The Huron Expositor, 1906-02-23, Page 2• 55.:55•5 iTC •••••••••••••••mor Pric, PORT FORAmmuisft. Satur .appeared, wIsfYn she was 'taken in ewaganas iegettocitiOgabt Mtboofttodrtay thine morning meahge* e DA Lts to r,eoeilve her sentence, and ot (8i110•11-0. 7Overnabbr I ars had to serve ' term in prieon had not ei.hr her I own or eom.ebo else's Wit8 Onerate 7 4)0 ktetr resells. OWheri reminded in the usual way of the eirousristadoes which had brought her into- the plos i titan of ta law-breakerp abouit Lo receive titc sentenee of the judge, the ' aoceeed women pleaded '114 guilty, ealied the atteetiton of the petiee magistrate 'Lo the precederit Whieh had been established by the Supreme Omni sahd. declared, , '1 am Opt a perscen," 110t Caring to take upon -himelf thq responsibility Of over-ruiling a dertision ef the Supreme Curt, tihe judge felt that he had no other oiption than to dis- mss the Prioner, which he ,accord lElet • ;515 4.555 -.5'5 : 5:V55 • - , . •'5•::-145 r5 5.5 Ei lit lb finest rolled oats for 5o, or $240 per sack of 90 lbs. A good time to buy. Redpath' /MX granulated sugar Friday and Saturday $4„50 per 100 lbs. Fifteen airs all -wool blankets, regular $4,60, Friday and Saturday special $3.68. 5 piec Print, best made, all patterns and colors, regular 121o, special Friday and Saturday 100, Ladis' eavy Cashmere Hose, regular 35o and 40e, pecialkrida and Satinday 25o per pair. Tliree pieces ble Liner), half bleached, warranted pure linen, regular €'00, special Frida,y and Saturday 42o. 13. B. Seaforth 9 • SEAFORTH, FR ..SE.M.M101••••••••••. .•••••••• Very' • The Toronto • aent esitprete Tollowing from •would lead h that it IS, It The idismi inspeetors who ate Governraent the settled • . adinistraton, • ing few, and 1r • &Mg. By same • that we -cannot • that this is no that it is wee •inseotor- ehould his rotitioal • moot - admire •enea- have to se • Whet th (Expoolor • lidtagy the lier.eed-a.glitntit the U enfox'.21. just *Ism enough to save appearan- pity Feta, 23, n—nn ceg, and the officials will be given the wink to act accordingly. The wink -could not 'be given with /safety to officials not in. accord with the ooent Government and1 hence the changes ews not so tirolo that have ibeen mad. This is n'ot, ds to be nor las the we know, a very high vieW to take U1 situation, But even. 3 tiro ts editorial tolurans piolitical "tatecraft " knows it pal:44 to believe is the viorrea, 04e. aYst of all the license Good _News. office under the may be regarded as The fallowing despateh from' ot- HaY •the Psesent tawa furnishes new p which will be tweclemed by many. The despatch t likely to vontinue, mess of reasoning '14‘1•YB: ethane it is argued " ror the Present, 'the, ereetion of. the voile system; the new departni.ental• block, which sexy that a license it is estimated. would post by the be in. harmony vrith tinae it was 'built and. furnished. ief, because he is t-lla ;MI Istre AtinJ ra.tor merel, but tars, has been. deferred. Other ex - tie questions of poi- penditures of silmilia,r nature are queettions are is not 'beteg held over. The reasons `for • 1 • tile exceptions be- explamed. The Provincial Secretary this are tobvons. The Pabbe Works bas said that 1 cense holders must Department has to provide Immsidt 1 "keep betel " d obey the law. This . Lately for outlays in, transporta•tion, is ta good polio , aiad eesily under- SD alg 10 move cbA3aply and speedily • shoed; but it t diffloult to under- the. grain products of the North- staind what it as to do with osarty west to thet seaboard. This means lines. rt. gomme ds itself with equal improvemeets et the lake ports, and Slone +to Liberal and Cnservatives. also some at the ocean terminals. • A good illepe0 or will enforce the The Government have yet to de- , a -w, and a bad disobedence. W is a Liberal or ituo more 'repo fone Will wink at cide • whether they wail build the ther the inspector Ottawa and Georgian Bay Canal or Vonservativ-e is of not, which would omit over eighty as than whether millito.n dollars. Not only is there some likelihood of provision having he has red Kyr b aok hair." s. an