HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-02-02, Page 6L / � , 4 � - , � � - � �. ': I � . ., -;?.-- - - 41 , � A 1� A� . , - : - - 'I , � - , - ".-- ___­ - - �� - M n9slon ��­ igi;w_ iw_­ - t -.--- — A'--- , - W"#A"WA. ­r1p, � - 4W,MJ#t.LLA.WVV- of- Plot_rI43rS, V.a7Ve ,DeWL! ,->c%V tz;u- iA- A I-ALLI AVN;_.1A V %.#%A%;9 . .-, I 9111L erik f%ncoe 44d A 1009 unmanageatule anu x's ' ,� . '' -1 . enclo6*d by t . . I - - -1 . - , - Wiso � I L -- 7� �� I I I die , ' V4vao;M I Ar her Vie kidneyt; ar�-r�iii a sp�noy Mt- AF'16 serv, ng i Iiini outs XAtO - at , Might Dr. . � . 0 Amblelo*eiftforschod- . L dr -y. The colors will be pre ed I I 4. - �- or �4 11 _A, L oe str6n erl - L Particulars Apply 0111 the jlrail�iac0, - _dresg , & , er - hoAman,tfilter to take ­_ A L a pVo�� , I I . Prostratior_% and Ma I g and W __ r - Ste*art, rateriling frm . - ` .. _ I iWTV11MON two_ 7 e - - � I I � - ." � , A - , 'L -, - . rtb- -, . Im-tt 00111 tile iblood. But i1eks" We0k1_*'1d';. OAP And the surface. unharm- d, fes0ional . call. heQ,rd 0, faCat clry� , _4_�' . -� ... _. "I I-, . I - - .. � I � , 0--01% I e �__^ I I, I . L I .. .. -06ya cann6it filter 'the blood proper- , - . 0 wX I ch. . - 'rat 'Stoor- f � . . . 111��.111 I � FOIL SALE I � Common soaps fade th � colors and he at �_h mi I - . lr4muu, ,.-Vor Wo, Lot 0, 001100S81011 6, ly -T&a- d .Qiuman sitors, get " , ,0� ­­ - - __ . 4 � oicate - , - - , , `­'­ ­_'�"",'. � - go aws bush,the . . . -on hearing It T-Opeated ikq It I ...... �,.Z�7�,,-.,,-,t;-.,�,-�-.,��'-,,,�!'�-�-L'�.."�!��'.'�"�"','. .,�, ­ . I �r 8taft1q_V,0oDW-4I1ig1WWAWf . ote�, but f ,"_ �',��'__4� _�_�'�"",'. ­ , _�'__, , _�'__4�'�"",'. _._� a I -A I I 10 ­ �/,,'"/� �_ - . rivtog , ;F- .� 7 1-1 . ed and in a clogged with impuritiespi "d tte F 11 � d ' I J I Sun�ght L Soao dza:ns,,- freshens and preserves I . renminftr is well fenced, well underdr4i - injur rfa I 4gate . � ig A frarne houee _ , , , e the su' cc. went to�-Invost - After , . ation. Tteft 01g9n. ,isjieft in thb syadm to ructuse .� L' � Dd state of dulti . t­­� -,�',� � I w and bank barn with AOuO OWbUbIg and other good . a quarter -of a in-Ile'lle found .%r-;'. ' , ,��.,;, / - ;, ar 90 . 'm -_1 - ­ ,__ , , L 0 d L g �11 __ I /, L - . / 14 , taciaelies, headaches, !rheumatism, oilcloths aqo linoleums �) almost OUR; baside� zi � I ,� L ig an or4ard of choice fruit and b( uncons I V., . _ - - I buUdItkg.& T'hem ftloatL to tho bidw- dropsy and ifdfal lnflammat�eri. Dr, L 1 c`� `�-. I spring, of water conva - Sunlijht soap washi;s clothes white Without injUry to the most t K.&M ..:Zi�� - "M - '?" 15; - � " Vor 101BLT. . U - his left leg, right land tand I ... x.!_�, �.f� ... 11 =, Vieliai,e, n acrr5�*f jail -wh%t in and all the Williams' PinkliPill are * the one . I I . I � L _g, I I - 1. 8 � . -ilr-. - I ,,,, , _ , IrOARWIWIR ikvwzu"� __ L L n. � thi hands, for it contains nothin& 'that.can I earg badly frozen. Dr. Stewart h ' � I . I AXM��.. ­ - -1 . . � , ... � �� . fall,plowingdont. I svxe aUre t.or . Sick Aid eyst . They delicate fabrics, or to . I 10 �.,': .. . . . I I - llel(-* slation alks. Will be sold dheapand on toy terms. , MaAk- L flushes , �, - I I F_4__� r1e4, him' to the libspitak lit Saska- - I` _*t,�� � _ n6_,V,.r,1A;bl,aod, which L .;�q - L or to B m�abfidld P, Q, - - JOHN . . - 9 * ., , � I I �_ I ,- .�.A, a t* -. �_­ .11 L - - .1 4kppLy on the premisea _ _ ri�, - U - oo) -v _ 0�,t � �! 114., .. � Im.tf oleaz gives them strength injure eithe 610thes or hands. - t a, - y*here %e secured �)re, . . - I I . - ` � ­ - - - L Off.WnM i -1 I . them . , _"111 s on the rigbt hand N011 --- . . ": "I ... .. fi. - - 1- . ' Pink ap is better - V�, . . Th& finger. L I.- -. ` �� ­. I D 1). -L -L K ....: I �� _,"f 11 - I , � I . M, li!i�ii�ilit .. I for their twtork4 Dr. Williams Sunligh So . L, <6 L A� � -`5 f I . . L,C!� I .�P,,-. .1 ,� __ I L X -For on1c, Lot N, Coneemonz, & Pills ,$At the kidneys riglit, and make , ­ 'Y I I _A;�; ;have to be Amputate I -�T:i: 1 4 §1� I I. I - - wu-res. - .Nanety-acros --- - I I , ; 5 -The death of Mrs 116-beena Wdg- ? 1,; a Wi, .. � - F"r-4 1*1t "' � but is beat /11__�,\ � ,-".,.' I re , lame, ac&ink backs stirong and well. - i ­',) It -M � ' " ' `e'-11,'- � Manley, coux'""111A A, than other s aps; ________=n , ,1,K?11,F"_ . � . . . I 1. ,Mi"!; "IA""..".. 11-, . . . . t0Mf,/f,,Z/,t,,1 ,cleared and in a -good State ot oultivation , there a . V,Ilag L ((�_ , 1: . in Tor-60tol on -sunday,bItpr- �L I ....... 1.1 ... !.;: M!, - L ��4,g -'; ., . - __N : W!"O",- A~ . m. -g! ,@�,� � — ". ) ne farin is alL MY, Ge, ' Johnson, , of 'the 0 11 � i MOTO 0 - -�! I !!! !.I � - . - orgo wh�n u�ed in. ene Sunli&ht - _11tr ,,,.- , - - � I iLu aorea of good he,rdwood bosh. . �_N - - .g. ­ I �� I is a two- . t5_ -,"L_ I � L M, oves an, interesting figure e I . . . IvellinderdrAined aud well fdnc�$I. Tbere of Ohio, IN. S., s4s:: � " i� rem , ,!�M,�:?:, , I .,., . "'fig ., " - I* - C.".1, -g ","', vy - i� 2! ;;;;, ,iiii!i!� - -b,' ,,��_, .*, , . .My son, mow L , n , ;:::. F11 -___ . I I _ .: _., .�, oLroy brickhouse,with 13[At-e, rQ01, 0, flnt�clv-0,9 fi�nu directions). - . I -0i aff lullu-sually - .... , . - - 8t, ' g r , I I the activities - - "Ill . - el ,liteen years old, .suffered f rom way krollp �­,�W V 7 MLI lived UM 1 1 00M, ,,/ ,7, �,�'_ . I'll house. Bank mm, 40ft- X 80ft`4 ocinent silo, pig pen, . � ­­ ., I 'W"U'll g, ! - W ­­ 1:� .. I 7 . K-i(Lney troubU wad sevexe pains in L loo�g life, for had dhe V,1772, . I . 2- I 4 z I - wo I tillii.: - YZ . . . . . I drivinghous6'. 7bere %reAW0 ne-yer-fallitig wells, . Buy it' d � ­ � - L.. . 14tb 6f February � 1111I.: -%-I,�/' ,­ L - slle� " .,.,,!!� " I .g b ., .. I ult. This excellnut ,Lk qvhich caused L him -many a I 1�1�iVl; I and an of orchard- an(f stuagA the bap C 0 & ,,,,o,0,1lOw 5C. ,.�_;_ , .:: __ ­ - - 1- - . �, " ' . 11% a", aval five miles .1 - . then celebroLted her 104thbir h , I I jw 3 " / . � lisle .. ' M Ig t1l e miles, trom 11 � L 61ceplegs, - �ght. 'We . 162 (� -T�t�) . I 10 0 ..... . fa al . S& al . . I . .. 14WL 11 a - . t ried gev6r 11 - . R1 -, -.For further II L I .. --- - a . - mari#A, 'r 4CJ 1 .. --- I from. OUnton, wi igood gravaro ncS, b-a'tL tl d B46des * being a cente , * , 10artiottlare apply oh the premises or address ALBERT medicd iti,y did not help LEVER GROTtIMS LIJITED, Torouto � �_ V I � -worthy i L LL - . . ,, a I I L _� � M�s. Wagmr was iY-ob& by ­ . I . �� 7- - XM, Imintoo. -P. 0. � I 10",tf 11im,. and ho. grew so ,ve k ,that he L I L �'% I - - . . I � . f ;aL,.the Work t.h, . � L . L .. .it . . - I I Kc� '' -_ . �� �� "� I - (* - _.