HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-19, Page 719/ 1304 LT Arr „ •111111,01i EXPOSIT eeteis~weeseaaelsea esetettaseasaeaseeeeemeaelaaea.aeaeteataee - el_ _ „,e -e -e = Sh Ment fribifled 1. is Sinail such ings -e Morttiii cold, or both, 77-- of hot in ounces of BOV rpard ozily by • ENG. , and MONTREAL, CANADA al appointment ,eSty King Edward .`e-, 1 Beautiful Ptenefune Piste v viue coney's PerfediOn Cream Sodas are crisp squares of wholesome nourishment. cy are the 104that- buds strengt.11 and muscle. Trrey are as easily digested by the child and invalid as by the sturdy , workman. They contain ALL the food properties of finest Cana- dian wheat flour, in a form that delights- the appetite. Always fr‘h and crisp in the moisture-pr6of pac • At -ell grocers in 1 and 3 pond packages. • By. LOUIS TRACY .101•10M.siliperp.•,••••••,...011 Copyright, 11108, by Edward 3. Mode need for that, miss,' interrupted a warrant officer. "Here he is coming - ashore. He wanted to come with use, but •the 'captain would not perinit it, ae there seemed to be some treuble ahead." Sure enough, even the girl's swim- mingeyes could distinguish the geay bearded civilian seated beside an offi- cer in the stern now threading a ken tleef beyond minutes father meet. Meanwbile the addr ssed Jenks elieets Of a smell gig Path tlarottgb the bro. Turtle beach. In five and daughter eveuld officer, intent on duty, again. "Al y I ask who you are?" 431 name is Anstriither—Rollert An pr.,' Iris, clinging to his- are% heard the : reply, So he had abandoned , 'all - pretense. Ile w s ready to face the world at her side. She stole a loving glance at him as sh cried: . .. ; Captain Anstruther of the In- dian tair corps. If he will not tell, you a 1 that he has done, how he has, saved my life tweuty times,. how he has ought 'single banded agalest eighty men, askemer i * "Ca tain Anstruther does not appear r to ha 6 lett much for us to do, Miss t Deane" the officer said. "Indeed," turnin to Robert, "Is there any wax irewlii h my men will be useful?" -e -.".1 w uld recommend that they drag , the' gren stuff of that fire and .stop I the SID ke. Then a detachment should , , go round the north 'side of the island and &five the remaining Dyaks into - the hands.Of the party you have landed,' : as I miderstaed, at the farther and of the south beach. Mir Jan, the Moham- medan kere, Who has been a most faith.. t ful ally during part of our siege, will .tiet as iiide." . i The ether nine cast a comprehensiee Iglance over the reek, with its scaling i iladdersIand dangling rope ladder, the leave, ti e little groups of dead or un iconsciong pirates-4er, every wounded (man Who ' could mote) a limb had lerawied away after the first shell burst 1—and drew a deep breath. ' t "How long were you up, there?" be , . -asked. ..1 , 1 . 0 , "Over thirtyl hours." , i "It was a great fight!" ' I "Somewhat worse than it looks," said A.nstrUther. "This is .only the end of it. . Altogether we have' accounted for nearly twoscore of the poor devils."' • Robert looked toward -the approach- ing boat. She ,would not land yet for e couple of minutes. .: "dile— the way," he said, "will you tell ne your mime?" ' " laydep — Lieutenant Philip. Ryden." - .. "Do you know to what nation this island belongs?" . "It is ,no man's land, I think. It is marked aminhabitecl' on the chart." "Then," said Anstruther, "1 call upon you, Lientenant Playdon, and all others het.° present to witneas that I, Robert .Anstruther, late of the Indian army, efing on behalf of myself and Miss Iris Deme, declare that we have taken .poseessiott of this island in -the nem° of his Beitannie majesty the king of England,' that we are the , joint occu- piers and Owners thereof and. claim:all property rights vested therein." These formal Phrase's, coming at Mich a moment, amazed his hearers. Iris alone had at inkling of the underlying motire. 1 - k, . "I don't eluppoge any one 'will dispute your itie," said the naval officer greave- ly. Ile unquestionably imagined 'that suffering and exposure had slightly dis- turbed, the ether tnan's senses. "Thank, you," replied_ Robert with equal composure, though he felt 1.11e dined to laugh at ;Playdon's mystifica- tip. "1 only wished to secure a suffi- c ent number of witnessesfOr a Veibal declaration. 