HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-02-02, Page 3lot 6
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.---Don't neglect tl first syrap-.
'ugh, the insipid cold, the listlese
id languid feeling., nye due to a.
sea state of the system. It is a
re sign of breakdown, Nothing -
e will put you eight so quickly and
Fectively as "PSYCHINE:” If you,
rue, a real tonic. Thera is 0
-z- gelod tonic. It
"' Keep a bottle handy.
b without it. It tones up•
e sys em and restores your cid
no vitality. Ask your druggist
Knit it.
0 Ring St. W. Toronto, Canada
111;htti FOR SALE. -Two very,
knice young bulls for sale.' Can he seen at the -
of the undersigned Exeter. T1,10),ms
Exeter. 1.0b0 -ti
until. No. 1 stand Avitth tools. iron. etc., _
him; ready to start. Apply to POSTX.A.STER,
FOR SERVICE. ----The undeedgned will keep
r the improvement of stoirk, fur Lot 24, Con,
fia,y. a pure bred Yorkliire Pig, to which
-,.-12.able at the time of servree. with the privil-
•• turning, if necessary. JOHN bleALLISTER.:
FOE SETWICE.-The undersigned win keep-.
hie plat* in Brucellekl, a pure bred York -
a pure bred Berkshire Boar, to- which a Urn-
adier of sows will be admitted. Tenns.-91.,
; at the time of service, with the privilege of
if rtece&kar,y. GEORGE HILL. 108-1.la.
.1,17*-- undersizned will rent his farm an
1, • Lake Shore to a good tenant for a term of'
The farm comiNts of 210 aeres of :good
ail under cultivation and in good _een.
i F.n• t,.rni_s and particulars apply at once
-tomtit id barn timber, square and in lengths‘
about h to ro feet, also a quantity of rough
t a, lumber, piarik and g. I'arties M-
g to betilu during the coming season will find
achantage to nail and see it on Lot 24,
or public auction. on Satunlay, Feb-.
113q. with stone cellar beneath and.x.
141t. x •21rit, The, house is con% mien*
'ft. with additional ftmd anti d.rive
l;ft. x There is also an orchard. ot choice
fruit trees. This property It ill be sold on easy
:as the proprietor ia going to the Northwest:
,,,inarle known an day of saki or on application.
CN, Auctioneer. 16'4(2
l'TfON SALE of a Choice 1:41 Acre Fa; .
There will be offered for sale by public auct'on,
:.orilay, February :;rd, at Dit•k's hoteL Sento
/o'clock p. ol., the following farm property,
d 2lt, and East half of Lot 24, Concessiim 14,.
lop. There are on the preinkes a frame - barn,
1 tkift.. with stone stabling beneath, a frame
t with &VIII. 611111 hen house beneath, it trame•
!.:alft. x Mt., with cement floor ; also- a emu-- =
le frame house, 281t. ".x. :Mt., kitchen, tat- x.
ii.irit stone cellar beneath, woodshed, 14ft. x.
lhe fann i.4 well watered 1.Q, an artesian we/1•.
ipplied at hause and barns with powervand
ng windmill, It is alqo in a good state of cul•Yr
n, There arr alai/ on tile premises. S.:aides or.
Irchard and 10 arett of hardwood N1,14 - Thu -
an mortgaze for a term Or za•ars to suit the
:11 be sold at a bargain as the proprietor is go-
t. Terms -I0 per cent. of the purehase mouses
aid in ea911 or satisfactory seettrit3; 'for She -
.s, able in :;0 (lays from date of sale. ':1,100C.eusaz;
, with interest at 41/_, -tier annum, br On.
nt may ho paid in cash. ,YD1IN DENNI-
k /.."; SALE 6f ?arm Stock ttnil hoplementte--
1 in bd. 2.1, Concession 5, 31(•Eiltop, on Fridar.
.. N37. :- Mere:es - ui draught fillies end geld-;
. Cattle -1 tharolired :shorthorn cow. Sce.
s 141-; - Lumber wagon ; set holit-leighs ; cutter
. k rzi-k : set diamond harrow,'; Frost & Wood
iterfttle. itl, three at-
, .1 The imuiemeat14
If ertilock and Oak Lege
with Ar
Sovereign Bank
of Canada]
Being a artered Bank, Authorised by the
Dominkn Government tO accept Deposit's.
writre:en institution Incorporated by Parliarfien
ter the purpose.
Government Supervision
A Guarantee Of afety
Money Orders Issued
flest -twee
Single Harness
tritrmed harem) at $20 (10 ; baiter
value than any $25.00 faotory mite.
'We guarantee them hkounPu we tnake tbtm
ourselves ; material, style arid quality
are the beat. They are the heuit value
to ba bad in single harness and we
atake our reparation for good har-
ness upon them.
- way and Saekatchewan at Speelal
'as tonal we have the very beat val-
uee in horse blankets. Quality the
beta; and prices the loweet.
C7, in
Papii of Mr. A• Si Vogt.
Piano, cretin mr1 theory Pupils prepared for con-
tormaticn apply at D. D. Wilson and Co's ofli ,e or
141:, J. A. Wiltcuis residence, Ann street, Beaforth. •
ANY even numbefed section of Damin
4 -on Landtt jn Manitoba or the Norm -west.
54, may be bomesteaded by any person
who ia the -sole head of a family, or eily
male over layettes of age, to the= extent of'
one trainer section of 160 aores, more or
Entry mav be Mu, personally 'at the
tand effioe for the district in which
the laud is &mated; or if the homesteader
desiree, he may, on application to the Min-
ister of the laterior, Ottawa, the Commis-
sioner of Intm'vation, Winnipeg, or the
local sp,tut receive authority for some cno
-to rnahl entry for him.
homeateader le required to perform
the zonditioris connected therewith under
one of tre following, plana
(I) At. least ;six months residence upon
and ouldvittion of the land in each year
for three years.
