HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-02-09, Page 7and etiin tomes, the ras gone, the sWelling bonnie waS gone, the back had- left nie, and i•; was quite well again, and my complexion is clearer than et - lane bees% for years. I want tletran "Fruit -a -noes" for thU great mtre-as before 1 tilled this medicine I had used monuy kinds cf salves and took =A. titic'S of medicines but fhe did nte no gotxl. But one seemed to do me - goenl-end they entirely took away the fearful MAIL (Sed.) etre. n. nfailhiote ruth -that you can't I other skin dieeases i the skin but *WITH Ere*TeT of blood trouble.. ji salves and ointmenta -rie- and enrich the blood eease of one of three ali three -but certainly sssue waste best food proper! - ii ire -soaps woo' ure. e skin. But ita- ecause 'Frit* . „eaves" late it to r -:.rete more y every cl- -. This rids Thee •• tarnoas liver atioa of excessive uric mi he Jij They act llate Clem to throw 0.1 Lstin working pro 0 pimples or blemished ; Xis Diek that done Twice the lo half easier on horses -a t Equalled by anything elm itivating. A Success for mak- Led on ran Plowed "Lewd. Pallows or Stabble Fields at. Look for the name "BIS- )ne genuine without it. For ts and Vaoufe.ctured by ISSELL, ELORA, ONT. -post card for Booklet ‘i 1 • L.GNIFICENT a Fox Ru ptANF- IONEY REQUIRE a bpantifal Ruff of ante Fox, the moo. r worn,. given absolutely free. Such an ir made before- Tho only reason tee *on i% that wo axtranged for thew band-prou ZuU sex-r.rt la the summer and 6ot t hens t The nun t 41 itiCilej. long, 111y neede er the hontooreete note Foe rem. .nno !Only. It le warmly etitititii, mica envh or setet and ornamented wttl; „oar foog also- Swba liatideeme len e r uwa.y. and -you an giAlt e“,;?,-. E.a.ruo =Ladd-regd. y,anti a wi Iliail 1,4 , 14 re Post --Cards 1: p f.t.t (4 yards tt. EL gd.) They are to/retie:1 rage, arot sen like bee c tktn. SW ....4 nriftr offered before to Mt -WOO CU al !-L YOU couldn't bi y.arrethiett in tire on otd ioek richer. be more ),..1 miner or nlim rtenger% it *root eon you ow- 1(lit. Wr.te waist Art Co., Dept. Ds Toront4., oat you th end send e enters Yont-( arts 11-1 11011E. oteeteateVe a few attractive piece of pie and a Couch and a Every one may heve such Lre. You will be able to t01113 t0.1.1S. rt÷4,1,4. plp•Ma SCaggyafa CaRada a a, 16 day, It-JOst ..T1 01:VT ece "Throat etnd Covghs kteite and safe remedy E.or all throat% bend Orkerktatiseptic TekbIets e germicidal value of CresAne Witte l;ropertics of slippery eon aeee licorice& 910o. *I1 Druggrsts 100 „detenly Attacked- i•eiton antaeked suidenly by painfut €.7cni, entre pe,Dlarrhoe Deneatery„ rue. f' holore Infartn....., etc Dr Fowl - Wed Strawbetry ta a prompt end len shoutd al nue be kept ia the house .12%,-.csus. Choler% Infentutor* Cramps, •a,Ine.tieritereennd Bummer Complaint, ntrent or Wild Strawberry ie a prompt. .'-are that has been apopular favorite. F. r or 0, 'bite at t3ecifrtime.' what Could be better than a ass of milk and Moonelf's Perfection Cream Sodas Canada's finest crackers, fror Canada's finest ,bakery. Cr* p, inviting, delicioushi aiMight boxes, that keep them in faultless condition. • Your grocer has therm Nifork All Done Haase clean and bright ooforetheday .rightlf begun. When good brooms and • brushes are used it takes very little effort- to keep the home attractive. - BOEOKH BROOMS aro the best made'and like all tools make labor light. For years "the standard goods Med Yastsries, asitsibbrento, 66 t_Sett VETERINARY f OBIR euntys, V. s., honer graduate ofOutaric Vekrinsly College. An disemes of Denteatio &meals treated. Calls promptly Attended to und ckerges meo-rale. Veterinary Dentistry a specialty tierce end ireidence en Goderich stre,et, one doo esat of Dr Recife cffice Sesforth. 11124 psssuEN V. a—Honorary g sduate of the' ae Ontario Veterinary College an Hotiorary mem- ner or the Medical Aram:dation of the Ontario Veter- kneyntollege. Tres. diseases of all domestic) arsimale iby the most modern principles Dentistry and Milk *ever a oneelalty. Office oppeette Dick's Hotel, Wein &reek Seaforth. All ordere left at the hotel reive prompt attention. Night calla received at con. I 1871-52 LEGAL.), JAMES L. KILLORAN Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public eto. Money to ben. in ileaforth Mondays, Frideye and Satur- days. Office open every week day. Over Pickard's stole, Main etreet, Seeforth. 