the crew of the ,Gove
raent aurvey boat, which has been
dry dock at that place. -Miss
Walsh, teather in. the Sepe'ra
school in Stanley, spent Sa.tetratty a
feenday last= at her home in Pa-
joeeph Rai has sec
the services of Mr. L. Durand,
Stanleyator the coming summer._r.
Durand mutes highly recommended,
and: no doubt will prove him
highly satisfactory in every
Mr. T. Snowden is having the ti
her cue for the construction of "his
large barn the touting sammer,-.
L. Durand, of this place, left for
his home a.t Fielding, Sasktitchewara'
on -Tuesday last. He *ate accompan-
ied by Mr. F. Schnell, who goes t
Neepawa, Manitoba. --The Sabhat
school, held in eontection' with th
iUnion'church, has been- elosed uritil
the, opening of spring.,
eller 3
ye8XS old ;
; brood 13.
redit on
nt. per
$tewittt to sell by p
'on.% L. It S.,
l4th, 1906, at one p
= table property vii:
tame, cattle -4
in April and one in
Ive In March; I
steers ; 1 twn'Y
suwased to be in p
ower ; I bay rekl,
; lot heavy
box; I sc
t4utter ;
• • plow
2 logging ihitins
taut- hook 1i
table; about
inimle beeo
bas rented 1118 inri
eerseese: overt
given oa furaisbIn
vomit of 4 per
Mra' Propric-
v Mr.
137111-121 v87
Mm ." m
Notese-Mr. an M Boy
spending a few days in Usborne
week. --Mr. W. Campbell is sPentli
a few days in This weinity this wee
-Rev. It'll.. Mennes condseetete ser-
a n Willow Grove Methodist
church on Sunday last.i--Mrgs 'Rhoda
unkin entertained Strears ehoir
• n Taesday evening last. e -Messrs.
Squires, Statey and. Thompson won
to Berlin on Saturday and par -Om
handsome driving horse. -Miss
Grady is visiting her sister, M
3. Hagarty, jr.-Miss Mary Dottgl
is visiting friends in Fallarten.
onaesMoa 0, 11.
12t1, Z�,
viz :---o
et to ea
calved the
enlie about tinl
2 ItOferg2 y
hog steers; t
.M.assey-lfarris h
And pea harvester'
seed drill
walking plows,
Mio.sey Harris
two-ftirrow pan-
ntake fvf three -ho
slats ;1 lentil
grinder. Joliette,
log maleable h
3eys ; 2 wagon -
box; istonG b
post hole un -0,-!,
(2,000 lbs.) ; I
:bole ;
about 5
eon. The whole
nerve;as the, pro
All'strins of
tiouthe -credit
iolntnotes. -
lhJ be 'ail
North Side Notese--After a.sod
season of-ensustial interest and ac
tivity society has settle(' back
its normal, peaceful ;-existanee
has taken en the okyriet tenor
the penitential season -with just a
few incidental events to ripple t
watexs on its placid surface, Abo
the last of the pre-lenten sock
events was a very enjoyable done's'
party given by Mr, Arehie O'Con-
nor at elle hospitable home of hts
sister, MrS. Krataskople. o .-
Menday sievening of last wi'ek.
Friends to the naml5er of about 50
from Hibberte MeKillep end Legal.)
blithesome and gay, 'assembled anI
dented unremittliagly'runtil midnigbt
when, they turned to e. dainty
past. During luneheon interval
number of vocal solos with organ
aCcompaniment gave e Pleasing var-
iety to the programme, after whith
the merry -crowd again tripped
hrough the mirth" itepiring dente
until the declining night blend
nto the eatroral, hours. After ex-
pressions of their gretefal appreci-
ation of ,the'evening's , entertainment
and the generous leeepitality ex-
tended to them, the guests return
to their respeetieSe homes.
ultum in Parvo
Concentration Saves Money—the best Is the
We have proved this in the case of stook foods. Let any feeder buy 8 lbs. of our
Animal Tonle and Blood Purifying Powder, mix it with 50 lbw of his owe meal, and he
has 58 lbsof stook -food that Is not excelled by any food made, and at lese than half tee
cost. Where is the horseman who has, Onee used our "Equine Colip Cure" who would
be without ih ? it costa el for a small bottle, but that only means 50 per dose for *
horse, and Bee the edve,ntage of being able to carry 20 doeer in the veal) pocket, while
dose for dose it is the cheapest) preparation of Its kind in thermarket, It is so quick
and eerbein in ite motion that horsemen say they would not be without It if It eost
per bottle,
The Name in "Git3ger Cordial." Oar, lei so eoneentrated thaba email bottle makes
a gallon of a mosb agreeable ani refreshiig beverage. If you have not tried it, yet
ought to get it bottle, if only to see how superior lb IS,
ariteti i31m
ted x
lar undernes
-drained, livin
ed bot"fiVe:aeres
lima will be
inf.; to the
lo years el
Mare 4 pawl old
year oia, Ih
driving inare
rising' 2 years o
cows with ealv
about time of
Ana eetrerg lone
Tete. about UM
pigs 2 months
1 Massey-Ilarris.
mower 5 loot o
Sae.der and
twin gang -
double bireeaa,
nlings and pulle
-ecler 4)0484
Omit s
over the.
Anetionter to
behalf of
smith( wit'
)fitli, for the
tor a new .
nion 2, llo E.
zit:tii at the
meter to
011„y tender
The best
lief:. 0
-dive b
te,N, ete,
Me in