HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-26, Page 4_K9 7 f 4 P 081 4 UARY -6 14414; W1 I natuio week -�"wblle a 0 er 01TH'S if this i be uAlb -Ex ter this week LIE sin SUM AWNG S*40C STORrL We 6oubt, bowever _al& laol r wa wd fbistbAun* a to.ba*o put in at, tba west AN UARY, 4906 caso. - The Oo0rhmout 1aA4 tbi Ub-. -th 'if people adt foo'lloly thoy, wro Ith companion vign 1, stilk. W tfC -the ti ng relaties.—T -new sewer rtSr -cioulld wt 0 end Xa4a street mus sp r t CM te penseq .0,4060 44d school he bakthe -bat $a - ankle - brokenc—Thursday of next drying up those iwma:ia the tariff fhose% vft Inv ted� --a' small in his -leg hear tbe as hall tW effect of Wmpletely T The -Famous X T F A witholit f Would 04t4oly .,aban,; money' In tbe:lyllork toan actea I ell, t�Wtr - 'r on. the: ramle. -foolishly. The Uat that Wd so Ill be 13tussels moethly horse ferea at that, end o the illage. t they jwee,4 wi -10 away this and during the fresbat on Sunday --the Go -ernment innocently does "irot, inae the: foollob- fair �OY4—W. H. Xerr 6� q v eof -the t W k Zona --any the less. The Com�any -was Nvftk addresqlng the -large tiles w6re, 1bund to bave 8 9 -10 11 12 1,% at blit ot n false principles an to larger women *�th the, Iran qwia .0. U. W.,in this district. lots a spioe for Shoe for 14 15 '16 17- 18 not -pre- was oondixotod with_ a. 'rod' allty the Dlotrl6t, Deputy Gftnd Master. flow. little draining , k .the ral party aT With Lai 2 paxed to this ana we ifurth9r land red and sout sides of! our 1 21 23 124- 25 916. -27 hat. almost he kl4sness t Robert XcKianey, a former 13rus�- at t north won d nq.. oriminl.- h re its affairs; are selite, being it -one Ume prprie- village it would Wne t best Id der and &round the illtep 31 *66W that t, 1 4: ba�k # V mor rain A woman!s ahoe al*sys should fft closely un 28 2 ri me t in any 8,401. 0ourse, investigate he 'Worse tb6y'ap!pear tor of f and orowdint, the toe& be Govern the Am� 4 can fiotel bore, idled od village to be boun .—Mrs. 'Tho' -ram slipping orKard to prevent the foot �f a therefore, Clbvirnment deal ' dnd the,pr babilities are ithat by Ithe: suddenly, at Oshawa on Tbursday Welsh recently ente to defoa and destr they time-,Ahe whole business is wound of last week. It 1$,* ubwards of 20 ber -of -Mr lady friend, t to an af to r - NNW ADVZ shoutd, hold the heel firmly, in place and support RT= the ourse Kr. a cent on the years s court left bdr The Mitch- adon tea.—Mr. ohn. Cameron, rail - will take says up there will not 'be !nee he e Nousta It, accotn�an� intqnd they to. But We require dollors left for the shareholders or ell bridge. 12th onceshion, Grey, way agent at the wob. Tt should give th6 ball of the foot and Aw,fts the in. musoh better evidence before we will be the duty of passed down the river in- the 69od ied by hs wife, is the to eat, dengto Ifta"J'so at es plenty of room -for free action, bat week, visiting his m,)ther, -w) eve they. would be so fool�- the Milal 'last Monday; A good portion of it ed as -if by a i loved ha�id., WAU 1101 00""d oatild, beli ature af . the first, session step should be Tit P664"r. Monot 00.---a r ish. We kno that *thqre;are a few to, enquire nto tb� matter and pass is lodged a little west of town. seriously jll._C�nneot with j,oa Every shoe should Ido this. There :Is ONE shoe X;rs of ParliAmejk� who a haw that will -in ft-ture iprovdat the rejyoft of the nnuapmeetin6k of Liberal men no- flotation of suoh bubble concerns re an re t QT ).Ucen -M lVifiis* Son --4 b' will that does itthat ish�j JEEN qukLiryll it ��ty shoes have been tb�t Protection' p be interesting io ensation. 6 eoi�;forL )-�)Dur mom-Stewst Bro" waid rotection's and� to place all such companies. the -is anew a M r; otion, G. X Sutherland has bkd plReed in his hands ab a money- paid in, hemes of taid & wilson-5 sake for some'tim-e, but they entire- uAde "rigid Government inspe reat bargain, two fine brick dwellings with a, nuny- the church an on the i It is as 'or ingic comfoitable at 4.,30 in the afternoon. as st�e.-Popplestone Gardino" i,ly mi�represent the feelings and do- It is quite evident lie public r6quire, ter a Shoe Saii:-RiellaydsOn & utcnnla� of lots attached to each. good cance for a I sires -of the party aq� g y&olo -and protection .�aloag these lines and wdrk geerally dur� ig the past it is at 8:30 in the 60tning. retired fariner or* anyone wanting first-class dwell - v me ainly owe ftis Inge At & bargain. Also cheapei properties for sale. ye -the icon - we Auction We -Wm. Adnn" have little 6ar the Go ernmet th6 Govern at 61 Tt ar exceeded by over �200 I -will be so foo,*gh'as to IgIve -ear to much - to the �ulblic. But tthis is U, The vace 91pring styles 'of this famous.shoe Aliply at once at the post ottlee, Hanoall. 