1904 , R. S. HAYS, barrieter, Water, Conveyancer and Notary Public. olieltor for the Dominion Bank. Offiee-in rear of Oortiin1013 B•auk, Seaforth. Money to loan. Mb T BUT, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer ofi • Notary public. Offices up stairs, ovee C. W Papd's bookstore, Main Bireet, Sealorth, Ontario. 1627 NOLHIMTED, imooessor to the late firm of ret McCasghey Holmested, Barrieter, Solicitor Do:rentanners and Netany Solloitoe for *he Can dies Rank of Commeree. Money to lend. Farm or sale. Office in if coit's Block, Malin Street eaforth DIGKINSON AND GARROW, BarrIsten, Solicit. on, eto., Goderioh, Ontario. E. L. DICKINSON. 1886-tf CHARLES GARROW L. L. B. DENTISTRY. DR. H HODGINS, DENTIST. Graduate of Beyal College of Dental, finfgeone of Ontario. Successor to Dr. Tweddle. Oifice-Over A. Young's grocery etore, Maui street, &Morino 1975 DR. BELDEN, DENT,IST, TORONTO, Uss removed from 4I8 Sherbourne St. to hie beau '. lot new offices, 438 Young St., opposite Carlton Bt.t 1815-18 MEDICAL. Dr. John McGinnis, Office and Reeidence-Victoria Street, SEAFORTH Phone 78 DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Graduate of Univereity of Toronto Faculty of Medi* tine, member of College of Phyedolans and Sur scone of Ontario; pee graduate courses Chicago t Halted School, Chicago; Royal Ophthalmic Hospi- tal, London, liegland ; University College Boffins], London, England. Office -Over Grelg Stewarre • store, Main Street, Seaforth. 'Phone No, 6. Night cells answered from reeidence, Victoria street. 1890 OR, F. J. BURROWS, , 8 311.A.H1401:VMEEE Offi 'a and Residetwe--Goderich street, east of the klethollet church. Tatsenerns No. 46. owner for the County of Huron. 1886 DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS, ;Mulch etreet, oppoelie Methodist ohurob,Flasforth Ilanalmapemaa j. 0.30071, graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member Ontario ()allege of Physicians end urgeous Coroner for County of Huron. C- Id' aoilAY, honor graduate Trinity Univereity, etid medalist Trinity Medical College. Member jollege of Physiolans and Surgeons, °Mann lib8 AUCTIONEBRfi. V 111014A13 BROWN, Licensed Auotioneer for the j. Ostuites of Huron and Porth. Orders left al A. Canipbell's implement wareroome, Seaforth, or Tez Expeetroa Office, will reoeive prompt attention, a list:tattoo guaranteed or no charge. 170841 \, -rma.s G. MoMICHAEL, licensed auetioneer for oonnty of Huron. Sales attended to In any part of the county at moderate rates, and satiefactioe ‘usraii toed. Orders left at the Seaforth post o oe or on Lot 2, 00n0e00100 2, Haat W reoeive prompt attention. I 2.-tf COTIONEERING.-B. B. Phillioe, Liesneed ri Auctioneer for the countiee of Huron and earth. Being practioal farmer and thoroughly 4oderetandh3g the velem of farm stook and imple- ments, places me in a better pcention to realise good Prices. Obarges moderate. Satiefaction guaranteed or no pay. All orclere left at Hensall pod office or at Lot 28, ConoesWon 2, Hay, vrill be promotly blended to. 1709-1t rhe McKilloD Mutual Fire Insurance Company:. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED 0127103361. J. J3.McLean, Preeldent, Kippen P. O. Thomas Froae r,vioeopresident, Brucelleki P. 0.; Thomas E. Gaye, Sou -Tress. Seaforitt P. 0.. Wllhiau DilitNOTORL CheeneySeasoran • John G. Grieve, Win. theop ; George Dela, Sesicirtli ; John Bentiewele, Dublin ; James Evans, Beeolawood ; John Watt, Hatiock ; Thomas Fraeer, Bruoefield ; John B. Ida rem, Eippen ; James Connolly, Clinton. AERATE. Hold, Smith. Harlook ; E. Hinohley, Seaforth ea Cumming Egreonde Ille • J.W. Yeo, Hairnet vine P. O.; George Hurdle end John 0. Morrison, curers Wingham Business Colleg ie a high grade Commercial School Three Courses : Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin V 9 " PSYCHINE " has restored thousands of people to buoyant health and strength whose condi- tion had been regarded as hopeless. It is at once a tonic and flesh mdiammome, builder, containing Trernarkable properties as a blood purifier and germicide. It will strengthen and heal the weak lungs, force out the phlegm, and drive away the cough, no' matter of how long standing. PSVCRINE " ioneS up the whole system and drives out disease, heals the decayed tissue and restores lost energy. Its use daily Will prevent and ward off that most subtle disease consumption. Gd.z.rditTLIST OF ALL TOMOS V7:4714 4' - ct, , ty, t..;3 0:401GX‘,3tINCE ErfliZEN) ALL, DITLICalaTa-ealla DOLLedl-eFlIEE TRIAL ten. 7. no SLOCUM, Limited t71) 4-titeen. See W. Toronto, Canada FOR SALE. QIIORTHORN BULL FOR, SALE. -For sale a 0 Thorobred Shorthorn Bull, 17 months old, color red, with a little white. Price right. Apply on I.ot 18, Cmcession 4, Tuckersrnith or address Egm.od %lite P. °ewe!. CARNOCHAN, mit J-11D EarsTERED --The under eigned offers for sale on Lot 27, Concession 8, Hibbert township, one yearling Clyde filly, a few Shorthorn COWS " and heifers,two young Shorthorn bulls ; also a few Berkshire pigs of both sexes; The above stook are eligible for registration in the Nation: al 'Stock Records, Prices reasonable, considering quality: Visitors welcome. DAVID HILL, Strafe. eel r 1.988-tf L'MESTER SHEEP AND SHORTHORN CATTL FOR SALE, -The :tuidereigned has for eale Bev eral thoroughbred Leicester Sheep and Durban_ Cattle of both sexes. Address Egmondville P. 0. o Apply at farm, Mill Road, Tuokersmith. ROBEPt CHARTERS in SONS. 1872-t. SHORTHOBNS FOR SALE. -A few Grandly brel Scotch Shorthorn Balla with regietered pedi- grees, 8 to 21 months. Prim, from 850 to 890, if taken soon, also cows and heifers at about the wee prices, also a few Berkebire sows four months' old DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont, 1982-11 OBSTINATE COUCHS AND COLDS. The lisind That ,Sticke The Hind That Turn To BRONCIIITIS, The Hind That End In CONSUMPTION. Do not give a cold the chance to settle os your lungs, but on the first sign of it go to your druggist and get a bottle of Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. It cures Coughs, Colds, Bronohitis, Sork Throat, Paine in the Chest, Hoarseness, or any affection of the Throat or Lungs. Mrs. Gou- sheer, 42 Claremont Street, Toronto, writes: "1 wish, to thank you for the wonderful good Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup has done. for my husband and two children. It is a wonderful medicine, itis so healing and soothing to a dis- tressing cough. We are never without a bottle of it in the house!' Don't accept a substitute; for Dr. Wood's Norway Pina Syrup. 11 10 put up in a yellow wrapper, three piney trees the trade mark, and pries, 25 cents, at all dealers. Springhurst Shorthornsl A Really Choice Lot of YotneoBeaes AND HEIFERS FOR- BALE. / <SPRINGIIURST [BRED SHORTITORNS) TIMM :::;:71 WON LCIIANFIONSIIIPS OF ITIIE UNITED STATES, CANADA AND MEXICO INUREGENT 13 TEARS. All intereetednre cordially invited to inspect the herd . 7 Farm adjoins:the town of Exeter. Long dietance telephone to farm. IIARRY SMITH, Exeter, ("trio. 1984-tf; 111cMann & IsicItlann, John ,McMann, er. John MeMe.nn, jr. (Successors to John MoMenn, er.) Are now prepared to hendle all kinds of horses. Buyer may purchase hence at their f3310 stables, Egnaondville, at any time. 1944-11 The Celebrated English Cocoa. Ali admirable food, with all its natural qualities intact. Thin excellent Cocoa main- tains the system in robust health, and enables it to resist winter' t,extrent.e cold. The Most Nutritious and Economical. "aettetalta4OMEE.O...eetteeeee. hen Wooing - j 4 n e i Ry.FANNIE HAE UP LEA 1 tCopyright,1005, by Fannie- Rags%) Lea Jane came slowly down the stairway, hesitated a moment at the library door, then gave herself a mental push and entered. . , . 