HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-02-16, Page 3AR. SALE. •••••••••••4 [HORN fICLLS FOR. LE. --Two very young bulls for sale. Can he seen at the the undersigned in Exeter. THOMAS. ra, Exeter. • 19S94f ORN Win. FOR SALE. -For sole ;. tobred Shorthorn Bull, 17 months olde-01 ia little white. Price right. Apply on L 4, Tuelecrendth Or address -F;gano d ),WM. CARNOCHAN. 19314 inese STUCK. rOlt SAUL-The under ited offers for sale on Lot 27, Coneession ht„. olio 3 earling Clyde filly, a few COWR and heifem,. two young Shorthera le a few Berkshire psgs of bOtli sexes. The et; are elble for renostration M the Natio :Itevords. Niece reasonable. vonsiderin Nisitora weleotne. DAVID HILL, Staffs,. 1968-tf 1TER. SHEEP A» SHOB.T11 R.N GATT 1 SALE -The -U11 reigned bee for sale an., Oaghbrad Loloestar Sheep and Durhatr vtla ftexm, Adds Egroondwille P. 0. 0,1 !arm, Mill Road, TuOkertnalth. ROM* RS dr SONS. 1379.4 IMPORTANT ISOTICES. .sTAND for o general black. tio Na. 1 tand with too's, in, ete. read.-' to start. Apply le POSTMAKIER,. 1989-6 'tilt SERVICE. --The undersigned will keep is plata. in Dr4refield, a pure bred York.. imro b4 Borlo.hire Boar, to which a Mt s -r of soiti-, will be admitted. t- the the dale of seta ice, with the_privilege ot - d neeelsan,ra. tlEOROR HILL. 19o2.x12 --The undersigned will rent his farm lake slanal to a good tenant for a tertrOf The farni consists of 210 acres te gOCNI qv all Inaba* cultivation and in good eon, ?or full terms and partieulars apply at once. -oMIT11, Joseph P. 4) 19SI-ti • R. AND „1.1`31nER. FOR SALE. -For sale, 4tity ornarti timber, square and in lengths 434,it a to 60 feet, ItIfio a, quantity of.ro 4.1t 'quitter. p!ani, oo1seantin Parties Mal dttrina the routing mama will finot tolvant:an• to mil mid see on Lot 24, rt. n, Mo Konen). JAMESLUILiU.LT. ipeo-te AUCHON SALE'S. 4 t)N SLE of A Choice Farm, Farm Stnek, and Househokl Furniture. -Thos. en 1w.xut•ned by John Chapman to selt tuetonLot In Concession 6, Stanley,oh • February 21st, 19410., at 12 o'elock noon,. wing property viz a -Horses -Four gecd attle--7 cow:. in calf; 1 dry tow ; 1 thorOo hutIn years old; 3 heifers rising three Sing three ; 4 heifers rising two; steere ; 10 (Ilea; 2 pigs ; about 60 hens. Im- -I Deering binder ; 1 Deering mower; 1 Wisner drill ; 1 die harrow ; 1 land four-seetion diamond harrows; 1 gatv" 'a/king• plow ; 1 seedier; 1 set weigh scala %fioo ; 1 'fanning mill; 1, lay carrier- s and ;dings. complete ; 1 /anther wagon; 1 dentoerat : 1 top buggy: 1 road cart; 1. ;-a. cutter; 1 set double liciro'.,ss ; 2 set* neas ; 1 pair bobsleighs, 1 pulper • 1 Ent - separator ; 1 orrindstone • also forks, hoe* 1 other mall artieles anil a quantity of furniture. The 1.'anii =Also that choice - 0 aeres, on which is ereuted fmnie th stone stabling untlernmth ; shed, 30x 60- e stabling beneath ; a comfortable frame kiteht•n and woodshed. The farm is welt - na good state of cultivation and tile drain. -are one and one and a half acres of or- aort., of eloins. hardwood timber. It is 'thin four R. of nrifeetioni and corn•en- Mont and-t•horelies. Terms on rerun -Ten tise_parollaso ;ropey to be paid on the- or•..-:.atisfa,..tory recruit:I; given that it will Ming 1,1, ithin t wenty ila.:ts thereafter witk, (liter of the balzurce required. may re. - iatttgaga• if /haired, ith intetest at ele. tiattele-ell SWIMS of z_C, anti under, cosh' amount, 9 Trieprithoi' credit will be given In approved joint notes, A discount of “lie dollar allowed for cash on ere& .1( MN 4111AP5IA.N. Proprietor ; THOS. Alet ioneen, 19:10.8 (TION SALE of .Fartn Stook and - Mr. Thos. Brown bas 'been in. W Mills to sell by public auction. FA▪ 'on • /4, Hallett, on Friday, niebru. it 1 ''k p. in., the following %cambia Horse a --1 draught Inure 11 year to Cairobrogie Pride ; 1 draught mare iin foal to Cainibrogie Pride ; 1 span oC itestnut niares rising /4to en, in foal to Rad-• tut 1,11a) pounds apit've. gond roaders or t gelding rising three yt.ars old, sired by k Pride ; 1 filly rising two j filly rising' ily rising one, by Cairithrogie Pride'. AU ts are guaranteed. stoma. Cattle- .6 cown horobrod Istil ; 6 'steers rising three ; 11 Carve ; 7 iteifers rising two ; 8 last • Pig,- --Ten pig l four months old ; .