- I 1110 0 Xalls t.t.0 . . _=�, ,*s.orf -of the fa6t,',�ffiat .3he was the � � - : .-I Off, Ion4 bould � � - �� J I - . ar nd-daugliter . of" James Madi T . A . . _)%40 Fl,r, A ,r boy on d farm. L . : 9. . - � _ .86r,_ j14VF.+Zs11CNT3 - the lot of a young I �'. ar Tresi - . I - I IP M'WnoLyQq 1morwed Q-1wtef Reatio-14 at, 160 .W41- .1 1 �.:.:� - - dent' of ithe U.ni,&d . I . - ­ z .. % 10 per I -Per sulfrum - -We were- advised- to try Dr. -.11 A . -, lrfeOL rth . I . - porol ea,hat fr) al R t, )4ul. . . � -1 -, . ng, licen Misi - V_ - � LLLLLL . . . 7__- St tes, her motber havi ,X 'beir, 'm � .. �� ,a , &r ,.I.Cea taken Arnota a-e-urity lj-,tms! Pink ,Pills, -.�und this � was tbe - '�!e - . . J z ah, eiter h oniv firAt glott., ,,iven � . .... - - ­ � ,?" - . C Afr.r 77 Y2 . Z iwp"�!y , 1 . � , 0 . . L I- . . 4 lk- ­ I - - Torreng Titler4 gyi,twf il P,rfaak Fto'u, SO) ti, �flr t medlici,ne IthAt reacbed the cause - �� -: � / I ��, Sa al), Madison, A. �furbher remai --- I - I I olvn-be I%nh onfAr ii I -07.0, . �� . I - -77— - -7.,- .. 1. ­ . . . I ,------- I I � L L , ' 11 1,1ya Write to M' ;.* " L A. JAf'K- Sthe , is for I thing about her, AV I It -ft t 4 wvftth*tr�tn $.0)" 0,1 81, ,or - timouble. He took the,pil . . -_ �_ - ­ ab e. h I � _� raifurtherpirtion � I unki(jifr ,-w�.-W ,:7- .',ab e to see ,her demmilants to the - -e mother, of tea on rs. LC.hesterl Curry- Leader ,�4 4he - , . I jet, e.l.c., Poa*,kk,Albdrt3,. im& , a, *ou _U, A inervous, trritabl � goX, Bar..rtiq . -pie of months, Nften *cverY Isym- "I - . ., a: � I I I phony Oei�bestra. ': Saram' .. . I- � _ - . - ______---T- P�bom ;6f 6he .trouble was: gone, and .. - .?,:T7 .. I � , fj�th goneration. Mrs. Wagner Wat4 th d hysterics, is -unfit to care ies' Sym ., - - _ � . - Ont. Sbe, lived 4in ; I I Fall. I - r .. rovt 99v%-Vor We, bile S" . ) -_ - ! t Boston Mws., _,:!es. - EYOM AND LOTS I )* was u's bealthy as aiiy boy of bi . <5_ .b bour OLV eC . ga, St.� E as . I _g, 11 , ,; I - . for eawr � i it, rums a. child's, d i-qposi- ' I H bousa ixndL % io&.4 in Soatorth. Ono tot [all L t%hit .. � I .- - I � T,1,-rv0,,,i,t,.t- "o various, places.. _L A - 2:��, - �� - I . - .- .. � � I - .. . and at - _neAr tion and rea4�ts u on herself. Thi� Dear Mrs. PiTM- mm: - I . a 0orth Main: Rtreet and twa other on Wed Wit. age.. I am. %atisfied Dri Wil- :_�El - . -1. . P L . i -, L - 01 I - 1. .7� A . -.,- . I _:�� - Al ;�L�l I .. - - - U_ad their ", For eight Years I Was trol"' � . � Nyi* 4W_ L_ . 1. i Itun street. The h6uia Ad a 6mf1orJ%b1s- brick- liams, Pink,tPills, -will cure, kidney -1-- ___� t*re, ln�luding Uxbridge and Mark trouble between -children L , �: I - ­_ _.- L I- - LL . . in, sit. � .L. -O -1- ­ . _L 1. eqr J0 ,_ - ­ I -1 � It __ _. � IV M, ne ' 'I, ve - . 1 c4Duld . y T - ? 3o# .dntalaa a bedroom,;, dIntqX M.) I arly all ter life. The 1�ot Inothers -too. ofte-4 Is due to the fwt treme nervousness aud hyste- ',rought m ., troub14� "n its most'se re forms." .. ­ . IaS,r . -regalaritt - ". ,omo f 11 ;�-, �enial,p . , We visa 4, ,t ��'. - -- - : ,veak, by h es, r- . � ____ - . .11, __ I � I 'i�', 'taNel � -- I f I I ilzig room and kitchtin, wlth g03d aptiar under the r - ,, had spent in Gait with that the mother I n 4,W ve-,- .*,ri , 1 Hard Aud ioftwaterin the boost*. Dr. Williams' tPink. Pills actually � 1- . : -4;=- , -.9-- ti no yeats Rho , O'f f4W aw I � - . � whole house; IrWnf All mahe',n6w rich blood. In that way . . ___ , ,� . I . . . her do,u&ter, M rz. "J, Gives. She v�s- � - and'she is 'entirely.un fit to bear ,P nightA.. - . . I --- ", ---- 1; . I L; obed. " � . � I 1�_ ­ ness, vousand de"A&a4,.'_ L LLL .. . !rbere-jo "110I& S1004L J&t%ble - and � L , - - . L _. I . __4___1-�____-=­_'� _-"_Z,;_,;. , - . . __ 'L In t i Lydia E_)?inkha=!s'V­ .- �table Cbmpa&d - - .. .kl)ptv to J. L� &PLAO'L - die rroot . ? I � oron�, o the str&fu u govern- 4 _LL _­ kindi bf fruit 6 -0 thO 15t. they strike at t of anaemlab , . . . ited her grand -daughter ' T pon her nerves tlia-t - � jo,N . 'in . , *IV in% L., . Lork4esboro, or JOL 0. W� ATKIN T, geodorAb r )out two months ago, alld had oe- ing children volves; it is impossible wass recommended and P,,- - �td to La the,04 - . lw�4jt . indigestion, L kidney trouble,. liver r,6rtlinately .-]3e''- (was nut, bad- -gone to a herd may be large that Ithe iM- L' a' I I I _ _ . I . I I . I 1, i.- -11, .dh. f'.14.1 za, . 12- .-A fj�ait 1101nall .me �e d11! _ . ha" . . t ir Q Uo %ya A's .Y. �A* 0 for her to do anytaing ca -EY. � I � � X ­i:nplalnt� erysipeaas, skin diseases, - -o *y ard, it r - t! �y �. . . '. �- I oo - ".. doikrn toAheo ,r egnd f the p ovement resulting juscifies the ne - W Ong . I I — - . . � t� i r go that ber e0d W�a of w6men aet like a firebrand proyed in bealth - until 1 am 336 str' Aaa � � .1 - ivitus' -danee, and � f . 11 ,I � 0,wi loopt g -Lota 8 and 0. Con- neuralgia" 81 the I vms s7aid, 0 k! s a few babies dust price pa,id in the corresponding in- N e.ek a so -a . to die ' Th. ills -, has iiiappellroUl. ­ � L . - AM-FOT sale - i . the 'success ,crease in the herd value. Not onl . rned, desiring rves, consequently ui-ne- ivelf" and all neryousne - � ce,,moli i2 - 31clKill6p, oont;&�Tw 200 Wires, 1&5 S�ecial �aililie'n­ tg of ,gr6wing girls and -as' a prelimina y: to y n mri ghe retu � upoA the ne -011- I -TS ; I , 4awl tard400d imsh. The. i to. She - lived ia Toronto dur- The f ovviu- letter it from X _. I � acres cleared, t�e balance good I alth- depends Upon s'-camd1dature. The arebreeders�of established herds in- il � Tor,on tenths,of the nervous prostrgti;n, ner- _ . i �� - ­ - � tam ip. in U.900d -stafe of cultivation� well under- womeq whose he � , that I " . i g ,the time 0 rebellion - ' d ". sleep- Albert 'Manu, 154 Vlore, VA14 _p_ve_l I I I I - _� :Zit -A FM- are 14 acres sown the ridli.ness and regularity of,th-eir knowing t6tes think that Seaforth troducing new blood but founda- i . of th I. "T vous despondency. "the bNes, ,I , ui � 0 � . -: s�� i I �� I I 4 - I __ � ; m, 4 � UMITIM tu"Y' W '401 1 ) 01 0 ,Ole oronx-9. Ont.. zz %. . . . . . . . � I . vdthfakllwheat� Good barm; and' bou,-* and Plenty' -,blood. The ,6nu-in'e i pills have the " has a good leouncil fo)r�1906, one that : tions for ne,%v herds are being'Jaid When the first epidemic a lessness, ana nervous il!ritabilltY Of I . L_ �: .1 of good water, This is a choice ropextf'snd will be name,, " Dr. Williams' Pink ' . honest service - and by men n t. hithoKto c6asidered 'Woke out' the was very acfive� in vromen &Tise from some derangement Dear Xr.q. FJ1)1CbA=;--_ . ; .1, - . 