very y ante and to be made for large outlays on , the Georgian Bay Canal, trua 'the were /Oat 4t* ticnWtriletion of the, National Trans - ideal condition oat- continental Reilway will make large ws would work out, demands upon the • contry's fin- ancial resources. Under the cir- the News is not so • cemstances, the Government are to know that •it as hailing a halt to review the situat- o use in oar shut- ion, and see Where they' stand. tin the- fact that the I view of the possible large drain up - success oT a Gov- ion the exoliequert mien to be felt it - is likely •that oaly the more press - very 'largely on ing public works will be anderta.k- fieials under them ee, immediately. • Oh, yes, that if human nat shiould be, the lined by thle N all eight. But • inisocent es not not. There is Eng our eyes t success air non ernm.eat depen their heving who aare pelt teal sympathy wth them. And in ne departixtent is this more valuable in a party sense, thew in the lice se department. The license cerminsis toners and irtspec- tent of this pr vinee could kill the Government in year and still keep strictly within -the law. No Gov- ernment will ubjeet itself tie a danger of this ndl. There are ways and ways of dot g things. The Gov ernment, no ma ter what their pro- • fessins may be, are desirous to have and will b ve the laws admin- istted ids the y that will be to do them List harm with itheir own politoial zumiorters and they will have offi ials who twill work sto this end. Tie great 'mass of the pendia will u. aId them in this and they know it id will wet aceorde. ingly. Renee It is foolishness to bea lieve or *profez.s to believe anYo • thing else. A y person who ex- eas a Ware the license la, Government t deeessors deed, we doubt the "-newness ° ethe nearly att ri fourths of the TilICe are po the present errtment will• supporters axe I 0 • OffiSINSIIIIIIIMOSSIESSZInCORM Turning the Tables. The applioation by a young fadyi Sof St. Sohn New- Brunswick, for missiton to the barof that province, _has elieited firm the Supreme Court a decision whiola has caused cnsid- erable comment, and has led to rath- er an amusing sequel, The' Chief •justice .held that the arguments ad- -stancedby the young lady's counsel were based on sentiment rather than law, end said that in his topinion, person and party in the aot govern- ing teeth eases did not blotted; fe- Males. We are told that this judg- ment was concurred in hy the other judges, and thus beeanie oisnanim- ous. The sequ.el, however, proved that the wisest decisions of law oourts may sometimes be sfhown to igal enforcement of have very absurd applications. from the present Shortly after this deoision was rend - n from their pre - disappointed. thi- very much if) after wears oTf it wiel idly enforcd. Three-' ocensees in °the Prov - `tical supporters of vernment. The Gov- ee to it that their of any person' found ha the conditton. ot alienatep. by have in whIch this -wfortunae woman ered, a woman found drunk and dis- rderly on the streets of St. John was arrested ana taken to the police station. The officer ,who took her in charge believed. that he was act- ing in etriot accordance with the statute which ,authorizes the ar- rest and the fine awl imprisonment Bovrd the Table Any meal is the better for the use of a little 30VRIL It adds so much to the flavor an nutriment of so many dishes that it The - contains strength should be in every kitchen. •ere odor of BoVRIL creates a.ppetite,nd it the nourishing element of prime beef that. ns and builds up the system. Here is a BOVRIL -helped dinner dish: STETAK A LA • cf;fLtA)Plie;;;Ittlitit thiegel, and Ook n, IA le butter, alio wing aliont ten min- tes, or moo if liked well (ion% For a pon rut f meat heat 0,011 of gond port and Omit staek mixed in the Pan, after the bulter has Eight po nds of prime beef is coogentrated in been poured off; pour four ounces of SG Vitlie %site is emu -radish. ci 6"" rou lid the meat:10C Bo -:1 prepared only by BOVRIL LIMITED, LONDON, ENG., lad MONTREAL, CANADA • By special appoiment 2 Purveyors to Majesty King Edward VII. Savo Caitspea over neck of Bottle