'Tin ehrry - I've k.ept you waiting," she said ,sweetly, trailing her violet chiffons across the polished floor. The big man ',wide the fiteplace Ignored prehrninarice no looked front her eyes to the cluster a double violets ott her breast. ''T SOO you got my flowers—and the message." Ole nodded. "The 'violets are dear - :ilia l'm sorry you're going; away. It isn't for long, is it?" With timid hesita- tion. - For good and all. I leave tonight on the 11 eicloek train, so that I haven't much time." "Oh, tonight!" said Jane and sat -down with apparent indifference and a rep.) need for support. Ile leaned one elbow ou the mantel- ehelf and towered over her, "They've given me a splendid place in South Carolina. It's what I have been -waiting 'for, and it's come like a shot. 1 onlyget the appointment to- day." .. . 7. : "I congratulate you," said jane, won- dering -Mint there was in the world to live for, after all. He looked at her for a Dement in silence, and. slat looked at her violets through a queer grayish mist. - , "Jane," he said at last; "you know what it is I want to ask' you, don't you?" Jane's heart missea a beet unac- countably, then throbbed like mad to make up Or lost time. She tried to speak. . "Ja-ane," celled a 'voice in the hall. "Where n de you, Jane?" "She's in the library," Jane heard her sister answer. "Sister, here's Lillian." "just a minute," pleaded Jane half aloud and ran out of the room. Thurston heard 4 murmur of voices in the hall, • . e e 1 "I won't stay -do, indeed, I won't," said one, and another, Jane's own, .an- swered -,he realized with satisfaction, not quite regretfully - "I wish you There was a soft flurry of skirts, a amens little laugh, and Jane came .slewly back into the room. _ .( "it i'aci Lillian," she explained. "We run in on each other at all hours, and sin, didn't kilo* you were here, so she wouldn't"- "1-' bayen't much time," said Thur. ton gently. "Let's not wdste it on Lil- lian. Do you remember what I was saying?" Jane reniembered.) "Tell me, then," said the man, "Is it Worth while ray saying lt—don't we"— (3 "Some ne's coming," breathed Jane, and Tbur toe, released her hands just Iii time. "-Jane," said a mild voice from the door, "the maid said your Mother was here. Why do you have the room so dark, child? 1 can't see a thing. ;Why don't you light another lamp?" "Oh, Aunt Jane," cried her name- sake; stepping forward- with weak ef- tusivenese and presentin t a dutiful cheek to be kissed. "Ibis is Mr. Thur- ston -you remember hire;don't 'yoU 7" "Oh, yes," said Aunt Jape, "yes, in- deed. I suppose you're one of the In- diana Thurstons? I had a very dear friend Once, Harriet Barnes, who mar- ried a Thurston from Indiana. . Any connection of yours?" "Not that I* know'of," rejoined Thur- ston, with tense politeness. "We are a New York family." " "I never heard of that braneh,',I said , Aunt Sane, with an air that discredited 'It at once. "Where did you say your mother was, Janie?" "Upstairs; dear Aunt Jane. She'll be so glad"- . . "Are you quite well, Janie?" asked the old- lady suddenly. "Your cheeks are so flushed and your hands are unite* cold; you're not shivering, are ' you? She's such an imprudent thing, �r. Thurston." . , , "., "Aunt Jane" called a voice from the head of the stairway. i And Aunt Jane departed. They waited till the door had closed behind her. "Another half hour gone," said Thurston, with angry tenderness. "Your hands are cold and your cheeks the i prettiest pink. Is it because you" - "Oh, waft," she pleaded, drawing away from him. "I'm sure -I heard some one in the hall -please." "I don't care if the whole world were just outside the door, and it apparently is," said Thurston. "I want you to answer the questionI've been trying to ask all the evening -will you" - "There is some one," whispered jane hystericallf, and flinging herself into "a chair just as Bobby Martin, noisily cheerful and sure Of welcome, burst Into the room. . "Just got a wire," be cried. gayly. "Passed my exams, Jane, 1 - knew you'd be dying to hear, so I thought I'd run over and let you knew. Hello, Thurston! Ien't it bully, Jane? I'm going up next week." "How do you do?" said Thurston fu- riously. "Perfectly fine," said Jane, endeavor- ing vainly to inject some enthusiasm Into her tone, "You can't think how