HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-02, Page 8_ • .„ seed - Settlers Going Wes taarioatkosay We have a numher of New and Second Band Cook Stoves,which.are to be &ale ed out white. .Ptook taking, and we will offer these at !Specially Low Prices • to you who are fitting out to go West this spring: Give - us a call for these and what. - ever Hardware Supplies you intend taking with you. It will be to your interest to do so, We have in stook a full supply of the •'BEVSAlantRAOITE COAL Ve Tout orders With Us prices are low and: goods of elle best, OBJCSNEY 66 SMILEY, SEAFoRTH, SOLE AGENTS) Hardware* Stoves and Coal. -Rommox HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. Capital, Fully Paid Up-S3,000,0otecee Reserve Fund and un- divided Profits $ 3,749,000 leeposits by Public 634,1000:mo "Mal Assets 441400,000 slisimassmawbe SEAFOR-iti1 'BRANOH, Every fseility for the transecting of a emeriti 'nuking business. Oolleotions made on eel poiots in Canada sod abroad. Advances made to Fatmere. Special at - mutton paid to the oollection of Sale Notes. SAVINGS,; BANK. Deposers et $1.00 and npwarde received, sad heeled Juliet or added June 30th and Deolunber Slat, Withdnistele may be made at any time,. A. E, GIBSON, Manager. ‘7.-• HAYS, Solicitor , A Piano Very Cheap We have a slightly used piano' upright, 71 octave, walnutcase, in good con- dition, for sale very cheap, also one Bell Organ, six - Mali°, in fine shape and some fivenetahe organs, - fine mule, the caves are old style, in good repair. --We also, carry -e-- - New Piano, Organs, Sewing Machines and all Musical Sundries Needles and Oil. Go M. Baldwin it Coo, SEA.Futall. ° James Watson, Successor to W. N. Watson NORTH MAIN ST., SEAFORTH. General Fire, Lilo and Accident Ineur- mew *gent, Real Estate and Loan Ageet. Beeler in first-class family and Menefee - timing Sewing Machine. and Cream Separators, viz. : New Romond and White Sewing Mechmes and National and inneeda dream &panders. -Aleo sewing machine needles, oil, atter:lb- manta, rapers and sundries for all kinds of mewing machines. With over 25 yeam experience in tbe above business you eau reit seemed of prices right, squere dealiag and sateaftionon guaranteed. - JAMES WATSON, mums. agent, and dealer to Bowing Machias and Bicycles. north sista sired, swath. A'r nt e la ONTARIO. This school bas become the leading Commercial school in the West. No tem- inerinstiteitionis doing more to equip youeg people for responeible positione. Our °mines are thorough and practical wbile the teaobing is doe° by experin- ced iestructore. Ali graduetem get good positions,. Yee eery enter at any time. Write for catalogue. ELLIOTT & MaLACHLAN, Principals There is a Reason Why our watches give moll good satisfaction. Of mune, we try to make mare that they are of the right make before we bup them; but that's not Two watches that leek allhe may run altogether different. Watches are usually delivered to the retail jewellers by travelling salesmen, from their trunks, 'Mole often get rough usage on the railroads. We have ours made and named for us specially at the factory end in this way we are tare they are no old stook and have had no careless handling. Our Metes watch at $7 we will gnar- eantee a reliable time piece. John Bulger, 41,Jeweller, - Seaforth Marriage lawmen issued. STAPLES BROS. ' B A R BERS and TOB A000 N ISTS -.We early a Cholce Line of - CIGARS - TOBACCOS - PIPES - 'Try us for an EASY SHAVE and • NIFTY HAIR OUT, Opposite the Commercial Baal x it DISTRICT MATTgRS, Hockey. --The Foundry ariel A. p. V. team played a genie in theeager- eentile league- on 'Tuesday night -let was one of the; best games thus far in the sexies, and resulted in a, vie. tory for the • A. 0. V. by two goals to one. The elardwar.es and Dry Goods played. Thuredaer neght. A win for the Hardwares would make the Foundry, A. and Hard- wares, a, tie. There is considerable rivaIr bete'reen • these 'Wanes and their tailowers and if the weather keeps 'told we may -yet see several good games, • • Perm Sold.