(2) If the father (or mother if the father
fe deceased) of the homesteader resides up-
on a, fnrtn in the vicinity of elle lind enter-
ed for the requirements as to residence may
be setitfied by such person residing with
the father or mother.
(3) If the settler heti his permanent reel -
the vicinity of hie homestead,' the require -
teener as to reeidence may be eatiefied by
ttieitience upon the eaid land.
Six menthe notice in writia - Phould be
given to ;he Colaraiesit ner of thiniaioh
Land. tt, Oete.wa of intention to apply ftr
Deputy of the:Minister of Interior.
I,Lia tertieement will not be paid for.
1 1977 26
-°•-•e DISTRX0i4ATTE
list of 'the eew books irece4ly
velvet at the Seaforth Pubjic
Daunt, by Pratt ; Prize to the .gardY.
eby Winter, ; el, the Road, hy
!Harvest of -the Sea, -by G•feofell ;
WItere the Sugar.- Maple Grows, btr
Teskey ; Heart of the World, by
Sheld.on ; Mid !the Thick Arrows, 'bY
Pembertotn t In the Forbidden Land,
era' meeting - of the Dominion
Dr tight Horee Breeders' SoeietY was
. •we k to 'consider what action would
be' taken regarding the future Of •
the society.' It le now, 1,0130 Yehrs
ng deeided to wind-. up the 'AlootetY
rid appointed •ctiuncil te proceed
. herewith according it'd law. The
ounoil dee/tided to ,eac pt _entries for
ter ilk& date no more business will
the eociety was organized:
publittlie.d. ;three volumes of ite
book mod has a fourth ready
the press, with a surPlus!in. the
of several hundred,dollars. But
IOW of the •apparent
ailing tits certificates of ,regis-
recognized =under the j)resent
rnment regulations tor nation -
ng of stook registry, the meet- •
g, which we take t, from the
kote, will 'be of intereet to the many
'frier de "'of - thetcleceased antongst crux
dtebtddh 14r V.118
g 'people
and Organ
fall. Thi, ion'
. ing the past yea
were ,added it!, th
30 by leertifioate,
Bion 01'4 faith. Fit
junction eertaitieat
been . rexnoved by
refit owed by +dansand fb.
. 11.
With. the church
xairMuors.er find ren
pipe organ lootaple
, .etor; Rdv. D. Pe
of the oongrcg iti
:gratulated on the
the ,church. . _
nlY $153. The me
had a pod year ; Whaley Wa. tued member of
been patd for in ListoWel Presbyterian church.
as neer tnembeee a -The infant son of Dr, and
nd 18 bY proles- died. in the Stratford hospital 1
een received dis- week, aged ten -days. • • 1
le and- fitter have --Miss Edna. Porteous, a " urse
de.ath: ate° tour :the Western -hospital, Toronto; nd
ere Mrs.. C. Dal- a former eesident of Stratford, died
Andereton, on. Friday, January 19th,- and Ikas
building recently -Mr. T. R. Race has reeeived
voted, the new flan.' notice that he bas been
tely paid for, .the pointed a ememissioner to the
rie, and members ) Zealand exhibition TAO be held. t
good standing: of in Juiae. e •
Woods', eon of Judge Wo
Stratford, who has been account
rip . in. the. Moistens bank at St, 'Ma
g.e-The. home of has been apriointed manager .0
-branch in Xerlin,
the evening of the -The body iof Cart, the sevee
e some of ia,rnost old son of Mr. and, Mrs. Mho
aata friends from,' Dodds, ef ataewas ;drew
bled to cblebrate. .on Monday Of -lest week, wad fo
ry .their mar.: on the !Pelle:wing Wednesday ab
goideri.. wedding. . half a mile ftere,where the amid
-A -very. pretty- -but quiet wedd
rd, Goderich, Nile;
1 the members of 23rd, at the hopie of Mr. land.
esent • except Jas., P. Levan, Listow-el, when their
oud. daughter, Maggie, was um
anitoba.- Shortly
George and, Mrs: a
of' Mortis, was int
17th a-Januery,
mein orable event
far and -near asee
the 50th anpierefs
Guests uumberin
ere& from Strati
Wingham, end
neighborhood. A
tbe family were )
who. resides- in
they Were ugherrzi intO the -dining
del-. -South Haven, !Michigan.
rootn. where all p rtook of the
-hams them. %hi -Wag: tollovved by
an address read y John Johnston thd city hall' on ThersdaY event
to Ids father and other and la pre- 2Joaonuoaoruypie!8pthr,es:e'llhnteraelidwaelrle jabo
Sentation by the family to each •
parent of a gold vetch. Mr. John- n re:3y, a sanfdur:uli)
of is career. e
dent bf this local'.
early pioneer. M
beautiful and ex
=ceived by the hen
ifesting the thigh
respect in vehich
$taas given in the e
astori will be ton
was served in the oity library,
has been a resi-
y for ne4riy- eau -Mr. William McKenzie, for ro ny
thereto as an <years a resident of Mitchell, died
ensive, were te- H s efdest daughter married _Mr. G.
S. Goodeve, barrister, 'Who practi ed
red couple, man -
n Mitchell till few years go
esteem and. great
bar. Mr. McKenzie leaves a wi ow
s. A most hetet,-
three daughters and one son. •
literary program
ening and the oc-
remembered by.
they are held hy
. full into +he rest eternal at the 'Melancholy Aebiderlt.-Mr. Robert
horn of her gene A. A. ;Burgess, in Wooda, a farmer of this .townOirtat
'net on, with Whom she had, liyed abeut three miles from Wingham,
for he p•ast seven years.. :The .final was killed last Friday forenoon. by
snm ens Genie after' an 'J./loess of a tree falling ant. him while work-
iseve al weeks closing, at the age of ing in the bush of john. 13 -._Hardie, a.