‘"in.1,41rjrc sow with pedigree, in pig to a "hark boar, al,O about 105> bens. Wood 4, -foot- binder with sheaf eara WOnd 540(4 110.Wer 1 Ellnira hay at -el sharp, rake ; j.hoe rent' Need drill ; 1 large oak Ntave wOOdett (Ike. ; 1 iron harrows with four. large 2 -furrow ploa : 1 gang plow ; • :aiming all: 1 wArcr troug,h, nt, pn1nr;1 IOW 11,1Wn rann wagon attir and oig rook 1 wagon box ; --1 .lt'igh-. with tog loork-, Huruphri : 1 boat for drawing manure onn ; 1 c. -*ter ; 1earriage tOiagrl ruli•r.s aick le grinder ; 1 grind., c.avi at eta-; 100 feet of hay • ; team i.n+. set nearly new': h col:ars ; 1 set irg.ixt double harness ; • :s 1. plow harness ; 1 DeLaCai- or wily uNtql a few months ;1 v; ▪ 1.= Daisy churn ; I parlor beam ..! boo anal! art0(.4.4, alsn :tbout i00 and 400 leisht•Is of l'arley fit for seed , .Trfl, of hay. The impientent fitt•e aH o.1 in tie- best of shape. Everythirg- o- the proprietor Ine4 rented tbe.i farm. -,trres ot atm' under, cakh ; cr that c.lit will be git et% forniShillIt TI,',.. A diseount 04 3 cents on the - 4 off for ea -.h on creilit amerlittS.1- iiprietur ; 1:11WN, an(•tion.- 194:1411. nghurst Shorthorn • Lot of Naa-No Ifmr,f193 .> Boot, Stforliforas) T.171: rSITOD t!,*: %E..1 AND 31Evluip is aptalir in,. it +;,1 tr,1136peet, tli • town of Faet•_r. telephone to farm. HARRY SMITH, Exeter, Ontarlai 1011011111W °wife an Account 8,0*, The Sovereign Bank of Canda Being a Chartered Bank, ,1 is Authorized e ,Dominion Governmentto accept Dope Ls. Deposit Yotir Sauings it tor 'oa Institution Inco nrpose. rated by Parliament Otaitermnent Supervision A Guaranteel,Of Safety Money Orders Issued Best Rata 11 MU BRANCH. Single H Call and inspeo trimmed -haloes value than any $ We guarantee them ourselves, ; mater are the beat. Th to be had in a' will stake oar re nen upon them. rness ur genuine rubber ab $20.00; better 5.00 factory make. - mune we make than 1, style and quality y are the best value gle harness and we talon for good har- .1ROP S A complete stolek of Bisbee, Gallo- way and Smits tobewan ab Special' prices. as Mild we have the versebet val. nes in horse blankets. Quality the hee'i and prices ti)e lowest. M. BRODIERICK, C,IADY BLOCK, SEAFORTI1 IlidDlann & licliann, ohn IdoMann, sr. (Sneceseors tobn John MeMann, 3r. moliann, sr.) Are now prepared to h vile all kinds of horses. vers may purehase ho ea at their oale stables, ondrille, at any time. 1014-4,1 ebraied An admirable its natural q Thio excellen tains -tb.e ey health, and en winter% e food, with all talities intact, Cocoa main - em in robust bles it to resist trerao cold. The ekes Nut:netts:ens apd 11..onomical. teeu plementFy Meetings S011ti Huron Farmers Institute Will be belt as fallings : ZURICH TOW HALL, FEB, 10. Afternom,-.1). C. And rson, Horses - Draught Agricultural anti Gene al Purpose"; G. Barbour, " Breeding and feeding of beef cattle." Addresses also by M. Y. MeLean Se forth ; J. Bhapton, Exeter. - Evening -D. C. Aude on, " Our Country ;.Bar- bour, Famtera' Sone. ' HENBALIL, MILL R'S HALL, FEB. 17. Afternoon-4).(".erson, "Manure, its care and application "I and "Horses" ; G. Barbour, "Breeding and feeding. 1 eef cattle "; • addresses also by .1.'1i -enemata, Dashw Ander,dio Farming as an occu- Pation ". 0. Barbour, " Fanners' Sons." A. Directors' meeting ui1l be held at 10 &chalk a. m VARNA TOW- HALL,'FEB. 19. Afternoon -D. C. And raon„"- Horses and Sheep "; 0. Barbour, " 4.4tItivati a of the • soil "; addresses also by Mr. J. hider, He sall. Evening -D. C. Anderson, "Our Country "; -G. Barbour, " Fanners' Sons." - TUCKERSMITII, FEB. 20. IrraONG 5 UAW!. Aftenmon- D. 0. And 'morn " Rotation of crops and clover "; 0, Barbour, " Breeding and feeding of beeteattle '; addresses .lso by Messrs. T. Fraser and J. Paterson, Brucefield. Evening -D. 0. Andetaona" Farming as an occu- pation "; t‘. Barbour., "'Farmers' Sons." The afternoon meetings CumnaenCe at 2 o'21oelt and the evening meetly] s at 7.80 o'clock. Additional program, 0 misting of vocal • and in- struniental music at he evtning meeting. Lee there be a large attends,ee at • eaoli of these meet- , hip as the delegates ar both successful farmers and good speakers. 11, 11011ToN, R. GARDINER, President. • Secretary. 