HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-02-02, Page 1w.mormalmattaiNdflielia you, May ai h at our ay Tio more or '-son does herc. oh low prices to 4.9-10 make lower uced [act< Dress Goods. hat has been said about colored refers to black stuff e also ve been ssIling m re black of ate than was the case earlier ason. Many women like to • good black dree..se,at this time _year. At present we have an nt variety of the most popular "iok Se ke ROXANAS OREPILLES LUiTRES CORD DE SOIES s To Clear Would you buy a stylish 1906 Jaeket if the price were away below what is reason- able ? Of course, our range - of jackets. is somewhat brok- en, but we are desirous of closing out every garment in stock It will pay you to •otele and see the kind of ha.gain you can get. )1- Mid -Winter I e in Staples 'values in Staple Goode as we midis from novae The reason is g up Woollens are going up T. te prices most rapidly, are the land in every home obtain now at very Iow prices • FACTORY COTTONS , 'PILLQW COTTONS TING TWILL SHEETING 11;ENCE OLOTH NGS PILLOW LINENSINEN TABLINGS prtlittatMtatogwramem.....emt.......s...ottazitwortidtmlotalagOINSPHONNWHISPNIIIIIiir. Mattera not where, nearby. or attended to with promptness ....vmemPAN.11.115F.- 5 • ONT rhOCAtt was returning from Sean ln borse shied an upset hi n: the rig. It ran all the wan e and left Mr. Scott to walk.— andrew Coatee also had a very; nit experience on Saterday. I. Ile was leading a horse, anid ned back and got away, and, aa tiettes tried to turn (nt the lona, verse in the center reared and r. itself into tlie creek, but Ofr- hung onto the line, and it nt without doing mutat damage- ., SALE REGIS IER. ill i, a-gs.tiun the Itaigit-tegunt, :.stri leavened •- .1, ',nil ti, tt!i 11,44 War 't .4141 -.loom., 11.11,aY 1,d, nen- „ w, 1‘;• -•01..11 -or. -19811-1 Ligt T. R. 1*.i!4.rn1.. hokr • •.f g Wedne,41-Y. er111.481a, 1...titt..it,Fi anti JOsePlir IOSO-4 • let•N'tiar% ;14 tgL, at Dj(k'&- -itth rIi. 'Am. Mama On u. firo.wn Win Vpilrt..r.r:. nr 1 t.`,1, -.f. p iii. OT M..h.11..t., 1 .trol Stoek Sint St, la art ThOrna.% et% st1t'.•!Ertt, • ttnit.n, J. th,hrt tr.t,; *I ; ttrtc.: cte•tioneter. 14.139,01, e.. .t-tottt .1•=it, rat ftt 2-itextk (la it. t1,1.1,)},11. .larnt-s G. • • ‘t.t't • ' tt • , ‘1ol-g Olt! g TED 1,..1.1.1;r14. Ifortwa !Ina t, iit' -;110.$ Bralrit# • 2%,1 .! 1„. m.. ork •-- ‘1<-N-1.*.‘ . and ens r.f.• ; Tharnra . 198841 • Fs : ;if t8r14)Ct I,t•r,mith, onC' /*arm Sttiel, and j)t-i41 ingprieto.r ; Thninri* 1951,1-2 ,t n irv.ar, 1y.4.L . ....I. H.11,..p. TIti. t ts."••• 1114;it.t't I ft/r1`,0. LOt 67. 41. , 1.f;i. ThoinftS, • —one ' c=amanimak, , THIIITY-EIGETH NE4R, WHOLE NUMBER, 1,9,90, SEAFORTH, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1.060 _Fine rrailoring and readynsade Clothing e GREI OTITI COMP A ar” I FURS AND Cr. FURNISE' INGS Awakening to the Fads. ileleion+444ensiennelennienieleititien+++, • Our 'Winter $ale prices, some of which are quoted below, being so very low in many instances, have caused duht in the minds of a few as te the genuiness of our claims to quality. We can only say in thie connection that 011r invitation has gone gut to all people to come and see. Great numbershave come, These are the people who have awakened to the, fact\ that to corae to our store is to get what you are looking for and wa,4 and at a saving to ehe purchaser • of dollars upon dollars, Your share is here, and you may have it for the coming. • Fur JacKets. Black Astra an Jackets, all new styl $25 00 Bocharan lamb with sa- ble collar 30 00 Bocharan lamb,vvith, plain collar 30 00 Electric Seal Jackets, sa- ; ble collar 39 '00 Fur lined coats in black and fawn 3,5 00 to 6 00 Small Fume he iiutinty Gouncji. The, January SeSSien. of tine camel - council openedl iui the court house a Goderich, on Teein.a.y of last week. The clerk presided and asked the cpunofl1 to elect p. warden for the y er. H -- Moved by Mr. MeNaughton -sec- o ded ny intrns Ca -melon. that- Mr. Speakman, ceuncillor for division o. 4, be warden' ter the year 1906. No other ,flomatations were reeeiv- and after the expiration of half ae hour tate clerk declared IVIr. Speakman - elected warden end In- vited him to the chair. 