HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-19, Page 27:!S
so it, Is now Whitney. itell •Fannie N. Wilson, daughter f Mr,
lothing Senreee of Provinc al revenue are •on. Were Wilson, of Bran/ion, was mars
Ontario ie jiist lied an the 4th bast, to itYtr.
and,2nd door front C:rnhes O
atn street, Seafortt.
4 Happy and Prosperous JVew Year, we
WitSia to. Everyone eienct 'hope i12,0 all rimy share
irt ti.te Prosperity and .Progress of Our Country.
ed.i on Clothing for
-the New Year
You know how it would help you out at
this time of the year to get your Winter Over-
coat, Suit, or Furs on Credit. If you come to
our store you'll find your credit is good, so
look over the list mid decide now.
Men's Overcoats
$4 00 Down $1.00 per Week
Beaver, Melton and Fancy
Tweeds, regular prices, $9,-
$15 and $12
New Years' Prices $7.50
%WIRD 16M,A, OC.
Men's r3 Fur - Coats
$10 Down - $1 per Week
Dog Skin,' Bear Skin, Goat
Skinmegular Piiee $25 to $30
New Year Prices, $20
Boys', Overcoats
$2 Down 7- 50e per . Week
BeaverehMeltons and 'Over -
checked Tweeds regular
prices $6; $7, $10
New Years' Price, $5.00
Men's Suits.
*cob, Down, $1.00 per Week .
Tweeds, Oxfords, Chevipts, Worsteds, regular price
812 00, $10.00, $9.00,
New 'fears' Price, $7.50
Photo Fr ee\ With purchase of 817,.or amounting to $17,
from Dee. bit, 1905, to March lst, 1905,
w -d will give free, a Life ize Photo of the Purchaser or whomsoever
they may esire, ,
The Gunn Clothing Co.
Ix t non expooitor
SEAPPRTH, FRIDAY, -Tail. 19, 1906.
Dan. Gallery.
The judgment of the Quebee eke -
lion court, recently given, unseat-
ing hIr. Den Gallery, *he repre-
eented St. Ann's, Montreal, in the
Dominion Perliament, and disqual-
ifying him for seven years, probab-
ly, winds up the career of this Mon-
iireal politician whose rise to fame
of a scat was sensational. A little
over ten years ago Dan Gallery drove
n delivery cart in Montreal. He
Neat into municipal politics and be -
a member of the oity council
repiesenting St. Anne's ward. As
--alderman lae was most assiduous in
his attentions to • the residents' in
the ward. and has never failed Of
.43-e1eCtion. In 1900 the Liberal
nomination in St. Anne's division a-
gainst Mr. J. F. Quinn, the eitting
Censervative raem.ber was going a -
begging when Gallery expressed a
willingness to essay what was re-
garded as a hopeless fight. The
Liberal sweep aerated him into Par-
liament ; and he was re-electedin
1904. Dan was hardly a high class
stateeinan and his depahture will not
eeriotesly impair the intellectual
quality of Parliament ; but it would
be unjust to regard hire as (corrupt
hOgoad all other_ members of Par-
- Lament beeauee of the finding of
the court. He has had the mister-
-tune to be found out, as the 'result
of a party feud. Immediately (etc-
ceeding the last Dominion elections
local elections were held in the !Pro-
vince of Quebec and in St. Anne's,
Montreal, Dr. Guerin, who had re-
etereeented the oonstituen,cy for many
years. was defeated by an indeperie
-dent Liberal, M. J. Walsh. Mr.- Gal-
lery supported :Mr. Walsh; and Dr,
Guerin retaliated hy causing ti pro-
iteSt to be entered against Mr. (a1 -
Icy. Dr. Guerin, during the elc4t-
tionat trial, -gave evidence that he
had been insrtimental in having the
protest filed and had advanced the
Inecessary money. 'Dr, Guerin has
bad is revenge ; land Mr. Gallery
lees 310W joined- hira in the temp
ureen. There Dr. Guerin will cer-
tainly stay, and probably Mr. Gal-
lery as well, though at least. two
eases recur to aux mend where dis-
qualified merabers of Parliament
were returned to Parliament •atter
helapselapse of seven year. oneee
times the electors, of a constituency
disagree with the judges. This was
particularly the case , in Welland.
