HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-09, Page 1e
than fia,/inak-v
morn than to-
rt:Win!, tgg
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-MEV. eve,
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ge,4*IbOrk. Oarey, mon
A d in &lath!, 4o
t oity,
, -John Away,
tanloy has gom • Horn fr.
'Where brother
r loettted,
ON, Watt, Jro (ree at
MoKonziels planing Mi inton,
mot °with a oevere aeooten, ono ev.
ening recently,.,brY11I4 t.hZ'OUj!I
t -ti trap door.
Mr, 1ameo Taylor ali114 AUK hie
100 aore farm on the litit eoncea,
lo-aol to
, -•
g lesrmene
be woe
te meteor:.
1Lk 004 T
St yloo)
00 to Si.,
00 to 11 00
0 to $ .50
Big kisortmnkt)
Jo to 5.00
o select from now
here means selecte have ever had.
led Tweed, 44 to 4$ inches
excellent, unobtrusive mix -
grey and Black, gray and
and fawn, eta, extra good
assured at 60c and 60c a
hen good selling lines are
The on..y time a man is really aware
thathiwatershed coat is a waterproof
garment, is on a rainy day. At all
_other times it is an ideal light- weight
overcoat We have all the new and up-
to-date patterns in the
20th Century Brand
a • You've heard about these garments, of
course, but do you know personally how
supeTior they are? They hold the high-
est place in the esteem of good dressers. Raincoats and
suits are alike in this respect, We sell them- on their
merits, and ask to sell L YOU only when the goods we show
you possess greater merit than those shown by our competi-
tors. We are showing a big range for Spring, and no fancy
prices either.
A shipment of these garments has just been placed in
stock, all brand new styles from the New York and English
deal. oers. Early choo mg from this assortment will mean
to solrie lucky women the distinction—pleasant _distinctio '—
of .viiw the handsomest Spring coat ever 'seen, on tae
str ets of Seaforth. These coats cost no more than t e
con lion place goods. You can see at a glance they are an
a class by themselves.
$7.50 $O and $12 Coats
eumz to Han
Ly and. popularity
and more easy to
decoration; and
that could be de -
e in and See the
d, last- F_xida.y night, was
[ way a succesn 4_ goo&
tended and atter ,partak-
etiful slipper, spent the:
of the evening in a sooial
f those who contributed
[at entertainment were the
Beath and McDonald, ac-
Mjsa Turner. Re -
'lid readings 1:10't re given
co. Turner and others.-
-Aikennead is visiting her
,B., of London, this week.,
W. Hornick (nee Sawers)
ttle son Leslie, of Tilbury,
k at the manse this week.
ink} Reid, [Who has been
home in. Varna, is recov--
Emma Reid, of Varna,
.er sister's plate in Reids
week.—Mies B. Sinclair, of
a is :visiting at G. Mil's
*--Mrs. J. W. Siaith eater-
nv of her friends at her
rednesday evening last.
. and Mrs. incJair spent
with friends in St Mar
—Mr. and Mrs. Westlake,
ar, were the guests a
r.Hunkin for a few days
.—Mr. and Mrs. Simon
visiting friends in Minto.,.
`Mrs. McCulloch were -
of Mrs. D. Sinclair last;
Mr. and Mrs. R. MeLag-'
eiday evening at the home
Mrs. Runkin.—Mr. and
reenwood and Mrs. Mar -
siting in this vicinity last.
LION BRAND Style, Finish and Wear.
Without Patches
If yoti take the trouble to ask
why he never has patches, but
always looks neat and clean,
you'll learn the reason. He
wears LION BRAND. No cloth-
ing wherever made, surpasses this
particular brand for
Its just good, honest -made, clothing, made to withstand the
wear that healthy boys will subject it to; double seat and
double knee.
Suits, $3 to $5 Pants, 25c to $1.25
Ail Fur Coats, Fur Jackets
Small Furs Overcoats
Winter Underwear
Heavy Suits
Caps , and Mitts
Selling at prices never before experienced in Seatortn.
You're not too late for a good choice from our new stock.
Altogether the best stock in Seaforth to choolse from, ibecause everything is
absolutely new and fresh, and. bought in low eAce, and selling
at low prices.
Ro-Ilighest price for Butter and Eggs.