'After subscribing to t,he oath of office before Judge Holt, Mr. Speak- man thanked, the m•embers of the council or the, honor they had icon - f rred on -bizn, anti addressed the c uncil on the Iork' of the 'past y ar. •1 All tne members were preterit. ln(oved by Mr. Currie „seconded by r. Lamont that Messrs, McQuillan, B.ryan, Miller, Ferris, •land Isbister, b a striking cotionnitte to name t e standing cemmittees nor the -y ar. - i Moved in amendment' by Mr, Can- telon and Mr. 'Morrison that lnessre. McKenzie Bryan, Lamont, McQuil- la and nieNaughton be a committee t Strike the standing oomniittees folr the year. the ,motion carried. . - Standing Comm.ittees, The striking committee reported as tollows: •Executive and Speelal. — Messrs. Miller, Ferris, Grieve, Bryans, Is- bisier. Finance and Education, —Messrs, Gardiner, Doig, McQuillan,, Currie, MeKenzie. Road and Bridge and County Prop- erty,—Messrs. Cantelon, Lamont, Mc- Naegloton, McLean, Morrison., ,Equalization,—The Whole Council. Warden's Committee,—Me.ssra. Mil- ler, Isbister, Bryans Gardiner, House o -- f Refuge, --!Messrs. bldnenn zi , Ferris, McQuillan. ihe report; was adopted.: " Communications. The follew Le g ' c onammnea ti a n a were reeeived and referred to oora- mitteesWestern Good Reads As- sociation, that oneior more dele- gate e be appointed to attend meet- ing, and financial assistance given to defray eepenses. From .the National Sanitarium circular from the Pelson - erg' Ald Soc„iety, letter asking for grant to Sick Children's Hospital, re- queit for grant to Baron Rifle As- sociation.- A number of other come inuninations were aleo received and. sexii; to the proper committees. - A.pplicetitins were received from P. Cantelon, R. A. Carrick,' J. Gov- enlock, M. Black, N. Robson, W. S. McCrostie, and W. S. MeKereber for appointment as county auditor. Messrs. 3. H. Cameren and W. J. Moffatt asked no be appointed on the county, board of examiners. These applicatione .were left On table. A number of aecotents WOTO 'Sent to the finance loommittee. • Jailor's Report. The jailor reported that at- at pres- ent there are thirteen Inmates in the - jail, seven charged with vag- rancy, one with street walking; our With •theft, and one with larceny. He drew the attention of bile Couneil to the nhanges in the heating sys- tem, asked for at the December ses- sion. Fur Gauntlets, Astra- chan $ 3 60 Fur Muffs $6 00 to 12 00 Fur °apathies Ruffs in sable Stole Ruffs, mink and. sable Fur Caps in Bocharan lamb Fur Gaps in Perdan lanib, very best — Beaver Caps 1 PITT?, . COTS Coon- Ooats Dyed Wombat Coats, very best quality, Wallaby or Australian Coon, ye#37 best quality 131ack Calf with lamb collars Black- Calf, plain collar Dark Brown Calf Black Dog Black curl Cloth with fur collar Black curl cloth coats $3 00 to 15 00 600 $6 00 to 10 00 -300 5 00 to 750 2 75 to 650 $35 00 to $55100 22 '00 2O0 21 Q0 ,18 00 '15 00 12 00 1200, 10 00 Overcoats. Men's $12 to $14 overcoats $8 50 Men's $7.50 to $10 overcoats for 5 50 Boys' heavy storm collar overcoats for• , 325 $6 to $9 fine dress overcoats 1$ It for reefers, for 390 high storm collar, 250 • SUITS. menvio to $14 suits for -t Men's.$6.50 to $9 suits for Boys' three piece suit, 10 to 15 years, regular prices $5 to $7,50, for 3 -piece suits, regular $4.50, for • Boys' 2 -piece suit tc odd knickers ‘c odd coats 1i 25 fine blaek worsted suitings, made to your measure 25 fancy checks and stripe suits, made to your measure The regular price of these suitings is $18 to $22 UNDERWEAR. Men's heavy ribbed all 'Wool unshrinkable, regular price 75c to $1, for Men's fine fleece lined, regular 75c for Men's odd drawers and shirts, l;eavT Men's best heavy Klondike sot Men's heavy sox :14' Men's heavy top shirts; regular $1.30._ to .$2, for • Men's sweaters . Boys' undershirts and diaWers Boys' heavy ribbed. stockings, 1W6/1'14 and boys' mufflers • Men's collars, all sizes, two for $7 50 500 3 25 2 50 200 . 