HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-02, Page 4r
T 7
'XTs, L. raper A
still lal In town, -Tet aTned t ORE.
-1 -N
�Qwite- a -number from -this reg ref. tbat -
home Aailt T-Me'k.—Mr. A
int c 00 Ur
the-:10omi"100, - westi,
ft�nded + �of the under die dootorts went
W 'funeral 'tb frlelid4 - in Weillps
Govern --,. dete,
NOve YM Ay rr a he
oove, of Walton, on Sat -
are num-
erous oa
d, to- ppoint,ta-ebmWeitt 1. t _k. , , the farms in. �Our nolgh- san visited NY1 p
rivals -from the � old
dia aftrorn ast.—M 0.011too ley ix few days of the ' Ast W Vor&abou
kiho �oon eok-.��X A -t the
i doing bi AU&l)OV of ithe buelness men$
Ur, 4dhas. -kai
A --#A into one standing -and V*tU- on, was I%
1161hQ84,_ -',b9r.1ng -to*ns who
Brodha Ain on two 1110 noii ro u8ing 0 t, have p tit in
differ- 4o ely � of Bluevale, 4of )the -4 fectric ligh
oda of, business inomriwis Q ithe, Leadhwry ei i - - lesm
4very�. 0 a 0_ New Shbe St
Mr. meters, tapd, claim it is -quit Y
doing - Oubi 6obaslons 11adt week. He was ac� Northwest is a visitor at
2 3 'A"s in Canada 'e.
vin on )a Pat)
view 0 'for.
0 1 WIE 0 w -48� I , 14 ' Phil ip Thomas! ind also, -with- Lis- ing'.—Mr. John Neyinso who has toeen
the g Legiolati 40 by Xr� Miller, of it E
lo- -with Tunning the
4 6 6 7 g.. wt. Y it! 1 A ge. towel friends. - electric lights here X0.4re -the matter of a yles in show Aim&
session illy radical chang" are to be noted in
the past �j
11 12 113 14 15 16: 17 P'a 14 a=lber P1 years, has re-
ot Par lament. will' right any ion' an'd intee(la leav- for this Sp Patent leathers will popular 2:8 ever. For a
7 just be as
signed 'his, pos.it
Tan shoes ':1will. also be MUA
18 19 `210: 21, Ur 23 24. -wrong and -reme any � grieva�nces 'Ribbert. Bruosels. Orin
ing for the Wost in the neat futuTe; dreas shoe is'nothing to tourpass it.
n, -v x Sample Tetu en!s wear, and the
puy lbo 4.o is fit. In
27 28 29, '30 91 w1h1l1*h1* 01, side, Noto.s —one -of -he Not mod 'to where be I
I I es.—Tony ntei�As itaking up land.—
qjjnw, the V1*,rJ4 is t 'be i—the lighter shades for' ;ch&olate shad" fb�
tibia Craba-n worl .09
gorpus cam- "Id jga borings of the season took vouple of months at higher prieed li past
m4t interesting and entertaining Gladstone, Manitoba, after 'spend -ol , one of th
15 2
Aed for Ws ivi Mr. -Wd. M e e emp"Qyes of ladleg weu. As to shape- a numbdr of the flue'r,
ing the light plant.,
A211 0eaf6rt 4�jeotrfc ton.,
'I pl,"o ati ittla hopie of me' toes than last seswfi, but, taken al
paigii, is but -for it it -11a laot dikl�ly' Mr. Louis.'Mq-- the ho of his parents here.—Mrs. will *60 shown- on more. pointed
I I has (been. a uYbd ;6 run the plant
NEW V4ZA=�XK-ZXX8 dn- Frifty evening Aa'
ADT 0!e- woold have taken gerously- ason will be the moit beet
Sit- Plotdber Doe has been dan
ion. %f ftere are, abuises t1boy heTe.—Mrs. John Henderson ileft 'on geth8r# th� medium.toe of last se Worn. The
MnsW, �songs,. Id4ncing, games of ill during the past . week with an. re-
Tkk# *01OWWOOD tht 0014DIhOW 0104T 0 Wednesday f this week. tp visit Blu,her efit will again prr.
JW1 0 edominate iA 41 lines of fine shoe.9,
"! Wwvild, lbo remedied. It there 0,01. ani& t_ho'i amusemedts alwakIt attack of latives and friends in Vroxeter and I
tb ar Is ni
At$WPOW. sit W c p'neu-monla en arrillug
of residt es Mi
re in a position to ad
'.,to., . of the *th lor B
none., -1pWio o rbb, an(! voil was 1 astalled to the position, of vicinity.—Mr. 0;- Stothers -bag open� be for wetk_s
)W donos* eonfu*(ten�e wIll 3e of -fine &0twear -has:
advitHemoutwillbo JoUld ION! Our stock of thi seasoals styles
For, ille; L4df es -1. V, Fear ---- r_j7� gtored, alnd,tbie fpdficy hol -spirit ko lblarmony,.af- 'con'sta-lb town on ed up a flour and feed biAmiress in and,'althoughnot ygt com�lete, we a _pp
4, vtt"Umct Ie, e ly you Mi Tetu
f Mu#uni lo Paxvo-Ale,_ Wilsol-4 i feel better satisfiel&' "If IbIO for ihig, aff wn opportun#y -to par-- Thly', d f this week. 11e shouild his tvaeant store, to the south of ew Spring Shoes RIGHT NOW If so desire sprlgor
T a aY 0 your, n ders
Clothing-Poplestone* Oardlnor-) panies axe doing Tight they of iviijoymenit atoording to their make a good ma:n for the varibas his restaurant-, and is keeping iiath- of the folloviing lines are now in The 41 Queen Quality" the ftmoug
00thing. Ito, ifetax from inviestigation.
with Fle"ure—r- Movaq! Qo.-�-$ -tions. A vaT -dut1C`s.—R#v. Dr. Med , of Hensa
�tvleg& . y Aaftilty 111,11011- ing 1but the host brayid,.R, We - have g Oanadiaa hoe for
Shoo E are Indt, the sodnek they lare evn,� W�a shoe1or women the Empiess shoe,, the leadin a
Sprin'gjtems-G, A. 91118-5 Tf N*Y _0 scrvdd at mid-nigut, after occupied the pulpit i -the Metho- ill do a -gDod
no doubt.bixt tbathe w to
-Cr0mf6r�_R1rftwdson &X6G1nni&-6 broukVt 0 ba:y4he better, w1hielli thd 1triumph of social feeling dist dhareli last Sa Ah.—Megars. women. the "Slater shoe for men, thecelebra d shoe -or zamfort.' I
__ I business.—The invitations are. oat
Totawo--StAples Bros. -S
over thlalf of any innocent rivalry, MObqna:ld and G lbr th, of Wal. ear. These three lines lid
and w are sold only by us in Seaforth.
