HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-26, Page 2„
--f A NU -ARV
Newly Establis`hed at Bright's 014
d -2nd door front Corner Store
ain street, Seaford&
Happy and _Prosperous, ,Aew Yegr, we
o Everyone and hope that all may share
the Prosperity an Progress of Our Country.
Ct on Clothing for red
1J the New Year
You know bow it would help you out at
his time of the year to get your Viiiiter Over-
coat, Suit, or Furs on Credit.; If you come to
our store you'll find your cr6dit is good, so
look over the list and decide now.
Men's Overcoats
$4 0,0 NMI $1.00 per Week
Beaver, Melton *and Fancy
Tweeds, regular price_s, $9,
$15 and $12
Mw Years' Prices $7 .50
Men's Fu. - Coats
$10 DOWD. - $1 per Week
Dog Skin, Bear Skin, Goet 1
Skingegular Ptiee $25to
New Years' Prices $20
baser enterai
Boys' Overcoats
82 Down 4/De per:, Week
' Beavers; Meltefes itrict civf;v,
checked Tweeds, regular
prices $5, $7, $10
: New Years' price, $5.00
Men's Suits
$4.00, Down, $1.00 per Week ,
Tweeds, Oxfords, Cheviots, Worsteds, regular p ice
$12 00, $10.00, $9,00
° Nevir ears' Price, $7.50
Photo Free With purchase of $17, or anionnting to $17
from Dec, let, 1905, to March ist, t905,
we will give free, a Life Size Photo, of the Purchaser or whomsoever
they may &sire.
The Gunn Clothing
tat 1117#14 eXPOOtta I lefItt TrfOrNtvunitillatiet*that he is vaptured
1, for had he Made good his escape
SEAFORTII, FRIDAY, Jan. 26,. 1906: ma.ny a foolish' fellow in elle next
The Wages of' Sin, tto. °
Banwell, the teller in the Crowo
Mak, Torento, who ran away with
a considerable sum of the money of
the Bank, a few weeks ago, has beeo
caught. He was about 25 veers- 'of
age. He was a native of a hamlet
near 'Toronto, and. was the main tilup+
port of an aged father and tmotaier,
highly reepeCtable people. He had
always enjoyed a most excellent ire-
putation, and stooll well LA' the les4,
timation of his employers. For se-v-
eral months he had been keeping
eompany with a young woman, Of a.
neighboring villege. She, too, had
• a oomfartable home, and wag the
only daughter of respectable (par7
entsi,, In. an evil hour IBanwell gave
walla ttmptation. He stole triarge
sum of the hank's money, induced WS
sweet heart to, accoinpany him to
tbe United Steles; and they were
married in Buffalo. With their file
gotten money they travelled over a
considerable portion of the Ameri-
can continent, and were ultimately
over hauled by the authorities of the
law, who were elose on their ,eicent
from the time they left Toronto, in
Kingston, Jamaica,. They are now
ma their way home, under arrest,
and are expected to oaTive in la
week. Banwell will, in all Proba-
bility, have to serve seven of eight
years in the Penitentiary for his
crime, and what -will aikely .become-
- of his young wife? These two bright
,young lives have beee blasted; in-
estimable misery, grief and ehame
have been inflicted on respectable
parents, and two 'woe happy bontes
kave been desolated by avore - than
death. Never tha_s there 'been a
truer statement or one that las ;
been more frequently -verified, than
e hat in the Grand sOld Book of 'Books
"13e 'sure :.hy sin Mill find tees out"
It is true, even in thie life, for an
evil doer, may go to the uttermost
part of the earth, and sooner or lat-
er tele instruments of the lew twill
surely find him Out. Referring to
Thi very sad affair, Which should
be a warning to both old and (young-,
not to abuse the oonfidence reposed
in them, the Toronto Star sees:
Banwell has been caught. For *just
one month he ran free' with his etol-
en mohey, and ,now the le* 'Las got
him. He was at large for a month
but he was not free for la day. Caa-
rying plenty of money, he could not
pause anywhere to enjoy it, arid
'every time he repent a dollar he.
