HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-26, Page 7XPOSITO :tide raft • the tg.j[e e of the Sta xticed, as the evening shadows peep one by one through the kness, until at last the heavens after night the sky is black light can be seen., but as sure night is night the stars will at PSYGHINE has crept into and enlightened there with the iHappine .s. Sack pall of fell disease 1nn¢ • days, but res sure as you use tr of Health will at last appear_ seounced Si -keen) is a safe and Pneumonia, Pleurisy, Ston- itis, Lafsrippe,: Chills and Nirdht Sweats„ Weakness, and. all Throat and Lung N PSYCHINE ceaiest of T onaco One Dollar Free Trial L.1< Perin Y:. Via .0 oR_,'. CANADA.. row fl fitHB !MING A COLD 1A AGE G US. often heard people say: "Iter trilling cough," but many a life history Std different if, on the first appersnoe ugh. it had been remedied with. , WOOD'S NOR_ PINE SYRUP. a pleasant, safe and effectual remedy. ey be confidently relied upon as asp glee and Colds of all kinds, Hoarsen ,rost, Pains in Chest,Aathma, Bronehtit Whooping Cough. Quinsy. and all ate- t the Throat and Lungs. Stephen . D. Strong, Barwick, "I have used Dr. Wood's Norway Mao Liar Asthma., and have found it to be a. medicine, always ening quick relief.. We not be without a bottle of it in the yood.4 Norway Pine Syrup is put up in at wrapper. Three Pine Trees is the trader and the price 25 cents at all deal&L r substitutes. Demand Dr Wood's and lubbing Offers. n connection with rHE £ aPoS- e mer the following papers at ; riees I'0.SIzoP and Weekly Globe Canadian Farmer :r€ srror:-. and Weekly nese dteosieon and Northern aenger rePOSXTox and Family Herald ,Veekly Star with Premium are e'OSXTOR and Family Herald Weekly Star Star wits Premium ure and the Farmers' Manual Veterinary Gude ? 95 :yenosror and Weekly Sim. 1 o ;:roszTOR and Farmers' Ad- te 2 5 1 ti IT:}Tr awi Weekly tr sit .I 89 r'usrrox. and Weekly 3rti8er 165 erasrror and the Presbyterian 2 2a biTOle ant the W. estm nater 2 23 rosrro:a and the Presbyterian ,h3 Wes ninetor E.ost'£on and Farming World lam__ 1 65 125 * li7 '3b BOGS WANTED. 3dersigned ie prepared to pay the highest for an unlimited quantity offleet-chef Im. Bock Elan, Basswood, Maple Doh, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Loge eat the Seatorth Saw and Stave Mini. To an even length, except Soft Elm. Soft ehn it R1t la and 16 teed. Will also buy ii anaweod Heading Bolts,. nehes long, at re50 per cord, delivered. t y amber by mea$atement or by bulk i* peotal attention peed to custom eardog, gua =teed. rT NT M. AMEN1 The Mooney Baker cannot produce anything better th an Cream _Sedms The very best- .of. flour, butter and cream In6st modem 'plant, the -very best baker in any other you have ever, tasted. Say "t oney s to your Igrocer. VETERINAR Jones XVI, V. B., bonne athlete ofOutarlo Veterinazy College. All name of Domettio aohnale heated. Calls prom y attended to and geed of Dr SeerWe efilee /leafier , X Ontario Veterinary College n Honorary mom - bard the Me -diced Aseociation of thi Ootsrio Voter- :. rearyCollegie. Treats dieesees of all domestic animals '1, hy the roost modern principles Dentistry and Milk tever a speebilty. Office Opposite Wok's Hotel, 'stain Street, Seaforth, AP orders left at the hotel res1 revive prompt attention. Night calls received at office. 1871-52 LEGAL Barrieter, Solicitor. Notary Public eto. Money to lean. in Seaforth liondaye, Fridays and Satur- days. Cffies open every weekday. Over Pickard's More, Main street, Seaforth. 1904 aarrister, Solicitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public. elicitor for the Dominion Bonk. Offioe-in rem of' Dominion Bank, Seatorth. Money to lean. 1285 M. BEST, Barrister, Solicitor, Conveyanom a Notary Public. Offices up stairs, over 0, W ?awns booketore, Main Street, Seatorth, Ontario. 