HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-03-02, Page 3_ . - o•-• •• - - - • - Start iho ew rear ()peels ra' 1wIth Aceo_ uni; savings Seel een- et. e s.4 g raore • • Is the for. kr 01 irom fl • pre:V.n:S the suf- fo r kit:phtheria; his to the stomach an Is here it generates rot'st kind of indiges- consumplion, even, e:en known to be help. - )1"` bv cltIrrh your breath is bad, had better sweeten it - ting catarrh out system. You should 7mething that will kill sease germs, tone up general health and rtlariv revitalize and ...,rate the mucous .1ran,-!3 which catarrh iallv attacks. Don't p.nd fail with snuffs and :s -get right straight e disease- by using the est of tonics, tissue afs and blood purifiers ,imes a Yea. he Sovereign Bank of Canada , Wing a Chartered Bank, '9 .A.Ittliarle4 by tite Dominion Government ¶ acoept Deposits. Deposit YotirL 8auings eeith ;an Institution Incorp to the pnrpose. Government Sttpervision by ARuarantee Of Safety MOMS Ordell Issued Beet Rates HENS4LL RANOH. Single Harness Cell andinspect out genuine rebber trimmed harness at $20.00 ; diester value than any $25.00 factory make. We guarantee them hecanee,we make them ourselves ; material, eltyie and queliey ere the hest. They aie the beet value to be had in single lharnese and we will stake our repatatiop for good hr - n8 upon them. A complete stook of Bishop, Gallo- vvay and Saskatchewan b Special pricee. as usual we have the nery"beet vah nee in horse blankets'. Quality the best. and prime the loviest. M.BEODER[CK, CADY BLOCK, SEAFO R TB Ilelfann & jean Moafann, sr. ."` Jo n McMann, jr. , (Summers to John MoMante sr.) Are now prepared to handle SJI kinds et horses. Buyus may purchase bones at i their sale stables, Igraondville, et Roy time. 19444t The qelehrtated English Cocoa. a by all druggists, $t per bottle, P en AND DOOKL.CT FREM sent with our complimente. ggSample Drepartment 0" A.Slocum, Limited offic,-s, and Laboratories: ' a STREET WEST, TORONTO. SIPORTANT NOTICES. 11TII STAND for good general black. No. 1 etand with tool.' ron, eta, -eetle to etart. Apply to POSTMASTER, 1080-0 Pe SALM—For eale, Shorthorn bull, II Li old, red, regietered pedigree, sired by h." Apply on Lot 12, ('onion S. Me. evehateld P. 0. JERRY O'HARA. 1902x1 IN- I leave, on Lt Coneeeedon 9e - earl tity of l'arelevietri barley and the Oats. Thee are supposed to he id Heeds, aud have Liven me the best of -ev pry At ay, ZS well ae P1.ewhero ; try . e. rex:tenable. John Eider, Ilensall P. Oe - '0934 The undersigned will rent his tarm eel ke Shore to a good teeant for a terrnef - the farm eonsigl4 of 210 are of good. - all under cultivation and in good con. .M11 terms and particuktrs apply at once 11111, St. Joeeph 1'. 0, 1981.4f "e1N.—The undereigued lute on farm,11 Reed, near Kippen, a quantity of June - _relecheri Barley. Roth clean and free ele. The peas were mown June lst anti neust leth, and yielded ete bushels per MeLEAN, Kipper. • 1903e4 •iitel The farm of 1011 .•ine Lot 27; Conceeeion 2, stanley, is it for a term of year. 000,(1 hOte300 ileary of water, bearing orehard, e of ne Mot. 80 acres under ettithation ; pre4ent entire4 fuller grass, Apply S on prembeee or Clinton P. 0. ter. Iteetteld. - 1043-tt LSD IXSIBEll. FOIL SALE. -For sale, at N of born timber, square and in lengths te riu feet, also a, quantity of rough eer, plank and SetIntill g, Partiee In- dd during the corning seeewon will find rete to eall and see it on -Lot 24,. JA3IES LOCEJIAItT. leed-tt _ ME SERVICE.- The undereigned sB ieete iee on Lot coneeweien 6, Rib-- .e.-1 Tem wet t Beer, alto a Thorobred whieh a limited nmither f.f twowe Cbargei, $1.00 with the prii, ileee a Th.... 1,444 'Ate kith front Afeo a number of volute SOWS in rf• hf:Z-4!), also a your.r Ti-imworth Roar I MAN BCREE, leant ts 0. tereee FOR. SALE, ',,e; I:ILLS so: SALE. The very ,(eng buffs for sale. Van le• tepti at the Uriffersi,,rned n Eeeter. THOMAS er. letwo-te BULL Ft ;:t 1St LE. le. u• „'iliqrtitarfl I:till, red in ',Tor auu nd 15 on Ltd44. 1.(ci1on Road, Tuek- -,-. 1tre. , -W. ft. eielf1.1.1E. Peet tt Foie SALE. I.WIr 1,4a19 a, ehorthore Bull, /7 month; old, color • ....hie-. Price ri,lir.Apply on Lek , T. 4-0•1,-heili fittmo ! rAlt:kwo(11 - I V.314 111..10' AM.) CATTL, uedere'etc.