When W. M. German was unseated
aud disqualified in 1892 the elee-
toes seat him to the, Ontario Leg-
aslature ; kept him there during
the whole term. of his Dominion die-
amalifieation; and the moment he
_ was eligible returned. him to the
House of Commons by a ,large ma-
jegity, which seat he still holds end
to which he was a second time el-
ected, by a Ierge majority. The peo-
ple; felt, in this ease, that an injus-
tice had been done Mr. Geeraan and
they took an effeetive way ofaresent-
ing •
We do not suggest that therellea
6eert any miscarriage of tjustice or
mulue severity in \ the ease of Mr.
Galkry. On the contrary,, we think
he richly deServe his punishment.
Dan got what was , ming to hina in
all human probabili y ; but this View
of the case does noi forbid a certain
degree of sympathy for him and he
will get it, without dotibt, from the
warm hearted people evhora -she re-
presented. Some seven atausand, dol-
lars, of money was spent on the tLib-
mil\ side in St. ,Anne's in the voided
eleetion. It is not probable, that
many urban elections cost the- can-
didates less ote the eccasion of the
last eleetion; but in this case Mr,
Gallery dished l out the ancteey ,Iiina.-
self to the tehairman of coMmittees
in piece of having it reach tthem by
roundabout and tutatrasteable , ways.
Mr. Gallery will now have' accasecne
to regret thatthia .politibalactivit-
ies did not inolude the mastery Of
the Dominion Cpntroverted Elections
Act. ,
,We notice the. Mall and other Con-
servative paper S are trying to make
political capital out of Mr, . Gal-
lery's case by holding tthe Domin-
ion Governmene responsible or the
corrupt expenditure of money,. But
this is simply. nother instante of
the pot blackguardiag- the kettle
for being black. In the adjoining
constituentcy of $t. Antoine, Mr, H.
B. Ames, a conservative, who is a
Political punist of renown, admits
that he spent t Owlet as much [money
as Mr. Gallery did in St. Anne's; but
he claims that he kept on the eveath-
methods are to heviewed by the
er side of the 4w. His campaign
courts, and it is ,possible his oonfi-
dance in the legality of his methods
will prove unwarrented. But if he
stands gate test the general impres-
sion wills- be deepened that Mr. Ames
is a smart man and a rising mem-
ber of the Conservative party. e
Editorial Notes and Comments
The -Toronto Mail accuses the Ed-
itor -In -Chief tof The Globe of be-
ing a" Would -be -Boss of Women."
'We do not know .wbether the Weyer
and genial editor mf ,The Globe is
titbenedich or note but if he is the
charge against Idea may he dismis-
sed without further evidence ; he
will know better than to embark on
any such 20011823 exploit.
0 • • e
A cell has been issued for a gen-
eral Liheral convention for Mani-
toba, to be held in 'Winnipeg at the
end of February,. It is expeithd that
over five hundred will be Jpresent
at the gathering-- Liberalism in. the
Provineial affairs in Manitoba' bas
been in a very demoralized and help-
less condition since the .defeat of the
Liberal Government' and It is time
the Liberals of that Province were
commencing to gather theinselves
together. The Roislin Government
should have a good , stiff *position
at the next eledtiog. lotts
of roans..
. • • e •
Premier Whitkiey seems to be have
ing just &Itch g luck as Premier
Laurier bad after coming into
power in the Dominion. A wave o
coradercial prosperity came sweep
ing along and his ggerernement, ene
joyed t ever growing revenues- and
the° Government cofferswere oontin-
uaaly overflowing, whereas his .pre-
deceesors were from hand to mouth
and could not m,ake reads mat. Ana
the up grade._ Ne
1 eommeticing to bo
dying and leaving
Ing largely blame
the Provineial T
tributing to the i
Government will s
to do to keep t
bulgteng out with
great thing to be
ue, rich ;men are, arcl Curia ofTfledvcrs, Sask. The •
large estates, and young couple spent their honey moon
rations- are in- in St. Paul and Chleagme-Miss Hilda ,
Imes and afford- Johnston, of Portage la Prairie, was
ed revenues for married on New Year's Day, to Mr.