glad I am, Bobby:" "1 knew you'd say so," Bobby aeireed cheerfully, coiling his awkward length into,the Morris chaft. "But I tell you It was no joke, cragamIng for those beastly things -came near 'flunking the Gereaan-ach du iieher-six pages 01 CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind you Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of O.R Exrosro: translation. Zvor flunk an exam, urston?" "No," sad Thurston savagely. "Bully ter yonl I say, Zane, there's fellow In the crew says be thinks might get ,on If I train hard enough, and I'm going toPtry for end on the varsity." "Thett will be nice," said Jane weakly. "Wee! It'll be great if I can do it I say, you're looking inighty„fine tonight, Sane; been rafting your cheeks? Your eyes are at shiny"- ' '"How mean, Bobby! Are they gene erally SO WI?" Jane giggled nervously, "Why did you look at the clock, Mr. Thurston?" . "My train leaves at 11," said Thurs- ton gloomily. "Going away, Thurston?" queried Bobby, with Interest "Mere?" "South Carolinas" "Mr. Thurston is leaving en -to live there," put in Jane hopefully. ‘' "Oh, I say, that's great," Her effort 'died unnoticed. ,"South 'Carolina's a fine old place. I was there one sum- mon I tell you what, Thurston, they have the prettiest girls you ever saw. Jolliest, brightest things -not a bit stiff. A fellow can have a mighty good time there." "I suppose so," said Jane stiffly. "I dare,, say you had a good time there yourself. Was that the summer you were expelled from college? X should not think, Bobby; that you would care to talk aboutit." "Well, for heaven's sake!" cried the injured Bobby. e Thurston looked at the clock again, with ostentation. "Won't you play the 'Serenade' for me?" asked Jane desperately. "Yon knoW I can't play anything but `The Good Old Slimmer Time,' -with two fingers, and I'm too shy to play before people." "I meant :Thurston, Bobby," explain- ed the girl, with suspicious sweetness. "I know what you can play." Thurston stalked grimly over to the piano and dropped his hands en the keys with t thud, while- Bobby sat back complieently 10 his chair and Sane fidgeted in hers. Be struck sev- eral heavy (thuds, then began the ten- der monotone of the "Serenade," but the nervous irritation, vibrating to his finger tips, -jarred the harmony, and Thurston, breaking off with a discord- ant crash, swung round upon the stool. "I can't play tonight," he said vicious- ly, returning to the fireplace. "Why, Ton were doing Sine," said Bobby, with polite surprise. "You're too modest 'about It" Thurston Set his teeth, squared his shoulders and looked at the clock. It was nigh upon the ele-venth hour. "Mr. Marten," he began grimly, "I am leaving open the 11 o'clock train tonight. Thhs is the last opportunity I shall have of seeing Miss Wallis. When you came in 1 was about to ask her to marry me. I am going to ask ler now. IV1III you defer your visit, or do etou care o hear mer' Jane gasped; dso did Bobb , the goodhearted blun- derer. "Oh, I say," he began, springing to his feet in direst cenfusion, "I'm no end sorry. 1 wouldn't fhave done it fer the world. What a duffer I've. been. I'm aWfully sorry.Y' . "So am I," said Thurston. "I hadn't an idea"— "So it seems," interrupted the;older man, with sOpressed rage, "but' since I have suggested one to you" - "Oh, Bobby," cried Jane, teith hysterical little laugh. . "Young ails," muttered Thurston, taking a step toward Jane. Bobby fled incontinently and the door Slam- med behind tifm. Thurston caught Jane and the vio- lett and the violet chiffons in leis Emma, crushing them close. 