-1 tree for sale off- !'..pred Li-'' r eheep and Durhata Addrtsa eel :tine P. 0. 01 ; AIX 1 oa ?„ Tueete•ertieti. RODEPte :80Nd, 1$124 - , ow% A t p teieitle,e and 1 ti;iu.d bore( ; •41.,1 •.toe,1 o.or'w• rs. Prieo .„, . Ate. eoth century - °.- *'" 44' *0.--(1. I)AVILD, ; `. 11P.4:;•tf 'AT -FT.! fi“,0-•,..!..14s eitot 7rt-portli1 ▪ -3, tor e'a-le re- mofier- • e-e-ew tereee 1:11041,y0M-4, 1•01,14 3,1111 A11 intere,t,Thof. ' fa rd. Cown, lori; pue ▪ t itt. tur eAta.loxIlea and feint' e9 ; it., u 'got t, Law t) (1 ta tzeitet ; reonahie. }turf how headed by ' s'' fie i4 wee, /e., the bebti ;-rted +,n ttlot-tsy dark 1: lit.q fl1,h6rt Torsos ;on appliiNitiong lb-ow:All th It46-tf Tir!• • F. The under 7-31.• tilt Ifet, 1 ,iasiOrt 8. one b• filly, a few tv.t, • f-4:1: Shorthorn, 1;• pees ..5 It,. e eve. The fer r, ••• tete en the Nation iv( -..1 11t PrInnkierii12: i1j 1171.1„, Staffa, lete•tf T.: a apirfei-i., tf-,nifort„-( ;1 iLh ti e eee :4eal halt '1 i"1 Lard and lio! tor Oaf h id of cattloer %it'd v:7- 74 ne Al -o aF-ood well wwiew : v.1, oti wfibit ;ire the 't11 Le el-. et teat. Thee i a toot ' • fro a I ontfortabla i • ,• eft_er ewe '1 L::!Ircw:s JOLIN Ma* - An admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact. 'This excellent Oecoa main- tains the system ' in robust :health, and enables it to resist winters extrenie Cold. Uht ;i 'octor •edicine Ayer's Cherrs Pectonti is not a shnpie cough syrup-.' It is a strong medidne, a doctor's medicine. It cures hard cases, severe and desperate cases,. chronic cases of, asthma, piedrisy, bronchitis, consumption As your doctor about this. The best Mad os a testimonial- ° "Sold tor over sleety years." Wade= C. ars? Co.. Tioir.31,aaaw yersze.. We ham* no set s I We publish Mao thrraniai of ail our naktioinal. You will hatiten recovery by, tek- ing one of Ayer's Pille at bedtimes I The Big School. ..4.1440101114.11111,11114a11111111110101104 The big telegraph itched of Ameri3a is our eohool. It ie the school that has placed more young ,men in railway psi- tione tiering the pain year than all the other Canadian telegraph -schools and colleges combined. - - Let uf send you our new telegraph book giviog full partinulare. 'B. W.,OMERS, Principal Dominion School of Telegraphy and Raiiroaeliug, 9 ADELAIDE STREET EAST; TORONTO. /4141amffige.a.gelaffSS9_ New Telephone Directory The Bell Telephone Co., of Canada, Limited, Is about to publieh a ,Isfew Issue of the ()Mend Telephone Directory including the . Town of Seaforth Orders for new eonneetione, ehanges of 'firm name. oaanges of street address, or for duplibe handed to cate entries, should the local manager at one. V. Fear, Local Manager. 1. The Most N4tritious and Econonaical. Sore Throat a.nd Coughs A simple, effective and safe remedy for all throo irritations is fonnd in Cresolene Antiseptic Teeblets They cornbine the germicidal value of Cresolenewiti qie soothing properties of slippery elm and licorice 100. All Deugessts, 1 Establiskecl[,1879. Whooping Cough, Crcup, pronollitii Getigh, fortpe Astler al Diphtheria iorecoione la a boon to Aathmo_ticto 1 etr,,707,m• 114 1..w.; plc-LINT:ea and purndard remedy fer din di,(4 w-ei indi-...ted. It eli es beetalse the atr reit. &reel atr. 744: ant-..,,:wlit; Picard d over the dtliase,d sup faces of the irw iich:tw! tttin,5 TO' t every breath, giving B 1 rin.lungvAl niili-..r. twat tr....tame:4 tielo of n, cowmen,. 1 (ewe teee.-e, e, t.r 51:::erer1 trout ,eltrottle bronchitis, find 1nd,,e,'1,,to p_Iict• (two f.ofiglin (ft batived.conditions of Ow ttimit. Vi*PerresP1,,nn ts VI 1 1,,y Ilw.g.,,:, t I IA Salt pre. p.dd (-11, reecif t If pier.. 1A 11 pn.eresolerm cwt. SC Inv:tad/tor a 1P,ino of Croolerto 61..19. se.a ter free Must:wed bi.eklet. 