75 y
as a
-One ..evening, recentbt a son- of
Mxe Robert Columns, St. Marys, ahd
two other young Men collided 1, itti
another rig ;While driving out f one
his head and when picked up !was
unconstotous , and- is seriously in-
-On Wednesday, Januar*
there died at hie home. in Elm
ars, a life of earnest devotion neighbor. The i -unfortuaate . man titiZen well knottn. in that ne
boyhood, in the perecai of Wm."
Christian Wife and mother. `The lived only a fewe minutes after the
dow. He was in his '76th -year
al services were belel on Mon- accident. He wee about 55 years of
; bad been able to be ebtmit as la
afternoon at the M. Ee alrarch, age, and. unmarried. This Makes the
't preached with mnch tenderciess has been killed ie. the bush by tale
,of the -district. He
an ympathy from the text : "There - ling trees this .; season, 1 the othei I itanPiZtldeeerr
and a leading neembe
rem ineth therefore a test for 'the being Mr. Copeland, who , wart -killed
jeep e of G-od." The church, which less than a neontei ego in a ,slini,lar 1 -1(112Txhealdnearetai. .1,01:ettvrt.
was filled to the doors, was aeatite. manner. i
fully° decorated with flowers, and the Golden ' Weddiog.-The home of iJit-tnoiribYro2t3bredi, ,o'off ,14Mrr.. Glteeohre;et HIllaanim*-
4musi was exquisite, comprising ape Robert and latrit. Maxwell, of ' the
prop iate seleotions by the choir, alai Blueyale road, Turnberry., was the
was 56 years a age, .,and. dive 'in
a ;k0)6) feelinglY I. endered by Mrs, J'. scene of a happy ' atihering en. Wed -
Carlingford practioally ell his ife,
Cher berlin. The 'body 'Was taken en .neiday, 10th in te when a ' large , wilere
he conducted a -boot !and
the veiling train, ia alio rge at . A . A.. ' number of friend gathered to cel -
anniversary cif 141100 business. Born en _Armagh,
13ur Stii, te the told home in Egmont).- ebrate the Ante
.Ireland, 'he emigrated to Cantida
vine, Ontario, where Abe late hus- tbe wedding of the host and hostess
with his parents when a mere lad
hand and father. is buried. Agnes and :tender them ieongratulations ou
and settled in the eommenity ere
Peri Was born August 12, 183p, td having passed fifty years of married
he died. With the excepton tt a
Aber leenshire, Scotland,. aod at the life, Mr. IVIaxwell was born in
age if 21 years Was married to Jas. Dumfrieshire, &Oland, March 22,
_Burg sa. Ecair • years later ' they 1834. Itis partner, Jane Seott, 'was
came to America,' settling first near torn in the same Aloe, July
Cane ' two •daughters.
Lend n, Ont., and afterwards at the same year. ey came to
De -
died welve years ago. Mrs. Burgess , 19. On ,Sanuary 10th,' 1856 they were Catarrh Cannot be Cured. -
but. IS
WGre at the funeral bere TheY are ters, -all. of whom are living except taken internally !and acts direct]. on
Jame , Johp, Alexaeder and Wm. %he eldest Son,, jemes, who died. irr the . blood and mutates surfa es.
Burg ss, Mrs. 3.. D. .01att, Mrs. 1903. The members of the family HalPs Catarrh Cure is not a qu ok
'Stewert, Mrs. H. *F. Fisk, Mrs. Jas. are Mrs. Hugh R ss, Wingham • 3. medicate. It was prescribed. by erie
Ross, of 13rucefield, Ont ; :Mrs. Gil- S. Maxwell, .13rand n ; Miss N. Max- 'of the hest physioians ie this coan-
bort lAnderson, of Stutter, d Michi, well, Zion City ; NV . Maxwill, Blue- try ilor years, and is a regular 0 e-
gan, and ,Mise Elsie Burgess. vale road ; Mrs. . 11. Ross. Wing:- scription, It is composed of the 13 st
• -• • : ham. The corapany that gathered on tonics known, 'combined, with he
the 10th inst., to celebrate with best blood! purifiers, acting direc ly
eamitey niversary , of their -wedding day, was feet combination of the two ing
Steph,e.n township between
a .most bappy' -one. Arthur MurPhy, ents is what produces seal weed
•Sweitzer and Henry- Willert for the
of Galt, the gr,emisman fifty years ful. results in raring Catarrh.
ago was pregnE, together with a- for teetimonials free.
bout 50 old neighbors and. friends, IP. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tole
among whom were a number over •Ohio. , e
80. They brought with. them meny Sold 'by druggietst prioe 75c.
valu.able preseata as tangible evie ! Take ,Hall's Family Pills" for
dences of their esteem. Among- these t stipation.
was a purse of gold from the fame
et different times niade long united in raarriag
to her Children at Sheldon, 'Princeton. 'In 18
even years . ago eame tere. Ito the township of
er days. There are ten chile past 23 years hav
all of wheim are living and all berrY. The union
he two daughteks in the east family of tour son
, settling 'first in with LOCA.I; APPLICATIONS,
9 the* came 'Era they cannot !math the seat of
orris, but° for the disease. Catarrh is Ia blood Or e
resided in Turn- stitetional disease, and_ ie order
was blessed by 'a cure it you moist take internal
and. four delight. medics. Hall's Catarrh , Cure
ship, resulted in a tie, 42Z
being 'east for each candidate.
te in vor of Mr. Willer+, hut
his o )ponenViwas not content to. let
the n
of in
are b
atter est that way-, and took
t by two Of a majority. The
has locca.sioned a great deal
&rest in the towesthip.. They
th etreng a.nd popular men as
fight it out to^ a. finish. Bet Mr.
