The Huron Expositor, 1906-02-16, Page 2cos
Settled district, What made She atilt gooa. health, and is
easel The Ind is the same, 'able tht take out -door exercise on
w1e,1 the Teries reigned. The fine daYe.—The first masquerade ear -
air ellonewhen the T,ories riled and nivel of the Iseasen was held on the
the rain fell. 'The increase in Ortoe rink here oh Monday evening, and
Was the result of the einereaSed Ida- was largely 1 attended.—Miss Vera, ,
;mend for ,the land, and the inereas- Antagest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
' ed -demand is directly and solely die t &oho Ira.wIrShade was married: on
. to the vigorous immigration pulley Teesday of test week, to atr. Chas.
of the Laurier government, eerried B. LivingstIone, of Ingersoll. The
out with perSeverance and energy at cerenrony took place at the parental
great -cost and in face la the 'strong- home, after "which the happy yeeng
est oppositient The ' Wise adrainis- eouple left for Ingersoll* -Mr. John
tration of the land and the improve Geiser, of foo0 editon, well known here,
ed nditions -of land, settlement was becalm ta enedict last week, in
o secondary (souse and gave Mudh Guelph, the bride being Miss Katie '
eatiSfaction to new and old settlers Ragland, of that eity. They have
alike. It •is true that the (looser- taken ,up their -residence in •-Credieon,
stives had as good inte'ntions as where they are receiving the eon -
the Liberals, but they did not have gratulatlons of a large circles of
as good 'a policy, the difference be- rtenda —Tbq Women's Institute,
ing that under the Conservative pot- witioh lias'E eter for its °entre, is a
illy eucoess was just as impossible very prospe ous organization, .and
ae failure is impossible under the the memberS take a deep interest in
Liberal .policy. •Th e electors of West the meetin s. The last Meeting,
. AsSirribhia are fliow asked for a dee-, held here la t .week, was largely at -
Eight bs. finest rolled oats for 26c or $2.40 per. sack
. laration of opinion as 'to the Lib- tended. Mr . Hastings gave an
of 90 lbs A gcod time to btqr`. . Hara.11 policy: A declaration against teresting paper on the "Rules and
, I the governraent -would be ;a declare regulations governing the Ilepart-
Redpaties -XXX granulated sugar Friday and ,Saturday !
etioxi'to return to the old order of meat ' of oraestic Scienee of the
MS. ' ' ' ete . ' lithings, queli as 11 'business proposit- aYfatelonald Institute." The society in
• • . • • . •
pairs all -wool. plankets, regular $4 60 *. a , •
1 ion West Asstrubota cannot afford to all its und takings has dasplaye
. 1 ,Friday , make such ,a eolarationbusiness ta t and up-to-date meth-
" Then' there is the question a tax- ods in keepi g the -affairs of the In-
eP7r1.381nt $3 58
5st8. made, all patterns and colors, illeatom and the proper- tarrying titles. At 'this meeting all the
attain. Taxation. is essential to eiv- stitute aineast 4in advance of the
oat of good .government. The ,nn- magazines, and aournals that had
portent, question of policy in retrerd been accuinruttating were disposed of
:So faxetion la the equalize:thin ,of by autetion/ and the Institute ite
the burden, and the difference be- now in. posSession of 1906 literature.
tween success 3/4frna failure depends The matter of procuring seeds and,
•uperi how the burden- is eanalized. buns for distributima among' the
To illustrate, a farmer bas a team members Was draeuseed, but final ace
of cayouses and a team of heavy tion was left over totthe next meet -
draught horses He sends the heavy . big.
draughts to town with the gartien 1
$/4.50 per I
and Saturd
25 pi
regular 123C, special Friday and Sattirday 10o.
- Ladle. heavy Cashmere floserregular 35c aid 40o,
-special Fri ay and Saturday 25c pertpair.
-Three pieces Table .I.iken half bleached, warranted
pure linen, egular 60c, special iriday and Saturday 420.
