HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-12, Page 5,AA/A-4.4e,
i often tierbmak a e
tock af Footwea We cere
it iaoften the cue when some
so ar
showing a dozen froln
be hard to find a more come
we at§ at .present showiug.
�d stylefor men, women awl
rn to the lovreet point, it is na
of setieaetion. We mentioa
iii great demand :
n Felt Slippe
to $2
35 i
t Shoes in lace or geiter, for $1.75'
lea Cardigene, $1.25 to. $1.50 a
a'. feIt. laced Boots and Gaiters -
.Z0 and $1.75 a pelt'.
hk. felt laced Slooes $L50 to A-4.93-
nlootessins, $1 to $1.2n P
err -Footwear 2
other dee rt ?.-M
es,, late of Will, neIsea,
:tome a re • dent and busin. sa
Ter toe n, Ilete located Wm
the resideace neeently ea -
Nr. E. J. Spackmatt-Wlaile
on the old mill pond isorea
ro, Miss. Dora Bolden bro te
. the ice, receiving a 'ery
th and had a sistanee not
pay at ham the conga
; might have bs n more ser -
Ir. W. T. Acheson, the gen-
erie tor of the Centi• al hotel,
th a painful accident in a
. way some days ago. He
odeavoringto crack a nut
handle of a Urge knife
the blade in his beret
nut with the handle,
ce of the Iow the knit
is Land causing a nasty"
Loh required several
lose. -The Murray Eeounee
zpany, of Exeter, liave dux: -
last month furnished emoke
' for the Clinton Eieetrie
oompany, The Williams flour
urich, and. the l',.lyth Floar-
11 Co.
or°'-onem-nern. .n.e.
- isetelKililena
ere beet entertainnt
• that of the Firth-
te ening, Pont inis
wart Bros. •
and 6.
.-The O011.11e
Leadbury, on
f the different
ver given in
n Combination
met at C.
uday. The
facers for
Er are: Clerk, 0; eases -
collector, $80 treasurer,
kiltc $10 each. Mho follow-
icers were .appoieted far tlie
year : Wm, Evansasseseor,
sodds, co/lector; John Shan-
d Adam Dicasenauditore.
rd of ileolth for 11906 are the
John, Murray,. Bernard
Al and Thos. McElroy ; S. S.
sanitary impeder, and Dr.
rise of Seaferth, Medioal
Officer. Accounts to Oto
of $182.51 were paid. The
Leis 'nstructed to attend the
of the county okuncil re-
. Knipp and Lgan town-
dgThe conneil adjourned
at 'the Commer ial Hotel,
n Tueeday. February 13th,
cic a. re.
s Zurich.
Stewart Bros. advertisenients
3 and 6.
- Miss Ella Ra has
London to take a ourse at
rest City Businese
L Mrs. S Geiger, of Cavalier,
kt.kota, and Mr. an di Mrs. Dd
and Miss Annie ;Eicher, of
ylic1tigan, spent ..he none
th friends in this vicinity.
rid concert whieh was a sue -
was enjoyed hv all whet
realized $79 and will net
k about $56 after all expen-
rneid.-There were regIstered
clerk of Hay during 1905,
:Ie. 33 marriages and 31
The previous year there
15 marriages reeistered.
, was a large tura ont of
t the annul. meeting of
Fire Insurance Company.
ek. The reports presentel
iefactory and sh xi; the emia-
, he in a good fi anCial po-
nd doing a goo4. and safe
Mr. John Tor ante, the
se inspector, paid his firat
tszt to the hotels here one •
week. -Messrs. Jacob Gall -
Illinois, Joseph, of :Ranier-
i Mrs. J. G. Gesell°, of Elk-
chigan, visited with their
Mr. and Mrs. John Gellman
holidays. -Mr. Daniel Sur -
the Bronson line, : enter-
mber of -relatives at din -
w Year day. Among
resent were, Mr. G. Holtz -
wife ; Mr. Ben Surerits and
r. O. Oswald and family;
B. Battlei and wife ; Mio
Geiger, wife ad brans:,
. Dakota.
ses, Toilet Sets,
dets, Dolls, Szc
I (v:Z.! (.LJ kJJi
Tl* Farmers'
Iterraerst Institute
held here on Saturday, in td1 itloa
to the other speakers Advertised,
MISS Belle MUlr, of Guelph„ will
address the meeting both after-
-nom and evening. Mss er's
subjects are: Rutter making; Th
'Perna End of the Dairy Business
Women's Inetitutess, and DOn3C80.0
Edlltatinne Of c011ere0 She will not
speak -on -all these but will, likely
adapt the ones most +desirable to
her audierkCe.
50, and oi vtr. ftp'r lots ; Ni,,
2 5,J5 tu46.10; No. ji ti.0.10, Alsike
timothy_ or o 1lo jo o 8e per ite.
Tnnothy is firmer at unchan •prieee, 'Machine
threelled, free from weede. 81,40 to $1.60 ; term,
tinlitilled, bright, flidl.threslied, $1,76. to $2 ; low-
grade thnotliy, With le largo pereentage or weed, lo
to lee pee peUnde _
6 BRODIE-In Seafor6h, on JalMary 6th, to Mr. and
Mrs. Chas. Brodie je., it on.
