HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-02-16, Page 8* I '71 We bave a and. Seem Stoves„whie ed Out whit and we *9 Specially Low P noes lerS g Wes mber of New Hand Cook • are to be cleat - stook' taking, offer thette at to you who re fitting out to go West thi spring: Give 4 ua a call for theft and what. _ atter llardwar Sup piles you intend t king With, you. • It will be to your interest to da so. - eit 1,41. ' , 040•....1460. We have in stook a full aupply of the • BIST Attr Orrn Wert Weave Your rders With •Us • 3tir prices are lo and pods of the •• " IMMElt, SRA ORM SOLE AGENTS, Hardware, EC 'yea and Coal. ari DOMINI . HEAD. OltFI ............ Capital, Fully Paid Reserve Fund and . ... divided Profits Deposits by Public lanai Aeseta - )N BANK E, TORONTO.- ., - of I at an4 le Up-S13,000,octo.oc un. • $ 3,749,000 $34.100,0o0 $ 44.400,000 SEA FOR -1 H Every fatality for moral banking bugle Oollections made on and abroad. Advances made to =Hon paid to the en . BR AN OH, the ,trigisacting si. all points in ()snack tamers. Special Lection of Sale 'Notes SAVING • BANK. Delimits ot 1,00. id upwards received, and Interest paid or dried June 30th Deoember Rut • ithdrawols • may made at any time. , - A. E..GIBSON, •• Manager. E. 8« HAYS. Solioitor ••. e • / • tat7TARM. CLA17.1? -)11/1 •t, .s ereiP' , aTRATFORD. Do yonseaut a goat peewee In the Ckunmercial World 2 The urest and &erase road is via -tea soiled. We give a coulee oitteein tg that is not sus. passed by any: Busin eat- College in Can ads. We give inirvidual inetructien. Itherefere you may nter at any time. in Write for five oat logand get. hill paweldor.. - -11 ELLIOTT & itieLA t HLA.N, 'Principe e , About Rin i s 1• . . , There has be, a a lob of time care • eepend d in @electing riea stock of onra. Quito a date of mo,ey spent too, for weeted i4 ab 178 all thIDIZEI se cern plate ae we p I sitiblf could get We have some pate, larly. band. ' some etone boadtinatio a for ladles. We think they itre a a a tit the pret- tiest that we enter sa • I • , And every bi a as attractive effect for geetleme . Some of them sell tor 2, and from that price go away n to $90, Then we ha e the cutest littlf birthday rli ga for the yonegef folks for $1. You will be perfectly safe if you depend Upon this at re for your ring needs. '' , .- and Alai pod we it. -•• , . ' : •••••••.1.1..••••••••••1 d Oh 11 Jeweller, - - Marriage Uo f : u lge rs - Seafortt noes hsued. A Piano -Very. Cheap won gosi „. _ • • - - , . . i _THE HURON VerY pleasent time was speflt! in fir inuele, singing, games end sioelal ar` Chat. The young- people were the aaeiPiellts 40f many woad and. post - 13r presents, showing the esteem in whieh they are .After cIALL AND okr ing a, holiday vieit with arieads in otin pnioN8 FLoult. DiSTRIPT MATTERS. EXPOSITOR. • lour -- travellers.- The follawing were ticketed to distant points this -week by W. Somerville, G. T.*R. !agent : Miss 'McKinley, to North By; W. - Lindaay and family, to New Liskeard. New Critario; laugh T. .Grieve, of Leadhary, to Fargo; M. 13e11 Soole, to Detroit ; Miss Nettie Boole, •to Winnipeg ; air. and tare. Walter Jamieson, to Hartney, Manito•ba ; C. Btrney, the Aberdeen baker, to Cal- vary, (leaving next Monday. t - ' 'Death ,of Mr. Mowat. -Mr. John .Motwat, a highly rispeated resident of Seaforth, died at his -home here on Suriplay, leaf... He was. utterly 70 years of age and had -not been en- joying good: health for several menths. lie was an indestrions• well doing, honorable Mall, and en- ioyed the high esteem af our oit- izens generally. The funeral took plate to the Maitlandbank cemetery on Tuesday. He leaves a widow and large family to mourn the loss of a kintlihusband and vnise'parent# Hockey Notes. -Two games in. the Meratintile hockey league were play- ed) on the Pialatie rink On Thursday evening of Met week: The first' game was between =the , Hardwares • and the A. 0. .V It Was a bat aarne ana there was the keen.eat ri- • ry, but the Hardwares seemed toi be dble to stand the paee better, and won oat by a score of five goals lee three. • The seoonajgame was be- ) tween the Fouedry-Factory combin- ation and the Dry Goods. This was a -walk over for the iron .mongers, -as they won by e4x goals to Ilene. Seaforth, gullarton add Galt, the' happy Couple will Ieave for • °UR PASTRY 144°VR 'their home in Manitoba, where they OUR' PURE MANITOD ' ' begin married= life with the best wishes let their !many eelatives and friends. tare. Marrison ie e =,niece of amity Councillor I. G. 