HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-09, Page 4-
1.1 (4,Ait
:s fronx
ni oba
to" and
• Oa all genuine
Pm:ma Garments
and more
lead of the
=IS good
Take no od.er
_ttractive pieces of
a Condi and a
one may have such,
will be able to
as the Be4 Disk
Ake Capacity, she
which otherslack.
ng a good X-eed Bed.
or Boot Ground, or
he hest by far. No,.
ufactured by
his clothes go a
ii. clothes :uade
aiw to turn out
xperieuce in the
q11 which only ex.-
pe,p1t. is the beet.
shop, and if not
e by us. Try as
the enuineness of
Then your blood muSt be
very bad c0Adition. You
ly know what to take,
take it— Ayeris Sarsa-
rilla. if you doubt, then
nsult your doctor. We know
hat he will say about this
and old family medicine.
Th!iis the drat question your doctor would
ask: Are your bowels regular?" He knows
that daily action 0 the bowels is absolutely
esstn;.igrtci,orien ezsgiquilt.let.yyotlirti3er settl;:
eses of Ayer's Fills.
Mad, br it Mayor Cont./ma% Masa
sasauthattases of ,
ers trutcyurgivat.
Ara bawl mo seiest* I W. publish
t. tbnouias otail our
Idailed te urto4hy wfll bring our hand-
somely illustrattd new telegreph book,
telliPg how you can leant telegraphy
ualify for a, position at from $45
por month, in- from five to seven
months. -
Khelly write your postal now.
a W. SOMERS, Principal
Dominion School of Telegraphy
and Railroadiug,
New Telephone Directory
The Bell Telephone Co.,
of Canada,. Limited,
fs about to publish a New DEMO of the
Official Telephone Directory
including the
Town of Seaforth
Orders for new connections, changes
•'firm name, changes of street address,
for duplicate entries, shottld be handed
the local manager as once.
Fear, Local Manager.
A Sueeesital Student—Among the
satieestiftel candidates at the recent
examination at the +Toronto Oon-
servatory of music eve inotiee the
nm e of Miss Illy Hislop as having
paseed with honors in tom and also
in pianoforte. Miss islop +received
her early training in music from
Mrs 0 M tornlop, of '4this town.
Seaforth Colfegiate Institute.—
The following is a list of those
Who passed. the February examina-
tions in. the Seaforth Collegiate In-
stitute with th0.11101'S Form 1—It.
Birks, H. Fear E Clarke, 3. Dick-•
sari) N. 'Grieve, A. Habkirk, D. Dave,
er, B. Smith, F. Laidlaw, P. Floyd,
A. Wilson.- Farm II—J. 'Buchanan, -
It. McLaughlin, A,: McGowan, W.
Muredie, H. Larkin, lE. Stevens, W.
Stevens, A. Stapleton, W. Peek.
FOTTO. III—A. Arehibald, Barker,
• H. Mares, 0. !Horan. Form 3B—E.
Whittaker, V. Petrie, A. Petrie, F.
Hess. -Form IV—F. Soott, J. Forbes,
M. Gillespie, H. IF. Johnston.
The fallowing new books have been
received at the SeaforthThablie Li-
brary: Poems .of Isabelle Craw-
ford, by Garvin ; %POEMS of Wilfrid
Campbell, by Campbell; A Canadian
Girl in South Afrioa, by Graham,
Staircase of 'Surprise, by Mailers;
Knight of Se John, by Brereton
Adventures of Harry Rochester, by
Strang, Lion of Condon, lby Bell,
Confessions of a Ladies! Man, by
Le Queee Zack to Arca, by Alien;
Donalda, by McLeod; Mrs, Jim and
Mrs. Tireray, by Conrad; The Cara
lyles, by Harrison; Hector my •Dog,
by Young, Sword of the Old Front-
ier, by Parish; Sir Galahad of New
France, by jehnson; frhe Illuntleedth
Acre, by Canfden.
Reg na Pastor 'Coming to Ontario.