25 13• 15 00 -1500 50o, 50c •=40c 25C 20c •' 90 65c to '35c tO 500 25c 25c 25c Altoeether the best stook in.Seaforth to choose from, because everything is, • absolutely new and fresh, and riboupglictes.at low mice, and selling • a v2- Highest price for Butter and Eggs. The GREIG CLOTHING CO„ East Side Main Street, one door Southof the 'Dominion Bank, - _County Engineer's Rep•ort. The -county engineer laid before the council tenders received for the different beidgee to be built. He reported that he had since last meet- ing received $15 for old bridge sna•-• terial, and than paid the !same iover to the treasurer. Several ,of , the older tree bridges should then.° new floors and joiets early next sum- mer, and le recommended •that where new joists are required that steel ones be used. He had visitnn Bayfield on the lith inst., and in- spected the coperete • work there. He found the north abutment and Pier in gond condition, but the' south abutment was eonsiderably cracked, -whicat he considered was caused by the slid.ing of tthe heavy bank at tnat point. If tne abutment remainain its present condition he thought it could be impaired next summer, and made to ,answer for the support of the superstructure. Instead'of fili- ing the approach with earth, he was of the, opinion tthat an additional span of about 75 feet should be bent to revent a.,ny heavy pres- sure from 'muting against the a- butment. The upper eud of this ad- ditional span should be eupported On. iron jules. The -amount of orders issued et Cc ' the December session is $48�12. Report of 'Engineer Roberts. Mr. Roberts, C. P. R. engineer,. en- gaged to inspect the defect in the abutment of the new bridge at ntayfield, reported as follows: The concrete- in the structure is we/1 set and is, without doubt, qv to specifications. There is a crack four inches wide in the west rwing wall. The breast wall has moved bodily from tits junction with the west wing wall . and has also Bet- tlgd smile three or four Indies. Both tnese movements will, I am firmly eopvinced, continue until the abutment collapses. There is also a crack in the east wing wall. The formati, n of these cracks and the moveme t and settling ef the abut- ment in icate beyond doubt that the failure Fof the structure was due, not to the quality of the toonerete, but is nirectly ohargeable to its being founded upon m at erial en- tirely unfit, for the purpose. There is no evajr. in which this tabutraent can be repaired. It should be torn down and rebuilt upon a solid faun - dation. If this cannot be ebtained at •reasonable cost, piles should be. driven. The cost iof a pile founna- . lion would be about $309, Treasurer's Statement'. The treasurer reported tthe total receipts for the year to be $165,121.- 52 made .up chiefly as follows: Coun- ty rate, $50,060.18; licenses, $1,084; .administration of justice, 2,036.08; sehools, $5,444.16; reads and bridges $15,058,35. Th.e total expenditures $n73,621.52, made ,up as follows: Ad- ministration of justice, $7,678.97; jail, $2,345.98 ; scampi management; $2,783.50 e sehools, $13,831.60; muni- cipal • government, $5,781.91; roads and bridges, $27,130.441 induatrial home, $10,866.70. There ie. a deficit of $8,50n. Insurance. The following is the amount of in- surance on the different county buildings ; Court house, $14,000; jail and iresidence, $12,000; nouse of refuge, $15,000- barn and contents at house oof refuge, $900, Collegiate. Institutes. Tbe following is the stateraent of the Collegiate Institutes; Clinton,— Aggregate attendance of pupils, 65.