asury,- all cop- G. Daviditon, of Braadon.—Mr. Fred -
pour, so that the. eeick MeKbaney and Miss Ina Doran
cely know ;What were married at Boissevain, on janu-
e treasury from. ary 3rd, The young wimple are both I
wealth. - tisa of •Bolesevain, but they have goat •
born lucky. to Vancouver British Columbia I
It is interesting
Osler's much tale
mea should be chlo
years of age, has
favoe with the Br
tlia.t in the choke
experience still coil te Of the nine- tons to the herd include a new hal
teen members of t
Cabinet twee -Lord
Henry F'owler—are
and eighty; four—
bell-Bannerraan, M Morley, Earl 0011tulcut•
Parlington and Mae! Bryce—are -"bee —The old frame buildiag on the
where they •hope to make their tfut
to note that Dr. , ure home.
thete, el," —The herd Shorthorns at Hon
'" ""'" Thomas Greenway 's Prairie TiOnt
°fMned at iatY 4ock farm in Crystal City, are twin
not fond puma terieg well. Never had Mr, Green
tish people, and waY so many choice young cattle a
f rulers age end at the present time. Recent addit
e new British "Rosy Morning,", imported from
Ripon ; and Sir Dathie's herd of Scotland. This bul
between eevenly is now at the head of the herd and
✓ Henry Carnet, , is one of the best bred hulls on the
tween sixty and sev
Asquith, Sir Robert
stone, rimed Elgin
mouth, Mr. Paxton
—are between fifty
six are between fort
Lloyd -George is the
ben' and he is dos
Sir' Edward Grey. T
of the preceding Ca
than that of the pre ent one. It is
by no means juvenile but its mem-
bers cannot be rega ded as fossils.
The age of the men 't the Imperial
holm is a good answe to those that
liold that the dead li e of construe -
'five 'activity is eroes d at forty.
my; seven—Ion ' corner of Broadway and Crystal av-
Reid, Mr.Glad- enue, in Crystal City whit& for mar -
Lord ,Tweed- • ly fifteen years )1a$ done service
rid •Mr. Birrell to the publio as a Post office,otos-
yoaunn. eitim
and sixty, and ed wtih the old yeaT aped len New
Year's miming Postmaster W. H.
Greenway took possession of the
y followed tby
average age ew $3,000 banding erected for that
urp °se. The new office is_ fur/Ugh-
tea was less ed With all the newest and latest
office fittings and is a credit
the town. Arrangements !have
ma.de for the keeping of the
ee open until nine o'clock in the
ing for the accomadation of
tbe1 farming community.
—For the last thirteen months the
Crystal City Roller mill has been
running night and day. The new
50,000 bushel elevator erected in
connection with the niill is now come
kte and the owner is buying for,
ext summer's grinding. The com-
petition in the local market is
strong and consiclera.ble grain is
coming an. The buyers state that
300,000 bushels a grain have been
marketed so far this season and
that 200,000 bushels arestill held
by the farmers. This will make the
yield in this district about the eame
as last year when over 500,000
bushels were marketed. in Crystal
complimentary dinner to th
employees of the T. ,Eaton Co., i
Winnipeg, was given by Mr., an
Mee. Timothy Eaton- a few even
ings ago, the banquet being hei
on the fifth floor of their mai:melon
store, which was decorated to sal
the occasion. Fourteen hundred an
eighty persons sat down to din
held in the Dominion of Canada, Mr
A. A. Gilroy ,the manager, preside
and in his opening a,d4rese he said
Found a Cure For Dyspepsia
Mrs. S. Lindsay, of 'ort William
Ontario, Canada, whol has suffere
atone a number of years from dys-
pepsia and great pain in the stom-
doh, was advised by her druggist
to take Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets. She did so and says:
"I find thet, they have done me a
great deal of good. I have never
had any suffering since I began us-
ing them." If troubled with dyse
pepsia or indigestion why not take
these Tablets, get w411 iand stay
ell? For sale by lex. Wilson,
d uggist, Seaforth,
Manitoba. and Nort West INTotes
—ver $400,000 we spent tn im-
provements at Porteg la Prairie
during the past year,
—Mrs. Robert Nail of Dauphin.
