HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-26, Page 1AresamassImr.wwiwaleVammIliM lo Not Miss - Tim esss.Ness TOORTAIZS Bargains Winter - Go the good val. W that the We of odd e and .ght say would not do a whit .ef±ed to, and when you do,f raad to real values. rnt to rid clurselves of the bal e that weie here in full and mite now go at prices that be - :TS F6R (,../OATS IRTS FUR OAPERINES ISTS FUR BOAS FUR RUFFS FUR MUFFS FUR CAPS ing se1ection a matter ot great ertaiuty of buying qualitiea absoIutey depended en to stand jme eattet insured- by our ng with euetomers. And now about price. Pricerely enough dealt with to place elsewhere for like goods. Giving ar Section Oorsetoeovers, Skirts, Drawersa i. be hard to imagine a tithe of the ' Faille(' Kieh excellent zeaults. were made to give satisfaction in vorverawasimer. re is armth and comfort and ility ored up in the blanket� ere. When buying, we give par- r attention to quality., Result : n that we have blaakete worth 0 SFAFORili ON:i. erns mother and sister there. -- of. -James Westlake's little garis the misfortune to elip on it nd break her leg. She auffere od deal the first two or three, but is doing nicely now Mrs. un aise slipped on the fee in her arm . -Galvin Newell WO 0 the Eyre lioxxxesteacl and haft n up housekeeping with his bridcf__, t. He has also rented his tat farm and will have 150 aore , block. • Varna. tes.-Professer Burgess, of }Lure allege, conducted tile servicea 'ID 4 Wm's church on Sunday even when sacrament was dispensi3 et members, of St. John's chine presented to Mrs. aReV- " a well filled Terse a few go. -Mrs. Carter and daughter. istiroba; are the guests of tMrao er's brother, Mr. H. Diehl. el was received here Monday cosi of the death of Mrs. Jose er, of London, whieli oecurred . Igene in that city. She had h9efas !eyelid for _some time, sufferin paralysis. She was- greatly b i by all who knew her. The Toe 14 were brought to 'Mb home son, Mr. 'Wm. Poster, ot line, that being . the faint stead, and on Wednesday were to reel' in the Bayfield tone - y. She leavee to raourn her ao asband, three sons and heur h te rs.-The many frim ds Mrliolines win be pleased that he is recovering .fro. re re nt severe illnes s. - 3evilie, of Thameaville, is ,t ot ber sister, Mrs. Wm. De a. -Mr. - and Mrs. Harry , �O (Wed the funeral of Mrs. Ono i in _Gleripee last week. THIRTY-EIGETH YEAR. WHOLE NUMBER, 1,989. ksine Tailoring and readyrnade Clothing EI 091VIPA. agai3 to'VRS AND I , I FURNISH C R Brings People to t T R SEAPORT FRIDAY, JANVARY 26, 190 e. Pages 1 tio racial@ BROSA. Publishere Year in Advance. +41-44-1-444.4444444-4-1-144-14-14++ "We heore read voar price list and heve come to see the goods." So say the people, lichen they nave come possibly very teeny milee. This pleases let, of course, 'but. it "itemise us the more, and ',leaves the Ounciffler, to pad that there nothitg disappeinting. . Our priceare attractively low, our goods up to he highest etaudard iz q say, aborsdanoe to chaose from, ail DOW olothe, .new gees - inmate, new furs, new tyle. We have notani g but that which is newe ootelaination makeit so easyand acitiolactory f...r the cuetomer, If you heven't looked ever the list, 1 ok over it noe. If you bayou's seen tlie vadat come irw. Your share of beving 1 waitirg for you here. • REVISED :PRICE LIST' OCDACT$... COOD. Coats Dyed. Womtlat Coats, very best qualify, Wallaby (_$,r Australian. Coon, very best quality Black Calf With lamb collars Black Calf, plain ,collar -Park Brown Calf Black Dog Black -curl cloth with far collar Blaok oarl-cloth coats $35- 00 to 055 00 23 00 .a1TS.. Black Astrachan Jackets, all new styles, $25 00 Black fine curl, 27 inch jackets $2 60 Bocharan lamb, with sable collar . $0 00 Bocharau lamb, with plain collar 30 00 Fide Bocharan lamb„with.large collar and rover 35 - 00 Electric Seal Jackets, sable collar $9 00 Fur lined coats in black and fawn '. 