and det Beautiful Premium Picture. _ 1 ingly dd. Comment von s a- tnustng episode is unnecessary. • A introduced late the New BruesSvidk Legislature 'this session by the Attorne-General, 'admits woe:len to the practise of taw Oh the same 'terms as men. This bill pass- ed thregh ail its stages -unanim- ously and, without discussion!? The sriOung lady above relerred to, there- fore, will now be able to take her position in tbe profession.despite the decision of the learned judges. Whether no, -the Other woman will • be Amenable ,to punishment foe her offence has not yet been. disclosed; Sunlight Seep is better than ether soapset but is best when need in the Sunlight way. Zny Stmlightiieep and MeV directions. " s***101111111101*********PIN* $outh Perth Reforrriers The 'annual meeting Of 'te Soeth Perth Reform Aesocitition was held at• St. Marys on Wednesday af last Nreek. The attendance was dood, each inunioigality 'being (well repre- sented. , • 0 McIntyre, M. P, Spoke at some aenoth ill -review of the • peat session ,eof Prliament. Be de- fnded his vote Oh, the autonomy bill holding that in offposing the edttca- at Pilot Mound. The cerentohy took Cowl clause the was en sympathy with the well known polity of Lb- place on Wednesday, February( 7111. =Dr, E. Ault, a well kiloton_ Cal- ereas in favor- a Provincial rights. Shysician, was arreeted by the If the eduoational +clause inserted g'arY in tthe bill interfered with or ham- pered the, Provinoial authorities in othe futetre it +was an direct opposi- tiers to Promineiei riht, and as mirth• he felt it his duty to mote as he laid. He -washed ;jutice to be shown Ithe new Previws. Regard- ing the 'indemnity 101 ro.ernbers, he Well in foxier of this, holding that ,500 WEIS not ttoo ;emelt, though he felt i$2,000 would probably have been anore ieetitsfaetory to aft. Ole was Whye wht wet -that " Oth, he enbrely Sthita 'What dos that old f-ee- on the 'bench know abeut threehing Inaelisinee" • ° OiotistobiSti obnailIcse Brute ;aValker, the Canaillanlgove • ernroent ;agent in SOK)tiarld# eak- ing to tae Canadian Assoeiatd. /trees ataid the .coming season in Scottieh emigration to Canada, ,a1ready gives, the strongest evidence of ! being' reatly beyond anything known in the past hisbory of the raovement fro -m Eivotland. The. great Majority of those who have already sailed are either going. to friends or are cp- italists goihg out to prospeet looa- tons in the Northwest. The campaign Mr. Walker ho.'s oar". Tied lout throughout the winter in avor of small Scottish colonies already 'bering excellent • frut. Fictreruntieri of e party of- 20 Scot- tish farmers, with a capital of $5,- 000 to $7,000, left Seturday an the steamship, Athenia, for St. John, N. 13. Sevenesteamiat are advertised to Ran from Glasgow in Marohe and the •etamehip compaides enneunce that several to them are already hooked to their fullest Capacity. Manitoba and Northwest Notes —The Previncial Liberal convent- ion has been postponed until MarPh 27th and 28th. • -Estimatee! of the Winnipeg SOlicof beard were passed the other night, totem:no the sum of $268,836. -Mr, john Gemmill, of the Lend- eshero dstiet, Mian,hasa fine pair of two-yar-4d tcolts of his own praising, iwhich tip the, , scales at 2,640 iiiettiels, -Wm. rttle's farm property in the Treherne district, ,„ Mane was algid last week to W. V. Caere', of Indiantiod, for $12,000, the high- est price yet petit -Der a half section in that dietrict. ' --Miss Vint L, youngest daughter of Mr. ABA Mrs. 