The Huron Expositor, 1906-01-19, Page 6issiame.
28 acre farm on Lot 80, Concession 1, c:rMAC-ft
lop, cetaining a fl t-elass house with all mode r a
improvement, abarn with etabling for 12 heAd
O eeka-plenty Of ro ni for gymitt and hay. .A N. 1
hen house, good implement Stied, carriage louse en ti -
pig pen, 2 good welle;oonvenient to houee i la ha rn'
a small orchard containing a good atteortment of fruit,
all enelesed hy the best, inodern fetuses ant a most
deeirable location...tor school privileges. A r further
partieulars apply on i the premises or addr ss D. J.
- AITCIIF.SON, Seafotth.
110.1.AM FOR-SILE.—For sale, Lot 9. Con easion tL.,
Staulay, oontaining 109 acres, 20 acres blade the •
remainder is well fenced, well underdtainet end la
good state or eultivationa . There is a fathouse •
' and bank barn with stream etablingrand ot er gootl ;
budding's. ,There is an °tabard of choice rule and:
never failing spring of water convenient to lhe build -
huts. There are 11 acres of fall wheat, in ant all the
fall plowing done. It is within four utiles f Bruce -
field station and will be sold cheap enci on e ea' terms. 'I
Apply on the premises or to Brucefield P. 0 JOIIN I
CHAPMAN. 19S3-tf
"INIA.RM FOR SALE.—For- stile, Lot 24, Con .ession 2, 1
_ea tetanlq, containing NO ares. Ninety acres ate )
cleared and u a. good state of cultivatiou ; here are 1
- 10 aeree zeal. hardwood Wide The fa n itt all 't
well underdraimel and well fenced.; There i a two- I
storey brick house with slate roof, a first -0 ss farm
house. iBank bane 40ft, x SOIL, cement silo pie pen,
driving house; There are two neveiefailit t wells,
and an acre of Orchard and small fruit. TiTh1 xeellent
farm is three miles from Brucefield and 11 e miles
from Clinton, With good gravel roads. 'Po furaher
particulars apply on the premises or address kleBERT
NOTT, Clinton P. O. 19e4-tf
X meeey ea oroved q iartert. seetioaa
aeres eaeli at from 8 to 10 per oent. per
Only first mortetteee taken Ample reicurit
Terms ?Mee Ryatem fa p trfeet. From'
can be lent on far b4 worth tram l.,01a
For further particularwrite to mo. J. A.
SON, Barriatera etc.. Ponoka, Albert, 1
of 160
v given
300 up
JL rent let 29, eon.. 2, EL R. S., Tucke
containing 100 acres all cleared except abo
aerea of good hardwood. All underdrain
fenced and in a good date of cultivation.
brick hnuse and two barna one with stone
underneath. Plenty of good water and a t
lug orchard. Thia farm is well atlapted to
stock or grain. About midway between
and Clinton. Aoply on the premises or
P. O. It TOWNSEND, Proprietor. 1
Free s o Toilet Soaps
The COupOns are the same as cash bectuse they ,can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps
for whiph you have to pay out Money e\Fery week.
for nothing.
• Read circular in every package, or write ins' for Premium List.
A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for.
In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you. can get something you peed and use
every day.
1...evicer ateothernLinittttd, Testrosaftest, Caseada
Nothing is more tomenon in child-
hood than indigestion. Nothing is
more dangerous to, proPer growth,
more weakening to the constitution,
, or xaore likely to p ave the way to
kiangerous disease. Nothing is more
eale or easy to keep Under control, for pro-
iper Food and Baby's Own Tablets
tt five
d, well
d bear
Li GCSE AND LOTS FOR SALE.---Fer sale brit*
1 1 house and 2 lots in Seatorth. One lo tenets
on North Mato Street and the other on We.b Wil -
Sem Street. The home) is ta oomfortabl brick'
3ottne and_containe if bedrooms, dining roe , sit-
ting room and kitchen, with good eeller un er the
whale house. Hard and edit water in the use.
There itt ales* good stable and driving she All
kinds of fruition the lot. Apply to J. L A AN,
Loodesbore, or to C. W. ATKINSON, See.forth.