110LMINITED, sucoemor to the late firm of "aaveyancer, and Notsay Solicitor for the 041:1 -'erain Bank of Commerce. Money to lend. Faim or sale. OfIloe in BOOM Nook, Main Street 1-NICKINSON. AND GARROW, Battistero, Solicit - Er ors, eta., Ooderloh, Ontario. E. L. DICKINSON. eegg.ex CHARLES GARROW L. L. B. D H. J. HODGINS • Gradu of Royal College cf Dental Surgeons of A. Ycung's grocery store, limn street, Beafortb. 1975 DR. BELDEN DENTIST, TORONTO,' tees removed trona 418 Elberbourre St. to hie bean ful new offices, 486 Young St., opposite Carlton' St 3 1816-16 Dr. doWn McGinnis, Office and Poisidenee--Victoria Street, 'L'hatie 73 DR. it HUGH ROSS, Oeaduate of University of Toronto Faculty of Medi- cine, member of College of Physlidans and Sure geone ot Ontario ; pass graduate courses Chicago 'tal, Londen, England ; University College Hospital, London, Englapd. °Moe -Over Greig Stewart's store, !IlAin Street, thaforth. 'Phone No. 6. Night calla anewered from resIdenee, Vidor* street. 1890 °fa,. and Reeldeuee---Goderich street, east of the Metboilet church, Terotruose No. 46. oroner for the County of Huron. 1886 DRS. SCOTT & MackAY, rs'isiOiAbis AND SURGEONS, J. 0.300TT, graduate Victor& and Ann Asbor, and member Ontario College of Physiolaue end urgeons Coroner tor county of Huron. needaliet Trinity Medical Cellege. Member rriflOMAS BROWN, Licensed Auctioneer for the _i. Counties of Huron end Perth. Orden left et A. M. Campbell's implement wareroome, Seatorth, or T ExPosinea Office, will receive prompt ettes Mon. A enaction guaranteed or no charge. 1708-tf sj Vie county of Huron. Sales ettended to in any part c f the county at moderate rates, and setiefactioe eueeenteed. Orders left al the Seaforth poet officio 3: on Lot 2, Conceselon 2, Huller, will receive weevil attention. 1882-11 4 UCTIONEERING.-B. S. Phillipe, Licensed elle Auctioneer for the countiee of Huron and Petah. Being praetleal farmer and thoronghly enderetanding the value of farm stook and imple. ifiente, places me in a better poeition to realize good erldre. Charges moderate. Satiefaotion guaranteed or no pay. -.All order: left at Heneall post office or at Let 28, Concession 2, Hay, will be promptly 'tended to. 1799-tt FARM, AND ISOLA:TED TOWte PROPERTY ONLY INSURED withem ObeStley Seaderth; John G. Grieve, Win. ; James Even; Beachwood ; John Watt. ville P. Oa George Idufdie sad- John O. Morrisor, Winghazn College isea high grad!_\Commeroial School Three °purees Commercial - Stenography - Telegraphy Write GEORGE SPOTTON, Pr•in Per Ile Addreanted., Throne or Merey. and selfish prayer three not tome from - the liturgy; It is frem "GlInipses of • Jklielent gacknef :" "0 Lord, thou knowest that have 'nine estates: in the city, *Of. Londoirtand '! likewise that I have 'lately purchased an estate in -fee -simple,- in the county odd -Essex -el he - Beech thee to preseive the two cowl: ea of Middlesex olgssex*from fire And earthquake; did; as I have a mOrtgage in Hertfordshire,. I beg of thee,iikewise to, have rt,n eye of com- rest- of the countiea thou mayest deal with- them es thou art pleased. 0 Lord,' enable the:bank to answer all their bills , aud -make all my debtors good men. Gine prosperous voyage nand return io "the Mermaid sloop, be ause I have ingared it, and, as thou hast said the doge of the wicked are lint short, I tramt in thee -that thou Xvilt not forget thy promise, as I have purchesed an estate inereversion which will be mine on the death of that profligate young man, Sir J. L. Keep my. friends from sinking and preserve me from thieves and honsebreakers- and make all -my servant's_ so honest and faithful that they May'. attend to my interePt und never cheat me out of iny- property night Or day."' . THE CHINE.SE MOTHER. She Is Steadfast In Affection For Her The Chinese mother is very fond Of her children. She is happy in their eshltsilly and Spends van ch time car - trig,. for them. In a Chine e family the birth of a child is a greater event than with other orientals. Long before the child is born the mother performs rites and ceremonies to propitiate the g‘ds that her child Dan y be a boy. _After birth the little