'Grieve, a Malt illop,--;Cora. . —see. VW Thf3 Wet -M. Jas. MOW* an old. Hallett boy, but who is now a prdsperous eitizen of- Swan Lake, Ma:nitoba, end who has been visit- ing friends' in this vicinity cr the pest two months, left on Monday •for his :weetern homey:Me. MeDele took with him a ear 'toad of horses, mixed drivers. wed workers, which 1. he purehaged in this vicinity. A- mong the number was a fine trot- '• ting horse whiea -he purebased from ' Messrs. ‘Ourrey ,8t Rintel, of Wing- . ham. - Mr.= AriaDole haesaeen a test- deat a Swan Lake for a:bolit 17 i.a-care. Ile is extensively engaged ' in the butchering business and in ad- ditian does •a large business buying and isbipping cattle sadeether stook. We trust he will get „safely home. with , his car of horses and make so' mueh out of them that, he will toon return for =mother lot. , . ' • e Iteur New 'Story. -In next 'eek's iExpositor we will commence a ther •seriaI story; entitlea 'The Advent- urers," and by the famous and popu- lar • author, Marriott Watson, and topyrigated by Harper & Brothers, • la New York. This is an adventures or rathet a series of adventures ,of , thrilling interest, which inereeses as t it proceeds, and is maintained until the very last 'Chapter. It is fully equal in literary style and interest to the s Wings of the Morning." which was so much apprectated by Expositor readers. . Successful •Musicians. -In 'the ee.. rent examinations in eonnectien with the, Toronto Conservatory of Musio the following pupils from this Coun- ty were successful: Miss Effie Oarr, Wroxeter, •passed the junior grade t •, M' in the pianoforte tlepart men Miss Dorothy B. Marks and May Perrin. I Wienceter,, and Maude Tilt, Gode- ! rich, paisedathe primary grade with ! honors. -Olive Madge, -Thames road, passed ha the Letermediate grade,. • sight -singing deOertment. She also • took honors in harmony and counter- poirite and first class homers in au- dimeats. 1• I •Closin'g Caraival.-The remark- • able success of tneir , first carnival and the growing popularity Of the rink as -a centre of gaiety and amuse- ment, has induced the directors of the Palace rink to give an-iramense leaning carnival on the evertingof .. Friday, February 23. The catnival Iwill be :conducted on a much larger male. rt will include races for old and young, the acting of tablemix, fancy skating, music of all kinds, etc. grizes to the value of nearly * one hundred dollars will be offered. Some• of •these are really handsome gifts -and we believe taat, every- thing taken =late consideration, this i earnival will far surpass anything of i its kind ever given in Seatorta. A 1 large number of e.ntriee have already I been made, many Of which are from outside- places. All must hand :let tickets •indicatigg what they intend Ito compete for. • The Onion Industry. -Mr. j. W. Ortwein, of Hensall. was in town a few days ago. Air. Ortwein is one of. the largest dealers and export - We have a slightly wed piano, upright; 7* octave, , walnut car in good con- dition, for sale very cbeap, also one Bel Organ, six - octave, .tri fin shape and somi3 five-oeta e organs, • fine rpusiq, the cases are old st le, in good repair. • --We also carry-- - -New Pianos, Organs Sewing Machines and all Musi Sundries -1 Males nd Oil. _ • G. M. Bald In & Co., ers of onions 4n this part of the country. He ships on an average about 50 tons of onions every year. .This at $200 per -ton, which is about the average price, repreeents a lot • of money. Most of the onions which Mr. Ortwein bandies are grown in the vicinity of Henson. He furn- ishes the' seed to the growers and they furnieh the land and do the work and he purnhaSes from them i the product. He says there ' sno- thing a farmer can grow tiwill give tm good a return for th labor add outlay. As an example wa eay state that last year Mr. Isaac 7ar- rot1 whose • fine far& adjoins the btation grounds at •Kippen, raised not quite an acre of onions and he received from Mr. Ortwein the snug sum of $550 for his crop, Last sea- son over $13,000 were spent in Hen - salt for onion sets. This •will give Borne idea of the profits of the trop and the value it is to that part Yr the eountry. The only wonder is that our farmers do not go more extensively into • the business. Of course some years tile market may not be so. good, but this year. there is an active demand, although Mr. Ortweie assures us that he never • SEA FO t.TH. has had any trouble in disposing of all he Can purchase. • James Via son, °• Successor to NORTH MAIN ST., General Fire, Life an aim agent,. Real Agent. • D•ealer in