Steel teer is Wow two pointe ahead.
eve.s reeve. list year aini sis new
reeve agaih !this • yeate Faint heart
never -wton -Taft lady..
Statisties.-The total
ily. Dinner was served at "four ot.
niinent lawyer of Mentretil, new
clock and then followed a program
practising in Great t3ritain, etho
with j. S. Moffatt, .of Galt, preside
was beaten in t e Leigh division of
ing. The evening was most delight -
Lancashire as a hernia riaenite, got
fully :spent and the wishes of all
some consolation oht o the elect on
were that the worthy oouple maybe
spared to eaela other and to ;their
-insisted on kissing himi
friends to eelebrate their diamond
Stomach t'roubles and
sessenent of. er °Tablets ere the best thing tor
the toWnsthip ifor 1905 wae $2,005,- stonanch troubles end consapation 1,-
109, the areth 43,31S, acrele The have ever eold.," says 3. R. Cullman,
eau.n.ty- rate was $3,668.17, township a druggist Petterville, Michigan.
*ate, -$4,010.22 ; the big drain, $662,- They- are easy to take and always
65 ; the Logan draia, $315.80, the give satisfaction. len my cils-
Schwalm :drain,- $24.93; dog tax, tamers to try them and if net satie-
$282 ; "school rates, *5,183.48 ; srp- ' factory' to tome back and get their
arate $514.7f. The total a- money, but have never had a com-
mount levied twee $14,601.96. Total ; plaint." For sale by Alex.
reeeipts for'the year were $22,220.- • Druggist, Seaforth.
.85, payments„ $20,949.51 ; balance,
Death of George MoNair.-On Fite .y.
Robert Armetrong, of Ellice, has
daY morning, January 19th, George been elected county warden.
`:MoNatr pasped away - to his leng -Rev. Dr. Langford, ef Stratford,
home, after a long . illness-, He i s'aw a robin on Monday of last
t - t---- was the oldest man in the neighbor- .week.
unlop's ose
Dunlop's Choicest Flowers gull/ desItIoo
Floral, Designs -for all occasions. '
Flowers shipped to any point between' Half- •
fax and Coldary. and' Safe condition
100,000 Rose Trees in bloom. ,
Rale 4790 N ght and Sunday
ta2d. Distance Phone t
walla, Park 192
IVicKillop Directory for 11906
Winthrop P. O.
M. ROWLAND, 0ouncillore Walton
JOIIN 11cDOWEL11, Councillor, Sea.-
ItlICHA.EI XT.TRDIE, Clerk, Wintle-
DrAVPIDP.I1)., ipss, Treasurer,' Winth-
itary Instieepr, Winthrop P. 0.
hood, fhavirig - reached the age of -Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Brown,
93 years. He name tit Stanley wl-th ' of Mitchell, vvere, poisoned recently
his` molter and- sieters. many years from eating tanned pears.
'ago, and -settled on the farm where . -Mr. Louis Seebach, of Fullerton,
he died.' 'All Of the .family Jived to , met with a. serious aecident la.st
be- old, !several or them rea&ing 90. week. He Was eutting a tree when
In politics he was a Liberal. He it fell Ion, him.
never. married, his nearest relative -The Mitehell Electric Light Co.
being his. iniece,
took care of him duri
Mcb$ wb° have purchased abdut 400 meters
g his' long Hit and expect +soon to run the town by
Hait'd's e6m- the meter plan.
-Mr. J. Robinson, jr., Son of Mr..
John Robinson,, northeaet
A Prosperous Congregation, -The . cheese factory for the sum of $1,800.
annual -financial report of St. An- -Mr. Andrew Swan, who was mar-
deew's Presbyterian church, Wing- I ried last week to Miss Sara Black-
ham, or ;the year 1905 shows that , lock, of Carlingford, has purchased
the oo gregation (has hid\ one of the the Pollard property in Mitchell arid
most uccessful years in its his- intends living there.
tory. The total contribution for etilte -Master Willie Hyslop, aged ten
year mounted to $3,602:27, divided years, son of Mr. Wm. Hyslop of the
under the teollowieg Pleads -Envel- Gore of Downie, fell while playing
ope a d Plate contrib-ations $2,279.- . at school one day last week, land had
bath cheat, $168.55 Worna,n's Mis- -Mr. R. V. Marshall., vice-pre-4i-
ster uild, $394.95; Miesion Band. was tendered a banquet by the as -
$30.89 church debt, $158 ; other eociation prior to his •rentoval to
seurce , .$26.96. The envelope and Montreal.
ontributions ;were some $200 -Mr. Isaac Whaley, of Elm town -
than last peer. The total -ship, died on Tuesday morning, 23rd
utions to missions was $645, inst., in the -66th year of 1iis ege. He
an +increase of nearly $200 had beenisarIously 111 sioce December
st year. The church 43 in an last and bad been eonfined to the
*Yen 1
ir nt position fine-ncially as at house most of the time since. De -
1 f th r the la t in ed 't as of Irish arentage anvil
OUT Canadian women will ki dly
and iraitation package dyes are till
sold by, some dialers who Dare
for the comfort, profit and SIN sin
of our wives, mothers and da ht -
era 1
If you would have tome dy trig
done sucoessfully and profitably, in-
sist 'upon having the DIAN ND
DYES. Neier be induced to de
worthless dyes at any price.
poor dyes will surely rein Der
hands as well as year goods.
