The Huron Expositor, 1906-01-26, Page 6L.
26 a Lot 30, Ooncession 1, trioltile
lop, contaln!ngn. steclase hems° with all modern,
improvement, & il barn with stabling for 12 head
of stock, plenty o room for grain and hay. A No. 1
hen house, good h plement ehed, ea,rriage house arid
PIK pen, a good w lis convenient to home and barn,
et small drehard 00i taining, et good assortment ot fruit,
all enclosed byth best mbstern. f emus: and a most
desirable location for sehool privileges. For further
- , 1085-tf IT IS ' -'NOW A GROWING EVIL
partioulara apply n the premises or address D, J.
AM FOR SA tr.-For &Ile, Lot ft, Cdneeettion 5,
-Stanley, con nine 100 aeres, 20 acres bush,the
remainder i well f need, wcfl underdrained and in a
good state of eultit ation. There is a frame house
and bank barn wit stone sto.hling and other good
buildings. There i an orchard of choice fruit and
never failing sprin of water evenient to the build-
ing& There are n aeres of fall wheat in and all the
fall plowing done. It hi ithin four miles of Britoe-
field station and wi I he sold Cheap and on easy terme.
Apply on the prom ses or to 13rucefield P. 0. JOHN
CHAPMAN. . 19834f'
Fz't.RM FOB, SAL 1 -For sale, Lot 24, Concession 2,
Stanley, cin lying -100 acres. Ninety acres are
eleared.and in le got state of cultivetion ; there are
10 acres of atood he dwood bosh. The farm is all,
well undertirained and well totaled. There is a two-
etorey brick house I ith side roof, a. tirst-elieee farm
house. Rank barn, 401tex 80ft., cement silo, pig pen,
driving house; Ilene are two never -failing wale,
and an aere of oreha I and small fruit. This excellerit
term ia three miles from Brueefield and five
front Clinton, nith ood gravel roads. For further
particadars apply on the prerniees or addiress ALBERT
NOTT, Clinton I'. 0. 19844f
1910 %OMAR IA 1. teRent EN r5. -T cen lend
money oe huo wed q tenor. Beano le of 160
acme eteeh at from 8 to 10 per cm% po, It0lurn,
Only arab meetelece teken "ni1 eur1y olven
Tofrees Tilete eyete n ie ptrfect. Fro n $300 no .
can be lent oe ter ni wetth fr on S1,0.11 t $2.010,
-For farther pertlealare write te me J. A. JAOK.
SON, Barrieter, et0.. Ponoke, Alberta. 19%0.11
OUSE AND LO 39011 SALE. -For Wile, brick
house and 210 in Sealorthat One lot tams
on North. ?dein Strata and the other on Wet Wil-
liam Street. The ti use Is a oetaforbebis briok
eottage and conteloe 8 bedroom% dining r0310, sib'
tin room and Idtche , with good caller under the ,
whole heron,. Hard nd soft water to the houac.
There is also a good a able and driving shed'. All
kinds of fruit on the tit. Apply to J. L ALLAN,
Londeaboro, or to 0. . ATKINiON, Seaterth.
WARM FOR SALE. -For sale, Lots 8. and 9. Con -
1d cession 12, Moll' lop, containing 200 acres, 185
• tidies cleared, the bah nee good hardwood Imeh. The
farm is In a good s ete of cultivation, well under
drained and well fene el: There are 14 'acres sown
with fall wheat. 0» e barns and house and plenty
of good water. This a a choice property and will be
sold on reasonable te It is in a choice locality
and has every convem nee, with leading
ia every direetion9 ir farther particulars aPlibt on
the premises or addre s Leadbury P....Tf)ssASx.4F.
--VARM FOR SALE. For sale lot 5, concession ei
-R: tr. R. EL, 'Pucka th, containing 100 wren, o
which 80 acres are nle' ed,the belance good hand"
wood bush. 11 18 well rained with tile and also well
fenced. There is on the premises a comfortable
house a good orchard nd two never failing wells,
oleo a good barn with stone stabling, a good driving
shed, a good pig pen and a good sheep and hen
house. It Le m a good locality, one mile from school
and tine nules from. Seaforth. It will be sold on reas-
onable terms as the prqprietor wishes to go west. Ap-
ply on the premiees or address Egmondellie P. O.
S. LAIDLAW, Proprietior. " • - 1988-t.L
For sale the old �1l Fenn snd 11111 Praperty,
on the Lendon road, Jruokcremibb, receatly oacti
pled by the late Joh$i MoNevla. There are 100
acres. all eleered butt ablut four acne% Good
buildings and the tarnt well tiffiderdrained and in a
high state of cultivation, "all seeded to ,grate exeetift
About 80 scree- Alio the griet 'flaw will prop.
erty on the farm. It I within half *a mile of Kippen
station and 2 miles fron Henna sill a geed bush
nese hen always been one a% the mill& The farm
and mIll property will he geld together or toparabe.
ly to anti parch -tee Tavuis eaay. Apply to
DAVID O. MaLEiN ilfippen. -
MURK FOR 4ALIC-4orth MB of Lot -:12, (lou-
r cession 6, Morrennttentaining 100 aorele situated
°lathe gravel need, fourtand a Indt ranee: west of
Brawl-) and four milee trom Beigrave. There are
80 mires clewed, well drained, fenced tied in a
good state of eul'
tivatiou preeent s8313d'
The remeining ae acre t is covered with exeellent
timber, Teets is e. good frame bowie with sto
cellar, geed frtme-barn with stone stabling udder -
nestle, a good head eg oreliard and en abundance of
goad wetea Thera is a °hovel and a poet office
within half a mile ant a school withid three quar-
ters of a mile. For (totter- partfoulars appl to
MRS. B. SMILLIE, Hansa. 1963x3tf
Brigham Young Heeneribes as One
of the ,Mott Corru t and Most Dan-
gerous Man Who Ever Lived on
American Soil, and iHis Evil infiu-
once Is Bringing F rthlts Baleful i
Harvest To -day.