35 00 to 60 00 Fur Gauntlets, Astrachan Fut. Mitts for men Fur Muffs Fur Caperines Ruffs in sable Stole,Ruffs, mink and sable Fur Caps in Bocharan lamb Fur Caps in Persian lamb, very best Beaver- Caps Seal Caps Men's $12 to $14 overcoats Men's $7.60 to $10 overcoats for Boys' heavy storm collar overcoats for $6 to $9 fine dress overooats,for reeiers, high storm collar, for -22 50 ,21* 00 la DO 1.5 00 12 00 12 00 10 00 su Men's $10 to $14 suits for Men's $6.50 to $9 suits for Boys' three piece suit, 10 to 15 years regular prices ti5 to $7,50, for 3 -piece suits, regular $4,60, for 2 -piece suit odd knickers ITS. $ 3 50 2 00 5 00 to 12 00 .3 00 to 115 00 5 00 $6 00 10 00 , 300 5 00 to:75 . 2 75 to 6 5 2 591to 4 50 ,cc ci 00 coats 25 fine black worstedsUitingsmade to your measure 25 fancy checks and stripe suits, made to your 1 measure . The regular price of these suitings is $18 to 02 UNDERWEAR, Men's heavy ribbed all wool unshrinkable, regular price 75c to $1, for Men's fine fleece lined, regular 750 for Men's odd drawers and shirts,- It eavy Men's best heavy Klondike sox. Men's heavy -sox - 1 Men's heavy top shirts, regular,$1,30 to ;$2, fiir Men's sweaters Boys' undershirts and drawers Boys' heavy ribbed stockings, Men's and boys' mufflers - , Men's collars, all sizes, two for Men's ties, all styles - Men's gloves "- Men's heavy working 'mitts Men's 'heavy cloth caps, fur lined The above is only a partial live and the prima in may cias4s are only One-half the regular welling pries, Our paving in the bitaing enables us to give you t ere big rcduc- tioas. Come, to this sele early, and co ne often' -you'll save many dollars by doing so* •••••••=1.1.11041011, ••••••. $8 5 3 390 2 50 • THE PUBLIC c‘ CH0048, Through the courtesy of Kr. D. Robb, Inspeetor of Public Schools in the Inspectorate of East. Iuron, we are enabled. to give the Haw- ing interesting report whioli.(was presented to the county council this week' • TEACHER -s. neva were 123 'public solroor de- partments 'open in East Huron dur- ang 1905. Tlaese were in etharge of 33 male and 90 female teachers, a deorease of lour Male teacbers. In 1904, 41 school 'departments changed teaohere ,itt 1905 there iwere 51 changes. When there were more teachers than schools, sehool boatds took full advantage of the commercial law of supply and demand, and as a ooh - sequence salaries became lower and lower ye,ar after year...During the last three yeari teachers have a- vailed themselves of the scarcity of teachers and haste not hesitated to _resign the sehools when a higher salary could be obtained elsewhere. Whatever censure is dae in the ease of teachers is equally applica- ble to beards of truetees. QUALIFICATION OF TEACHE S. 194 • 905 First Class ...... 5 , Seeond Class ...... 666 ...a. ...... 68 Third Class • 52 65 I 7 Total 121. J. 123 • Average Salaries: 1904 - male, $392; female, $311; urban, $767, female,$327. 1905e -rural, male, $118 • ' female, $321,4 ratan, $770, female. $324. Fior Inspector- ate, average for 1904, $453-$317; 1905-$482-$326. , • There- has been an increase • of $68 itiathe average salary of male !Le:eat- ers and $10 in -that of female teacga- • ers in two yars. The increase •in the average , salary of the urban female teachers is but $3, while that of rural female teaehers has been $31 in the same 14irie. The social and other advantage a oferesiding in a town or village, no doubt (Accounts for the difference- in the ,advance in salaries. EIPERIENCE. The average i3xperience .of all the teacbers of East Huron is 6 3-4 year, and the aiarer ge time 'in pre- senti school is 3 1-2 eara. ' Mere are 20 teachers in this nspectorate who have taught ten years or over. ATTENDANCE. In 1904, 56,64 pupils were enrolled in the whole Inspectorate , aod in 1995, 56.12, hence there , has been a decrease •or 52 pupils durine 1905 I their school house, veriee6ring it . wi h briek. It cost about $1,500 and is s good as new. I have not urged 'the building of. ne sell el houses for some time, as hop that the formation of ton- 1 sol dated ; schools will receive such en caradement from the eduzation de rtment as Ito make it a live qu stion. Every new school house is n obiltacle in the way of zonsoli- da ion. • 'CONCLUSION. It has become the fashion for col- leee professors and. others who have niot steed inside of a public school Po thirty or more years to carp et an criticize unfavorably tbe work a do e in these achools I have been o. t cher for the past forty one y es, and. during all _tbat time not an hour of my waking life has been fre