HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-02-23, Page 47 r II-- - ---- UA y 2 46f, ftws­ I -the rifilt-here FTidhY 6� v with 'Ifha� W1 I require -to, he -hookey in -Dom W-U.J16ral di at -oxe a -r iefif r brty tp*nOrs ono of Ulbbert's �mpeete& f" 'A. c0lelb Ae4t, a rs. Will W, opie r -thdg -said' Xdtowh, of-1ffdrr1mftoh,'Ij; the'.gues Q. ndblor; W were simply etll�gk, be;tw,ecn Wr ter,:a by vwgfiifliftlit� aj�4 almost bey,60 di-, unov, eam 1 �Win m `X befort -.It bir Feb.. soription'aa thos% alone. aft- fkrwit reovb# boa ruary RtU Wr, XtOiaa # sti 1. ro� ourl. o7tni ro-_ Oi 10 U d# autimobk , from; the bulat, both pbyOUWly -an&. mental T F 8 t h4ve ost' 200, A A Raty,"Miss Totten, of p The ind-up- of Tea n moot Ira, fdth� Xlrt CaTh)2-t b i to � crooking d ly. our 0 n Ze 0 bespared to -00joy, many way 2 & I the We ft of St. Will Vdo n meiit where X -r. 'Me- village ogi Wddlay.-Milli -0 or, iawiyl bi�eai�lo, hroUghtheir re Virtfid --xaaiver�a -is the M10 Sy ries Cuakeyj � ffie veiebratted . c i nte Footwear. 4 5 6 7 I 9 101 aterer, was Wirwham, to the - guest of Miss Vudu ame'n� X�� W. J. Jlk6oLe Tbis au.to of his frionds. Sale of W. r BUM in, otarge. There_� ,was'dfso apWml R-empbIll Us week. * Xr. Xames #a 43 or It M -16 17 Iif Is to be i , used' y r. Ai in M_ 0, a Vecial. .1ijkUng PaWitn, if., 'has'parohased the fVuA-; gohering d 0�eajn 'for: is creamery Out Febmary 0 g 9 VFinthrop loarfil ' ale of- WinterFootwear io drawing t 18 It 20 '21 -22 23 24. fitus. foi� -t1he o6casion. the d turalug in *Sol prepar-' ry, which e purposes to A'he�re, The crown Will W delive-ted inspite the weAther has been aneof the M- 25 2V -27 28 atiricins loughat. were of the, most _4, dwelling. -Miss- -Gralce Walker. of 4t Watral Vol Notes . .... Mr., 11141 Mr., of of the mildnea of 0264- ints �'by I *irss coovey- toba, visit" with emsful in the history of the store. For the few remikiing daya f. *4r nature _=4' -were ftied Tee�swatm, asited Miss Aunle. Hdr- anoes - a -will be takeh from 'Ehese IWant lid suce friends In Thtis violhity. �ast week-.� t 'to most sutd6ess&f issue,' the rig' on 1XVa -Mr. Ben Ringler es to -uy f the oreiamer r bore y the February, we offer you exceptional price redueti�nx on enbire roceedIngs concluding. TutAberry, Jhad, a very sw6 -Miss Mason.,'of - Toronto, bias return- cess- uv t our. Ry his m(ans Mr. Bo� NNW ADVPMTU=0J= Felt Ba al Pelt Sh6esp_ Pelt Slip Overshoes, kch -of any., I fU4 salo '11119t 116- Ibi w nks he sa 19P lines: ot per a Al d-ld belarg Ob Vh Mue 'time ed home, after ' andIng a. few weeks GUM W*od ...... bem, Knitted Socks, Moccasins aa v writlhi i8hiinnn, and Leggings. The r-Onstant cerweble. Sir Wilfpid, Elhould ro Thompson, who' -lived near thi vil- to Vbe tran-amtst his cream, her cousin, MMr Ths Sprolbetima so th"" a&, 9uh a . I I STA - - - I PAM tun 'to the Capital the d and e ago: ,for a zumbe kled tq�u-$ wwxng -oxpenso.a dthler � trie&s.-Miss MoSpadden has now. Spring puTchas6s, in largo �ahipmen* demand avk , n r of yet U4 -haviiig the Ing more room. 11 deffiow as at -Us pap" *b1ob lbe ere r vil �re�uriied- from 4 plefasant visit with good and:sufficient -reason why we are anxions to quickly AispDse- of erdl�nt I bei fouM &wrwged, as this great domondtra- vor3t si�dd.ejily a lb6r, home'near ;oream aliveod' at thio factory in. Words-)�� Ala anitidba, -hie weik. - an'd Other - lixtis. 4ul C�� -8 ition. mu-dt prove tof him thitt 'be still crysta friends in Ot. Marys pol I Clty, WIfer c6ndition itbian by th I Winter'V,00twq&r.- holds.a. *ery' warm,'place 411 the a -f- method of horge transiVisg, '.h.r -Mr, wA Mrs.. MorrlsoA, (nee miss W-001 *odd Bargains! 0 lestone Clardiner-5 For the same reason we claim it, viff certainly, I fedtions �of he wbeiffls -of ntario Pheme Common)of Newry,visit d I POY OU take advant The Wind Up -IL I is Son --4 �O if Farquhar. multlo wT11 e ofa iton ajid a if c Pay You- -Stewart, B while his rillin 'abilitie" are- -ail the -vll,,998 141t week the pri.-e reduetions pzevailibg during the ;l;sin& -3 P ''Ity and is Vob6 delivere in prior -4* idas of this -sa a L Nles.-Quite aluanber from her4 113 I- As -5 leiat i4mired, 'by the Cons5r vat* at:rl by Vhe first of Mhy� t1leir departure. for Brundon, Mani- theso price reductions -cover, all lines of Winter wesr, we wil-I Ives. son -6 -at tended, the tea * meet liig at Mount- add rs. *Uler are the not aa I ate Auction $41 1.41 Tou ke-6 Pleasant last Ronday evening.-Mr,t anyorleesoan par*ular.lines thioweelibutjusbaskyo It McNa�ugh`t is the Con- guests of It'h atte-r's p-areots; Mr. y Auction $kle--J4mes meffir, ilfred Campbell- spent last Sun� Audlon, 811e, -X Sm hic, -, 5 W "d - - few of ,oiar and prove for yourself that wesell as we adver*e,-11 Mrs. A. Pethriok.-A young- People atended Ihm.for Salew-&Iward Diguan-5 iviaive, oadidate in' XorW To- day. in Logaji.-Mr. and Mrs. M,;b-* Notes. Mr. Archie' MWir a. a b is Monoy to Loan-J.L4'�KlIlora6-,4 earn!