107111-t tributions of the farnier years. -A ad them and tu on their Silks 1 Silks, at cosh ! uab received a t4hipinent of number their back� bout --as far as ithey Elhouldr go to -of meat dwelli gs if Ic-rect for women have no arrived and we invite every Fhrin for Sale %tirlee Alierhad--5 Waist lengths, all 50 piem silk brillit, lie w, IP- ed- here would find -ready tenats. body within reach the -store to call and see them, being to -date patterns. Regniar prices, al 700 to $1. to relieve or protect people from Finn f0r_Sf0a__1Kenry Cartef--fi former' 11 kno` n prifteiples -YeArs', we Ivill sell th m T -is a.hint for ome (;f ur oip- Peir sure des ruction. However, a victimized by wild goose'isohemes of Front Deceiiber 10th to Now Lev All styles and for e occasiolL fteksmith 6 very. few. week now will reli e the this naturo. for4Ooayard. Win. Bawden &Sons, Hensall. italits, and speaks wel a:t the same tnitb-1 situation. time for the prsperiky of our vil- Publio No lson--6 -,)r. Ovens, eye and -ear, snrgeon, will be at the Sykes &Alnglev Manufactu n, A ulld. M. P. P... Queenlig hotel, llert�all, first Friday of each nionth. 'Wanted- ring C0.7-8 Mr. �Jioh of Ain lage—.Mr. D. U lardno, Rrw-�-8 ritish Elections. confined Fruit -.-G TUO 13 hrstburg, is right Wbejrl be Says Hours 8 a. in; 2 p. ni. Glassw properly fitted. f c w Idays 75 the pair to h-is'room ft .'WextvisitFebruary'affi. 1081-tt last week througb hir ess, - is agaiv. Or"t valaea--F. A. Edwards --8 ks the',eleet.,ons n Iiri�tain are that the ciounty councils can be Idi Rinc Dress 06miyal-8 OATS WASTEA-M000 b%ishels to be delivered at his old post on the. market and at drawingto a lose he majorities --nix6ths eea-Beattle Bros pensed with. He sa a: About the at the Hensall Oatmeal Mills the iiexb 10 daya-high- the oat meal D. A. 10an- y t es Pic a acorn for any kind of Gove ent. are'not rollin ness transacted by the-coun- grain. 1 who was also o for a fow- for the id or will expliang 9 only basi %eo forsale a, large -quantity of Oati Oat grade-11olled bats aud Oatineal, umerous o pushing on bkasiness.i couniwholeiale and retail. Di UrquhFk Hensall Oat - gala up so f4st as t ity did at the, #xxtset. ty vounciils is equalization of as- Fee(l, Corn$ Chop and other Feeds. Itfanitoba P ou�' daYs from the same, ca use, is ;a -the highest 'Flo Ir. However, -the lovernment sessmehts, and in, n ar 1101V p6cial'a'onimlissiefis have -had to bg Re., W1 assure aj i inea Mills. 1088x2 d of igood. "m jorlty� of __T p -o do this work., He -be- - (look & Sons, of the Hensall Plouring Mills, TM`ve Goderi6h f;"ORTH, PRIDAY.44a. 26,".1906. ointed t. straight supporters 'ever al thef11-eves that Me entire business done for sale 100 tons of Flall Wheat Shorts at $18 per ton Sole �gents toz ,.Ae Slater sai Walk-Ovr Shoes f r men, nu try Wedding Bells.- a 17thI was other 31a -13ran at $16 per ton, cash, sses combined.' Alieady 506, by.county cuncils could be done As and 50 toris'of Fall WlieO 'Very PIq -eon 989-1 the scene of a Now is your binia to pat in yottr suppV, I Pant event, and 49 Q10" Quality aud As E 0 Show for W well by the differetit - muniipai Mr. Grant and theI Q0V(§r -11� elections have been and 274. -Which took place �i the - resid icouncils each county, and the (tax- Oongregat;ional Mceting.--The an - D. Grant, NY110 is "b- straight riberths havt-q been. cected, Mr. Ln. Mrs. Wni. Mr. George A. ;Palteenrms, ioDf we!m paypr be.relievod,,of.the expense iof n=1 meeting cif Carmel church was &,Lltford, when their daughter, -Miss M. Sparks is spee'do.V re0overing and gWd work -was ila­. Mrs. Rionis 'Iyorites, 37, ind Nationialists, 80. lie. .0 iv sta ado the, present body. He will advocate held on' - Wednesday evening, Janu- Mary became. the, bride ' f Mr. Dun- will ;srooltf-& able to take Oharge.6f an excellent hstes i and Y�iade them eial repiresejitat e of NlorEh Onta.- The. others L ria in the Doininiba Pa)rlialaent, has this, t -next session." ary 17th. Ali the reportp showed u g can A.' on, of Strassburg, Sask. -ool - -r Lennaway. an all feel at home �tnd igayefffiem. it Th s far, therefore, the Government Asht her sch X J6" that progress had, been made duriii recently been in'Ottawa,'Iand while have a cleat majority of .42 over all The, bride entered the parfor, le employee of Mr. �J, johnifton7s, of most enj'oyable lt'm-e. 01 I the year. -'The se5silon reported. 35' WT, Ito there permifted himself to -be in- the The T.ormlto ..Star makes the r others. T ere., are Still 164 'eler, ing -on the armbf her I the Blake, called. on !ends in the vii- add#ions to the; roll. TheSuday lage last Sun, of tervio-wed- by :som� -of f he bapers on tibus. to be helo 1. lowing. lamentation. It says: bne harmonious straing day� eveningi-Nx. G. wal P 4U4 school has 6L of 218 inambership wedding mar pla-- XisR �Geoffry visited f t1W -bpme Polit.i0al AccOrding to k is thing tihe,Wbitney Government has -avera' affairs. h with an ge af tendanee of about Sunday last. 