—A despatch from BeginaeSaskatch-
ewan, dated 'Mara let says : At a
meeting, of 'Knox ehtteela tiongrega-
tion last night a letter was read
front Rev 3 J. J. Paterson, announc-6
ing his decision to ,acoept the call
• extended to him by St. Andrew's
church, Sarnia. The resignation' Of
Mr.. Paterson was received with
‘ge„nuine regret, as the is immensely,
popular, and ever since his- accept-
ance of the [pastorate, here he has
preached to a crowded church.-- A
handsome new edifice has just been
completed at a cost_ of $50,000, and
will be opened next Sunday. Mr.
Paterson will leave for the east a:
bout March 20th." Rev.__ Mr. Pat-
erson is a brother-in-law of Mr.
James Watson, o --Seafortl* Mrs.
Paterson being a sister a- Mrs.
to Watson.
Haw It Works Out.—It will be
remerdberecl that at a special meet-
ing of the county council held in
August of last [Year Messrs. John
Leckie, of Brussels, Wm. Dawden, of
Exeter. and 'John Cox, of •Goderich
Ownshils, were .appointed special
valuators for the purpose of ex -
examining and valuing the pro-
perties in the several municipalities
ot the ementy for the purpose of
forming a basis for the County
equalization. The results of their
week are now. • 'before us. County
Clerk Lane hasi-prepared. a table,
which appears in -another eolumn,
which shows bo -w ith1s. special val-
uation works out. The [result, as"
must be appai•ent. to any one who
has a general knowledge of 'the
shows that the speeial val-
uators have performed their work
with great 'care, skill and efficiency
and in• a manner efitirety` creditable
to their (-rood du.dgment. It will be
[teen that the county Tate of most
'of the 'northern imunicipalities will
be'inereaeed and that of the south-
ern ones decreased. This was ex-
pected as it [has been suspected for
several years that the newer -muni-
cipalities were gettting off too
light..?It will 'also be seen that old•
Tuckersmith still holds the peg,
tion of the premier township of the
county, iaeing rated three dollars'
per acre higher than any other
township ' in the [county while Vs- -
borne •comes Isecond at $56 per, acre
and McKillep third at $50 per acre.
The lowest is East Wawanosh at $38
jper acre and the second lOweet is
West Weveanesh at ,$39.. The equal-
ization of ell the townships has
been raised. .
• Sore Throat e-nd Coughst
A simple, effective and safe remedy for all .,thfos
irritationais found in
Cresolene Antiseptic Tablets
Thercombine the germicidal value of Cresolenewiti
the soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice
10o. All Drucifsss s
Did you ever have a
headache that made
'Sunday feel lace wash-
q Perhaps you have been
drinking inferior teas.
q No, you don'it needernecli-
cine— all you - need is a
package of Grand Mogul
CT This tea combs- the kinks
out of the nerves. Why?
Because it is rich in theine
(the flavoring essence),
which is just concentrated
sunbeams. 'Grown on the
high table lands of Ceylon,
this tea contains the ele-
ments of a pure nerve -food„
6rand flogul
q There are no other teas " just
as good" as Grand Mogul. 25c,
30c, 40c and 50c per pound.
q'Sold only in packages lined with
air -tight paper. Premium coupons
in !iath package. The cost of these
coupons is not taken out of tbe tea
—but is sirnpiy a part of the ad-
vertising appnopriation.
Great Auction Sale 1
Wed., March 14. '06
The or oind -.the spring were
Objeets Of eny greatest -interest •
but it :was disappointed. tetsWhete
had"liearned to swiM1 coult-,*alt a-
cross the 'river tdry shodr'on the.
atones that formed Its bed, and the
spring iwas a mere triekle from 'the
acevis Of the 'reeks where the Watere
had gushed forth eo coplatisly. I
was tad 'that in Spring now the
'river becomes a raging torreat,and
that !the bridge had been recently
torn ifeom its. foundations."