12 For sale the old Bell Farm endMill Preperty,
on the Lontiort read, Tuckersmith, - reliantly occu-
pied by the late John Metl'evin. There axe 1.00
acres, all cleared but about • four acres. ' Good
huildinge and the farm well underdrained and th -a
high state of cultivation, all seeded to _page except
about 80 acres. Alto the grist and flaw mill prop•
erty on the farm. It is within half a mile ot Kippen
station sad 2 miles from Hermit and a gnod- busi-
ness hes always been done at the rptlls.- The faxin
and mill property will be sold together br eepamte-
fy to stilt puroheser. Terms easy. Apply to
DAVID C. MeI.R.A.N, 'Tappan. • 1968-tf
VARif FOR SALE—North hall of Lot 18, Cort-
i! matelot' 6, Morris containing 100 acres, situeted
all the tf rave' rood, four and a hill ranee weet of
Brussels and four miles teem B aigrette. There -are
80 acres oletred, well drained, fenced and, An a'
good state of cultivation; at preaent eeeded do en.
The remaining 20 acres is covered with exeellenb
timber, Teem ia a good frame house with atoae
cellar, good fume barn with stone atabling tinder.
neath, a gaod hearing orchard and eo abundance of
goad wate-. There ia a oharoh mad a pest office
within half a mile and ft achool within three ci ear -
tetra of a mile. • For turtati particulers apple t3
MRS. B. SMILLIE, Hensall. • 1963x3tf
-L-NAam FOR 8A1.E.—For sale, Lot 8, Cones:talon 3,
at' L. R. 8., Terkersmith, containing The aeres, at
whieh 9 acres ie good hardwood bush. Theebalttnee
ia welt fenced, tile dmined and in firstaelees eooditiote
There 'axe two good barns, one febank barn 36 a78 fL
with stone stabling underneath mad the other 56
30 ft., and a comfortable frame house, three good
wells and a never -failing spring at. the rear of the tot,
and a good hearing (*chant. The ploughing is all
done and 14 acres of fall wheat. It is within two
mites of the nourishing illage of Hensel1 and within
half tendle of a school house. Apply on the prerai-,es
or to .1. CALDWELL, 'Jensen P. 0. 194.74,1.
FARM PIA SALE—Farm for salt, Let 25,
• on the 3rd Cmeesston 'of Tuckerernith, i con-
taining IGO a --res, being ail noted and pastyrd.
There are, on the premises, twe goodbarns, time 40
x 60, with stone stsbling underneath zed cement
doors, the other bin) 80 x 54, with dtive shed, Stone
tabling for pigs and hens aid a eomfoyeshie faame
geese. with stone cellar and clement filar. 4.
tailing spring near the barn and :rood well at th
hones. There are abut seven awes of bush a the
rest in a good state rd etilteret'on, Well widen:treas.
ed withtile and . well fenced, good orchard.. It. ia
Situated wiehin tee and a belt miles of Brucetield
and six mat a half mil,- s front Seafceth and the aeree
from Eleasail. This- beta will h s soil en reisottable
teretse as the preptleter itt eoiog We -t. Fer further
partlialara apply to E. J. CALDWELL,- Ba.x 83,
Bruce:laid P. O., Otitario. • 197941 •
14-tAittl Full -- For %ale tt 4hole.• font it)
JU Stanley linneteountg adloinhe t he
aillatae of ltippen. • Tint ittritt eattifttitji 'Let;'i-'.\'
:f1 gnise eeeept. thy) aerea. it et in a; be& ea -el
enitiaation as neerle- all t.f it haa la en utan•irt'.4 on
the grass. Fences andertrains are g•ttod, •T;:t re ts a.
tte:er ftLilinr sprik eret-k and a good in-iin w&ll at
I' he barn. there ars, tut) good barns 20, h
),tone utitkr one, u ith - t•attl,!- q:l- iq 1' io
trt r ) head. t ;Nal horse stable and drivitez :-:ii-d,
40 X::tt, akop!t..: "'ten and boffin:: house. Then- ,s
`4/30,1 liartiVith l 1-1141.1 and about. aerte. tar/easet et
the eletieeet. shipping apples and ttei,..raI Iiindit of
1:41r1.11 fruit. The Ittste-v. 1.4. a eninfortabie tr,tite
esintaitthez there is a. etone (4-d:sr With
'twill; 'floor, like/ wood ,4„.a end etnete, teeeeett.