DIAMOND DYES for twenty4tve
years the favorites of our women,
are sold by all iprogressive and usy,
druggists and general storeek p-
ers in Canada.
hesitate to buy a fur coat if it were no for -the ex-
traordinary price induceraents we have been offer-
ing during January.
Prices that our customers recognize at a glance as
nue uine bargains
Prices strictIy'in accordance with our advertising
Prices that compare advantageously with other
stores, and
Prices that carry with them our guara for
Many people have taken advantage of these price.;
to supply themselves with a fur coat, sorae believ-
ing there is still plenty of rough weather in store
for us this year, and all realizing that there Is
many a stormy winter to come, and never, perhaps,
a better opportunity to hay.
We are going to continue our sale of furs till the
the close of the season, and clear them all, if pos-
sible, duriitg the current month. Below we quote
you a few ptices that should interest you if you
need a fur. coat--
Fur Lined
Canadian Goon
Australian Coon
Dyed Wombat
Black Calf, lamb co
Black Dog
miles Fur Jackets'
$30 to
30 to
20 to
12 to
lar 20 to
10 to
Astrachan, trimmed and un.
Bocharan Lamb
Fur lined coats, sable collars
21 to 49
35 to 47.50
Some stores ezatinually harp on price ; they never .u.entioD. quality,
style; 'fit, workmanship, linings, 860, Probably the price has made it neces-
sary to remove all the good qualities away from tkese and. leam noth-
ing to be said, All we have to say on price is, that we sell a the lowest
possible mark that will permit making our clothin,g up properl3r. We appre-
ciate the fact that the public have learned, from hard experience, that buying
low priced tailoring is buying trouble and dissatisfaction,
he best advertising we are doing to -day is the satisfaction we are
giving our customera in style, fit and Iworkmanship. Every suit we tum out
is a Molting, living advertisement of the Most substantial order.
We are offering this month a line of genuine heavy Irish blue or black.
pure 701 serge, made in single or douible bres.sted style, best linings ant
trimmurgs, suits illat you will beproudi to wear, that we will be proud to see -
you wet?, made to your orcler.
Special Price, 15.00
A perfeOt fit guaranteed, or no sale. Call and see them, it pay you.
&its for C.P.R. Telegraph and Ti kets
tainly cures coughs colds-
' bronchiti‘consumption.:And
it certainly strengthens. Weak'
*throats 'and weali lungs'.
There can be -no mistake about'
this. You know it is true. And
your own doctor will say so.
The best kbut of a testimonial --
“Sold for over sixty yea-rs.”
Mule hy 0'. G. Ayer Oa., Tamp, Mum,
Also maitaufaoturtra or
We have no neorstal We pliblisk
Sim formulas of all onr medlobites..:"
Keep the bowels with Ayer's
?Ills and tittle hasten recovery.'
3rand Trunk Railway
System: _
Ridgway Time Mobil.
Trains leave Seaforth se follows ;
0.60 $1, at. For Clinton, Goderloh Wingbana an
12.41 p. m. For Clinton and Goderioh
6,16 p. m. For Clifton, Wingbam and Ringer
10.88 p. n). For Clinton autitedeitt.
7.68 a. m For Stratford, Gue 14,' Toronto,
Orillia, North Bay and potato west ;
Belleville and Peterhof() and points
3.37 cr„ . For Stratford, Guelph, Toronto, Men.
treat and points oast
5.g3 IN m. For Stratford, Guelph and Toronto.
use NOM- Passenger.
Palmerston and Kincardine.
4 3o.ie SOUTH. ' Paso. ' Mixed. Pam,
Palmersion 8.10 8.00. 4.10
Highland Tea_
Is Pure Tea
Grand Mogul teas are
the products of the high-
lands ins Ceylon.
mountain dew of the Orient.'
(:( -Naiure put Into these
/ Highland teas a high per-
ing) arid a lovv percentage
3 (1 Grand Mogul 4 teas are
1 a nerve tonic, a pure food
' q-LNeryous- people prefer
them to medicine.
C(' tlealthy people regard
m as the beveracfe of
:Ct. \fr:zpared by- machinery ,
Grand' ogui-
,'., . Tea
t:( Sok' only in. packagei at 25c,
54 40c.. and 50c,,per pound In
black, green : or .moted. Look for
, the premium toopon and premium
list in each patlitage. The Cost of' ,.
these Conpons is pot taken out.of the.
tea but is simply a part of the adver-,,
-°•-•e DISTRX0i4ATTE
list of 'the eew books irece4ly
velvet at the Seaforth Pubjic
Daunt, by Pratt ; Prize to the .gardY.
eby Winter, ; el, the Road, hy
!Harvest of -the Sea, -by G•feofell ;
WItere the Sugar.- Maple Grows, btr
Teskey ; Heart of the World, by
Sheld.on ; Mid !the Thick Arrows, 'bY
Pembertotn t In the Forbidden Land,
era' meeting - of the Dominion
Dr tight Horee Breeders' SoeietY was
. •we k to 'consider what action would
be' taken regarding the future Of •
the society.' It le now, 1,0130 Yehrs
ng deeided to wind-. up the 'AlootetY
rid appointed •ctiuncil te proceed
. herewith according it'd law. The
ounoil dee/tided to ,eac pt _entries for
ter ilk& date no more business will
the eociety was organized:
publittlie.d. ;three volumes of ite
book mod has a fourth ready
the press, with a surPlus!in. the
of several hundred,dollars. But
IOW of the •apparent
ailing tits certificates of ,regis-
recognized =under the j)resent
rnment regulations tor nation -
ng of stook registry, the meet- •
g, which we take t, from the
kote, will 'be of intereet to the many
'frier de "'of - thetcleceased antongst crux
dtebtddh 14r V.118
g 'people
and Organ
fall. Thi, ion'
. ing the past yea
were ,added it!, th
30 by leertifioate,
Bion 01'4 faith. Fit
junction eertaitieat
been . rexnoved by
refit owed by +dansand fb.