- 079; aggregate attendance of coun- ty pupils,, 29,082; cost of minters: mace, $7,806:57; Government grant, $2,801.03. Seat orth, —Aggregate at- tendance of Dupils, 42,655; aggre- gate attendance of oou.nty pupils, 38,366; go ost pf maintenance, $7,608- 46' • Govermitent grant, $2,848.07. Goclerich,—"Aggregate attendenee of pupile,i2,875; aggregate attend time of tounty pupils, 12,130; cost of mainthnance, $7,229,75; Govern- ment !grant, $1,069,09. Registrar's Statement., Total number of instruments reg- istered during the year, 4,110; total fees tberefnora, $4,638.39; a- giount foe gross inenrne to be paid to the eounty, $1,175.90; aggregate a- mount of mortgages registered, $1,- 485,231.20 &limn Inspectors' Reports. T•he report of Inspector Robb we published nast nveek. The report of Inspector Tom, of West Huron, we have been compel- led to hold over until next week. Moved by Messrs. McLean and La- mont, that . Judge Holt be trustee of Goderieh Col. Inst., in place ' of the late Drtire, for •the ibidance of the terime-Carried. Moved by Messrs., Lamont and Doig, that the usual grant of $20 he made to each Agricultural and Hare ticulturel 'Secieties in the county, holding exhibitions in 1906. Sent to Executive coraraittee. Mr. Goventoek, reeve of McKillop, addressed the council in reference to bridges an boundary between the townships of McKillop and Logan. Mr. T. E. Hays also addressed the council on tbe sarcie au-bject. Mrs: Ga.mpbell, of the West Hu- ron Vnome.n's Institute, addressed the council toe behalf of that Institu- tion, and asked. for a grant._ The IneKillop Bridges. With reference to the bridges on the boundary of MoKillop and Lo- gan, dealt with at the December -session, the Road and Bridge com- mittee reeoramended that, wthile net admitting any liability on the part of this 'county, 'that . the matter be referred to the Perth county coun- cil, and if they feel disposed to build these bridges, •tat the matter can be arranged with the county engin- eer, Huron county to pay half :the cost. _ • These are bridges whieh the town- ships think that the county should assume. The report was athopted. Statement from St. Marys and Lis- towel- Coollegiates for cost of pupils from, this oounty in attendance at these 'Schools, was referred to Exe- cutive zommittee. Mr. Y. M. Roberts met the coun- cil in reference to his report on the istawrete work on Bayfield bridge. Moved by Messrs. lafelnenzie and McQuillan, that this council tender Mr. Roberts a laea.rty vote of thanks for the information given to the council 4.11 respect to Bayfield bridge, —Carried. The report of the cohnty valuators was presented, and Mr. Leckie a51 - dressed. the council in reference to the report, evilien it as moved ny essrs. Miller and Cantelon, that the report ,of the valuators, Tiow 14d (before the loouncil, be receive ed.—Carried. Lieut. Col. Young and Capt. Gun- dry addressed the council in refer- ence to a grant to the 33rd megi- remit. House of Refuge Cnmmittee. The House of Retuge committee reported that they visited the House and were 'sure that the keeper and matron were Conducting the place properly. The rooms are clean and the inmates are made as eomfortable as 6.mm-stances will allow. A mina - her of beds have r ecently beexi ipur- chased, wihieh makes ample sleeping accommodaticin for the present. They recommended that esbee an inmate pays for maintenance, the minimum •charge shall not be less than $1 pet week, but in case where a paying innate requires extra care and at- tentIon than the general run of in- mates the matter of increase oaten be -left to be, dealt with iv the in- spector ana. keeper. They strOngly recommended after tempering the expense and salaries •in connection with a nurobee of Houses of Re- fuge and found that the expenses 'of the Huron House exeeedingly low, under the superintendence, of Mr. French, and in view on this that his salary be increased. Since the corn- pletion of til.e new part of the House they found that Mr.rarencle bad IA classified the inates, utting the quiet ones in a sitt' g room by theraselves separate from tthe rough and noisy ones. This is an improve- ment and adds much to thecomfort of such Inmates as wish' to ibe Un- disturbed. The accounts from De- cember ist last amount to $348. The reports' from the pbysician and Mr. Seagnr, county crown attorney, relating to 'the inquest held on the body of John McAllister were re- ferred to the council for their con- sideration. They recommended that heads of the m.unielnalities and coun- ty councillors raake more stringent research into the circumstances of parties making application to be committed to the house. The clause in the report in octet.