10411 mid on xemonatat term& It i., 1% a ch6ice. locality - full I -will give .g ood . .0 caring Bur the sick and the dying. � orga-ilism. .1 I I I Y;tiffeml a long tinle'�Vltll ovarian tronvw - _,.� - I -11 - ATMA I I .- jvA roads ieadink Pills 'for, Pale Petople," on the 'wra-p­ n.o. graft and-',Ae wish thom overy breeders of pure bred .stock. At two I of the femalb abdoamn - : 4-ly- &nd bas. every o��nvvnienee, with g . - having hatense pains in theback and - . lzi every -direction.- For further 1patt!QUIUS MPPI.� Oil per around each box, and -may be su-coes,5. - I . . re&nt sales �of Sbort(horns 100 head , Slhe Raw, the first road opened frqm. - Do you experience fits of depression _tel i , il, . to G IL Re , A and - � siehl�eadai�lies every mouth. 'IV= ' Uzi x husband dio, . with 'restlessness, alterlieffil- with _1 __ . L�n A � I ,- the prenif ses or addr ev, I,eadbinry P. 0. JAS, F; had from all -dealers jor by anail at I did not n any- of the,isliecess- brought $35,123 an average of $351.- 1 f ft , m tire vii 1004"ad - 7 �Wjn - ITOSE . ,� . I � 19,11,8,,4 � or. six boxes for ful "candi At y ye ' -*Our sp I A a3d, nervousall the time zud !if e - - -1 I id � Ut t 'ef 4�� - s 8�11 WIN - _cent$ a 6OX _ ars ago. She L had �1 e�Ktreme irritability? Arey iiit me and I had modesire to - ,*t 6 - I __ SA __ ...-. . _ �50 � . . Tuokersmith, with .23 each. At the Flatt sale at Ham- . - . vary dreary to 9ft , - � n�, � . oWn children, six of .whorrk survive r - 1. . I I�i. Wilftams.' the eXcepti6n o� M. ,.':George Dale.�' ilt essily-affected, so that one-millute Von Lydia B.-Piukhan& . -LI-A.&M FOR 8,kLE.-Formle lot,5, concession 61f . � . V. 'L e ­ - $2.50 by writing thb , r on 64 cattle wete sold for $27,303 une.1 I be -an to take - "' - - . 7 ' - - D, IL S., Tuokersmitb,. containing 100 -aereq, o Medicine Co., Brockville,. Ont.. - Along with. a T,uftr of his friends an, averag 'of $426.61. This lot hor. Her eldeAt son is 86 i�nd, her e*- isugh, and the next m1'a"tte you �eel I Vegetable Zi�mpound And to gebsovI&TIOWL - ' L. �7 , X - � I I � ut it WW Sa &" I - - I . I - 9 Q. . I years . ,over I � ��,, . eared, the balance good hard ) ,of dge. ; ng'? ­ _ _. - )leas _ - 31y ree , I I - which $0 acres are 101 . . - � - . had the I. congratulating � included a. dozen or.more o4ves un- elt daughter 78 . i likercryi r was slow b _.- � -. woodbush. ItisweAldminedwhbtUoan(laigowQlI . . L . . 9— -1 ; �,�.11� . - ; . A Returfte .. . him -on his - a 4 I. Do you feel sowet)iiiig like a'ball, ris- hav e iiever regretted the monpylpmt for #a � - . d Pilgrim.' ,�lejd..id run. George is ' dox six months of age. The high- i ., i , 1. SL _. k - 7 1 _Iy� , J_ jence& Th L . . -am . - . I _ere, is on the ,premises a comfoitable ; ning to Compound a it brought ha y am-& - " _. 0i , li� !e . ard and W never failing W Dear ExposiWr,-With your kind ii6t in th(. 'i L lass and ithe,re is est price 'pa,id fdr a sire wai $2,100 BIRD JOURNEY$. . Ing in your throat, and threai L - 111. home, a good orch - efla, U . 2 . bealth." r I I - __� r _S L also a, goda, I)arn ivith svne stabling, a good driving - _�a",dm . choice yOIX; all the scusea perverted4 I . I I - , per�nission I Will drop you a �few the wide tield al 01,,C.,Dunty ir,oun- , and for a dam' $1,600, -amoLunts paid ! I -- . . .1 IT01 pen and a good shebp and hen - 'I a ,_ li . I " - Won�eri should reme=U,-r Vat Lyd* , I � _� d*Y,L shed, a good pig -one mile: from scho&- - keep in Lloi -nd then I ia 0! LBefore I ! . oxind; - _ house. It is in a rocKI lomrity, *iAes, aird tin doing so will , own -to $110. At 9 all Aninialn Often Travel on t�e worbidly.sensitive to light and s - . L I spee,allN�, r , .. 1. , ` the o , Vegetable Compoui�A It LLL :� *W) and five miles from Scaforth. It vvill, be sold or. rem- - Onind the Irishman who was dalled Ileave the ",6f ficial 11io ,,oi.- Seaf or�h � ..'the Attrill .sale at Londom 36 head 1 Bat'vk(i of Larfige onem-". pain in varies. and e _ '. pinkhaWS . � . . . - 11 . . "I I - ,. '4 : - 1. � onable tering as the proprietor iNrishes to go. west. A Mr.' I ers, - bearlug do.,VIL the mefficine that holds the record im . I .upon ech ;ind iwill be pardone . if I rAlpr - to L ',�realized $7,780, an avera:ge price of sln.�11 between the should ,, I. - � I )1y on the premiges: or address Fgatondville P.'9. . p I . 1, �It. has often been a%)zcd - how ,rvous llyspepsia, and almost the greatest number of utual CM -634d 11 .z �. I I L . I.. I .8 1AIDLAW, Proprietor. I Iam-t.f. when fie roseto deliver himself Isaid: I B. B. ,Gin:� genial' * . pains; ne 1. ,: ., t ,-representa- $216'. Tbe� highest price at this I ai(I ,." ,11c. ib1r(L:l 1.1;0 e to ' y u h . I , . ,e, _'a -fl 6 �, ��! L obs. 8, 1, 9 fL-mile ilj�s, and take *no substitude. L ale, W, I vould- be 1 t'ive of South Hu oji in the Comm* as $650.L At the H4nter sale , L contiuugilywoss and snsappyr? 1. - �� _� ,Ikril :_ ­ I . 0 __ . ­ He had in otbing, to say'. ,v . . stances _,r1l,_vn nil- ating. . - �._ 11 . r.ItATM AND MILL ? — I buiing mir - it c6nversation in of Ayrshires at Maxinille A7 animals rinous di . " k If so, your nerves are 1 Wsliatterea � .1 �Ofl�, _ROMM FOR SALE. * brief and it o the point even If blunt," - . . Free Advice to Women. � -1 � oi . - � - I � ab � the old Bill Farm %nil gin, Property � birds tult aondition, and You are tb I - 1: � For sale ' i' I cah- ,.Lwbich he display d Buch &ntleman- reali*zed $9,255, an d.verage �prlce of i ei�r a rule, bowever, BLI11,111 - reatened with, .. V utbeL,mdon r3ad, Tuokirsmivi, receitly oced, so .under flie airoumstances 0 . � Mrs. Pinkham. Lyriv, Mass., inviift - i Piedby th,f late John HaNevio. There 4'ro ia6 not do ibetter thah to begin may de- I ly affability I c6nojuded that' he . about $200. One bull brought $700 i ll�jve cor.le verp,,. har - nerQss Me Soll, nervous prostra,tipn. I . . . - L . I - LL I �ormp. 41 cla%rkl. but Lbsut four -'sareq- Good ne P_ presh,ing my sinctre i -1h a lot 14 a,l the i3othiug in all sickvv omen towi�iWtoherfor2Avic&_ : � al livera e by - x , ad adopted aA- idea from a. story -1 and one cow $675. 'In itlil Was ! 