HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1906-01-12, Page 4�04114rqrmjop WON
A01040 S
tho CU -0-14n,- �-Xoiv howe ti -na* adhwient a no- offeftoe New Voars. -night.LM-ris, 46 n other a counts AWOM.-tilIg. to $04,�
is ,a tc�4eoc of, I: olifford,-,!�
6 will -be tpp at"d f th packers t that t y -,a- who .vAs -.011 passed d th ounci d-
1 to, a�galno in
o'k,eft their.- abliibbi i kho*h in this" meet Seaforth"
etitit ifi�uj rtlijl�otls bodies, a s iA= an �Inlif died at bar journed
hada . paA sup- -QUE3, to-beoomei aatJsfIi6dJAth I Upen :re
the beist-Os w1io aro unlforzl� hoiaicL'oa FrI44y,41-MoW� Cameron, of on Saturday, At
going --they
T F_ pro'sper VieWliary srd$' dt �One OU G' wlio the alel-ock A
Y Of
pl$' an almost., UnIIMI� d_�U beir"' ()fr themselves,
a III past t-%�o years..' f�ff., for bar home Married iA Dagota,-Tha -young h
2 3
C 5 .6 Pike it! -the prices are remunerativel� atid to- allow, �pirituat at ORO
014 -01 - of 06hool -terrA. Be- lady prineiprtlly to In tb
X#Ierxed e
d f t , which we take
Tlxe -cost- of hogs- de n intedFootwean
7 8 9 10., 11''12- 'm Pon 0, of -coursoji. is gontinii6a -.for la lo x time I fare leaving. er pupils and the following '.��Tigrapp_
9 00 largely ''on-Alle )price of igr%in. for)nall m�'sots in a d . er is need yo,4xw people ave from a Ddko a
y n Itli of - the section, g . a native �Gf
if: farmers ban -get inwo a
k for tholir -of some outsidib stir'ring -d entertaim ent in the school house Tuckeramith,- bNe% da-agh-ter Of
n -_24 25 26 �.27. grain b:V so! g it. oh -the, rke
21 12- 23
xna- t f -,VVIIIoll elicited well merited nraise -Mr. and Cha es
Routlege, of
-frorar the large audianoa. A P OaB of ter Vne 28, .9. -0 '31 leeAlng T. -I . Well,, you mfiduly show a great variety is L
3 I I than- t1hey can t foilt iby-
ge ark Wroxeter -1 - that towzwp, It says I
r through our tock of Foot
and commendable part of the interost-tak home w4dding to lug
it to pig.8, pig will �e icorrespond-,. tomer mak6s upon 1o6ki
04 Notes -Ikl ok place h do show is kwat variety; inf-aetoiti-SADft#8ntbe;CWIeVIlen
uo 6coodings was a at the home of Mr,
e doubt m, turned _n address aill s- 1 b tsibly
ingly . 'scarco. W re, ands'arough,
from Saskatchewan f or, Vbq,
X9W ng wo oiitation -to;' Miss Caifie-ron, wlio on Wednesday when Miss gin- stares ae showing tw or three jitylps, we -4nythi -uld tie gal�ned b
ter: W -
y a o17 'win onths and is visitiug.wit a0zen,"
ahis mother,. Xrs6 A.- qi foronee between the pAcke " and , r wPrlced..00 arduosly in the school e G. Routh ge, 'of -Park' River, whieb to makb a selection. I
H Braw ldurhi� the past two yearsi Miss a- sister of Mrs. L, ndsborougb, was Take Win -ter Footwear, for inetanom'. wuld be hard dor The 11g.0 atives from he , girowers. 9
at t 'Vned
ry 11 to, Candit1l,
op. dGuo"s. -00 1 ge, of the Paper an whlqb Jbo -136th sides dasiire 00-Lineron proved boxself a genuine United ta marriage With Mr. ames to fi a mori a
igaire as oloh ns week- after spobdiog pool) 0.
A. McGuire f U are at present So%m
*11 only
M; it a,
4AVOtt0lik )nt VVID: be )fers :%%4 ti )ad wltile here and the le tor plete -stock of shoeg-fr inter thain we
two. weeks here: with relatives and-- h. Miss Etbol.
rt r1ro,4-4 pay for the pigs M6, atket'prie
-%ke is here—all sizes and
Every worthy.m
a the section- were loatb to partwith Landbarough ttered flo bride as
old Okwio. Smith 11as tylos for menl 'Wome, U-1 and
00'arse, ivatles.. -The gone - to 0 e groo
and that, of so teacher, -.bridesmaid, while M'
01offihig coi-I k Wthkeo m was childre * and with our pxi always dowil to t1te lowea point
won n,, lees it 4S
on the 0 � support d by- Mr. R)y Roufledge, the V001
Valit-M WIUIB Paid- SOU -4 other hamA will on-
months� -coll1rao in' the bsiness wonder this is the bus store—the store
ari; John Da'rii-
0onditio Poiwen
ly giow pigs when.' that!,will ipay -ge: or t bride's brother. Th bride. was given Of s1ti We mer4i
Dut Thq-� Go-Rinhardson the'inbetter t1han- upy thing elsiI4 The away. by liq bro. or, Mr. George hereafewli4eif our Winter FootWearin greet demand...
ard bas ':ret' rued to -bis bbine in
roles of supply'and demand in*' ui !fail to attend the Firtil-Eatoll Combination
Itor inelit in cardools') Routledge. Tbe'-Oe emony W�as - per -
London, af Ear a few' days' VA81t Ilext Tuo
formed'by r. lyfaintosh, of
salt, -W, B. Ne"lake.-S ulatia 6A both.side's'. Now tlhat the horo,�-Tho Rev. Goo. Baker, of BAtp- 11 da d 8 te ements the Presbyt dh ab, in the pres-, &II-jelt 811 r
Fhm lor Sale--Oergav Tailor-ri bon&ng priviloge, his een abro-
wart- Bios. adverti erian
Found JetvUb1i ale, and, Rv. H* Ostexhout will' ppe 4 75o, $1 and $1 Wornon's Felt" a to $1,025
_on,pages 3 and 6. cum �of tw�ni - ' .: 35
gated the �paokers will be coinp�-I ts 'the intimate Po9ts-Frank 0. X exchaAge pulpits 'next aaii�ay.�Tb Ly g.e a pair. pair.
