HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-26, Page 3A ren k an -1 onesty, that s all he lative3 purer than_ iy be •more ces c can, There is one thing jthat will cure it.;--Ayer's Hair Vigor. It is a regular sca1p4nedicine. It quickly destroys the germs which cause this disease. The unhealthy scalp becomes healthy. The dandruff disap- pears) had to, disappear. A nealthyscalp means a great deal to you --healthy hair!, no dan- d Uff110 p_1111pleS,11.0 eruptions: - The best kind of atestimonira "Sold for over sixty years." arida tosco. 0. Ayer Co:. Loarlla, lifsas liA Vinare of ,) SARSAPARILIA. tifersmus.ECTORALGRERRY P ii r man. purity you - two things: can (only be lectricity. Id Flour.iA t Le and sold in by electricity. ies Royal your errocer. it, rS !e.ore oW to and over agai PLl1s Ayer's Pills. Ayers The best liver pills ever nude. core constipation, indigestion, aess,siek-beadache. All veoe- tugar-coated, mildly laxative. a stove! We t..''F'43t1 flyeT_Cto. Li of r oer Tat tv#F11. Along r.o•niiWIZ,•••).1, .0.4, • -.I.,. 4E... A de a great record throughout all There are good Tea:cons why thia 041atteed Right Poes not hump Plate -Cuts and tuxns soil rabies Welt Back -Nagy draught. lc has several Imitaters. bat no 'Norio genuine withOut the name For -Bale by Agents. by BISSELL, ELoote, ONT.. Ask for Boolrlet "E." A 1FICE Fox MONEY tk. 'VIREO • twatelful lictfr 11. MI6' PDX, Oa num& 1,-. tur worn, given attqcoluttgy tree. lino, am rAnver zata Wore. Tho only p-a4na We, (Ma ii that wo arringett for tie. halidsoMet ,g1110 dull pray"ft it! Qv* Innitsript iota gut Mein c<ist, 'At! Duff t$ 41 inch..., it,tc-• nearly he -;,'.•• rtride t t thatui•otnA lik ei-''F,..( Fur. 1:.vft and sea. lifx n 'tonic rati.I. d. ItLed with_ [.,-..A...o. sat a mid Liman:tilted w tit tour long • a It ahict. Socha hardly ti c let r Inv: latter .tlgtrett away, and you oat g. t it... pair. Jur( .nr r..1/84 WA/ .r.:411Vid• EJL;r1414 ,‚Id. UPt f,:-.; Huai , i,...eta of nie Post.Carti.; (4 rant -Lb a; Ihey art* t..nrumuy 1,..t.t..1 i t c s. Stull an 7 r (41.114 tpfore i w,. iit and I 'Yogi r'“w•ts.'t 1, V :t.. tLt, .; In the Fur 1..1: It her, 1, *ortti•a;or mote U tvuta t... t .ct.t. Write traot y-tt ard •.-nd t• t- r• ••• rtlitt.i•artta ▪ 0101.% tat t Torourm. enmeriseensiae 11 Be Sure c..2.py of our catalgne 11yent a of taking, a extperatory LI PAYING POSITION eve there ia no school Equal fto nethodic 'business training and tieing good results. We solicit tion and comparison. iy time No Vacations •14,21'2" ,emr -0/1r,ri ot„ OF TORONTO, - - P4noips1 G€ rrard Streete, Toronto. 1967-26. tttt • .Grand Trunk Railway System. Ratieray Timer Table • Trains leave Seatorth as foliews 9.50 a. m. For Clinton, Goderlah W1ngham an Kincardine. m. For Clinton aid Gado:doh' -6.15 p m. For Clinton, Wiugham and Kinear. dine. ' 10.8g p. tn. For Clinton eind.Gederion. 7.58 Am For Rrt1ord Gnelpb, Toronto, OrlflI North Bay ftnd points web.; Belleville and peterboro and points suet 1,87 py Ul. For Strathird, Guelph, Toronto, Mon- treal and peintal east. 6.8s p. rn. For Stratibrd, Guelph and Toronto. London, all1"013. and Brace. wok- Noma- Passenger. London depart. 8.16 A. 4.60 P M Centralia.- - •• 9.18 - 5.43 Szeter- 9.80 6.64 genea- 9.44 6.46 Eippen....•• ee.•••• 44 9.50 6.11 'Brueoffeld ....--.....• 9.58 ' 6.19 Clinton- 10.16, 6,88 Londesbm; - 10.80 6,62° Myth- ••••41/••40 4•01.• 10.88 7.06 Bolgrave... 10.50 71 Wingbran arrive.....! • . 11.00 7,25 s BOUM- Passenger. *Ingham, depart- - t41 1,,M. 8.80P BeigrAve... • Or 6.52 844 •.1.40 Li 6 Londesbaro. ..... 7.14 4.04 Clinton--; 7.47 428 Sfuntilleltt.. as ins iv! • VII .0 846 8.19 Klippen* - Bap 4.47 M•1•4.4.• 8.22 11.62 cotes. - 8.86 - 5.05 0edtrada7...• 8.46 ' 5,16 London, (arrive)-- 2.46 A, K. 6.10 • Palmerston and Kincardine. - ,LNG NOATII. Pass. Pass. Mix° dalmereton- t . .. .. 7.55 p.m. 12.4J p.m 6.80 gthel... .. .. ..-... 