1090.2 • MOSIG liaLEN Ft. WILSON fPapil of 1r. A. S, Vogt. Piano, organ and thrv. Pripils prepared for con. eervatory examination Terms :-Piano-$7.00 for :41esson8; Theory -9 'for 22 les onsa For other in. ormation apply at D. D. Wilson and Co's ofll e or at .1, A. Wilson% rebidenCe AnnOreett Beaforth • 1962-tf SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORP/WEST. HOMESTEA) REGULATION8. ANY even nuns ered Section of Domin- fon Lands ie Manitoba or the Norm -west Provinces, excsepqng 8 and 26, not reserv ed, may be homesteaded by any, person who is the sole head of a family, or any nude over 18 years of age, to the extent of oae quarter sectio of 160 acres, more or tea& Ery may be made pereonally at the local lend ()fain) f r the diatrict in .which the land is aftnat d, or 0 the homesteader desires, he may, n application to the Min. War of the late or, Ottawa, the °email/1- E1=er of Iminigr tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent renew authority for some one to make entry fo him. The homestead r is required to perform die eonditiene eo Dieted therewith under one of ti- e follow ng plans: (1) At leant ei months residenbe upon and cultivation o the land in each ,year or three years. (2) If the fath r for mother, if the father -iS deceased) of t e homeateader resides up- on a farm in the ioinity of she land enter- ed for the requir menta as to residence may be satisfied by en h preen residing with the father or mo her. (3) If the settl r haa lus permanent rest- clenoe upon farin ng land owned by biro in the.vieinity of hi horaestead, Dhe require- ments as to resid nee may be satisfied by reeidence upon t a said land, Six Menthe notice in writin should be given to the Oo missioner of Dominion Lands at Ot.tawa of intention to apply for patent. W. W. CORY, Deputy of helMinister of Interior. N. B. - Una eheriztd pnbliction of tide advertise= t will bot be paid for. 1977 26 Hammer * \blows, itiadily plied, breSkfthe'hardest rock. Coughing, day After, day, jars Hand tears, the throat and lungs until the healthy dssues give way.' Ayer'.Cherry Pectoral stops the coughing, and heals the torn membranes. The beet kin,d of alestimonial 4.4Dold, for over sixty. 'years." Biliousness; constipation retard re- covery! Cure these with Ayer's Pills. 7.1trand- Trunk Railway System. Railway Time Table, Trains leave Seafortb as follows: 0.60 a, co. 12.41 p. tn. 0.15 p. m. 10.83 p. m, 7.63 a. ' ru 8.37 p. m. 6.33 p. m. For Clinton, Goderloh Winghana an Kincardine. For Clinton and GOderioh For Clinton, Wingham and Khmer dine. For Clinton and Goderloh. For Stratford, • Guelph,' Toronto, Willa, North Bay and points west, Belleville and Peterboro and points • asst. For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Mon. treat and points east. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto. London, Enron and Bruce. 51140 NORTE-- London, Centralia- m.o. eebs 0' EXOtermes-11. VII ea •as Kippon..-• . • .. r"°11431.1.. • IP op..* opsaia Londesboro BIybh er•p• Imo tt• • saw. • Bolgrave- - Wingham .. e _VVingliato, dopers.... - Belgrave- • • teas we •• •• &M.O.* tondeaboro .... • Om OW -S. • Ilensalle. Of .00 418,0 401* •••:11/. • MS Geatralls.••• London, (tarrPre)...--....... Pawenger. 8.16 A.M. 4.50 r 11 9.18 5.43 0.80 5.64 • 11.441 6.06 9,50 6.11 9.68 0.19 10.16 6.85 et 10.80 0.62 10.88 7.00 10.60 7.18 11.00 7.25 Passenger. 0.42 A.M. 8.30 P. 74 0,62 3.44 7.06 8.10 7.14 4.04 7.47 4.28 8.06 8.89 8,16 4.47 8.32 4.52 8,85 5.06 8.46 , 5.16 9.46 A. id. 0.10 'calnaerston and Kincardine. •go ORTE Paaa. Pass. • Mize ( N. slmerston... 9,55 pan. 12.4a p.m 6.80 foto : 8.41 1.97 7.40 8.51 1.38 8.40 liaevale . 9.08 1.60 9.00 ngham., .. 9.03 1.66 9.10 me Soma. Pasch Vingham.. 648 a.m iluevale .. 41.62 . Irusal •.• 7.05 , Zthel 7.25 Palmereton8.10 - Mixed. Pass. 10.940.m. 2.40 p.m 10,65 2.49 41.25 8.02 • 12.60 • 8.18- 8.00 4.10 Teas of Delicious Flavor It might worry a man with a microscope to tell Grand Mog01 Tea from the common kind by the looks: but a blind man can tell the differ- ence in the first sip. Q Grand Mogul Teas are a positive blend of super-, lative qualitie§ that never deceive the user. q mountain grown in Cey- lon, cured and blended by experts, they enter your tea- pot with a flavor that no other tea possesses. Q They are a contribution to good health. . q High in theine and low in tannin- means high ,in flavor and not a niere substitute for bitters. Grand Mogul Tea cl Sold only in packages -all