led to the higbe t prices it
Chrd,,4 of Iatiy a of the brit' �l
-he ins. -The. people of this f rionda an(T re flesyy Books, to wear with kbbej�s- Women!e 35
eral of t Jatd' Mrs. Eward Ov�rehoeoo $1.10 to 64� - W
y d $1.25
articles Will justify o clo their I week learned couple. After the t remon Md.c0n an
arnard, who la�, _,sa death todkplace ear- with sur-
ratulation's were
P_ t Shoes�42 I
orn r dinner, was 7
shops. They cannot do -the latte ex- ly last Thursday in R. W. ffrving had en's all I to V2,50 a pak. AU felt Shoo., in Iscet gaiter, for VL75
for Uo-4. (Wiff%mifl-.5 vi�
there is to
Oqurtoll Neetiog-AV. 1A oept at a hoa . ing,took' place that T. L.
vy l6ss and the Wroxetier served. A the msts
y and prac- I 14eles Gum 111ib $1.55 to $3,15 a A Psir.
Mond 4ig d of his propert _g, ac
Am odw,. 'A berm
Vat& -F A.F WC7 -auih danger, In tbeir doing it ay
companied bride and
Repalring7r7R, HoNaug -8 afternooni the Rev, L... Pb�rin co- 00 to'� Dr. Menzies, of Delta� Or room th -lit, ti i A Card ilno, 1;1,25 to _0
and when ffie shortag6. comes th y ive : ig ex
re r W e a Park Rk where flbey� t ook the
ducting the services. Tibe deceas- Irvino has` been a resident of our MeWs Leggingst $1 to $2.25 osirol: Pair -
will ihave.'to do a'-'OiNjar. hnanufacb- train for Mount For"t, Ot., A womeals felt Z
& Aimffey a 'village for about three years and "'Xen�s Mooe"Ins. $150 to *1.75 apidr. ro t4d
ed -had been ill but a few Idays, and
ots and G-Aj
do, they will bav,4 to �pay what d and two has' made many trlends-. And w Ile whidh placop they., i4itnd to spend I I -leaves behind a hukban $1.95 81.50 and a p
ab ZiWeW O"rohoos. -4re worth.' The farmer on the. winter. Die b e is well ki.myn. $140 to.;2.90 a Mr.
Annual Afeettnp�r. Broidariuk8 pig omen a felt 1�ced Shoset grow illogs �pa t
young childrtil to whom the sym- �'sory- to lose the genial doet
the- other side, Vill on�,y or from
rhotq&-440ks�u �s in this city, baving lived here ifor Mew's fiiin�lwscvtsnoee, $1.50 to 7-5a a vtir.
thy of tie� whole communi y is iex- our midst, we wish him every,�aio_
when it win -;Pay -him to. �growthem. tended -in their bereavemen Mrs. ceas wherever -le may loeafe. ! We more than three. years. Her fleas.- par. Hood'"ina, v to ark "U -S M 11nnk,,0, With the present- demalrild for bacon
Cetral u'Who was formerly Miss extend a hearty welcome ant ways and excellE nt qualities have
BarAard, to Dr.
therejs not much dangOr but that, n for her many friend. The May 'we -show you our great v�irity of Rinter V;obt*.e&-r I
Katharine McLeod, iyas well and fa- and Air' enzies as residen:fs to our
Cottitgo fior Sile-_R -there will. always be a 1emand for -we'll kcao -n as an, onter-
groom is die
vorably known- hav,,,ih
g spent ost village. -Rev, A. McNab has,reeov--
so 'the eame, as They will maks, the r home is Uan;t
Of course .'thial' arket Will of her life 1� tio rvillage, where ered from his .�recent severe illno prisixig and worth young
UvO its ups and downs
she was oonsideredla-most eatiala skmA Nvas--able
in everything .elie. 113at, nah when they return to thip vou- ble young lady, -h4 ri�turn hockW and evening servce last Sunday.-
hblio,jhere will alwa' b I
a d try;. Tbei friends f -the eight k match between Wroie,ter and Fiord- -At a meeting of the' board of inian. ir many
f N*iob* was played on the pondATues- agora held last -Mouday *vening, it. Ito
7:, dam4-nd for pigs 0 t-bem witQi bo9t wisbos for their fut- Sole Agents rar .',e -81 skind "Walk.OverO ShSP SHAFORT111 FRI)EkAyl Jan. ii, 1906. The poliqy, tbereforp, for the far-
day afternoon.-Tke ''skating rinj -was decided to h ual con- ure wel.
old the ann
is to keep right �on., take itibe and 11 QueenQuality and Empirese h0ee Mr 'VX aen..
gragational meet, 'fr Pres-
th t1he Vad and Aways aim was opwaed for he season on -Kon- Ing of Duff
good wi
The Pig 06ntroversy-1 day night, nder the, mahagement. bytorian� church on Vridpy evening, 07.
at- producing the very be that
at. January 19tb, at seven o'clock.- den- There _--las' been quite'an interest- of Mr.,Goorga Paujin.-_.Mr. George The Winnipeg Free Prom mys 11 r. AV.. VrAIM4 on;: a 'prospecting tour to ibba. We, and in other
the market - riequireS'. Af. t1hey do distinot oill-prige.11 (ft�Anols Hall, l.katon)), wish Wm prosperity. -A very suo- 1G. 01M, late R. Dane, or Hamilton.'was In the V:il- The 4nhual'uteeting 0 te Walton w);,,
ogress 6n some. "thi they will receivb the prices.
cossful eetinig of the East RuTon has become
ing oont,;.oversy in pr next Tuesd%y evening.