8.41 1.7 7.40 a .drelisels.. - ...... 8.51 1.38 840 411nevals........... 9.08 1.50 9.00 Of hagliam.. - .. ... 9.08 1.56 9.10 r rime Sorra. . Pam. )lixed. Pa88. Wingbam., .. ... .. 6.43 a. m 10.a40.m.- 2,40 p.m -Cdoevale...... .. ... 6.52 10,55 2.49 ./';1tussele-.. 7.05 11.25 8.02 Vinei...... • . • • ...• 7.25 , 12.50 3.18 Palmerston.... -. 8.10 8.00 4.10 1, Bitter Tea is Not_Good Tea People who don't like tea know 'only the kind that is just bittel-, the low- land tea that ,has more tannin in the leaf than you can kill with any amount of sugar. q -Grand Mogul is a High- land teia, grown on 'the mountains of Ceylon, up near the sun. q Balmy breezes and' light soil pi-oduce the mellow flavor that .makes Grand Mogul a distindive prodtid. High in theine (tea -tone) and low in tannin (bitters) it appeals to the palate and tones up the nerves ' Grand Mogul Teo Sold only in packages lined with paPtes never in poisonous- lead. premiums- are simply a part of the advertising appropriation -and do tee denisit from themuarity of the tea. A reopen evegy Plana mikes Ioseip' 96 Yonde St: TORONTO liunT0P's Choicest Flowers oafs, dealt Floral [Mullins for all occasions. Flowers shipped to any point hetweeli Bar" flex end Calgary, end safe eoeditsoq gneranteed. allustraied Price List en noolledilon, .4) 100.000 Rose Trees in bloom. • JOHN H. DUNLOP FLORIST Leag MAU= Ph01103 gh t and Sunday Bala 4790 calls, P irk E SIDS reqe.-.t the survival of the fittest We 1 oetlx:....,1 au 1arge4t seed house in the our see& axe better than I;a yea wish to grow the meet' 1-1.,totqui Tomors end the lineotvege- e l'httt1Clobestseeds-Ferryiu. Missal fSec to an 1.1. O, titre • YCV:tlissor., one. DXST . ••••• Still SeatifbeetTlie .Durlaeal 'er. of a • retie/A .,-dete Mak-8 the follow.- ing reference to 0, w il „knotvn res - Refit a 'ibis vioihi y.; 'Mr. and Aemeriean hogs they cantet obtain MIS. Vieortte Hrtbkirk, Seafee 'la vise elifficaint supplies from the 'Ontario lied 'their daetteltere ud. tion -in-law, t ,- hog raiser. The opinion expressed Mr. arid Mr ee Mabe es, Egeement, ror this year tif the TurnberrO Oaten- at this meeting was that it wae de - and were eguests Of Kr.' .and Mrs. 01. .6. motion of condolence with tee sirable that the packers and farmers Thigh McDonald in eon: fete a day; family and friends of toe lase coon, . shoold math aa understanding, in ivir. nabkirklo in itia 2,,„a year. Diatot . Oilier joh- orrder that ti n 'Coupland: YZO.8 passed,arid , eti a gran al -10008S. Tiee 8;1:lever OVOT f tarnieada a' clime progremme wee eendered, . Agrioteltura ceneisting ,of, music, eleging, ate. Masa otners inte est - pie the •svitiole 'the evening waa 'very ed in the ling -trade, to 'gait -nponthe muoli enjoyed and the utenebers of leading packers with a view Ad the lodge are to he congoatelated adjaating matters oompletned of by OA tile . Ile es of the affadri-Mr. W. both sides. The farmers claim that E. XeLaughlin has sold ithe valuable the packers are „net giving fair driving mare he -recelitiy eierchaSed prIces .for hogs, while the packers .13, St. Thomas to Mr. D. Duntaet,, complain that with the- embargo on Turnberry. The Colwell --At tUe first t' reputationd end earty, and, ea iugh 71 years a -6°PY' -‘ordered- to sent ftd N/X8' ° flaUlfebra"blly ittretahaLO1416fLarlindfe'lti°01.11Tdpnr°0-t' 0ouplaed. joint S. McTavish was ap- pal of Roxburgshiro, bas 1°w-i'vt".. pointed esseseore Di:01341as Fraser and duet or lack of !ebistinutity 'of Ouppiyt otelaffolt "prtneeasclial'tella 41 e pattreirteYe*k tea Alex. 