41We donft have to say it; we knew,lt he declared exultingly. "Yes," said Jane -with a laugh Abet was more than half a sob, "but itlia wanted a chance to say it anyhow," A bit of coal .fell from the fire to the hearth with a tiny crash. "Was that a qstep in the hall?" raurs mured Jane. But she did not move: Long Words. rit Frederick Saunders' "Salad For the Solitary and Social.' ho says, "The Aaturelist Lovell_published a book at Oxford in 1661 entitled `Panzoologif comineralogia,' which is nearly as long 1 wOrd as Rabelais' proposed title for 8 book --namely, 4,Ant1per1catametapai, hengedamphieribrationesr " And in a footnote be gives two others from a pamphlet in his possession, publyibed Years ago in London. Tbe title reads* "Chrononhotonthologos, the Most Tray.. teal Tragedy That Ever Was Trait-, edisecl by any Company of Tragedi•- • ans." The first two lines of this eN fusion read: Aldeborontiphescophosio! Where left yott chrononkothnthologos? It is statl that there Is an English dictionary c ntaining the only word of eleven syllables, "HonorificabilituGi- nity." "Dispitopertionableness" is given as the longest reasonable word in the English langilage. One Ift tedoeming Feature., ' A Kentuelty woman is responsible for -the toilet -tang story, "In the tobacco region of my state," said she, "the men live and ;neve and have their being in the smoky leaf. There was il ateman whose husband died. He bad been an. all around bad sort, and therefore when the bishop of the diocese called be was surprised to find tbe Widow crushed with grief. Ite tried to console,- but, findingher obdurate, he finally became irritated. "You know perfectly well,' said he titernly, 'that he was a derider of re- ligion, that he gambled away aIl.your property and that he was an unfaithful husband.' '"I know, bishop, I know,' sobbed the poor woman, 'but I had a great deal to be thankful for. He never chewed tobaeCod "-New York Frees:. The wise are instructed by reason, ordinary mindS by experience, the stu. pid by necessity and brutes by instinct -Cicero. Cedeniii*C311.X.Iliese Beara the The Kind Van Have Always Biligtit Signature of You a Bottle of Liquozone. and We make few elaints of what Liquo- tone will do, And iao testimonials are published to show what it has done. We prefer that each sick one should learn its power by a .test. That is the quickest way to convince you. So we offer to buy the first bottle and give it to you to try. Compare it with common remedies; see how much more it does. Don't eling to the old treat- ments blindly. The scores of diseases which are due to germs call for a germi- cide. Please learn what Liquozone can do. What Liquozone Is, The virtues of Liquozone are derived uolely from gasps. The formula, is sent to each user. , The process of making re- quires large apparatus, and from 8 to 14 days' time. It is directed by chemists of the highest class. The object is to so fix and combine the pees LIS to carry into the system a powerful tonic -germicide. Contact with Liquozone kills any form of disease germ, because germs are of vegetable origin. Yet to the body Liquoe zone is not only harmless, but helpful idthe extreme. That is its main dis- tinction. Common germicides are poison when taken internally. That is why medicine has been so helpless in a germ. disease. Liquozone is exhilarating, vi- talizing purifying' yet no disease germ can exist in it. Vire purchased the Ameriean rights to Liquozone after thousands of tests had Giv been made with it. Its power had been proved, again and agsden4 in the most dif- ficulttgerm diseases Trien we Offered to supply the first bottle free in every di- sease T=L ait required it. And over ono million dollars have been spent to - umina and fulfill this offer. The result is that 11,000,000 bottles have been used, mostly in thci past two years. Today there are coui4less cured ones, scattered everywhere, to tell what Liquozone has done. ut so many others need 1 that this offer is published still. In lat years, sci- ence boa traced scores of diseases to geema attacks. ,Old remedies do noi apply to them. We wish to show thosa sick ones —at our cost—what Liquozo e can do. Where H App -lies. These are the diseases in which Liquo- zone has been, most employedIn these it has earned its widest reputation. In all of these troubles we supply the first bottlefree. And in all—no matter how dif- ficult --we offer each user a two months' further test without the risk a a penny. getems Goltre-Gout AbSOOSS-411=1.111, Gouorrbea-Gleet Bronchitis Hay Fever -Influenza Blood Poison La GriPne Bowel Troubles Lencorrnea Vougto.