had. Cher right arm badly' broken
near the shoulder in runaway ac-
cident a few days ag
—The town of Sask tehewae is to
have a fat stock ahd tere bred bate
tle show on the tfith, 17th and 18th
of May next.
—The' Hudson's Bay Go. has noti-
fied - their agent at auphin that
the price a all Ian within ten
miles of a raila-ey has een advanced
to $9 an acre.
—The Conservatives 'ill have two
members in the Al erta Legisla-
ture, Mr' A.',G. rtson having
been declared electe for High
River on 'a recount of ballots,
—An, old time resident of Winni-
peg tvho has been ther for SO yeas
says he has never kno n such a mild
winter as the one Ma itoba is go-
ing throu.gh presen
—The farmere of Da phin district
are to hold a seed fair in that town
on the 27th' of Janua y, when (ib-
eral- prizes are offered for the hest
and cleanest seedls,
—The Icelanders of innipeg seem
to be getting into thei ways ‘of the
country all right. Then,' have each
a Liberal and a Cons rvative Club
'organized and. each d1*b holds reg-
ular meetings for the elfscussion- of
public affairs. ,
—A handsome new R man Catholic
church was recentfy dedicated in
Regina, his grace Ah bishop Lang -
eying offioiating. The aura is de-
scribed s a perfect 'othic style,
constructed of stone nd brick, in
kngth 8) feet, in br dtlh 50 .feet.
—The new C. P. R. illation ab Cry-
stal -City, has been eampleteds The
furniture is in keeping with the
building. Considerable! satisfaction
is expressed by the towaspeople that
the company should i,tecognize the
high class ,Standard df the build.
ings in the town and build nocord-
—Horace Hume bought three town
lots in Edmonton les:13 than three
years ago from the udson's Bay
Corapany for $375e A. ew tlays ago
het sold these same lot for $20,000.
—The town council of Lethbridge
has decided to petition the Alberta
Legislature for incerporatiph as 'a
--Tim Portage .1a Prairie ,School
Board have reeolved to petition the
Legislation of Manitoba asking that
legielation be enacted t the ensu-
ing session providing o the corn;-
. pulsory a ttend an in at bile sbhools
a all children from. eig t to twelve
years inclusive, also prOviding pow-
ers far punishment ef manta. The
board unanimously lave ed the idea.
—The treesurer of th municipal-
ity of Xildonan, Manit ba, has re-
ceived $lut 'conscience oney from
a man who inisappro )riated $35
while running the re Weal ferry
between that place an Winnipeg,
20 years ago, but who is now §rcrich.:
frig in the west. The ver plus is
for interest an the I original a-
I '
—During! the last fetv mohths con-
siderable land in the !vicinity of
Crystal City has changed' hands at
Hon. Thomas Greenway sold a guar -
from $25 to $35 per acftl. Last week
ter section to John Ring tit the
latter figure. There ane stili some
'choice farms to the soleth of Cry-
stal -.City' held by strecialatoras. This
land can be obtained et from $15 to
$20 per acre.
—A. most distressing
curred a few days ago
man named Russenholt,
accident oc-
to a Hartney
wIto was et --
tending to his homestead duties in
the West. 'While carrying a gun
Mit Rogenhoit. fell. T e gun strik-
ing the, ground,' was ischarged,aied
the shot shattered his ankle, The
man was cenveyed to the Brandon
hospital. where • the' fo t was aropua
—Miss. Winnifred • an, eldest
daughter of gr. Daniel McLean, of
Medioine -Hat, was arried on the
4th inst., to Mr. A. Burns, of the
-same place. Mr. and Mrs. Burns left
b train for New YOrk, from whic'h
et they will go 1 down through
he Southern Statesj on a six weeks'
tour, before returntrig to Medicine
Rat,.. where they 111 reside,—Miss
Margaret Beveeidgde_ sister of, the
Rev. Thomas Beveridge, ' pastor of
St. .Andrew's churdh, Maniton, - VIMB
married at the ma se, in that place,
on December 26t1a, to Mr-. Frederick
Steele, of the tete of Steele Broth-
ers, photographers liffinnipeg,—Xiss
Mrs. Malawi tho
"Fruitgrastioes" cured her when Dc.tors failed.
