HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-02-02, Page 7•a'r * • .A4S v_nansn, onenneroF, eat_ nettreese Thousands .4 From NG 'Gus and Well. PacKed at -te ven s )otth NAfe,' do things right at ,.he Mooney bakery. 0 Crackers are packed pipin hot from the ovens. The moisture -proof paper and -tight tins retain all the ftethness d crispness, no Inner Curry, Leader t the pliony Orchestra, nal -set .:at ltoeton, Mane Pinkhata:— .,ht yeare I wee trot' with edf-- .ought on arite. 1 eould r 1.• en,loy life sight• -;.,1 as 14orttMtt. . tin:banns V 'able Componeel mended and p. • • ed to 'in the only it helped me 1 he - o daily im- i-..rdth until t • •int strew" and 01 in•rt ., has fasappeankr: tter IS from N r• • • • ni_ Lae Gyre Vale save., et: m: — ragtime with ovarian t-ric Ow!? pains in the back and alxlmnert see iseaiaches every month. I was- afTvous all the thrie and life looked to me and 1 had no desire to live i'.-.;ast to tak-o Lydia E. Pinitham'a compound and to. get sonio Tenet. -y was slow but it was sure anal L regretted the money spent for tips as it brought back my veal :a. should remember that Leif* riora's Vegetable Compound la 'cirie that holds the record test nuinber of actual cures as., and take no substitute, T. Advice to Women. nithara, Lynn, Ma -ss., b./vitas (omen to write to her for advice. irun's at experience with pyttbles enables her to tell yom is beet for you, and she wifl nothing for her advice. MdrstuiJsWean'S matter where or when you buy, them. They come to *your La-. ble just as inviting and de- licious as though you at them at the ovens in the bakery. At all grocers in air -light packages. PrEl E (reo ipun nti Strong E151 Soto iprovements are : Heavy les 'Mess Heavy Steel riots,. atIvotett up to etand any strain, Asarings. Runs a bird. Full 4 free by malt, or ask your dealer. nnino without the name "BIS - Look Out for it. .Address aisseu., ELORA, ONT. Write for Booklet "E' IFICENT REWIRED I' it a brantlfut Ruff a Blue Fos. the tne.t. • rm. worn. given absolutely free. Haar au. ,re‘er nude before. The only r, .11071 v.e . it that we arr-Ingett for them. banil.i.roe cbdi seme n in the slimmer und ;.or bt. Ruff 14 41 Inches Mug nearly • m ale f the barol,nme4t, Woe rex !smolt -loin% It 14 I% al iiity nar11,41. Imorl fiat r awl ornamented w,tt,. Le,-..1-'01aiU.erreh a harlds.a.1 It, r er -!3 Vo,c1ri-WaY, met you e n get it boo,- V. Si:f.t a-- rams Iola akino.r.so resiair.ondl%'- ,11"4" ....Us of ure Post -Cards e.,re:4 ft, a seta 'They are beat aflary l• 1 tk ut c kes. h ..1, :y LdV r om-red beMre to the WO. vn le.ot cwil.it.:zer 1, • Id bmk uher. Le Imre b. , ,,r V" 4•. r membel, Vfloef.e.. t Cr•t3t y -or ier 1 a...nd ee„." .( to,iv 4Pitittial n C.1)., ZVI ino Toro -ace, ‘o.'''oe.001222=371 gworstermakl-' g‘ by Mail n 3 to 5 Dollars. a would like to marina a (hoo- t° Irak e $3 00 a day ehowiug how ail tiaras ally other wayIn order ten nelprov d usee by until, to - of ri gelar riee, $13 a.rd ▪ v t r par toeulats. ADDRESS 1.170iLT...1, ONT., GAN. Office hour, - Stratford. anetenasonnlene ith a few attractinn nieces of eph , and a Couch and s I. Every one may have such. -tare. You will beeable t� come to ne. eineetetee t or day °T° -°-"o% Ctn. VETERINARY 011N GRIME, V, S., honor sraduate r.fOutarto Voterleary College ell dioceses of Dorneetia astraele treated. Cells promptly attended Wand titer? ett woo -tate. Veferirary Denlirtry $ specialty t•tere era residence cn Ooderich eireet pee cloo tags el It Prete, c filet Ferfcr11 • 1112 t FBARBURN V. .18,--Ilenerary g qduate of the Ontario Veterinary College an 110nOlitry mem. bar of the Medieal Association of tht Ontario Voter foaryCellege. Treats Memo of all dorneetio animals ny the nuat rcedern prleeiples Dentietry And Milk tevtr & peefalty. Office oppoeito Diek's Hotel, Mn Street, Seaforib. AP orders left at the hotel %slit receive prompt attention. Night callsreoeived at office. 