1 LE:CMENO MILLE! Cll., Ltd., Agent% 2t1A Sr: James St., Mel:trout, eueecte. sod %.,..se. SYNOPSIS OF- qANADMN NORTHWEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS. ANY even numbered 'notion of Dotnin- 'on Lands in ManitObe te. the Noroe-west Provineee, exeepting 8 li ti 26, noteroserv. ea, may be hocneteadeI by any oeereon who is ehe els head of family, or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of oaegilerter swim of 163 sores, more or I am . Entry may be made pereenally at the limit mil office for the dieted in which the land is a:triated, or if the homesteader desires, he may, on applirration to the Min. ister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commie - goner of Immigration, Winnipeg, or the local agent receive authority for eome one to make entry for nim. rse homesteader is required to perform the 3onditione coot:meted' therewith under one of ti e follovvin& plane : (1) At least six months residence upon end cultivation of the la nd in each ;year for three yearn (2 If the father (or mother'if the father k deceased) of the homesteader resides up- on a farm in the vicinity Of ohe land enter- ed for the requirements ail to residence may be satisfied by such paten residing with the father or mother. (3) If the settler has 'hilt permanent resi. dente upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the require- ments as to reeidence may be se,tiefied by reeicience upon the maid land. Six menthe notice in writin ehould bo. given to the Commissioner of oDsmiaion Lends at Ottawa of intention to apply for pateet. NV. W. CORY, Deputy of the/Minister of Interior. N. B. - Unauthcrized publiction of this advertieement will not he Aid for. k 1977 26 g MONEY TO LOAON Fends of private parties to I intereet. Apply to I i le 1 r; n at lowest rate of ,1. L. KILLORAN, Barrister, etc, Sea.fortle Ontario. TENDERS WANTED!!! T-titler,-; awn1 be reoeived by Ithe eoune11 of the Towarediiii nI litillett, up to 2 p. me- on. Monday, leleret. Petit, for the ereetion of two concrete abut- ment e to support a steel bridge over the river Mak- Wei, about two miles from Londeshoro. Mo . -lowest or any tender not neceaeatiev ac'epted. Specilleate eon, ezei he -wen tit the Clerk's °Bice, Londeshoro. JAMES CAMPBELL, 19e3.3 Clerk. Ceylon Tea Mountain Grown Grand Mogul Tea is a produalcrt :of the sunniest mountain tops in Ceylon. Preparedby machinery from plantation to tea- pot, it is the beverage of hygiene. - (I No exposure to store dust or microbe's—the pack- ages lined with air -tight paper bring it to you in the nicest possible condition. insist on your dealer sup- plying you with this, the best possible blend of the finest and ripest teas. Dis- criminating housekeepers prefer it to bulk teas cif doubtful value. Grand Mogul Tea qsoki anIn in Packages at 25c, • 30c, 40c and 5Ik per pound. We divide our advertising appropriation with yau ky puttin,g premium coin MIS isfii% Package - Great Auction Sale SHORTHORN CATTLE --ON March 14. '06 30 Females and 10 Young Bulls, the prOperty of W.. If: Taylor, Parkhill and R. &S. Nicholson, Syl- van, to be sold at legrielale. Stock Farm, being: Lot 18, Coneession 17, West Williams, ei miles south-west of the village. The cattle are straight Scotch bred, be- ing imported, from imported sire and dam and near- ly ell tem imorted bulls!. They are as well bred and as.good a lot individually as were ever offered in On- tario. Teams will meet trains the evening before and mornieg of sale, at Parkhill Station. Terms—Ten months' credit: Catalogues on appli- cation. Lunch at noon. Sale to commence at one o'clock sharp. Capt, T. E; Robson, Auctioneer. Address all communication to STEPHEN NICHOLSON, 199213 Sylvan, qntario. McKillop Directory for 01.906 _— JOHN M. GOVENLOCX, Reeve, Wintbrop P. 0. M. ROWLAND. Counaillon, Walton I', O. F. McQUAID, Obuitillor, St. Colum - ban, P. 0. JOHN McDOWELII,Vouncillor, Sea - forth P. 0. H. BYERMAN, Councillor, Brodhag- en P. O. • MICHAEL MURDIE, Clerk, Winth- rop P. 0. DAVID M. ROSS, Treasurer, Winth- rop P. O.' SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. P., San- itary. Inspector, Winthrop, P. 0. PISTRICT MATTERS. !New Dooka-The following new lbqok leave been received -at the Sea - f rth Publie Library: Welsh Sing- , by Raine Thee Gambler, by Their- ston ; Deacon Lysander, by Greene, Raiderland, by Oroeloitt ; I3oy Min- eral- Collectors by Kelly; ThM e onne taint, 'by White; Red Window, by Aurae ; Hearts an Wfasks, by Mao - Grath; White