GUNN, Seaforth
produese, land puts the ortyouses on A Guaranteed Cure for Piles,
the plow. The remelt is he ;Very Itching, Blind, Bleeding ProOtruding
..e................—.....-- scion, has neither eafouse nor 'heavy Piles. Druggists are authorized to
draught, •garden truck or ploughing, refund money if PAZO OINTMENT
le .44-Atm4.4dam:lents in America:a erablications, 'because the burden was not proper- falls to cure • in 6 to la days. 50e.
I.1 WitICPUP14. which (Armlets through Canada; ly equolized. By putting the rden , ........................e... ,
With 25,000 lines of advertisink in of taxation on the poor man ate• is flawt? Keep young
• ,SEAlver43.TA, 1 1 IX, Feb. '16, leea,
woul12 d guaranI tee to reduce the ha- suffers. Thalst ithe eac't difference
the morning dank* in Canada I borne down end: the 'Whole &entry-•. ,
Dear :Expositor,—
portatioo of foreign -Shoes to a feet!' between Conservative an de Liberal "Id Y*4311 ever Irsttee hew mach the
No sooner
The f3 to Stay. straggling cases. This would be a policy, the exact difference •between.
le7sr it"rbeicieoViesreadd. vfirosem.d ? a buffet *of
for the made -in -Canada high and low tariff. High poetection - • , . - , a .• .
' A deputation from 'the executi- Ve 1"mPaign adviceon lase Side than it is Slapped
shoe, and would not be it Slater she puts the burden upon. the prciducer.
back by teentrary advice on the oth-
, toemnittee of t]ie Dominion Alliance advertising campaign. -' - and not on the wealthy class where
One of the 'city dailies told tus
Waited te`c Pre r Whitaey and - "My poet prices are as small es it properl3r belongs. It is an essen- (hr.
the 'other day that we 'could buy a
Hon. Mr. H a a fewl days a,go those in any of the high/class Shoe luta principle of Liberalism to so
alskin eoat Tor ourselves if we ilk -
factories in the United States. We equalize taxation that the burden. Se
we meet now , is many of Which we mould do Without
ed by saving ion the little things.
and urged upon them the passing by
have, nothing to fear from come' - will fell on the wealthy and beam -
the Legiaatnrc a sleoli measures as titioxi. That which ' c Heys 'the produoing portion of the
and Which 'araded not Materially to
evoield carry a the desires expres- opherneral. • The .only ecompetition ;is.countrY4" ---- our appearance. But in less than a
aa,.. that which newspapers from - a sense
of plablie duty shouad coribee Shoes *lay is it?. -
week, lo 1 another paper with "It ed. in the foll wing resolution
is poor policy to buy one expensive
Mane% The resolu-
, which are advertised at the priee In a letters published in this artiole and force yourself to go
s: marked in the United States are not week's Sun, R. H. Harding suggests without the little accesories which
as a means for the ;red -notion of really make thewell dressed
township taxation,' the total aboli-
women." To keep young, one joux-
Um of the office: of tax collector nai earls
work a little and rest a
and the making of assessuients onee i great deal; another, pitoh into the
-in three years only. ' M , -woth
rk and let e resting take oare
Mr. , Harding's : letter Is '" of
' of itself ; while the latest 'advice is
the many evidences which might- be
41^ keep • Agrinetirt.' .. A •eonstantly
cited of tied close, on township ' expenditures as frown. wrinklesPer-
watch which far- - ig"riorrin! old age would be about as
mors krai
Per -
every i em of outlay, no matter how bags our flood comes1 in
for tmore of
'small, iie closely scrubinized. Why , ;mat which is so easy ,to igive and
is there 'not °ciVal rigid 1s°"tinY so hard. to take than anything else.