• East Side Main Street, one door &kith of the
Dominion Bank,
elan ozi tt Mr, 3. Baird.
Mr. Taylor Intends going west to
Uv e with his daughter.
George Campbell, who br many
year& ham been a resident of Goiter
rieh, died in thattown on Satunley,
'yertir,sue.; ry 24th, et ithe lige of 75
—A short time ago Mr. W. W.
Visher, who oleos the elenmiller
White Wyandotte Poultry ,Yardo,
shipped by eXpreal 22 beautiful
birds to J. •Celalsonneuee, Montreal.
Robin Macpherson, of the pat-
ent Department, Ottawa, ..is home in
Cleinton on a two mouths' leave of
absence. Ile bas just Cora0 out of
the hoepital, after six erect& illness
with typhoid feeer.
—James Craigle died in Goderich
encentin, atter a few days' illness,
from pneamonia. Deceased was 61
years of egee Fend had been a higbly
respected resident of iGoclericb for
manner of years.
—Elizabeth Pearl, 'second datigin
ter of Mr. aid Mrs. Wm. Crawford,
of the 1.6th concession, Hawick, died
on Saiburday, February 24th after an
illness of nine (months from a can-
cerous growth, Deceased was in her
18th year an.d eves highly eespeeted
by all her friends.
'—At the organization meeting Of
the Wirigham branch of the Retail
Merchants' 'Association of Canada,
•held in • the council chamber lest
week, efficiers were eleeted as fol-
lows: President, R. H. Crowder,'
-1st nice, W. J. Greer; end. eice,
M. Gordon; tegasurer, C. N. Griffin;
secretary, A. -W. Brewer; anditors,
F. R. Walley and L. A. .Bali.
---Mr. [dna Mrs. J„ K. Baker, of
Grey celebrated the 25th anniver-
sary of their wedding day- -on Feb-
ruary 21st. Abell& 130 guests were
present and all spent a pleasant ev-
ening -I,. Mr. -and Mrs. Maker were
very generously remembered on the
eccasion by their gruaity friends.
—Mr: CW: L. Galbraith, of Olin -
ten, who has !purchased the stock
and 'good will of Mr. Thoe. naceeon,
in addition to carrying a fall
stook :of high-class gent's clothing
and Ternishiegs, intends to use the
second eat for a manufacturing de-
partment, 'which will be •under the
martagenwntt of Mrs. Galbraith..
—Mr. ,'anld ma& J. A. Strong, of
Gorrie; who are /moving to St. Cath-
rineo were presented by their,
ifrienns of the Methodist church in
'that ivi11.ge with an arm chair and
achina' cabinet. To /nese articles
was added ' -a very kind and compli-
mentary 'address.
—Richard Sandow, a farmer of
Centralia. met - with a very scrions
and perhaps 'fatal aocident while
drawing -hay. His load -upset, and
in Tallinn Sandow struck on his
head, causing a large wound and
fracturing the skiu.U. Very little
hope is entertained for his recov-
ery. ,
—Die J. P. Kennedy, of Wingham,
was in Ripley last week, where he
performed e. critical operation on
Miss Gertie _ Shane, in removing a
large tumor. _Miss Shane had. been
ailing for about a year, and. since
the operation is imProvieg as rapid-
ly as could be expected.
—Mr. -C. J. McGuire, who has for
some time• been engaged in the real
eetate and insurance biesiness in
Wingham has sold his business 'to
t( Mr. 1. H. Chisholm, a- foimer
well-knewn Winghara young anan.
Mr.' Maguire is oi4West to en-
gage 'more extensively in the real
estate business
— dr
The hem of se. encl.-Mrs. Hugh
Hamilton, 'nfinghani, was the scene
ef a bappy. event Wednesday, Febra-
ery Rua when their youngest dangli-
ter, lags Jessie, was joined in wed -
1:e4 r to Mr. /Robert Arbuckle, son of
Mr. Wm. Arbeckle, of East 'Woman-
osh.• The ceremony Was fperformil
by Bev. D. /Ferrie, in ;the presence
eneonly the irelatives of the oentrac-
ting Iparties:
, —themes Sample, a former eresi-
'dent of Morris township, died at
the home of his nephew,. John
Sample, atSouris, /Manitoba. in his.
80th yea.e. 'Deceased was bore in
&inland and for nany years lived in
•Morris. Thirteen years ego the went
west. Mr. Sample was inennarried
and had been living for some time
with his nephew.