jilIre, byi Oxenham ; Gary old hn Candle,, by Davidie At Ale Emperor's Wish, by Davis; whon, rt Was Dark, by Thorne ; Oarne tain's MI, by . Jacobs; Outside the Law, by Barnes, - Three Score and Ten on Skates. - The Inressells Post of last week says.: "Telk about skating going out -of vogue. Why last Friday B. Gerry, who has passed his three score and 'ten, hied him'tothe rink, along° with some of his grandchildren and it would be difficult to, say whit had the most fun on skates. Few men possess the. vim and youthfulness at his tune of life that Mr. Gerry does. He is a great deal more aotive than mealy men 25 years his junior," Mr. Gerry here alluded to1 is the father cif Mrs. W. H. 'Willis, wife of Mayor Willis, of Seaforth. That he may long continue to enjoy the youth el old age is the wish of his naaey friinds. 0 W inghana. The High School. -The good peo- ple of this town have not been long •taking advantage of their briv- ileges. At the January meeting- of the county council Wingleam was set (apart as a high -sehool district and slam thien the following have been aPpoliated trustees: Dr,. A, 3, Irwin, chairman ; De. P. 'McDonald, Dr. je P. Kennedy, John Wilson, V. 8.;, W4 F Vanstone, 3. A. Morton and C: P. Smith. The site for the new building has been selected, and two and a half acres will ebe pur- chased on the highest point in the town. 'A • handsome and modern struoLre will be erected, and. it is expeoted the school -will be ready for occu.pericy in January, 1907; 0 Molesworth. Locala-Times in oU./' burg are quite lively et present, and oar public, places are 'doing a gond bus- iness this winter; no sleighing but gond Wheeling. The farmers are getting quite •anxions about • the fall wheat a'nd clover, owing to the scarcity- of snow raid so much thaw- ing ant freezing. -There is quite a lot of sickness in M,oleswortb and vicinity this winter. Mrs. George Elliott is at the Stratford hospital but is on thee mend. Mrs. James Menzies, Mrs. Donald Scott. and Miss Fisher are all improving, and we hope to see hewn around again soon. -Mr. W. WoOd is determined to go to Manitoba hnd take Claarge of the 'business of his father-in-law, Mr. James Duncan, who died a few weeks ago. A firm in Atwood is ne- gotiating for Mr. Wood's drygoods and grocery business bei -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mitchell eMe still at the coastenjoying the 'baliny breez- es qf the Pacific oceare-Mr.'Donald Kenzie, our new Cheese maker, Is Pteparing for the season's work ; he is getting n a eupply ef Wood. Rumors are flying through the air , that he -is going to take a- partner to assist him in the manufaaturing -of cheese and also household duties. • Morris. A Former Resident Dies. -After being .in poo t health for about four years, duets* which time the old vigor and edWstreess had largely de-. rerted, owing to heart weakness,' Mani Anderson, brother to Quin -- fire Anderson of the 3rd line of (Mor- ris, north, of Brussels, p•assed that hdurrne from whence no traveller returns on 1.V;ednesday a last week, aged 61 years end eight raeaths. The h.orae of the deoea,se,d was at Ander- son's Mills, Sullivan township, in Bruce. County, not far from Ches- ley. He hadnroved to that locality about 30 years ago after living in this township. eMr. Anderson was bons in South Dunifries, pear Aye, and On attaining his young manhood he followed faamieg before going into the saw rein, and lura'berireg business in which he was not only very 'successfun but honorable and straightforward, possessing -the good, optoloo, of tbe community to a marked degree. In. thutrch relation - hip he was a Presbyterian end in olitics be was an ardent Liberal. ilIe varions positions of public trust and might have attained great- er eminence had. he desired. Twenty- eight years: ago he was united in marriage to. Miss Margaret Forbes, also of Morris, and she and a son, George, surVive linsintend and father. The funeral on Saturday was very largely attended, Interment was made in Chesley cemetersf. Quintin Anderson and son, William, of the 3rd line, and Mrs.'Neil MeLauchlin, Who is a sister to Mrs. Anderson, and Miss Jean, qf Brussels, attended the funeral. The parents of the de- ceased moved from A.yr to Morris purchasing the William Aldridge farm where they resided until .eal- led 'away to a home beyond the skies. Quintin Anderson resides, on t-Jio homestead. Mrs, Apdereon read will share in the sympathy of their old time friends in thisecsom- mnity. Mr. Anderson's /life ex- eeked an. influence for good and his demise Will be regreled. Bluevale (Too late for last week.) 