'When I hate dt few min- dites to spare I will affix a legal notice on the wall in front of aur cave." Playdon bowed silently: There was something in the speaVer's manner that puzzled him. He detafied a email guard to 'accompany Robert •end; Ips, 'Who - now walked toward the `heath, and asked Mir Jan to pilot him as suggest. ed by Anstruther. , - Tbe boat was yet many yards from shore when Iris ran forward ' and stretched out her arms to the man whe was staring' at her with wistful de•e' spair. i "Father! Father!" she cried. "Don't you know me?"-------- Sir Arthur Deage.eia.s looking at the/ two strange figUreS on the sands, and each moment his heert Sank lower. , This island held Ille final hope. During many vreary weeks; since the day when': a kindly admiral placed the cruiser Orient at his elisposal, he had 'scoured the China sea', the coasts of Borneo and 4va for some tidings ef the ill fated t, 'pared Luen1VC hug aist— Suits 1.0 1. HERS eap it?hi ' • long, you? Then Vegetable Sicilian, Hair k'ei. You owe what hair you nd _Lot more at Mamma time.. t. rgul rainvitatilau wer Make FA R. e‘oior3 a rich Irratvn 11. r.11; Altit CO.. Nashua. N. y -A. Fox R N. (1, utf1 LW? or rano Vox. the hop, ..-..en tvtn isly,ft.lutely free 11,tehaz . xr:ver :natio telitre. The only crap.: it 1.. thht we arranged for thee hand -emu the dull an In the unuirfik-r an.: see teem Tier Itulf i4 41 ine1Le3 1 -mg. nearly wei... rrroie, f.f tho hand giroett Rine Fi+X Fur. .,•ft and Attire. G arutly I add, d. lira tl taitis 11 and untasni.nted w t! tour long alq/. Su -b halal:41.MP net lee, never 0.uu :may, atut you c gPG it WI, emr Joe, fris J.uttitddrens, duIxdy ind wt1I af .ece re PosKards a ce earth re 4 e, elite. ere ten I , eery 11 wee elat see eke tic t. Sist It asa ftrierell l.c!..' to th.• Wftft411. a W.1 i,ii 1,. y an !Mtn; In the line 1,,ok 114 her, bp twat, 1,. ( 01-ftitig or more Rawl', it WWI, Cid. Writ, We trieft y,,u a1 pend toe 11.t ere Post•eardu colorant Art Co., teed. lee ?neonate alleneaGeirine need si new one. Tomb baba shown In the above out is of on that this ert,ear we are making re, ig you reqUire—oornfort, convene.* COB are right, arid our work - v LES ETO,, AND GENERAL • VETERINARY EN GRIEVE, V.S., honor graduate ofOutparlo Veterloary COilege. All dine:nee of toomestio selmais tended. Calla promptly attended to an tersirgee =entente. Veterinary Dentistry a ppeeialty refihe ard sesidence en Goderieb street, One doe eine of Dr Eccelra Oleo flesforiln 1112.t HARBURN V. S.—Honorary sd ate of the Ontario Veterinary College an lionorary,mern- bee of the Medical Assooletion of the Ontario Voter. inszyCollege. Treats dimmer of all domestic animele by the most medal' primfiplea Dentistry and Milk tever a epee -hay. Office opposne Dick's Hotel, Main Shed, Seaforth. All orders lelt at the hotel will receive prompt attention. Ni calla received at officio. • ' 1871-52 — LEGAL. JAMES L. KILLORAN flarrieter, Solicitor, Notary Public etc. Money to leate In Sealer& Mondavi, Fridays and Satur• aye. Office open every -week day. Over Fickard'e More, Main street, Seale:eh. 1804 R. S. HAYS, narrisier, Solleitor, Conveyancer and Notary Public, oftener for the DominioneBenk. Office—in rear of Dominion Banks thaforth. Money to loan. 1285 T IL BEST, Barrister, Sollultor, Conveyancer r..1 • Notary Public. °Aloes up ebilti, over 0. W bookstore, Main Entreat, thaforth, Ontario. . 1617 HOLMESTED, enooessor to the late flim Ot . McCaughey & Holmes -led, Barrister, Solicitor elenvoyeeeen and Notary Solicitor for the Oen diem Bank of Commezoe. Money io lend. Arm- or sale. 'Office in Secit'a Mock, 'Mein Street mem& reICKLAISON AND GARROW, Barristers, Solloin I.Jore, eto., Goderich, Ontario. Fe L. DICKINSON. 104.34/ CHA.RLES GARROW L. L. B. DENTISTRY, DR H. J. HODGINS1 DENTIST. Graduate of Royal College et Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Succeseor to Dr. :Noddle, Office—Over A. Tome's grocery store, Dam atrect, Se:north. 