'Wm. Robinson, of Inlet MoUnde was married to Mr. James Affiy,•assistant station aneat ounted Police the other night and taken LEY .01areaholm, eharged with eesporisibility for -a crimieal . otter- etion on e. young woman 6f that • B. Johnstone oP. Edmonton, has 'been sentenced to two years in Stoney Matirritain penitentiary for setting fire ,to the contents of his luntber yartlS with the view of de- frauding the insurance companies. • -Mr, john C. Potter, sa, sun oT Mr, nice. in fever of a peneton. to ex- John Potter, a. farmer 'near Illot 3Ylinlisteri, tend Would favor the re- Mound, died on T ursday of 'last peal of this email:Lout. but as the 1 I weik firm cons= time the resnatt measures.were grfouped. the had voted of a severe cold caught a year ago, fier ithe 43iii., indt. wishing to stand i Ile was 20 years cCf age. This is the second death in the same family talionO /n all squeetionw, thus plaeine within ten Months. c . himself in 'the sposition of a" kicker.' i He made passing reference to the i m'alfa—r. ath II°°"Y' of Snowflake, reorganization of the- Senate, be- ' has sold his farm and effects, and. is removing with, his family to ing in NT DT of such a meaure. fled with air. isloretyre's abatement The meeting seemed to feel sat -s- 1 distrctibis bx)meste'ad in . MrGeorge Crawford and . 'the Battleford regarding the vote on the uton naV family of the same plate are rmov- bill, but eonsiderable disc ta-Mi , W. T. Meldrum, a welt - sued es to the indemnity of members and the pension .to ex, itoisters, 1 ,,,kt.la comineraial traveller, made a ra though no resolutions 'w propos- P' iry tater:apt to rescue e lady _ ed 'ea this ;question. and baby by stepping. a runaway herse on. Main, Street; Winnipeg, a Addresses were delivered 113 y D. K. _pew d.,,,o aa, eel, was knocked Erb, ex -M, P• i' , and •others. Mr. Erb 7c-mtarwin — g serious inuries. justified Mr. McIntyre's stand. on lii;ilip7vaas brOken in collision with the +autonomy bill, • a telephone pole. - - Resolutions of toneidence in Sir- I. - Wilfrid Laurier and this Government, I A new fachtsry producing; steel end in Hon. George W. - Ross were harrows is promised to 'Winnipeg* 1,iliva.ninveu.sly Jpased, and the meet- by- la. II. Grimsted, of Mnneapolis: ieg +adlourned with •cherit fpr the The factory would be built at once lOing, tears Wilfrid, Hn. Mr. RtetO, ply of steel, The it was possible to peoeure a su0- 414. air, McIntyre. he immense business activity of tic country, has, . how- . OREAD is °never better L.; than the &lir it is made of. Often it is not nearly- so good, but ihat is the fault of the bread -maker. Without good flour, ,good bread is impossible, no rnAtter how skilfully it is handled. Now, good bread must be good to eat, as well as (rood to see or to taste. good bread is bread that nourishes. In the matter of nutriment, usehold Flour is supreme. It represents the best that is in the Wheat,. ground to a snowy whiteness and purified by electricity., It produces bread that is •light, easy to digest and best of all—nutritious. Ogilvr's Ro3ral Household is to be had at all giCerS. Ogilvie Flour Mills Co., Ltd. Montreal.. t "Ogilvie's Book for a Cook," contains 130 pages of excellent recipes, sortie never published before, Yonr grooer can tell 102 you how to get it FREE. To Cure a, Cold in One Da . . ever, abeerbed the supply .of rai yS • raaterfal, and tuitil .there is a pees - Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine pect o securing this neededsub- • stanoe, progress In the "develop- ment .of the -work cannot be carried on. -A very sudden death took place at the tonne of Hugh Thomson, a well killaVria 'farmr, three and Tablets. Druggists refund • money if it fails to cuto, E. W. GROVE'S signature is on each box. 25c. Good Things. (From Saturday Night) one half miles south east of Math - While the Members of the Med- er,•Manitoba. Mrs, Thorason had gone man Press Aseacsiation were on their into the stable. Soon afterwards her way to visit the Agricultural Colt husband, who had gene over to a lege, at Guelph, on Saturday, a non- neighaer's in the course ol the morn- ber of Toronto. men, from force of in, returned, put his horses in the habit, began talking about the stable and on turning to go into street oar service here. A Mari from the pump hones was greatly distress - Western Ontario spoke up: "It you ea tio. find his -wife lying derad in the fellows from. Toronto want to find entry from that buildting to the out what ta really aceoramodating stable. Deceased leaves •a ?amity ,of street car line is, kon ought to five young chtildren. • visit Sara° of the mailer ;cities. implement warehuse, own - Right in the town we are goring to ell by Mr. G, L. Stone, of pid 