of the expenditures of the Dominion e Don' t oat tam& emeat, is dinned
Government? The Sun -recently 1 at us from everywhere when we
pointed out that the Dominion Govli know bow hangry ewe 'are Without
eroraent eollected over a third more at
and how that same diet ;goes to
ein taxabian in the Prevince than is. juet the right place, where we tett
oolleeted by all the munioipalities weak before. And pie is almost con -
of Ontario combheed, A still more sidered a relic of the dark ages by
striking showing *an be made hY new toots, among 'them. a ,Morris
•olnitting the taxation, imposed in •'' faameeta wife. "My dear," said her
-cities; towns and villages—where ex- husband, looking over his glasses,
travagance is the rule—and lindt-t " don't believe all you read. FAT lit
ling the comparison to one with
township municipalities; There are
living in the townships , of Ontario
about one and a ,quarter million
people, and they are taxed. by town-
ship -councils to' the extept of some
$5,000,000 a year --/$4 per, head. The
amount of taxes -collected by the
Dominion Governmentin Ontario la
$4,000,000 a year—about $11 per
head for the- population of the whole
Province. Thus the taxation per
d be amendments • or of xi% Kn. owles,
the Government head levied by the federal authprit-
Government had
candidate. His speech ies is nearly three times that collect-
he,policy announce ,was plain and ed by the township authorities. Still
the eapenditure of the Dominibn is
'rimier so closely scrutinized as is
that of the tetwoship ; thousands of
those Who know how practically • a Canada
every dollar is spent by their local
-cottneils know almost nothing of
the :vastly greater expenditures by • ages against the Toronto Street
Railway Company an oonateensation
far injuries received by her in
jumping from a street car aii which
the fuse blew out.
—The Canadian Cat Club is arrange
• g
ing for a 's'how oteats to take place
in Tononto on February 21st to
23rd. Liberal priees are being offered
for the various breeds of cats and ab
ready a large number of entries
have been received.
—A few years ago Miss Gordon,
a well-to-do elderly .lady of Glen-
coe, secured; as maid' a young 'girl
named. Martha Collier from the Bar-
nardo home, Toronto. Miss Gordon
and- the ,girl 'became very much at-
tached to oath other. About two
months ago Miss Gordon, having re-
covered her health, decided to give
up her maid. They went to ithe tate-
thin together, but the. strain of
parting/eves too great, and Miss Col-
lier returned. home with Miss Gor-
don, A few days later Miss -Goedon
regularly adopted rale girl, xhaking
her her legal daughter. Two weeks
ago Miss Gordon caught a severe
cold; pneumonia set!tin, and the late
ter part. of last week she idied, Miss
Gordon had property estimated to be
worth ahoot $20,000. So. far 'no will
has been found. trales11 one is found
Miss Collier, the adopted daughter,
will receive the entire estate: '
-opted by thia
tion is as folio
That this co
demand for eff
isia.tion against
meaning by e
measure abolis
and the treatin
ing clubev
liquor traffic
times as will
tail its operati
• In his reply t
431,1 to have said
vention rea,ffirm its
tive teraperance leg -
the liquor traffic,
ective legislation a
bag the bar room
system, and drink -
imposing upon the
such other rest -rice
st effeetively ear-
n ;and, remedy its
. • .
Premier is report -
he E felt
sold in Canada at the sarae price
as in the tenitedi States, A second
grade shoe, very cheaply and poorly
made, is often sent into Canada with
a .stamp slightly different fitona the
advertised trade mark, but e ose en-
ough imitation to deceive t e cas-
ual buyer."
Strong Arguments
We notieed last week that b•oth
'the Liberal Candidates in the bye -
elections to the Dominion Parlia-
it to be their ate- to be tree.- dy Ito
ment Le the new Province sok Sask-
listen at any ime to repreaenta-
atche-wan were elected by acelama,t-
tions on this question. For him -
ion. fact -the representatives
wile he would not apdemiaitanthinat thhae from
the Wes -tern provinces who pp -
stood second to
P080 the Government are few and
country in his ppreciation of the
fax 'between. This is '• due to the
evils resulting m the drink traf-
very strong bold which the Laurier
fic.'and his &sir to Minimize them.