'NfoRwea, auditors; James Ele hotwas appointed a raember the? Cured. is -M-oth:r -ciFtheurnatiain- hint;" Board of Health ; Dr. Agnew -Medid 1YrY mother has .been antufferer sanitary inspector. Aftei some other 80'0 W. IL Howard. of Pentiseivem- entertainment recent? lye's under 1 Complimentary,- ng 1 to an eal Health, Officer. and "Wra.i.Oratee, for many year from rheu atisint'' KA fprmal business, mid the passirig of ia. "At times she, 'was unable- to the auspices cff the tidies' !Aid a few a000unts, the eouncil eet Metre at aii, svhile at all times walk - Ridge -town Presbyter n huroh, The jpurned until MondaY, February: 5th, Log was painful. II presented •her Dominion of that. to n ;makes the ' fowith a bottle of Obamberlain'e Pain llowiog reference t a lady Nolo 'at 10 o'clock. rr is well known to man a oar Tea& . Balm, and after a- few applications ers. It says: ".No les$ cdpplause Grev she decided it was the most wonder - e marked with approve Mrs, 1E. A. Township Officers. --At the first - tut pain. reliever she had ver tried, f -i Taylor's. singing of "The Standard meeting of the Grey offin eet, she is never withoutt now,ncil for this and is at all times able des Welk. An a on _the Braes o' Mar.' tn response year, the following officers were oocasional application of rktil B ;tip to n encore she sari the old. fav- appointed: Clerk, Jelin McIntosh keeps away the pain that else was orite, "Jennie Laurie. Few sing- ' treasurer, A. Reymann.; fax col- ers that visit Ridget ten equalMrs. ' lectors, P. 3. Bishop aformerly troubled with" For sale and J. Kreuter ; by. Alex, Wilson, druggist, Seaforth. Talor in Scotch song." Mrs.Tay- auditors, 3. M. Davies and 3. ,Livine Io' s a -sister of M o (Re .) Neil ' ston; Medical Health Officer, i A. .,1 The Post Offices of Huron. Sha of Egraondville aose, and has Ferguson; caretaker ,of hall, Theo man friends and ad irers in this Chapman, members or toe Beare of Teb following is a statement of vicinty whom she ha delie ted ter Health; Thos. McDonald '' and Geo, the revenue of eaeld Post Office in her gifts as a singer" of cottish. McFarlane. Tbe following were 'al- the county of IttiOroo, and the salar:y d t al P t t shown by the report a the Post- . ti wife, six sons and two daughters. ' so appointed fence -viewers: Dun- 11 , song. The Insurance 0,ain nual meeting of the McKillop Mutual F Oorapany Was held in Seaforth, on Friday la fairtattendanee of usual reports of the given and were Imam: ed as .satisfantory. complaints and the tors, Messrs. 3. B. Mo Chesney and Thomas re-elected as were als auditors, Messrs. Geer George Steplaenson. of the board of direetors subeectaent- ly held, the retiring offitersOwere all re-elOOted, Mt. L. B.1McLean !being president and Mr. T. E. Hays, secretary -treasurer. House of Refuge.-Wardee 'Miller, county councillor Sp,acknian and °aunty elerk Lame, wire at tbe House ,of Refuge last week to ton - Bider matters connected with the fi- nances of the institution. The 'par- ticular business was. Zsot mdde known and it was etated at the !meeting that the details could not !then be given to •the press. The cause Of their visit is, havvever, well known, it oceleerns a number ef the inmates money yet we- ir 01V11, rted of an inmate having $sop t bank, but who denies having any, and the one, referred to is no the only, one who as in the refuge who les tcnoney stored Away. Under the ! cirou.m- stances the county is right i in &k- ing measures to m ire those pay who are able to Alo so eny.- an- enibera of the re „ Insurance he toten t. There was eneberis. The cimpany were 'Maly adopt - can Taylor, D. W. Dmxbar, Malcolra Lamont, George Welsh, James Fer- guson, Peter Sinclair, 'Wm. 