—The Wing -ham Times of last
week says: Last week the C. P. R.
seotionmen took up about 75 feet
of track and nut in new ties. This
is certainly iunusual &or' the month
of February and Foreman Neil in-
forras us, that it is the second time
in his long experience on tile road
_that the weather has been so mild
as to permit work of that kind be-
ing done in that month. While
working en the 22nd rult., he men
killed a garter snake about 18
inches long, which ss sunning
itself near the -track.
—Rev. H. M. Manning, who bas
very aceeptably filled the pulpit of
Wesley chareli, Clinton, for nearly
fear lyears, has !recce:eel an invita-
tion from the First Methodist church
of Peterboro, 'to become its 'pastor
next year, and the official board of
the Clinton church', has extended an
invitation to Rev. Mr. joliffe, 'of
—The, :MA" regular tneeUng of the
Clintop branch of tbe omen's Insti-
tute was held at the home of Miss
Tebbote. The meeting was presided
en over by Mrs. C. McKinnon, first
vice-president After the lusuel rou-
tine of business, the subleots, "Va-
lve of 'cereals es breakfast food,"
and "Pit*" were introduced and
warmly- disowned.' The next meet-
ing will be held r tbe home ar Mrs.
G. Barge, on Tharseley, March 22nd,
at MO p,
tilnj," by 'MIN
,Vott ; 1!Tomoot :ghted griolb : Id
eot ey
. go," t() bo
AO rook,
Atativos • the' Oillfartir _Orr.
omen, Toronte, • iN
eliallege 0.
Attending frit 'Volunteer
(ltudiletiontliemno r
Xorfines, leto rid 21,, 00DrAfifilOA
(Aro) .,1):004 Had ttA
o .1ort,
Tioniliton, of Film, -far $4,050, It id
years - slime t lio late proprietor
Inered to itThe family parpoge
tersieeineg to 'the rwest where /00
IIII4 a daughter am already roe.
very interesting eerviee
eonneotion with the -linduction of
T., ft DOYle, ad. A.,.
of St, Paul's M1 ''1j1, Wingham, -wttS
- held on Tuesday' -evenlng, Vebrautry
21t1!. ',More ewes a very large at.
tendanee of rnenihors of the cong1e.
gation, arid townepeordef The 'Mere -
Molly -witts-performed by Arohdeiteon
Rioltardotino. M. A., in (5,-10,, of tifon.
den, W,110 WaS taSifiNte4 by Rev. Mr.
Westgate of 'Atwood, arid Rev. J.
Tlartiev, of Myth. Archderteon
Riehardson preached -the sermon,
winch. wee _ very eppropriete to the
occasien. 'After tne indnetion Isere
viee a short musical iprogramme was.
rendered, in the scbool room and kii-
freehments were served.
111 ret17,11006(1.
44110 late fit,
Prisrth Heine.
—The Ladies of Listowel have or-
ganized a Tent Hospital Soeiety.
—Mr. Martin J. !McCauley, for-
merle- Of Stratford, las. been -pro-
moted -to be deputy sheriff at De-
troit, Michigan. ,
31araes Park, of Hibbert, one
of the old. residents of the county,
died on March lst. Deceased bad
been ailing since ;Christmas.
—Mr. Robert Thom, station and
express agent at Stayner, and Who
was at one time a resident of Mit-
chell, died after a short illnesson
-Felerleary 25th. .
—Mr. Rebell Abraham, a form-
er 'Stratford boy, and son of Mr. R.
Abraham, of that city, was 'recent-
ly married in McCook, Neb., to
Miss Belle MoDa.nien of Fort Wayne,
—Messrs. Lindsay ° Bros., of List
owel, have sold mit their livery
business at the well known stand at
the Wallace street 'bridge, to Mr. A.
McTavish, V. S.' of lVfoat Forest.
—A number ofthe pupils _of Miss
Nary Eason, -of Stratford, recently
presented her with a. complimen-
tary address and a pearl crescent,
prior to her departure from the city.
—Mr. William Hepburn, of Strat-
ford, has,'resigned as a member Of
the waterworks commission, loft ac-
count of a lack of harmony 'between
the city council and the board.