first -dans f •taring Sewing M • Separators. viii. : • New Raymond awl Maehteet, and- ' Maeda Oream Se Aleo sewing machine menu, repairs an kinds of peeing m With over nb year. ex business you -can re tight, squere deali guaranteed. JAMES W W. N. Watson EAFORTI-1. : Aeoldent Inpur- state and Loan mily and Menefee - chinos and Cream White Sewing ational and raters. - oodles, oil, attach. sundries for all chines. Hence Itt the above t assuredef prices and intellection „, Married. -A very pretty vreading took place at the home of. Mr. and Mrs. R. Coramon, Newry, and -form- erly of Seaforth, on Wednesday eV- • eiaing, January 31st. when their only. traughter, Miss Eupliiiraia, was united in marriage to -James R. Morrison, • a- much reepeeted and prosperous young farmer of Beres- ford., Manitoba. The cereniony was performed by Rev. Mr. ',Mc:Vicar, pastliT of the Presbyteriaq church, Atetood, in the presence of about 50 invited guests, relattvese and Weeds of the bridal couple. At .the flour of fi ix o'clock the wedding march . was played by Miss Me Common, of Galt, when the bride leaning on the arm of her fatheretentered the. per - kr where the groom had preeeded Iher. They were unattended. and green drapery, with a baeltground of flowers.. _The bride looked charm- • ing in a dress of cream lustre. trim - reed ,with lace and insertion. After the congratulations • were over the guests were invited to the dining room. whieh was tastefully decorat- ed with 'bunting. and flowers and where well. laden tables were pre- pared in Mrs. Common's best style, and the large oompany aid ample justice to the necessaries arid Lux- uriee of life pieced before tbem. Before leaving the table the health .of the bride and groom was proposed by Rev. Mr. MeVioar, ie a few. cenn- • plimentary renearke, after vehich taey retureea to the parlor, where TSON, stood under an areh of white and IlatIraanTBicyeti."eAel*` Nthtr aDdosdllillie.or sinee,S o tw 8ing efoTh.°hin° n „Family Group s and Children's plaos Are a Specialty with ue. We do the kind of work you will be pleated with. We have exceptional facinties for mak- ing family groups and children's photos. Come in and see lee. Picture Framing nd Mouklbig. • 11' JACKSON BROS, Seaforth. Car Redpath Granulated Sugar to arrive, price 84.20 per 100 lbs., 22 lbs. for 81.00, Come while 300 bags last. Canino pros., Seaforth. 1002.2 • Motion guaranteed at the Maple Leaf Store, Seaforth. Wanted, --Ritter, Eggs and all your tmde.1992lia-tlis- • • P. Dill. ' Dorethy Dodd shoe/i for:ladies, new spring stoek knit arrived, swelles0 shoes for ladies in America, W. I. Willis, sole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoos for Indies and George A. Slater ." Invititue shoes for men, Seaforth. 1 1992.1 FOR SALE, a Registered Jersey Dur ill, fo'yeah calved Jersey cows, three Yorkehire sows in pig, and some hens, L. G. Van Eginond, Seaforth 1990x3 The man who look.s into the eye is comi•ng to Sea - forth at Roberts' Drug Store, February 10th. • 1991-2 I do not claim to have the largest stook but I have 'the eholcest atook of Valenoiennwand Torehor Laces in town ; to see them is to admire them. Call and _see them at the Maple Leaf Store, Seaforth. 11199.2111. OLD PAPERS FOR SALE at, the Exposito`r,pffice, Seaforth. Useful for packing, plaeing unde•r carpets • or to put on shelves, 5e for 20 papers 199241 HAYING PURCHASED the general repair husi. floss, formerly carried on byJ. 0.• Thornton, I am now in a position to do all kinds of repairing. A full line of bicycles and sundries always In stock. 'Electrical wiri, ng and fittings. Roy Scott, Thornton's old stand, Seviforth. 199241 WANTED. -50 ease of Eggs and a ton of Butter, weekly, also Raw Furs and 101000 Rat Skins. G. .E. Ring, Wingham. •10924f • Bitter Oranges and Valeneia Oinnges for Marmal- ade. • A. Young, Seitforth. ; 1992't1 LOST --In &Worth, or on the North Gravel Road, on Tuesday, February 13th, a black leather folding purse with " Mary " in gilt lettem tat the inside, con- taining 3 hills Mid some silver. Will the finder please leave at the Exrosimon Orsasi,Seaforth,"or Mrs. Nur chic's, Withrop. 1992-1 SHAWL .LOST. -Lost between Thirpurhey and Constance, a grey anTi iVitite plaid woollen4 shawl. The finder would greatly oblige by leaving. it either at the Exroirrou °meet Seaforth, or at Clarke's I have the hest stock of prints and flannelOttea, in town. Calland inspect them at the Maple Leaf Store ffeaforth. Dill. •• .• 4902-1 GIRL WANTED,-kgirl, capable of doing general housework. Steady employment and good wages to a suitable person. Apply to Mrs. M. Y. McLean, Goderich street, Seaforth. 