'tauten. Joseph Whitfield, Richard Cox, Arch. :McLean, John Smiley,Edward.13ryan; pound -keepers, Mrs. Wallace, James I Brown, Louis ,14. Langeway, Jacob oLong, Th,os. Williamson, Ed. Collis, O. Harris, Mrs. Geo, OffeNini. It wals deoided to pay A. Hill dc: Co., of Mit- chell, $140, and $294 for oem.ent floor on McFarlane's and Mitchell bridges, instead of floors of tarnarac, as at first agreed upon. The _said firra was given the contract for the 'erec- tion of the new Delworth bridge, for $1,800, the bridge to be 90 feet inside top of abutments, an & 93 feet over all. After passing a number of accounts, the eau:mail adjourned until Monday, February 5th, at 10 a. sn. Elimville. here Were no , etirieg. i can, Fraser, were the retiring Mdrdie and t a meeting who are supposed to hav enough to help keep them, fuse to contribute to tli maintenance. A case is rep . , .. Notes. -On Friday last a horse be- longing to Mr. Albert •Penwardea while left standing tied to a tree in ' the bush and attached to the buggy, broke loose and made' a dash for liberty. At a breakneck speed the beast raced through the buslt and strange to say the buggy ies- raped without injury until coming : to the gateway out on the eleaeance where it collided vvith a post artd damaged. tbe rig a little and also , the harness, but otherwise all es. aped without much damage, -A i meeting of a number of farmers weEi i3 ' held in El raville one edening last week to d'souss the advisability' of forming a eef Ring, w4t,b the .ob- i ject of getting cheaper beef. After I a lenietby discussion of the matter, , it was decided to form the ring ivith 1 Rich,ard Hunter as President and Peel Coates as secretafy.-Mrs. 11 3Yfe0ollie, of Pigeon, Michigan, is Presbytery of Malt and. -A eoeoial 'visiting Mrs. Norman, Phair.-A meeting of the Presb tery yeas held clucking ben. belonging to Mr. Wm, in Melville ehurdh Brussels, on Rowcliffe brought forth a large Tuesday afternoon o last week, to brood of young chickene last sveek; deal with the call to Rev. Dr. Ross, It was rather a cool reception for of Beussels, from ort Dalhousie, the little ohicklings but they ,are The eall was coniiid red, Rev. Mr. thriving nicely. -The little on of Tait representing th Presbytery of Sohn Cornish while playing around. Hamilton; S. E. afnell , and . A. the house had the snisfortul.ne to fall Craise, of Port Dal oasis, speaking and break his leg. We aro pleased for the inviting co mittee ; -Elders to note however, that he is pro - Thomas Strachan an Alex. Stewart, grossing very favorably. -Mrs. Hey - sr. were present f om the session wood had the misfortune to slip of 'Melville church a d. 3. Leckie and, while going out of doors and ;aisle - A. Hislop, M. P. P„ f onatthe icongre. cat& her Shoulder, Her many friends gation. After all ad been heexa wish her a speedy recovery. Rev. Dr. Ross sp-oke nd the 'Call was sueta•ined the Pre bytery agreeing Bxetor: that the translatio take effect on ! January 31st. Rev Dr. Ross Wilr Briefs. -Mr. Harold Bissett, of be inducted on Th rsday, February , Moleons Bank, has been promoted to lst. Rev. D., B. oRae, of Crane ' Amherstburg, and leaves for his lie* brook, was appoint d moderator' of position. about the 1st of Febru.ary. session of - Melville church. Many , -Rev. Mr. Manning, of Clinton, con - regrets were expre sed at the pro- duoted the anniversay services in posed. removal of s prominent, able Centralia Methodist church the Sa.b- and useful a memb r .of the Presby- bath before 'Mat, and ,preached very, tory as Rev. Dr. R ss era the same able sermons to large congregae feeling is voiced by Melville oongre- -Hons. On the following Monday ev- gation and the p ople of Brussels ening there was, an oyster spread., generally. The bi ter is sweetened and- an excellent musioal and Mer- in the hope that t ,oban'getiif situ- ary programme. Our neighbors to ation wilfl. be' piro active of, great • the Beetle alw-ays do these things good to Dr. Ross 41 h. • up in good order.--Messis. 'John ...•••••••• Hunter aad George Harton are go - Hen all. ing iAto the implement businesstand Newbridge • ! . have 'leased the shop in this old Pick-, Notes. -Miss Ma gie 1 Boethron is ard block, next to the livery stable. Nile home from the. West 42 a vieitsit to -MrR. L. Beason, who is ngaged Prosshipterity . ea St. Augustine' sumxnerhill 1 d, w d and arranged oirld be of at, &Vantage i to noel and vingregati , Mr. A. W. -Fi4st. 