/he ,0onstanee Case.—The Gode-
rich Star of last week says that on
'Thursday five yortmg men frora 'the
'neighborhood of •Oonstances an
lett township, were ibrought before
Judge Doyle tunder the Speedy Trials
Act, and elected to be tried by is
Honor. They' were oharged .with un-
lawful assembly, and after ValSittl-
tatiop, with tlaeir 'friends, pleaded
guilt.. The ,Crown said that at
the hearing 'before P. M. Buntber.
in Seaforth, the defendants were de-
fended by Mr. a3est, and thb,t gentle -
mall approved of the plea of feu. Ity,
He then -spoke of the offence being a
serious one, but [thought it may
have 'been •ooMMitted 'unthinkingly,
so suggested that a light sentence
might 'be ',consistent [with justice
The Court iaddreesed the defendants
oat the seriousness of the case, and
pointed out that citizens must not
only 'but &weld assist in sup-
porting tthe- laws, laws which by
their proper enforcement had made
England what she is to -day, the
leading nation in the world. 'Then,
telling defendants that Canadians
who had .the same larresheeld be
proud of their country and Show it
by obeying them, die sentenced them
to a fine of $5 each, including costs
and •bound them over to keep the -
peace for one year. Our readers
will gementber that the five defen-
dants, who are ,smart did 'evident-
ly intelligent, werecommitted by
P: M. HuMber some weeks Once to
the June sessions, on three charges,
but to end the matter quickly, the
authorities withdrew two of the
eharges, and to the ether they plead-
ed guilty. It is a pleasing ending
of troublesome incident.
Drysdale •School.--Th.e following is
the report of anion school section
No. 1, Stanley and Hay, tar the
month of Febonar3r. The names are
'in order of merit. Class V----Ieilu
Snider, David Stelck. Class IV—T.
Johnston, Myrtle Horner, David
Oesch, - Gerald Snider, Henry Dow -
son. Sr. III—Loxincla..,4) ' . wson, Her-
old &chino% Milton 1 ohnston. Jr.
III—Earl Sthitbe. Sr. II—M. Idle -
Von. Jr. II—Noah Hartman.. Part
II—Gordon Johnston. Part 1—Pear)
Schilbe,' Arnbld Schilbe. Helen M.
Sparks, Teacher.
30 Fernaled and 10 Young Bulls, the property of
W. II. Taylor, Parkhill end Ti. & S. Nicholson Syl-
van, to- be sold at Elmdale Stook Farm, bet,41:ot 18,
Coneesqlon 17, West Williams, 4* miles smith=west of
the village. The cattle are straight Scotch bred, be-
ing imported, from imported sire and dam arid near-
ly all from imorted bulls. They are as well bred and
as good a lot individually as were ever offered in On-
tario. Teams will meet trains the evening before and
morning of sale, at Parkhill Station.
Terms—Ten months' credit. Catalogues on appli-
Cation. Lunch at noon. Sale to commence at one
o'clock sharp.
Capt. T. E. Robson, Auctioneer.
Address all communication to
1092-3 Sylvan, Ontario.
licKillop Directory for 1906
A Huron 'Old Boy en. Forestry.—
The Troy, N. Y., Record, January 30,
contains a lengthy report, coveeing
several ooluraris, • of lect re Ile-
• livered in that place by State For-
ester Abraham •Knechtel. Mr. Kneels -
tea is a farmer eesideet of Brussels
end is a Soli of Mrs. Kneehtel and a
nephew, of Mr. James MalichaeO of
this town. The subject 'of the lec-
ture was: "The [Presetvation of
Our Forests," land the lecture was
profusely ema appropriately illus-
trated with lantern views bf forest
scenery at ikorae sand abroad:, and
with delightful iglimpses of life in
the lake and [Wood regions of the
state.„ "The. purpose of the lectur-
er," Says the Reeder& „" to impress
upottlhis hearers the !urgent neel of
forest perseveration, 'was certainly
aecompliehed, and all present by sen-
timent expressed tat the close of the
lecture Showed hearty sympathy
with the work Mr. gnechtel is doing
for the State." Air illustrative of
the influence which the forests have
upon the streams, Mr. Knechtel, in
the oourse of this lecture, .gave the
fallowing illuetration, the scene of
which will be *familiar to many of
our readers, as it is coi. 'the Maitland
River, near Brussels. He said: In
1858 my fattertsettledi in Huron
county, Ontario. There were only
two houses in any native village
NvIlie.n he "reached it. The county was
covered with a dense 'forest. The
Maitland River flows along one side
of the farm tray father cleared. A
saw mill was built "a Short distance
below the farm, ,and a boom was
stretehed across the !river from one
of the field's to hold baele the logs
until they were [needed at the mill.