--edr. D. J. Altolieson has sold his farm near Ha,rpurhey, tn Melnillop. to Mr. Robert for the sum of $2,700. The farm tontains about 28 acres, but ,it is e very tehoice lot with good !build- ings and in it Mr. Murdie 'has se- emed a nice, comfortable h•oene. Mr. Aitcbeson intends going to Alberta, and will probahly locate in the Ed - Menton 'district, Where the intends taking up a large traet of land. Himself and his sons intend leaving for the west about the end of March and the other members of the fam- ily will go later on, as awn as a • home is prepared for ‘them. Matrimonial. - An interesting event took place on Wednesday af- totnoon at the borne of the bride an the 5th concession of McKillop, when Mr. William Smith, of .,forth, and Miss Mary Hugill enter into mat- rommilal partnerghip. The marriage ceremony was performed. byRev. F. II. Larkin. The wedding wes a very quiet one, as the 'contracting parties preferred to keep their romance a seoret till the Government seal wee applied. Mr. and Mrs. S7ith will ne receiving the loongrattel tions of their friends from now on ale their home AB North Main street. .- 0- --- Good Colts. -Mr. Isaac McGavitA, the wall known horse raiser of Lead - `bury, Mtleillop, delivered in Sea - forth On, Tuesday Ito Mr. Luke Jeer- , tune, one of the progressirt faxen- es of the Huron Road eas a very bandoome filly foal, 8 months old, for whieh he 'received $110. This oat was raised by Mr. MoGavin, and was bred from his imported etock horse, "Seinlight." That the eolt is good value for the money ite, assured by the fact of its purchase by Mr. leortetne,Who always has good horses, is aegood judge and does note pay more "for an anima)l than he thinks et is worth. Mr.letcGavin bee a horse eon the samomOe Mud from the sarae borse for which Mr. Fortune offer- ed $125, bit his owner weteld not part with hint. We also kern that the two year old 'filly that was sold ot Mr. 'Jas. R. Scott's sale, in Mc- Killop, for $200, was 'bred from "Prince of Midlothian." Thanks. ' - Dear ExpositoT, -Will you kindly allow me, through year celunens, to return my sincere thanks be my many friends and well whittlers for the many kind /tots and expres- sions of sympathy and love 'shown in so many ways 'to Myself tied family in our 'bereavement in the death of ;a dear wife and mother. We can never forget the kindness shownemd every day yet we are receiving some fresh token of 'affection and love, and as we cannot weite to everybode- persenally, the -racing them tor kind acts and sympathetic expressions, we thought of asking Too for the priv- ilege of a few words as thanks to them through The Expositor, as so many of them heard the sad news theough its pages. We earneetly pray that the Lord may bless them one and all for,their kind tests and kind expression/5, and that Ile may ;comfort ;them nil In every time of :need. On bensay of myself' and fam- ily, 1 sign anyself,-.1011N e3EATTIE. • A Football League. -The Galt Re- porter, in view -of so mueli talk a- bout baseball leagues, adrecates the formation of a league 'of football towns. it says: Association foot- ball in -Canada received a big im- petus from the -visit of the Pil- grims last year; and this visit em- phasized the desirability �f such a national organization. Tbe W. F. A. in Ontario and -the league centering abont Montreal are the headgear- texsof the fastest Association foot - 2 bedr played in this eountr. . Why should not an atterapt be made to have these two leagues under a single board of control, ich would regulate the oharapionshins of the country e Seaforth, Berlin; Toronto and Galt would be the members of the wegtera group, while Ottawa, Valleyfield, Point St. • Charles and Montreal would be the prospeetive members at the eastern end. The championship of the local groups weld be decided, and then the two winners c,ould' • play for the chain- pionehip of the rountry. The Galt- Westmount games last year, taken collectively, were paying I proposi- tions, and there ahould be little trouble in financing this' project. It's up to some enthusiastic .lover of the great garae to present a cap ba football, to be what the Stanley Cup is to hockey. I resportdent writee us, sayi g, that Tbe Bayfield I3ridge Pier -1-.A cor- in GUT remark e on this subjeetswhieli appeared last week, we were in er- ror. He says that the egreemerin with the contractor to knock off five Mendred dollars from the price was entered into after tbe work was examined by • the expert, who was sent by the county council te "X- arainft it, eed that hence the coon- , treetor entered into the agreement ' with his eyes open, and wale 0011136- Oeleneln, morally, if not legally, bound to carry out the agreement, -which be afterwards declined to do. As the matter has dow beei finally settled, there is nothing t'o e gain- ed in further discussing tie s phase of it. We had no intentirea