Government has on the people of the
Film frequent atatenie,nts coming
West. Under the circumstances this
from various ea tains of the cora-
Government was 1. is not eurprising. The strong and
amenity thut t
pradtieal arguments that the Gov -
allied with the guar interests, and
ernment can put` forth captivate
other statement.. that the Govern-
tho people. A . sample of this was
meat was allied ith the teraperanee ;
given a few nights ago at a rmeet-
tified in conclude
sent course of 'the ing Lath/Woos° Jaw. Hon. Frank. 01 -
people, be felt
ing that the p
Government m t be about right. ivor, Minister of the Interior in the
From time to imee Mr. Whitney Dominion Government spoke in fay -
sold, there wo
to the aet, but t
to keep in mind
ea by the Conservative party before simple but his argument was pew,
the general 'elee sone. of. 1905. The s erful and ineontrozertible and ap-
government had, no mandate to a -
pealed so directly to the people as
Wish the -bars s requested by the
to be irresistible. We are sorry we
deputation. It as not necessary
any longer for. nyoxie to pointout have not space for his °Mire address
the evils of the irinking habit ; the and can only give the fathering axe
question was ho to ameliorate the
evils, and the G veto/nerd would do ----13t as, a sample. As rep Red in
everything that ooramided itself to the :Haase aaw. Times he
their judgment fo advance the cause , " No election was won tin khe last
of temperancerhis was ill aceord- vote was counted and he *trusted
ante with their course while in op- that West Assiniboia would stand
minimize the evils the tie:4Tc% which w re Well worthy of
would do all they loyally by and tze to Liberal prin,
eould to mini
position and the
liquor habit. e- the greatest attention anci the beat
It will be see from this the the efforts that can be put forth even in
Government has lots of sympathy to these busy times. Even in this
deripose of but t ey are not prepared materialistic age the success of Lib -
to give legislati n• The people have, eraI principles were more iniportant
not given thet mandate and Ithe than dollars and cents, for the sin -
Bars - must remain. Rather eold cess of Liberalism means the success
oteenfort for th and material progress of the whole
i North West, and of no part of it
more than the city .of Moose Jaw.
As Mr. Knowles had Pointed out in
his happy reference to the progress
of the country since Laurier came to
power, Moose •Weiw in 1896 was la
very siiaI1 place. He had been there
, in tha year and found business
blocks Lserted, empty hbuses, and
the ra.v4ges of a fire added still mere
to the appearance that told the pas-
ser by that the town had almost
come to an end. But to -day Moose
Jaw is the first eity in the North-
west for compactness, for sub-
stantial buildings, for progressive-
ness and business enterprise, and in
! :saying this he was not forgetful of
the fact that he himself was a cit-
izen of no mean city. What •had
Liberal principles and Liberal pol-
icy to do With it ? It had a great
deal to do with it. Everybody
knows that the government -does not
make the country but everybody
will Tadmit that the wisdom display-
ecl in the guidance of the public af-
fairs of. theacountry has Stlig eas
rouoh to do with the development
and sueces,s of the country, as the
good judgment and right policy
has to do with the success of any
business -undertaking, and the in-
telligent, progressive _Liberal policy
has had a great deal to do With the
success of Canada during the past
d We have had a 'great era of pros-
perity and all are makg money
fast, • a great deal of our mereased
wealth has come as the result of
good crops 'but of the sum total on -
What the ftsg.