71-0-4 or,voliont- farm situated fin tho lint‘ rt/l,
otilt-; trout 1 fett-all, trout Seator11), wont 1:.,1 l-
er anti lit trtnn Crolion, i.;(304.1 Til,trk or 4, :111s1
gond 21.a; vi 1.w.'„, in alt diteetielta. Will be aold
441Cap-aft(1 Vit,y tertus t pretty:elle te
ee:re. Aantb on the _ pattinitee. or at./..!.. tee }tippet&
cfeettne TAlle t-,ei •
Going to Se! I
The West hat! ef seatloe 23, Towettep 3, Ranee
19 ; else the Sauth Elet quarter nt 8ection 15,
Raaerel19, and the North Slat quarter of Section et,
Range 19,eafanitoba. On the first r amed parcel
there arte165 art brik en ; a three -roamed frame
dwelling', sad stable, a good well and 26 a ,:es of
paeture. On the 2ad pamel there are 123 acre
broken, etframe holm that coat 8300. a lag stable
and about 10 aerea finned for pasture. Th :s prop.
arty ia within three miles ot the towa of Nitiga, lo
the far Turtle kteuntein dietrieb and affords
a most desirable opportunity to parties desirine
to le..ate in the very garden of Manitoba.- It is v.tell
adeptei. to mixed farming and will be acad separat
ety or In one p3rOal. Pries 210,600, one -halt cash.
and the;bal snce en time at 6 per cent. For furtaer
particulars address
1978x12 Box 46, Boleaevain, Manitoba
Wood's Phospholtnea
The Great English Remedy,
is an Add, well estate.
lished' and reliable
preparation. Has been
prescribed and used
over 40 years. Alt drug-
gists in the Donal/Atm
of Canada sell and
recommend as being
the only medicine of
its kind that cures and
givis universal' sathtfactiou., It promptly ariC
per,canently cures all forms of ererrotts Weak
nes)). Emissions, Spgrotatorrhera, Impotency
Rad all effectb of abuse or cxcesses; the e;ressi Ve
aso of Tobwro, Opium, or Mimulierzis, easseei
nd Brezin Worry, allof which lead to ME tinily,
Insanity, Consumption and an Early Grave.
Price 31 per package or six for $5. • Une wW
please, six will cure. Mailed prompty on re'
ceipt of price. Send for freeitamplilet. Addroef
The Wood Co etapany,
• Windsor, Ont-, Canada,
For sai44 by C. Meta:art, J.8. Rob's
erts, L V, Fear, and 'Alex. Wilsota
Seaf or hh. .
anct After,
rhe McKillop utual Fir!
Insurance Company.
KoLesa, President, Rrppen P.O.; Theme%
Freite 1,vice-prealdent, Brucefield P. 0.; Thomas E.
tlaYts 6e0Y-T1eaa.. Bettfortla P. 0..
• i*nactroite.
William Chesney Settforth ; John G. Grieve, Win.
than) ; George Dale, Seaforth ; John Benneweia,
Dublin ; James Wane, Beechwood,; John Watt,
Uariock : Themes Fraser, Brecetleld ; John B. its.
Leta, Kipper'; lames Connolly, Clinton.
ROI. Smith. Herlook l. Flinehley, fiesferth
Jewett Caroming Egmendeine ; J.W. Yee, lio/root
rtIle P. 04. George ifurdie and John C. Merriam
ti11 cover the whole ground. Here is
;strong proof. Mrs. G. G. Irving,
;Trout Brook, Que., says: "My baby
' oy was troubled with chronic indi-
gestion and was a constant sufferer.
Nothing helped him metil I tried
Baby' S Own Tablets, but these
promptly cured him,and he is now as
healthy a little lad as you would care
to see. I always keep the Tablets in
the house,and they quickly cure all
the troubles of childhood." Every
nnther should keeta these Tablets on
land. They cure all the. minor ail- -
ents or children, and their prempt
idministration when trouble comes
ay save a earecious little life. They
re guaranteed to contain no opiate
r harmful drug. YOU, can get the
aby's Own Tablets from any drug-
, ist, or by. =tail at 25 icents a 'box
y svritiag. the Dr.- Williams' Medi-
inc Co., Brockville, Ont. '
The War Money is Made.*
There arrived - in Toronto on Sat-
urday Morning • a lucky discoverer
of hidden treasure, a Man, who, for
ft -young. fellow, is running a pretty
close geconsi.• to :the Count of Mon -1
e Cristo, or She heroes of King Sol-
raon's mines. •Duncan D. Cameron,
by name, of the town of New Lis-
keard, was. a poor man on Thurs-
•, and by'. aeon of the
sameday was worth: $20,000. That.