—Walsh Bros., of Stratford, have
bonen the stores in that city °cm -
pied by names Dow and R. ,White
and Co. •It is stated that the price
• paid was $12,350.
—Mr. Thomas Kerslake, of Mit-
(shell, while assisting Mr. Sylvester
Salifibuiry,, Sr., to clean eat a wen
recently.egot his hand caught be-
tween the -windlass and the rope, and
' the top end of one of bis fingers was
taken oft
- —The Old Moy's Ball in Stratford
last' week was a great suciaest. The
hall was beautifully decorated, and
the music. contributed by • tbe Tony
Vita orishestra, of Londen. A large
, rim -Leber were present from outside
t cities and *owns.
1 —Mr. and Mile Laurence Hurl-
burt, of Toronto, are spending a
• couple of weeks at the home of the
formers parents, Mitchell. Mr, Hurl -
bunt has 'not been enjoying veer,'
good of health of I ate, and is home
to recinierate for a ithne. .
n. --Mr. Charles trawl, for the past
itwo yeaes inspentor,tor the Bell Tel-
ephone istrtCbErsanbetan
sY' in atprointed
dic, h
mail -
'ager for 'Ingersoll. 'Mr. Claren e
Card, inspeotor at 'Ingersoll, will
fill the vacancy caused by Mr.
. Tooll's removal from Stratford.
i —At a recent regular imeeting of
• the L O. 10, F., of Milverton, la Pre-
sentation was made eo Mr. George
Goodland, of a. gold headed cane, and
Ito Mr, Stank and Mr. J. Westmen, a
gold locket. These gentlemen are
leaving for Maniteba and the mem-
bers of it order took this obpor-
tunny of xpressime ;their apprecia-
' tion of th !work done by them in
connection with the oder.
i --Miss Elizabeth, eldest daughtek.
Iof. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Getlike, was
united in marriage at the heme of
: her parents, Stratford Read, on
. Wednesday, February 28th, to Mr.
' George Reenenburg, of Stratferd.
The ceremony', being performed by
Rev. Mr. MUM, of the Lutheran
: cleuech. The brides was given away'
• by her fat -her, in -the presence ef a
large niuber of relatives.
!M—At' the silver anniversary of the
Women's Missionary gociety Of the
• Methodist church all over Canada
• is being eelebrated the ladies of
Central Methodist cburch, Stratford,
had then. evening last week. It was
a great supc.ess andethe programme,
-was thercritoitly enjoyed by the au-
dience 'At the close a birthday cake
pwresees ::itt., rap by the ladies of the sp-
ciety and distribated enumg those
—Mr. W. j. Cleland, rif McKin-
ley, Isle of Pine, Cuba, recently
seat' Dr. Steele, cif Stratford, the
skin of a boa constrictor,' .to
make a tneektie for himself. The i
snake Was killed by Mr. Cleland. I on:
Tuesday, Feb. 4th, Iwhile he was
taking a walk. It must ba..ve been
a m:anster, for /the dry skin meas-
ured eight feet, and when alive the
snake must have been mine 'than a
foot thick at its middle.
—Registrar Wheeliben, of St. -
Marys, has 'been on trial before II.
B.I effroxiby, K. C., the commissioner
appointed -to investigate the eharges
laie against him. F. H. Thompson,
of Mitchell, 'appeared for tbe com-
plainant and L. alarstone, for the
'defend'ant. =The charge made against
him is not of a political natureinhe
complainant is 3. W. Graham, St. -
Marys, who charges Mr. Whellhan
with using information obtained in
his official capacity as Registrar of
Deeds, for his °net behalf, in that he
is said to have parrchased a piece of
aicc xour uome
re Atracive
I 11110 in) W1111.41/4 tg)
NON AtTAW .11;11
na thay yam matu (4111111,111kli Ilifitor, Wit I
MOP 11) gli'P tiff! right Joao matoilio tor ,44.11
jfjil1111 till( *0E4 at the Sumo!, lereettsin
Picture framing a 8peolitity,
,y over -the head o
Graham, after
sale. The inveotigatio
not yet been eoneluded, '
Miss fUtherine MoOluskey, of
Stratford, who lived alone, hut was
In comfortable eircamstanoes, aged
59 years, 'was found dead hi bed on
Satarday, February 24th, about $
onlook by the Oblef oe Potion at
bar residence. The laser known of
her alive was on Thursday evening
about SIX o'clock, when fille was
heard in the house. On Friday, the
neighbara noticed- thine milk and
ether provisions'that had been left
Lt the door had not 'been taken into
!he house. Between seven and eight
totock in the evening, they also
noticed that there /was no lights in
the house. Becoming 'alarmed, aortic
a the ineighbors /went td the bouse
and tried to get in, bet the doors
were locked and they could not do
so. Not caring to break open the
door, they sent for Pine! McCarthy.