-Coltb 310.1aria-Vtenralgla Consumption Plies-Cuinsel Contagious Diseases Rheum ensue' Cancer' --Catarrh Scrofula -Se hills Dysentery-Dlarrhea Skin Dieetsee Detepopela-Dandruff Tuberculosis Feczeina--Erysipeles . Tumors-M*3 revers-GalliStottes Throat Troubles .tt to You toTier Also moot fortes of t "towing: Kidney Troubles Lher 'tronlges Stomach Troubles Woments Diseases Fever, Inflammation or oaten -II -impure or pie ned blood-neuslryindiroate a geren attack. In nervous debility Ltenoenne sots sea vitalism* ocomplistaing remarkable result*. 50c, Bottle Free. If you need Liquozone, and have n tried it, pleaee send us this coupon. We will then mail you art order on a loosi drugidst for a fuller -me bottle,and will paty e druggist ourselvei for it. TEL is our free gift, made to Lconvince you; to let the product itself show feu what it can do. In justice to yourself, please accept it today, for it pl4es you under no obligations whatever. Liquozone costs 50e. a UT OUT THIS 'CO iieout and niali it to Tito ,requezoeo Com party, 458414 Wabalsh A.veo Chlicanct. nly disease is. I bare never tried r1quoson but simply 'two rric. bottle Inc i w take it • .1 1......i.... * 414 *1.0... * *... ... *A*. A0 ** * Isa* * * a .... . .3* 2 2 Glve null addrete-writepir.inly.; Note that thieofferappilee 0 n W UtierS only. An -inkblot or hespi tal noty tuaipg LiquoSOM 11 bg1ad1y supplied for s test. - immagammommaorator le what makes the Peerless far the hest value, being heavily galvanized with a spring in every foot adapting itself to the greatest extremes of snow. A glance will ten you that it is the -gilt kind, Note the bock, etc., It will pay you to study the miter over thoroughly before buying ny- -olher land, as emeerienee Las been teacher In fencing; therefore write line at ones and get the lowest prices !for erecting etc. Prices guaranteed as .fou will see if you risk -now. 291-4-eow JM COUCH, Cbisellturst. • em'etireleettnoee.o.e. - \*, N'S;t1' 41 W Lianas Ccat Friend Deserves Mall'S Best Treztatent For h many ailments there is nothingbetterthan the folideeing Clydesdale Remedies, made fromthe purest cf ingrediente, and sold under a positive guarande Cif featirtfuticea or mooey cheerfullyerefunded by dealer. neve C 4re one package eeitl when cure a slight t1,01:; Pi- packages will cure nearby every erefie. mtuen unimset, 110 ache or vim can escape its penetrating elf tett, Tar root remedy, e eepi the Iii).er in a soft natiral ernulitant. Vier et Powder does the husineee. It el causes aud purifies the horses system. . Call Curt is the quickest and: safest remedy for sore shoulders' collar galls, Cures while working. Balsam Pine Healing Oil fee bruises, burns, cuts, scalds is s marvellous remedy. It soothea and cleanse:4. Colic Cure gives immediate relief and should always be handy! It will save many a horse. Carboline Antiseptic means clean stables. FEED CLYDESDALE STOCK FOOD. CLYDRSDAIM STOCK FOOD Costeaery, LIMITED, Toronto, Ont. A Beattie Bros. F,. D. Hutchinson, J. Snider FOR SALE BY Sea forth W. Neal Staffs, G. E. Ballard Brumfield, John Webb, Walton. , Clinton, Mit obeli. SiMON MAGUS, The Legend From Whieh WAX Borst the Story of rause. Almost every renowned man. of an- tiquity in theaniddle ages was believed to be attended by a Spiritus famillaris and not a few were suspected of being ill direct league with the devil. Proba- bly the oldest legend of t which the roust legend le a continuous thread is that of Simon Magus, mentioned in the history of the apostles. According to Justin, he was a native of Gitton, a village in Samaria., He was, no doubt, a man of great Intellec- tual powers. He was the father of the school of the Gnostics. It is also re- ported of him that he could make hfm- self invisible, that he could pass through names unharmed, could trans- pose matter, make gold and exorcise demons -In fact, he laid claim to all these powers, and his name lived in the mouths of the people as a sort of demi- urge through many ceuturies until some other miracle working personality took his place at, the popular fireside, Un- usual Accomplishments, great erudi- tion, were attributed to