. 11.
With. the church
xairMuors.er find ren
pipe organ lootaple
, .etor; Rdv. D. Pe
of the oongrcg iti
:gratulated on the
the ,church. . _
nlY $153. The me
had a pod year ; Whaley Wa. tued member of
been patd for in ListoWel Presbyterian church.
as neer tnembeee a -The infant son of Dr, and
nd 18 bY proles- died. in the Stratford hospital 1
een received dis- week, aged ten -days. • • 1
le and- fitter have --Miss Edna. Porteous, a " urse
de.ath: ate° tour :the Western -hospital, Toronto; nd
ere Mrs.. C. Dal- a former eesident of Stratford, died
Andereton, on. Friday, January 19th,- and Ikas
building recently -Mr. T. R. Race has reeeived
voted, the new flan.' notice that he bas been
tely paid for, .the pointed a ememissioner to the
rie, and members ) Zealand exhibition TAO be held. t
good standing: of in Juiae. e •
Woods', eon of Judge Wo
Stratford, who has been account
rip . in. the. Moistens bank at St, 'Ma
g.e-The. home of has been apriointed manager .0
-branch in Xerlin,
the evening of the -The body iof Cart, the sevee
e some of ia,rnost old son of Mr. and, Mrs. Mho
aata friends from,' Dodds, ef ataewas ;drew
bled to cblebrate. .on Monday Of -lest week, wad fo
ry .their mar.: on the !Pelle:wing Wednesday ab
goideri.. wedding. . half a mile ftere,where the amid
-A -very. pretty- -but quiet wedd
rd, Goderich, Nile;
1 the members of 23rd, at the hopie of Mr. land.
esent • except Jas., P. Levan, Listow-el, when their
oud. daughter, Maggie, was um
anitoba.- Shortly
George and, Mrs: a
of' Mortis, was int
17th a-Januery,
mein orable event
far and -near asee
the 50th anpierefs
Guests uumberin
ere& from Strati
Wingham, end
neighborhood. A
tbe family were )
who. resides- in
they Were ugherrzi intO the -dining
del-. -South Haven, !Michigan.
rootn. where all p rtook of the
-hams them. %hi -Wag: tollovved by
an address read y John Johnston thd city hall' on ThersdaY event
to Ids father and other and la pre- 2Joaonuoaoruypie!8pthr,es:e'llhnteraelidwaelrle jabo
Sentation by the family to each •
parent of a gold vetch. Mr. John- n re:3y, a sanfdur:uli)
of is career. e
dent bf this local'.
early pioneer. M
beautiful and ex
=ceived by the hen
ifesting the thigh
respect in vehich
$taas given in the e
astori will be ton
was served in the oity library,
has been a resi-
y for ne4riy- eau -Mr. William McKenzie, for ro ny
thereto as an <years a resident of Mitchell, died
ensive, were te- H s efdest daughter married _Mr. G.
S. Goodeve, barrister, 'Who practi ed
red couple, man -
n Mitchell till few years go
esteem and. great
bar. Mr. McKenzie leaves a wi ow
s. A most hetet,-
three daughters and one son. •
literary program
ening and the oc-
remembered by.
they are held hy
. full into +he rest eternal at the 'Melancholy Aebiderlt.-Mr. Robert
horn of her gene A. A. ;Burgess, in Wooda, a farmer of this .townOirtat
'net on, with Whom she had, liyed abeut three miles from Wingham,
for he p•ast seven years.. :The .final was killed last Friday forenoon. by
snm ens Genie after' an 'J./loess of a tree falling ant. him while work-
iseve al weeks closing, at the age of ing in the bush of john. 13 -._Hardie, a.
75 y
as a
-One ..evening, recentbt a son- of
Mxe Robert Columns, St. Marys, ahd
two other young Men collided 1, itti
another rig ;While driving out f one
his head and when picked up !was
unconstotous , and- is seriously in-
-On Wednesday, Januar*
there died at hie home. in Elm
ars, a life of earnest devotion neighbor. The i -unfortuaate . man titiZen well knottn. in that ne
boyhood, in the perecai of Wm."
Christian Wife and mother. `The lived only a fewe minutes after the
dow. He was in his '76th -year
al services were belel on Mon- accident. He wee about 55 years of
; bad been able to be ebtmit as la
afternoon at the M. Ee alrarch, age, and. unmarried. This Makes the
't preached with mnch tenderciess has been killed ie. the bush by tale
,of the -district. He
an ympathy from the text : "There - ling trees this .; season, 1 the othei I itanPiZtldeeerr
and a leading neembe
rem ineth therefore a test for 'the being Mr. Copeland, who , wart -killed
jeep e of G-od." The church, which less than a neontei ego in a ,slini,lar 1 -1(112Txhealdnearetai. .1,01:ettvrt.