In mid -simmer the boys of 'the vil-
lage used to [come to that boom and
dive from it bete the deep water.
Many a timei II 1u*4 ittag a fbridglefto
[cross the river to bring home tha
cows that had swam., rolling anti
Puffing, Faeroes ,the stream in search
of fatter pasture. Below the fall
there ID owed all su,mraer from the -
rocks on the elver bank a spring tit
ice !cold water. I used to lie down
iseside itha: spring, put my faze into
the ',Mate t, .a:nd drink my fill. I
'thought 1. ',ten that'the pring 'Would
flow on forever, land eviehed that
eould forever drink its pure cold,.
Winthrop P. 0.
M. ROWLAND, fkuncillor, Walton
R.. McQUAID, Councillor, St. 1)0111331 -
ban, P. 0. -
JOHN McDOWELE, Councillor, Bea-
, forth P. O.
BYERMAN, Couneillor, Brodbag-
- ea P. O.' -
alICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Winth-
rop P. O.
DAVID M. °ROSS, Treasurer, Winth-
rop 2.0.
$4110M0N S. SHANNON, j. P., San- e-ater. Some years ago, in
itary Inspector, Winthrop, P. 0. 1, sumpier, I 'visited my native village.
The School .-.The following is ,the
report of the standing of the ?ails
of -school section NO. 7, Hibbert, The
report is 'based on general profi-
ciency and. 'regular attendance: •Sr.
IV—C. Stoneman, E. Mandson,F.
Smale. Jr. IV—T. Drover. Sr. III—
L. Regan, T. Wren, T. Smale, !W.
O'Brien, D. Parker, G. Parker,' V.,
Cookson. Jr. III—E. • .
Westlake, W, Brint n ell, B. O'Brien,Virren.
Second—R. Mandson and G. Brint-
nell, equal; J. Mandson, W. Parker,.
A. Parker. Sr. Part II—W. Hall,
W. Venner. Tr, Part at -I. Brint-e
net!, P. Ryokman, G. 'Wren, N.
Senate. Part I --R. Byekman, J.
Swan, F. Leitch. Number on roll,
•31; average attendance, 2..
letees ithe mP1110 of
! age the an Ho l our local X. III's.
However the mediciee is genuine
and doe a everything it is tecona-
monded to+ do. --Or. Caroptixli,
zuriob,. vow drives Maud S., Mr.
Ross Johnston's goer.. This pony
seems to have 'a chranie trouble
but the doctor should he ,able to
kliagnose her ease and apply a mit-
a-bac, (remedy to 'rid her of her. all-
ments.—Miss - Emily Drysdale has
been visiting friends anti ace:main-
tames lin this neightboehood of late.
--Mr. Samuel Swayze, bf liensall,.
spent eunda'y the 'guest of his pare
eats in the .1'11140.
Eaves This?
We offer Core Hundred Dollars Re-
yvard for any ease of Catarrh that
cannot be owed by Hall's Cettaerli
F. J. CHENEY (Sc CO., Toledo, 0.
We; the undersigned, have known
F. 3. Cheney for the last 15 years,
and believe him perfeetly honorable
in allebusiness transactions, and fin-
ancially able to cerry out any obli-
gations made by his firm.
Waiding, ICinan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cue is taken in-
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous eurfaces of -the
tyetem. TeStirstonials sent free.
l?xlce le75 cents per hottte. • Sold
by all Druggists.
Take Hall's Family-. Pills for -core\
Manitoba and. Northvirest..Notes
•—A Poultry 'and Pet Stook ASSQ01-
ation, has just been formed in Cal-
--John W. Johnston, C. N. R. a-
gent at Dauphin, has 'been appointed
town clerk Of that place.