'Local Items. -The 'Anxilial meetim- mv on, tiny, The R )g Etiisiness dione that will r Christina M. Townse /,,00uain ot Of Mr- F�egis Dono Duffle Presbyte-rian. chareb. -w Mr. G ove of questioable 150 a -ad gave $150 to misgioxiary- ob- Of rant -the groom. ' The bid very be- '-The - young ladIeW wbp have L -been oVera_ iReas satisfied' I A deputition -including tile Minis- mCrit- By dismissing all jects. The - W. P. M. S. reported the ilield oa- Friday eveuing, The finan with the, G the li- comingly driessed iwwIlke, '1k it -h o atoustomed to go bareheaded dnr- inde ig not gat i %-1 r P -and x-MiUister 'Of 'Ag� icultitwe ep, on the best year in their history having cial re 'd with einspeidtors at' -one wwe chiffon trimmings, caf&ixig a Ing the ast, summet. re 1row eom ort showed al, RIC a ir hats. plea t�at su'oh off ials must neces- tralsed $291 for missions including a paid up to date and a not -at 1�b dritari and representatives of shower bouquet of wtuite -Tor, , fol- to wear 'the Although gratifyiug to, botk 4110vai personel'tof tbe Ontario encl of the, for. 'hand; mWih is. y with tW jDarty bale of clothing valued at $61 The little V Cur o1a ing U ' laws people.. Most all of the pat sarily be In har says h the farmers. an the agric,41bVral at p a d by her .,Ae Do, Itt - this Is vi I t k6 of fashion Government. He e Dias full in power, a prineWe is iestabliglied b0tal amou aing through the ring bearer, 4r*s_9Vn pastor, a rell, as blue it would seem abNuxd'bo aoL otel- -that will inevitably be followedwhen ha r411L I�on' of fice bearers io�f The -past year we Provinie wited' ndg d? rh.6 treasurers of the var silk, oarrying A basket Ito wise in the'; pres of zero weather. ouinals ,of Messrs. &ylesW w h au ve re-elected for the eniaving, ear.- 'Rev. A. t, the WM'. Davie 3.Pork Pakin Qoih neit there s -a dh­ go of Go ra- IOUs departments f the obnrch chrysanthemums and. nose.; The but he thinks the otb 00 g d *ont. the , Liberals regain aggregated $3 590.85. Of this a- ceremon -v, Torm�d under -A Rulliett. Brussels pulpits ny, of Tor Wbeh Ar-c;'Nab and Dr- R or for 25 to, a few I Von, to - Ithe swee so that t&se Officer, may sionary obje Sabbath. on ,a ago Ito y ras pe pa old -tg be of service. He also bemoan office there will be :'nToubt- $i,370.15 'was given to Xer with th Lt company ul arch f 11 rees anotherl MI'S and am'Mulock. He' ots.-Messrs. Alex�tnder morning and'eveninknev., the loss 4of'Sir Will! rsi3si by Rev. ;iT. �Gra� m, of God- A -iGood- Htse Sold.-Mv. James t the Queen,Ufty hog and bacor trade. StvtementS be in, bar ony"'.%with.tho 6hange.,, Munn and Charles Mc,&lliater werel. S. Baker was a ither *itfti the at- tof -Aullett, near Harlabk, "V d 1i% not sabisfied - e I rio'b. After tbe'opingrt lations had his t�k and the atte� part. or L hinting at a -vombLnatlon among Tpat is, no doubt, �ali tme, 031u elected as managers. in� place of been- of4erbd the dompgn­ Irepeired to' xecently isooieed 'w_1 - t we or fituile. of certain indiviit�al members of his -e I I w I pii and consequento thereito thaft Messrs. Wm. McDougall, at/A John, the- dinig rooM,L desdale stallion, "Prince .- df packers fo iogulate4�the price of o,�s jdging friom. present appearances"by In - 4% no was -no service of flne, Government to me]nbes'� Henry held in fte Mg,1ho- the tione "the Liberals tregain of- 4-ohnson who ietired. M -s,, Henry were bountlf6aly 1�_Aen kv-1th iwery- -of Midlothian.,, to�gr. Wift. `have� been nd wing b�o 'in the market ;1-,Ife f or tice the present off! ials will ha- "was also clected.a mr, MnDennis6n. vWitd -tbW week 'Wit1h p: the House. He says fte me�m gs Arnold e WLI thing &4�ira:bje_ to t(he* ka-ste. The X_0JKillL for is time. 'T ie . � Messrs. 1W. C., Davis,. W. ?3ell,' Or., be t ime fo have to approach the �Cniist* ra on 803ne e zb�rges,'Jffiormedl been in office so long tbat 'It 11 evenfing was. spent In bnusiv and Ing* htm to tha county of simcoe n. the main subje them lbo step k1olra v Ind /W. Dou'gall, jr., a games, unti fri4nds in Varba.-The -4t r ncl Lloyd Davis' it) of Inveiti 'ation. tip toe'L Ithus hinting that some raem- airily 4ouxs of the spring, to pixt in a mason niteA rinfall has caused a great scaTIORY this croaf Out and makeL �roorft ifor the other were appoi ushers. ',Me other. ride ab the orecipi- Bra erende, tlie delegation were, woriftimg. The.'b ther*. Xr. Lelper ported tIlls, last bera of �the Goviernem-at hav�, become fellows. If officers remaned thet samo as of snow i a s lo-ealit *M _ht ft the Gtoverimment, be it ent of many *Auti .1 preseAtsithus borse lhm�elf, an4 has used hUn for for 59 shfowing' Oe, -.1 h" parentlyj tre#t# with the gr.,�at- Tory rit, does fts duty, -there is -back t known as aP r qute aw t *On which - deveraliyears, ad! rbubled ith *fliat is year. a *Ar 10 -o no igh este" rovd uch heavy teaming M 'Mr. Grant's principal est much danger about the officilals The Late Tohn. Carnilichael. the you)i-k- eoilol were. 1 held. Th,�, himself one bf the b�t.. stock ihor�es Yi3rd.