was filled to the doors, was aeatite. manner. i
fully° decorated with flowers, and the Golden ' Weddiog.-The home of iJit-tnoiribYro2t3bredi, ,o'off ,14Mrr.. Glteeohre;et HIllaanim*-
4musi was exquisite, comprising ape Robert and latrit. Maxwell, of ' the
prop iate seleotions by the choir, alai Blueyale road, Turnberry., was the
was 56 years a age, .,and. dive 'in
a ;k0)6) feelinglY I. endered by Mrs, J'. scene of a happy ' atihering en. Wed -
Carlingford practioally ell his ife,
Cher berlin. The 'body 'Was taken en .neiday, 10th in te when a ' large , wilere
he conducted a -boot !and
the veiling train, ia alio rge at . A . A.. ' number of friend gathered to cel -
anniversary cif 141100 business. Born en _Armagh,
13ur Stii, te the told home in Egmont).- ebrate the Ante
.Ireland, 'he emigrated to Cantida
vine, Ontario, where Abe late hus- tbe wedding of the host and hostess
with his parents when a mere lad
hand and father. is buried. Agnes and :tender them ieongratulations ou
and settled in the eommenity ere
Peri Was born August 12, 183p, td having passed fifty years of married
he died. With the excepton tt a
Aber leenshire, Scotland,. aod at the life, Mr. IVIaxwell was born in
age if 21 years Was married to Jas. Dumfrieshire, &Oland, March 22,
_Burg sa. Ecair • years later ' they 1834. Itis partner, Jane Seott, 'was
came to America,' settling first near torn in the same Aloe, July
Cane ' two •daughters.
Lend n, Ont., and afterwards at the same year. ey came to
De -
died welve years ago. Mrs. Burgess , 19. On ,Sanuary 10th,' 1856 they were Catarrh Cannot be Cured. -
but. IS
WGre at the funeral bere TheY are ters, -all. of whom are living except taken internally !and acts direct]. on
Jame , Johp, Alexaeder and Wm. %he eldest Son,, jemes, who died. irr the . blood and mutates surfa es.
Burg ss, Mrs. 3.. D. .01att, Mrs. 1903. The members of the family HalPs Catarrh Cure is not a qu ok
'Stewert, Mrs. H. *F. Fisk, Mrs. Jas. are Mrs. Hugh R ss, Wingham • 3. medicate. It was prescribed. by erie
Ross, of 13rucefield, Ont ; :Mrs. Gil- S. Maxwell, .13rand n ; Miss N. Max- 'of the hest physioians ie this coan-
bort lAnderson, of Stutter, d Michi, well, Zion City ; NV . Maxwill, Blue- try ilor years, and is a regular 0 e-
gan, and ,Mise Elsie Burgess. vale road ; Mrs. . 11. Ross. Wing:- scription, It is composed of the 13 st
• -• • : ham. The corapany that gathered on tonics known, 'combined, with he
the 10th inst., to celebrate with best blood! purifiers, acting direc ly
eamitey niversary , of their -wedding day, was feet combination of the two ing
Steph,e.n township between
a .most bappy' -one. Arthur MurPhy, ents is what produces seal weed
•Sweitzer and Henry- Willert for the
of Galt, the gr,emisman fifty years ful. results in raring Catarrh.
ago was pregnE, together with a- for teetimonials free.
bout 50 old neighbors and. friends, IP. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Tole
among whom were a number over •Ohio. , e
80. They brought with. them meny Sold 'by druggietst prioe 75c.
valu.able preseata as tangible evie ! Take ,Hall's Family Pills" for
dences of their esteem. Among- these t stipation.
was a purse of gold from the fame
et different times niade long united in raarriag
to her Children at Sheldon, 'Princeton. 'In 18
even years . ago eame tere. Ito the township of
er days. There are ten chile past 23 years hav
all of wheim are living and all berrY. The union
he two daughteks in the east family of tour son
, settling 'first in with LOCA.I; APPLICATIONS,
9 the* came 'Era they cannot !math the seat of
orris, but° for the disease. Catarrh is Ia blood Or e
resided in Turn- stitetional disease, and_ ie order
was blessed by 'a cure it you moist take internal
and. four delight. medics. Hall's Catarrh , Cure
ship, resulted in a tie, 42Z
being 'east for each candidate.
te in vor of Mr. Willer+, hut
his o )ponenViwas not content to. let
the n
of in
are b
atter est that way-, and took
t by two Of a majority. The
has locca.sioned a great deal
&rest in the towesthip.. They
th etreng a.nd popular men as
fight it out to^ a. finish. Bet Mr.
Steel teer is Wow two pointe ahead.
eve.s reeve. list year aini sis new
reeve agaih !this • yeate Faint heart
never -wton -Taft lady..
Statisties.-The total
ily. Dinner was served at "four ot.
niinent lawyer of Mentretil, new
clock and then followed a program
practising in Great t3ritain, etho
with j. S. Moffatt, .of Galt, preside
was beaten in t e Leigh division of
ing. The evening was most delight -
Lancashire as a hernia riaenite, got
fully :spent and the wishes of all
some consolation oht o the elect on
were that the worthy oouple maybe
spared to eaela other and to ;their
-insisted on kissing himi
friends to eelebrate their diamond
Stomach t'roubles and
sessenent of. er °Tablets ere the best thing tor
the toWnsthip ifor 1905 wae $2,005,- stonanch troubles end consapation 1,-
109, the areth 43,31S, acrele The have ever eold.," says 3. R. Cullman,
eau.n.ty- rate was $3,668.17, township a druggist Petterville, Michigan.
*ate, -$4,010.22 ; the big drain, $662,- They- are easy to take and always
65 ; the Logan draia, $315.80, the give satisfaction. len my cils-
Schwalm :drain,- $24.93; dog tax, tamers to try them and if net satie-
$282 ; "school rates, *5,183.48 ; srp- ' factory' to tome back and get their
arate $514.7f. The total a- money, but have never had a com-
mount levied twee $14,601.96. Total ; plaint." For sale by Alex.
reeeipts for'the year were $22,220.- • Druggist, Seaforth.
.85, payments„ $20,949.51 ; balance,
Death of George MoNair.-On Fite .y.
Robert Armetrong, of Ellice, has
daY morning, January 19th, George been elected county warden.