MILLER -In Seafoit heon Januery 9th, to Mr. sea
Mrs. John Miller, a, son.. •
I3ARNieRD-In Wroxeter 11 Je.nuary 2nd, to Mr.
and erre. E. Barnard, n. -
ItellYNOLDS-In Ilellet a December list, to
Mr. And Mrte James Reynold') ire a daughter.
NANNING---In London, on Ileceitibee 300, to Mr.
anti efrie W.N. efeeminge fonneely of Clinton,
twin girls, --
SELLARS--In 'Morris, on December 80th1 to Mr. and
erre. easepleSellere, a sole -
TOWE1,-111 Ford:et-lob, on December 2801, to !Ir.
and /tire. Albert, Tower. a Sem
JOHNS -At Elireville, on Moodier 24th, -to Mr: and
, Mie Charlet( Johns, a, (lett liter
e JONES --In Goderich t,ownship, on Deeember 31st,
to Mr. mid mid Isatie Jones, a tion. ,
-Greaf. bargaine in pri Le, wrapperettee,
1410114, lioot .s and shoes, define and hard -
t our store. Also lneve., Once for produce
eggs 26e a dozen. roll butteue 22o per lb., crried
tiee per lb, R. W. Jowitt. elenetance,
Read Stewart Bros. advertisement
on pages 8 and 8. I .0
The Council.-ne aewle‘' (dacha
touttell met for organization on Mon
day last. All the former officer
-were. re-elected except Olic3 aunitor
at the same salaries 1s las wear.
Tien nein auditor is jo n IN learnt,
of Anbur.o. A grant of $10 as -giv-
en to the sick chi1drcn'shosfiitaI in
Toronto. The council sctticd down
to work with the determination to
praetise the most rie id economy.
But thee( fterSee the nee,ssity of hav-
ing to build two large. new bridges.
over the Maitland.this ear. One Icor
these, MeMiehaers, is 'already 'un-
der contract; the othe is McCool'e
which is already con .ernned for
heavy traffic. Both* these bridges
will cost in the neithborhood of
$5,000. This in itself w 11 be a very
teonsiderable item to adi to the inext
e tax roll. A number of accounts
were examined and passed. The
.council adjeurned until Fridan,Febo
eruary 16th, at 1.30 p.m.'
FOWLER-BItOWN-At the manse, Egm)ndville,
on January 4th, by 11.ev. N. Shaw, Mr. Herbert
, lemeler, of Mullett, to Miss Teen, Brown, yatinge
' est daughter of Mr. NeU Theme, of Egmondville.
MeGUIRE--ROUTLEDGE-At the residence of Mr-,
S. If, Landsborougb, brothereiblaw of the bride,
on December 27t,h, by Rev. D. M. MoIntoele of
• Park River, Me. James A. McGuire, of Hannah,
North Dakota, to Miss efirmie G. Routledge of
ParkRiver, and daughter of Mr. and live
•• Routledge, ot Tuckersmith,
leAWSON-SANDEItee.-eAt the residence of Mr. P.
We Baker, in Stephen, on January 81d, by Rev.
Mr. Andrews, Me. Samuel George Lawsoreerto
Miss Lenom A. Sanders, daughter of the -late
W. II. Sanders, of Stephen. a
WALTElt-COURTICIeeeete the residence of the
briciee3 Parents, On January Isi,, ler Rev. P.
Swann, etr. S. T.eValtet, to Miss Sarah Courtiee
both of Holinesville_
ROLLINS-MCTAVISH-In Detrolb, ,on OhristMas
Day, Mr. Ozer Rollins, Of elleveland, son of Dr.
Rollins, of Exeter, to Miss Millie eleTavish, of De-
n10,4e--13111C411164-At the home of the
bride's parents, on December 28th, Mr. J'ames 11.
Riehmond, to Miss let. Miller, daughter of Air.
John Brigham, all of Mullett.
COLIRTIS-SALTON-At the Methodist parsonage,
Mating Cross, on December 27tie Mr. Wm.
Courtis, of London, to Miss Grace D., daughter
of Rev. S. Salton formerly of Oentralia.
TAMBLING-PIOKLRD--In Grace church, Winni-
peg, Manitoba, on Deceinber 25th, Mr. 'Wire E.
Tambling, to Miss Myra, P. Pickard, daughter of
the late Robereepickard, a former resident of
' Read Stawart Reos. a vertieemente
'on pdg,0 a , and B.
Deatli of Peter Grant. One by one
the noble band of pio eers is fast
passing away. It is our jpatuZul dray
this week to record Abe death of
arr. Peter Grant, who jasscd to his
reward oil the 4th inst. Mr. Grent
was born in Seotland in the year
1822, and consequently liad he lived
until Febrearywoudd 'peva e'eriched
the good age of 84 yeaede eie eame
to the Huron tract some fifty- wears
ago. •80ttling on the 2nd concession
of Stanley, on the farm now owned
'by Mr. Donald Gra.ssiek, and al-
though both he and .bis wife endow -
all the hardships of opioneer life
tIrey did so with chetiefulness and
succeeded in gaining a 1 competency.