A RC.&M-Jobil Tiniger-i cur the marriage of another of our
le stable on goin (r
your uome�_Aiex, Wintor--i, Hditorial ton, have leased popular 7oang ladies, who is
N o t e _�" a Comments tuat. miglat have be;en excifted by in-
dhn r
Auction Sale-lohn RQvo Viff e Itible pa.4te)b6a, d p atime, j at oet armer in tbb vi frier
Ir _5 Iptir
Auctio AM
Auedortsale-11. 0. Monteith in C�nada. -has-
insuiranze i
an atter
imated enjoym6ot with, fwhicb. ev- on -a Jarge scale. They 'are well ac- ship,teouncil of Hullett are'hustlin-9- WEE ILLIS SON, 8 r&
n.Sale-Joba Itobb-4 The :commissjb!n to investigate -the d109ing , from go L. Wa:1110-v- f6 anarry a young f
was manifosted' by. the spirit of, and intend,buying an selling horses cinity next Wednesday.—The t
Auction.ftle-James Ronthron-5
RnUding for Sale-A� A. Otithill-6 d d is to :oonst t Of'. effy �eo
been, apioun ��icn tered -in-to 'a -series of quainted -virith the business.—Rov. Contractor Pigott to 'build the
Bull for.serviee-r. R.. flaillilton-6
Tavishr, - OtItawa, senior -Every dtth�er. form of Amose- Mr. Ouniiingbam, of Hamilton,. took bridge ito ',tbe east of the village, Sole Agents tor oae 0 Slater Anct Walk -Over Shoes for men,
Fhrm for Sale --George S. Deyer-S
judge of the Icaunty of Cairlebon'� knonit- wos -aba6doned, and the merrY the services in Melville church last- and -we understand that if he doesn
For Sale-INIm Ruud le liaea thron.gh _It and "Queen Quality"' aud� Empresa"' Shoet f -W en.
Zrdvm g �Sabbatb. NtxC being cow1Sjdi,-t at -once the council are:.going
aging Dir-' he maze of Suinday
Cow for 80e,W. Govenloqk--8 W. Langmulk, Man,
3�ncub%0rs_X, F. Daly -8 e6tor of . the Toronto, General Trusts lanicers, quadrilles, oto., 1until"Sa:f- munion, Rev. Mr. McDciug0l, Of to Ouild it. The Blyth council ought
Alrkno.xn�eament—J. 8, Robert"
and Mr. A.. �Xent,of uxdlay begaia itio junfolld its � aaLroral i3rockvill�, 'will be 4n c He to have been seeing. about it' as �Well, whb Ifas been home, has gone bert Townsend and Mr, Hill Sr .,ch,,i
colrpomtionp harge.
-kard &,Son—i and, iTuredtte, accountants, of be AAer- gxgteful farewells will also there is no doubt but that it has in- to-Toro-ot-o- to attend the nfillinery mete cut tand . plipd foua� dor -i -0
Now C.Ods-Wiu Pic aiddus officiate I the- pro -para" - t,-.
YoUng Pgau-Gre 9 Oth bu]4iness; to. a 9;re;lt- extent in Oscar Xoeii-ler bas wood in't-hwe iliours on the f -aof
Potronie Meeding"Li tory service on Saturday.—Th g5mall
Z& ir_01%2101it�5 Mvntreal. �o tQ* igeniaJ liost and to the Miss" omas jured
.10 WOuitcliaoa the ioutsts trepaired to A. Hawkins, together with his 8"_ hi, Tbbn nmison ilast wr
otearing Sale -IV. Ho Willf" town this falland winter. puTchased! s father's farm and 'his Mr. M
Not Tru"iesne-y & S"ey--Sr It bas bein Settled. that Xr. W-,� Itbair homes.—Miss Catherine, Hick-' cessful pupils at thd recent Son intend to xetire.—Mr. Lorne are pleased to learn that V
father S
Oirls Waiited-Mrs. 0. D. MeTaggart8 Y mt
t visiting -her 4sousin, C6nservatory will
'��roxeter. Scott, of the! Sovereign Bank, has. is recovering -from '1her
Minitobx Urbuhart-4 E. Kno-%4,es. Who was,receutlyelec -i ey, of Tarooto, is.
t. M-i'sa Alnbo -Gus. Gurm- 'give a recital i-Wttke town hall. on
e 8 been r6moved, to Xxet er, and Mr. ness.
-ouveeed JHqn.- Wailter Scott int a mery 'onjoyable party on 'Friday e eek.—Geo. -Jessie Gibson
e dt to Notca.—The Misses
$ey gavo vellin of next VV
Campion takei�-hia tplave in the 'bank
d are, gmi�sts 4f Mr.
-pnove the, uA Friday evening of the velek preced- 'd of his livery bus -
West Assiniboia, will and Bileen .1relan
11 it Muldoon dis here. Hilla dree-,-
Dickson.—Mrs. J.
dress in reply ito the speech from' ing ust. Mvisio and" a series Of Iness, Which has succesafnaly con and Mrs. �F, jV. sever&l Notts,-
the..thiVn-6.,in rthe Dominion Patlia-', da!noes warm)64- itbb gexilaf'qualities ducted: hveere r severtl-years pas�j Higgins, Gle-a-farro-w, spent Mr. 'Ed. Tr(,.,-.- pu
Hullett. 4 f ine team Of UOTS A, r0CQ.'1t1Y--
nyeA with, her daughter,
clays oC last
me -At on the dia-Y. of t& opening, on J.'OT the gneats -into )a perf,&A ccvntag- on Monday OR -this week. The pur-
4 Mrs., R. J. Rann.—Mr. Austin Mor- Good Horses.—Xr. Oumn3ings Mr. Thos. FRarqphar .-..tve a Qanciog
archL. 9. Mr. '16hislw1m, mho was )'id" of sookall gle-e, add Me vakio -Hugh R. Ramsay, of the
FRXnAY. OW -Mr. 2, 4906. Af chaser is
upo 17th conce 0 n, F3
elefted. for *ntig6niah., N.S., �n �'�.amusements were indulgedwith el- rison, of 0wen Sound* is the guest who resides oAmr Blyth, recently )Rgrty to his -s. ard f rlejaCa_
asion. of Grey, and
sold a four year old gelding - $or on Ta"day evonin-, and kept it ap
-,Mo- ievated, oind, unrestrained buirth inn- R6,206, of Ibis parents, Mr. and Mrs.. John
the appointment of Mr. . Colin. price is said to have 'fieen b �Cono
on, )of $225; Mr. Joba Leiper sdli& a five datil the 3vee isinn" loiuri, when all.'