'Oity, had a, funny experience some years was with the ocinitents ompletely ago, I was on a ear, bound Ler the destroyed by fire Oh, the Mb ‘111St. railway staton, but passing a hotel The fire had made such headway be - 1 saw a man, a friend of mine, fore it was seen' that it Was limpes- -Whm I bad not runiacross for years. sible Ito save anythingthe poet - 1 grabbed my grip, jumped off the offuie ia frame 'blending, artily fifteen ear, end gyeeted him. Then. we went afeatlfairtertliclevebrinrnheadrdbilaint ywthaes inide, and in a minute tir two, of course, I had forgotten all about I fire. brigade, whose exeellent work the street ear. iltresently Same one ' JP0 saved the atone building only wrapped loudly on the window. r five feet ion the ether ide, oe-ivied looked up, end there was -Inc trolley - by Ur. W. F. Rookies Oelrag Marc conductor. "Say, boss," said he. "will Had their been ay 'wind blowing it you soon be ready to go ?" wouldhave been indeed serious for * * a lmoit the whole business ,portion of the 'town. An amusing ineidentis told of one of the brightest members 'oae the Western Ontario bar, now de.csased. He was for the1 defense in a ;cse at a Guelph assize court, in which a manufaeturer Wee suing a farmer for the price of a threshing ma - thine. ,The presseou:tion - was in the hands of a rising Toronto barrister, sleep risen to the top of his (profeo- siefreind now a prominent pablic position, The J dge as Yard of hearing, an ;infirmity which fleetly sled to ° his retirement from the bench. The Lawyer for the fartne er made -a remark in Ms address to the jury whioh be knew his tleareedt brother would. objeet to, but which the also knew the judge had net heard. When sobjeetion was duty tak- en, his lordship, not oaring to let it be known that he had net, caught the drift of the rema.rks made, re- plied in effect, "Oh, wll, Jet him: go on, ru • inake everything right when, 1 charge 'the jury." This was the exact situatioe the defending lawyer had 'been jockeyilig tor, and proceeded in A quiet waY to say tio the jury 'that the judge would tell theru so and so, but wItat did the know about a threshing machine anyway I They Were all farmers and knew more about threshing ma - chins in .a minute than the judge ever knew in ,all bis life, and. the asked them to'' pay no attention at all to what the judge raight say. In spite of a eatrong tharg,e against hire from the judge the jury brouht in a -straight verdict for 'the farmer. Afterwards the judge is said to have remarked on the ex- traordinary character of the ver dit, vylen, the Toronto lawyer, who was naturally annoyed, said to him 1 don't think you caught one re- mark Mr. Blank made to the jiiry.". FIVE GOLDEN RULES. First—Bat only 3 meals a day, .5 hours apart. It requires 4 to 434 hours to digest a meal. This leaves .,14 to z hour for the tomach to rest. • Second—Eat nothing bet- ween meals. ng is taken into the stomach ion is going on digestion y not start again for an hour, Bat slowly and chew foold thoroughly. THIS insures food being well Mixed with saliva and partially digested before it reaches the stomach. Fourth—Drink little fluid If anytii while dig stops and in Thzr • • with meals.' The stomach gives out about a pint of gastric juice to digest each meal. If you take another pint of tea, wine or water, then the digestive juices are too diluted to properly digest the food. Fifih–,Take one "Iruit-a, lives" tablet about twenty minutes before meals. ‘Fruzl- a-tives" tone up and sweeten the ' stomach — insure an abundant 'flow of digestive julees...--and dire Dyspepsia. Follow these directions for month and see how much better you are in every way. Me a bo. Lat all drugests. JU.RY 23. 1., .,. • ft. .5 1101V-rAXT /10710ES* ID L01'01417 STAND for good general 1le4e, L) -KWh. 'No, 1 stand aith tols, iron, Everything ready to kart, Apply to POSTMAN BlakeP. Al months old, red, registered pediertfe, eked 'DULL FOR SALE. -For sale a Shin the";771; " Hot Soot-eb" Apply on Lot 12, tteneeesion '31, Riney, or Beeelawood P. 0. JERRY ollAltil.a:,,zx4 M) OATS AND PEAS.