1975 DR. E1ELDEN DENTIST, TORONTO, Has removed from 418 Sberbourne 86 to his bean . fnl new Meet', 430 Young Ste, opPosite Carlton fit 7 181548 9 MEDICAL, Dr. John McGinnis, , Office and Residenee—Victorle Strmt, • SEAFORTH '1110130 73 DR. H HUGH ROSS, Ouellette of University of Toronto Faculty of MOP eine, member of College of Physiolone and pare geone of Ontario ,• pees greduste courses (mimeo itetiaisal School, Chicago ; Renal Ophthalmic tempi- tal, tendon, England ,• University College Hcepital, leendoneEngland. °niece -00r Greer & Stewed' store, *In Street, Seaforth. 'Phone No. 5; Night nails answered lrom residence, Victoria Menet. 1890 O 1 gg MIL BURROVV8. ''343.4fs.PC313'111=t °Mee and Residenee--Ceiderloh street, met of the Meet -mint elite:oh. A'NfalPricrivi No. 40. oroner for the County of Huron. -DRS. SCOTT MacKAY, PHYSICIANS AND SURGE0171c Roderic% street, opposite Methodist ohnroinalealoreh OMM.1••••• G.300TT, greduatiVlotoria and Ann Arbor, and member Ontario College of Phyalelana end urgeons Coronae for °aunty of Huron. 0- MeoKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, ad medalist Trinity Medical College. Mambas Joilegc of Phydelens and Surgeons, Ontato, 14e9 • AUCTIONEERS. ritHOMAS BROWN, Lioeneed Auctioneer r—or the . 1 Counties of Heron and Perth. Orelozat len at A. M. Cemphell's inaPlement warerooces, Seelbatth, or Ufa EXPotttrox °Moe, will receive pomp! atternion, afielaotten guaranteed or no charge. 170841 TAMES G. MOMICITAEL, demised anotioneer for ee Vett comity of Huron. Bales attended to In any pad of the oonnty at moderate rake, and satiefectioe .caaranteed. Order° left at the aeriforth post offiee er on Lot 2, Concendon 2, Hullo% 0(01 receive prompt attention. 18824 4 UCT1ONEERING.---B. S. Phillips, Liosneed el Auctioneer for Idee counties of )1turon and eenb, Being . practical termer andthoroughly enderetanding She value of farm stook and imple• meets, places me in a better position to realize good Prices. Charges moderate. Satlefeonoe guaranteed or no pay. All orderslell at Bengali post °Mae or. at Lai 98, CODOeffeien 2, Hay, will -be prompily ttended to. ' 1709-U Constance 7e11 Tour Friends ! What? l.—About the good tea you gob at dowitt's for 2.8o a Ile A lady told tIO the hther day that it was hotter than tea she had paid 40o a lb. for in other places.' _ .—About the select raisins, currants, peels, spices, ete.; you get at Jewitt's. :L—About the nice dinner sets, toilet sad, &as berry sets and fancy oups and eanecrs, salad dishes, eto., youget at Jew- itt't store, at such moderate pricea. 4.—Also about: the large aesortmest iitApie dry geode and boots and shoes, need- ed, th every home. • We need tot quote prices. Our prices are always as low or lower than elsewhere and the geode are al- -ways good quality. . We take this opportnrOy of thanking the many customers who Nave patronized us during the past three years and will be pleaeecl to wait on them even more faith- fully than in the past and also any others who like fair and honest dealing. R W. JEWITT, Constance iterio•-•• e .1. Establishid :r87e. Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchitis Coughv Cry, Asthma, Diphtheria Creech:me is a boon to Asthmatics r:11nsIx.r.fa Is a long es/41)114nd ritul standard remedy for thediseases indicated. It cures beeanse the Mr pin - tiered strongly antiseptic is curried over the diseased sur - et the bronehial tubas with every breath, giving prolonged and constfint treatment, Those of 0. consump- tive tondowy, or sufferers from chronic breueltitis, find brunediate relief front coughs or inflamed conditions of the threat. Vapo•Cresolono 1 noId druggiate or moot pre. ateS eeP paid on reeelpt of prlee. A Vape.Crosolene out. Rt including a bottle of Creselene $1.50. Bend for free illustratqd booklet. Leionno meek. Co., Ltd., Agente,118 fit. James St.., I -entreat, Canada. SOO 011111111111... —That's witat a prominent druggistsaid of 'Sdott's Emulsion a s ho rt ,time ago. As a rule we don't use or refeff to testimonlals in addressing the public, but the -above remark and .8 im i 1 ar expressions are made so o4en in connec- tion with Scott's 'Emulsion that they .0,re worihy. of occasional note. From infancy to old age Scott's Emulsion offers a reliable means of remedying im- proper and vireak develop. m.ent, resting lost flesh and vitalityand repairing waste. The action of Scotts Erntul.sion ds no More of a secret than the cornpOsition of the Emul- sion itself..11-S,Vhat it does it does thrdugh nourish.