the Ortario� Legislature. fsalto to the Transcontinental Rail- :-til tft,�;Iapproaichinig onoon, faintly� -*hich ipelu:4es- -everythinig in con-
-*300 and a 'four departed,, iafter. sp,mdirg -a Tnost k-11-
Morrison.—Mr. Wm. Sanders Im,
old gelding tor
Turaborry, had a suiecessful *ale year
of Brown,,
4-_', As The legislata�rs,� have' 'not 'been w Y Commission. will Isecond th.ie ad- Vlimm�re,& in ttlh6 eastern. distance.; r_tection with� the 'business except a
ATIve oattle, at the iGoftoA House, on. Sat- Y03 -r On T -f
pro- (Yld- f or 1$225 to Messrs. Ar� joyalble John- Higan`
dress: .—Mrs., Luxtbji, of Gre'alell,
r and � outfit. The, new 12. H. R.
working over -time the_ past- week. -Mlw fih�g beza -visiting her 'Cousin, urday afternoon.—Mr. L. S. Palmgr ibald and-tCadmore -of Seaforth.. Mr. sold a iine two-year-old bior:��o to.--
asessim on Thtirsaa
p-rietor took -po. I Y, r
yet got settled down left for Stratford qn Wednesday.— Fr' Xettle U; -a two Yean old Xr;. T. J. Morry, of 11,ensall,
T_ They Uave not The Libevals failed td scare in Mr. Lbrne Prthiok, left on Saturdu:y of this week..'' It is i�-Id Mr. gul- as
4a* fiyr:E�Wter, from-m4biere Who will do' Mrs. R. Miller, iw'ho -is abo mt to are- filly for swb16`h le was offered and snug su:V.�-Xr.' Levi Stelck lo.
to business. The committees -are be- NottU Toronto lbye-edeotibn, tis they ob will not-Temove from town in also a gelding fine 1property for sale, owl intends -
me tr
�roc�� to' 'hfor,lhome, aTter vi�itlnig the meanti id InOW
to Toronto, nvas presented -with mfugea, $225 41e ihas
y his bar,
�friwgs therpe.—INr. -and Mrs. Joseph and %Nil a Bible and 1hy.mn book combined, by, six years v ';6;ias of- moving Ito DauVhin, Manit ig. Dan
ing formed but it seems to take just hy -ill mdgston. -Xr. W.: X. -X4c,-; Id for Whi6h he abol 2th
at buying -hdrses, of which he is n -50
as 11fig -to igetJ y mbers of tho Women7s For- fered $250 and, a third for whioh -spring. We laTe try t Alol; X4
��e machiner ailed- Naugh1t, the 0unwryative" candid-: the me
Party vn�, first class judge.—Dr. M. H. Moore ur 'Vill
a W'ate r ga v'e ionary Societyof the Pres- -he refused,- -$208. All these horses and, VWrA.' St6lek from . a age*
F ..Dan- eig
V up and put in a dM Tuonin pbm
Wj 'has invested in a trottting stallion
g order wte woo leteated by majority of, 23rd Mr n Mis but we wis spexity Inflior,
w ireg1me, -as _il�tes Ov'ei his oPAPAeff 1; ',TeturJle�d which 'arrived. here this week.
�e br from Prince of Midilo- 11 them pro
a Verian rch,, on Thuxaday after- -we'r ed!
under the. ne Vnder the abu thian." no
IA' -y —Miss Lizzie,Itelcher
ex-mrayior _T_Trq�6rt �Jad 0,559. over frjo� Now, church. mr own�4 1b -Mi. W. A. new home. t ha -
noon,.. in the basement Of the Mrs. T.
old. The treasurer is.,no.t yef -pre- MOK-illibb. Ruflett still taken ja situation with
t1ble third, nca:p, -James Simpson, Boo- —Miss Pugh, of Brassels, visited in Ross, of
2 Walton. palm tot., good horses. Sit 'for the vlxite-r�_Miss nielpla "Move
pare& with ithei budget, although he ialligit, vv�bp only )receiv 60 votes ibolds the
bakelet the vi ge on Sunday. W -V
he- -fin - Thk�xe were 1%507 ifewer-4otes The Tonib.—It is' our paintw-1 duity Allister, of HemalL -19 visitiog
Ims submitted amial statip
-Breezes.. — Messrs. CAInson -and this week.to Tecord-the death of one brother, -on the XaTr flim the uts
tb4h- at the &.aeraff election last Ba,7981d.
3neifft for iflie TAar,
whith'.6hows a Harlook.
Were- ilk -t-116 vi- 'r the e rly pioneer settlers of thi'W -week.—We JxTe Ideased !to state that
JWmary, tUxis ehowing- Itha:t a good litutidbif of Gorrie 0 a
mil- Items.—Our old land highly es�, Yotell Boon beprepatiogforspring sewing and we 4on Wb
bandsome suplus, of 6ve;r half - niWAY 'did nmit- ttxlw suffioLelit inter- oinity last weeik !, buying tat cattle *icinityj in tle�qersoin of Mrs. Jona- Avise you to seepur new prints lawns, ginghamo, Xr. lRobert -St6venson - its Telooveeliq
11an &o1lars, -and -non' -of- tle- Gov- eA ia &.1le'struggle to retord tlx�ir and paying 6c per pound for good add ievent took' teemed friends, Mr. and Mrs. J.. We have the assort- his 1�&mjjt illneop,
thim. Mpore, which wWte meroerked waistings, Now�
t. F. A
4nimaRs. -Hogs are selling for near- Brdad1bent, of Thorn Hill. Manit-Obas ment and values that are hard to bes Ed
Xr. PL
ernmeji mdaswe prordised are yet v0tes- �hko at 10Bx thome on- Thursday of won to sft mur Dat lagain-�
-a ouT midst- for wards, ROAM- 19044
ly -seven "Uts in Olifford.—W. C. Iast we iting, i 10A F*
Teady �fo-r pros Itat marking ek-'Doceased had been in fall- have beon. via Love� AMC& IRS kaughter, XisB Amni% -
e' ion 'an" 8h10:r- ing. he#lth -Nr many months so that The past Teiv weeks. It is 26 years Breezes.—The regular meeting of -from ffllenbeim, Or,,
time, natil Vbp- GoveTnment has bus- Coad iussers, and.itbA includes al- Zoigkr, will -o tbas worked the Tetuine& home
t In 'for a -number of years, is -oft. these parts for the ustitute, mi be held f Jain
ion Tuesday, re it, V,
er far" thia end ;Va:s a6t uiiexpodted. Mrs. si Me they A the Wbmen?s I rd, �e
Uiesg rea(l.y. Ila atill the order-* The most every personj may now breath ion
-sale on the 27th St. - Mr. Broadbent "has been very oni Mardh 8th, at two o'clock in Ithe bad been visiting Mr.. Love7s eef.