99 WANTED -Red Glover and Thnothy Seed1;1tf White Beans, Dried Apples and Potatoes at Beattie Bros., Seaforth. • 19012 BUGGIES PAINTED. -We wish to remind you if your rigs need painting; nowt Is the time to bring, them in. R. Devereux, Carriage Works, Seaforth• . Try Charlie Rims' hand laundry, Seaforth, for nice work. Always gives sittkifaetion. Clothes ealled for and deny ered. Charges reasonable. Laundry two doors south of Reid & Wilson's hardware etore • Sea - forth, 1911.34f store, Constance, Feed for Sale.-Oatineal mill feed for sale at the Senforth Oatmeal Mills. Walter Thomson 5.7. Son, - United. 108941 • prnt ROYAL HOUSER LD A 000K33001t 14tEE with eyery order of Royal Ifpuseitold. WE. Kerslake, Suoceseor to Hamilton &Kerslake, C4th ter wae referred ite'ethe property cammittee. tar. S. Best On be• of Miss iltalpia, notified the council- that tailless the teatenell pro- = ceed at once to take measuees to prevent her property ,being flooded from the over flow of Silver Creek he will -taloa s•u..ch proceedIngs a- gainst the efouneil as wilt give Miss atialpin permanent Tenet tfilie pro- perty ctommittee tend. tile solicitor •were inatructed tio -confer with Mr. • Best la this matter. Mr.Brydeee, solicitor for Mrs. Win,, Jenkins, of Hallett, asks for $50 damages on account of injuries she sustained on • the Met of November last, by fal- ling an an aflegal defeetive a.vaIk ,ort, Main etreet opposite Camp- bell's block. The clerk ;was instruet- ed to came:tuning:to with Mrs. Jen - lone and inform her that the "nat- ter will be •duly cdnaidered. After some other routine tnueiness thel, council radjOurned to meet at the 1 swtifi egille -ii)a!n tAhat.4000Inneegila'naeibraastisetamte_ bly hall on Tuesday evening next when a eplendid, musioal =and liter- ary prograrnine will be givea ail°. light refreehmente served aria to 1/011.0h all are :cordially invited. These oceasiona are .alwaas exceedingly in- teresting and pleaeant and we hope our eittizen:8 in = leage atemberst will *afford the eneauragement a their presenee be the young people of the Institute and at =the same time se- 011ie A pleasant and pretitable even,- ing for •themsehres,--Mas. Alex. Johnston, and her daughter, Miss 'XinItgAgitiwe oodh'a"= tarfetteurr.litaiida'ingh.elar homewne k visiting with. Mr. stud Mrs. Rtaliert Praiser an Mr. W. "frontley ill Sea - forth. -34a. 'Charles Troyer, • mer - client and peatmaster:a Hills Green, and Mrs. Teloyer Were visiting their =0I1d neighbors this week, Mr. and aara. Thames Coleman, of the seeona toncession of. Tuckersnath.-Xiss Ida Oooper, of London, is spending a few weeks hkaidays • with lea Mother, =Centre ataeet.-it the Grand Otameil a the Meters' and. Mates' Associa- tam, held in To-ronto =this week, Capt. John MeGiffin, of TorOnto, was elected Grand Master. "Captaig Mo - Giffin J8 a -cousin a our townam:an, Mr. W. 0. Seidat-Mr. Henry Thomp- son, of London. 'WAS here this week lattending the funeral. taf fhe late Mrs. Kenneely.-While in town on ' Wedn.esday, Miss Moemteastle, of Clinton, was a guest at the manse. Call of the Mayor. •• A Good. Entert,ainment.--The-enter- tainment on, Wednesday evenirtg last plass of the Presbyterian chuxeh, under the =spices o= the Bible heldin =the Sabbath school roorn, The atten nee was good, the room teals raucli enjoyed by all present. being Maid; The pastor, Rev. Mr. Larkire presided. The leading fea- ture of th.e t evening was the reoita- tains from her own. eOmpositiens by Mies Miceildteastle, of Clinton. Thie lady is not only a clever and tal- ented ;composer but 'a born elonn- tiloatifit and •the ease, grace- and ,nat- uralness with which she tendere se- iodate/is is simply charming and on this =occasion she both araueed and • delighte& her audiene.e. The were- • der is that so perfeot ana,a.ceom- plished• =am, artist has not,,ectired greater' praminence tbe litereey • world. Well rendered 'selections were naso igiven by Miss Ada Beattie • and Mee Iratie Et011ilerstul. The • notissical part' of the programnie was • given by Miss Dodds, -Mrs. Meredith, Miss Hattie Murray, Mies Emilia Ruffles, 'Miss raelen Larkin, Mr. Ray .Willis land a ehorus by the members of tee choir, bliss Helen Wilson as accompaniest. The girls' drill, under the direetion or Mi. James ktobb, was very pretty, and the intricate and accurate times; of the youthful ladies ?bowed skill and attantioxi ,on their part, and oare and patience on the part of their instructor. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. Eyes- tested• free by R. MeNaught, Jeweler, Seaforth. • 19874f Dr. Ovens, ere and ear surgeon will he at the Com- mercial hotel, Scaforth, the firit Wednesday in each month. Horns 1 to 8 p. nt. Catanxet, squint, fail- ing eyesight, deafness, nasal catarrh treated and r• glasses properly fitted. Next visit Wednesday, Feb. Mri Sproat, postmaster and ruary 7tb. ' 19834! merchant, Belgrave, was in town -. Dav • Leval Briefs.-Mr.el,hn and XiS/3 aenet Robertson, af Grand Rapids, Dakota, who have Wen visiting with Mende -in thisvicinity for some weeks, left here fior home on Mon- thiy.-Mr. A. Cuamore, o Chrystal City, Maoitoba, and brother of Mr. S. Cudneere, of Usborne, shipped a car load of fine horses from here on Saturday. -Mrs. Laugh, of Clinton, Was here last, week, visiting - her 'Bisbee, Mrs.' MeDongall.-Mrs. James Sprotrt, of Tuckeramith, was at Lack - now lest week, visiting he,r father, ,M Jamb Ge e, ana other friends. • A. 0." U. W. -On Tuesday evening last a very pleasant tirae was spent in the hall of the Ancient Order tof United Workmen in.this town. The .ocoasion, was the official visit of Distriot Deputy Grand Mastee W. H. ten., of Brussels. . The ettendante aeas not so large as it should have been but the loss wap to the abeen- tees. The small attendance,. how- ever, may be accounted for in some degree by the unpleasant evening and the elert notice given of the meeting. Master 'Workman,' Robert Jones, presided and the District De- puty gave a most inete'reeting and encouraging address, showing that the'Orderhad largely oyercome the troubles whioh had for sorne time beset it and it has now a rest fund 'of over one hundred thousand .dol- lars, which had been accuraglated during the past year and which, with continued and careful, manage- ment on the part of thoee auther- ity, will place the society' on a Sound and safe financial basis, making it one of the best and safest benefi- tiary societies doing business in this oountry. Addresses were also given by Mr. George Paterson, Mayor WilLis, Messrs. F. G. Neelin, John McLennan, jehn 'Petersen, Wm. &later, M. Y. McLean and others. At the close of the meet- ing, on the invitation of Mr. Geo, 'Baterson, the brethrere repaired to the Ko.ndy Kitchen Where they pan - took of the hospitality a that e cellent hostlery and spent •a sod( 1 half hour with the District Deput very pleasantly. . • Town Council. -The regular meet- ing of the atown -council wo.s held on Monday evening. Accounts to the amount of $1,450 were passed and ,ordered to be paid. It was resolvedi +bet the hours of the Clerk be from. 10 a. m. until 12.30, arid from( 2 fro., until 4.30- p. ra. (Parties having bus- iness at the Clerk's ,office would do well to boar these lours in mind. The secretary, of ,§he fire brigade natified the eounoil that Mr. John Smith had been elected Chief of -the. fire brigade far tne present year. This appointment was confirmed by the council. Mr. D. D, Wilson was appointed a member of the public library board, The 'clerk was in- strudted make application to the Bell Telephone 'Company for free telephone service in the to:wn ball and • waterworks, said free service to comnience lst of Inebruaty 1906. The auditors' report was received and: a.ppnoved: and the abitritet or- dered to be published. Th s nun of t$100 was tordered to be paid on, rec- ommit of public library grant. A ignant of $200 wagr made to the town ,biand, half to be° paid at once and •the cither half fin, July. A motion wee passed authorizing the clerk be take the necessary preliminary steps _to have ,Main. street macadam- ized. on: the frontage tax system, the nroperty interested paying 60 per Cent ,and toevn 40 per pent. Mr. Jahn F. McMann gave notice that the renaal of the garbage ;dumping ground on his farm, Will be increas- ed film a20 a year to $35. The !mat - n Monde -Mrs Harford and little daughter, of Woodstof3k, formerly Mies Bella Grieve, has been visiting friends en this vioinity.-Mr. Hugh Grieve, of McMahen left for tea- ketlaAind the West,' on a prospecting tour on Montlay.-,-Mr. Alva West- cott, salesmen in the •store of Wm, Pickard & Son, has been sertously ill nor several days. While playing hockey he got 'a out in his fore- head, arid got rold in it, resulting in 'blood poisoning. He is being look- ed atter by the Knights pf Pythias, and. Canadian. Fieresters, -who -have !supplied a professional 13411:Ac.