slim is not exactly 'fabulous wealth,
hut it is :good enough in the way of
a find for a farmer's boy, who at
the age of thirty.; is still .a doer' of
Odd . jobs, It is _sufficient at all
events to warrant a little visit to
cad friends, such as. Cameron is • now
enjoying in Toaento. -Cameron is one,
Of _three young fellows who ha
rich last June in Cobalt. He and
James E. Whyte are the men who
discovered- the vein of native sil-
ver which, but a ! few days siace;
enabled the Temiscaming and Hudson
Day Mining Co. to declare a divid-
end- of 200 per cent. • The find -was
made on property belonging to •the
ceinp u.y, :and a settlement was 1nde
on Thursday last, by -whicli the ccin-
cern pays to three poet- Men the
'handsomesum of • $60,000. , •
• The story of th.e find is one .such
as is told in the tales of bays' ad-
venture. Cameron left the town of
Finch, near Ottawa, less than three
years ago; to strike into the then
abnost unexplored Temislaaming
country. • He worked in the lumber
eel:vs, and et anything that.. would
tarn him , a living wage. In the
co.urse of travels he fell in with
Whyte,. whose mother keptt-a board-
ing house in Liskearde MrsAlnyte
is' e. widow, and took -boardere to
make both end e Meet. She had been
in the country a,beat two gears.
Cameron went to b rd with the
Whytes just asthe cobalt wenfler
svas corning to I ight.. The yogn g
fellows, decided te try their luck in
the. -Woods. They had formed their
roneh and ready pert.nership when
Jelin J. Me'Elvan, presPeatereby
prOlession, took up his abode in the
boarding hones)... He • had come to
the country from• the Klondylse,
:man xeceiving .word. froin. his. laro-
titer, a lawyer of New Liskeard, in-
formieig seim that finds( were Wing
in.gde in New _Ontario.
The partnership was made ; threlS
contered, and an April .12, the 'trio
set; off for the weeds. Beet, April and
May; paseed away in • fruitless limit-
ing ;ind. earieation$ and the ' fortune
• Many an otherwise
beautiful; an (1-• attrac-
BOTCHES- marred by -unseemly
tive face is sadly
Ell'UPTIONS 1110 t0h0E., Pimples,
Ent tion Fleahworms
and Manors and vari-
oue °thee d is -
Their presence is eaa,ssee8ur. ce cf embarrass-
talent to those afflicted, ae well as pain and
regret to their friends.
any a cheek and brow -cast in the
naolld of grace and. beigny-have been sadly
defaced, their attractiveness lost, and their
poseessor rendered unhappy for years.
-Why, then, 'consent to rest unthrI :his
cloud of embarrassment ?
There is an effectual remedy for all these
&facts, it is,
ThiS remedy will drive out all the impuri-
ties f.rom the blooct and leave the com-
plexion healthy and clear. •
Miss Annie Tobin, gado°, Ont., writes:
"1 teke great plea.sure in recommending
your Burdock Blood•Bitters te) any one wl,o
may he troubled with e pimples ort the face.
I paid out money to .e3.6ctors,- but could not
get oared, and was almost discouraged, and
despaired of ever getting rid of them. I
thought I would give B.B.B. a trial, so gs.!
:two :bottles and befI. had taken then,
'I yena completely ore etely mired and have had no
sign of pimples sinee."
• BUrdock Bleed Bitters hax. been inanu-
faotared by Lhe T. :Milburn Co., Limited.,
for over 30 years, and has cured thousae!s
in that time. Do not accept a suleeti Lute
which unserupelous dealers say is " test as
good;,"• "It :isn't be."
hunters found themselves into the
first week of June. The experienced
miner was couvinced that the claims
of the Temiskaming and Hudson's
Bay Mining' Company,some four hun-
dred acre b in extent were rich. It
was agreed that 'Cameron should at-
tempt to Make an a.greement with
the Company, while the ogler two
followed the beckoning hand over
the company's preserves. At seven
o'clock on *oaday morning the boys
set off with shovel and hammer,
two hours later they had struck
the " lead " whieh will sell now
for about a million dollars. The
plan of .search was td dig through
the earthl to the rook below, to ex-
pose it t6 The prospector's hammer.