hairiog an auction core w" united in marriage to ler we
the pubtie accatints p M.
estimates and nrom trealy. The threatened iftike, ; no U e successfLA as -a farmer a:nd is 'also aftornoon, at t1he horne of -Mm. Jas. on 9�h
t., and jvVill in tIrtare make this . w' r fE p-a:rtner in the vounty of a�nd Vther friends.
'hiave been submitted abd it is hoped
i -
ibjeift jis "'FaAcy A Goo,
of the coal a fn 'the 'United home in: Manitoba to which country Awlton dbing -well in. the lumber business.. Campbell. The su
that�` these, -will is6rve to fill in miatil niners aban'tt 41 years ago. and _a fAam Sold,�—X)t, 1110to- `00.
7 "d,
le. t
In In
alft rwards removed i
-the Government have other -businesa 'A pre;sonit. Au&1on -sales. 8th concession of Morris, on which Wa-4hingto
ators 'have acceeded to the demands of pe ly and we hope it will not 'be, long prepared' witIr some huits and bjelps
imady thierollwill -,00t be m aoh:; no nle)Tuoim
7 a upon fle s ibieet.—Jas 'Cooke, of
ity fa bef6re- they �again favor us with
e to 'be R-leth nd �hjs ISOU, j
�tates has beAm averted, The oper- there is iidh an exodus of young s&;ortly tt6 the- They iotend 4eaving for home short- Work.�' All are expected MOnd, a Vb�
the Coal Miners' Union, for an in- ar`e very inumerdus, in this vicin abo were biere� -this w-ei6k -visiting fi;�,
_;deoe in -this diredlion until the fhud-' rm they Ttsided until ut � 12
crea:se of "wages, a:dd in view of tibis this -winter -and. it is'wonderfu!J how 't.—Mr. James Watt is suffering Bad Axe, Xidbiigan, -was here looking
6t speech is delivered. years ago, w*n they' disposed- 'of v1s) R101-mViiids. pheWa, tihs lx&§
conces it IN a --a severe. UP acquaintances last t;�eek.— W1131i,
sion Me other demands have well vAarything sells at a sale. t:b�eir fa, in 'o r. Goo. McCal from a sore -arm caused by -While
Low-,, and -other f riend—s
to London to, learn
been withidiawn, so rtbAt all is peace Horses, cattle and hogs sell for high fdbmond -'ased Uft
from a -beifer which be had Turner has gone p urch
building a. - bouse in Walton, Xexrxovea kib'k Messrs. R a IV M -S-1
A Good Move. )ft+a"A1n rt, ijpma;.._Wr%-rt* 11hna lhaoin, received b6vgr1A and w ome the butcherina buAincas.—Dr. G.
A �r� _�_ 4 - L Vu ill. 11 as brinirine h W. TAt 23i 0
1:� k5 yjoy e tPilupt; ulfoy, U 351? MAL
'Fortunately M. Smith was iat.Lon:d4n on Moday.
-as Wallace ho went W by their ibdustrious' and frugal hdb- wLv -T
The, 6a:to war ;&etweea Japam and parties once more, and we'shall con- from Thoin from Mr. Mill7is sal
.- Andre o e. how to
the* e; wore o bones, broken and we Miss Olive Turner iretarned Sat -
Russia has t the apanese tinue to',get OUT `GVa -for $7 per f on,, Okl1hamd, a couple of eoks ago its they ad 1providtd. Decoaaed was ing for and five year -old. T -hey
9t bad on so long as f8ve can the thrat he, has ''bought", -a -handned and lng a n hope so6a to ear of his i�ewvery. arday from Seaforth, mhere -sho -the Pre yteria are a nice 4brown, -well matthe,
scare up member: of Ab
empire 'add- her V; eo
money to pay'ifor -wWle our, sixty acre farm out tere_-A new A (;ood Sale. -The aiietion sale of been for a few .weeks. -Jas. Fowlile, - - - - - -
oburch a.Dd her pew was s�ldom v�ao- weigh, A nre -.4
wit .2,800 - Jb& and
inonce, Wvre, f, -other niatiits - of, ndor. orga Mr.- . W, Mills, on Friday of ilast is- having +be Aipper storey- of his -proppletox
90 Vnt at Teligious -services. The funer- neat and -imudsome tea -m. Thoj��
credit is , od, -with'tlis -4ocal, ve. n,'has been installed in exch i of I V on 3104),
the world whicY -they m-ev6r befofe the Presbyteria congregations, Bel- a:l took place on Salt day aft.dr 00 .1 wo-ek,- was -attended by-, over 1,000 store completed, -and intends using p
ir n n it for ite cream pirlors.-Mi nrVhiased fbr4400. TeY T+ of moro and. -MrZnto9h. - Springbank Appropriate serVices were iaondaeted people, aqA good rice were Teali- L
oftuoied. it ed that Ahe little Hon. R. W. Scott,' a "I Nott raised by Xr. 19ve and, were - bre 1 4
upply - of Erwin retixrnd Mo- r.. �
hAtter fadtory got in its's in'the thurob by her paiEor, Rev, -A. It, e�ght months. and Miss Lena. from SMillie BTOS. " Prince bf 1111 - -
-w zed. A dTaught to R
Japs* a% a, n&ti are Orth vlti the j)o*
minion Saae, arid, Secretary the eek before, last. Some 40 WX "I, and a large naiber had �on- old,
- sold for .$120 ; a yearling for day from a visit ito Tuiekors th and
for&ll The e=Ts. Richmond pu- vEetiag Ifor itrade w6ll as of Stae in ithe Domnion Cabinet,: eor& were haled there off the lake of $163, -a two Year old. for $185, while Soafort%�
gregated, to pay the last tribut obased, them :06r me -on their irst bifth
in other -respect As �cooseq- celebrated, his Le -ft day, by': J. Ifembeo'ker and Joseph, Hub- r_-6 �dt to j ir e a-- mare rive years old reacbed the arried.�-A prot y but iquict wed
iglity SP parted friend and .4 farm.