of con- veying the impression that either t'he committee in charge- or the couneil were in any way censureable in the metter. On the contrary, we feel that the tom.naittee are to be commended far the troeble they took in trying to conserve tie inter- ests of the county. But it seemed to U2 that the ease was not one for coin - promise. If the defect on the pier was due to fault on the pare of the contractor tben he should bear the whole of the cost of the defecia But if it was due to an error Of judg- ment of the part of the county en- gineer and the work was right in every otber respect, then the entire aint Eihoudd be borne by the lootenty and no part of it by the eontractor. We understand that this flatter hail e be en. proven to be the twee, and it ho mittee have agreed to pay the traotor. in .fill, and in so dobag 'belieere they have &lee Tight, and ,douiticil end' public evviel uphold m in their action. I 44. Peat( of Mira. Feoh.-edu.teh sur- prise and deep ',regret was felt by aur eitizeno on Monday on learning of the eleeeth of Mrs. George F,ach, 'Loh 'teole place that morning at hor. residence in Seaforth. Few had hoard of her Illness, whioll, hoerev- er, WAS of short duration. About 'a ek • previous she was taken- ill with la grippe, but was able to be about the liouIeta (until. Friday. As he lived Alone her illness was not known until °a neighbor easually rattled Oulather, &firs. Fatah, however. did not oonsiner herself suffioient- ay ill to (justify the oallieg in of a hysizian until Saturday, When it 4te 'found that (she was in a very eitical co'nelition and although ev- erything possible was idene for her rclief, from that out the disease had ;ginned sweat headway Inlet its 'rav- ages could not ibe stayed. Mrs. Facia had been e.. resident of Ittis vicinity Lor over alluarter of a eentateer,hav- ing resided in HaTpurbey, Egniond- diele and 'Brueefield. While living in, Brioefield, her •hugband died and Slice 'then she has resided in Sea - forth. She was ra devoted and eon- eiete.nt Member of St. James' Oath - ere ehirch. She WAS- 62 years of 'age el was of a kindly, genial dispos- on and enjoyed "the respect of all o knew 'her. a'he funeral services were eaneltheted in St. jaraes' church need interment took place in St. James' emeetery of Tuesday fore- eueon. 44 Mr, 41. 8. Roberts hews to Announre to the public, tit t he has secured _J 7. W. M. hielCay to run his .8 , re during his illness, idr, McKay as a druggist conies well recommended, having 10 year') 'X IL') knee, and anything in the drug- line entrusted to HIll will receive eardid and aceurate compounding. Giro him a trial. 1004-2 tt' .Thetham Inoultator Ilroorlors.-As I have the tip ency for the above nmehlties for Seatorth and vicinity I $ mild he pleasedto have any one call at Inv store wi ere -1 can ehow them the maehine in o temtlon and - (1 77 give any infoulation required. '('111 and get Oat. . a gue and price list. ,i, P. Daly, Jeweler, Seafortit, ' i /OW R FO: SALK-A fresh calved Jersey11)0-1.44 , 5 I yeLr old, very gentle. W. Ouvonloolt, North Main ' t. Rfie,afil.oi'lt,11.1 , 1),Aix, Hentorth, ont., Deiti, .81r994x2 ;-Tho I ea Ohathato Ineithator, Which I purchased from 1077 last mning, gave entire seosteotiore - Tito first' hathh came off In Karol) and out of 112 fertile eggs 1 btu 92 fine healthy chinks, The next hatoh came oil in ril end etrx of the fertile egg's hatched ; but the . thi was a milord invoker, out of 165 fertile eggs I hat ited 105 °Woks, or in other word', it WAS A 100% ha0)}1. To peraents intending purohaving an ineubat. or 1 wouhl highly recommend the Chatham. Wish - ret a„in yours truly, It. V. Idurdic, Seaforth, Ontario, Ingyo riu a successful season 771 the initulattor trade, I , 1094-1 CLEARING SALE of odd lines of rubbers on rd. day and Saturday ; men's, a few sizes only, 48-0 a paiti ; ladies', nearly Ail nixes, 88c a pair, South win- dow. W. li, Willift, solo agent' for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies and (Jorge A. Slater shoes for men, Sea orth. 191141 8 , ANTS WANTED. -Wanted, two coltipet.e Iti nt girls, 'general servrot arid nursemaid, The highest wag's) 0111 1)4 paid, Apply to Mrfdas, (1, I), .Taggart, Olin 9942 '.ti. 1 NOT l'ItUE.-Wo understand that the parties Who . 