- ment —the kind of nourish:. ment .,that cannbt ob tallied in. ordinary food. No system 4 -too weak or delicate to retain, Scott's Emulsion anii gather good fromjit Ire will semi you a sample free. Be sure that Thits picture in tin form ei a tobet t oa the wrappet of every bottle of trot/Won yot buy SC TT & BOWN1 thenlistS Toronto. Ont., and $1; all druggists. Bern a . To. examine everef seed patch and tree covered shoal in the China sea was an imposiible task. All the Orien could do wag :to vilt the principal is- • lands and institute 1 quiries e.moag the fishermen and small traderee At last,1 the previous night, a Malay, tempted, by hope of reward, boarded. the vessel When( lying at Lunch r off the large-ise land away to the South and told the captain a wondrous 'tale of a devil, 'haunted place inhabited. by two white. spirits, a male and a female, whither a local pirate named Taung S'Ali haft gone by chance wit .115 men and sufa fered great loss. Bu Taung WAR was bewitched by the female spirit and had returned there with a great force, swearing to captuw her or perish. The spirits, the Malay said, pad dwelt upon - the Island for many Years. its father and grandfather knew the place and feared it. Taung S'All would. never be seen again. This queer yarn w s the first indica- tion they received of the wher bouts of any perSOns who Mlght possibly be shipwrecked, Europeans, thottgb not survivors from the Sirdar. Anyhow, the tiny dot lay in the vessel's north- ward track, so a coins° was Set to ar- rive off the -Island soo Events shore, as eer on watch; -told Wherever .Dyaks are 1 nfter dawn. seen by the offi-, their owu tale. lighting • there is nalSchief on foot, se- tie Orient took a hand in the proceedin s. , 1 • But Sir -Arthur Deane, after an ago- nized scrutley of the weird looking pssotee escorted by the sailors to the eAter's _edge, sadly acknowledged that neither of these could Ihe itie dough ter whom he sought. He )olv(il his head n mi he hought cruel balluclna- mine accent's _ in humble resignation, he was the victim of a ten , when , Iris' tee' reached his ears: _ f'Father, father! Don't ynu know roe?" I . H1e stood up, amazed nd tremble*, * "Yes, father, deer, it le 1, yobr own little girl given back to on. 'ey !had Solea diffiCU tY 10 le001) hi IT In the boat, and the ma pulling stroke smashed a stout oar with the next eirench. And so they met at la ors left them alone t Anstruther and ply lili dred questions. A 1 thou g their humor and grad t ally pieced to- gether- the stirring st supplemented .eaoh lust rival of disconsolate ' comments of the Men from cave and heath, lit with, the sight of Iris - and the happy, incense t, and the sail - crowd round with a ihun- _be fell in with 7 which was int by the -ar- yaks and the who returned soul was filled ind her father limit demands with which each sougl t to aseertain and relieve the extent If iEile other's anxiety. Then hie called to hi "Robert, I want you." The use of his Christl ed something akin to a Arthur Deane was start immeasurable delight, Zlhild uninjured, the picture of rude health and happiness'. Anstruther advanced. "This is my father," ' with JO. _ "And, lathe n Mune creat- seafettion, Sir ed, 'even in his tt finding his he eried, sited' darling, this is Captain tholtert Aust. ther, to whom alone. under God's will, I owe my life untey, many times sine the moment the Sirdar was lost," it was no time for et estioning. Sir Arthur Deane took off his hat and held! outntis hand. -rtiptain Anstruther," he said, "as I OV. -t* you my daughter's Me I owe you re.: I. whieh I can never repay. And * CW' you my own life, to for I eould not he re survived the kilt:1.010ga that she wes dead," itebert took the pftaff •ed hand. ti think, Sir Arthur,' bat of the two r vet the more deeply 1 debted. There ene privileges \vlio.e value can- , — measured, aud a ong them the pelvilege of restoring