uww ae -replyme ives of many on- Saturday. He is'still- hale and taken sum of $213. There were also -two ding took Vlaice -at noon on Wednes-'
bard.-Nearfy- all the burgerS ate oeighbor, The -remains 1were
to Brussels iceinetery ifor interment. 11riving horses said, one at $167,and ay, February, 21, at n0melvood",
hearty, attends o, his official dut- cutngwo6d' in Mr. a swamp Kippen.
vountries, xre ting tort! every residence of Theo. 3. Moore- Oatt iwr b
Les hAoaely,�, seldom beihg absent and hauling it lipme. It is a lot -The pa:11 bearers were essrs James the other reaebed ithe 9.um of $185. the SACRIVIOD SALE of CrodkerY. R000 atid $w -M
rMs per 1
ohi is said makes 6hapoT than- buying it. -kiss Eliza '8millio Alex; Gard
offort to, mour. tb�-_Ir f riend -P' from his of f ice abd it iner, - �narew, The cattle, pigs and implments a[- house, Eq., when his daughter Wy- Overalls, Underwear, Roi*e Blankete, Wxt� W-0
r ey 11. The total proceeds of nona, Edith was arriea to Capt. Goods and Trimmings, Hats and Capi. JAm
i�.nd, good- ivill, it d in tbis.h way V�o- pradtice of walking abottt' five; 13u�rns, da.Ughter of Mrs. Burns, of Tn.rnb,1jll, R. H. 1piojguson, W. M. :so sold �.we_
-biwe Vie stw* Butt
Catpets and 314tings. We must
the old store must be moved 0 lore /a portio -a th�elr trade. Which. miles eivry] 4hy, and prefers walk- the 17th- concession and Mr. John Smitbj wid, James Fulton. the �Lwoi�ated to $3,,810- This i's Jobia! A. Ferguso'n. The offWating ducM a Butter' W
to�iand rom his offi Kemp, of Dakota, were 'married. at
wsidered- tq be, woftth., coaod- ng- ce to Psing Tio6al Items. -Messrs. G4L1'6rai(,b & the largest sale of ordinary farm clergyan was -Rev. John McNeil, of for ournew buRding,,construadou ofwhigh I ta ever held in, St. AAftew's Pr`cfibytor a olp-rch. ei
stock and imp eme n AprHb Come early and get the advan
for. -�Canada !is aid-6ng &-'his n�uma� a, street car or a carriage. r.Scott the, home, 'of the bride by te McDonald, have Teceived a. consign -
the township' Tlie- enffiFe sale, in- The bride wras attired �n t going a- n trst day of 'p
ber add WP, --aufto-rities !dt Ottawa was a member of the f first Trovin- �Mr.' Radford, of Belmoro, on. the meilt of youngattle from t6 North- us - er
o and'ivaa ist.- The young 66tIVI-8 left est. Tby have also purchased the oluding forks,,boes, chain andsmall way gown, one of the pretty shades
'tave just made me
ciail Government Ontart
-bae, at v� -04 rs. J- hn -e A
articles, was sold in leas than foar of -grey,_ w ith. white eta wirst Mr- a;
wiffildh wil �it once. aid -them :the f&the-r .'Of the calebrated Scott for their home in Dakota last Tues- colbrated Belgian. stallion, Bismark
)to Isvoure. the good twill )of _jbe� Act, Which was so called otit, of day. -Mr. Redde,�, of.Tffeswater, piLt. they willi keep -Tor the ira- and it half ours. M.r. Thos. Brown, and a lovely foliage hat, -trimmed aild d2:U#ht0T_P
h the -1$a. have been ithe -guests !of
me convinef, o its author, He is an i �a Bell orkan in Belmore and provemeirt 61 of Scafort-b, ivielded the hainmer. with violets. The bride eaterec�
f, Wes
ple ;mad at t -he ;;Xne V speof f of st4ck in tWs vi
to mrs. D. Hay fDr tbe past
itb)e�m oW the extellence of a very 7.lm'-' man, which no doftbt. accounts, in Mr. J. 3A.1 Jdhnston, of _Yord4[ch, a This horse ineeds n' f r h fathex,
-of Mendelashn's wed- -Judging 1YY ChO AlUmbeT of
-par-tinit - product 'Gf this. some measure for bis lonivity ad Dominion !organ in X-61aboah, clureh. mendtation, as 9ve. is already nvell- the strains Timothy
'FAlowing, closelS, Upon ft)-- reeent his physical and mekital activity at -FATmers are looking for their known to.,all lovers -of good 'hiarses, ding marft played iby Mrs. james that have been passing through o
i I . Notes. -The foillowing pr village. to thp, marketi, t1io famme
so reat an:ago. h4rod' - heilp -these days and Ope-rty rierguson. Only the immediate re- a good r
via. -r, certain. -portions of -Japan ae wnd Ive, oDngratuldfla ou-r young
chiage; in this vicinity are ist be -
wan is 'hard -to get even at alberal e "11 ed i'ves, of he contracting pati-ei lul
p -rm. It'
frinds on itticir ti-rchse.-Th i -
hmatened by a 1amine on/'account XV001 (um
r- S. Keupfer 111as sold his f a 0
Vn the Gov- Staffa tion sales' of Messrs. James .,Har is -Of the 19-Old"dus _X
of vrop failurs, -for v�hi wages:----:1fhe assessor, Wr Lenord, were peseift. Thie. -floral decorations Ply
*den r V1,11
is again, going his rounds. -At f6i and A r air. P.. Gasho and Intends coming to in the iYarlor twere carnations, prim- is t126, 401dest ireil Vot our
einmeist and the eople are.-ot 'by lbert'iffislop fra well attend -
For tbia West.- rig Zuric to reside. Xr.',E. IN. Talbott r
Mr. G&d e Oliver (L 090s 2,10 :asparagus Fifty yioaxs, ago this veb
any means weal repared and last. :rneeting in Fordwlch� . f be ed, and- goo _ilprfoos w9re re'ilized.- rns - In the
re, end- family, left ihere this week f or hos isdid the -Wilson. farm ark the di started in bui�m.esa he
ras)hip comhoil appoi&ed Mr. ff The 'Wimy w"a'ther of the� pfist- A setivei
lfberal 1chutside blV is iforthicoming wbece ng rorom here were
tbe Province, of "Saskatchewan, Bauble ino to * M 43. :Chaire-tte. een a oontiuuous -resident -he k
gers, of F-ord*icb, treii.911T.or, of monit111 hias been favorable for work arnations, sno*drops aud-smilax; johrm c4uil
there is sluipe to be very great su)t- they intend' M"Mkin their r. dha Gasho ha -s isdld his- farin'on since tbat time. During -th dair
f tit ur-e tbeitowinship to succe id Mr, N. Me- . oir the 0. P. R., and steady pogres The giftsere an -any 3Ad Cosily. The jar
fering orid A life, Taking ad- fam. They Jtook �with ithem ki -ear- S. Gingrich. -there have *on- many vban-'
the iGosben (line ito Xr ift to the ride was a sable tuTy
-this �ituation, it -he GQv-
vantag,, of I;a:dblxn,,of orrie, "�-ho ba:a- resigned Js being rhade, although a lot of grown's g In this vieluity. The . wish o f
Ida;d of seftlers' -effects. Mr. 'Oliver ows,0J4 of B-1 �e wedding breakfast, for
bA intends going west. _M aike, a pupil stle. After t]
eralmeA ht 0ttawa, ba" dtermin visited 'the Northwest 9gat -ims 'Eva fillin. will.be frequired- before the of
9 Miss Minnie oan,,ofthis, get. t
villa -amid 9how- many frie)i4slirt'hat hiviself and WWII Pri
commi�hdably *humane act Nay- Is visiting -among h9r re4Aives con ploted.- the h�tppy couple lef ed on a I -or rice for a slhot f stima'ble partnef may be s ol for�
aind, -was ao, dl pleased with he gr4d-ing is 1 X.Iss Sen
-essfaUly - - L has 1,qmc pass�,d, ther
-ht samo iim a shreWd. 't. -Miss Jennie -Green left rJerguson. is visiting witli friends, in examination at ItNe London Oonser- saine years yet. -Mr. T. aeand, � at t couidtry.�Vbfat 1he itook 'Imp hd f a at preseinr ers of
for tbawest where she will At tr'nif, Bay City and SagialIv.