stood in fear of 'identification and
arreit. In Buffalo, New yank, It
Louis, Memphis, New Orleans—no-
where was he able ito feel eafe ;Or
lose the sense of being watched erel
followed. At Xingeton, Jamaica, the
inevitable happened, and justice
-overtook him. There was probaaly-
not one moment. during hie f1 ght
when he -would not gladly have put
Imola the stolen money nod given Ihis
25 years might have imitated him,
' There thas been. a great deal of de-
moralizing talk a.bout Banwell, ahd
• people who •sihould know ibetter ex-
pressed the hope that he would not
be caught. He does not seem lto
have been receiving an adequate sal-
ary, but that constitutee ine ex-
cuse f or burglary and flight. In it
the te is a lesson for those wlio em-
ploy men in such posts without pay-
ing them properly; but into it there
cannot be reasoned. any !justification
for theft ,on the part of an ;under-
paid man. .
Bete we see the ottecome of it.
This young man was (not aorafortably
situated, but by his crime he is
svholly ruined. He used to shoit
of money ; by theft het had for 130
days stacks of money, the possession
of which terrified him, and the at-
tempt to spend enough of it ito
, meet his needs led to his eapture
and imprisonment. Let nobody put
arty faith in the false and'runCoesid-
ered sympathy which people express
for a man who robs wed tries Ito get
away. • It is empty telk. Of ;what
use is ^isuch talk to Banwell stow?
He eommitted crinee, and in_ a
moment threw away everything that
a man has in the world that possess-
' ea any value.
Under Legal Advice.
The Toronto Star points out a veer
important point in reference to, the
recent proseeutions in Toronta. It
waS proven in court that every step
taken! by the Plurabers' Ass,oCiation
was taken under expert legal advice.
Yet the Plumbers, collectivelY and
individually were punished. But
there is no puxiishraetit for those
Who advised them in wrong doing.
It is said that Mr. Philips, the pres-
ident a the defunct York. LoaniCom-
pany when arrested_ the othe. day
exclaimed °to the officer lo ar-
rested' him: ' " did• notgaing ex-
cept under legal advice." 2Inl (pro-
curing that legal advice tgaee' law
breakers are seeking for IWO. S to
do the tbing forbidden by It, sbut
to do with elude craft of 1 taat
punishment will be evade The-
lawyee thus engaged is *marally, if
to plan a criminal act, tour of ettrtobLe -
possess the desire to do it, a7l 'the
fifth is- a lawyer, supposed t pos-
sess the skil py Which it ean be kniE
through in a way that twill circum-
vent the law—why should the• four
be deemed criminals and • the fifth
not ? The four stood. to gain, per-
haps? So did the fifth. His charges
would be in keopino With the na-
The remark made by Mr. Phillip5
shows the point of iview that, pre -
*ails in the business ommanity. The
lawyer is coming t be the Ibusi-
flees man's instructor. Questioes of
right and wrong disappear ehd a
roan:does what will make money for
him .and his lawyer ;nstrticts him
how to do it tto Rio will. not (be Ought
not legally, as guilty as the
and should• not, escape puni
If fiVe men gather/ arotind a
in hbe wrongful aL. It n but' a were working atedPlet” earning :their
; (emotion of the way to do that which own living' by the humble occupations
will pay him the_ sgreateet profit, Mentioned, .and taking their place
, end it is for t lawyer to allow bim as v'aluable eitizema
i how be ten do it without becoming
, liable whler the law framed to pre- '''.' BiggeSt on Record.
i vent the doing of that very thing a w ki
` The, Family Herald an ee y
It is not for 'work of this mature,
Star of Montreal during December
that lawyera aro ine.de a privileged' handled 'ever fifty thouitand sub -
arise 'their ' P"fess`lsnal Privileges scriptione, which is more than any
ellen out of the assuniption that
other paper in Canada ,receives in a,
they assid Justice end are not its .
whole year. It is an eborrttolls fig -
expert enoraies. The Law Society .
uris the greatest that I paper ever
should take up the question discus- reac'hed, but reports saY that jail-
.. eed by Clianeell or Boyd, tend oot let
. present appearances they fully ex -
public opinion will some deer take it pact 75,900: . The popularity of that
. great -weekly and tbe lovely picture
that goes With. it, " Queen Alexan-
'Our Sohoo s
tended sby Miss Maud Parish, sister
of the groom. The ceremony was
performed by Bev. L. 13a.rtlett, of
Woodburn, the presence of about
I eighty levitea guests., The wedding
I march was played by Ethel
Wilson, cousin of the bride, while
the latter was given away by aier
father. The bride was the rezcipi-
ent of many beautiful presents,which
indioates the testeem in 'which she is
bold by her many friends. Mr. and .