The Lucky Find.
• The lucley hole; the hole that has
made all, three well off, was just
eight inches deep. The lads were
digging away as listlessly as the
optimistic miner ever does, when
suddenly both exclaimed in unison,
1` Cobalt bloom 1"
- There lay the loveliest flower the
miner kne-ws. The bleom whose pet-
als fall in bank note.
The shovels flew to bare the rook.
Cliole went the spades into a fis-
sure. "Heavens 1" cried Whyte,
"Here's calcide." -
Calcideis the miner's indication
of silver. - 13reath1eSs1y the lads
ploughed down the narrow in
the rocki Caineroa dropped his
spade. There before his eyes was
nati-ve silver. The httle cleft was
but a lead to ;the parent vein, and
berore the day was done, the pair
had unearthed a migget of silver
ninety pounds in weight.
That evening the earth was piled.
carefully back upon the root; and
all traces of the exen:vation hidden
unaer leaves and loge.
The rest was fairly plain sailing.
The company agreed te pay 20 per
cent. ;of thee, net proceeds of any find
the three might make, and the dis-
covery was accorindgly divulged.
Temiskaraing and Hudson Bay
prospects were far from bright.
Good shares had been sold at par,
but the money had melted away in
practically fruitless development.
There was less than $609 remaining
in the treasury. Shares were selling
at $1 each on the market, when the
whisper started that 'Hudson Bay
had struck it rich. Next merning
they were selling at $10, and two
days after at $25. Ligkeard went_
wild. Every sale bronght a higher
Price, till they touched a maximum,;
of $70.
• More Good Things:
Those. in the ropCs :made a good
thing. Whyte bought one hundred
dollar shares at one j dollar each
and later he sold fifty et $50 each.
Whyte's mother bought; 50' and sold
at up to $60 each. To -day the paper
is being held at $60. -
But the trio soon ;found that riches
being- . their worries. • ;The company
wanted the three to sell out, and for
this' the lads demanded, a good, stiff
price. The whole • sunimer and the
fell was whiled away- in tedious bar-
gaining, and bickeringg, andfinally
in 1 ekal procee•dings.
At last the company made' the of -
of $60,000, $2,500 each in cash,
end the. balance at the rate of 25 per
cent. of the mines net eernines. It
ae -welcome news all through thn
town svhen on Friday the boys accep-
tedthe ofje.r.
With ,.ft•?,500' each in t heir pockete,
the trio dissolved their pat tnership.
Whyto is already building himself a
hotee. McEe an has "te (me in for a
winter's holiday, and Cameron set
off for Torento, whole; he is etill
freterniziers wit1 . forMer friend:-. He
will I care in the cotfree of ifew
1:,ys to visit lii' old llomo in ]'inch.
Frank j. Cheney mskes (nth tiles he is
seniov partner of the firm of F. J. Ceeney
Co.,/doing business ia the City of Tolcio.
County,and State aforesaid, atal ahat said
firm will paylhe sum of ISNE HUNDRED
!DOLLARS for each and every case of Cat-
arrh that cannot be cured by the- use of
Hall's Catarrh Cure2 FRANK ',CHENEY.
Sworn tobefore me and subscribed in my
presence this 6th day of December, A. D.,
Catarrh Cure is taken -internallY,
and acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaoes of the system. -Send-for testimon-
ials free. ,
F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo, 0.
Sold by all Druggists. 75e.
Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation,
-Messrs. Bell sBros., th.e well--
known poultry- men at Oak. Ridgee,
suffered a heavy loss last Friday,
when their barn and brooding house
wriie desteyed by fire. Their stock,
including horses, pigs, cattle and
poultry, was burned. The less • is
estiraated at $2,500, partly covered
by insurance.
. Richard Proctor, a farmer of
Admaston, Renfrew. county, was
struck. by the Grand Trunk Pena -
broke train- at• Ferguson's Crossing,
not far from Adna.aston, on Saturday
evening, and died shortly after. .He •
was about 65 years of age. His
horse was killed and the sleigh was
For Infantt and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the af
Sign.ature of
s • s
Ore Hummers
and aiwcys
Our Canadian women will kindly
bear in mind that week, adulterated
and imitation pa,cleage dyes are still
sold by some dealers who care little
Lor the comfort, profit and Success
of our wives, motheois and da.u:ght-
If you would have Nome dyeing
done successfully and profitably, in-
sist ufpon . having the DIAMOND
DYES. Never be induced to acbept
worthless dyes at any' price. The ,
poor dyes will surely ruin your
hands as el as your goods. a .