fellow 43 wrapped in old rags and in winter is snmetimes put in a bag of sand sewed close . around its neck' to keep the little one warm. Great rejoicing follows the birth if the child is a boy; othervvise there is an air of chastened disap- make the best of their little lassies, becoming yery fond and wren proud of them. I have known. more than one Chieese. father to exhibit his• toddling wee girl for approval, though alwaye ' with the cestomary national verbal depreation of what bplongs to one. t Indeed, -this evidence of excessive' courtesy may be found everywhere in this strange land. It is good form to vilify what Is mine and laud what is thine. "My' good ror,.. nothing family are all still troebling the earth with their presence. How is your honor- able family?"-PlIgrial. Some That I3o Not Come From the Tombs of the East. Many peksons who have aa interest la archaeology will be su rised to knolls that all, the mummies t be seen in =seems bave not been tanen. from ern lands. Well preserved ilurnixnes have occasionally been taken from the ruins of the clig dwellers in • e moun- tain canyons of Arizona ant In New Mexico and southdtn. Califor Ia. These mummie,s, though very poor pechnens of the mummifying art, are -ionsidered great treasures -by • scientist:, becipese they give the anthropologis ( a vague idea of the strange peopl w o bad the earliest civilization on e American continent. The best of thee aro al- most entirely • ignorant of , who the Aztecs and Toltees were, how they looked and lived and why they have been so entirely obliterated from the face of the earth. The reason for this ignorance is found in the fact that no satisfactory remains Of the ,dead Aztecs klave been found. These people were cremationists, and. they probably burled household effects Xt with the den , leaving little or notiting for the seien . t to build a theory upon. Frequently a arty of explorers in the valleys of Arizona will come upon seal- ed jaes of burned bone dust. ' Flowers In the Shade. It IS not unusual to hear a com- plaint that one's iiand bas no sun, and therefore flowers cannot be raised. But there are a large number of flow- ers that prefer shade to sunshine in summer. The begonia is of this class. Those who have north wells or 'fences may have great- beeuty during the sum- mer by setting out „the different kinds of begonias. ETCA the gloxinia, the achimenes and similar hothouse plarits bloom splendidly throughout the rm-, mer season when grown on the north side of walls. Keppelne Recipe For Health. Meeting roe in a bitter east 'wind one' day in Piccadilly on hls way to cher-Cie' Keppel asked how Mr. Gladstone Wes. / fold him he WW1 very III. "Ale" he said, "he is overnarsed. If he would de., as I do, climb up eighty stepsg have a cold bath. every day and . sleep' with his window always open, he would nev- er be ill." -Memoir of Sir Henr.y K Foot In It Again. Mr. Brakes -Who is that sorie looking dame over there? Mr. Grubbins-Sir, she has the mieforturie to be my wife. the Misfortune yours, rin Possible to All. She (philosophically.) -Do you think it is easy to diet He (commoeplace).- managed to do it. Difficulties 'strengthen !the mind as labor does the bodse-Selised- Were we elognentas angels, yet' we should please some people enore-by lis- tening than by tallelng.-COlt011. Rears the Signature of Ilia idea Yol Ales0 Tu. Punishment Was Once -Used Fax' Military Diselplene. The _fellowing extracts sive inferred- -.running the gantlet:" Meet ! was formed. six deep, and the °derider, naked to the waist, wits led geant, the point et whose reversed lid- . beet was preSeuted to his breast to pre- . 