- eoce to the incre,ase in Mr. Wrencb's salary- was struck out and the bal- anee was adopted. The aceounts of the county valu- ators were sent to the finance /com- mittee. , nna.rden's COMMit tee. The warden's committee met &r. Blank E3oo ' STATIONERY AND ' Office Su pp I Get our Prices on El1V010130S. ALEX. \ TE4, Plante framing a intecialtye Gutteridge in Sear° ber 21st. 'It was -dear that anything said judiee the case of e Gutteridge ag off $500 if the county the balance due on th as possible. On the st engin $ paid to Mr. Gutteridgd. The report was adepten. • Moved by Messrs. IGardin Grieve that Means. Laino Bane be appointed aud tors o arried °Ken undry le f tin on ecem- ly und rstood ould no pre - her sid • Mr. end to throw mold y him work t s oon f this at meeting of the oom ittee w theld end the following n4otion arried. That tthe full amount cf contr et for Tess Bayfield abutments, 00, be inal justice account. Moved by Messrs. Isbister that W. H. painted- bigth consta couety. Moved in .amendme McLean and Doig that appointed high consta le. The motion earried. Moved by Messrs. Mi telon that J. 11. Came and W. J. Moffatt, t by John r and t and Grim - le end be -ap- - the Messrs. le be ler a d Can- oe, Brassels, Seafo th, be members of the emnity b rd of geMmaXlitovilleCdTSb,,y CmaeTsTsiresd: pe; iris a d can_ telon that James Seot be itruatee of Clinton Co1iegLate Irrstitute. Carried. Moved by Messrs. orrison and Grieve, that Wm. Hartr be ltrustee of Seaforth Collegiat XxLitute. Carried. Moved by Messrs, MoL an and Mc- Quillan that Jahn Ache -on ne trus- tee of G•oderich Cone iate Insti- nit°. Carried, Moved by Messrs. sbis er and Currie that the county grant $300 to be epent on tthe botund. ry flne between the townentips f- E st Wa- wiancisbe and .Morris at the prairie near Wingham. Referr d o Road and Bridge committee. Moved by Messrs. Moo uil an and Lamont that Manchesteb dge be repaired by putting on ste 1 joists and rock elm for floori ge at to .Road and Bridge commit ee. Messrs. W. S. IVIeCros ie nd W. S. McKereher were appoi • te audit- ors. Messrs. "Bell, Mosgro e nd Dr. Irwin, of Winghem, adi re sed the council in reference tol th estab- lishing of ,a thigh schco1 in that town. The matter was ef rred to the edueation committee County Prepert The county property co 131 ttee re- ported that they had ex mined the jail and found everytbin4 n good order and. the number 42 inmates to compare with the numbe ixi tie jailor's report, Reeoram n d that change be made in tthe ie ting at the jail as requested by t e jailor and that all the stolesb isposen of. The work to be done u der the sunervision .of the clerk n Comb- cillor Mclean. They Chad examined the registry office and fo nd every- thing in it in good repair. ey cOnamended that Mr. Co es thane the fenee repalred, if fou neces- sary. Regarding a map of • the town of Godertele reef:triune ed that it be left in the hands o Council- lor McLean and Mr. Coate The re- quest of A. M. Todd for of the court room for Orange 1 go Was not granted .on account of t spring aselzea being held at t at time. Councillor McLean and. the 'Treasur- er were authorized to, chase a table or the treasurer's e nice an4 to have the electric light 4xtended The report was adopted. Special Committee. The special com.mittee rex rted as follows; In referenee to !oriel freethe county o asking tor co-operation in alizing the Legislative Asse allow the present comity act to remain as it is wi variations reoommended request Be granted. A ei tition wss received from t ty section of the Munici elation and it was reoomme this county oo-operatea Re ed 110 action in the matter quest that a delegate b the Canadian Association prevention of tuberculosis. oriel from the county of relative to the entablisbm provinoial telephone eyste mended that this county A memorial was received munieipal association of aeleing that the municip changed wino respect to t e ity of the municipalities f r ies received from non -r p highways recommended• ha petition ise properly signe The report was attopted, ;Edueation. Commit+. The eclucatioe committe r port- ed that they had received a r quest from the town of Wingta.n asking permission to establish a 1 high sebool in that town. Rep mmended that the request be granted. Re- commended no action in tllJle z4atter of the roil -awes from Me j Tru tees' Association to send a d lege e to their convention. A com ttion was 'received from the G elpth Col- legiate Iestitute, sta4ng that that' schoolwas now open i to pupils from Huron county on the name terms as pupils from N'tellingten county, The resignation eRev. T. Elliott, as a trustee of the Goderioh Collegiate Institute, was I received and accepted. The report was adopted'. • Special Committee on Huse or Refuge. Th.e speeial committee aptointed to 111 mem- Ontario meinor- bly to linens " a few t tine ar Asso- d that mend - a re- mit to r the raem- terloo -of a ec01111-- crate. the Mario et be injux- ir of the fi A -0 report on a line of aotiox whereby the -county will be properljr protect- ed in the admittance of mates iTt the House of Refuge rec mmended as follows: That greatel care be exercised in the recepti n of ap- pnemate for adraission to he House, win that an officer of tne mounty, possibly the Inspector of itthe House of Refuge, ehould be the one to be satisfied that tbe apphv.ant should be admitted. That a ooxirnittee ef the council be appointed 1to consult with the local members o the -coun- ty, And swah others as jhey think well, and to make a draft of pro- posed legislation along qhe follow- ing line: The Province, should be asked to make provision non all per- sons mentally unsound, who are sinaply detained in theillouses of Refuge till a place eatbe found for them in Provincial 4syluras. In Buell ease there should 'n provision for Government bospeetio of Houses of refuge. That legislation be obtain- ed erhint, would allow t1II county to obtain eonti•ol of and ap ly for the maintenance of inmates 4ny proper- ty they raay be known to possess, either at time of adrais, ion or ac- quired subsequently, T e present legislation does not go ar enough and makes it neeessary Ilea an n - mate is found posessed bf property pind is unwilling to co sent to - transfer of it to the c tmty that the only remedy is to tu tbem out of tbe Hewn. Recommen ed that the innoate have the privile of elect- ing 'whether he will main and transfer hie property or Whether he will remove timeelf, bu if he re- xnains there, without o nsent, his his property may be taken and applied by the county authorities for his mgintenance. The report was adopte Road aind Bridge Co4nrnittee. The road and bridge co mittee exe arnmed the tenders rece ved for the following bridges; Beig ave, Days', Jamestown., Forsyth's, iiso Zetland bridge, which was to ipe made; lit possible, out -Of the w late timber and old timber from the otter bridges. They recomme tied the ac- ceptance of tbe Loflowig Jamestown bridges, Dayt,esndearnsti For cement work pn Bentley., of Brussels, at $4 per bubie yard; Beigrave axid Poreytits bridges, concrete work to T. T. Pole, Ethel, for $4.60 per -cubie ya‘L Zetland bridge, John Elder, Win m, $119,- 75; superstructure of Day's bridge, TO 125 foot span and Forsyth's b ridge 23 foot span, with cement floor, to Hunter 'Bridge Co., Kincardine, at $2,100.50 guia $240.25 nespectively, ; ' superstrueturn of Tameetown bridge 113 foot span and Belgrave bridge, 25 foot 590n,5with cement floor, to A. Hill & Co., Mitehell, at $1,788 and ,$386 respeetively. They reoox:u.