y ur daughter to your nabs takes the highest place," Then he tamed to Iris, "I think". he said, "that your father sliould take you on, board the Orient, Iris. There ,;.von• may perhaps find some suitable clothing, eat Something and recover from the exciting events of the morning. Afterward you must bring Sir Arthur ashore again, and we will guide him over the island. I am suee you 'will find much to tell him Meanwhile." The baronet could not fail to note the manner in which these tWO ad- dressed each other, the fearless love which leaped ih'orti eee to eye, the calm acceptance of it relationShip not to be questionedor gtilusaid. Robert and Iris, without spoken word on the sub - Jett, bad tacitly agreed to avoid -the slightest semblance of sebterftige as ;unwerttly alike of their achievements and -their love. "Your suggestion is adeeirable," cried Sir Arthur. 'The ship's .stores may Prorkle Iris with some sot of rig -out, and an old friend of hers is on board. at this moment, littie expecting her pros- uce. Lord Ventnor has utemnpanied ttie in my search. He will, of cource; be delighted"— . Anstruther flushed a deep bronze, but Iris broke in: • "Mabel'why did he come with you?" Sir Arthur; driven into this sudden squall of explanation, became digni- fied. "Well, you see, my dear, under. the circunestances- he felt an anxiety al- most commenstirate with my own." "But why, why'?" Itle was quite calm. With Robert near, he was courageous. Even the perturhed baronet expetienced 11 new Sensation as his troubled glance fell be- fore lier searching eyes. file du ghter bad -left lihn a joyous, heedless giel. He found her a WOU11111, strong. Reif re - Dime plarposefel. Yet- Le kept on. choosing the mot straightforward means as the only honorable' Way of elettring ft C0L11'80 so beset withlinstis-t pected obeles, "It is o- ,y reasoneble, iriShtliat your afilaneed husband should suffer en ng- onofapprehension on your account and do ail- that waslpossible to effect your rescue." "MY----atriiinevj—bughnnd?" "Well, ,tny, deep girI,eerlians that is hardly the correct phrase from your point of view. Yet yon cannot fail to remetober that Lord Ventnor"— "Father, dear," Ram Iris solemnly, but in a vole° free from all uncertain- ty, "my affianced husband stands here: We plighted out troth at the very gate of death It was retitled the -Ines- ence of God And has Wee blessed by hum I have made no compact with Lord Ventnor, Ito is a base and nn- wortby man. Did vote but know the truth concerning Wm you would tot mention idsename in _the game breath With mine, Would he, Robert" • e Made Ea&er- - 'Young Lady in Beaupori All wernen work; tomej in their homes, son -ie in ehurph, and some in the whirl of society. And in stores, mills and shops tens of thousands are on the never -ceasing treadmill, earning their daily bread. I ' All are subject to the same physical laws; all suffer :alike from. the same physical disturbance, and thenature of their duties, in many cases, trickly drifts theinto the horrors of • all ltinds of female complaints; ovarian troubles, ulceration, falling and 'dis- placements of the womb, leniceiTheea or perhaps irregularity or suppression of 'monthly periods, ." causing back- ache, nervousness, irritability •and lassitude. i ' 1 Women who stand on theirf feet all day are more susceptible fo these troubles than others, i , . They especially requirb an i7igorat- ing, sustaining medicine wheeh will strengthen the female organism and enable them to bear easily the fatigues of the day, to .sleep well at nieht, and to rise refreshed and cheerful. How dietressing to sen a woman stkuggling to earn a livelihoo or per- form her household duties -when her back and head are aching. she Is so tired she can hardly drag shout or stand up, and every movemenp.causes pain, the origin of which isl due to some derangement of the female or- ganism, Mlle. Alma Robitaille of 78. rue St. Francois, Quebec, Que., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkhaine— " Overwork and long home at the office, together with a llegifftOri cold, brought on a Lydia E. Pinkbant's Yqetabie Cog* very serious female trouble until finally was 