'le iditior, miss Ed- munds 1 assobiate editor, S. B. , Gray -ethers editor, and M. A. M- arini/non. is business roan • -A -very large congre a at- tooded the eervice in Kn church, Stratford, on Sunday eveo t last week, which was one of than ordinary ioterest, the measlier' be- ing the induotion aneordinatien of five new elders, Messrs. as. Ben - eerie P.• Bradshaw, jas, D Ckson, E. 3. Smith and W. K. Weir. ' Master .A.rthur II. Din man, the, , youngest on of the eclitbr of the Steatford Herald, had the roisfor- ,,etunc. the other day while- at play *ith otherboysanion geoine beards and in- the -Snow in- a lot near- by his home, to fall and breek this left leg. about three inches aleove the ankle. -- ehurch, Stratford, held Ili !annual m eating' last - Week. It was decided at the ro.eeting, to build a Sunday school room' at the gear of the church, and to buy .1a site ,for a Mission chaerch.. The p4tor's sal- ary wee inereased to $2,500. The ree ports for the year showed. the church to be in -,a most flouriehing condi- tion. • I - --The death 'occurred on. Wednes- day, January -17th, of Mr. Themes Fullerton, clerk cif the tewnship of Elmo, at his homer near Atwood-. De- ceased h.ad.been ill - for : tea days, and wee eixty-three year's of age. He had been clerk of -the township for thirty-four years, and was heId in the highest -esteem by al large eir- • . master General, for the year ep ing June 30th, 1905, wbich bas just been issued: • • Gross Postal Salary Revenue. of P. M. Autiurn $ 388 $ 176 Beyfield . / 569 260 Beechwoed Belgrave Benmiller Bluevale Blyth Bornholm Brussels Centralia Clinton. Crediton Dasb.woqd Dublin - Ethel Exeter Farquhar Pordwicb. Goderich aorrie Hensel]. Kiplaen Kirkton Listowel Lucknow Mitchell Molesworth St. Colitraban St. Joseph Seaforth Stitffa Varna Winghant Woodham Wroxeter 816 354 Zurich • 753 830 In addition to the salaries above nained for Postenrsters, there are for- warding mad other allowances, which increase the amounts. These range from aboat $50 to $250, according to the business of the office. NON A CCOUNTIbT0 dorroos, -Mr. Joseph Wesenberg, of Mit- chell, claims that he can cat iwith his steam cireular saw 4/3- cards. of in two houre. He „eat at Mr. W. A. McKenzie's, Logan, one day re- cently, two cords in five minutes, and says that he can keep this irate 89 44u for s.n. hour This beats Me. 659. 136 .311 1,115 716 2,418 352 5,234 008 407 457 482 „ 2,030 ° 240 660 7,148 808 1,550 355 555 4,921 2,466 3,305 199 ° 65 _ 91 4,718 211 314 392 4,983 214 p 280 Chas. Longeway, ,of Kennyoott, who 60 claims he can cut forty cOrds in eix‘ 144 hours. , • 530 -An old. and much respected tea -- 12 .dent of Stratford passed. away CM 766 Friday in the person ef lars. Long, 144 feet, wide -to of the late James Long - 1,656 foot. Deceased was seventy nine 270 years of age and Ita:d resided there 170 for forty for Ydars. She was torn 220 in London, England,- and was mai- ' 202 tied- in. Stratford. The t late Mrs. Longfoot \is survived by *three daughters. -George Vaideri, atter ,eichty years o age, an iumete of the'House of Refuge, •Stratf3orO, fell Zown flight of stairs at the institution between, 2,end ' 3,1)1°1401r the other. er morning and had his, right Aeg broken; He -gat out :of known' to the attendant wandering about the pia met' with the aced -dent. removed to the hospital and is do- ing as; wellies • cam be expected. e -Mr. WM. Retorts, who has been with the tirxa of David Maxwell de Sons, St. Marys, ! for 25 lyears, thas TeRigned his position as simerintend- - -ent and is going out other eveging- Mr. Rober eented bythe employees well works with an ad handsome solid leather 410it ca.se. -A pail of hot ashes and turning coals nearly caused a fire at the office of the Gas Compaq, Listo-ivel, the other day. The ashee had been removed from the furnaee ahd the pail containing them left sitting on a board and were just noticed in ad the of - 88 280 '• 2,175 380 504 . 