'Notes. -4r. and Mrs. g. C. JOhn- sten were in Goderibir on Monday, 'attending the funeral 'of Mr. John- ston'S mother, Mrs. Stowe, 'formerly a Bluevale.-Timotty Titus Hewitt, formerly of Bluevale, died at the House of Refuge lastweek, aged. eighty-eight years. -The Misses Mary and //fanjet Bell Ro'bertsone of Mani- toba, and Mies eIessie:Robertson, of Wrexeter, are visiting the families o Meesrs. john and' Ro'bert Black d' other friends. -Miss .A.tuaie Alt - sole spent last week with friends in Godericihi-Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H.gg visited; the latter's parents, Grey, on Sunday. -1 Mr. Joseph rgess, of 'the Governraen.t oheese ring station, Woodstock, and his tle son, Harold, visited his par- ts this week. -Mrs. MoLea.n and ughter are Visitieg at Mrs. '3. C. haiston's.-Mr. WAllister, saw- 'ller, of Ilawirsville, visited" at rs. McKinney's last 'Week -James dbertson, of Manitoba, was in the nage last week. He is spending me time with his mother in Wing - h m, They formerly lived on the - _ Blitievale road, Mies Lizzie Hobert - Elan in home from Toronto in poor health.-elithe David Patton, lre is reenvering.-A. latge party a friende from 'beyondWingham came, over to T. Joseph .MeKinn'ey's on Tuesday evening.-Miio Bell Burgess arrived home, 'from' Gederich last Week. Miss Pearl. Baker, itearler at Har- near- Stratford, eras 'forced to quit -work and cOnle home last week be-,-eatteee of la grippe. --Miss Hast, of' Brussels, visited her 'brother, John, last 'week. -Mr. arra- Rea, of ListoWel, was in the vil- lage last week looking over tale Presbyterian Apech.-Mrs. John .Burgess is don with la .grippe. - The dance given by Mr, and Mre. C. R. Bricker -in the Foreisters' hall Was very eraloyable.-Miss Davidson of Wroxeter, visited he brother, Mr. Walter Davidson. -Mr. Douglass rxaser'ssale on Tuesday of leen (Week brought good 'prices. 803116 of the eowe sold for, $60 each 'and hens tor $1.25 catch. Brucefield. _ Farm Sold. -We mentioned last week that Mr. John Chapman, of Stanley, would offer his farm: for sale -here by auctioa, but this will not now 'be nitseseary as Min Chap- man has disposed of his farm to Mr. JohnaDale, of laullett. The farm is on the 5th' -concession of Stenley and contains 100 seines. Mr. Dale pays $4,200 fox. it. It is good value for the money a.nol Mr. Dale is to be oongratulited on his peroba.se, Death. of Another Pioneer, -An- other of the worth pioneers of Eur - on county and a highly respeoted xesiderst of this village, in the per- son. of Mr. Valentine •Diehl, died at his residence here on Sabbath ev- ening, February' 18th, alter a se- vere illness of over *a week, at tbe age of 83. Deceased was a native of Bavaria, Germany, where he was born in the year 1823. At the age of 23 lie left his native vine Soled hells and emigrated. to America, ar- riving.in New York in 1846. He went to Massachusetts, where he werked for a year and then came to Canada. In 1849 when the gold fever was raging he started for California, taking t,he overland route. After a long fatiguing journey and many °adventures he reached the diggings. and remained there ,years in search of the preoloo,s inetal. Having Pair measure of liPtICOOSS he return- ed and settled en the 5th ,CopeeSsion of Stanley. While timber was a- bundant he had a saw mill on the ,river, which furnished lumber for the 'settlers inthe fifties and six- ties. tAbrout 20 yeaa's ago he rented hie fitrin and retired to Brumfield, Where he oontinued to live till his death Deceased was a man of con- siderable intelligence, honest and upright in his dleallegs, and was a highly respected' metaber cif 'the :comb:vanity. In polities the was a lifelong: Libor and a Presbyterian