Hundreds ofl people suffer with Irritated 14.art. Pain comes
over ihs heart, especially after eating. Palpitation or fluttering--
headactlitc beichfng gas-4ndigestion and constipation follow. And
the sufferer takes 'heart tonics and sees heart specialists, and steadily
grows worse.
The heart is irritated by the stomach. The ierves of the Iterzt
and stomach are identical. When the stomach is ldistended by gas—
when food sours Okir is not properly,dige.sted—the 4tornach nerves are
irritated and this soreness extends to the heart. nat causes pain
which makes so many people think they laave seijious heart disease.
"Heart disease and Dysp
OTTAWA. July nttlx.119°5.
To Bruit-a-tives
Gentlemen :—
X never gave a testimonial
to any medicine before but I
like "Itruit-a-tives" so nitwit I
will gladly clo so. I had every
symptom of heart diseasc and
hada very -amity pain 'over
my heart, I ;Tied purgatives
arid consulted several physi-
cians but nothing did me any
good. After„ taking "Flruit-
a-tives" I ant entirely well
again. My digestion was very
psis cured by Fr
but iiid I suffered from long
stun ing coma/ration and
110W I an quite well from
these complaints. 1 wish to
say also that Iny complexion
was very bad, sallow and
• muddy in the extreme, but
now after ta'king " Fruit-a-
tives" it is as fresh as ever.
To any one suffering from
coieitipation arid bad digestion
,eee or liver complaint and to any
. one with a had complexion,
I eau recommend 4' Fruit-a-
tivel" witli every confidence.
MRS, A. SIIT1111:RLA.1.10.
" Pruit-a-tives " CURE IRRITATED HEART because they
cure stomach, bowels, kidneys and skin. " Fruit-a-th-es" set the
gastric juices flowing—clean and sweeten the sto,mach—insure the
perfect digestion of every mat They make the liver give up more
bile, move the bmirels regularly every day, and strengthen and heal
the kidneys, as well as act directly on the skin. '
Fruit-a-tives" are co6centrated- fruit juices, combined by a
wonderful process Ivhich increases their medicinal action many times.
Tonics and antisepitlics are added and the whole made into tablets.
4,1 all druggist,or sent postpaid on receipt of jrioe-
50e...8 box or ()boxes for $2450.
or Fruit Liver Tabiens.
the, second largest banquet ever
M2nutictur0 by
flitiff-A-liVES LIMITED, Ottawa.
d a South, Afrioan v'teran- After.
further questioning Tipton see/axed
the ring and after tking it to a
" The business hare is a success
We expeoted to do it with tsome 60
people, but during the Chrietma
0 Queen street jeweller Iliad it remove
s ed from the- setting. The ring was
season. we had 1,660 in one rweek
Mr. but the.
returned to the husband and the
diamond went back to Mee. Parker.
Newma.n had 30 iDj.
was notasufficient. He h4'd. to have
43 and not one lame. We built a
store of five stories, fully expecting
It to last two years. Already axi
other storey on the top is to he tfin-
ished in the spring."
Cured Els Mother ofRheumatism
My mother has been a sufferer
for many year from rheumatism)?
'says, W. H. Howard, of Pennsylvam-
ia. "At times she was unable to
moveat all, while at all times walk-
jeg was painful. I presented her
with a bottle of Clia.mberlain's Pain
Balm, and after a few applieations
she decided'it was the most wonder-
ful pain reliever she had ever tried
Sunlight Soap is better than otaer seam
but is best when used in the Sunlight way.