1a,yL. ilot flown, but 11aive be�-u-. blu-min Proof ismonument - 'A-- vast ,P Wft - J-� buildings and the farin'well undardrained and In a regrets in - not being privileged t6.,' heard of Sir John Kaddonald. When included a number Pf calves ninder ' during violent gal(t,,, and niany 6f the world is better for nervous prostra- Mrs. 1"inkham ,Xperienee I t PAP! high state of cultivitiono allseededto grai9exe-Apt , o-er . er to te on - 11 ; I - accept the numerous invitations I 1 he�'went back ,to Kingston, for' we, BA" months of age. These prices ,are tion than Lydia, E. Pinkham�s Vega— female troubles enables h 11 y , � L . � : thein -arrive on land ill a half de,ad I .1 ) about 80 sorei.. Al to %) grl�,t ini, vaw will prop . - arty oa the 1%4q, At %mile 61 KIPPen ieceiAredifrcra my -,Iriends during my., ielcotion after his crushing defeat 'irobably the highest ever ec ived I � tmble,Compound; thousands and thou. just what is best for you, and she wM I ­ 11 it is within ba ! � p fr e, � � I atation sqd 2 mil,aa f rim Tle-181,11 ,%il I a g,)od- Wisi- I an . charg-e you nothing for her advice. I � I i � . - _� � � , - � .1 recent visit ,to dear Old'Huron. You�' afteIr he, 02ad onado the for anixtials. of the Ay'rsh;-ire 6reed. 'r ffltlon- sands of wome4 testify to this fal-'t, � , I 11 : - nevs. h-ts at-ays,)een d,mi %� the willig. Tha farin Iu fair weatber sm-111 birds Wake 0sr 7 11 4 "I .. 1_� 7 41" orty will ba a 41, to,eth,r or t,ep%rate . all know -that the people of'tht west �peiO3- of MR. life in �'Ithe ioitf' 1�0-11 That tibe teachings of tlie Farmere I - kak--Nrs. Pinkhaw's AAdvice-A WoMaR SeSt 01d6tstu"ds a WN'Tta"',c' .__ 1 -dim � �snd will propt - A. - W"ier Coll - --- - . . . I - ea3y. Apoly to su�uesifn.lv ­ — , V I Jy tn eaft P11'e'll"q'Ir T-Irms have -the ,17ep.ii'tation �Qf treating all at'Kingston, - he made -hiA way tio Institixtes, the Live Stock Associa- lo.i1g, Jourucyr, : __ ------ VAIS& . -, �14=111'16"_,M � z-��-_ .��l � , Ur I 4%2.�_,_, . _��. t�', - � .. IL I � DAVID 0. MoLEAN, .111ppen. 11)68 6f -%v:ho oome, -with-In their ' #i re, tions and the work of the Dominion di rable lrat-ts'of w.,eali, but tllc- ; __ . . ______ i I rea- � � � - . gates Jn tt th tir of the hall. among the farm- I I— .- too z a � . ­_ � . - 1. �( g 111111 - - - - - - - - - V� - � I . . z - gentrous, Whol ntinner, 1,ers -wholha-d N6tid'against him, and and PAovinolal Departments of Argy, on I .. - . h,%If of Lat 12, Con. . . r is tbat tbc,y are varriell oj� th , W FOR 4ALS,-N-irth . . le I . -,::.. 1� I TIM : t t Seat'rth vdid �.- �js'he -grasped ae'lirst one 1he M*t rioulture. is bearing results da ap- I -_ I y .1 Puelkxne -�ffivri,4,L,on',aintnirloo,Lnresi,aitnated but af ter my- vist 0 0 . t � bftej�,j oil ibe !ar'wr one,t. 111ten'l)-liss- � , "I ., . . . I , � .� I . - ... - � V � . . If talleo we -t of I ly for the wdl-. e facts. I - . ., 1_: _t . . r.0 the ,re wel r:)L d foar wid a h V�einity -1 am, 16d to believe that. ; ,be - asked - rvery ea� meat ilfg '111 alltullill in Crete a writer aP- %� - 11 � - L.- .., �� ­. . *t,3j ( - ,ire ' le received a t1hor- I f,Lre, of -the' 4W!W �: 1. % Bru-sael i arsd r -jorw .- in If4ttra,ve. The.le , Wif4� L and .children and � ________..L.,3 � ­ 2 Ad � W4 and in a the weste,m -poop . 't- eg Mgt e W430 -=",up , of �, ­ . . I . ' I 80 aflr64 60 srvd, I dr.11wd, Nueei I L rd 1110 tNTi 9MU& � " -11 - - __q i �� - I _-w ough, -that . ine bi-,- , even asked if I e -11 still drove �tfhe C:� .& gg S- C!�' N:R- 7- Aj- �'t��' 11" I Av%m P AW& (I 1VW LL ­ I � � g-jod state o'ou1-,i,,rV1t3a, -it pri-ant .4eidbd dovn. training 'alditig I , . - .t.3 that lie di!t!4i1J' . - ..- - , ' 'S w � L � . . vdien 11 I I v � I To - the - nm 0(: �s Tt t - I - ­ I � _Thereio�ln,ig:),I-a,ilet 0 coverad winh er-:,elleat fore leaving their easterii homes, ', ;oY,d white horse.' nex t. he illy Kip'ti Y%J.Ilavo Alvu; B0110 t irig of � .111 N rc 4; tfie A - �� - � . . I %A AW . . - . � Ses , "�Y'_ - "I � --ioN is #. goa I frimo h 71,10 with bto ie jrOr .1 -must confess, they f airl was as affection�te ih his greeti . -ra the r,-,___'_" -� ,- I'nsslu.- oyerlicad On - . ..-� timbnt, T y �6ut� i jag . . .,? :��,U(l craues were V7 1 - .. - � ^_ - cellx-, go 14 frinle br.rjI.WitL gt.)rje stalfflog ittider. L i I - i - �4 � ., . I , ­ ,If �' I ` *11()14 nil- I . - JL� '' I , nuoh. a z)od bcwl g orzaard and -to a�aud%ace of shone- .us westerners in tibe'manner ' and - af ter aslpxing - for the wife and 13�grmvture -I- ZPV7t7l� 5. Oil /,, their wa). -to solilLt,ru N , - - .. � ; : ( ..,�_11.01 � - 'IV. I I : -Iqd & y � . - -1 . go.)dwtte,. rrt rai%* otlijmla p:)si MR" ae of spontaiwous -hospitalit� and the family he asked if " they -still had ! --' of L I I . z, 115 � ; I I _;J11t�.,. 0(:k%,.,Ij��,,, w.�Ipli lirilig a 'gun, �10, I - . r 1 $ 1 . I � . I * So when those ' I . 1 I ivithin half a in d.- an I % lub 3ol withir, three qiar- e will 1 L 5 . ­ � pleaaant- m6mories of tha sam , . the old Fni I - � , rise from t 0 . __:t - t . i. I . tlire'e swall birds . - 1hera of % mil.-. Fa- P Cauada 7 . . . ! I I anki : 1 MR8. 4 M TKILIA% uVasall. rema . told �the r 0 , ' .k ,' "I" - 9;-".1*1 -"'-011-�- tw-. L . & . Cipti - , . tu,t,er p.Ara au irs sw , �gj that night. a . . M tv 1903 1 t3 . y . e - ,; I t ( I in witli mi� f or the da * s . 'and farmen w�� e nd' .,,4w e a - - U -y -$ W. - . - L lit 411 4 y ­ L A.v mohtlis to. -come. I . i, ,,il�ve�s 1how kind Sir 110 _Tbb, county council of. Hastings 111�0( ,"Itl (1!& P`ir " A - I �rlvst V . E_ I � Mr. :13dit,or,,I dtid not Itake, up "had laeen i o -as for them--tamd ?the hav"e decided to build a 11ouse of. 4.1111e�'- A 114111i�-Nt I ssilred 111111 I - � �1_ , . -9 -U-ARAi . . ,. "t 7 I I - . I Folt S.ku.-For.sale, Lot 8, Conces,&n 3, N o xv, , � : of -to be tji:it tht 3- canic ovel' frow B"unipe �. � X L. R. S., Wekeramith, containing 100 acres, en a-:1 d even asked for the !old ugl it? � T - I my pen "With tke- inteatiQn of r%�rlt- : childr Refuge next spring, the aost . x et Ito M1 eet ires ea ,.,. " � 7 which 9 aeres N good hardwood bush. The balAnce . - bVen foujill . JL t - � ; is well fenced, tiledramed and in finst-vin.ssconditdon. Ing a, political cssaY, or. diggink -in- ,- -white hors uJid uley cow, 1heigood' about $30,000, 1 'ith tbwul. -%,Vll,.I(, it lia.; - 1, . � . I � � � ; . - - - � . - � I . - - )anklarn *; x 78 %. to philosop-hy, but just 6 little chit�_� �vife said: 1 " W 11, you "ied against -The Gonservative associatiop of 11 ­1�('N'(-r 1)(�fi)1*4LI SQ(.'11 7in I W - _____ - _____ . - , - , -1 . Thi�re ate t%vto gn-41 iarn�,, one a I I I i lat Snl.­!I birias, J - I - � �� I . . I . -_ . I - . .,, ith ncone stabling underneath ixn(i the tither 50 -, ellat'as to vhe�,way ,things. �appearede, � him -in -'7% but you, .raraA give 11m, SaAkatoliewan, at a ineeting re- - I I :� - _. I I . 1 � -i 201t., and a comfortalae frame hoiwe, three g000d � e[n.tA.�n 11,111.4. 