- menrtied that in a,11 contracts let, that (groat care be taken to ode ,the necessary bonds are signed and •1n every ease the marked cheque be held until completion of contract. With reference to th motion of Messrs. ' McQuillan and Lamont re Nfanehester bridge, iieoomrnended. • that it be repaired andi the traatter be left with the county -engineer. With reference to 'notices of Messrs. Isbieter and Currie ee boundary line between the townskips of East Wawa,nosh and Morris, ,know -n as 'gingham prairie, that ho action be taken. With reference ito the con- tacts abutments at Bayfield bridge, renommended that report of Mr. Roberts, 0. P. R. engineer be left over until the Jame- meeting. With reference to the communization of Messrs. Duff & Stewart, of Blue - vale, re wash out to their lumber yard on account of the county Ibridge being too small to allow the water to pass through, recomMended that the matter be left in he landn of the -county engineer to report on at ,the lune meeting. With reference to the motion of Messrs. MCLea.n. end Grieve the tornraittee advised that in future on excavation work in connection with cenaent work be, Jet by the cubic yard, to be done by the contractor for the cement work, The report wit adopted. Moved by Messrs. McLean and Bryntethat the usual geant be made 'to Farraers‘ Inetitutes ip the county. Moved by Meesrs. Bryan And Mc- Lean, that a grant of $25 be 'made to eaeh Teachers' Institute in. tbe Q°tulotvYe' Md by Messrs, McKenzie and Bryan, that the usual grant be Imade to pUrehnSO' flowers to plant around: the( Court Ilmme. These motions were sent to the executive committee. Moved by Messrs. Bryan and uoig, -Met a copy of the Ontario statutes be got for each. inerabef of lbevoan- ciiioedb —fCeafrleyd. Meesrs. dattteion and Miller, that the report of the npec- ial eoranoittee on the House of Re- fuge, be sent to eanh of tthe me.m.bers of this county iin Me- Ontario /Ingle— lature, for their eonsideration, and if acceptable to tlaeir views,o take iromediate actiois at the next BeliSiOn of the Legislature.—Carried. • Moved by Messrs. McQuillan and .3‘inIK nzie, that John Wilson be ap- point trustee of proposed high school Wingbam for three years, Frank Vristone for two years and James A. torton for one year. Car- ried, . . Moved h Messrs. 1 Isbleter and Miller that Mtr. -Bryan. be inspector bridge. -Carried. of 0011C.DOta on JnineSteWn Moved by lYfessre. Bryan and Gar- diner that Mr. Isbister be inspee- tor of concrete work on the Bel - grave bridge. Carrie& . Moved by Messrs. Currie and Mo - Leap that Mr. Millerbe inspector of concrete work on Day's bridge. Carried - Moved by Messrs. McLean and Doig that the round' grant the isum of $400 towards rn.aintaining the public road on the fake fkore /*owl from ., Sheppardton to Goderioh. : Lostf.tved Mby Messrs. Gardiner and Bryan that Mr. Moils be inspector of caconrerrieedte. werk on Forenthe bridge•. Moved by Messrs. nteLean and Grieve. that all excavation in con- nection with concrete work on bridgea be kt by the eu ic yard, and that the °minty engineer be notified to this effect. Sent to the Road and ,Bridge coramittee- E/zecutive Committee. , The executive committee reported' recommending that the tender of Mitenell & Todd, C-oderich, for the: comity printing be accepted. A come' muttlea.tien was received from 'Sher- iff Reynolds regarding a request from John Knox, turnkey, asking: that the county sapply him with; fuel., nett and water, recommended that the be granted $50 towarda this. Recommended that no actioij be taken with reference to the nen tition from the Prisoners' Aid As- sociation e no aetion in the matter of a grant to the Rifle Associations no action in the raatter of the re• quest for a grant to tee Weinenns Institute. They recontnaended thee i the following giants be made; $50 to sanitarium for eonsumptivese $25 to Sitar Childrens' Hospital, $25 s to eaeh agricultural and liortieu4- to.ral ensiety, $15 to each pubic library, $25 . to each Teaehers' In- stitute, $25 to each Farmers' Insti- tute and $10 for flowers around the court house. Recommended that a grant of 25 mats a -day be made tit> each private and non commissioned officers in the 33rd- regbuent, t' e whole not to exeenn n859.. Reto Mended that -the Municipal Worn]. be Beettred for the members of couneil, They examined the stat merits from the different Oollegia institutes and found the no'unts to be paid emelt this year an follow neaforth, $2,298.24; oClintee, $2,23 , 29, Goderieh, $1,973.84. In referenee to the ,aeeounte from the Listowel and St. Marys