'Entered acCording to Act of ; P
in the year tete, by Frederic
,at the Department of Agricu
Los Angeles, Cal.,
Merrnonism Constitute
to the United States
rliemeat of Canada.
Diver. 6f Toronto,
tuee, Ottawa.
Jan.—That •
a real danger
nd that it is a
growing rather than a deereasing peril
Is shown an this serin n, the text for
which tho preacher ta ces from Isaia,b.
iii, 9, "They declare their sin as So-
dom; they hide it not.'
The study of the lives of great men
; has always been will me a Po-soiata
; Next to reading the w rite of the great
: authors and tbe speec es of the great
i orators I have always ad a longing to
, • know how these lea ers of tleought
; looked and lived an acted in their
, public and private li es. Thus as a
! young man when 1 ha the opportunity
of entertaining in our liOrne Dr. Byron
I Sunderland, who was to preach in the
Brooklyn tabernacle couple. of Sun-
days,'1 literally purn s ed the old man
dry of all his remin scences. Great
was his well of info rnation and per-
sonal experiences. ;
Dr. Bryon Suncle land for nearly
half a century had ben a resident of
Washington. He was not .only known
as the pastor of ,pr sidents, but for
• Years he had been cha lain of the Unit-
ed States Senate. ebster and Clay,
and Benton and Fl rce and Lincoln
; and tonkling and Blaine,/ all the
• mighty 'political gia ts north, south,
east and west, had 'een his intimate
'friends or acquaints, eel& Hour after
hour would speed b as the old man
talked to me. I remp ber well the last
night we were togetler. It was nearly.
1, o'clock in the mi4r Ing' when 1 said:
"Dr. Sunderland, yo have been de-
scribing to me .man men. Tell me
the strongest persona ity you:have ever,
known." Then the Old man leaned
back in his chair an told the follow -
Ing incident:
L "The scene was n t in Washington:
City.' The man
lay; led was Brig -
ars ago the Mor-
• the gentiles to
the leading min-
ok up the,. chal-
. Newman of the
d myself Were
e Mormon repre-
o te took place' in
cla which holds
The debate had
• me day, and We
ing night. Bishop
g, up ana-making
the iskin of an
he wen 'wheeling
nd he -said Sub
; if tine is so ann..
be other thing ,Is
to the condiusion
ands, for nothing
libertinism, and
n thousand angry -
'tautly leaped to
to press ° down to-
ward the platform. .0 The cry was 'taken
, up everywhere: L 'nch him! Lynch -
him! Kilt him! Stab the heretic's heaft!
now!' •
ee sat beside' Ne Wan, at the _time
continued Dr. Sun erland.' n'T did not
see one avenue, of escape. 'Rudelenly.
Brigham Young ar se and stepped to
the front of the p atforen. He swung
his arm out over t at cursing, swear-
ing, angry mob; a. d uttered Just two
words, 'Sit down!' They dropped into
their seats as the g aIi falls Were the
hiss of the scythe: That was to me the
most marvelous ,se ne I ever witnessed..
• As 1 .'came under the leader's. spell I
• .
realized that he ,wa one of the greatest
of men and one of the most dangeratee,
If not the most de, gerous, to A.merlean
liberties who had ver trodden .Amer-•
' lean at:IV.'
' •evhat „Byron Su1 derland said to- me
over fifteen years ago was absolutely
• true. -Brigham Yung was one of the
greatest and one f the most corrept
• men who ever liv d, on America,n eon.
• • I have been to S lt Lake City. I have
-carefully read mai& of the books writ,
• ten both for the advocacy and for the
condemnation of Mormonism, anti from
the 'mass of conglomerate testimonY
,into which I have delved I can come,
• but to one conclusion — that Joseph
Smith was a crack -brained epileptic,-
who, with his fits of hysteria, was Jost
the man for a little while to appeal to
the ignorant and superstitious people
with whom he came in contact. But
Joseph Smith could never aave, creat-
ed the Mormon church. It needed more
than an epileptic visionary to do that.
• No sooner was Joseph Smith dead (and
• he died some fifteen yeaas after he had
begun to proclaim himself a prophet)
than this monster manipulator, this
. modern Blue Beard, this leprous
Frankenstein, this robber of mens
• gold and of women's morals, Brigham
Young stepped forward and gathered
together Smith's crazed followers and
molded them together into a social or-
ganism, of which he,was to be the chief
blood letting vampire. And all ithatl
Brigham Young stbod for fifty 'yeare;
ago the present head of the Mormon'
church stands for to -day, though thel
claw may have temporarily sunk'
out of eight in the soft flesh , of thel
tiger's paw.