- & rontb for the Legfislatux%' the Cuxig, of Carberry Plains, .Maiiito- vd# Googe, of Stratfvd, are, visit- vial fi� Seatlorth last eek. 1;00 Tenders Whntvd-A.,'4, Staillle­-5 inealu ba., are'visiting at the. home of their Ing Mr. ames Miller,-�Miss. per, FUM to Rent 0 'Ross � ri stlitu6npy rendered vacan't by -1he at 13i Seed Oraln-R.. 13� uncle, -Mr. Simon Caxnpb�ll.—Mr� 0. of, So-aftorth, is.the guest of h Big- S ON 4 reftramen't f IDr. BeaW Nesbitt., Constance. 8lioes-Riebardon & MaIn ni" ,Hackney 'inends holding another ter, Mrs. Hawbly,­w-Mis Ker-. ShorthomCattle-H. 1310 WITMAIN'S In girls'shoes. 37 pairs Ex-ffayoT Urquhart ,is 'the- Liberal: uottan, - saJo � of . horse is visiting her cs ary Walk -O Shorthorn Rufl�W. It. Smillie -5 a Ad cattle 'on slitkw F. Isole Agents tor ..le 498later" anct ,evildidat.e. ':�oth good Farquhar orchestra Kerstake and Mrs; Chappe -we 11, 101 18, 1 and 2, regilar price A1.25 for 67c pef pair Veli Shoes for For Sale -D, lfilne-h They are 4nd Friday. - The' j a- an Aiday and Saturday only, L men, W. If. Willis. sole Saorifice Shle-Raltotir k Caldwell -S rendered several selections. at the way attending the Dodd shom for Indies and Georg� and Queen Quality and Eapyess Shoes for Women, Dress Xaking�-Afr. .T. Marsball-4 at- rong men. . lir. MoNkLught, wqs funoral of eir Doroth valentine social at'Salem last Wed... sis:ter-in-law.'� who died in . trat- sh9es for men, Seaforth, are I& Big Auctio I n Sale-Qeorg,4 Hawes -5 for sevetaT years Pxes,ided% of. the nesd4y � evening.' Kr. Simon Camp ford on l?rd,ay last. -gr. and Mrs. Briefs. -Mr. nd Mrs. Tudor mojag those from a Alstance attend- SALE REGISE fair 10i Supr-Cardno llros�-& b Aidustral Exhf ition Association bell purchased a handsoibe Mason & Hugh, Hamilton, of Tuker ith, and rs. Hicks spent Sunday t va the funeral were Udbqrt FergL4.1- pot l3dek-J. P. Mutzer-415, Riaahe piao last week. Mr. 'Qa spent- Su Mil, 11-olmesville.-On Sunday afternoon, o On Priday, February 23rd, -Onftot faind, he was appoi'teJ chairman of JAP- nday at Mr. T, M Brandon;.Jofin Fo_ebeA, Portage ion was -presented in duplicate Ifullett, Farm SboOk and Implemen bell is a I over of music -Mr 'H.,, f d..' -a petit, the lWense board in Toronto by Mr. n's.-Mr. D. Maltma was way la �Pwlrle, ; Dougald erg-uson, a;!@ Slills, proprietor 71�0& Browv, �auction _r-A� Young--$ i form to the 100tor-8 in -tbi§ vicin- wife n& Miss Zetta, of Teeawater rRhode, of Dashwood, delivered a v1piting relatives at bawa.-Miss father y after the esignation of Mr. horse to Mr. Charlie 'Hack�ey on Lucy Jeff-rey, f. aut -I 0. is visfi- ity, for he �43tter obserranee of Wigs Mary iroi4bes, Winiftipag mf�. On M&Y, Xarelj2nd, at one ol�lock Wall.Paper-Jaweir Grave" WhIftne eed Grain -Sohn Eljer�& Plaell. Mr. TJTqUhart, alihomgh a Saturday last.'Mr. Fred White took I her mother and he Sabba 1?y Aigned Ferguson, RAW, and John and Wm�. .5, CDnbesslon 6, Phrenology -F* Burt0n Vtleir-5 b0ther.-Miss th. it. -was fargel Tucker$inUb. Viberail was eleoted, ayor of Tory. in the valentine social at Salem last And ImPlements. Shmuellaidlawprw -4 -Dablin. is These and dther* petitions are to be Habk;ik,., T a r. . * Ate set Auditore Abstract off Seafinth Knedy f of 6e Wafte Brownauctioneer. i Tenders 1VaUted­:,"eqCampb0II­4 Toronto for hice forms in 611-000.9- Wednesday, evdning.-Valentines ha M Carlin,. wh� .Is siek.�Rev� presented t sparliamet Oy the 'Sab- ve *Ijqg ra. oioa oud proved himself'one of the been floating On Tuesday 3far4b ebb, at:E around. quite lively- Xpr. Wilson!s brot,her Of Grand Bwmd, bath Day Alliance darlu It the com- 2, IL R, S, beat MayforA Toronto evQX ad. It week. -Miss Ada Tucker be- w!as visiting. him -the other day. -A ing session.'R,ek. A. X..' 3irks haa SJ�Vk 1;;Plemdnts amd Uoui. 1-rarni - Ile likely , however, that' Mr."Mc- see If. A� FANVards' now White waistingsndprints. Uora�e - taw_ ToWmeAdVW;Thon­ amlB'010 possessor of a handsome Mw eveni* dists of oharge of the petitions and Baid a They,,,4rc -beautiful goods. - F. A..Uciwards, Ba Aeld. NJ&JJVht_­` W"1111 elected as the con- d new gan last -week. -Mr. EdWird de'Staffa circitit, met at the parsn- few pointed wor' a reg4rding the On Thursda CamVbell present form J,, 3krQh 8th, 96 o'clt nil* Rb tueUY. is allurost hopplessly Tory. and MORS Mau spen't. igot and presepted 4Rev.1 Mr -Wilson ot legislation on Sab �Blowis.�Jjames Attwood, G. Gidleyo eN ;th TOR4 Conemlons, . F. S., Tuck - 'x' SNAPORT-H, FRIDAY, Feb.. 23 190-6: lit ever W". represented 'by a Lib- Tuesday last wil friends in" M-oth- with, a fur coat and V'rs: Wilson bath day a num- W. ToTner and. G. Oamroa Wfi3nW, w4re fte LevialatuTe. Mt. Mar- ervvell.-The farmers' institute con- i I*.r attended th' Brown, auctioneer. I -sale J- -at E -be icarnival at Clinton franda ter' �vals s representative,- for- sov- irt was �vj t1I a rodking chair. -The womans e liy" . Imovem III The Ontario Le "alature. �so, cc a granif. success. Two'ex_ stitute'wlill' meet at the h'm.e' of WYatt's an Tueadlay last. -The * E,,p- nrighf.