-, frankness an&itand r by the�iire- have m big boa&ll Quit a vantrst to -the -two �Pre?i; set atIv e be bey new or old. ma:de a brief reference' last week gromlg'pr1%jen­f o -the I re S the Davies dM- t X ItCbIL, grievance, browever,'is the ��ttit�mde d(-, iwas an in, the county. Sev 0 V118 C .8 NAt Olt_ 0 aldS I ring j;P Mai t' Ite death of Mr. John. Oarji�ichr -IV o, mording to';' reports a]3�d. to. 3 say pan wh ac have bee sol& for 00 ta b M 0. y .74 , *i s. the Goverpment bay. --an -o ratiQU reat- h Part w ith i�n;lerwent pe -he Ift Torionto Nes gay rpaiipectea resident 1 'opa was very arorry ito le ocn, a om unqueb s- the Dominion a'61, :a muc determined.to. take ton -the -Tariff �pr arm, which he bad; ft - his commu;nity, w1hich_ coarred -The -bride's. going -aiva him, oLs the has been very, profitable Ynont of his a Y*rl Government are. pav� Y! guR was Ing ideiice Athat Way for VeT-ely' Acrulshea some Pour.- _Years -a-g*L; o mentary ev o Uch mm- after a 'brief 'cloth --with b4t bo- bnte question. He says be has reason illness an the 10th blu e 14'dios� itt oth "d the one* 'th charged of th been used: lin the the -Bale - Tate I ave-, binaliou 'th emElsts -or e roolonia - �railway inst. Mi. Carmich"I took a prom_ by- a it I wall -falling ion him io believe, that overnment h the G t'� � ThV *ill spqad, eekg visit- Aty, but- he he to a J)rivte�co'lx' inent asI the fairm of Mr. A,, Hislop., ipanyL and concludes: pEirt n: the early deVelopmeat ing 4riendrs b Ito' t Hal has. ever exist d. On the i eonj rary-,' ef ore - gi hi� one distriet as long�as it was, prstle- etermined t6. materially increase aty., g Although the broken. bones *1"i i it was sh-o-Nn: at frequeritl' &uiag If th of the salt industry in this icou bo&.e y e Intercol*nial is Isold, :' Yin able to U -W, him. Mr,, aoss 'has seou'r- and duties n favor of the maufac- 1, the- - 1. L � ' -set at the time - -they nevir. lseemed!_. the' ank xn�d file of the Lib He was a native of Glasgow, Scot- kath��va o �s past year liogs had been- 1pixr- , wfben6e thp- ipood: hvishes ed- a'go d 'took horse, and the tar - I., - I oala-6d, and was 68 years of age. YL f rMer by the ackers at p'rfce� Ithat min riends -.will the M-. meia 'Of *imcbe cou6ty NV -7111 make too st',,the fa S. In 1. cha6ed, I to unite -ad 1�ork�d like a. ]oint;' -turerk nd again 17 party submit to that it may be 1 -came -tol Canada in 867 and L§ettled �t fAie Mr. market or. barion w'uld' not assumed that there is 6o limft to bim. *1r. Able Ato perforn� au kixtd-s of. but strange. to re mistalre �by patronizing view of all these circumstances, Mr. t, I the t Leiper Intends' goidg to the o1d. coun- anfl had Gradt says himself and sFom el g1h- jastify"' V� quent a loj i. ownship of Blandford, Ox- farm work. But it vms Kkely -to-, ly at "its patience." are of the p- i, ford. aoi Besides this it. -was s Gwn�Ihat rt 16 inion that in this Witter the News _�nty. In 1810 he retnoved to t*y in, the spring Xor another borse Datise, injury to his r so in. teen -other Liberal members t rom d �_Clou Kcqbler inttnds and- if he gets one that "11 1prov� peter XeZii;eA during the einking' erecting p-p6fitable to hinj as nee ot aa - Old ntry �bacon market, Vy r Sedforth - and was � with Ebe lite Briefs—Mr. Peter Of N I n does not correctly interpret th,6 tabn.with Dr. unn. of ton, it ry to was deemed rteoessa inde- Views and feelings of the rank Aabd of the Golema:n, Merchants and Spar- rsidtnqe 6n;his farm, g-djoining tl�p *11, be at Ontario have agreed to act increasngly keen cowffi,t�ition, IS a 1��dseme lothian," 'he wl fortpn e. becoming so uT satjsfactoryt�that the file of -the Li�beral 'party. We bellbve the ends of the injured boe pepdently' during the7 next sessign . A. I Davles'oo ling elt wells From 8ea:ftrth be villaie;. rppose. an mpan r&re devial 1 that n6tihing would please the rank ff and. wi-red. This Operatioli �and if the Goternnieut p Pig me4ms 'to of the '.LiberalL part Ig riecently' sold, �hroe hor"s. at to Calumei, Itich an, and -ar- Williams 1 to incre,996T th �.Iocal trade- and� and file of 1131ytri to' performed last Wft-t. Y -better ter a brief resldehce-'tbere� (he re- td'Mr. Denholm. Kippen. red to vote against he 'Govern and J'he maay frjoadS of X-r.L %t�",o increase, tin the tariff, they are P-ro­. i. get out o tbdir offal tproducts than t1he disposal of this railway for hirpa to Seaforth apd ided in (the Mrt� J. 0. Kalfleiscli s ery rtp- L. PPL in order! to pleserve thikil- prof Its.. a fair pri ce and -on- reason�Lble ternis. A Debdte­-t-0n Tuesday, in this be, vicinity will m6ut. The wisdom of Mr. Grant's -k of sinklnp�, the. salt wells wor of pointibd chairman vof fibe "61ice Tru -s- 30th" ake arof a: ownplate, -ord Joseph Kidd,. at �eafortih and "tee board -of thel V1 All r. As tor thd 'ques I ion - of gTeAing orices -It has ble a ink hole fox Igood ipii!lted 4(;b&te will. urse. in bri deast cya th Will, it hall' o the islib- t ren in ace ance withkiiality, they say. motley ever since it mas clonstructd j),ablin. Abouitz time, he rust that the -wonted .6t place i..7 te publa U -d what �ftould be* kept'. within the tbaLt the only ray� this can U 'clone Anil. Thiel has bee, 0 -appointed antf has. eat ranks of the party, may �Y'ell The alled a loss of ioillions '-pu-r -jectAt " That man bas aecompli hed be,retre, t inj A arm. is AY COMM Vn chased ,,r farm- in, the townihip constable. -The m 'bars"of iOie baild ni , - re under 45 years of age than and there, of Groy,,narI Craabrook and engagm- treatdd thpamselves to aL -.1 yRtr Ul)_ nat' am6ng i'packrSL of- dollars on. the )couritry- 8111 doubted., It is all the more surDris­ e ts -also, and buyers, as 1; tbe ition is ig no,;probability. of ialiy improvement r -that -age." The debate is %inaer ink., fnbm the ed in faiming.. Bilt he wad aot lo*n'.9' Per one, evenlng'last iwe Si-' Bruceffeld position 1� oc- n rrow sto keen tbl t grading is', unprac 4e . qu4e. x1e. farming and. inA 1878 the m6ft Sbtraras 'hiis sold -a gd6d Nose _h cupien -in f H is assig-t- 0 milttex!, wbic(h party mak, -be *n the auspieles of the Porestrs. MI per. Wh�, tfhen Rhold"'.anyL 'Per- i Bull Soldi-Mr. Win. Berxy, -of tbix n _OU14 t.uTn OOA to lh ar. this- int e er- ant WhipL in Ontario and- oonseqneht- left the farm'in to'a, buyer fro& D. S' e�t L i place, recently sold to Mr. 'HM t0rakell Prom an outs do. view -of tte whole esting'subj debated as both sides -ion. object -to the, Governneat get her and went to'Go(fir�dlj wherp Ao. Past, our Jobli lg�L an d efficieni f Staffa, a- very youn ly occupies i& a measu on fe a p"sifi tuition, -w ardid- that the. handsome ting rid of uich- an ncub-as no duaft are preparing and some� of . LP - 'I. worked for Mr,. Geo. MoRwon at I postmaster is making bUl.1 of hilt �6._Wn breedIng.- -M., of oonf idence ivt the �Governmeat. his init- � : k -object . ou _ T a ght by, the faiqmers, it Di. 0sler's views wilT ace - At fiist the bublio,i�ere disposed ito th� Internatioal �alt'Wbrks thdire. ments on t 10 h. will f-aell- -was nbje .461d. and ev d steady and to of prices4or. off iee, mAl Brief, -The -directors f the neighed 710 lbs- He is a nice a- oubt the aiccuracy'jbf he reports- siffl,bo sist it -ate business and accommod. te the bnt- they have. beeii 4ifirebt for ov bogs, is 14 Tainable.' TheAaw of pen Hall Company urpose hol Sooiety, It Nvell here and piiblic,-A numbei of ne%v books. red color �and was -bred from .er Fast Huron .gricultruxal in -sinking the sa n' supply 'and demand in ih! raising concert n the� ievoning' of F brii- a U1 week and have b '--widely'com- nnual- meeting of the, em- - been a resident of t1bis village have recently been added to Niejpub- ns'l -The baB 11ces th. Tbe serv* � lot Mr-, Wm,�.! Dow reS and las 'no and! m.. arketing ��f pigs must govern 4piorted b c school I ibrar�r. 11. Xa- mented on by th j)�,rs of the',East Huron Agrioultinxal over %ince. He also ssisted inttbe ii -Mr. "el id*.,'other pro#uets such a'.5 twheat.�'- 4 ringshead, f Dutton, the com-.1 aa a.n1maU--`P vhidh CaVt. Thomas- Kking of th -Exeter salt- well. e has moved into his bar. dso'nie the Nv -o n ktiowa re�fubation ior cori6bio-ii. has ";t; 4nd- even catt e Society. was held in: the thwn. Lball, ic vocalist and. veriatile, entertain- Bon,' ap- I and horsti-.s, .1, must has 'been 'constantly in the employ residence and his: many Criendsl *111 er� who is w1daly kmwn ongh- peared from him, the pubtic are �as- Bruhsels; 6n --wedfiesday of last week. London. township* now_ t t fie 'Ge breeaer ified in concluding that he las.isid .d successf A r. �org There was nob a very Jirge attend- Of 3 -te Xcr3wen, first in hope for himself; and family Xnany out Ruic', themselves -1- to � th' coaations ()nt ari as a pop;ular eoYhoda�n, has at - the head f his ber4l. MT -F what is reported. Mr. Grant, we auce? The treasurer'' report *ow- charge of the 84t Well$ abd 011OTe years of comfort. and. bhppi Drake has been fotunate in %IS �PJ(Jr-A The� mus n" " 's In have Wen secured for the occasion, t! tak -tbe-,bad wfthitbe ed tht3 receipts f to be 'recently effiiihe*er in the flax their'Inew home.�4tev. J. Yarzar may also say is one of the"brigilltest or blie yeax chase and we 'have no donbt his ill. al , t* M o -a ad an ld K, neighbors will approciats and most 'promisi of the YeLgag good. The odic�'raier of 'hogp mill and was a falthful, trusted -viras this week assis,111 Revd Nft.i r. H lling he , is his -3 ft�- $1,056 and the di'bursementsi $976, bafd boy, who left these parts a -bout 0.0 Will al ays stiike th�- t trigade of, representatives in Pla-r- ing a, balmice: Uohly, ialued- empl iervices, 1 bring! so vluabir. hA leav` of $8o -ren oyee. Por Clemens with revivl ars aqo and this is his tfirA ap­ teTP-Tife- 411 the 'and liamont. He has always, hithertb% market, man, P treasury. he n m ye, The follo'W.Ing officers animal into that neighbohood. steadily on ad prosecutes the busi- 14 yems evdr issed a day ftom: Dashwood. pearane Oil lhl� stage hP -Miss; re. profess6dly at least, been a ponsis- were eldeted: President; JamesPer- business umtil bi.