-ablcAlbrary, -Id in the hall afp-..dent tvi32 lage a ast eek. -Mr. E. Barnard is- p I was he ill our ouoolnerg kbidly *vr)r no Mth a Bet0ev V.bL�rmerss of 'the, papers 'Ibet*
ee Monday' of this orook for ir Institute "was, held 1here man -of our �t'D%Vn-
recovering from a smero attack of on ue in lilent of ay.0oullb-iluring th�- iY1 t feiv, days. We be. guo
e- Elections. - I - I M
ackers- on the 6,nei iBide and crop Th li-taltingon reliruary oni Tuesday� of this week, - the itspeak-, family Irer
p 4ullisy. of officers for the our- gin stoo Z &Ild desire all a-, in the, resideice 4 14 1 . . ., -
. f , The elections' to the British House year,�It is reported hat Mr '31"Int4 balan"d befor(.- i te, - W. H. Willis, sole ers being Toh*' Campbell, of Wood- cated -by Mr F
sentativo,og the pig'1growers. -OX a rent wing Dorotby old %nuf --Dond a I ville, .-and ohn' S. Peace, f n- i playing on
foi, George A. filo for men and
Harris has disposed of ihis farm- X d shoei, for ladjeo in Seafo h. 10871
mors do. tho otther ai& The, rola- of Commons- am �ndw in 'full Jas. th
A04. . A first 'class musical pro- days ago,
-A very, illop, advertis' Mi�g.Dora &f&n b I
Uons-; batween 'the two alasses have. and will dribble along throughout- A: Melancholy Accident. Read Stewart Bro. ements'
to Mk. John Doert gramme was also -reediered in the tfirough the; recei 'ier i
ead o Y, of the same ving a N
this month as they are not hold vim- _,ocidiont,. that terminated rfa:tal- on.pages 3 and 6. uot beeA, satisfactory, for Isome time. line. We believe it is Mr., Harris" ieveoing,-w-A company h a beenform- cold bath aA ad asi4st 114 - - - - _d ly, happened on,fthe fAursday ha- Good'i Colt Sold.- r. Ralph Step cai by pight prominent residents of been prompily �at and. he�
Couplatid, of Turnbqry- On the r a, Stanley, The tB-rus- qUences might Aia,�e been oro' W.1i
that thei
ido - complain t
Thc� farmers on. their ultaneou ly there as here. The fore Now Years, 'to 0buneillor. John' intention to -go wes.t in the.,apring.-
d Cunnin&aw and *Ylr.Wm. onson, 'of the Pa Brussels to be knowm ai;
Mr. Davi fro --
hopes of the.. ne Liberal Goyci
are: not beirig rightly [used
ly'aold to Mr. 13 R. Ri Ons Pimited, the obr2 lous. Ir at a coin- ment -for a good working majority afternoon referred to, Mr. Coupla d
]jint KoF a4zoan are each making p" cent 6f sls Oil Compa I L
by the pa,okers. The.* n repar- 196 Jay. NVI V son. ule
Brucefield a ad -his' son, Peroyi iivent out to the r two, gar old 'gelffin act ior rq�l ial p
aflons for, eutarging go ject or -whidh is to prosp the Ce
are higli, Mr. Campbell-Banneran lbs, and tocfk in Elmli town$
bine, on. iho arn -.N�hlch Iveihed 150 ro eto# of part bf t&e packers to Ing. tholir b S. -The. sev hip, 'where ii wellbai met w1rt1h -a painful accident woods to out wood. To -wards cro,stormy
-keep down.' ices. Tb
regulate 'or i 0 n drilled showing every indloa- peculiar way sorn(� d -As to.
the Premier, will. have to make ia big ing,�a treja they had Ifelled, lodged oathe first prize at -the Reftsall stookshow bee,
r of the past we k has made
tion of oil and wbere the oi6mpany -was endeavoring 6 ago.
-last -fall.' -He was br' d from Smillie
also obidet to- tbe. flat Tate being -.turn over, to secure this as there was in,an-other tree, -ad ja-lai�ge Umb the road a little difficult for krav a
llin Bros "Prince of,H rlford.1' The -land. -with a hand -i -e of a
has a lease on. 1,700 aores ok th strong- Conservative force -in the that biroke off the ifalling. tree, Was g.
-He is 'At expert has given his opinion t%at and ith Ithe blade, in his I paid l5y� the paokers.��r pig-$' Oat paid -was' $200. a be&U-
lit last Parliament. If be secures a hurlo(f back., Mr. Coupland, saw-
ig thare -is no discrimination' made tiful horse and credit to Mr. it i6a be -bad in paying tl'4-;'
ii�ajority,. independently of the Irish the imb cobving, and Pn4eavored to B1vth. qlViUa struck the uat Ivith Ithe
iri buYiAg, but as higb prices are Nationalist% Stephenson, who rais d him, as well b� i2drilling deeper. Shares, are With te, for6 of 'the blow th
lie sb6uld, have clear-. reach a place of safety. The' limtl Read Stawart Bros. advertisements 0� . ":
as to his popular ,si Mr. Higgins being disposed 'Of.. a hope for siank into thi
given f or nferlor. anim, salbpg, but if npt he 'iU*-bave to bowever, struck 1imat '18. Lquipposed on pages 3 arid 0. hii band,icausing a
al as for w
lobk out for trouble. The leading on his ba k. His son t once ran 'to has aUtoo sold 'bilm Mr. 'Lffogarth great elurns. as. -Brussels deserves woVfid whi6h fe
the very beat bacon hogs. T� ey a - Briefs. -The zewly elected coulnell of Hibbert, at a gdoit advance. I few millionalre& to he. X
Stitches . 01[)Se��T issue seemsatq be the old dne'of Free' his assistance, and Iffted, ishe limb., held theIr'..first illeeting oh' Monday
dry Compan
S.0 complain -Pf the -Irregular and n-. Trade and Protection, with Rome hich was then IyUg'-goross his fath- ',and appointed their otfic6ra ifo
r the
certain prices paid for _ihogs.' They Rule- J�& Ireland a good seconch The- or's legs, and. proppili him a" ain ing' the t Imont a9 9 at year.-T)i niversa ibe in
y servi a stacks for 1 the lint lo
'the markets t' ke "ia- 4purt and the � Presbyterian Read Stewart Bros. ladvertisoxnents Light Compa
say a House lis composed of, 670 momberso a tree, -hurried home -for a hese Ourch are -to be
paiges, 3 and 6.