1871-52 —LEGAL. JAMEal L. KII-LORAN Barrieter, Solicitor, Notary Public eta, Money to I om. hiheaforth Ifondaye, Fridays and Satur. dope. Office open every week day. Over Pieltard'a etere, Alain street, Seafortio 1904 . R. S. HAYS, . itt•rieter, Solicitor, Conveyancer aed .Notary ofieltor for the Dominion Bank. Office—ire rear of Dominion Bank, Seaforth. Honey to loan. 1286 T M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer- • Notary Public. Officee stairs, over 0. W ?morn bookstore, Main Street, Seafortla, Ontario. 1627 FBOLUESTSD, sneeeraor to the late bat, of • MoCeewhey Hohneeted, Barrbater, Solicitor mvsyaneer, and Notaxy Solieltor for the Cee titan Blank of Ooannerce. Money to fend. Faro or Salo, MAC* in goatee Bionic Main 9treet edorth rstOKINSON AND GARROW, lismrlsters, Solioit, &or or, eto., Ooderloh, Ontario. E. L. DICKINSON. 1101841 CHARLES GARROW L. L. B., 11ENTI8TnY, DR. t -1.1J. HODGINS, !DENTIST. Graduate of Bcyal College (1- Dental serzeons of Loretto. Successor to Dr. Twaddle. Office—Over "ouug's stem.* store, hisla street, Seaton:. 1075 DR. ElE,LDEN, • DE/1111T, TORONTO, • 'Dee remeved licin 418 Sherhourne Si. to his beau . MI new offices, 486 Young St., oppoolte Carillon St 1815-18 V1EDIOAL, Dr John McGinnis, Office and Residence--Viotorie Street, _ SEAFORTH 'ahene 78 DP. H. HUGH ROP, Graduatt of Univereity of Toronto Faculty of Medi- cine, n ember of Cellegs of Phyrdolane and Sur 'toast; of Ontario •, pm -graduate courses Chicago t ilalcal School, Chicago ; Royal Ophthalmic: Hospi- ttd, Londor, kr-gland ; University -College Hoepital, London, England. Office—Over Greig & Stewart's etore, Main Street, &WAIL 'Phone No. 5. Night calla answered from residence, Victoria street. 1890 • • 6LIRROWS, ofli.o and Reeldeuce--2Goderich etreet, east of the Meth° tat church. Tartnenorra No. 46; oroner for the County of Huron. , 1886 ; DRS. SCOTT & MacKAY, PRITSICIANS AND SURGEONS, Jderieh street, opposite Methodist ohnroh,Seatorth 3. G. scone, graduate Victorie and Ann Arbor, sec iaember onterio College of Phyolalans snd moons Coroner for County of Enron. Sf aullAY, honor graduate Trinity Univetvite, 41 t medalist Trinity Medical Cellege. • Menabee joilego of Ployeiciona and Surgeons, Ontio.o 14b9 AUCTIONEERS. ITIELOMAS BROWN, Licensed AnoMoneer or the Counties of Huron and Perth. Orders left at A. M. Campbell's implement warerooms, Seaforth, or Tits EXP.OSITOR Office, will reeniVe prompt attention - a ,tafaotton guaranteed or no charge. 17084? l'AMES G. MoMICHAEL, licensed auctioneer for county of Huron. Sales attended to in any elart cf the county at moderate rates, and satisfactioo ‘ueranteed. Orders left at the Seaforth post affiee or on Lot 2, Concession 2, Hallett, will receive prompt attention. 1882,4f UCTIONEERING.—B. So, Phillips, Lioeneed Auotioneer for the mailable of Huron and earth. Being practical farmer and thoroughly Jnderstanding the value of farm stook and imple- ge Kite, placea me in a better position to realize good prices. Charges moderate. Satisfaction guaranteed or uo pay. All ardereleft at Hensall post offioe or M Lot 28, Concesskin 2, Hay, will be promptly ended to. 1709-tt 1'1.mMaillop Mutual Fir Insurzuve Gonipany1 inilionnnennnil a ARIA AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY INSURED On'103113. • 'ot. B. MoLean Beeedeot, filppen P. O. Thomio fietty-aresa. Seaforah P. DtalltifORIL 'Witham ChesneL Seaforth ; John O. Grieve, Win. to Creditors raublin James Evans, Beeohwoorio; John watt, Fro I .vicovni3idenb, BrEzeofteld P. O. ; Timrase S--....17Hrell A - We have talked so strongly about "Fruit-a-tivei" beg a iver tonic, and cining Cons- tirYatioy, and Biliousness, that 'some may think they dite. not. rfor anything else. Well, they are. " FrUita-tives " are a grand,, good. tonic for the whole s'ys,t tn. One "Pruit- a-tivesf' tablet three times a da makes ri0i,• red blood and firm flesh: The §anie ally treatment and a sensiblei diet takes away dyspepsia. land gives you sound digesiion, anst good appetite. "Finit- a-tives " clear the skin of pimples and blotches—make the coraplexion fresh and rosy. , Get " Pruit-a-tives"_ take them the right way— and see how you improve. 50c. a box. At all druggist. ffOR SAL. • QUORTHORN BULL FOR SALE..