from the thought of the twork do e in our public and high tschools, an how it /plight be improved; vet I ve no hesitation in sayin Shat ou public schools have mad great- er progress than any of th raelled lie fessions, divinity, la.w or medi- cal . . a compare (me of our modern so eels with a similar -School of for- ty, years ago is like camparing a mo ern express train with tbe stage pea h it. displaced. Meech ' remains to Ibe done, but it will be done an tht4 time. eas , .1- Ii conehflion, I may add that aal bite schools in this Inspectorate we visited at lea-st twice dur- ing the year -once in ea a term. Du ing the past ' fifteen years 0,- eryl school department hal been vis - ate I twice each year. . D. ROBB, Inspeabor. - a . • 'The Blizzarde West .A, deepatch from Winnipeg, Mani- toba, dated January 21st, says; Weetern Canada, had ;le first exper- ienee with genuine winter ia_uring the last two days. In that Period thee has been a realistio imitation of he blizzard. that has made thia Da. otas famous. There were. peri oda last night and to -day when the wind hit up a clip that cathe Klose to fifty 'miles an hour, and laboring "Witnipeg was forcibly reminded that there had been something doing in , the snow line When it waded tints) d ' •ts that bleeked the sidevilltirs. T,h CVO the tin hom ren dia flea snowfall has been light, ihow-__ conaidezing the length of period which the storm has bon- d. The area affected is laree,e, ver, extending feem Swift Cur- I, to Kenora and from the i Cana- ' boundary on the south to =Bat- i rds Blank B6Oks STAT I 0 NERY AND -- Office upplies. Get our Prices on EUvelopes. ALEX. WEN\ -10-A, SEAPFORTIL Picture reining a Speeialty, Hoover; president, JaMes 'Snell; vice, George Dale; secretary, . etary, Dr Shaw; treasurer. Georz Roar. Di- rectors, T. McMillan, Irallett ; john McFarlane, Stanley; R. Graham and James Fair, Clinton. Canvassing committee, George Hoare, A. Innes and E. Butt. As soon aa the latter have reported, a meetang wall be - called to make *further arrange- ments. . , -A number of Manitobans, for- me/sly of Stanley, are spending the winter witb old friends 14 the town- ship. Quite Ir number ,have , also gone to California. among them be- ing Hector Reid aaid wife, Mrs. H. Thompson, Mrs. H. Gilmaar and son, Dan, and. wife, Andrew Meffatt and wife tnd Mrs. orren. - -Mr. Frank Nash, prOprietor of one of the leading hotels in Regina, was at one time a resident of IBruce- field and for several years worked as section- man on the London, Enr- on and Bruce Railway. He has re- cently leased his hotel fol- $5,000 a year and with his wife has one to spend the winter in Califarnia. -Knox Presbyterian. chuach, Gode-- rich, was 'crowded at high noon on Monday, January 1.5tb, tie witnees the marriage of Miss Beale Adam- son Wilson, niece andi adopted -daughter of ,the late Petnr Adam -son, to Walter E. Kellya jeweller. The ceremorty was performed by Rev. J. A. Anderson. A latge num- ber of invited guests were preseat. -The annual supper of the liolmesville : Rifle Associ tion was held at the Graham House Clinton, on Tuesday evening of 1 st week, when about 'thirty sat &Own to a bountiful attd dainty spread. The chair Sva.s. occupied. by ,Mel. Aennur Wilson, captain. Ampk julitice was done thedinner, after 'which a' sheet time was spent in social ehat. A storm may be 8.e -countable for voiy enjoyable time was stent. -gables Robb, a former /resident hut who 1st years g at this away to , Joseph and the shortly of Da- ✓ atten- tion the same way. 1 -Tuesday evening,Jan,16, a quiet_ evading was solemnized at the home of the bride's naother, on Concession 4, Stanley, when Miss Bella. McFar- lane, youngest daugbter of the late James McFarlane, was married to Mr. Thomas Fraser, Attendants were dispensed with. Thei bride is well known and popular, and tbe groom is one of the best known farmers in the township. -In September Last as Mrs. Nae thanial Hahnston, of Hullett, was driving along the division koad Ler Parse got frightened at a steam i shovel working on the Guelph and Goderich railway, and ran away, throwing Mrs. J'olhAston from tbe vebiele and breaking her collar bone. She entered en action agafinst the company for damages but the com- pany