Bay Sunlight Soap and foiling' directiene.
—The death occurred at his home,
n Watertown, WentwOrth county, at•
few days ago, of Mr. Thos. Stock,
at the advanced age o293 veers. He
had been in declining health for
some year, and. his ,de4ase -was 'due'
to a general break -Up. Deceased
was a prominent Oanservatave, and
in 1876 defeated Mr. R.1iChristie, late t
ielature. For many years he occu-
pied the post of Collecter of Customs
I .
The Bad Cold of To -Day
Inspecter of Asylums, for the Lege MAY BE PNEUMONIA
, at Dundas. He was last 'intimate
in fact, hhe is never without it mow,
and is at all times•able tto walk-. An
occasional application 9E Peal Bemi
keeps away the pain that she was
formerly troubled with," • For sale
by Alex. Wilson, druggist, Seaforth.
—A very sad. inoiklont took place
before the Police Magistrate, in
Preston, a few days ago. A res-
pectable looking, woman, from Tor-
oneO, and her erring tda.u.ghter were
the principal participants in the
scene. The woman was Mrs.Moffatt,
and the girl her seventeen -year-old
daughter, who had left home with
Arthur Lane, a married Englishman,
aged about 32 years. The pair ar-
rived in Preston late on Friday
night, and- registered at a local
'hotel. On Saturday the mother, twhn
bad obtained a clue through the
purchase of the railway tickets, ar-
rived and sought the, aid of the local
police. The couple meanwhile had
left the hotel and went out to a
farmer's, about a mile from the
town, where they were finally lo-
cated. When arrested the girl as-
serted that she was legally married.
When questioned by the Magistrate
she admitted that she was unman.
ried, and .had accompanied Lane on
her own free will, a statement to
Which she subscribed her signature.
The Magistrete could take :n,o ac-
tion, but to advise the girl to :re-
turn home to Toronto with her mo-
ther, who:wept bitterly in the court -
roma. , The Magistrate's advice the
young woman restaged to acdept.
Lane adatitted that he had a wife
across the pond.. He (should be given
a liberal coat of tar and feathers.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Absolutely Harmless.
The fault of giving ,ohildren medi-
c ne containing injurious -substances,
LsJ sometimes more disastrous than
t e disease fitoth which they are euf-
fering. Every mother .el'aould know
that Chanalseglain's Oough Remedy
is perfectly. itafe for children to
take. It contains nothing harmful,
arid for coughs, colds and oroun it is
unsurpassed. For sale -:44 by Alex.
;Wilson, druggist, Seaforth. •
Willierce Oster, regius pro-
fessor of medicine at the -University
of Okford, England, arrived at New
York on Sunday fro* !Europe to
..spend tbe. holidays in 'Toronto, Ms
native city.
—In Jely I a Ei t, while Mrs. Eva
Parker, of Temente, was ; looking
oyer some cucumbers at a groen
grocer'sstall in the city, a diamonds
dropped from u brooch which eshe
were.' She ;advertised floe- it but
found, no trace ,rit ;until n few days
ego whenait, was returned to her by
Detective npton, It seems that last
summer a young man at a city
boarding house nearly swallowed ea
diamond withsesorae strawberries he
was eating at dinner, thendiakaond
having been in the hitrawb-Zrvy dish.
According to the storm the finder(
said euithirtg about his eXperienithe',
and on Deedmber 12th had the dia-
mond set in atring at Eyrie's, mak-
ng et -a present to his newly -wed -
Detective Tipton 'went to
the home of the couple and obtain-
ed possession. of the ring, whish the
husbaed claimed to haVe got from
friend of the late Sir John A. Ma.c-
donald. He served several terms as
Warden of Wentworth,land as reeve
of East Plamborough.Ine swas one
of the earliest importdrs of Short-
horii cattle in the province, and as
a frequent prize-winner at fairs. •
He was prominent in the Presbyter-
ian elaurch, and active in charitable
work. POUT eons and tevo deughters
survive him.