tea, no store rie microbes. Look for the - ow coupon in each package. "'Grand Mogul" shims the a.deentising appropriation with you by giving the premiums. -The qualityreaviorthesarne--theligbest. Dunlop's goserp 96 Yonde St. TORONTO PXSTRWT MATTERS. New Books. ---The fottelerillg new hooks have recently ,beeen added to ,the Seaforth public library : Hearts (Desire, Hough ; Tommy joyee and Teeneer Joy, Cheever Jack 1n, tile Bookies, Grinnell, Fields of Fair Henewn, Booking, Andrew- 'Fairfax, Hocking. Roger Trewenion, Hook - I int& ; Nedra, eefaCtitcheen ; Duck Lake, erotnag ; 'Garden of 'Allah, Hichens ; Maid etargaret, Crockett ; Monks Tretteure, Horton ; 'Albert :Gate Mystery, Traeey; leash for a Throne, Metrolamont ; Cameron of Loohiel, 'Roberts, Stingaree, Horn- ing, Courier of Fortune, Marcia - meat, Millions of Misohiet, Hill; MeAlliater and His Double, Train; Fair Meld tot Graystone, Dix. Dunlop's Choicest Flowers only dealt Inc Floral Designs for all occasions. Flowers shipped to any point between Hall. fax and CaltanrY. and safe condition guaranteed. . Mustrated Price List on application. , 100,000 Rose Trees in bloom. JOHN 11. DUALOP FlOirrgrr Lae Distance Phone Night and Sunday Rita 4790 Oath, Park 792 McKillop Directory for 1906 JOHN L GOVENLOOIC, Reeve, Winthrop P. 0. M. ROWLAND, 0ounoiller„ Walton P. 0. , Councillor, St. Volum- jOerforNMV). O. WEMI' €75±°11171. flea* forth p,0. Ro.M. AN, Colman r, lerodhag- eiaMIrCopp.o: HAEleMURDIE, Clerk, Winth- DAVID M. ROSS, Treaseirer, Winth- rop P. O. 1 SOLOMON S. SHANNON, J. P. San- itary ,Inspector, White -iron 0. A Good Sali.-Me. james R. Soott's auction sale at Roxboro on Wed-, nesday lot last :week was one of the best held in this neighborhood this season. Despite the extremely cold weather there was a large -crowd eeresent and to keep !the attention of the by-standers the auctioneer had to rattle things off in a hurry and the interest was kept up 'Dull . the last artiole was sold. The stoce was of good quality and in gopd. 100:" - dition seed thiswith the persuasive eloquence of the hammer wielder, ee-c-amd eplenclid prices. One filly coming three was, purchased by Mr. John MeLellan, of Tuckerineith, for $205 end e 'gelding of the same a� wee knooked down to Mir. John. Dev- ereaux, of the Huron Toad, east, for $190. Cows sold at from 1$45. to $60; two year old lacers for $50 each and e. Berkshire saw, 71dt ill pig, for $28. The whole sale realized ' over $1,900, The auctioneer's' hammer was wield- ed( .by etre .James G. Melefiehael and he ,did 'it to perfection. • Stanley. School Report, - The January mokethly report of school seetiote No. 11, Stanley, is as follows; Senior fifth ()lass, Mary E, Jehnston, A. W. johnston. junior fifth, Edwin Gem-. raell, Eleanor Hood. Senior fourth, Jean Graesiek, Norman 'Tones. Junior fourth, Etta ,Tarrott, Murray Fisher, Jas. jarrott. Third elass, Oda Moe Beath, James Gemmell, John Kehl. Second class, Lola Rathwell, Allan Fisher, Herbert Kehl. Second part, Anne.M. Hood. Eirst part,Idaltath- well, Wallie MoBeate, Allie Moleure trie. The best spellers en the month- ly spelling matohes were; 'Fifth, Mary E. Jelenston • fourth, Etta M. jarrott ; third, Oda E. Me:Beath ; seeond, Lola I. Rethevell. Section No. 2. -The following ie the report of the pupils In school section No. 2, 111oKillop, for the month of January. Marks given for weekly examinations and good con - duet: Class V, Bella` Storey, 627; pearl Stewart, 617. Class IV, Ethel Kerr, 690; Annie McMichael, 602; Samuel Storey, 581; Lillian Wilson, 560; Percy Molefieha-el, 546; Frank Hunt, 536; joheston McElroy', 526. Senior elass III, Brenton Kerr, 720; Aileen Scott, 600; jean. McMichael, 569'; Willie Storey, 536 ;Homer Hutt, 501; Mime Dolraage, 476 ; Sydney Dolmage, 3'86; john Durie, 248. Jun - s01' 'class III, Jessie Wilson, 45, Robert McElroy, 405. Clase II, Melee el Dorrance, 441; Clifford Hunt,892. CUSS, I pare ,II, Edith Hunt, 335. 1 • 1 Winthrop. Our Schooe-The following is the report for school seotion No. 10,310-1 Killop, for- ehe monthof January. It is •based on regularity, mindful- ality, good tonduct and general pro- fieleney : Senior IV, Joseph Somers, 373; Nellie Govenlock, 372; Gertie Campbell, 350. junior IV, Mabel Bullard, 377; Hiram Blanchard, 304; Arae Warden, 266; Susie MoSpadden, 257, Senior III, Mary McKee,. 