have settled the matterl by pay- ing ber $406. -A few nights ago Henty Lam- pert, who lives a Short idistance south of Creditor), had a ivaluable horse stolen out of this stable. old MA re was left in the ard !in- stead and after diligent sea ch Mr. Lanaport recovered his -horise from some person below Brinsleyi, where it was tound wandering on a.?ie aoad. The mare thee since been clarned by one death. Last evening a laborer, of tbe 6th line, of Morris, has spent the past six or iel in North. Dakota, is visiti old home. He thas been South Virginia along. wit as discovered near the eity, Webster, his father-in-law, as, tone of the laorses' fa.ces is probabilities ao .they will y out, it is presumed they have move southvrard. A numbe waudering all nigbt against kotaites are turning the wire fences and other, obstrue- cent. This is an excellent s ilea north, left Portage la Tbe average attendance is • 61 1-2 p i 12 Three hundred and thirty-one can- tea Y : Thblirsi.na4liddieinesgintaosttiodorttrrai.v,e bvabuotinisneemvaelani. nrinsetga chi:eh:ides =ENTRANCE EXAMINATI101° dictates wrote on the erntrance ex- 'and 1 arainataon of whom 288 passed, didates was 13 1-2 years. One hun- bar gille bad 'average age -of- these succesaful can- bee dred , and twenty-four candidates -waiste at the tn..° Collegiate Insti- tion titles, Win ten. ,and saleaforth, and 207 at the five -outside centres, Bras- Huron Notes. sels, Wingham, Blyth, pordwica and -4Ir. E. Sly, of the Huron woad, neae Clinton, slipped wbile getting of a wagon one day recently; in ton and. broke his leg. affiss Carol Neweomge, of CI - examiners, for enk, expressage, sola has taken a position as sopra 0 printing, etc. Each examinee ;e- st. for the choir of Indian Head .50 ceived $6 and railway fare. It 18 es- Met odist churah and leaves for that _a timated that this outlay of $64.66 plac in a few weeks. qU saees in railway fares board, etc, • - iss K. N. Pisber, who has been 25 at least $1,000 ' , in a rge o , to parents who !have laem f the book store an Wing - Wroxeter. These centres were es- out tablished by the csou.nty council and curl last year cost the ecninty $64.66. This SUM waspaid to eight presiding ton $7 5 -3 2 2 1 15 1500 pupils writing on these ex -am -Ina- for W. Cooper & Co., thas tions. The county council has gun Inn bought tare stock and intends rnxt- the business herself. r. J. W. Comba, cutter for power to abolish these centres. MODEL SCHOOLS. ' Teze There were 33 teachers' in traan- Past ing at the Clinton Model School last that en year and 27 at the Goderich Model ruar J' school. Twelve teaohers whose third road 00 olo.ss certificates had expired re- - wrote on the, final examination and came had their certificates renewe.d for who ‘25 three years, All the candidates a were ,suceessful. and latterly in the Wangham chair 6u Dr!odei schools were established t .r5cAttoo .y has been left a legacy' et 00 by the Public Scheel Act of a877, 1 -R v. p. Perrie, of Wixigham, who and for a time the teacbers in train- . was Moderator in the vacant dharge 25 ing Were required to attend bat of th Presbyteries' church at Tees - 35 six weeks, kence there were two wate , was presented witla a purse Model terms from Septeraber 1st- to a money as a token of the congre- December . 22nd, of 'each year. It gatioas appreoiation of Ma services ' too short and after three years tit term. was during the vacancy. - -On January 17th a plearant no was soon found that the was len thened to its present event took place at the residence of ili ien,,,,,... - three' and a half months. Mr. aod Mrs. W. A. Walters, of Salt - Seine. these schools, especially* ford, ' when their daughter, Mary, the two Models in this county have became the bride of Duncan A. Asia - done excel'. nt work; but as some ton, ,of • Strassburg, Saskatchewan. others have but few pupils, some Rev. Mr. Graham performed the cer- even as fel, as four, it Oies been craanaa felt by man to eeplace schools ; thus allowing teachers to Hullett, .aied . on Sunday, January ! receive their training at one time,. 7th, a ter less than a week's illness. : and not peacerneal as at present. i He -sv s 78 years of age. He !resided Mr. 