in religion: He was a ro.ember o the Union ohurch, Brumfield. He was twice married., but :from his last marriage there was ITO issue. He was attended dyeing his last illness 'by his wife, his two sons, John und Henry, Ins daughter, lifra. Carter, of Shoal Lake, Manitojea, and a nunnber of kind friends. Besides those metioned he leaves a daugh- ter, Mrs.. Stiles, of Hastings county, and fifteen grandehildren to .mourn hie loss. The funeral was on 'Tues- day and wee attended by a large number., of sympathizing friends and acquaintances, The funeral Servi- ees were conducted by Rev. .E. H. Saweese of Brumfield. The eemaine were interred in Baird's cemetery the pall 'bearers were Wm. So-ott, D. MeInteelie A. Douglas, A, Mus- tard, James McDonald and George, Baird. HOW'S This? We offer One Hundred Dollars lie- n/ail for any case of Catarrh thot cannot be cueed by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. 3. CHENEY & CO. Toledo 0 We, the undersigned, have. known j. Money fox the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly hogerable in all business tra.nsattione, and fin- anoially able to oarry out rev obli- gations made by his firm. Welding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Dxuggists, Toledo, 0. Hail's Catarrh Cure is taken in- ternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous suefaces of the eyetem. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per battle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hall's Family Pills for ton- stipation. * . Perth items. -Mr. H. Davey, latoE of the Mitch- ell Recorder, has puroha.sed a aews- paper business in Beam.sville. -Mr. Charles Smith, who some Weeks -ago purehased the Awty homesteads near Mitchell, sofd to Mr. Williaro. Tear, dropping troo on the deal. -Mrs. R. Herburre „daughter of 'Mr. John Elliott, Mitchell, died at her home on Friday.' Deceased: was born in Logan, buil lived soite time in Mit-cheat with her parents. -Mr. Chester Chin,nick, of Ed- monton,. Alberta,- is at present vise iting his aunts, Mrs, joi,in Begg and John Hooking, Mitchell, and other friends in that district -Dr. D. J. ilYfuireay, son of Mr. Robert Murray, ofi''Stratford, has been 'appointed of Ate staff of the dental Idepartme.nt of St Bartholo- mew's Clinic, in New York city. -Mr. Clyde Dent, of Indian Head, Sask., 'Who has been visiting hie parents, Mr.' alad Mrs. A. Dint, Mit- (Shell, for the past two months, -has returned to the west. -Mr. Sohn Rdbinson, o Carling- ford, has sold a filly taised by (him- self, two years old, to Mr.. Joseph Winteringle.m, of Oxbow, Sask., the price being $250, 'delivered at -Stratford was recently visited by two gentlemen- feora London; Eng- land, Reginald S. Brinton .ad G. 1). Green. They were aecompanied by W. E. Whitehead, ca" Toronto, aid met a number oT repredentative oft- izees in reference to establishing a ibriarreh of a earpet manulactory Stratford: -The other evening the Mitobell Town. Bend 'banqueted -one of their nuniber, Thomas E. Henry. wbo leaving for Stratford. Ile was al- so the recipient of an address, handsome gold chain ancl 1 °lett, and a gold mounted pipe. The -banquet Was given in C. 3. Moore's restaur- ant, and the spread was an elaborate one.; -The meeting of Knox Churob Reading iCilub, Stratford, on Thurs- day evening of last week, was very interesting. A large -number listen- ed `rattentively to the rendering .qf the programme, which included a de- bate eni the subject, Money has more 'influence than ability.'' The affirmative in -the debate was up- e , held by S. R. Stuart, .A. D,Oaraerea. and Thos. MeNay. Tlye neglitive by Dr. Armstrong, Walter .Larkworthy land 020. Ferguson. The judges decid- ed in favor of the negative. -MrVeines Sill ope of the pio- neer residents and leading business men of Mitchell and Perth 'County, and wha will be remembered by the elder, residents, died at the reel - dente of his daughter, Mrs. W. H. Masters, of Pitteburg, Pa., on Feb- ruary 21st, at the age or 82 Tears. The yen:rains were taken to Mitobell for interment last week. -An old resid'ent of Stratford died Vebrnary 122nd, in the person of Mr. Hill. Born in Hull, England, about