.Some 28 years, ego the (3.eceased ire -
tired. from funning' and eve'nt to iiVe
in Rodgernille. In 1880, i 'Mrs. 'Grant
died anli the deceated eame to Kip -
pen and lived here untilo the time a
his death, Mr. Grant eves a biberal
in politica and was., Ja consietent
member of FL *ndrew'4 Presbyter-
ian churchne had a c ear percep-
tion a what was right and wrong
and was a man of hone Although
so well advanced in yeas his saiind
was as vigorous ae ixi ais votobla.
The funeral took place - Saturday
and was lamely attend d. The re -
',amine were -interred •in jthe Exeter
-cemetery. • . i e
Notes. -Mr. Joseph Ho d, of Pence,
N. W. T., and don of lf�r. H. Hood,
is visitieg friends in this viein-
ity.-Mr. J. Balfour ha, been can -
fined e to his home for some- days
through illness. --Mr. 4iex. Young,
who some 25 years a o ..„ went to
Manitoba with his pare ts, Mr. and
Mres Thos. Yolnage is paying a vis-
it to old friends in et is :vicinity.
This is Mr. Young's fi st visit to
this part since leaving •ere, and he
notices many changes. Mrs. Wad-
dell, who has been nous -keeper for
the late Peter Grant f r a number
of years, went to Sarol. this week
Where she will make h ro home in
future. During her s ayin our
village, MrslitracIdell made rnetny-
friend,s wlso will be iiorr to We her
leave. -Rev. 'lila. Urqu • art, was, at
,Anlyern on Monday la t preaching
for Rev. Mr. Small.-Coromunion eere-
vioes were held in 8 . Andreiv'S
church on Sunday last. Iho prepar-
atory s'erice on Prida was can -
ducted by. Rev. Mr. Sastre s, of Bruce -
field, and- the services Ole Sunday
by the pastor. •.
-- - ow"`"°•!`"``e"'"'"`"-; - -----1 •
- - 131utivale
Read Stewart Bros. adyertisem nts
on pages 3 and 6.
Notes. -Miss May Scot ' in visiting
• her aunt, Mrs. John Beattie, of Sea-
. forth. -Mr. Wm. SanderSon's health
hes not been good of late and last
week he n ent to T.oront to rremain
for the winter. -Mrs. j.ail n W. King
returned last week from a visit to
her sialer, Mrs. Branton, of Berele.g
e -While standing in lvtr. john. Mc-
Crackee's stable, Bluevale road, on
. Tuesday nig`ht or last week., one of
Mr. Sohn Xelleston!e drivers had its
:iced to be killed.- iss
leg beeken by a kick frem anot er
horse and
'Jessie Fraser left for Pilot Mound,
Manitoba, last week, intending tea
tea.eli there. -Mr. Duffusl, of Thed-
ford vieinity, hes been visiting at'
Mr. S. Paul's. -Messrs. Irving and.
Ed. Craig, of HialleyburY, New On-
tario, formerly of Bluevale, have
!nee n renewing friendshipe here raid
at Walkerton. -Lack of good sleigh-
ing and consequently leek of bus-
iness are the only drawbacks to this
beautiful • winter. -Miss i Cora Mes-
eer is continuing- her studies at the
List °wet high scbool.-Mrs. Small is
visiting her daughter, Mrs. Raby.-
Miss Jessie Moffatt has Commenced
her duties' as organist in the Pres-
by terian churele-As , nsual this.
-neighborhood was well represented'
at the Sons of Scotland icancert in
Winglam, on Tuesday niglit.-Miss
Belle leichardecen, of Br sels, visit. -
ed at Mr. John Burgess' last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Robert h a.xwell„ of
the Bluevale road, ceIebitated their
golden wedding tbis week, fnd next
week Mr. and Mire. Jo1n Riobent-
eon, of Wroxnter, fermer y of Bine-
vale, celebrate theirs. le any liaTeilY
returns of the day to the -A Far-
mers' Institute mee,tinth will be
held in the Foresters' h, 11 here sih
the afternoon of Saturdaly, ;Num, q
13th. 0. Turnbull, of WaF€on, eiii
epeak on ." Car& and n anagement
of slieepe' and Dimean Ar derson will'
have for his subject 10 nformationl
and feeding of the da ry cownent
Edith and Irene Twin were twe of'
1 he four girls who rete'ved prizes
for attending every mee mg during
-1905 of the mission band in eonnec-
"ion 'with Melville ;eh rob., Bills -
Fels. The Misses ¶o1eJ are -Blue-
vale girls. That accomat for their
c, x cep tional conduct. ; 1
,.....7.4.,............4,..,... I
, Seeds:, .
Toaueto, Jan. 10 -The market:ton r. d elovet has
en 4.14:4(1. tOtie. No. 1 seed, free from weed, ie quot- _
. el at 96.75 to eq. eamnies with a elieht Trinkfing
of rill erase, $6.35 ; samplee Neal' larger pereentsee
uf weed seed Lim at, a big diseount. Alsike, ie tinn.
DORRANCE-At the Indpstrial Soliool,, Regina
on Sunday, Jaunexy 7tle, Sarah DOrralICO, second
daughter of the late George DOtt(4000,
Funeral this Friday afternoon at 2;80 to Maitland
hank cemetery.