To show that tile Mormon church to-
day stands "exactly where it did in Brig-
ham Young's time I would quote part
of the interview which Irving Sayford
had a few r6onths ago with one of the
chief men stof the, hierarchy. . Mariner
W. Merrill fe one of the twelve apos-
tion: "Mr. Merrill, haye any of
the doctrines or covenants in' the Mor-
mon faith been altered:or modified in
any respect in recent'years, or do the
principles, dootrined and :covenants
stand to -day precisely where they have
always stood?"
-Answer: "There have been
chane made."
• Question:, "If that hi so, why has the
Mormon church repudiated the .princa.
ple of polygamy as witnessed in the
manifesto of 1890?"
Answer: "You are tinder misappre-
hension. The Mormon church has -not
repudiated the principle of polygamy.
It never will repudiate polygaulla
der the manifesto 04 Mormon church
merely set aside temporarily the Prez-
tics of plural marriage --laid It on the
shOlf tor ifelne Unite being -1n obedience%
it was in Salt Lak
,f was not Webeter or
hamYoung Many y
' mon church thalleng
a debate, and some o
' isters of the east t
lenge. /Bishop John
-Methodist church
•I delegated to meet t
sentatives. The deb
the Mormon tabern
! eome 10,000 auditors.
leen going on for s
had come to the clo
Newman wee •summi
! his peroration. Wit
accomnlisbed orator
-.his facts into line,
' stantially: "Therefor
t if that is so and if
FARM FOR SALE. -For saleeLot 8, Concession 3, so then we are fbrce,
L,.R. Tuckerstnith, containing 100acres, of
which 0 acres is good hardwood bush. The balance
Is well fenced, tile drained and in firstecleas condition.
There are two good barns, one a bank barn 86 x 78 ft.
with stone stabling underneath and the other 66 x
36 ft., and a comfortable frame house, three good
welts and a never -falling spring at the rear of the 10 1,
and`a good bearing orchard. The ploughing is all
done and 14 acres of fall wheat. It is- within two
miles of the flourishing of Hensel and within
half a mile of a school house. Apply on the premises
or to J. CALDWELL, Hensel]. P. 0. -1987-te
GOOD FARM FOR SALE -Farm for stle, Lot 26,
on the 3rd Genoesidon of Tuekenemith,
teining 100 introit, being all seeded and past ired.
There are, on the promises, two good barns, ene 40
`x 60, with stone sttbling underneath and cemeht
floors, the other barn 80 x 34, with drive shed, stohe
tabling for pigs and hens and a eomfore %hie frame
house with stone celler and nement f17.r, t. neve;
failing spring near the barn and noted well at the
house. There are aheut eeven acres of bug), the
reet in a good state nt cultivation, welt naderdrefet.
ed with tila and well fenced, good orchard. Itis
situated wiehin two and a half miles of Brumfield
and six aod a half mites from Feafcrth and the dame
from IlensalL Thie farm will be sold on relsonable
• terms, ae the proprietor is eoing Winn Fur further
particulate apply tit E. J. CALDWELL, Sex sa,
Brumfield P. 0., Ontario. 1979-tf
]WARM FOR SALE. -For sale a choice farrii "tin
Stanley township, Huron county, adjoining the
village of Kippen at G. T. R. Station. The farm On -
tains 146 aerns more or lees. All in grass except two
acres. It is in a, high state of cultivation -as nearly
- , all of it has- bee manured on the grass. ' Fences
and drams a e g There is a never failing sprtng
creek and a good spring well at bite barn. There are
two good ba t 6 x 36, with stone stablin , under
one, with attl stalls to tie over 60 hen4. Good
horse stable and driving tilted, 40 x 36, also pig pen
and boiling hous There Is a good hardwood ha h
and about 2 acres of orchard of the choicest shipping
apples and several kinds of small fruit. The house is
a comfortable 'ranee one, containing eight rooms;
there is a stone cellar with brick floor, also wood-
shed, 18 x 28, and summer kitchen and m good inning
well at tne house. This excellent farm is situated on
the London road, 2t miles front Hensel], 8 from Sea -
forth, 9 front Exeter and 10 from Clinton, all good
grain markets, and good gravel roads in all direc-
tion& Will be sold cheap and on easy terms as the
proprietor wishes to retire. Apply .on the premises
or address Kippen P. Oe GEORGE TAYLOR.
Going to Sell
ThelFest halt of seebion 23, Township 8, Ranee
19 ; aleotthe South East quarter of Section 35,
%none, and the North Eset quarter of Section 27,
Range lin Manitoba. On the fint rained parcel
there aro 165 aoresbroken ; a three-ro 'wed frame
sod lbable, & good wall and 26 acres of
pasture. •On the 2nd parcel Vlore are 126 acres
broken, eframe hones that eost 000, a lag stable
and abeut 10 acres fenced for pasture. This prop.
erty is within three miles of the town of Nings, in
the far famed Turtle tfounbaiu dietriet and affords
a most desirable opportunity to parties desirine
to lo tete in the very garden of Manitoba. It Is well
adapted to mixed farming and will be told separat-
ely or In one parcel. Price $10,000t one-half cash
and the:balsnee on time at 6 per cens. For furtner
particulere address
1978x12 Box 46, Boiesevain, Manitoba
The Great Buglish Remedy,
is an old, well estabe
lished, and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
over 40 years. All drug
gists in the Dominion
of Canada sell and
recommend as being
the only medicine of
its kind that cotes and
elves universal satisfaction. 11 promptly and
permanently cures all forms of .Nervous Weak.