-The recent mild weather has destroyed the little sleighing we 'tied, and now wheeled vehicles are again common. -Mrs. *.Tioleneben, Winnlpeg,has been the guedt ef Mrs. Alban McLean, of Gederich. street, for some days. -Mr. Roy Scat leas pierclased the bicycle business, ferimerly Carried on • by Mr. Jan. Thornton, and will earry on in, -connection with his electrical bueineste end ticeupy the store ferenerly occupied! by. Mr. Thornton. Mr. &Ott was in Barrie this week, doing some fine electrical wiring for a Ilamilten firna.-Mr. James Lynch, who has been leager keeper in -the 13ank of Ceinineree -here, has been traneferred to Chatham. Mr. Whiteside, teller in the same bank, -hoe been !ordered to Cayuga, and will leave here as soon as his siic- cessor arrives. -We are •sorry to learn that Mr. Andrew Calder is *confined to hie residence by illness. -Mrs. Sohn R. Govenlook has been epending a pleasant holiday in . To- ronto. -A few .days ago' Mr. D. Mc- Naught who• is now steying here, received wiorti from his home in Inapid City, JYfanitoha, that the ixa- plement warehouse of his son-in-law there, had been destroyed by fire. We are pleased to learn, b.owever, that the Loss was mit serious. -Mr. Utley, who is m,alrin.g his. first Cane a.dian tour lec`taring on -Vitologioal Phrenology., said to be one of those pleasent speaker g• possessed With much naturalness on the plat - from. He is an illustrator and writer as well as a lecturer, anCUone feature of interest is his drawing of pictures before the audience. :He :uses this as a strong method in making a point forceful. The ' kc - tures are free and he shouid 'be greete,d 'by large and:knees on, the occasion of his lectures bere, the op- ening night being February'21st.- Miss Bona Case left. on Wednesday on ,an extended visit to relatives in Toronto, New York and Philadel- 13111,a-A great many will deeply re- gret to learn' of the death of Mfrs. H. P. Kennedy, anold and. muesli be- loved resident of Sed Seaforth. The sa eveot oceurred at her residence in • Egmondville on Tuesday, after an illness t:a several weeks. -Mr. B.Ger- ry, of BrusSers, anent Tuesday night ' town, the guest of Mayor and Mrs. Willis. The latter is a daugh- ter ,of Mr. Gerry. -Messrs. Morrow mothers have sold their dritying outfit and business to Mr. Themes Babkirk.-Mr. George Hawes has sold the old Payne farm on the affill road, Tulokersmith, to Meseirs. CO1- bert Trios, of • grnoridville.-The P y. • ,„- Death of Miss iferidersore - Much surprise and deep regret was felt on Fridlay,last on learning of the death of Miss 'Mary Henderson, second daughter of Mr. Williain R. Hend- eedon, of ehe fourth concession of MoKillop, and sister of Mews. Geo. tin,d Wm. Henderson and Mrs. Wm. Adiams, of Seaforth. Miss Hender- son's ,call wag a very sudden one. • Altleaugh she had not been enjoy- ing ,gbod. health for a year or Bo, she wns always able te attend to her household duties. On the rerevious Saturday she was in Seaforth and on Monday she did. her household work as usual. On Monday evening, how- ever, she took =a severe and from that out she gra:dually sank until the end, dame ton Friday. She Was in every sense of the term, a most estiraable woman and: edjoyed in •a high degree the eettpeet of all whip knew lee. She ;will be very • greatly (missed in the home where she was the only =remaining daughter • and the mp main dapendance raer, aged father e and mother. to -The: funeral took place on Mendatr and the es- teem 1,01i011 the deceased was ,held by those emidst whom she had lived ell her life was amply' manifested by the very large number wro at- tended to teay a last tribute of re- spect to one whom they had -so Jong known and so much beloved. A'.• 'Unique F,aroily Gathering. -A getherieg tof the 'cousins, descend- ents of the Grieve clan, took place at ,the residenee of County Council- lor Mr. John G. Grieve, of lYloKil- Fop, on Friday evenieg last and were Most hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Grieve, The party was Composed of .311.r. and. Mrs. Hugh Grieve, of MeKillop, and Mrs. Har - Ord, of Woodstock, with their chil- dren; 'Van and Janet Robertson. 