WATTS --At her residence, 674 Yonge etreet, Winni-
• peg, on Amery 3rd, Mem Watts, rellet of the
late W. Z. Watts, feenterly of Wroxeter.
ARNAUD-In Wroxeter, on Jaciiicu.•y eth, leather-
ine McLeod, wife of Mr. Edward Barnard, inee-d
84 pure.
EEN-In Gmlerich, oft January thd, Win. Green,
ed 84 years and 2 months.
PA ERSON-In Turobereee on December 30th,
John Inglis Pattersen, aged 41 years and 11
COUPLAND-InTurnlierry, on Deceniber 28th, John
Cmiplanci, aged 60 yeass and 10 months.
REYNOLDS -In }lunette on Decembee 3113t, the in -
fent daughter of Mr. Jets. Reynold', jr.
GASSMAN-e-At Dastaiceide on December 80th, Mrs.
• Gassman, aged nyeare, 2 menths and 10 days.
MCDO1TGALL-4n Sault Ste. Mane, on January 2m1,
Catharine Lamont, relict of the late John Mc-
' Dougall, formerly of &used% in her 74th year,
$11AFOR1U, 400110.1y lithe 1906.
Fall. Wheat; c ; $0 77 to $0 77
teete per bushel P 0 34 to 0 31.
Pa per •Inuthet 0 70 to 0 70
Itnrky p07 bit 0 42, to 0, 42
13 itter, o, 1, sense . 0 20 to 0 20
Mittel., tub..., ... . . ... ....... .... .0 19, to Oen
Eggs per dozen ... ........ -.0 22 to 0t28
Flour, per 100 .... „ 2 25 to 00
eTay per ton. ,„..p . „ • ... . 6 60 to 7 00
Hides per 100 lbs. „.. . . . .. . . 5 00 to 6 35
1hnep Skim;. .. 0 30 to ; 0 36
Pote es 'per _bushel (new). 40 to 0 60
Salt reten1) per barrel
Woof per cote]. (long)
Wood per cord (short) 2 50 to 3 00
Apples per bag 0 40 to 0 75
Clover Seed I( 4 7 00 to 8 00
Timothy Seed 1 et to 2 00
Tallow per lb ..... 0 01 to 0 00
-Pork, per 1110 The 7 60 to 8 20
eloped(washed). 0 25 to 0 27
Wool (unweshed)...... 0 le to 0 10
Dairy Markets.
Totioenn, January 9---Butter-Easy tone, with
receipts in all lines fairly large. quotations un-
changed. Creituady, 246- to 25e ; 2,30 2,4e ;
dairy, Ile rolls, good to choice, 210 to.22e ; dairy tubs,
21 to 22c e medium dairy, 20 to 21o; inferior dairy,
19 to 20e. Cheese: -The market holds a firm tone,
andje unchanged at 1:3c for large and leee for twins.
Eag---SOMOWILitliteAdier 011 ne01.10t of the cold
Weather, but price"' are undhanged at 806 for new
1aitl,.22e Me fresh, and 19 to`20e for limed.
'.5toe'reime, January 9 -Eggs -Straight stock, 20e.
to 2Ie-; No. candled, 20e. eutter-Oholeest mem-
,e,y, 230 to 2311; underercides, 22e11 to ?2o;' daiev,
20.10 tO 21ee. -Cheese-Ontario, 1:31.1 to leee ; Quebec.,
titeo to 18e.
.10080 125
-5 00 to 620
,Gram; eto.
Toiencro, January 0-Wheat-Whiee, 70 to 78c ;
red, 76 to 7'8e ; goose, 70e ; spring„76c '• oats, 38e",,to
; barley, 510 ; nettle., 76e. millfeece-Ontario--
Brett seam 171 31550 to $10 per ton, in ear lots 'out-
side ; shorts,.$17 to $18 ; Manitoba br8re$17 to $17,50,
ehorts $18,60 to 510.50 at -Toronto and eqUal freight
points, Baled May -The demand is fairly active,
and with receipts of loose less heavy, the market has
a better toile. Quotations are $5 per ton foeeNci.
timothy in ear lets here and '$0 for No. 2. Baled
Straw -Holds steady at $0 per ton for car lots on
treek here. Dressed Hogs -Deliveries continue
light and the inarkee is quoted at a further advane.e
af 2(10 per cwt. Choice light weights are filleted at,
,10.25, and heaviee ate$S.75.
lentoeme ,Jan.-A9-Paery steady and quoted un-
changed. Fee el -Aherne 1 to 9c, thin, 7 to 8 ; fat
hens 63 to 7.10., thin, 64 to 7o ; duelcs 11 to 12e, thin
I to 80 ; geese, 10 to lle ; turkeys, 130, with 13ec
for ebolee email lees.
Live Stook. Markets.
leeencee, lenglancle.fan. 9 -Cattle are gimbal:at 10
to llee per pceinci ; refrigerator, tiece
leveiceome Jim. tee -Canadian eattle, 6ed.