1 'a'm licen 11nauglit tli;th- � . . . OUPFIL&I"ilg - m' rM. (it. to me during my short sta Agi ' your vote, �rthls � ime ; bless his ,dear ceiktly held, presented their leader, i ' - — I �_ ,� - . I - - � weils -anda r vver-f,Jlin-_­,I6u.,_- at the nai of thu I . � V at fl -l -es of r:1--ratimi. I __ __ I _ ­ 1-1 441 M, - . - .� I � and a gml bearinge orplianl. 'Tli-- plo _� is all ,YOU, and I was in ScaflorVll idurVhg� -' ind heart," an yoii� may bet it F . � __�� twIlizil � 'k hey Hon. MT. Haultain, with a purse ,of I , ___,____ _ - . _ I _____ e . . _".uotber canve N that snuill birds do =_ I - � . tlonLand-14artresof fall wliest. it is within two the Mayoralty campaign, iritlli, two - obeyed ;.otders. As- Mr. 'Gunn is a $1,000. . I . t4 --,,. i - I .wwwssm q,__ ____ � I 11 Ir -A - � I e . I 1, jxitil lwy.: in one flig,pt. ; - i - - mile. -i of the flotirishin, village of lienWI and -,vltbin h reputable gentlemen :.a ' can- I in�n of�affalrs, ' can be 'trusted. 'to' -As Chas.* Buc1haaan, of Galt, WaJ ;�;Ot llwiw llw:_s, a � - - I � I . Suc 8 li� nm�= I � . ; I I - on the pi-eilliqV.11 . __ . :, 'I L. I I L�y . " W� .2 t Am I k - I . ",Ifmnlilf.oflL%f-liijo7,�r,UNC�. Aloph ate , 'c��t (I ':-'g 010% d4y. - aw mn Ir or to J. CALT)M4LL, Ifensall P. (). IDS, -tf didates, to use a .common expression, - - - " r I ,- � . " there 1` Our 'South 11u.ton d not forget that - ' TE t it . � keel) in 4ou& with,- the 1adies of leading a, horse from w geiienffly I 1-1: — �!i.­-,rt�-i I I I'llis proc4ed � � mm-,- B In S-3 WQ E L L 0 0--- L " ft I- - . _�. . __ 1. �1_ _� __ _ is somet'hing- doing. .struck -it with the halfer.' The an! hin- for fv..O. al J li T Fit t "k � i . I 1 25, friend, lvjtr. T. E. . iw-n- old � truit#ri. - th " the 1#n4 that mal kicked Buchanai& in t1he face, � .1 .:isy Stil" S. 1 , - . ge - I ODD F % RIA F IF. 14ALF,-Farm for s,l,, Lq � Hays, the iD their ,r_1L-:;th1.lt!1;!1 by , X - - RZ cm I ._�, -_ I - . VVI%1, -Threa !VT!=s and Slum - It! . Gon t1ac, 3rd Gmans-all of ruckersadsh, �aon- ior candidate in point -of yar�, who rocks the crad e is - the h4nd. that smashing both. jaws - and terribly I i � ,11 wlrz=­-� � __1 I - � - —::, - I - . Ulnirg ICO a ne,a, being till seeiwl sq -1 Pmet: .. I 15ome improviem-ents ar-1-1: MeXTY I - `0- 'llas engage,l in many hard fought ruli-Ns the iivorld.," aud elects mem- lacerating his features. Ile is in a , --,-- - i . v- st-el FUIA% I __-. . at -M Aklir, Thick lffea'tj - � :_ ool There are, an ,Ise -, r--�n`s �s, r,-.v.j good barni, one 40 - I - f _ __ �_ �,_: - I . a h�rs of PIrliament. , . I I 1- Jl- � urums xiveted up to stand any stmin I - " 11 I serious condition. I . � _­- _ '�K f a,, V.u,g, u,derteath a)d 6,61neot battles previous to this one, is I - As to Rero,ex. . . . _� - � - . 30, -xi�h btonq i �.. , -_ floors. the ( t!-er 13-ro 80 x St. witti dtivo iihed", otiont, rernarkably bright und clever - man in conplunion, I would' say 'that -W. J. Shibley, the one time Llb-, . , RoHer UearAuqs-� lWns likea, blid. iQ I L - ,. _ -0.1nan NN)"n is p-Alte to Ills fa 'ily " -.nail. or ask your 4vallieM....... . lr___ I _� i . . N mrtibular;3 free 13Y toE� _f, : � tablug, for pigi imd haa. a- d it-conof ire ibis !,��tfte " " mil g )va.9 bY - cral' candidate in Frontenac, and of : Ill � t , f or his Yrlears,. and I took note it -bat my -kam'a W idddened iii the tip -me -I- _ I nouse with ht,jue eeh �r un,i veniant fl, r. k � E ­e' , * .) co;npany is presput can ll�pe ;, �., *, � None ffennine witho -i � Y -. duringr thd !canvass it would ,have tke- accid rital. afh Of Mr. 'R. G. bo-Mis-ballot box fame, is now an.. Only wise, �' * SELL. Lookoutforit. Addrm - v?v k ftiijugapringnearthob.im 9.nd L-ooa well a; tb! I I _. - Z , - ah mb -i,,v4r% aqres nt b,14b , The puzzled a younger man to make a '�Ift sician attaclied I 'LD be a bero to h1s son.-Chlengo Rgc_ - I -_ � a tim. � houde. Th -re %rc � ., orson, an vi A and,', tyied friend. employe ot the lAiy . � d I .. r_ E. BISSELL, ELORA, 0 WT_ _--; � ]e I I, . . , , W- � ZIN - 11 - n, well underd-Mi w Or faicinatiag i *,Ni r . 'E me r o n �,w,,, s an e; g6neer in the to Auburn, N.Y., State llrisoii� The ! ord-Ilerald. I .� T. . : g 04 ,,_ -, - -11 . . - . flai root ia a Rooi Rnxv --f PlAr.-vat a .graceful ho ...-1 lj�­ �� more . � . i - 0 _ W-�-Ite for Booklet "' El ." - ��, - . - ed witli We find wt 11 f i,aed, go j4. orphor 1. It ie , -' " n Ao6lbor 'has a swine farm and Shib- I . -_ - � . - ,- to], - mile to the lady- eler -ors, but I am -` employ o� ,the j. P. , - for Itwe tY 7 - - - . dItLh0Cd%v,i�h-ntvomnda h4t urit)Q'o! Brucefiell - .' ' - i --.-----..---- ­­ ­ ­. ­­_ _.__�_q 14 , I I- ______ - - � Ubt I ., � [3c I . - . ��r - L -i on -the !ley is 11 I I �" i m9"Tim - : at--- rl .- and tdx ov.d a hA! mil 9 from Feafo-th and the 9swe balt. inclined to believe it is ireal ' yoars_ and me' hisc. deata I n emp oye. - � .'I— . _____ , � - - - . � __1 =__ ___ 1� - - frora.Hen:xall. Thiq f,-rm wilt b� Boll In zels')q bl) natural to "'Tommie " .As welamil- . 'Sn owf lake an -, t ree � miles to,' , -Carl, the aeven ,year old son ,of - � - __ . . — _ .- I - 1- I lw-js; terins. a4 t1te 1--r-prietor ie oin we t. Fjr wr%hhef uth t, Cashl, or Cure # . ___ I.. I I - I __ ­ _�,_ - . --- .. - . , iarly address him and,pdiad he been :� tile 3o; is 4-o: n. 4i 4 day Pr', Thomas Dodd, of Mitchell,, fell in- � I paraoll-Ar4 --)Ipl Ix If Shilo4h,S ConSUMPtion Cure faiIS to Cure - � = . _ � I y to 9, J� 04UDWS�L, B 83, b"Cial function ` twf,) . L a . . ': -Axia. ' r- 11D . rulex-ted 'There is no & a .,,:"�',.'-.'.���'-'-,"j-'.,,�",..�, _. I , �_ . previ, 0 y return, the 8now * to -tile mill, dam �bovc the flood- i 1 -.4 - � . . .� , �� ,; . �', ..:,:7 A- - -ld P. O., on� 79 tf - . _', ­­! �-� ,,� _ *�­,�-.' � MAGNITICU,NT Bructfs. _StR-VV.4!.'__-__, - __-�� " - , - z - -1 �., :� ­ . . . Z.;_ ,,, � __ �.,:�� ­ . � . - ,_-�t.'.,.,� , . , . - j I . . whick, the ,chief magistrate L. 'bout five o'olock Monday af- 4 � I - ­­­ , -1 I'v, '' ., , : � . , might -i had drifLe. very hard at Sim's curve, gates a . your Cold Or Cough, you get bacV all you .*,-,/ - . ­��4' .. , . ­ ". , _ -4;�;,, .- �,� ,�� ,. .1: __. � , - AM ­ . lng ' ., _.2.?2 , _,�-�'� �`;?-,�'-._.- ­,",�­, # - � � _ I I 11.1011SA1.1-1. - Farill ffa. ,,Mt-, In" -po ' ,11;�', _�6� _ " _ _ ,_,, , �, _­_ � be called iupon* to perform, but the ' and Mr. - mers n � had me down ternoon, ;iiid was swept into the Wiv- , You aTe sure of a Cure or - 9 ��;.-,' - ,;�j-­.­T," Mff �,_�', .:..n-.. ''i - ­ - I - �k­_�,­­-- - _i, , - ��:.. �-, I " '11 0 -. iff L") F�"LAY , ; er Thames, �.