Mr. Charles E.
the manufactar
Slater Shoe," i
he Montreal
very positive st
the right ring a
make real rer
these days who
industries are
dit.ional pre/tee
from American
r:thee Man Says
Slater, of Montreal,
r of the' celebrated
a recent. letter to
azette, makes some
tements which have
ut them and which
esbing readiag Id
.so many pap . fed
-crying out for ad -
ion to save them
competition. kr.
biatcr says:
"1 oannot pass unchallenged
your editorial on boots and shoes
in .your issue_ of the 19th inst. While
it es a most f reeful and. logical
' presentation .of the argument for
the higher tarif en shoes, the rea,s-
ing is not conv racing to myself as
a shoe manufa turer. I em. net
6 theorizing whet 1 aay that we do
not need any la'gher duties to pre-
teet our markt. Rather we need
only to convinci the people of the
folly and extra .agance of paying a
dollar duty- on Shoes when they do
not get the worth of tilt dollar,
nor do -they pr fit in any way Aby
preferring the oreign :shoe.
" Canadian pia. os are better than
American piano , et some foolish
people would rat er buy a name
than a piano—jI,at because of that
mental diapositi et ° which disallows
prestige to a rophet..• in his own
bailiwiek. You Bey that United
States shoes wouId1 continue to be
sold ,in Canada as csonditions now
are, no matter i every shoe man in
Canada advertise in every publica-
tion in the cou try. Give me 25,,
000 lines space ijm The Gazette, and
T will reduce he consumption of
the United &atei shoes in Montreal
by $50,000 to six months. That is a
practical and pr eticable answer to
your theory. In fact, you disprove
Your awn argument for a higher
tariff, Mien in the xxext paragraph
you adinit tha 1Jited States goods
aro sold in Cana. a through adver-
pie wasn't good fur you I'd, la bin
dead forty years ago. I always eat
all I eould get a hold 'ay."
13luevale Correspandente
,Afraid of Strong Medicine.
Many poople suffer for years frcinn
rheumatics pains and prefer to 'do
.so rather than take strong needle
eines usually given for rheumatism,
not kruowin.g that quick relief from
pain may Ibe had simply by.tepplying
Chamberlain's Pain 63alm and with-
out taking any medicine internelly.
For sale by Alex, • Wilson, Druggist,
—Miss Ida Lewis, of Washington,
has •been awarded $5,000 dam -
the Dominion Government. Even
those Who are more or less familiar
with the outlay by the larger body
are severe in their criticisms -only
when political opponents do the
spending. Why is it ?—Toronto Sun.
This is a ample question and is
very easily eoswered. The municipal
taxes are •011ected directly -from
:the people; the Dominion taxes are'
'collected indirectly and by the
round about and 'circuitous meth-
ods of the' custoxie and excise. If the
_Dominion revenue was 'collected di-
rectly the same as the
taxes the people would watch the
expenditure jastas tleasely and sal-
ary grabs, grafts and grafters
would some become things \ of the
'past and the pensioning system and.
other like. abominations would be
blotted out in a year. The people
can secure this if they want it.
Stomach Troubles and
"Chamberlain's Stomach and Div-
er Tablets are the best thing for
storaach troubles and constipation. I
have ever sold," says J. R. Cullman,
a druggist of Potterville, Michigan.
They are easy to take and always
give satisfactioa. I tell iny cus-
tomers to try them and if not satis-
factory to tome back and get their
money, but +hare never bad a com-
plaint." Thor sale by. Alex. Wilson,
Druggist, Seaforth. •
Briefs—The Manitoba and ,Noitle-
west visitors, whom We have had
with us. since New Years, are now
turning their faces homewards.
Messrs. Jelin' and Wilbur Ouellmore
left this week for their homes in
Crystal City. Messrs. Percy. Oann,
W. Simmons and W. J. Horton left
last week for their respective homes.