Demme N Y,, January 9 -Cattle -Active, 10
to 15c 'deter e. prime steers, $5.60 to 55.85 ship-
ping steere, $4.715 to e5.404' butchers, 84.50 to $515 ,
heifere, $3.50 to 01.511 ; COWS, 52.75 to $4.50 ; bulls,
ece.-.75 to 54.50 ; etockers and feeders, -$3,50 to $4.60;
stock,beifeise 82.50 to $3.85 ; fresh cows, steady •
spaingere slow, $20 to $58, Veals-Iteceipte, 990
head ; active; 250 lower ; 55.51)to A9.60. Hogs -Ac-
tive and a 81111(10 higher ; heavy and mixed, $5.00 to
55.05; a few at 8.1.70_ ,e Yorkers, /5.60 to $5.(15 ; pigs,
:45,05 to ;35.70 ; roughs, $4.715 to 135 ; stags, $.3 to
e3,50. Sheep and Lainbse-Active ; lambs, $0.25 to
88.15 ; yearlings, 80,75 10 $7-: wethers, te5,50 to
"0. 215 ; _ewes, 56.50 to 5.6.73 ; eheete 'nixed, $3 to
Canade lambs, $7.25 to $7.75 ; Western $7,50
to $7.85.
MoienteAre Jan. 0-CabIes came easier. . Liver-
pool quoted Canadian cattle at 10fe, and London at
10e to 11.c. There bas been a fair demand foe °dean
freed'', spec' e and e portion of it from Portland to
Lie }glee,' for January, Februaree March and . April
has been booked at, 37s ad, and some at 40s. A por-
tien of (he London epece from St. john, N. 13., for
ecieutuy and February at, eis 6d, with', Liverpoele
Glasgow and Maneheeter ofiering at 3110. The ship-
ments from Portland and St. John, N. 13., lase, weele
were :1,899 cattle, 844 sheep. Receipts toelay were
1,100 cattle, 25 rui1..11 (fowl, 100 sheep and lambs, 60
reilves, and 1,100 hogs, The buteheis were out,
Klemm mad there wee A fair -demand for anything
goad, but the commoe stock were negleeted, Piime
beeves sold at. 44- to Soper pouts" ; pretty gemel cat-
tle, 3e to 41,0, and the kionimon etook nt 2e to Sec,
with 11 few lean enemere tit 9. -Calves sold at 4- to 5o
pee pound. The mileli (Jews were an ordinary Jot,
and sohl at *30 to e345 each. Sheep eold nt 4e0 per
piend, tend lambs at °to Ole. The market for hogs
was strong under a good demend, and small supplies
midweek; of mixed lute were made at 7o per pound,
neighed off the eat% -
Tomerre, January 10, -Expert Ciettle-The, de-
snand was fairly brisk, Mid the offerings of cattle
u ere generelly ei fair to good (petite-. About the
leet on tele market, :told at 84,00, bet, good choiee
(tattle' are worth well up to -$6. A number of loade
ilia -need hands at $4,60 to 84.0e. Quotations are
about Acutely.- Choicearequoted at 51.60 in $6, good
to medium at $4 to $4.50' "ethere at 53-75 to $4, built'
at 8150 to $4, and eowsat $2-75 to te13.50. Butcher
-Cant"- -The cold wee,thei"hes no doubt increased the
eonsumption of meat, but all Hoes of eattle were in
peel demand, and by neon everything had been sold
01 pricee firm in tire, but -steady with those quoted
at the elose pf Thursday,s edvarming. markeu. Pick -
lot, $4.40 to $4.60, good to. choice 83.75 to 84, fair
to good e3 to 83.50, co:nowt:182.50 to $8, .cows 5e. to
$215, belle $1.70 to $2.25, - and canners 81.75 to
Stockers and Feeders -Not inen2, cattle of
these fines are (=inning forward, and :the inerket 10
quiet. Prises are quieted ernchanged. Short -keep.
feeders are quoted at 53,60 to $.1, good feeders at
83.40 to 0.05, medium at $2.50 to $3.50eb1lle at $2 to
.$2.76, goods' 'kers run at $2.130 to 103,80, rough to
eottituo,n tit a! o e2.75, and bulls at $1.75' to 52.60.
Milele Cows-- elold steady with a good- demand for
ehoice tiows. .The range of prices are unchanged at
$30 to $60 each. Blekep and Lambs -Tett demend for
-sheep. Was'active, .and -the market was cleaned up
briskly. Export sheep inc quoted 10 to 2fie per cwt
higher, at .54.25 to $4.50 per cwt for export, ewes,
5 for 1111007, .11.1 tor Melte.
re 11400T 0140.2410 50.40 for ewes and
and 50 te-$0.26 for mixed end 011119.- Hoge
oetinties then arid adVaneed. a further
10 nn Met. Quotations are 141.86 for seleete, and $0
for lights end WS.
"LTAllet FOR SALE, -Poi sale, I411>-8,' COnceesion 8,
elle _L. It. S., Tuelcersiabh, conteloing 100 acme, of
which 9 atiees is OM hardwbod bush. The bateau*
is 110111 107100(1, tilectritinedeulden,firsteelasecondleion.
There are two goo barns, one A hank barn 30 x 78 ft.