-D. T. Cardbaer a:aA E.T �ft 91 e rms unUl he wed witch- LotA South Thaineffitonj, t7sboi., Igg Ite " some cellet udd;resses were Viven by Mrs. Herron on SaturdAy, the 25tb. wortb League ntend holding a lit- ell, of ;CJ1n:tOn, attnde I i?, a n I- lorpUl As wll be 4een, by the speech of ptma of independece when 'he' d the school Sale of Iforses. 0, R ,Ha��60 Mr. ''Aderfion nnd Mr: Barbour, OIL Mareh] 6th. A slIver col- concert here on eTA ws 'promptly - turned dourn and. re-; LleiAenant-Gov or, -%Yh*'b was which were much -appreciated. Miss lectio in id of �he Fdr-i-Vad-Msi. an& Thom son, Le HuHatt.. ion movement will be., ta Qn W�edneaday, 'gareb 7-tb, at I e7cq, plaoeit\,by Dr. Beatte N p rbitt Oak dv&ivered at th�e opeiiing Of So Jewlie H-amilbon spen last Sunday the Leg- kentat the lageThe Lot 1-2, 3M IlMd ThcJWrsmth one balf J^ io f - JEgmondvill ' F, - Vount. 7 'The co"dil met on the, door.-INext . Tuesday evening the sohoof conciat , on lYiday evening e, %0�m Stock and if' Mr. -Urquhart iff elected it at her home in Motherwell. Coulncritl.' spexif 8undlay iin. the vil =196 Hawes, proprietor; - J9_% o. 2114 i&4ture, and appears in an- be nex,t thing to, a miracle.. ajid lftb,of Febru&ry,'when Lenders 'for League topic will be,. Wh w - att on is astWaa ell a eer. 9ke �w # other column, 14veral -important Will raagdr fba�d for the Whitney the supply of qxatl�ty of elm� true happines," to be. introduced by iolm itms 0g, Govothedt. The- eledtrion Occurred Drysdalo the, programme were. OnVednesda,March7th atlo'clock Villank were -afecepted from Car MI's. J. 1). Hinchley aa'd- Mr. Jarnes most ig, Lot 19, mStool" I -maoasures are promsed for the co- t- yesterdaiy, Thursday, Notos.-The mild welath , wilight; Stott, Radford� ind Wi6t�- teresting. There -were. a bulE at the bou ev- r StnleY. - W, of the Legislature this of past week 1b,as - jeau-sed -the ice ,to dter oral gqod, drills, choruses, re�id ngs, go,kng to, press t1he result IvRs in t Th e : �&udklors I i Thomas *0wr4 auct4neer. I ly) 3 .12 0 Teport and : &I-alogue and isitruMexitals. mssion. The motion in reply to the dUtalinable.. Laket Huron to break uip while, -the abatnient of the treasuter!s accounts Pin- OR Wedesda�y, 31iirb 14th, -at I We) Brucefield. iss, Stadbury lot 12; Concession 3J,, R. speech was made by Mr.'Hugb Clark easterly w1n4s have driven.it west- for 1905 '%were adbpb�dj�dzd poples Brownlee a:ad -M Lizzie, a1d An- deserve muoh. pmisa for, tho effi- Stock and Implements. PeWrS Hib)3��t W(a Mid' "the so called fishing- 1 oTdered to be. f e part. rl f Cetre Br-uce, ana was seconded nle Foote, of Bannodhb;ur' di pupili were Thomas Brown Uuctioneer, wh,icb have been so - covet- ies en-tiflea th' n, svere ieift In which the. eretio. y Mr. 0. A.13 wer, of East Kent. -1.6th, at I oi�dlwk P. U1., 4 North Side NdLes.-A lrge nu -m- -e4 'by Iffie farmers a:re 'now 4aunch- alim. repoeted lWa e e wa�s sev- 2:tte ro' this week -at Crediton nding t1kg- truined. A. E. -Erwin sang gong- 8 Oonce4�lon 3, -M3r,, Farm Stock and Impblememn ber: ot friends were entert-Uned by, edL outt vidt Nveddfiig of the-ir f rieAd.' Miss, An- Dr. Smith !gave, a' vothie rviding and I The debate mras' adjourned util T"s_ o th-em broad- expani�e of erml ases of :measles iih� school Bee- F'Iieg Donthron, praqirletor Thomas '0�rn W 41 dres.. Dr. Smib and Mise Wi(ldoo a piano' loneer. Brown, -Vict ootedal Lorne Pofhic at his. home, on wia!ters.-The Miss Ua!WL inid Liz- U!on No. -8. He was appointed y the ;day and the House ta�journed fro ' Modday evening of last M week. The zie, Newridowbe, Of Gbdt are af -c�undill -a' Huron Old Boy Mwrried.-M-any of dqit. 'Wlooas 'was ,chali lrrlid�ay Monday. on a Medical Hea�ltlh Officer On Alum lower, a aMon day WU610 houise w4p 'ahanoned tomer- our readers, mpecr, aripoxrd The proceeds to $37. presen1t t1be,guests Gf their or 19P6, ;nd -will am farnk -rim0n r4r The towaship J in and- Wilson!h Uot,6L Srucefield, a -choice Johl it and .Brucefield, whey Uie House wi bly in -session- a - few 'res-ounded t o th�a on- Miss F. M. T -Mrs. Church, ,ke to lit tb,%t. if nv�'besguq,'the school Lot 9, Concession 1; 41tanley. Jah h spent his -lboy- PrIetor, Thomas n hapman, T;*n. ancr -0 livening strains of music and -lo' h Joneer. -with U Nuinuttes the principal business be- Lt1he �gr of the -Goshen line, Stanley, --spent' n�Ul 'be o1osed fo ood 'days, will 'be pleased-totthear I � '12�eefUa r some t�me6 W. M. foold At: movemen1a of the danc- of the ma:Tritage.