ness, Emiimions, Spermatorrhcca, Impotenpy.
and all effects of abuse or excesses; the excessive •
use of Tobacco, Opium or Stimulants, Mental"
and Brain Worry, all of which load to Infirmity,
Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price $t per package or sit for $5. 0716 will
please, six will cwre. Mailed prOnipty 00 r0..
ceipt i1 prim.. Send for free pamphlet, Addrest
The Wood Company,
Windsor, Onto Canada,
For sale by C. rAberhart, J. S. Robs
erts, L V Fear, and 'Mei. Wilson,
• Before and After,
.that Morrieoniem s
: else beeldesnlicense
wholesale,frauan- T
men and Women In
theirfeet and -began
Kill 'him! Lyneni hi
• Notice to Debtors -
Al!• parties indehtW to the late Alex.. Charletnvoith
'or over due fees for the serviee of the stet:lion,
Tarentum," would very greatly oblige by :tattling
the safne at once as the money le required to settle up
the affairs of the estate. Payment to be made per-
sonally or by mail at °nee to
isi better than, other Soaps
but is best when used in
the Sunlight way. Follow
FIRST. -Die the article
to be Washed in tub of
lukewarm water, draw it
out on a Washboard and rule
the soap lightly over in
Be particular not to miss
soepirtg all over. THEN
roll ieteitt a fight roll, lay
in the tub under the water,
and go on the same way
until all theie es have•the
soap rubbed od mid are
rolled up.
• Then ea dWay • for
thirty minutes to •
hour and let the 'Stull'
light" Soap do RS work. .
NEXT.- After soaking
the full time ruhttite clothes.
ligbtly out on a wash board, '
anti the dirt will drop
out; turn the gement in-
side out to get at the seams,
but don't use any more
soap; don't scald or boil a
seigle piece, and don't
vtasn through two suds. If
the 'water gets too dirty,
pout.' a little out and add
fresh. If a streak is hard
to wash, rub some r. ore
soap on it, and throw
the piece back into the
suds foGla few 6-nine4ies.
RINSING, which is to be
done in lukewarm water,
taking special care to get
all the dirty suds away,
then Wring out and hang
• up to dry.
For Woolens and Flan-
nels proceed as follows: -
Shake the articles free from
dust. Cut a tablet of
shavings, pour into a gallon
of boiling water and whisk
into a lather. 'When lift
ionewarest work articles In
the lather ,without rub-
bing. Squeeze out "dirty
water without twisting
and rinse thoroughly in two
relays of lukewarm water„
Squeeze out water withbut
twisting • and hang in the
open air. °
ihrlhe most delicate
goleirs-',Anpy be safely
washed in the "Sun-
light," way..
s 6
011.11 *gr.".
- e
C k. (inn REWARD will be paid
•I.09NAN0N0 to any person who
proves that Sunlight Coop con-
tains any injuriours chemicali
or any.form of adulteration. ,
13toeit and follow Zest
directions. . ..jge;ise°
. P.A.
. S TORONTO ,.r.
J., . 261 et
eo ,the taw of the -land."•
. Question: "Than you mean to say ds
a moinber of _ the apostolate that PolYet
:gamy' is Jutet as much a card al printe
ciple Of :Mormonism as it ver!was?"
An -',.ter : 'Ires, f• Ir. Andi• s nal: f rOni
aciiit..urecxip., eriern11
. of ,,fty yealei in the
. . „
Could ank tnetiniony be rnoV. eon-
clueive that the Morrnon church -stands
' to -they in all RS- prinuiples just whelp.
.IV,,,stood In Brigham 'inning's time?
NOtv,, let us :bbf;in, to dxamine' more in
:,:detaf 1 w.hat . this leprots social Organ-
., leineirs nteetchirig otiefOr in this tWen-
tiethipentury. ,
FirSt„.the Mormon church 'unblush-
• ingly, -sinds for itraf0- It represents
ffnanletal plunder. It is Boss Tweed --
ism parading° about .the streets in the
• Mud bespattered -garments of eceleel-
, asticism., It is the Tripell pirates de -
mantling blood imniunity pay from all
• thosc‘ . who conie under its chtirchly
%had iw.. ' It is Sic holdup call of the
• high vayrhan, demanding that thc
• stag's patisengers empty their pocket-
books at its altars. It was conceived
.wittn the .idea of financial graft, de-
-veto ied with the idea, of graft, and it
is p rpetuaten with the idea of graft.
The1 Members of the htertirehy are no
niter philanthropists than the bucca-
l:lee' e of old were' philanthropists or
that Capt. Kidd was a elitianthropist
when he raised his black flag over the
Adventurer on •the Madagascar coast
In the latter part of the seventeenth
con airy.