C1.zs... yr c,
The Kind You lave Itiviays Bought
Boars the
—john Renwick, wholesate butcher
of Ifespeler, dropped dead on the
street in Preston on Friday evening.
Heart disease was the cause. He
leaves a widow and family.
—Mabel French, whoapplied last
terra for admission as attorney in
New Brunswick, cannot practise law
without an Aot of the Legislature.
The Supreme Court rumenimouely de-
cided that the law as it now tands
does not permit the admission of
women. In giving the decision the
Chief Justice added. the personal
opinion that it was better for wom-
en to content themselves with the
sphere of life ixi which they have
heretofore been engaged.
Witchcraft in Brooms
Aceosing to Mother Goose and
all the Fairy books, Brooms have
always been associated with
Ititchcrait. The explanation of
Ms found in
for they dean like magic, and
until they are entirely worn out,
like Op pmverbial new broom,
WWI Fut/ries
Su re
andexamine weepy of our eatalcgue if 'ycu
have any Het of taking a preparatory
course tor a
' We believe there is no school equal to
ours for methodic) buiiness training and
for producing,. good remits. ` We solicit
investikation and comparison.
Enter an.y time -* Vaeationt
W. H. S4AW,
Yonge and Gerrard Streets, Termite, 1,
The sore throat or tilding cough that, to *the
careless, seems but a f.sivial annoyance, mar
develop into Pneumonia, Bronchitis, or some
Throat or Lung trouble.i
contains all tile lung -healing viridres of the pine
tree, and is a sure curet for Co hs, Colds and
all Throat or Lung troubles. 1re. B. Hitchin -
1 . sou, 186 Argyle Street, Toronto, les: "Ihave
' been a sufferer from Chronic Bronchitis for
years and have found Dr...Wood's Norway Pine
Syrup far better than any of the hundreds of
remedies I have used. Our whole fan* DSOs
It in eases of Coughs or Colds, We weuld not
be without it."
Don't be humbugged into taking somethieg
"just as good," ask for Dr. Wood's and insist
on getting it. Put up in yellow wrapper, three
Piiie trees is the trade mark and price 26 cents,
The Celebrated
English CatiKil6
An admirable food, with an
its -na.tural qftalities tut
This excellent Cocoa main-
tains the systena. in robust
health, and enabbainit to resist
winter's extreme cold.
The Moet Nutritious
wad Egon'osuical..
in Your e Time_
If you could start at once in a busi'
ness which woeld add is good round
sum to your present earnings—WITH-
you do it?
Well, we are willing tinistart you in w
a. profitable business and e don't ask
you to put up any kind an. dollar.
Our proposition is this: We Will
ship you the Chatham Inntibator an
Brooder, fiyight prepaid, and
I n
You Pay No Cash tj
After 1,906 fibirvest.
Poultry raising pays. '
People who tell you that there is no
money in raising -chicks lay have tried
to make money in the business by using
setting hens as hatchets, and they I
might as well have trie4 to locate a
gold mine in the cabbage patch. The
business °fa hen is—to lay -eggs. .iike f
illy. I
a hatcher and brooder she is out-
classed. That's' the business of the
Chatham Incubator and Brooder, and
they do t perfectly and successfu
The poultry business, properly con-
ducted, pays far better than any other
business for the amount of time and
. money invested.
Thousands of poultry -raisers --mea
and tvriert all over Canada and the
I United States --have proved to their
Isatisfaction that it is orofite.ble to raise
chicks with the
• •
t ER.
"Yours lathe first inenhatorIhoxe
used, and I wish to state 1 had 52
chick m out of 62 eggs.Th was xny
first lot; trnly a 100 per cent, hateb.
Ism well pleased with Iny iricubater
and brooder. TnOs. MoNA.pouTosti,
Chilliwack, D.C."
"My first hate)). CaIDC
170 fine chicks from 190 eggs.
C1111 beat that for the first tria
so early in the! spring. I ant
pleased withIncubator. and it
could not got another money could
net buy it from Me. vere farmer
ehould bave a No. 3 Chatham-1nm-
haten—F. W. BAN/SAY,
'The incubator you furnished me
.works exeeedingly well. It is easily
operated, and only twds about 10
minutes attention every day.. B.
lIcausssin, MOO& JAW, ASsa.