571! '1177 vassing the farmers in this losality, purposing - to tOnn a co-operative atare, state that they will sell Plymouth Vold Medal Twine at a much lower prioe titan $ve can do so. We het; to say that the menu- factnrers contradict this,' saying that they know nothing of this concern and that they cannot buy at any lower price than wo tio. We Millibar( the letter regarding this,.which gives prices, to any one who ' cares t() 800 It, Chesney itz SHIRO, Seaforth. EXPOSITOR Call ',Arid inepect our samples of Red Glover, Alsike and Timothy sold in accordance -vvith the Seed Control Apt of Canada, and has , stood the Government test. W. E. Kerslake, Successor to Hamilton & Kerslake, Nth ,f3.1fte jiulges,-Miss johneton '• Messrs. Bert Oluff_iand Will IlefoLeod, The Public •Meeting. -The pablic meeting, held in the town hall on linonday evening last, Ito oonaider the scheme proposed by the council for the improvement of Min street, as outlined! in their notice, which appeared in our advertising eolumes, was well attended, showing that very zensiderable interest is taken in' the movement. The matter was thoroughly explained and diseussed in -all ita 'bearings. The oost of the proposed' iMprovement wild be in the neighborhood, ;of twonty-five • thousand dallars, toe extended'over a period of twenty years, the sinking j fund and interest Vt ba raised an- ! mealy, and sixty per tent. of the 1994.1 - Paper Bargains-untli further .notice, we will!soll at -glom) prices for cash, And hang? it free of °barge, All work done over carpets without in, jur4, to them, lientembor, wo drive to your -door, saving you the price of livery, 41, Graves and Co., • Seatorth. 1901x1 dur-car Pr Redpath Granulated Sugar, No, 1 quality, has arrived -in sacks of 100 net ,• in bar, reit' of 200 lbs. Now is the time to buy sugar at the right price, $4.130 cash, 0,00 trade, Cardmi- Bros,- SeiA nIf°111111.t* 0 '1098-tf PURCHASED the general repair bus Jtess, in carried on by .J. 0. Thornton, - I ant now in a position to do all kinds of repairing.. A - • full line of bicycles and sundries always in stook. Electrical wiring and littinga. Roy Scott; Thornton's olffistand, Seaforth. WANTED, -50 case of Eggs and a tom or Bu2t;tof weekly, also Raw Fur's' and 10,000 Rat Skins, 'G- Ent . Ring, Wingha. 1902-tf ry Charlie Ilinas'ihand laundry, Seaforth, for nioo wok. Always gived satiefaction. Clothes called tot necl delivered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two doorcit,rh. ssouth of Reid ilvWllson's hardware) store Sea- f19834f LII:oojetdedf.or Sale. -Oatmeal mill feed for sale at the Seaforth Oatmeal Mils, Wolter Thomson & Son, REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. • Eyes tes19e8d2-ftrfee bIoNaught, Jeweler, Seaforth, 1987-tf Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon will be at the Com.merial hotel, Seaforth, on Wednesday, March 70, Hours 1 to 8 p. rti. Cataract, squint, failing eye. sight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated. and glasses properly- fitted. • 198341 Beware. -We are informed tnat parties are eanvassing among tehe . farmers in this vicinity for steak ia a so called Co-operative Mercan- tile Association, promising stock holders 'certain staple 'articles of mernhandise at very 'much lower erices than they can be procared from. the ;regular dealers. The pro- babilities are that &holm •‘40:to per- mit themselves to ibe beguiled by the voice of the charmer will get the experience and the other fellow veal get the aneney. At any rate it is worth while being leareful. Co- operation is not mote powerful the.n competition sand any person who says that it as, is either deceiving e -himself or trying to deceive others. e Watehred.-The followieg, which a we take from a Guelph paper, re- o 'fere to a former Seaforth boy, a !son of Mr. (Wm. Moxley, of Guelph, n ,and formerly of Ole town, and a brother of (Mrs. (Ed. -Hunt, of I/0 - '10110p: " A pleasant event took t place at Robert Stewart's, Limited, 1 id poet 'to be levied on the property Peeing "Ina the improved street, and forty per cent. on the town, togeth- er with the entire rest of the inter- sect -times of etrecits, Whieh dotter enoulld 'bring the cost of the whole work to be nearly equally =divided between 'WIZ town and the private property owners. While all were agreed that ;something should be done to improve the street, there was, of reoursei considerable divers- ity of opinion as to the nature .of the improvement, the, 'arament to be ex- pended, and the method by which the money fib °Bid be raised. BOMB ap- proved of the whole sobeme of the !council While some others approved of the proposed