• 80 It., and a cote ortable iron° house, three • good
with stone ot41111 underneath end the other 66 x.
wells told a, never -failing spring et the rear of the lot,
aod it good beeline; orchard. The ploughing is ell
done and 141101ee ef fall wheat. It Is within two
miles of the flourishing village of Item!' and Within
bait a mile 01 (1 ec10301 home. Apply on the premises
or be J. oeinnenet, Hensel), P. 0, 1987-tt
( . 10 1
FARM l'Oft SAM -For sale a choice Jana' - In
. Stanley townihip, %troll eountee adjoining" the
village of leippon, iThe fend contains 145 aorefe All
in 'frees except two' um, -It Jo 111 (1 high date of
cultivation cie tiearlY all of it has been numured on
the.grass. Fi,ences itd (11111115 are good. There he (4
never failing ittring; creek and a good spring well fee
the barn. Thereeere two good barns 60 x 80, with
atone etalding oncleeone, witih (tattle stalls to t,lo
oeer 50 head. 1 Good,horse stable and driving shed,
40 x .10, alto pig pommel bolting house. There is 41,
good hardwood bush and abolit 2 acres of orchard of
the choicest ehippieg apples and several kinds of
sniell fruit. The hoese is ti, comfortable frame one,
containing eight rooms ; there is a stone cellar leith
brick_ floc:1r, also wood Reed end_ simmer kitehere
This excellent farm le eituated on the London road,
2e miles 'emuIlenteelf .8 from Setiforth, Oft= Beet-
er and 10 fromgeed grave! 7011118 i , all direction& Will he sold
, all go
Olinte od grain marketse and
cheap and on easy terms 178 1110 proprietor wishes to
retire. Apply on the prendees Or addriee 1ir3en
P. O., GEOPeOE eaveons. 3.0e8
Meeting of the
Huron 00unty 0ounci'.
The Connell of the County of Hum will mee,*111
the Council Chamber in the Town of Goderieli on
TUESDAY, the 28rd day of JANUARY, at 3 aelook
p. In. All amounts against the county must be platt-
ed with the clerk before this date.
. W. LANE, (Mork.
Dated January 10th, 1000. 1987-2
Notice to Pebtors.. I
All patties iiidebted to the late Alex. Charlesworth
for over due tees for :the service of the stallion,
Tarentum*would very greatly ' oblige by settling
the same et Ghee as the money is required to settle up
the affairs of the estate. Payment to be made per-
sonally or by mail at clime to
1987•tf ; Egmonclville.
There'll be greet things doing here -
now, We are going to force
every pair of Men's, Women's,
Boys', Misses' and Children's
• Winter Shoell out of our store at
No matter what the Loss.
Never mind -the absurd claims of many
other shoe stores, for shoe sales at
this semen ere- epidemio. Look
around before you buy, Come,
see what we vvill give you for
your money.
0' That Tells The Story.
You cann0 afford to miss this sale
and neither eau you afford to wait
and take wbat ist left. Get a-
head:of the Others and have first
choice yourself. /stow is your
Richardson &, lil'Innis
Agent for the Gra, Berlin, ,Canadian,
Maple Leaf, Hod and, King Qual-
ity Itubber,
• Bispers Carpet
We marry the best assort-
ment ; " Pailor Queen,"
" American Queen," "Gold
Medal," " Welcome " and
the " Standard," from
$2,50 to $4.50
0 ultlery
A full line of Carving sets
best Sheffield Steeleand plat-
ed, dessert and table knives,
forks and spoilis'pocket cut:
lery,scissors, also best nickle-
silver tea and Coffee pots on
•We have I the- largest as-
sortment in town, Boker's
Lightning Tube, Victor, Ar-
ena, Dominiter, Janus, Per
fectien, alsolMic Mac Fee-
therweight. For a lady'S
skate,Boker'S Daisy or Charm
cannot be excelled. Hockey
stick.s and pucka best qual-
ity. Call and examine goods.
Georgie; A. Sills,
Seaforth - Ontario.
PIT sgihtion
In public esteem
has been well earned.
We hope to retain it
by even better service
if possible, But it is
hard to see how we
OEM improve the Aar -
ober of our
Drugs cind
We buy only the
purest and beet and
we sell them at prices
thee are,reasonable.
Pure White Castile
Soap, 2 lbs. for 25o
Bachu Juniper Kid-
ney Pills for Rhen-
-'matism, 25o a box.
Oer Own • Condition
:,novvderee make the
'horses sleek and fat
250 alb., 5 lbs. for
Never Fail,Corn Care
• 10o a box.
- •
, -
Agent for the' leading makes of Trusses,
Fountain Syringes and Hot Water '
Suftlee. ,
Paid-up Cap tai, $10,000,000, Reserve Fund $4,500,000
E. WALKER, Generni Manager ALEX. LAIRD, As t. rel Manager
Every facility afforded PET;a=mers for their anking;
business. . Sales Notes cashed or taken
for collection. 1
. i
ANKING BY MAIL —Deposits may be made or withdrAn, by
- mail. Out-of-town accounts receive every attention.
HOLMESTED, Solicitor G. E. PARKES', Manager.
confoirrs. oviong.