170' 284- , 1,490 842 1,010 - 53 70 1,464 - 95 ' 164 160 1,454 105 Blake Brewster Carlow Chiselhurst Crediton East Cromarty Drysdale Denlop Egnionciville Fordyce Glenannan Glenfarrow Grand Bend Greenway Haipley Hay Henfryn Hills Green Huntingfield Hurondale Kingsbridge Khivatt \ Lanes • Laurier Leadbury Lothian • Loyal Lumley Mafekmg Marnoch Moncrief her parents.T-Mrs. paniedby her hu her parents, Mr. • . . Rainsay, acoom- in the hardware business in- Aber-. band, is visiting nethy, Sask., is here, it is said, on an nd- Iffrs W. H. .1. ! important mission. He werit out Reynolds, of this vinage.- e (LT e pleased to see Mr. :Tames OPx,wotth there last spring, and. iis already doing a good business. -Rey. Dr. on our streets agtun aitdr, his all- Ramsay, an old Exeter boy, alad for ness.-Miss Jean D ek is Ivisiting her eeverai years pastor of Bank street sister, Mrs. Doug Mr. Arthur Dign in Moosiejaw for t is home spending with iis parents ren Dignan, of tie Bib School Riport.- ti e report of the , 'nation of School • Hibbert. The nem merit Sr. IV. -J dan, L. Yordan, R, : ton. A. Duelarme. Melody, J. Doyle, Morris, E Stapleton, At P. Ryan, la Mur Barry, M. Nigh, ton, Mike Barr Mary Barry. Sr. Ryan, M. Dalton, -Sr. Pt.' IL -J. Fl L. Barry, T. M A. Powers, B. N 3YfeldaY, M. Dalt L -M. Murphy, G.' Doyle. Farquhar. Married.. -A veky, pretty sveddiog ass, of Blake.- Presbyterian church, Ottawa, was x A- „ who has been cently made the recipient of a hand - past four Tears, ,some Present from his corigrega- e winter menthe tion in the shape •of a mink -lined r. and Mrs War- overc,Oat and cap, valued at $300. townshin of Hay. , •Mrs 1Ramsay was not 'forgotten either, as she was presented with a ert. cut glass sit, valued at $50. --Miss he following is John's MUSIC pupils will give a rre- Christmas -exam- cital in the Opera House, on Friday Section No. 3, evening nett. -Mr. Alex. Dow has s are int order of gone to Monitdba with another car Jordan, W. Jot- load of horses.-Messis, Thomas Tapp Doyle, M. Staple- and Wm. Bray and two daughters, Xt. IV. -Thomas a Virden, Manitoba, are in tide vi- MunphY. Sr. visiting old friends. - Mr. Jordan; AM. Ryan, Maroar Greenwood, the clever young 'Connor,' ILRyan, 'Canadian, who hes just been elected hy. Jr. a member of the British Howie of Dalton, j. Staple- Commons, was fellOW tittident of , W. neeoltraeY, Mr. I, G. Stanhury, barrister, of IL -T. Jordan, N. tbis town. -Mr. W. H. Levitt ship - D. Nigh, Doyle. peri a ear load. of dried apples . to nnery, M. Melody, Liverpool ;last week. - The many phy.- Jr. Pt. friends thorougthout the` county a gle, K. Roach, J.' George ,Samwell will regret to learn 3. irafutphy. 'Jr. that he *- been laid up with a se- ' vere attack of pneumonia, anA • hope or •his speedy and full trecov- ery.-Mr. Thos. Snell, -s'ytho was int jured some time ago, while leading took place at tb Mrs. David Mc on Wednesday their second was united in, LawrE3nce Fult was'performed presence- of a ui iate relatives C. Fletcher. T popular in the have the best ture hapitiness Notes,- arr. kote, is sositi Irving IF nga business and Farquhar L esters, gaye til ir free annual °Oster Editor iof the Fatmers' Sue, -w-ere i let form and xtura'bers 12 pages be - supper on Jan ry 12, whist preseht it Was 'decided to form. sides 'the cover. It is attraotively, prov- Shome of Mrt and a hOrie, is now nearly recovAred.- 'col, a this place , 'Miss Q. Smith, of Carndutf, Mani - 2 last' week when toba„ who was visiting her brother, ghter, Miss Laura, "tiltr. H. Smith, and. family, of Hay, marriage to Mr. has gone to Ohipago to visit another n. The ceremony brother on her way beak to the t five o'clock the Prairie Province. -Miss 'Bertha Ens- plier (T the immed- eel,- daughter of Mr. 