373; Willie Pethiek, 298. Junior III, Ade eeethiek, 330; Lily Pethick, 325; Nel- son: Govenlock, 325; Willie McSpacl- den, 305'Harty Warden, 302; Lorna Ham, 206 ; Jhn Pethick, L'76; Pearl Hart, 148Ross Murdie, 142; Percy Rolfe, • 1041- Class II, Bell Bullard, 127; Jennie Hart,' 109.; Hugb, Camp-. bell, 64. Part II, Ethel Ham, 178; Oliver Grieve 148; Charlie Warden, 89; Violet Broom, 39. Senior part I, Ethel Govenloek, 144; Willie Dodds, 140. Junior part L Etta Riley, 156. • Hills Green. Our School. -The following re- port of 'school section No. 3, Hay, for the Meath of January, is based upon attendanee and. weekly; examina- tions. The narries appeae in order of merit : Class V, John Troyer, Ethel Hill, Bessie Love, Flossie Cald- well, Laura Hagan. Claes IV, Case Troyer, Willie Gram, Maggie Wile\ son, Bessie Cochrane, Willie Wil- son, Helen Hagler, Sophia Farquhar. Class III, Wesley Caldwell, Robbie McAllister, , Robbie Green, Annie Cochrane,ilton Love, ' Ada Gram, 'Anna lefay ove. Junior class III, Prville Taypr, Maudie McAllister, Arthur W Ism, Arthur Porter- field, iordcn Love, Annie Wilson, Arthur . Bei hert. Class 11, David Kuepfer, Perey Gram, Myrtle Tay- lor, Mary B. Consitt, Maggie Pro- terfield, Ja.nels Sraith, II,a.zel Rede o mnd, Bertie _Redmond. Senior pert II, Eldon jarrott, Allie Keupfer, Ad- die Green. Junior part' II, Pearl Consitt, Casio Troyer. Part I, Edi - eon McAllister, James Forest. The aveeage ateenda'nee for the month was 34. I beg to thank the par- ents and children for the 'good , at- tendance, end earnestly soliett con- tinued regularity of pupils at the Bel:mi.-J. W. HOGA.RTH, Teacher,. s' her re. G. -1nei Laoey, of Amherst was here Visiting hie be the , at IIe looks ehale and heart and wo Wer -13 .41,1 glad to see him. Mnele eiforrove was felt among th many ,friends here =0,11 learning o the death of Mies giter Duff enoungest daughter of X113. Patric Duffy, of McKillop, which took Place New York on the 22nd of /Jaime Vet. Miss Daffy had beep, a meta+ ber of the Roman Catholio sistere hoo& for five 'years and' was in i. ofoneent in New ;YorkI religioue circles she was known, as Sister Et- ienne. She was a meet arniabli young woman and was greatly bee loved by all who kneev her. Hee eaely demise is a, subject of dee grief elo her aged mother and ,othe' friends tend Is a loss to the chure of which she was such a devote servant,. • • Bay. Sohool Report. -The the monthly report of sohool sectio No. 14, Hay, for the month of a -aim, °ease. in Henson and became owner are. This report is based on the .or ease Carlisle's store them. It attendance, punctuality) eondittet. adjains 0„ block which Mx. Rennie and preparation of tb.e lessons as previouely owned. Mr. Rennie is, signed. PaTerits please tobserve these alwayr, up to tlae eyes in. business reports as etelley gem a correct state' and, evidently, a 'firm believer in raent of the pupils' work and cone the old adage, " It is better to duce. The perfect mark ber th wear 'out than. rust out." -Mr. month is 180 and the mime are g/ive roster is the proud owner of a en in the order of merit. Eliza. 'thoroughbred, sow whieh gav-e birth Thomson and* Maggie Fee, 167, q -.bo twui i38.3.V8 0110 of each sex and. Iowan 165, Sarah Petty 164, Lauri beth. '.$1tre white, the. fashionable Fee 161, Percy Clark, Nellie Mare colorfor Shorthorne.-Mrjohn En - thus 150; Grace Anderson, 146, at gland of the Goshen.. line south, had . . Deters 140, Vein! Petty 138, Orville .0, good horse the lately. -The South egeOontiel 132, Jessie McArthur 120,1 BurenFInstituite Nriorililby.e Sideey McArthur- -120, Ilan lefeAr-t held in thaer-rateors' dawei thur 119, Eliza ilifulhollarel 106, 1.1 -;;. afternoon and evening. MeCionnel 108, Vietorie. Deters 86e The Late William WAIITa- The George Petty 80, Anna) Deters 66.1 Times 'of Sault Ste. Marie, Michigee, . Sarauel Thomson 59, Ella Berry 57,1 makes the eollowing reference to Xr. Wm. Wurria e. former Zurich boy and son of Mrs, Henry *Wurut, who died _ there recently. It says: "William Wurm, the well known The CounetleeetAt the last mooting musician and member of the Third of Morris 0(41441- held on Febre.ary Regiment band, died at -the Sault 5th, the 'auditors' reportwas pre- Ste. Marie general hospital on Fri - Heave and approved, Dr. Hamilton day after a