improvement, but objected' to ehe method of levy- ing the roost, holding le unfair to tax the property on Main street sleety per cent, of the cost, arid eta]. hold it responsible for its share of the other port of the improvement and of tlie eost of the maintenance of all the other streets of the town While still others thouglet the scheme too oosely for a town the size of Sea - Odle arid thought something Jess costly wold answer all purposes. Fin- ally,to reach aselefinitely a Consen- sus of opinion as possible, a motion Was made to ,the eneeot that, wbile the meeting recognized the neces- sity for the improvement .of the street, the scheme proposed Wu'l a deemed too wetly, and, reeoramend- ing the 'council to endeavor. to get something less expensive. An a- mendment was made, endorsing tete sdherne as proposed by the council. The meeting seemed to be pretty evenly divided, but the motion was declared carried, and the matter was left at that. After all, it rests en- tirely wieli the council and the prop- erty owners, on Main atreet, or that part of the street proposed to lee improved. 'If a. majority of the property owners, representing 50 per eent. of the messed value of the property petition the tom -mil a- gainst the proposed improvement, that ends the. matter. If this is not done the 'council have the- power to go on with the work as propoeed. Whether or not it would be wise for them to 4o so we are 2).at prepared to advi The improvement would be of e 'permanent nature and would certainly-- be a eredit and an ad- vantage to 'the town end the town is financially able to bear the ex- pense as 'the actual debenture debt is only e. little over $40,000. But whether it would be advisable to spend so large an amount on a serial' portion of 'one street while so many other streets in town are even more !needful of 'repair, is a problem Which the -council will have to solve. It might be advisable for the 'omen - Oil before taking definite action to Becuire -the 'advice of some competent engineer es to the durability and eiost of .properly macadamizing. the stet& and the could then make a com_parison between the two. Many think that it the street were prop- erly leveled, drained and good water tables 'constructed along each side and then macadamized with good broken stone it would serve all par - poses and •would not cost, prebably, half 'the 'sum • ow proposed. It would be wise, e think, for the couneil to find out definitely con- cerning ,this -matter 'before they enter upon the larger expenditure. We are sure this minor scheme if found practicable, would lie rani- versally 'endorsed lby the people. • Local Briefs.- Mr. iWm. K. Mc Naught, who was ele•oted to the Leg.. slature in North Toronto, by so arge a. majority, last week, is a oungest biother of eifr.D.MeNaught, t present in Seafortle and an uecle f Mr. delleeell letfogeeegthrt, jeeveller. Bu t it is tfortunate for W. le, that either the brother mor the nephew had a vote in !North Toronto or his majority woild likely have been wo leas es ithe latter are as strong - y Grit las he is Toey.-The Mitchell &vacate 'says of the late lames ehoe "Be galled' from diew Ross, reland, 'with the editor oF the Ad - °Vote in 1853, and landed in Quebe,c fter ;a 'boisterous trip, e Jame of be ;same erear-tbe very ilgbt that e Gavazie Tiot took plate in the resleyterian 'church of that city."- iss McDo'neld, of Wingham, was he (guest of Mrs. A. E. Gibson• (lest eek. -Mr. 'Walter Smith intends penin.g up a wall teepee. store in Hilton this spring. Mr. (Smith is ell 'up in the wall paper business nd is a good painter and paper hanger leo etha't we can heartily re - on Thursday evening when tlie em- ployees of the factory assembled to- gether to brd good-bye to Mr. Or- lando EC Moxley, whet is leaving the v eonipamy to engage in business on a -eh his own account at New Liskeard. Mr. Thos. Golds tread an address and Mr. W. H. iFtracesibiam madethe pres- entation of a gold watch. It is Mr. Moxley's intention to open ;out a sash and door 'factory at New Lisk- card. Mr. Moxley leaves on -Tues- day." Mr. Morlen's many old Sea - forth friends will wish him every success in 'his new business in New Ontario. conamend him to the ge- Tbe Oarnivol. - The fancy 'dress Clinton, -Mrs. New -kirk, o skating parnival, on Ithe newi Pal- is (visiting her father, aoe Rink, on Friday evening last, al- Campbell, North !Main .'though field under adverse weedier W. !Walker, of St. Thom oanditions,.;was 'attended. and all present seemed, Ito enjoy them- selves. The ace was oat tend wet. H. P. Brewer, sof, London moray of the Dorninion here, were leaning on old people of Bay City, Mr. Wro. treet.