—The. school *else in Sietalseta,
saskattliewan, Was !burned last Fri-
day afternoon.
. —February was closed by- a furl.;
's'now storm in Northwest - Sas-
katchewan which impeded travel by
the trains.
—James Hays, poStmaster at Brade
wardine, Manitoba; died on Febru-
esry 20, He was widely knowe and
mach respected.
—The Brandon Areenhouses, whieh
have, been owned\ and conducted for
a number of years. by Mr. Mansoff,
have 'been sold tor $15,000.
- —Mr. W. J. ,Atkinson has par -
chased 'a half section farm. near
Glen'boro,. Manitoba, fora Gibson
Brothers fOT $8,500.
—Charles Bodkin, a fanner living
a:bout roue miles from Stockhelm,
Saskatchewan, was smothered by
°gas :while digging a well.
—George A. [Isfath.ers has decided
to dispose of his property In Neep-
awe, and remove with his family to
—A reeve and fear concillors for
the newly established inuniCipality
of Grey, in 'the Elm Creek district,
Were elected on the 6th inst.
—Mr. j. Fitegerald, late of
the King's 'Hotel, :Winnipeg, has pun -
phased the Leland Hotel, Oke Lake,
Manitoba, for $22.000.
,—Daring the present year the
Crow's Nest Coal Company intend
taking out one 'million tone coal,
which is -200,000 excess of the a-
mount mined last ;year.
• —The Canadian Bank of .Com-
merce has 'opened a branch office at
StavelY, Alberta. This makes , the
eighteenth branch of that bank in
that province.
—The new addition to the hospi-
tal in Portage la Prarie is now
completed and, ready. for !occupaney.
It is 30 by 60 feet, and Os thoroughly
equipped en -the most modern style
to Rd
of fine rich land ga 'beautiful river
bottom), particularly" noted for
the quality of its -grain.
—The Winnipeg' Free Press says:
A large noenber lof reliable and. in-
dustrious men and watnen, in Win-
nipeg, who are anxious to obtain
work 'Ielit• who are at present +unable
to secure it, are being assisted by
the 'board. of All People's mission.
—The enterprising citizens of the
nice little town of Killarney, Mani-
toba, are pressing the Dominion Gov-
ernment for the establishment there
of an experimental poultry breeding
and fattening station, similar to
these now in several parts of East-
ern Canada.
'—E. P. Reid, one of the old timers
a Regina, dropped dead of heart
failure at 'his home there a few.
days ago. Ile was 75 years of age
and enjoyed generally good health
for the . greater part af his life. He
was the father 'of Mrs. Walter Scott,
wife of tbe .Premier of Sa.siratche-,
e -The latest idea that the manage-
ment of the iC N. It. are .considering
is a branch line from Elgin running
'clOwn't through Wapella district
taoching at Deloraine and: tapping
the coal fields near Waskada.. It is
possible this line may also be lain
to Brandon, touching Souris as well.
—A young son of John Everall
was drowned in Ochre river, Man-
itoba, last week. The boy was cut-
ting ice to allow the cattle to drink
and. it is thought he nruet have
fallen in head first as the water is
very shallow and he could not have
been drowned otherwise.
—There are new two passenger
trains daily from 'Calgary to Ed-
monton, one leaving .Calgary at 7.45
and the ethei at 15.15. The south
line. (Macleod) also has two trains
daily, the morning one, mixed, leav-
es Calgary at 8.15, and the other at
Port Albert
Rree z es. —M r. andMrs• Robert
Higgins attended th-O marriage of
Miss Ella. 'Whitley and Stuart Fin-
lay on Tuesday eveningJest week.
--Mrs. Jacob McGee is visiting rel-
atives in Seaforth and vicinity.—Miss
Tena Hawkins spent a few days in
Go•derich last week.—Me. Jas.. Stev-
enson had a sale .o bus Oarne stock
Monday the 5th of March..—J. B.
Hawkins, of Goderich, ,visited Wm.