'W. R. Lough has been princi- on the 6th concession and was one of pal :o the Clinton Model Sebool for the pioneer settlers of the town, - 22 years, • during whictli • time 640 ship. 1 teaehers in training have passed -The big summer hotel property through this school. For the past in. Godericb, together with etlie fur - eleven years . DO candidates have niture is to be offered' for "lane by failed on the final examination at auction under a mortgage, on Feb - CONTINUATION CLASS SCR001;73. 1 ruary 13rd. It is doubtful if ' tbe t3ummer hotel business can be made this schixil. . r & Brown of Clitito,n, for the couple of years bas resigned position to take effect on Feb- . lst and may g,o upon the for a Toronto house. arry Payne, a young man Who from England last spring and has been working in Wroxeter ' 600 !60c 25c 20c ,900 65e to $1' 350 to, 50c '25c -;25o !25c 15c and 25c 800 to 75c 350 to 65c 25c to, 750 assaMMSIMIMSBIEBYSSM 41111111.4 Altoge; her the best stock in Seaforth. ehoose from, • because everything is absolutely new and fashi and lek.ght at low price, and selling/ at Ion' prices. erliighest price for Butter and. Eggs, The GREIG CLOTHING CO.9 - East Side Main Street, one door South of the Dominion Bank, that the time has come • -Mr. Thomas Quigley, an old and hese schools by Normal very highly respected resident of fly, on Friday morraIng, she took the poison and then looked herself in the barn. Rer sister inissed ber and a ?Aaron was instituted. When found she Was still alive, but made tao oona- plaint of sickness. , She was forty- four years of age, and is miry -lima by a husband, and two ehildren, e ---e--•-• Canada, -A eat Was faand in a car of 'su- gar that arrived in London on fiat- urdayeamorning, &basest starved to death. The animalwas looked in the car at Halifax, and must have linen. a ;week or ten days with.out toed or water. It will probably recov•er. -John Pearce, - a avealtihy farmer, residing near Newham, in Leeds county, while assisting in cutting wood, on the faille of a neighboriwith a horse power machine, slipped while oiling laic gearing. One foot was eat off. A -doctor amputated the limb below the knee. -Rev. Dorield Guthrie, a peomie- ent Presbyterian Minister 131 Balti- more, and a native of Guelph,Ont., has been suffering for about three weeks with anattatk of rheumatic fever, which necessitated an oper- ation. He is impeoving, but is still &oriel:181y ill. .. , -James 6 Smith, a. farmer living near annerkip, Oxford 'county, met With a serious accident on Friday. Workmen- were repairing a wind - rani, and. Smith, Wile was working underneath the roof,; fell. He was unconscious. His injuries are be- lieved to be serious, ' - A ease of -smal1-130x has devel- oped in London. The patient is Mrs. Benj.. Todd, of the Ridgeway. She is believed. to have contracted the dis- ease at a wedding near Kincardine, where several other eases are re- ported, one of the guests present being affected with a 'mild form elf , the malady- - 1 -A little son of Mr: and 'Mrs:Hugh Watters,Twin Elm, near Brockville, wandered into his father's stables, receiving a, kick from a horse winch produced fatal injuries. Shortly be- fore the 'hour fixed for the funeral Mrs. Wafters eollapse& and died in two hours s Next day a7 double ,fose- eral took place. Mrs.. Watters_ was 34 years of age. ' -Last Friday night, Mrs. John %ruin, of Teterboro; -who was danc- ing at a gathering in Otonabee town hip, suddenly exelaimed, "I've 4 got quit," and fell to0 the floor dead She had been ' treated few heart trouble, and, wa$ supposed to have recovered. She was twenty- four years of age, and leaves a hus- band arid elle eland. 