—Mr. W. T. Sweet has removed with
his family to St. „Catharinesaalliss
Jessie Elder, of Barrie, daughter of
t,. Wm: Elder, formerly ofHensall,
ly a small part has come from this' Was here visitin Mrs R. tr.,- 41:501 -
mune. Our wealth has increased lias and :other friends.—Exeter lodge
more while we were sleeplagi than of Independent Order ot 'Foresters
when we were engaged in our daily last week presented llfr. E, JoSpack-
occupations. Not Many years ago man swith a 'complimentary address,
North West land was dear at 43,00 ocoompanied by a veteran's badge, as
P01' acre, dearer than much of the a mark of their esteem for laim as a
same land is to -day at $20.00. Mor brother and. !citizen, on the I.eve of
the sake of arguraeat say land has his departure from, Exeter if Mr.
been increased to the extent of $10 Spaekman has been a memb veva the
P01' acre in the Settled districts like lodge for '29 years, and eV setaarioag OF TORONTO,
Moose Jaw, There are 22,000 acres one of its mostlfaithful meixkbers. He W. H. SHAW, - Printipa
in eaeli 'township, and inerease of $10 talks of going to dinonto . Mrs.
per acre means at indrease $220,- Thos. Clark celebrated -her 80th troop ani Gerrard Streeto Toronto,
000 in the wealth of every township birthday on Saturday, irebruary 3rd. 1967-26.
Bears the _Th O Kind You Have Always Bought
Thos. Townsend, who has
been a resident of Stratford for over
thirty years, died there last week.
Deceased' was born in England, aod
leaves a widow and a large family.
Be Sure
and examite a copy of Our catalegue if you
have any idea of taking a preparatory
course for a
We believe there ia no school *qua' to
ours for methedie bueinese train -tug and
for producing good results. We soliOit
investigation and comparison.
Enter any time No Vaoations
Absolutely white flour makes the most
beautiful white bread—the kind we all like.
But white bread is not necessarilyt pure
because it is white. To be pure it must be
made from purified flour.
There is only one method of making
fleur "absolutely pure, and that is by elec-
tricity. No mpurity can withstand the
searching, purifying work of this electrical
The electrical ,method is employed by
every big mill in the United States.
In, Canada the only flour purified by
electricity is
Royal Household, Flour
therefore it is the only flour that can be
considered as absolutely pure.
Say "Ogilvie's Royal fiousehola" to
your grocer—he'll do die rest,
Ogilvie Flour Mills Co. Limited,
"Ogilvie's Book for a iCook," contains 130
pages of excellent recipes, some never before
published. Your grocer can tell you how to
get it FREE. 2
We g
Thelabel that
When a _young fellow isn
anything iijarlicular, it's a mighty
•valuabk asset if he LOOKS like
something sfierial."
choice young bulkfor salean be seen -at
stables of the undersigned in 1eter, 11710
RUSSELL, Exeter.
Thorobred Shorthorn Bun, i lnonths
red, pith a little white. Price rght. Apply on
13, C,oncesslim 4, Tuckersmith ox address Ea,no
ville P. , L0hRNO0flANc1138141
1Ilr signed offers for Sale onLot 27, Coneeesi
Hibbert 'township, one yearlin Clyde My,
Shorthorn tom; .aud heifers, two young Silo
bulls ; also a few Berkshire pigs o both soxes.
above stock are eligible for regiBtration in the Natt
al Stock Records. Priceslinable, conside
quality. Yieitore welcome. DA ID HILL, Staffa.
Li FOR SALE.—The underelgined hats for salesee
erai thoroughbred Lelotorter 8:heep arid Dnrbi-
Cattle of both sexes. Addreea Egmondville
Apply at farm, Mill Road, luelferendth. ROB
-MUSTERS 1 SONS. 18724
KO. stand vt1m tools, Ito
Everything ready to start. Aptly to POST
Blake P. 0. 101
VMS- FOR SERVICR.—The undersigned wl
1 at his plate in Bruce:Md.) a pure bred
shire and a pure bred Berkshitellioar, to ditich
Red number of sows will 1,e enmitted. 11'
. payable at the time of son ce wth the pit
returning if ndoessary. (E0E1 HILL. '1
TT.F,T—The undersigned t his
1 the Lake Shore to a good ;tenant for a
five years. The farm consists of 210 stree
land, nearly all under cultivation and in gor
dition. For full terms and partieuhrs apply at or
DANIEL SMITH, St. Joseph 1. 0.