stroke. o business -by advertiain�g section f dund, and ftmained,-Ilere. %rood, Music itaking 'boors in temler in MD. 12 sch8d1,,TuckorsmJt_ urge 10to.-
vatory of
011% of the-Ileading prodi& rem -select% (-n(
s.of. this Wll:isummer. He erefted a bduse and primary rudiments. -After flong PUTP090-
a holding n examinaton a d
imujAry. A diespa6h, from Ottawa illness (Mrs. Jajbdb Wido, `w1bo Te-, erntertal-ament,iii a fer �weiksi. per amr,
i,:zd broke onougli land Ito Blvtb.
-says: his yedr. The teacUr and pupils Vre,
Bluevale. ell Dbne.-In addition to thD
-give good i6rop aided mear adbiwood died on Te- Anentinect- . last -week, �we' learp. " that
The Canadia rnmnt hav took iplaeo at the residence ot Mr. aa. -or ilast iweek. Ske wat greatly eveTy offort to ake I very protty wedding
nearest ation, just now is qrei (Continued from page 3.)
n Gove' at n-
parcamsed' $25,000 wart, Wisses Annabe F_oster'an4t Annie El-
of wheat feal, Wnd that: is. Ithirty miles'distant, Notes.-Wbat Bluevale needs: A James Spoir, Morris, whe his belovd (by all tivihlo )enjoyed Ilier ac- grxjcfd success, -Mr. Wp, gie, of thisicirity, h
-bioli willjl�ie shipped to J -a- but 4 new brandli iof )the 6. P1. R.-iis new. Presbyterian dhugKch, new daughter twas united in mi�r:riage to quaintance.-Xx. Frievd KiNer, iwb;o
ave 1bgen awara-
pa�a for he. trelie of he, fami' e(I tihe Presbyterian General As- ha)n"' Of 'T;W'�rim
to (bC built 416s conlrug slimm6r, school, granorithic walks and a ha"ll -Mr. David Denholm'.,one of Bly'b's -for Iseverad jewrs carried o a shoef -was spending 'a few "days "s 74:to
striokerff sufferers in 10fe. northern sembly diploma for coTrectly mem-
Whioli il irin-within. �two miles of as treasuT- da:d0- Mrs. -A. Mbateith, f th 400, bArle
arge enqug�h -to afford an -occass tmen, by ithe iiev. r. McLean, business �wnd rwho .4
e the " ; AU
I orizing the �shofto c4techism. U o Airan
pa.-rts Of the kingdom, wher r1ce r.. Oliver's farm. Mr. Oliver 8 al good !1doficert.-The-Ruhes' saiJ, before ja Ia- township of Hay for dome
rge number. of guests, er of Ithke LoiMon-road, wUlp afrx 0o to *11.1
-crap, the taple food of the people, Young ladies 'A:re to 'be
many friends- ttrdbouts , will wish first line of �Morris, on Monday af- mostly irelatives. . After 'the cere- years 'ha removed "from Bramp gratuilate* on their proficiency- in Ivan was visiting &e
%V -s proved a t6tal failure. The himself Amid family a prosperous ternoon, brought, a large crowdand m6ny It'he guests partook of the del- to Listowdl WhhT�e he 11fas -purcased McKay, ia Godfirldb�-MT. athid
tour Was been 4argely parr-hased in- this depaitment. They buld not have for all 1*4
journey' laind 'healh ihappiness and ' ood prl6es.-Mr. Jos'eph, Leech is icaiies prepared y Mrs. Speir and w boot �wnd tghoe tstock a:nd business. J. BWIour were wisiting friends
9 more �usefwl )mowled' nd t he.1r
Winnipeg and.. Portage 4a, .- Prairie, much V'rsperity in their new home. is ill' 1vith Ia g?1pe._krs. Dinioa:nit f hen -enoyea themselves with daa-- Mr. Kibler's meny /old 'friends in ge F, vier tho past, good exiample lioqld be -emuafed. by
buit 'a pait Was been, mi in Brit- &Ula Ia
is o me"be tt--p r,- Oliver Mills s hav- cing and games itill well on in the this vicinity will wish -him is 7vx4livir4t a� good Him
i4h Coilumia from AJbert9. iwhea!t. -it t1inow
-will be m -n -t orward fn,wbite -v�ot- St. Coluni ball. ing an auction sale on Saturday.- mornliig, w1en the' happy couple Auccess n his Inew sphre.--iXios B. marriagg,
the grain. -The of v
Note. -The, little son 4of Mr. J".