Tibia h4b prices are paid for' a short time Of these England sends 465, Wales and c7utter.- Mr.'Ooupland complain-' held next -Sabboth. Rev. Mr. . tL a r- on pages axfd'6. 0 S eart Bos. ad�ertlsements
Zurich a, tile al h
J yo
30,-.1rolafId 10S and Scotland' 79. �The ed of his baek and as qillokly s kin, of'Sof orth, is it preach. m*6 The Counoll.-The fillowing'Is the th
ond 3-4st as the. far m-ersare tprepar-., Lodge ffieers.-The following 1Zg XT111 '60
G6-�ernment hopes.-. to make large possible -a messenger W, as � despatchm Ing and evening, Rev.1,Dr. MeLednt vote polled for thee�pral audidazes have been instalk d -offioers of e.
ed to take ldvanfage of these'fad- gains in' England, Wales aild Scot- ed t9`1WinghaiioL for a-pbyal ulpit in i8eaforth. pal A t king his p
'at the mu -a in Morris Exitter Odd Vell-dws Ledge: F�' vanced prices the -a-lump comes and 'land. littlo later, possibly less tban an John MoArtet, iybo.has.4beeii N�#i year: For Re6ve, - Taylo'r, 44c lop -
George Bacrett; X.. Cf., Thoulas
'266. Maj+rity for May- t ell in
hour af tor the accident. -occurrodand his brother in Harristo A10; Shaw,
the big prices are mot reali.zed, and 'Boyle; V, G,, W. W, 'Tama- twa- Beftfor of tbeArt.b.
bef ore tho doctor aftlVed, &.he in- pdst week returned th E�itorial Notes and Con3ments kore sum a Ivir, 44. Coup-cillorsl Campbell, en, D. A. Anderom; pondue
as a result farmers are induced to tor, H tTueWWevvn.ug, 0ontinissit 19T
jured man expired, hit. Coupland lof t 1i Wednesday�.zor .10 Vally, 308; Y,
Ouf oUthe eight hundred or ne h, home. Ttfi uo�L 270; MoOut F ord - chaplain, John 19neil,-. 'R. S.;X' Read Ste rt 13ros. a.dvertiseme, It -
'List a lot ogs bY the rrenun�
r of h - OlAdon, 249 Taylor 24P. The council G., k
was well r6spebted 'and is highly Hartneyt thousand women voters in Toronto,. spoken of 15y W. Johns; L. S. X. A., SaAlel ages aiia 6.
er.�tiva pirioes pevailfiag* -and justas OnT
h neighbors as jan Win. Graham, of Clinton, ��d the Vnriet ye�r 4yill, be oompo
-s- Rowe.; R. �L V..G..,� A. R. Kinsman-, Council.
the a their hogs iready, for anar- onxi quarter. of- them vot- pright man dud la kind
y lbav' 10, counell met at' V.�,
r daughter, Afrs. T. Si 'I 311A
only about Mai Y16r ilp re vd,a att Mesirs. L. S V. G., Wm. Frayne 4M 8
ket the ; prices go down and Itboy 5, -Sian' a
neighbor. He leaves a ividow and Sunday#�-The nfonthly fa.jr -,vU'9 )i Qwipbell, -Rally. You 11, -ho
od at ibe Municipal ele .8 �this Lela 1bury, o X d- y.
are forcid on alaries of the dif ferent
otivia and MO Charldk Whi
to sell �at a loss.' They reddetion two a - s, w�bo keenly feel the, here on Tuesday' -of ithis ce- th �counoillors. AR Sanders 1. G., S. We �t 0. ., A- the
7say this is not the result of the a yea -r arei:. Clerk,
yer and on he ilicense w k
by-lawg. - The ladles will bave that 6as -deprived them of the boad, being a v Oro -%;a rrioil in the We t. -Word has
err � good eket ing/the state of the here oVithe marriago- natural changes in the .:mar s to of the home. ad liv- $801, eoVeefor. $80,
make a better showing than this or roada.-The aju& n received
Briefs. -Mr. T. W. Russell. of To- $80; 4uditor% $A ie"ll.; The IPWIt
�oaused bir the riAo. tof supply and Ide- ad for intiny yeaAk in the o�vhship, ho 'library are adding,. some� 'ne A 4 -former -Moirris ydia '. d d w nE a y, who
ronto, spent
mand biA is it will be a long (time before they the loug service [be had giv Asident of k1ho Northwest. New- Ye4s at the rrj--T- Ing off icers appaid-ea fD
the tresuf., of Unaii1pul.4- en in- books to thoit already large. cblledL�
XV111 be given the full franchise.