Mr. Parish will reside in Ftullarton,
it blow over with the oecasion, x)r uary Will do even better, and froro. I CRIPPLING SCIA.TIOA.
up in ite rotugh way.
dra, Her Grandchildren and Dogs,'
At the WoMen's /nstitute in Ex- are aceounta.ble for the ;increase/
eter last week, ' Miss Miller, of but it le said their special. prenelum,
'The Farmers' Manual and Voter-
GuelPh, gave an exmilent 'alldress, _teary Guide," bagealone added over
taking as bar stibjeet "Our Schools." 20,000 new subffibers, They are
.This subject she said, is one rthat is printing another large edition of
mere to cure a and our advice to all book,new in Institute • woi;it yet one ttif
the sec
far -
groat importance and one that the are all gone. SamploPyes ofbefore they tbeir pia -
Institutes in the future will have ure add book cat be seen al this of -
More to say about. Quoting Mrle fice, Don't miss themR. .
eCieleeleiefeWe ea. -
Baily, f •oornon University:
Manitoba and Northwest Notes
"One's training for the work of
Calgary has 10 chartered peak a.g-
life is begun in the home and foster-;
eneiete the tenth having been open-
ed in the school. This training is
the result of a direet and conscious
effort on the part -of the parent
anti teacher, oombined with ithe in-
direct result of the eurrotindings in
whidb the child( is Paced. The sur-
roundings etre more potent than we
think, and they are susually neglect -
Miss Miller urged a greater
co -,operation between home
camel and hoped that the raothers
would take a greater interest in
that place wthere the ohildren were
spendieg so large a part of their
time. It is imparta,nt that the
teachers influence be sound, force-
ful and effeetive, and sthe right kind
of teacher cannot be Iliad for a low
saleey. It is no economy ko save
Qn ro; teacher's salary, yet this mis-
take is sometimes made, eepecially in
ruiral schieols. Speaking of the
school age it was found that inspec-
tors, idoctors and teachers agrees
that it was a great mistake to tsend
a child to whoa' too young. The in-
troduction of such ubjects as ,man-
ual training, dom stic science and
nature study wa spoken of and
of the benefits w' re dhown forth.
Tha value of flowees, picraures, etc.,
in 'the school room caiinof he over
estimated ana the influence of such
is for goad. Besides speaking of
sbnple means that would add to lithe
tiomfort of the pupils, the eub)ect of
the school grounds was +dwelt upon
'and bow they might be made (beauty
spots by the planting of trees and
fl owers.
Cha berlain's Cough Remedy
beolutely Harmless.
The fIkult of giving children medi-
cine conta ing injurious substances,
is soizietiries more disastrous than
the diseasc from which they are utuf-
fering. 1jvery mother should know
that Cha berlain's Cough Remedy
is perfectly _safe for children to
take. lc contains nothing harmful,
and for coughs, colds and croup it is
unsurpassed. Volt sale by Alex.
Wilson, druggist, Seaforth,
—Dr. Williaro. Osier, regius pro-
fessor of medicine at the University
of Oxford, England, arrived «t New
York on Sunday front -Europe to
spend the holidays in Toronto, his
native city.
The liarmans in Winnipeg
The population of Winnipeg, Man.,
contains a large German element,
and a correspondent says there are,
a good many religious services con-
ducted every Sunday in the German
language in Winnipeg.
Among the Protestants the Luth-
erans are well represented: First
wag, died at the reaideeice of her
there is Trinity church on Dufferin -
son, John Scott, at Davidson, Man.,
avenue a little east of Salter street,
16., aged 86 years.