DIAMOND • YES for twenty-five •
years the faVorites of our women, •
are sold by all progressive and busy I
druggists and general store -keep- !
• 1
4 Canada.
-A cerapany has been organized :
ers in -Canada..
among British capitalists, with W. I
Grassie, of Winnipeg, as president, :
to colonize 200,000 acres of land in
Western Canada with Scotch plow-
men. The company will provide
most advantageove terms of set- I
-Henry Disbar, of Sparta, near St.
Thomas, was seriously injured by
being thrown from a load of hay
and. buried under it. He was taken
out in an Unconscious condition. iTc
sustained serious injuries about
the head, and lies in a Critical con-
-A picturesque body of -Russian
J ews arrived. in the city of Winni-
peg from eastern Russia on Tridny
antl were greeted warmly by local
ccanpa triots. The arriving party
consisted of men, womefl and chil-
dren, and came from the town of
Dubno, in the province or Volhynia..
. -As Mr. liushaell, . of Baysville, ;
Ont., was cleaning a shot gun in
his yard, a dog appeared suddenly '
from an outbuilding and, star ling
him, Mr. Buehnell raised the gun,
when it was discharged and the con-
tents entered the house by the door, f
end. struck Mrs. Bushnell; killing
her almost instantly. Mr. and Mrs. i
I3ushnell were preparing to. move 'to
Braeebridge, where he was engaged
in dentistry. ,
-While on the way to Waterloo to
replace an engine whiok was off the •
track, the Stretford auxiliary was
derailed at Baden station,about nine ;
o'clock last Thursday night. One
man was killed and two others were
mere' or less injured. The ear con- -
taining the crew left the track and
rolled down an embankment, ira-
prisoning t he men. Before - they I
could -be released, Bateman, car in- f
spector, was badly burned by fire ;
from the overturned stove, which
fell on -him, and Herbert Farr,
brakeman, was also burned, but not
seriously. Densits' O'Brien, brakes -
man, received. such serious injur-
ies that he died. the following after -
peon ;at the Stratford hospital. n
is supposed he. was oit the steps of
the car when it left the track, and
was caught under the wheels. His
Many Women have
Kidney Trouble
and clon't know it. They at-
tribute their ill -health to weak-
ness." Dragging pains in the
hips, backache,, nervonsnees,
tired,osee, lieallaches-are more
often caused by sick kidne-ys
If your kidneys are not well,
the otl•er delicate ' organs are
disturbed and inflamed, bringing
on the lioriors of female weak-
ness and trie serious troubles
often attending pregnancy.
cures these cases of Female
-Weakness " because they cure
the Kidneys, They promptly
restore the Kidneys to health,
aIlav infiatnnration, take away
the pains, add make the deli-
- aste organs Avell and strong.
At dr gists, or dime on receipt of price. 5oc.
WittolSOn. ofirr.
legs virere almost 4e' vered. O'Brien
, was 27 years of age, and (unmarried.
He lived in StratOrd with this mo-
ther. The train was going at a good
rate of speed on al down -grade, and
the accident is supposed to have been
caused by a broketi. ear wheel.
-.& deepe.tch. froin Calgary, Alta,
dated Januar g 4th, i says: " The exe
traerdieary spring !weather, which
has -prevailed in ;Calgary for a
month, reached its climax to -day,
. when the Elbow Bier broke up. The
stream is now running smoothly and
' rapidly, being emptied of the little
' ice between here and the mountains.
Cattlemen assert a:icy have not seen
, anything like it in 'their experience.
The wind .from at mountains for
weeks has been balny, and. overc-oats
and furnaces have been side-tracked.
' -A fanner named ,Johnston, haul-
ing a load. of wood l into Brockvillil,
, had a miraeulous eficape from belt*
killed. He was caught on tlk rail-
way track by a at P. R. expresie
which out the sleigh and its load
' away from the drier and horses,
and carried it a liu yards le -
fore stopping. Joh ston was 'i -
ting on the front 4 f the load, and
' when the collision occurred the
• traces snapped and 1he was dragged.
clear of the rails. lie was consid-
erably injured.