-Mhere he disappeared. I §� A . '.. _W AA 14, (ni the -7th Con(Tssion vindth, . '�� � G(l( cd Ttivkc -ood ' , . - paid for it. - � i ,��_­M/"�;�`-Y, ­ ,� 11 . - .. - =__z v vonta'.ninx�,,joavres. Tiieve are, on tl-(- farm, a g would a&or.n. ;& i-frxm the divi ional point before. I I the Cash. � � ­ ­,�, " ,',`,� ... �V. I - . 4)WA ;--,�,� ", ;�--?,. ...?, I - � _ � � "I ­ � %t1i ana N11'r.. Willis, the silocessful candi- ! dRy light o for , a passage through The river -4as at fiiq�h-water maik I _� ��c�­­­.;,�,�, ,_Zv I Re Paull liarn'.30 !i�70, with s0me: ,-Itabling undernt , If it wasn't a sure cure, tWis biter wo uAd � , ,'�%�, ;"C�;, 4. � _;�, �, �k� � . ldiaht , -1 ­ t,� ,,�,_.�', I -1 - �1, 1�1;_`�rl. � I II , , -..-"-. - ..-,- - _ - - ­-, , - date, who will sit in t' -fie May-or's .�t . 1 it is doAtful wheth _ � -,.-, -..� �t",� - , � � . eement, fio�jnq: al�ua drivinir,lied anda K(wd f I li(- drift, and ad attaiiied a good ,,, riii I I I 1� _­_. � - , - � �P, , h, � � ranle , . .. , , A�_' iv/,O. v, � -mommum � - - 'rjuilding, for pigs and livils. Tbere is a gfwl eomfort- . �, i XOt be mada. I , - *- , �,- " .. A - r f� , -, I I -_ -K OMWUWN�l - : I chair for tbe current year, is ).% I speed, bZ�'f r hing the drift in will be recoveredi . . , ­ '':.2,('' ...._;"�,,�:_,Q; I . - x_ . trot '0 ' � :­_­ ­­ , _4 . 1� - . _. : " . ., -1 .W-- - . -11 .. - I able fralar! 11­u�e witli venient ef-liar with vement e ' ,Can anAiag be, fairer ? - Le .. '.1 w- � _� I ....... _,,'�­_. � I .- _A', *1 - i Tiave-Tor'ce enough to 'go ..� -, � ,,,, , . - _,,� -1,1", 11 attain- i' order to -After holding t1hree sessions and 4 �, � _ I I tbrev 1%ells (in the farin, a never- YOU119 man iGf ability and I � ai ­�� �. , , , I . , I liour. Therearr.- , . _". '. , " - 1;�'.�;, , __ 1, ­­ _", ) 'i.;. � - a ' taking 121 ballots the Elgin county ; - I �. ­ .. 4 - . / :1 ­ I � - � - failing spring at 11oll-4.tnd barn. This fann is in a inents for I h d t%- pleasure of ��through. .. I � ,hard hatare of If yo lave a Cold, Cough, or any Stage I .,-.. ��: 1, �._�_ _,T��o , `_ -_ - I- . I ' I-— - ... e--- � A � ­ � '(41 ,r] witli tile I,(,. a . � " � , liv - � � r�) tbe hnow . '41 -he - br Air . ,� ....". _., `� � �. C . ,4 ±g �-'Oocl-�tat(3c,fr.ltltivat.'enil,%V,ellllll(l(.1 Lint rin- bis musical voice in the 11 Q (It h to, throw .(t , council ddiournbed without electing of e Throat, Lung. Rat gel, . -1 ....­ , I ....". .­ . . - , I . . . . . . . . ­ . ­ . . . I - �� - � . -re drt- ,-) arrv,; of f.di wli�.at , I �, ., I .�, - 7 - , � - � -z ­ -.11 . . 1�1 ­_ *1 - an(l,Well-fenk-Ld. Tl,( , -rails and she bop- _e"Irml � i. - 11 choir of ione of the leading ichurches * engine fro lie a Warden. The deadlock was caused I ­�­ ..-f-l-W . - __ - ­ , - `� �, � - �� 1 . ­ .. . T__ - � _1 �ljder , I I I . � _-0 - ' I IE � - sown andullfall priUngbing flone. Tlivre i,, a VOW o .1 �. ,,v., , orchard. i fflt!i froul'.1.4-a- the SUAay after his electio.n.. A - pled over- atuo the ditch, His firc� strongest ioan'- � �.. �1. - L�plffu . � -*!e,-.--', 1*, 111."V _':'v ' I 1114 it iis tuated witlan four n I by the fact that thq - . I , �,,Iv4 �. . NO 114 0 N1 E Y — Pro E " U11 ' f6rt,h and two anda lialf milu�z from tiw ite(l 'havern. spems tlie ladies aided materially in 111:111 escap d iWifli.out a scraleb, but didate Mr Luton, of Yarmoutb,had z �2.-'.. - - - ., a t - . . . . I . , � , , ­3�-_, I A ;. O. 14 Th, fai-ra nayi�-, u., oit, proprietor N, � ly H I L __ 0 - . - , � 1, . . _. - .8 will bosilld r­lkol � r 1. - It. ,V -antiful Ruff of Blue Fox, The rl­4 14 . . � � . election, a fact -khat -he 'Ih,x -mis t6 nd d,c ad in his zrab, In a, only ',s'ix �,otcs out 1 3y, � . jink of I - Willis' � I of the twelvg., 1 __ I '­ IN, , " - lk a bt . A4' .. . �f i , , �'. . 1a%VombJoJurV.= , gboolptely frev. Sjirb All 13! . � ,­ - �,�­;; ­ js goirii-,west. I -'or furawr 11artw*tr-,al)i1*- on Me ". - . -0 - -�tzqn %V.. 4'-'w t % 'it, Egniondville. iS 'proud of, no doubt. As I.. was �jvilf bent s n. He bad a repu- while the remaining six were ,seat- ; 25c. per bottle. All dealers guarantee it. 'k0l, afrer was never The only v , prentist-, or utldrv�z-� HENRY (,'.kltTl,, P. , - . I orro. am - . '� 0 . 's I, . � , - ­ U , V. V ­), `­ " K , �4rL . .. ' - * art'a beii" b9tidyl , . luej.tf walkink westward on, Goden-'eh 'tation tarno .� i rodd men for great terad among three otaier candidates, . ., ofrord to 63 It Is thiLt We _rpd for t .- I . , ' — .. I -Y I- I 2�� � . "L' Itursdurluilliotiallse-mouln thesturswer And4milvilt 4 I __ __ -.- . ---.-- andsome t -1 L�� - � , '00 UUJr Ely - ­ - 4 j street, I noticed three h itskill in ,g), ing - mough sno-,�v drifts file t-tro. -lowest refusing to drop ;­ __?Vl - - rly at curst, .1$ 41 Incho0ong. 22F2�11Y !� . " �, ., 31(al liTur 1P. -V lllkt�- - .k . , . - ;"., " ��, 1 4 fach% w4do. Twidet-f the Imidnom", - 101 FOR'., . L r en incer I . fulypadil-11, lilkfdtAlm , f , F' of.rie %gs;on of ffiljl�tarr, voritainiu-, 1(X) neres, till " � . - ,.-IN I softandfluffy. U IS waf ,k1,F,.__-yor �_aie Lot :�19_ on the Oth ladies coming Itoward-s me and the * wilere 64-1 s often failed. : out. �� . ; 115 , � - i ­.. (I I �. I:i _. '. r111!7 = 41141 orawnelittil 1 I hought struck me that they were - oil the moi ning ie left bo iundertake, I -W. J. Thompson, of Logan town- I i "1171, I., witt) ffmir P.wg . 4 I `1 , 1". . *-I in a xrjtxl statf- of eulrivation. Tht-re is oii ow i)revn- '- 11 0 W I S� )_� I taus orM 1�11001111011=, Stich -a hwidsms,e Fs r im� tiv, i,r -, isesa briek hou-te with briek kitchen and R 1,10, A ('(-'I- i1f.g. Just . then anotber - tilis. ta gives the fol- I.. bef-fr-oio*n.glvtnr.Vmy.tMtl$i)lle,-"DfetID4-I)t,a.�, � canvass ak, ,w his, Jovial ,wa� ' &wp; Pertih county, , . ,­.- � ". J*wz -_ - - I I I � ,, '121WI . - ­ I I "I 11 -% P44 , 1. - � ­ . � lar. There is al thoup�ht tame to me by -ins 9 *3f'r ndy," meaning - lowing 000n story: Early' last Nov- , .,�� 13 61 ." ju Y.gnd�avv,!, - I ,ja a lar�,gm,bank bftrn� (Y) x -40, and R biratigii, � ,that he es� - - 111Aa ' - 1�`� i:,� i mn(I us your nsmo auav4oxe- i I ;��', . ! I '),, �you2 doz.aets of � - lean_t,00fn fu(t, wit)) 4tone stablln�,, underneatIl. that it ,Would be - a- pleasure ,to "be 11is K,ng�ne, qviould- have some snow eiriber a man 'in hls�,'e�nploy flollow- '. &41%L el � - I . _ Aiso a si)"!, so x ,30, and a driving house Nvith every7 - . fA. � If r1fa, _ .�-, M - . L& ,� , � - � � I -er-failing welk -for my vote, go �I en- to ,,�hjovci - nd -a- he pulled out he . ed a' big she coon- up a tr 0-a'ar - m & I I kX $� , li- I Is . A� K thinge eornpleto. Tliere;kre three nev canvassed ee rand Y C""r' Ido re T% tXLf1rdS - - -- on the jjremi!