tion on �tha part of- the"lipackers ito W46 refer to Miss
St 118--sess ?r 1
Turnberry eumoll, and hi fre- tion and now is &bo� time, (t exitAl horao herq.-The-A vote or.,tfie current year: wm" 11�al
ar aret Moono
-to Y 'hex
evidences get daghter of Mr. ge of roved Chas. Dodds, collee get tbeit supplieg Of- (ho s -at Uss rpev:oslip of -Ste 1 having p tor Tohn. Sh
g quoift :re action. some good reading tor th 11 Mooney., an
"Lo,rd Strathcona, _-fho, 0 Diokson. - audit.,
than thoir real'. value. They i4dvo- anadian a tie betwe Mr. & Sweltzer. pf noll and Ad
onfidence and winter nights. -Messrs.- Popp Weybourne, Sask an ,reeve Xa
Shipka, and Mr. Henry Willert, of The Board v� Health, or 1946
-4n London, Eng- dsteem of hi 4ellow ialectors. Sin- Rk who -recently vurohasod� Wn IV".
cate that' there shouloL ibe a graded' High Co�imissloil t of -'this t
aship. Nis Midoney Xr
le ow
al that III core sympathy ii felt for the ifamily Da'shWood th t Murray, Der:zb* 1AW
ogs sh;�hd thip clerk,.'Mr reeve, cl
and., has been in Qt awa and Mon-
t the' stock of McKinnon & mairled oil. December =nd, to Mr.
bought an Moir merits, In other so sadly and suddenly bereft. ChaiJos Edgar Ames-, oj Milverton, a P., a his caiting O'Coi hes, :�Elroy - 6'. X
W6- Co., have been busi treal f or the past: tveek. He leaves lyr)epgaged tak�' Thl
a -ned that only tw 0 prosperous thi:
vote in favor f -Mr. Willert, �Who Shannon, sa i:tary inspector na
words that lbogs 'that are of Ithe to infori 0 in iug stock- for the.past waek, th young fa'' �t f mex of proper �aoon type should be,given or home again o4 the 11th inst, ago the deceased terminated bi con- district. will be reeve for the current year. -:KOGInnis, Seakirtbi, Uot
stgre betag,olosed, but . oil Wednes-
price than ibe thik j*r-at Although over . 80 years of age, nection -with the A..0� U. W.' A me- 'day it was iagain Mr. S-vveftzer was rege 1lbst year. Halth Ofie6�r. A-ecowAs to kbe a -
Lord Strafhcoo;� seemd to bl4k no -opened under the aillinals, that are not tin reality -near mortal servioo was held in Bolin. E. Brown, irho Us ibeen mount -of were. pai& .1he
ore n6w -firm.-Xr. Soh UcKinnon, of Blake. 1, CIN
IZF, :. P a member of th' Vostoffloia staff ree
ly go valuable. of crossing the'.Atl han lWas -atteud ibfflv Of
They oo=)�Iain b4t oantic' t Methodist church last Sunday, b
Toronto, ' spent- a few days of the Read Stewart Bros. a ertisements f, or. some time, is going to aarper 'meetijag of ithe 6-ounty
by the present metthads- of buy mny a much youger man on�_ ing �oqnduc'ted VVh
past week with London friends,- on pages 3. and 6.
the Rev' J. a. hospital, Detroit, to train as a tou VP going from S ki$filop -and of 'Quite a number from here uttended
1paying uniform price, irrespecti' eaforth- to Toronto. Osterhout. Mr. Co al.
land'�Wa� a val' �eiling on
-of quaiy is Ni*es.-Mr. W ii rt ce, one nurse. h
and - )dqes ued member' of Belmord: Dletbodi8t Nvas very popular bere. 11ne briges.. The oo the, tea meeting in Ithe Presbyterian f our mc 11-laiQU)m Vill
1i di to meet at I the Commercial H-ot,, tj*
-tteous ana.obr ling is
f6. &-he According to tip Kingston NeNN-rs oburdb, and of the uiarterly offi-� church at Auburn, Xonda�l ovening 'tak Unto 'himself a I fe partner in position madeher 9'univarsal faor-
)at popular aeholors lies and her
not a Ja frii
eds and feeds ca di on Tuesday February mah who bre kef til ial'bord. He was of, a gelial Sr and report it being a, success. -Mrs Miss T a, Elliott, of 1to with' the numereas atrons, of at ten e`icloaik a. M. t y Ithere are a thousnd p-orchasable the person. of M, T ATI1
Arild prioduce's the' kind'of atLimal t - 1110 osition, sympathetic in, his.fiatare, Sangster, of Lakelet, spent u few Godribb township We extend to the postoffice._]Ki�. Wnl. gfapp�, jtihe`
city. n mu i ial el- P
Whose - 'product birings 'the highest 1votes 'a that d af sterling lirineiples. 'he pas
0 days of t. _t week - wilth her lbrO- them our best wishes. Mally waore genial and bliging hstler, at the
prices th- the British markets. They� '00tiOns,hVildreds t1votes cail be'lliald
ther, Mr. John Henderson.�.Mr, Wm- should follow 3,vl:r. Fee. ;,I,.�k' tlit. �-Ihe packrs. �and buyers at $2 apiece, but foor Dominion and a Mxample- Central hotel, -has re#red from that ZU
should i co'rae together through iap- pr Q.rawford, of Toronto, is t present jTvIiss Liz7ie A-llan r6turi�ied'ito Lon- positin for the wi r- iaxid fig. :sue- Road BrGs. advertisomen
ovineial - elections the mininium visiting his parents in Itow. ricie, s seldom less fh4n $6, *n Breezes. -The elections An How-
pdinteUl represelfftati 'a d Lion Saturday after 'a lea ant hol-i- dded by Xr'�
ve and have Fred, on. pages r
a year. were e U. 'Eva Carling, daughter of Mr. T. 0,
the attiers in di�pute- wd d
kiltLob Notes. Miss Ella -I
juste rhore have been ca'ses wheie as -ifk -thi not very laxoit- day visit at her ib om 'ilile �aunio b
and a ifair cale of (prices fixed s $25 has been paid. Thi is a ti itig. Mr..MoKe, the xceve, wt18 ire- Tuckersmith. Delgaty, St., fofrmerly Of hisdrplace, -who Alas been ZL ver
gone to London to ita
orY 8 'It =
-ke a, our-ge
r I) I, n -14 last. His- cessful teather iii,the pnblic school
11 be more runfr6rm and oer- xible condition. The politiloal parties r the t1hird terin by -accla- I ITh Torantoxail and Enil);re A&V NJ way on Woddue# the Forest 10ity Busiliess, Volle,
h' elected to f passed a
Nirbh-Uton Conibinfttion, luv; i Volee of
nont It'. this is done they would do ell to remains were taken f years, has gone rt
rw mation. The,'fo-ur membdr4 of last _�om. is late here for four Mr. and
a fine quality and sang some of th erati( Acleigl�r. .,of
umbers residence, odge til
say farReirs will. then kri ow-
yeat's council, -with Tbos. G, Shear- elra�, Pd
c3net by dociding to 10th P-xeePtiotiril'tliitiiiofion," no'.; 11411, Sea- em- Now, York to take course in tra:m- Xort Dakota, and Mr. -&�h4 Mrs, J�,
Spen'd no-.,, 0
interment, c 4, ast. ingl as a nurse in one of the large )S'
they al�e aoing and &[hat they. or and Obristidii Binkley w Tuesday niglit, etery for
will thing at all, and take their hances. next Wher and Miss Anuie aio_h�er,
82 Brears. hospitals of t.hat eity.-The, fcillow- go rno,�c arg6ly into th petitoA for the, council. This, -%vas will our eusWniers Ithidly fAV0r 11s Mth a .4el'ble a ec of
e produe- A saur-off of this kigd. would The h age Zlk ichigii.