1, --LA deplorable fatality occurred in Tweed, Hastings county, on Tuesday, . erben Mary Marguerite, tihe two.. year-old daughter of W. S. Lyndh, propriaor of the Queen's hotel,found a, bottle of 'carbolic acid ,left in e. room by, a traveller. The little girl swallowed the contents, and When found she was lying on the floor lune' isteaselota. She only lived about two houas. , Ricbard Colbert, of Central a. Who the thief was is still a mystery. -Mrs, George Camp'bell fell bead - long clown the cellar stairway at the home Of her daughter,Mrs. , Raley, _Goclerash, on Suiedasi, Janus ary 14th„sustaining injuries which i , resulted n her death shortlY after. ! ' ' 1 Mre. Campbell was attending her Idaughter, Who is ill, and bad evi- dently opened the door leaning to the cellar in mistake for tbeinantry, and, without noticing, stepped in, falling to the bottom, her head striking on the cement floor. The unfortunate woman .riever legained conseiousness, •and passed i aTy be- fore medical aid arrived. eceased was one of the oldest residents uf the town, going there about sixty years ago with her father, evlaen a young girl. She is survived by her husband, .ne daughter, Mrs. '1 Haley, and One son, William, of Alpena, t of Mithigare -Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Stilingi of e 1 Goderich, celebritted their 50 h wed- ; ding annivereary a short tirhe ago. , About thirty relatives and !friends ; were present, including for cou- ples who hid celebrated their gold- en wedding, and seven Who were present at the ceremony whieh took place in Goderich n Januany 9th, 1856, by the late R V.' 3 An. liFraser. Mr. Stirling wae bi rn Aagunt 21st, 1832, .at °aromatic, Forf rshire, ct Sec:Owed, coming to Cana4a with his parents eight years lat r, and settling in Huron minty, rdmoving , to Gederieh sin . years ago. Mrs. * Stirling's maiden name wa Mary i Morgan ; she was born near almer- ' -al castle, Aberdeenshire, on -ovens- • ber 28th, 1837. Of a family of four thildren, the eledest wad only son ' ie.- dead; the three danghtels were i present. _____ . i 1 , i -Mrs. John Ross, the wife !og ,O, 1164 spected resident of Innerkrip, Oxford, eounty, on Friday afternao min.; matted suicide by taking a idose Of Paris green. Mrs. Itoss had suffer- ed from melancholia, and for the past few days was unwell. ,During the absence of her husband. and fa.m- The three large continuation class boon to pay in. Goderiels This hoist% has schools in this Inspectorate are do- periodically in trouble ever T-wo of these schools, Wingham and sin -mit was built; rar. J. T. 'Goldthorpe. and others ing their 1 u.snal successful work. Brussels eaels. have two teachers de* of Goderich, are proposing a scheme veting, their entire time to high by wbich they expect to.learness the HO:tool work. At the high school ex- aminations in July they were more ancsesSful than many ,of tthe high „schools of the Province. Blyth em- ploys- but one teacher' of Ingle school work. .This school also, had good sacciess at the midsummer examine - There were 504 pupils take Ing up bigh school studies in tbe public schools of this Inspectorate during the ye-ar 1905.' . - NEW softoor, HousEs,- During 1905 the village of Wrox- eter built a fine LWO rOOMOd brick schoolhouse of the Most approved. modern design. It is equal, if not superior, to any other two roomed school in the Province.. It cost $6, - waters of the Maitland river near the teem and give •inducementte large manufacturers to euse, the power And • thus make - Goderiph a great industrial centre. The scheme would' involve the expenditure of a quatter of a million for the plant. -Mr. W. L. Galbraith, lessee of the Clinton .skating rink and man- ager of the hockey team, will give , seven .gold lockets suitably engrav- 1 ed to the winners of the decal coin- ! petitioe which is being organized in whioh the tontestants will be teams from the Pastime Club, the Col- legiate Institute, town and organ factory. - -A well attended meeting of re- • presentative live stock men was bald 500 and is cheap at that price. ip the council chamber, Clinton, on Scheel section No. 2, Tuckersaaitha ,larriday, January 12th, to arrange .arse built a fine one rOOMed brick preliminaries for the holding of e ;school bouse with a basement: • It , first ()lass live stock show. After cost about $2,500 and is a creaia tto the matter tad been thordughly di' - the section. Union school section cussed, the following officers were No. 16, Ilowick and Grey, rebuilt elected; Hon. President, Mayor ; - Ur., James Coyle, of Colborne, Ontario, was fined at Trenton on eomplaint ot the Inspector a the Fruit DiViBiOn of the Department of Agriculture for having in this poS- session for sale 50 barrels that were inferior in qnality to the brand on the barrel. They were branded X X X and they were proved not to be up to that standard