Gray on Friday.—Mr. iGeorge Don-
ia.ldson is recovering from his recent
severe illness. -'-A number trona this
locality attended the femeral of the
late Mr. Hamden, ,of Dungannon on
Monday of lest week —Misses Hat-
tie Thuriaw and L. Rutherford
were the guests ef Mr. and: Mrs. 1.
McWhinney this week.—The :remains
of the, late Miss Willis were inter-
red in Port Albert cemetery on
Friday afternoonet-Miss- Eliza- Rich-
ardson gave a parity on Monday ev-
ening. A pleasant time was spent.
—Mr. Edward Flynn has bought the
Dalton property that Iles to the,
eolith of this present farm. -
• 'School Iteport.—The follo-wing is
the *report ,cif school .seetion Nice 14,
Hay, for the •mahth of Febatuary..
TWO beim:Wed marks 'are given ' fox
the 'best behaviour, attendance and.
general work of the pupils for' the
month. .The names are as follows:
Jessie McArthur, 'Nellie McArthiur,
191; 'Eliza Thompson, 191; Sarah
Petty, 190 ;., EsgClark, 186; Laura . Mulholland, M.
Fee, 189-; Per
Fee, Gretta Ivieon, 195; Orville Mc-
Oonnel, 176; George Mulholland, J.
McConnell, 1 1751e Sidney McArthur,
165; Rae McArthur, 163.;' Clarence
McConnell, Elmore 'Deters, 145; -C.
Deters, 145; Emily Iviao•n, 142; W:
Petty, 137; Grace Anderson., 129;
Petty, 124 ;•[ A.mea Deters, 113; Ella
Berry, •90 ;1 Samuel Thompson, 78;
Victoria Deters, 57. Also the re-
sults of the weekly 'review examin-
ations for class V. Three huidred
and iseventy-five IO the total mark
for the month. Eliza 1VItilholland,
299; tJessie McArthur, 281; Nellie
McArthur, 280; George Petty,270;
Eliza frhorasone, 241; ,Percy Clark,
217; Sarah Petty, 215; Grace An-
derson, 153. — 'Isabel Thompson,
1 • Blake.
I ,
(Intended for last week.)
About Things —Several in this!, vi-;
cinity were made the recipientof
v-alentines of late and 'both old 'and
young treasure the gifts very high-
ly though , in most eases it i im-
possible to reward ethe donor8.1
weather man has truly 'bee owed.
upon fuLS choice weather for sa win-
se.o.roll, of Wetaskitvin,
s sold his large property
J. Daley', for $62,500. The
comprIses about 0,500 acres
of othzi ales pellx3g Au
prineipal !buyers are Alex.
tif Gretna, who perohased syen
heed -of
D. D,
be adde
--A b
on .Wed
the Met
when Mi
eldest d
M. Fran
the Dail
cattle, tw buila and bye
3. Oliver, Manitou, two
aludson, algin, one 'buil;
rtson, Crystal City,' one
have been so good that
want from Ontario will
the stook in the Jaear
Meet .wedding took place
esd'ay, February 21st, in
odist church, Boissevaio,
Winnifred ;Evelyn Wilson,
ughter of the Rev. T. B.
pastor of the ehuech, was
marriage with. Mr. Albert
, Of Port Arthur, Ont. of
Times -Journal of Ont.
A Guaranteed Oure for Piles,
Itching, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding
Piles. Druggists are authorized to
refund oney if PAZO OINTMENT
fails to ure Al 6 to 14 days. 500.
Crystal City and Telephones.
The little town of Crystal City, in
Southern Meiritoha, has one of the
ocal telephone lines in the
• A short account of the
ity system may be of some
In the summer, of 1904
lax gest
eome fa mere 'living in a southeast-
erly dire tion from the town under-
took to build a line fourteen' miles
long connecting their farms with
Crystal ity. Twenty one farmers a-
long the route agreed to take phones
an'dVay. 4i proportionate share of the
The line was comeleted in the
fall of ijiie same year and worked
In the spring of 1905 four new
lines svete built running into the
country in different directiens at
dietanees from 10 to 15 miles, A
central office was established. and.
a local system in the town. At the
present tinae there are 85 phone con-
nections in the country and 42 in
the town, a. total of 127. In the
country there are from ' 6 to 8
phones o eaeh wire. In the town
d wire t
an equal
board of
timat Len
ohne of
lent Lo
tem his
and sati
he's alre
fore 190
ter seasen. Windows may be
open• rom morning to night w
several have discarded furs end
going about in suinmer attire.