tion or! h so the Teoult% Hainsttock 444, Shearer m"It of accoullb durlug the 11ext feAv We lie- -Miss Maggie Sparks, is 'home at Ing visitors from. M-anitabaaud the sOgg
ithat there. will be good Lbing.. Rither that or the kin stoc)ptakin, on Ful)rtiary Ist, pitl with I riends in this all ae- oug as,
scarcity for the and h constit coutitt; b&lanced before fihat*date. 'who Northwest. re in this fficinity just -The band concert which �-vvas a six�,
shoibld b' 404, Gowdy 358, Winters 300, Unde- present. r. Robert
aThe only for
mlity of stonak 22 for Cloorge A. Slatiel� s1loem for Ineii MI)d better qL -wood, 298, Berikly RPent few week vi -81 ing old ac- now: Ralp Handozid, A. T. Small- coss and e q -
w�ill be chized. until it is puri.�iad. _y�ed hy� -al 0 was
this acombe-, Miss Annie Cndm'ore and attended xe4lied $7#, and W1!11
from last year �11 at Mr. shcws iorladies hi Searortil. i& a
turn out.- They say. the interests qua:intane( nd
a' taketi :,Mr. Underwood's Stewart Bros, a'dvertis' ents 1101ghborbood, has returned to lis Messrs. 'wilbur and fflln cudn�,o
She rer ReaC,
em the- boys about $56 fter oJ1
onf f-9'. the Proyincial t1here, 'are a ilew
d for
-of pao�ers and growers c4f hogs are The bye�el�,ctj home in the West.- Leah Baeo7 all of Crystal City; John'Pollock es are paid. -There
that t4hey -are lii:ce in- place. -We heal on pa �s 3 4nd 0. rLegislature - for Kingston, x " 4 blr liw taken a trip �ta lifichigan. and Pred Macki of Carberry.; also with tho clerk of Uay '41� ol
e maintenance of the edered Aet of J. P -Is -ed 9vor tus bi ithis
B id. -Messrs. A. & J. Droad-
jood n4mie of Ca-nad;an bacon in he neGeS50Lry'by the nseating of -mr, vicinity. . Mr. 'W. FcLrgusu�i and foot:
L &-th roncesmio Wm. Downing, Virden, Mrs. Teds� 7.5 birth,$, - Zo m
have diso,-3e(l arriages and bet
mar Mr. Frailk Dixon are the new of othoir well knowr� B russels bury and childreni of dligh Bluff, Aea hs. - Tile
13 Ui h kets, an� that tif an un- Pense by the election courts for stock bull, tar t
rL is
u lly �f
is, reached betwe-e-oe Iffie who will administer Justice. -M Tr m'.1i0er," to Mr. John pages. 3 and 64 and Sohn Bastard, of Bra6�vardine. wee
ston, of on 0 pre lous, 7
brfbery by Go orcre DennoU Used to act it Ulat x --county. This is an import (11' 0 m a Occasional Cor espondent. t Taq
agents, has -r as reels
packor.4' and growers, wh�cb'iivill be been. fixed. r, - ADZ
t was shown ;at ---�The sidence, of Mr. Jolin Hunter -There wes a large urn 0
for the 25tb 'inst. MULUlly. satisfactory, the pdity,'but Grits have had od ��'nlmal and the Mossrio Ba had close sba" -from destruction me or$
re-qults the. investigation b9fore t'he mb -at the- annual lieetj Mr
Maggie Brow- b fire a few xya agoi The- '.'Per the Ray 'F* 1 �Jaj
tirne lbe- got i a igood figure for -him. They turned home last Sabirda6y after
will bei profitdble to both, as both that a go6d deal, df Mrook�a 8 their innigs, and for the
�w V
are alil�e interested in�(ret., ing are out. Mr. George T'IlatL-an ame ignited from last
week. The box
ining the had been done at (the prev'lou also!* s,�,Id to th6 same gentleman having spent taic, past f3ur months =orts pre4eut#a
good son of Mx. i. D. Ituttan" of t the pipe leading froi4 the fur
t ti 'of Canailian. lbacon', he two y q -ung bulls, and two heifers. in Maxitoba and- the, West' nace. W00 atisfactory and show
`U "ail r tions and -the Conservatives say on- States- Fortu'
and in h4v�inrlg a good market fo, 16th concession, arrived home from They have still one young '�uil left -A now k t k was'xaqed at natelY it waia discovered in. pauy.to b bi a ood' in=cl
e nsequen-
ly the outer crust was broken and the West tbe -week between, Cbris- The M�ssrs. Broadfoot are ]host sue-' amo 'XI laa8t Priday m& mf&
the fin sbed� produci. -
they threaten to have ith the woollen mi aitio aud. doing a o, matter tmas and Now Years. He had been 6ess to -1"- oes.-Kr.- Czar Rolffins, of Cleave- busin6as 4