- of- 7 R Ban. ay Mr. Afbiqn: e as ing ing 4u,dsts, 'the warin P is T! -ing the presentation of -petitions ask la�st at the home of Mr. ff. Oulghill, _0011sta.fic ki for g -low.. of rat- &Ubo li V. Mc:ltioxh. of -New York, fo��, G. J.. Sutherland b I ad placed in his hands at a 9 ne, Stanley. -Miss d4nigges to, t1he extent ol $50, said to ing for amendments to the mnniai-� litu6 exi-terigg- into f -he mirth of the Sarah H*ard has returne m d fro have been sV§Wliel -h the Amerlca7n great bargain, two fine bri4fc dwellings 'With a num- lber jof v iad to Miss An her of lots attaebed to each. A good chance for a ev On T; a On' Q-9 -Dayfle d eraA years palk Arl't *to kbstr, pal law. On Tuesday the de6ate on joyous crowd— id�s i1de by his horse ojV Express . COMPVVY, retired farmer or anyone wantin iku I laaoaro after spend-ing the past, s! 3L �ct ncession ne M. .. rs first-class dwell- the Address, as�it. is called -of laet, weelk Mr. Mlidlhfae -anil - Kiss few days in ren wl; q d MoLean, of Rodhester, N. Y. e n&� ae udinfances- A� i6bramIDUee 31a the council accom- They 'ings at a bargain. Also cheaper properties for sale. ! I 2 was xe- I.Mary ]Kelly gave aLdehightfur daAc- in that village. -Miss ]Ef.. m, 13parks p6niod by A. �Hill, Lf M'tCho1j, have One onj a toux, in the Orient Al�ply atonee at the post *111cet HensalL mr)-t- Of Reeipts, Expeviditure Assets sumed by H(m. G. W. Ross, Jeader lin-9 !�.arty in hinr of Miss Gurtrude itea,cher of �fhe and Italy, areece, Turkey, Dr. OLVefts, eye - and eat surgeon, will be t the Liabilifies o e C-Orpor-a-6 -f .,village school Ino ihe. I'd eCool -At of ther. Opposition, wo delivefed a Dalton. spent went P, xain 5 f th The lnan,� guefftS.Lentered Uours . . . . . . turd -ay L and Sunday last at -her brildge, fond *it iwoulld' be neces- the Holy Laj�d, Egkpt and --other -in- Queens hotel, I-lensall on Friday, Varehfth. -Ue -j(-,ond 8 a, In. to 2 'bily ino lip enjoymeh-ts of the tresbi 1a &e Mediteran- p -m. Glasses properly fitted 1931tf theTown of Seaforth for f905. emple o. reandhnt and �eloquent ad:dress 1"n heai t hbme, in.Bbanley.-Afr.. Garnet Mur, sar to re-bftild 14, th] Jag p. tes-(a �y ring, end STOCK TAKINGale Xo%v on. *riticiam'of the. conduct and even)iag. and the mingling Of Social raY amlled -an friends in Zu" p All goods reduc- 8730 -1 nea�n; The 'best 'W'Whes of mnjiy old ed. Men's Suits at prices that are selling them Government. 'The ma rich 'last lot thi 16ontrAet of th iron work .40ifiog A rices in Ladies' Coats, to Mr. HIM on t'he spot. ders for! ', adl 'V tle morning � heralds 'be An to -deck, I t4 YJawden and Song, Hensall. RECEIPTS. -Adlanr bi( of - 'the - febings wtas ardently indulj6d. until Sirli-d6y 'evening. - The . followin;- rieqds herea!hadfis will be ex -tended fast. Unheard of p oAfr. R 9 'ladies aln'd gentlenien from this vi- 3. Mi, ,and Mrs. -MeIdtoA. Oss will regret o. bulilding the qlemaj�t abu, ments will he eait,ern sky. -Some trust has e learn that. although ntellectually V- cinity. attended the concert bold in Xr -Chpman's SHIED GRAIN I h Lot 116, Concession q-, Blauoe rom 1904 U. Ray, a quantity of 1 3`vj�nod a4kied aliad ogdncd at next t r_':dU.,', goraus, as h4� lidently -carnered ft1h: now a be. Mr. JoI the T4D as, vi' ever was, his �pbys pply �Rayfield, last Friday evening. Messrs. meeUng of, �c bhe sZurl barlev And CpmaVs -auetion sal, in Stafiley,. Infrelat, which will* Danis -Wbite Oats. They are bupp6sed to -b e Do dh that after this"wiAter. The Government should :J. J. Turner, R. - Tu-ier, jr,, R. J. -144-reh 12th, at" 1.30 on Wedneday, Was lrgely attend- nfreeZ .g tax. rive fical cojidition was sue Ve p. m,' be of all,f ul keds,.and have given me Vic best of ,institute in stigiafiona'at once. faction In every Avay, as ug elBewljere ; Tn, In Alf �H rd, Turner, 'T. Johnston, Water rates -ind street vvaier lVeaki 9 ten mijiules he had to re- ed- wad ivks a gra'ad saac6ss. Horses sati -Hog, Pardbasd.-The recent )log- them; pn0re oil Bume hiis s"t and deRver the re-, jr., L. Duran, H. Howard, aild the c9ttle, �eold at good prices. The as able- n Elder, lien.sall 0 *:50i P. 0. Rknt (r badan controversy- -and th INS -V I malnde�r of -his speech sitting� HP e exclus- Mirses 11-� M. Sparks, -L. Gelinas, P. People's, aui6tloneer, Mr. - Th' Litenses to 4 was Briefs -Miss Lilly Ortwein was j.On ]XIck, Instaln�en ion of 'Americia oM Glen.- &afor , witelded. the. ers, of- Udborne %as depatted blammer. :The -ftrin was not 8 ndon this week atteii` the 1) ntures % V,0184_Ac r in',councif bas ree�aled to the Drysdale, of Hensall, is this . week old aing riaphed to by Mr.' WhUney.jorde IiVet 1109 'by Walsh and, L. Horn0c.-Miss E. AwDther of Bro, of th The,16 -is no � JOV0_4 lost . between the n Lo ebe Z t-wo leaders and the compliments, farmers the inapotance -ot thet,lhi)_ Mr. Thomas Glen, of the 64,100 Wjjg-,the�higbet -bid.- 1-t millinery t6penmgs.