'unable to go to Work. I then thoughl o a friend who had taken Lydia E. Pirdchaires Vegetable Compound when her laegtb was In the same condition that mine was, and straightway -gent out for a bottle. I finished that and took two more before I really began - to improve, but after that my recovery was very rapid, and. I was soon:well and able- to go back to work aglin, 1 eettainly think our Medicine for stek women worthy of praise, aud ani ititleed glad to irtdonsait." _ Miss., Clara Beraibieu Beanport, Qnebed, writes; Dear Mrs Pinkbanr "For several years I•have suffered with Letkorrhoea,. will* has been a serious drain on my vitality, sapping my strength and cansingsevere b.eadaches, hearing down pains and ti general worn out feeling, until I really had no desitato live. 'tried many medicines, but did not get permanent relief until I took Lydia E. Itinkhairhs Vegetable Compound. In two months I was very much better and stronger, and in four months I was well, no 11101`0 disagrivable discharge, no more pain. SoI have every reasoUto praise the Vegetable Conapoundt and I consider it without equal for the ills of women." • Lydia E, Plulthana'S Vegetable Com- pound is the untailingenre for all these troubles. It strengthens the proper muscles, a,nd displacement with all its horrors will no more cruel you. Backache, dizziness, - fainting, bear- ing down pains, disordered stomach, -moodiness, dislike of friends and society --all symptoms of the one cause—will be quickly dispelled, and it will make you strong and well. You can tell the story of your suf- ferings to 'a woman, a,nd reoeive help- ful advice free of cost. Address Mrs.— Pinichans, Lynn, Mass. and succods where, ertbasFit • -t- - iatarrh is sive—mor t it is the fore-. runner of worse diseases. Catarrh spreads from the nose to the throat where it ometimes prepares the ma e r er for diphtheria spreads to the stomach and -bowels where it generate the worst kind of indiges on ; consumption, even s been known to be help ed along by catarrh. If your breath is bad you had better sweeten it up by getting cateerrh qut f your system'. You should take something that will Idil e disease germs, tone u your generafl health' an paitieularly revitalize And invigorate the mucous membranes which catarrh dspecially attacks./ Dont fuss and fail with snuffs and sprays—get right straight at the disease by using the greatest of tonics, tissue builders and blood purifirs Sold by all druggists, SAMPLE AHD noon= roe sent with our reecieelimente. Ain/RESS "sampie Deparetmorat r.T.A Sio-curns Limited Offices and Labornioriee STREET WEST, TORONTO- And so they met at last, "Lie advised by me, Sir Arthur, and you, tOo, 1rLe," lie said. "This is to hour for explanations. Leave me $n deal with Lord Ventnor. I am covent to trust the ultimate verdict to you, Sir Arthur, You will learn in due course all that has happened. Go on beard, Iris. Meet Lord -Ventnor as you would meet any other friend. You will not marry him, I know. I can i rust you." "1 sing very much obliged to you," murmured, the baronet, who, notwith- stending his worry, was far too experi- enced a man o; the world not to ac- knowledge the good, sense of this ad- vice, no matter how ruffianly might be the guise of the strange Person who gave it. "That is gloated, then," said Itobeet, laughing good naturediy, for be well knew what a -weird spectacle be must present to- the bewildered old gentle- man, Even Sir Arthur Deane was fascinat- ed by the ragged and hairy giant who carried himself 80 masterfully ttud helped everybody over the stile at the right moment. He tried to develop the change in the conversation. "By the way," he said, "how came you to be on the Sirdar? 