Every home needs comfort. The home with, a few attractive pieces of
re peirhaps an Arm Chair for the elder people, and a Couch and a
pie ofE sy Oh,aifs, is as luxarious as need be. Every one may have Buell
owe witI the present low prices ef good Aurnitare, Yon willi be able to
e what 3tou want supplied at small cost, if you come to na;
INT ID Mittr.../3.3KIINTC4-.
Promptly attended to night or day.
S. T.1110LMES, Manager,
Is it any Wonder
That the Farmer e are using
Condition Powders'
When they can get results' like this
J. (:). Wood,. of Hessen. writes; I had a horse that went bad in the
legs—started first with. stocliing and scratches, then went ti grease heels and
mud fever, and the hair peeled off the
inside of the legs almost to the 'body.
1 doctored. for it nearly all winter
without relief, until 1 tried Fear's
Condition' Powders, and one dollar's
worth of it cured him; and made bim
sleek and fat, These powders deserve
the name they get, viz,: the kind that
makes money for the farmers."
To -encourage you . to give them a
trial, we are giving a 250 package free
wita a tylar's worth, making 7 pounds for'a dollar, at
FEAR'S Drug Store, Seafor
Perfection in Tailprin
Every aelf respecting man likos. to appear well, and, as MS clothes go a
long way towards attaining that object, he must have his lothets ade
in the latest style and by the best tailors. Lt is our ai to turn out
clothes that fill these very requirements. Our long experienee in the
businesa has °Trebled us to reach that perfection whiph poly ex-
perience can give. Added to this, our staff of work people is the best.
All work is personally inspected before. if leaves the shop, and if not
right we make it rigi#,
If you wish to be well dtessdd, you must have clothes made berius. Try us
withyour next order, and we will convince you of the g4uinenese of
our argument.
X.1),Skt.R 8, SELFO.RTIL
ards of Thanks.
a•••••••••• 'mar
1 The undersigned desires to return his sineere
than s to the ratepayers of Tuckerinnitie who so
kindl Accorded hiin their support, in electing him a
mem er of the Cquecil on the first of January and
40 re them. that.it will be his constant aim to de-
serve ee confidence they have reposed 111 )31111 by giv-
ing t cm the most faithful service in his power.
6900 me.
To th Electors of MoKillop
dies and Gentlemen ,-I desire to extend to
you 1111 thanks for the support you gave nie in the
recen contest for the Reeveship. Although not sue-
cessfu 1 cannot be too thankful for the able support
of my friends. W billing you the complimente of the
season I am,'
Yours sincerely,
1987-1 .
To th Electors of Mellillop
les and Gentlemen, -I wish to extend to you
my he rtfelt thanks for the liberal support you gave
.1110 111 the recent municipal elections. I hope to
warm t the confidence you have placed in me by giv-
ing th Affairs of the Township my best attention.
Again thanking you and wishing you f prosperous
New car.
GRAND TRU KiltltritT
For, the
--GO TO --------
California, Mexico or Florid
The Land of Summers'
Sunshine• •
. . . I
TOUR OF ALL MEXICO :--iLeaving Tor-
onto on January 29th, Revering all
points of interest. Speoial Reduced
Rates. -
and Catherines Mineral Springs.
Delightful Resorts for those chat need
a rest. Best of hotel accommodetion,
For tiokets end full information call on
W. SOMERVILLE, Town Agent,
A. F, PHILLIPS, Depot) Tioket ,Age
The Following Well Known Cloths
B LWARP Blue and Black Serge Suitings,
and Worsted Trouserings
irn Serge Suitings in all
"Shades and Textures
KERMANS' Serges, Chevias
and Vicunas
Also a Complete Range of Imported and Domestic
T eed Suitings and Trou.serings. Our Black Melton and
Fa cy Cheviot Overcoatings appear to be leaders judging
by the orders we are securing for them.
We will be pleased to show you any of the above lines and oan
antee the entire lot.
Otserwr Mein
Ses orth,
Ms kat Smote
Four Cavan
A n a
The heavies b price reduction -s ever made in this
county on all winter goods, staple and fancy dry
goods, clog -lugs, furs, carpets, ladies' coats, eitc,,
go into, effect here on Thursday, January 4th.
Every department has been levied 'upon; we posi-
tively will carTry no goods from one season to an-
other. This sale will ,continue all this month.
New lines will be put on sale daily, This ig
matchless money -saving opportunity. We cannot;
say anything stronger than that this will be'' -the
greatest annual sale ive have ever had.
-Staple Dry .Coods
Sixty pair of grey and white flan-
nelette Blankets, vorth $1, to clear at
148 ends of W-rapperette at 25 per
omit off regular *ice
Fifteen pair of White Blankets,
worth. $2,75,9n sale at $2.10
Two ends of white 'flannelette sheet-
ing, worth 75e, to clear at 58e,
an2n5episer cents discount off all fancy
Fifteen. fraeunneter cent clff
)iscount oali
A pile of white quilts, regular price
$1,20, sale price 90e
Ten pieces of flannelette, regular
price 10a side price 50
Forty table covers,. 5' feet by 7 feet,
clearing at $1.19 each •
Forty pair of all -wool blankets;
special reduction for this sale,
'Fifteen per 'cent. off all csedinal
white and colored flannels •
Twelve psr ecent. off all plain and
fahey flannelettes
Mill ends of grey cottons to be
cleared at 10 per cent. less than, eur
present price 1
ends of Cottenade, 15 per cent.