Briigham- Young did not elect himself
as head of the Mormon' church for the
benefit of his followers any more than
Bose Tweed ruled Nett'T York for the
-benefit of its people. - He Vias .a finaat-
dal :robber, pure and -simple. He at
once commenced to levy his taxes. Thie
tithing system grew and grew until out
of the iniquitous; system ,Brigham
Young became one of the. Wealthiest
men, In America. -The world marvels at
the new hundreds. of thousands of . dol -
lane which members of the iniquitous
political rings of New York and Phila-
delphia were able to steal. Why, these
men were Only babes in. the art of fin-
anelal graft compared to this mon-
strops adventurer. Some , years .go,
with the governor of what was then
Utah Territory, I was driven about
Salt Lake City. Almost ;everywhere 1
could see the results of' Brigham
Young's financial depredations. Two
years after his death the Salt Lake
• Tribune declared that Young had se-
cured from the tithing system of Utah
• over $13,000,000. Nine minion dollars
of this he squandered on his family;
$4,060,000 he left to be fought over by
Iiia heirs. I have been told that at his
death he owned one-tenth of all the
wealth of Utah. .Can any man read an
a.cceunt of such financial dealings and
not! declare that he was the king akt
• What the Mormon church stood for
in itSfinancial dealings fifty years ago
'It Stands for to -day. By its -tithing Ilya-,
etc:DU the Mormon church has nOW an
income of at least .$2,900,000. Where Is
it going to? For what means is an
this vast ansount of money baing uted?
For th'e spread of the -Mormon gospel?
Oh, yes. Some of it is spent 'in.that
way, just as some of the money of the
infamous Leuielana lottery was Used
for advertising the lotterk tickets all
over the world; but, without doubt, a
. vast percentage of that income goes
into the pockets of the Mormon leaden,.
, ."But," says .1301:rie one, "you should.
not condemn the eeterznon leaders like
that; They do- not compel the -alma
boil!: of the church to 'stand and dee
liver,' as a highwayman gruffly orders
hie victims eo_de.ergese elaurch morose
-hetet do not haVe to surrender their
tithee any Mere than the meMberet
• yptir, church have to give into the col-
Ifiction plates unless they wish to do
so. If the Mormon people give to Sos-
eph F. Smith they give of their own
free Will." Ah, my friends, that is one .1
of the biggest delusions ever Rent
broadcast over this land. The Mormon
victims de not give willingly. They
are compelled to give whether they a,re
willing of not, by the thumbscrews of
the boycott and financial ostracism. If
you want proof of what t say read to-
day the rnarvelotts investigations Of
"Mormonism Uneadied," by Irving Say -
ford, already quoted. Not only does be
cite facts seen with his own eyes, but
he corroborates with names and dates
this one fact—that Mormon OXCOIT1-
mun1cat1on means financial persecution
and financial annihilation. If a man in
Titan does not give to the church his I
tenth the church will deliberately start
forth to take away his trade. The most
fiendish work of the most merciless ,
trust is not more relentless and de- ,
structive than this evil institution of
which Brigham Young was the creator
and of which joseph P. Smith is now
the iniq-ultous head,
But in this description, of the Mor-
mon hierarchy we must also declare
that modern Mormonism stands for
licen.sed libertinism and immorality.
Many of These long -bearded apostles,
natetheir own confession, are living to- ;
day in open adultery. These gray -whis-
kered Mormon crimlnals before the
Senate investigating committee not
only unblushingly selinitted' that they
Were living with plural wives, but they
even were photographed with them and
with their illegitimate offspring, born
since the famous manifesto whereby
the Mormon leaders declared they
weuld only cleave to .one ewife there- I
Now, the rank and file of a church
cannot be better than the leaders of a
church. If you have a corrupt pulpit
in time: you will nave a corrupt pen'.
Dean Swift in clerical garb means j
Dean Swift with a debauched, congre-
gation. Water by the law of specifie
gravity eartnot rise higher than its
source. ' Yet it is ondeniablenthat there
etre many of the rank and fire who are
thoroughly ...disgusted with the odious
lives and false pretenses of those lead-
ers. To these honest ones, who long
for better things, we must extend all
Let us o and visit Salt Lake City.
We stop and Took in the city directory
to find where tise Mormon leader lives
"My," yeu sae', "Uncle eToseph must
move quite 'often sto escape - paying
rent. „Why, heaaf` are Ave different
houses under shit name." "Yes," I say,
"hes sleeptain one house, eats breakfast
In another house, has supper in another
house, �pefld 11 evening in another
house and ,sisits s in another house. In
:each one of these homes he has's dif-
ferent *lie. When he walks along the
street forty-two different children can
stop him and call out ,'Hello, papa!'
Uncle Joe =St have a gPeat memorn
to remerilber the faces' of all Maze chil-
dren. He mpst,have a deep well of af-
fection tooldVe all of his progeny. 'He
must be -a financial genius to support -
all these, homes' and yet be a 'poor min-
ister.'" , Most of ,.us Protestant minia-
ters have hail work fomake financial
ends meet and support eene wife and
titree.or four babies, but ac1e Jee cer-
• have more
taints,'" can do wonders.
respect for the stag leveling it over his
herds or the shaggy foureleggedf beast
leadihg •his cantle, over the western
prairie than or his human libertine
walking around and posing. as an apos-
tle of God antatalking about love. Yes,
lie has. liove, but itd3e the 4ove of a
wholesale libertinishanwhicheaught
push 1t4devotee oat'"14t alteabeettt so-
. ,clety.