Where the oldest congregation has on januery th
—The dwelling, stable, 20 tone of
the newest and finest church.' This
hay, a couple of hundred buehels
church belongs to the general of grain, .a. cow, yoke of oxen, wag-
catincil, which is also represented by goo Lapel implements, and household
recently organized congregation. at
effects belonging to Henry Constan-
Louise Bridge. What is known ae tine, who. resides near "Makinak,
the ltfissouri Synod is repon eesented p
aupbin district, were destroyed by
by two churches, the one Stella *
avenue, corner of Charles street,:nfierr%avaZwabds:Ynst aegeeolwelleileate.taiti;ocIrve-
and the other at Elwood, each hav- wa_, no insurance.
ing it s own pastor The Ohio Synod
has threeTh.e members of Me Alberta German Lutherae congre- rnasnic grand lodge assemble in
gatiors, tae one worshipping in the Medieine Hat for their annual meet -
Northwest hall, corner of Ross av- ing an February 14th, and prepar-
d 'I eb 1 street, the ec, nd ations on an elaborate scale are ni-
Prithard avenue. Besides these
eantueouise Bridge, and the third - on ready being made tp entertain the
seve4 German Lutheran congregat- v:s
ions there are the German 13aptist
iapossible :7M0ra and give them the best
impression of edicine
church, corner of Pacific avenue and. —As the exthibitio* grounds in ,,Ed -
Ellen street, and a German Baptist monton belong to O. private cone-
mission'in Whanipeg nerth; the Re- pany and as there was danger of the
formed church, eorner of Ellen property being sold for private pur-
street, Alexander avenue; 'Eben- poses the Industrial Exbibition .As-
sociation, %corner of Alexander .ev- secure a lease on the groamds for
enue and Stanley street, end the a period; of years at an annual rental
Roman Catholic Ste joseph German
church, Cathedral avenue, making of $3,000 a year to be ,paid fby Ithe
a dozen in all, —The dead body of Mre. Lawrence,
Features of these German services of St. Ann's, Mannitoha, was found
which arrest the attention of avis- in a hole in the ice on the rriver,
ed last week.
—Mr. IL Icuthven MaoDonald, the
licked baritone, of Toronto, appears
in Dauphin on january 23rd.
—Threshing machines are still at
work on some of the farms raw
Graytovin, Bask, threshing grain
froxntstacks and stooks.
Willia.m Warner, of Bran-
don, 'Man., has purchased 38 feet
frontage, on Rosser avenue, in 'that
city, for $25,000 or $655. per foot,
nollowing the example of To -
rout , Winnipeg is to have a 'big
hors EdhOW to be held on May 23, 24
and 5. It is to be held in the Aud-
itori m rink.
—The firm. of ash. Carson and
Naylor, who ha e been running a
large departmen 1 store in Win-
nipeg have assig d. The liabilities
are $86,000 and e aasets about
—During the h avy wind storm
on Friday last, the windraill the
barn of John Jackson, near Meadow
Lea, was blown down ahd badly bent
—A handsome new school building
has re'cently been opened in the vil-
lage of Mortlauch, Seek., vtith- Miss
if. Ross, of Grand Coulee, as teach-
—The town of Neepawa, Man., has
,dou.bled its __,popuiation end the value
of its business in ten years, In the
past year buildings to the amount
of $190,000 have been erected, I
—It is rumored that American cap-
italists are negortating for the pur-
chase of the Saskatoon flour mill.
The parties who are interested in the
,deal are very prominent in the bus-
iness en North Dakota.
—A series of very successful Far-
mers' Institute meetings are being
held in Southern Manitoba. Eveey
meeting is crowded. Anto!ng the
points where meetings have been
are Deloraine, Souris and I:farther,
—The Government of Manitoba
have decided to introduce legisla-
tion providing for Government and
municipal ownership of telephones
durieg the present session of the
—Among other good things falling
to the lot of Edmonton is likely to
be an abundant supply of riataral
gas. In boring, gas bas been struek
at a depth sof 1,450 feet and it is
expected to procure an even and o.-
bun.dant flow.
—An explosion of an Aeetylene
lamp -in the store sof A. W. (Baker,
Ca)gary, practically wreaked the
store, blowing out the entire side
of the building. One man* was In
the store but was not serioubly an-
—Mrs. Anna Tater Scott, relict of
the late George Scott. of Oak drake,
Manitoba, and g rartdraother of Hon.