- The malersigroil le7 On his farm, north of Serdorth, a quantity_ Tweremen CerseveY Oaes aud jest: I't ani for seed, Clean and free from fetal stee4. also al t.erteorlds of ehort oft dry wood to be deliered. • told iu the bush, JAMES L'OW.e.V, eteaforth Of U.IGS' FOR 14ERVICE.-The untier0ignell )01 .•1 at bis place in Brueefickl, Imre ineel •shire and a pure bred Berkahire Boar, to which 0,hj ited number of sows will be admitted. Terms. payable at the tune of Eel.% lee, with the privilege returning if neceesary. GEORGE lobtis To LET-The undersigned. will rent his lam the Lake Shore to a good t-enaut for -a term)f five ye.are. The farm eonsieta of 210 ;eves of land, uearly ell under cultivation and •in good dition. For full terms and particulars apply at DANIEL SITH, St. Joseph 0. • 11,18141-;.- rflIMBER A,ND 1,13iBER. FOIL.SALE—For quantity of barn timber, equari and in I of from about 8 to 50 feet, also a quantity of hemlock lumber, plank and; scatatlirg. Patti tending to build during the corning eeaeon it to their advantage to eall and See it on Lot Coneession McKillop. JAMES LOCIillART. 10011 TIOABS FOR SERVICE. --The nudtrggned keep for service or) Lot 22, Comae -don 6, bert, Thorobred Tamworth Boar, else a Thera Berkshire Rear, ..to which a limited number 0 will be taken. Charges, $1.00 with the prit - Teturnine if ncessary. These hogs are both ) stook. Also a number of young farrow for vale cheap, also a young Ta:worth lorsale. WILLIAM BUREE, Stage no. itNt, FOR SALE. The Label Plat Protect& Some trademarks are worth a million dollars others are not worth a cent The value of a trade- mark lies in what it stands far. Progress 4 5*1 OuAnneals, pr label is the most valuable asset of the clothing trade in Caada. Men know that the "Progress' riabel goes only in clothing of absolute perfection. Men know that the Progress label i tae strongest quality argument in Canada. Men know that the Progress label is the one guarantee of satis faction that never fails to keep -its bond. Look for the label that protects, in every suit and overcoat you buy. Look for it Take no other STEWART BROTHERS •soeeoeesee„,ee e Pills for crossness? Certainly. They remove the cause ^ th 0 crossness vanishes. A. sluggish liver poisons ea) the blood) spoils the temper. Keep your liver active and your bowels regulr. Have a clear brain, a brave •j heart, a hopeful outlook. One of Ayer's Pills at bedtime. i All vegetable. Sugar-coated. • Seal for CO yee.„. We have no eemts! We publish Z. C. Ayer Co., the formulae of ell our medicines. .., ..._--zigir....nze:52Lorels. 5pera5545.75,145-501.-AILY.75.-3•3" - ••15. MAGNI Blue Fox FR NO MONEY REQUIRE fashtonTbinktbiaof It,fur worn. tigifire,t1n11uutiff 00Tuf mbliyueltePoex., tubletchelmniti offer woe mover made before. en: only reason we OLD afford to do it 1§§ that we arTanged for thehandsome Pura during t li, dull semen In the atm/nor and got them nearly at cost. The Ruff is 41 luaus long. nearly 4 Inches wide, meet) of the bandaomelt Blue Vox Ithr„ very rick soft and fluffy. it in -warmly iadtiml. lined wit!' the same shedoof satinand ornamented w:th four line! Ws of Ilhle Sox also. Ouch a handieline F; r J,o 11015T hefore hoen given away, tont you elln get ft fto Joe; send totyour name and addaw, plat/4. eta u wlil /nail , yea 2dor.sota of Picture Posttards to sell at lep,, a net (4 ;Ards to .6 art,' ily ore bea11 i rally colored, all tho tage end gull like to -t uuk.s, Such an opoorturity was niwor offered before to tbn wo; rn nnd Orli§ ofOantule. 'Von ouldn't Is y an% thing In tha rim Stores that, vk mild look titter. Donlon, boralng or more etylib, and rkunerober, it wont ,o&t you pnecent. Write tn-day. WPtrust yfIU 11.11(.1 mend On Plo, pow.carue patpeld. 4o1ou1ulArtt. to, Dept. j5 Tolrouto ISMIN11115911111111101011trala"MILISMOn THE _COMFORTS: OF: -Re SitiNAAAAAAAAAAAMAAAANWA Evry home needs comfort. The home with a few attractive pieces of furnitue, perhapsfan Arm Chair for the elder people,Ind a Canal and a couple of Easy Chairs, is as luxariousaS need be. Every one may have such a home with the present low prices ig good furniture. You will be able to QHORTHOEN BULLS FOR SALE, --Two 40 choice young bulls for sale. Can be seen at stables of the undersigned in Exeter., TEIONe RUSSELL, Eeter. 