,While wrting this sermon et
before me a list of the dbmestic me-
onge of the leaders of the Mormen
-chulch. Franein M. Lyman,: the presi-
dent of the twelve apostles, has two
• wives; John:H. Smith, ;an apostle, two
• wives; ; Heber .T. Grant, apostle; two
wives; f John W. Taylor, apostle, five
wives; MarinetaW. Merrill, seven liv-
ing wiyes and forty-sixechildren; Mat-
thias F, Cowley, apostle, three wives;
Rudger Clawson, two wives. allow, if
these Men are living. in open sin, what
are they doing in secret? And if these
Church leaders, 'these apostles, are liv-
ing in; such illicit relationship, what
are the rank and file. of the Mormon
&lurch --doing to -clay? if the truth
about f the libeetinisaa ef the Mormon
church could be fully pictured the walls
of Poinpeli would be looked upon as a
picture gallery of virtue and of •modes-
ty itt COmparleOn. All decency, all pur-
ity, all virtue, should rise up in wrath
againet the sins of the Sodom and Go-
morrah of the Utah
• There are two .means whereby it is,
• possible te overthrow a good woman,
The One is through her heart or by her
love. ' That is not what the Mormon
• leaders can do. Even Brigham Young?
with all his powers of persua,sion, could
not prove to a eensible woman that he
SYSTE4 The Slightest Back -
I ache', if Neglected, is
Liablb to Cause .Years of Terrible
• Sufferhig.
No woman can be strong and healthy
unlese.the kidneys are well, and regular in
their action. When the kidneys aie ill;
the Whole body is ill, for the poitiooe which
the kidneys ought to have filteredeeut of
the bleod are left in the system. i
The female :constitution is naturally
more subject to kidney disease than a
man's; and what ii more, a women's work
is never done—her whole life is one con-
tinuatis strain.. •
. .
How many *omen have you heard say:
" My,4 how my back aches !" Do you know
that backache is one of the_first signs of
kidney trouble? It in and should beat -
tended to immediately. Other symptoms
are frequent thirst, scanty, thick, cloudy
or highly colored urine, burning sensation
when urinating, frequent urination, puff-
ing updeathe eyes, swelling of the feet and
Balkier, floating specks before the eyes, etc.
These symptoms if not taken in time and
cured at once, will cause years oaterrible
kidn y suffering. All these symptoms, and
in fait, these diseases may be cured by the
They act directly On the kidneys, and
make them strong and healthy.
)1.4s. Mary galley, Auburn, writes':
" Po oyer four monthe 1 wastroubled with
latr e back and was unable to turn in bed
withong hel?. 1 was induced by a friend to
try Doan's Kidney Pills. After nsing two -
'hi rds of a box my back was as well as ever."
; Plice 50 cents per box or three boxes for
.$1.25at all dealers, or sent direct on re-
ceipt of price. The Doan Kidney Pill Co,,
Toronto, Onto. •
deuld Levee &Molly well and at lie same .
time twentY-six, wives besMej a score
or. more of affinities. The sea rid way
for the Morrison hierarchy to o erthrow '
a good woman is through her frcllgious
beliefs. This is one Of the ways In
which the Mormon church acetatnplishes
its infamies. , The leaders Of that
Church peomulgate thee two otoctrines.
First they say:
"A woman who is unwilling to mar-
ry and beget children is a wornan who
Will have no, part in the gloties of the
celestial life. Therefore it is the duty 4
Of every woman to marry, n4 matter
wbat may be the desire of hr heart.
Lone or dislike of life has n thing to
do with. the matter. In the Mormon
world a woman must be .sealied to a
man or else she is doomed tO eternal
death." The second doctrine is like
unto the Orst: "The highest; seat in
heaven for the good Mormon in for the
Mormon saint who takes unte himself
the greatest number ofeivives end rears
up the greatest number of children, for
on the great day of aecension God will
first call up the husband. Then tbe
husband, in turn, will call up his wives.
Then the more wives and the more
children the man ca.n produee the
greater win be his rewards for etern-
ity." Therefore the Mormon church
says: "Woman, .marry. Woman, get
your husband as many . wives as you
can, for such is the will of God." By
thus appealing to woman's stiperstition
we find that husbands have married
"sisters and even mothers and daugh-
ters and had claildren by them all. Is
It not about time far thts horrible
teaching to end?
"But," again sa.ys some one, "the
Government has no right to stop the
belief of man and woman. , Here we
bave no union of church and state."
No, the Government has no right to try
to make a Baptist out of a.,Methodist
or a Presbyterian out sof a Catholic,
but it certainly has a right to stop any
teachings that lead directly to crime
or which may be used to overthrow a
trieres or a wornares morale. The In-
dian, Government certainly bad a right
to Interfere and 'stop mothers casting
their ebildren to the crocodiles in the
Ganges. It certainly had a right to
stop the wido*-burning and the Indian
Juggernaut. Our Government certain-
ly has a right to forbid the use of the
Mails for vile literature and for the
Selling of lottery tipkets, and it cer-
tainly has a right to stop the crime of
polygamy at its source ana to compel
all citizens to eobey the statute of the
land,. Utah. as a state pledged herself
to such obedience, but she violated her
solemn pledge. The GovernMent has a
right, therefore, to enforce the 'laws
and prevent our land from fbeing over-
run with the crime of polyganiy and
with illegitimate offspring. The super-
stitious teachings of, Mormonism are •
responsible for these conditions. The ,
degradation of women is ite objects by
fair means or by foul, by thedoor of
tin or by the narrow gate cif blinded
Refiresentatives of Mormon14 should
be forever debarred from l entertng our
congressional halls or participating in
legislation on the greund that they, as
Mermons, owe first allegiance tie the
Mormon hierarchy. 'Their oath 'of alleg-
iance to the hierarchy isin direct an-
tagonism to the spirit and purpose of
American citizenship. It binds them
need and footallee slaves. ;Utah to -day
is struggling in the. grip of this mon-
were struggling in the gri
strous evisl as Temacoon it of the nd his sons
ly serpent. Like a dentone this evil
church Is casting its malignant eye on
every part of our fair land. Beware,
0 Amcan, lest its blasting breath
m (;(-
ay y t touch your OWn. honle! Are
not th 'Mormons after Our own state
as well as Utal? With their infamous
teaching are they not aft* every home,
every. city? Is not even the White
House at Washington the throne Of
power at which they- are Icasting long-
ing eyes?