-Mrs, U. ..g. !visiting friends at t& home o Mr. Johns, L� axins ( 14,7 'It 11B. Allian., sr. -Mr. and Mrs. R. J. !np Vnd.arY, dlie4 on Tburs- dh1bice far d a lau passed bet"Ve-en -them were not sucr- it asing, Induatry. rt1h­%-wt � lbo 'L8 who was here �Rendlng a f ow weeks am the' aisifrance, that they can -ot - s it 9 t e m d1I h aw' on it ten adiles ,v�ltb b; er pa,re7fs, Mr. aad Mrs. H. ar otoated. However, it may be SaID th ft�y of last 'we � k, --having !reached 1he of.,�good 'hrdwood Umber and te d I Talb pe a urday evening last' n- was one Alow- launbh! �U-t inito this branch a, e. of 77 years.; r. G Cook, retmied- to Guelph l,a%., that when the,.Piemler had finish- week. MismIlan u. fat the home of Mr. W. J. Horner.- mres Of fall wheat, whch. is look- co s, itIlle pioneer aidens of. Usborne, 1wilway $a to $51 -e of agriculture iUbotutt fear, of,Buoh d 11-0gs are be - price OU JLVe wAs far many year one 6f its ously dtisp'osed of, -into our staf!'On Yazd R. 13611 E doo., instal. 54 ed his address )�oiao'rs were about � That it is hard to brave a laugh is ing well. This farm if, not prev.i- Ing brought . Grnd Trunk Oven. This losed a delb, kPlutulabionsi in UP,- 04 .1 Toplonx ate witnch not disputed. -That thr-re is a bw i offered n large numbers. The wonder is po Il- be' .1111sulally Dogbinilesi fo hogs ai berit-ofo p ptomline-At feitizeJas. ff ras a use- for nle at Wilson's hdtel. here, o.h 4 -r- several days. re charaq,te -zed cr in sarcas& which maj make the VIA& fees ketNt It h -a I w Slaw. then Lhe Rome has been * 1 here* they oonditiola Y, and,was one of Saturdy, -all toome fjrom.�Credit Tax rall. the mar a also - ena, led N Mmn inhis d'a -of -a gentleman a'condi- fOth. 'Mr. Chap,,, them; from' ,the xchange of Wiew those who drid his fo 'make Us- man and family int r cenita�ge. aa -taxes gaged in routine basin�ss and has tian- of perstoution, is nof disiJ6 to wbom �eredit is due.* In oax e- Pe - e -The t Aed. end leaving for 81. %�o. a -ad OF th, wher �ots -far - be-twen 'hog raisers and; packers, U61*ne �amad -Huron coamty What it is 'danit-obta, abo t oft in last'Week's issue ai to Wr poll tax s yet scare I E d wn 'to sofid -Th-at, St. Valentine"s day was well- u buBiness. B(le y Inids of the '- Robext XeLaxees new-44bbick resi*_ elebrated igh esteem -Mr. Chlapmal.a 'has pan,�hased a large dence, we - - - fC 'in this- 'cinity, this pAblie bills t`O better meet th6. dem vi ideil by Ir by produciing a. -at p latter andard ' 's b��Taj4y, and hs death will be ire- farm. bould he g4ven the F Government not disputed. But when the bat- Total -nd' contractor $4 to 4 the type Of ba,corn hog'. The hog name of the builder a bill. legislation is likely to- rajis- tery of jest and c ol! irinds led- (by. large airel ontempt that is ing industry 1has 'been be navy. a,,uonsp laofl 'former -admirers. of the brick work as Mr. Henry Tay- Z th 1 tteii Mr. H. Brussels tR ligh ho, is on Rilber, . Of Sou rp-- of. ag-piouat-are, in. of Town bAl g -1 i `s1krink shamed of his profession,, h Of U Int has given ous fea-tu 19 brought to bear on him makes Nm were flaid to' rest in The iemains -328. th MeTaggart's IOT Of this village, w dstridt for some� time cemejt,�,ry on Alon&y la, of a bill f�r the arneiidment ast, Re;a;l-! ive cannot ccept the diffic4lty of t, and the Notes. -D. ScdEt; of Ra.miE on, Our -well known andt, c'orapetent con - the buslum 1i w1t, ro of the House ol Aef lige, at. 'What enoounter ..,AS an al)o.Ngy for large attendance a:t th f`1 eral fully 'Tas 0. misitloi in town for a net proceed of the Ing ing .-Ahe importance of, this ad' the Ava.6toTs.-Tb ut, urance producing high his defeat. We really want - terms I he : e, sity of aftes Led st'he steem it dys du*ng�!,Itho few F armors' Inst' ts are. which Mr., E1;1- � �v i'ah the d6- past Nvee Unto meeting held Is -tock, Mr. W -m. Burke, of the 4th 4, was qield i bor- Dawnling -waft in Wingham. for a cou- heilb last Saturday evening were 004legiate Ins"ti ute price pod. b -P -r proposes has ot yet been- stat- in wh'ch-to express our sense of the c se n the; neigh 19 ed. croncesslon,_ who is -.a close slud6nt wuak hood where 'he bad lresild�d 81 ple Of -days �his week, -taki dobted to the Sick- Childr-eWs he Law, ­costs� ess and infatija:tion of -men, many Ing stx3:ck $_ eing. most deserving of -the conditions ffecting the - ba-, who Mr Glen was a matilve of, df 'alwe which is b PUT, at Toronto, a Roads tle h. ty Ivan trade, has -just p urchased a pur .00 nty Erm-anagih, I Doherty -and, it Ir Vite - wre.. that th0y,. have Y'e�a-r'; Tho Laurier ..Panc ight n their s4e, and th gurdhased by 'Mr. !Pdobert John.it- � Obi Dct--Xys- bred Brkshi' lrela�d, and had on, I m, V be ta regident of Usborne, lo forrhr Brusselit. We id re hwr fro oroug' t�&Jghter have been in London Sir Wilfrid -xbd Lady L persim(ed that reasoxi gives an. un- r near- wish, Mr. -for 't I __9J Durham, -of Toronto, the far lY 11alf a century He -urq a j- 1,; week t 1-M famed -�-4, i S�U_l �r_ � i*- . A A past Urp-r vor, T-1ved in Toratato Sunday morning breeder f - imported stock. For Bed mp Bills payable '14 "ws and re, ne ertheless, 4bashed. and over- in 1859, o ls.