—For sale a 1.3 Thorobred Shorthorn Bull, 17 months old, color red, with a little white. Price right. App y on 'Lot 1 Concession 4-, Tuokersnlith Or address 'collo d viilu P. 0,,W11. OARNOCRIAN. 16814 ROISTERED STOCK FOR SALE.—'rhe under signed offers for sale on Lot 27, Coneession 8, Hibbert township, One yearling Clyde filly, a few Shorthorn cows and heifers two young Shorthorn bulls ; also a Ifew Berkshire /alp of both sexes. The abOve dock re eligible for registration in the Nation; al Stock It orcle. Prices reasonoble, eonsiderine* quality. Vi tors welcome. DAVID HILL, Steal' 19884C LSIOLZTE FOR. therm i la tleoibotl Amly rib far Chi ARMES SHEEP AND SHORTHORN CATTII LE.—The ;undersigned has foe sale sea hbred Leietioter Sheep and Dorhst sexee. Atidrees Egroondville P. O. o stili Road, Tuolitainnith. 11.08KV. SONS. . 18724 •OHORTI10,11N8 FOR RALE.—A few Grandly bree la septets Pberthorn Bulls with registered pod!. greee, 8 to el tooth& Prices from 850 to 890, 41 taken soon. eleoleiwa and heifers at about the same prieee, aleo $ few 'Berkshire sows lour months' old DAVID MILNE, Ethel, Ont; 191324f $uffered Terrible Agony FROM PAIN ACROSS HIS KIDNEYS. DOAN'S KIDNEY '1LLS CURED HIM. Read the words of praise, Mr. M. A. McInnis, Marion Bridge, N.S.,o has for Doen's Kidney Fills. (He writes us): " For the past three years I have suffered terrible agony from pain across My kidneys. was so bad I could not stoop or bend. I consulted and bad several doctors treat me, but Gould get no relief. On the advice of a friend, I procured a box of your valuable, We -giving remedy (Doan's Kidney Pens). and to ley surprise and delight, immediately got Vetter. In ray opinion Doan's Xidney Pills have zip equal for any form of kidney trouble." _ Doan's Sidney Pills aro 50 oents per box or tree boxes for $1.25. Can be proeured at all dealers or will be mailed direct on receipt oi price by The Doan Kidney Pill Coo Toronto Ont. Do not accept a spurious substitute bet be sure and get °' Doan's." '• pringhurst ,horthorrs 'A Really Choice Lob of Yu a Betts AND ITH1PRIV.I von SALE. (SritIN0111:11ST [BRED S110 1.11ORNS) /LAVE WON ClIAIIPIONSHIPS Or; erne, UNIT1511 STATES, CANADA AND..MEXICO IN:I:RECENT MARS. , Allinterestatare cordially invited to inspect the - herd Farm- adjoins:the town ofExeter. Long distance tolephone to farm. 1141.1tY 198441 Enter, Ontario. W EA K there a$ -that get no re- Hossmany women TIREDfreshment from sleep. They wake in the !nom - WOMEN -ing*and feel tireaer than when they went to bed. They have a dizzy sensation in the head, the heart palpitates; they are irritable and nervous, weak and. worn out, and the lightest household duties during the ' day seem to be a drag and a burden. , MILBURN'S HEART AND NERVE PILLS are the very remedy that weak, nervous, tired out, sickly women need to restore tnera the blessings of good health. -They give sound, restful sleep:toffe up the nerves, strengthen the heart,- and =kite rich blood, Mrs. C. McDonald, • Porke la Prairie, Man., writes: " Ineas trembled with shortness of breath, palpi- tation of the heart and weak spells. I got four boxes of Milburn's, Heart and Nerve Pills, and after taking them was completely. cured. Price 50 dents par box or three boxes for $1.25, all dealers. or the The T. Mil- burn Cia Limited Toronto, Ont. McMann & McMann, John latoMann, sr. • John Madeurs, jr. (Successors to John McMann, sr.) Are now prepared to herdic, all Mode horses. Buyers may purchase horses at their sale atablee, Egmondville, at any time. 19444f lop ; Geerge Sesiforth ; John Bennewoie, Notice thriaoli ; Thomalt Fretteri Bracetield ' .1 -oho 11. Lean, Kippen ; Jaue Connolly, aeons. Rant. Smith. Harlook ; Ilinehley, Seaforth James Curarolog Egmoida ille •' J.W. rilic P. 4.; George Murillo andJohn 0. Morideor, • dltore In the estate of Margaret Jane MeClusky, Iota of the Township of MeKillop, la the County of Huron, Widow; deceased. . Notice. lii hereby given pursuant to R. S. O., Chap. 129 Section os, that all means having claimsagainst the estate of he ad MrCsywtsiagareaneMeluk,ho - — died on the vith day* of November, 19u5 are required Winghani Business , College is a high grade Cenninerolal "School Three Courses : Conimeroial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Prin on or before the 10th dale nt Feoutry ln, .906, to send by post prepaid, or deliver to .1. L.Klloi an,Seaforth, ' Ontario, Solieltor for tleorav,Ii. Holland- and james Evans, the Exeoutors of the deceased; theirnames- anti addresses, 11111 particithrs of their olefins, and the nature of the seettrity• (if anv)held by them ; and that after said date, thee:old executors will. proteed 10 distribute the assete of the said estate among the mons entitledthereto, having regard only to the .elaims of which they shall thenliave notice. ' - J. L. Killoraii, Seaforth, Ontario77— Solicitor for the Exeouters. Dated this 1Gth day:of January,[1006. „oar= ,e e Morning Berl 1.0131I 'MAC Copyright, 6303, b Edward 3, 01 Vilhat ha happ tea, Miss Deana" 1 e tnqulled! "Jim e yon just discover - O what an cell let parent you pee - The baronet laughed almost hysteric- • Hy. "'Pon my 11 nor." he 4cried,, "you t weld not hove hit upon a • bapPler este lUs anation." lordsaip ,-yva, not -quite satisfied. suppose You will take Irrs to ntith's hotel?" be saldewith tool hie - e utien en ., Iris a tiewered , "Yes. My tether has juet ifsned Rob - o rt to come with u- —by inference, that Vaneae are you going?" The ruiroit else of er lover's Christian -41 1114. goaded hie ordship to: sudden 4 at. •' ° . "indeed!" he sn tiled. "Sir Arthur cane has evideut y decided ai good auy things during the 1 st hoar.'" . "Yen" wag the snip wner's quiet rtort. "I beets dee' ,ed dint my (laugh - t happlueee sho la be the chief con- s! ',oration ot 1ny rel tithing steers. el es neon glva way ,0 it." rhe °errs *nab face grew. sallow w tb fury. IPS eye blazed, and there NO* 15; a tense Vibrato in his voice as he Bead: 'Then I muSt eon ratulate' you, 'Miss D eine. You jo f tha to endure ad - NT In; ies 1tsig seeped from ,the n: ,locin4hatic f)f nalnboW island you are clestiii el to xperienco another var;ety of shit ,wi'eck here." de left there. Not a Word. leul Rob el Token thioughdut the unexpected se re. ails heart wee- trobbite# with a ti mendousi 'Joy, and his lordship's -slants were lont en iIm But be point" t fail to noin the imalignant purpose of tie parting Iseetetice, - n his guletly masterful way he pi iced Iris Ilniid on the baronet's shoul- d r. Wbat did ,ordnnentnor -mean?" be as zed, Jr Arthur eerie answered, with a ca in smile: "It is difilcult to talk open- ly at -this morneht, Wait until we r re eh the hetet" 'he none flew fat throngt the set- t( ment that 1 er majesty's ship Orient beat returned from her loug serve!) for th Simian warship occupied ber Itslt1 ancheratte, a-nd a heatwas noty- • er d to take off the passengers. - 'he 'font seehrig olt into tbe tideway. e. progrese sboreward was watebea he a email knot ef people, _mostly lot:tigers and coolies. Amang them. - le sveven, were two persene wire bad dresen rapidly to the lauding place w len the menial of ahe Oaken was re- p rtea. One bore all tin' diellneulshing le rant of the army pincer of high rank. t 'the other \\*OS 1.1111111stakablY* gi be. trotter.' Tb e older geutleman 1111de no pretense that be meld f'bear th east a-cal:lint" Ile swore impel.- ily. at the climate, the, plate and its in rabitants. At this instant he was in a state of wild ekiteineut. He was . v re) tall, very sto t, ex.ceodingi3r red fa cod. roclucing a tremendons telescepe he xe inn, endeavored te balanee it On the shot:deer of a native servant. t`ften't you stand. still, you blithering Idiot," Ile shouted, a ter -futile attempt t� focale the advert` log boat, "or shall I 'steady you svithf a. clout ,over the flas comparilou, t 0 array man, was a oking tbrough a pair of field glasses. Jove," lie cred, "I Iran see Sir 2„their Deane reed a girl who looks like 1 h s . daughter!. Tlaerhat n's _tinfernal e Tjamlep,i;Tge..ntannorb,-i.ttolsoji.'e'd the ser- vant out o ids way nnd brandished tbetele- s epees tbough it were a bludgeon. "The dirty begged! He drove my lad t misery and death, yet he has come beck safe and sound. Welt tin I meet hon. I'll”— I "Now,. Anstruthe ' Remember your promise. I will d al with Lord \teats • Ilion My vengerufse has first cialan. What! I3y the. ju npino Mises, I dal -believe— Yes. It is. Anstrutlrert :iorn„ s %surntrew .is. - liting next to the 'I i Tne telescope fel on the stones with a crash. The giant's rubicund face suddenly blanched He leaned on his' f,riend for support. 