Me finelm- posed was ..sso and costs. -The acetylene gas lighting tank at the rear of the St. John Methodist ohurcb, five miles .from Lendon„ ex- plod4d Sunday evening, and two men were , painfully anjured. We R. Westlake had his arra fraeteired, the muscles of leg torn-, land his face and hands badly bUrned. Charles Nethereott's hands were badly burn- ed and a 'large part of his :hair was singed off. The two men went to repair a leak in the tank and took a stable, lanterin with them The tank had, sprung a leak; ,and the less "(Japing, gas took fire. -The express corapanies have ire' - ported to the Chief Game Warden for Ontario, that they tarried- 3,310 deer carcasses ,during and at the *lose of the last shooting seasson. This was 27,0 more thari the 'former year. They also carried 150 Moose heads, a larger number . than in 1904. The numbee of deer mentioned does .131yvt represent more than a fourth of the deer killed, as many baok-woods township settlers took their trophies to their near -by homes att. rigs, on -their Shoulders, or ley .water. Ohiselhurst Notes. -Mrs. Wrinkma,n returned from Wanstead on Thursday wihere she had been to see her daughter, who was sick. --Miss Taylor of Thil- lett, is spending a few days With Mr. and Mrs. Leaele-Mr. Newell, sr., is confined to the 'house through illness. We hope to see him around. again soon. -Miss Iffhitesides, of Manitoba, was spending a few days of this week et M. Cluffne,--mr. Fitzgerald was at liondon a. few days last weelc.-Tite sudden disap- pearanceof the snow on Saturday made it kind of unpleasant travel- ling. Mr. and - Mrs, Shillinglaw, an- comnanied. by Miss Waugh, went to Seaforth ton Saturday morning with the cutter, over fine sleighing arid returned in the evening in -the anud. -Two young men froth St. Joseph were cutting wood for Mr. O'Brien last week. They came with a buggy and on Saturday borrowed. -Mr O'- Brien's cutter to go borne. Now the buggy is at this end of the trip an the boys and tilie nutter at the other. Bluevale Notes. -The funeral of Min. Hardy took plane on SundayMorning. The serviee was held An the Presby- terian church at eleven' o'clock and the funeral procession left the house for the cemetery at ba1fpast twelve. Mrs. McHardy was born in Scotland '19 years ago, She never recovered, from the paralysis which affected her. last July. She leaves two sons, Harry and :Tenses, and one daughter, Mrs. Seines Alt -01020n. Her husband, Robert MeHa.rdy, and her daughter, Annie, 'died several years keep. Slow tbe death di* her daughter, her grand -daughter, Miss Annie Aitebeson, had made her home with her.-Ntr. John jonston ivent to Goderieb, last week to see This mtither, Mrs. Stowe, who is very' mi. Dancae Kitt g z itt pOor health. -Mr. and. Mrs. Ashton Marton and. family, ofi Stratford, visited the ..former's parent, Mr. and Mrs. R3obt. Mason, last eek. They also at- tended the gineren wedding of Mrs. Mason's pareiti, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johnston, ist line of Morris, on. Wednesday of last week. -Miss Stewart, of Clifford, attended -Mrs. Mellardy's fueeral. The annual meeting of Bluevale Presbyterian. _ congregation took plaee on Tuesday evening. --Mr. and Mrs: Jeam Pugh, of Brussels, spent Saturday at Mr., Joseph Puglns.-Mr. John, Isbister, of Saskatoon, visited his aunt, Mrs. Frank Scott last week. -M. and Mrs. Robert Black attended • the golden wedding of Mrs. 131akk's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. ...Tohn Robertson of Wnexeter, on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Robertson -were presented by their family with a entrse of gold and among the many messages of congratulation was a cal*tne rain from friends in Scotland. Blake. Notes. --The weather last week took on a spring appearance and judging from the, rapidity with which the now disappeared one would conclude summer was dawn- ing upon ais,-Word was received here last week announcing the sad and untimely _death of Mae Mary Yule, which tele place in Brandon. Manitoba. Miss Yule at on'e time clerked in our village store and during her stey here she Won for herself ,a wide circle of friends. Her remains were brought to her home in Fullerton, where tbr aere interred on Friday last. -Mr. arid Mrs. Edighoffer and Mr. R. Jicthn- ston attended the funeral .02 Mies Yule last week. -Miss Ella Sparks, w:ho has been confined to her theme suffering front aeaperidieitis -for which an operation had been per- formed, was out Sunday. Aituccio her ease was a severe one, Eine nee covered veAy rapidly, and we hope she may experience no set banks. - Mr. Samuel McBride, jr, is husily engaged drawing material for ven- eering his house which he intends doing in the spring. -Mrs. Robt. N. Douglae, who has been laid up with an attack of neuralgia, .is able to be around again. Constance. Notes.