I beg and plead with I all. Christian
people to. t o be much" oeir knees in
prayer, that God 4111 oti out the can-
cer of Mormonism from his nation, as
he cut out the cancer, of slavery. FOr,
mark you, if Morinonisin is not soon
eradicated -and staniped nut, there may
come a thee When God Will demand its
obliteration at any sacrifice., •
A. Permistedi Nest Builder.
One 'of the most energetic nest build-
ers Is the marsh wren. In fact,' he has
the habit to such.,,a degree that be. can-
not 04with one nest,hut goes on
buildin.g fo4r or five IR rapid succese
atom. And -perk is nething slovenly
about his wbek either. rk among the
caftells In the neares marith, even
within the limits of a great city, and
you will find his little woven balls of
reed stems, with a tiny ronnd hole In
(me side. There Is a Certain method
even In his madeess, for the nest in
which hie wife is brooding her 1111Vell
or eight egg*. Is less likely to be found
when there' are so. many empty ones
around. Then, too, he uselt the others
as roosting places for hiniseif.—Loudoi
Vinegar Is fatal to many kinds of
bacterig. We read that during the
great plague in London a Opine earned
fabulous sums in nursing the -wealthy
and that their own means of defeuse
was swathing the .lower part of the
face with cloths dipped in strong -vine-
gar. Some one says, "My grandmoth-
er used a gargle of salt and pepper
with vinegar,for ell us children, and
she didn't have to go to a sanitary club
to learn it." True, no doubt, 'a_ timely
though utterly empirical use of that
gargle has saved many lives.—St. Zonis
Globe -Democrat. -
• Attempted Insiglit,
1 Jones -What's the difference between
stinginess.- and economy? Brown—
'Stinginess is. habitual economy; eeon;
omy is spasmodic stinginess.
STATE or omo'drry OF TOLEDO.
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is
senior partner of the firnaof F. J. Cheney
& ing business in the City of Toledo,
County nd State aforesedd, and that eaid
firm wil pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED
DOLLA.RS for each and every case of. Cat-
arrh that cannot be eared by the use of
Mall's Catarrh Cure. FRANK 1.013,Ntegy
Sworn to before me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December, A. D.
(Sres) A. W. GLEASON.
Hell's Catarrh Cure is taken internally,
and acts ilirectly on the blood and mucous,
surfaces of the system. Send for testimote
ials free. •
F. 3. CLIENEY & Co., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggises, 'Tee.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation.
Made Like The Men's.
Clothes with "snap" and style—made
up with that touch of "mannishness"
that all boys like.
N built for real boys. Ever gkrment is
de for service -4o stand the hard wear.
that boys give to their
Put your boys in "Prog-
ress Brand Suits and
Overcoats - and see how much longer the
clothes weir.
STEW R0-0,4
• • I
Saw Advertisement lo the
Christian. Guardian
Three Generations use
Psychine .
"My father, Mr. Frank
Childs. had a very bad mulch
and Rheumatism through
and around his chest. For
many'. months he suffered
great' torture, and had gi v -
'en up all 'lope of reeevery .1
but eventually wo icnt. fora
trial bottle ef P.SY (MIN E,
and wc are' pleneed to find
hOW nine(' it helped ;him
After using PSYCHINnt for
some Months he regained his
usual health and otr ,Oirtil,.
aly inotber pe
also ee PSY-
CHI "a it 1111(1foUnd grrto 1
benefit tame nil little
-nephew, ng',6,1, seven yeerri,
who bed Aeihenti very bad,
atel the ee-et pier? MIA Walt
indeed wonderful.'
ADA NI. Crielttee,
Florence Ont.
1:loy tzt, litil. !
The Message of the Star
i5111Or ./1•1111//VMMO
Have you ever notice& as the evening shadows
fall, how the stars peep one by one through the
black canopy of darkness, until at last the heavens
are ablaze with light?
Sometimes night after night the sky is black
and lowering and no light can be seen, but as sure
as day is day and niglet is night the stars will at
last appear. ••
In the same way PSYCHINE has crept into
thousands of homes and enligh.tened them with the
light of Health and Happiness.
Sometimes the black pall of fell disease Itaxids
o'er the henee f6r days, but as sure as you -use
PSYCHINS'i, the star of Health will at igst appear..
InSYCNINE (pronounced Si -keen) is a safe and
perrnan,nrt cure for Prieurtionla, Pleurisy, Con-
sump`een, Bronchitis, LaGrippe, ChlUs tend
PeVors.. Lassitude, Niiht Sweats, Weaniteks,
Nirnstind diseases, and - all Throat and Lung
The Greatest ef Tonics
All Drudsaists One Dollar
DR. I. A. SLOCUM, Lfd.,11,3 ieSS ST. 1'1,1 ter& CANADA.