Walter Seott, Premier sof Saskatohe-
iting stranger are the large number where she was in the habit of get -
of people who attend them, espeeially. ting -water and •svatering her eattle.
the large proportion of dhildren,and It ie suppesed she was seized with
the ;heartiness and power of the ietea4
gregational singinga. fit and fell into the Paola head
. .-rn some of th4 first .
English speak -Mg congregations, the the. and drownedDeceased was
organ is heard above everything elsefirst widow of Patrick Law -
but among the Germans the musio,
1 reeceh, eNrveh.o. a couple of years ago
even of a powerful instruMfound cut to pieces on the trail-
ent,takes tecy .
a secondary place.
- A Remarkable vea1ur4. ;
- It is quite wonderful 110'4' rapicle
—A series of fnlxior mishaps oo-
curr,d in and a.r nd Portage la
-P ai le recently. 1 While drivieg,
ly these people, tie majoeity oa home at nigiht, George Dodd and
,whom came to Winnipeg only a feel Readdy :Were upset from their cutter
Years ago without means, and many and the ;latter eitustained a broken
or whom are earning their living 1 arne—The infent daugihter of Mr.
still as day laborers, tbe men Work- i and ales. W. S. Garrioch fell from a
ing on the sewere, and. ehe women; , cot and a serious fracture of the
washing and scrubbing as opporta! right elbow itesulted.—V. C. MG -
unities occur, more or less irregtel-i i Callum, while chopping wood in the
arly, are beeoming provided. withi' bush, south of the town, sustained
comfortable and handsome places on: a serious cart in the leg owing to
worship, lighted with eleetricitybis axe slipping,
and heatid with furnaces; while;
their iteevices are conducted by pas- t A Guaranteed Cure f or Files
tors of education, intelleetual power - A
aria eloquence, and good strong i Itching, Blind, Bleeding ProOtruding
choirs in der competent leaders lead Piles. Druggists are authorized to
their music, As to their material pro- refund money if PAZO OINTMENT
gress one of the pastors stated. !that • fails to cure in 6 to 14 days. 50c.
among the .140 .or ,150 families to 1 —Benson Winegarden., of London,
whieb his congregation had grown) died from swallowing carbolic acid
having nearly quadrupled in a ate, w given him by his wile in mistake for _
years, there Was only one requiring medicine.
charity, and this was because of
tilts One
sickness of parents. For ` —A. very pleasant and interesting
Of1.9a it had scarcely been neeessary '.eveht took place at the resIderice of
to appeal for outside help, ereept to 1Mr. S. G. lVfahaffy, of Blanehard, son
get a little , firewood, the fellow eWednesday, January 17th, whorl his
member s of the chard' being able !ionly daughter, Miss Emma Louisa,
to supply what -was ;wanted. The twas united in marriage to Mr, &ler-
pastor added that, fit least four- ;•;bert Parish, of Mitchell. -The groom
fifths ot his people owned their own 'twee supported by Mr. Fred Epplett,
homes and were loina-; well They aift'St. Marys, while the bride was at-
A Sure arnd Certain Way to Cure
this Terrible Trouble.
Therejs just one sure, scientific
Imre for sciatica, rbeuraatism, lum-
bago, neuralgia, headaches—you most
drive the pain from your blood iand
nerves with Dr. Williems' Pink
Pills. Liniments never cure nerve
and blood diseases. Dr, Williams'
Pink Pills strike straight at the
cane becauee tlaey aeteally make
new blood, Through the blood they
conquer the painful poison, soothe
, the nerves, looshn Me Muscles and
banish every ache and pain.
Thomas J. Estell, Walkerton, get.,
says; " Wben I began :ming Dr,
Pixik Pills I had been off
work for three months. The cords
of my right leg were all drawn alp
and I could only limp lalong with
the aid, of a stiek. The suf-
fered was terrible. Only those who
have been afflicted with isciatica can
understand the misery I was in both
day and night. I took Six boxes bf
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills 'Wore they
helped me, but after that every "day
saw an improvement, and by the
time I bad used fifteen, boxes, ev-
ery vestage of the pain thad ;disap-
peared. I have no hesitation in Pro-
nouncing Dr. • Flak Pine
the best medicine in the world or
soiatica." I
F,very dose of Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills melees rich, pure, health -giv-
ing blood. Thi a is Why they cure
headaches and backathes, indiges-
tion, kidney and liver troubles, an-
aemia, heart palpitation, and the ills
that afflict women only. But he tura
you get the genuine pills with the
full name, "Dr, Nirilliams" Pink Pills
for Pale Teeple," on the wrapper la -
round each box. Imit ations are
worthiese — often da.easroge. All
medicine dealers sell these pills or
you Can ,get thiin by mail eit 50
centS a box or six boxes for $2,50
by writing tbe Dr, Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont.