'Iles. R:ue- nd. friends thy Rev e1 is attending the Macdonald Insti- e young couple are tate, at Guelpb, taking a coterse in oorarcrunigy and will Domestic Soieneet ishes for their fu- • and prospetity. e -At a -meeting, held a few days • 0.. Irving, of Da- ago, in the office of Bon. (Nelson g ° his brother, Kr. Monteith, Minister ,of -A.griculture, ed in the real estate at wbich Hon. Johei Dryden, Mr. pv. reports preiberity.-- *W. Hodson, Dominion Live Stock ge Independent For. Commisaioner, and iltr. W. L. Smith, Revenue. Salary. $115 $ 52 25 57 80 90 81 131 68 176 • 182 106 , 72 282 43 58 45 245 174 20 139 72 65 30 23 123 40 57 56 104 25 102 28 28 34' 50 149 99 10 05 105 4.1 85 54 50 110 25 80 76' 28 is bed lten- and. was stlaen he arden Was est. The e was pre - t the Max- ess and a time to prevent a fire. fiee happened to have pied at the tircie it Wou edly have been burned down. , -Mr. W. E. Hay, of Strathoona, Alberta, son of Mr. Andrew Hay, ef Listowel, was recently presented i by the Knox 01111relt Sue.day school, of that town with two volumes of Shakespeare and Wordsworth and a travelling case. The staff of the public school 'gave' It+ a/marble mantle clook. Mr. Hay has resigned his position on the staff of the pule- d aocepted school at en 1.11100en- d andesabt- lie school, Strathcona a Oe tbe principalship of t 34 Medioine Hat. 40 -The Mitchell Adv 25 week says: "It appear 25 1Provineial License Inspe tor has in 55 his employ whisky spies, whe 'go 25 80 30 50 ' 25 ate of 'last that the '46 .25 25 25 30 60 52 25 46 37 25 t Otte D a,i Is10 Quinine fund money if it fails to euro. E. W. GROVE'S signetare is dn eaoh box. 250. . -.- Perth Items. -Rev. JO W. lYfelntosh, 33. A., twill be in,dueted into the pastorate of Knox °laurels, Mitchell, on Febrile ary 1st. -Miss Mary Yule, of 'Fullerton, died in Brandon after a short ill- ness of pneumonia. The =remains were interred in the Fullerton. cem- etery. -Mr. James Wilson, a Menkton, who attends the Mitchell high school lia.d the misfortu.ne to fracture his nose while -skating on the mill (pond in Mitehell the other day. --Mr. Joseph pollard, of Brantford, has sold his three -acre lot, east of the Grand Trunk freirsth house, in Mitchell, to Mr. Andrew Swann, or the sum of $500 , . ' -Mr. Wm. Ooade, .of Workzeari, Sask., is at present visiting an alit - chilli, and. will remain for 'a couple of months among friends. Mr.Coade lived in Mitchell about 22 years ago, and einee going West bes got /011 I well. -Lorne Thomas aud Bruee May- berry, svho pleaded guilty- to having been implicated in the burglary of McNichol and .Pethick's jewelry Store, ,Stratfoed, last June,have been sen- tenced to two years in the Kingstosr Penitentiary. , -Mrs. Livingstone, a widowed lady in Mitchell, has been 'rather unfor- tunate, About a year ago ehe sus- tained a fracture of one of her arms, and the ether day she fell ma a ilip-, pery walk ,and again fractured the To Cure 4, Cold m Take LAXATIVE BR Tablets. Druggists r same arm. -Knox Church Monthly, the new publicatioh ,of that fine congrega- tion in Stratford, is out, arid-evill hereafter be publiehed about the 15th df each, month. It is in panaph- a from place to place, dr: hours in hotels, and then informations to be laid fending liquor dealers. "ated in • North Perth breakers paid the penal there they went te Lend equally successful., in th business. At the trial that they were in the em vincial Inspector Morris they received from him,* all expeoses. -Mr. Robert Beatty!, for maby years a much esteeraed. ',resident a Stratford, died last week! at 'his (res- idence in Harailten. who was in his 85th ye been in good health for. months. Mr. Beatty ca ford from Hamilton in ciapied the poeitien of and pueohaeing agent fo Trunk railway retiring years ago and again ta resideace in Ha.mitton had spent his young where a num•ber of bis side. Mr. Beatty is su widow and grown up f daughters and three so -The At Rome 'held the Stratfad Bowling Duncan Ferguson, at home, "Aeon Hall," the ing was attended