1 quantity of barn -timber, square and ki len„
of from about 8 to 50. feet, alsh a quantity of
hemlock lumber, plank and stictpting, Part"
tending to build during the coining season will
it to their advantage to tall LLrid see it on Lo
Coneessio5, JA LOCKHART.
regress rand" Clothing
makes it a downright economy to LOOK right, all the time.
"Progress Brand" costs just. aS-little as good clothes cp.n be
made for. And that is as little as .any man can afford tpay.
1.,001c for it
Ger es
-Right fabrics—right tailoring—
right styles — right fit — have a
dollar -and -cent market value.
"Progress Brand" Clothing sets
the price standard, just as it sets
the quality standard.
This retoeyeutsou.muct
'Mike Yo r scraggly hale? Or would me like it
Satisfied with .rlebye
longer, richer, thicker? en feed it
aler***IWEINKilkir MaiiiMrinaVara
with Ball's Vegetable Sxcmlian Hair
Renewer. There's solid onefOrt, in.
mohair Get it I e b.appy I
air rowl,,,,othe gag DIV rtuitsi4
or a softblaek. R. 1). HAT,L it CO., ansrilicsallsb"rf.
o we make
.TIff com1oitTs oFIm-
Every home needs comfort. The home with a few attractive pieea of
furniture perhaps an. Arm Chair for the elder people, and a Couch and a
couple olEasy Chairs, is as luxurious as need be. Every one may have ea&
a home with the present low prices of good furniture. You will, be a le to -
have what you want supplied. at small cost, if you COMB t01180
Promptly attended to night or day,
S. T. ROLMp, Manager.
erfection in Tailori
Every selfsrpeeting man likes to appear well, and, as hils clot1os go a
long way towards attaining -that object, he must have hie clothe made
in the latest style and by the best tailors. Et is our ain to tnn out
clothes that fill these very iequirements. Our long expezience J in the
business has enabled us to reach that perfection wJieh oi1y ex-
perience can give. Added to this, our- staff of work people is the beet.
All work is personally inspected before it leaves the shop, and if not
right we make it right.
f' you wish to be well dressed, you must have clothes made by us. Try as
with your next order, and we will convince you of the genuinOnesa of
our argument.
A IICTION SALE of A Choice Farm, Farm St
21_ Intplernents and Household Furniture.—
Brown has been instructed by John Chapman to
by Public Auction on Lot 9, Concession 4, Stanley,
Wedrtesda.x, February 2ist, 1900, at 12 o'clock non
the following ptoperty viz ,1—Horses--Four
horses. Cattle—f cows in calf 1 1 dry row ; 1 t
bred .9urharct bull S years old; 3 heifers rising t
4 eteem rising three ; 4 heifers rising two ; 2
ring two ; 10 calves ; 2 pigs ;,. about 50 hens.
p1ements.-1 Deering binder ; 1 Deering moss
steel rake - 1 WIsner-drill ,' • r dise 'arrow ;
Iroller -, 1 'four -section diamond harrows
plow ; 1 walking. plow ; 1 scutlier ; 1 set weig
capacity 2.000 lbs. ; 1 fanning mill; 1 hay
1 with ropes and slings complete ; 1 lumber wagct
hay rack ; 1 democrat; 1 top buggy; 1 road es
square box cutter * 1 80,1 -double harnese ;
single harness ; 1 pr bobsleighs , 1 pulper ;
pire cream separator ; 1 grindetone ; also forks,
chains anti Other small articles and a quanti
household futhiture. The Parra—Aim that eh
farm of 100 acres, an which bfrieeted a frame
40 x BO. wIthstone stabling underneath ; shed, '
with frame stabling beneath 1 a etenfortable
house with kitthen and woodshed. Tim farm Is
watered, in a good state of eUltivation and tile d
ed, There are one and one and a half acres of
chard and 10 acres of choice hardwood timber.