1 ' "You are not mistaken?' he almost Whimpeeed. "Loc lt again,. for God's. Slake, man! Ma .le sore before you epeak. Tell mel 'ell nee!" I - i "Calm yourself, . Auetruther. ' It 'is. Robert, as sure as I'm alive. Doineyon think I know him _my peer disgraced - frreron whom L 1 ke the rest, cast off ln his, hour of trou le? But I had some 'excuse. • There! ` here! I didn't mean that, old fellow. • Robert bieuself will ae the lest man I blame either of us, Who could, have suspected that two People—one of nh in, God henndne, my fi-v-ii.oft, e—rwoul.d. cob oet such a hellish • The boat glided gracefully alongside the steps of the quay, and Playdon - :sprang -graceful') ashore to help Iris to alight. What happened immediate- ly afterward car beet be told in his • „own 'words, as h retallen the _story to , an appreciative udienee in the ward- . room. . "We bad just I ndeci," he said, "and some of the crewwere pushing the coolies out of the way wire.n ewo men jumped &rim tLe steps, and/ a InoSt, fiendiSh row spr ng up—that is, there .was no disputer wrangling, but one, chap, ;who, it turiaccl out, was Coloterl Costobell, grabbed.Ventnor by the sbirt front and 'threatened to suiesh his teen -in if he didn't listen then. aial there to what he had to' say. I really tItioneht . about interfering until 1 heard Colonel Costobell's .opening words. After that I -would gladly have seen the beggar chucked into the harbor. 'Sr e ?ever liked bim. did we?". 2 dr 16 IS IV .1?- din -I& Bean the The Kid You Han Wins Botend nature of _ iee-ez.oraz "Ask no questions, Pompey, but go ahead with the yarn," growlea the first lieutenant, "Well, it seems that Mrs. Costobell Is dead. She got enteric a week after the Orient sailed and Was a: Oner in four days. Before she died shOoWned He painted, with a base eye to; effect-. Not a man moved a musele, "All right," he cried. "I will make no more tale° starts. Mrs. Costobell begged her husband's forgiveeess for her treatment of him and confessed that she and Lord Ventnor planned the affair for which Anstruther was tried by -court martial. It must have been a beastly business, for Costobell Was , sweating with rage, though his words were ley enough. And you ought to have seen Ventnor's face when be heard of tbe depositions, sworn to and sigeen by alret Costobell and by sever- al Chinese servants whom be bribed to give false evidence. He proraased to *marry Mrs. -Costobell if (her lausband died, or, in any event, to bring about a divorce when the Hongkong affair bad blown over. Then she learned that be was after Mies Iris, and there is no doubt her fury helped on the' fever. Costobell said that, for his wife's sake, he would have kept the wretched thing secret, but he was 'compelled to clear Anstruther's 11A1110, especially as he came across the other Old Johnnie"— "Pompey, you are incoherent with ex- cltenient Wbois .the other old delta- " asked the first luff severely. "Didn't I tell you? Why, Anstruther's uncle, of coital" a heavy eld swell with just a touch of Yoficshire in his tongue, I gatberea that he disinherit- ed his nephew when the news of the court martial reriched him. Then he relented and cabled to him. Getting no flows, he came east to Ioolt for him: He met Costobell the day after the lady died, and the two vowed to be re - 0 11 Ventnor and to clear An- struther's cbaracter, lining or dela Poor old nap,' Ile cried like a baby when he asked the youngster to for- give him. it 3011S (Nita touching. Costobell shook Ventnor off at last, with the final observation that .A.netruther's court martial bas .been quashed. The next batch of general orders Will reinstate ham in the regi- ment, and it reste with hint to decide whether or not a criminal warrant shall be issued against nisflordship for conspiracy." "What did Miss Deane do?" "Clung to Ansteuther like