keg illness. He is was appointed appointed medioal -health off L- 1 vived by a widow and two ohildren. cer, and James Davidson fence -view- The deceased was well known and er, in place of Mr. Sharp. It was re- had many friends in the city who eolved "That the 'council endorse will sympathize with the family in the action- Of. the enteric) Municipal their bereavement. The funeral was Association in regard to the question Amid under the auspices of the Mod - of relieving munioipalities from' the 1ern Brotherillbod of Amerlea, the de- heavy- responsibilities imposed by teased having been a member (of Section 606 of the Municipal Act, that vociety. The Third, Regimen and thatour member be requested band, of which Mr. Warm was a to present the petition of this poutt- mereher, aceompanied the body to oil in the said question to the Hone° the grave, playing a funeral march. at the doming session, and to sup- The ohuash was filled. with friends port the bill when it comes up for of the deceased, many of whom ac- oonielderation."Mr. Ferrenet appeared 1oornleanied the body to the grave," a Can wheee home wa near Shakeene in the township 'of North Euethone. Mee and Mrs: Robertson. afterwards Tem:toyed: to Morris -township, in the vounitY of. Huron, where they re- mained until retiring to their pres- ent home, about five years ago. They are still enjoying good health. Their home' leas always been, as it is ittow noted for hospitality. Many are those who an testifyto the warm welcinne they have received. In their declining years they have great pleasure in seeing all their family prospering. The Expositor 'extends +Marty eongratulations, and sin- - oerely hope that Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ertson may be spared to see several more anniversaries of their wedding day. a • Zurich Looal Notes. -Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Traemner, Of the Goshen, line, near here, have gone to Michigan to visit tfrienels.-Mr. -S. Rennie recently made an important real 'estate pur- Jettili6 MoOonnel 56. -Isabel Thomp- son, Teaciaer._ Morris. in treference to a settlemelet of his claim for darieges on acedunt of the eonetruotion of Lamoet drain. It was decided that the Reeve confer with the Reeve of Grey in respect to the matter. After passine a number of accounts, the council adjourned 1 Until the 12th of Meech next. 0 Dublin. The Late Mr. Roach. -The oldest male pioneer of this ."clistriet, in the person of Mr. Edward. Rowell, of Mo- Killop tovreaship, passed to his eter- nal reward on January 24th last, . et the ripe 'old. 'age. of 88 yeas. He had been en failing health for sorae time, and his death was not alto- gether unexpeoted. Mr. R-oaela was a native c minty Carlow, Ireland, fl and eame t Canada in the. early thirties, sett ing first at Merrick - vile), Ontario. From there he (wine to McKillop, where by industry and perseverance be acquired consider - :able property, and for sixty years was a highly respeoted resident. ' One son, John H., and two daugh- ters, Mrs. P. Barry, of Eureka, Cal- ifornia, and lefra. We A. Nevin, of Dublin, survive him. The funeral to Irishtown 'cemetery, on, he fol- lowing Friday, was ohe of the larg- est ever witnessed .in this section, manifesting the respect and esteem in whiett he was tea . Sunlight Soap is better than otlsor soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Spar and follow directions. Turnberry. Death of 'Gavin, Davidson. Mr. Gavin. Davielsen, one of the most highly respected residents .of Turn - berry, died at his home en that township near -the Winghane Junce tem on Monday of last week. De- teeasea bad been ailing for some months and for some weeks had Constance. Bxiefs.-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Linde ay and family left on. Wednesday last for their new' home in New Liskeard, New Ontario, Ther pee - Bente will he greatly missed among their many Mende around Kio.barn. --M.r. G. Riley haseineved to his new home lately mewled by Mr. Joseph Rands. -The Epworth League meet- ings are beeoxnang very interesting end instructive. The new plan is proving a -marked eueoess.-e80.era- meat wee observed in. the Methodist .church last Sabbath dueeng the af- ternoon eervice.