situated within four miles ofiBrueeflekl and ton
lent to schools and churebes.1 Terms on. Farm.
per cent. of the purchase moitey to be paid on
day of sale or satisfactory sec 'atty given that i
be forthcoming within twent , days themafter
the remainder of the balance required. $3,000 in
main on mortgage if desi , with intei est at
Terms on hm an
Chattels.—All suof $5 d under,
over that amount, 9 mouths' credit will be given
furnishing approved joint n tea, A. discount of
cents on the dollar allowtid for mil on
amounts, JOHN CHAPMAN: Proprietor ;
BROWN, Auctioneer. 1
Implements. -11r. Tho. Brown mis been
structed by Mr. J. W Mills to seRby pnblie o.-
on Lot 10, Concession 14, Ileillett, on Friday, F
ar7 23rd, at 1 o'clock p. pi., I the 10110Wing vcil
property, viz. Horses --1 draught mare 11
old, in foal to cetirnbrogic Pride ' • 1 draught
rising 11VO, in foal to CaindrogiePride ; -1
reatohed chestnut mercerising seven, in foal
%tor, weight 1,100 pounds 4piece, good roade
workers • 1. gelding rising three years old, td
Cairobroite Pride ; 1 filly rising two 1 Ally
three ; 1 fillY rising one, by, Cairnbrogie Pride.
these horses areguaranteedi sound. -Cattle-0
in talf to a* thorobred bull;".I II steers rising thr.
heifers rising three ; 7 heifers rising two *
spring calves. Pigs—Ten :Ipigs four month;
thorobred Yorkshire BOW Wikb pedigree, In f
thorobred York boar, also pbout 100 hens.
Frost .& Wood 64hot, binder with sit
rier ; 1 Frost & Wood 54o4t mower ; 1 Elinin
loader ; 1 steel 10 -foot Sharpe rake ; 112 -hoe
bined Noxon:seed drill; 1 largo oak stave
roller; 1 Maxwell disc ; 1 e4t iron barrows wit
sections ; 1 large 2 -furrow plow ; 1 gang pi°
single plows ; 1 fanning mill • 1 water trough,
vattized ; 1 .root pulper ; 1, row down Pim.;
1 bay rack; 1 rattle and pig rack ; 1 wagon
gravel box ; 1 vet sleighs with log bunks, 11
make: 2 pig crates ; 1 boa* for tinmving
of stable ; I top buggy ; 1 chtter - 1 earn
with whiffietrees ; 1 emerystel& gnnder ;
stone ; 1 croas-eut saw 50 rap pails; 100'feet/-
fork rope - 2 set team harness, one set nearly
with Scotch :collars ; 1. set: light double hanr
set single harness ; 2 sets 13low harness; 1 De
cream separator, only ueed:la few months ;
ing machine ; 1 Dtdsy churn ; 1 parlor h
stove; also other small a-tieles, also whoa
bushels of oats and 400 hushela of barley lit for
and about 25 tons of hay. 'The implement4 I
rieltrly nOw and in the best of shape. Eer
will be sold as the propriethr has rented; the
Terms --All sums of $5 and lander, cath ; /we
amount 10 months' credit dill be given on f
approved joint notes. A d,scount of 3 cents
dollar will be allowed off fo cash on credit atn
J. W. MILLS, proprietor ; OS. BROWN, au
ter. 1
also by
rt. •e
" Bree
by J. I
pat ion
A Di
43. Iktrl
also by
and t
htgs as
11. 110
Spriughurst 1Shorthorn
A Really Choice Lot of XOUNO )31.3•IrS ANL/ Fr
WO X CliAmpi0NSUUTA' er ami.
&ATM, CAxADA M8X1c0 11
All intpreSt,t(rAre cordially invited to hupoot
Farm adjoins:the town o Exeter.
Tong diitance telephone ° farm -
who ;