�c.% tbere is aiso. a iarge orcharct and deavored to ilook as much as oossi- � -,Lve t ldefigt- whistles. -But knocked her d-GW)3: 70 I . . I �/, -, . P'd Fes - I A. . . I �', , I � I - . . 9. . . -7i. "', -, - at liftail . - � trig 7 -ar i� 's b ( �� I I ,i� � 1. I y 7; are.10 acre,; bf fall whi own ble like!an every day elector of Sea- I ljo6r B'2'Dih 0 va his last. whistle. grio-dild i0i-6_re afte was caught affd I ! I iWi�ellatlg,.aspt(4,cardfiit"4514�) 11"Mrbe� good gmrdou. 'rhere. 0 11 . V., I.3 Did Re.1 IMP 1114VICA% STO-11 b4i - I . � , and there are 40.w3rei seeded down. Eitlier suitable 14 Every place you go you hear the aa*5 . - . , wAoretl. f-11 Ui8 OWe. 0, "I ... - � 1. %Ait , , . I f orth, and when I met them, Vmade I'lle leaves -h wife and seve* ,ot. u put in -a'bag. Two days after, a ._V1 I affelvo wrora to , -_ for hay or IxLsture. All the fal) plouj�lhilig is (10M , uestion asked, , - ,.r . 1 44 ort 4 & : flu C-111lip't 1) y Wr 1111111tila Q's Flor � ­­­ -1 � The farm i,) well underdrained with tile wid well. as I thouRlit, a,D 'up to date -aa8tern � family. Wis wife !.g a sister 1of Mr., boy won'bL up the tree$ followed out � , . la,tuoul I .... ot er, lie luore �bei*UA�nS,or TN,We� , I . 0 - ire-fenmq. Xt is In a 900(i loeuli'V, be- Doyou know that there is notl1ing so ��� . Ot ))A.,,.-tymt4,ju-iA-nt. xv�tt.rl ­ 1, . I i J _� fenved with vv countesy, but afas, I fear the wool- ' IrObeTt Hiolmwq, k- X -M. P., of Clinton., )a hole ,and i ,, Isch, P I ingsituate(I ,wo-and-a-half mile's-frorn Clliselhurst, a limb, p -at his 'hand in ngerous as a neglected cold -I f ,,.P? to ty - troat ye d verld 11,6 pirtit'n pos-.4ure-r- '"� - - t i - , I *,Qrt . -re thert i.q a pomt otriceand two chu rcbcs. Meth- ly west -tt3tyle was'pr4dominent hor . Wi%hing I ,Mxposibo pu'Lled out ,qnd 4fter the. otiber sev- I I I) , j., bo),11, IDS, Trallauw .. ­ . whe � I . . . . . . . . 1) arf: . I __ . � ­ ,- ��_ _KU*r1& " i , you know tha,b a nqgleetod cold will A ­_____ - -RIM ME I 1;�r I I 'eafortli and � in a bla y and . into Chronic Bronchitis, Pineumonia, �, M1 . . ,- 11R - "I'll, � . odistand.PresbyEerian, 8 iniles from s ' those lady v,anv t simply " y f riends PlrosPertOus en little 000ns, weighing a pound a ts 100 ' ' there i.4 a good ir st Ole farm. It Railed right on, never thinkin New . Year, * - red dbwn in a - - __ - I -Ili - Z)AIS mwel rc-ul running IxL plem. They were lowe I - % � IV - � I i%usting Catarrh arid the most deadly Qf � I ,- -_ . 11 I - - iti in gowl eondloon -vid will be sold oil rectsollable , - I - �,;. r1ber a T�tepay�er. This bapp ned in fr . I . W. - BAABER, bag and turned over to mammy coon. , � ___ - -_ . - I .. - - ._� .— tertn.4 as the pro i islies to retire. For fn e' - � I 1, 'the " Whito Pld`gue," Consumption. . ; w �1� �_ , � - res. a,nd Srowflak4 �, Ma Jit'n . - � �_ - - prietor i% �� A It ��� )r �t6 Qlll�ARLES in sy were rav- - : -%; -,.� parbiculus apply on the pre&4es c I Many a lifehistory would read different � � _� z ts.� . __ ABER11 AltT, �kaft P. O., Outari ,' .- 1060-tf dropped in ,to ask .his advice, 1but un- ! _. - , Lear.n. D.Aressmaking ,y � . *1 .... 4_1-Z of Mr. Murdie?g ide nee. . 2b, 1906. She alsowned the -; th " 117 0- � - -, inously h4ngry,' took to cow's b Wd I_, - _Ipera . - - I . ib , I -1 ga4i- ­ . .w=vw"wxw1 ;r ftlaavzwr=�� f�_ . . Gqarantee , Cure for Piles, . milk,. grew ,up on it and Wow weigh f, on the first appearanco of a. cough, i I I , -_ � , � i � p -_ I .- been remedied with - � .-- _ 1.� 4uftt Going to Se I I --r&qc) QZ . peice. Three -qf fibem. ire- . . In January and Save from -3 to 5 Dollars. �� � - VrL-* , I Im %-,, � (a op - I ing, Blind, Bleeding Pro0truding - I -1 . . I I cently vlsf�ea a neighblor'l Nwl- -1 orvo -Mon 24, Tavirnship 3. Ranve ! . Pile . Dru gisti are authorized to - rels- ; . Vio'WeO b 11! Of s3 4 , house and killed two -turkeys. 4%e D r. W 400,0 d,3 . Lparn by mail at bome in your epare time. if you would like to vonduot � :_ A$ 10i . 19 ; Qlan'the 8 .u�,h Riit qusmter ot seohlon 3F refu I money if PAZO 0114TMENT I I making, budness,',or for home use., It y -cu woui,a Lke to waue 83�00 A day thowivg -h#w I � 41"o I unze"I'a, 3nd tho North EA.t (pioutor of gotition 277: 1 Fe, V 711--ve Kidineyse .. I Cy, -vv'h,o lost the tuikeys 'identified I I waor � - ; on the first narned -p&reel � � L fails to cuie in.... to 14 days. 66c, . dfats-making ian.b -tallight );etter and cheaper by mail thim ony other way. 1-4 Oraer i I L 4 -_ Rartgolq, Nfaultnbs, -rorned tranie I . -Bensqn W, , arden, of London, " r. .11hompson bid to . I L 041- tr . I a is � i4provtd ecurea by Mwils-Ita - _. Ul , � ,� thero aro ., G5 a.-rimbr ik in z P, thrae I N00 r me " y �� IL . I i table, a. gio.] wAl. and 25 rterear- of � . Old pcople are especially liable OM w 11 wing carbolic acid pay lor the ,birds. The maraudiAg L . � � t g4st a larg� uumber of oigeDtf, at onee, I vrj,l teseL tb � I I - 11 . Thi . . r L ­ -dvrel1'W;*, aid i I , died fr al conirreu CILI.g fiD Jainuary, 19(6, for $10, insterid of r(gular 'trice, $13 -ord 01 .. ­ : ... - I . . P I a On the tod pa,cal thqre are 125 acrel I to Kidney ind Bladder Irrita- i given him Ibi's ife in mi�take for -.,:,k."�,-,�--,-.-"-.,.",cp,..,..n.,- I n �; ^ ' . - ri f arti(-ulsve, AIDD ­ � ... I - AUTO. L I Aft. W11 Agents vanted wheJe AV 8PAtA tiMe. NV Re to-ilpy ix brok-n, a frvqte h,)i�s tll%t cost S30) a 1),f stabt.) , 11 tiou. The organs are weakened � I I . ­ -_ - '] - I . .� . - ., . . I . I . Pine %"11 y r u " Moo houn- - t (4n-edfoA p�aturc. Th H pro - ; , ' medicine. *_ I . . . P� SA NDE,RS' 1) HESS ( UTTING SCROOL, STRAT-wo- RD. U;., wi z) I L � - . , I and r,b)u If) irras byage-. Thisstartsupinflatum . . . � I- � - , I . . %A: thin three tn'tleq nt the tow, 01 Ninzi, Fri ! I - I � - . bw� J . IVOM I to ,6 P. M., Mark6b Place, 4D' orjiw, City Hall, Stwszford. � - I _. . f ,4, , dL bibnob %n4 aff )rds ' ru.41tion-blood is not properly I . This wonderful cough aull cold inedicina - RIP orl-V i4 rtirtla.3h.ount-kin d f C�) * - - � � - W; far Nwe Outlook hbp roved Live Stock 11 ; � punified as ' it goes to the I . . those vory pi,rie princip1m �_ 'IL � I a mon deAir4ble opparruUiLY to ptrttes dualriaz I 'L, 11 �' Ontains all , , . � .. __ _ � I j . CON,7"o ,P,� -The Hxpositor.Y Broom , I ,hich m4e t] , I - I %,1Jto'J,t, L li i'l Well ' , I � very garde i of M, � Icidneys-an th bladder is- (Writteq, for" Y ,_, . I,. �e pine;,wixitIs zo val'aablia - AM INSIM A-61 L . to lo,- ste in th­ . �, . . . .