'treat his runaing toe fast. As he thus Passed through the rauks every soldier Antiquities," volume 2, page 108. But the oldest notice I have seen is given in f"Monro-His Expedition With the Worthy Scots Regiment (celled gust, 1620, Etc. London. Priuted William Jones In Red-Crosee Street°, joyne for slighelfaults, Put in execu- tion by tb.eir camarades, as the lteupe- garthe (running tile gantlet; Swedieh gautulopp, to 'run through a hedge stritmed naked above the waste and made to runee a furlong betwixt 200 sonidiers ranged alike_ opposite to otie ere, leaving a space in the midst for his tarnarades whip him with rods ordained mill eat for the purpoee by. the Gin -Unger (provoet marshal), and all to keep° good order end dieel- pline."-London Notes and Queries, s WEDDINp SPEECHES. Some That Were Not In the lieraril Conventional Style - A wedding in New York at which the bridesmaids were representative of six nationalitiee and each felicitated the bride in the language of her cern coun- try wes an odd allele, betprobably not so well ;received as the speech of young Englishman who wat called up- on to_ peopose the toast, dThe Bridet- Maids." Apprised of his ordeal in ad- vancer he had devised an escape, and with- the( single statement that silence waS golden he brought from his pocket a set of geld bangles, which he bestow- ed uponthe attendants of the bride, At a wedding feast at Dol, in Nor- mandy, thee/Omani' for a speech result- ed iri the/production of a guitar, upou 'which the speaker accompanied himself while he (chanted the Praises of' the bride. Had he stopped there all would have, been well, but he chauged to a praise of his store, aed the guests threw him out of the house, 43 Doubtless a similar fate ehould have befallen the sharpshooter who wrote the name of the bride upon the well with pistol bullets, to the serious dam- age dof the wall paper. Almost as odd was the perfoemance of a German me - sic hall performer, who, n -hen called •upon for entertainntent,. mounted tee table upon his hands and -balanced him- self upon glasses, cups 'Md. other fur - tinny Blunders. A famous sculpture geoup recently exhibited in Glasgow represents Adam and jEve after they hail left Eden. 'Through a Mistake intelli,gent tendant placarded it with thli descrip- tion: "Motherless." At the same exiil- bition was a sleeping- nymph, by a well known sculptor, which by anothe'r mis- take appeared in the catalogue as "Mrs, greatly to the home of Glasgow. A Sunday school boy reeently gave this account of the prophet Elijah: "Entail, the prophet, was carried into heaven by a whirlwind, end the ebil- dem stood up and cried: `Go up, thou baldhead! Go up, thou billdhear And before he went up he divided the Red He Saw the Joke. "Oee day," says an American, "I walked -into a bookshoo in the Strand and asked for Here's 'Walks In Lon- don.' In America, the book is sold in one thick 'volume. The clerk brought them, 'you part your "Hare" in the middle, do you?"I, Bald, with a bewildered -look. 'Oheno, sir!' 1 se* he didn't see the -joke, s-6-1 didn't ex- plain, tt bought the books arid went away. eweek later I went to the same shop. As soon asethe elerk saw me he rushed from the" back of the shop, laughing yociferousty. `GoOdd he shout- ed. 'Capital! Part youf "Hare" In the middle! That's capital, sir, eapital I' "- London Tit -Bits. Love'm Grammar. "I wish I dared to ask you some- thing, Miss Helen," said Perete with trembling voice and wabbling chin. "Why don't 'you dere to ask it?" the maiden said demurely. "Becense I can' see `No' in your eyes." ftWir o negatives are equivalent to an - m around my waist instantly!" w dare you, sir? Take'. your arm ut he didn't. ' 'You'll let me come to your wedding, dear, of eourse?" idWell, I can't promise. My people itele so enraged at my choice that I hardly know Wittelbeil shall be allow - el to go myseldd - *Le—Do you think blonds have more ilmirers than brunettes? She -I don't k ow. You might ask Mies Turner. She. haS had experience in both capaci- , we are not willing to work and stifier for the sake of oUr love, we have t the,' artist soul within us, , Ceremony.. think there is. a greitt deal of dif- enee between that species of core- ny which exists with , acquaintance that which should always exist Abe -befit of friends -the ono pre- Itn.growth of affection, theother