0harried 'new 11o6use inapectori Paid his first
10' breeders of thoroughbred place the one bIw-,v-,a do- n a couple land, son of 'Dr. LR61Uns,, wai
The atkirs on, their L%idO deny. further investigated y the. -P riv- seriously .111 one of the hospital
Most Arionualisly the existeilce al iloges anti Eleot�, 8 Dn-r, Laros. of weeks ago.-Robent Williamon on Cliristmas day in Detroit, to vis- &
rons, G6iiimittee. (dur- outL there forl a long- time liefore Fapna� Sold. -Mr. Horace Townend has dispo%ed it to the botela herei M14, session of the'legisla- laving, and his of Me Dr asels laun" an7 combine for the regulain of jag the i1ext
Ul has
many friends McTavish, of that city, w1to day last
wId his farnti on the t3eoond con- dry to Win. Wilton, o the town rices, although they admit hat ture. It is to'be ll�ped th-is (threat be pleased �o�hedr he has -iso farwrle- ce ddaughter of Mr, wid Mrs.
-ixed by the 1411 be carried out. At. �b cl for the sum of $400. T -k law. bee
tho prims are usually f rsmith, west Pnd, to raun, of Illinois Josepb, -of Naplw4
covered to. be able tp make &ho It 0'0- John Rawkshaw, of this place. vile, and X G. Gdsobo, of S_nk
ii il�hbor, Mr. Levi Stonq, for prietor wIll get possessi the mid- may 111, Who Davies dompany of Toroiato, 4nd that tion colirt only thQ doings ',of one bjr. Ta s Ha' ilt rip. 111 0148 gone to F�ort Erle -toli
r packers a
me m (>no who went thq pum. of $5,000f, The* farm con- dl of February. Mr. i illiamson to to xiehlgan� visite4 with
the 0 re governed more side were cV�osed and hen. Hie 41 -aving was pa�ents, Mr.
�or less by the rprices re cut West during� thie. harvest on tain. 1-00 e acres and a though t i s ward early
aid [by ibis is corrnpton, on the one pide &he 4 It MP and Mrs. John Gal
has retirned to his h g we$ .-ade the recipient Of R Very. com- Over the i 's-eim what broken. with the var in the pring and will be acoompan- netablis ment. They so business', ome m
sity. that other side -is -not' -usually blameless here. He has taken up land, and runT, plimentary address, adcompanied by on llne� a n�
np� through Bet
as offered, re Isuch As the! Let there be a ful, and f -it, it is good Yvalm ied by his brotber-inrlaw, William a purBe of in orusi, of the Brons
air linves- pur oses moving'aut in the spri
ng. for 1.16 money. Mr. TonBeild in- stoe t
p oney from the trut Us
i�iar-lietl affords and that It farmers tigation and lot � those tguilt be. x- H nniial Bible SOO`14Y board of James ptreat shu,
y nbow.-The
U66 moue 'generally -8 a r on W
would i)rod is daughter Agnes and her husband tendi going west' in the spring. He gervice a ne M. Yar he posed: ar;td punished regardless ;of - also here -�isitlng._Jobij Wright,' hail been n the western country was -beld in the Methodist mark of appreciati f her servi- those resent Nvee, Mr. G. 3161ti4l
kind of are
oes in conue
right. of -the -17th for several years a4dcreturned about was'addreiised.by X�ov. D. B. XoRae, This recogitiou W, -w -well Mritd :receive hig-ber prices, ISO that 'it way to �ecurc pure Sabbath ei Vh oliuroh work. man
piga required ithey would. personal affiliations. This is tibe -son of Mr. Chas, W church last ening an;I otion 1w and wife Mr. Bin sure
elections. The conceasion,is home from London, to four years
is not �)-raoticablo to grade prices Legislature' cn do this �f ago ad finds it hard of Cranbroo C� ',Oswald and
as k rmstrong, tawny-
udi- visit his relatives. �18 Gial w
ey ba'a a good much Unissed Mr. B. Battler iabd xvife ;. Mr*4!
farniers themselves complain, if tent 'der -take the iia to FlOttle, down to )the staid pondi- 4 Ethel, and Mr, A. M. McKay, 'of
vestigatiol in ftnori-
neighbor' receives a, higher price partizan �pirit. situation In the London asylu.m.- tions in older Canada. in tha church -as she�'wa jactive in -a and fainilylo at
for hhi� kogs thax another.
V large the Sabbatb z0hool, Spworth Lottgu of North Dakota.