Mr. George 'Aiterbeson, of Nelson.- drove (to tbiaii home a ift-ile"nortb of loyer, IftIghter of Uai�b Moy- the fifth
ton sia;cks, eadh holding 49. pounds CLEAMNO SALE of odd 11 ies of Keys, df the Parr -line, who was iso 4aughter of Mr. WaL. da and aturday: inen's. a few sizes only; 48a a -near -Hamilton, visited is home! in Blyth. The est wishes of their er,,of hle flay ond Stanley 'boundary, irson, of IKI to Xr.
Wnd enolosed in a ba!g of coarse 'ite. ill, is now considered out of danger ppell,
M; lodles, neaiiy all sizes, 3 qa a pair. South win- Bllue*ale for a few days. He W t 1arge feircle of friends go '(Vitll, them wa iniarried on Tuiesday of 'last wedk : Mc`PWtL ot 0ddiatich township,
The 9dos of b6th Vags will bear Ithis W. R. Willis, sole agent 'for Dorothy Dodd and.' on the fair ay to recovery. -
Miter shoes for men, r. Jos6#h iSrhWVr.tzedtr it -bo, �Kippen 011MA,
es for ladies and George A
Inscriptio in Japanese. characters: sho' on Tuesday for Strathro t -D attend in their new bome. A rather un- to M dber, of Mr. R;obt. ampbell is,laid up With
9 1904-1 the dairy school. -Mr. and Mrs. Jas. common inclident' ha�pened in con- Baed-_6,n--T-bis. has jobt: lbeen a zood HensalL -by -Rev. Tojwww
't Mour, fo the an, attaick of pneumonia. -Xy,, and f5w 6
�specia!l use, of ithe northeaster'g fam- 'do, Johnston, of seas:Vn for., the. iffi0;po"I of sleighs
Oanadian %rhed
Cbic go, visited r. -nection -with this wedding. Dr. Me- Baugh, oa Wednesday -last, at
Correcti6o.1-In 'this 09rtment con Mrs. JAh XvXughton weie -At. o1look p.m. They left Hensall ino suffering pebple. Thia Oft of tavt wee,,k some inotels were pliblished and Mrs. J. C. Johnston 1 last week. Lean, m�ho married the young WDA ioutters and Imessrs. Fred H home 11 to few of their friends
It is� 205 years- since r. Jqhnistoi2 ple, 1had married oth their fatb- & �bn, thle WeAl known i6arriage Abot Touir dn"der a
w1fch we ;iara'oinformA6 vire 'not last week. -Mr. an7d Mrs. Wilson
t10 Canadia:n Governmet." Twenty
first - left Bluevale.-Mr. am Mrs. erg land mothers.and ba -this plabe, will have 'to Ia
1601y untrue but -whiolf subjected in- -Ptized both uilders 'of -v and the heaTty twill *i8bes of A
Cook, of Hensgl, were -here spend-
tbougand bags of 16dttan and an equal HA Elliott are 'visiting at'Mri bride iand groom, isomething Which- loporry lover�!,prvtil next %wason ibout number
r- Of f rioff& TORONTO
ma�mfber of Ua�gsqf jote, -will be ined- Inocent peoPile to un&eserved ridi- ing a: few (rays with their -son Ha
Robert Mason's. -Miss Eva Paterson.' very seldom, ha pens, -The ly f'Itheir
eule. We I 'are .4orry for this uis no p oung Nal make bf cuItters.-Mr. ff.,
ed to trangport the loux. Tt 1will'go rk.-Mr. Percy Wianless ihas taken a
-her, Buevale men held very -saccissful. a"en;-, L�kVhaxdlt, the..-vpaterxn� iassessor 6f tb 7 to
watter U6 �a I one -may-bej he of Wingham, visited Chim1hurit,
ifow1ard in two Alpmexifl%, itlie, first 32
The mp ay The nixty friends jof r. - Thos.ard, An Enterinmeift.-An . . . . . . 12
friends las"t week. -Miss L. HardY., of -bly in Industry 'h�all on Mond " ev- It is a!galn on MS rounds. MT position in the barness shoo hee.-
41i Columbia -on 11fa:r6b will, Occasio; a osed upon. tuexeys, 14
leavinir Briti,
Teeswater, is visiting at Mr. John ening *of this we7ek, at which -there Lipph&rdit 0 tam �wcurarte, ot Emadville, will xegret to lear ment will be 11held 1n.tbe Chl. sel.
fith, Nmr will not be the Unly BU+ it is iniot Our desire or is It to
our inte"kests, hurgess% Mr. William Brooks !nvi was a large attendance.. The lack- tiousassessor and ithle, best 'proof of
thing in the lb&-gs.' Advantage Vill -to !give �Offense t thalf, he is not Fr4day
reftteTlzir -#hurch
enjoying his -usual P
ter ofone orchestra, of Godei his 1good, judgment Wnd effiziendy is
rich, Tur- alj . will 3ffqW'hi oth, at TSO. Aft
*0 taen of Ithe opportunity to im-, a:ny in ithis Way. We may sayr, how- 'tends going weit.-The Presby ian good lmalth- and -hope bo, onin ToRom
of m around7a * soon. -Mr. At- ordially ivite,
In to The found in Itis 116ng service win- press the apanese with the d(lvant- evier, thalt-tbe protes complained Guild social in the oreaters' hall ighed )the usi and all enjoyed' it see hi gain
'h, in fact some thought it der oviy different dispeniatlons.- e
icge orf aking lbrea:d froln Canadi were n& -furnished lily our Tegimlar last- Friday evening waq the beat very muer -4
aand jollierst,in the history of the so- Y Tecov- 0 oobs
flour. At presenf they convert flou St. Vollum1blan' correspondent, but superior' to the London, harpera:�- jXrs. iE. Axt s Vlow nearl
r ciety. The on4y drawback was re-, The -members of the Presbyterian � ere4 fom er irewd'E "eldent by
as they were vouced for y
the to I&I h
into maccarcyni and othtr foods,whieb nauue, of a ireputdWe'persorn and gret that more were -not d-ut, to jen- ellurch met ast Tuesda to take ww%�6h she, h -da li�r 1=11610 serio�sly t1ye subAantial we
JOY it. The ight was dark and the ntion oYi- the -resignation of. their spriained.--Xr.. J^. -Ort, of the Bron- express h(
lbread. iience. eacb,-bii�g*iwill -contai were thhts ilead- to believe tbem
d.1 juici, therifore a
directions how o maake bread, and a ge)uine, publis1hea 'Ithem. pastor. 'Some wanted bi& to re- son line, -was offered and Tef used, the multumi
Out sixty Only Tepre- -main,
company, of ab 1but it was left in his own other Vay $9,000 for ..his fine farm
ever, now ithatwe, ave been p lit
)5ample of yeast' to help iTe-
sented tbe congregation. -Ci vio. im- hands to deal with as be- thoucrbt of 140. azres, by Mr*- Xoser, of 001asb-
u igulard iwe &dll 'be more /care-
fect to them.", Ofn 0
ptovement in Wroxeter is not eon- fit at thd medting of the Presby- vvod.-RevivX1 serviees are being
f ined to dohiir a little.. road Work 0oiheii3ntration Saveis Money—the best is
tery mext week. -Mrs, W. Campbell held in -the Evangelical church and W.,
Thb Toronto World! has rm-ently su`mme�,-'� Some special effort and son and Miss Bentley, wbowent are Iargely� attended. The pastor, per
Leadbuiv. Oheapesti.