-Mr, s, and Mr. both for ank Otaff • friends in but, (nothing daunted, the votaries ;town he end of last we k. -Mr. J. cif the pleasant (pastime took full, S. Roberts lies engaged Ver..W.,_M. advantage of their privileges, and McKay, 'a 'competent druggist, Lo seemed determined to get the worth look after his store during his ill - of their money. The fancy costumes Tiess.-Miss Willson, ef Betroit, is were varied, grotesque and in keep- there 'visiting her eider, Mrs. W. G. ing with the eheraoters eupposed to Willis, tend assisting in the care of, be represented. The following es a her 'little iniece, Beth Willis, who is Est of the successful oompetitors 111 with p.neureonia.-Sten-art Bros. Ladles' foney costuane,-Miss G. been (had a handsome sign' peeved on Graves, afro. A. Close. Gent's 'comic one of their windows edvertising oostume,-JOhn tOase, Ralph Reid. the V. T. ageneies.-Rev. W. T. Ladies' ebaracter costume -Miss N. Oluff, iredtax of St. Jams .oberreh, Orioh; Miss Fe Laideaw. Gent's Stratford, twill preach at the Len- ehlaTacter cost -m(1% -F. 'Gouda, Ohes- ten aerviees in (St. Thomlas ehurch ter -Oriole ma grateful skater,- I next innedneslay evening et 7.e0. - Miss Inliennoh Dickson. Best 'girl j nevi ID. Urquhart, of Kippen, ton - skater, -Miss (Ella Chesneye3oys' dieted ebe preparatory eervicea in comic costume -Loyd Soak. Young- !the Pregbyterian ohencit on Thurs- est (skater, la costume, -Regie Reid, 'day evening of ilast week' and Rev, nere Sewers, of - Brumfield, on. Jeri- . day efterneon. The sacrament aer- oleos on the following Sabbath Were conducted laY the pastor, Rev. Mr. Larkin. -Mr., games MeMicheel, tfie veteran 'president of the Seaforth Bowling Club and Mestere. John Shine and. Wan. Hergoth had a game of ' bowies on the bowling green on Friday east, February 23rd. Bowl- ing in February is something of a novelty in this country. •The Huron Old Boys, of Crorento, have selected July 8th s the date fot their an- nual visit to their old /mines and friends in this county. They are al- ways weloome.-Mr. dolun Grineoldby ot Walton, intends leaving with hie family in about two weeks for Gris- wold, Manitoba, where he intend$ to lento. Mr. Griro.oldby will raa.ke a good oitizen of the new province. - A (lot of g cod lee was put in from the Egmondville dam this week. It was drawn in wagons. -An old gab - /eta -Thor in a Northwest town in a aetter apologizing for being late in 'remitting his subscription says: "We ere all so busy in this noun - try ;making money we haven't time to ipay aiim lebta."-Tte Salvation: Army 'had a visit from thole' com- rades of Clinton on Monday and en joyed a pleasant evening in the barracks. The Clinton detachment 'were a000rapanied by their exoel- lent and -Mr and Mrs. Haggit, of the . Pilot Mound district, Manitoba, formerly of Hallett, who have been visiting friends in !this vielnitY for several weeks, left for home on Tuesday. They were accompanied by two of their 'nieces, the Misses Story, -Professor Utley, the phren- ologist, who was here for a couple of weeks left on Wednesday. He is well up in his profession and a clever delineator of character- as well as a most entertaining lectur- er He went from there to Stratford. -Miss Grace Morelli has been con- fined to the house for the past meek, through illness . -A purse 'contain- ing a mall sum of money was found elle other day. The owner can have the same by mailing at The Exposi- tor office. -A meeting 'of the Col- legiate Institute Board wee 'held on Tuesday evening (last, but the on- ly business transasted was the pass- ing of umlauts and the raising- of tbe care -taker's salary $12. 'The sal- ary now is $325. -Mr. T. B. Hays interned frora Cayuga, Haldimand meaty this week 'arid brought with 'Ilien\tWo .ear loads of steers, 54, head, to pasture on his farm in Me- Killop.