If 'not any invest town. There was a Simpson oviser, wit
Farmers' IAttute �.will hold their -0 Id. -Mr, A. G. Smil- gatheriAg, the sxvlee n or
d lie has's6ld the young 'bull, orecently byti6rian pligro
They gatio they may ffia a, will A Qo'd Bull So 'y pr,es
v be a annual meeting in the hall here, .6' the
0 not seem vely anxious to meet farce and a of Ume and th' being withdravn.-.
e 20th inst.-Xr. Bushfield has adveitised in The Expositor, to Mr. Mrs. John McDougall, a I ormer rea-
the rcpresentativ;�Bs of tbe farmers mony.
bought the Temperxnc6- Aall from ja
to make uniform rates and oodi- me Rice, of -Xingsoote, ndar Ow- ident of� Brussels, died'at her Lome
the Grand L'dge, and p an
tions. y a so co p ain tha ice ed u t Arl% nt' io, on
as secur a in eM ar
Rev. D. Torrey and Mr. AlexaAaer, ing. 1P. -Adam Ruol is making very fine
they ca o6 SWE-E P -11 N_,G
enong. Canadidn anima - Mr. Smillie says Tu;-,Sda
the great V -of last week, in the Uth
pigs tol keep t1reir establishments religloui�, revivalists 'are proparations for building a . new 'be Ills had an active demand ifor I%e rer iains were
holding a eries of -house 'next smmer.-Mr. Tbom -reg0arly. As a se- very isucci Shortho
con �_Wthls season, and has only brought to Brusseis or Ulurday
W_� lace will hold a Val
411CA'Dit, Of this scarcibY, tey re Meetings in Toroto. Massey hall n afuction sale one I ull calf ",-eight naon'tbm old and- last for intern*nt, - sex viee bellag
United -Ehe largest public, hall in 18th.-inst. Mr. -Wallace has two or females left, whiob: bald In Melville churoh.-k-The con -
forced Lo import from ithe three
State�s. This, Siowever, will. not (b the city a. 16t of first class stook -and imple- are f)r sale, gregation- of Melville O.lurch wab
-a is crowded nightly. Di, Torrey Mad
Practicable h inents.-Jas. Horton, Jr., itudent of' The Oouncil,Tfse new4y ereafter. Hitberi:o paok,- Mr. Alexander eladled greatly surprisea last Sabf ath ;x;orn- —TO CLEAR OUT.., the
0 as ann
are the stecessors. Of London Theological College, is hoithe council met in the town -hall, Sea. ling -vi-lion it w'
the privilege of- purchasing M odey and Sankey, the former be- via buncel � from the
iting his'. p1rents and fortb, on Mpnday last. Miessra. T. pulpit by Rev. D. B, M(Rao. that spe
Am�Wcax hog; curiRg them in their, iog for a time Mr. Moode Is asslst-� Heber Mah od spent
faotork,,4 nd expoxting tfie product, ant. the holidays at N, U1 orsyth and Andrew Scott w6iie their pasto,�? glad accepted'i a call *o HOLIDAY GIFT GOODIS oThey have been arouhd the the old home here. -The Alsfeldt ro�-aphointed auditors; James Geni. :J>ort Dalhousie and ow Id, before. hav
'to of du`ty. The Dominion Gov- world preaching and singing rpeopl
al Ff
butter maker t1coompanted by ohn assessor$ at a salary f $80; long,;be removing to'
Chesey, a member of ftbe Rev. Dr. Ross, vbo'h ques Vaseg, Toillet Sets.
ernmeiil'hs withdrawn this k)rivil- from their evil wayg.' Dr. W61-rey. is Kriller made- a canvas of- this com- and !,:. X W Such as Mirror' Plac
090 -now if the packens, (use the leading'preaber and Mr. Alex- mun-ty 1,1�at wii,� his n ew 6,argo.
as b 5on pasto-
ek and, were prom- Boar�
will 'have to a -Sankey,
hogs they -of Health. Mr. )10 Paveteries, Albums, CU Booklets) D0119,. &
like his predecessor, ars. finds
y ander ' Aert Crieb, here for U'PAvards of 25 y i t ised -nearly all the cows. Alsfeldt havin� been ele t
the This will give fhe ()ancq- Is a oted as a member of tha his Work here 'is alto;ether too
very attra'tive sin,
c ger. Con- was so successful last last year ithat the c �unel
&arl -glroivers of hogs a better ceriling their meetings n Toronto Its fut-ur resigned his seat on heavy foFfflim olia to III health,
chanoe. I Heretofore,, the packers used il�e Star says: " Even if ItIl.ere -,vo e'Ouiccess is almost A-P.Sur-. the I crd of *Health, and,Mr. Win wh 1 n ew statio4 there is
the Ani�rioan market to )control tile re. ed. -The Springbank butter fabt6ry Walhee ass appointed to fill the but small in bership I and NY -111
no converts made. the quioken"in has been sold to an I vacait Y caused there4y. The coucil Jeav Mix m orn e. Not
uVh more t4 V"Al
Cxnadia# marke for hogs. When -among professed Christians tbab rwri I that expect --to ran it next- season. also. unanimously expesed their 8 'of ails congrega-
they be4come scarce. tld idear im iCan- reault' from ther visit i's a distinct 'The'nis Simpson hld a very suo- confid once in the present clek and tion,,but the residents ol ourtown
only -the member AL X40 LSON
ada t y simply dropped 6A the dvantage. The object of -fb
9se who cessful wood �6ee last week
Canadi= hogs and kept their fac- brimj�ht Mom here was no doiubt- and he treasi rer and these offices will con- generally, will be sorry t 3 lose r. 'SANTA OLAUkV GENERAL 'AGENOY,
bo�vs arfd girls had �a bik time, pai ti YIMT DOOR
torles, r u-n-si n g an American hogs. quite as much to nie to,be filled by the -old officers R. o s from BrusselS._1:rjW, �sp]l
an Low -
4, erjize te ire- nigbt--Afr.� and Mrs. Sohn Da t year. The hospital ery has gone to St. Taioma& NORTH OF FICKARV8, TIF
they can buy theaper, becauto lig!6us life of the �ommulnity as attended a party at the 'old, home of for si )k children in Toronto was 1�1v_ he will take a courst aV business -not ais good quality -.-ts to �xtena itq. boundar
�tjjey are
ies 1by' means the' former, south of Harriston'on en a donation of $10. Election and colleg.-'Fli Moore lft- his week fI S