been poking up ithe 'life; insrants during -the past monf
hs has resuilt- -to [California few weeks aan are. Rev. W. S. Yager, is being asalate4
Briefs. 'A social party of Invited ed: in fine'new so'hoo, a consid- enjoying the olimate yery much and- t1bs week by Xrp Clemens, of Dash- We have proved We in the cate of abook foods. Lot "y feader'buv IN. 0 i&nd
companes in Candda iwitli sharp
guests, to te ini!Wber of forty, met erable 'length of sidewalk and a
reaping a great benefit; ao muel �o wood.-Xr. Calvi Williams, who has Aultual Tonio and Blood Purifying Powder t th of hit owi Immesi
J. -now town 1 -all, which wag opened that they woud like to �%ake it 8; Alt fltan in
it the 'home of Mr. nd
making a -series of espedially. mix i vi 50 lbs
Bufalo, is 'home vis- has 58 IN.- of stock food:thst to not excelled by any food m#Ae, and at low for
mvge, ajt,�.oks un It'he Canada 'Life, Pherson. one -evening ecently, 'and by a oncert this week. It doesn't ome.-Mrs. iT. 8 julne Wk Cure il wh
4 enfs.-�;Xr. and Mrs. . 'oost Where is the bormatuan irho has once used our 11,Ec their Vemanent h' i. iting bi,
of -whioh Senatar Com is the p�ms- -lh'.a;d - an enjoy;�b L
-le flmoMiss Ida -take half an eye -to see a consider
Golden rand daughtr aT� at pree-ni T3 rowla.* hiave been on -a visit to their be ;Aoub 1b ? It eost4 $1 for a emall botible; bat th%t onfy means - 5o per dome for
Fer- Boyd is 'aboirE deaving for one, of leas- Were
ident, The 'Mordd 01alms; Ithat
able ia-crease in comfort and p visiting trelatives at 61borne.-N i% rriends in Midbigam-74essrs. AlVin borse; and aea the -advantage of being able bo earry 20 doseff Ift tte vesti pooketo
mm- at 40
-he western province -4 of the 'Domin� ure to .1its citizens from these I'astimeir and' wife - 4 Sims Geiger dome for dose' It it; the cheapest prepstation of Itm kind In the market, It is to q
eval of the -icompaules ae. ear'Jeh- 't
Beattie, mh�o recently moved to town all tO 4
ing th�-ir- 6-harehoilders at the ex- ion. Nv'here some of her botbers re- 61ra es, and it means a. good step has purchased'the residence of Wr. aitf wife intend le-aving for their and oerboin In its action tha horsemen gay they would nob be without,..J: 1'. it 000
)pense, of the palicy holders and that sidei sBoyd ias also some' sis- up in its reputation as * an a:ttrac-. A. MeNally. * We understand it is honie in Cavalip_r, "Nort) Dakota,ne Por bottle.
a qw-lbee b
�money hich hould go to reclace ers settled, in Dakota, near the -tive village.. Is't there a mokal the intention of Mr. -McNally to, Mondy. Mr. J. P. a, ofhe Com- The same irt Ginger Cordial.' oars is so concentrated that amell bAtle #_6 fteb.
the premiums, -of holders is bring Canadian 'boundary. -Mr. George- in this for other little hamlets, still rem,4ja 'a citizen of oTr-town. mwiaial h6te), WCP.Atly Sp6nt a week &gallon of a most agreeable ani refrpshing boverae_` i ried .11% you have nob tx Xrov
used in. paying 'hig�h �ial- DeigeJ, - of 13rodhagen, iwas out ;this not a 13undr4ad miles away. -Eben- -Mr, F. Baiiiton bas purchased the see lfo4 superior it is. ther 4eelln
in W-a-ter(loo nud New �Hamburq._ ought bo get a bottle, if only to
tias to Tvared. officers and'und.u.4y ay on 'business last wee.-Mr.RobE, 'enr dboir -and a -few friends were .1,6t from tX 0. Deise, south of is Mr. Yordina-nd Hess wag Tecetly Wi
tarie dividends to copany share- Boyd has riold 75 ares -of land to his
entertained 'by Rev. Ceorge and tosidence, and %,re under tand in- t presented with a prettty baby -girl
btlers. What tmih there may be neiRWb6r, Mr. m. Bolton., Mr, Vrs. Baker at the parsonage, on
tends 6uilding -a residnce on 'it in which makeS him smile all ove'r.-
'Royd still retains his his. -fifty acye Wednesday evening Of last week.- -the 'near futur .-Mrs. Ed V, wll() "Mr: JbIhn iignpr, of Guelph, has 3104RAl from
tin the World's sftements we ao tL7
e d�
-a M
utt 4,T
seems, to ��ubstan- lot.-Misi Bell c0utcteon intends Several Bluevaleites attended the moice lot$
has [been visiting Telatives in tow,11 been here visitiTig his brother and X6 L_
If . ii ;=rAe8 at
I Late its t�ctu.-,a:tion.qbyfguxes,,vliic-li leaving far -t1be West, where her hockey match in Wingham on Fri- for the. past few weeks, TetUrned to 3vrrs. Catharini� Levigood FIFUST
ir th-:�v* Nvere' oaot e.orrect it would brother and sister weside. We miss day night. Bluerale has been al- h lome in he West last wee`k bnZ her van John have ;gone OF FICKARDS,
to De- MAP- e r n ftrdi dare make. Tn wiew of these ll these youlng people who areleav- most as much Interested in th4 sea- Mr.' 0001jer, -burst, Nvjio troit.-Mr, C, Tlarfleib lbas been in
of Graven
but wish 1them' 'sei-ceas 'in t -be
Ac. ar and th bargle and import, iing, son's games as Wingham itself' -We spent rt couple of eeks visiting re.- Toronto on Nottie