-Thursday morning, is Rielliard
, Lyness, eare-taker o - the Methodist
church in Delhi, On., was cleaning
out the acetylene gas generator,
which is situated -in a small brick
. building, he lit a 1114ta: and an ex-.
;ephision took placee A bole' was
blown through the toot and a 21i -
pound weight, which wa.s on the top
of the gasometer to iYe more pres-
sure, was found a out 100 yards
from the gas building. Mr. Lyness'
face and the top of his head were
severely burned.
-Chancellor Boyd, of the Suprerae
Court, has rendered judgment that
married wonaen cann t be committed
to jail for debt. De 1011 was givea
on a case involving ten dollars,
. wherein it was sought to commit
G. Fs. Edwerds gor non-attend-
ance on a judgment summons. The
decision. is a decidedly important
one, said may have far-reaching ef-
' feet. As a matter Of fact, several
married women havebeen committ-
ed to jail on sudgm4nt summonses.
It is quite possible that pelicans for
lagal imprisonment niay be taken.
-Mike. Mertha I arris; Fulford,
;teemed and ,youngest daughter • ef
the late Senator Fu ford, ahd Mr.
George Alexander Slhirreff, eldest
son or Mr. C. J. Shi reff, of Brock-
ville,- were na.arried 1 st Week at the
-family residenue ne r , Brockville.
Upon their rethrn f om their wed-
ding trip, Mr, and M s. Shirreff -will
take up their reside cc at F.ulford
Placer when Mr. f3hir eff wia be ac-
tviely identified wit the business
of the late fatther of he fbride. For
the past- three years r. Shirreff has
resided in New York, ngaged in the-
work of auditor of o e of the prin-
cipal railroads or th States, 1 with
headquarters in the netropolis. A-
mong the numerous gifts was a hand-
some silk work -bag, lecerated with
pearls, a gift of Sir W'lfrid and -Lady
Laurier, and accompa iying it a let-
ter of congratu1at1ion
species of Book ollectors.
in this -age of ;special zation even so
simple a subject as book eollecting is,
subdivided in n. e0111 dcx,8cieutifit
Book colfeefore of 11.1e twentioth een-
tury fall naturtily int ) these. clasetes:
Biblioneme-A11 riminate, emo-
tional eelleeter.
Dibtitaresste - JP:trued eollector,
very eapert in imprints, first editions
nn.1 the tee!infeelitiee. 1
Einiietsgeph---A c-elieelOr who writes
eleett hie rereee:teer.
Viten-Ai:I tate A 0e:et:tent: ollector ar110
L;. atelke nays nntier lock and
ie i:: edege. ce•1.1
;'. ,•
• .. . v tiOfie
. t...1 r."2. .:1?; 1:1„.f
1`.'" Woe 1,riciring.
":•' "et ; faith in my wateb. It
V.' 0. "I el) :Ina' mere."
•"1.11-1 ids net faith y'nue want, but
Cons tire paid to have liven invented
by the Ls diens and were first used in
The undersigned iit papered to .pay the higheet
Plash price for an Unlimited quantity of firet-class
Ssfe Elm, Rock Eine Bassmood, Maple
Beech, Ash, Hemlock and Oak Logs
Delivered at the Seaforth Saw and Stave Mill. To
to he cut an OWE langth, except Soft Elm. Soft elm
to be eut 11, 18 and 16 feet. Will also buy
Basswood Heading Bolts,
40 inches long, at s3.50 per eord, delivered.
Will also buy timber by measurement or by bulk in
hush. Special fittention paid to custom sawing,
Satisfaction gua:anteed.
Clearing Sale
These goads must go. Cost
price and less are some of the
figures we have .placed them
at in order to redece our stoat
before stook -taking and make
room forSpring Goods. ,
100 yards straw -t-i-eiliT).1g, 54 inches
wide, good quality, regular 20e,
new, per yard.... . .... . . 15c
Grey flannelette seeeting,double fold
regular 25c now, per I 20c
Cream flannelette 1 yard wide, reg- •
ular So per yarcl„ . , So
Hinivy twill sheeting, regular 25o a
yard, a bargain at, per yard...,....16o
109 yards dress goods in colorablack
brown, green and blue,warm for s'
school girls, regular 25e, educed
• 'to 20o
Men's heavy tweed pants, 'a snap
selling from. to $2.50
Honey Comb Shawls; 500 axd 75c,
we'aeaeht.40c and 60o
:p shiets, regu ar 50a
and 75e, now.. - 43o and 60e
Men's fleece -lined anderwe r, reg-
ular $1.25 a suit, to cIc%rI at......$1.00
Men's all -wool and union un erweer
gelling at reduced prices,
Clearing out of ladies hygi n and Reece -
lined underwear; some en's and boys,
sweaters 'and cardigan ackets, boya'
toques for 20c, horse blankets and
grain bags,
Our Price for Prodiece-Ro 1 butter 22e a
Ib.; new laid eggs, 253 a dozen; dried
apples. die a lb.