Chief McCarthy on arriving, broke
in the door /and found Miss McClus-
key deed. He sent or Coroner Dv -
who peonounced death due to
heart failure. the coroner decided
that an inciaest was not necessary.
—Two more rooms are to be added
to tbe Stratford Separate School,
and an extra teacher engaged.
• Canada.
—Lieut. -Col. McGillivray, of Tor-
onto,' has been appointed president
of the iTorento Inelusttial Exhibition
Board, as successor to Mr. W. K.
McNaught, M. P. P. -wine has sheld
the position for the 1),st three years.
Lordship Bishop avIcEvay,
retained to London oil Monday teem
his -visit to Rome. Ile wee accom-
panied on his mission by Rev. Father
Aylward, of • London. Daring their
•absenoe they visited nearly alt the
cities of Italy and many of those in
Frame. ,
—Edward Goodwin, of King town-
ship, near Holland Laeding, while
erossieg the river with his team,
:drove ea to some ice which had been
recently eat and his horses, sleigh
and all disappeared. Mr. Goodwin
had a narrow escape feom drowning
also. His loss will be about $500.
—A great curiosity at Lanark vil-
lage is a baby which weighs 27
ounces, It is in perfect healte,- is
too smell to dress, and is kept en-
cased in wadding. It is a girl baby
and, was born some days ago to Mrs.
Cyrus Tuck. Crowns ef people ,are
constantly visiting the baby's hoine.
—As Dr. Jake 'Way, of Steelier,
Ont.' was attending to his horse a-
bout10 o'clock it night, his lant-
ern exploded. The hay- was in
flames in an instant. The doctor
was suffocated, hut not badly burn-
ed. Wheat recovered the body show-
ed serious burns only on the hands
and face.
—A daring burglary was perpe-
trated in Stratford early Sunday
=ening at the. residence of Mr.
John White, sr. The 'burglars ef-
fected an entrance tliroggh the con-
servatory and rear end of the house
and ransacked' the dwelling. Valu-
able' fors and'jewelry were taken.'
Mrs. White was awakened by a man.
dea-ving hex. bedroom.
—Theftaii. Jose sale which was so
prevaleht in the Niagara district a
few years ago and which it was
thought was completely staniped
out, has again made its appearance
in that district and there is danger
of it becoming wenn', than ever 'en -
less precautions are taken., Several
cases bave been reported in. Saltfleet
—The Provincial auction sale of
puee bred cattle, 38 head, males and
males of beef breeds, held in Port
any, en Friday, under tbe aneseicee
of tbe Provincial fLive Stock Asso-
ciation, proved a grand success, the
catalogues being exhansted before
dark, and every animal being sold,
The prices were good, one male, aged
11 mentes, bringing $245, and one
Aileen° $180. The attendance pack -
.ed. stbe large rink in whiph the sale
took place.
—A special train, carrying 140
British immigrants for Ontario,
reached Toronto last Friday. They
were nearly ell farm laborers. In
the party were some twenty women,
who came out to join hus-
bands, and when the Union Station
I was reached there were Many
ful meetings. This makes nearly
' 600 imnaigranfs who arrived in Tor-
. onto last week, and before this let
! arrived abeut S00 had already been
i placed -with farmers.
I —George Burns, Collector of Cms-
toms at London, died almost instant-
ly while sitting in a ohair at his
office desk Friday morning, at 10.30
o'clock. An office boy Alisoovered his
eondition. Deceased wee • appointed
Colleetor of Customs at Louden ex-
actly seven years ago, having -begun
his duties en the moreing of March
1,1899. He was previously a whole-
sale elothier, and had a wide •ac-
quaintance in Ontario business cir-
cles. He was born in Scotland, and
was 64 years of age.