� recent illness 6h beev visiting with friond'; in ond i�a -cGre, Vied Tn Dalrota.--7-Mrs. Taihes B i UT_ fell gence will wifa -out teh-t - and 'ardent upporter of tka nss with Infell, gusoft; Ist, - vic�,. , Noble - A. b0n - the 30th -of. Decemb e*r last. A severe round Stratford. -Mias Emma. Shoe- gor, teacher, went to Dubffi4 in tack --of , leurisy and pneuinonia maker, of Parkhill,' is there visiting, w Vice, 4fames Government and accoiding to his 2134 Sedden - dilrelctofs', at P uple, of ..-N% thO end.' The 'day for nuccess 'by this week to take tempo- gess *ho ded at Sheldon,. North oa- bar ia -haza-rd �stem a t ther' of "Mrs. -Jame the I _p re a n -ffled the beat medical -skill �Mr. H. kalbfletsoji is incr ma- is a statexacrits we way* look -for lively - 8 0 R. CoileY, D. Milnei Turnbual, Whicb ba of sohool there. Miss McGregor athe. farm as t, Ole m o s Ross, -ot we I 'ai� "in anosZ -ong lrectiAni, of V1, acher and %ere For_� ti me detre)vp her Thos,'Are&ibald, Al Stewart, Gew,. and overcame an Unisually Ar terial delivered. for the. n excellent t�' active Aemand. x the Low read, nea to lines of bus-inesir XohnS are always in ments during the next session. n,. WM.* Wm.. tri raser, coil titutbon waR the cause of dea1b, a now residence In town liext ciuln- r. James 0. McLean, ne_ yea�r s Mrs., BuTgess lived- -In. hile;"l eramitb, near, Rgraodvill- e, W, Miller auditors, F, None f Mr. Gxants oom, plaints a- nd- ThLOS' -He was an honest, industrinIti, good mer. -Miss Nettle, eeks ago reedived bad fall w he S last the Government are 6-f v,6Y Eidtorial Note's �and Comments wo,,r around his barns and -%v!ho She was a much t1d a dott ond'A. traeban';.W. H' Xer're living h -deserved an& on- 'a few'holldays at ffier hame 410 -re. king m o the ipublic. NY -as re-electe - secret arY-' t re'a surer. ighest efiteem f his fel- -The improvements in hh( postoffice Somd Years - o Ont rio L�gslaute has* been, Th a 6n was� laid up for a time, is again: able sPeOted resident - I Ion exrept that relating to tfhe tariff. nyot' 'of N. seqolded 4by Iowa. Ae was a qynsisfent mem- here, re much appreciattd by' the Ito be about in-urli to the !Satisfac, she has -reelded with her*son, Alex - summon s 'fln chareh and t bas added t1q, If the G cded as Hiel offet ftern 'Grey ber of The Presbte public. .-Mr. .-Faus tionof him -self -and his many fr-jendg aner. iA gh6ldon_ Xorth Mkotat lie ays to makemportant intreases of business n-thusday, F tranob grio It politids ad'-vviis room formerly used foi millinery obivaTy ugal SR,6ioty of,$300 a Liberal 1)rl ies' Aid ndrevv's where Ae died. 'She was 1-5 'Yeavo �Th Ladi f St. A in the tariff, it ill, certainly, ib0.._--_ ligent a*hd well read beyond tiella*;- urposes -to the post (ffice, �4&ws b Tbe sess' expeoied,to -last to -hold riding ftit in 'Brussels p church are making pre, ions for The �remaiw. were ton. is ardt of age well for them to recon.qider their' 6bout eight we6ks.- was Ac ed. The date Vill be '�on erage He leaves a widow, a daugh- doubling the room, whiil, will holding a social about the mIddle, here for 'interment and i and if Mr. Grant"s -and 'Friday, October 4th el of February. -Mr, and Mrs. f MX detei Thursday ter of Mr. Wm. Towers, of .Hibbert crowding and give inerr f�i i - . took place rom the Tesidence ohn, speaking 'out meetin as be Na and 5th.. and . daughter ,fn.d qon to mourn itics for the Service -of e 1p,bfic, Balfour, of bhi8_v1l1Tge, were VIA - "and Mrs. James Rosa. the of -a kind qnd loving thus- while the whole 1,9 fitted up in rearl U0. At meeffi�g Hur6n coit, done has this result2 e ban 'cr6dit 'Y Melville Church. -The eXimal con- Notes. Rev. Mr. saw d ing with Rev. and Njs. Martia, Lof gregationtLI meeting of Melville band and worthy. The- daugh- !city -style. There .,are ew Office-" Exeter, this weo�c._]Etcv. XT L�Yr_ a a himself itb h4ving done the Gbv� oouncil,.,on Tuesday last, Mr., H49h I 7 universary serv-ces i ftndar 1ast;,- Sparkman, of R�o6te dnL _*itnd- the country a very r, was. obura' -wasl 'held on Tuesday last, ter is 12 years 6f ag iknd- the son outside -the large bowDs which ran qhart p ehurdh Hullett, leoted raoheil in James street reat. service. Permitting the ln-L The vario�s reports dhowed the con- only seven mon:Lhs-i' He 'also leave's now compare with ours, n -a for all Mr. Zd - Mrs. . Thom" Fraftr, of Warden, ' The , Expositor cox�grat'Al- -Presbyterian church, London, last gregation to -be