-Mr. Matthew Arm- strong has purchased the Snell farm at Constance being lot 5, on the 7th ,concession, nullat. Mr. Armstrong has now 250 . acres of the beet land in the eounty in la block. He is an industrious and in- telligent farmer and. deserves to mewed. Presentation -On Saturday even- ing, February 3rd, &number of .the inembers and adherents oe the Kin- ' burn Methodist 'church, assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Jamieson. Their objeot was to wit- nktss the presentation of a purse di money to Miss Kate JaraieS0.11 who Ma recently resigned the position .of organist in the church. Tee ad- dress was read by Miss Dorene Dever, and the preeentation made by Miss Evelyn Clarke. 3eeiss Jamie- son being eonelderably moved- by the unexpected tokene, was unuble to reply-, so liee. George Dever, the preeenbor, came- to her reecue, and said a feev appropriate words in re- ply on her behalf, thanking the peal pie for their thoughtfulness, and • Wishing her every success in her new duties. been oonfined to his bed. He had been suffering from heart and stomach trouble. He was in every sense of the word ,a tree born Seatolanian and he will be much mis- sed by his family and large irole .of friends. Mr. Davidson was in his 62nd year and was born at CDean- foot, a few hundred yards from Lord Miato's mansion in Scotland. He Wt18 married in the old land, and remained there, working oil the farm and: in the mills at Leith, .near Ed- inbiergh, until he was 727 years of , age, when he emigrated to Canada, settling first at Galt and afterwards moving to Turnbereye remaining for a few years, and then meoving to Minto township, near, Harriston. Nearly fourteen years ago he re- turned to this township and leased Mr. P. MeLaren's farm. He 'was a life long member, o tbe Presbyter- • ian ehurch and in • politics was a Liberal. Besides the widow, a fam- ily of five daughters and three sons are left to mourn the loss of a lov- ing husband- and a good father. He was an active member of the -Sons of Scotland' and the funeral on Fri- day was conducted under the =s- pice& of that society. Beachwood. Notes. -Mr. Joseph. Deveney sold a, two year old filly, last week, to a gentleman from Brussels, - for the handsome sum of $215. peys to taise good .eitock.-Nr. and Mrs. j.J. Ryan end little baby, -of ..A.mherst- burg, who were visiting friends last weeleel-We are pleaesed to hear, there, left for horae. on, Tuesday of that Mr. john O'Rourke, who was very sick, is recovering, and will • soon, be all right agaire-Also Miss Minnie Klein, who ha e been a long time sick with pneumonia, and its effects is '110W reeoveming nicely ; and is out driving every day. We bop.e she will soon be her self :again. -Mr. M. Menarey and RT. Peter Hawthorn spent three aays this week scouring the woods. The first day they only loeated the 'game; the second and third days they rantheni down. and see:erect some valuable game. -Mrs. le F. lefellann, of Sea- , f th s nt a few days last Nveek or , pe Wroxeter; Golden. Wedding. -Mr. and Mrs. John ,Robertson, on Friday, January 19th celebrated their golden wed- ding at their residence- in Wroxet- er, Ontario, in the, -preseneee of six members of their family and a num- ber of friends. Two sons in Man- it'ob'a and two -daughters in Brit- ish Columbia wee.° not able to be present. During the afteriaoon, �n behalf of the family, the aged cou- ple were, presented with an address which Was acce,mpaniede by a purse - "of gold. The address was, read by the youngest daughter and the purse was preeented by the eldest son present. Very handsome gifts of gold and geld souvenirs were received from cither relatives and friends. A 'cablegram of congratula- thins was received from Scotland during the day. After an excellent dinner, congratulatory addresses were 'given by the Rev. L. Perrin, p'ast'or of the Presbyterian ehnrcb, and R:ey. W. 3'. West, of Blnevale, a former pastor of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ertson. Mr. Robertsoo was born at Chene, Strathley; Seetland, In the year 1846. He emigrated to Canada in the year 1849, eteetling in the beeniship of Wellesley. In 1856 he pashwood. Dots. -There are several oases of scarlet foyer in the village and vi- cinity, but active measures have been taken by the health 'officers to keep the dise,fiee from spreading. - The home of David Tieman has been brightened by the appearance of a baby boy. We extend corigratela- tiens.