()trout regular bargain prices
Special bargains in faney towels
Clothing Dap
Men's tweed suits, worth from $6
to $8, on sale ,at $4 a auit
Men's fancy worsted and impoeted
tweed 811itSe worth, frore$7.50 to $10,
on sale at $5'
Allthe n.evr tweed Overcoats at a
diseoant of ,25 per eent
A pile -01 'youths' 'vest; your tholes
for 25e each
All sizes in men's 'nits clearing at
15e each -
Hundreds of pairs of. men's tweed
pante in heavy and. light -weights, all
sizes, at $1 a pair
A pile of men's worsted and im-
ported tweed pants, worth from $2.50
to $3.50, on 0310.0 $2 -
Men's odd coats in single and dou-
ble breasted, worsted and tvveeds, on
sale at $2.75
Twenty-five per cent, off all boys
youths' and children's overcoats
Clearing lines in youths' and boys'
and ehildren's suits
Boys' knicker pants, all sizes; lined,
at 400 a pair
Fifteen per Cent. of all raett's un-
dervreer •
26 per cent. off all boys' and yohthe
l Special clearing lines in gloves,
shirts, sox, ete
• A quantity of M61118 caps, your
choice for 15c each.
• Special values in clothing to order
or this month
Carpet Dept
Tapestry carpet, regular 70c, to
deep at '60c
Tapestry carpet, regular. 55c, to
All wooltwotwo ply, regular 80e, to
clear at 55c
Henip carpets, regular 15c, for 16e
Mettings, reviles; 18; for 14c
Mattings, regular 14c, for 10c
A lot of tapestry table cOers, worth
from $2 to $3, to clear at $1.50 each
Lace Ourtain.s, 3 yards long, 60
inches wide, to clear at $1 a pair
Lace Ourtaine, re 3i yarde long,
56 inches wide, to clear at 85c a pair
fur Depa
Gmateat price cut fn
history -of this store
Twenty five per tents &count- on.
all small' furs
Euffs from 25c to $26, a diseatin
S per cent
Muffs, regular pries f
75, less 25 per cent
perinea, regular priees front *2.5G
to $23, lets 25 per eent
Gauntlets, regular prices from $5 to
.25, lees 25 per cent
ars, regular pricers from $1 tee
2 less 25 per tent.
Ladies' Astrachan coats e
prices from $20 to $32
Near Seal -Ceata cleanse
from $2150 to 851 -
Bocharan Lamb Coate 'from
$36 &eating pricei
to $2418 black and brown e
elearing at from $1 -to *24
=bat coats, clearing at
Bulgarian Lamb ands xfog co
rag at from $12 to e18
Airstralina5 to 4;34C0oOn Coats, ole
eresseibes rt
0131 aearnacsgo
:.1lian coon ooats, clewing
Ladies' black and eol
i/nfilm 5.1- to 71, rage.
a to $1.2o, on -sale at 5
Ladies', misses' and ihi
ringwood gloves,
25e and 40c, on sale a
'Combination undcrwet
sizes, regular prizes 60c,
on sale tit 25c *melt
Ladies' and Miaaele plain
wortla25e, on sale at 150
One dozes eolored golf
gular prices $1,85 to $2.25,
$1 each
Ladies' waists in white and black,
white linen and vesting, black and
white lustre and black sateen, regular
prices $1.50, 1.75 and 2,25 each, on.
sale at 750 ,
Two dozen ladiea' flannelette yawn -
pen, worth $1.15, 1.55 and 1.85 eac12,
on sale at 89c
Several pounds of navy and brown
worsted yarn, regular $1. a pound, on
sale at 50c
A clearing lot of odd shades of
tory and hoirteanade yarn; on sale at
5o a skein,
One dozen infants' colored -coats lo
ear at 20e each.
)n ale
A clearing lot of ribbons on
lo a yard
Thirty-three and one-third per tent
discount off all ladies' winter coats
Twenty-five per cont, oir all miss&
and children's winter cats
Twenty-five per cent off ail ladies'
and misses' top skirts
A table of ladies' winter
clear at $2.98 each
e ats to
Dress Goods Be to
Twenty pieces of dress goods
black aad colors, regular price 3ie to
500, on sale at 25c
Twelve pieces of colored and biaek
ass goods, regular price from me to
75e,on sale at:350
Eight pieces of fancy atried nicht,
jugs worth from 25e to 36e, for 1
Five pieces of moire skirting, -worth
50c, to clear at 20e
Remnants ad ends of dress goods
De silks cleating at half price
IMWes' imitation wade.% r3gni
prioe 50c, for 35c
Ladies' imitation gauntlets, elegalar
price $1, for 75c.
All Hats at half-price in our Millinery. Deportee t.
Highest Prices paid for Butter Egg
and Wool.
D ied Apples Wanted at Sc a lb.
Speare and Page,
I!lT!L. I WMJ'itIkJU T& S
derIthe Town -Clock, -
SEAFORTH I Opposite Town TAulsling, Corner Main and Marko
Streets, Seafortk,,