�b3ila -hots. XcLaucbtn has re-pwrehang! -and' -Mr. Thlo so -Xurd,ozk were, io dhd remained in;"; the, city - until NoMe montchs' pa6t, Mr. urke thas' come by tl�� -ridicule of some ly, w`h-0. still sux'vives him. 6t the lroitse, f and lot he rec sold Lond-on on. Fdlay. -last.-Miss -hat W I Ll ently had- a pure 'bred. A q__ Y. JW LIO in, -Lne oily tarey verY thugiftles Jeter, whose sinitel_ 0 1 9 X, Ony V11'ree -tf 11v VO w"In Ubok, and, wii e, d -u W-1—Muls ILUU O.U041 areno ull, once eeir to resue 'her didtlies n Mpaid 1� purchased fr6m'Pol-Will Bros., the le.at they probably bold chi3ap,, d 19n, V'7-1 W'llLa us "n I m andR. R. at ,ome,, more become a rel;idvnt a eather at Carnduff, the guests -cif' an of Br ITacksb f near sel Saaldatchwwn.-Mrs. (Dr.) Carap�11, nee -supply tht Senator iffed,oir, well known breeders: ol Newcastle, whose la,�d- Mrs T. W. `W-PLter-,vorkg mai�,:tle.aa_ s. -W. o�XoAes 02 the 9m_ Ontario. He is -now in a positi good opinion they cons der 0 -Hari4is 0 Mr. tGlen was k consistent NaOfonald, F.- 6. Scott, Geo.Brown, fted- h';Pr parents, Mr. rate 34ssey Lt� of guilleX vii on to valuele,cis. meet the deman n-nd, Robert' Thomson irere n To urdook, this 'week.-- )p�y. During (the- week 8ir Wil- ds of.his patrons for m(ber tot he Presbytertan church, r- Ana Pubile 15-chool over twc me variety in breed ana for the" P and, ia Cdnserva: 'frid, w:as ket busy nd'+tOok part �An Exeter in "litics. a MIJIliiter twas on. ht Parr CWU Hog ro Vve T-1 p, Olato this week, ttending the Laur- ffidewalks duebion of the standard t�p It], -Ine -are qnchxy Ther e of DeRtt of Mrs. Bmiden. `On Tues- -had lbeen in oor dlea for two .4or baqut.-Jolli Tait has disposed I -visiting 'her b thers on -Wed- -and fats. rin- -hog, las Mr. Alex. Mckfiorrrdu, fund years, bulft was -only confined to his � Of house and- Ildt on Queen nea4hy Sinking lelpal ovent. ­hmvver, and that which day ralorning, Fdbr. ua�ry 13th, death bed* Vor 'about a week p or to his to Mrs. Thos. Oibk.ley, of W -41 -ton. of PaiNley, s visifing his sister Viscellaneous 77 . relieved.- Mra. Wm- Bawden 1�ii brought him to -the city was,th Wr frio'm dea.,bh. xirsa Xames Bledtric righU e "X t r -the suffering she had endwred bor Mr. Matit will probably remov Whife.-The lat f -re,at banquet ii�n -aaasey HaC11, ten-, Nateg.-Rev. had charg' rtrjo% i Kminaas ln� the near fture. St.-N.-ul't ehiuxeh Takend sparing, 86IRarate issdhool e fifteen -The JA. 414." e XVO Many years. Som. of the se"i1ce in ir years Tuckiirsmith Y. P. A. of S. John's ohurch bas Tw pWins or expense, -to make it-ho-ir' Um�volleded taxes ZOTed tv M' m 'by -the Li V ctoria hall, in agio, te'fteeased suffered a sti�oke of engaged Donald 0 Percen#ge- refundd 341 beraft of K)n- n ce -wilioh time Ole 'Weddlin home. M"Grgor and OYStlek. supper and concert on MueF- an Wednes(Tay -evening. This .1qt W. Wl�ls has A on Su I day evenftng­� para,lys �In' I The -is g Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Nild'hojas HortonL,' Of a oDbeevt in er s: an has boen seriously Bert HarVey to glve d1aY eveifing of -next week In Mill 'Cash balance, &rarin aeco 78 'WaS the cn6-f te most sue ssbua till, -t>u1t is now imProving.-Mr. A. similiarly affl, I reirt ace. -3, 1 V3. bn four if fere,nif ozoasions, 'been the t1own hall here on Tuesday even- hwil a success,-Xr. Fred Reng,ough Ca'�'h bal8lice, lextr to Mr - The last one "he 12�0 t1he Saturday previous to ivity on rs, M 'events o the krind! tha has ever. 11. n d It -o -8a at St O e M001h and fes:t Ing JaeXt.-We a -re. gllr return bas purrehased severa!J aots e. oame Gn sorry to learn from. Mrs. i 44� M�arie, on". Tuesday after her death. Mrs. Btatwden's maiden $ �p UkeR p4a.ce jkn Vh & Quedn� Cit' Thursdy theit Walter F, 9116KINt.-Miss $te Total even-ing 15th inOt, inhonor 80 yo a Sddtt. is at present 'Vvy&rt, of Lon- 4.13 a eh�ft' viisit with his parents; -Mr. LIU up in the 'hospital at 'New L -is- 40im, wa -here trecen-fly visiting Mrs; A1596t lftem*_* 31; 1905 'OT its �grcat pbli- �and Mrs. Ringler,,,o Howi!ck, wb6 Wrniv te eaunty 6f Grey,48yejars we diin.. The !q Arnbld.-I'VIT 0amplion, of Gde- Invested in M�Ortgagev 6,200. rienlarkaBle f am- was Emily Shaw. She ' was of t1he celcibrAtion :of ' the 2501 fin- 'Diverga,ty of' their keard, witlh ian ittack of typhoid fe- itticM. and social demanstratio'ns, Its have 'been ohn M-aplecoft,- auti u)lly decont rich, WIVo wa assisting in. 'the' iagD. Abot H years. ago he was d1ifilag room miws* ver. We truvt t1int. it may be, o3f a . Sov- Win'king fulld invested. in mild tYPe--R- U. Ross, of Lidto el, Dak -here, ha's be' S:t r week -%Orth his married. tio Adam Obok, of Clinton, hich lent erolga D6be-intures success hows that BPO'dt two days of this ated' wift1h aut-Qmri leaves W en promot- 14 flfrid 16 13,000' lister, Mrs. W. C. Currie color and' lbri- WR -s a visitor -in town ovet 6di to ccountant at' Zmri6h and -Mr. Win, -king fun(T eetW not- roat any of .