ves:in In youth -and age. -Letters wit .a,,,Uptblebtessa IndustrY Wallet 10 Five , Hundred Years -Old,. The chief industry of Bethlehem of Judaea Is that of the mether-of-pearl The shells are brought from the Red Sea aed in. the hands of native. arthoane are polished and carved, the larger into elalt ;rate designs. The smalltr are cut up r rim -tries. and, crosses. The work la all done by hand, and the methods aro amazingly primitive to a spectator from! the home of steam •and 'electric power. But the -results are extraordk naree The largest ellen we saw was carved in scenes from the birth of Chript, the agony In the garden and the ceuelfgelen, end had the general ef- fect of delicate frogvvork. Under the Magnifying glass every detail was Seen to be perfect in outline and In th3Ish. It was executed to Order for a wealthy A:me leen and was to cost $160. •Ab led 150 penile make a living by this ndustry, which is 50a yeara eldi In the shops the workmen pit upon the floor ; their benches In front of them. The 'air is full of whitish 'dust, and the light admitted by • the single wixidow and the open !door le so dim that the exquisite tracery of the wrought shells is a mystery even • before the visitor notes how few, simple and crude are the - instruments employed.- Marion Harland in Lippincottde • THE CALM BAD MAN. He Is More Dangerous Than the One Who Blusters. The bad man of gen.ulne sort rarely looked the Part assigned te him in the popular imaginatioe. The long haired ! blusterer, adorned with a 'dialect that 1 never was spoken, Serves 'very Well in 1 eastern fiction' about the west, but that is not the real thing. The most danger- ous inan was apt to be quiet and smooth spoken. • When an antagonist blustered arid threetened, the most dangerous bad man only felt rising in his own 'soul, keen and stern, that strange exultation which often comes with erenbab for the man natfirally brave. A, western officer of established renutatien mice said to me while speak- I. Ing of 4 personal difficulty into Which anythin of that Sort for years, and I wished was out of It. Then 1 said to royaelf,, Is it true that you are -getting old 'and have lost your nerve?' Then all -at 'once the old feeling came over 'Me, ancl'I was just like I used to be. 1 fpit cairn and happy,. and 1 laughed aft- er that. I jerked my gun and shoved ft lute Is stomach. He put up his hands la d apolegized. 'I will give yoe it hundred dollars now,' he said, `if you Wil tell roe where you got:that gun.' If' suppose I was a trifle quick for hinit!! Hoof Dogs of New York. TherP are dogs in New York that never Set foot on the street,. They be- long te the janitors in the downtowe buildinge, and their runways consist of the -reefs of the buildings in which their (revisers live and adjOirting roofs on the "me level. That is a rare day when the office worker on looking out of the eixteenth. story window does not see half a dozen dogs romping about upon the roofs beneath him. There is one advantage at least in be- ing a roc; dog -the dog cetcher has no terrors f r him. A Good Beginning. Smyth I intend Harry for the bar. Would ou advise his beginning on Such, ol works as Coke. and Black- stone? ompkins-No. I would begin by gron ding him. even further back kins.--Th Ten Commandments. Division oft -Prolltai. furnishe all the skill and eloquence and legit' learning foe your cause, Litigant But I furnished the cause, Lawyer h, anybody Mild do that! A. Reflection. Mottle -Well, what is it? Tonimy- like doegba-uts, with a hole in the mid- dle! i DIAMOND DYES HA E SAVED illiONE7 AN PROVED BLESONOS e TO M LLIONS OF HOMES Tbere curious leg .uk n weird to Deadman's plate, 'Scut Wark, London. An ingenious old write says -Wet the nettle. origineted as followe: "In _Donde man's place,litt St Ma reveres. a Man- servant being buried t seneit' of the clocke in the morning,' and tae grave standing open for more dead Commodi- evening he was got up elive againe by' a strange miracle,, which. to. be