108,94f 13, Conteasion 4, Tuckeramith or address gAmo • - QHORTHORN BULL FOR SALE.2-Por Thorobred Shorthorn Bull, 17 months red, with a little white. Priee right. Apply on / vine P. 0.WM, CARNOCIIAN. EICUTR%11.EEP AND SRORTIIORN 0118A2TD14 Li #306AoraittlyetbEosoforonztRibelibliEsied.-6,11:hBotoiniapetzl,derefru_ ocolitiplis,b.2.69ndlortspreauso!Ff; IS RED SIOUX FOB SALE. -The under. offers oi sale on Lot 27, Concession 4.- Hibbe.rt townhip, one yearling Clyde to. n um Shorthorn cows and heifer, two young Shortbena hulis ; also a few Berkshire pigs of both sexte. Tht abOVe truck are agible for registration in the Ntion: 0.1. Stock 'Words, Prices reaonable, conelderinz quality, Visitors welcome. DAVID HILL, Stela. lOss-tt It SALE CIIEAP.--in Hrpurbey. a -comfot able Eriek Cottae, with five roans aud lett with kitellen end wood shell attatchtd, hard a '- soft water. Stabling for three head of tattle horses with hen house and pig pen. Also good and pump instable, 3 acres of land, on which are _-- {tole-et varieties of all kinds of fruit. This is a m desirable poverty for anyone wanting a comforte home. Apple on the 'premses or address JOILX noxonon, leeaforth 1'. O. 19024f, • .51.• • ".••••••+••••••••• 7-1-1 trim vain We Znar onref sreS ba EChen ' way 4-405 I best A.DY AUCTION SALM A torION SALE of FaTin StAR:g and Iniplemee XI. Thomas Betamr150 been inetructed by iga.idil.azifoTuseellkebrjny Piutb,blio&Aimisiony o3,34te.Loht 2.5214,3statotn.4 d'eleek p. -en., the following property...viz :-Iforeest 1 general purpoee mare risurA7 yearti old 1 drattid• maroairetoriwirelt5sisaer:siolrol • 1 geraerirsaini 4)71)4 A.easersenamred carrian gelding rising 2 yeafrs eld ; (Irking horW-- rising 5 Years old, in by Wilder Le. Cattle. ---1 lows (Inc eabre Mareh ; 1 ow due to mile la April ; * 1 (OW calved in January ; 1 farrow coal 3 heifers due to -Ive in April ; 1 heifer due to in October ; 3 steers rising 2 years old ; 1 heifer '4-e ing 2 years old ; 3 spring calves ; a calf ; 1 mitt months old. Piev.-1. Berkehire sow in pig.; 1 Yorke shire sow supposed to be in pi- 4 Berkelure pief• Plinths old • 40 hens and 3 turi'eas. Implemente,- 1 Prost fk..14od binder new, 1 Deering mower newly new, 1 Prost &'Wod mower, 1 drill, I home .rak,I. (dliesemohcarrarett, v3,isinign.nle.3pgiteowosth, lensetitildatilirTindiahrwaTTomiz,, hay rack, 3. wagon box, 1 road eart, a pig .n:, 1 sheep rack, 1 set scales (mt. 2,000 lw.), inxIning Mil, -1,000 ft. dressed basswood lumber, 1,006 ft, dressed maple lumber, I. sap pan, 59 sap buckets, /, wood rack, 1 stone boat. 1 pulper, 1 sentiler, Ailed. barrow, a ladder, 1 set ploW harness, 1 grindetone,..% Daisy chum. a quantity of roots and a lot of hay la the barn. The whole will positively Ire eeld without reserve as the proprietor is going Weet. Tenn, --e All slims of 85 and under, tad) ; ovr that arnoun, 0 months' credit will be given on furnilsbilkz. anProved Joint ntes, A discount of 4 vente on the dollar wiR be allowed for ensh on credit amounts, SAMI:Eti LAIDLAW, Proprietor ; THOMAS BROWN, Anctio4 eer., 1002-11 tains_ r- 712ealt fiLEARING AUCTION SALE el Farm Steck and ‘.../ - Intpletneut.-Mi. Thos. Bow% has been etrueted by Mr. J. W Mills to sell by public andion on Lot 10, Coneeeeion 14, flullett, An Frida, Febrile au 23rd, at 1 °Week p. In.* the following volt) property, viz. : Horses --1 draught mare 11 y old, in foal to Cairnbrogle Pride ; 1 draught mare rising five, in foal to Cairribrogie Pride ; 1 sphn ol matched chestnut mares rising seven, in foal teRede iator, weight 1,100 pounds apiem, good road rs workers ; 1 gelding rising three ;years old, f Cairnbrogie Pride ; 1 filly rising two ; 1.11W three ; 1 filly rising one, b,y Cairnbrogie Prid. these hozzeS are guaranteed sound. Cattle4-0 coi in calf to a thorobred bull ; 6 steers rising three ; heifers rising three ; 7 heifers tieing two ; $ /wring calves. Pigs -Ten pigs four months.old ; 1. tborobred Yorkshire sow With pecligne, in pig to thorobred York boar, also