1 have a list of all the passengers and crew, and yoUr name does not appear therein." "Oh, that is easily accounted for. I shipped as a steward in the name of Robert Jenks." "Robert Jenks! A steward!" "rag. That forms some Dart of the promised explanation." Iris rapidly gathered the drift of her lover's wishes. Dear Mother Your Lite ones are a =stint care in Fall and 'Winter weather. They will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh's Consumption Cure, the Lung Tonic, and .svhat it hu dose for so many? It is said to be the only reliable remedy for all diseases of the elf wages in elairm. It is absolutely harmless awl pleasant to take. Itis guaranteed to cure oryour money is retumed. The price is 25c. per !wile, and all dealers in medicine nil ere SHILOH setnedy should be is every household.. POOR COPY Seven Mon boles sold Ineeast iiinneleastisseeele "Come, father," she cried jxterrfly "I am aching to see what the ship's stores, which you and. Robert rp your faith to, can do for me in the'shape of garments. I have the utraost belief in the Britith navy, and even a !skeptic should be convinced of its infellibility if H. M. 5, Oelent is able to povidee a lady's outfit." Sir ArthureDeane gladly avail:ed him- eself of the proffered compromiSe. He assisted Iris Into the boat, thotigh that active young person was fari better able, to support him, and a word to the ,c10 officer in command sent the gi fixing back to the ship. .Anstruther uring a momentary delay !Lade a smallireqeest on his Own account. Lieutenant Play - don, nearly as big a man as !Robert . dispatched a. note to his serv nt,. and the gig opeedily returned wltbl a tons- plete assortment of clothing ad linen. The man also brought a dressi g case, with the -result that a dip in he bath and ten minutes in the hands qf all ex- pert valet made Anstruther a n Vir 132 an. Acting under his advice, th bodies of the dead. were thrown int the. la- goon, the wounded were cofll3cted in the hut, to be attended to by tile ship's .surgeon, and the prisoners wee parad- ed in front of Ittir Ian, who id, entided every man and found by Counting heads that none was' misellig. ' Robert did not forget to te out a formal notice and fasten it to he rock. This proceeding further mys ilfled the officers of the Orient, who had gradual- ly formed a connected idea a e great fig,ht made by the shipwree ed pair, though Anstriither squirmed nwardly when he thought of the ro mier in which Iris, would picture 110 scehe. As it was, he bad the ifirst inn ngs, and he did not fail to use the op ortunity. In the few terse words which the mili- tant Briton best understand he de. scribed the girrs fortitude, h r unflag- ging cheerfulness, her tincoi plaining readiness, few do mei dare. (To be continued.) gr cto x Bears the The Kirst Yotlave Always Bought Bignstere O f Get Rid of That Cough fiefree ti' ere.1 °CM -AO* Wc d'e Noeway r e +5N 1 I•• ,'-IF',br, Crier-, ore Tbroat, e erre, .t.. Yr:: fl ita.. arc BO DIP „00(11 Of the bre et end Lrr ---- et 00 b %I.?L A.:0 Sickly people with weak beerte era dreereeil eervee, Milburn er Heart and NPrve Pine uil he fcuu' m effectual medicine Tbey reef, a. enfeeleed, tnerveted, exhausted, de - v telfee ovennorked men end weaken to vigor. one health ,:vg Wed loirtel go. e et no Burdock Blool Bitters b SS f: fee, 1 it te. tin trifle) DD •Ternoves "V re. :Le fr. re oe let ed, see! takes away that tin, , el. !core ce elevelert le tbespring r:letee Attacird. . ry Cere-na.pe,Diarrhe Dy,eentery, eee eftked ruddenZ bee plata - • v - et; t ogee Infer, ewe, eito Dr Fowl - t Tree -beery Is a prompt and s r..1,; V•12ZCII ,eeeJe ale rn it be kept in the houee ("Italf TS 1101130113; 01'0100. Vor;:t ti r) Td Pummer Complaint, oe 1.;;I•r•go wits) eerswherry la a prompt, e he been spopidare la,vothe L.... .6.. Ia../ for , non. i}- so yoew4 45 Learn Dressmaking by Mali In January and Save from 3 to 5 Doll " Learn by mail at home in your spare time, if yeu wouid like to voneu t making business, or for home use. L. you -would like to roake a day AA, Jag drofs.making eau be taught better and ohesever Beeman than &by ether way, ha order to get a large number of agents at once, . I will e.stit. this impiethdi OCUISe by nail, to rair all eoeneing in January, 1906, for vo, ineteed of rr tiler erica, Sill Ind A gear, wanted whole or spare tiny. Write toeley for -epistle ADDRESS SANDERS' DRESS OUTTING 60110014. STRAtFORD, (MT., OPIJ. Oify.etw hours from 1 to 6 p. m., Market Place, opposite City Hall, &reefer& IE C0111F0 T Every home needs -comfort. The 1101116 with a few ittraotive. pieceS of furnitureperhaps an Arm Qhair for the elder peoPl.r, and -a Conch and A pouple ofEasyMoira, is as /uxorious as seed be. Every one•ttay have such a home with the present low prices of good furniture. You will be able to have what you want supplied at smell cost, 'f you tome to:us, Pro*ptly attended to night or clay. ROADFOOT, BOX sM.A.Hlon S. T. MIMES, Manager. 