—A few days ago, while standing
on the platform of the Grand Trunk
station at aarnia, Glenn alark, a
15 -year-old by, noticed a anis-plac-
ed switch and a rapidly moving
Grand Trunk passenger special ap-
proaching. The ,boy &Duped to the
switch and suneeeded in setting it
straight, only a rnihute before the
train flashed by. Representatives of
the Empire -Separator Company, who
were on the special, returned, the
following day and telegraphed youog
4 f
i Woo IIi
cut it itoir
M r
4ni, Milt
WhOlAt, whioit cron
end graded Ni,, 1 ns
twins° load1 willott
wsven owl, was basil
nro of ow id i
ot, Ile, hoWever,
n tJt 110 had d.nip
in hiss duty, '
d, wife of Prof, IL
Well letigiets
lay Thertiltig, ot the
!millionths, hie', Nil
le o years, Iler
related to John
ffirttiAri iher
- tif lirStir
to that (iffy
Ht4W 1t4 i!
1.4ihe Im-
ed abqut
o WiiOJi
anec w t t on to m of horses on
IL sleigh, and delivered et the ele.
'stator, The load aer it passed through
the oity attracted eonsiderablo at-
tention, and Wit -6 photographed bre
foro any of the grain wamptied
int* the hopper. Cat any 'Ontario
farmer beat ibis?
eilArs. Kate Westlake Tingle wife
of Mr, irrank W, Teigh, of Toronto,
died at her /home in that city on
-Srunda:i., She Wag a daughter of the
late William Westlake, ot London,
and was a, natiete of Ingereoll. She
was a -remarkably (slaver woman.
Previeus -to her marriage ehe was
engaged in newspaper work and
since then he has contributed many
Interesting letters of (travel. _- But
Mrs. Yeigh's meat successful liter-
ary work is ea be found -in her Ts-
, eently issued novel, "A.Specimen
Spinster," which hest met with a
cordial reception from the critics in
great Britain, and the lUnited
State •
• geeeral snare of Tano33. Wen-
ger, of Ayton, Ontario, wan alraost
totally wrecked last Friday even-
ing, by the explosion of a lr,eg of
pawner. A. Wagner, one of the
clerks, had epened the keg to weigh
some out, and after doing so he
placed the lid on the ,kqg. Some
grains were left on the tep of the
lid, and it was suggested by an on-
looker to try amen of the powder.
Wagner lit a match and applied it
to the powder en the top of the keg,
and it appears that it did not 'work
an the instant. They were in the act
�f applying another when the whole
keg exploded, doing the serious
damage. Wagner was freghtfully
berried, and was found lying over an
eighteen foot etnbankinent at the
rear of the budding, with his clothes
on fire. There is little thance of
his recovery.-
-Edward St. George Banwell and
his wife arrived in Toronto frora
Kingston'Jamaica., on Friday morn-
ing last in charge of a Member of
the Provincial •detective force. It
will be remembered that Banwell
was a teller in the Crown Bank,
Toronto. He stole •aleatet $49,000 of
the Bank's money- and in, COMpany
with a respectable yoteng . woman
to whom he had been engaged, left
the- ocruntry. Thee' /were married in
Buffalo and for a tonsiderable tune
succeeded in electing tbe authorit-
ieS bid were finally run dawn in
Kingston, tjamaica. They belong to
highly -respectable faMilles in the
vicinity of 'Toronto, and the y.oang
-man was a trusted employee of the
bank. They had retest of the stolen
money with tbem when errested.e
They both pleaded not guilty. Ban-
well is favraith3g his trial in Jail at
Mrs. Ramon bas been admitted to
IsTotes.—Our Epworth Innen& re-
ceived an anvita.tion to visit ,the
Blyth League onTueeday evening
next and have aceepted.—Rev. Mr.
Clement and Mr. Win. Moon are ap-
pointed: delegates to attend the tem-
peranee ' g
friends of Mr. T. Crisp will be glad
to know that -he has almost _creepy-
ered from his siokness.—Mrs. (Dr.)
Bele. of Montgomery, Michigan, who
was called to Seafoeth ea aceaant of
her father's illness, spent a. few
deys thisnwee'k at the home of Mr.
John Lagibani, r—Miss Pipe, Bruise's,
is visiting 'her sister; Mrs. Robert
Young.—Miss Maude James, of De-
troit, is ithe gueet of Mrs. tC), Holmes.