-Miss E. witlh whlom she lived happily for a- h-tnoss t the bril- Sny1)ugs. bank 6i wo -Carr roiturned from Torozito last blarm for the bo,irt three years, %vb n dehth hted room. 14 liantly lig 13ev. Mr. -a Kox - 'Whid 'as, 'in Zurich is sli peoVie e Anter- large we Of On'tafliO -week, wh�are vened and, 41almed Mr. Clook. Vasili. inbank, etwiidn�t, SURGES& lbo'uk 8 O at Sabbath. Next bridek gon was the resilit of thi's union, Mr. tiand, d'ainty - food and reersejly at U0001leated taxes �ersomal popularifY. Th',vt0les wer '"PthuT 'is VlsitiAg relatives tables were spread with atibst e Jndpit in M61- 13 X �oa 't 4 that year 'by year he grows kn was risiting.- One aritial 9tudent, ocoupted J1 Exeiter biraneh.­�Xrs. -J, ;rnled to Brussel MliFs Smith rotu� villle d1hurch la 'A-4rday, after a short viisit 'here A. 066W of Hensalli friend's in 'n6rthern -_ in surrouded by 822 guests ,and ap- Who iAirvives. five o',clock t1he 'guests - sa down- and Rev. 'Mr, CiInningham, of Nort.gages t WZU:M dlid -ample justice to t Ra-MITtIon will officiate. -On Sun- 00r'llUst -Cook enteftaind a num- loam 2211790.33� *1 chur Mr. W. Ch riis, of Albbult 22 years ago 6he was be repast fur- Bertha Alighed by the 'geAil hoitess. The day, March 4?th, Ep-Wofth Lea-gue an- Thursday Tcnvn p ends in fhe village last,week, ,nhildren survive ftom this � tiinjon, e Qccaslon.�, -dressed in mO`J19 wlfl,-be Prefadbed that nuniber of -bickots, but- od fr PliwLtiotnts wera received for dbut6le U..lf W1. Raw f marred ber, of her lady friends o a Ort, SaskatcbeWan, cmlleil on ltj(> Mr. den 6 Exeter. - Two had to Walt&vATMi, PubUr, Ub- wallpters fo h rolverwry. ser afteraloon.-Mrs. of Staf- 0 be refused 0,41 accomat of the dack tof -Eve rary, ebe. ry ieffortt jis bei becoming and 'in, Vie _1XVLhdist 6huTah here, by fa, Was n the village thia we6k,vis- rOOm- Til aAitiOn 'to those it the OV mad7e by S. G., lof lleiasil,L and Xames, f -Pre'UY 100`�tu_�aes, pe*r- it -Ing M blowevr, -tickets were I's- (yo. Wednlesday, ho funeral took -, place forme Rev. James Uvin'901tont, of Zondon. M,,V,111".�Rev. P. 10 the 00mr6ttee. -to make the, concert 'Chatham. I d. t1h6fr dVt1es in-ia very eff i- hex parents X�r. ana.- Xrs� 8t . On sued' to 2,200 ape Febritary 2 h, for on Thursday last, and the stefm in and raceful ._ha�nne Monday evening followilig t1le DMdd has rec.61v-- -&to-r. he r. After sb'UtMITIM, L ot and t -t,he 011e -ding of the n W 'town all, -,vhidh'the, decomsed. wao "held, was 11he' guests f o the in, 'Sa'me 9efitleman %vill deliver his, lee- tothe edVa: dall th Chaham was limited 47nry b 'the One of Ithe be:, ever produced 11, 150, -had satisfied he,. er of about Iture., " Imaginat in the ich -Dr. Medd AobE. y eapa manifested by the a0l�D*al of 'Conferente. CRY Of the immenier hadl, the large umber i �eeds of the ion, -urch. has `pravedr an, able DUO Dominion Bank, Cement se6tion ,of the coun r man, +*hey repalt�d to the par- try. Thev w`hio attende. The sincere6t line a �somewhat -longthy. 2-ea)b ym- us and. Iness, 'from oancer of te Eitom largest in Toronto. The� speeches bave' prorured ithe follo,mi-ag popu'- pat'hy of a large circle of JxIB lor -and, spent an exd diingly pleas- it mii-Abar nd its n Sdevoak aloteounit 2,500.00 ends hS IDW com- bion W were briliant and in every -way Ac- lar arbiits: Will j. I ach, -le ye I Unpaid accrounits White, whG as ant t1ime in g mes" .=Js,o and social aw ag, ar here, the 300 -ft a. Arron Urnd�say. passed ay at P let with a MT the -autlence a extended to the Vereaved X 2N ,n a, , if bl her h,6mq lllnge'4t t-Ime Permitted b DXN*H0L-.N1 n1ff the' ciontedian and imersonator ca hudba d nd am y. chtat. The presens . , Turnberr street, on Sun y t1he --ton- surratItndings. There were. no start- nkg be exOeAled; J7. on occassion I.. N I day m,orn, )stly n f0reMce` a -ad ea -ch year vf his min' ents, ling annplincements H. CiAmeron, Awore nu-merams, do J d n-9 During 'the past is beaubi- Notes. -Mas. Beverley,; Vatmrly df boln) t -ley & Hudton-, fur- hiq e4teem in 11u1P ma- UVILLE Of policym-ade, who vii1th his humoratis songs kind the firmibf Bever try- hss �marked spirrt I Ithe speeclies beiing maialy fbijoitns ful,' 4howing he of monthii decesed lia(l 'been Uall � Taal WM. SOME H U93S to. ar eriall advancemeaL in Iand ��kotble mo' dilaedt gtaries is hard to 'beat; Miss n-iture dealers, bult who has bee wthilah Mr. and Mrs. great -sfferer. Besides her hius- b, his 6ongrega- n, liv- e, held mess than. anythng else. in Henaall, has returned It1hei �b o U-6118 an thi cirouit. re for thbir bright- Clara Hanes, reaAer and elocution- i r friends -an b;and, she eaves one son and two t1o, t -own rg vV-e are d &-Iughters-%�The ftueral was he) o t G,1 be says: She and will aga,in engage in the furnip When the* hour :came f dtneepa"r -he not permit us to is 'bound to be a sucess;" The Tuesdmy aer on, seTWioe 'hoin SP i9t, of whom 'the Alaltor.