� . _ =41% - L ,I f rminiv, --nd ,vill bg Fold - eapal at - . . flut . ; ­ - . I � - I adaptei 0 mIX0 unable to retain the 1, e - It would ,appear- from the thigh Con- I. e treatr4ent of hing affectioull, .. I . .1yorl.)0ne,))Lrcjl, Prloi,-,810,00-3, one,hS11 Casa . __�Iurm 4 - . . . . . . . ... . I , . real I.- Tild Cherry Ir � -_ � J. I a=d tho'b-thno) 01, glrn�% at0p��r cent. Forfartner properly. There is a Constant. P ri i ce.11 7ed at recent sales ok � 1. Combinikd with this are V 'a THE R it tz� IVY U9,9L - ­ � . � — I . � � , strucla .. . - .F."r_ 'd i - m- � ark and 'Oo . I . � I . pirticui�rtt addr-ass . dc3ire io urinate day and night pure bre ,�e stgalc that .the ,far . I ) soothing, heAling &I'd ON. � I . 1. 1: 1*m_ THOMAS'JOUNSTON. � . . flon ties of other pectokal - A ON, - �� . I * . -asid.sotmd, restful- sleep is, ers, and reedeks thTO4'gou atorant proper . � I - I' � . em . W11. 1978xi2 � Box 40j,'Boissevain, Manitobi 40 rbs and barks. Every home n . I . unkiiown. country -are fxll� alive to the 'Im- ' B 0 F, 0 K H eede domfort. .The hiame with a few attractive Pi -4k � _. . , , I I � - I I portance of improving Oe ,stpLnda-rd Brooms cost the - - . I 'For Co-ughs, Colds, Bronchitis. Pain in , . ' , � ..- -...- VU:o I . I . � I Asthma, Croup, 'Whoo i furniture$ perhaps an -Arm Chair for the Oder peoplv, and A 1COUPOIL =4 al� � � � = . . � ping . " : � -1 for Sale.. I - ,, - . of their (he dg of both the beef and manufacturers . the Chest, li eed be. Every one may have 40M uArb Dray Business � I - . I ,the dairy reeds. The I oblitention inore to. zi . I u arseness or way Affeotion of the, couple of E, asy 0hairs, is as lux anous as n ,".. �1_ � I &UN.-. I ake � I gh, Ho , ... - - I -Par F.ele, the drav 11114111esS in qeafortb, m4d by . "I � � - . - - . fil be able ____ � I .1 I john 11alikirk and'Sfirl- LverYthill*," in good order ' � ,i; OF � Oiat there s ahiays a 4emand for bub cost the con. I Ptirost, or LuCngs. ' You Ivill '�firld a� surQ. a home with the present low prieest of good krulture, You ,w , , � will also lie sold, the I " � M3, ; � 0 fM 11 7. -_ Rot I I . groDd animal at bandsmna 'prices is � ounier no more than the ordinary eure in Dr. Wood's Nom-sy Piao Syrup. Uu.t and gowl 1,11,jrj(-�,,4 done. There � . . baye wbat you want supplied at SM4 cost. if you- COMO to Uff. :�', , � - z . - For fAur- ,;, ( - . T - "I 1. :_ - - I .� . stalile prolwrr� (tit .John street, seaforth. I Il . U'l L& f fully bdrne ut. A good anima'l costs , kind. The Mrs. 0. W. Loomer,' 7--erwiok, N -Se, t) 1 - I % ?. . y -are oareful)y made of 41_16� 1 djtf � 4 ther partivulars apply to . � Wlites : - " I have used .Dr. WoocVa lqarw4y, � ++++4- -H-ol-1- + ++A. -W.14 -- - , � ; - -1 no more to eed t' an aii 4 aferior one the best mabDrialA and under the I 11 I I . - . J( ill',- ITABRIFIC & SON, afolth. TI -IE GE-NTLF, � KID,NEY CURE - and more. an mora is the farmer be- mosb rigid in edtion. ifte Syrup f or coughs and coidg, and havo . - . I i �� ��% . - I VW1 6e SIP I - ''I I . I I " __ - VV 11 LIN2-tf ­_�­­ . -..,----- oonling. con inced of t*6. fnn+. 4�- at . . P11ways found it to give iustant rellef. I -,?--F- llktT� - M1 -9: 7_1 -r ­:!�T. G� - -71 1 . I - __ �_ - - � , � I- � - � ! - . gives the vigor and strengt1i _1J I �V, I - ­ � t I . of youth to althoup BOECKHA"00"S - (I it to one of my neig4- U .1 _Rr . I - o � , i 11 th k initial cost of the In- IN M . 41r.o reizommende -I- -L. -k- I . . I I i ,kidneysand blad- . -b pleaiped with - . I'll �. - I � - � . - . . lirw -go& 1" - troduction f a pure. bred i%ire in- have light. handles -having the . bore auashe was. moro tha I .. . I . 1AUR T 11 0 Rw N 5E. I &r. + It soothes and heals the . , I Weight in the ri 11b placo. y . � . . t � Piomptly attended to night or day, __ . i 1; 1 -,._A?1_ V"'.. V#)6V-W@WM*V M-V-7Q%'--0=W*W� theresultH." - I � - — Ou � I � -_ I i a 'I Irr i ta te�d surf .�.bev,-to nes'up the - T'i'M' I r Wood'i Norway Pine Syra )Y, 25 cts. � � I .1 I)IIIN and felualvi of vloidd hardly believe tfie differ- '� Dr. . �. - � a- le -1 - :�_ � V I .X14,- Choice bred I., � orap.=#­:�nablcs tbein to do + ': Sore Throat ' once there is using them compared - , - - I 11 � . 10ILT11011 ,41le, '11,011t MIC0 (Iozol to Select i . ., - a�,nd C�ughs per bottle otall dealers. Patupiriyellu,v V% VMS f_vv" SI clityt,ient age,c for their work easily atid naburally , � R OAR Fe'00.2. , %,�Orili I'-- �. 'easolahle 1 liow licaded by I - -, - A s1r9ple, effecti o remed for all tbroor � with � othors. . - - wr�pper, and three ph3b trees the trade JD .MAAL CC . I ­ . : . 11cief", I ., , llert f Ve and af � Z� - . front. - - � � ­ ­�� � � an cl Cu res - . mark. - Refuse substitutez. There is *nl - _1�r ,, cuar&zylvann,111 (50904. I!- iq got 1..V UIL best a] I kidney troubles. irritations isfodh i iii . 7 Jk -7-M 4 low- -konbotliside-i'g 'Sydarlx United Factories, Limited, Tonato, Czn�. 4 . . 1� '10" �il - .;4 7=0 011_Q_. -1-1 . - . . . ri-dimioitedmtol' - - lj,F- rx:El - t 1, 'owh I" - ,s. - TL rins ; - Caves, N.,-Alwamati5za Too. . C'reeolene Antiseptic I z,blets . ion _� Norway Tine 8,yrup aud that one is. - , - I., .1 -1 ,r(A ill I't-Ifir, fLrlll ��efl ,et. on :�ik(jrt iv,_ I I Cresoknewitl I I el - . 10.zaaa-b" %-,' - V . ­ ty, Ire(I -' ()(11(�I,s Q'I ftl)plimtion. I � They cqvbine 6e gernlidial value 41, Dr. Woo&s. . : I � - _�� WIV 411 ft';_'iste(l eow%, .4�5 i t I , _ I - - .1 - ­.. I------ "I . �, 'E I � visit(im ,�velconiv. JOHN El,lwrr, llols,ftll 11. o.. TH'E CLAFLIN CHEM11C,I-L Co., Uhn.n-ED, the 3ooN-ag protvition of slippt�ry c!fu and licorsea i . I S. T. HOLMES, Affanager. I �� � : 1980-tr 10c. All DrujtafstO IS 1. ____ - - - NNIMIA 5 IL - . - - C011. - I . I I - and St� . Wu4oc-= ONT, . I , NrW YORK. � I . I - .1 I I I al . � . � - - � . . . , . - � ; � '� . � . I . I I . i I . .. : � -11, 1� � . . - i i � 4 16 ! . ,� . � � I . I � 0 � ; I I . �. ! I . I : I I . � � I I .� I II I . �., I I � � - � * . I . - I - . . - I - . I . � I . I � : �. s_ . _? t - � - I � - - . . ,I .. - � . I � I � I . : -� . . . - � . � - - � . . � ­ - - I ,..-.,--. . �_ . I ­ I i I . �_ . . . - � I . I . � - . --- . . � I . . .1. � . . 3 . - . I �, I . I i .1 ( - - - . I - __ - . - .- 11 z . ! � - ­ I . . I I . � �� I � - . - . - I . i . . � I I - � . � � t I r � q I I . I . . . � , i � : I . -- I ; I . � s � ; I ) � I i � . " . . . .1 . . I I .. � . � . I I . � . � . . I % - . - 4 . I i 4 . . � L, ,.�.� . . ­_­ ---,-- -,. � -, _ - - I _11-__ - ­ ­ . ­­ .... ­..­_.___.__.__._ ______ ­_­ _1_____1-- ___.___­_­___ — __...�­�x � diawwwwwaiwaNim