—Merrell and Hohnes have aecaeed
a deiessmaker. '
Nates.—The regular meeting of the
W. C. T. XL was held at the home of
Mrs.; S. Rennie last Monday after-
noon.—It is said a gentleman from
Montreal is opening a general' store
in the city of St. Joseple—We under-
stand that Ifr. 3. Ort has accepted
the offer of Mr. Moser, late •:itel
keeper at Dashwood, for his fine
farm en, the Bronson line. Thliferm
contains 140 acres ante tne ce
faceoaa—Mr. John ,Decker, oho well
known horseman, I3abylon iine has
sold his mice /striving mare to Mr,
Thoraas Handford, of Exetett for
$175. Shia is _a good driver. and is
quiet and reliable for familyrause.
Mr. Decker nes eince purchated a ,
pair of very Wet roadster colts from
Mr4Finkbeinert of Stephen, which
he intends trauaing rup in the way
they should go.—Mr. S. Kampfer has
purchased Mr. R. R. Johnston's res-
idence for $1300 and intends occupy-
ing it himeelf.—Mr. Da-vid Bender
iand his sister, Miss Laura, havegone
te Hopedale, Illinois, where their
brother resides.—A shooting match
between ehootists Zarich and,
Stephen was ;held last week on thei
farm of Mr. Leith; Kroft,
line, Stephen, whieli ;remelted In s
score of 60 eo 45 in favor of t,he''
Stephen boys. After the =atoll thee
The Zurich t;eam was composed a
wen, 'oyster sapper and a datice
Middleholtz, W. O'Brien, Ar
Utile, H. Yungblut, J. P. Rau, W.
Stevenson, 0. Wilber, O. Mawhinney,
C. Dinney, 'fflE. Levitt. The Stephen
team lined fa. If -tas follows: WXear-
ley, Ft Snell, .G. Mawhinney, „Louis
Kraft, W. Mawhinney, 03. Mawhin-
ney, R. Shurdowne, T. Mawhinney,
The Council —The townsbip 00=-
011 of Stanley, held a meeting in the
hall here on Monday. The siellee-
tor reported the completion of his
werk and returned the roll. Tam icon -
tract for the superstructures for
tyre steel bridges were let to Hill
end •
Moine are
to be p$IiMd
before April
tit •be efeettel ft
a YinAdv
A Goof! Think, :4114)
IIP this Mai* e onal
Wolof in the! town 1.1.ening of NoXiiiiiy
when fi good
given and a g.o
AD are copirst
41 floors
and Aro
k on or
es are
- fifth
V 4 liOg
r -,Y0
fUh '11-1f
((to 1 .nke.
-le pa
liriefe,.-A 11 ebY datittil
rived at the home of Mr. krone)
M4nday of.last week. r,
Menson lag engaged efornien Joins.
eteti for the aummere-Mr, Iferdin-
fichnell loft for the west in
Tuesday intending to take up land
providing the ootintry Emits him.
Ile goes to Neepawa dietriota—Mr.
Soloman Knenfer, who disposie4 of
his farm to Mr. Chris. Gaseho, and
who purehased property In Zuricb,.
leaves soon for that viilage.—Mr.
Ross Johnson is yet oorifined hie
home with sore throat. Wo hope
to soon see him round again,
Oar School.—The following is the
report of fthool No. 0, Stanley, for
the tnonth of Felkrrpary, kati 4V-
prefioiency: V—Ruth Keyer
proficientcy: Clasts—Rtith Keys,
Item° Douglas, Inonie Sherritt.
Class—Roy Capling, Thos. Meyers,
Viola Edighoffer. /II Sr. Class—
Pearl Zapfe, bel Manson, 'lo' -
Oapling. III Jr. Ciass—Mary
Douglas, Albert Keys, Myrtle nley-
er's. II Sr.- Class—Gordon Mans -ore,
Ethel Zapfe, Elmer Oesch. II Jr.
Classe-Mary Jane Meyers, Mileie
Kennel, Jackie Brenrierman. Part
II—Pearl McBride, Emma Reehier,
jakie'Moyer. Part I A --john Aaron.
Meyer, Sophia &mein Percy Zirk.
Part I B—Edmund Erb, Oli•ve Zirke
Allan oesch.—G. S. Howard, Teacher.
-T3 &aortae.