Incidents of Fffty Years Ago.
(From. The St. M,arys 'Argus.)
"1 wasareading in the Argus a
few weeics ago," said &be aged far-
mer, who attended the Farmers' In-
stitute meeting held here last NM -
day "that a Farmers' Club wait or-
ganized in St. Marys enearly fifty
years ago. Iwas Just 'of age then
and I remember that rarrifather and
I drove to the village 'with 0. lumber
waigon and a yoke of oxen and that
we tied -the team to &tree down
mneeaeruntg.,he, river and attended Mat
." Most of the farmers present wore
homespun, and looked aul the city
fellows still say, as if :they 'came
from 'away back.'
"Those were the days of the, V.
drag, the "ex, the potash ?ettle and
the grain cradle. But s y, 3-ohn.,
said. this reminiseent old Ison of the
soil, " those were good oladays, too.
Ye didn't have to wear a stiff moi-
ler, a hard hat, and use big ;words
in your talk." 1
"12 anybody had said acaation of
erops, phosphates or any, other of
the stook phrases of the Modern tag-
riculturist, we'd have thought he
was -crazy." !
"I remember a heatedi discussion
that took place outside; the meet-
ing. A neighbor of ours argued that
a blue beech sapling bealt a V drag
all hollow for eovering " ain in a
stumpy field. Another neji1jbor held
up the virtues of the dra nd tthey
both got so hot over the subject e
ttel their friends had tO interfere
to prevent a mix-up." '
"At the same meeting there was
a diseussiott as tic whether fall or
spring wheat was the mbst profit -
Able crop and there was 'much talk
about cradling grain and the merits 1
of •oxen over horses as. flew teams."
"We farmers have- ketit up with
the prooession or advancenient pret-
ty well during the years! that ihave
intervened since that first .Farmers" -
meting in. St, Marys. Now we have
tailor-made clothes ineexad. of home -
swan, disc harrows in place of V -
drags, and. 'tali buggies Mid fast
steppers in place of ox -teams and
lumber waggons." 1
'By the way, I want to tell enou,"
continued this pioneer falriner, "a-
bout en. ineldent - that . happened
when father and I weae driving
home from St. Marys, to hthe farm
in the early days. We d a yoke
- of ioxn a course. Wh' driving
through a piece of bush r i d the an-
imals took fright and ran madly off
the track .into the woods. ,The „wag-
gon went bum.ping from one billostk
to another, the hubs of the hvbeels
grazing trees every yardi or two.
After an exciting run the .oxen
brought up astride a small tree
which bent oyer as the beevy wood-
en yoke eollided with it. 'The ani-
mals wereflifted off their tront feet
and tetered. up /end dosvni ion the
bent tree. They could not back up
and could ThOtg go ahead= and ;were
in danger of ehoking to -death by
the pressure of tthe bows against
tbeir necks. They stru ggled fur-
iousfy but a small limb (held tbe
yoke firmly." .
.There cannot be diEermt degrees
of pur4 any more than there can
be different degrees of hon sty.
If a man be honest, that is all he
can be. There is no superlative
One fiour cannot be purer than.
another.it can only be more
imeswnen -all flour
ufacturers are claiming purity
shouldremember these two things:
Actual purity in flour can only be
ecured by the use of electricity.
Royal ilouse
is the only flour, made and sold. in
Canada, that is purified by electricity
You can get Ogilvie's Royal
Household Flour from your °Tom
Ogilvie Hour Mills 06., ted,
"egilvie'e Book for a Cook," cOntains iao
gee of excellent recipes, some never before
published. Your grocer van tell you how to
get it FREE.