fibout 100 hem, Implee meats -1 Frost & Wood 0.foct binder with glued mit. rier ; 1 Frost & Wood 5 -foot, mower ; 1 Itlinhu hay loader ; 1 Steel 10 -foot Sharpe inke ; 1 12.1oe come bined Noxoteseed two. ; 1 large oak titave wooden roller ; 3. Maxwell disc ; 1 set iron harrows with foue seetions ; 1 large 2-furrOW plow ; 1 gang plow single phnva ;#1. fanning mill ; 1 water trough, gal vanizal.. ; 1 root pulper ; 1 low down fern) wagon e. 1 hay rick; 1 cattle and pig rack ; 1 wagon box ; 1 gravel box ; 1 set sleighs with log hunks, Iiumplar ... make ; 2 pig -crates ; 1 boat torchawing admire ou of stable ; 1 top buggy; 1 cutter; 1 carriage tongue with whifiletrees ; 1 emery sickle grinder ; 1 grind. steno ; 1 tress -cut saw ; 50 sap pails ; 100 feet at hay, fork rope ; -2 set tea/it harnes, one set nearly ne• With Seoteh oilers ; 1 set light double harnees set single harness ; 2 sets plow lutrnem ; 1 DeLa •• cream separator, 0113-' used a few Months ; 1. wadi ing inaeldne ; 1 Daisy ehttril ; r parlor ,hating stove ; oleo other small articles, ahv about 3 bushels *f oats and 400 bushels of barley flt for and abOlit 211 tons of bay. The implemetas :are nearly new and in the hest of shape. Ertrythl will be sold os the proptietor has rented Mel farn4 Terms—All sums of Viand under, mish ; over t • amount 10 months' credit will be given on ftmishin o, roved oint notes. A discount of 3 cents on de Wil be allowed *if for cash on credit amoutit ' J. W. MILLS, proprietor ; TROS. BROWN, attet--- ear. 061 -td, •A55-4 211* WE St 19 ; sisal -he' vatIge119, an angel% Y • there re' RN, dwlling* s - lb. • 0 , n, ale- smilabeet 10 -erby Is %hid 1 f.ha far !dam mast deal to Jorge la fr adapted to ely Or In One .aml thebale partieuler.e al ".197fex12 Or ...a clumcs tho *Lioin *lewd *Eo:ok. fades -(1 tho -roirniwil eV& Maio ad4Ittroa4 . drt-4,-givt on tr. •Aatera.e Iteheto Itne rc inestr 147M,07-0 :t.11 agente.,25t 20,10/ntreld,, Wa••••=111•••.••••••• 13 11 t at small cost if you come to`us ave w a yo wan supp e y 1++ 13:171.31:V1/..A3KIINTC3-.. Promptly attended to nig& or day. tROADFOOT, BOX & CO, .4, SM.AHcaRTim S. T. HOLMES, Manager. erfQction in Tailoring. Every seiNespecting man liketo appear well, and, as his clothes go a long way towards attaining that object, he must have his clothes math - in the latest style and by the best tallow, ft is our aira to turn out clothes that fill these very requirements. Our long experience in the business has enabled us to reach that perfection which only ex perience can give. Added to this, our staff of work people is the best. All work is personally inspected before it leaves the shop, and if not right we make it right, If you wish to be well dressed, you must have clothes made by u. Try 1113 with your next order, and we will convince you of the genuineness of our argument. BRIGHT BROS. •FoRxraffERs; aFasz.n; ny Women Su e • UNTOLD AGONY FROM KIDNEY TROUBLE. Very often they think it is fforo " Female Disease." There is less femaletzr than they thinlc., Women suffer trona bac sleplessness, nerVotuntess, lirritability, draggingdown feeling in the loins, So do and they do not have " female trouble," then, blame all your trouble to Female With healthy kidneys, few women have"female disorders" ne kidneyare closely connected with all the hiternal that when the kidny= go -wrong, ev goes wrong. lifneh -distress would be say women would only take *ft, way - whole Tate o sr vale )fiteoe Entry toeel lean VIC land desires. ' Setter a siosor of local seen to midi* the _ en* (1) I ani odd tor three • (2) If 4- 5141 or J. for t he setiefl tbs fathe (3) If t epee up the vielni =en LI RS rotidence Six me given to Leeils at patent. • DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS itsted intervals. Price 50 cents per box or three boxes for $ft ell dealers or Sent direct on rp,,ceipt pre" - hs 1;00en Kidney 1I Co., Toronto. Ont. CORN FOR SALE- . Totes good American Corn. Sell for cash or 9 ItIOnth-5 time as arranged. Also exchange pounds ef corn for 100 pounds of barterer Cash for all kinds of grain. G. PERRIN, Clin1114 1992x2 De f3. this &iv - 5.