a weeping angel and niesed everybony all round. when Ventn6r got away, Well—hands off, i laileata her fathereAnstrather and the stout uncle. Ilpfortunately; I Was not on in that scene. But for S01,110 rea- son they all nearly wrung my arm off, and the mea were so excited that they gave the party a rousing cheer as their riekshaws went off in a bunch." The next commotion arose in the ho- tel whoa Sir Arthur Deane seized the first opportunity to explain the peedie- =lent in whicn his company' was placed and the blow which Lord Vent- nor yet had it in his power to deal. aln William Anstruther was 11» in- terested Knitter. Robert would hove spoken, but his uncle restrained him. "Leave this to nee, lad," he ex- clairieed. "When I was comipg here in the Staler there was a lot of talk !Mout Sir Arthur's selsone, rind. there should not be much difficulty in rais- ing all the brass required if half what I heard be true. Sit you down, Sir Ar- thur, and tell us all about it" The shipowner required ,no second bidding. With the skill for which he was noted he described ins operation In idetall, telling how every farthing ef the firet instaihnents of the two great loans Was paid un, how the earnings of his Beet would quickly overtake the 'deficit in capital value caused by :the loss of the three ships and how In six months' time the leading financial houses of London, Paris and Berlin Would be offering him. more money than he would need. To a shrewd man of business the project could not fall to commend it- self, and the Yorkshire squire, though a trifle obstinate in temper, was singu- larly clear headed in other respects. He brought his great fist down on the table with a whack.: "Send a cabae to your company; Sir Arthur," be cried, "and tell them that your progpective son -In-law will pro- vide the £16,000e you require. I will see that his draft is honored. You can add, if you like, that another ten will be ready if wanted when this lot is spent. I did my lad one deuced bad turn in my life. This time, 1 think, I am doing him a good one." "You are, indeed," said nrist father enthusiastically. "The unallotted capi- tal he is taking up will be worth four times its face value in two years." "All the more reason to make his holding twenty instead of ten," roared the Yorkshireman. "But, look here. You talk' about dropping proceedings against that precious earl whom I - saw today. Why not tell him not to try any funny tricks until Robert's money is safely lodged to your • aor count? We haye him in our power. Dash it all, let us use bird a bit." Even Iris laughed at tbis naive sug- gestion. It was deliehtful to think that their arch enemy was actually twitting the baronet's affairs at that very moment and Would continue to do rio until he was dung aside as beirag of na, further value. Although Ventnor himself 'bad carefuly avoided any formal commitment, the cablegrams awaiting the sisipowner at Singapore snowed that confidenee had already been restored by the uncontradicted use of hie lordship's name. Robert at last obtained a hearing, "You two are galetly assuming tbe attitude of the financial magnate's of this gathering," he said. "I must ad- mit that you have managed things very well between you, and I do not propose for one moment to interfere with yotir arrangements. Nevertbeless, Iris and. I are really the chief moneyed persous present. You spoke of finan- cial houses in England and on the con- tinent backing up your loans six months bend, Sir Arthur. You need not go to them. We will be your bankers." The baronet laughed with a whole hearted gayety that revealed wbence Iris got some part at least of her brialat disposition. • _ rser-re.4,1 take Laxative Brio 0 Quinine Tablets. Sten Million boxes sold in post 12 m ths. This signature, fnenn....1 "Will you sell, your island, itobertr he !cried. "I am afraid -that net ',evera 1ri'6ould wheedle any one into buya ing: it," "tint. father, dear." interrupted the . [deli earunnly, "what Robert says le true. We have a gold onne there. It Is Worth so mueb ehtleyou will bunny believe it until -Viet° 'eare ;to longer be anyt doubt in your mind. 