- give evtn a summ- Mail. ture and, u;nder1t1akijag business here. )gueots, one rand jdi4ed inthank- ary of Sir Wil- nd Empire: "Her ­­'jta!tlOn of Im -A Most SU10ceSgfull lixg Mr. rand Mrs.,1H cand-66ted in St. Tahn1ja leid's; brilliant oration. oarnival twas rt and unan� 0 t children is simPlY-Perfect, while she held �at the rin-k here ion MobdL� u4ud be U19 of last week, 1, 1, Thd committee in charge. of ther Inyously wishing itha t t -On Friday mo-rn* orrangemenits a -ad bhe Mberls of ny more nntiversaries reliet of the late 777 iss Manley, -on of Gregpry has reftirned to hi f vv;edded Andrew Cnn�le, died ait the hbme of 1lUWM_J1 Torwita. re e t home in dramak*c ot. evenba. week. -Mr.' pared, for riaa Mary RuIt,berford, I oiso in n-bittled. to especial the leading -Roprano singers orf a home 0 111ap#iness. B100d Can- in, BattilefOrd, Sak., after a vdsit t after a John Midl st colnPl�_,tteaess an4 el� pr*1sc for AdI. The ItLit,tje Mis 0 ber Ran 9. leagthy illnes, the principal ail- ses Walker. Of his pare-dts here. - The Ktz at. Columban. borateness of -the arran-ements and Teeswaer, Will never follow when a- wound with 1�ave placed the Lirberals%f th'e. en- Nv;till give L number of Ma-mitaoturing Company, of 8 ment being 'OVI age. She was 8 0 �s dressed-' Semtch k. N'ales.-Two worEhy nitizens of t ears, 7 months aind:' 25 days old. Of Mr. V tire province under' o bligal dnces, The WoxeLer or- Wtilliams; ' Odtari, care negotia:ting vicinity, we -regret to say, are The funerl tiook plaw, o Stund-i v IS -i them. it s estim, 9 chestra, has 'consented to play, a wath the council of Exeter for the Iqlat enjoyfing their usf good morning, inter g � 0 "a- . unI)e Clark's Healln' Ointment ted that ttei,lb n- OMen't 'being made in Dr.. CGOD-At I quet ­00.%� utt $7,900. Of tLvis a- -it 7.30 udbi' 8 -p. m, axfd also U'ur cemetery. se,leaion , commencih- removal of Iffidir works from that' health. We referto Mr. Joseph Diil- Ecrmondv maimt 2.466 VNras �eah7ed by the th0 prgna ing ryla�ce to Exeter. This companyman- ron.and r, J�o tr � �il�le, Once trie'd always-Imed for M _hn Callon. -Mr.- lwl,- mme. Their muNic is of ufadture . -gas-olirre -The remaina f Mrs. D. D, Fer� It jS abSo is -de ot banquet ticicets and th.� re- the be§t ;and midl be enjoyed b mlomdbiles and ard Barrie is very busy -gettin. f and 11 " arrived­he�re fr6m-awinnipe- UTS - UASER-J,, all. acetylene light machines. Being itbings in 'o der ito have his house, (11, Fidlay eveninrx Jast, and, wer-e Intely guar. MTH-At to'be provided by The -hall ba.9 been handsomely bitted amokou-s ito remove from thir- pre- Win and (Aber u,ldings moved to i,o?-nn to the local committee. The' committee up";i -,VO r It ha" a _tl16, hf)n1e of her moter. Ith , Jfi� blt ghted, warm nit ciom- sent. loc'bion th y are in quest of L of his farm. Messrs. John John Fbrlxis, Albert 9treet. MtBLAINS In very resPedt a, ` fr n ?n airned at' making thi. HAP& faagrant �Zt�re-`Iteqt Palitieftl bnq 4 the The i)lan th� o C upt ever held sai anteod fo- ft�ble site in which to 4stablih G4ffin., of AqEfield, babamic of h.all* Nvill e sen -.at J. Allen's a rnii Thomas J anada nd it- -is b"t f air to 'them dru:!Z .9 n6y factory. We do ndt know ex- 6lyne-aux, of Ulibbert, 'have gone in- tf tel,jjoo in 0, The fulneral lb'ook plarce on Mon:dhV to ay [lit tTp suc X, to �: p�aritnersbip in the implement in Mlville church by Rev. Dr�'Ross, Jt was irk Toronto Ll -lis week. -Mr. .6nd Mrs. t -O locate here 'but we preamme -it buai Mr. Griffin, is. -an old se I ce I eded rw T>eint 'ce tore.-Fx-Warden 'Killer ws a6t1Y the inducement they reqire condn'�tO4 the first fulictiod of' �4ie kind ever I t CO3ts only 25c per bo gie A&-' er 11L n a in her A ft . f in he !business. afid will be 28 tables free " -om interest. aof their friends Friday evening. it is ano vite servtee L the b J,ohn Harri enlert-linml a nunib loal ' ifor a 'term of Port 13alhousie., following. -did initi,,,tion. . Th(,re'wi-re 2 i import- g 'The for t1te gue%ts nd one t;1Jjlp 8*l)e,1_ I re tten W fram be ded the rbatlY ,AragtUened by ]the new a- eburc, d to its utmoie ca_ Mas- CLUt ri d growing. business and if s- h- Iva-, fdic A Inlgamad,on.-M-r. john t I rnoval held in the Gori tablis Dalton has 'ally for th4% press. Scores of carpen- I rink P-1-cIty, showing th higli-clstel)y e -is d here would be. qiLlfte an old his handsome driver EX. N-londiqv night­8evdn "to five addition decorators and other workmeri in flvore O'Cthe visiLinc 'EO Our Present Man0a t- Mr. ic'hael Doyle -for 'which he re- tous kinds IV to which the decensM(-was held. -many: , c te:am w.a a and beautif I vpr� t fl I t FIRST DdOR NORI-H 0 uring Of ivotirse e6Wed a fancy Price he ra rib _V PICKARD 'On- the soore in 4 friendly gline of- ny a rajlgemen�ts,LJ�at may be made Go .-Mr. T. T. 01- 111U.'s from Winnii) friends ag well I SEAFORr_11. hn-or had a very ;sucoessfdl wood- as from b? U, X 12f, Tji nthis lo0alitY, A- ONTAR I