Toads, however, have been in a
dreadful tonslition of late. We 'pin-
cerely hope that we may have suf-
ficient falls of snotv yet to en4ble
those who have cat wood. in !the
swamp 'to get it home. Several have
prepared 'next season's supply but
are Minable to haul it out, °Wing
'to the rough bottom without sleigh-
ing (favors them.—Mr. John Orr, of
Drysdale, speAt Satueday last in
MIT ende'avaring. to dispose of
eaeh phone. The total cost
to $5,500 and. of that a -
the snbscriber 00titT ibitted
share, :viz., $45. The, whole
under the t control, of' a
management. A liberal es -
of the cost per year to each
far- repairs and, mainten-
be central oiace is $6. No
barge is mad T Oen suffic-
over the actual expenee.
ie romme.ncement the sys-
•givert the :best of service
actiton. The material for
we- new lines in the spring
Ay been ordered, and be -
lit is estim*at4 there will
be' 250 e bscribers.
The Bell system which vras install-
ed in t e town conteraporaneoitely
building of the first local
not proved to be a very
poation. The Bell prices
y $24.00 for coraniereial,
or private dwellings. They
than 25 connections in the
have' made .no progress in
with the
line bat
strong o
are to -d
arodl $18
• have less
the courtre.
Almehts are quickly relieved by Cresoleue
Coughs, hoarseness, and other throat
'tablets. teni cents per box. All druggists
A Bad State of' Affairs.
"There are more bachelors and
fewer sisildren to the square incb
irk those distriets than in any isther
section of that size in Ontario."
This is the Startling state of af-
fairs noted by one of the lecturers
of t•he Ftarmer's Institutes in a re-
port to Superintendent Putman on
his ,work in the counties of -Huron,
Bruce and the northern and west-
ern portions of Middlesex. He
notes. that in these distriete the
farmers are only growing grass,
buildings are falling into disre-
pair, and farms are 'becoming over-
grown with noxious weeds.
One reasen for this nondition he
finds in the transition from grain -
raising and mixed farming to graz-
ing, and another in the lack of hire
ed _help so n,eceesa.ry in mixed farm-
ing. ' He also notes what others have
reported, namely, the large nim -
'hers of bachelorand' the scarcity
of children in those [sections. In one
initance a school in Middlesex has
been closed, because there was only
one Child in the district of the prop-
er. age to, go to it.
sfaction or your Money Back.
—Mr. MacRae, one of the experts
from Ottawa, sent out by the Domin-
ion Government to conduct Farmers'
Institute 'meetings in Manitoba,
met with a painful accident at Kil-
arney. He was pperating a magic
lantern, totten the gas exploded,buen-
ing his hands .severely.
—Since the beginning of January
fines aggregating $3,000 )have been
inopesed on persons -found guilty of
selling liquor without a tice-nse in
Winnipeg. The majority of the con-
victions were Against blind -pig-'
gers" and keeepers of houses of
—Mrs.' Wm. McDonald; ef Logan
Farm, near Virden, died last week
at the age of 86 years. Mrs. Mc-
Donald: WaS one of 'the first settlers
in. the Virden distriete baving gone
there from Ontario in.1883. Mr.
and Mrs. McDonald celebrated their
golden wedding one year ego. She
Was a native I of Peethshire, Scot-
land. Dancaet her eldest son, was
for eight ye4rs Mayor of Virden.
Thotaas Greenway, of Crys-
tal City, Manitoba, had, the misfor-
tune to lose his val ble Clydes-
dale Mare, "Kate last week.