1 euppose net is why Robert asked me not to mention las discovery to you eainen" "No, Iris, that was not the reason," said her lover, and the elder men felt that more than idle fancy inspirea the, astounding intelligence that they had just heard. "Yorer love was more to rae than all the gold in the world. I had won you. - I meant to keep you, but I -refused to buy you." He turned to her father. His pent - Up emotioe maetered blue rind he spoke as one who could no longer re- strain his feelings, "I have haa uo chence to thank you Lor the words Toe uttered at the Mo- ment we quitted the ship- Yet I will : treasure them winle Iife lasts. You gave Iris to me• when I was poor, dis- graced, an outcast from my family and my profession. And I know why you °dm tbis thing. It was because you valued her happiness more than riches or reputation. I am Sorry now I did not explain matters earlier. It 'Would havesaved •you mirth needless suffering. But the sorrow has sped like an dream; mu1 you will per- haps not regret it, for your action to- day binds the to you with hoops of I steel. And you, too, uncle. You tray- I eled thousauds, of miles to help and I comfort me in My anguish. Were I as I bad as I was !painted your kind old I heart still pitied -me. You were pre- pared to pluck me from the depths of despair and degradation. Why tettould I hate Lord Ventnor? What "man eould have served me as he did? He bas given me Iris. He gained for me at her father's hamlet a concession such as mortal has seldom wrested from black browed fate. He brought my Uncle to my side in the hour of my adversity. Hate himi I. would have hisa statue carved in. marble and set on high to tell an who passed how good may spring out of evil—how Garb, wisdom can manifest itself by puttingi even the creepi of the earth to, "Dash it all, elder Anstrutb never heard yo The old gentl nee comical that g and crawling thing* ome useful purpose" lad," vociferated tin) "what ails thee? talk like this before?' man's amazement wa uither tension *as ou of the question. i Robert, in ealmer mood, informe them -of the manner in which be hi upon the mine. 'Tbe story sounded lik wildest romance this finding of a vol mile dyke guatded by tbe bones o "J. S." and the ii poison fillea quarry -1 - but the productlon nf the ore sainpletr changed wonderi into certainty. '- I Next day a ,goivernment metallurgist esthnitted the tv, lue of the -contents -of the two on tine t about £500, yet tn ,specimees brou ht from the islan wore not by arty menus the richeei e ova liable. And now there is net mach more tell of Rainbow , island and its cas aweys. On the day that Capled Robert Anstrutber's name appeared in the Gazette, rehisfating him to his mule and regiment, Iris and he weile married in the English church at -Hong,- !tong, for it was Ms wife's wish thet the place which witnessed WS *BP: miny should also watoess bite triumph!. Soon afterward Ropert resigned Ws COIlillii$81011. He, regretted. the neces- sity, but the demands of his nekv sphere in life rendered this step - I perative. Minin engineers, -labore s, stores, portable I rouses, engines and, equipment were obtained with ail haste, and the Wbole party _sailed an one of Sir Arthur 'Deane's ships to On- voy a small steaMer specially hired Ito attend to the weeas of tile miners. At last, one enuring eerly in - j tbe two vessels aechored outside Pa Tree rock, and gir Jan could be seen running franticany about the 'shore, Or 1.10' Vtliel reast save that he corlild o 1 not stand still: Tt e sahib brougbt lim goad news. Tin governor of H ell aa iteng felt that ad" reasoble ingt et n11e,(10 by Anstrud er should be grarne I l' poen ble. He Ora d writ tell ale strong representdilou of the niele i inedan's e11130 to t io government of In- dia that there 1iti1e danbt the fre- a "Sweethet said har husband. =wog, Mail evould coneey an omelet notaliciation that Mir Jan had been greettea a free pardon. The mining experts verified Roberts nest sanguine views after e very brief exatineation of the 'deposit. Hardly any preliminary work was needed. In twenty-four hours a smell concentrate ng plant