`:MoNatr pasped away - to his leng -Rev. Dr. Langford, ef Stratford,
home, after a long . illness-, He i s'aw a robin on Monday of last
t - t---- was the oldest man in the neighbor- .week.
unlop's ose
Dunlop's Choicest Flowers gull/ desItIoo
Floral, Designs -for all occasions. '
Flowers shipped to any point between' Half- •
fax and Coldary. and' Safe condition
100,000 Rose Trees in bloom. ,
Rale 4790 N ght and Sunday
ta2d. Distance Phone t
walla, Park 192
IVicKillop Directory for 11906
Winthrop P. O.
M. ROWLAND, 0ouncillore Walton
JOIIN 11cDOWEL11, Councillor, Sea.-
ItlICHA.EI XT.TRDIE, Clerk, Wintle-
DrAVPIDP.I1)., ipss, Treasurer,' Winth-
itary Instieepr, Winthrop P. 0.
hood, fhavirig - reached the age of -Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Brown,
93 years. He name tit Stanley wl-th ' of Mitchell, vvere, poisoned recently
his` molter and- sieters. many years from eating tanned pears.
'ago, and -settled on the farm where . -Mr. Louis Seebach, of Fullerton,
he died.' 'All Of the .family Jived to , met with a. serious aecident la.st
be- old, !several or them rea&ing 90. week. He Was eutting a tree when
In politics he was a Liberal. He it fell Ion, him.
never. married, his nearest relative -The Mitehell Electric Light Co.
being his. iniece,
took care of him duri
Mcb$ wb° have purchased abdut 400 meters
g his' long Hit and expect +soon to run the town by
Hait'd's e6m- the meter plan.
-Mr. J. Robinson, jr., Son of Mr..
John Robinson,, northeaet
A Prosperous Congregation, -The . cheese factory for the sum of $1,800.
annual -financial report of St. An- -Mr. Andrew Swan, who was mar-
deew's Presbyterian church, Wing- I ried last week to Miss Sara Black-
ham, or ;the year 1905 shows that , lock, of Carlingford, has purchased
the oo gregation (has hid\ one of the the Pollard property in Mitchell arid
most uccessful years in its his- intends living there.
tory. The total contribution for etilte -Master Willie Hyslop, aged ten
year mounted to $3,602:27, divided years, son of Mr. Wm. Hyslop of the
under the teollowieg Pleads -Envel- Gore of Downie, fell while playing
ope a d Plate contrib-ations $2,279.- . at school one day last week, land had
bath cheat, $168.55 Worna,n's Mis- -Mr. R. V. Marshall., vice-pre-4i-
ster uild, $394.95; Miesion Band. was tendered a banquet by the as -
$30.89 church debt, $158 ; other eociation prior to his •rentoval to
seurce , .$26.96. The envelope and Montreal.
ontributions ;were some $200 -Mr. Isaac Whaley, of Elm town -
than last peer. The total -ship, died on Tuesday morning, 23rd
utions to missions was $645, inst., in the -66th year of 1iis ege. He
an +increase of nearly $200 had beenisarIously 111 sioce December
st year. The church 43 in an last and bad been eonfined to the
*Yen 1
ir nt position fine-ncially as at house most of the time since. De -
1 f th r the la t in ed 't as of Irish arentage anvil
OUT Canadian women will ki dly
and iraitation package dyes are till
sold by, some dialers who Dare
for the comfort, profit and SIN sin
of our wives, mothers and da ht -
era 1
If you would have tome dy trig
done sucoessfully and profitably, in-
sist 'upon having the DIAN ND
DYES. Neier be induced to de
worthless dyes at any price.
poor dyes will surely rein Der
hands as well as year goods.
DIAMOND DYES for twenty4tve
years the favorites of our women,
are sold by all iprogressive and usy,
druggists and general storeek p-
ers in Canada.
hesitate to buy a fur coat if it were no for -the ex-
traordinary price induceraents we have been offer-
ing during January.
Prices that our customers recognize at a glance as
nue uine bargains
Prices strictIy'in accordance with our advertising
Prices that compare advantageously with other
stores, and
Prices that carry with them our guara for
Many people have taken advantage of these price.;
to supply themselves with a fur coat, sorae believ-
ing there is still plenty of rough weather in store
for us this year, and all realizing that there Is
many a stormy winter to come, and never, perhaps,
a better opportunity to hay.
We are going to continue our sale of furs till the
the close of the season, and clear them all, if pos-
sible, duriitg the current month. Below we quote
you a few ptices that should interest you if you
need a fur. coat--
Fur Lined
Canadian Goon
Australian Coon
Dyed Wombat
Black Calf, lamb co
Black Dog
miles Fur Jackets'
$30 to
30 to
20 to
12 to
lar 20 to
10 to
Astrachan, trimmed and un.
Bocharan Lamb
Fur lined coats, sable collars
21 to 49
35 to 47.50
Some stores ezatinually harp on price ; they never .u.entioD. quality,
style; 'fit, workmanship, linings, 860, Probably the price has made it neces-
sary to remove all the good qualities away from tkese and. leam noth-
ing to be said, All we have to say on price is, that we sell a the lowest
possible mark that will permit making our clothin,g up properl3r. We appre-
ciate the fact that the public have learned, from hard experience, that buying
low priced tailoring is buying trouble and dissatisfaction,
he best advertising we are doing to -day is the satisfaction we are
giving our customera in style, fit and Iworkmanship. Every suit we tum out
is a Molting, living advertisement of the Most substantial order.
We are offering this month a line of genuine heavy Irish blue or black.
pure 701 serge, made in single or douible bres.sted style, best linings ant
trimmurgs, suits illat you will beproudi to wear, that we will be proud to see -
you wet?, made to your orcler.
Special Price, 15.00
A perfeOt fit guaranteed, or no sale. Call and see them, it pay you.
&its for C.P.R. Telegraph and Ti kets