'of Grand Rapids, Dakota ; Mr. Jas. It. and Mrs: Morrison, of Manitoba ; afre. A. Beattie and her brother, s ter William Grieve, et' MoKi1- 110p, (son arid daughter of the host., • and •lnosthss and. liraster rtdbbie Sketh. They made quite a large and haeipy party and it is needless to ,say they spent a most enjoyable evening. lerevgous to going to MT. Grieve's they aesembled at the phot- ogrephio studio of iMessrs. Jackson* in Setaforth, and eat for a group phOtograph, which will be a very interesting heir lloom to hand down tto future generatians. As a note - =able incident in tilts Connection we may state that just eighteen. years ego the fathers' and mothers of these. clousins assembled at the residence ef (Mr. end Mrs. Grieve, and they had with them miost a those who participated in this event, but they were then 'small 'children. This (shows how the world, 'Moves. As tby becionati eclattered around; it is not likely sail the -same parties will ever have the privilege of ,taeeting together Again. • Bavfleld• 1 n eres ort 1\ -ow With eiff Sprilig Goods Fronk Now On You Will See. Here The Most Advanced Styles For Spring In Merchandise of Every rind s This business has many exclus- • i• ve avenues fbr getting the uncom- t mon in -Many lines of Dry Goods. All women who look here when • Spring Shipments are complete wit/ + see' etocks of infinite variety, a E et all who buy will -get the t'§omethin Different that tbe-majimAty if per- - + sons like to procure to individualize ta • their wearing apparel and -their 4. home requisites, _ t' no small thing to- ZfleaflS +++++++++++++++++444+++++++ have immense and Well defined stoeks---stocks distinguishable from the ordinary run—yet this is a store that has them. • Come often to keep in touch, with_ the gradually extending display of Spring Goods. • 411111110111111MMOMINIIM FASHIONABLE; WAISTS AND Some of the newest innovations are on sale here. Fashion, this season, is favorable to the expression of individual taste, and, as a result, diversity is a well defined factor of our spring purchases. My Skirt Leaders Stylgh SpringWaist TASTEFULLY TRI M- - MED AND P:RIOED TO PLEASE CUSTOMERS_ Black -Oloth • * • v V. * • remits le sr a IF • it it it •••••• •• 04/ 2 00 • 2 50 2 75 w ow)** ••• •••• • 04" • •• • 3 25 " " 1 6 4, 2 4 00 6 00 ,Black 3 0 z0 Cream 1 5 .. **err,* *Sas,. IF • • a 1 6 SOME NEW CONCEITS - FOR FEBRUARY AND • MAROII SELLING • White Linen... 44 tttt Black Lustre 1 5 1 7- ar 1 5 - • . „ea ****-* •ar V•if * *sr* arra $4 12i. ..4•...**, • • •* -4 •••••. I 0,2*.••••••••• is f BL TICK and COLORED C- • ' LTJSTRES Brown Tweed Navy Tweed. - Navy 4. Green Cloth.... ............ Grey Tweed, a• are• ... •••• • • It11 ••• • Grey Rainproof... Cream Lustre . ,„... , . awn and Green Tweed.. Of" air. al. ••••_ 50 a 300 4, 4 00 cream auk 500 4 50 5 - 60 .50 - 00 00 500 it tt • a. •.•1•Iire *SI • Ealtu Vie* • - 2, 5 it • • • • • • • le • • • • • • • • 3 0 White Lawn •••:** • .on.............. • 41, -**$4 • $ r *9-* a* ••••• • • •••*** • 141• •••• t••••••••• I *. ,4 11 44 tt 1 2 1 50 -- .411 2 * *a irvir • v .2 2. 4. 50 44 (1• •n..,. 2 5. 5 00 4.t •3 00- 5 50 llaiy sitd Fancy Muslin.... 5 ..414 A Few New 'Silks for IBItirt Wal, Blitele Figured Silk With Neat Check Effect, 50e Navy Figured_ Silk With Neat Check Effeet, 50e Green Figured Silk. With Neat Check Effect,- 50c ° Brown', Figured Silk With • Neat Check Effect, 50e Special Silk In C--; 'Yard Ends . _ 4 yards Navy Silk sha With Green,' 4. yards Navy Silk Shot With Brown,. • 4i yards ' Red Silk Shot With Black; 411 yards Grey Silk Shot With Pink, • 4* yards Oardinai SIIk Shot With Green, 4. yards Bine'Silk Shot • With (Join, 41 yards Green • Silk Shot With Gold, a $ 2 50 250 2 50 3- 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 F. A. Edwards' Dig Benefit Sale is proving a money saving opportunity to many and we want many more to share in the saving,. We have put special prices on top shirts, 50e, 75e, 81, for 40e, 50e and 7iie. 75e overalls for 05e. 50e, 75e and 81 lined mitts for 40e, 50e and 75e. Now is 3 -our time to buy a dinner set -; 812set for 810.50; 89.50 set for 98.50. Have you tried the new premium tea .bloynue ?" It Is excellent. Bring along your eggs, butter; dried apples and beans. F. A. Edwards, DE1,31161(1. 1992-1 Notes. -Mrs. Douglas, of South- ampton, is visiting Mrs. T. Career - on. -At the February meeting of the 'eouncil, Thomas Elliott was appoint- ed tax collector. -Harry McGee was renewing acquaintances here this week, after an absence of three years. -Richard • 'Hera left for leis home in Dakota this week, after a pleasant visit here, -Miss Maud Pes- tle was home -from Detroit on Sun- day.. -The Women's Institute held a very interesbieg 'fleeting ,at Mrs. P. Campbell's Thursday of last week. Staffs,. _, Notes. -Mr. Wad, who has been visiting his 7(ND:train, Mrs. F. D. Hutchinson, has gone to Stratford. end Mrs. T. M. Hamilton 'Spent Sunday at Mr. Watson's, Fal- ilartorn-Mr. Bray and children, of Virden, Manitoba, are the guests of atIrs. Charles Tuffire-Mr. John Grigg, of Exeter, was visiting Mr. Samuel Webb recently. -Mr. and Mrs. Butchinson, of Grand Bend, have been spending a few days with Rev. Mr. Wilson. -We hope- soon to hear of the redovery of Mrs. Carling who has been ill for the past week. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Tuffin were at home to a few of their Farquhar friends last Friday evening. - Miss Collison, of Elginfield, and Miss Wells, of Stratford, are the _guests of the Misses Carlin. -Mrs.' B. 'Al- len, of Edmonton, is visiting friends in the village. -The meeting of tne Farmers' Institute held Monday ev- ening was a dedided success. The audience was larger than on any forraer QedaSiOn. ' •- Chisellruret. Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies, new spring stook just arrived, loveliest shoes for ladic in America. •W. H. Wflhi,fiole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies and George A. Slater " Invietue " shoos for men, Seaforth. 1092.1 Notes. -Mrs. Regan is visiting with friends In and arouri4 . St. Jesepla this weekeeChiselhursa -Can hObi its own in good homes. Mr. George W. Wren eeceatly -sold a very fine ani- mal aor $300, and Mr. Wm. Maven mid a last spring's foal for $120. - The tem months' old, son of arr. D. Brintnell died on Monday last. The phild was never very, strang, -The 600 SFArom. tPresbyteriens am preparing or an entertainment' in •conneetion With h their Sunday school. Watch fer date Ieter.-Miss Waugh, who was enga- ed to teath No. 10 school, Tucker - smith, wet* of this Tillage, for the year, left an Friday, February 2n4, to take a posibion in a Berlin school., Mr. H. Horton has been indueed by %be truitees to teach till they can •pleotillre another teseher. -Mr. Oe Beien has engaged Mx. S. Dodmaueof St. Joseph, to work for nine months. Mr. O'Brien says he is paying abut -out. Surely laboring men are glet- ting their sharn of the profits of the farm in ;his *matey now. nth. Dodnean worked for Mr. O'Brien five ears age. • Dublin. The inan Who looks into the eye In coming to Seit! forth at Robert's Drug Store, February 19th. • 1991.2 Dorothy Thxkl shoes for ladies, new spring stock just arrived, sweliest shoes /or -ladies in America. W:13. Willis, sole agent for Dorothy Dodd shoes for ladies and George A, Slater " Invictus shoes for men, Seaforth. - 1992-1 Dats.-Mrs. Jetnes Piero& left for Trafalgar ton- Tuesday to be pre- sent at the femeral of her brother, Mr. O'Hara, who was buried there on Wednestiety.-Mrs. P. 'Evans and Illtre. J. Krauskropf spent Tues4aT in Seallortle-Miss M. Carlin, Str ford, visited Miss M. Williams o r Sunday.-Mre. F. T. Jacabler spent few dIays last week with Mrs. los. Weber in Seafortle-Mies Agnes Oollison, Divan, is the VrtleSt of Miss Bertlan this week. -Miss Geary Of Hibbert, arid Miss Brophy, West- • field, spent Friday with the Misses lKenny.-Mr. Lbety %relit to Oran - brook on Monday. -Mr. 'D. Williams New York, Called -on friends ill this village' on Wednesday. A :very, 1 pretty. wedding wan solemnized ati St. Pritriek's church on January al, when Miss Lyle Oaepenter became the wife of Mre J. J. Purcell, la pT0i.4 • peTIOUS YO11111g leueiness man of Sees forth. The ettremony was perforeaa ed• by Rev. P. gainlan, West Larne? cousin- of the bride, The bride wore vYgerreypnsiltkty,belfollinsetef ageirdeye:hiatit: 1Pilattif and carried White carnations. Miss Flo. Wild was the bridernaid and was attired in a pretty reseda oos- tame with hat te mateh and terale pink searnations. The groom was 'supported by his brother. Mr. Barr T'urcell. After dinner Mr. and Mret iPurcill left or Seaforth where they will reside. We wish ther every happiness. Pwwwwe.www.vorw;*41www*e*ww•vrw•• • Bruoefield. Notes: -Miss Mend McIntosh is en the sink list this week. -Miss TZate Harte retterned to the Normalwohool Toronto, lest Friday. -Miss Hama. ton, of Inclianolee Iowa, Is visitiar_ her aunt„ Mrs. Sewers, at the manse. Buckler and Mr. Valentine Diehl are both on the siek list this - week -The saorament of the Lord's Slipper wet delebrated in the Preee hyterlon thuroli on Sabbatji last. On the preceding Friday preparatory services were held, *tea tiered by;thei Bey. Mr. LOOkie, of L'ondesboro; and Thanksgiving service Sabbath vv.., ening, when Bev. TJ. W. 3.Ur4nhart. Of Kippen, rescupled the prapit.-Xiss Aggie Beattie returned from visit- ing in Bend Mills last Tuesday ev- eding.-Miss Man a Chrysler spent last week and this the guest of her 11.71013, XT. B. B. Higgins. -Mr. anti Mrs. Allem Dougiao visited friends in Blake this week., xs wet& sk dozen ing the n would via the haat canvass, c 6d toget1 a