in- a very prosper- U -demnity and Pens'on bill of last honor- one bnother in i e township of of which Mr. st is to Sabbath. Lug ng lates Mr. Spackman. on the -Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pol- Stanley, are T0061* session to pass�.Iwas be first Itaer-ti-, ous aoliditi-6ri. There are - 466 inem- Grey, commended, 'fl conferred look, of Saskatoon, N.W.T., arwhere tiol's from their numerous Kends �cal mistake Sif Wilfrid'Laurier has upon him by Ibis ':fellow bers and 209 families rebrese"nted. Briefs. -Mr., Arthur Digna-p,, who h ha pim n ty oaun-6111or.s. Mr. Spackman visiting with Mrs. -Pollock's mother, alud all WISIX t507n, )nU0 P "s oss. of their 0 -t thad beeii added to the is nd has been residing in +,be Mrs. Wm-. Yle, or., and othe to gel made since conting into p'wer, IF Forty-eigh he permits an inorease'in tihe Itariff. is climbing. Drysdale George Faseot Livings roll and 31 removed during theyear. Wesl for a number of yea)�S, is -home ton kontana, and her sist he will make his second mistake, and, The amoudt contributed for ordinary spending the winter with his par- Notts. -The vy rtill has completed a -twelve mon tbx<m, of Exeter.- were th6 The Toronto. Mail says: Mr. iss Bon Ag to of Nr and -Mrs. Win. ur- it Ivill be one *Iiiffi, e, doibt very�, Purposes was $2,206 and for missign- -entg, Mr. an4 Mrs.Warren Digna fall ofibe past few d" qi 's -left the v 1, M W - th W,, T ustard, has gueO U n. I awes. X muoh,if the Government ca. survive." Clifford Sif ton, 'who is laying out his ary and benevolent purposes,' $P, 0. -Mrs. John MoEw-en returned hbme roads in an unsatisfact ry dock, of the iftl 1D0U0G_W10n. 'of stiiin- '-O-ndl- been BperWag a few -holiday -9 with 'Brockvill Tbe� Sabbath school contribiAdd $t9g this week from Ottaw, friends in n Lnd a -round Dashood. ere- is no *'at excuse or' neces- summer estate, near le, a:t where she Vion. -and the Vasing way er now leyv Mrs. Ross a a ayster-in--UW Th Ju sity for either. On the lndemnity� and the Youlng- Peoples' -Guild, $89. haa been for -several mogtbs._ror finds it neeSseary to we r rifbb of Mrs. an expense of $200,000, ds credited r Mu-i600ki and Pension bil e He has eiigageot -with. Mr. Mus- Is he I Expositor bs with 388 shares in the Bank bf Ot- The open collection for the year�ta- ddit�onal Hensall news see 3id boots,� in order to keep er- tard for another, year.—Messrs, 11. .-several times expressed itself. very. mounted io- $199 and here was page of this issue, -Miss Doherty, standing dry. -Mr, A. Wel, b, of God- B. McLen and James Mustard bavo p gain the very lainly. W6 say a' a 5, tQ0 less EL sum ralsed by the envelope system $I,.- of London, is here, vilsiting ber bro- eAch , townsWip, . renewed old ac- been ,deli*ering at te station &ere Hibbert. best thing the Goveimment caii d than $87,300. Sir Wilfrid La'urier 880-� The pastor's salary wag $1,200; quain-taxieg n the villal; - during for -shipment- to the d1d -couhtry or ther, Rev. W: J4 Dohert th Notes. -Miss, YA01a- W,* .Y. -The 'Will 6��or,- of TOrOnt4j. is VWtting Al- in its min iriterests and in ae in- has given this politician, w)iD coih- the org-anfst's, $100; Me oaretak- friends -of Mrs. Thomas Cameron Saturday aiid Sunday la t. -Frank some fine sa-mples, of square tila- thi ea $100, and the treasure's, $00. regret tio learn of her present- very Rensall, -bome of her paT-ets bere-311 forest% of the party it represents' menced at Ottawa with no ng, s o gosso,.., of I aa Pe er- Mous- ber, Two B-tiks taken in by r. the pension e been IV lag of as -,,,ell as fhe country. is (bo wipe' of $8,500, per annum,: for Much regret was felt and expressed critical illness andI will hopq for so, of cGregor, Mai3itoba, are her Mustard realized him $75�- The Johanl3a, CrOJOIn, WhO has- tte !2-t. tbe home -of htr sis4 -the Whole abomination' from. the" life." The Afal *only ells (part of n acooUnt of the retirement of Rev.- her reejovery.-hfr. , W, Ortwela, this Nv4k a n ing Vbe Gauld X18sion. Band of St. Andrewlss vlescing statute book at the - 'earliest date' the story. It should lao%ihavo said their brother Toseph.- Dr. Ross who has beeh the able and general merchant was vo-nflned sev- JPs"Ph church held a meeting last week I ter. Xts- -T*b'n Dalton a�fter 'ble aj�d ledve - the I aws as hey tbat1t own friends 6n Parliament 'beloved past -or of the con'gregation- oral days last week to - his irooin' at the lbopme of Mrs.- Win. Spr6 illness, has TetTne& to Possi Bd-our, an dpprentice in he 'plan- at, Q:hd I OU. were before. As for the tariff there to cici "Man, supported the granting f o so many but all ope the thii6ugh illness but we aie leased Ing mill of Mr. F. Kalbfl ob.spent ................. ia no necessity. nor excuse for an of this and .'OtheT rptmsions and, some' change will e result intend- to see him going round wL Sunday at the-bom of M th parents ars,, his �o 'irroreasi, while very much can be the leaders still ftry to d"ti Ross -to -Mrs. H. Jhns, ditional revenue, is not requir6d­b�r i:� big enougb -tio 'tell' the whole Briefs. -The town was in dark- !weekg ivith her pa -rents, Mr. ces of Corrivian, of his 'place fy �Pd, the resfo'atLon of Dr. in the village. -Mi: W. F e, ot Ithe accustomed activity. .