"We carried an are in the nvagon
for emergeneiea in. those •days —tbe
emergencies :t'ere useally tbe wet-
ting of gads aor the ox team,Fetb-
er grabbed the axe and tied to cut
down the tree, but as it *as right
ander the wagon tongue, it took him
some time to get .a whack ,at it, die
managed to strike the thing at last
and the oxen, gasping for breath,
came down to earth agalief A more
cowed -looking pair of eattle was .
never see than that, They
whiced, geed, and hawed wonder-
fully well the rest of tae way
, " Another tirde rearneinher 1 was
Ikea to town alone with that tame
6x-teara, and ,on the way in 11 over-
took a young woman walkitire to the
village with a basket of belter and
oggs on her arm. Of course she idid
not walk the remainder of; the way
and I invited her to ride !with •me
on the return trip. It's a long time
ago, but I remember bujeng con-
yoersation lozeegers for that girl."
' We hadn't got more than. a mile
out when a ohap drove up behind
:with a team of horses and a light 'Beata the
wagon. with a spring seat. .' 1- had Signature
been handing out the lose gers and of
talking just as nice as I kle ' w how.
..eep saying over and overa,
SAyer's Pills, Ayer's Pills. Ayer'
Pills. The best liver pills ever mid
a,a, They cure constipation, indigestio
biliousness, sick -headache. All ver
table, sugar-coatcd, mildly laxative.
tWs:ibtoegYrgsucretsstotrierIeW"erh,Vpi:11 "a -Yet
• • v.
13 I 01.113 3r40
e a great record throughout
- . There aregood reasons wh
Lo. RJt--Does not
Age. nIsititutarsvelwrelaiejt B—Cackuts-plid7 rnas�f
Thks Disk has several Insitattwe• butuo
penal. Nona genuine without the name
*BISSELL," 13'or Sale by Agenbe Mama-
futured by
T. E. BISSE Eko.RA OriTw
fAl 1
ASk fOr Bileftl-ot "ri."
Taira; of it, a brautlful Uhio FOX, the nt
-1.htombivI4t- worn, -glren lanolatcly free. Sorb
Ter WWI never made before. 7130 ky reXelit Wes
Ord t4) do It la that we arranged for the'eN Pan
usduringihodullierown in the tunnner end Rot Om
tiy IL coat. The PAM 41 tioth,a, Jong.ee
4 ;aches wide. node Aof the haudaonuut pitx
037 rick hollaudThitry. nix warm' ypodd, d, 'Moeda;
the Rome shadoof satin owl orrialueuted w-th heir 1
tensor rox also. Such& baothuot:e 14'r bee bits_
botbre Ikea given uway„ yin' v. in Izit I t ma.y.
za1nd no 7041r 310M0 RITIq akketY. plafuly.end mu win; -
The fellow with the horses knew the
girl,and * along side my
old ox-leam,invitedber to join him.
For a moneent, there was a look of
undecision in her eyes. But she
didn't go. She elected to stay with
the oxen and, the lozengers, attd weil,
"Oh go on, Jim," said his friend,
'atoll the rest of it It will read Wen,
fre The Argus. Say, that she's been
with You ever sinee."
From the look in the faze of the
'reminiscent farmer it is highly prob-
-able that the was satisfied that this
. . .
friend had concluded his unfinisbed
sentence in the way that he wished.
C, Sat ILI els Xt.% e
TM Mud You Have Always BDugt
Picture Post=eard
tosellat 10-. ft set(4 cants teia.troi,) They nve nenv,ti
-Colored, ;,11111e two, find to!). 10,t Stoi;
of•poritt, newr t,Iferod. bran*. to 11,-,
girls ofeanada. You couldn't b y nt. 11,11.14 Inthe
. Stoma that unuldlool; ta911.-It* IP .4tTiling Zn
etylo,h, end rernember,-It t pit/
ti.day Vh. treat you and vend ao Mee,
Atpoid. Colonial Art-C4i., fal T. 'KO To
Be Sure
aed vain an 11, 41011y of our fatal, gee
Ilsee any idea of teking a prep
eoarie tor a
We believe there is io if oboe' ee
oursfor methodic birsineee trainiu
tor producing good -results. We s
nvestigation and contparison,
Enter any time No Vaestions
on anl Gcrrrd Streete,