was erected. and o. ditch made to drain off the earbonit • anhy- dride in the -valley. After dusk a par- ty of coelles cleared the quarry of its former occepants. Toward the close of the following day, when the great steamer once more slowly - turned he "Hind to the northwest, Iris could hear the steady thud of an engine at work on the first consignment of ore. • Robert had been busy up to the last moment. There was so nineh to be done in a short SirtICO of time. The vessel carried a large number of pass sengers, -and he did not, wish to de- tain them too long, though they one and all expressed tbeir willingness to suit his convenience in this respect. Now his share of the neeessary prep- aerations- WUS concluded. His wife, Sir Arthur and his uncle were gathered in corner of the promenade deck -when he approached and told them that his last instruction aehore was for a hgbt to be fixed pn SuMmit rock as soon as - the dynnmo was hi working order. "When we all come back in the cold weatber," be explained, gieefully, "we will not imitate the Sirdar- by running on to the reef _ should we arrive by night." tele anssvered not. Her blue eyes were. fixeclen the fast receding cliffa. Sweetliettrt," said her husbund, "wily are you so silent?" s She turned to him. The light ef tbe eettline sun inumlned her face with its golden radiance. "Beeouse.I am so happy," she said. "Ob. Robert, dear, so happy and thankful!" THE TIND. —Rev. Dollald Guthrie, a peo - ent Presbyterian minister in more, and. a native of Gnelph,Onte has been suffering for about three weeks with an attack of rhestmatio fever, which necessitated an oper- ation. He is improving, but is., still seriously 111. BABY'S TONLitE TELLS. Little tongues that cannot talk tell mothers just as plainly that their 'owners are not' well. Wfaen baby's tongue is white, or (seated, or yellow, eepenially 'towards the roots it is 4a sign of etomaelt trouble, ene digestion, *old ex. feelerieleness. Baby's Own Tablets act like ana'gio in curing !these and. the other minor of babyhood and ohild.hood. They are as good for the new-born baby as for the well -grown eghilds Abso- luthly safe and absolutely harmless. Mrs. 0. Et Kerr, Elgin, Ont., trays: Baby's Own Tabletare the best medicine I have ever used kir stenne ea. and bowel troubles and destroy ng wornaa. eould hardly feel safe without the Tablets in the house." soul by tai medicine dealers, or by mail at 25 cents a box, by writing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Br eokville, Ont. or Thi a le Fat is of great account to a baby; that is why babis are fat; If your baby is scraWIly, Scott's Emulsion- is what he wants. - The healthy baby stores as fat what it does not; need immediately for bone and mils el e. Fat babies are happy ; they do not cry; they 7h.re rich; their fat is laid up for time of need. They- are , happy because t hey are comfortable. The fat sur- rounds their littlees and cushions them4 When they aie scrawny thos,e nerves are hurt at every ungentle touch. T1ey delight in. Scott's sii3n., it is as sw wholesome to them. Send for free s . Be ewe the thl* picture IS tiro forrn of aLiabel lo an tho wrapper of every- bottle 4. Emulsion you buy. Scotethomistz ° Tocee. ramoa Established z879. Whooping Cough, Croup, Eronets Cough, Clip, Asthma, Dpht{ierk Creseleno is a now, to kathmertica _ Pnr-SOLT;NP: is a long established Mad standard 1.,xnerly f, the ditcases indkated. It cnres,,bcraurn the a/r tiered strongly anticeptlern- iearrted ever the diseased Wir- fakes of the hriumb:al tubes v-tith piety breath, giving prolongeo and constant treatment. These of a consump- Ivo teudeney, or sufferers from thronle-IrottehitaS, find raMedinto relief from noughs or *tuned conditiOns o. the threat. l'ape-Crelroisno is -sold dr4g1ati or sent /Re- paid on receipt of price, A Arepo-Cresoleno out- fit Including a battle of Crdsolene 21.53. fiend for free illustrated booklet. Loners° limns to., ,to.,, Agents, as St. James Bt,. entreat Canada. SOO An admiriable 'to gatural. Whin ocdUent Ooioa mai tains the 5y'E4s robtxst health, and enables 3.4. to resist winter's extreme cold.-