- cl 'big contemporary- should renewed healt1h and strength. /of Guelph, is pend-iiig ajwuple of Gosh6n line, bas secured he serv' said -in favor of reduction. Ad- iotf 0 u r UT alad S V E E`P G the business of the country as ithe. truth. e9s several nights this week -ow- Mrp. Henry Ooo -ter r k. -The friends for the win eason. r. Corri- s na-ham been "for of ems well ing -to tl�e high water interfering Mr. Henry Cook will regret to learn vian is an American st buoynt; �t�. mahufdot- A.'co rio years mo rrespo�adent. of the froronto with the machinery at the electric that there la not as yet jrauch� Jm_ Please(I with Ube, u t ral. me- uring industries are not stiffering News suggests, that as Me su'ccession t 'in h! b alth.-Mris, R, thods of -this country,-, r, U4. C. light plant. -Alex. and -Iyfrs. Me- provmen s e from or competition but 01) the duties are Swelling so tiapidly,:1 Lenn4n were at London for several Hunt returned home recently from Stolok ks this week Visit ng ral-a- ntra are flouriaYing a ig e past week, being St Louis, vihere she had been tives and friends in Lond, n. Mr. S they have el er flourisbed before. Al- ountiAg last. year to $700,0001 the ca'lled.there owing to the seriou aTO CLEARDUT 8 8;nding a number of months with Stelok is� an "industrious g thowt. manufacturers are iirg:- Ontario Governme.qt use the �nvney illnes, of the former's brother.- -ber daughter, Mrs'. J ohnstion .-Miss and is enjoying a rest whi he o 00 ing for inereased protection Cheir in Ere-Imbursing the victims of be, Murdie, who had another attack 'of vViolot Whitesides was in Tuoker- well mer'ts.-Mr. It. J. R-owbrd who I HOLIDAY GIFT 4 DSs. omtany,: a aoli6itati�ans; are hot promptied by York� County L&an- C nd paralysis last week. He is still in smith last week viiting ber sister, has spent the past iew n, - iis - jin necesait�,j b�t by brI&Aea *any a a desire to keept,thus ome� and a very precarious c0nditlion we.are -Mrs. Cluff.-Mr. as., HhAton, of Clinton is at' present rft perating ors, es Toile 'Vvhat tbey �ave, and tio get.as Wueb 'bring rekef -t n:1 ho -'arts." 'As ,gori'y to say. -James 811 Shaw and Forest, was here lately visiting his under the -parental roof. -M so Clara. Such as ffirr Plwqu , Vaseg, t sets, 0 nyore as 13 ario -do, Booklets 'her poissible. es-ldes. the 'it --is true the nT Government, Tbomas Nidholls made a 1business Tod -sister, Mrs. Chas. A.- McDonell.- Koehler te" of the villa e school D611% &C,. Papeterieg, Albums, Car ntire weitl id deterti-iinedly o�)posed �a-nd Legislature ai% in some meas- pleasure trip to Hensall and 0hisel-' Mrs. (Rev.) Smith was "in Luc -a sVent Saturday and Runda, I l a t a t tw any ina-mme. I The Ozitarlo far- �ure, rbsponsible Po these losses a4 linrst. laat week. -Rev. A. McNab, spending the pasf ek with her her b ome in' Zurich.-Mrl . ames mer and artiza�n, almloit t(o a man, they - should not d1low auch a rot- oVUV'alton, and, Dr. R688.exnhangod father, Dr. Hossaek.-Mrs. R. Pat- Delgatty, who has espeit the past are oppose -d and if Ohtario and the o nd e looliducted on pulpits last San nd day. Next Sabbath erson a dai4htar, Mrs. Deng,ougb, eekat the home of her isia or, Yl-rs. Mr. ublio, undf a chhrter granted by ermons' before going to'his now have ve y safe i sailing. Cl�i the go,onyear afte ear vretimizing the 6hurob pulpit and preach fafewell ing relatives nd'friends.-Mr. NP -1- tutned to her -home ;X) Stblej on X%reqt unt e the Go�erfiment Nvill not such- unbnsinesslul�'e principlea to Rev. Dr. Ross ivill occupy -Melville were In Seaforth last week visift- Joseph Dowson, of Plliladel, ihia. re- whols erefore,l we feel that Blatchford is' here from the Sunday. -Messrs. Garnet Mu -ray and _-1X0 . I t, Y�t we fear -";Ii an charge 13 FRST DOOR NOIJITH OF PICKARYSS) Gratit s varninp!;- respecting the tar- the Governmen at Port Dalhousie. A fare'- west spendiiag he winter with his lake Horner, the famoifis wood cut- Ail 11 iff is ti 1 ely, that is if hat 'he �S'Is oxpen4itur6 of pulitie fuds, ino'mat- well social will be held lthe rbure'h many relatives nd friends, who are ters, are this week n ge'c' an Ithe is trite, hat the, Government ha�c I ter although laudaple, 0 anqt4dsted on Monday.evening next'for Dr.Ross pleased o see him again after an second !a n - We are ONTARTO. oncession, Eta. ley. 14011 practicalll Aeolded. ' 't, Oy tho oorresyqnde�t cold.acar�oel and fpmlly.-On, W6da�sday ot last bsence many, years. -Yrs. 'Coop- pleaSed -to learn thit buf Lyclen Y. Y. 'hey [tarc re t 11 ned e