-Mr. Sohn Hoffman left last week for Toronto where he has se- oultd employment in a large sash and dfoor faotory.-Mr. Henry Guen- ther has disposed of his Iitele grey driver, Belly, to Mr. Thomas Mur - &ode of Henson Mr. Murdook pur- chased him to mate one. he had. - Tee' revival meetings are still in progress in the Evangelical ohuTch here. These. meetings have resulted in much goed.-Mr. 'Win. 'ZiMrtler turned oat a fine delivery sleigh foT the Eginondville brewery last week. -A very .peetty wedding book .peace in the Lutheran. cheseh here on Tuesday evening of last week, when Miss Mare- Stade and Mr. 3'. El& were meted in. marriage. Ruth a et very popular - in the eommanaty d the ehurch was "tilled by their any friends to witness the inter - e ting ceremony, which was per - f imect by Rev. R. Eifert. After the eenrony, the bride and given), and tie guests repaired -to the home of t e bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stade, Stephen, where a leminte- gone wedding repast had' been pre- pared. • Startling But True. 'People the World over were horri- fied on learning of the burning of a • Cbioagit theater, lin. . whick. nearly six hundred( people lost their lives, :yet more than five times this num- ber, or. over 3,000 people died from peeeenonie, in Chicago during the ' same yes, with scarcely a passing 1 notice. Every 0118 of these eases of pneumonia; resulted from a cold, i and: could: have been _prevented by the timely use of Chamberlain's !Cough. Remedy. 'A. great mailer who i had every T-eaeon to far pneumonia 1 have warded it Off bir the prompt we of this remedy. Vie following is 1an insta.nee of tb,is ore " Two :notch cannot be eaid 1 favor of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, and. especially for colds and influenza. I know that it cured my daughter, , Dona, of a severe cola. ,and I be- ' lieved saved. her life when she was 'threate-ned with pneumonia.," W. r), wilocx, Logan, New York. Sold by Alex. Wilaen, druggist, Seiforth. Satisfaction or /Your Money Bai MIN yOU t a Well, nobody does --i t asn't any meaning. ibslike a le f adv ments you see-attraots yQU attention, but gives you no informed() . 1t we eall your attention to anything, it is for tome purpope. J not we wish to show you the adiantagp of a tour of our whole storel February dealing reductions are the r ' ule regulae prices Ole ex 0 You will find heaps of underrued offelings, afew of which we het bel MEN'S Mit COI'S. „ Lined 1,1 .anadian- Cobn 30 to Australian Coon 20 to 22OO Dyed WohabOts 12 to 225O Black Calf, I oakcoilar 20 to lack Dog i 1 1,0 tO Ladies' Fur Jackets Astrachan, trimmed ; and- un- trimmed Bocharan Lamb Electric Seal, sable collar Fur lined coats, Oibte coil Snits and Overeoa Men's heavy frieze Ulster Overcoats, storm collar Men's odd. suits a)1 sizes "Men's suits, reguar $14 and $10 II Men's Overcoats, regular - $16 to $7.501 ' Boys' Suits, 2-pieoe Boys' Suits, 3 -piece Undemear .49' ..-t"6 47.50 .$2450 to • $3.00 and Men's heavy .double breasted, pure wool Men's heavy wool eeee, re- gular 75c Men's heavy wool sox Men's heavy Cashmere Shirts blue and black Men's heavy Sweaters Boys' heavy ribbed black stocki .00 .00 5400 0 40c to 60c 20c t.)Y C 42c g 20c Tailorm Our sale of $15 Suitt, has gone beyond our most aanguine We expected they would move of eourse at the priza, and we cm. not disappointed. The heavy blue and black serges were the favorites. is pa.rticuhirly encouraging, as in addition to converting a usually dull month into an exCeptionally busy one, it assiets us to dispose of a 'number of °del sultings to the advantage of our customere, and make room for oar pring stock, and. last, but not least, it proves that the public are ever ready to re- spond to honest advertising, and. it is a practical demonstration that they are appreciating the fact that we do as we advertise. We offer the balance these suitings while they last at 29c Made to your measure, fit Call and see theth, 15.00 workinanship aranteed. HO ! FOR THE WEST. Maps, pamphlets and all information via a P. R. to the Canadian Ielorth- wset. To the eoast for $43.05 ; Victoria, Vancouver, Seattle, Taeema, commencing February 15th, until .April 7th, 1906. Apply to STE,WART BROS. Agents for &PA. Telegraph and Tioke AND DOMINION EXPRESS