trim and dertaine, hundreds of people eah testifie that sande him a te like a coun- sheeted' However, a iore exact hie - torten explained that be name was Live While- You 4re Alive. Enjoy life as It eomes to you. Listen to the bird Songs and t e voices of the children. Linger to we tch the sunset or the opening of a do en Take into your life the gooduess, the pleasure and the brightness of, every day, for "wee shall pass this way.bet rice," and then when you reach the laot day that is given. you here you will he content and Can say, "I have live 1 News Not s. -The Governor -.Gen Countese Grey and Lady Sybil ney aecompen- ied an exoursion to the Booth timber limit, near Madawaska station, on Saturday, and sit doe'n to a geeete- ine shanty meal, the staple dish be- ing pork and beans. ! . -Toronto capitalists, most of whom are connected with the Robert Simpson Company in! Toronto, are interested in a project 'to build at Montreal next sum er a gigantic department store, to e devoted al - Most entirely to wom Ws goods. -Last Sunday was the thirtieth anniversary of the pas orate ol Rev. Dr. Milligan, in. old St. Andrew'a church, Toronto. It s aleo eons - =union Sunday, and fo ty new mem- bers , were added, and for the first thne individual oom union mpg were used. -An investigation of the accounts of the late josepth Scott, who up to the titae of his death N as treasurer of the township of Augusta, Leeds county, shows' a Shorta e of $3,900. The guarantee nompan Who ;were n. will be e deficiency the treasurer's bonds called upon to make k -For the year endi g December last there Was' am Inc ease in im- migration of 10,395, s -compared with the yean previous. The arriv- als for the year were: 'British, 64,- 863 ; _e'ontinental, 35,331, and United States, 44,424, makin a total of 144,618, as compared ith ' 134,223 for ' 1904. The prospec s are that the returns for 1906 will!: be greater than for the past yearJt -While Mrs. Charles Boismier, of Petite Cote, a few miles ,below Sand- wich, was preivering breakfast on a gasoline stove the flames flashed up setting fire to her clothing. 'Her snreams brought her d.aughter to her assistance, teem with great pre - once of mind, seized a quilt and wrapped it around her mother, smothering the flatness Mrs. Bois- mier was seriously burned, but will recover. -As Mr. H. McColl, postmaster, et Strathroy, and Miss Maggie Moto% his da.ughter, were on -their way to chureh last Sunday, they Nvere run over by a runaway teava. Mr. Mc- Coll was badly shaken alp. Mise Mc- Coll suffered a fracture ef both legs, and. is in a critical condition. -Gus Thompson,' of Portsmouth, near Kingston, met with, a serious aehident on *Saturday. While hand- ling .a shot gun the %Weapon dis- charged, and the shot nntered the lower portion of his left hand tclose to the wrist and ehattered the mus- cles, flesh- and bones of the wrist. The wound is a serious one, and it cannot yet lee determined, whether the hand or wrist ,will be Saved, -Marshall Field, of Chicago, mil- lionaire merchant, and 'a leader in the dry goods business of the world, died in Chicago last wedek, after an Meese extending over more than a Week, -*beginning with a severe cold and developing quickly into linen - motile, whieh affected both Meg's- The following is Mr. Field's record : Born in Conway, Mass., 1835. Clerk in a Chieago store in -1856, at the age or 21 years ; .taken inter part- nership in 1860 ; organized the firm of Field, Palmer & Leither in a865 ; gave $1,000,000 to the Field Col- ' umban MUM= in 189,3 ; gave the University of Chicago land. valued at $450,000, for athletic- purposes ; -wealth estimated at $10i),000,000 to • Coughs, colds, hoarsenese, end other throat Allraeht5 are quickly relieved by Cresideno tablets. ten cents per box. All druggists -Our lady readers may be inter - of the wedding outfit of Miss :Alice Roosevelt, the eldest daughter of the President of the United States, -ho is to be married shortly : The vvodding gown is to consist