The Chatham Incubator and Brooder
s honestly constructed. There is no;
humbug about it. Everyinchof materi
's thoroughly tested, the machine i
built on right principles, the In
s perfect, thermonoeter re1i4bie, an
the workmanship the best.
The Chatham incubator and Brooder
is simple as well as scientific in con-
struction—a Woman or girl c4n operatei,
the machine in their leisure moments,
You pay Us to cash until after
harvest. ‘
Send us your name and addres
post oansupplystcardtoto-day.
on ouicia from _our
distributing wareloonses at Calgary. Bran-
Bdo.014.,ReMognintre,au" Wil,EfamlifiPeax,g'CNifeawthrm.*t4ninst6.A.ddrosa4
all corresiiondence to Chatham. 314
The Manson Carniiiteii Co., Meted
Facteritm at CHATHAM, OHT,, and Drrnors.„
Let us quote you prices
on a dood Fanning Mill
or good Form Sc
Many Wone-SuJi
Very often they think t front
"Female Disease!! There is less female rrouba
than they thiole. Women suffer from .i.elcache„,
sleeplessness, nervousne.se, irritability, and "I
dragging -down feeling in the loins.° So do men,4
and they do not have "fensale trouble." W1iY,111
then, blame all your trouble to Female Disease
With healthy kidneys, few women wM creel
have "female disoOieris." The 'kidneys
closely connected with all the internal organs, .
hat when the kidneys go wrong, everything
goes wrong. Much distress would be saved if
women would oioly take
it slated in.tervals.
Pri6e 0eents perixxor three boxes for .
ail dealers or Sent direct on receipt of prioe.
The Thom sUdney P11Co... Toronto. Oat.
il5HORTH 0 R
Ci,HORTHORNS.—Cholee bred bulls arid fewties
-0 different ages for sale, about,two dozen to nelesS I
front. Prices rea,w.able, Herd DOW headed by
Counteylvenus" (50900). He is got by the best
scotch bred importNI stook on both 6 -W(14 -glossy dart
red in color, and well servo short logs. Terms
THREE Trying Tithes in vifirs ;Gerotte.inrridzi"IrEllie:2111-
" and Station. 1980411
Per sale,
WREN .101in H.sbld
e. TheePientwilkil'Sealgaleof°1tnhbeg' :°d.eo
e a property on Zohn street, =3-estortb- For
particulars app]y to
are almost an absoltts necessity towards hr
future health.
The first when she is just budding from gir
hood into the full• bloom of wornenhoed.
The second period that constitutes a sec
drain on the systeia. is dining pregnancY.
The third and the one most liable to leav
'heart and nerve troubles is clurineleluingeof life.'
In all three periods Milburn's Heart and
• Nerve Pills will prove of worialerful value to tide
oser the time. Mrs. :lames King, Cornwall,
Ont., ,rite; "1 W11.1 troubled very much with
,heart trouble—the cause being to great extent -
duo " change el life. "1 have been. takingyour 1
Heart sad Nave Pills for some time, and mean 11
to continue doing so, as 1 canVrfidly Say
they are the hist remedy I have used for
building up 'the system. Yon are at liberty to
use this 'statement for the benefit of other
, Price 60 cents per box or three boxes f or $1.26.
all dealeri or The T. Milburn 'Co.. Limited.
j Toro tO On
.n .
A Really 431011301.0t Of 1.1JUNG BUMS AND
(SPRIN0111)DS1 fl5p 2[10gT0011: A
STATES, CANADA. AND Melx' ico neneeneet
IT.A1111, -
All interestedrare cordially imited to inspect the
laeret -
Farm adjoinelthe town of Exeter.
Long distance telephone to Amu.
1984- • tario.
Sohn liloWarm, or. JohnideManu, r.
. (Summers -to Jobe Holieue., er-)
Are now prepared to handle all kinds of borne,
Buyers may purchase horns at their Rale irtablee,
Egroondeffle, at any time, 10414f