Constance - Ontario
1982 tf
A Cup of Bovril
is a meal in itself
It is nourishment
and stimulant combined
and concentrated..
In winter it is
especially good, for
there's nothing which
furnishes so much nutri-
ment in such a small
compass and in such
palatable form.
you're tired or cold, or botta
nothin.d equals a cup of hot
Eight pounds of prime beef is concentrated in four ounces of BOVRIJ
Bovril is prepared only by
By special appeintmenL;
Purveyors to His Majesty King Edward
Save Coupon over neck of Bottle and riot Beautiful Premium Pick.; .
Full Dress Suits
, For Balls, A-cep/ions,
Evening Weddings efr.
Made of :=oft, rich worsted—lined
throughout with silk—hand shaped
and hand tailored. Broad, concave
shouldefs—collars that snugly hug
the neck—tapering ,at the waist—
the PROGRESS 313 Dress Suits
are grace itself.
system of sizes—t man can be
fitted with " PRO GRESS "
Clothjust as well as, and often
better than, when made to each
individual measure.
, - •
And doing nothing to keep it? Mot
women like thick, heavyhairs long,
luxuriant hair. Don't you?' Then
use Hall's Vegetable Sicilian Rair
Demeaver. You save what liaise you.
leave and got more at the zame time
14.1i* the wit batters end raou,taAhe Ise maks
HAM'S 11,o,ots a lien brown'
-toft 1'. 13 AT,1, 'N:nsloytt.
Think le' it, -a beautiful Ruff of Blue Fox. the RUM
JAI -tenable fur worn, givtn absolutely free liseb ata
offer was never tuatle before. The only rea_son trt. tan
afford to do it is flat we arranged for 1he-4. hand ,MILI
Dirsdaraig the dell season in the surnnua amigod MITA
7,e4.11y at. coat. The Ruff is 41 inelexc
4 nines wide. made of the handsomest Blue 14,t Fur. Pe
very n -b, soft and iluify. lt is narnily rod& d, ubedwitn
Lae same ah,.1eo satai and ornamented w tinoir lung
tails of Blue I'ux also. Buil a. handsome lour limn brier
bel,11-13 beet' given away. and you rt It get it ve-ea.,y. J set
send tie your name andaddreas, phdrAy. and u us:1)a..1
yeu 2 duz. sets of
Picture Post=Cards
trrIttiiiiit le'. vt (.1 carclq P -i.) lbev
colored, idithe inge, and stol 11, t e Slob Mt
sfihif .riu...ity was iteverittlered hetwe to tiro woi..en and
girls of Canada Y4)11 Vollidn't 1, V 41.10 thili2 in Vag, itur
NUM% titat ttonid i.tok t letter, 1,.. 111.5e in (engager mere
atybaie and rentembet, 5.Alttdit ._esi yon ene.lea. Wiite We trust you ova ,end toe Piev.,e Posi-co.rtin
p Colonial ..trt tatt,t- 395 Tort/to:0
Cutter time is just here, and it is prol;able you will need a new one. 'nab belle
the ease, it wilt pay you to see tie at once. The cutter shown in the above cut is of es
own make and design. It made such a hit last year, that this year we are making e
specialty of it. It contains all the requisites of the rig you require—comfort, tonveur,-,
enee and lots of room without being eitimey. =.)or prices are right, and ear teork
A. Yrtn-
cine, v.
tee, Lea
store, VI
Gederich •
Zs Meg
it te, of th
;31 on Loot
"VS 3M -Vi
LS. Au
Anders -tee
weenie, pi
• 1%y.
fLt. 1434
la% At°
Lpk 4.-
ways g
the man
us derin
Plesaed t
fully the
-irlao Ilk