Convention.—The maim' 'ca-
tion. of the Epworth Leagues of tne
Elim.eille circuit was held in 'the
Bethany church on Thursday; -Manch
1st. Tito afternoon seeslon .was well
attended, the ehirech ..ieag well. fill-
ed. Topics were given by a number
of young people belonging no the
different spine:ties represented; and
reflect a great credit on tbe abilaty
of them who gave them. 0-pportuo.
ity for discussion was given after
each topic. The singing was led by
members of the Bethany ,League.
The evening session was also well
atteneled, the elearch'being filled 'to
its utmost eepacity, showing tbe
great interest being taken in the
work. The devatiolial -exorcises wee
conducted by Rev. C. Fletcher,. pas-
tor of 'Thames Read Presbyterian
church, and addresses were delivered
by Rev. J. Veale, Kirkten, the
su.bject being, "Lessons of the
past year," and by the Rev, air. Go-
ing, of Exeter, chahenan of the -dis-
trict, -subject, e Christian ma.nlinessee
They were listened to with great at-
tention, and were fall of interest
ond profit to all. The singing was,
furnished by the Zion church enoir.-
As a result of the votes taken, Mr.
Victor Snell, of Eiimville, was elect-
ed preside.at, anel Mr. Wesley Johns...
of Bethany, secretary -treasurer. The,
meeting throughout was a decided
success, and. all returned fo thr
homes with a greater enthusiasm
and more earnest. zeal for having -
present ant taken part in it.
Thames Road Notes.—Miss Chesney,.
of Tuckeramith, is visiting friends
in this vielnity this week,—A number
of the young 'men a this neighbor-
hood are preparing to West thiS,
spring', and intend settling there.
Mr. Thos. Possmore sold a horse en
enr. Elliott, of Ceneralia, for a big
, e
Brian—Mrs. O. L Sanderson, at-
Hantilton, is visiting her sister., Mrs.
W. Rutherford.—Mr. Gideon Fariron
returned. from a trip to Ireland lase
Thursday —Mr and Mrs. John Hun
,ter left for tneir home in Saint Ste
13/Uric last week after a,. few, nionthat
visit with friends here...—Mrs. E.
Lewis left for Toronto on Nondny,
to attend the millin.ery openings,—
A. masqueza*de eatnival will be bad
in the skating rink: Thursday- even-
ine.—Mr. Walter Davidson, a Re-
gina, Saskatehewan, spent Saturday
with his uncle, Mr. John Davidson
—Mrs, W. Rutherford is recovering
after a week's- illness.—Mr. Hugh
McDougall, a brother to Mr. Alex.
McDougall, of this plan', was neaten-
ed while working lase Wedneeday on
a dein at London. The body was net
recovered uhtil Saturday, the fun-
eral taking place the following Alone
—Mr. Norman 'Cook, of Hensall, was
a visitor in the village over Sunday.
—Miss May Davidson is eseisting in
the postoffice this weok.-1,,ogs,nave
been melee& in to the saw milt- this
The New Town Hall,—The new.
town'hall was formally opened by a
first class caneert on Wednesday,.
February 2Sth. The council took
the getting up of the prevermairae
into their own hands, and tney rer-
tainly made a seocess a it. The fol-
lowing artists took pat : Miss
Mabel Manley, aaPrallo singele. 5. Iii
Cameron and W.17. White, all ,of
Toronto; Miss Clara V. Haynes, elo-
optimist of Belleville, and the little
Misses Walker,Mghnd dancers, or .
Teeswater. Our local orchestra,
which is aoreposed. of W, 'Carr, De
Brawn, J. R, Wendt, N. j. tRobin-
son and Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Hemp-
n'll, made their first appearanterin
10 blic that evening and gave some
ftit class music, Playing from 7.30'
unitil eight o'clock. Had the roads
'men, geod no ttlowlit the hall twouln
ha.ve been jammed. As it was over ,.
450 were present. Wroxeter tan
now boast 'of having the nicest hall
of any value its size, north of gra-
ronto. It is easily heated, magni-
ficently lighted by electricity amt
With stage and scenery is not RUT -
passed by any hall in the ieounty.
The committeenaave over $40 to •th
good atter paying all expenses. The
Wroxeter people are proud 'of their
new hall wee they bare reasen to be
as it is in every way a credit to
---.---e- est