sixty-eight years ago he emi- grated to Canada when a young man, and settled in Strettford, where he has been a reside.at of over thirty years. He was employed for many years et the Grand Trunk shops, on- ly 'retiring from active work a few years ago. °-The members et the Wide Awake Comforters' Cirice, of St. James' church, Stratford, presented Mrs. R. F. &Urethan with a handeome mire- tary, lin recognition of that lady's deep interest in the -work of the church and cirele. She had: been leader .of the latter for -the past seven veers. A. prograraxne of music was 'rendered in the school room, where the presentation took place. Mrs. Marshall has left to join her husband. in Montreal. --The ?death occurred on. Sunday moining, rebru.ary Ilth, at the resi- dence of her son, Mr. Wm. Proctor, Stratford, of Mrs. 'Marion Proctor, at be age of 71 years, 10 months an .6 days. Born in Southernehire, Sootland, deceased emigrated to Canada and settled in Zona town- ship, land lived near Harrington up till /twelve years ago, when she re- moved to the ,city with her son, and made her home ein Stratford until the time of her death:, -A very pleasant event took place at the rooms of the Listowel Club, the other evening, when at a large and tre,presentative gathering of the eitIzens of the town, Dr. S. T, ;Ruth- erford was presented with -a very lhandsome igold watch. Dr. and Mrs. Rutherford, accompaated by .1‘fir. and Mrs. F. W. Hay, have gone On. 'an (European tour, after vrhieh the doetor &ill visit the leading hospi- tals of Europe before resuming his pracstice egain. At a gathering of the Listowel ladies, at the .home of Mxs. ,tT. °Livingston. in that town, Mrs: lDr. 'Rutherford 'was presented with la very 'handsome darge gold eross and chain, and „Nes. Hay, her fellow voyager, a small token of friendship, The 'quarterly Board of the 'Methodist ichurch visited the home of Me. F. W. Hay on a previ- ous evening, and presented an ad- dress Ito Pr. and Mrs. -Ratherford, and Mr. and Mrs. Hay also, thanking them for their kiedness and- service. Dr. Rutherford has, during his stay in Listowel, identified himself evth every interest of the town, and -the citizens generally° regret that, on his return from urope, he purposes residing elsewhere. 0 Coughs, colds, hoarseness, and other throat ;Omelets are quickly relieved by Cresoleno iableta. ten cents per box. An druggists Thamesville oaomes tale of eleobting,in which T." W. aims, editor of the Herald, figures. It is alleged he was prominent in the recent Uglier proseoutions, end on iFriday night, February 16th. -some- VIM fired two shots into his house. Threats had been made, and one pullett imbedded. itself eight feet from Where Mrs. Sims was aleeping. e -Mr. Anerander MoLean, pornin- inn Commissioner at Tokio, Japan, in his last monthly report to the de- partment of the Interior at Ottawa, rernarke that the preparations for the general incorporation of the mateli factories in. Japan are being puehed. The prospectus of the new ooncerri hes been submitted to the Governnaeot for approval.. The capi- tal is placed at $ 3,000,000, oat of liehieh it is estimated $550,000 will be required for a ;feelers,' site, $850,- 000 for buildings, $250,000 for plant, 000,000 for the pure -hese a the sev- eral . amalgaraated interests with expenses,' and • $790,000 for working trade marks, $10,000 'or proraotione capital. In Japan there are 184 man- ufacturers and 83 dealers in matches, of which trade Kobe and -Osaka are the -centres, and eitheinof which. will have the site of the °combination, SUFFERING WOKEN. -:- ind Health and Strength in the :Use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pls. Every growing girl and every wo- maxe pealing eniddite life suffers from ailmentspeouliae no ter .sex. At these taraes the health and happiness of every poira and woman depen.d upon the inclumies and reg-ularity of h.er blood. Look at the -young girl whose blood is weak and watery. Her face is pale,her lips end gums 'bloodless. Her head ashes and her back aches. She ha.s no energy, ,no fife, a poor ;appetite and rid desire for exertise. She'exereplaine that even to walk up- stairs