- rows were seen in tbh vi- cinity on Monday of this weelS.-- Mr. and Mrs. T. IL Tovres Jeave ' for their' home in. the West this - wish perous -Last - forth, week,. Their many frie thern sunny happy and y -oars in their Western Sunday Me. Leatherland„ preached an ;interest- tave sermon in this K. Birks was absent, owin death of his mother 111 Hugill and W. M. Lindsay were t down to London last Saturday, Ort' bliSilleSS.—Mr. George Riley is at present quite ill with pleerieys-Mrs Hugh McDonald and Mr. cha.rlea Tuffin, of Staffa, were the sliest& of Mr. Wan. McIntosh on Sunday -- last. -Our villagers and a consider- able number from the 'eurreexteding -country went en nan.S.Se tio Seafoeth last Friday. -The young hadittelore held their party on 311:onday evening last at the thome of Mr, ill.' Adams. All report a good ,firae.-Fire. Wm, McIntosh spent a few days of this :week with her daughter, Mrs. J. -n/Lills.-Next Tuesday evening there-. will be the „missionary medting of the League. Wroxeter News Not -ea. -Mrs. Koehler, a Ay - !ton, is the guest of her -isister, Sirs. A. H. Moffett. --The Rov. J. 11. Os- terhouse received the sad news -of - the sudden death of his sister, in. Northwood, last -Thursday, for which place he left Friday. In hie -absence on Sunday Mr. E. Lewis preached, in the Methodist church Sunday evena Illg—The Misses E. Hingstoalslid D.: Beaker, a Brussels, are visiting the Misses Howle.-Dr. Brawn xeturned. on Thursday front a several days' visit to Toronto.-atr...Frank Sander- son, of Viaallseelaurga visited. his par - elate -over Supd.ey.-iMr. A. McLean spent Wednesday in Harriston, on business. -Mr. Peter Aftgliren# of Turnherry, has purchased Mr. 13. farna-Mr. It. Miller, is in Goderich thin week on county coun- cil business. -Mrs. O. Currie Vie- . ited with relatives in Brussels hist week. -Mr. Davidson has Zeone to Galt where ihe has a position at his trade. -Rev. Dr. Medd will preach to the young people of the Epworth L-eagm flothety •in the Methodist -church &trolly evening. fieterfleld The Xxceptional values given at P. A. VAlua leg Benefit Cash Sale are being airproeiated %nni. the ladies are taking 0.4vantage of the bargams advertis- ed last week. in Flannelettes and Cottons we have very 'Mai priers and invite comparison, Wornen's Combination ilinlerweimi 41.00, for /Se ; 101.4440 ; 59.50 railmoats for V7.50. F. A. Bilumxts, • Breezes. -Miss M. G-reen, who ha5 been home for some Hine, left for Detroit last week. -Mr. JameeFer- guson is at Bergrave.-Jaenes Don- aldson is able to be around 'gain and Is recovering fnem his recent serious iliness.-Wme Ferguson, wine n has been sailing, arrived home last week. -Miss Lizzie Ferguson, of To- ronto, home for a visit.. -.-Mrs. Rhynas and -child, og Brantford, -LI- visiting leer parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ferguson. --Mrs. Reid, of Gorle-- rival, is the guest of Nes. J.rerfea- son;-Harvey SParling and A. Cam- erae, Brucefield, were here' Mon- day and Tuesday. HarveyPisevea this week for Sarnia. -James Camobell- has moved into his new residence aid has a very comfortublei home in which we wish him and his wife arid family many years of happiness. -Mr. Flannigan, of London, was the guest of II. Turner this week. -J. Wanasley was at Berlin last week eonsUlting e. specialist. --The teach - era aro busy preparing for a pablie echool .concert to ix alld the .second or 'third week iri February. --Very encouraging word bas been receiv- ed from Rev. Mr. Holmes, who is under treatment for nervous pros- tration at Guelph Sanitarium and it is expected that in a ter: weeks he will be fully reeevezekl.