Free Trial
FOR SALE. 1 Every Hour Delay
0 Thorobred Shorthorn nen, 17 months old, color
red, With a little -white. Prim right.- Apply on Lot
13, Concession 4, Tuckerfonith or -address Enoto d
ville P. 0.,WM. GeRNOORAns lana
signed offers for sale on Lot 27, Concession.
Hibbert townehip, one yearling Clyde filly, a few
Shorthorn cotes and heifers, two young Shorthorn
bulls; also a few Berkshire pigs of both sexes, The
above stock are eligible for registration in the ?station:
al Stock Reeonis. Prices red -Sortable, considerinp
quality. Visitors welcome. DAVID HILL, Stairs.
FOR SALE. -The :itndertigned has for sale sev
erhl thoroughbred Leiceeter Sheep and Durban
Cattle of both same. Address Ngmondville P. 0. o
Apply at fann. Mill Road, Tuoketsuilth. BORNE%
CHARMS & SONS. • 13724
SHORTITOSNS FOR SALE. -A. few Grandlybrei
Scotch Shorthorn Bulls with registered pedi-
_greet, 8 to 21 months. Prices front $40 to $80,11
telien soon, also cows and heifers at about the mire
prices, aleo s few Berkshire OM four months' obi
DAvro MILNE, Ethel, OM, 49324f
SIIORTHOBINM—Cholee bred hulls and female's of
different ages for sale, about two dozen to select
from. Prices reasonable. Herd new 'headed by
" Countsylvahus" (66900). He is got by the beet
ecoteh bred imported stook on both sides, glossy dntk
red in Color, and well set on short legs, Terms
regleted cows $5 inured, 'others on aPplication.
Visitors welcome. JOHN ELAM, Ile/mail P. O.,
and Station. 1980-tf
Auction Bale of Thorobred
Polled Angus Cattle.
At Lot 1.1), Ba ee Line; Goderich tp., 3 miles from
Clinton, 0.'4,2. p. In" On WEDNINIDAr, JANO-All,T13187‘.
Herd eonsiets of 20 head of the famous. Birtekblei
family, --eight bulls, Rya cows and seven heifers.
Terms,—Cash, or three mOnth4 credit on security.
EBUTT, Prop,
are mild.ive and safe, tend are* perfect
regulator of the sy stem. s
They gently tinloek the Secretns, dear
away all effete and waste matter from the
system, and give tone and vitality to the
whole intestinal tract, euring Constipa.
tion, Sick Headache, Biliousness, Dyepep-
Rite Coated Tongue, Foul Breath, /ann.
dies, Heartburn and Water Brash, Mrs.
R. S. Ogden, iiroodstock, N.B., writes:
"My husband and myse71 have 'mod Mil -
buret; Le.xa-Liver Pills for & number of
years. We think we cannot do without
them. They are the only pills eve ever
Price 25 cents or five bottles for $1.05,
at all dealers or direct 071 receipt of price.
The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto,
You have often heard people ray:
a cold, a trifting ooligh," but many a life
wouki read diteeretit if, on the Sant Ap
of a rough. it had been remedied with
--AY mg .SYR
It is a Amsted, safe and effectital
that may be tonfidently relied upon m a
for Coughs and Colds Of all Wads, Ho
Sere Throat, Pains in Onest, A.stianta, Brute
Croup, Whooping Cough, Quintti, and an
dons of_the Throat :and Lungs.
Mrs Stephen E, Strong, 13erwle-k.
wites: 'I Witt 'Wed Dr. Wood's Norway
%amp for Asthma, and have found it to
grand modieine,-tdvrays giving quick relief,.
would not be without s bottle tait it in-
Dr. Woods Norwey Pine Syrupis put upis
yellow wrapper. Th..--ee Pico Trees is the
utak and tb.e price 25 matt at all d
Refuse eabstitetes, Demand Dr. Weod'a
In connection with r Ex
IT011 we of er the following papers
these prices :
THE EXPOSITOR and Weekly Globe
and Canadian Farmer
Tem Exnosrron and Weekly
THE EXPOSITOR and Northera.
Tere Baroarroa-and Family Herald
. and Weekly Star with Precainin
, Tun Exposrron- and Family Kerala
and Weekly Stir with Premium
Picture and the Ferment' Manual
and Veterinary Guide
Tan EXPOSICOR aed Weekly San
Tnn-Bxposrzon and Farmers' Ad-
Tete Exrosrron and Weekly Mail
.Tue EXPOSITOR and Weekly '
Advertiser •
Tne Exroszetert and the Presbyterian.
Tire ExPosieron awl the Westatinsber
Tn,r. Exrosrron and the Presbyterian
and the Westminster
Tm Earosrron, fetid Farming World
The undersigned is tottiared to pay tbe '
Cash prico for ea unlit:at quantity of tiret-ol
Role Elm, Rack Elm, Baerswood,
Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Lc
Delivered at the Seaforth Saw And Stave Mil
to b cut an even length, except Soft
to Lo cut 11,18 aad 16 feet. Will also buy
• Baeswood Heading Boite,
e.Q index long, at j3.6,2 per oord,delleered.
Wei ea° buy timber by mettenrement or by b
bush. Speolal attention., paid to cask= sawing,