Mr. Greenway says is sales this
'year are very good. ince janu.ary
LRI 1st be has disposed 42 twelve cat -
his elaesV of patent medicines. Mr. tie, two horses, and
1 C' *IA t
—The late David Coweet, a wealthy
retired farmer, of Elgin Cemty,
tvlate died on Saturday, February 24,
left his 60 acre farm 34...joining the
Athletic Park, in. St. Thomas, for a
public city park. His sister, how-
ever, bias the use of it daring her
lifetime. 0
Need an -Occasional Tonle to Main-
- tain Strenth and Keep the Skin
It gives us pleasure
to ,inform you that we have
just received through the cus-
toms department in Seaforth
4 4
Lorgest Shipment of T
orsted and Serge Stu
• On every side one sees young men
and Towing boys with pale, pasty
compl xions, their feces covered with
pimples and their gait shambling and
listless. Such a condition is ex-
tremely danger-ous—the'blood out
of order—a complete breakdown may
result. To put .mattes right, to
give that spring to the step; that
clearness to the Akin and. that gloty
of active health -to the face, a tonic
is needed—Dr. Pink Pills
art neesled. As a proof 'of this. Mr.
Charles Diefenthal, 12 at. ,Ursale
street, Quebec, says: "Frequently my
studies 'necessitated my :remaining
up until a late hour. The result
was that my system geddaally weak-
ened, and in December, 1903, I seem-
te collapse. I was completely run
down and. went .1under the care of
deetor, but --instead of gaining
strength seemed to grow weaker.
I could not take solid food, did not
sleep well, and weakening night
sweats gave me further ca.lase for
alarm. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
were 'Wrought to my notice and I
began their [use. Almost trona the
outset' they seemed. to help me, hat
it was some weeks before there was
a material change for the 'better.
From that on, howeyer, recovery
was rapid, aind in a couple of
months I was as well as ever I had
been, andableto regime inp studies.
Every dose of Di. Williams' Pink
.Pills make new; rich, Ted blood;
every drop of pure blood gives
strength and vitality to the wholeo
system, and this strength 'brings
health. That is iw-hy Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills cure such eases as anae-
mia, ,all stomach and kidney trou-
bles, St. Vitus dance, heart palpita-
tion, the afflietions known only to
growing 4irls and women, and. a
host of other ailments from which
both young end told suffer through
bad blood. Sold by dealers in med-
icine or by ,mai1 at 50 cents a box or
Six 'Ivies for 1$2.50, from the Dr.
Williams' Medicine 00.,
ever passed by the- Customs
Officer of this place.
Imported Our Suitings Three, From/
The Old Country this year or So; eral
Reasons :—
FIR '11 4o enable us to buy at the same price as
We parcllase in sufficiently large quantitie
the wholesalks.
EQONDsequently can make you a suit to your
We save the middleman's profit and con -
measure at from $2.00 to $3.00 cheaper
than if we bought in Toronto or Montreal
TAIRD By doubt,
bbt u ytihi at wd ier e c at
rewesellkinnr Gben8379-11: °all;
Country -Goods and can guarantee that the Suit
Will Give The Limit Of Wear.
as a number „ Oet:
Long Practio.al Experience has placed
YOURTII the Productions of the Old Country
Market at the Efead of the Procession for both
Weave and Pattern, consequently, suits made
from their manufacture are guaranteed to keep
both their shape and color
FIFTHWe know this method of buying place us ia
a position to give
The Best Possible Satisfacti
For the Least Amount of Mow
Having satisfied you qua we are handling he Best
Goods that Ofal possibly be put into Tailor Made- Suits, you.
must admit -that it is ta your advantage to bay your suits
here, provided you cansget as good workmanship, style and
fit. We not only claim to be as good as others, but assert,
without the least hesitancy, that we are to day turning out
the best Tailor Made Suits ever made in Seaforth. Don't
take our word for it, come in and see for yourself. Let us
show you some of the finished. suits. The proofof the pud-
ding is in the eating of it.
Maps, pamphlets and all information via 0. P. R. to the Canadian Notk
wset. To the coast for $43.05 ; Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, Tacome, etz.e
commencing February 15thomtil April 7th, 1906. Apply to
Agents for C4PIR. Telegraph a