leaves her breathless, And the woman in middle life -she. is ner- vous,. irritable and depressed -liable to sudden attacks of pa.in and dis- tress that only a woman 'knows of .She tarns frem food.; horrible dizzi- ness, hot and told flashes, make her life miserable. But Dr. Williaens' Pink Pills 'banish allthis misery, be- cause they fill the veins with rich, strong healthy bleed whieh , gives 'tone and strength to -every delleate organ. Tbe. cese of 'Mee. Geo. Danby, of Tbibu.ry, Ont., is one of, the many that proves that no. medicine can uompare with Dr. Williarast Pink Pills in curing the Ils of woman- kind. Mrs. Denby sa s: "I think Dr. Williams' Pink P lis are a blees- ing to .suffering WO en. F -Or a long tferae I WAS a 'great st4ferer from the ainments that*affeet o many of my sex. I was extremely nervous at all times, suLffered a great deal witb headaches and fndigestion. In fact I was in a. 'thoroughly raiSeratte con- dition When I 'began the uze of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,.'but after tak- ing them a -short time 1 bean to improve, and through their furth- er use I em now feeling like a new 'Mennen. I am sure "if .all sick wo- men Would take Dr. Williams' zPink Pills they would be conviated of the great good they can do." 'Dr.Williams' Pink Pills oan make every ailipg girl and suffering wo- man in the land strong .and health, if they are given a fair trial. 'But gteat oare must be taken to see that Yea get the genteine pills witle the full name, Dr. Williams' Mille Pills for Pee People, on the *rap- per around oath box. ;SW by medi- eine -dealers everywhere or sent by mail at 50e a box or six boxes for $2,50 by writing tlie'Dr. Williams' Medicine Op., °Brookville,. Ont, 4‘ S You may have no miss an opportunity if referring to tbe ex celieue-e of 4 that we never .PROGRESS • BRZ-VSD CLOTHING , - and of claiming that it is the best fitting, bfst made and most stylish ready-to-wear clothing in Canada. We repeat the asser- tion, and challenge inspection and compari- son in both quality and price. Our persis- tence in this matterikeans something. Among other things it means we mean and believe what we say, and that no other brand has appeared to make us think twice about repeating our assertion. Pr guess Brand Clothing .has a real reason for existence; it is not t made becaus there is lack of -clothing, but because it fit requirements no' other cloth -- ling ever did. Years ago ' Progress Brand _obtained a wide popularity through SOLID AMBIT, and has since held its position as the leading ready-to-wear clothing by keeping pace with every improvement. That is why 'it is the largest manufacturing clothing house in Canada. We sell Progress Brand because we know it to be a.good, solid, sub- stantial, come-back-awi.buy-again clothing and that is the only kind it pays to handle ii. Do not buy your Spring suit till,. you haw seen our stock of serges, cheviots, worsteds, overplaids and tweeds in ail sizes from 33 to 46. Prices $7.50 Special sagssois, IIMMEROXN#215VE. goys' Clothing Just Arrived dow about the boys' clothe§ ? Is he reay for the Spring suit? Big fellow or little fellow, it matters not, bring him in and we shall be pleased to show you all the new features of the coming season. We have just received our stock for the Spring wear, and they are certainly hand- some suits—Norfolk 2 -piece, 3.piece,, Buster Brown, Russian blouse, brownie, in fact every style made, and in the most harmonious shades, stripes and !checks conceivable. - Pareabs who clothe their boys here will get the best boys' clothing that is made, and they will not pay too much for it. When ready to confront the boys',clothing proposi- tion, don't forget that the immensity' of our stock comprises everything choice in youths', boys' and children's clothing. Special Prices $2, $3 and $4 A.111.§0,50316.1 Ha! FOR THE WEST. Maps, paMphlets and all information via O. P. R. to the Panadian No-ith- wet. To the coast for $43 05 • 'Victoria Vancouver, Seattle, Tacoma, Oc... commencing February 15th, until April 7th, 19064 Apply to STEWART BROS. Agents for CPA. Telegraph and Tickets AND DOMINION EXPAE S.- ' "17