-Mrs. John Cowan, of Sar- nia, is here visiting friends.. -Mr. leroGee, eleetrician at the electric light station, has rehovated and re- paired the toien fire alarm and we are informed that it is now thoro- ly, efficient. -On, Sabbath evening next Rev. F. dEf.. Larkin- will take as his subject,. The (value of a mer- ry heart." -Mr. W. J. Langstroth, of Hamilton, spent Sunday in town with leis. parents, Mr, abd Mrs. I. Langstrothe-The auction sale of 'thoroughbred stook at Guelph on Wednesday was almost a. falters. Very few animals svere sold and these realized only moderate pieces. -Mr. W. IT. Cline has accepted a position on the 'Grand Trunk Rail- way, at London, 'and will likely re- move from Seaforth shortly. -Mr. Et M. Sipperel, 0± 81: John, New Brunswiek, spent Sunday in town. -Mr. and Mrs. McGuire; of North Dakota, eon -in-law and daughter of Mr. a Rutledge, of Turekersraith, are vis- iting fiiends n 'this vieinity. They return home next week. Hensall. 0. J, Sutherland has had placed in his hands at a great bargain, two fine brick dwellings with a num- ber of lot.ts attached to each, A good chance for a retired farmer or anyone wanting first-class dwell, ings at a bargain. Also cheaper properties for We Apply at once at the post office, Hensel!, 197134. • Dr. Ovens, eye and ear surgeon, will be at the Queen's hotel, Henson, on Friday, March Oth. Hours a. in, to 2 it. n). •(Basses properly fitted 1983-tf • STOOK TAKING Sale Now On. All goods redue- ed. Men's Suits at prices that arc selling thetn very fast. Unheard •of prices in Ladies' Coats, Wm Bowden and Sons, Hensel'. 1090-11 MANITOBA PLOUR.-Fresh arrivals at reduced prices, D. Urquhart, Hensal. 1994-2 CORN.-Wbole and ground, also a large quantity of oatmeal feed and other feeds. D. Urquhart, Hen- son oatmeal mills. 1094-2 Briefs -On 'Tuesday evening an oyster supper (aled volmert was held in Miller's bell. vender the auspices of the Ladies' Auxiliary of St. Paul's neetaoh aii4 was a great see- ress in every respect as the ladies of St. Paul's are ;noted for doieg what they itedertake Well and Tues- day evening was no exception. The oysters and tea mere of The 'best teed the musioal and literary part which • followed was even more enjoyed by the large •audienee.-Mr. -Arthur Mc- Allister - who is successfally teach- ing at Constance 'was in the village on Saturday. -Mr. Robert W. Del- gaty and Mr. games S. Delgaty, of Amor Bayfield, were in the village on Saturday east 'combining business with a visit with their sisters, Mrs. Thompson and Aire. Sparks. -Mr. D. MeGill, who so ably led- the service of praise be Carmel ebarch•some years ago was ,in the village this week and gang with his old time power at the *Menial of 'England Iconcext on Tuesday evening. -We notieed by the daily press a few days ago that imr. John S. Wren, a son of Mr. /George Wren, of otr (vil- lage, ond Who gained suoh high honors as a 'high school teacher at Luoam for the 'very 'large nunnber ;of his pupils who so suceessfroely passed their examinations, has been :Apppointed: to tine permanent taunt- ing staff02one of the Toronto Col- 4egia.tes at a salary ef $2,000 a year. -A ;every "intereetbag iraeefing was held -under the aniepices of the Young People's Society of Carmel church on Monday evening last and was termed "An evening with Raiph Connor." The prograrnrae was raade up Largely from eeleotions from his books and (coupled with musical selections made a pleasant as well as profitable evening's entertain - meat. --A gfeat treat is in store for all attending 'the next meeting of the Young Peoples' Association of Carmel elrarch on Thursday evening, Mara, 8th, as the Rev* S. Cleave, Be D., of the Metropolitan °Merolla Toronto, is expected no be present and give the story of " Jean val Jean, -Viotor Bugo's masterpiece. This is not u lecture but something 'quite different. The reverend di- vine who is aeiquiring great distinct- ion, is greeted•Avith very large ate- dienees and is 'listened to with rapt 'attention wtherevelr he gives this story so that 'Thurideer evening next will, uo doubt, witness a large at- tendance at Carmel eharch.-Miss M. Hagan has been visiting Mrs. Trott for the past few days. -The Rev. Mr. Oousins, who was (formerly an as- sistant minister here preached - with very raueth acceptance, in the Metho- dist ethurch, on Sabbath lazt.