of o. heavy satin brocade being made in an American silk factory of a Ide- sign originated for the President's daughter. The old lace belonging to Lee levelly, -of New England, Miss Roosevelt's mother's family, will be used in the trimming of the wed- ding gown. Among the other gowns Is the travelling dress of pale grey broadeloth. For tide dress an' ex- quisite set of furs is being anode of silver fox, with. a turban , of the same fur. There is also a White sat- , in evening dress eonabined with chit-- 1 fon and real lege, and one. of ovalest 1 sea foam green. over green silk. i Sunlight tap is hatter than other soaps, but is best 'when used in the Sunlight way. Buy Sunlight Soap and follow directions, -Master' Harry Campbell, son -of • Mitchell, whp is spending a year with reletives in California, will undergo an operation tide week to has been troubling him for some Our Can bear in mi and inaitati eold by so for the co of our wiv If you done emcee eist upon DYES. Ne worthless poor dye -s hands as -w years the are sold by ers in Can da. 11 • dian women will kindly d that weak, adulterated e dealers Who °are little fort, profit and suocess s, mothers and deught- ould haeie home dyeing fully and profitably, in - having the DIAMOND er be induced to actept yes at any price. The ill surely ruin yoar 11 as your goods. DYES for twenty-five -avorites of our women, all progressive and busy 11 Found a Cure For Dy$pepSia Mrs. S. Lindsay, of For William, Ontario, Canada, who b suffered ,quite a number of years rom dys- pepsia and great pains in the stem.- ach, was advised ' by ther druggist cl to take Chamberlain's St emelt and Liver Tablets. She did so, and sapp: great deal of good. 1 h me never bad AO suffering since I egan us- ing them." If troubled with dys- pepsia or indigestion why not take these Tablets, get well pd stay well? For sale by Alex. Wilson, druggist, Eleaforth. 0 stipation because they we made ,of fruit. Constipatio comes from just one cause—lack of bile. It is the bile--gowing into the intestines -- that causes the bowels to move. More bile is the only' thing that can -cure Chronic Constipation. Fruit acts directly on the liver. It stimulates and the millions of -causes more nd makes re bile to Dimriviiie, one, i and otiter Stoma' ch trouble. X would en.-tme Without them la the house. Is, salts, ape - 'waters 0 't reach the They Imerely irritate the bowels and make the bowels move by irritating the lining membrane, Constipa- tion is made worst by sush drugs. or Fruit Li or Tablet's. contain no ca omel, cascara, senna or other owel irritants, They are con 'entrated fruit juices, combin d and made our process of uniting them. tonic. They ton up and stimu- late the liver-11nd cause the liver to secrete More bile. This ,..., means a healthy bowel action kindred troubleS. should., have receipt of price-ksoc. a box. or .Fruitoa.tives Limited GIVE THE ns The Sovere n Bank of Canad the WI Year Savings Aoo't Being a Chattered Bah, ie Authorized- by tee Dominion Voyernment to aecept Deposits. with :an Institution Incorporated by Parlireinent forOtheoverniMIP°6e'inent Supervision A -Guarantee Of afety ney Orders Issued Beet Bates HENSALL WNW. 41111110111111111111 Single Harness Call end tespect our genuine rubber trimmed harneee at 120 .00 ; better value than sey V5.00 fectory make. Wa guarantee them &Miele we make tiune ourselves : material, etyli mad quality etre the beet. They are the beet value to be bad in single hernese end we will stake our reputation for geed hare nese upon thtm. as neual we have the very bert uera in bores blankets. Quelity hoe, and price* the lowest. C caring Sale -Dies@ floods must go. Cott price aud lees are some of the figures we have placed tbem at in order to reduce our *took be fe re stock d eking land make room for Spring Gonda. - 100 yards straw ticking, 64 inches • wide, good quality, regular 20e, Gray flannelette Sheeting,donbie Jold re,gular 25c now. per Crum flannelette 1 yiael wide, reg. Heavy