hy up hundred guests, notwitb unfavorable wleatIner. was assisted in reoeiv friend, 1dr. Ferguson Toronto, and everybody comfortable in the spa The occasion was the fu filraent of a promise made last summer by Mr. loing, after causing in - against. of - They oper- nd six dew ty. From n and were ✓ nefarious they swpre loy of Pro - n and that a day end r. Beatty, r, had wit he past Ile to Strat- 884 and. oc- storekeeper the Grand ablaut eight ing up- his -Where be anhood and family re- vived by a "ly of five s. in honor Of lab, by Mr. is beautiful other even - • 02 -one tending the T. Ferguson ng by his MdCrea, of was male loUS TOMB. Ferguson, when he w carvers at. a local tot put theta into effective entertainment of the guests arrived at five spent a meal enjoyable time being pleasantlysj and song. -St. Paul's oharch,'S formally !opened on*S ary 14th. His Lordship lianas and Very Revere is were present at the former preaching in The church will ha n a set of moment, to use for ale club. - The o'clopk, add evening, the at in speech ratford, was nday, janue Bishop Wil- d Dean Dave services, 4e be mond a seating eapacity of four hundred mad a choir eecoramodation fo forty -mem- bers. This parieh as th outcome of chapel service and unday sehool which was carried on fr some time by the rector of St. 34tmes etiturch, in the same -city. The arieh has al- ways been known by t'he riante Home Memorial chur h, but the' name has -&--i changed to St.PauPs with the "littire ig of tbfa new ohurch. Rev. Dr De '.n' has 1 been rector of the pale/ goo j82. Satisfaction or your Money Back. WillOWNIMMV444.44!%!••• 4 MORE Business Days 1 4 tour short days in -which to convert into money all that remains of our winter stock, and during the four days we will let loose tbe lowest pricks. Ill the oati and broken lineE must go, every article that should be sold- itt January will be eleared out at, prices below the actual eost. Our sale this year has, thus far, been the greatest st ck.taking sale this store has ever experienced, and we purpose to make these last few days double the sales of a year ago. of the special attractions we have to offer, the sweeping gale of stock -reducing prices winter stock TI:E1 w are a few. emember, that*" ates the entire Every Fur Carries Ow Guarantee La es Astrachan Goats. specialA line These are regular $26; we have only afe mined to elear there -out, if `price will do • left, and are Ladies' Bacharan Lamb Coats 829 Ladies' Near Seal Coats 0 $ t FUrE at q - fur -Ruffs Pri ass Collars, irrl of?ny - a • - 4 • Oar Men's D- oats, sale price " Wombat coats, sale pri " Black Calf Coats sale 4 price Men's Canadian coon - sale price Men's tiustitalian coo sale pOce ats. coats 91 2 to to 30 22 to 4/MMONIMINIMME/421/1/111/4/4. Two No able Events n Mop: Clothing. We have placed on sale, as a special inducemen our January Sale, a lOt of odd suits a heavy tweed -t selling -running in ee reguhirly at $12, up and $7 at he last four dais of heavy for Spnng ' ; these we wil1 c $3 AND $5.00 WE HAVE YOD:lft SIZE. Your choice of any nialfq ovorcoat in at125 per cent discount Ladles' Cloih Coats your choice 5400 Realizing that this is our last chance ' to pose of the remainder of our Ladies' Coats, and taking into consideration our intention 730t to handle these -another Eeason, we will, for the 'next four days, sell you your choice of our entire stock -for $5.'Arany of these coats sold regularly 4 817.50, $14 and $12. 7. t•-•••• a01181MaratasommemellINIWilatiogssar autragnitewilit; entilatviteaSi:eksrg tderwea, pure suit 50 Horse hide wool lined Mitts 35 Heavy grey wool Sox '75 Men's Oashmeret,fieece lined top s 85 Bop? Stockings, pure wool 50 'Winter Caps 50 Ties' Cape, all colors EWART BR Sm.A.POP,ma, Successors to' Greig & 26 80 2$ 29 57 29 40 35 art Kraighest Prices for Butter and Egg Agents for CAUL Telegraph and Ticks AND DOMINION EXPRESS • • ;;i ti 13