high schools, recon - mended that they be , paid act& ing to the directions of the coun- cil at the June session, 1905. The report was adopted. Finance Committee. The finance eommittee rep tea that they had examined the treas- urer's statement and found the Barite satisfactory. They also reeernmend- ed trhe payment of a, number a ap- counts. The report WAS adopte . A letter was rereivnd ttrie Jan Ainsley, resigning his position as {Imlay engineer, to take effect June. This resignation -was atcepte Moved by Messrs. Morrison iud McNaughton, that a by-law be pass- ed, authorizing thetreasurer to borrow the sum of $50,000 for cu rent expensen—C,a.rried. Keyed by Messrs. Cantelon aid -Miller; that 'clause 13, in repojrt of the executive committee of tho January session, 1902, granting $ 000 to anoroposed county hopit be reeinded.„—Carried. Moved by Messes. Miler and bister, that the Warden be instru ed not to sign orders for tthe amount -De the -Bayfield bridge wolrk until we near later on frora ilera t teridge What the proposes doing the arrangement arrived at be.twien hhn and the Warden's toounUtee CIiga by Messes. MeQuillan and , ., Melneneie, that Judge Holt and tbe county solicitor be enapowered to tn- terview inmates of the House of Re- fuge, and have the transfer of treat and personal property executed. 'tai provided for an the Act govern Houses Of Refuge.—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Gardiner 4nd Meinenzie, that all institutione x4nri societies and others receiving gratns of money from the County be irequir- , ed to furnisn th,e county with a t'en port of the progress of suenteociety, and address of seerete.ry, andtreas.- urer.--Ca.rried. Moved by Messrs. Isbister and . Gardiner, that the °bail -luau of the Road . and Bridge tonam7ttee, Lind Miters. bantam and Miller be a. committee to confer with Mr- Gut- teridge respecting agreement (re- specting his Bayfield contract, .t.rid report to Warden Spaekman , at !the earliest convenienke.—Carried, ' Moved by Messrs, McQuillan and McKenzie, that a deputation be lap- pOinted to interview the -OM rio lation respect•ing Collegiate 4nstis - Governraent in -reference to Lei ie - bites, Houses of Refuge, and Conntn Councils Act.—Carried. be instrueed 'Lel, measure teitill:regiXide-eliel Moved by Messrs. i Cantelon, that the euitty preeSion ;.ii the eentre .of Ambnriy- bridge, in order that if suchin- creases it may be attended tn.—Car- t Moved by Messrs. Cantelon an4 Is- bister, that the Warden,- Dr.Homes. and Mx. McKenzie be a deputation to go to Toronto, and have. an inter- view with the heads of the different departments in reference to matters referred to in the motion of Messrs. McQuillan and McKenzie. --Carried.. Moved by Messrs. Cantelon and Ferris, that the clerk advertise for applications for the position il)f a county engineer in two Toronto natt- ers, Municipal World, Ilutop 1 Ex- positor, Wingbotee Times, Goderieh Star, Exeter Advocate, and -Clinton News-Record.—Carried. Moved by Messrs. Gardiner and Ferris, that Meesrs. Cantelon, Me - Lean and MeQuillan be a penamittee to oonfer with some competent €n- gtneer to prepare proper plans and spedfica.tioris for the use of the colinty for the erection of bri4ges, same to be ready for next sess Carried. ' By -Laws. The following by-laws were nese- ed: One ppointing W. H. pun - dry, high constable; one giving Wingham permission to establit.41i a high school; one authorizing- the of money to meet , our - rent expenses; one appointing audi- tors. The -council then adjourned to meet on the first Tuesday in Jane. ' - —On Frisky, January 19th, an old and well known. resident •of the 14th concession,• Grey, in the person of i George Shieise paid Nature's- debt at tbe advaneed age of 77 yearn Mr. Ethic's was born. .in the villatte Of I Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland, en October 20th, 1828. He was united ID marriage- toeSusen Wartley in Fullerton toovenhip, Pertn county, in 1857.. She predereheed iher hus- band 17 years ago. There were 11. ethildren norn to Inr. and Mrs, &leis.