twill sheeting, regular 25e a yard, a bargain at, per yard 109 yards <hese goods in celors,blahk brown, green end biete,warm robot)/ girls, regular 2.50,sedueE a Honey ▪ nomb -Shawls; 5b*e end 750# Men) • heavy top shirt?, regtiler SO4 - and 7.5e, autt 60o tiler $1.25 a suit, to clear at.. ....a oo Men's alesscol end union underwear selling at reduced prices. °haring out of lediee hysien And fleece - lined underwear ; aurae men's and boy; sweater' and -cardigan jackets teye toques for 200. horse blankesite end grain bags, The highest price for pr CS. ROBERT eLARICE, Con 1/2ACHANCE and it will make one pound of flesh on 'less food than any other farm animal because diges- live juices are stronger. It is the ideal meat making machine. Hence eteery effort shoidd be made to keep it "up" and growing from birth. No let up because it is too much effort to get it back, It is less effort' to draw a 'wag- on a given distance if constant- ly in motion than if stopPed and started everyonee in awhile. Clydesdale Stock Food will keep your hogs "up" and growing because it gives a bet- ter appetite, thereby increasing the digestive fluids,. and these dissolve and assirailate more food'and at a profit. It keeps them in tip-top health enabling them better to rethst disease, thereby making a firmer flesh. It gets them to market weight much sooner, saving feed bill. Nothing Imtter for runts. Equally good for Horses Cattle and Sheep. Nothing injurious in it and can stop feeding it without harmful effects. If you are not satisfied after feeding it your money' oheerfutly refunded by the clgutim. Same for all Clydesdate Clydesdale tic will keep youepois and clean. e TRY HERCULES P TRY FOOD -FOR SALE Beattie Bros. F.. D. Hutchinson, Snider Neal G. B. Ballard John Walsh, BY- Seaforth Walton MitchelL Dividepd Igo. 3: Bell Engine and Throaty- Co., Limited. Notiee is hereby given thet a Dividend of Seven per cent. per annum -upon the tune' Paid eaPital Mock of this comporly bas been deelarl for the year ending October alst, 1905, and that the same ell! lie payable on and after Thursday, February 1St, 1906. Cheques mill iveued to the :tack holders for paymentrif the same on February' lat. t, r of the Board. ROBERT BELL, ' Maneging Director, HELEN R ON Plano, organ and them'. Pupils pre formeticn epply at D. D. Wilson ems gen at J. A. WIlsculi residence, Ann sheet, Seaforth. SYNOP818 OF CANA AN HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS% ANY even numbered seamen of Dentin - n Lands in Manitobe or the Noretew4t nvimeee ..e.xcepting 8 and 26, not reser I, may be homesteaded by .any pereo-n is the sole head -of a family, or any .e over 18 years a -sgp, to the extene of one querter section of 160 acres, more or Entry may be made personally at the the land le situated, or if the homestmder desires, he may, on applicetion to the Min- ister of tbe Interior, OttltWer the Commis - loner of Tanndgration, Winnipeg, er the eel egent receive authority for some OP..fe make entry for him. rhe homesteader reouired to perform obe zondition4 convected' therewith, under este of V- e followieg plane (1) At least six months residence npon and ouhivation of the land in tanli year (2) If the father ter mother, if the father deceased) of the homesteeacr vesicles up- on a farm in the vicinity of she lend enter- ed for the requirements as to residence may be satisfied by such- perste) residing with the father or mother. (3) If the settler hes hie permanent- red- denee upon fartning Ifewl owned by him in the vicinity of hie hon&terid, the require= Manta as ta reindence may be eatiefied by Beldame) upon the eaid land. Six months notice la writin ehould be Lat• d# at Ottawa of intention to appty for Deputy of theplinister of lute io this advertisemeet will not be paid for. • 1977 26 Family Groups and Childreres Photos Are 11.-Speeialt3r with us. We do the kind eftwork you will be plearied with. lug family groups and thildren's photo*. Come in and see us. Picture Framing and Mouldine.