-Sev- eral of our Ivilla,gers were ap to Goderidh on Tuesday evening last, to witness the heekey match between Goderioh and Berlin, the eountx town players winning easily. TH PLEASURE We Exhibit Our Brand New Coods For Spring and Summer Use Only by serving you well can we learn to serve you better. Experience has taught us that to be favored by an ever increasing patronage means more than ordinary methods, more than ordinary merchandise, more than or- dinary service. . Constant energy in every department of this establishment is the motive power -the power that brings us patronage, that holds it, that increases it every suetessive season. Ladies' New RAINCOATS , Separate SKIRTS and SH 1 RT AISTS Ammartmewhamemeameamemo 1 • Activity has begun in Spriog Germ Selling, °aimed, to Borne extent, by w menet mines being now en tine ma' caused, spiv, by the really excPlIent v iety of stylish Ralocoats, Skirts Waists as is shown here. There's a " Price Cum ' too, .li 4 IA 004 1 (Spring Styles) $8.00 to $15.0 201? SKIR (Perfect Fee) 0.00 to $i000 UNDERSKIRTS (Specie/ at $1.00) , 1 if to AO (Big Aeeor bOo to T Yee Stylish Dress Fabrics for There is an "All atidying" range to select from not ou ale. Choosing your new dress stuffs here MeSII8 seiect- ing the broadest showing that we have ever h The Very Latest Weames r Include 11 WOOL 0.1mm WOOL OREPILLES WOOL TAFFETAS • PHANTOM OHEOK MOHAIBi SHADOW STRIPE MOHA1R8 SILK AND WOOL EOLENN PANAMA °LOUIS OHIFFON SERGES OHIFFON VENETIANS VOILE VIGOREAUX MELANGE CLOTHS POPULAR FRENCFL WOOL TAFFETA Wool Taffeta, French Manufac- ture, 42 inches wide, fame dyes in the best shades in Champagne, Resida, Navy, Brown, Garnet, Green, Myrtle Grey and Black; personal investig- ation of this very Special value is requested. Two. qualities 50c and .175c GOOD FABRICS AT LOW PRICES Imported Tweeds, 44 to 48 inches wide, in excellent, unobtrusive miz tures of grey and Black, gray an blue,/grey and fawn, etc, extra gooi values WA assured at 60e and 60e yard, other good selling linos au priced at 75c 4fid 85c 4111M=Ir V 411.1.14011111111116111•1111111101INIMilannitilitW 25 New Patterns In Unoleums to II LINOLEU S increase in beauty and p4nlarity every successive eason-it becomes more and more 'easy to harmonize them ith any scheme of MID -decoration ; and this spring, not lily are Qur patterns all that could ;be de- sired, but qualiti s are unsurpassed. Come in. and See the range. • Croniarty. A Good Bill. -Messrs. de. R. Ham - Moo and Robert Norris, a Odle place, have, with commendable en- terprise, latenChed out in theShoit- born line, having purohaseed from Mr. Rdbert Miller, a Stoufferille, the imported bull, "Leopold," :Vol. 52, Nn.- 60850. This Cure animal was imported lest' September; He was bred by F. Simmeeee Whiteside, Ale ford, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, He is 0 -dark' roadie two years and: one month old, weighing over 1,700 lbs. and; ef extra, quality. The owners are 'fortunate in getting sub an animal to head their respectide herds and their commendable en- terprise deserves suncess, Brucefield. (Continued frdm t,age 3.) Notes. -Mr. Robert Kay, of Ster- ling, Scotland, is (visiting at the home of Mr. Wm. Mardook, 2nd con- cession ,of Stanley. It is 25 years, since Mr. Key araa, here before' and he sees many ehanges and Improve- ments. -Mr„ H. G. ,Monteith is pre- paring to remove' V; Now Ontario where his lumbering interests are. He will leave a clearing out auc- tion We on his farm on the erd ten - cession of Tuckersraithe iL R. S., on Thureklay next. He has a lot of good stock and, his fine herd of ltbor- uubIbrcd Hereford 431010 twill be sold. This will afford any desiring to Proem.° good animais of this Glass a splendid opportunity , -Ow oyster supper, given by the nedgenows in 8eott'8 hall, last aiday 111 C1 y, way. 3 =zees& A enineber attende4 and alter ,part ing of a bountiful sapper, spent t remainder of alp evening in a way. Some of terease; who eontri to the epolal entertainment were Mimes Meneath and. McDonald, tympanist, Mies Mabel /Turner. citations and readings were give by nfr. Geo. Turner and others Mrs. JAB. Ailmiledd is visiting on,, John In, of Londonf this / and her little on of Tilb -Ales. A, W. Efort:sk (nee Saw tiro visiting at the 'manse this w -Miss Maggie Reid, wife has ill at her home in *Varna, is t ering.-Miss Emmai Reid, a Vir is taking her sleet's place in tore this week. -Miss S. Sine 3I0093 Jaw, Is Risiting at G. this weeke-Mme. J.' W. Anaith tained a. few of her friends a home on Wednesday evening las Boruh Ira• otes.-Mr. and Mrs. 8lno1ar seen a few days withfriends in St ealifi this week. -Mr. and Mrs: Westl Verge:Oar, were , the guests and Mrs. Hunkin for a fevr da last week. -Mr, and Mrs. Sit Inas are Visiting friends in Mn -Mee and Mrs. (1). •McCullorne we the guests of Mrs. D. Sinolair lai Saturday. -Kr. and Mrs, a, mo an sperrt Friday evening at the ho of M. and Mrs, Hunkin.-Mr. Mrs. G. Greenwood and Mrs, tin; were visiting in this vielnity, la Week/