0.0e t Annual Meeting. trupti17 'wen The Annual meeting ol the members of the Mc- Killop Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Town Hall,'Seermile on Fridley, January 1041i, 1900, at °net:Mock pene, for the purpose' of receiv- ing the Annual Repot -le and the. Eleotion of Three Directors and other business for the good and wel- fare of the company. The retirinie directors are a. B; McLean, Seefortli Pe O. • Thee., Pourer, Brumfield P.° nd Wm. Chesney, igniondville P. O., who are ell or re-election. THOS. E. 14Ays, Secretary. oLEAN, President. - 1.935el Annual Meeting. The 30th annual IneetIng of the Ueborne and Min bert Mutual fire insurance Co. will be heki In the Public Hall, Farquhar, On Monday, February 5th, 1900, at the hour of dpe o'clock p. rm. The business will consist of the election _of two directors ; Meeir, Thos. Ryan aid Francis Morley .being the direst -6-m whom term of office expires, but who are 1ii for re-election; receiving the directors' sea amnia. e anneal reporteenditerif evert and any other busi- ness that maybe in the intereets of the company. B. W. P. BEAVERS, Sorel/ay-Treasurer, TIIOS. RYAN, Preident. 986-3 MUSIC 1 HELEN R. WILSON Pupil of Mr. A. 4. Vogt. i ,—...—....,n Piano, orgen and beery. Pupils- prepared for non-. seeemeey examinat one. Terme :1k- -17.09 for 22 leseons ; Theory -e -e5 for 22 baron*. For otber, In. formetlen apply at D. D. %limo and Co's offiee or at J. A. ViChon'exeiderice, Alm street, Seafortle. . . . 196241 • Meeting of the Huron County Council, The Counill of th the Council Chem TUke9DAY, Use 23 p. m. All O000UIII ed with the clerk be Dated January:i immkgrsiieffee -Cotiaty of Huron will me In- the Town of 0dett dayof JANUARY, at 3 the -county Tenet be p ore thls date. • W. LANE, Clerk. In Mee 1987-e 3OBTLr NOTICES; • plOS FOR SIARVICE.—The Tinder/Aped will utip at/ his pleke hi BruOtellefele a ran teed Yorke &Ireland a pure bred Berkshire Doet.tonehlehalhne Ited number of -sows " SDI he admitted, Ter:ripe-41e Ponekble at the time of swim with the privilege -0C returning If neemeary. GEORGE 1•103•• 1032xlt4 rilO LET --/The undersigned will rent lid:veoYmetrfier,kfeulleft"eitermannt4sctidc6c1:!:ularengift: mon. land, 'nearly all under cultivation and in road ma- SMITH,St.,,Tomph P. O. 1181-61 °OD PIG8.—The undersIgned keeps for the int prevenient Of stook on Lot 20, Come -44n 7, mere a theroaree aketeworth Pigand A therobred dmhire Ile, both atgleteted, to whieh ems tal adoitaid. Terms Si, payable at the time Of Sere vioe, With the privilege of returning it IlecietftrA GE011(4M mixt YMBER AND LUMBER FoR SALE.--Forfal quantity of barn timheri equere and in lengths_ _)Th1 sheet 8 to 60 fete, arsoA gnittitihY at ronfle r.rk lumber, zftek =1 &tentage Pardee me tending to bnikl dieriog the nomini *mon WM find lt to their advantage to call and me it on Lot 24e Coaccission 45, Manlop. Jeaf1s4 LOOKILART. 1186-U FOR SALE, QUORTHORN BULL FOR SALE.—Por 'rale fe, Thorohred Shorthorn Bull, 17 mon old,* red, with a little white. Prim right. tAletcoloeree 13, Conmesion 4. Tuoteremitir or address 0...gino dw t,ville P. 0.,eVAL CARNOCHAN. 19814 EGISTE OCR FOB Leder signed offers for Dile on Lot 27, 0000na0ion Se Milked township, ono ,,ereerling Ueda Pily, a few Shorthanicows and heiferst_two young Sh-tho,- aikop. few Berkshire pgre of both eexeio. The above stock are eligible for negistratkee in the Nation al Stoek Ree.orel% Prices resnanable, coneiderinE quality, Visinirs weloome. DAVID _Mire Staffs. 19SfeeU 21 Oettle Aorly et Wm CHILITKELS SPAI - RTHORN OATZD hue for rale Bev.: red Lee ea hep and Dtirharn see. Addeme Reemondville P 0 o f Mlli Road, Tuckers/nit% R011ia'se SONS. 13724 °DNS FO3SAL et& Shorthorn 130118 tO 21 -Menthe. Prime ft= oin also cows seed heifers at &co slew Berkshire gores four months' old . AVD 1L.i5, Ethel, OA 193241 -„