the supernatu- -al influence and the general dIsposi- tion to superstitious assumption was strengthened on the one hand by dog- matic affirmation on the part of the church of the exietence of a personal Sal an, with b1,4 numerous household, and, on the other hand, by-ineorporat- ing the magic arts a1ito:1g the practical scienees, of whielt astrology and al- chemy oceupied no mean part. THE ODD LITTLE GECKO. A Queer Animal That Lives in Airiest, and Southern Europe. goe geeko is an odd little creature. Hie :value is seldom heard, and his forin 14 seldomseen, for he Jives In Airiva and the southern countries of Europe. This little gecko has so many strange ways and there -is something so canny in hil apeedrence that the peo. pie of the countries where he liv s are rather afraid of Ili11), believing his bite' to be poisonous, although this is _de- nied by naturalist. ; ; lie is a littiescreature; with a hroad, fiat head, like a snake, and 4 long body,' with- a narrow tail, witb odd shaped bits of skin arranged like scal- lops along the sides of it. He has short legs and queer, catlike olavre, which enable him to easily clinb the .old walls and rocks upon which he lives, catching the insects Of iarioui sorts which make his dinner. 1 He is" a nocturnal animal, -Walking abroad at night and sleeping 'in the daytirae. He moves with Sudden rushes -and without any noistO what- ever. is odd name was given him from the queer noise he makes, [which is something like the 'noise you !would make to start a horse with. ThO reale , gecko is of a gray color, se near the ' shade or the old walls and ' rocks among which he makes his-homa thst he can barely, be seen, • DELICATE FROM BIRTR. 1 In three words — '' -delicate 'from birth" -is expressed a world of lanxi- eties suffered by mothers whose ba- bies have had a bad start in life. For babies who are anti*, peeVish: oross and unable to digest their food -Baby's Own Talbets are Invaluable. 'Tileey act' ahnoe.t like magic,, and change imam, peevish children! into inning, happy babies. Mrs. J W. i k unroe, Sintaluta, N.W.T., sa s :- I have used Baby% Own Ta lets for two ye -are and would not like to he without them. They have changed our weak sickly baby into a at„ healthy little- girl. I ca,n warm- ly recommend the Tablets to ether taothers." And mothers have a guarantee' that the Tablets eoritain no poisonous " soothing " stuff, or atarmful drug-. They are absolutely Safe and always do good. Sold by naedicine dealers or by mall at' 25 cents a 'box by writing the Dr. 'Wang Janie Medicine Go„, Brockville, Ont. i , mar Em0." 11,11.Mlie1T9.1i4941111ENISMergee IS is a commOn expres. son we hear on every side. Unle ss there is some organic trouble, the con. dition.can doubtless be remedied. Your doctor is the best adviser. Do not dose yourself with alt kinds of advertised -emedis— get his opinion. More than likely you need a concentrated fatlood to enrich your blood and tone up the system. SCOWS tmu on of Cod Livek Oil Is just such a food in itslbest form. it will build up the weakened and wasted body when ail other foods fail to nourish. If you are run down or femaciated,' give it a trial : it +not hurt you. It is essentia1134 the best possible nourishment fOr oeucate children and pale, anaemic girls. We will send you a sa'niple free. - Be turt t this picturs in the form 1.1 lain/ is es the wrape very battle ef Emulsion; you buy. SCOTT Toro , Ont. 500. and N. 48 L egetsu ;ng -Co Grip i4;e• E to M*11711;4.110* flOF.SOLENE Is a leng eatnbllstad and s4ndar,l renied .ur bei the st:T Ti:u- dored strongly antIseptle l earned over tJe dar-1 our fetes or tee bronrh:al tubes with every breath, givin prolong -ed end constant treatrnent. 'Dressier' a eonsump- tive te.ndevey, or ornEbrorS trona chroole !genet:ins, fin immediete relief from collets or inflamed ceeditIons tbo threat, "1701,;#1CreO1orie la zO1t1 by driatgl5ta or seut pre - aid on rennet or price. 4. Vsporrezolene out- fit Meludieg a bottle or Cresoleno eL50. Zond for co illustrated booklet, ERVING MILES Co., Ltd., Agente, 2ft8 St, James 'St. Curled& teethe dieeenee indicated.